The Far Left BBC , as a matter of editorial policy ,
suppresses negative stories about Muslims – rape gangs , terrorism and intimidation
Promotes anti brexit stories
undermines Judeo -Christian religion with its pro Islam propaganda
approves of the drive to limit freedom of speech by criminalising what it does not like
and will only approve its version of Britain using our money to do it .
as part of the tripartite pact of BBC – Guardian -Labour Party the decline of Britain accelerates.
Tim Martin’s letter in the Times
Brexit myth
Sir, The great urban myth, promoted by the advocates of the deadly exchange rate mechanism, the euro and Remain, is that a “deal” with the EU is a prerequisite of future prosperity.
In reality “no deal” allows the UK to join successful countries like Canada, Singapore, Israel and Australia in the free-trading world.
By slashing the EU’s 12,651 protectionist tariffs, shop prices will fall, with no loss to the treasury, since tariff income is currently remitted to Brussels.
The UK will also save £39 billion of reparations, for which there is no legal liability, and regain control of historic fishing waters.
Thus on March 29, 2019, everyone in the country will be better off financially — and the economic steroids of democracy will take care of the future.
In reality a deal is a mechanism for remaining trapped in an undemocratic and financially inefficient system.
Tim Martin
Chairman, JD Wetherspoon
superb figures and arguments – odd, the BBC hasn’t made a program about them.
\\ British officials expect a former major-general at the Russian Interior Ministry to be elected Interpol president as soon as Wednesday, report says //
(replacing the disappeared Chinese one)
.. I wonder if the head has real power
Meanwhile the APEC summit abandoned its statement
after the Chinese delegation barged into the host’s office and demanded changes.
In South Sudan the legal age for marriage is 18, but …
The saying “that on it’s own it was worth the television license,”
does not apply to much on the BBC. But I would say that after
watching the first two episodes of “Dynasties” the above in my
opinion applies.
However I am very much surprised that BIG BROTHER from the
Diversity and Positive Discrimination dept allowed ,particularly
the Penguin episode to be shown. At least in the Dave and
Chimpanzees , the monkey’s got up to plenty of “fraternizing ”
as monkey’s do. However the penguins have a society of strict
sexual relations . The Emperor cocks mate with the hens and are
faithful. This coupled with the fact that all of this was filmed by
WHITE males. I may be wrong but I didn’t see any women or
ethnic members of the BBC crew. I may of been snow blind,
please tell me. BUT if I am correct, how did BIG BROTHER allow
this to be shown?
Latest: D&PDD gave go-ahead for program on chocolate biscuits. Investigation and p.p.p.probable downgrades ongoing. Ends.
Fos – no comment on the programme as I don’t watch much BBC any more and nothing is worth the licence tax
I would suggest that since the bbc dumped Too Gear they have needed to fill the overseas sales cash with something – they’ve got a residual reputation for teary nacha programmes so might as well do it – especially since the Beeboid in chief -Attenborough is still kicking around .
As an aside -farming today is doing “ abattoir week’ – preceding Toady …
not much reporting of Stansted 15 deportation-blockers protestors trial at Chelmsford Court.
Their trial began a 6 weeks ago and is still ongoing
trial due to finish soon
Pop into the prayer room at Stansted – you’ll be transported to Mecca and you can do the whole prayer experience complete with special washing facility –
Easy Sharia airlines can’t be too far away .
On R5 dead 4pm news round up
“Kirklees Council has been serving non-stunned halal meat in 42 schools without the knowledge or consent of the majority of pupils and parents. In some schools all of the meat served is non-stunned and there is no alternative option for pupils”.
A councillor is pushing for an end to this barbarism, foisted upon school children … The extent of the Al BBCs concern appears to be whether or not the councillor has pandered to the Muslim community!, meanwhile the ever helpful council has refused to say which schools are affected..
A conservative councillor tabled a question
” which was not heard due to time constraints”
It appears schools get to choose the source of their meat
“back 2006 consultation resulted in the Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC) becoming the accrediting body.” And ” the HMC only certifies non-stunned meat as halal.”
Also \\ Last year Lancashire County Council banned meat from animals that have not been stunned from council-supplied school meals.
The move was described as “hugely discriminatory”. // (why ?)
Comments are what you’d expect
NSS : At least 17 councils giving schools non-stunned meat, NSS reveals
(I note 120 extra councils are both listed as supplying meat , but also avoilded answering the FOI)
Why the H should stunned or non-stunned halal meat be supplied to schools-what is wrong with British meat being served-if the parents of Muslim pupils insist on their chidren eating halal killed meat then let them do so when in their own homes. Never heard anything so daft as to why our Council/schools should ever consider alowing such Islamic halal killed food in British Schools. Further Never should a Muslim be allowed to become a Governor of a school and so not presume to push for their style of meat or anything else for thet amtter-they are not of this country, holding a British passport does not make them British as they originate from another nation whose ideology is completely alien to the Britsh Ideology of life here. Allowing Islam such a hold into our Society will eventually lead to civil unrest as already much leniency had been affiorded this group much to the upset of many. Lee Rigsby but to name but one isue whose murderer who would once have been hanged is now being removed to a special unit @ £ 250K per annum-madness complete and utter madness.
Search the web for videos depicting halal slaughter. Then you will know it should never be allowed in any civilized society. Worst part is that the money for blessing the meat almost certainly goes towards jihad.
The main barbarism is foisted on the animals. All halal slaughter should be stopped.
Where do the RSPCA and Animal Rights groups stand on this ?
Tumble weed ?
It’s not just about the stunning question. I object to any halal certification because the money paid for it goes to furthering the spread of islam. We’ve been into the details of this here before.
I am trying to persuade my family and friends to shun Warburtons and KIngsmill bread.
Roger Kendrick: “The alternative is a rapidly growing market outside the EU, where we have huge opportunities, but those opportunities will be lost if you sign that agreement and you lock us into the EU regulatory framework.”
Thanks for posting this, theisland.
That business man asked a question of May that the BBC would never ask:-
“The alternative is a rapidly growing market outside the EU, where we have huge opportunities, but those opportunities will be lost if you sign that agreement and you lock us into the EU regulatory framework.”
While Ofcom and ASA_UK don’t bother to police the metroLibs compulsive fakenews making … the establishment want creat another £Xbn watchdog “funded by online giants”
doh unicorns don’t really fund things granny the consumer does.
What did the multiple rape, degrade and trade him
or encourage him to stay within the law , these groups tha Channel “saved” “Jack” from ?
Next page : Cheshire police employed child rapist PC Ian Naude, even though he was under investigation by other forces at that time for child grooming.
typo “did they multiple rape…”
He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother
\\ ‘White British children have poorer reading skills at the age of five than their ethnic minority classmates, according to the latest phonics tests’: //
headline is bigger than the evidence
cos the difference between groups is minimal score of 82 vs 84 etc
That’s probably due to them having a disproportionate amount of time devoted to them by teachers, anxious not to be seen as discriminatory. My local primary school had young boys lagging behind the girls in core subjects. Girls generally perform better at that age. The Headteacher decided to devote a greater amount of resources to them and after a year or so, the girls were the ones who underachieved!
Are those the five year-olds with beards?
I think there is actually a statistical fallacy going on there
Something like you can’t make statements about the characteristics of group individuals from simply looking at the average of the entire group .
Maybe it’s the ecological fallacy ..Spiegelhalter would know
Being white doesn’t mean you score 82 etc
The actual scores for the group of individuals will appear as a bell curve
and in this instance you don’t know how flat or skewed each bell curve will be .
Exactly – in a group of 100, you just need 2 more parents to read with their child to create that gap. Not at all representative, typical FakeNews – especially because if white kids did better in the test it would not have made it into the ‘news’.
Donald Trump says “May has wrecked Brexit”, “US trade deal is off”.
Jacob Rees-Mogg has warned that without a change of leadership and Brexit strategy the party will let Jeremy Corbyn and his hard-Left colleagues into Downing Street. Polls show Labour four points ahead of the Tories, with UKIP now at 9 percent. A summit has been held to agree who should be the next Prime Minister. Donald Trump wants Boris. It looks like many letters are post-dated.
Theresa May tenaciously fights back by using a new “Project Fear” strategy, threatening to drop Brexit if they don’t accept her Remain-plus-vassalage Brexit deal. Most people are not frightened by this because her Brexit deal is actually “Brexit means Remain-Plus-Vassalage” which is worse than Remain because we wont be able to vote for any UKIP MEP’s.

Good post, Richard.
The one really great we need is President Trump; the rest can go jump in the lake! The BBC are doing their best to stir up the mess we’re in too.
Mrs Chamberlain is now in a corner, betraying her country and hanging onto her disgraceful civil-service-style ‘negotiation’ to get absolutely nothing for all of us who wanted to get rid of the EU, and also the smell of all the charlatans like the Kinnocks, Mandelson, Major and of course, the arch-liar, Blair.
There will be hell to pay before she eventually gets kicked out, and I for one will never vote Conservative again, especially as my MP is Greg Clark who is very good at doing feck all, as well as being a remainer.
Luckily, ‘Ol’ raincoat’ Joe Corrobin hasn’t a clue either – I’m sorry about the political dementia he suffers from, but there again, his Shudder ‘Home Secretary’ is illiterate on numbers as well, so they can ring up all the other old farts like Clarke, Major et al, and sit round pondering their wrinkled navels and drink a lonely vodka to remember what it was like in the old days…
Apparently both sides don’t like this deal. Why, therefore, are the resignations only coming from the Brexit side?
““May has wrecked Brexit”, ”
Female Jesuits! Well I never!
Don’t fancy that hairy women you sexist???
That’s the BBC raison d’etre these days, interfering with who you find attractive, and social engineering.
Next week on al-Beed, “Youtuber gets convicted for stating that he didn’t fancy woman with dicks. Why he deserved jailing for hate speech rather than just getting a fine”.
jip, I’m afraid the beeb have already done the groundwork earlier this year: India Willoughby: Is it discriminatory to refuse to date a trans woman?
—”The majority of straight men are worried about what society thinks of them if they date a trans woman,” she says. ‘Toxic masculinity makes them violent and rude about their attraction.'”
Quite a few years ago, my workmates and I went on a stag do, aka, a pub crawl. One of our entourage spotted a very attractive young ‘lady’ and moved in for the pull. In golfing parlance, he went in looking for a mixed doubles but almost ended up with a four-balls! Naturally, we were very sympathetic about his plight…
The BBC seriously needs shutting down… there should not be people being put in prison, just for refusing to pay for this garbage.
UKIP are the only party that have promised to do that.
Forget the Tory Party.
Vote and support UKIP.
jip, you don’t get put in prison just for watching the mainstream garbage, that happens when you get caught watching or recording live tv without a licence then refuse to pay the ensuing fine. I wouldn’t want your comment to put people off from going Legally Licence Free as I did, decades ago.
Things you will not find on the BBC Part lots. You may think that the French fuel protests, Gillette Jaunes, ended on Saturday. HIdden away in the report is a possibility that some protestors camped out overnight and continued on Sunday. Well, from personal experience, they were still going strong all around Perpignan today, Monday. The A9 toll route had been blocked all over both into and out of Spain. We skipped round a lot by going on the back roads, but eventually got trapped, and managed 1 km in 1 hour. MInd you, the technique of playing ABBA’s Waterloo at full blast right by the road block got us a personal police escort through the blockade. Other suitable tunes are available.
Hull Look North opened with a #ProjectFear story the reporter has been saving up
Corbyn gave his lecture to the CBI today after May.
He said that May’s ‘Brexit’ document meant that we were neither in nor out, have the worst of both worlds and that we could possibly never leave.
Strange that Labour made more sense of the farce than the Conservatives.
The BBC are at a loss….
Lol. We asked for Brexit and got Hotel California instead. Actually I take back that Lol. It’s not funny at all.
Dover Sentry,
I imagine that Corbyn, as he lusts for power, understands that as PM under May’s deal he would be little more than a figurehead while real power would reside in Brussels.
BBC Scotland says men should be less man-like on International Men’s day
And since every day is #InternationalSnowFlake Day
maybe the BBC should be less like the stereo type of a snowflake
If the BBC really wanted to stop people committing suicide they’d shut themselves down.
What else did BBC tweet on #InternationalMensDay ?
Yep published today
Sorry BBC these wimmin do not resemble wimmin I know so I can’t relate to them
Another good reason not to fund the blatantly misandric corporation and their maggot infested agendas.
Another #InternationalMensDay tweet
Dear Donald Trump
I write to remind you of a precedent set by your predecessor osama bin obama.
obama, at the request of the semi-traitorous David Cameron, threatened the UK with economic oblivion, in an attempt to further the aims of the globalists.
This was the most dangerous speech since the worst president in US history, another Commie, named Roosevelt, pretended to assist the UK during WW2, when his real aim was to ensure the survival of his beloved USSR.
Due the totally traitorous organism who suceeded Cameron the UK now faces political oblivion.
Which is even more welcome to the globalists.
The latest example of the treachery towards European people, which has been the policy of the EU during its protean transformation from a discussion group.
Mr Trump, the UK needs the assistance of the USA right now. Political and military assistance.
Patriots in the UK would welcome US military assistance to remove our native traitors.
With the unsinkable aircraft carrier firmly in the control of Europeans it would be a minor matter
to then invade mainland Europe, arrest and execute the traitors, and return freedom to the European states.
Whilst planning for this military intervention takes place a few pithy speeches from yourself denouncing the guilty and their treason would be most welcome.
God bless America.
Classic –
Reporting on the Finance Bill voting tonight the bBBC as usual have their own unique perception of the reasons for what is happening and who should be held accountable.
“In recent weeks the relationship between the two parties has been strained following criticism by the DUP of the prime minister’s (sic) draft Brexit agreement”.
So it’s those ungrateful and disloyal Unionists who are petulantly posing problems, it’s got nothing to do with the treacherous crones’ dishonesty, lying and betrayal then bBBC?
To paraphrase the immortal words of one well-known Northern Irish philosopher,
” It’s the way you tell ’em! “.
Anything on Inside Out ?
It’s mostly sentimental local stuff
BUT Bristol area have a coup, cos they have an item filming inside Arron Banks Leave campaign phone centre , which uses his insurance staff and has allegations that some of the people they called were from Insurance database
They deny that and say some people might not remember that they are on the Leave potential donor list after ticking a box on a website
.. The happy end story is about the Muslim boy who’s a jockey and after a previous episode how someone has donated him a racing pony to race in 2 competitions
His parents are from Mauritius.
I like the way the Northwest edition have used the generic title “The Best of 2018” yet the item they chose is a WW1 Special marked “First Shown in 2014”
Any news filtering out of the Whips’ Offices in the House of Commons yet?
I suspect that on the PM’s return from the CBI there might be a piece of paper from the Tory Whips stating that they estimate that there is no chance at present of the EU Deal getting through a Parliamentary vote.
BBC Online News:
“”‘Black cab rapist’ John Worboys to stay in prison””
‘There are those who say’ that the BBC dwells on this subject far more than it does on multiple Muslim rape gangs.
‘Sources suggest’ that the BBC seeks to divert attention away from multiple Muslim rape gangs.
Excuse me but Muslims don’t rape they “groom”…..only white men rape. Please get your facts straight.
For further clarification please see below the definition of “Groom”
prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
So according to the BBC it isn’t rape it’s training…..
How long until Theresa May quits or gets booted out?
I bet that the BBC are loving every minute of this aren’t they?
Anybody know what’s happening with the vote of no confidence in the ghastly Theresa May? When I last posted on here it was 23. I was told that a) there was a lot more than that and B) It had been reached all ready. Well we know now that it has reached the dizzy heights of 26.
Any good news?
All I can say is that Ukip are up to about 9% in the polls which is the highest they been for a long time.
UKIP could be higher. If you admit to supporting UKIP you are called a racist and you might have your children taken into care
Would not be in the least bit surprised if we end up with a ‘Grand Coalition’. Strictly in the ‘National Interest’, of course. It’s a tried and trusted power formula.
Was listening to Joe Di Genova on Comey on YT. That man is always a pick-me-up. Talk about a knife, slicing through butter! If Trump had any sense, he would make him AG.
If the Kavanaugh hearing kept us on the edge of our seats, the Di Genova confirmation would be lift-off…
Another client just got one of those “we know your old password, sent us Bitcoin money or else” blackmail emails
Doh, it’s just kids that got hold of of old Yahoo password leaks etc. they haven’t actually hacked you.
That’s why you should change your passwords often.
Ha when I replied to him my own providers email system detected The message contained a quote from that known scam , so blocked me from sending it to him, so I had to remove the quote.
International Men’s Day is it?
Let’s appreciate this man then……… Cheers The Donald!
BBC Political Correspondent, Chris Mason and what a Reuters journalist makes of his “exasperated noises”. The rest of the artilce is thoughtful article, even if, like I, you don’t agree with its conclusions.
That certainly is a thoughtful article, well-written and apparently not driven by an extreme ideology. I also don’t agree with his conclusions, but it seems neither does Reuters:
The views expressed in this article are not those of Reuters News
Reuters doesn’t make the same disclaimer for the other articles in the link, so it begs the question: why was John Lloyd singled out?
Ah yes, the ‘moderates’ dream of a ‘multi-speed Europe’!
I don’t suppose the newcomers to Auschwitz all moved at the same speed to ‘the showers’ either.
If the direction of travel is wrong the speed at which we take the path is of little consequence.
Five Live excelled themselves Sunday night with an hour on the ‘gender orgasm gap – just like the gender pay gap!’ A brilliant equalities professional has done a survey – that hallmark of intellectual rigour – and apparently women are less likely to orgasm during sex. (The whole multiple orgasm thing seems a better deal to me but that does not fit their victimhood narrative.)
As well as being crass the programme had that nasty stench of hating men. I managed two minutes before switching over. It is one thing to not like a programme but to be viscerally disgusted is quite an achievement.
Women have an extreme sexual power over men which is never discussed by the ‘equalities’ Stasi; a power infinitely stronger than one could quantify. Men compete to offer them money and protection; that heinous ‘pay gap’ is caused mostly by men wanting to earn more money which they can then spend on women. It really is a fantastic sleight of hand to spin that into some sort of ‘oppression.’ Of course those whining about the oppression are mostly bitter women who were never loved and protected by men and who hate them because of this.
Hope this will do, G.W.F…
The difference between the robot and the real one? The robot would do a far better job of Brexit and running the country.
The robot is Twiki from ‘Buck Rogers in the 25th Century’ that was shown on ITV in the early eighties, simple stuff so much more entertaining than crap like the New Who.
Immortalised in that classic by Feeder, ‘Buck Rogers’, funnily enough, where the band suggested getting a house in Devon and drinking “cider from eleven”. Seems like a good idea at the minute because with the way we’re being shafted by this shower in government, aided by their bBBC chums, I sometimes feel like just dropping out and getting hammered on Scrumpy! At the minute I don’t share Feeders belief that “we’re gonna make it, I think we’re gonna save it yeah”.
Not if May and the bBBC have anything to do with it anyway.
I got a link some time ago which explains it all

“I don’t wanna talk about it any more “
The difference between the robot and the real one? The robot has more personality, and flexibility.
Wonderful Thank you.
Guido shares a “robust” discussion, all right, a fevered row, between Brexiteer Peter Lilly and the BBC’s Chris Morris.
Morris’ view is that the EU is a wonderful institution and that remainers are dumb f**ks. Lilly points out to Morris, the BBC’s “fact checker”(!!!!), a string of facts which agitates Morris. As you can imagine Morris has never before heard anyone offer facts for leaving so just starts spluttering angrily.
Worth 6 minutes of your time.
I enjoyed Lilley’s response to a spluttering John Humphreys “I’d love the BBC to show the same rigour when questioning Remainers…”
Wouldn’t we all?
I’m not holding my breath…
I listened to the interview between David Davis and Bloomberg on YouTube. From what was said, it was half implied that the Gove cabal who remain in Cabinet to try and reason with Treezer, will give up if unsuccessful and default to the > 48 letters already held by the party HQ.
Curiously, for a PM who has screwed everything up from day one, the Cons. politicians say in unison, “she’s a good PM and we would not want to replace her”. Will that stance change if she does not respond positively to the Gove cabal?
But, “….a good PM…”? That statement demonstrates they live somewhere in another parallel universe. Fact is, Treezer takes her instructions from the Globalists/EU not the voting public. The public are increasingly viewed as merely tax cows to be milked as much as possible. How else would they finance their hair brain schemes?
Apart from the normal rough and tumble of politicking my guess is that these politicians have never been personally bitten by establishment corruption – hence their “parallel universe” where all MPs are “honourable.”
My nightmare is that the agreement will pass in the HoC (?) and the EU (illegally).
This article seems to confirm the conspiracy angle.
The plan was to get the UK back into full EU membership in time for the European Parliamentary elections of 2024, meaning we would have only technically been outside for one term, 2019-2024.
a “purgatory backstop” would be used to persuade the UK to reapply for membership rather than languish in the equivalent of EU solitary confinement on a diet of bread and water.
After watching Mrs May too many times, I think the Monkeys song, I’m a Believer, should now be adopted and adapted as an anthem for we Brexiteers:
” Then I saw her face, now I’m a Be-Leaver”
She’s on my list of people I can’t stand looking at, or listening to her weird voice, that seems to crack in all the wrong places.
R4 Chris ‘i am an honest broker’ Mason taken to task by Peter Lilley. Mason showed himself for what he is…a BBC bred self centred not so clever person….At the end Lord Lilley said words to the effect of I am happy to be grilled it’s a shame you don’t do the same to the remainers.
Line of interview..Mason to Lilley – you keep interrupting me..Lilley responds, well you keep getting it wrong.. priceless
Cheers echoed around the Snuffy household for Peter Lilley and his robust performance on the TOADY Programme!
We won’t be hearing Lord Lilley on the Far Left BBC again . A proper conservative .
I’ve always thought that the Toady technique of an ‘interview ‘ then an uncontested ‘interpretation’ by a beeboid was just –
Corrupt journalism
Designed to re spin any comments made which did not conform to The Far Left BBB view’ .
I’m sure that the editors of Toady today -a certain mork and Mindy were too scared of Lord Lilley to cut him off because they knew he would accuse them, rightly , of unfairness .
The segment rebroadcast on guido is worth every second of its six minutes …
As an aside – the smug beeboid ‘fact’ checker almost lost it which was also worth the popcorn .
Interestingly Humph didn’t use the normal ‘we re running out of time ‘crap the BBC normally uses to cut any interview which might actually inform the listener as opposed to pumping out Far Left multicultural anti white,anti male propaganda .
John Humhrys: Well, the Canada deal took seven years.
Peter Lilley: Yes, but that’s because they started with 10,000 tariffs and they had to negotiate their removal, not just with the other side but with their domestic industries that had become protected behind them.
We start with zero tariffs. We want to end with zero tariffs. Tell me how that can take more than 10 minutes to negotiate? The other thing that you have to negotiate is to get your rules and regulations equivalent and remove any that are artificial barriers to trade. That normally takes years and is very difficult. We start with identical rules and regulations.
How can that take very long to end up with identical rules and regulations? All you’ve got to negotiate is a system for dealing when one side or other changes their rules and regulations. That could be done within months, if not we leave on World Trade Organisation terms as we trade with America and many other countries and start negotiating then just as Canada did, but we start where Canada ended up. So it can be done quite quickly.
[Thanks to News Watch via IsThe BBCBiased]
Do you remember one of the peaks of the FakeNews crisis at BBC Radio 4? Do you remember Ritula Shah’s brave claim that the BBC is 100% accurate or at least tries to be, unlike the new media who are all in the pay of shady Russian gangsters trying to overthrow Hillary Clinton and promoting Vote Leave to uneducated oldies in the UK?
Well, that old GCSE fail at Geography came back to bite Ritula last night on TWT and diminish the 100% BBC Accuracy somewhat.
Apparently, Ramsgate has been moved to the south coast of Kent, despite its proximity to Dover (mentioned) and Folkestone (not mentioned) in the programme’s consideration of transport blockages with France after the end of March next year. Also on the erroneous BBC, a lack of mention that Ramsgate was a Hovercraft port.
“Turn the atlas through ninety degrees, Ritula. Keep North facing upwards and East will be by your right hand. Er, right hand – that’s this one. (Waving – and drowning in the BBC howlers.) South and West are next in that order in a clockwise direction.”
Freeview could not show me BBC News 24 HD this morning.
“If you are currently unable to receive this channel please press red for instructions on what to do next or call this number…..”
See how simple it is? I no pay. I no receive. It’s 2018, we have the technology.

But we know that BBC think they are entitled to our money whether we watch or not.
I wonder if the viewing stats are putting the bbc into a panic, hopefully .
There’s an interesting snippet, filmed by yobs attacking the police trying to arrest a bloke in Merton, south London.
The BBC and the police keep telling us that “people” aren’t assisting the police in their duties and indeed are often colluding with the criminal. Both the Beeb (natch) and the cops are being very coy in describing these ne’er do wells.
Just take a gander at the “people” assaulting the police.
Looks like a scene from Zulu…
Yes, a group of us have been discussing this at work. According to the Express: “Ken Marsh, the chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, said forces may even let criminals go if the public does not “stand up for what is right” and prevent yobs from viciously attacking them”.
And whose fault is that? There was general agreement on two points:
1. If you insist on criminalising people for their thoughts and their jokes, you are going to lose support.
2. Unless you are suitably trained, nobody in their right mind would take on a (probably) drugged up 18 year old without arming himself with a spanner or whatever happens to be in the boot of the car. That opens up the possibility of serious injury or even death to the yob on the receiving end. Who, in 2018, can honestly say that the Criminal Justice System would treat them fairly in that situation? I never used to think this way but, sorry plod , you’re on your own.
And lastly, the MSM only seem to be concerned with violence in London (when they report it at all):
Crime rates in Northumbria and Durham are now HIGHER than London
It’s a widespread problem and the police are failing up and down the country, particularly (but not exclusively) where brown faces are involved). We all know about Rotherham. Ancient churches in Wiltshire are losing their lead roofs and nobody is interested. It goes on and on but does anybody seriously believe that “austerity” is the problem?
“….2. Unless you are suitably trained, nobody in their right mind would take on a (probably) drugged up 18 year old….” Probably carrying a knife or machette or even an axe.
” It goes on and on but does anybody seriously believe that “austerity” is the problem?” No, Anne, that unmentionable word, “Diversity”. It being our, “strength” and all that unbelievable nonsense.
And if you accidentally cause the poor lamb to stub his toe, you’ll probably be sued.
Remember Sir Craig Mackey? He who cowered in the car while PC Keith Palmer was being stabbed? Apparently it would have been inappropriate for him (a fully trained police officer) to go to his assistance. Don’t expect the public to intervene, if your own men won’t. Expendable Joe Public = knife fodder, Chief Superintendent Mackey = valuable member of elite mob.
Did I just read what looks almost like an incitement to violence and hate speech against shopkeepers from Danny Dyer in the Express?
The article is not well written, but -with Boris as example- Dyer seems to be saying that when the youth saw what leadership we had, he would understand it if they went out to loot and riot? Extraordinary stuff, if true.
He’s called Farage a p***k in a suit, and generally used foul language, but if he HAS dropped in that bit about looting and rioting, I think the beeb should be notified, if not the police? Surely this sort of comment is the very last thing we need being said now?
Did I misread this? Misinterpret it? Got it wrong?
The clock is ticking for the UK and all Europe. With the exception of the Visegrad 4 naturally.
When will the anticipated revolution start? At the accelerating downward spiral we all observe, surely it can’t be much longer? There has to be a day of reckoning. It can’t come soon enough for me.
We’re getting steadily more cross with Macron, at the moment – I can see trouble ahead…
Waiting for my train this morning so I switched on the radio hoping to see if any more letters had gone in or other such important news I might be interested in R4 came on with did Mrs Einstein collaborate with Mr Einstein on the thery of relativity, a couple of dubiously worded historical letters later and we were into full on misogyny in physics then and now , I could see where this was going it was all Mrs E and Mr E was the male front for her work so over I switched.
R5 live sexual relationship day, “we are discussing how to keep the magic going when you have kids , work , shifts, bills, getting older etc etc ” all the normal challenges of life.
bit low brow and tacky for early morning but hey ho, perhaps some wise sage will be on.
first guest Munroe Bergdorf so the first advice to the country comes from a bigoted chick with a d**k in a long term (4 year) relationship, who says men cant be trusted !
SO now I know for a long and happy sex life,
chop your Kn*b off find a lezzer who is as promiscuous as you and have random sex with other lezzers.
congrats BBC that was really useful advice you gave us all there, and for the less aware listener they didnt even mention in passing Bergdorf was a tranny.
I listened to Mr E and Mrs E and have no idea who they were talking to but as with all things on R4 and the BBC these days it is an excuse to just moan about men and how women are really the brains behind everything and the world will be so much better with them in control..
It was summed up when interviewer said at CERN there are 13,000 physicists from all over the world and 80% are men and white = ergo physics is a sexist racist subject….no discussion on why that might seems white men are not allowed to be better at anything but everyone else including Mrs E are …..
You forgot to mention MB’s famous racist outbursts
Funny how the BBC doesn’t notice and report when the person works for Liebour!!
Only the BBC.
“Ivanka Trump used personal email for White House business”
Oh no!
The BBC has decided this is a serious breach of the law. Erm, BBC? And Hillary Clinton, don’t recall you being too concerned with that.
Further down the article it says: “Ms Trump sent the emails before she was briefed on the rules”
Unlike Hillary who know the rules, deliberately abused the rules and lied about misusing the rules – but again, no problem for the BBC.
and then destroyed the evidence
She may yet find that she only tried to destroy the evidence – the internet has a long memory.
Is Ivanka Trump running for the position of POTUS?
Has Ivanka Trump ever been US Secretary of State?
Has Ivanka Trump ever held a senior government position?
Does Ivanka Trump regularly correspond with senior government officials, discussing top secret issues that affect the security of the USA?
If the answer to these questions is yes, then she should be hauled over the coals and prosecuted.
If the answer to these questions is no, then the BBC is guilty of fake news and should be hauled over the coals and prosecuted.
The bBC as the “ringmaster” for the public sector has been singularly unable to point out the advantages of being able to trade freely with like minded partners around the world while maintaining a friendly disposition to the EU bloc.
This and the evidence that civil servants have been in charge of “negotiations” possibly explains the current impasse.
The question is why was the civil service scenario not called out earlier in this turgid process?
It seems clear that the public sector and civil service mentality often underscores their preferred outcome when faced with change; i.e it settles on the appearance of change.
Thus avoiding the opportunities and new challenges as exemplified by Tim Martin, Wotherspoons in an earlier contribution.
Surely its not too late to send in some heavyweight negotiators.
Anyone who has the capacity to rip up 500+ pages of useless double speaking garbage one by one could get us a better deal/
The Science News section of the Beeb’s website is wall-to-wall activism and climate change scare stories, but there’s one article there which is complete crap – scientists have discovered how and why Australian Wombats produce cube-shaped poop! To be fair, though, it’s more interesting than the rest of the articles there.
Where did you think OXO cubes came from!
There are many clever people on this site interested in countering the BBC misinformation. I think this site is most useful when it doesn’t just give people’s opinions but gives the correct information to counter the lack of information, the lies, bias and poor journalism of the BBC. A recent example i’d like to give is when a BBC World Service interviewer kept quiet as a Cape Town official said South Africa would save water by cutting down the eucalyptus trees there. It only required the interviewer to do some easy to find research on the internet to challenge the nonsense the official was talking.
Twaites brewery travellers plead guilty
Hey BBC how about making a drama about Victorian landowners in Yorkshire ?
… well it is the diary of a famous lesbian Gentleman Jack who married a woman.
“yep, yep, yep, the contract is in the post”
I’ll be interested to see how the BBC sets the historical context for “Gentleman Jack”, given that the roles models for the real Anne Lister were Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby, who ran away together in 1778.
Anne Lister visited them at their home together in Llangollen. Far from being ostracised the two ladies were also visited by artists, business people and politicians, for example, Wordsworth, Shelley, Byron, Scott, Wedgewood, the Duke of Wellington and Lady Caroline Lamb (a second cousin of Lady Eleanor). That all might be ignored if facts get in the way of the BBC’s politics.
It’s been done before. In 2010 by the bBBC themselves. The darling of the far-left, Maxine “Marxist” Peake, played Anne Lister.
All that money spent on innovative new programming and ground-breaking drama as promised. Ha.
Not heard for quite some time, we are searching high and low for a phrase once used as a patronising sop to the uneducated, racist oiks living ooop north. I am talking about “I respect the result of the referendum, but….”, have you heard it recently? Is it now redundant in the language of emboldened remoaners? If you hear it, don’t be afraid, approach the speaker with utmost caution, and dial 999, and ask to report a hate crime against 17.4 million people.
The UK has 1000-1,500 regional newspaper titles with 6,500 regional journalists.
So 80 is a drop in the ocean
\\ Facebook launch £4.5 million training scheme supporting local journalism in the UK, they’ll fund the recruitment and training of around 80 new journalists.
The Community News Project will be used to create “community journalists” in newsrooms in areas no longer covered //
Ilhan Omar getting busy with the important changes to the US since she was elected to Congress two weeks ago. (Bottom tweet is one of hers from 2012).
Terminal Moraine
OK for religious head wear to be worn in Congress. Then make it permissible for all religions to wear their head gear, including Pastafarians, members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
It is a recognised religion in many countries and US states. They should be allowed to wear their sacred colander which is allowed on passports and driving licences in many countries.
As a religion it is more coherent and less violent than Islam; it respects the US Constitution and promises an afterlife with access to beer fountains.
Does that mean some ‘ good ol boy’ will turn up wearing a clan hood and self igniting cross ?
Who said comedy is dead ?
GWF, I’m all for that alternative. The colander aesthetic could make it a simple job to convert the mosques too — drill a few holes in the dome, remove the minarets and hey presto
Newspaper headlines from the BBC.
Broken society, violent mob use kung fu on police woman.
Bet they learnt kung fu in one of the yoof clubs set up and financed to reduce violent crime. Keep ’em orf da streets.
Sorry about the police officer, but I suspect she would give evidence against me if I tried to help her and injured one of her assailants, who turned out to be a protected ethnic? I am sure I would end up doing time.
I realised long ago that our Governments (Con & Lab) haven’t the slightest interest in maintaining a decent lawful functioning society. If they can get more public sector workers dealing with various ‘issues’ caused by worthless riff-raff then it makes the unemployment stats look better.
All those youngsters leaving ‘Uni’ indoctrinated by their useless courses need something to do so they can pay tax. But no left-wing policies work when it comes to crime, they’re not meant to.
And now we have the top brass of the Police/Rainbow Flag ‘Service’ bleating about getting no support from the public, by which they mean those law-abiding tax payers they abandoned for monitoring Twitter for unkind comments about minorities.
Dear common-purpose Police – you broke it, you bought it.
Here we go …
I thought that the continuation of the “free licence” for over 75s after the governments ends the BBC’s subsidy was an integral part of the renewal of the BBC’s charter. If the BBC want to back out of the agreement the charter should be ended – no TV Tax payable by anyone and welcome to the world of subscription TV.
And what when the Director General recives a salary of £ 450K + whose kidding who? Perhaps he should be reminded that a majority of those people of 75 are not rich having not retired on massive pensions, some living on just the old age pension and some social benifits, bearly struggling along and where most likely the TV is their only little bit pleasure . They havn’t got the money to go out all the time or take holidays whenever and to wherever. That matter need to be taken into consideration before any chnages are made.
Classic tweet
Since there are about 200 working days/year
Amol is on £1000/day = £125/hour
and Lord Hall is on about £2,250/day =£280/hour
That interview probably cost us 2 x £125 + 1x £280
= £530 in worker time.
double that at least to cover pensions and office expenses
It could be argued that ‘the over 75s’ paid for the only decent programmes in the BBC’s portfolio and that there is nothing in the new programming that seeks to ‘engage’ with them.
Virtually the whole of the BBC’s output seems to be created by and for a closed circle of Metropolitan, foul-mouthed, lefty, thirty-five year-olds, going on 14. Creativity is restricted to re-working old ideas or digging deeper into the sewer.
Maybe use the remainer doctrine of people over 75 will die soon . This means that if they had to pay the TV tax they will be subsidising kidults because they’ll be dead before the next Attenborough nature guilt trip about polar bear babies is broadcast .
I like the over the 65 free licence thingy because a lump of taxpayers cash won’t be used on lefty programmes but used on repeats of “ homes under the hammer” or the white flight programmes about living in the country repeats .
It seems to me that the bBBC really do underestimate the DUP, looking at them as fundamentalist hicks from a backwater and ignoring the educational and professional backgrounds of their MPs and disdainful to the fact that they come from a political environment where standing up for your beliefs may well actually be a life or death situation not just a danger to your reputation in the Guardian.
It seems that the Conservative party leadership should reassess their opinion of them as well, because comments such as this won’t help. Last week, after the surrender to the EU had been announced, James Brokenshire lauded it as being the best way “to maintain the unique relationship that we have with Northern Ireland”.
What, in the same way as you have a relationship with the US or France or Eire? A relationship with a foreign government, with somewhere separate to the rest of the United Kingdom, separate and not part of? Are the Northern Irish people who regard themselves as British, still the majority of the population and the DUP themselves, not “we” aswell? Talk about a slap in the face, why would the DUP turn the other cheek to that one?
The bBBC did of course broadcast his comments but couldn’t work out that the fact that a former N I Secretary of State and vocal supporter and friend of May clearly sees part of the United Kingdom as somewhere to negotiate with and not for, might go a long way to explain why the DUP do not trust the British Govt at all at the moment and will not and should not support them.
Since al beeb swears by the false profit and his evil book al beeb can not conceive of any one having strong beliefs about a real religion – namely Christianity and its accompanying books in the Bible .
Coupled with that – since the snowflakes are probably too dumb , young or drugged up to remember the PIRA terrorist crimes they won’t understand the strength of feeling in Unionist hearts and heads .
For the record – I am of the ‘ left foot – father ted persuasion .
In Northern Ireland many Roman Catholics now seem to care more about their Nationalist/ Republican culture, politics and identity than about any religious teachings or beliefs. Some DUP policies are much, much closer to the teachings of the Catholic church than the policies of the parties voted for by Catholics here, Sinn Fein and the SDLP. Here’s an example of the mindset that this Nationalist culture is cultivating that many Protestants here find increasingly frustrating and alienating, and helping to polarize communities even more.
Yesterday in the Belfast Telegraph it was reported that Belfast City Council had to remove posters advertising Britains Got Talent auditions from council properties because they showed the Union Flag and Nationalist workers were offended by this. Seriously.
This was on the same day that Sinn Fein announced that their newest candidate for election to the same council, whose Sinn Fein Mayor refused to attend the city’s recent Remembrance Day services, would be a convicted female IRA terrorist. Shauneen Baker served ten years because she was caught carrying a bomb on a bus in a toilet attempt to blow up Belfast City Airport. She was still a teenager when she hid the bomb by pretending to be pregnant. She was probably trained by another Sinn Fein convicted terrorist, Carol Ni Cuillen, who was her sister in law and once NI Minister for Culture.
Both stories were mentioned by the bBBC and apparently Nolan discussed the posters this morning, but like certain stories concerning a specific community in mainland Britain, these articles don’t seem to remain news for long.
Thanks – in fedup world Shauneen and ms cuileen would have been sent to the hell they deserve .
The idea that “ Britain’s Got Talent” being offensive to Repubilicans is beyond funny . Doesn’t stop them from taking UK benefits though do it?
You are Ms May.
You work only for the ‘national interest’.
You are there to stay.
It’s your deal or no deal; the latter would be bad (you’ve changed your mind).
The DUP won’t play ball.
The country is in crisis.
What options have you, whereby you wouldn’t need the DUP?
Ah yes…
There are other parties in parliament.
And that nice Ms Merkel has stayed afloat for years, courtesy of her Grand Coalition with the Socialists.
It can be done.
Could Jeremy and chums be tempted with Jags and red boxes?
Surely, ‘in a crisis’, and if it were in the ‘national interest’ ‘the people’ wouldn’t mind?
The bbc etc would have to like it. After all, they have the odd former Labour minister on board…
Are you now not a wee bit tempted?
I wouldn’t put it past them.
#SexTakeover on Radio5 today sure is a big bag of grubby fun.
Dr Christian Jessen is on, directing listeners to the Twitter feed where there’s a picture of “what can happen when your sex life gets a little too adventurous…” (I won’t link it here, it’s a very graphic picture of a man who managed to get himself stuck in a Coke bottle.)
Female beeb presenter sounds shocked at results of (Twitter?) survey which shows 97% of parents would not be happy with their teen daughters owning vibrators. How unprogressive of them.
If you’re still paying the licence fee, save some cash and find a cheaper deal elsewhere (apparently pornography is available on the internet these days)
Thank for the warning . Being in a bad mood I was just getting ready to get my right hand out and reach for my ‘delete button’ when I read your post and couldn’t find any thing to get off .
However I must warn you that mentioning a brand of cola drink without saying that other brands are available breaches the Far Left code of something or other . . ( smiley face thingy )
—— being overseas and warm at the moment the international site was leading with the Spanish PM refusing to sign off on the May Munich sell out because he is not happy with Gibraltar .
I don’t know what GIb has done apart from existing with a great big Union flag on it but my hope for an excellent non agreement has lifted a bit .
Sorry Fedup2, we have been told the Surrender agreement cannot be renegotiated, Spain will have to suck it up.
“it’s a very graphic picture of a man who managed to get himself stuck in a Coke bottle.)”
Ah but he only resorted to “doing coke” because he had difficulty getting his 7 up!
You’re getting close to being ‘ off subject’.
Maybe breakfast tv will have a week on ‘ insertions ‘ . Followed by wimins hour and a splendid section on ‘ you and yours’