The BBC has not liked the Police for a long time – except making ridiculous dramas. Yet now the police are ‘victims ‘ because they can’t investigate this and that because they are all busy logging so called ‘hate crimes’- the sort of ‘hate crime’ the BBC love to create through airing grievances . I’ve always lived by the adage ‘you make your bed so you lie in it”- which also applies to both the Police and the hated BBC. Both live in a snowflake distorted world and must live with the results – as must the taxpayer and victim of uninvestigated crime of course .
In the previous thread I put up I asked “ who can be trusted ?” No answer yet ….
Easy to see what he is high on the bbc speed dial.
And lucky no one threatening to kick off if he is allowed to speak.
These two facts might be related.
Guest Who
“These two facts might be related”? As the advertisement dog would put it – OH YUSS!
Two days Femi tweeted this threatt
Femi seems to fit the Bbc ideal to perfection.
I did laugh at this:
Looks like he has been joined in foot shooting glory.
Was there an #FBPE piss up where Alistair popped his meds in the punch?
MollyCato deleted that tweet where she called Banks “criminal”
..and ina previous tweet she said BBC hving Banks on would be prejudicing a trial …. #irony
Bbc staff pioneered the #justjoking arse cover. Apparently.
The R4 Friday night 6.30 slot used to be something to look forward to. The Now Show was never funny but other things on there were – I’m sorry I haven’t a Clue, Just a Minute, the News Quiz which used to dish it out all ways but now is just an outlet for activism. I am perplexed about the state of BBC ‘comedy’ because I can’t see it any more. This is the broadcaster who not long ago put out Monty Python, Not the Nine O’clock News and the Young Ones, also the entire series of Blackadder. I think there have been some exceptional radio gems, eg, Bleak Expectations and Cabin Pressure but even John Finnemore who wrote this perfect comedy, when invited onto a guest spot does a political rant and Mark Steel, whose Mark Steel’s in Town is briiliantly funny in my view, does nothing but shout when he’s allowed to on the News Quiz. Is the BBC so much of an echo chamber that it really doesn’t see the whole country? I wonder what could be stopping the comedians at the BBC from satirising some big issues now, why for example are they not talking about how a whole host of social services, police and media threw a few thousand young white girls under a bus.
Al Beeb’s viewing figures must be falling as my grandson and his mates do not watch or listen to their rubbish broadcasts.
I know many people under 35 who don’t bother with a tv license. They have Netflix, Amazon, etc.
My mum and Dad are 90 (yes 90, not 19)…..and they hardly watch the BBC….
They sit there saying ‘there’s nothing on worth watching’ and ‘the TV is rubbish tonight’ etc…the old ‘stereotypical’ comments from old people.
They arent happy that ‘Flog It’ is being dispensed with…….
My dad quite oftens says…”This isnt REAL when watching programmes. It isnt the real world”?………I have to agree with him.
Montmorency, please forgive a slight correction.
“how a whole host of social services, police and media threw a few thousand young white girls under a bus.”
“Few” is an understatement. With the official figure for Rotherham being 1,500 and Telford 1,000+ we can be confident that the total for the UK is several thousand: almost certainly over 10,000.
\\“Few” is an understatement. With the official figure for Rotherham being 1,500 and Telford 1,000+ we can be confident that the total for the UK is several thousand: almost certainly over 10,000.//
Is that what our forefathers fought two World Wars for?
Disgraceful governments and politically correct officialdom have turned a blind eye for too long.
RJ – yes, the evidence is that this is on a massive scale, quite right, which makes it more inexplicable and inexcusable that the BBC still belligerently refuses to engage with the facts.
‘Clue’ is the only comedy left on BBC radio- the 4,extra ‘ comedy hour’ is just embarrassingly Bad
The commissioning types are only interested in people of their own image so we get boring unfunny clones coming out with the same old far left beeboid poison . Result – huge falls in audience numbers and hopefully one day the extinction of the awful BBC
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
I’m sorry I haven’t a Clue, Just a Minute, the News Quiz were commissioned by horrible smelly males, and people who knew about comedy. Yes, we all listen to the programs commissioned from years back because they are funny .
Incidentally, I’m sorry I haven’t a Clue fought off BBC attempts to ban Samantha jokes and have token, devastatingly unfunny women on the panel. If a female comedian gets on I’m Sorry, then she is worth the price of admission.
According to Al Beeb “More than 70 business leaders have signed a letter to the Sunday Times calling for a public vote on the UK’s Brexit deal.”
Project desperate.
End of cheap, subsidised labour?
70 people with one vote each, each worth no more, or less, than mine or yours. They should put their efforts into making sure their businesses are ready when we leave the E.U.
Most are ex-business people I think with little better to do and missing any sense of power or responsibility. No one is interested in their opinion – they miss having a voice
Also according to Al Beeb the “Authors of the letter say the original ballot did not reflect the choices now facing the UK”
The “choices” were concocted by Mrs Chamberlain and her remainer cabinet to fudge the original choice, ie ‘Remain or Leave’.
We knew what we voted for, it was Out !
Did the snowflake remainers know what they were voting for? No!
Vote or support UKIP next time.
Taffman ,
Business leaders have got their dividend to worry about – others care about their country first .
Nobody voted leave, only to remain bound by EU laws, regulations, and it’s courts.
This video of a theft of a poppy box will surely be discussed on the BBC
Some racist Islamophobe has posted it on the net.
No crime – not a hatey crime . Least we know that vermin will burn in hell – or get a caution if the cops even bother …..
Give her a break, she needs it for ISIS, they’re struggling these days.
Story is confirmed in the comments of the Bolton local paper story
Signature Textiles, Bolton Market
She clearly doesn’t know about cctv cameras – which is strange as muslims invented them according to the bbc’s Science and Islam doc.
Will she be prosecuted? Course not.
Will the police even try to identify her? Course not.
Will her own ‘community’ shop her? No more than they did hundreds (thousands?) of paedo rapists.
Sad really. They are certainly not getting enough State Benefits to cope…….
I had a conversation with a Remainer yesterday in a pub.
He stated that agriculture would be hit as British youth wouldn’t work for the same wages as the East Europeans. He quoted a study in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire that proved this.
I paused before I replied. I savoured my response.
I pointed out that if the rich farmers raised their wages, they would get Brits working on the farms. I also pointed out that farmers are capitalists and exploit the workers. I talked his language.
He then agreed with me.
Funny, that!
Sadly most farmers are not as rich, Dover, as you imagine. They may have a lot of capital unless they are tenants, but income is another matter especially if you consider it as a return on that capital, hours worked extra. A new tractor is £100,000 plus, a combine £250,000 plus. Other equipment is also needed plus seeds, fertilisers and sprays. Machinery used to be traded in after a few years and the trade in value helped with the purchase of the next. With farmers making little profit machines are kept for as long as possible but then large sums have to be found for their replacements or repairs. 100,000 workers were lost from agriculture in New Labour’s time. Not the elderly farmers (they tend to be over 60), but their younger employees as the farmers could no longer afford to pay them. The elderly farmers then just increased their own hours. Meanwhile wheat prices are at about the same level they have been for the last 20 years but input prices have risen greatly.
Even James Dyson with 30,000 acres and economies of scale, is on record as saying he cannot make money in agriculture.
Most of the farmers round my way hire ‘combines’ during harvesting time and share the machines out. A lot of farmers get EU grants to keep their fields empty of produce and livestock. Does Dyson get a grant?
British farmers could compete with European farmers if the EU allowed them to because British farmers are more efficient. We export a lot of Welsh Lamb to the EU while it is expensive to buy here at home?
This is not a reason to exploit migrant workers – I used to work in the fields aged 13 for not much money. But, enough for me at that age. I am NOT saying exploit children but Saturday work and summer evening planting and picking – why not?
I hope to see prices of food rise to a realistic level. It’s so cheap we throw it away without thinking
By the way – I’m talking the 80’s not the 50’s!!
Yes seasonal agricultural work was the mainstay of students a couple of decades ago, my sister spent her summers in the hopfields, I picked runner beans and apples, it paid for my first motorbike. Not sure what my kids will do when they get to that stage but if the work is there, they’ll take it
It can be very difficult to text and pick fruit at the same time.
GWF lol they’ll soon put the phones down and do some work once they realise they have to pay for their own contracts!
Some food – from outside the EU – ought to be cheaper when the EU tariffs are taken off.
What is a pub?…….
Asia Bibi appealing for asylum. A Christian to get asylum from foaming-at-the-mouth muslims? Don’t be silly, we only give asylum to muslims.
I believe they’re rioting as we speak because she wasn’t murdered by hanging or whatever grisly death they had in mind.
So Teresa, tell us about this Religion of Peace once more, will you, we could do with a laugh.
Are they giving a Nazi salute in that photo?
If they were Far-Right-Extreme-Brexiteers, the BBC would certainly describe it as a Nazi salute.
I did think the UK could have leant on Pakistan to let her come here for asylum. But honestly would Savid Javid, Home Secretary, protect her from people of his kind?
According to Madgit Nawaaz on LBC, the blasphemy law in Pakistan is another thing to blame the ever so wicked British Empire for. However, this is just another example of hate speech legislation gone wrong. The whole purpose of the legislation was to preserve the peace by pandering to muslims who immediarely resort to violence if anyone dares to criticise the Religion of Peace or opposes them in any way. Then as now, blasphemy laws or hate speech legislation are just expedients adopted by governments who are too spineless to face down muslim threats of violence that disrupt civil order. Rather than deal with the muslim threat, they would rather criminalise critics of islam than deal with the real problem.
Madgit is puzzled and is pondering why islamic states are so keen on killing the kuffar.. Truly beyond belief. He probaby thinks “it’s nothing to do with islam”
Tumbleweed from the usually hyper vocal diversity/equality mob, any luvvies on the case yet?
And money is being raised to move this Christian lady and her family and others to Spain. They all have to leave pakland because these muslim inbreds would not just kill her, if they could get their filthy hands on her, but her family and anyone connected to her.
And the Supreme Court judges are at risk too — one of the hardline Pakistani parties has said they would meet a “horrible” end if Bibi was freed.
Maybe Sinead O’Connor can have a word. Time for a charity single?
Why are those people always so angry. What an exhausting life they lead!
Not going to happen. If it did get through by some miracle, it would only last until the first mere suggestion of an incorrect verdict. I’d give it 6-12 months.
I think it would be better to campaign for something which stands a better chance of success, such as “throw away the key” life sentences. In practice, we’ve had those already in rare cases – Ian Brady for example. And yes, I know prison is expensive. Perhaps more than it needs to be.
I also think that prisons need to be stripped down and everything which a prisoner gets above basic food and shelter should be earned by productive work. And that means no free TV licence. No TV unless you come up with £147. That’s the rule for the rest of us.
I think this would be pushing at an open door so far as the public is concerned. On the other hand, who cares about what they think?
And another thing while I’m at it. Let’s get away from that “I’ve done my time” nonsense. It’s not double entry bookkeeping where your crime can be cancelled out. A woman cannot be unraped and a house cannot be unburgled. If you have a criminal record, you’re a criminal. Too bad.
I remember when the death penalty was abolished and those who disagreed were only appeased by the assurance that the new punishment would be life imprisonment 🙁
My view is that it shouldn’t be either/or. Life should mean life and some people, such as traitors, should be hanged. Shouldn’t they Mr Beliar? Shouldn’t they Mrs May?
10pm R2/R4 News from Liverpool “A far right group demonstrated, West Frontline Patriots they were far outnumbered by opposition groups, 3 people were arrested, here’s United Against Fascism spokesman”
UAF man Paul Jenkins ” because their aim is to enter the democratic arena, and then use that to try to destroy everyone elses right to free speech, we think they should be denied that ability to organise”
(OK so he is saying UAF went in thuggishly to stop this group marching
..That group seem to bill the march as a Pro-Brexit march
(Jesus this country does have a handful of weird actual far right nutters , but watching livefeeds usually show it’s the Antifa who are the numerous frothing thugs , in their balaclava’s and throwing smoke bombs etc. )
Seems a bizarre news report cos the truth is a ‘Frontline Patriots’ tried to carry out a pro-Brexit marc, but the unions and HnH etc. organised a massive blockade of the station.
And when a patriot couple got into the antifa crowd they were surrounded and the guys flag seized. I think it was those 2 that got arrested cos Tom English’s videofeed shows him being put in a police van.. I didn’t hear any charges. Ah yes vid says no charges..the police told him ..”if you go back into the antifa crowd that would be a breach of the peace”
..Only the BBC spoke of 3 arrests , other media say only 2
It was like the HnH guy had a direct phone to the newsroom and they just reported his story without question.
The patriots video
Notice the number of so-called protesters, including Socialist workers (??) saying they welcome asylum seekers and migrants.
See how they react if once identified, each protester is subject to a ” put your money where your mouth is act” and a family of asylum seekers is plonked on them to look after.
Suggest that Liverpool will become the site of migrant camps and see the reaction from the majority.
Why are the antifa fascists against Brexit? Don’t they allow for a diversity of view?
Got a good one for you
On budget day last week the BBC news described how the budget would be bad for everyone. It cited a think tank which the news described as “ left leaning “…. but the beeboids never used this term and mis led the poor punter.
Number 10 had made a formal complaint to the bbc about this and it features in the early radio news today before the religious programme which the pompous e sturton uses to recruit new Muslims .
Obviously the out come of the complaint will be “ lessons will be learnt” or some other meaningless drivel but I’m glad number 10 reads this site .
Fed.. The think tank was called the Resolution Foundation and was founded by one of Milibands advisors. On LBC is was referred to as respected and trusted.
Swelter, it is where Tory David “Two-brains” Willetts hangs out these days.
‘Nuff said.
How bbc QT audiences are selected.
Probably the first time he has done this.
Boy are he and his FBPE chums going to be disappointed.
On the side of the Angels
File this under credit where credit is due. It’s these moments when we see actual balance from the BBC which throw a such a sharp contrast on the other 95% of their output. Freelance journo Angela Epstein joins the sofa dolly and sofa dummy this morning for the short News Review segment. One’s heart began to sink as we turn first to the Observer for another fatuous polemic screed by the now fatuous former author of much that’s gone awry in millennial Britain, Anthony Blair. Mere mention of a People’s Vote begins to raise the hackles, but I’ll hand it Angela Epstein she has fine timing and delivery as she suckers us in with some regulation-sounding Remoaner intro then flips around to kick our Tone in the Brussels with “this makes me pig sick!”. Ode to Joy. Cue Beethoven’s number 9, the BBC finally allowed a Leave supporter on air! For once our Sally and Roger are not quite in their comfort zone. How on earth the Northern Ireland border issue comes to be – according to Blair – “insurmountable” I guess is just one of those ‘believe five impossible things before breakfast’. By the way Roger Johnson may not be the limpest beta bloke on the BBC’s books but he’s a contender. Angela meanwhile is on a roll. To the role of women on blue plaques. There’s a push by the PC obsessed common purpose compliant quango concerned to put up more ‘a female lived here’ markers and Angela points out the common sense compliant view that whatever is going on here it ain’t meritocracy. Our Sally offers the justificatory plea that this might be “correcting an historic imbalance”. Funny isn’t it, when a guest spouts regulation liberal views BBC presenters tend not to offer the counter argument – c’est la vie. There’s a wonderful final round in the girl power bout as our Sally notes how the blue plaque story is on a print page beside a report about a female rugger ref. “Girl Power” she chants. Our Angela delivers the coup de grace “That’ll be a subeditor virtue signalling!”
I saw that earlier and thought exactly the same. She was brilliant. Sally shouting “girl power” was cringeworthy. Was going to post about it but you have done a better job than I could have mustered. Spot on.
I looked on YT and Twitter for the Angela Epstein video but no just quite a few Famous Lefty intolerants on Twitter
And iplayer only keeps the last 24 hours so it’s not there either.
And the man who is ‘news’ weighs in…
Presuming this clown is not including woman buried to their necks for perceived insults with military age types bent on mayhem?
Why do I dread Mishal’s chart reappearing along with the bbc’s fave word: ‘proportionality’.
More sub-editor virtue signalling.
bBBC news homepage has a piece labelled ‘Your pictures: Puzzling’
A weekly gallery of photos sent in to our wonderful bBBC. Oh my, whoop-de-fucking-doo, the first picture is of a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle with a gaily coloured rainbow on it. ‘I have no idea how it got there’ squeals Iain Jones who took the picture. Well, this is what I think. You took, or made that puzzle piece, put it on the ground, took the picture, and sent it in to your matey at the bBBC. What are the odds of this being completely accidental, pull the other one pal, you’re avin a larf. FAKE ‘NEWS’!!
And……just in case this was some act of God, a million to one chance, let me end your ‘puzzling’ over it….I think the message God is sending is that they DON’T FIT IN.
No I think it’s just a coincidence
There is no obvious indication of LGBT rainbow
.. but we know how they work, had it been signalling the other way from the lib agenda it wouldn’t have made it onto the screen
Leftoids are keen on so-called ‘hate crimes’ because they can firstly mobilise their gobby, sensitive hordes to denounce these non-crimes and secondly then demand more money for poor plod to investigate these non-crimes and beat the government for not providing it. A win-win for Leftoids.
Slightly off subject, I note that a tv investigative ‘detective’, a former DC no less, and no more either, is alleged to have been instrumental in tipping off S Yorkshire police to paedophilia by, mainly, right-thinking celebrities/notables. The same S Yorkshire police who conspicuously failed to investigate over many years the grooming of children by men of mainly Pakistani origin.
Odd that.
Oh you are referencing a Mail story about Mark Williams Thomas
“Williams-Thomas, 48, spent 11 years with Surrey Police, leaving in 2000 with the lowly rank of detective constable.”
I see no sign he was the one that tipped off South yorks police, rater he kept the case alive by a series of stories claiming “breaking news”
All gone a bit dark. Not sure going the Miliband route is a winner.
Soooo…will the woman shown stealing the poppy box earlier now have her hand chopped off? 🙂
That BBC Scotland account doesn’t seem very impartial
That Aisha has been featured in @BBCtheSocil videos on 3 occasions now
… is she a kind of Scottish Muslim .. Count Dunkula ..who they never feature ?
Old Lefty Marr being destroyed by Aaron Banks, good job Sir !! ????
THE BBC was blasted for its “frankly astounding” political bias last night by an enraged Tory party.
Are the Tories finally starting to get tough on the BBC? I hope so, the ball is in their court. Indeed the BBC focused more on Corbyn’s wobbly response to the budget and kept it on the main page after removing other news stories as well.
The desperation of the left wing BBC is growing stronger and is getting more and more noticed
I’m afraid that the Tories don’t do “tough” any more.
Well they need to. The BBC has been exposed now and it is only a matter of time before the BBC go to far again. To far to the left that is
Quite, with Camoron hugging hoodies and May trying to shuffle off the ‘nasty party’ image, and desperate to appease the invaders…
Watched a bit of Andrew Marr, just for Aaron Banks, and I should have switched off right after that but…
…Marr goes on to interview black (tick) director Steve McQueen who directed 12 Years a Slave (tick). McQueen said, “I was taking my son to school on the morning of Brexit and a friend came up to me crying saying ‘I don’t want our sons to go to war’ “.
Always amazes me how low the BBC can still go week after week.
the number of low information remain voters is really quite funny isnt it.
the strange things they think will happen the day after (if ever we) brexit is truly amazing
May hitting back at the BBC bias at last, over a technical point about the budget. But as we know, it’s not an isolated incident that’s the problem, it’s the whole mindset behind everything they report, and even more what they don’t report. Who will expose that, and hold them to account?
I am looking forward to the day that an ‘investigation’ will be launched against the BBC. Now that would be something for them not to report!
I had the same thought, but could not stomach any more exposure to Big Ears after the interview.
Liked Banks’ superinjunction jibe. Integrity of BBC journalists, BBC exposing the truth. Hypocrisy at its most intense.
I endured part of it, but I did see the superinjunction bit, which made me chuckle.
I didn’t realise , but apparently Marr is married to Jackie Ashley who is a political jounalist at the Guardian (quelle surprise) and daughter of Labour peer Lord Ashley (quelle surprise again).
Honestly, the relationship between the BBC, the Guardian, and Labour is like some sort of political manage-a-trois!
Another coincidence was spinning the rest of the time out, denying Julia Hartley-Brewer any chance to add further balance.
Usually, the sofa trio are brought back to comment on items of relevance but while, obviously, the anti-Trump American would have been supremely irrelevant and Tracy Brabin’s trite and inarticulate meanderings valueless, Julia might well have made one or two pointed observations. Best not give her the opportunity then.
Jug-Ears was notably discombobulated. Banks didn’t let him get his own way. It seems suspicious that Remoaner Kinnock should be pushing this at a critical juncture – you might be forgiven for thinking that he was stirring the pot, and I don’t mean the EU money pot from which his nauseating family sup!
I gave up on the Sunday politics programmes because of the obvious bias . Today I watched the Aaron Banks interview which must hold a record for being so long.
For some one who presumably has a production company Marr seemed to have little grasp of the nature of holding companies .
On and on he went – cutting off justifiable criticism of the so called “electoral commission “ and desperately trying to get the scalp of a rich man and in marrs’ fantasy world – stopping brexit .
It was painful television .
At least the food crisis is solved; the left are eating each other.
SML aka the One Show. Turned over immediately after seeing that doyenne of ‘she who knows everything’ – Sarpong, is sitting alongside the ‘hire me hire me’ has been Richard Madeley.
Quite, with Camoron hugging hoodies and May trying to shuffle off the ‘nasty party’ image, and desperate to appease the invaders…
Listened to a snippet of ‘Sunday’ on bBBCR4 this morning.
There was a feature with an intersex clergyperson.
I know the BBC has an obsession with right-on minorities but this one must surely take the biscuit.
Forty years ago I knew someone who was a vegan. A bit bonkers I thought, but live and let live. He felt that we mistreated animals by rearing them for food production.
And that’s always been my thought. Veggies and vegans feel they should not harm animals.
But all of a sudden the trendy lefties at the BBC have a new mantra. Animals create methane and rearing animals contributes to global warming.
So for forty years we have all been wrong. Being a vegan is saving the planet!!!! As featured on Sunday Morning Live, with dear old impartial Yasmin Ali Brown on the sofa.
Thank goodness for the BBC to keep us so well informed!!!
I’m off now to tuck in to my Roast Beef.
I’ve never encountered a veggie or vegan Muslim, but I suppose they are above criticism by the BBC.
Doubly so.
In the late 80’s / early 90’s, I took time out of ‘Heavy Commercial Business’ (in which I had become disenchanted) and went sailing for a living: low pay but considerable satisfaction. My sailing was professional – I was a skipper on large yachts sail training the RYA courses.
On one occasion I (unfortunately) ran into the only vegan I have ever come across……….
I distinctly recall the foul smell of buckwheat cooking – the meal eaten 3 times a day with raw carrots. Even his own cooking pots.
This vegan had, under me, to pass the RYA ‘Day Skipper’ qualification which at one point in the week, entailed taking over the boat and crew (under me) as 2IC for a full day. I only stepped in when I saw things going wrong / becoming dangerous. It is a difficult introduction for a trainee because he had to manage the other 6 crew and look out for their welfare along with all the other duties of managing a boat. Mid-afternoon, he came to me and said that he needed a break to rest/sleep because he felt worn out and could I take over until he regained strength. Fact is, eating a diet of buckwheat and raw carrots does not provide the energy for the day, much less a particularly arduous and stressful day. After some hours he awoke and I allowed him to resume as ‘skipper’. I refused to sign his Day Skipper off and he complained to the RYA because he felt victimised. No thought to what would happen in real life if he took a nap leaving the crew to their own devices.
Thoughts of a lamppost come to mind when these people, “hove into view”.
G, is it a coincidence that HMG are considering adding Folic Acid to all flour in the UK just as the IPCC declare that the whole globe should become vegetarian or vegan?
What do people get from eating meat?
Oh, nothing but Global Warming according to the IPCC and the BBC.
Plus, of course, folates and other essential vitamins necessary for good human development in the womb and for a good many years afterward as well.
That’s odd Sluff. I knew a vegan about 40 years ago too. Mine’s dead – cancer – how’s yours doing?
Sluff. YasAliB on SML as well !!!! glad I switched off in the first 5 minutes then. That woman and Sarpong are too much for the blood pressure. Clearly Afur Hirsch was on her hols – Norway perhaps ???
I see in the Express that May has made a ‘secret’ deal with the EU to keep us in the Customs Union.
Now isn’t that a great surprise!
I do like the ‘secret’ part. Aren’t we a lovely ‘Democracy’?
Why is it, that when looking at that woman, I now start getting the same feelings I get when looking at Ms Merkel?
Isn’t high time they both went?
They both seem to love ignoring the voters and doing their own thing, while mouthing platitudes.
So Brexit is Brexit? We could put that up there with ‘Wir schaffen das’ -a sort of invitation, claiming Germany can handle the new millions streaming in. Didn’t mean much, other than that someone else can pay. Now we’re finding out what the May version of Brexit is, ie Remain, by any other name. I’d say May has now learnt about everything there is to learn from Merkel, and can receive her certificate for lies and deceit with ‘honours’.
We always knew, didn’t we…
Didn’t Grocer Heath do a secret last minute deal to cede control of our fishing waters?
If Treasoner May has done a customs union deal God help the Tories, no one else will. Perhaps that’s why Geoffrey Cox (who he?) has been drafted onto the (non-)Brexit Cabinet at the behest of its members, excluding Treasoner’s puppets no doubt, to try to explain just where she has hidden the giveaways.
A, “…secret deal…”? She would have checked it out with Soros/NWO first so, perhaps not so, “secret”
Treezer probably knows nothing about any secret deal. The elites who have agreed on it will probably get around to informing the stupid woman when they have thought up a slogan for her to defend it with. eg. ‘Union deal is a good deal.’
Looking forward to the US Mid Terms. The BBC have campaigned hard against Trump and it could be that this time they are on the winning side. We shall see.
However, it would be nice to see the smirks disappearing from the face of the ‘beauties’ covering the election for the BBC.
Katty Kay, World News presenter @KattyKayBBC
Jon Sopel, North America editor @BBCJonSopel
Dave Lee, technology correspondent @DaveLeeBBC
Anthony Zurcher, North America correspondent @awzurcher
Dan Johnson, North America correspondent @DanJohnsonNews
Chris Buckler, North America correspondent @csbuckler
Look at that BBC Trump hating line up. Not one single iota of impartiality between the lot of those rotten to the core elite liberal softies. Amazing that they still try to convince us they are impartial. Just looking at each of their Twitter feeds tells its own story. Any of these half wits ever have the balls to leave the BBC, you would no doubt see them turn out just like Gavin Esler, where once released show their true liberal looney left colours. Which of course, we already can see.
Meanwhile ITV play their part with the Sopel-like offerings of firm-of-face Robert Moore, a gritty and determined correspondent whose reasoned arguments and balanced viewpoints would fill a book. Quite a small book, but rather more than a leaflet, something the parents who paid for his minor public school education must be thankful for.
G.W.F., don’t forget the Webb visit and now Naughtie “criss-crossing America” to burn up Licence Fee-payers money and yet more fossil fuel, producing all that global warming CO2 (and water vapour) and Naughtie hot-air merely to attack Trump and expand the Naughtie waistline and wasteline.
During the TWTW, Naughtie kept stating that there are no/very few/maybe nearly 20 immigrants from Guatemala in West Virginia.
Naughtie should know better. He obviously has deliberately forgotten that when America has a problem and the nation is under some kind of threat, then Americans take it personally from Bangor to Baja and Everett to the Everglades and unite around the Flag.
The BBC – who don’t like divided nations with divisive politics and divisive Elections – are in their usual hypocritical way trying to divide America. Another glittering failure on the way for James Naughtie there.
Looks like the BBC grandees are trying to capitalise on the stunning success of Operation Clark County as mounted by old-boy Katzy.
What I like so much is how much effort the beeboids spend telling us about American politics – the last time I looked we don’t get vote in American elections but one wouldn’t know it listening to self regarding windbags like naughtie of Sopel or the rest ……
Americans are not British which lefty beeboids don’t get . They are not bred for State dependency like too many british and go for self reliance rather than expecting the government to solve every damn thing in their lives – sometimes I wish I was an America which seems more free that this repressed mess .
Also – America is very big and as far as I could see there is plenty of news within ones own State yet alone national or international news .
Whatever happens on Tuesday the Far Left BBC will paint the outcome as a failure for President Trump .
Fed, yes, they have gone overboard’ on this one now. Trump Derangement Syndrome at its worst. Will the Beeb ever recover?
Funny thing, I remember the BBC, on R4, asking in 2008/09 whether the Republicans were finished for ever!
It’s like a QT ‘balanced panel’ for a Brexit debate held in the Pimlico Plumbers office in Brussels.
Not sure if ‘I think we got it about Democrat’ is the best excuse.
Now the Express are calling out the bias.
Nothing from The Guardian, Mirror or Independent yet though?
You know, the BBC’s side newsletters?
This article by Eric Kaufmann should be compulsory reading at the Beeb.
Better title might be Whitelash.
Full marks for stout defending. A lot.
Got to give credit on this to the BBC where due; it has inspired the rest of them to be even more mental than normal.
It intrigues that standing in public and demanding people talk to you is greeted so sulkily if rejected.
It is proving top value.
Mr Banks is a bloody hero . I follow him on the twitter and her retweets his constant battles with snowflake guardian ‘ journos’ and other low lifes – he wins .
I bet there were tandrums in the miserable Marr production office after that interview .
It has a slightly echo of the Cathy Newman freeze up interview …. which should have been a career ender.
Have just been watching this on C4. Absolutely hilarious.
Mangy Fatima firmly put in her place.
C4 pouts and sulks when ignored because they think they are a “morality police” after the islamic model. In a few years, they will be beating up ideological opponents in the street like their Saudi counterparts. Last time I switched on the news on TRT, the Turkish state TV, it looked progressively western in comparison with C4 – no Big Beards, no women in outlandish muslim headware.
C4 put up that clip which is just so embarrassing to them.
He’s clearly on a mission.
BBC News
“Growing up, there weren’t any black gay role models on TV or in the media. It was like we didn’t exist.”
On Facebook, but no link.
However, #CCBGB
BBC News
Rebel Wilson has claimed to be the “first-ever plus-sized girl” to be a romcom lead. But is she?
Again, no link. However, again….
GW, no idea but on US TV there was Rosea…….
well ….
…. ummmhhhh.
But then, it was a different time…
Loved the ‘Carry On’ films – smut and double-entendre at their British best.
In Carry on Cabby Hattie ended up pregnant. How romantic can you get?
Got to admit – I’ve lost count of the number of fatal stabbings in London in the last 2 or 3 days – I think it’s up to 4 separate killings .
I had to ring the police the other day. I got put on hold .
Even the Sunday Programme (BBC R4) was suffering TDS this morning and suggested – if I heard it right – that Donald Trump was ‘put into the White House by women evangelicals’ ie. Christian Republicans. No questions asked by Ed Stourton.
If I recall correctly, it could be that female evangelical Christians voted for Trump but the Republican ones would anyway. The extra votes that Trump needed to may well have come from female evangelical Christians – BAME women, who normally vote Democrat but switched their vote.
I wonder why?
Al beeb seems perplexed about the sudden increase in hatey in politics – in America the answer is obvious – a President who carries through on election promises and is determined to drain the swamp .
In Blighty the reason – in my view – is more complex. We ve been ignored by the media and politicians until the brexit vote … they were so out of touch that they couldn’t conceive of 17 million people voting out after such a determined propaganda war – which continues to this day through their supreme denial of what leavers want .
That – together with the web – makes for more hatey and more polarity . I try to figure out where these leads but I think an indication will be when something Really Bad happens – really bad – not helicopter crashes or black boys being stabbed to death but far worse ..
Steve Bannon makes an interesting case for the rise of divided politics being very similar in the US to the UK Brexit vote and other ‘populist’ movements across Europe. It’s not what the establishment were expecting especially as you say given the propaganda push, and they’re not having it. Not for a minute, not if they can overturn it or impeach it or smear it. ‘Hatey’ is people who disagree with the establishment view even though those voters won an election in the US and voted by a majority in the UK to Leave the EU. The tail is wagging the dog, but the tail sees itself to still be in control
Sargon of Akkad (aka Carl Benjamin) did an interview with Bannon just recently
Countryfile is puzzled as to why the Great British Consumer only buys brown eggs (99%) and reveals that all the white ones end up in cakes and sauces.
The answer is down to a past favourite of the BBC, one Delia Smith, who let slip that she thought brown eggs had more flavour.
Didn’t see Countryfile tonight but I always understood (Agricultural Marketing degree in the late 1970s) that the British prefer brown eggs because they are homely and natural whereas the Americans consider white eggs clean and sterile. White eggs can also be candeled to see any blood spots and the eggs discarded . But I always understood that it depended on the breed of chicken whether they laid white or brown eggs.
I did see this bit of Countryfile, where they were talking about white hens, white eggs, brown hens, brown eggs, as if the only difference between them was their colour.
Maybe I’m wrong, but surely the white ones are pure-bred Leghorns, originally Italian, the same as American producers use, like Foghorn as Tipple points out?
The brown ones are mongrels. Hybrids based on Rhode Island Reds. Might have some Leghorn in them but are more temperamental, use more resources and are less productive.
I don’t think the bBBC mentioned this. Why? I know which ones I would rather have in my backyard.
The change happened quite quickly. White eggs had been popular in the days when children made pace eggs with wax and dye. Then Delia made her casual remark on-air and the shoppers presented with white or brown took the brown. If brown wasn’t available they asked why and it didn’t take long for the suppliers to twig that a change in the hens’ diets was needed if their eggs were to find a market.
It really doesn’t take a lot to make these changes as it costs the customer nothing, unlike, say, choosing between free-range or battery hens.
I cant remember the last time white eggs were on offer in the supermarkets. Brown are all that’s available. White ones appear to be the domain of cookery book covers or on worktops in American films !!!!
You don’t suppose the BBC is promoting brown eggs because…..?
No, that would be too silly.
Foghorn Leghorn provides.¶m=white%20eggs
Poor old Foghorn. He isn’t PC enough for today.
Further evidence that it is a British cultural thing, a white egge being perfectly wholesome to anyone living outside Delia-dom.
[Cookery books, yes! Cook books, swim teachers etc. should go back to the USA where they belong!]
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Arron Banks challenged over Leave.EU funds””
“”……..the Metropolitan Police is examining whether to launch a criminal investigation into whether Leave.EU broke its £700,000 spending limits, after a file was handed to it by the Electoral Commission. “”
The BBC have ‘forgotten’ that the Tories spent £9m of our money sending anti-Brexit fear leaflets to every home.
Talk about trying to make the best of a Marr jobbie.
More police time wasted.
I wonder if the police commissar will kick this into touch since she said her force was going to stop doing ‘ historic’ stuff with no outcome – maybe going back to investigating crimes where people are actually hurt , robbed , burgled and the like .
– oh yeah and looking for Pakistani paedophile racist gangs instead of institutionally ignoring them because they are crap scared of some one pointing and saying ‘ racist’.
This one has a link.
Expect to see his broken body at the foot of a very tall building any day now.
I see that webstory was released a month ago on Oct 3rd
Picked up by Asian Network on the 4th Oct
and only just picked up by Radio4
I was surprised that there wasn’t much mention that today is the 100th anniversary of the death of Wilfred Owen – his mum got the telegram on the armistice as the church bells rang .
They heard you.
And they’ve missed a box ticking opportunity, very lax. As far as poetry goes there was Kipling and then all the others for me, bloody philistine eh?
We are performing Britten’s War Requiem here in a couple of weeks, rehearsing hard, words taken from Wilfred Owen’s poetry very profound and moving and the church bells will ring
They are well and truly after Aaron Banks now. If anyone ever thought these lefty types were just harmless dreamers think again.Who’s next Farage? Rees Mogg? By the way, who spent £9m on the remain campaign? Oh yes we the taxpayer. Laughable.
New advert : a WHITE geeky guy in glasses stops and stares into a window, to check his glasses
..An angry strong BLACK man opens the window and “shouts what the hell are you doing ?”
.. Camera pans back to show it’s a bedroom
.. and there is a WHITE women in the bed
Ad concludes “Should have gone to Specsavers
… Isn’t the subtext that the WHITE men are cuckholded
Subtext: whities are stupid, whities are wimps, blacks are assertive and virile.
Here are three more, just off the top of my head.
New Amazon ad, singing parcels. Little girl getting the gift from a female delivery driver, couple love at first sight, white female, black male. Only white male has a baby in a papoose.
Very, think it’s a fashion website. Animated, bit of variation as it’s a white male, black female combo for a change, mixed race daughter who becomes an astronaut.
Robinsons fruit shoots, little black girl punk banging away at a drum kit, rock style, and another little girl doing football tricks. The little boy shown is cooking/ baking with his mum.
Oh another one. Legal & general, black male, white woman camping and watch as cow runs away with tent.
Almost forgot. Vauxhall Crossland, lesbian couple rush to maternity ward for delivery of their child.
These are all newish ads and just from memory, I know there are many, many more. It really is incessant.
Have you looked at the Gap ads ? Am I living South of the Equator ?
Good old Donald. Even if he did absolutely nothing else whatsoever, getting under the skin of beeboids would make him the most worthwhile President since Ronnie.
And they do try so valiantly to conceal their hate, not hope. Then again, I could be proven wrong, when -out of the blue one day- we get a slightly positive item about the President on beeb. Night before last, R4 were waxing lyrical about Obama. Whiff of nostalgia creeping in…
Not holding my breath, though, for that slightly positive article about The Donald.
And this morning, Andrew Marr starts the week with 4 wimmin journalists, heroes all.
The world is a dangerous place, journalists get killed. Even in Europe, apparently, but where?
‘Hungary?’ Marr suggests hopefully. Nope. Czech Republic? Nope. You can hear Andrew’s disappointment. His virtue-signalling opportunities are shrinking.
In the end, the only chance he’s been able to take is dragging Trump into some negative context.
When you’re doing a program on the beeb now, whether on cooking or deep-sea diving, that is the one mention you have to make, however tricky or arbitrary to bring him into your discussion, to show that you’re ‘one of the gang’.
So Al Beeb tells us “More foreign nationals living abroad will be able to join the armed forces, the government is to announce.” This is all because of Crapita’s recruiting balls up.
Why oh why don’t they increase the regiments with the most VCs? “The Bravest of the Brave”, re form some of the Gurkha Regiments that sucessive government have cut !
Hardly a peep on Al Beeb about the record stabbings in Londonistan? You’d thing they would run a Panorama investigation on it, “Black Lives Matter”?