The Far Left BBC staff are in full anti Trump cry as the American Midterms arrive . They never seem to have been so important and never has so much bias been directed at a President – non politician – by so many. The main stream media will be desperate to write the epitaph for what they call ‘populism ‘ but others would call democracy . I really hope they are unable to do that but let’s see….
Start the Week Open Thread 5 November 2018
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So, more women in the House – where they belong.
But typical reporting by the BBC’s identity politics. The Today programme had to report that there were more women and a gay man in Nevada (I presume Senator?). Actually I don’t care how they identify (although I am assuming all these women were born women and not changed their identity), I just hope the American people chose the best people for the job regardless of their gender, colour or age.
I see that Leftoids and Al Beeb’s house journal the Grauniad are upset again that one of their own has not been appointed to a quango. They are in (faux) outrage at the appointment of Sir Roger Scruton, just about the only intellectual philosopher of today (the rest regurgitate leftist social science memes) to the Housing Commission.
Just as with Toby Young the left can’t stand someone who doesn’t share their Marxist/Leninist BS.
Searched for US voting results.
2018-11-07 BBC News US & Canada.
“US mid-terms: Florida restores voting rights to ex-convicts”
“An estimated 1.2 million Florida residents who have served time in prison have regained the right to vote, thanks to passage of a new state constitutional amendment.”
With a photograph of a hand poking through some prison bars.
A black hand!
How did this accurate news get through the censors?
I was expecting Farage or TR.
It’s quite funny how blatant they are about anything being fine solely on the basis it gets votes not for their singular obsession.
Yup… folk in the slammer really are the future of the nation.
Can’t wait for bbc coverage of Ms. Occasionally-Coherent’s achievements beyond possessing ovaries.
The bbc is betting on its causes prevailing by anyone with a brain dying off.
The bbc has a new ‘heroine’.
And, she’s still single.
Sure that’s not a Harry?
RD Can we compromise? Harry-ette.
Rolling eyes versus well structured, cogent arguments, supported by evidence.
The ayes/eyes win every time. Only at the BBC, the true home of Lefty nonsense.
Wow! Hari, the distinctly unattractive, man-hating, left wing, Brexit-loathing, eye-rolling, ‘Classics’ student has had offers of marriage because of her eyeballing talents (apparently)… from whom exactly?! Farage loathing, Left wing Lesbians with eyeball fixations?! Honestly, who else would?!!!
According to the incontinent, and oddly ecstatic, blurbage produced by the BBC on this non-story, she voted for Brexit in 2016 – really?! Think someone might be telling porkies… I mean, c’mon, she’s young, and ‘educated’ (well, at Uni anyway), and is (apparently) female… and the BBC told me it was only ‘stupid, angry, old, racist white men’ (‘Gammons’ in fact) who voted for Brexit?
Do they not proofread what they write? Are their editors all off their heads? Do they think we’re all complete imbeciles?
Xe may knock The CardBoard Box off the top slot, mind.
As posting a gurner behind the bloke with the mic at such things is dee rigger for ‘spontaneous’ trending pops… moms… I can only assume it serves the minders’ needs, otherwise why facilitate it?
Whether this will impact suitors or bbc panel guest offers is yet to be established.
2018-11-07 BBC Business
“Marks and Spencer sales continue to fall”
Since M&S only advertise clothes for Africans, only to be expected.
Indigenes no longer support business traitors.
Perhaps JD Wetherspoon should expand into other areas.
A new line of Brexit clothing would attract the intelligent, educated and well informed.
With a new line in blue flags. Blue flags featuring gold stars, stars mostly incorporating a swastika.
Actually Last Chance – Marks and Spencer sales of clothes continue to fall because making them in horrible cheap nylon like something from the 1970s means they are not going to sell well in a hot summer.
Heard on Radio 4 about 7:30am…
“an update on the US mid term elections, Democrat ??? wins in ??? ….. so a crumb of good news for the Senate….[pause]… for the Democrats”
The BBC may have just left the last 3 words out altogether. We know who the BBC wanted to win. I haven’t seen or heard any BBC comments like “good news for Trump”.
I also heard part of that.
I knew THe Donald had had a pretty good night without actually hearing any results. It was evident from the in-mourning intonation of the presenters.
They really sounded as if they had no heart whatever for reading out the words on their script.
PS the Republicans increased their Senate majority.
2018-11-07 BBC Business 9 hours ago.
So 11pm, good time for some Traitor May news.
“Prime Minister launches Brexit ‘business councils'”
Time to be scared, CBI and all the usual Remain fanatics mustered to keep the UK in the EUSSR.
I expect nothing but maximum mendacity. Supported by the world’s least trusted broadcaster.
Just a quick news update with apologies if mentioned elsewhere.
The people who, admittedly tastelessly, burned a model of Grenfell Tower on their home bonfire have been released without charge. Meanwhile…….
Sharife Elouahabi has been found guilty of fraudently getting over £100,000 in public aid by falsely claiming to have been a Grenfell resident.
The BBC news just didn’t quite manage to present these Items with the same weight and juxtaposition as I have.
How the hell did he get £100,000 in aid?
If my house went up in smoke it would be my tough luck for not being insured.
Lobster. You make a very good point.
Millions of taxpayers money has and is being spent with blank cheque books for Grenfell residents (and indeed as we can see, non-residents). No-one seems to have to stoop so low as to actually have to submit receipts against expenses.
The authorities are scared shitless of being labelled as unkind/unsympathetic/waycist by the various multiculti Far Left pressure groups and so have thrown money at anyone and everyone who mentions the word Grenfell, in order to avoid what they see as reputational damage.
£100k pa seems to be about the going rate for expense claims.
The taxpayer, as usual , doesn’t get a look-in.
Sluff “The taxpayer, as usual , doesn’t get a look-in.”
Yes, he/she does.
They getta look-in da wallet for da coin an’ it gone in tax innit.
Is it too late for me to admit I was living in a broom cupboard in the Tower at the time it burnt down? I was ashamed to admit it earlier, but now I’ve seen how much… I mean, how important it is to come clean, I’m happy to put my hand up and say “where do I go for some ‘aid’?”
Have to admit, I thought burning a model Grenfell Tower with cardboard people in it was tasteless, and the jokes they were making were totally insensitive. So, as far as I’m concerned, the idiots who did it deserved condemnation/humiliation, BUT as SLuff says, needs to be put into context really, there are people carrying our a LOT worse acts everyday in London.
It also strikes me that they probably wouldn’t have done it if they weren’t sick to the back teeth of the likes of the BBC making out the Grenfell residents were all some kind of flawless angels that had been wronged by society. I feel very sorry for the (genuine) residents of Grenfell, they were really unlucky and deserve sympathy, but the orgy of self flagellation and witch hunting that went on (and on, and on) afterwards was degrading and totally unnecessary. Just as sickening was the sight of our ‘honourable’ politicians in there like pigs in the trough, competing for SJW support with their (I think, totally insensitive) virtue signalling. If anyone deserves to be publicly humiliated over their handling of the Grenfell Fire, it’s our MSM and politicians, who used it to their own ends.
To make funny dark humour , you have to get close to the line
..sometimes you won’t pull it off
but you can’t get the great jokes without making a few duff ones first.
How is it that we all know about this “sickening” bonfire event. Wasn’t it in somebody’s back garden?
BBC IDEAS Made by 7digital, 5 November 2018
“What’s behind denialism?”
“Why do some people deny things – from Flat Earthers to climate change denialists?
Sociologist Keith Kahn-Harris gives us his take”
“Denial: The Unspeakable Truth (forthcoming, November 2018 from Notting Hill Editions)” States the KK-H Wikipedia article.
Summary, Jewish pseudo-academic given space by the BBC to promote his new book in return for some non-scientific nonsense attacking those unpersuaded by the pro Climate Change fanatics at the extreme ultra left Stalinist BBC.
Can’t imagine what lead the beeb to commission a video from Mr Kahn-Harris:
I watched BBC breakfast this morning and I knew Trump hadn’t done too bad…because the BBC never mentioned it in the 20 mins I was watching.
How did Obama and Bill Clinton do at the same point in their Presidencies? I would have thought that was the ideal comparison, but I don’t suppose we’ll be told.
I saw an unverified post on another site which I am trying to find again. It said Obama lost 6 Senate Seats Trump gained 4. Obama lost 63 House seats Trump lost 37.
[Wikipedia US Mid-term 2010]
I listened all night to beeb/World service.
The USA is a divided country, we are told repeatedly.
No such divisions in the beeb. They are solidly pro-Democrat, and can hardly hide their glee when a D wins.
Impartial my foot.
BBC also heavily reporting on the first Muslim refugee woman to have gained a seat. God help us if Nadya decides to stand for Parliament !
Is this the shoe in winner of fakery-bake off and subsequent awful presenter of BBC shows being paid by licence fee money (based on ethnicity not talent) to whom you refer?
Yes, and I suggest you sit down, as she has been given a second series of her ‘cumin/turmeric/and cardamom with everything’ cookery series !!
Well, I await some much needed vibrancy.. I hope at least we never see the subsequent black man (can I say black man these days – never sure) winner of fakery-bakery grace our TV screens again. He appeared on the cooking show with teams and the gay man presenter – totally rabbit in headlights throughout with inane grin and nothing to say for himself. At one point I thought he was about to out two pencils up his nose and say “wibble”. I do hope the end of his presenting career.
Brissles, Gammon,
I hate to break it to you but if it’s Liam Charles you mean, who finished 5th in the GBBO last year, you can look forward to his new cookery/ bakery programme starting soon on Channel 4.
Apparently he “impressed the nation” last year.
Surely him getting his own show, despite being male, is because of his baking skills and is nothing to do with him being young, black and quite possibly gay?
Simply being female, regardless of your talent, is obviously no longer enough to “impress the nation” or programme makers, as the white, heterosexual, series winner Sophie Faldo seems to have found out.
Apparently the moslem politician who won a seat strongly denies that she married her brother. Now who would have thunk that? Worth looking into.
The BBC or should I call it ” Continual Women’s Hour” is
completely obsessed with women being at the forefront
of nearly everything they produce on TV or the internet.
The mid-term election in the USA is a prime example.
Just look at the website main page! Scroll on it, scroll on what
comes up then look at the next picture ! Women, Women
Woman ( Ilhan Omar)!!
Who is control of all this ? Is it some trangender ex man who
has become a women and decided that she is going to get
her revenge against men?
Maybe it’s time for us men to tell the BBC that if we are not
represented fairly on the BBC drastic action will need to be
taken . The License fee comes into mind!
BbC R4 “Wimmin-Sour” today basically an anti Trump platform for Democrats – all wimmin are amazing except the republican ones.
If no one has used “wimmin-sour” before – I claim it!
I like it. (thumbs up) Sour women indeed. I don’t know how you listen to that $h!t. I can’t stand it!
I listened briefly for research purposes – on a separate point – interesting that the BBC refer to “blow for trump” on representatives but only “consolidate” for senate. Why not “massive increase in Senate majority by 400%”
Yes to wimmin-sour.
(As long as no one is offended)
Here a link to the Beeb anti-trump article with the picture of wimmin celebrating and a bearded lady in the background…. reminded me of “Life of Brian” stoning scene but the BBC don’t talk about Monty Python any more…
Monty Python were a British surreal comedy group who created their sketch comedy show Monty Python’s Flying Circus, which first aired on the BBC in 1969. Forty-five episodes were made over four series.
“wimmin sour.” Excellent. It could catch on.
I was quite proud when it came to me……
Sorry to disappoint:
Hold on just one minute…
BBC rools surely apply?
Gammon; are you the first with a drop-down menu of diversity ticks to come up with it?
Or make some up. Sorted.
I did find this link when checking that the 2006 verson of women sour wasnt fake news made up photoshop…. (not wimmin-sour you may notice which i think trips off the tongue more easily and I can claim as a first in retrospect)
Women on women
Oh no… ah well… far from first…
Wimmen Sour had a “Muslim lesbian playwright”, who has done a play about a “Muslim lesbian “
Stew, that sounds interesting …
… not.
Anthony Zurcher on the BBC website gets all excited about impeaching the president because there is now the required simple Democratic majority in the House to start impeachment proceedings. He neglects to mention that the removal of a president requires a two-thirds majority in the Senate.
My advice to Zurcher: Down, wanton, down!
Plus Zurcher neglects to mention that there needs to be some damming evidence against him to impeach the President.
At the moment, there is none.
It’s like saying ‘I can’t wait to send Zurcher to prison when he commits a crime’.
Don’t you know evidence is now an optional extra – you just need to say it and it’s true…or maybe click your heels together… Zurcher is a bit of a knob – allegedly
I heard that he once threw ice at someone – fire him!
Have to love Aunty on occasion.
The Today Programme
Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, says the only way to beat Donald Trump is to “get down in the gutter and do battle with him”. The democrat is eyeing a presidential run himself.
Although the Donald could fight them at any level, why should he drop to the gutter where the “Democrats” would beat him due to their extensive experience of being in it.
A handy, no-nonsense assessment of the current Brexit position anybody?
I can highly recommend this:
R5 analysis this morning:
1] Sex education on the curriculum. Anna Foster thinks there’s “a lack of focus on pornography, periods and consent”. Sarah Green of End Violence Against Women — in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference to grooming gangs — says the issue is down to girls “never having learnt about their rights and their bodies in school…”
2] Chuka Umunna then talking about London stabbings and Khan’s proposed Decade of Avoidance (not his words). Apparently it’ll take time because we have “broken the social contract with young people”. He wasn’t explicit, but something about the vague, lofty intonation suggested the fault belonged to all of us. When it comes to failure, we’re stronger together.
So many elephants in the room getting swept under the carpet.
TM – I smiled at your sharp analysis of R5’s obfuscatory analysis. Yes, these jargon phrases they trot out like “broken the social contract with young people” deserve our contempt. The trouble is that any city with a large black population has a large crime problem. It’s got nothing to do with government policy or police tactics. Compared with whites or orientals, the average black youth is extremely impulsive, sensation-seeking, doesn’t plan ahead or consider consequences, has short time horizons and poor self-control. Until this difference in their temperament is acknowledged and addressed, no improvement in their behaviour can begin to be expected. Jon Snow and Cathy Newman were pulling concerned faces the other night on Channel Four News but they and their like are totally devoid of ideas on how to tackle knife crime because they have idealistic and illusory ideas about the perpetrators.
Z, think you are right on that final point.
In addition, I have a really uncomfortable feeling that because the Metropolitan Police took such a kicking over the Stephen Lawrence killing, that they are possibly deliberately withdrawing from tackling ordinary gang-based violence together with (gang-based) drug and other crime oriented violence in the capital, in order to let an elimination take place, a form of mutually assured destruction.
In addition, of course, the rising injury & death statistics also help greatly in the continual demand for ‘more money’ from the taxpayer.
Zelazek, ‘pulling concerned faces and being totally devoid of ideas’ is a great description of most of the progressive, liberal response.
I think what strikes me in cases like these is just how quickly any detailed analysis is damped down through fear of stepping in certain no-go areas. In that sense you have to say the social engineering project has been a great success — it’s inculcated an entire ecosystem of ‘concerned global citizens’ who don’t really understand much at all.
US Mid-term elelction?
Well, with the Fifth Collumnists remaining within the US Government coupled with the Deep (swamp) State, all broadcasters (with the exception of perhaps Fox), the NWO (Soros & Co) and many more arrayed against the POTUS, I call upon Brucie to comment:
“Didn’t he do well!”
An extraordinary interview early this morning following a Diwali puzzle (I kid you not) on the Toady programme by our own Jon ‘So poor’ Sopel.
His guests were Frank Luntz a respected pollster and a woman called Liz Chadderdon. Who she? Where do they find these people?
I dug and dug and found out:-
‘She has been the “on air” Democratic Strategist for BBC World Service News Radio US election night coverage for the 2012, 2014 and 2016 elections’
Do we, as TV tax payers, have to pay for a ‘“on air” Democratic Strategist for BBC World Service News?
Anyway, Frank was generous and balanced in his views for both sides but the ‘white’ witch was unbelievably nasty as the political left has become, race baiting ad infinitum.
I like Frank’s comments about trying to have a meal in a restaurant without being run out of town, sort of reminds me of the 60’s in the US.
Have a listen :-
at 52m.28s
‘Wimmin’ certainly the BBC rallying cry du jour, and they have chosen a young one to act as their beacon for the future.
Good choice.
In many ways I find this helps a lot, even if ported over here once Lily Allen has Diane Abbott and Sinead O’Connor’s adopted thirty year old.
Because if the youth vote sticks such folk in power, with luck it will take a wee while for their skills in government to work though, and the numpties who voted them in will actually pay for what they voted for.
Well, the ones in jobs, anyway. And the ones seeking a future straight on benefits might find the former are less inclined to stump up as much as when they were filled with youthful ideals.
The ones shuttling between gated communities and the W1A bunker might also find the licence fee revenue not stretching as far as it has been doing to date.
Katty sticking with the one party that matters.
Interesting slant, and I mean that in a non-Top Gear Classic way.
Funny how that’s a win when 52% Brexit isn’t…who is she anyway as if a BBC person she regularly ignores their rules on impartiality…
Top rated reply is funny.
And which candidates do the Beeb show at the top of this story:
Ted Cruz – white Republican who won despite the left and Hollyweird spunking over 100 M dollars at Beto O’Rourke.
Stacey Abrams – black Democrat who lost but, in typical Democrat fashion, is refusing to concede the race.
Andrew Gillum – black Democrat who also lost.
As far as I’m concerned there was no huge blue wave, just enough of a small wave to give the Democrats the House – but Trump, wisely, made sure that the Republicans strengthened their hold on the Senate. All talk of impeachment is just that – all talk. In many ways this result could be good for Trump and the Republicans as it means the Democrats will actually have to do something constructive and positive with their power – two years of actively investigating every minuscule aspect of Trump’s affairs will be a right turn-off for voters in 2020.
Also let’s not forget that the House terms are for just two years, while Senate seats are for six. That is a major win for the President while Nancy Pelosi will now be the face of the Democrats for the next two years – that should be a laugh.
Local Lincolnshire news .. for some reason focused on the Cruz win
AND then only played a clip of the LOSER not Cruz
One last thing I’ll note from last night – Fox News, up to now supposedly right-leaning, finally outed themselves as a network of the globalist left agenda by making the disgusting decision at 9:30 pm Eastern time to call the Democrats to regain control of the House – 10 Western states were still voting at that time and that decision likely depressed the Republican vote in crucial precincts, especially in California.
GW : top comments are now all liberal 242 likes, 141
BUT this one gets 123 Likes “The native American yes but muslims slippery slope they will take over.”
A few considerations on the Moslem wimmin who were elected. Could turn out to be BBC types.
CAN I PUT A PLUG IN FOR for anyone living in the West midlands area
Birmingham Symphony Hall TONIGHT 7-30
Be there and be square………..
A voice of sanity crying in the wilderness…
Quite how the subtle studio electronics cope with all the gin fumes is a secret known only to BBC technicians, but nevertheless Anna Soubry has been given another predictably free rein slot to prate on about Brexit.
What the gifted politician is now asking for is ‘Honesty and transparency’ in explaining current negotiations – overlooking, neatly enough, the number of occasions in the past when EU referenda results have been delayed, gerrymandered, confused and contorted until re-run in the all too well established EU-Politburo approved manner.
OT, but a laugh is in order.
No mention of the blatant backendofbusism at Sky with their Pulitzer-hopeful reporters.
Is that a potted plant on the counter, or his lunch?
I seriously doubt that vegans or vegetarians smoke, but I wonder how many consume alcohol, have Botox treatments or have indulged in recreational drugs ?
I don’t do any of the above, but they can sod off if they’re suggesting I stop eating my bacon or sausages !!!!!
JVine is milking the Grenfell 2 minute box stunt
..He’s got Emma Dent Coad MP on
.. who might well say “look over there , cos she has some responsibility for the cladding in the first place, cos she was on the committee.
He’s got @Ella_M_Whelan the columnist from Spiked on now
It’s kind of weird , that each time it comes up,
instead of giving the straight story each presenter precedes by Virtue-Signalling their distance from it by saying “this vile, these evil people”
Frankie Boyle is lying low a bit these days , isn’t he ?
Steve Wright is joined by #BenedictCumberbatch et al. on .@BBCRadio2 this afternoon.
Jeremy Vine, ‘these louts’, tells us he doesn’t express an opinion.
Why is it wrong to make a private joke, that may have been seen by a few people outside their group, but virtuous to make it a national story? (“Hey you GT survivors, take a look at this! Don’t you find it upsetting? We wouldn’t want you to miss out!)
Emma Dent Coad is scary. According to her ‘islamophobia’ is a crime, (based on the ECHR judgement, or fear of being beheaded?) and ‘wrong thought’ is forbidden. It would be nice to think that the Grenfell Tower Inquiry might give her a few black marks.
Bent-Coad was quoted elsewhere as “being unable to speak to her friends” about the awfulness of the cardboard box inferno.
The media induced mass emotional incontinence has reached North Korean levels of hysteria. Grenfell was politicised by the likes of Lammy almost the minute the flames took hold.
Even the New York Times wrote in June 2017
“Indeed, Britain’s racial politics are the key to understanding the Grenfell Tower fire. It’s difficult to imagine this disaster — caused by a huge dereliction of duty and refusal to listen to residents’ concerns — befalling a community of white Britons.”
No wonder the overblown manifestations of grief and faux outrage are somewhat attenuated outside the usual media and progressive political cliques. I suspect the immolation of the cardboard box has less to do will lack of human feeling or disrespect to the dead but more a reaction to media attempts to emotionally manipulate the public for political purposes.
BBC lunchtime news once more telling us about the role played by the soldiers of India in the First World War and the, … wait for it, the “Hundreds of thousands”. of whom lost their lives in the fighting…
Well, divide this figure by ten and we have the correct figure.
Another reporter does say the correct figure later on, but you would have thought the producers at BBC News would lead into the report accurately by stating the correct facts….
But why let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Information probably gleaned by a researcher who’s history lesson at school does not go beyond 1970. Was it really a joke that one kidadult thought that Churchill was the dog in the insurance ad ?
NYT estimates a likelyhood of Republicans having a majority of 6 in the Senate (53-47).
All those proposed ‘investigations’ into Trump ain’t gonna be easy!
As for Mueller, after nearly two years of investigating? Still investigating…Salary must be pretty good. Doesn’t seem to have found anything yet.
Maybe he should try working on the Clinton Foundation?
Maybe Barry can come back over to help The People’s Vote?
Wall to wall bbc coverage; what could go wrong?
“Maybe he should try working on the Clinton Foundation?”
Only if he’s already written his suicide note.
Lunchtime BBC 1 News is praising the soldiers who died in The First World War, the Indian soldiers that is. At this time of year al Beeb lays it on with a trowel with their presenters talking in sombre voices telling us of the sacrifices of the fallen of The Great War made for us. For the rest of the year their entertainers and broadcasters attack or make fun of the very values and beliefs that the men and women of the time held and believed in so strongly, they went to war to fight for them.
The BBC sees no contradiction in it’s broadcasting philosophy or the direction it wants this country to go. It sees no trouble with the imported third world invaders of violent crime, murder, underage rape, and religious facists that populate our cities now in large numbers.
By all means let’s remember the fallen but let us also remember the way of life in this country we had before Blair imported Labour’s new voters in.
R4 Drama is a Black Lives Matter thing
… six testimonies about how black people are policed
…ah it’s a repeat
“… six testimonies about how black people are policed”. And they should know on balance, more than the rest of us……………….
Radio 4 the bastion of far leftist faked stories has excelled itself with a pack of lies about the shooting of Michael Brown an unarmed black teenager in Fergusson, sparking the race hate group ‘black lives matter’ so beloved by wealthy BBC leftie types, who have never even met a black American.
They failed to state that the outcomes of all ethnic groups coming into contact with the Police is astonishingly equal, in fact it couldn’t be more equal, but then equality is not what they really want, just a tool to attack the white people with.
Lies in the piece were commonplace and were never challenged.
“Although a subsequent FBI investigation found that there was no evidence that Brown had his hands up in surrender or said “don’t shoot” before he was shot, protesters believed that he had done so, and used the slogan “Hands up, don’t shoot” in protest”
The BBC allowed an interviewee to state as categorical FACT that Brown did surrender and did say don’t shoot, they never corrected or challenged this.
A Grand Jury found forensic evidence supported the officer’s account, that witnesses who corroborated the officer’s account were credible, and that witnesses who had incriminated him were not credible, with some admitting they had not directly seen the events. The U.S. Department of Justice concluded Wilson shot Brown in self-defense.
None of this was of course broadcast in the report, in an astonishing anti White race hate piece which the left is becoming ever more blatant at.
The trouble with BBC and R4 in particular is they know they can say what they want and nobody is going to really do anything about their bias, omission, untruths and false facts..
It is infuriating and all we can hope is that nobody but us is listening..which would seem to be the case these days..
Just who do you complain to about the BBC – who that is, who will actually listen and do anything?
The problem is, really, that the BBC simply don’t understand that some people see through their modus operandi and, anyway, who are we to seek truth without accepting their, ‘truth’. Not only that, to believe they are absolutely correct (“….the most Trusted….”) is the Marxism in them for all to see.
The Government? (whoever is responsible for the BBC/media output?)
Your MP?(If they are bothered)
Director General?(He is male so worth a shot)
just a thought…..that’s what I intend doing……copying it to as many as possible
This cant be allowed to continue……….
The US election coverage today is a complete farse…having watched Fox last night its like two different planets………
Maybe we should all write that we are worked to get rid of Waitrose and Vogue people.
My plan is the statistical office next time they use any 🙂
We all need to write to the bbc about this primitive and unacceptable programme, not only because it is factually incorrect and racist, but also because of its exceptionally poor quality.
It seems to be a collage of BLM type outrage, largely incoherent, and obviously designed to offend. The timing is certainly interesting. I gather next Wednesday we will be treated to part 2: ‘Black and Blue’.
There is no way the general public should have to pay for this rubbish. Ofcom would be a port of call, although we learnt recently that they actually agree with stirring up the pot. There is a Secretary of State position for culture and sport, perhaps he/she needs to receive a few letters? I have a vague recollection that John Whittingdale (?) was an MP who held this position, and who sounded as if he was going to take action, but then appeared to back off – which gives rise to some interesting speculation…
This is simply NOT acceptable. It is propaganda, pure and simple, with zero entertainment value, wholly inappropriate to UK listeners.
Ryan Air staff faked photo
I tweeted on Oct 14th that something was fishy about that photo
Yes I know the BBC (union friend) headline doesn’t make it clear the photo was faked, but other media does.
Colonel fraud ?
Looking forward to the BBC Guardian led analysis of the mid terms.
A return to Trump’s speech of 2016 provides evidence for his support, and evidence of his performance during the past two years reveals he is sticking to the contents of this great speech.
So can Nazir Afzal explain Anjem Choudary?
Nazir Afzal OBE (born 1962[1]) is a senior British lawyer who campaigns on issues around child sexual exploitation and violence against women. He is a practicing Muslim, a son of immigrants, and a feminist who speaks out for women’s rights and against forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honour killings.[2] He (Nazir Afzal) is an expert in deradicalisation.[3]
Despite saying that I wouldn’t I watched some of the live coverage last night, flicking between bBBC and SKY.
Both were brutally biased but what struck me was how long it took the bBBC to report results or to declare breaking news in comparison to other channels. At one point the ex-Governor of Vermont was warning of the dangers to Democratic hopes of gaining ground in the Senate should Indiana fall to the Republicans on bBBC despite SKY announcing about 20 minutes earlier that this had actually happened.
Only one example I know but there were several other instances whilst I was watching that the bBBC seemed unaware of how things were actually progressing or that they had already happened. It really is risible for the bBBC to continue to claim to be news breakers and leaders when they so clearly lag behind and follow others. I know that this is partly down to them being arrogant and also by being crippled by their politicised editing but it also explains in part why so much of their news/ views is self-generated, simply because they’re getting left behind in the gathering of real and relevant news by others.
We know that there are many more accurate and much quicker reporters of news that has happened than the bBBC but it’s easy to forget how poor and hampered by agendas their live coverage has become as well.
Frequently, breaking news can be read here before Al Beeb gets to report it.
And before they run it through their narrative filter.
This is correct, but Sky are every bit as biased if not more sometimes. I thought the US election coverage was totally OTT and so Democrat biased – highlighted candidates, pics etc.
I sometimes feel that we can’t win this global lefty tidal wave – it’s just a case of when we go under.
I regularly saw Beto’s adverts in Tx. He said nothing of any substance and even showed some of his true socialist aims. Coupled with his massive fortune and property owning relatives – don’t folks see the irony? I felt it was a sort of Blair moment – he is young, ‘trrrrendy’ (as Rab would say), has shown evidence of being young and foolish (cool), and is allegedly good looking. All qualifications for being a great president.
As proven by Trudeau, Macron and Varadkar Looby?
Having been out of Blighty for a couple days – without al beeb and the internet – I returned to contact with media at 0400 uk time… I was not able to see the TV but I could hear it – yes she put me in that position again -but I heard the dulcet tones of Katy – I’ve read of her but not heard her. The biased stance is breath taking – there is no pretence of any unbiased reporting of the POTUS … I then managed to escape from my restrained position and got another TV Chanel . This one sounded quite objective – apart from a mad tart retired from thNYTimes . I was amazed when I found out it was FranceToday . So much better than poisonous al Katy Shames journalism.
Although the outcome of the elections in USA are not directly about al beeb bias I am sure Mr Trump must be pretty pleased that when anything goes wrong before the next election he can blame the democrats .
And all that far left MSM propaganda before hand did what to destroy him? Nothing . Just a waste of hot air .
The bbc seems mostly obsessed by the gender numbers delivered by the mid terms. But a close second was race, with a bonus sexuality one.
Competence has gone out of the window. Like here. Just look at the Oxbridge ovaries lining the HoP benches.
Yale and Harvard were once aspirational places of learning.
The leaders of tomorrow look set to rival Diane Abbott on every criterion.
Katty will be happy.
As others have said – Trump did better than expected and much better than Saint Obama at same time – and he didn’t suffer the MSM attacks
But BBC reports are about how well democrats did..
it’s the same with the value of sterling – it drops by 0.5c and it plummets due to Brexit..currently it is almost at a 2 year high…no sign of sterling soars . and JP Morgan advising to buy Sterling not Euro..
BBC …Beyond Bleeding Comprehension
Has anyone blamed the Russians or money or anyone else for outcomes ? I know democrats were whining on Tuesday about ‘technical issues ‘ but no repeat today ..
It is striking how the bbc feature Muslim successes – al beeb really has become just that – al beeb . We face a coming weekend which will minimise the sacrifice of those in the Great War and replaced by coloured in uniform and gays and the shot a dawn lot . Sad but nothing like the slaughter of Pals Batallions and the effect on the towns where they volunteered .
Here’s a quote from Jon Sopel on the bBBC1 6 pm news that I didn’t expect to hear.
‘Where Donald Trump campaigned, the republicans won’.
Not that it will stop the anti-Trump BBC coverage of course, but a good one to remember for future use.
Anthony knows stuff.
I have just watched the entire press conference with Trump following the mid term results. Many robust questions and answers, from a wide variety of US networks and a number from other countries – Japan, Lebanon, etc. So how come the UK’s leading news outlet had no one there to ask a single question – nobody – out of that massive highly paid team that went out there to cover the elections.
It’s not as if there aren’t enough of them in the US. There seems to be about 20 BBC correspondents in North America at any given time, even before you throw in the likes of Maitlis and Christian Fraser who were there for the mid-terms specifically. That’s just those in front of the camera, how many support staff are there?
If it hasn’t asked before it needs to be now. What the hell do they need so many US correspondents for and what exactly do they do?
Not just them C4 sent vicar Snow there too . Interesting coverage – the Left seems to be comforted by a variety of weirdo minorities being elected – tick box tick box ….
Meanwhile more republican senators – will be interested in exactly the number of people who voted republican v Democrat .
I wonder if I can get a subscription to Fox News because this so called british media isn’t for me any more – meanwhile of course – kids still being stabbed and loads of ‘community reassurance ‘
Crap going on.
I’m going to assume that you’re, like me, white, over 40 and a sort of conservative libertarian male.
You’re right. This so-called british media isn’t for you anymore. Or for me, or for most of the men and women I know either.
Fox is free to TV on my Amazon Fire TV gadget.
8pm Radio4 Remembrance : Moral Maze
Wow 3 non-lefty panelists, so guess the guests will be all lefties
by Michael Buerk. With Michael Portillo, Matthew Taylor, Claire Fox and Melanie Philips
I had never heard of Matthew Taylor but according to Wiki I really should have. It’s frightening to think how many more like him there are out there, so much opinion and influence but so little accountability.
A bBBC favourite of course.
Having just listened to the Moral Maze, I was astounded that Matthew Taylor didn’t seem to understand what the poppy stood for. It symbolises one thing and one thing only – the ultimate sacrifice that our forebears made in defending and preserving the liberty and freedom that all of us, including Matthew Taylor, enjoy today. His facile arguments suggested he thought it stood for something else – all the things he hates; nationalism, perhaps, or jingoism, warmongering, colonialism, traditional values, etc.. It doesn’t – but it’s depressing to hear more and more people with his kind of views. Sadly the poppy is becoming a favourite target for left-leaning narcissists as these cowards see criticising it as an easy opportunity for a public exhibition of moral preening.
There are several Matthew Taylor’s on Google – which one he ? Not knowing what the poppy stands for, makes me wonder what sort of household he was brought up in.
And where did the idea come from the the poppy, or remembrance, glorifies war? Is there any hope at all for people so dull of comprehension?
BBCfour now : “The archaeology shows that from prehistory Britain is made up of a flow of migration”
Then at minute 18 “but it looks like when the Beaker people arrived they brought violence and fought the other tribes, so we are almost all descended from the Beaker people.”
If BBC hypocrisy is my food, I will not starve
@cardiffcouncil adding 250 private car spaces for BBC wonks. In he city centre, next to their new bus station. And Central train station.
They say a lot about sustainable travel. What they do is very different.
See BBC web news story
“Proposals also include a 249-space private car park, mainly for the new BBC Cymru Wales headquarters being built next door.”
Tmw on Question Time Jordan Peterson replaces Arron Banks
+ Kwarteng – good
Abbottpotamus – idiot
Mairead McGuinness MEP (RoI) – wtf Mairead McGuinnessVerified account
Vice-President of the European Parliament
David Aaronovitch – anti Brexit & Trump
BTW The Carole Left’s leading editor has 192K followers on Twitter
KTHopkins has 876K, JordanPeterson has 924K
Farage 1.22 million Trump 56 million
Pug- Inquisition…
One word, which really says it all. Always thought it was a historical term. Never thought I’d live to see it at first hand…
Mairead McGuinness is the one to watch out for on this panel. An arrogant and aggressively ambitious ex-television and print journalist, she is an assured debater who will gladly exploit the free rein that Dimbleby will give her.
Of course she is not half as clever as she thinks she is but there is nobody on the panel, like Nigel Dodds for instance, to argue effectively against the misleading assertions she will make about Brexit and the Irish border issue, a border that her constituency lies against.
She is guaranteed to say something to antagonize the DUP and Unionists, which the bBBC know and I think that there could be some fallout after her appearance. This seems to me to be a rather ill-judged and deliberate attempt by the bBBC at baiting the DUP and Brexiteers. Allowing her this opportunity to push the EUs agenda virtually unchallenged may well come back to bite both them and their Remain campaigning co-conspirators. It really is a blatant piece of duplicity and bias from the supposedly British broadcaster.
I am puzzled. According to a poster on IsThe BBCBiased:-
My understanding is that Arron Banks appeared on Andrew Marr on November 4th, which annoyed the Remoaners and perhaps that caused him to be ‘bumped’ off Question Time on November 7th.
So how did Dimbleby know ‘before Marr’ that Jordan Peterson was going to ‘replace’ Banks? Fake news?
I think this was a bad move by Jordan….cant see the point of being next to such a panel with a completely staged programme aimed at the left…….the questions and answers will all be predictable….I cant see what Jordan will be able to contribute in 3 minute soundbites to a moronic audience(they usually are)…..oh well…….
I agree. Prominent figures on the right should decline appearances on the BBC or Channel 4. Or giving interviews to the Guardian for that matter.
They are only invited to be pilloried by the audience, and to goad them into saying something taboo. The thinking behind it is ‘how can we destroy this man’s career?’.
There is no point in trying to win over the mainstream media with logical argument and common sense. Let them stew in their own self-satisfied idiocy.
On Question Time, there has never been a post Referendum panel with a majority of Brexiteers. The other week Andrea Jenkyns was the sole Leave voice. There is no point in pro Brexit panellists appearing in these circumstances and they should just refuse to take part.
I have no pride in the BBC. They are not British anymore.
Would the Americans pay £150 per year for this biased bile on pain of prison?
I think not.
not much in depth analysis here, no mention of previous proclivities
probably something really important buried in here
Guido summary
\\ Bloody hell, Keith Vaz must have a photo of John Bercow snorting coke with a couple of rent boys or something. //
Or the very least and more likely to be Sally Bercow !!!!!
It’s a win for Trump anyway
2020 “So Trump why no wall, why no abortion law ..why didn’t you ?”
… Ans “Cos of those the nasty blockers in Congress vote me in again in 2020”
I turn to the ‘Telegraph’. Tim Stanley does the lead article. Something about ‘Trump’s divided America’. Who else could possibly be responsible for dividing America? Yawn. Something about ‘culture beating economics’. Yawn. Culture? The Democrats? Not two terms I would put into the same sentence…
They want me to PAY to read this! I only need the headline, know what the article will say. I’d almost be willing to pay NOT to read it!
Gotta be joking; just like the bbc.
Ah. According to the BBC news just now it was the “highly educated” who switched from Republican to Democrat. They haven’t quite said it was the thick Neanderthal knuckle-draggers who stayed with Trump, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they do.
It’s amazing how they always seem to equate education with common sense. In my long experience, the two things are very often at odds with one another.
Why you should not listen to dancers and singers and actors for life advice ….
‘Will the media and Islamists ignore Sinead when she becomes an apostate?’
It would be an awful lot safer for her if they do.
Can’t be certain, but the BBC still seem pretty obsessed…
The Mueller probe is going absolutely nowhere and what exactly are they going to impeach him on? Just a couple of random quotes from the guy who has replaced Sessions as AAG
On the Special Counsel’s remit.
This information is deeply concerning to me. It does not take a lawyer or even a former federal prosecutor like myself to conclude that investigating Donald Trump’s finances or his family’s finances falls completely outside of the realm of his 2016 campaign and allegations that the campaign coordinated with the Russian government or anyone else. That goes beyond the scope of the appointment of the special counsel.
On HRC being prosecuted
A reasonable prosecutor may ask, if on numerous occasions, an unknown State Department employee had taken top secret information from a secured system, emailed that information on a Gmail account, and stored the information on a personal server for years, would that individual be prosecuted? I believe they would.
If I were HRC I would be getting worried.
The BBC used to be funny.
Have I Got News For You. 1992.
What went wrong?
“What went wrong?”
Because Al Beeb generated and promoted Political Correctness it ‘painted itself into a corner’.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
I’d forgotten the BBC used to have some genuinely witty banter like that… hell, I’d forgotten those guys ever had hair!
Taffman is right, the BBC have put themselves in a box, and are now in the process of taping down the lid and posting themselves off to Outer Mongolia.
BBC used to be funny, Private Eye used to be funny. There is one connection – Hisplop
Peter Cook rampant Leftie Douglas Adams rampant Leftie a couple of seconds in and they are taking a swipe at Margaret Thatcher and then Republican Vice President Dan Quayle suggesting his brain is worse than a Pumpkin.
The left might have been a little funnier back then but nothing has changed in the BBCs bias, what went wrong is the Lefts move towards Fascism which does not brook humour.