The Far Left BBC staff are in full anti Trump cry as the American Midterms arrive . They never seem to have been so important and never has so much bias been directed at a President – non politician – by so many. The main stream media will be desperate to write the epitaph for what they call ‘populism ‘ but others would call democracy . I really hope they are unable to do that but let’s see….
Start the Week Open Thread 5 November 2018
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I see that the BBC have still not responded to the accusations against them about a let wing bias?
Better brush that one under the carpet!
Rubber lips is a’comin’…
More left wing bias to follow…
As long as he does’nt get our economic news mixed up with that from Bengal…………
‘Analysis’ of reality like this…. he’ll fit right in.
Probably didn’t have a wide enough camera lens to get him and Adam Boulton at Sky in the same camera shot. Heaven forbid that I should say they are both on the porky side – (well not in Islam’s case anyway).
Stop press.
The person specification for the BBC Economics Editor post has been accidentally left on a train.
I have a copy. Here is the transcript.
Black. Asian. Muslim.
Left wing.
Knowledge of Western market economics.
“I’ve done Global Financial Crisis, Eurozone crisis, now 5 year rolling political crisis. They do appear to stalk me”
I’d say that’s less of a comment on them stalking you and more a comment on your self important desire to make every economic story a ‘crisis’.
Anyone know what his Cambridge Degree was in?
We are delighted to announce that the total islamization and subjugation of the UK is one step closer.
C.v: The Observer; Channel 4; Sky…
Oh f*ck.
He already was working for the bBC under cover at SKY.
That smirk…………..something about that smirk?
ps these latest complaints about bias will be headed with all the rest….to Landfill. Most likely unopened and certainly unread.
Wakefield : It’s certainly possible to be honourable
l and to be a Labour MP, but I had cause to check Mary Creagh today cos the Yorkshire Post have once again handed her their frontpage
: Laws to Protect wildlife ‘face risk in Brexit’
says head of Environmental Audit Committee
I checked her tweets
Yep, enviro and remainiac Labour MP
tweets all the PC stuff, anti-Brexit
..but despite being Wakefield MP never responds to people on grooming gang issues
What NPC programming is that ? Programmed to serve 3 agendas : Pseudo-green, Anti-Brexit and PC Virtue Signalling.
Not once tweeted about grooming gangs etc.
3pm news re bonfire “police are searching an address”
…. fishing expedition to get evidence for a proper prosecution, I guess.
I wonder what’s the ground for the warrant ?
Breach of multi-occupant planning permission, creation of bio-hazard, improper dress – no Hi-Viz – while attending unofficial and unauthorised conflagration.
Should do for starters.
Remember when Sadiq was going for election
…did he say “I can’t criticise Boris on crime cos it will take 10 years to sort out ” ?
Attention comrades:
Following my denunciation of Comrade Commissar Sarah Sands of the Today programme, I am pleased to report that reason and justice has prevailed.
Thus, this morning, the prime 8.10am slot was given over to a Democrat senator called Tim Kaine for the ten minute hate of the fascist Donald Trump. In the interests of public safety, none of the hated running dogs of the Republican party were invited to provide the illusion of “balance”, which is oldthink.
After Senator Kane, I am pleased to report that the next guest was a writer called Jonathan Coe, to tell us about his new book about the disaster called Brexit, and the deplorable people who voted for it.
I congratulate Comrade Commissar Sands. The prime spot of the programme was cleverly given over to hatred of the capitalist running dog Trump, followed by exposure of the unthinking lumpenproles who voted for Brexit, against the advice of their better educated Commissars.
The Today programme has been saved!
Lenny calls for diversity behind the cameras
Some big celebs are due in Downing street soon to hand in a petition – Lenny Henry, Emma Thompson and more.
Yet when BAME are given jobs
eg the actress who played the female Muslim terrorist , in the BBC Bodyguard, Warsi calls that stereotyping
Weird. I didn’t realise that the stereotype for a female terrorist was a Muslim.
The bonfire distraction means less reporting
: Black MP’s brother ADMITS perverting course of Justice
I had a moment of weakness and listened to Jeremy Vine for about 3 minutes today. He was taking calls from Americans and asking them who they’re voting for.
The first man (that I heard) stated that he was voting for Donald Trump, and explained that this was because of the excellent economy and such like. True enough. But Vine glossed over this straight away by saying (more or less) “So you haven’t been put off voting for the Republicans then?”; the obvious inference that the Republicans are all horrible and not worth voting for.
Next caller was a woman, who stated that she would be voting for the Democrats. Vine asked her why, and she stated (again more or less) that some of the Republicans’ actions have been “embarassing”. So did Vine ask for examples? No, he just accepted this as fact and carried on talking.
In other words someone voting for Trump is then asked a put-down of a question; someone voting Democrats is allowed to say anything without question or without being asked to name examples.
Like I say, I managed about 3 minutes. Off.
On BBC ? Tusk pyramid
Ryan air racist passenger
guess which law firm is leading the suing ?
L….. D..
BBC2 get it wrong!
I am an eldelrly train enthusiast – so I watched Snow expaining to me that all the train crashes that have ever happened are due to capitalists putting money before people’s lives.
Then on BBC2 Portillo was informative and fair-minded about the railways’ contribution, on both sides, to the war effort in WW1. YES on BBC2. Who allowed this utter betrayal of everything the BBC stands for? WW1, as every BBC-minded person knows, was caused by Brexit, Trump and Climate Change. Assistant Deputy Heads must roll for allowing a Tory ex_minister even to appear and worse, tell the truth! Whatever next?
Whisper this very quiettly but I believe it is the case that the only year of the 20th century in which there were no non-suicide UK rail fatalities was in 1998.
That is what you get with a nice statist nationalised railway. A focus on safety. Hurrah for Jezza and the BBC.
Oh, wait. The track was run at the time by Railtrack, a private company !!!!!!!
Shurely shome mistake ???
Actually, no.
Not a fact you will get repeated often on the bBBC.
I see the BBC desperate to lose yet more viewers has “poached” the unwatchable anti-Brexit Faisal Islam from Sky as economics editor.
Could be that the girls have got their names above their shows – Sophie Ridge/Kay Burley, and plumptious Islam is always relegated to standing on Parliament Green ! Thought he had been off air for a while – clearly attending interviews elsewhere.
Another tick in the box for the BBC and their Ofcom remit.
It’ll be Faisal Islam Ltd quite soon, if the example of the other “BBC talent” is followed….
bagging men, somehow promotes women ?
National Trust nutters
hijacked by #entryism
It’s going to be a long evening.
So, Katty.., what do you reckon… Obama beanie or MAGA cap?
Katty will be ‘OmG’ing’ to her BFFs, like, totally ALL DAY.
It is possible some adults may discern a slight problem with this trend.
Another link direct to Fox News Live if you can’t sleep and feel like bypassing BBC TDS
Capitalists built the railways here . Governments pulled up the tracks .
Bristol : Man who built bombs at Bristol home after spewing anti-Muslim hate escapes terror charge
CPS threshold not met cos has to be
‘a threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause’. Terrorist n.
Only two?
BBC – so much on a bloody bonfire party…..the bleeding heart liberals are out in force…good job they haven’t brought hanging back
And the US Elections – oh how they are relishing a success for the Democrats
Is it me or is the BBC getting worse?
How many people have died in London this year? Do we have an expose of the reign of Shah? Not a chance..
Pug you are exactly right, the key being that it was the other way round – after the Referendum the Vote Leave data was used by the insurance company to try to sell policies. And I bet 90%+ of viewers and readers will not realise this, because the MSM is deliberately obscuring the truth to push a stop Brexit agenda. Until I read the Guido article I thought the same!
BBBC Radio 4, PM is it Evan Davies presenting?
Anyway he describes the Grenfell “effigy” and mentions that there were little faces “some of them brown”
Funny how they never mention the brown faces when the victims are white isn’t it.
The woman he is interviewing then remarks that the comments made on the video were “Islamophobic” and then repeats the allegation for effect.
They are now asking the question as to whether or not it should be illegal to be offensive in ones own garden.
Also noted on bBBC “news” prior to that- reports to social services of vulnerable children at risk of abuse have increased by 159%. They ask what could be behind this then go to report from Liverpool about a baby being taken from an alcoholic mother..
Surely there are better examples of children at risk? Possibly Rochdale, Oldham, Rotherham for starters?
But of course-it’s all down to lack of funding…
The BBC has learned that a family of Nigerians has come forward claiming they were inside the burning effigy of Grenfell Tower and are demanding compensation.
Thanks Cassandra, that gave me a much needed laugh today :0)
I see we are getting the full SP on bruce mclain alleged pedo including film of him at court , how odd
At least one is wearing his poppy, the wearing of which, or not, here can decide elections.
I saw a tweet earlier on saying poppy man’s gun sight is the wrong way around .. I dunno
scope, they call it
Pug- I can remember that criticism of Maggie came with no holds barred. I was always impressed with the way she let it bounce off her, but a lesser person would have crumbled.
‘Lefties’ considered her ‘fair game’, but that was a measure of how much she got to them.
All that sanctimonious ‘hope not hate’ stuff cuts no ice with me, since I know that they can hate with the best of them…
Pug, your last couple of posts ring absolutely true. Our Beeb fuelled inclusives are as ever, agenda driven, virtue signallers with absolutely no empathy for any viewpoint outside their own blinkered ‘passions’.
I had the misfortune to engage with one such creature this afternoon. Big views on Brexit, Corbyn, the NHS, the EU and, ‘Don’t get me started on Trump . . .’
Fortunately, his pallid complexion, uncontrollable hair, numerous, multi-coloured earrings, Vegan girlfriend and inability to pay for a pint, had me forewarned.
I ventured his opinions might carry more weight if backed up either by facts, reality, personal experience, age or even an ability to tidy his room each morning.
Once he let slip he was studying in Wales, to be able to swerve his tuition fees, I realised his halo signalling had well and truly slipped; suggested he buy a round and never saw him again!
Curious, that . . .
Would the BBC still be chewing on the Brexit-Bone if Remain had won?
If remain had won I suspect most leave voters wouldn’t still be crying about the result so probably not much left to chew on. I actually think a high proportion of remain voters would have just got on with the actual result without the well funded bbc agitators, among others, stirring the pot. Always assuming our ‘leaders’ were committed to serve and carry out the democratic will of the people.
#Igottears serious.
16th Grenfell fraud conviction
Sharife Elouahab has pleaded guilty.. and I guess is waiting sentencing
DV just mentioned this on his Periscope.
“A government spokesman said: “The misspelling and childish language in this document should be enough to make clear it doesn’t represent the government’s thinking. You would expect the government to have plans for all situations — to be clear, this isn’t one of them.”
TalkRadio did 2 tweets with video
The first time MSM have not followed HnH rules that every news report must smear TR
Macron calls for EU army
Little man, with Cuban heeled boots, slutty older wife, and a very large ego… all he needs now is the bicorne hat.
He’s not of Corsican descent is he, by any chance?
Yes TR facebook page is amazing as usually
– Soldier X back in training
– But Ofcom have decided not to investigate Sky’s edit
citing that Sky can edit progs how they want
It really does look like the metroliberals are OK with stitching TR up
( NUJ sets out it’s agenda for TR and AntiBrexit demos
Even the Mail piece is not a hot piece and it has comments but premoderated ..only 4 show up
Still only 4 comments after 6 hours
The Daily moderators must have gone home til the morning.
But look at the ticks. (I don’t mean the politicians.)
This is a riveting article from Ali Coleman (of BBC Monitoring apparently):
‘Fake Soros scares bid to draw US voters ahead of mid-terms’
– tho’ it was called something else earlier and in another location on the BBC webshite… as if that inspires confidence?
Anyway, summing up for those that can’t be arsed to read it: Republican Supporters in the US are all brain dead Idiots who believe all kinds of crazy ‘FAR Right’ lies and propaganda, unlike all those REALLY clever, Democrats, who get all their news from such trusted and impartial (sic) sources as the BBC.
Much of the alleged ‘FAR’ Right wing propaganda highlighted in the article is clearly false, that’s true, but you have to wonder how serious it really was meant in the first place, and some of it (even a tiny little bit) might actually be true, and even if that tiny little bit IS true, that’s cause enough for concern, is it not?
Do you wonder if the BBC ever regret peddling such blatant propaganda, and being so openly biased, themselves? I mean, any credibility they once had has now well and truly been thrown out the window, and even if they’re correct about ‘FAR Right’ propaganda no sane person believes a word they say any more.
It’s the old, old story of the ‘Boy who Cried Wolf’ isn’t it?
@BigBrotherCorporation I dug a little my first feeling is that Coleman is an autistic guy and his handlers direct him in one direction and off he goes. He does spot that some pr-Republican news is FakeNews, but he doesn’t pick up on the Democrat side.
He has a a book out “Angry people in local newspapers”
He doesn’t blog very often, but does anti-Trump stuff
Despite being an expert on FakeNews
He falsely tweeted that TR pleaded guilty
He sounds like ‘another beauty’ to me, Stew.
BBC Online News:
“”US mid-term elections 2018: Trump’s invincible, but for how much longer?””
Jon Sopel
North America editor
“”The Washington Post is trying to keep a record of what it considers to be presidential untruths – and the machine counting those fibs/falsehoods/lies is overheating at having to work so hard.””
They are funny.
So the police can find the time and resources to arrest the Grenfell hoaxers, but aren’t too bothered about Trump and Boris effigies being burned apparently.
And of course the beeb are delighted to make this non-newsworthy item one of their top stories.
Rather clearly, Faisal had quite the mentor.
Who seems to have learned how to share ‘news’ from Katty.
Sounds like bbc HR.
I prefer to vote for candidates based on what they have between their ears, not between their legs.
Meanwhile in anti trump Beeb reporting
Posted at 23:1523:15
New Jersey and Florida turnout high
The BBC’s Nada Tawfik reports that voter turnout has been high in New Jersey, despite fears that weather would impact voters.
And in sunny Florida, the BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan says it looks like Republicans certainly have come out to the polls.
Oh that’s a bit weird That weird news report I heard on Saturday night 3 arrested at Liverpool far-right march” got deleted from BBC Sounds-player both R2 and R4 10pm news.
I didn’t imagine it cos I rewound the live play to write it down on Saturday thread
Saturday night’s R2 10pm news is not on BBC-sounds cos they cut it off the beginning of the 10pm prog, neither can I find it in the R4 10pm news , but I’m not going crazy cos I found it on the R5 11pm news
..they’d reduced the arrests total to 2, but played the same clip from PJ the UAF spokesman .. a 25 second report in total
The point is the 10pm R2 News made it look like there had been a troublesome “Far right” march in Liverpool with 3 arrests
..Yet when I checked the social media I found that not to be the case
.. Rather a “Patriots” group had organised a pro-Brexit march in Liverpool, but a large UAF crowd had gathered to intimidate them , with the result that the pro-Brexit march could hardly get out of the station and had fizzled out ..Meanwhile 3 of them had been spotted whilst in the midst of the Antifa crowd and had been set upon , in that Antifa had grabbed their flag and cops surrounded them.. Mistaking one for an antifa they threw him back in and carted the others off in a police van (He was live streaming all the time) only to release them a couple of hours later with no charge.
… Bottomline why was a Liverpool UAF Antifa given that slot on NATIONAL news to talk ?
.. cos in the scheme of things it was all a trivial story
.. Although the Liverpool antifa seemed to be heavily NUJ connected cos the Liverpool paper did do 3 stories along the line ‘How Liverpool kept the fascists out’
This all looks like false-narrative construction and not the real-world.
What’s it doing on BBC NATIONAL radio news ?
This Grenfell, 2 minute cardboard box burning , how nutty is that that trivial attempt at dark humour makes it to big national news ?
Yet huge grooming trials are kept off the news, then the verdict announced as LOCAL news and the stories mentioned once and buried ?
Whatever comes out of BBCNews is not like a proper news.
It’s like they are all geriatrics in an old folks home, or a bunk of drunks who have no real idea of real-world gravitas, but rather have their own pet issues “get on the outrage bus about”.
When there is real world racism whether the victims are white/black/Jewish etc that is a cause for concern..say if a synagogue gets firebombed etc.
but with the burning cardboard boxes, the “where are the VICTIMS ?” rule, applies
There were no real direct victims at the site, in the garden , it was more of a private backlash joke against all the over-attention Grenfell gets.
It was not shoved in the faces of the families of the dead.
But with a grooming gang trial there are DIRECT real victims AND their families ongoing for years , a decade plus even.
Victims of terrible things, like 100 rapes each etc.
.. yet this is marked as “local news”
.. BBC/MSM news is off in Alice In Wonderland world
It wasn’t shoved in the faces of the victims SG – but once the MSM got hold of it it was. They could have avoided all offence. Instead they made every opportunity to maximise the offence.
Secret Barrister made this point, and garnered a lot of support from many who agreed with him/her/them.
Like Shinheed O’Barmy, they need to look in the mirror more often.
Snobby Barrister went a bit quiet when things did not turn out as he expected. Has he said any more lately?
Funny you should mention Liverpool. I caught part of the BBC News at Ten, there was a break in “Combat Dealers” on Quest, and today’s crusade/ attack on Govt concerned child welfare.
An increase in referrals to Social Services in the last 10 years, more than 75,000 children in social care in England, increasing pressure on funding and enforce spending cuts, increased pressure on services, and Conservative austerity of course, are causes for concern and bad. Parental mental health issues, addiction, poverty and debt were cited as reasons for the increase in numbers although the lack of personal responsibility and the lack of parenting skills were not. The bBBC went back -of -patrol-car with Social Services in Liverpool.
They spoke to only parent affected, a single mother from Liverpool called Maria. Her children, plural, had been taken into care because of her drug addiction. Her face was blacked out but her voice was heard and not altered. Maria might live in Liverpool but her accent wasn’t Scouse. The bBBC didn’t seem to notice but Maria was Eastern European.
And there bBBC, in one report and in one poor parent, were so many reasons for so many problems in this country at the minute, the answers to so many questions that the bBBC just won’t ask, and the reasons why so many no longer trust bBBC news.
The bBBC produced a much heralded, by them, piece of speculation that was supposedly cutting-edge journalism a while ago in the shape of a BBC NI Spotlight special.
This programme asserted that £435,000 donated to the DUP and used by them to back the Leave campaign was in their words “Dark Money” from a disreputable and illegal source and blatantly queried the integrity of Leave campaigners and supporters. At the same time this left the DUP as a party and as individuals open to claims of criminality, financial sleight of hand and of using “Dirty Money”. From, of all people, the bBBC and subsequently Sinn Fein?
Travel to Europe, lots of shots of piles of paper in dark and empty offices, empty assumptions, blatant innuendo and nothing more than hyperbole produced a programme that seemed only to be an attempt to undermine the validity of Brexit and to discredit the DUP. The programme itself left me asking both “is that it?” and ” so what? ” but the matter was referred to the Electoral Commission and was investigated.
Today they decided that the DUP has no case to answer and the donation was permissible under UK law.
As they say here, “Hell slap it up ye bBBC!”.
Emmanuel Macron: Six held in ‘attack’ plot against French president
Maybe I misheard, but a when I first heard this story reported on R2 news I’m sure they referred to it as a ‘far right’ group. No mention of it now.
Two more stabbings in London, perhaps Al Beeb will run a program on the cost to the NHS ?
No they will lead with an article about some people burning a cardboard box instead.
Al Beeb ecstatic over Democratics win of the House of Representatives . Trump retains Senate.
The Deep Swamp fights back, and sadly the Trump revolution may be coming to an end in America.
Maybe the Don can now come over and Make Britain Great Again?
Here we go again, endless months of narrative from the BBC CNN etc that Russian money is behind this result………Oh hang on it’s the result they wanted so perhaps……..
Shame about the US result but not quite the “blue wave” a few libtards were predicting. Still enough for the likes of Zurcher and Sopel etc to start having a group tug !!!!
The real worrying aspect coming out of these results tho is the amount of women coming thru. Muslim women as well. Now I ain’t no racist or sexist but that worries me. Likely shite at the job but hey, it’s a women, let vote for them. Girl power etc etc. We have seen with judge Kavanaugh just how nasty these liberal women can be, they are a big big threat for the next few years. Scary. Real scary this play dirty female movement.
Quite literally omg at this ……what a snowflake smugfest.
This shows EXACTLY what journalist like him think about people like you and me. How entitled are these people
Yep, that’s the beeb’s house journal alright.
Thanks for posting, Doobster.
I like this extract:
“” Obama lost heavily in the 2010 midterms and won re-election handily two years later. But he was, um, sane and normal and cared about reaching voters in the middle. Trump isn’t and doesn’t and shows no capacity to learn.””
We rightly regard the BBC as biased, but the Guardian is a close second.
To be fair the Guardian is allowed to be bias and is unashamedly so. If you know what you are getting you can tune it out. It is the Beeb far left bias under the pretence of impartiality that is dangerous.
D78 At the bottom of this page we have :-
“Guardian Pick
Comments were opened here in error and will close immediately. Apologies for the inconvenience”
Last weeks nutty Guardian moderating
That was a brave analysis by the Guardian journo before all the results were in.
Was it in the print version?
It states it went on the web-site @5.09am, our time.
After that appalling Guardian article we read: “Comments were opened here in error and will close immediately. Apologies for the inconvenience.” Perhaps they didn’t like the comments they were getting.