We might as well forget the Far Left BBC approach to the Brexit mess for a while and look at the other areas of BBC bias -there are plenty .
But to plagiarise an unreliable lefty rag ‘ comment is free’
We might as well forget the Far Left BBC approach to the Brexit mess for a while and look at the other areas of BBC bias -there are plenty .
But to plagiarise an unreliable lefty rag ‘ comment is free’
Times : “Hey kids we are Uncle and Aunty Google and we in your school invited by the government to program you , I mean educate you about using the internet safely”
Times : Woman’s Equality Party letter
signed bu Hirsh, Gabby Logan and usual suspects.
” The government sent only one woman to Brussels as part of the UK’s senior negotiating team. The Department for Exiting the EU is 62 per cent male, and in Commons debates on the EU Withdrawal Bill nearly 90 per cent of speaking time was taken up by men.”
look at thier #EverydaySexism : The PM, head if states and senior Lords are all women
May, Sturgeon, Foster, Wood (missed by a whisker), Davidson, Dugdale (missed by a whisker), Rudd, Mordaunt, Evans, Bradley, Leadsom, Truss, Perry, Nokes, Dick etc
Nope, no women anywhere in key positions…
Times UN advert
I’ve not noticed the UN speaking up on grroming raping gangs
The latest UNwomenUK youtube video was made by advertising agency JWT
..whose female boss seemingly just sacked a load of males so that the org can immediately have better ratio of female emloyees.
Bond here. Apparently my property is ‘under investigation’. I’m looking out of my window to see if there are any men in dark glasses, hats pulled low, collars turned up, following my every move. There is some character in a ski mask, but is he FSB, GRU, or merely cold?
This letter from the beeb’s henchmen has left me shaken, but not stirred into action. I mean, what will they do to my property, once they’ve investigated it? I know Amber will want to lock me up for looking at undesirable websites, now that she’s back. But, have we reached property removal stage yet in this great Democracy?
My pal Sergei Skripal, just let his TV licence lapse, I think he got away with it, cos I haven’t heard from him in a while.
…unless Capita did catch up with him.
I wouldn’t worry if Capita are involved, through direct experience of them as a company thay are about as much use as Stephen Hawking’s treadmill
I am still waiting for Crapita and Scotland Yard to call. They send me very intimidating letters. I have just received a Red letter with the comments…….
“An Officer may interview may interview you under caution in accordance national criminal law”,
“Anything you say to the Officer may be used as evidence in court”
If this was any other company I am sure it would be considered harassment.
If more of you had the courage to scrap the ‘Tax’, the Telly Goons would have difficulty in keeping up.
Go for it !
taffman, if you consider yourself to feeling harassed and threatened by TV Licensing letters then that is sufficient as a breach of the Harassment Act 1997.
On two separate occasions, you need to formally request in writing that TV Licensing ‘cease and desist’ from harassing you. On the second occasion you can state that any further breach of the Harassment Act 1997 may result in a report to the Police and a recourse to civil action for damages.
I thank you for your helpful advice. My concern would be that by writing to them I would be revealing my details to ‘the enemy’.
We live in sad times. A person who has no criminal record whatsoever could end up with one for not paying a homage fee to an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
They already have your details, taffman, they know where you live! If you are not watching live broadcast TV and BBC TV iPlayer, you have no need of a Licence.
“My concern would” is there as a sign of harassment in my view. Ask for a free consult at a friendly solicitor for a firm legal opinion. Two second class stamps is all it takes to get them off your back and, if they offend again, TV Licensing in the dock in Court.
Thank you for that information. They may have the address, but they address ‘The Occupier ‘.
I will be considering that . Watch this space.
taffman, they have your name. They only address it to the occupier as a ‘catch-all’. TVL only need to cross-check the address with the Electoral Register to legally confirm your name and may well be able to do it informally on-line.
As the distressed person (ie. the one suffering harassment) only you and anyone else at the address who might open that mailing, can make the complaint. You can get a Solicitor to do it but they may charge for their services (some offer first letter free!) but will also state ‘We act on behalf of so-and-so who is suffering distress as a result of your mailings’.
You may adopt the ‘ignore & refuse entry’ approach, if you wish. It is recommended still by a web-site or two about TV Licensing. But if you insist on that approach you have to put up with the mailings from TVL. Choice is yours.
Thank you up2
Interesting to note the very newspaper shrieking about plastic / polythene bags and directly responsible for lack of bags in supermarkets through this shrieking:
I got the Mail on Sunday last weekend for a change and was astounded to see the polythene bag containing at least 10 glossy adverts and brochures fall out and magazines, astounding hypocrisy and instant waste generation …
I note the National Trust has switched the wrapping on the members’ magazine from plastic to a potato starch wrap that can be composted at home.
Got a Wembley programme at the game this week was like a 3rd world publication made from recycled paper even though most would like to keep as a souvenir, but the Mail on Sunday continues distributing millions of unwanted poly bags, glossy magazines and brochures every week whilst its sister publication the Daily Mail attacks everyone else about this
Another example of tolerance that will no doubt be ignored or supported by the Beeb. $20,000 fine to celebrate Christmas
If the lives of our raped white children do not matter to the MSM, especially the bBBC, who do their best to hide this national scandal, then I hold out little hope for Santa and his elves, even in this country when a certain sector has outbred us and invaded us and infiltrated local then national government, demanding tolerance (which is for us to tolerate their intolerance), which they seem intent upon doing, just hope the elves steer clear of taxi ranks and corner shops
Middle class victims of Britain’s largest Asian child sex ring were ignored for ‘not being poor enough’ when social workers visited their ‘nice’ homes, claims charity chief.
A group of straight white men who were axed from their job at one of the country’s top advertising agencies felt like they had a ‘target on their backs’.
JWT London is facing a sexism and racism claim after five male employees were made redundant during a diversity drive.
They were fired shortly after raising concerns about comments made by their boss at a diversity conference.
Jo Wallace, a newly appointed creative director who introduced herself as a gay woman at the conference, said that she wanted to ‘obliterate’ the agency’s Mad Men reputation of being mostly straight, white men.
So why is the awful bbbc making so much of the ‘gang of five’ ?
They’re only remainers propping up Mrs Chamberlain, so why are they now so important?They weren’t before!
Huge rat to smell here methinks, there’s something up…
Wouldn’t it be nice if all those awful overpaid to eye-watering sums, ‘autocue readers’ gave their money to ‘Children in need’ post offices in Rotherham.
On a ‘Need to know’ basis, this …
… must rank about 103 out of the top 100 items today.
The BBC is becoming increasingly weird in its news output.
Its a wimmin problem so maybe that’s why, also noticed they were banging on about sexism against wimmin with body hair earlier FFS, the bBBC will probably start a campaign against wimmin having to have babies next, or something
Link to JRM twitter, where you can view the 40 horrors of Brexit as previously mentioned. Also a MUST see horror video by Guy Verhofstadt.
Really really scary.
English Lass,
Hopefully enough people will see that Guy Verhofstadt video to be turned off the EU for good.
Unfortunately still cannot access that Spectator article. Only for subscribers.
From The Spectator
The top 40 horrors:
From the offset, we should note that this is an EU text, not a UK or international text. This has one source. The Brexit agreement is written in Brussels.
May says her deal means the UK leaves the EU next March. The Withdrawal Agreement makes a mockery of this. “All references to Member States and competent authorities of Member States…shall be read as including the United Kingdom.” (Art 6). Not quite what most people understand by Brexit. It goes on to spell out that the UK will be in the EU but without any MEPs, a commissioner or ECJ judges. We are effectively a Member State, but we are excused – or, more accurately, excluded – from attending summits. (Article 7)
The European Court of Justice is decreed to be our highest court, governing the entire Agreement – Art. 4. stipulates that both citizens and resident companies can use it. Art 4.2 orders our courts to recognise this. “If the European Commission considers that the United Kingdom has failed to fulfil an obligation under the Treaties or under Part Four of this Agreement before the end of the transition period, the European Commission may, within 4 years after the end of the transition period, bring the matter before the Court of Justice of the European Union”. (Art. 87)
The jurisdiction of the ECJ will last until eight years after the end of the transition period. (Article 158).
The UK will still be bound by any future changes to EU law in which it will have no say, not to mention having to comply with current law. (Article 6(2))
Any disputes under the Agreement will be decided by EU law only – one of the most dangerous provisions. (Article 168). This cuts the UK off from International Law, something we’d never do with any foreign body. Arbitration will be governed by the existing procedural rules of the EU law – this is not arbitration as we would commonly understand it (i.e. between two independent parties). (Article 174)
“UNDERLINING that this Agreement is founded on an overall balance of benefits, rights and obligations for the Union and the United Kingdom” No, it should be based upon the binding legal obligations upon the EU contained within Article 50. It is wrong to suggest otherwise.
The tampon tax clause: We obey EU laws on VAT, with no chance of losing the tampon tax even if we agree a better deal in December 2020 because we hereby agree to obey other EU VAT rules for **five years** after the transition period. Current EU rules prohibit 0-rated VAT on products (like tampons) that did not have such exemptions before the country joined the EU.
Several problems with the EU’s definitions: “Union law” is too widely defined and “United Kingdom national” is defined by the Lisbon Treaty: we should given away our right to define our citizens. The “goods” and the term “services” we are promised the deal are not defined – or, rather, will be defined however the EU wishes them to be. Thus far, this a non-defined term so far. This agreement fails to define it.
The Mandelson Pension Clause: The UK must promise never to tax former EU officials based here – such as Peter Mandelson or Neil Kinnock – on their E.U. pensions, or tax any current Brussels bureaucrats on their salaries. The EU and its employees are to be immune to our tax laws. (Article 104)
Furthermore, the UK agrees not to prosecute EU employees who are, or who might be deemed in future, criminals (Art.101)
The GDPR clause. The General Data Protection Regulation – the EU’s stupidest law ever? – is to be bound into UK law (Articles 71 to 73). There had been an expectation in some quarters that the UK could get out of it.
The UK establishes a ‘Joint Committee’ with EU representatives to guarantee ‘the implementation and application of this Agreement’. This does not sound like a withdrawal agreement – if it was, why would it need to be subject to continued monitoring? (Article 164). This Joint Committee will have subcommittees with jurisdiction over: (a) citizens’ rights; (b) “other separation provisions”; (c) Ireland/Northern Ireland; (d) Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus; (e) Gibraltar; and (f) financial provisions. (Article 165)
The Lifetime clause: the agreement will last as long as the country’s youngest baby lives. “the persons covered by this Part shall enjoy the rights provided for in the relevant Titles of this Part for their lifetime”. (Article 39).
The UK is shut out of all EU networks and databases for security – yet no such provision exists to shut the EU out of ours. (Article 8)
The UK will tied to EU foreign policy, “bound by the obligations stemming from the international agreements concluded by the Union” but unable to influence such decisions. (Article 124)
All EU citizens must be given permanent right of residence after five years – but what counts as residence? This will be decided by the EU, rather than UK rules. (Articles 15-16)
Britain is granted the power to send a civil servant to Brussels to watch them pass stupid laws which will hurt our economy. (Article 34)
The UK agrees to spend taxpayers’ money telling everyone how wonderful the agreement is. (Article 37)
Art 40 defines Goods. It seems to includes Services and Agriculture. We may come to discover that actually ‘goods’ means everything.
Articles 40-49 practically mandate the UK’s ongoing membership of the Customs Union in all but name.
The UK will be charged to receive the data/information we need in order to comply with EU law. (Article 50)
The EU will continue to set rules for UK intellectual property law (Article 54 to 61)
The UK will effectively be bound by a non-disclosure agreement swearing us to secrecy regarding any EU developments we have paid to be part. This is not mutual. The EU is not bound by such measures. (Article 74)
The UK is bound by EU rules on procurement rules – which effectively forbids us from seeking better deals elsewhere. (Articles 75 to 78)
We give up all rights to any data the EU made with our money (Art. 103)
The EU decide capital projects (too broadly defined) the UK is liable for. (Art. 144)
The UK is bound by EU state aid laws until future agreement – even in the event of an agreement, this must wait four years to be valid. (Article 93)
Similar advantages and immunities are extended to all former MEPs and to former EU official more generally. (Articles 106-116)
The UK is forbidden from revealing anything the EU told us or tells us about the finer points of deal and its operation. (Article 105).
Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)
The UK shall be liable for any “outstanding commitments” after 2022 (Article 142(2) expressly mentions pensions, which gives us an idea as to who probably negotiated this). The amount owed will be calculated by the EU. (Articles 140-142)
The UK will be liable for future EU lending. As anyone familiar with the EU’s financials knows, this is not good. (Article143)
The UK will remain liable for capital projects approved by the European Investment Bank. (Article 150).
The UK will remain a ‘party’ (i.e. cough up money) for the European Development Fund. (Articles 152-154)
And the EU continues to calculate how much money the UK should pay it. So thank goodness Brussels does not have any accountancy issues.
The UK will remain bound (i.e coughing up money) to the European Union Emergency Trust Fund – which deals with irregular migration (i.e. refugees) and displaced persons heading to Europe. (Article 155)
The agreement will be policed by ‘the Authority’ – a new UK-based body with ‘powers equivalent to those of the European Commission’. (Article 159)
The EU admits, in Art. 184, that it is in breach of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which oblige it to “conclude an agreement” of the terms of UK leaving the EU. We must now, it seems, “negotiate expeditiously the agreements governing their future relationship.” And if the EU does not? We settle down to this Agreement.
And, of course, the UK will agree to pay £40bn to receive all of these ‘privileges’. (Article 138)
English Lass, Thanks so much. I’m going to read it now.
Just raced through it. If that’s ‘leaving’ the EU I’d hate to see what remaining in the EU looks like.
Actually, I can see why some are saying that remaining would be far better than this ‘deal’ – which I suppose was the cunning EU plan all along during these ‘negotiations.’
TT I don’t agree, I think this shows where the E.U. is going and we should get out fast.
English Lass, I totally agree with you. I probably didn’t express that last comment clearly enough. May has now put the UK between a rock and a hard place.
While Britain has lost its empire, it was never part of the story that we would become a colony
“While Britain has lost its empire…”…….then their nerve……..and finally their heads (preferably on a pike!)
I will back any Briton against any of the rapist isis cowards who hide their faces, when they lose their knives and guns, man to man, they seem very brave when they outnumber or against unarmed, reference the Sadam elite “Republican guard” for instance
Yes, the great warrior Saddam Hussein surrendered meekly to the Americans when they uncovered him cowering in his underground hole.
I’ve read that exact same thought about France, afraid of becoming the colonised from being coloniser.
What does President Trump and Brexit have in common?
They are both abhorred by Al Beeb.
Whats the difference betwen a remainer / bBBC, and a battery ?
The battery has a positive side
I’ve discovered where the EU got their election policy from(around 3 mins). If you draw the short straw, change the rules. TM is merely backing this up.
I should like to comment briefly on the death of Richard Baker at the age of 93. Mr Baker embodied many of those qualities that those of us of a certain age used to regard the BBC itself as exhibiting: impartiality, courtesy, knowledge and love of high art. Of course the BBC has displayed bias to the left since the days of the Wednesday Play and Play for Today; but in those days that bias was largely confined to those particular strands and the then young Turks such as Ken Loach and Tony Garnett were regarded with amused tolerance as mere mischief-makers. The kind of gravitas exemplified by Mr Baker (even when making guest appearances on Monty Python’s Flying Circus) was still regarded as the personification of what the BBC was, or should be, about. Mr Baker, of course, was not a journalist – he was a man of culture and learning. Compare him to the sneering and hectoring Jon Sopel and Kirsty Wark. As I am afraid I so often say to myself nowadays, “Weep for what we have lost”. Thank you and RIP Richard Baker.
Different kind of “young Turks” around now, a little more than mischief makers and vastly less literate, except for one book, nuff said on that …..for the moment
That made me think of the late, great Alistair Cooke.
Today’s BBC has turned into something unrecognizable.
The past stars have led directly to the one sided left leaning liberal wankers we have today. Do not sanitise the previous so called stars, they have all evolved into the shit we have today
@TT and Skeldings
couldnt agree more…even as a spotty teenager I listened to Alistair Cooke’s ‘Letters From America’ in awe…there is nothing to compare on MSM or BBC today…its depressing.
BBC Sports Commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme was a Bomber pilot in WW2. He flew Mosquitos and won the DFC and Bar.
He’s famous of course for his 1966 World Cup comment:
“They think it’s all over…..”.
Would that sort of person be employed today by the BBC?
DS, Raymond Baxter, another of that ilk.
James Burke, also?
Dover Sentry – Would someone like Kenneth Wolstenholme be employed today by the BBC? Good question. There are many Beeboids whom I suspect might feel queasy about a man who fought in the war defending Britain and flew a hundred bombing missions over enemy territory. I don’t think they would feel comfortable in the presence of a real man who had real courage and who helped to win us the liberty that we all enjoy today.
Another good question might be: Would the BBC even exist today if it wasn’t for men like Kenneth Wolstenholme?
Anyone interested in why MUSLIM gang rapists are off the front pages so quickly ? and why we spend our time running AROUND LIKE HEADLESS CHICKENS COMPLAINING ?
check out the muslim “council” of britain who fly a crescent flag on their website not a British one, they are now running courses in how to complain:
“Holding the Media to Account: Effective complaints!
November 25 | 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)
The media can be a force for good, but sometimes we may see headlines or TV programmes that don’t portray the Muslim community in a positive light. Is there anything we can do?
Yes, there absolutely is!
In this 2 hour workshop, you will learn to:
Challenge misinformation on TV, online, and in print.
Make a complaint through the right channels.
Write letters of commendation for positive coverage.
Join our volunteer network to help hold the media to account.
All materials will be provided!
This workshop is run by the Centre for Media Monitoring, a project of the Muslim Council of Britain.
Venue details will be emailed to those registered prior to the event inshaAllah.”
Note this seems to be a very private invite only event I wonder why ??? any interesting videos going to be shown ?? and some extra tuition ??
‘Is there anything we can do?’ They ask. How about getting your fellow muslims to control themselves and try abiding by the laws of the land. Makes your blood boil.
I did suggest to this site a while ago that they should encourage all here to complain officially but was told those that be are not particularly interested in this positive course of action, so best we can hope for is just to rant on here and maybe 300 people will look at it and their blood boil while UK muslims effectively run our media, I do complain officially and can only urge others to for the sake of our children and our future
I am sure I will get a response justifying lethargy in this respect, but. really ,if one is fed up and wants to remedy this.. just look above….and the answer is there
You do what you want as others will do as they want . Personally refusing the licence fee is the best I will do .
By the way you 0315 comment was deleted .
Annunaki I’m tempted to register for that workshop myself, I’ve been wanting to complain about the lack of images of Mohammed on TV for a while now. Talk about under-representation; you hardly see any these days.
Think I might wear my smart kevlar dinner jacket just for the occasion, it looks great with a spinning bow tie
I am sure there is a rather strict registration process, would be interesting to test…notice how no venue mentioned, all under our noses how stupid we are everything these people do is divisive yet they accuse us of that, well look at what they had to say about those that gave their lives to create the country they all want to come to for the benefits, those white soldiers who fought for this country completely ignored : the sickening bastards said :
Well before the centenary, the Muslim Council of Britain led a campaign to highlight that amongst the tens of millions of people who served between 1914 and 1918, 2.5 million of them were Muslim soldiers and labourers.
As colonial subjects, they spanned continents including countries in sub-saharan and West Africa, as well as Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Somalia, India, China and Russia, The history of the UK and the First World War cannot be told without telling their story, and the story of how the Empire they were part of, for good or worse, still affects the Britain we live in today.”
‘we are all proud to be part of a nation that actively encourages dissent and scrutiny of our government !
hmm just the kind of British citizens we need dissent, thats what you are all running away from is it not ? civil war hell holes and you bring your hate along with you to your new home while claiming your UK housing benefits.
And how many Muslims fought for the Ottoman Empire against the Allies in WW1?
Gallipoli anyone?
Hello BBC, any comment as regards Muslims fighting against the British in WW1? The Ottoman Empire comprised Muslims and killed thousands of British troops. Hello? Hello? The line’s gone dead…. operator?
BBC tumbleweed again…….last Sunday how many muslims turned up at OUR war memorials ? maybe that was why the bBBC did not show too many pictures, the diverse population they like to attempt to make us think we are all part of was completely and utterly NOT THERE to pay respect to the those that fought and died for the very same country they immigrate to and reap the benefits then turn on like a rabid dog
FFS money is meanignless power is another thing
Please do register – we need a mole inside that vile organisation to tell us what they’re really up to. The beebistan won’t, that’s for sure.
Yep, they’re getting organised, radicalised, weaponised, politicised and mobilised, ready for jihad and the caliphate.
Absolutely, and we, i.e. the 86% will stand no chance just like so many civilisations in the past that fell for the very reason that they were civilised and economically successful through taxpayers and became a beacon for all the vicious selfish grasping nasty bastards of the world who they welcomed in the misunderstanding that these people had redeeming qualities, easy to spot they form thir own “kommuniies” and decide they need their own “council of britain” whilst infesting our country
But They will never manage to infest America so it will be like the 2nd world war all over again
Media Monitoring… sounds very ominous.
Excellent news which , no doubt , the BBC will celebrate greatly . The Reich EU is going to charge us a further Ten Thousand Million pounds for a further extension to brexit .
I’m guessing the new brexit Secretary will be resigning on Sunday or Monday .
Perhaps that D day thing in 1944 wasn’t such. Good idea after all .
I’m trying to think of the way the lousy government is going to spin that one into a positive . In a decent country the national media would be steaming but since they want to keep that damn EU flag they’ll love the idea .
If the brexiteers don’t kill off May this week all their hot air will be just nothing .
Whatever the EU tell us to pay, May will agree and say that ‘It’s best for Britain’.
And then she’ll do a silly puppet dance, willingly pulled by Barnier’s strings.
FFS wake up money is not the issue, money is meaningless, HS2 rail service 57 billion not one sleeper laid yet …..all estimates done on the back of a fag packet, they dont even know where they will either build tunnels or a viaduct and are currently buying up properties along the route at 130% of the value, and all legal costs, before a sleeper is laid and think they can re route major roads without countless other millions being involved ….personal experience
Land value capture / tax would help.
The alternative reality of medialand people
R4 6pm news a voice talks about the Yorkshire Post situation
He makes 2 points :
#1 “We can’t lose the Yorkshire Post etc. cos that’s where it’s at; they are foundation of news reporting with their court reporting etc.”
…And I think WTF !, WTF did YP do for grooming gang crime ? All those years it’s being going on in all those towns in the YP areas … and they sat on it , they didn’t expose it
Then his second point
#2 “yeh the Yorkshire Post is the breeding ground for people like Andrew Norfolk ..you know he exposed the grooming gangs”
Again WTF if you listen to Andrew Norfolk he is not actually proud, he feels ashamed cos he knows he sat on the stories for a very long time, cos he too was caught up in the medialand culture of “Oh that’s a thing that the far right go on about ..and we don’t want look RACIST like they do”
By rights good journalists should have been joining the dots in the late 80s early nineties not sitting on things to 2004 and beyond
..the NUJ is a shameful organisation .. for this.
And today the YP are still not making a big fuss, almost as bad as the BBC’s “report once and move on” technique it uses for Islam or refugee connected crime.
Rather the YP chooses to crusade on Anti-fracking and promoting Drax biofuel etc.
Today’s frontpage and inner page story is about South Yorkshire police worrying about future budgets, yet the YP manages to make it about fracking … asserting that the force will run out of money cos of policing fracking protests and it illustrates his with anti-fracking photos on both those pages.
Re English Lass (7.34), YES the withdrawal agreement WAS written in Brussels. This is exactly what happened with the Greeks and the Troika back in 2015. I have just finished the book by Yanis Varoufakis (Adults in the Room). HIs reasonable proposals were frustrated and sidelined and, just like here in the UK, traitors in his own Government allowed redrafting which imposed even more austerity on to the ordinary Greek people. His book makes chilling reading. Please sign the “Leave the EU Now” petition. It’s currently around 25,000 signatures.
Conspiracy notice: Please observe that is not just the Yorkshire post it is the company that also owns Luton Today,(johnson press) that now does not allow comments or to view it uness you register. they also own many other local newspapers that DO allow anyone to comment or view or register, but Luton Today changed for some strange reason, interesting after I had to make a complaint to their editorial team about a muslim Luton resident saying that he demanded separate schools, paid for by the taxpayer for his children away from western chidren because we are “decadent”.
Any doubt just “suck it and see,, try to observe “Luton today” and any other johnson press newspaper “COMPARE AND CONTRAST”
40th anniversary of the Jonestown massacre, the Beeb wastes no time in stating “Christian Cult”.
Just found out, 42 killed in attack on Cathedral in the country, Central African Republic:
I did not see the BBC report it, I didn’t hear about it from any source before someone told me about this. A news search really finds nothing but from Church sources (like Zenit out of Italy).
Oh, yes, I’m looking at the BBC Africa page now, of course, they’ve got a story on this African “Rambo” who has just been hauled to the War Crimes court.
But heard and read about that bus that exploded in Zimbabwe killing 42.
The beebistan despise Christianity and revere islam, which is why they don’t report the muslim atrocity in CAR.
As so often, their bias lies in what they don’t report, or in how they minimise ‘inconvenient’ news stories.
Forgive me if I’m not on the current line of thought. I was just thinking, what a great shame it is, that we have let more than nine million babies be killed since 1967. They would have served the country better than some of those who have come in their place.
The BBC’s fault? Only that they are part of the liberal humanist elite who have known what is best and guided us through those years.
The academic Constitutionalists view on the current Brexit situation vis a vis, Treezers continuance:
Two-year degree plan to cut cost of tuition fees
I can think of many ways to illustrate this story, a rolled up degree, a University building etc.
What does the BBC use for a photo? 2 black people (and 1 white in the background all blurred).
Tabs-This is just the default position of the BBC.
Parisian Man Carrying Christmas Presents Beaten, Called ‘Unbeliever’
A Parisian man in his 60s was assaulted on the streets of the French capital and labelled an “unbeliever” for carrying gifts wrapped up in Christmas wrapping paper.
The assault occurred in the 14th arrondissement of Paris on Wednesday at around 6:20 pm after the unidentified man in his 60s had been out shopping for presents, Le Parisien reports.
The government should issue a Christmas Health Warning, Carry your Christmas gifts in brown paper parcels or order ONLINE.
In the meantime ” Diversity is our strength” and Islam is the “Religion of peace”.
“UK Not standing up to Brussels Bullies” According to Al Beeb.
My opinion on Dominic Raab MP has shifted significantly. Why oh why did Mrs Chamberlain put remainers in her cabinet? A coalition cabinet including Nigel Farage at that,
Time to walk away to Freedom!
Erratum! TIMED OUT
“UK Not standing up to Brussels Bullies” According to Al Beeb.
My opinion on Dominic Raab MP has shifted significantly. Why oh why didn’t Mrs Chamberlain put remainers in her cabinet? A coalition cabinet including Nigel Farage at that.
Time to walk away to Freedom!
Treezer was given a soft ride by Sophy Ridge (Sky).
It’s all about the future relationship apparently – still being negotiated.
Interesting use of backdrop quotes including that from the Chief Whip – “The Prime Minister will not be bullied and will not change course” – shown for the psychologically appropriate amount of time.
Interesting read, plus a lot of other great Brexit articles. Bloomberg.
Trump visits the California wild fires and does what any political leader is expected to do – praise the fire services, rescuers etc.
So why does this pratt, Dave Lee, from the BBC insert a photo of someone calling Trump a moron? How does it fit in with the story?
BBC bias endorsing the May Government’s hostility to Trump.
Looks a bit like a fake photo. Surely not fake news from the State Broadcaster.
We bask in the comfort of a free press, regularly told by pundits – they are on the BBC so we know they are balanced and impartial – that our society is run on democratic lines. And the way this is demonstrated is that the one newspaper consistently pro-Brexit and anti-BBC has changed its editor, political and moral stance at a stroke.
Its an unfortunate coincidence, most especially at this point in time, but at least we can reassure ourselves that the move has not been engineered by politicians and the establishment.
Thank goodness we live in a democracy.
The One Thing that is abundantly clear: the ‘need’ for UKIP to disappear into the sunset because Ms May was going to do Brexit, was a complete nonsense.
Anyone who carefully watched her antics should have known that all along. A Remainer who took over the Leave project under some very strange circumstances (backstabbing, Ms Leadsom’s motherhood, etc), and then proceeded to launch into a costly and unecessary election, in she which she sharply reduced her party majority.
Why on earth was project leave allowed to go to a Remainer? Why the weird election, in which her face replaced the party logo?
Why no consequences for such folly, such a disaster?
All along a strong and GENUINE leave voice was visibly absent, giving her free reign to do her own thing. Incompetence and failure have been her theme, ever since she was Home Secretary. So now we have this dog’s breakfast of a deal.
As alaways, the betrayal comes fully-supported and encouraged by the media. In Germany they’re currently painting the AfD as ‘neo-Nazies’ because they apparently like their country being swamped by migrants. In the UK they’re trying to link UKIP to the ‘far-right’. And yet, they can see the betrayal going on right in front of their noses, but that seems to be the lesser offence.
Had we had a strong UKIP voice in parliament now, all this half-baked Tory ‘deal’ making would have been exposed for what it really is: a sell -out.
What does President Trump and UKIP have in common?
They are both hated by Al Beeb.
“Had we had a strong UKIP voice in parliament now, all this half-baked Tory ‘deal’ making would have been exposed for what it really is: a sell -out.”
Some of the latest polls show that Tory support is shifting to UKIP.
Vote and support UKIP to wake up the Tory Libs!
Did I just hear Andrew Marr ask “Will anyone die from a no deal Brexit” or is it my ears playing up again?
Marr really is awful – if he had left Raab to say his piece we d have heard a reasoned explanation about how bad the draft agreement is .
Instead we get Marr grandstanding , interrupting and attempting to get an admission of leadership ambition like the trivia issue that it in the context of a constitutional mess .
Journalists are a strange breed. Peter Hitchens, for instance, who seems to have serious ego issues. Sometimes he talks perfect sense – on the police for example. Today’s effort is pure BBC/Guardian:
Let’s face it… we’re a small, debt-ridden country nobody cares about
So why, you fool, is the EU trying so hard to keep us in?
“Say what you like about Theresa May, and I have. But in this matter she has borne herself with dignity and integrity, a quiet, unshowy, resolute and very English sort of dogged courage of the kind I was brought up to admire. “
Good grief! I think he needs to understand the difference between courage and mule-headed stubbornness combined with naked self interest.
The rest of his column is a bit better. Interestingly, comments are closed today.
Oh, and by the way, according to Hitchins, we didn’t win the war. Churchills incompetence led to, “….vanity and recklessness cost countless British lives and lost us our empire…”. Moot points.
I note that the strutting peacock that is Hitchins steers well clear of even suggesting or hinting who would have been better placed to run the country at that time.
Just another one that likes to know that he is listened to and sways public opinion. I’m not one of the latter.
Oh yes, his judgement of Churchill – from an armchair in 2018.
Churchill had a long career and it’s inevitable that he would get some things wrong. We never stop hearing about them. The important thing is that he got many things right.
So far as the Empire is concerned, empires as we understood them back then had run their course.
Let’s not forget that Hitchens has books to sell. But then nobody ever admits to writing books for money. And Churchill was a better writer, IMO.
Anne, “So why, you fool, is the EU trying so hard to keep us in?”
The EU is as greedy as a well-known broadcaster …..
And the fact that they don’t want other member states getting ideas. The ones who, according to Hitchens, think we don’t matter.
Money, yes, and power.
The BBC often quotes ‘The Guardian’, and always with what appears to me to be in a sense of reverence, anyway, I just noticed that it is ‘doing a number’ on Nigel Farage. Quelle Surprise!
The BBC should also be investigated for interfering in the US election with it’s bias towards the Democrats and it’s hate of Trump.
May’s Brexit Deal…
I’m totally depressed and confused now…and believe I’ll never live long enough to see the UK become a proud independent nation once again. I was full of optimism in 2016, following the vote, and fully expected all the necessary steps to be undertaken by us concerning business and trade, safely assuming that the EU would be intransigent. If we had left immediately, I think much would have been sorted out by now.
I’m worried by Labour’s position…they care not about the ‘Deal’, but only gaining power, and to that end they have always said they would vote down any ‘Deal’ simply to cause maximum damage to the government. Might they not now think that voting for the ‘Deal’ would, in fact, more likely cause the damage they so desire?
Today, I feel that staying in the EU is better than this ‘Deal’! Whatever, surely there must be a major political shake up in this country…a ‘Common Sense Party’ perhaps might emerge? Such a Party should have begun their formation in 1997 (when all this lunacy really started IMHO)…and I weep for all those wasted years… 🙁
“Today, I feel that staying in the EU is better than this ‘Deal”
I may be wrong but you sound just like a Remainer?
What about just ‘Leave’? No deal. Thats what the country voted for, Brexit.
The EU has much more to fear from because we hold the top cards .
UKIP are the ‘Common Sense Party’
I might have been unclear…I’m a Brexiteer through and through!
I still think this ‘Deal’ is worse than remaining in the EU…I was making the point that we should have left with ‘No Deal’ immediately in 2016 and thereby not subject ourselves to 2+ years of Project Fear… 🙂
“I was making the point that we should have left with ‘No Deal’ immediately in 2016 and thereby not subject ourselves to 2+ years of Project Fear”.
Point clarified. I am sure many posters here totally agree with that.
Mrs Chamberlain (remainer) has been procrastinating to allow the propaganda of Al Beeb, the MSM and political opposition to take effect.
I rather feel that this chaos is exactly where the remain camp wanted us to end up . The capitulation, sorry negotiations were conducted by remainers with the designated ministry kept out of the know. Now us leavers will be endlessly berated that the chaos is all our fault.
countryblues, “we should have left with ‘No Deal’ immediately in 2016” .
Unfortunately, Gordon Brown signed us up to the Lisbon Treaty without asking us beforehand. (Mind you, no better than John Major with the Maastricht Treaty.) That meant the Article 50 provisions came into play when the result was known on 24/25 June and a two year withdrawal process would take place when notice of withdrawal from the EU was filed.
Of course, if Dave had filed the Article 50 letter with Brussels then, as his Civil Servants would have told him and as Brussels wanted, we would have been out by now.
You cannot get around the Treaty provisions.
It must have come as quite a shock to Merkel that the leadership of her own CDU in the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt has voted against Germany signing the UN ‘Migrant Pact’.
One of her would-be successors, Jens Spahn, has admitted that this issue requires some open discussion and a vote at the CDU Federal Conference in December, rather than it accepting Merkel’s usual imperial assertion that the ‘Pact’ is the only way to go (surprise!). If necessary, the pact could then be signed at a later stage, Spahn feels.
I can think of a country where virtually zero discussion has taken place over this issue, because it seems the imperial edict has already been issued (under cover of Brexit).
It proved difficult for the MSM to hide this UN project from the German public, from the minute Austria decided it wasn’t signing, thereby stirring controversy and media coverage in Germany.
Dover, I wonder if the BBC has registered itself as an agent of a foreign government in US like RT had to do?
Here it is having the bare face to write-
“”The edge between journalism and propaganda is very thin, especially, if we are talking about the media which is founded by the government,” says Lata Nott, the Newseum Institute’s executive director”-
There still can be hope-
“”According to DB (Deutsche Bank analysts), the top four of the five most likely successors to May are all in favor of a “no deal” Brexit that would involve the UK and EU falling back on WTO rules.”
Ha ha! I found this on an Italian website. Car stickers.
Surest way I can think of to have a key run down the length of your car in this country.
Observer runs a full attack on Brillo today because of a “3am tweet” describing a female lefty reporter as a “ cat lady” .
Al beeb forced him to detweet and full apology . Still she is after him . Full column today . The last right wing journo at the bbc – and even he is ‘ soft’ compared to me belief .
Cat woman get TR and Aaron banks into the article just for the sake of it . She can now live off of ‘ cat woman ‘.
Luck we’ve got a woman in charge of the country though eh?
@caroleCadwalla phoned the Farage show under a false name “Sarah” from “Weybridge” to talk about Jeremy Corbyn.
Hear her giggling
\\ But when I said it was me, you called me a “raving lunatic” & hung up the phone. //
Such ambush tricks are not really acceptable.
Guido post from 2 weeks ago
Then you know which cars to stick them on
Take a bundle to the BBC car park
Notice how the BBC are panicking over the very likely vote of no confidence over the PM? Chances are they know that a big time Brexiter will be in No 10 soon and that someone might even take a healthy majority in the next GE if things start looking up.
The BBC certainly seem to be a bit nicer to May than usual!
Illegal invasion update
“Nine migrants are caught climbing cliffs at Folkestone after crossing the English Channel in a small inflatable boat as more than 60 try to enter Britain in the past week”
Are they arrested? And deported to protect residents of Kent?
No, they are wrapped in blankets, given free medical treatment and interviewed
“Chris Hogben, head of operations for organised immigration crime, told the BBC: ‘We don’t believe that necessarily this is just the work of desperate migrants who are trying to get over to the UK under their own steam.
‘We believe this is yet another example of organised criminals using more and more desperate, more and more dangerous, methods of trying to smuggle people into the UK.’
In another separate incident, seven suspected migrants were also found in a lorry at Dover docks.
The vehicle arrived from Calais in France, one of the men was taken to hospital. Three of them said they were Iranian while the other four claimed to be Iraqi.
In all cases the Home Offices said the individuals will be interviewed by home office officials. ”
They will not be returned. They will claim asylum, give the right pre-planned story and it will be granted. It always is.
They are illegal and should be deported.
If they are allowed to stay it will encourage more to come. They could be
The Royal Navy should now take control as the UK Border Force is sleeping on watch .
Defence of the Realm.
All adult males as usual.
Can I point out the news item on the BBC website about the ‘racist’ letter handed out at a meeting in Cornwall.Worth checking out…..
I wont repeat the contents here but the letter has been ‘referred to the police’
Anybody worried about FREE SPEECH in this country take a look.Its worrying.I couldnt see anything ‘racist’ on the letter at all…it offended a couple of people apparantly.
The letter refers to ‘white flight’ by people moving out of cities and the imminent United Nations compact allowing free movement of people….
Be scared if words on paper attract police attention…….
White flight is exactly what is happening. Am doing the white flight waltz myself this week as I abandon the London I have known all my life..
‘Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner’- that my heart is broken and I have to go before things get even worse?
I remember going to an England football match at the old Wembley, 1979 I think….it was absolutely heaving 100,000+….on the way out everybody was singing that song….it resonated around the ground…
even though I’m a northerner and had traveled down for the match it made my hairs stand up…it was so powerful.
just thought I would share that as a great memory in my life and how it felt to feel English and proud…….
Best of luck. My white flight was eleven years ago, and I haven’t looked back, other than in sorrow for what drove me away in the first place. Shan’t be going back.
Swelter – it’s not too bad – 4 stabbed in Edmonton Sunday evening and 3 shot in Enfield on Saturday night – just another quiet weekend in our great Capital .
BBC face
Someone on twitter has dubbed the rant by ReichEU fuhrer Vanhoften ( Dutch SS) call for a European EU Reich army onto film of Hitler similarly ranting .
It won’t be seen on the BBC but sums up the mindset of the ReichEU perfectly . Kind of think they are in a bunker mentality as 20 per cent of the budget comes from UK taxpayers .
Enough is Enough .