The Far Left BBC , as a matter of editorial policy ,
suppresses negative stories about Muslims – rape gangs , terrorism and intimidation
Promotes anti brexit stories
undermines Judeo -Christian religion with its pro Islam propaganda
approves of the drive to limit freedom of speech by criminalising what it does not like
and will only approve its version of Britain using our money to do it .
as part of the tripartite pact of BBC – Guardian -Labour Party the decline of Britain accelerates.
Alice Roberts replies to accusations of hypocrisy
\\ Alice commented: ‘We applied to the only two non-religious state schools in our area but didn’t get in.
The only other state schools were religious so, like hundreds of thousands of parents, we had no choice other than of a faith school //
She is a bare-faced liar. Like Abbopotomous. Like Camoron. Like Miliband. Like all of the Elite who send their kids to special schools, but make poor people to put up with whatever they are given. I hope her school kicks her kids out for her being a hypocrite.
Given the stupidity of the relevant authorities it could happen here. It would destroy any government that authorised it for ever though. WE are not the Danes .
It would unite left and right and the consequences would likely end the monarchy and the parliamentary system
Melanie Phillips today in The Times:
“Since the EU is a protectionist cartel designed to stifle competition and freedom from its diktats, no-deal Brexit was always the only show in town.”
Odd that Melanie doesn’t get to make programs for the BBC.
She let out of her box every other week to be a panelist on Radio4 Moral Maze
and this afternoon her husband is presenting his weekly R4 law prog.
Indeed Stew, and she makes an important contribution. As she does as guest on Question Time.
But I would say she, and other’s with non ‘soft left views’, do not actually make programs for the BBC.
100% agree Melanie-have always realised the feudal attitude of the EU it was written into their beginings that there was to be no Nations, no borders all under one state, one surpeme government, a dictatorship, controlled by supression over the peoples and to be fed lies as often as was necessary to keep the money flowing to them-Now the game is up and was up as soon as Britain voted LEAVE-those that control the EU know it hasn’t long to go before it crumbles under the weight of resistance from those very people it wished to subdue. Other nations will eventually have referendums that will likely call for leaving the EU-the income to the EU will dry up and that will be the end as we know it now. There could of course be a smaller styled Union made of some Continental countries but at what cost to those countries.
Was it the Licence Tax thieves who ran with the story that HMQ had apparently asked the question ” what are the key advantages of being in the EU)
Seem to recall there was a stony silence.
How pleased Her Majesty must be to have received a copy of the 585 page Withdrawal Agreement and to have her question answered so succinctly!
To put things in perspective – the 48 second clip of Larry the cat – chief mouse at number 10 waiting for the door to open – has been viewed on twitter 26 thousand times .
In the end the Duty copper on the door knocks
On the door allowing Larry to continue his daily duties .
Such is the Great British Publics ‘ connection to brexit negotiations .
I seem to recall Donald saying something along the lines that at his meeting with HMQ she said Brexit was complicated.
This is what she has been led to believe by Treezer et al.
If she did a bit of research she would know it isn’t.
We leave without any unnecessary and convoluted ‘deal’ in March 2019 (i.e. what we voted for) and trade on WTO terms.
In the autumn of her years the Queen’s main concern is the continuation of the monarchy – so does she really want to leave us as a vassal state under the EU/German jackboot?
One would hope she could see through TM at their meetings and realise that the NI/Eire border ‘issue’ is all flimflam.
The text probably answers her other question: “Why can’t we just leave?”
pg4 today’s Times
Autism ‘more likely near busy roads’
Chris Smyth, Health Editor
quotes within article from 2 experts
#1 James Cusack, of the British research charity Autistica, said:
“This study does not provide evidence that air pollution causes autism.”
#2 Rosa Hoekstra of King’s College London said:
“We can’t tell from this study whether it is the air pollutant or something else that actually causes any increase in autism risk”
“the increase in risk was only very slight:
– around 1% of children had an autism diagnosis.
– The odds of autism in children prenatally exposed to higher levels of nitric oxide was still only 1.07%”
Anyways Shut up and just believe
…. buy an electric car
…. and support taxpayer money being shovelled at Green biz and special privileges for them.
Have they considered that autism might cause pollution? Worth investigating.
\\ Commonsense prevails -.Royal Academy of Music teacher wrongfully sacked for referring to violinists as ‘gypos’, tribunal rules
All she was doing was warning students of the non-PC language used in orchestras. //
MP Fiona Onasanya told the Old Bailey today she does not know who was driving when her car was caught speeding, and she has not tried to find out who was at the wheel.
Asked if she was curious, she said: “Not really”
Her assistant has already testified that it was her.
Stew ms onasanya will get support from one of the sistas- a black mp who complained about ‘ cultural appropriation’ of something or other – obviously not know who is driving ones’ car is a cultural issue amongst those of a diverse heritage .
Isn’t it cultural appropriation for her to own a car?
Just throw the book at her-As a north western white whose ancestors walked the European and UK lands many thousands of years ago, I feel entitled to remind these coloured people who now enjoy the fruits of our hard labour over hundreds of years to bring a reasonable democratic society together to stop their winging and their extraordinary self opinionated attitude towards us white people. We have allowed them such freedoms that never would their own people have endorsed in their nations of origin. Their race is spread across every magazine, every bit of TV advertising, included in every debate, allowed to have many of their only coloured Associations throughout the various societies and government departments such as the Police, BUT never would we the white people be allowed to have a white only association, or organisation. Is this to be future for our white children, really never to know or understand their nations history, and never to be allowed to show their patriortism?
Only Liebour. Only they would put up with this. And only the Biased BBC would completely ignore this ‘news’. Remember Chris Huhne was a massive liberal idiot and they still took him to the cleaners. Wonder if it is because he is a white male?
So £13m on ping pong tables will end knife crime ?
\\ London Mayor Sadiq Khan has announced a £13 million cash injection to tackle violent youth crime in the capital. 2018 has seen the highest number of fatal stabbings reported since 2010.
In a bid to provide education and decrease violence on the streets, Khan has revealed that 72 projects will receive funding.
“Young people, rather than having constructive things to do, are joining criminal gangs and think it’s okay to pick up knives,” Mr Khan said at Spotlight, a youth centre in Poplar. //
Young people are being deprived of yoof clubs.
The old bill will be frightened to go there and it’s an excellent place to go and organise ones pharmaceutical distribution or protection business .
As well as the ritual raping of girls which goes along with being inducted into a ‘ gang’ of like minded feral kidults
The Londonistan mayor proving himself to be hopeless but knowing his snowflake electorate will always vote for an ethnic politician over someone who can do the job ….. Al beeb has no criticism of him .
And most of them are supporters of Islam no doubt.
Incredible? It seems that, after the signing of the ‘Migrant Compact’ in Morocco in December, the UN have lined up a further little agreement, in the form of a ‘Refugee Compact’. Apparently, this one is going to be all about ‘resettlement’.
Not signing the migrant compact: The US, Australia, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Israel, Estonia.
The ‘Refugee pact’ initial signatories include The Congo, Venezuela and Russia.
But they’ve kept that one even quieter than the first one, so we shall see..
As for the UK?
EU preoccupation?
Which UN member state sponsored the second one? Pakistan.
Time Pakistan was ejected permanently from the Commonwealth of Nations.
Woo Eddy Izzard coming up on ITV Hull Calendar getting an honourary degree.
Headline story was about a woman getting a note cos a passerby didn’t believe she was legally using a disabled parking space.
New Siemens factory in Goole has got £1.5bn contract to build 94 London tube trains #DespiteBrexit
What has he done to merit an honorary degree? I’m truly baffled.
Become famous and boosted by the bBBC.
Yet another London stabbing today – Romford – but nowt on Al Beeb yet?
Police time wasted on ‘hate crime’?
Al Beeb is still funded by a compulsory tax? Robbing the poor to give to the rich.
Police losing the battle against crime.
Two years plus yet we are still stuck in the EU.
Parliament in a mess?
Tory Party in a mess
Common factor?……………………………
Mrs Chamberlain.
Country in a mess.
Vote UKIP.
On Al Beeb’s front page !….Police apologising for saying man had a small penis.
London stabbings – nil?
Send for Commissioner Dick.
You really could not make it up.
Oh you made that up – along with banning CAPITAL letters and addressing people as ‘sir’ or madam’
I’m in my safe space .
“I’m in my safe space .”
You frightened me …
I’ve reported it as a hate crime for you Fed.
Your incident number is 1..9..8..4.
According to Al Beeb …………”Ditch May now or she will lead us into 2022 election, Rees-Mogg tells Tories”.
Where is the Tory support for Rees Mogg, Tory voters please note, who is your Tory MP?
Vote and support UKIP, you know it makes sense.
Al Beeb……………..
“Fears of Brexit disruption have failed to deter passengers from booking flights next summer with EasyJet.”
So it was project fear then ?
Well I fly regularly and sometimes I even use a plane . The BA website is offering flights up to November 2019 so I guess Brexit will mean the laws of physics about flight won’t be changed too much after March 2019.
Really wish the project Fear crew would come up with a really good yarn which could not be predicted . I always feel as though I’ve had a sneak peek at the Soros Remain Grid at CCHQ.
So the BBC are launching a public consultation on whether to start charging over 75’s for the TV license again. The questionnaire leaves it open to comment so I suggest all interested parties get over there and tell them what we think. Along the lines of no more forced public subscription at all ?
I think that’s an easy trap to fall into .
I think it better to campaign for the TV licence to be made free for over 65 year olds .
But that’s coming from some one less than 60 and not willing to pay anything to the Far Left BBC because generally all it does is upset me .
Taken from the survey;
“Any age-related concession would mean the BBC would have less money, which would mean fewer programmes and services, in effect making the BBC worse overall for everybody.”
How about not paying unjustifiable wages to BBC presenters and sending them on all expenses paid jollys under the guise of “reporting” then they can provide more programmes and services.
PS I don’t think the bBBC can get any worse!
Despite misgivings, I have done the questionnaire, but only answered the first question. The danger is in subsequent questions where one is invited to rank the various reform options the BBC wants to put in place. To these, I answered ‘None of the above’.
Wow Stacey on Eastenders has just done a wonderfully biased BBC speech/angry rant about how wimmin have to put up with touching, leering, whistling beating and killing! ….then goes on to say that the most dangerous men are the ones they live with-brothers, boyfriends etc
Apparently the most dangerous place for a woman is “home turf”.
I sense the suggestion is that women are endangered whilst living with those narsty larndon white geezers.
I’m guessing she didn’t mention some of the places young ( white) girls are at risk are
Outside schools at 3 30
Kebab or chicken shops
Bus stops where bored kids hang out
And Asian paedophiles can make their nice approach with fags , booze and spliffs…
Update on that Kirklees 42 schools unstunned halal meat report
Thousands sign Kirklees ‘unstunned’ meat school petition
“More than 3,000 people have signed a petition asking a West Yorkshire council to stop “unstunned halal meat” being served in schools. In October, a Freedom of Information request by the National Secular Society found Kirklees Council supplied the meat to 40 schools”.
why is the council still not releasing which schools? … should be in the public domain as a matter of course
BBC News
Lancashire council leader accused of halal meat ‘crusade’. Councillors in Lancashire are to vote on whether to stop supplying unstunned halal meat for school dinners.
“Council leader Geoff Driver said he believed it was “abhorrent” and “really, really cruel” to slaughter animals without stunning them first”.
wait for it …
“Lancashire Council of Mosques (LCM) has accused Mr Driver of leading a “crusade” on the issue, a claim which he denies”
Oh the crusades….another beauty.
On the Ivanka Trump email news the BBC are willfully ignorant of the difference between a personal email account like gmail, and a physically self-contained private email server in a basement.
CM – ‘Willful’ is right. Why? A chance to have a dig at Trump. For the bbc that’s as important as breathing. Any, repeat:any, excuse will do.
I doubt Ivanka had much of import to hide. But Hillary? Well, do some research. She may have had a great deal to hide.
Have a look at Bill Still on YT on the topic. And the Lybian stuff is merely a small part of it.
Or who really had the more significant connections to the Big Bear, Donald or Hillary. And why.
Naw, for the third-rate teenyboppers who mostly pose as political journalists at the beeb, a chance to have a swipe at the former, is all. Brownie points from your supervisor…
Sad to hear of suicide bomb in Kabul today at a venue where the birthday of Bad Mo was being celebrated.
I must emphasise that I deplore the loss of life but it prompted a trivial thought, that listening to this being reported several times today on Radio 4, they always say ‘The Prophet Mohammed’, as if this ne’er do well was a prophet for us all. Why not ‘the muslim/islamic prophet’ or the one that muslims regard as a prophet or whatever?
Fast forward a hundred years and the way things are going he’s likely to be the only prophet available to anybody.
As usual #GreensGoByAir
“UN environment chief Erik Solheim quits amid expenses row”
“A recent draft internal audit, obtained by Britain’s Guardian newspaper and seen by the BBC, said he had incurred costs of $488,518 (£382,111) while travelling for 529 out of 668 days.”
Wasn’t the UN in the UK the other day , lecturing us about managing poverty ?
Brexit : Richard Littlejohn
“We are in the middle of A Very British Coup, an elaborate, well-financed and co-ordinated plot to overturn the democratically expressed will of the British people.
It’s being mounted by the Government of the day, aided and abetted by big business… ”
And on DV’s site
And being trapped if that Orbit is the call it will inevitabily give the EU the opportunity to treat us like dirt, even more so than now. Britain will be shaffted uncontrolably year by year.
Brexit document @Tomo says
\\ One curious but imho telling observation – the draft withdrawal document internal data seems to show the author / creator as one Jonathan Uphoff
Linkedin says he is a “Lawyer-Linguist at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union in Brussels”.
I’d have thought that some attention to detail might have had some functionary change that attribution to “EU Brussels & HMG London” or somesuch.
It’s a detail but a niggling one for this peon pedant.//
Stew, have you seen his career?
Cornell graduate in European Society, Politics and Economics with a year spent in Uppsala. The university there is part of the Coimbra group which promotes “internationalisation, .. lobbying at the European level”. Then Cornell Law, and then a year spent in a sort of finishing school as a Teaching Assistant at the Soros-owned Central European University, in their Political Science Dept.
He then worked in a couple of lesser law firms for a short while before joining Morgan Lewis in Brussels, then Unilever, Competition Law, in Brussels, was then self-employed in Brussels, and then found his obviously dream job, Lawyer-Linguist for the EU in Brussels.
Indoctrinated basically, an American apparently, manipulated by Soros and his chums and helping them to shaft us.
Is it just ‘my’ browser? Just lately every time I click on a sidebar comment on this website the focus jumps to that comment, (as expected), then immediately darts of somewhere else, perhaps half-a-dozen coments further away.
If I repeat the process everything works OK.
I suspect that the browser is jumping back to the last position in an earlier viewing session, some sort of cache issue, that I have never had in the past. [Browser is Firefox 63.03 (64-bit)]
This is weird. I left this site and then returned and followed a sidebar link to page 2 of comments. Focus went to that comment then jumped away six comments. Then I clicked on a page 3 comment and the focus went there and then immediately jumped up six comments! I first noticed this behaviour when I wanted to link to someone else’s comment and it misbehaved so I didn’t do it in the end so as to avoid confusion.
No first it jumps to the correct position
but then it loads the images and they push the text further down the page. AFAIK
Bit like Mrs Chamberlain’s ‘negotiations’ then, Stew!
Mind you, if Diane Abbott was involved, we’d be on page 1,458 by now…
You might be right. The same thing happens on my Android tablet.
I’m sure it didn’t used to happen and the fact that it does now makes in-page linking useless. Links are what ‘makes’ the internet what it is, (was).
I think I had a problem on Sunday evening with this site. I posted something about an excellent programme on Sunday evening on BBC4 about Rhapsody in Blue. Really excellent musicians of all ethnicities talking about the piece, but a black woman presenter who obviously knew nothing about music but was very good at nodding enthusiastically.
I didn’t use language I wouldn’t use in front of my mother, and wasn’t rude about the presenter but highlighted her lack of music qualifications. But my post disappeared. Did someone report it as offensive? Would I have been told if it had been deliberately deleted? Where did it go? So many questions. The internet ether must be getting full, I fear.
I certainly didn’t touch your post but I did put up a new thread – which shouldn’t have affected anything . I will go look in the archive and see if I can resolve the issue . …….
….I have checked . The post is in the weekend thread at 20 33 15 likes . I don’t think it’s been edited or anything . Please let us know if there is an issue .
If I delete or edit I say so and hope others with voluntary editing capability do the same .
If I delete or edit I say so and hope others with voluntary editing capability do the same
Agreed. I have deleted text within comments here and there in the past without informing the deletee, but will let them know in future – as I did with Annanuki and Guest Who.
It’s good practice and only fair to let people know what is being deleted and why.
Thanks Fedup2, I looked for my comment to see if anyone had responded, and couldn’t find it. Maybe I am just hopeless. If so apologies.
Your post, though blink and you will be looking at something else! (See above re. links)
As regards “Project Fear”. Due to genuine fears of the incompetence of the Government and Civil Service, the Queen’s advisers could suggest that Britain be ruled by one of her other Realms, until Theresa May felt that she could cope with full independence for Britain.
Her Majesty the Queen of Australia’s High Commission could rule England,
Her Majesty the Queen of Canada’s High Commission could rule Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, Her Majesty the Queen of New Zealand’s High Commission could rule all the UK overseas territories, Her Majesty the Queen of Jamaica’s High Commission could rule London and Oily Robins could be sent to Canada for training on how to negotiate free trade agreements.
I think a transition period with training under Royal Commonwealth rule would be preferable to an 80 year transition period without any training under European Union rule.
The current Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell, was born in Belfast and is particularly proud to be the Queens representative in that part of Canada. She would probably be more loyal to and honest with the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland than the traitorous May.
Ten facts for 2019:
(1) Brexit means Remaining in the European Union.
(2) A Deal means becoming a European Union Protectorate.
(3) Democracy is bad because its Populist.
(4) Those wanting freedom are rebels.
(5) Referendums are bad, unless they are a vote for a Democratic Peoples Dictatorship.
(6) Austerity is good if £39 billion tax money goes to the EU.
(7) The Daily Mail will always support Theresa May for ever and ever more.
(8) The House of Lords is the future.
(9) Young people will always love the establishment.
(10) The Queen says to Theresa “ I cant sign this, it violates my Coronation Oath”, the Queen officially dies of old age.
Richard, point 6,
And £12 billion in foreign aid.
Something I’ve not heard on the bbbc is the way interviewees are challenged when they talk nonsense or make up statistics.
JHB has just been interviewing someone (sorry didn’t catch his name) about immigrants sending money home.
Apparently the top 3 places where the money goes are Nigeria, India and Pakistan.
The interviewee claimed that there are lots of studies by “academics” that prove that immigrants are making a huge contribution but that the indigenous population are a net drain on the country. JHB challenges with the fact that an 80 year old in a nursing home is unlikely to be a contributor whereas immigrants are generally younger and working age so it was not comparing like for like.
The guy then went on to claim that oh well the rest of us send lots of money abroad too “when we go on holiday or buy a foreign made car”!
JHB again challenged him and asserted that this is not the same thing. She pointed out that’s immigrants are generally on lower wages therefore not paying much in tax or national insurance but then sending most of the money home.
She highlighted the fact that they are, therefore, not contributing as much as we are led to believe.
Something you won’t hear in the biased bbc
Can we do a class action suit against the Government on the basis that what was said in the referendum is not what she has put forward?
I can’t remember who said it a few days ago on this site – but maybe this was her plan after all…delay delay until there’s no time; put forward an already written plan knowing most won’t vote for no deal and have no choice..a cunning plan that stuffs the democratic will…
I am truly sad that Great Britain is now run by a bunch of EU monkeys and what the people want is irrelevant. Why can’t these people see what they are doing….
I don’t think there’s any “maybe” about it.
Here’s a fine way to start the day – tune into the BBC and be treated to the strained, strangled, trans-atlantic tones of foreign correspondent Lyse Doucet.
She is one of so many BBC star talking heads who, in the guise of interpreting events, in fact editorialise and pontificate like crazy all the same stale regulation anti-west liberal elite talking points. In her summary of the Yemen conflict, rather than address the international power politics, she leans heavily toward the style of charity appeal broadcast. Oh the humanity, think of the children!
Of course she tells us enough so we know “we are arming” the Saudi/ Arab coalition. Isn’t western policy also attempting to keep the vital Red Sea and Gulf trade routes free of Iranian domination which could spark wider regional conflict, then recession and suffering for europeans? No. As usual every Yemeni is portrayed as a helpless victim. Nothing about their culture, religion, tribalism, lack of such western values as the rule of law or respect for the individual could ever be to balme for their on-going civil wars. Such is the BBC-approved cultural relativism.
Suddenly our Lyse does begin to talk about power politics – but simply to bash Trump for his alliance or understanding with the Saudis. What would she have him do? Side with Iran, pay them a huge cash prize and allow them to build a nuke – like Obama did? Or does she suggest the west invade both Saudi and Iran – to bring democracy – as worked so well for the neo cons in Iraq & Afghanistan?
I think her ambitions are on a smaller scale. Guilt trip us into an Xmas BBC appeal for cash and more refugee acceptance here in the UK.
good post AsI
Why doesn’t any of these sanctimonious people point out that virtually all wars in the world are ether between Muslims or muslims against somebody else – rather than somehow it is always the fault of the West…or probably Pres. Trump if they can find a way..
Are the BBC now getting upset because Trump is too friendly with a Muslim country?
It is strange that the Main Stream Media breeds saints like Doucet or Simpson on al bbc or Hilson and Frei on C4 who wonder around the planet on the taxpayers buck high on their moral high ground telling us we must do something .
Well I don’t buy it .
Like charities , they often pretend national governments don’t exist in their favoured countries so we should do something – namely send a load of money .
Snowflakes worship these characters and ,no doubt , out compassion each other in response .
But for me deal with our own problems and charity should stay at home . As we are constantly being told by the BBC we are no longer an empire – so we should stop stupidly getting involved with international problems unless there is a direct benefit to Blighty . Yemen is not such a place .
You know that line about ‘comes around goes around”?
Well today Wednesday 21st November 2018 is another one of those days .
Chamberlane did it before the 2nd world war
Cameron did it with the ReichEU before the referendum
Now May goes to the ReichEU with a begging bowl to get her draft sell out tippexed to buy more votes in the sell out parliament
Whatever happens she will spin the outcome as a win for Britain –
And then proceed to sell more peerages to tories who are destined to lose their seats as punishment for this unnecessary mess in return for their votes. Let’s see if we can get it to 1000 peers shall we?
LBC Now one anti popularist guest from Kinsey from NYT, followed by another anti-popularist guest
\\ One in four Europeans vote for populist parties according to a new report, allowing their leaders into government posts in 11 countries. @NickFerrariLBC asks: why are the far-right appearing to be more successful than the left across Europe? //
Kinsey was banging on about Hungary
“Their government is moving every further to the right, interfering with the judiciary etc.”
…err the UK system fixed Tommy
and from behind a paywall Rod Liddle says he knew all along it was an unjust court..(so we know no MSM jounos spoke up)
Ferrari gets it from hysteria on today’s Guardian frontpage
He complains cos the page used to say this

‘Podemos +Syriza combine their populism with a left wing ideology’.
It’s a bit strange I can’t track the edits on that story
So why is the picture of a typical left wing Antifa yob?
Eco loonies blocking London
What’s the still traffic , doing for air pollution ?
You see the arrogance of our entitled lazy middle class . Bet there are very few working people there. They assume the right to prevent free movement as their right. The police should do the job they are paid to do. Go in heavy and move them by force.
There is no assumed right to prevent anyone going about their lawful business. The right to demonstrate does not trump this.
If the police acted swiftly and forcefully this would stop in it’s tracks .
We often hear the description of, “unelected unaccountable politicians and bureaucrats” in relation to the EU. But, withdraw, “unelected” and the description would now apply to Treason May. Why? Well the covert nature of her arrangement to flood the country with more, “migrants” under the UN Migration Pact for the Globalists, for that will be the outcome. And Treason May’s ‘give-away’ of our Armed Services to Europe – also for the Globalists – Equally done with stealth. Both, no doubt, hoping the public wouldn’t notice. Dishonest, that’s what Treason May is. What gets me is the totally blatant unaccountable acts to undermine this country. What’s that you say? Vote out the Tories next election that’s being, ‘accountable’? Sorry, the immense damage will have been done by then and we would have to live with the consequences of Treason May’s anti-UK criminal acts.
I won’t start on Brexit as those having watched the link above, will already be set up for the day……………
The, “Free Press” and the unbiased BBC and their silences? Too early in the morning to get me going on that subject.
Good letter in the Telegraph copied and pasted here.
“Whatever position one adopts on Brexit, several important changes to the way this country is governed have emerged from Theresa May’s tenure.
a) Manifesto commitments are now meaningless. Who will ever trust the Conservative Party manifesto again?
b) Cabinet government has been abandoned. Mrs May has set a precedent for privately and publicly manoeuvring behind the backs of ministers.
c) The Civil Service has become politicised. The unelected Civil Service may one day regret colluding with the Prime Minister to circumvent and humiliate elected ministers.
d) Lying to the people has become overtly acceptable. We now know that, whatever a prime minister says, it is probably untrue.
e) It’s all right for a prime minister to humiliate the country he or she leads.
Irrespective of the outcome of the current political chaos, I fear we may all rue the day we vested our trust in this very bad Prime Minister”.
Michael Welby
A good list.
“d) Lying to the people has become overtly acceptable. We now know that, whatever a prime minister says, it is probably untrue.”
Oh the blatand dishonesty of Treason May! About when she was busily signing the UN Migration Compact in 2016, she was also supporting the, reduce immigration to, “…the tens of thousands”.
Talk Radio just had a long item about how a hate preacher Zakir Naik is allowed to have a channel on SkyTV called PeaceTV
(Mike Graham seems to read every tweet he gets)
– The station has been sanctioned by Ofcom 6 times
– PeaceTV’s boss fled India/Bangladesh and is banned from entering the UK
– How come Sky can ban Fox News but allows this guy ?
\\ Regarding Peace TV. Are “votes” the reason for the double standard & lack of Government/establishment action in banning? Very few Labour, Tory and Lib dem votes in right wing extremism but lots of votes within religious ideology extremists. //
HJS report
\\Evidence, provided through case studies, suggests that this second form of abuse poses a serious challenge to future regulation, particularly where islamist extremism is concerned. channels such as Peace Tv and Huda Tv, for example, almost ubiquitously host well-known extremist speakers, while others, such as the islam channel and Eman channel, raise money for extremist-linked charities. Even without airing extreme content, these channels reap the benefits of credibility and fundraising, magnifying their visibility and voice.
• one such channel is Peace Tv, that has had continuous extremist involvement and is inextricably connected to hate preacher Zakir Naik, who was banned from entering the UK in 2010 by the Home Secretary on account of his extremist views. //
Today’s Times
top comment is from Sumit Sharma
\\ I remember submitting proofs to Ofcom and Metropolitan Police on Facebook and Twitter that his tv channel was inciting Muslims to eliminate the politicians who oppose their message.
I was aghast that the complaint went unanswered and it surprises me the extent to which danger of being accused of Islamophobia has crippled our agencies to the extent that they’d rather have people killed than investigate beforehand.
How can a terrorist preacher banned in his own country have a license to run tv channel in U.K.?
I come from India and I think it is my duty to weed out such elements that spoil the name of my country and are a disgrace to humanity.//
“How come Sky can ban Fox News but allows this guy ?”
Yup, a good question.
Daniel Hannan: Staying in customs union puts UK in ‘worse situation than before’
“We’re keeping the bad bits, and ditching the good bits”
Please take a look and sign if you already havent.
here is what the organizer, Caroline said today:
It’s been another fantastic week for the Anti TV licence campaign with 8,000 signatures gathered last week (12 -19 Nov). We are now very close to 300,000 but we won’t reach it without another massive push like we’ve just seen 2 weeks in a row because the rate of new signatures has now stalled. For this momentum to last longer word of mouth is the key.
What ever the reason that made you sign this petition (and there are several), you signed it not because you’ve heard of it on the telly/radio/in the papers but because someone you know talked about it or wrote about it on social media. Now it’s your turn to talk about this petition with your mates, partner and family.
The fact that this petition keeps growing is one hell of a thorn in the BBC’s backside. They have tried time after time to convince the public that a flat tax enforced with heavy bullying and criminal threats is the best way to fund a national broadcaster. Tell them it’s not. Not when 70% of the people prosecuted are women. Not when people are jailed for 2 weeks for being too poor to afford TV. Not when other broadcasters (some with a less tarnished reputation some might add) would happily provide a similar service for free.
Tell them this funding system is past its sell-by date. Make sure you CC your friends!
Staggering to see that the bbc uses £2.5 million of licence fee payers’ money simply to advertise that the licence fee must be payed. Some lucky PR ad agency with links to someone within…well, couldn’t possibly say, really.
This is the broadcaster that loves to ramble on about food banks, poverty etc while ripping off the poor with an equivalent of the poll tax.
Fat salaries for their big boys. Make MPs and ministers look underpaid. Maybe even some bigwheel bankers?
Political bias non-stop. Merely one example: Do they hate Trump? Oh yes, with a passion. Endlessly.
Give us some hope, not hate.
End the BBC Poll Tax.
Not not really scandalous
They are entitled to spend money on advertising if they think it leads to extra people buying licences..that covers the cost.
A British chap has been sentenced to life in prison in bongo bongo land -in this case the UAE for alleged spying .
Is there any BBC coverage of this ? Any campaigning beeboid?
Now the UAE invests lots of money in Blighty and desperately tries to improve its primative image but of course reverts to type when it comes to locking up westerners .
A place definitely not on the visit list.
Perhaps he was a spy, in which case…
his crimes are as yet unspecified and evidence entirely absent.
I’d rather like to be regaled by the evidence – my guess is he said the wrong thing in front of somebody who had the power to lock him up – it’s that sort of place (I know)
it is rather odd that details of Mr. Hedges crimes are not laid out – I do wonder if this is a feature of how the Abu Dhabi courts system works or something else.
I find it difficult to imagine much that an independent traveler like Hedges could achieve in Abu Dhabi beyond what a low grade diplomat (with immunity) could do.
What comes to mind is that Hedges has had some connection to Qatar – and that might well land him in deep water as relations between the two are “hot” .
In all … it needs repeating …. quite odd.
Abu Dhabi …. ? he was arrested at Dubai airport – anyway – I’m guessing he went drinking in a place frequented by secret police shits and shot his mouth off….
Perhaps we should have a separate thread for BBC anti-Trump comments?
Here’s one. It’s a BBC Online News video:
“”Cindy McCain: I’ll never get over Trump’s war hero slur on husband””
“”We’ve lost the ideas of debate””
“”McCaine was the conscience of the country””
This ‘interview’ was conducted by a fawning 20 something BBC woman with the obligatory croaky voice.
Nothing challenged, but a continual smiley nodding-dog approach from the interviewer.
“This ‘interview’ was conducted by a fawning 20 something BBC woman with the obligatory croaky voice.”
Is this the ‘gravelly’ tone toward the end of some words at the end of a sentence/statement? I’ve been tracking that gravelly addition when women are interviewed for some while. I conclude it is partly a confidence thing.
I confess to having an academic interest. I had always associated it with Maggie Thatcher who developed a deep low manly voice by extraneous training apparently. She developed it before the full manly voice was achieved. I guess that it is currently added to develop the recipients reception as being from a honest broker carrying some sort of knowledge or authority. Whichever, it can be dropped at the flick of a tonsil when talking to other women and/or those who do not need to be impressed.
Think it’s actually ‘vocal fry’ — especially with women of a certain age and social bracket.
(Emma Barnett on R5 is the queen of vocal fry)
There’s only one thing to follow that, TM.
It’s so funny how two different female BAME Labour MPs are having trouble with the law: one up for contempt of court, another with a son caught selling drugs. Meanwhile Khan and the Lesbian running the Met are overseeing record levels of crime, especially murder. And of course these grooming gangs/racist paedophile rapists continue to run amok.
Will they ever rethink the whole diversity is strength nonsense? How overwhelming does the evidence have to be? Cathy Newman sent a sneering Tweet about Rees Mogg and his co-plotters being stale and male but he would never be in contempt of court in a trillion years, yet alone let his child go on a crime spree.
I believe the term used is ‘whitewashing’ when media producers cast a caucasian actor in the role of some other ethnicity… anyway the BBC are at it again with their library pictures as the 1pm tv news covers knife crime where a large majority of both victims and perpetrators are from the BAME communities.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this continued and consistent BBC in-house policy of whitewashing crime. Dominic Casciani in the role of BBC home affairs correspondent whitewashed the identity of his own mugger a couple of years ago. Whilst his BBC report named the young criminal but illustrated his text with pasty looking library pics, local newspaper articles did picture the perp and did not bother to lie by subtle omission.
Meanwhile I hear our local press is under serious threat from BBC competition.
It’s not appeared on the BBC yet but it is one of the things the BBC endorse.
Journalism professors at Leeds Trinity University in the UK have been instructed not to use certain words — in case they frighten sensitive students.
According to UK media reports, the use of capital letters has been banned as well as the “overuse” of the words “do” and “don’t”.
In an internal staff memo obtained by the Express, staff are told students’ “anxiety” can lead to academic failure.
“Despite our best attempts to explain assessment tasks, any lack of clarity can generate anxiety and even discourage students from attempting the assessment at all,” it reads.
“Generally, avoid using capital letters for emphasis and the overuse of ‘do’, and, especially, ‘DON’T’.
Perhaps they might need help wiping their little bottoms. OMG what are we coming to in this week bellied country, afraid of its own shadow. Suggest these Leeds Trinity University Professors should have their professorships taken away, they arecertainly not fit to educate students with such utter nonsense.
other phrases “A positive of Brexit is”
“Trump correctly predicted”
On the previous page @Rich gave details of that EU lawyers past career, who wrote the Brexit document PDF
it included
Teaching Assistant at the Soros-owned Central European University, in their Political Science Dept
– and onwards to a fully expensed (including accomodation(flat)and all travel(car)) tax free sinecure in Brussels – nice work if you can get it.
Of course just the perfect individual to produce such a document.
Are we going to get this level of reporting for every poorly WW2 veteran from now on, or just the left wing ones?
As Interpol recently discovered, considering letting the Russian fox in to run the chicken coop would be predictably disastrous. Ah, but this is MM, ‘Mad Merkel’ so it is only to be expected. I’ll bet MI6 will enjoy liaising with him over, ‘security’ issues ‘taqiyya’ and all. One things for sure the one way information link to Erdogan will get busy.
The Swiss are not signing the UN ‘Migrant Compact’ either, for the time being.
They join the US, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia,Israel, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic – all of whom are NOT signing, in Morocco, next month.
The ‘Neue Zuericher Zeitung’ commented that this sort of thing is what happens ‘when beaurocrats dream’, pointing out one proposal that seeks to punish countries for ‘intolerance’ towards ‘migration’.
What is the UK doing? Why are the media quiet? Not to mention the total silence surrounding the subsequent ‘Refugee Compact’, providing for migrant ‘resettlement’ – sponsored by Pakistan in the UN?
We are not mad about the EU. Behind it looms the even more unattractive UN.
Are we crossing a road, worried about being hit by a car, not seeing the 40 ton truck speeding up behind it?
Someone tried to raise this on Nick Ferrari’s LBC programme yesterday. The caller was dismissed with, “Won’t happen, no need to talk about it”, and that was that.
Ferrari is becoming a bit of an arse, to be honest. Maybe he always was, and I overlooked it because at least it wasn’t Radio 4.
Ferrari definitely doesn’t like anybody raising these issues and he always short changes those that dare to speak out.
The BBC on R4’s TWatO were very optimistic today that either Parliament would vote through the EU Deal that the PM is pushing or Parliament would vote for another Referendum on EU Membership.
Yes, I have typed that correctly. Another Referendum on membership. Not the PM’s deal or no deal before and after 29 March 2019. But membership. Back to the future. A re-run of 2016.
I thought there was a reason why they wheeled out Dr Sarah Wollaston yesterday on TODAY pushing for a second Referendum. She and the BBC are both in denial about the result of the Referendum. Leave won, we are leaving. Had Remain won, we would be remaining in the EU.
The BBC were today trying to explain that the current EU deal would be voted through by Parliament. What they did not ask or seek to explain is what it would take to buy off enthusiastic Brexiteers among Labour Party MPs (apparently Jeremy Corbyn is now having a bit of a wobble about calling for Labour to vote the Chequers Deal down), enthusiastic Conservative Brexiteers, anti-everything SNP MPs and the DUP in Northern Ireland.
How will the PM threaten or bribe all those groups?
The BBC asking no questions, suggesting nothing …
….. except constantly trying to underme Brexit.
Trans Kids, It’s Time to Talk Channel 4 Wednesday 10pm