We might as well forget the Far Left BBC approach to the Brexit mess for a while and look at the other areas of BBC bias -there are plenty .
But to plagiarise an unreliable lefty rag ‘ comment is free’
We might as well forget the Far Left BBC approach to the Brexit mess for a while and look at the other areas of BBC bias -there are plenty .
But to plagiarise an unreliable lefty rag ‘ comment is free’
First? I know it’s going to be tight..
Backlinks to previous thread Page 4 covered All Friday’s posts from 10pm to 6pm
– Another Rotherham trial concluded
– A lot on May’s Brexit sellout
Thanks stew as always .
Well I WAS, until Stew muscled in !!! 🙂
This post is not representative of me and in addition no-one posts to be second or third – I demand a “peoples” post
Oak – I can see you were done out of your democratic right to be first.
Perhaps you’ll be able to vote in a ‘people’s vote’ soon?
(Not sure who it was that voted in the first referendum. Martians?)
FNW – I consider that I am entitled to as many new posts that are necessary until I become first!
There’s no need now for a second vote on leaving of the EU as we’ll never leave.
May has killed two birds with one stone.
How much do I admire her?
Now, let me find words…..
Are the BBC upset that we won’t be leaving?
Now, let me find words…..
Dover – Its not over yet even if Merkel – the fat lady sings.
However if we still value our democracy we may have to hit the streets at some point. Arm Chair warrioring is all well and good, but I think the elite need to realise that just maybe they may well be playing with fire when they so blatantly rip us off of, of what I consider our birthright.
I may be fat and in my 50s but I still have a pretty good right hand.
I am increasing thinking I need treatment. Visions of lampposts and people dangling from them now, continually come to mind.
Funnily enough I seem to be getting the same thoughts – I keep on getting the vision of leopard skin Jimmy Choos swinging in the wind.
I suppose it must be some sort of “hard right” disease caused by too much reading of the Daily Stormer (my paper of choice since voting Brexit and giving up the Mail)
The fat lady was in Chemnitz today, admitting that her face might be ‘polarising’, as can be seen on YT. It took her three months to get there after a certain murder, which is pretty fast, considering it took her a year to demonstrate any sympathy for the victims of Germany’s first large-scale terror attack.
Then again, it takes time to organize security for someone who is not very popular in the old East Germany. When she visited Dresden recently, I noticed she got into one of a dozen similar-looking, rapidly-departing Audis to escape after a function, quite a few police snipers visible on rooftops.
One would almost think police felt the locals there might have mistaken her for a commie.
Oaknash, it’s been a long time since I commented on here, even though I visit daily, but this weeks events have encouraged me to “reconnect” with UKIP (long time member). Hopefully, there’s more out there who would join, or re-join. That could be the beginning of a movement to “hit the streets”, under the UKIP banner?
xplod -welcome back.
I would have thought this is the opportune moment for parliamentary no-confidence letter writers to join UKIP, where -political theory would dictate- they should find a natural home (as the only party where ‘leave’ really means ‘leave’)…as in ‘now’/without further delay. That would send a message to all ‘the people’ who are ‘so uncertain’.
Alas, I’m not holding my breath.
XP – Not much a serious politico but I joined in the summer when the Electoral Commission were trying to bin them. I thought if the state hate them that much they must be doing something right.
Oak, never been serious myself, well, for many years….but now, I think I have reached a point where being just a “keyboard warrior” isn’t quite enough. I’m trying to light a fire under the local branch, which seems to have gone dormant since 2016. Might be a forlorn hope, but, “Nothing ventured….” etc. We’ll see how serious the people are. But we do need a figurehead, IMO.
I’m a little overweight and nudging 80 and I too still have a pretty good right hand but these days it only serves one purpose. Yep – you’ve guessed it – painting and decorating.
So far, as I’m sure most of you will agree, Mrs May has been something of a disappointment but , who knows, maybe this lady IS for turning? If not, all of us here in England are in the brown stuff.
I apologise in advance to anyone who may find any words in my post offensive.
Lefty – would you ever trust her now?
I am afraid she is 100% in the pocket of the globalists and bankers.
Being British is just some vague sort of concept the unwashed minions adhere to. It doesn’t matter if you lie to them because they are all stupid and dont matter anyway.
“I am afraid she is 100% in the pocket of the globalists and bankers.”
I have this weird feeling that when Mrs May goes behind closed doors [for her so called secret talks with her euro mates] they are in fact playing computer games amongst themselves with mrs merkel and her cronies winnings just past £200.000000000000000 quid and us brits owing aforesaid amount and rising and rising!
God forbid if Treezers, “deal” should go forward and, eventually, a dispute arises with the EU over certain terminology contained in the written, “deal”, please tell me which court would ajudicate?
The ‘proof of the pudding’ and all that………….
G – It’s the ECJ in Luxemburg. In fact, they stay in charge almost indefinitely, as far as I can make out.
Which also tells a story.
Ms May must be ignorant of that fact, since she only does what is in the National interest of the people of Great Britain, she says.
She cannot be ignorant of that fact. Our conclusion is simply overwhelming evidence of the ‘no Brexit’ she’s seeking to achieve.
“”For the Vichy-Tories, the moment of truth has arrived.””
“” It is yet possible that 15 November 2018 will go down in history as the day that British Democracy died, strangled by the supposed guardians of it””
“” They have arrived at the irreversible fork in the road.””
Not a BBC quote, of course.
If Mrs May succeeds in getting that den of iniquity, the HoP, to approve her treacherous proposals, then I suggest a future government will have to declare UDI from the EU. If it comes to that, let’s hope it is declared before the EU cabal have an army in place, which will no doubt be used to put down the insurrection in the UK, probably with the assistance of the fifth columnists and quislings in our midst.
I hope that Mr Rees-Mogg et al recognise that theirs is an existential battle for the future of our country as a free and independent nation. And they have to win.
john- if you think about it, UDI is really the appropriate term, even though the Rhodesia episode may have tainted the concept.
Wanna leave the EU? You tell them you’ve left, remove problematic domestic legislation chop-chop, and send in a team to sort out any practical problems arising.
What you don’t do is ask the EU for permission to leave (like they’re going to approve the start of their own demise!), negotiate within a framework devised largely by Barnier’s deputy, Sabine Weyand (who told the media that this thing is gonna work according to EU rules!), and fob the voters off by endlessly repeating the politician’s favorite: ‘in the National Interest’ (code for: I stay in power here).
Merkel remains the ‘master’ of staying put: she got the legitimation for that down to one word, after she illegally removed German borders: ‘alternativlos’ – without alternative. Ms May has learnt a great deal from Merkel, but there is still more to learn. Maybe ‘Brexit means Brexit’ was also alternativelos.
Actually the other word for #FakeNews
is “lies”
The media’s own “lies” undermine the media themselves
Came across this from, “Full Fact is the UK’s independent fact checking autority”. Mmmmmm. Their Report on, “Tackling missinformatio in an Open Society” does not permit the reader to search the whole document for a word or term – unfortunately. https://fullfact.org/media/uploads/full_fact_tackling_misinformation_in_an_open_society.pdf#page=4&zoom=auto,-82,46
It deals solely with every ‘information’ contributor EXCLUDING the internet so, it will include all UK MSM and the BBC. Well, it should. My scan through the document reveals NO reference to the BBC, our leading misinformation broadcaster.
So, how impartial is Full Fact? As a registered Charity, the body has, unlike the BBC, to comply fully with the objectives of the Charity for that status to continue.
If anyone finds condemnation of the BBC in the Report, I’ll take it all back. I don’t expect to hear from other contributors ……….
The MP’s former campaigns and communications manager said she visited his house on 24 July and spent no less than two hours discussing the “nitty gritty” of a charity lease.
He said he could not give a specific time but said it had been “quite late” and she had arrived in her car alone.
The court has heard Ms Onasanya was sent a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) after her car was clocked in Thorney, near Peterborough, at 22:03 BST on 24 July.
She returned the paperwork naming the driver as Aleks Antipow, a previous tenant of a property the siblings rented out in Cambridge.
Just about made a small piece on BBC News online England Webpage. Bet it’s gone shortly
Yesterday they were banging on about a South African paedophile in the police convicted for grooming a 13 year old girl
What a difference!
Rotherham grooming gang are jailed for a total of 101 years after sexually assaulting young girls including victim who was ‘passed around by 100 Asian men’ by age of 16
Gang exploited girls from troubled homes who ‘wanted to be loved’, court is told
As with similar gangs, girls were given drink, drugs and ‘passed round’ the group
Judge says gang carried out ‘cynical manipulation and exploitation’ of victims
One vulnerable girl was raped by scores of men between the ages of 13 and 16
By Richard Spillett, Crime Correspondent For Mailonline
Published: 16:15, 16 November 2018 | Updated: 20:13, 16 November 2018
View comments
A gang of six men has been jailed for a total of 101 years after sexually exploiting five vulnerable teenage girls in Rotherham.
The men targeted girls who were ‘easy to exploit because they wanted to be loved’ – sexually abusing them in parks, abandoned buildings and secluded locations.
The offences were committed against five girls under 16 in the Rotherham area between 1998 and 2005.
Their abusers – all Asian men from Sheffield and Rotherham – were convicted of offences including rape and indecent assault.
As predicted the convicted Pakistani Muslim paedophile gang has disappeared from the Al BBC website and now seems to be replaced with a
Plane passenger sue ing because a fat man sat next to him – very snowflake story .
Or has Cheryl got a new face ?
Oh will someone be arrested and jailed soon surely
cos a new series 3 Huddersfield groom/rape gang trials has started in Leeds Court
and someone has named 20 of the accused and photo’d them as they enter the court today
30 accused : face 78 charges of rape, drug offences, sexual assault and child trafficking of five girls aged between 13 and 15
5 are called Mohammed
“Judge Phillips split the defendants into three sets of trials, the first of which will begin on September 9 next year.”
“The third and final trial will then begin on April 20, 2020. The 10 defendants who will appear then cannot be named but they face numerous charges including rape, sexual assault, supplying drugs and trafficking.”
ah it’s the Huddersfield Examiner
..So they probably won’t be treated like TR
The chances missed
Peter McLoughlin author of Easy Meat

adds a comment there
I tweeted it
Mrs doobster78 sat here watching the last leg. Utterly dispise this programme. Can you get a bigger snowflake than Adam hills ??? This is hard left , far left . Imagine being allowed a programme like this with this kind of bias to the right ??? Wouldn’t happen. The left , get away with murder. Untouchable. Furious listening to this utter cretinous shirt front ????
Woah! Did I just hear Sopel on the news at 10:00 describe the White House close-up video of Acosta refusing to hand over the microphone as “released an edited video”? Hasn’t that been debunked?
3 people on Twitter agree with you
Esther McVay didn’t resign because she disagreed with the terms of Brexit, it was because no one would give her a briefcase.
So it seems that the BBC editorial pattern on the publication of the conviction of Pakistani Muslim rape gangs is this ;
2 hours of pictures and names and basic details on the main site – no details of the nature of their evil crimes against young white girls
Then to the national ( England ) site
Then gradual relegation to a ‘side ‘ story – a mild headline – no pictures or names …
Then by tomorrow – gone – never happened …
This is clear evidence of the BBC ‘non storying ‘ facts which are detrimental to the Muslim ‘community ‘ which must be blessed by the higher levels of bbc management who presumably include wahabis pretending to have assumed civilised western culture …
…. which is an approved technique of that medieval perverted sect .
See what the pattern is on the next trial – we won’t have to wait long ….
Just wanted to agree with comments above, especially those that expressed the desperate sense stronger measures are required to fix the current mess we are in.
Maybe the ‘silent majority’ are just not the type to go around shouting on the street and being ‘active’ – unlike many vociferous groups who of course get their own way with tedious frequency nowadays even when out of all proportion to their actual popular support.
Thank goodness at least we have alternative media because our frustration gets precious little mainstream expression. The ‘silent majority’ is indeed kept quiet. How can this ever change unless action is taken to redress the mass biased coverage?
Meanwhile our beloved biased broadcaster leeches off the easy means of pushing their agenda, strengthening their grip on all they can brainwash. Faced with Mother Theresa’s Brexit (in name only) from a Conservative (in name only) government, they seem hysterical at any suggestion of a new government making no deal but remain only too happy to risk Corbyn’s commie goons taking over from the current goons.
Perhaps this chronic outcome might just be what is necessary to wake up enough people to act. Maybe things get even worse before any chance they get better. Very worrying.
The BBC took a cheeky swipe at Davis earlier. My guess is they are sniffing out the next possible PM to run some bias against.
Well the next PM is not going to be Raincoat Corbyn so they can get rid of those hopes.
22 or 23 letters handed in so far. Things could be looking up
According to Al Beeb Amber Rudd is back in the cabinet. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t she a Remainer? If you were PM and wanted the best negotiating team wouldn’t you bring in from all parties the best men/women for the job? People who know the EU Parliament inside out.
I think it is evident that the nation has been betrayed. Remember the Lancaster Speech……………. https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/the-governments-negotiating-objectives-for-exiting-the-eu-pm-speech
You should have voted UKIP……………..
Only three twenty three letters handed in so far. That’s less than half the number needed. My normally bubbly optimism (cough) is now replaced by a strong sense of gloom and doom.
Last time I felt this bad was just before the Brexit vote when it looked like Project Fear would triumph.
I got that wrong. But I was so pleased with the result. It revealed a fighting spirit that I thought the Brits had completely lost.
Even from the start though, we knew that the establishment would try and stop it. Then came the appointment of Theresa May. I rewrote Lewis Carrolls “Jabberwocky” to outline my worst fears about the situation and I posted it on here.
Alas! Nature imitated art and it was quite an accurate prophesy.
May has betrayed a nation’s trust and revealed herself to be deceitful and most of the Tory party too. Not all, there are a few strong Brexiteers (unfortunately incompetents)
An insurrection from the people doesn’t seem likely. All this talk of pitchforks and flaming brands is simply wishful thinking. Even the suggestion of changing the voting system from the abomination that has given the country a choice only between a traitorous, sharia compliant EU devotee and a jurassic , open borders Marxist does not appeal to a lot of would be pitchfork wielding dreamers.
Taffman is right, people should be voting Ukip. In fact they should be joining. The party has a new fearless leader in Gerard Batten. He is clued up, competent and stable unlike the somewhat erratic Farage.
What is more, and this should be appealing to people on this site,
Ukip has a policy to scrap the BBC licence fee. No other party does.
The fight to overrule the Brexit vote has been spearheaded by the BBC. The fight for Islamization has a powerful champion in the BBC.
What progress has been made to rid us of this perversion of a public broadcaster since the Tories took office? Anybody?
I’ll list the actions taken here to be fair.
Got it?
On DV’s ‘periscope’ yesterday he said that according to his ‘sources’ the required amount of no confidence letters were in by the close of play on Thursday and that the swamp were covering this up. Delaying tactics.
https://www.pscp.tv/DVATW/1yoJMjdmlyXxQ at 04:58
I am disappointed that there have not been much more letters as well. I did read this from the BBC however:
‘Senior placed Tory MPs are saying they have reached the magic 48 letters needed for a vote of confidence against Theresa May, but Sir Graham Brady – chairman of the 1922 committee – is giving precious little away.’
Perhaps a calm before a much needed storm or being from the BBC is there more to it that thought? Brady is keeping things tight lipped for some reason.
At the moment my only concern is that the gates for Downing Street have been left swinging open for Corbyn to sneak in and bankrupt us. I bet that the left love every minute of all this don’t they?
If anything May should simply resign. If she loses the vote in Westminster then I hope that would push her to it so I actually hope for once that Labour vote against it along with everyone else but only if it does not lead to a GE. The left would love that.
Needless to say that I am worried
Cartoon on the week’s events:
E = MC2
Where E = energy M = mass
and C = the speed at which the bBBC can get paki paodophile muslim gang rapists off its front page
Exaggeration = Marvellous Chequers²
(national) Embarrassment = May’s Crapness²
Breakfast BBC – goes to Liverpool airport to ask views of ‘normal’ people and almost everyone says it’s a mess and all in support of Brexit..they ask one ?Spanish young woman who said she isn’t bothered as she has been here long enough and only concern was whether her family would need visas..
Cut to Naga in studio talking to BBC plonker outside Parliament “so from what we just heard most people are concerned about what will happen to them personally”…
Nobody said that …….how do they get away with just ignoring what people really say…she should have said almost everyone said get on with Brexit!
They write the story first then seek supporting evidence second. Live TV airtime to fill so plug on w story regardless.
BBC Radio 4 Today. Muso Damon Albarn is on to plug his new album. It’s an elegy to the country he loves, we need a second referendum blah blah
Albarn’s music was underwhelming, rather muddled and heavy, too.
I suspect that The Kinks did it, far better, a long time ago. [Village Green Preservation Society]
showing your age…good album though
Good album?
Great album!
Bbc news announces it raised a billion since children in need started. News station reports on itself. Never mention Jimmy Savile or that it prosecutes poor families that can’t pay their 150 pound license.
Children in need … 1 billion since 1980.
BBC. .. £3.5 billion per year.
Gary Lineker. … £1.75 million per year.
Children in need 2018 …. £50 million.
Chris Evans …. £2.3 million per year.
and in 38 years how much have the licence payer DONATED to BBC stars salaries ?
Stew – if I recall st Terrance wogan used to get £55k for presenting it . Then stopped after it was made public .
Show business
Wonder where all the money goes …
Ummmm, those kids that were ‘in need’ and helped 30 odd years ago will be around middle aged by now with kids of their own, so it would be interesting to know what they’re up to now !
A billion pounds ? then this country must be awash with community buses, play areas, physiotherapy equipment etc etc that’s been paid for in the past 35 years !!!!! Has anything been recycled ?????
Johnston Press, the owner of the i newspaper / Yorkshire Post / Scotsman, has put itself into administration and declared that there is “no longer any value” in its shares as it can’t repay its debts.
9:46 PM · Nov 16, 2018 Jim Waterson @jimwaterson
Email to Johnston Press staff. Essentially if the administration deal is approved, a new company will be formed owning the same papers, having lopped off the crippling debts (and the pension fund).
“none of these offers, or combinations of offers, would have raised enough money to repay the £220m debt that we are obliged to settle in June 2019”
“The newspapers and websites will continue to be published as usual. As I have stressed on several occasions, our business is profitable with good margins. Our debt has constrained us.”
Staff pensions will fall.
Shareholders have lost their money.
Time to play ‘find the story’.
This morning, where is the Rotherham rape gang item on the BBC website?
Important stuff, right, so it has to be on the home page? No. Wrong. Beaten by “students hit by wave of fake refund emails”. Gosh.
So, it’s on the UK page, right? No. Beaten by “darts players accuse each other of farting”. Seriously.
The England page? Yes, there we are, item no.8 just below “man banned for not running marathon”.
There it is, our helpful BBC highlighting the horrific, systematic gang rape of our children by Muslim gangs, yet again shining a light on the darkest, most threatening corners of provincial England. If only.
Now it’s time to play our next game.
What time today will the BBC drop the Rotherham gang rapists from the England page and file them away in the South Yorkshire page? Going on it’s past record, I would guess by midday. Story shrunk. Whitewash applied. Job done.
Oh dear … Bbc …. trusted ….
Ed — as of 1.40pm it’s gone from the UK page.
Relegated to Sheffield/South Yorkshire regional news, about 7th item.
Proud not to be first.
After Brexit part of the new policy to be implemented immediately should be to leave the UN. More billions devoted to our destruction.
The UN is our enemy. It may almost be said that any organisation with international aims, names or ambitions, is the enemy of the UK. Of the West in general.
Then the newly independent states can be told, “no more aid”.
£50 billion per annum. I think I could bring down the EU with that in a couple of years. A necessary task made more pleasant by the foul nature of our enemies.
I couldnt agree more…especially now they have inspectors coming into the country telling us how poverty striken we are.
I think a lot of what is happening around the world is coming from the UN…and I think the BBC are being dictated to as well….
we should do what Poland and Albania are doing and say NO…….
LSC & LuckyH,
I guess you are both aware what the UN have in store for us shortly in the form of the, UN Migration Compact? Treezer has already signed us up for the next avalanche of migrants which has the potential to render incoming numbers to date (EU & World) insignificant.
2.8 mins long so, let the UN speak for itself:
Yes I am..its December i beleive.Just watching Stefan Molyneux and his take on it.
G -it is a great shame that we are now so preoccupied with Brexit (understandibly) that any public discussion of this ‘Migrant Compact’ has passed us by, and -guess who- has apparently signed us up. She has been greatly helped in this by the deliberate omission of coverage in the UK MSM.
From what I gather, the US, Australia, Poland, Hungary,and Austria have already said that they are not signing. Others, mainly in Eastern Europe, are considering not signing.
There is a lot of complacency about the ‘Compact’: the glossy ad gives you an idea why. However, the ultimate objective is to take from sovereign states the ability to control migration into their countries and hand that over to the UN.
This is indeed a second front, one which we are ignoring while we line up to fight for Brexit. So, it seems, we will sign in Morocco next month, foolishly convinced control over own borders is a Brexit thing.
We will have lots of time to contemplate this in future, when the UN starts telling us what we can and cannot do. At the moment it is still ‘non binding’. How long will that last, I wonder?
If this is even half correct, May’s bit of handiwork is far far worse than I thought:
The top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal
Unbelievable in fact. I think Blair is losing his reputation as the UK’s worst traitor in recent history. At least Chamberlain had the excuse that WW1 carnage was still fresh in people’s memories.
agreed…..just shows how far we have been sold down the river in 30 years…Major Blair Brown Cameron……….
Got straight into this earlier today. Not sure how. Now it’s paywalled.
Anne, yes, I registered to get a few free articles per week but when I tried to access the article I saw it was only available to subscribers.
Despite the hateyfa protests Bannon did give his speech at the Oxford Union last night
..the world didn’t end.
We shouldn’t worry too much about what the Oxford Union says or does. Remember the King and Country debate in 1933.
@Stew…I watched the whole of Bannon’s talk.There was nothing contentious there at all…..
but it amazes me how brainwashed students are especially at Oxford.They have their left wing beliefs drummed into them from somewhere.
The questions were so predictable based on the old identity politics and Marxist dogma.
It worries me that Oxford and Cambridge are admitting these types.Especially the virtue signallers protesting outside…embarrasing as a taxpayer……
@Luckyharry69 Don’t you think it is interesting
– On the AfD leader- hateyfa WON and she didn’t speak at Oxford
– On Jenni Murray – hateyfa WON and she didn’t speak at Oxford
– On Bannon- hateyfa LOST and he did speak at Oxford
… something happened our police decided to help and put in the resources
. Have our police bosses seen the light and are now against the hateyfa ?
Steve Bannon interview: ‘You’re insane! You’re the party of Davos propaganda machine!’
A conversation with Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, is good natured and cordial right up to the moment he hears something that he firmly disagrees with
I know polls are not very accurate and they will give you the results you pay for but I’ve not seen any over the last few days.
I would have thought that with all the discontent about May’s terrible proposed deal the Tories would have lost a lot of voters, mainly going to UKIP.
Is there a big swing to UKIP and it’s being kept secret?
Also, I wish more people would come out and say that ‘no deal’ is actually a very good option. It’s what we voted for and not the dogs breakfast of a capitulation that remainer May with her remainer cabinet in a remainer government supported by the remainer civil service and given blanket support by the almost total remainer media (ALL the tv stations and most of the papers…we’ve lost the mail which is now another remainer paper)
Leave won the referendum and not remain which is virtually the current May deal.
How many letters are in.
I hear 23 and I hear over 48.
Is Brady in line for a gong of some sort and is holding back from triggering the no confidence vote.
If May wins the vote but over a 100 vote against her how can she carry on knowing that so many don’t want her.
Out, on WTO terms now.
WTO rules OK.
I see there is a petition on the Parliament petition site : “Leave The EU Now”. I saw it on the Scots for Leave facebook site. I was surprised it only had about 23,000 signatures.
I think people are probably getting sick of signing petitions that change nothing.
EG, “Also, I wish more people would come out and say that ‘no deal’ is actually a very good option.”
I think it better to let the hard Remainers keep going on their ‘No deal = disaster’ mantras. The more of them that say it, on record, as on Any Questions last night, the better.
Then, if the proposed deal falls in Parliament and there is no time to agree an alternative with Brussels & the Member States before 29 March, we will be out and free.
If the hard Remainer predictions then fall flat in the first months or year or two of deal-less Brexit, their cause & reputation will be severely damaged, if not destroyed.
Did you listen to AQs last night? Adonis was vile, almost a man possessed. I think we need to leave without a deal but it may be best for Brexiteers to remain quiet but determined. Let Remain exceed so that Brexit is a success.
I suspect and hope that as more and more Remainers keep up their Brexit = Disaster, Peoples’ 2nd Vote, Remain, Remain, Remain chants then more and more people who voted Remain in June 2016 will start to grow all sorts of doubts and wish increasingly to be out and away from the EU. If only to have an end to the noise!
We must now rely on Parliament and that vote with, hopefully, MPs listening to their constituents wishes and voting accordingly.
“Letters in” It seems the1922 committee are using Diane Abbott to do the maths.
As for music, maybe what we need right now is not Damon Albran but a burst of Steeleye Span: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QynGUt-J8c
I wish and pray not just good times for Old England but all the UK out of the EU.
8pm R4 The Black Footballer’s Dilemma .. Archive on 4
Clark Carlisle looks back at the challenges black players faced at a time when racist abuse from the terraces and insults in the dressing room were a regular occurrence //
BBC Local Radio stats are down
Em, “weekly reach” is a BS metric, cos it covers people who listen only 5 mins/week.
but even so some get a weekly reach of 60K eg Oxford and Coventry/Warwick
@Kensington comments
\\ yet we are still forced to fund these stations, even though almost literally no-one listens. Still, even at 62.000 listeners, Radio Oxford are still nearly double the ghastly network TV Victoria Derbyshire show — and we are forced to pay her 220k to present it: //
BBC is making the “Cameron Years”
“How to Save Brexit”. A tantalising heading posed by Brendon O’Neil in Spiked.
Problem is, he makes no suggestions.
The pseudo-liberals go around painting targets on the backs of people.
They have painted targets on the backs of ‘straight white men’.
White collar eco-warriors to spread chaos Times
\\ A middle-class band of music teachers, civil servants and retired psychologists have been trained by experienced eco-activists to cause “chaos” in London today to force the government to enact radical laws on climate change.
A “day of rebellion” has been organised by Extinction Rebellion (ER) with the aim of blocking five bridges across the Thames. A Times reporter attended a meeting where the leadership advocated smashing windows and spraying graffiti to get arrested. They plan to block Southwark, Blackfriars, Waterloo, Westminster and Lambeth bridges.
The activists, who compare themselves to First World War conscientious objectors, have won backing from Lord Williams of Oystermouth, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Julia Bradbury, the television presenter, and George Monbiot of The Guardian.
photo shows Dirty graffiti sprayed all over Defra entrance
Labour keep banging on about the government ‘stepping aside’ or calling for a GE (which they assume they would win) to enable them to negotiate Brexit.
I’m mystified as to what exactly they would negotiate… 🙁
60% of Labour constituencies voted to leave?….
A Tale of Two Caravans: Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz has been filming en route. He says “The entire framing are women and children when the reality is so far from the truth, 90-95 percent of all the people in this caravan are men.”
Might be an exaggeration, but compare/contrast to the beeb’s output and the words they prefer to use:
– Women
– Families
– Children
– Babies
– Elderly
A bit of ‘light’ relief.
WARNING – contains bad language.
Very good!
Ja ja ist gut neon?
The uniform fitted Tusk very well
Thanks for the warning.
That was really funny. Good comedy is always based on truth.
WARNING –Beware of what you wish for. I have long been warning on this site – now Sweden have done it. When you get the longed for abolition of the license it will go this way:
I don’t wish for the BBC to be funded from general taxation that is even worse than funding it by the LF. What I wish for is for either the BBC to funded wholly by subscription or , even better, for it to be broken up into at least four or five smaller parts and then sold off. Getting rid of the BBC is an ssential step to freeing our country from the Globalist yoke.
David R …. that is exactly what out spineless politicians will do here as well .. unless UKIP get a decent amount of MP’s.
With the BBC leading project fear regarding the ‘chaos and disruption’ that will happen at the ports following a “hard Brexit,” they seem to ignore the fact that the French are quite able to make their own ‘chaos and disruption’ ,without any Brexit.
Protesters Vow to Bring France to a Standstill over Macron’s Fuel Tax Hikes
and we have the moronic eco-warriors in London today causing havoc and illegal damage etc…….the BBC havent shown it yet though….I’m sure there must be a good use for water cannons?……..
BBC web news on the eco-thugs
Interesting that. looking at the pictures here and elsewhere, I can’t see any ‘persons of colour’ or members of the Bad Mo gang. I wonder if they don’t care about the environment?
“The fossil fuel era is over” Not until we find a alternative that keeps the lights and heating on and enables the transport that keeps the shelves in the supermarket full.
I can’t see this rabble voluntarily doing without any of that.
France whole country blocked
French interior ministry officials say that one protester has been killed and 47 injured as demonstrators block roads around France to protest gas price increases.
6h6 hours ago
Yesterday outside Parl I was interviewed by ITV, Sky, Talk Radio, & foreign media. My message is loud & clear: ditch May’s Not Really Leaving Deal. Go for unilateral,unconditional withdrawal & WTO terms. That is the only way we will ever leave. Don’t ask the EU – tell it.
So bBC and Ch.4 not there then???
We were warned by the remainer types that not joining the Euro would be an absolute disaster for Britain and cost many jobs. When weakly questioned about this its quickly passed over with a shrug.
Off topic but why does the awful beeb tickbox Naga Munchetty need glasses one day but not the next? Silly childish woman.
Update on my “find the story” game from earlier today.
It is now Saturday pm and the Rotherham rape gang story has gone from the England page, as predicted.
You can now find it as item no.7 under Sheffield & Sth Yorks.
So, there we have it, the BBC’s disappearing story trick….systematic child abuse and industrial scale Muslim gang rape hidden from view. Disgrace.
The BBC news editors are clearly following an agenda. It happens every time. Shameful journalism.