It is obvious from the tainted output of the rotten BBC that it can never be trusted . But who can be ? I was asked this during a survey yesterday and couldn’t answer . Journalists ? Politicians ? NHS? Banks ? Lawyers? Auditors ? Accountancy Firms ? Charities ? Comparison sites? Car manufacturers ? Interest groups ? Us?
“The unwanted wolf-whistle is as serious as a violent crime or burglary”. Do these people know how stupid they sound in their fictional Utopia?
‘Unintended consequences’ and that law of reality. All the PC garbage will come crashing down at some point because it is unrealistic. The police are at number one in the list.
The Twatterati and chattering classes, with the bBBC at the forefront, are trying to rewrite and enforce a new set of inter-gender rules and assertions to replace those that we have settled on as being the most beneficial to our western societies. Human nature and natural evolution of behaviours that have long been accepted to maximise and maintain our broadly cohesive society are being sacrificed for no sensible reason.
Their blatant misogyny and attempts to emasculate indigenous males in the name of supposed equality will merely leave them vulnerable to men who not only do not know or accept their new rules but who are adhering to the guidance of a different rulebook entirely.
Generally mugging, knifing, genocide within nightclubs and casual rape, unless the BBc finds a white, far right male to parade, these other crimes are, for some strange reason, unsolved and unlikely to be
All you have to do when arrested for robbing a bank is put on a pair of frilly panties and stockings, they will all stand back….and spend three hours finding a specialist diversity officer to deal with you
Stranger Danger: Still the right message for children?
We all know how the BBC like to get as many black and Asian faces into an article but this one about a video warning kids of strangers is illustrated with 100% white faces.
Strange that isn’t it?!?
It’s a well known fact that all pervs are white males, and nothing happened in the towns listed below.
Birmingham & 3rd in Bradford, updated 29/10/ 2012 – added new Rochdale grooming gang, updated 14/11/2012 – added 2nd Blackburn, updated 17/11/2012 – added Keighley, Nelson, 2nd Rotherham, Oldham, 2nd Manchester, Preston, Sheffield, 3rd/4th in Rochdale, 2nd Blackpool , 3rd/4th Blackburn * thanks to Petra for tip , updated 21/11/2012- added High Wycombe, updated 26/11/2012- added Hayes, Barking, Swansea, 4th in Bradford, updated 27/11/2012-added Darwen, updated 28/11/2012 – added 2nd Telford, updated15/12/ 2012 – added East London, updated 13/1/2013- added Liverpool and Harrow, updated 24/1/2013- added 2nd Keighley, updated 26/1/2013- added Nottingham and new Oxford, updated 7/2/2013- added 2nd Leicester , 2nd High Wycombe, updated 17/2/2013- added 2nd Birmingham, updated 16/3/2013- added Peterborough, Newcastle, South Shields , updated 22/3/2013- added 3rd Nelson, Lancaster, updated 14/5/2013-added Manchester Gay Rape, updated 21/5/2013 – added 3rd Oldham, updated 12/6/2013 – Birmingham Shop Worker, updated 17/7/2013 – Great Norton , updated 2/8/2013 – added Coventry, updated 8/8/2013 – added Londonderry, Northern Ireland (H/T #RapeJihad), updated 8/9/2013 – added Bolton, Oldham updated 28/9/2013 – added Torquay, Bristol, Manchester updated 8/11/2013 – added Bristol, Bolton, Harlow, Peterborough updated 8/2/2014 – added Bury, Leigh, Peterborough, Leeds, Oxford,

Headington Teenage Boy Rape, Bradford updated 17/3/2014 – added Middlebrough, Stevenage updated 1/6/2014 – Burton, Chesham,Sheffield/Bradford, Leeds updated 14/2/2015 – Wycombe, Newcastle, Halifax, Aylesbury, Peterborough, Sheffield.
The BBC has really ramped it up today!
Leave EU…fraudulent activity…that must pave the way for another vote surely?
Trump…’evangelical Christians’ are his core base even though they all know what a nasty man he is…. bla bla bla
Nasty Patisserie capitalists shareholders screwing the company bla bla
Nasty capitalist Google is full of rapists and sexists bla bla bla
……..but on the ‘plus’ side…Whales are lovely bla bla bla
and on Jeremy Vine….Jaywick/Essex is a lovely place but mocked by the nasty Republicans bla bla bla
I feel like I’m accessing the Marxist Momentum/Green Party manifesto every time I switch on the BBC
The one thing wrong, in my humble opinion. with your otherwise excellent post is the use of the words ‘I feel like’ in the final sentence.
Fair shout….”facts dont care about my feelings”
Jaywick, as I recall, is a shithole.
The BBC must love showing scenes of deprived Jaywick as it can add to their image of how terrible Britain looks these days!
Such is the beeb’s aversion to the UK’s dominant religion that they somehow manage to shoehorn an article in their ‘faith and ethics’ section “Lewis Hamilton: I pray every day” and bypass the foundational facts that give everyone in W1A the willies.
Hamilton is a very religious man — he’s a regular churchgoer; he prays before each meal; he has a tattoo of the Virgin Mary cradling the body of the dead Christ on his shoulder (per Michelangelo). “Every time I eat, I pray,” he says. “Everyone is talking and I say, ‘sorry, one second’, and you just make the time. Sundays, I can’t wait, because I go to church.”
All things he’s happily revealed to other, competent, news agencies. Except only the beeb could get through the whole thing without any reference whatsoever to Christianity, God or the church — cowardly referring only to “a sense of the otherworldly”. You’re none the wiser from the BBC’s reporting whether Hamilton is a devout Zoroastrian or prays to an Ayrton Senna gonk stuck to his dashboard.
Compare/contrast with other output always keen to tell you how integral Islam is to icons like Mo Salah or Amir Khan or even the whole Premier League.
Just more dishonesty from our award-winning state broadcaster.
I wonder when Satan took over the BBC -and I mean that -writing on ‘ all saints / souls ‘ day .
8 pm R4 Law in Action : 3 items
– We investigate whether female lawyers face prejudice in the courtroom – including allegations of using tears to manipulate jurors. ( in the first of a series of reports from the US )
– Should a former soldier be tried without a jury?
(well TR was tried without a jury
and the last retrial too was supposed to be with only a judge and even no prosecutor ..until he changed his mind and pushed it back to the Attorney General)
Suzanna Moore in the Guardian has the headline
“ I’d rather the police investigate mysogeny than burglary “
The mad times we are living ….
If you are looking for a bit of unintended comedy on Al beeb have a look at their documentary on The house of Saud “ which describes them as kind of civilised but as a more recent event has shown the scum Arabs are not .
I still do not understand why the dummy George W Bush didn’t take that crappy country after 9/11.
It would have saved the West a lot of grief since the wahabbi oil money funds mad Muslims in their hatred for the West .
Update -I checked the Guardian again 20 minutes after the headline I described above – it’s gone and been replaced with a more gentle ‘ police shouldn’t have to choose between investigating mysogeny of burglary – indicating – i assume -.that the clinically anti police Guardian now wants tens of thousands of more police community cohesion anti hate investigators – working of course for the Security Service for threats from The Right .
Proof of Suzanne Moore;s headline
and two official accounts tweeted that headline
Arron Banks calls “foul”
As I write the other day here -the corrupt electoral commission is about to lose 4 remainers members so this is their final meaningless futile shot.
It’s great that the NCA has the resources to do such an investigation which no doubt will have a malicious CPS political prosecution at the end of in the style of TR.
And no doubt that since the Security Service have announced they will target anyone of the Right they don’t like Mr Banks will be wired more than your average Muslim suicide bomber in waiting .
Ex Beeboid needs change of undies.
Followed by Piers asking a daft question.
Remind me-where the heck did the National Crime Agency become3 a “thing”?
Never heard of it, is is a Supreme Courty, Palace of Righteous Justice thang?
Are they chasing Trumps blimp as well?
BBC have censured Sir Kenneth Calman’s daughter for bias on the Radio4 News Quiz
..but why choose a rather reasonable point rather than the other 99% of the sneering nasty show ? #rigged DEFLECTION
The Times comments reflect us here
* I’d love to know who makes up the studio audiences of Radio 4 ‘comedies’.
Their uproarious laughter in the face of witless jokes is baffling.
* R4 accused of anti-Tory bias. Really? This isn’t news. R4 was hijacked by the left years ago.
This creature will be dining out on upsetting the Far Left BBC for months – he/she must be due for a tv series -maybe it will be called “ take my wife”.
star comment
* I used to like listening to the news quiz. Years ago. I think it involved Alan Coren and Barry Took. In those days it was gentle ribbing of politicians but now it is vile, nasty, extreme left-wing propaganda.
The BBC appear to be using the programme to tick all the diversity and virtue-signalling boxes simultaneously. Hence it must comprise a homosexual, a lesbian, a straight feminist and an ethnic minority. All must be left-wing, rabid anti-Tory who attempt to upstage each other on the depths of their vitriol.
The News Quiz and the Now Show appear to be made and run by Labour Central Office. The irony is that the contestants – if they may be referred to as contestants as they all sing from the same hymn sheet- are mainly well-to-do coming from wealthy parents and homes which the likes of Socialist Worker would consider as cosseted toffs. *
Tackling non points is BBC SOP.
Currently their complaints homepage has two where they are throwing their full resources at nothing burgers spun up by the professional outrage community.
When I want a Fatty Arbuckle , Pee Wee Herman impressionist for the next Hallowe`en Party, look now further than That Boy named Suw.
Peter Griffin after CGI maybe?
Did they crop the kipper tie, cheroot, Bull Mastiff and briar pipe then?
Who said real men were in danger?
I Just wrote this on the BBC story “Focus on violent crime not misogyny, says police chief”. It got about 15 likes before being removed after about 3 minutes.
“According The Jay report, Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 Adult Muslim males.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. Some were raped hundreds of times in total, so probably in excess of 14,000 rapes in total. That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average
The police should focus on that”
Of course these “hate facts” are not allowed on the Orwellian BBC. I despise the BBC with a passion.
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
if you have chance, log on to the BBC and re-post!
Russian trolls tweeting about Islam
I would have thought they are merely following NOT leading.
Cos It’s the establishment’s over protection of Islam that is the real stirrer.
The article is paywalled but from the bit above the fadeout it looks like Demos have done some ‘analysis’ of Twitter data. That couldn’t be the same New Labour outfit who came up with the ideological masterstroke of ‘rebranding Britain’, could it?
P.S. I might be alone in this but I’m quite enchanted by imagining a “troll factory in St Petersburg”. It sounds cute in a Willy Wonka kind of way
Yep The article is all front, cos it gives no proper evidence that the Russians drive UK concerns about Islam.
They didn’t send many tweets and each tweet was just retweeted by an average of 3
I thought the thing spreading dislike of Islam were the mass child rape that seems to occur whenever Islam pops up:
According The Jay report, Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 Adult Muslim males.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. Some were raped hundreds of times in total, so probably in excess of 14,000 rapes in total. That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average…
Do i hate Islam?, hell yeah!!!!!
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
MS the barrister also writes in the Times
but here no patwall
Bad news for horses in West Yorkshire.
R4s PM news informed me that 4 “men” out a gang of twenty have just been jailed for “grooming crimes” Huddersfield.
With four of these “men” banged up for a couple of years who will be brushing and rubbing down the horses in West Yorkshire.
Should I ring the RSPCA?
I must admit I have seen a lot of worried looking bridegrooms around of late.
The Mail carries the story
A commenter says “- look how much of this article is devoted to Tommy Robinson & not the horror of the crimes ”
Most media carry the story
– A lots of people retweet the Guardian story
The was big BBC tweet of the BBC story
Just a tweet from BBC West Yorkshire
You’ll have to look hard on the bBBC to find the news that the National Crime Agency is investigating 420 suspected Muslim paedophiles in Rotherham alone.
They are too busy reporting news about Arron Banks’ referendum spending probe, some police sex pest and stuffing their front page with ‘non news’ topped up with a good dose of pap. News channel my @rse.
Once their researchers spot it here and their censors ‘clear it’, they will then report it.
Does Lord Hall ever visit this site or watch TV ? You bet he does .
Just watch ………………………………………
My usual message to Al Beeb, Lord Haw Haw and their libtards…………………………..
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time”
Brexit ate my hamster.
Not Albeeb but ITV Londonistan news
The wonderful cross rail project got put off for a year and the Emir of Londonistan is being questioned about when he found out there were problems and as head of TFL what he did about it .
Al ITV London news usually gives the Emir an easy time and didn’t point out the amount of time he gives to criticising Brexit .
Any labour mayoral candidate will get the job now because benefits types and snowflakes are in the majority now -not including the non English speakers .
So not a lot will happen to the Emir and he knows that when he screws up funding HMG will bail him out .
Meanwhile on the al beeb Londonistan news its the routine report on a 17 year old black boy stabbed to death on this day a year ago .
I shalt bother mentioning the 3 shootings this week with 5 serious as a result . The NHS A and E s
Are getting plenty of combat experience . Oh yeah —and Rocky Jamal 18 was stabbed to death on Halloween. The body count is now above 130 on my count .
Yeah, but on the upside the Met are really cracking down severely on builders who wolf whistle and male drunks on the dance floor who smack female bottoms. Not to mention tackling the serious crime of using words like ‘he’ or ‘she’ wrongly in front of the huge transgender population which apparently exists in the UK.
6pm ITV Calendar local news : an army recruiting call for South Asian soldiers.
..The excuse was celebrating Private Sen a Leeds University student from India who joined the Yorkshire Regiment in 1914 and died in battle.
Then they switch to a Bradford lad who is now serving onboard a Royal Navy ship , and have him talk about ethnic South Asians enlisting in the British military.
The term ‘grooming’.
Is there not a more accurate term for the media to use?
@DS “Child Sexual Exploitation” ?
The NHS takes 38% of public spending . And it they can’t manage their money again they sob to the press about it to get even more cash
And to top it all London hospitals are going to pay the registration fee for ReichEU guest workers after brexit. Tax man will love that .
NHS does not take that high proportion of government spending, surely it is pensions with benefits that account for the largest slice.
\\The tweet by Paul Johnson is only referring to NHS spending as a percentage of “public SERVICE spending”
… not of total government spending – i.e. it does not include things like benefits, pensions etc //
\\ the fifth biggest [government] expenditure, it’s not education, it’s not transport, it’s not the police, it’s debt interest on the national debt. It’s £46 billion //
For the fiscal year ending in March 2019:
UK pensions spending is budgeted to be £165.8 billion
For the fiscal year ending in March 2019:
UK healthcare spending is budgeted to be £151.9 billion
It was Paul Johnson that made the claim about 38%
He tweeted
\\ Health is taking a bigger and bigger share of public *service* spending up from 23% in 2000 to 29% in 2010
and planned to hit 38% by 2023 //
Stew – thank you for the accuracy -I was working from memory. Would you agree that there is a difference between pension payments – which people see is their money coming back to them against the NHS which is a cash cow for overpaid medics , drug companies , so called managers , ambulance chasing amoral lawyers , international health tourists and fraudsters . Didn’t mention negligence or PFI did I?
“their money coming back to them ”
Nope your National Insurance money has gone, it got spent as soon as you paid it in.
If someone starts working in 1975 aged 25, their National Insurance payments don’t go into a big safe for them to use in the future.
Instead they are spent on 1970’s pensioner’s pensions
They keep on paying in , and the money goes straight out to current pensioners.
So in 2010 aged 60 that man/woman retires
and starts taking their pension out of the NI money 2010 workers pay in.
Most people and their employer together are not even paying in 20% of their current salary, for 35 years , so anyone living to 95 should only take out annually 20% of their average annual salary .
I reckon many people’s state pension is way more than that 20%.
If people do live a long time and the population doesn’t increase a lot , then money would run out.
Stew – please don’t do a maxi on me – you’ve cut and pasted to change the meaning of my words I feel insulted .
There was a common belief that people were paying NI to fund their pensions – governments did not correct this as it helped them to avoid putting IT up but actually did it through NICs which in real life is just an extension of IT income tax .
Don’t misquote me again.
Stew, not entirely correct then* as there was an official newspaper in the 1970s which I used to see in the course of work (horrors, can’t remember what it was called now) and it used to list what stocks were held in the NI Fund.
I had to put a poster on Nick’s or Steffie’s Blogs right on this a decade ago, so somewhere I ought to have a bookmarked reference.
It was the journal where all sorts of official and legal listings were announced weekly, if anyone else can remember it.
(* It is true now, thanks to raids and inadequate provisions made by various Chancellors, together with the massive extra increase in population, over the decades.)
Up2Snuff : In my lifetime I have never heard of such an NI savings scheme.
I believe some gov depts do have their own pension funds for their workers, but AFAIK state pensions come out of tax
@Fedup , don’t be daft of course I am not doing a Maxi on you
I did copy and paste your own words, so it is a direct quote NOT a misquote.
Now you say
“There was a common belief that people were paying NI to fund their pensions – governments did not correct this as it helped them to avoid putting IT up but actually did it through NICs which in real life is just an extension of IT income tax .”
Well that is what I said
I added on my opinion that today’s pensioners are probably getting way more back than they put in.
That is not a comfortable thought
So I can understand people getting triggered about it.
An easy question to answer. Why Kirsty is wearing camouflage to hide in the wallpaper is another.
Is she looking happy because of the corporation tax her production company pays instead of PAYE like poor people do ?
Katty unintentionally reveals all.
She also doubles down on the lie I posted about this morning. She can’t be unaware that Trump didn’t say that. Which, in my book, makes it deliberate.
President Trump: “There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly.
Katy Kay: “From a former Republican Governor on the President calling the press the enemy of the people.”
Maybe Katy, an insider, knows that ‘the press’ equals ‘the fake news media’?
Look North, from Hull another extensive report about an ice skating coach who abused young girls.
They had a report last month also.
Today’s report asks why the authorities didn’t pick up on him earlier..
Former GB figure skater Jamie Whiteman was jailed in 2015 for sexually abusing girls in the Hull area.
BBC Online News:
“”Carole King calls new anti-Trump song ‘a call to action'””
By Lucy Todd
BBC music reporter
All of a sudden, the BBC are now interested in this has-been.
Words cannot and never will be able to describe how utterly fu##ing pathetic they are !!!! Trump doing more for the American people than Saint Obama ever did !!! And certainly more for the BLACK Americans than Obama ever did. These moronic, virtue signalling tossers haven’t a clue. Remind me again, how many of these self obsessed celebrities actually did move to Canada when trump won ??????? Empty threats to match their empty heads !!!
Brexit vote to be voided because Aaron Banks Leave . .Org referred to the Plod by the bent Electiral Commission .
Followed by the last 5 paki stani Muslim racist paedophile sentenced for ‘ inhuman’ crimes —according to the Trial Judge
Any one see a connection in these stories . C4 never could . Get back control and start the deportations .
7:30pm ITV Can we safe the NHS
\\ Follow Focused Care specialist Lisa and her journey to help Kieron deal with homelessness, mental health and drug issues, tonight //
Now, where have I heard that before?
No it wasn’t a Guardian survey
#1 but a Guardian-friend survey , coming from lefty Pew research of US
#2 They are spinning it, cos generally BBC, ITV, Sky BRANDS are more trusted but Guardian has played a trick of cherrypicking NEWSPAPERS only
BTW The results for over 50s show trust the Times more than Guardian
and for the 2 other age groups it’s only a 5% lead by the Guardian
#3 It doesn’t say how often people consult the Guardian
“The US-based research organisation’s European-wide survey of 16,114 adults found that 61 per cent of surveyed *under 30s*in the UK trusted the Guardian, while 57 per cent said they trusted the Times.”
#4 “Trusted source” is a fallacy ..each report stands on its own merit, independent of source.
“Focus groups were held in the following locations and on the following dates: London: May 15-17, 2017”
So about 1.5 years old
BBC happy to report ‘Sports minister resigns over betting ‘delay’, ‘Police probe Banks’s Brexit vote spending’, ‘Google staff walk out’ over something or other. No mention whatsoever of ‘Huddersfield grooming gang: Final four members jailed for 36 years’, as mentioned on the news page of my local radio station. I wonder why?? Maybe it is mentioned, but probably hidden away on some regional page.
Marina Hyde – a level 1 guardian commentator and favourite of BBC paper reviews – seems to have downed a bottle Chablis or Pinot and attempts to disassemble – Prof Jordan Peterson – there is the stink of ‘ man hating ‘ or whatever the posh word for it is .
An incoherent bitter ramble which – surprisingly the guardian allowed comments which got stopped after 300- put it this way -many contributors thought she was wrong . I thought she might. Have had a few.
Too much to hope there was not more behind this headline.
Has anybody asked the criminals, the Muslim gangs to maybe be part of an amnesty?
Stop committing crimes for , say a week in February-obviously though able to lots either side to make up for lost earnings?
And then the WPCs and the Metrosexual Police Servers could devote that week to hounding out tweets and bad wigs etc?
Outside the box…or off it? We`re past caring.
She really is from a very bizarre bubble.
However, this bubble is a whole new level.
Going to be a bit awks if he bumps into Tony in the Lords trans lavvy.
Wonderful ‘Richie Benaud’ moment on TWatO this lunchtime.
Sarah Montague asked Liz Bilney if she thought the move by the Electoral Commission to have her and Arron Banks investigated – again, in the case of Banks – was politically motivated after Bilney had told Sarah that. Sarah then asked “What evidence do you have?”, not what evidence do the Electoral Commission have!
Richie Benaud: “Silly question, really.”
Oh look, some more merry muslims have been indulging in a bit of innocent paedophile rape and abuse, this time in Huddersfield.
It’s all over the msm but you’ll have trouble finding it on the beebistan webshite unless you drill down to Yorkshire.
Nah no room on the main pages. The BBC are keeping their ‘Will the PM apologise for austerity ‘broken promise’ rant from Corbyn in his daily promotion. The analysts are busy picking the new budget apart as well
And here’s an interesting take on the whole muslim paedophile rape issue: this chap compares the Sikh and muslim responses – or lack of.
Meanwhile the beeb prefer to focus on the serious question of whether wolf-whistling is a crime deserving police investigation or not.
Interesting video and indeed a contrast between the different ‘communities’
You almost never hear anything bad about the Sikhs as they tend to keep to themselves
And their manual isn’t full of hate, violence, misogyny etc.
Most religions aren’t full of hate anyway. Reading the comments on the video shows a great support for the Sikhs. This is far from the ‘racist’ society that the left think we are. British people are tolerant by nature but we know when to draw the line with things and certain things have crossed that line
FYI muslim rapists are not only targeting white girls, just any non muslim females, therefore a hate crime in essence:
Luton Sikh-Muslim protest: ‘Positive’ police meeting
31 May 2012
A “constructive” and “positive” meeting has been held between police and the Sikh and Muslim communities following a protest at a Luton police station.
The groups held talks on Wednesday after hundreds of Sikhs gathered at Buxton Road on Tuesday night.
The protest was over allegations a Muslim man had assaulted a Sikh woman.
Police said officers were working with the two groups and wanted any concern about criminal activity to be reported.
Funnily enough, the Sikhs’ protest against their children getting sexually assaulted by muslims was not labelled as far right
pug “Did the BBC trumpet this from the ramparts or was it radio silence?” there was an oblique mention on the web-site but that only amounted to a squeak.
There must have been wailing and gnashing of teeth, however, inside many offices at W1A.
The BBC were very delinquent in mentioning that only the bottom 9% of the top 10% of earners got an increase in the Personal Allowance. IIRC, those who pay the top rate of Income Tax (those earning above £150K) have to forego the Personal Allowance unless that rule was changed.
Now that would have affected a lot of Beeboids, esp. presenters, so I’m surprised that was not pointed out.
Jon Sopel: “Fifteen thousand soldiers are being deployed to stop immigrants on foot from entering the United States…illegally, says the president.”
Notice that sly “says the president” sneaked in at the end of the sentence. As if describing the attempt by this caravan to enter the USA as illegal is simply an eccentric opinion of Trump’s. As if the truth is that these aliens will all be legally swimming across the Rio Grande. What a slimy, devious, shamelessly dishonest style Sopel has.
For someone who has claimed he was thinking of avoiding tweeting about the only person he tweets about, he sure tweets about him a lot.
Ive been watching Fox News all evening and its actually 5200… Sopel must have heard wrongly?….
and Obama and Bush have sent similar numbers in the last 10 years.
BBC1 Question Time front row. Might be two in fact. I wonder what the random questions from the balanced audience will be?
If Jez decides to embed with the caravan, as you do, I’d hate to be his driver.
(UK Government lead by Islamist Sajid Javid to) devise training to help
journalists have a better understanding of Islam. We aim to deliver these outputs by 2020.
{Action Against Hate The UK Government’s plan for tackling hate crime –‘two years on’ page13}
ISLAMIC rules ( promted by javid,khan,khan,ahmed,salaria) are incompatible with British laws (promted by Welby) which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the (Justin Welby) Archbishop of Canterbury has declared. { 24feb2018}
This might help their ‘training’
You might not be interested in Islam, but Islam has interests in your Western systems ….
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
-Christopher Hitchens
Lord Fing Ahmed LOL my god they wil be turning in their graves
By the time the group set off in the early hours of 13 October, more than 1,000 Hondurans had joined. {}
David Cameron criticised over migrant ‘swarm’ language
And, it begs the question, why are they coming ? to demand food and houses from a country where the majority go to work and pay taxes, and we have romanian beggars in every town in the UK with absolutely no intention of working, 10 years in my town now sitting there begging and not a day, an hour or a minute spent in the job centre,
And what gets me wound up (and swearing on this site and getting admonished) who is paying for this ? the white man who created this country, and America, that they all want to come to to claim benefits, the very white man that the BBC wants to ignore, and the media want to ignore, the very white man that silly bitch students want to erase from history, the history that allows them to be educated in a university and not get raped in the war torn shit hole that all their black friends are running away from (brave men who cannot stand up and fight for their country, rather run away but all of a sudden can be the big man over here) whilst claiming benefits etc etc.
And,rather than appear bigotted, I would like to point to evidence :
Case in point: 17 year old girl: fighting for her country:
But she’s white………………
Syrian adults faced with the same dilemma:
And when they arrrive… their attitude towards the the country that accepts them..
Ingratitude ? or stronger words maybe….if you have relatives or fathers or grandfathers that fought for freedom in this country that are now being vilified in the universities they attended before being called up to fight for their country,
And if you want to really know where the so called far right come from well look and learn: as below
Luton’s Muslim extremists defy public anger
The Muslim extremists in Luton who jeered British troops returning from Iraq are continuing to defy public anger despite the simmering tension it has caused in a racially-mixed town.
Luton’s Muslim extremists defy public anger
Muslim extremists protesting at the homecoming march in Luton Photo: SOUTH BEDS NEWS
By David Harrison
9:00PM GMT 14 Mar 2009
The Islamic extremist was in full flow, bellowing out his message on a busy street in Luton.
Luton’s Muslim extremists defy public anger
Muslim extremists protesting at the homecoming march in Luton
“British soldiers … murderers … rapists … not heroes …” Most passers-by ignored him.
A few, mostly young Muslim men on their way home from afternoon prayers, paused to listen and were immediately approached by the white-capped preacher’s fellow radicals, eager to recruit new members to their cause.
Suddenly a mustachioed businessman in Muslim dress strode over the group, jabbed a finger towards the preacher and shouted: “You are giving Muslims a bad name!”
The radicals argued with him and tried to manhandle him away from the scene. For a moment the confrontation threatened to turn ugly until the businessman decided to walk away, still seething, but his point firmly made.
Sick: Extremists welcomed our troops
MUSLIM extremists sparked outrage last night after they subjected heroic British soldiers to vile abuse during a home-coming parade – and then were protected by the police.
By Martyn Brown
PUBLISHED: 00:00, Wed, Mar 11, 2009
Muslim demonstrators shout sickening abuse at our troops Picutre John O Reilly Muslim demonstrators shout sickening abuse at our troops (Picutre: John O’Reilly)
The radical Islamists screamed “terrorists” and denounced the 200 soldiers as “butchers of Basra” as they proudly marched in front of thousands of families and children.
Other sickening signs described the troops from the 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment as “Criminals, Murderers Terrorists”, “Baby Killers” and “Anglian Soldiers Go To Hell”.
But when patriotic well-wishers, who had lined the streets of Luton to welcome home the soldiers, tried to defend them, police officers stepped in and allowed the protesters to continue with their insults.
Islamic radicals scream insults as the soldiers are welcomed home Islamic radicals scream insults as the soldiers are welcomed home
Riot police formed a protective barrier around the 20 protesters while furious onlookers, waving St George’s flags, shouted “scum.”
Police dogs and riot vans were called to the scene and two men who had turned up to support the troops were arrested for public order offences.
Last night one of the radicals continued his tirade of hate, saying the soldiers were “no better than Hitler”.
Abu Omar, 30, said: “Those soldiers were in Iraq murdering and mutilating innocent people. They had blood on their hands.”
Mr Omar, who said he was bred in Luton and worked as a carer for disabled people, added: “The soldiers have come into a town with a large Muslim population to promote an illegal war.
“We are supposed to congratulate and support terrorists who are no better than Hitler.”
Burkha clad women join the protest shouting at troops of the Royal Anglian Regiment Burkha-clad women join the protest, shouting at troops of the Royal Anglian Regiment
Yesterday’s scenes sparked fury across the political and religious spectrum.
Shadow Defence Secretary Liam Fox, said: “This is offensive, appalling and disgraceful. It is only because of the sacrifices made by our armed forces that these people live in a free society where they are able to make their sordid protests.”
Fellow Tory MP Philip Davies said: “It is appalling that something which should have been a celebration of dedication, courage and bravery has been treated in such a disgusting way.”
My question is..they have not gone, where are they hiding now, in Luton, in Bury Park Road, moderate muslims, hmm, dont believe a word how the … do these people get a british passport ? anyone got any ideas ? bet some pakistani lawyers have..the ones that advertise all along the road and how did they pass the english language test ?that was all covered up apart from one press story who were investigating it the £500 to pass university of luton each time …………all went very quiet after that
Trump said he would frack like crazy, so the BBC will never report this important news : the USA has become the largest producer of oil in the world.
UK – still face oil poverty due to BBC agitation and leftard idiots.
Humph interviews the Labour Shadow Home Secretary – one Diane ( send my kid to a private school )Abbot .
All about ‘hate crime ‘ . She said being shouted at in the street is comparable with stabbings in the streets – perhaps it’s her’ culture’ or ‘heritage ‘which leads to this insane view .
Anyway humph tried to get some kind of coherent view from this very senior politician but failed – I suppose she ll use the ‘headache’ or ‘diabetes’ excuse again .
I write this because last night – about 3 miles from Diane Abbott’s constituency a 15 year old boy was stabbed to death in a chicken shop. She didn’t mention this . I suspect the child was black and my prejudice suggests the killer (s) were black too .
This didn’t make the BBC national news and I don’t bother with the Londonistan local news because some one called ‘assad’ or ‘ rizla’ Or similar presents the labour Muslim propaganda .
Whenever killings like this happen I remember the “Lawrence “ case which was used to destroy the police in London and turned it into a soppy snowflake extension of the Labour Party – but the Race Grudge industry did well out of it all.
We re looking good for my prediction of a 130 dead this year inLondonistan . Lucky the cops don’t do stop and search any more innit ?
You wonder why they put her in the media..she says ridiculous things and then digs a hole to jump in. Most of the time she was incoherent in this interview. Somewhat worrying if she ever became Home Secretary….
BBC Online News Video:
“”Family gang behind east England ‘crime wave'””
“”An extended-family gang carried out more than 250 burglaries during an 11-month crime spree in the east of England, police said.””
“”The 12 men stole jewellery, cash, cars and guns worth a total of £2m from homes and businesses across five counties in 2017.””
Not once was the word ‘Traveller’ or ‘Caravan’ mentioned.
The first part of the video shows a man being arrested in a caravan by heavily armoured police.
As stated by the police, unofficially of course, 2% of the population 20% of the crime
And just like certain other minorites, they may not all be guilty but they will never, ever stand witness or report against any of their kommunihie crimes or criminals therefore are all complicit because their kommunihie is more important than the country they live in, apart from the benefit money they feed their kids on paid by the country and their crime victims
The state of crime.
With the bbc as the perception lynch pin.
Nothing on Al Beeb about the car salesman coming back to rescue Mrs chamberlain from Brexit and the London crime rate as Home Secretary?
You lot deal with it , I am off to bed.
This is on a different track but BBC
Wife complained about the one of BBC reports on wages..she got back a weasley answer that didn’t address the issue and clearly the person didn’t understand the question..So she complained and asked for a response..She got it.. and they accepted the first answer wasn’t up to standard and wrote ‘ please ignore the first response and take this second response as the first response’ – that was funny enough but the second responder clearly had little grasp of the English language and didn’t really answer the original point.
Hilarious…can you imagine what they would do to a ‘right wing’ person who said sorry that wasn’t what we mean’t – ignore it and accept this as our real answer..Hypocritical at a minimum
Bbc SOP with complaints.
The first few attempts are met by gobbledegook in an attempt to cull by attrition.
After that, persistence is rewarded by ‘belief’ from an ECU Director.
If that doesn’t deter they can be confronted by reality, and on rare occasion concede.
But always getting a pass on the preceding cynical ploys.
Unique indeed.