It is obvious from the tainted output of the rotten BBC that it can never be trusted . But who can be ? I was asked this during a survey yesterday and couldn’t answer . Journalists ? Politicians ? NHS? Banks ? Lawyers? Auditors ? Accountancy Firms ? Charities ? Comparison sites? Car manufacturers ? Interest groups ? Us?
Talking up Climate change
I can’t find the words ‘Tropical Nights’ in the actual report?
Talking up is all they have left. The evidence is stubbornly refusing to make itself known.
I got some evidence this morning. Ice in the bird bath this a.m.. Took a pic. Frost on the grass, too, as well as on some cars in the street.
2 November!
At least we had a great summer and really good start to autumn.
It would appear appending ‘so-called’ in Beebworld allows pretty much anything they wish to be used.
Here is the main story of the morning email in complement. No ‘so-called’ there:
It’s getting hotter…
Warm weather
Well, it may not feel like it right now, but the UK has warmed up over the last decade. The hottest days have become hotter, warm spells have increased and the coldest days aren’t as cold.
That’s according to a new Met Office study which has concluded the UK has experienced more weather extremes over the past 10 years than in previous decades. It also recorded more of what it calls “tropical nights”, where there’s no respite from the heat and the mercury stays above 20C.
The hottest day in each year over the recent 10-year period was 0.8C warmer on average than it was when compared to earlier decades. The study looked at weather data from 1961 to 1990 versus the 10 years between 2008 and 2017. (So it doesn’t include this year’s sizzling summer.)
What’s been driving all this change in the UK climate? The Met Office points to global warming, mainly driven by the use of fossil fuels.
Got to admire the whiff of settled science in the morning.
GW, I love that last line.
“Got to admire the whiff of settled science in the morning.”
Celtic, I notice that the BBC highlighted that ‘Tropical Nights’ phrase in one later news report AND related it to London. If anyone ever pays attention to the Met Office Weather Forecasts on R4, they will know that the temperature for London and other large cities is always higher than in the adjacent countryside.
I wonder why?
Actually, I don’t.
A decent weather man (it may have been Philip Eden) explained it decades ago and it is plainly obvious to anyone travels in to a city centre and is a keen observer (a scientist in another word!) of the world around them. I learned it as a small child in the 1960sBGW. (BGW=Before Global Warming)
BBC suggests that the Republican candidate for Senate, Marsha Blackburn, might have a hard time in Memphis because Taylor Swift voted for a Democrat??
Webb suggests on Toady that the President has ‘radicalised’ the discussion in the US, in an interview with yet another Democrat.
The Democrat actually has to try to row back, realizing she is getting leading questions that she doesn’t want to follow up on. I would now be prepared to bet money that no broadcast of Toady will be devoid of one or more ‘anti-Trump’ stories during the midterm elections. Ever more beeb ‘egging on’.
Why has the beeb become the electoral arm of the Democratic Party in the UK during the midterm elections? No use complaining to Ofcom; I imagine they support this stance?
If that’s refering to the so-called interview with the “former advisor to President Obama” it was more of a hit piece that an average 8 year old could see through. Not even the slightest attempt at balance and no challenge to any of the hyperbolic NPC assertions and catch phrases. It’s almost like they’re trying to emulate the total and utter losers at CNN!
Good for NPC bingo though!
TOADY Watch #1
Justin Webb takes a Licence Fee-payer funded, CO2 consuming, water vapour producing, unnecessary jaunt to Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
He was trying to find something negative about President Trump and the Republicans and something positive for the Democrats in the upcoming Mid-terms.
Never has been so much talk been made by so few about a political system in which British people have absolutely no say.
Just scoped twitter, and already the armchair diplomats in their gated communities and panic-room editorial suites are having a melt down because President Trump has said that if anyone from the Caravan of Love tries to mutilate or kill a defending soldier, they can stop them from doing further damage.
Be interesting how this is received across the broader population, and how well reflected by the SKK triumvirate of loathing.
Treezer would probably send HMS Bulwark to offer battlefield soup provision. And Saddo has his barrage ballon ready to inflate again.
It seems… remarkable… that certain politicians are unable to recall what society was like before they extended the generous benefits of our country to those whose rich diversity has led to Christmas bollards and organised grooming gangs.
Some pawns are actually innocent.
Bet the bbc is circling with the rest of the vultures for the money shot.
I do hope that children in Manchester are not missing too much school by attending photo shoots in the BBC Salford studios posing as desperate children on the caravan.
Bit nippy now for one on the beach at Blackpool.
@ Guest
The truth is they will all be housed in tents according to Trumps speech last night…but he wont let them in illegally which seems ok to me.
I expect if they ever reach the Rio Grande they will have to drown one of the children and carefully pose the body for maximum effect.
It’s worked before, after all.
Can someone with more knowledge of the US political scene than I please confirm? Are the Democrats seriously running a campaign that says the “caravan” should just be let in?
And if they are, why would they think that’ll play well for them? Is the American electorate really that stupid? Did IQ suddenly drop?
There has to be a breaking point.
The worst of the Trump deranged media (with the national broadcaster of another country in the vanguard) seem to be saying, as I channel my inner Cathy E. Neuman, “we don’t care who gets sacrificed so long as we get mud to throw at our nemesis”. If that plays well at the ballot booth, the voters get what they deserve.
No they are not directly saying that, but leaving enough ambiguity in their statements for the braindead social justice morons to take that as the Democratic position.
When pushed for an answer the devious ba$tards will use Comrade Corbyns “kinder politics” underhand tactics of saying things like “We need to do something humane” or “Americans are better than this”…all that shite.
Like everything the power desperate lunatics on the left do, It’s not about the welfare of those in the ‘Caravan’ but to screw over everyone and everything that doesn’t follow their cult
Bizarre. Enfield MPS followed up with “…it was a frightening experience for all officers on the ground last night.”
Meanwhile the NCA announces that organised crime is a greater threat to the population than terrorism. (Which, for the nth month running according to MI5 is “SEVERE, meaning an attack is highly likely.”)
Doesn’t take a prophet to foresee a few more bumps down the road.
Nobody ever threw any at me during twelve years of service.
Christmas bollards? The Pillars of Islam are a permanent feature at our shopping centre, taking up a third of each passageway.
Katty has RT’d.
Anthony has quoted.
And Jon? Well, Jon seems less interested in the criminal investigation into Labour.
Quite something indeed.
any word from baroness shami sham sham
Baroness Shami has issued the following statement:
The working class can kiss my arse
I’ve got the House of Lords job at last.
She declined to make any further comment.
2018-11-02 Guardian Opinion
“Why democracy will be the biggest loser in the US midterms” Gary Younge
If you are unfamiliar with Gary he is very black, far from good looking, has a chip on his shoulder large enough to cause local gravitational anomalies, has a virulent ill-concealed hatred of white people – especially men, and uses his hate filled articles to moan about how unfair the world is for Africans. So ticks 100% of lefty boxes.
Today Gary moans in spades.
“Millions will be excluded on Tuesday – the voting system is shamefully rigged against ethnic minorities and the poor”
Moan #1 today, felons in the USA (mostly black) are not allowed to vote [Democrat].
Moan #2 today, persons in the US illegally are not allowed to vote [Democrat].
Moan #3 today, many blacks in the USA do not understand the registration process, and are not allowed to vote [Democrat].
No comments allowed, but “more people are reading the Guardian than ever …”.
Many of the “more than ever readers” do so to admire the creative mendacity of its “journalists”. Many for the unintentional comedy.
Good one LCS.
I’ve sometimes wondered about the correct pronunciation of Mr Younge’s name (do you ignore the ‘e’? Does it rhyme with ‘lounge’?) and the fear people must have of getting it wrong and ending up in another Guardian article of his about white privilege
Bbc jelly of Netflix. Who was panicking about The Bodyguard. Apparently.
That link can be summarised in one sentence:
Peter Kosminsky hasn’t yet received a call from Netflix or Amazon asking him to direct something.
On Victoria Derbyshire this morning
discussion on £50 note and who should be on it…..
Should it be a
ethnic person?
somebody who isnt Anglocentric!!….(on a bank of England note!!)
somebody not from the established professions from the past!!!(in other words brilliant men)
somebody other than a white man?
so the discussion suggests
Mary Seacole
A female racing driver
others who arent male……..why not a gay person?
bla bla bla….nothing to see hear……
Treeezer offered Apu asylum yet?
I nominate Nigel Farage for the £50 note. I know the Lib/Commies would rather have his head on a plate but what an absolute joy it would be to see and hear them with their pink frilly knickers all twisted to buggery and frothing at the mouth in fit of rage. I might even tune in to my TV especially to watch.
Lucky Harry,
Who should be on the £50.00 note?
Has anyone ever seen a £50 note?
Only in a photograph.
I think it was on Peston when Chukkus Yumunni said that 90% of child rape was done by white people.
Does that mean the 1400 little white girls in Rotherham are the 10% being enriched by the muslamickles and that 12,600 are being done by white men?
I notice a headline in ‘Die Welt’ about ‘hate in Freiburg’. I don’t have to read the story to know instantly what it says.
A nasty gang rape incident, following on a similar one in that town- – which was followed by murder, two years ago. There was also one in Munich, reported this week.
I really don’t need to tell readers of the details either; I suspect, sadly- that you will know what went on, in broad detail.
Not everyone is happy with gang rapes, so scuffles become unavoidable. Could there be hate? Of course. But we know exactly who is responsible for the hate in the ‘Die Welt’ article, and it ain’t gonna be the rapists. I would have to pay to read the article, but I’d put a hundred times the cost on my already knowing the content. A bet with that paper.
Freiburg mayor Horn drew some ‘hate’ on himself by -instead of condemning gang rape- saying the deed should not ‘be instrumentalized’. Crudely put, this was a message to ‘shut up’ about the crime. Obviously a tolerant man, but not too tolerant of free speech. Oh, and -as usual- the suspect was already known to the police, who are ‘overloaded’ with work.
Like in the US: two sides in the elections, saying nasty about one another, but only one capable of hate. The others? Sweetness and light, I’d guess.
Maybe the people upset by the Freiburg crime should have ‘hope not hate’?
But if they’re hoping for action from a certainly lady in Berlin, opener of borders and extender of invitations, I suspect they’re going to be disappointed; it took her a year to even acknowledge the victims of Germany’s main terrorist incident so far.
Hate is one thing, justified anger is another
Hate is whatever Antifa say it is.
Antifa ? I hate them..
He could be a good friend to Naz Shah, remember she thought girls who have been raped should shut up for the sake of diversity.
Unhealthiest High Streets in UK are listed and is accompanied by a picture of a typical (white) chip shop (British Culture) no mention of the millions of unregulated chicken shops that stink out most main high streets in towns with a high percentage of “immigration”
They just don’t give up do they …….
Qn did Dominic Casciani tweet anything about yesterdays 4 Huddersfield sentences ?
Did he tweet about 10-15 anti-government/anti-Brexit tweets ?
He just tweeted about getting around “red signals”
and got called out on it
Up2snuff, The Met Office site is quite confusing to navigate and it does have a supplement to the paper I previously linked to referring to ‘Tropical Nights’.
Click to access soc_supplement-002.pdf
//The tropical nights index is also a count of days, in this case where the minimum temperature exceeds 20 Deg C. The caveats related to averaging are therefore similar to those for summer days described above. The summary statistics show that extended periods with nights remaining above 20 Deg C are quite rare for the current UK Climate, and are largely confined to southern England. In this index the rarity of events is reflected in the low values in the averages, with the highest number of occurrences in London, parts of Kent and the Isle of Wight//
Celtic, I remember the summers of 1960s, 1970s and 1980s in London, most of which were unremarkable (except for 1976 & 1977) and it was quite normal to sleep with windows open and under just a bed sheet for a week or two, perhaps most of a month at the height of summer.
OK, I was younger then with a better/stronger circulation, etc., but older people would also complain that the heat at night was too much for them and talk about it the next day.
Where did all those hot summer nights go? My personal experience does not equate with that of the Met Office.
However, a spokesperson explained on TWatO what the BBC had decided not to tell us in the news programmes. The past decade was compared with a ‘cherry picked’ one from the middle of the twentieth century. I’m sure Paul Homewood will spot that and have something to say about it on ‘Not a Lot of People Know That’.
Attention comrades:
I wish to report a hate crime on this morning’s Today programme.
It actually took them until 8.40 am before they brought on a former member of the Obama administration to disparage President Trump and accuse him of racism and xenophobia.
The person was one Amy Pope, former Assistant Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security. It seems Trump is a racist because now only 300 or 400,000 illegals cross the southern border each year (how does she know?), so why the fuss over a few thousand Hondurans in the caravan of love? The only answer is that Trump is using racism and xenophobia to rouse his deplorable voters in the mid terms.
I am appalled that we had to wait until 8.40 before we could hear this important news. I shall write to the editor of the programme to insist that this never happens again.
However, credit where it is due, Ms Pope was listened to in respectful silence, and there was never any suggestion that President Trump might actually believe that it is his job to protect the borders of the United States, and there was certainly no suggestion of getting one of the deplorable racists from the Republican party on the programme to give any differing point of view. We don’t need to hear any of their right wing xenophobia, thank you very much.
There’s a reason why PJW has way for Twitter followers than BBCDomC
(926K vs 36K)
I decided a long time ago.
\\ Geert Wilders 2h2 hours ago
Nov. 2, 2004. Theo van Gogh.
Murdered in Amsterdam by a muslim terrorist because of Islam criticism.
We honor him by speaking the truth about Islam. Always. //
Bow your heads to the political pseudo Greens, they are much better that us.
Better educated, better read etc.
..In official letter, they can’t even get TR’s name right, nor recognise that he is a friends of Israel and filmed there.
these kids must be racists
This isn’t the BBC but…..
DAMN! Is nothing sacred? Is there anything in this land not tainted by that illness of diversity?
I was looking for some new remembrance poppy decorations this morning so I called into The Royal British Legion website.
Our war dead are not faithfully represented there either. The white male is absent from the front page. Representing our armed forces and war dead, they have……you guessed it……… a mixed race couple. One white woman. One black man.
Were they just off to buy a sofa by any chance?
I listened to Cressida Dick on Toady this morning. She confirmed for me that only a politician asleep at the wheel or demented would increase the workload of a heavily stretched police force to deal with misogyny or Hate Crimes. A classic example of how not to manage and further evidence of how this country has been mismanaged over the decades by people who have a total lack of common sense.
Me? I will be upset if the forthcoming addition of ‘age’ is not now included as a vulnerability for Hate Crime as the police may have caused the political elite who churn out this nonsense to pause in view of the police stated position. Since I learnt that ‘age’ is to be included in the list of vulnerables, I have spent many joyous moments listing the day-to-day situations where I will be offended by someone and/or hear someone using hate speech toward an elderly person. All gone to waste if that age addition is not progressed. Shame, I was intending installing a separate telephone line directly to the local police statiion.
Fellow contributors here may recall that I received a visit one dark night at 2020 about a year ago by two of our finest local stasi. They conned their way into my home claiming: “we know you have had trouble with your neighbours”. On the basis that they wanted to talk to me about that issue, I foolishly let them in. (’No fool like …….’). Once in, the subject was immediately changed to the fact that I had a complaint made against me. They left as soon as they established that there was nothing in the complaint to progress as ‘Hate Speech’. Following, I paid £10 (Data Protection Act) to the local police to release any information they held on me. Very interesting indeed. Seems one officer reported that I was a “retired court judge”. I digress. Also in the ‘report’ it stated that the complaint was made because it was felt I was, “abrupt” and despite the 2 stasi leaving me satisfied that I was not a serial killer, they recorded a ‘Hate Crime’. So if you are seen to be, ‘abrupt’ and that is reported to the stasi, you may well have a, ‘Hate Crime’ recorded against your name. Be warned: nonsense is increasing in leaps and bounds……….
Vote ‘For Britain’.
Here we go again they are excelling today …City and Towns worse off that they were 100 years ago….the header shows a picture of 4 white women walking down a high street….Id like to know where this “town” is as not a BME in sight as they are obviously not in anyway responsible for a decline in living standards…..its a all white issue. I suppose we should be grateful that there isn’t a white male in the picture.
I was disgusted with that article also.As if people today are worse off than in 1918?..really?…I dont think so.More people died in the influenza epidemic than in the trenches after the First War…millions of people….Im afraid our history teaching in schools isnt what it should be….
Anyone who has been to Burnley or Edinburgh in the last 50 years would know the huge difference between them without the BBC Commissioning an article (It wasnt written by a BBC journalist).
(I have nothing against Burnley I hasten to add…the heart of the industrial revolution and great Lancastrians…but it is a town left behind)
The bbc just can’t get enough of him, no matter what.
The comments… are funny.
Pretty sure it was, like every other staffer, really: #Maitlis – Make sure Trump doesn’t win
The BBC have finally realised the depths of their own complicity and have issued an unconditional apology:
‘Looking back to the past, no effort to beg pardon and to seek to repair the harm done will ever be sufficient. Looking ahead to the future, no effort must be spared to create a culture able to prevent such situations from happening, but also to prevent the possibility of their being covered up and perpetuated. The pain of the victims and their families is also our pain, and so it is urgent that we once more reaffirm our commitment to ensure the protection of minors and of vulnerable adults.’
Oh no sorry, my mistake, it’s not a BBC apology, it’s their coverage of Pope Francis’s apology for clerical child sex cover-ups in the Catholic Church. What chance a similar statement issuing from Broadcasting House with regard to news coverage of Tommy Robinson and cover-ups of Pakistani child grooming and rape gangs?
Btw, Milo’s new book: Diabolical: How Pope Francis Has Betrayed Clerical Abuse Victims Like Me
What with Webb reporting from the US on Toady this morning and Naughtie similarly on TWato, I’d just like to confirm to our far left Marxist BBC: I get it! – The Democrats will take back control in the mid-terms next Tuesday. All BBC staff will await the results with crossed fingers in support of their Democrats.
Brillo does his Thursday Night show which is a bit trashy . Last night he had that Paul Greengrass on every one slagging off the ‘ far right’ and ‘ populism ‘ and
Inexcusably failing to define either . Another case of democracy being good when it goes your way but every one on this Far Left BBC show nod to the snow flake parties .
I was waiting for TR to get an Honourable mention but it never happened . It seems as though the bubble – including Andrew Neil – does not approve of people who don’t approve of unrestricted immigration.(forgive the laboured sentence)
Presumably these people can afford to employ immigrants to do their menial tasks so that they have more time to slag people they don’t approve of – off from their high altitude moral supremacy .
Gone off Brillo and he was the last journo on al beeb.
Brillo is OK but when it comes to anyone trying to blow the lid off no go shariah areas he reverts to the left gutter. See his interview with Katy Hopkins and here where he goes out of his way to emphasise TR’s real name Yaxley pop, a leftists strategy so that Jihadists can target his family. TR tried to tell the bastard Neil about threats to his family but to no avail.
During the Today interview with the almost hyperventilating teenage scientist about the latest MET Office climate scare report, the boy wasn’t asked why the Met office’s starting point was 1960. That decade, of course, is the absolute favourite of the warmist-fossil fuel-hating climatists because it was notably cold, and any change in temperature was always going to trend upwards. Even if the interviewer was aware of this, he would have been prevented from mentioning it by the Unsworth Rules.
Weird isn’t it 58 years is a blink in geological time but the whole economy is becoming affected by a load of guesses based on shallow data .
Who could have foreseen such a thing?
I understand that Croatia and the Czech Republic are the latest nations to make the decision not to sign the UN ‘Migrant Pact’ in Morocco in December. They join the US, Australia, Hungary, Poland and Austria, who have decided not to sign, despite a lot of peer and media pressure. If sufficient countries decide NOT to sign, the credibility of this little plot will start wearing thin.
The ‘non-binding’ agreement is advertised as bringing some order to migration, but is in reality an attempt to wrest away control over migration from sovereign states. I can almost hear the EU announcing shortly afterwards that the agreement IS binding on all member states! Would we be surprised?
As far as I know, Ms May has stayed remarkably silent on this one. The media keep it a pretty close secret. You still have time to write to your MP, who may conceivably also be ‘unaware’ of it.
It is my understanding that this ‘non-binding’ agreement states that a nation that has signed cannot leave. That certainly surprised me to read. Now what were those words from ‘Hotel California’..?
Trump’s opponents sometimes liken him to a child. Maybe they’re right.
He’s the boy who shouted, “Look at the king, look at the king, look at the king, the king, the king” and pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes. Giving others the courage to say the same.
Huddersfield mother wrote to PM.
… Why is this not coming up on Google ?
I had to look on
\\ Leeds Crown Court heard how one of the victim’s mums was so failed by social services that she resorted to writing to the then-Prime Minister.
Prosecutor Richard Wright QC said the victims did not want their personal statements to be read out in open court.
Judge Simon Phillips QC said the statements made ‘harrowing’ reading.//
interesting idea
Soros and HnH push a motion into parliament to ban Tommy from the US
30 MPs like Jared O’Mara sign it
Meanwhile, in America…. the excitement is at who has NOT signed something or other…
Her timeline gets more and more special each day.
What’s Flake doing on that list? He can’t be a Republican, surely?
You get what it says on the tin…
Fascinating how much politician virtue tick box
I was interested that Jack Dromey – the husband of Hattie Harmon signed since she has been quiet recently in the hope of getting the Speakers’ job after the current small spiteful man is finally levered out of the seat and he becomes just another £300 a day peer.
Come to think of it I’m surprised the little speaker didn’t sign it himself since he breached his neutrality over TR in the House of Expenses last week ..
So far eighteen of these halfwits have also signed the ‘MPs not border guards’ pledge not to report illegals.
This includes my own MP, which is why there is no point me drawing his attention to any important concerns.
Such breathtaking ignorance and arrogance.
They’re in for a shock. There’s no way Trump won’t let TR in. These cretins are clueless
9pm Channel 5 Portillo is starting a news series of Hidden History
The Military Hospital of Hampshire
Thanks for the heads up Stew. Watching it right now. I had a busted nose and a pneumothorax fixed in there thirty years ago. They allowed us civvies in to be treated by some of the best in the world!
Oh dear, it all went a bit gender bender.
Time Thunderer : “Free media are under assault in the heart of Europe”
marius dragomir director of the centre for media, data and society at the Central European University in Budapest
… oh what university ?
You mean the Soros unofficial university
It’s FlakeNews to omit that bit.
His article is about journalists being shot by mafia, which is obviously wrong, but commenters pick up the bigger picture.
Typical comment
“The UK media do not resort to violence but they are far too quick in my view to delete rational non-profane non-hate posts of subscribers because ……….. well why?
The Times do it, the Telegraph are worse than the Times, and I read people say the Guardian are worse than that.
The left – leaning in Society also do not seem to have the maturity to debate openly.
Free speech is not alive and well in the U.K., so it should not be surprising it is struggling elsewhere.”
Police believe couple kept Polish builder as a slave.
Are those Sikh names ?
At first I thought “Blimey, BBC cutting RyanAir no slack despite the Brexit support”, but then I read on and, more crucially, the comments.
A few questions do come to mind, but either not asked by the BBC or not felt necessary to put up front.
Were they the one following on the camera?
He refused the airport courtesy wheelchair, cos they come with staff who push them
… and he prefers to be independent
\\ Here mate, I’m so humiliated can you hold my phone and video me at the same time as I drag my humiliated ass across the floor,
it will make me feel much better knowing you’re videoing me….doesn’t add up….. //
Yes StewGreen- The BBC made it the second feature on their
6PM News. I am sorry Mr Levene that your special wheelchair
went missing . But Mr Levene surely there could of been a
way that you could have put up with a wheelchair provided
by Luton Airport, even if it made you a little sore?
However bad Luton and Stansted are as airports as
World International ratings go. I have found them very accomodating in providing me with assistance for my heart failure
by providing me with a wheelchair.
I find that airports and airlines go out of their way to help
disabled folk. Mr Levene do you think that just because you are
paraplegic athlete who needs to keep in top condition for your
eventing around the world, that airports should have the most
expensive form of transport to make sure it keeps you in tip
top condition. ?
I reiterate that I am sorry that your own special wheelchair went missing. But
did you really have to crawl along the floor? Of course the BBC
will make a cause celebre out of it. You didn’t think that might
happen , did you?
The era of these set piece offendathons must surely be coming to an end soon.
The pressure sore diagnosis alone was impressive.
He must have felt very humiliated when the pilot flew the plane, I’m sure he wanted to be independent and fly it himself.
Earlier the BBC’s latest foray into settled science was noted and discussed.
Here is a more extensive response:
Londonistan Crime Watch
The Emir of Londonistan is setting up a “ violence reduction unit” . Excellent idea – better than having a police force – which strangely the local ITV didn’t mention at all .
I mentioned in a previous post that a 15 year old was stabbed to death yesterday and today a 17 year old is serious after being stabbed .
The Emir knows he doesn’t have to worry too much about the killings because Londonistan voters are generally soppy .
Evidence of BBC bias
Yesterday the 6 pm news led with Aaron Banks being refered for investigation
Today the BBC reports that the Labour Party is being investigated for AntibSemitism Hate Crimes and more . This came 3rd item in at 10 minutes .
Comrade Corbyn was doorsteped at his Islington home but didn’t want to say anything ..
Which one is most important ?
Somewhere or other (can’t remember where) there was a van going round bearing the label “Crimestoppers” with a telephone number. What a good idea!
Just an update – the 17 year old died . Clapham Tube station -lots of beeboids live around there so it’s been reported this evening . Two teenagers in two days ….
As an aside – the fashion before fireworks night this year seems to be throwing fireworks into shops and watching the panic – done after school ….
This is intriguing, if nothing else, legally.
Ex bbc iirc.
Yep, it was only a matter of time until some moron blamed the thousands of Pakistani muslim paedophile rapes on ‘society’, i.e. us.
Step forward moron Preston.
P.s. moron is the very politest word I could use.
C*nt is closer but not suitable for a family blog, and anyway it doesn’t even begin to express my rage for the man and the thinking he embodies, in equal measure stupid and cowardly.
For anybody who may be interested the Munk Debates this time is “The Rise of Populism” featuring Steve Bannon. There has been a big push from left activists to have him de-platformed but it looks as if it’s going ahead. (Past debates have been illuminating, seeing Jordan Peterson and Stephen Fry on the same team is one worth watching)
Tonight’s debate
Frum a former Bush speech writer who supported the wars.
And later changed sides to become a super lib
There is a trial going on at Southwark CC with Craig McKinlay MP for South Thanet and a less than happy helper or two for alleged false election expenses . He now being a conservative MP and his losing opponent being Mr Nigel Farage MEP . The conservatives would allegedly have done anything to prevent Mr Farage to get into the House of Expenses .
Mad Anna Soubry went into the witness box today for the defence saying that as the candidate what would she know about how much cash her campaign could use .. nice to see law makers playing fast and loose with the law don’t you think .
This trial doesn’t seem to have any reporting restrictions imposed on it but coverage by al beeb in particular appears next to none – I got the above info from C4 news which , through bias, loves screwing conservatives whenever they get the chance –
As a reward for their work 200 out of 800 are being transferred from their central London home to Wonderful Leeds . I bet they are seeing if they need to hire interpreters ( joke – no offence intended – I’m sure Leeds is a damn more civilised than the blood bath that is Londonistan ).
The spelling is Craig McKinlay
Does seem like the Tory machine broke the law to keep Farage our
(but it’s just the MP who’s on trial not the party)
It would be a huge blow to Remain, so I expect the lib establishment to cheat again.
His defence ..’oh I’m not good with money/numbers’
… He’s a professional accountant.
Having read the furore that surrounded Strictly when one of the recently ejected contestants accused the show of fixing the result, and the judges were allegedly in conflab with the producers, I can only assume that all ‘judges’ on any competitive show are for show only, and the winners are already selected.
I say this on the basis that yet another cookery programme has yet another winner of Indian heritage. I only glanced at the Family Cookery Showdown and seeing 2 families – one white and one Indian and knew who the winners were after 5 minutes. The supposed judges were clearly there as window dressing, and all the meals cooked by those of Indian heritage were as expected, spice based, which seems to appeal to all ‘judges’ on any cookery programme that Indians are involved in as competitors. One judge – Tommy Banks even said laughably that the Mistry’s had shown ‘originality’ ! well, if you can dish up a curry 15 different ways, I suppose that’s true.
I don’t know about middle aged white men disappearing from our screens, but the rise and rise of our Indian heritage population – particularly in cookery competition is on an upward trajectory !!
AQ coming from my neck of the woods tonight a venue I know well so I’m gritting my teeth to listen, 3 remainers of 4, 3 left of centre of 4, Sammy Wilson is DUP so has his points to make, we are a 56/44 Leave constituency you would never know that from the virtual signalling of the panel, particularly about teaching (are we against teaching, or for teaching?} It seems we are in favour of teaching (massive applause)
It gets worse – Nicky Morgan makes the case for hate crime being all about Islamophobia and Bobby Seagull (?) makes the case that emotional damage is as bad as physical damage. On a day when the police seem to have come to their senses and decided that it might be better to pursue crime in its traditional sense (rape, burglary, murder) rather than spend resources pursuing perceived slights. However, Nicky Morgan, gets huge support from the audience. We don’t have a lot of overt cases of terrorism, fgm or knife crime down here in this part of Kent. Sammy Wilson says something sensible and is dismissed – and we move on.