It is obvious from the tainted output of the rotten BBC that it can never be trusted . But who can be ? I was asked this during a survey yesterday and couldn’t answer . Journalists ? Politicians ? NHS? Banks ? Lawyers? Auditors ? Accountancy Firms ? Charities ? Comparison sites? Car manufacturers ? Interest groups ? Us?
Arf. Saving Rahima’s Privates should be a hoot.
Mr. Snoddy and Mr. Esler should get a room with Debs (shudders).
For anyone connected to the BBC (that would be him, Gav, Debs, and James) to raise Brexit propaganda is… ‘special brave’.
So :
James O’Brien : #Triggered
Deborah Meaden : #Triggered
Ray Snoddy : : #Triggered
..Tim Martin is over the target so he’s getting the flak
As if a Remainer would think of going to a Wetherspoons.
Which gives the REAL people of this country some respite from the endless bellyaching.
Just look away from the Sky Telly feed, and you`re fine.
Love that this piece misses the main source of lies in news.
In 1965, the American horse Jay Trump, fresh from a repeat victory in the Maryland Cup, travelled across the pond and won the Grand National. Later that year, the horse took part in the Grand Steeplechase in France, coming third.
In 1970 the great Nijinski, trained in Ireland and winner of the Irish Derby, also won the English ‘triple crown’, the last horse to do so.
In 1971, the great horse Mill Reef won the Derby, and later the Prix de l’arc de Triomphe.
I mention these as just three examples of the free movement of horses before the UK joined the then EEC.
Readers will easily therefore see the doom-and-gloom Remoaning on the BBC today about post-Brexit horse transport for the deliberate scaremongering trash that it is.
A horse called Trump? Gotta be a winner!
No BBC connection, as far as I know.
“Adventure Time with Finn and Jake” Very popular apparently, although I had not heard of it before today.
I saw some children’s merchandise, based on the cartoons, for sale.
What caught my eye was the origin of the product, totally new to me.
“Made in Europe”.
Have I been walking around with my eyes closed?
Or is this a new step on the path to the EUSSR?
Please enlighten me.
Certain wines in the 70s were marked “Contains wine from more than one country -not all in the EEC”. Perhaps this is a crafty way round that negativity. Remember Israel is in Europe for Eurovision purposes!
BBC Online News:
“”DIY Generation: How to be your own boss by 25″”
By Lindsay Brown
Newsbeat reporter
Illustrated by three photos of random young people.
One Brown.
One Black.
One Woman.
How to be your own boss BBC style:
1) Get a job as a favoured minority of any sorts on the BBC
2) If a newsreader burble incoherently so no one can understand a single word you say. To supplement this add a growly back of the throat croak like a teenager.
3) If interviewing and person is non BBC approved shout over or interrupt.
4) Ignore all complaints and loss of viewers
5) Register a BS company name and declare yourself self employed.
Al Beeb shows us that a”CCTV has captured the moment a balaclava-clad man dragged a police officer out of a patrol car and threw her to the ground following an armed robbery at a petrol station.”
Yes her, the truth of reality, women are not equal to men in strength, physique and aggression.
But women can now join the SAS.
A friend of mine who was in the Paras, said that he had no problem with women in the army as long as they crewed their own tanks and had their own Regiments.
A fair point I’d say.
And who would relish a fire-engine full of women turning up to save them from a burning building? My wife, who’s a woman, says she’d feel safer if men were rescuing her.
Dover Sentry
Perhaps they could be called the Women’s Royal Army Corps ?
I watched that video a couple of times . The co pilot in the police car was also a girl – and they were rescued —— by blokes —— but on the upside the robber got 14 so on my calculation his minimum is 10 ….
Then the message to Al Beeb is – The police force needs more men and less women. QED.
“Lessons to be learned” by all our forces and our PC politicians before our country falls apart.
Yes, but they need men who will not sit in their cars with the doors locked watching a colleague being stabbed to death.
The problem will be solved in a couple of years, when Britain is a Third World country and the police are armed. You don’t need much strength to pull a trigger.
John Sweeney liked this. But then, he would.
Bad eel,
The only slam dunk I see is that the whole interview below is a Liberati Halloween nightmare.
Helen Lewis tries ‘manfully’ to demonstrate her vast intellectual acumen but every part of her leftist agenda is put to the sword.
Definitely not a waste of your 1hr 42 mins on this planet.
Give it a go.
Im sure I heard her say “thats bollocks” to Jordan during the interview?….am I right?……..
It was almost a re-run of the Newman interview.
I don’t think the Frances Weetman ‘twitter storm’ clip was typical of the full interview , (thank you Dykevisions), in that it was supposed to be a quick-fire Q & A ’round’ rather than more discussive form that makes up the bulk.
Helen Lewis is an idealogue and sees Peterson as a threat to her learnt world view. Cathy Newman, on the other hand, knows the ‘bullet points’ and used them against Peterson but didn’t get anywhere and indeed was probably charmed by and quite liked him.
Helen Lewis really loses the argument about twenty minutes in when it is established that an all-male profession is an example of the ‘patriarchy’ while an all-female profession is also an example of the male-patriarchy. If she was capable of any independent thought she should have done a ‘Cathy’ then and realised that her own argument destroyed itself.
Lewis’ argument really comes down to, “The king is overall ruler, he is a man, therefore all men rule all women.” Whereas all men, (except the king), see everyone as the king’s subjects. (The king is a metaphor for life itself, finite and ultimately fatal).
Helen Lewis clearly had no idea that she was “losing” (she spoke in an accompanying written article in terms of winning and losing). She was unwittingly outclassed from beginning to end in a thoroughly entertaining discussion. At one point she said, “I am about to become a Fellow of Oxford University”. Does such a thing exist?
According to Al Beeb “Scotland Yard has hired specialists to look into branded clothing, toys and games, stationary, homeware and tourist souvenir items”
They have not reported yet ‘another’ stabbing in London.
Do we have a police force any more? Have M&S taken over policing thanks to successive ‘wet’ Home Secretaries? Just look at their track record.
I like this idea. Surely has to be a market for stab vests and acid attack / spit face shields in our capital city.
Two shootings today
One yesterday – ordinary days ,…
Working in the digital media industry I have been a close professional watcher of Google for more than 10 years.
Their search algorithm is closely guarded, and over time a fair deal of expertise has developed that is geared to second-guessing the Google algorithm and ‘optimising’ websites accordingly.
Getting closely involved in this is no longer part of my day-job, but I would say I have developed a good nose or instinct for how Google ‘thinks’ and prioritises in search. The most weight goes to ‘authority’. This is Google’s synthesis of what we might naturally call authority, and reflects the importance of a web page or site and thereby the prominence it gets in the results for a search.
Factors that influence it include how long the domain has been in situ, viewership, shares of the content, links to the content from elsewhere etc. All sensible common-sense stuff. I have not felt over the last decade that Google ‘fiddled’ their results.
But I do now. There have been studies into this that support my hunch, but what I am seeing now – specifically in news search results – leads me to believe that they have ‘tweaked’ their algorithm to favour news outlets with a ‘liberal’ or especially social justice-driven agenda. This could easily be done by some sleight of hand that favours certain publications obliquely by weighting up some other shared characteristic they had. This would nicely mask the bias they put in and make it difficult to expose.
This seemed to me quite vivid in an ‘innocent’ search I just did (let alone like one for e.g. ‘black lives matter’) which was: ‘Is YouTube TV coming to the UK?’
The first page search results (omitting non-news titles) was:
1. BBC (as almost always these days) – a long boxed ‘rich snippet’
3. The Guardian
4. BBC
6. The Mirror
While the BBC has effectively ‘bought’ its authority by being the dominant UK news provider, and blanket bombing the web as well as the airwaves, I find that it is the ‘far left’ providers who almost always dominate news search results. I think we can safely assume that Google – just like the BBC are now abusing their authority.
Kafir – damn – I knew there was someone else on the list of the untrustworthy at the start of this thread – is there any search engine which you would judge as ‘ fair’ ?
F2 – yes I would put Google on that list. You only have to see the secret recording of their ‘Emergency Townhall meeting’ the morning after the Trump election to see their motivation for building in the bias. My simple answer to ‘which of the other search engines do you trust ?’would be ‘all of them’. They may have other fish to fry, but promoting social justice and the agenda of the left doesn’t seem to be a priority.
Mr Infidel Army, I just checked * Bing *
7,8,9 are Express, Mail, Mirror talking about Joe Sugg
Thank you Kafir for your informed – and informative – insights.
We need more of that: inside knowledge of their shenanigans.
Any disgruntled bbc employees, past or present? Go on, spill the beans and get it off your chest, you’ll feel better for it.
There was an “interesting ” feature on Assad Ahmad’s
Londonistan programme after the 6PM TV national news on
the BBC this evening. You can call it diverse or perverse or both. I
can’t say it went down well as I was eating my fish pie.
You see Abdul was having a penus enlargement . Apparently it’s
the in thing with certain communities in Londonistan.
Abdul said he wouldn’t “produce” for a month, just as I started
my rice pudding.
Yes diversity and now perversity is well and truly flourishing
at the BBC
Not BBC but …
Dr Sarah Wollaston – that well known anti brexit ‘ tory’ has now assumed the ‘party loon” crown from Soubry – she wont vote to support the budget.
Amazing what back benchers can get away with when there is not much of a majority .
I think she is currently the member for Torquay-hopefully cum the next election she’ll have more time for her patients and being a lib dem
Hasn’t Wollaston the most irritating “understanding” smile you have ever seen?
For the first time in a few years I’ve had the trick or treaters knocking on the door tonight.
I don’t participate because it’s a pagan festival and I think this is just making it acceptable to innocent children; also it’s an American ritual, not something we do; until recently.
What is frightening is how angry the parents become when I decline to join in and give them my reason for not doing so. If I didn’t have security cameras I’m sure one of the fathers would have actually hit me tonight.
Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any advice on how to turn them away without feeling threatened?
The rule is here that kids only knock at signed houses
.. those with a pumpkin lantern outside.
I cannot stand trick or treat. The idea of sending kids around to knock on doors to beg free stuff sends all the wrong sort of messages.
I usually go out for the evening. So they won’t bother me with their knocking.
I loathe the slavish followings of American cultural trends which is what trick and treat is all about.
So jic, you have the support of a Pagan in that!
A “Staffies live here” sign on your gate coupled with a “Dogs running free” sign. Most of today’s snowflake parents have an obsessive fear of Staffs even though the dogs are known for their love of kids. I have 3 of them and they would lick you to death but it’s worked for me for years …. never get Trick or Treaters at this house which suits me fine.
This usually works
Just don’t open the door !
The only benefit of the orange and black tat in the supermarkets is when its reduced to almost giveaway prices, and then it comes in handy as props for the drama group !!!
Put a picture of a “grooming” gang in the window.
alleged 5,000 views probably mostly bots
cos only 28 likes and 2 comments
Is that a good use of licence payers money ?
Al Beeb informs us that there will be a new Brexit Coin.
Lets hope that this new coin will see the return of BRITANNIA. She has been on our coinage since Roman times. The symbol of Great Britain until it faded under Blair and his ‘Cool Britannia’.
The secret pact: Austria won’t be signing either, the beeb unlikely to report. In fact, this must be the biggest, but least reported on, virtue-signalling exercise ever.
In December the UN Compact for Migration is due to be signed in Morocco. Today Austrian Chancellor Kurz indicated that Austria, as a sovereign nation, was not minded to sign away its right to decide on who comes to live in Austria. In fact, they’re unlikely to even send a representative to Marrakech.
Other non-signatories: the US, Hungary, Poland and Australia. It goes without saying that Germany will sign. Twice, if it could. Or thrice, if up to Merkel.
What is Ms May doing, other than keeping very, very quiet about it?
Have you written to your MP yet? And to little Jeremy Hunt?
Or do you think that this (at the moment still) ‘non-binding’ agreement, with its provisions for i.a.’climate refugees’ is really not so bad?
If you do write, make sure your letter is marked ‘top secret’ out of respect for the MSM.
Ah I am sympathetic to the court now
– paedophile is used as a smear labeL
It seems that Islamic culture has a strange tradition of what a woman is
… that the point after puberty when a girl is physically able to have sex then she is a woman
.. and this an angle the groom/rape gangs are coming from
There isn’t an easy adjective for this cultural practice .
Watchdog now
“Extreme flytipping It’s run by gangs who temporarily occupy patches of land and dump rubbish nearby”
(image shows caravans)
… oh if only there was a word for this type of people
… Criminal gypsy travellers
Ohhhh…. goodie…
What constitutes a ‘hate crime’?
Did I mention a minute or two ago re the secret compact that it will be making provision for the punishment of ‘hate crimes’?
Not defined, but being a compact for migration, we can more or less guess…
They’ll probably be grateful to the Home Office, then.
It’s beyond me: why oh why does the political elite not simply adopt Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws and have done with it?
I hate this edging toward a goal………..
It is insidious, isn’t it?
BBC TV News. 08.00 Yesterday.
Just before the news a woman with half an arm presented the weather forecast. It was exposed with a short sleeved top to remind us of BBC diversity. Next to her was a bearded man providing sign language for the deaf.
After these two, we were shown two very plain wimmin on a red sofa. One had an exaggerated Manchester accent. They introduced us to a brown woman outside Downing Street giving a UK economic report.
I counted eight BBC diversity tick-boxes in 5 minutes before I switched off and left the building.
Regional Accent.
Woman Of Colour.
Another woman brought in to present a BBCFour series about materials
A lesbian Alice Roberts maybe ?
She’s done a bit of telly in last 4 years
UCL so probably a Mark Miodownik sidekick
She tweets to Owen Jones
F2 – yes I would put Google on that list. You only have to see the secret recording of their ‘Emergency Townhall meeting’ the morning after the Trump election to see their motivation for building in the bias. My simple answer to ‘which of the other search engines do you trust ?’would be ‘all of them’. They may have other fish to fry, but promoting social justice and the agenda of the left doesn’t seem to be a priority.
Three letter news acronyms; what are they like?
Nihal is a nasty piece of work. He has a real chip on his shoulder. Such a shame that this country has oppressed him by giving him his own radio programme isn’t it?
David & Liz were clearly lucky with their ‘placement’. Unlike the foster couple who opened their home to the Parsons Green bomber !!!
BBC Online News Video:
“”From Syria to Cambridge University
Studying with a mobile phone instead of textbooks, Abdullah Kattineh battled power outages and poverty to get his university place.””
“”The Syrian student from the government-controlled Tartus area recently started studying an undergraduate degree at Corpus Christi College.””
He was crowd-funded by Lefty Cambridge students. He has no skills but the University will take him. His college and a charity are funding him.
I managed an average degree at a redbrick university. There was no way that Cambridge was on the horizon.
But, if you tick the right Left Wing boxes and are not white British, the world is your lobster.
Oi! Don’t bring me into this!
When I say Lobster, I am of course not specifically referring to Lobsters themselves but rather to a state of mind through which as if by a prism a Lobster could of course pass without being either a needle or camel in not only a biblical sense but also a peeled digression of foreboding.
I thought you were talking about the Peterson Lobsters that put Cathy Newman in her place!
IIRC Di was a Cambridge girl. And Polly got into Oxford using alternative entrance criteria.
Not sure the Oxbridge brand is really coping well any more.
Al Beeb says \\Eleven teachers sent home after refusing to teach ‘unruly pupils’//
In my day it was the ‘unruly pupils’ that were sent home.
Liberal teachers and educationalists are to blame for brining their ‘liberal’ teaching methods into the classrooms in the 70’s. They turned the schools into undisciplined places of learning and when they lost control they got out via early retirement, leaving the education of this country in the mess it is today.
“Spare the rod and spoil the child”. Lessons to be learned Al Beeb?
in my day they didnt send unruly pupils home they just scared or beat us into good behaviour
It didnt really seem to damage us
I did the PGCE in the late 1970s in the South West. A stupid as in unintelligent lecturer who had struggled (he admitted) to get an external degree from London. He was a Leftie vegetarian whose priority was to get children ‘to think’ even for exam year students where I wanted them to pass their exams to help them get a job. There were no lectures where educationists imparted their knowledge to us but a year where we just sat and talked. A year wasted.
See. You will be assimilated.
Getting to the point where you can’t trust anyone. Fellow journalists of course it can be expected from, but hookers? There’s a storm coming, Ned.
Ah for the days when a conversation between two people was a conversation between two people, when letters were private and confidences were kept!
Those were the days that we were told that we needed more women in politics to get away from those slanging matches in parliament.
And look what has happened! The male ‘display and standoff’, the testing of limits, resolution and honour restored has been replaced by feminine ‘fighting’, that nasty form of bullying where tales are told, the mob is engaged and the outsider is ostracised forever!
‘Enjoy’ it while you can ladies, it can’t be long now before your new male masters, welcomed with open you-know-whats, will soon have you back in the harem, scold’s bridles fitted and faces covered.
Vegans / Vegetarians ? just don’t get upwind of any of them (or share a duvet !)
“Vegans just want to live in a moral way”
So non vegans live in a non-moral way. That is the rest of us condemned.
Replace “vegan” with any other term of your choice.
Eg “Non white people just want to live in a moral way”. “Socialists just want to live in a moral way”.
In any University philosophy course, year one, term one, week one, day one, lesson one, this nonsense would be exposed in the first ten minutes.
“Vegans are not a race or a gender or a sexual orientation or a differently-abled group. They just choose to eat plants.”
They “just choose to eat plants”, but how many animals are killed so they can do so?
Every minute the digestive system of every vegan alive kills three million bacteria, bacteria which are not plants.
Every minute several billion bacteria, arthropods and other invertebrates are killed by the whole “plant food” processing system from seed planting to plate.
The next time I hear an apology for this mass murder, from any “animal lover”, will be the first time.
Perhaps my experience is atypical, but I know vegetarians (who are a lower order of vegan, according to the vegans I meet) are vegetarians, because they tell me. In fact most people who I newly meet, and discover to be vegetarians, are keen to introduce their vegetarianism at the first non-opportunity. To demonstrate their moral superiority. The only trait that outranks this sense of moral supremacy is indignation when the shallow base of their cherished belief is exposed.
In many cases, I then discover these proudly self-confessed vegetarians not only have what I regard as juvenile ideas about diet. They also have juvenile (a la BBC) ideas about politics, history and other adult subjects.
Assimilated like soylent green?
Ex-BBC presenter finds new roll as Poppy Adornment Officer.
Is that why O’Brien isn’t wearing the, apparently, compulsory media-poppy? (Doesn’t that screw up re-purposing programme material later in the year?).
Although the poppy is now used to commemorate all war dead it did, of course, originate from The Great War, which wasn’t about Nazis or Facism.
Facism is over-used as a term of abuse and I admit to using it myself in the past to describe the actions of the Royal British Legion in trying to impose a universal ‘eleventh hour’ silence on us all, rather that just letting those that want a moment of communal memory to take part in Remembrance Sunday events.
It is typically arrogant of O’Brien to assume that he knows why people went to war, I would think that their reasons were as varied as the individuals themselves, a concept alien to closed-mind collectivist like O’Brien.
As an aside, I saw They Shall Not Grow Old today. It was well worth seeing.
The irony is…he is being a ‘fascist’ by saying people have ‘no right’ to wear a poppy if they support Trump!!!…..
Its hilarious he cant see that.
Oh no, they did not know what they were fighting for. Now that we have people to tell us we should have a re-run.
“This is how to be your own boss.”
One black, one brown (muslim, natch), one woman. Tick, tick, tick.
Because of course there are no white male bosses on Planet Beeb.
The racist propaganda is relentless.
It really is appalling that they think it is okay to just ignore white examples – I am sure they must be contravening some media rules – but knowing the BBC they will have some legal setting like their FoI request protection. I have no issue with a whole range of people but you are right they rarely have a white male on anything unless it involved a negative story. I can’t read comments on this one – were there any?
Even the woman doesn’t look quite English.
Maajid did not defend Tommy in May
but maybe he is coming around
There is certainly a million miles between him and the rest of the libEstablishment
This is a bit weird : a woman is making claims that the big investigation into child abuse is fishy , so she left the panel
She makes a claim that in 2015 she was told Mrs May would become PM, now that would be amazing if the woman had had actually told the world about that BEFORE she became PM, it’s not so amazing to tell us after. It’s quite possibly self -delusion mental illness.
She is a victim of CSE and became a campaigner
Sharon Evans of @Dotcomcf
Anyway I see her Twitter feed went dark abut a year ago
Toady watch
My ears were playing up. I heard humph describe “ a new approach to policing “ I held my breath ….. it’s called ‘catching criminals’ .
I was aghast . Since when has policing got anything to do with criminals ? Londonistan stabbings – Pakistani rape gangs – that is not the job of the police . Their real job is
Putting up tape where crimes have happened
Saying that ‘our thoughts are with the victim’
Finding out who said bad words to foreigners
Hiding in their cars
Thinking up new ‘hate crimes ‘
Sending out ‘sorry you’re a victim ‘ envelopes
Getting more non white senior jobs to feel good
Wimmin police moaning about men police
Investigating each other
Thinking up new laws
Having embarrassing pictures at the West Indian carnival
Painting their cars rainbow
Fiddling figures
Painting fingernails blue
Hitting the central locking when a colleague is being stabbed to death .
some jolly fellow on Toady blaming crime on austerity and objecting to Savid Javid describing pedo rape gangs as “ASIAN”
I totally agree with the fellow that Javid shouldnt have described them as “ASIAN”
but for very different reasons !
Jones says he was 15 so it doesn’t count..wasn’t that about the same age as Brett Kavanaugh – except that was even longer ago – I expect Jones was out with Me2 though against Trump and Kavanaugh. Difference being there wasn’t any evidence against Kavanaugh…
Fake news right there. The article itself shows Trump did not say the media is regarded by 33% as the enemy of the people. He said fake news is.
And the BBC goes and proves his point for him.
What is worryingly predictable is the majority of the BBC audience replying have done so blindly, and in typical ‘style’, even after this clear example of fake news has been politely highlighted.
The bbc are dangerous now.
I’m sticking my neck out and predicting that the Republicans will do very well in the midterms .
I think there could be a ‘ shy trump supporter’
Trend similar to the “ shy Tory “ who told the pollsters one thing but did another .
I’ve not been to the States for a while but I do recognise the difference between them and us – that they are raised on self responsibility and not sucking on the welfare state from cradle to grave like so many here expect to do. And even when they die the state is expected to bury them .
So President Trump will get more support that al beeb , CNN , NYtimes , Washington post and the rest of the Beauties predict .
I wish I could put a bet on it
I really hope you’re right and wish I shared your confidence.
The few minutes of Newsnight I caught during a break in “Salvage Hunters” had Mantis, sorry, Maitlis, interviewing a Virginian Democrat Party spokesman and campaigners, keen to highlight their efforts to enlighten the people of West Virginia who insist on voting Republican. We were reassured that they were hopeful of a midterm win, although we were warned that they might not succeed, despite support in the polls. She then spoke to a couple of voters, white and heterosexual, at an American football or baseball game.
Perfectly respectable, articulate, seemed well off and in their 40s I’d say. The man, after his partner had initially declined to state who she, when asked as a woman of course, was going to vote for in the mid-terms, stated that they would vote Republican and that they liked Trumps policies and their results.
The woman then said that her and many like her felt this way but kept this amongst themselves and their social circles. They did not voice their opinions or express their views when asked due to the hostility and abuse that they then encountered because there is a misplaced assumption that women must vote Democrat. She insisted that many women , contrary to polls and assertions, were behind Trump and would vote accordingly.
The collective disappointment of the bBBC, Newsnight and Maitlis in particular was palpable.
God I hope you are right…I really cant helping the media power in the US will sway things….Maher Oliver Colbert added to the ones you mention.
Americans are just as fickle and ill informed as Brits are…….
A bit like too many bbc ‘views my own’ staff, his views can comfortably remain his own free of counter, because he has blocked the entire planet save his bubble head mates and lurkers smart enough to not alert him.
The bbc now relies on getting its message out by telling fibs and, by way of variety, not mentioning the truth.
Never go full Pharoah.
Maybe they should have named it ‘Beyond Belief’?
On twitter, in keeping with BbC policy of failing all sides, this has been noted by a left who could rely on Today to deliver.
Their solution is to demand a return to the old ways, which it might be really funny to hear.
Interesting full page (17) article in Daily Mail today by Stephen Glover “How rich for Corby to claim the Budget was for the wealthy (and what a poor show for the BBC to swallow it)”
“The following morning the Resolution Foundation was given prime billing by the BBC for its judgement that the budget will ‘overwhelmingly benefit richer households’. Auntie accorded this finding the status of holy writ. In fact, what the left leaning think tank asserted was largely misleading…”
Also front page “At last a police chief who wants to catch criminals”
BBC Online News:
“”Climate change: Oceans ‘soaking up more heat than estimated'””
By Matt McGrath
Environment correspondent
No opposing scientific view offered by the BBC.
The BBC don’t support anything other than ‘settled science’.
Einstein and Newton would not have been impressed.
Seems the 28Gate stitch up is extending beyond matters climatic:
Thing is, effective propaganda was at least subtle. All it needed was to call it ‘BBC Blexit analysis’ and they could have hidden behind the notion they were reporting.
But no, the twats know they are currently still Teflon standing bawling propaganda slogans in the audience’s faces like a blood vessel bursting antifa feminist trying to sucker punch a vet.
Interesting use of ‘we’ when the bbc arts grads in senior management have cheerfully admitted they are banning counter arguments they don’t want heard.
“Scientists base their predictions about how much the Earth is warming by adding up all the excess heat that is produced by the known amount of greenhouse gases that have been emitted by human activities.
This new calculation shows that far more heat than we thought has been going into oceans. But it also means that far more heat than we thought has been generated by the warming gases we have emitted. “
Wow! So (greenhouse) ‘warming’ gases now generate heat! Perhaps we could use carbon dioxide to heat our homes?
One of the few certainties in climate science has got to be the amount of energy received from the Sun. Some will be reflected back into space, some reaches the Earth’s surface and some will heat the atmosphere to the extent that it can radiate enough heat to maintain equilibrium. These ‘scientists’ have made some new calculations (settled science?) and have ‘found’ more energy than they can account for so instead of checking the basis of their calculations they have shoved the extra ‘under the carpet’ i.e. into the oceans, where they can’t measure it. How convenient.
We now know that the murder of Jamal Khashoggi was ordered by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman personally and dozens of senior people were involved.
The Saudis have lied and cheated from the very start, as arabs have a tendency to do, whether it be in business or sport.
I’m really looking forward to Shami Chakrabarti’s statement on the whole affair, or is she too busy trying to find reasons to blame the jews?
But at least the bbc have discovered the cause of death: apparently the human body responds badly to being tortured, strangled and dismembered.
First two lines seem applicable to the bbc.
I vote for number 2, extinction.
Agreed Vlad. But not for vultures, who unlike the “B”BC do a good job.
I have corrected this for you BBC
Are the BBC Ugly scavengers?…
or a
crucialspecies on the brink of extinction?Here’s why we
should care aboutthe BBC are vultures.Speaking of whom, I wonder if George has ever eaten any creature by mistake?
I wonder if there are people, like myself, who seek alternatives to meat because of an aversion to halal
Ist it a crime not to like halal?
Oh and now middle aged (white?) men shouldn’t have babies. The dads quality of sperm might not be as good as it was when they were younger.
Anybody hear our Justin’s item this morning on Toady regarding the US Mid-terms? Anti Trump bias from start to finish. Saying that, ‘finish’ not exactly: I turned off having established the bias.
Next, the UN Migration Compact. I reported on this last weekend. This is, in my view, the next World shattering event. Need to refresh memories? Let the UN itself, remind us what lying Treezer signed us up to in this short 2.5 min video:
It seems that only now, people are begining to wake up to the conspiracy between the NWO/Soros/UN and Governments. Brittany Pettibone –
This must be of major concern………………..
Maybe he’s gunning for Anthony Zurcher’s gig?
I turned the radio on this morning at about 8.20.
The Today programme was in full force. The first words I heard were to the effect that the American economic recovery was not really helping people, and that is why the Trump regime had to resort to xenophobia about the migrant army heading for Texas.
The prediction was that the Democrats would gain control of the House of Representatives, and some state governorships.
All will be well in the world, in other words.
The interviewee was someone called Seth Harris. Wikipedia tells me he was Obama’s Secretary of Labor. He now makes a living off cushy numbers in academia and company directorships.
I’d like to say I was surprised, but how can I? The first few minutes of my listening day, and it is pure anti-Trump propaganda from a partisan American “commentator”.
They don’t bother to hide the bias any more. Perhaps like “climate change”, the idea that there could be another point of view just does not exist.
Defund the BBC.
Good points Rob!
“I’d like to say I was surprised, but how can I? The first few minutes of my listening day, and it is pure anti-Trump propaganda from a partisan American “commentator”.”
As a fully paid-up member of ‘Sleepless in Kent’, it’s just as bad at three o’clock in the morning. This morning’s ‘efforts’ by the boring Rhod Sharpe were just as anti-President Trump as they could be, if you can stay awake to his entirely dull delivery, and inadequate ‘guests’, all care of Eastern US leftie rags and unis.
There’s also an autocue reader who gabbles his way through single lines of ‘news’ every half hour. In between sentences, we’re subjected to a nervous gulp, then a breathy, unpleasant gasp before the next mouthful of crap is released.
The items are worthless, as they are meaningless.
But after that, the fill-in bit starts with some shrieking maniac, declaring at the top of his irritating voice that Radio5 Live is the best channel for live football.
Some of us don’t follow football, but worse, we don’t need to have some mindless idiot bellowing down the earphones about some over-paid crappy plonker who thinks an Aston Martin is a cross between an Villery place in the midlands, and a chocolate dog treat, but buys one anyway!
I’m the last person to believe in conspiracy theories…but I think you might be right.The trend for this nonsense is just too widespread now for it to be ‘coincidence’…
Maybe he and JO’bsworth should get a room, and ‘punish’ anyone wearing a poppy, like that back garden during Eid.
Even for a BBC sofa sloth bimbo the lack of information or context behind this is breathtaking.
Unless it is a ruse to get anyone who responded with their knees rather than brains excluded from jury service.
Beeb website breaking news. Arron Banks being investigated by the NCA. What a joke, will they stop at nothing. As I see it anyone who had the temerity to put their cross in the wrong box might just as well report to the nearest available Orwellian authority and hand themselves in now. What were we thinking.
It is based on a ‘referral’ by… guess who?
However I suspect Alistair, Owen, Andrew, Anna etc are all on standby in ever studio for when this was made public.
Guess Who
I was thinking the same thing when the “Crime of the Century” was announced on Daily Politics. I was surprised that Suzanne Evans, the BBB’s go to disgruntled ex-UKIPer of choice was present as I thought she had disappeared from the political scene. No! She does have a purpose. She needed no prompting to say she had always known that there was someting “fishy” and immoral about the organisations Banks funded and being noble and wise had, of course, had nothing to do with them.
C4’s Matt Frei seemed to think Banks had already been investigated, tried and convicted and was suitably smug. He is always smug – but tonight seemed to be almost in “I told you so” mode. Collins spreading the usual poison.
Usual C4 blame shifting on muslim grooming gangs. It’s men’s fault, it’s the authorities fault. If there is anything wrong in “British” Pakistani communities we must sort it out ourselves otherwise those wicked rightwing people will use it to their advantage. Apparently, wicked rightwing people are attempting to undermine trials of muslim child rapists so that they can rabble rouse and claim there is no justice in the UK A veiled attack on you-know-who from those who love the veil.
It’s Nothing to do with Islam”. Not even muslim terrorism.
And continuing the general BBC Brexit shit-stirring agenda…..
In the last nine years, let’s say 100 months in round figures, the Bank of England have changed interest rates three times. To put it another way, interest rates stayed the same 97% of the time. No change is totally normal and so is barely news at all.
So in that context we consider the following shit-stirring BBC headline on their webshite front page today.
‘UK interest rates on hold amid uncertainty’
They just cannot help themselves……….
Ray Snoddy’s Apprentice…