The Far Left BBC , as a matter of editorial policy ,
suppresses negative stories about Muslims – rape gangs , terrorism and intimidation
Promotes anti brexit stories
undermines Judeo -Christian religion with its pro Islam propaganda
approves of the drive to limit freedom of speech by criminalising what it does not like
and will only approve its version of Britain using our money to do it .
as part of the tripartite pact of BBC – Guardian -Labour Party the decline of Britain accelerates.
Pride parade at a primary school !
Is he the one on the right in the photo? Memories of, ‘refugee children’ arriving in the UK a year or so ago. Or, perhaps they all look like that adorning a moustache at aged 6 or so……………
A session of gay sodomy will soon be compulsory in primary schools at this rate.
Thanks to the deplorables of the AfD, a petition against the signing of the UN ‘Migration compact’ by Germany has been put up on the website of the Bundestag -the German parliament. You can find it there- no. 85565- under ‘Deutscher Bundestag Petitionen’. Whatever next?
Ms Merkel has argued strongly in favour of the pact. We can guess why…
At least there is some debate in the Federal parliament on this potentially massive ‘agreement’. Doesn’t happen in every parliament…
Media Show coming up has a pic of Dad’s Army as a placeholder
Prog is about how a quarter of TV formats sold in the world originate from that UK.
How can Amol support that ? cos that’s not diversity is it ?
I’m seeing some reports along the lines of ‘coup against May has backfired’ ??? Is this fake news?
Or are my hopes dashed again?
I don’t trust MPs, even the better ones. They talk tough then melt away. If they can’t get 48 members to write the damn letter it’s pathetic.
I don’t see party loyalty as a virtue. IMO, their loyalty should be to the people who pay them and elected them and nobody else. Afraid of losing their HoL places perhaps?
Somebody said that the Conservatives need a long period in opposition to concentrate their minds. The wrong people are rising to the top. I’d agree if the alternative were not so damn scary. A traditional (ie: non loony) Labour government couldn’t be much worse than May’s.
The mistake most of us make is that we think that most MPS actually care for the country and care about democracy.
Totally wrong. All they are prostitutes in the truest sense of the word willing to sell everything (including their birth country) for personal gain and career advancement.
Until this week I’d have laughed like a drain at the thought of old man Steptoe forming a Government.
However, here is the e-mail I received yesterday frim my MP Simon Hart. Read it and weep.
He should be sectioned. I have of course told him where he should go.
” Welcome to my latest newsletter:
As far as Brexit goes I am conscious that whatever I write this morning will probably be out of date by this evening, but I will give it a try anyway!
After months of speculation a proposal has been agreed and is now subject to feverish scrutiny. Then comes the hard part. MPs will need to compare this option against other possible outcomes and decide what is in the local and national interest before voting. As I have said many times, this is ultimately about Parliamentary maths. In other words, it is the option that gets a majority that counts.
For example, if we vote down the current proposals some would suggest that we simply proceed to a ‘no-deal’ Brexit by default. There is some ‘technical’ truth in this, but a large chunk of Parliament (a majority at present) is already looking at ways of preventing this happening. Why? Because they feel that such an outcome is economically damaging. We can argue whether that assertion is correct, but at the moment that is what numerous colleagues, across all parties, believe.
Added to this is the fact that we know the Government is against a ‘no-deal’ option; we know public opinion is currently against it, and as I have said, we know that there is no Parliamentary majority for it. Therefore it would be extraordinary, although not impossible, to see the implementation of a policy which carries no Government, public or MP support – but we do live in strange times!
If we vote down the deal but require the Government to change its policy (e.g. to the options known as EFTA, Norway, Canada+), then it is still possible that we will have to defer our departure in March 2019 by delaying Article 50.
Some see delaying A50 as the beginning of the end for Brexit as the old saying ‘time is the weapon of opposition’ kicks in. We are then at the mercy of events and an emboldened European Commissioner; and the dreaded maths is raised again, as some of these new options don’t have a Parliamentary majority either.
And all with less than 100 working days until our departure date.
There is one last point. It is wrong to think that March next year marks the end of the process. Our relationship with the EU changed drastically between 1975 and now which is largely what people were objecting to when they voted in 2016. It will continue to change and evolve post our departure too. So what can we bank now?
An end to vast monetary contributions
Out of CAP and CFP
End of free movement
Freedom to sign new trade deals
NI border resolution
End of the jurisdiction of CJEU in the UK
I fully accept that this falls short of what some readers voted for, and yet goes too far for others. My fear remains that if we reject the current offer out of hand then we risk ending up with no Brexit at all (at odds with the 58% of local voters who chose that option), or potentially a stalemate that only a further referendum or election can resolve – if indeed either could. Neither outcome is satisfactory or conclusive, which is why I am committed to trying to find a route through all of this, up to and beyond our departure date.
In other news….
Latest jobs figures show that despite Brexit and the start of Universal Credit, the UK unemployment figures are now about half of what they were in 2010.
I joined hundreds of people to take part in the rally recently held outside Withybush Hospital. The strength of opposition to the plans to downgrade the hospital is as strong as ever.”
What an absolute moron.
Against my better judgement I bought The Express this morning. I had a train journey to endure and there’s only so long I can spend peering at my phone. The Express is similar to the Mail, but less classy. God, it’s awful.
Blimey, this was the most enthusiastic of the Brexit supporting papers. What a disappointment.
They’re massively behind Theresa the Appeaser. They refer to the honorable Jacob Rees Mogg and his supporters as “a motley crew.” Jacob’s probably the only MP worthy to be described as honorable.
There’s an unedifying, unspoken alliance between those on the left, BBC, Guardian etc and the those insipid Tory supporting rags. The lefties know this deal is Brexit in name only and the rags simply obey their masters and support the party, come what may. It’s really pathetic.
We can all see the feeble and shambolic capitulation our prime minister has foist upon us.
No true Brexiteer could ever support this.
However, if you’re waiting for the “honorable gentlemen” to do the honorable thing…
I wouldn’t hold my breath…
Jeff, “The Express is similar to the Mail, but less classy it’s awful.”
You should see what Osborne is doing to the London Evening Standard!
Sadly, the Express is now part of the Daily Mirror group, so you can see where that is going.
The Daily Mail had the remain supporting editor of the Mail on Sunday foisted on it at the behest of Lady Rothermere.
The Telegraph is still owned by the weirdo Barclay twins from their Channel Island bunker. They will sell it to anyone who will pay their inflated price. I only hope that Jeff Bezos doesn’t get any ideas.
So as you can see, the pro-Brexit press has been cut off at the knees. It is almost as if the establishment is getting us ready for a second referendum, sorry, “People’s Vote”, and this time they do not intend to lose.
I always felt that we won the referendum because the establishment was complacent, and expected an easy win. They will not make the same mistake next time.
Meanwhile the extra arm of the state, the street thugs of UAF, Antifa, are gathering support to drive Tommy Robinson’s pro Brexit rally off the streets.
The Trinity Mirror owned Daily Express is massively behind Theresa the Appeaser.
They refer to the honourable Jacob Rees Mogg and his supporters as “a motley crew.”
To quote:
“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Joseph Stalin.
I hope you write to that MP and tell him it’s time to find another job. I’ve done that with mine ….. unless the referendum is honoured and not dishonoured as it is now .
As an aside – I bet the British prime minister will creep back into Blighty after being thrown out of Brussels by some drunken ReichEU hitler look alike.
The far left BBC has the story of 5 lady MPs kicking a ball about on the floor of the House of Commons .
Now once upon a time I’d have been up in arms about this as an insult to democracy . Now – I truly couldn’t give a damn . Why should I ? That place and its occupants don’t represent me.
As we are currently seeing those people represent their own and their party interests – every one of them . Why not close it down , sell it to the National Trust and move the UK parliament to Hull , Stoke or Brum . Could save a lot of cash in the long run
BBC1 S*d democracy : one seat at the Climate talks should be reserved for one of our metro-liberal overlords
David Attenborough takes the ‘people’s seat’ at climate change talks in Poland
.. “to represent the hundreds of millions of people are around the world whose lives are about to be affected by climate change.”//
No special People’s Seat for the billions of PEOPLE that pay for the extra costs of Global Warming Alarmism.
Sky News:
“”Sky sources have said German Chancellor Angela Merkel is considering not turning up to the EU summit on Sunday – because she only wants to rubber stamp a deal.””
This annoys me along with this democracy breaking farce of May’s ‘Brexit-Means-Brexit’.
How have we got into a position where a German leader decides our future for the next 100 years or so?
We have just commemorated our war dead on Sunday due to two wars caused by Germany.
It is all part of the game. Now when she DOES turn up to sign the paper (that she wrote herself) then May will present it as a massive victory… After all, WE are paying the EU £40 Billion just to sign that deal, there is no such sweetner to sign the trade agreement, so there will be no pressure at all – unless we come up with another £40B.
“A group of MPs have been reprimanded for playing football in the chamber of the House of Commons.”
If I did that in work I would get the sack.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Look at us! Aren’t we great?
Don’t you go and rain on the wimmins rights parade, you stuffy old male chauvinist, Taffman. You’re just jealous, cos -being one of the little people (who pay our salaries)- you don’t get to kick the ball around in parliament….
Wrong shaped ball. Even so, I would still get the sack.
Al Beeb tells us that Mrs Chamberlain ‘is to return to Brussels for last-ditch Brexit talks on Saturday’………
The rest of countries in the EU have seen how supine she is and will ‘go in for the kill’. Spain and France are already rattling their sabres. Spain for Gibraltar and France for our fish. They intend to make an example and punish us.
Its a disgrace to all those that gave their lives in two World Wars for our freedom, sovereignty and independence.
All those broken promises from the Tory Party. Our only salvation is to vote and support UKIP.
There you go again, Taffman, slagging off someone who is absolutely clear that she is just getting on with the job, in the national interest….
Actually, I’ve just been listening to a radio play on the friendship between Edward Thomas and Robert Frost on YT. Thomas went off to die at Arras for love of country and sense of duty. What a distant world that is, in more ways than one…
Presented by the beeb. Why can’t I shake off the feeling that that is adding insult to injury, even though it’s ever so genuine…
Explanation? It was made in 1979. What a distant world that is…
I will vote UKIP, so will many others, and if there is a second referendum I will vote to leave.
But just as sure as I am that May was determined to betray us I believe that this time they won’t get into a position of being blamed for disregarding the democratic majority. The ballot papers will disappear, the vans will be re-directed, and a hefty remain vote will emerge.
According to Al Beeb ……….“Labour could form the next government without a general election if MPs don’t back Theresa May’s Brexit deal, John McDonnell has suggested.”
The only chance of that is if Labour promised to get us out of the EU without a deal.
It probably means Theresa May and the many other Remain careerists in the Tory party have done a deal with the Blairites to defect to the Labour Party if they vote against the (Brexit means Remain) deal.
Brexit is so complex and confusing that a vote against (Brexit means Remain) could mean a Labour Government under Theresa May as Labour Prime Minister. It would also explain why we now have the confusion of (Daily Mail means Guardian) etc.
It could be a brilliant career move for Theresa, because she wouldn’t be able to be toppled by 48 letters, and if she gave the Labour Party legal ownership of the Tory brand, then the Labour party could choose which constituency to use which brand, whichever the Labour Party thought would win in that constituency, Labour or Conservative. Also, Labour remainers would not stand against Conservative remainers and Conservative remainers would not stand against Labour remainers. Therefore with almost 80 percent of the vote, guaranteeing a (Conservative means Labour) or (Labour means Labour) landslide for Theresa.
Its very complex and confusing, but it makes sense of what is known about the strange mind of Theresa May. The mind of a vicars daughter turned insanely evil by the constant need for lies, so as to maintain her career in politics. A career that involves the steely determination to do nothing, stand still and maintain the status quo.
They will promise anything – but deliver the usual rubbish!
New vid from Daniel Bostock : Millennials – Parody (Robbie Williams)
Daniel Bostock can run rings around the so called best comedians of the BBC.
So it was a lovely sunny morning, albeit cold in NW England. So I checked the BBC weather app to see if it was worth worth washing the wife’s very grubby car and get some washing out. Yup the BBC weather app said fairly windy but clear with light cloud all day and a small % chance of rain. So I set to, cleaned the car and got some washing on to go out. Come 12:00 pm with the car gleaming and the washing out, I noticed a few dark clouds overhead and within 10 minutes it was peeing down to put it politely. Suddenly the guy in charge of the Weather App must have stuck his head out of the window and seen what I could. Amazingly the next hour it suddenly went to showers with a 96% chance of rain. It pretty much showered on and off for the rest of the afternoon too. Actually this is quite common with the BBC Weather App.
The amusing part of it all is that they try and lecture and drone on about Climate change and that it’s as good as scientifically proven yet their amazing weather app can’t even predict the next hour of weather without it being wrong.
Wow the Nations most reliable broadcaster eh?
Surely the accolade must be the most reliable broadcaster for producing fake/filtered News and Weather!
Apparently a 10% chance of rain at 3pm
means that 1 time out of 10 it will have rained by 4pm
Cos the prediction applies to the forthcoming hour NOT the actually 3pm
So I don’t think the Meteo group lied to you.
Stew. We have classic cars that we show regularly in the summer, and to take them out in the rain means many hours of underbody cleaning and polishing.
So therefore we take ‘serious’ note of any weather forecasts.
I can totally agree with Heyho’s post that the BBC weather reporting very often has to be taken with a pinch of salt.
In the last few years, (and it is getting worse) I can only guess how many country shows and other outdoor events have been affected by reduced attendances following the BBC’s inaccurate forecasts. I totally agree that they have some climate change agenda
If you want a good accurate forecast, I suggest use a Norwegian site that is much more reliable.
So yes… the meteo do lie…….
Heyho, I notice this a lot in the summer when I’m officiating at athletics event. For example, when I check on a Wednesday for a forthcoming event on a Saturday, the forecast can change dramatically from the Wednesday until the actual day. Now obviously its a forecast so you can’t expect it to be exactly right, but at times when the forecast says 24c and sunny only two days ahead and then you end up with 18 and rain – that’s pretty appalling forecasting!
When you consider how much tax payers money the Met office gets, it’s actually a scandal.
I gave up on the Met Office many years ago. Give this a try. I would be interested in your comments following use.
No stabbings today? Nowt on Al Beeb.
Can anyone from Londinistan enlighten us ?
Explosive devices don’t count.
Taffman- all quiet it seems?
If you absolutely need to find one, a pensioner was brutally knifed to death by an ‘asylum seeker’ in Wittenburg, in Merkel’s new paradise.
Surprisingly, the mayor has said (like all good mayors do) the killing shouldn’t be ‘instrumentalised’.
There are stabbings EVERYDAY in London
but you mean FATAL stabbings, minor ones are probably not even reported, just near death ones.
@LBC says “Two teenagers have been charged with stabbing a 19-year-old man outside a supermarket in Romford, east London, yesterday afternoon.”
\\ A teenager was rushed to hospital after being knifed in broad daylight outside a Lidl supermarket in east London.
Emergency services, including an air ambulance, were scrambled to Atlanta Boulevard in Romford at about 1.20pm on Tuesday //
A must listen to video. Scandalous especially around the 8:30 minute mark. Sorry if it’s been posted before, but it really should be heard.
Interesting photo editing on the FGM campaign by the NSPCC (someone points out the HM Government logo top right too)
I must do a ‘Maxi’ here. The image shown is the last of four in the Home Office information pack. The first three are brown/black children/adults. I would suggest that the ‘white’ girl shown is actually more East/Southern European than East Cheam.
FGM Campaign Materials – Home Office site
JimS good spot, my fact checking should have been better.
However, despite the cock-up, I still believe with every fibre of my being that I delivered on the will of the people etc
That presumably foreign builder who was bady stabbed whilst intervening in the Mayfair jewellery shop raid did not fail in his intervention
Cos it’s not only about #1 stopping that crime
but #2 The message you send
After we saw the homeless guy deal with Waterloo, my instinct is to grab whatever is to-hand and run TOWARDS a potential terrorist not away.
…. But generally if you see a crime whip out your camera and start recording evidence.
Facebook and Twitter crime are NOT matters for the police to deal with
just like a publican they should keep their own house in order or lose their licence.
Just an observation I noted from today’s Beeb London news. They were hi-lighting the war on teenage knife crime and showed the image of a young ne’er do well thrusting a nasty looking weapon towards the camera.
Yep, a white lad.
As far as I’m aware most of the victim have been black and ALL of the attackers have been black.
And yet…
Stabbings in London and elsewhere.
Most stabbings aren’t reported to the police. They are dealt with ‘in-house’ between gangs. Even in hospital, the stabbed person can refuse that the police are notified and also give a different explanation as to cause.
A death by stabbing does tend to come to the notice of the Police. But even then, the truth can be somewhat elusive.
90% of stabbings in London are black on black. But this can’t be mentioned for the sake of diversity. Thank goodness! (By a bizarre coincidence, the same applies to shootings).
My source of information is impeccable, m’Lud.
Al Beeb ………….
“UK expects Brexit Deal this weekend”
UK expected Brexit the day after the referendum!
We did not get it because Mrs Chamberlain took over.
Tory cowards are a disgrace to those valiant men of Great Britain who saved this nation from Europe a hundred years ago, God bless them.
From Westmonster
Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has spelt out how Theresa May and the British government fell into the EU’s negotiation trap, describing the strategy of Brussels as a “declaration of war”.
Varoufakis, who had extensive dealings with the EU himself when in office, told the New Statesman that the UK should never have agreed to the EU’s negotiation timetable: “This was a declaration of war because Barnier said: “You will give us everything we want: money, people, Ireland. And only then will we discuss what you want.’
“Well, that isn’t a negotiation, that’s a travesty. And Theresa May agreed to play along.”
He has also pointed out that: “You do not negotiate with the EU because the EU does not negotiate with you. It sends a bureaucrat, in this case it was Mr. Barnier…they could have sent an android, or an algorithm.”
The straight-talking Economics Professor also laid into the idea of a second referendum: “It’s offensive. What was the first vote? Wasn’t it a people’s vote? To call it a people’s vote is to try and delegitimise the original vote – to say it was dictatorial, it was rigged.”
Those who have dealt with the EU can see though the bully boy tactics. Too bad that Theresa May has gone along and is now left flogging a bad deal that has little support in her own party, nevermind the country.
Italian PM saying he was right to stop the NGO taxis helping immigrants cross the Med
Is Salvini Italian PM now? Things happen fast. I hope he stops the false Brexit deal. I think he is the only person who can by refusing to agree to the sell-out deal.
Has the Brexit campaign thought about lobbying him?
Er, does the Brexit campaign know who he is?
What Brexit campaign?
Oh Roland, you know who I meant. The people who are busy doing all sorts of things to ensure a proper Brexit. They’re busy doing things like,
er like er like er… I mean……er … I’ll get back to you.
My MP is a Brexiteer.
I will seek further clarification tomorrow.
This country is approaching a very decisive moment. A moment created by the elite who are ignoring the vote of the majority.
This won’t end well.
And our tax-funded BBC are supporting Leave without any conscience.
BBC 100 Women 2018: Who is on the list?
84) Nenney Shushaidah Binti Shamsuddin, 42 – Judge, Malaysia.
Nenney fights for the protection of Muslim women in her courts and wants to change the negative perceptions of Sharia law.
\\ Malaysian Judge Nenney Shushaidah is one of @bbc100women and gets to decide if a man can take a second wife under Shariah law.
“”Islam holds us in high regard, Sharia law protects our rights” //
Really ? Do many women come to her about their harem of husbands ?
.. well that is not EQUALITY then is it ?
As Marky says, she’s No.84 on the BBC 100 Women 2018 list.
No.82 is Shaparak Shajarizadeh, an Iranian woman now living in exile who faces a 20 year prison sentence, if not death, should she return to Iran.
Her crime? She removed her headscarf in public in opposition to the compulsory hijab laws. Sounds like Sharia law to me? Equality in Islam my arse.
These people baffle me, they really do. How can the bBBC be so unaware as to how ridiculous they’ve become?
Holding two ideas is difficult for some people.
BBC Online News:
“”John McDonnell: ‘I can’t forgive Tories'””
“”Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has said he will not be friends with Conservative MPs because he “can’t forgive them for what they’ve done”.””
“”Speaking to Newsnight, the Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington said: “I go back to my constituency and I’ve never seen human suffering like this in all the times I’ve been an MP.”””
“”Mr McDonnell added that he would not move in to Downing Street, but stay at home in Hayes, if Labour were elected to government.””
As always with the BBC, there is no challenge to the Labour thought process.
Had this been Farage……
Warning not on Al Beeb yet.
Mrs Chamberlain will offer Parliament a Bad deal or No Brexit .
That was the plan after all.
We all know which way most of the MPs will vote .
Dear me Taffman, I feel sick. (& I’m Irish!) I can’t bear to see this nation betrayed.
Lucy Pevensey,
It was a very different story in Palestine – with the Arab-backing British authorities turning away shiploads of desperate Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust. They even refused to take in 1500 Jewish children from Poland – who were then slaughtered in the Holocaust.
I’m aware of that yes. Shameful isn’t it?
Lucy Pevensey, shameful it certainly is.
If Remain had won the vote in 2016…
What would the BBC’s reaction be to May fighting to Leave?
The BBC would have been more than explosive as regards May’s contradiction of a Democratic vote.
“At least 320,000 homeless in Britain”. According to Al Beeb.
Mass immigration anyone?
Yes Taff
We still have unemployed people by the million here .
We have homelessness
We need all the land possible to farm to produce food
(especially if we have Brexit ? ! )
Our roads are overcrowded
Our NHS is in crisis ( new story every day on Al Beeb )
Class sizes are too big ( according to teachers unions )
The answer from The Powers That Be ;
More immigration .
Certainly those who have set up home in the underground car park at my local Tesco’s are from the east of the ReichEU .
Did Grenfell not highlight the fact that there would be plenty of housing available were it not for illegals-sorry undocumented immigrants? Oh well let’s give them all hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation for losing something they were never entitled to in the first place. Meanwhile our indigenous population cannot get housing.
More fake news from the BBC.
Of course, I don’t need to tell anyone here that isn’t what he said.
The image looks fake, also.
Toady watch
A nice chat between our Justin and dame Louise Casey – a bubble dweller who has made up job about caring for kids .
The subject ? A conference in Newcastle about the abuse of kids .
I confess I played bull***t bingo with this waste of air . Result
Muslim – mentioned once at the end ( by the Dame )
Asian – 2 mentions by Justin 1 mention by the dame Total 3
Communities – four mentions
‘Nasty far right ‘ one mention by the dame
‘Nasty’ 2 additional mentions .
I suppose the conference will lead to another call for tax cash and blaming ‘cut backs ‘ as well as career advancement for those attending .
The only positive bit was that the dame said that any police force which claimed they didn’t have ‘ a problem’ wasn’t looking hard enough .
Islamic paedophile rape gangs was the elephant in the room . Justin sounded pained by having to talk about it at all-,but nothing new there .
Toady watch 2
A shallow discussion about stop and search – a black yoof gang member now on the race relations industry and some black ex copper who sounded like he had a big chip .
Any way – as normal with the bbc approach to the subject – the numbers of dead didn’t get mentioned nor the effect of it when black yoof is stabbed to death by another black yoof – at least no nasty racial hate crimes eh?
So it concluded with the usual blaming of the police for doing stop and search and going after criminals .
On the up side – as 2019 approaches the number of murders by stabbing will go down to zero because the dial is reset – right ?
By the way – the mayor of Londonistan didn’t get a mention in this discussion at all – but it was conducted by the thick and inept meeesshhaaaaallll
Fedup – I did like the way Meeshaal, having burnished her feminist credentials on the case of Ms Hubble, on Toady, proceeding to try to bully Chelsea into some strong anti-Trump diatribe, which didn’t quite come off, and left Justin ending off with a sigh: ‘Well, we tried….’
All the leading questions they are so fond of on Toady (lengthy statements, actually) didn’t work this time. They hate that.
Fake – I do wonder sometimes if – because meshal has English as a second language she has to read from the script – hence the delivery aimed at people with a reading age of a 6 year old –
. It seems to be a spreading practice – the weather forecasters, alagiah , Myrie also do it . Glad I don’t watch them much .
Is there a connection between FGM and limited intelligence, together with an affected sneer when speaking to someone with more knowledge?
Someone in the BBC might investigate this.
The BBC tell me via Radio4 that our PM is to make an unscheduled visit to Brussels at the weekend in relation to Brexit.
Nothing much more is said by the BBC.
We are truly living in a Soviet-era as far as the BBC are concerned: what is not said becomes almost as important as the news we are told.
What could be the missing news? The numbers to pass the EU deal through the House of Commons – after forty-eight hours of threats – are just not there for the PM?
Up -I agree – it is now all about what is not said . The bubble dwellers – press and politicians play their games and the public gets just a few crumbs from the Westminster table and we – those interested anyway – try to decode what is really going on.
The current situation seems to prove that the conservatives are more interested in retaining some power at any cost rather than putting their country first .
No one has put forward the consequences of a full british brexit –
Even speculation of best or worse case . Instead it’s just Project Fear soros propaganda which sounds like someone with Tourette’s? Randomly shouting – bit like the late nick clegg.
“The BBC tell me via Radio4 that our PM is to make an unscheduled visit to Brussels at the weekend in relation to Brexit.” Is she seeking asylum?
Maybe her creditors should step in very quickly. Ah, wait though, we could excercise the European Arrest Warrant…………..
Toady 3
Spain playing tough on the brexit – excellent – no deal cum Sunday – the House Frau not bothering to turn up .
Apparently the heads of state are not having a ‘vote ‘ – they are going to have a ‘consensus ‘ . Interesting version of democracy there .
So with a bit of luck there are four big blocks to a deal –
The house of expense claims .
A full british Brexit beckons . Pray .
Toady 4
Ok I’m cruel – but the fella who kept going on about his wife being locked up in Iran for working for the bbc are teaching Iranian journos now has competition from the wife of the bloke locked up in the UAE .
I don’t think there is too much to worry about because the UAE will take a bung to let their prisoner go whereas the Iranians – being evil – will not change .
On Today, Radio 4 this morning (about 6.39am)
Very sympathetic story of the plight of Hilary Ineomo-Marcus, who is due to be deported on Monday because he spent over 12 months for tax fraud in 2012. Hilary Ineomo-Marcus was one of the leaders of an Nigerian gang who netted £117,000 in VAT repayments but since his release he has turned talk show host, married, fathered children and has been an ambassador for prison reform. Here is the original story from 2013 when he went by a different name (not mentioned in the report), Oseatofah Hilary Ineomo.
This really was a biased and subjective report on why a convicted criminal should remain in the UK.
He went by a different name, you say? And this wasn’t pointed out?
Surely that is a breach of the Yaxley-Lennon rules?
I don’t think that I’ve heard this being asked on the bBBC.
Sturgeon and her SNP shower are pushing harder for a second Scottish independence referendum, encouraged by the current contrived chaos, by the way that May is allowing Northern Ireland to be annexed and by the sudden appreciation of their cause by the sardine snaffling Spaniards.
The thing is, judging on current behaviour, and I know that it is hypothetical, who is to say that May and whoever she is in cahoots with would honour the outcome of any Scottish referendum if that outcome was in the SNPs favour?
I mean, the mandate given by 17.4 million voters hasn’t been enough to persuade her to honour Brexit.
What the stupid bobblehead doesn’t mention is if Scotland had voted for Independence in 2014, Scotland would not be in her precious ‘single market’ or ‘customs union’.
But don’t ever expect any of the so-called journalists at SKY/BBC/ITV to point that out to her if she ever kept her head still.
what about the scottish border backstop to the backstop when they apply to join the EU
A current list of Tory MP’s who have suggested they will not support the PM’s deal. Let’s hope they have the guts to withstand the whips bullying.
I wonder how many have submitted letters. I pray that they are currently putting together realistic alternatives and are just waiting in the sidelines until they are ready!
If yours isn’t there get writing.
Boris Johnson
David Davis
Iain Duncan Smith
Owen Paterson
Priti Patel
John Whittingdale
Mark Francois
David Jones
Sir Desmond Swayne
Julian Lewis
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Steve Baker
Sir Bernard Jenkin
Sir Mike Penning
Sir David Amess
Sir Edward Leigh
Sir Christopher Chope
Andrea Jenkyns
John Redwood
Ben Bradley
Marcus Fysh
Maria Caulfield
Simon Clarke
Ross Thomson
Henry Smith
Nadine Dorries
Chris Green
Andrew Bridgen
Bill Cash
Sheryll Murray
Andrew Rosindell
Lee Rowley
Peter Bone
Anne Main
Craig Mackinlay
Charlie Elphicke
Conor Burns
James Duddridge
Trudy Harrison
Andrew Lewer
Nigel Mills
Martin Vickers
Richard Bacon
Philip Davies
Anne-Marie Morris
James Gray
Adam Holloway
Crispin Blunt
Richard Drax
Philip Hollobone
Laurence Robertson
Bill Wiggin
Pauline Latham
Nigel Evans
Scott Mann
Tim Loughton
Zac Goldsmith
Robert Courts
Michael Fabricant
Michael Tomlinson
Damian Collins
Jo Johnson
Phillip Lee
Heidi Allen
Justine Greening
Dominic Grieve
Dominic Raab
Esther McVey
Shailesh Vara
Rehman Chishti
Ranil Jayawardena
Suella Braverman
Anne-Marie Trevelyan
Hugo Swire
Neil Parish
Steve Double
Theresa Villiers
Royston Smith
Mark Pritchard
Grant Shapps
Damien Moore
Daniel Kawczynski
Lucy Allan
David Evennett
English Lass,
I note Dr Liam Fox is not on your list. As I recall, he supports(?) Brexit. He seems to have kept a very low profile over Treason May’s latest debacle. Is there any word on him?
On another subject, it appears to be the case that those who seek pollster’s indications, have all gone mysteriously quiet. Whilst the polls, along with anything said by the BBC, is suspect, the politicians hold great store in them. Could it be that those that seek pollster’s figures are not publishing their damaging results?
I heard somewhere recently a MP say, “all the polls are indicating that the majority would now wish to remain in the EU”. Whilst I find that hard to believe, no supporting evidence i.e. the poll’s authors was adduced to qualify that assertion.
Treason May, perceived internationally as the Worlds joke. She has no shame.
I wonder if dr Fox will have a ‘John major dentist appointment ‘ at the time the May is finally put out of her misery . I was going use a term about ‘plunging the knife in’ but it seemed less than appropriate as A and E quacks get better at knife wounds .
How can she kick the can further down the road ? The can must be quite dented by now and unless they have built a by pass in the last 2 years she must really be running out of road . If you notice mrs May walks with a bit of a limp as she has been kicking it quite hard during her time squatting in the cats’ home of number 10
Maybe I’ll get me over 75 tv licence by then …..
By the way —- I recommend doing the bbc consultation on the licence fee…. it’s a bit shaped for the outcome the bbc wants but there is a section at the end for ‘other comments ‘ and it certainly got some from this writer …..
G- Fox is very Foxy. Six days ago he stated that the current plan was better than no Brexit. He has remained inside the cabinet but has never actually commented negatively against the current deal. It’s hard to see where he actually sits.
Wow – that’s a hell of a lot of peerages she has to throw their way …..
Long list. However, like so many things it has a Monty Python analogy. In this case the stoning sketch in Life of Brian. When asked who threw the stone, they all put on false voices and look at their shoes (or whatever they wore on their feet 2000 years ago).
This list will be down to 5 when something needs to be done.
Cynical of me? You bet.
English Lass, don’t forget most of Labour, the SNP, the DUP and one heroic Independent, good old Frank Field.
Either the PM is in denial, or she is playing the game I think she is playing, or she is about to get down & dirty via The Treasury and the Whips Office and her power of patronage.
As Winston famously said: “Politics is foul!”
Mine is there. He has a huge majority here in the shires but knows how his voters feel . he could even have principles but I doubt it.
“We overdo our respect for the EU. Britain can flourish outside it”
Larry Elliott, the Guardian’s economics editor.
Honesty about the EU and the EURO at last from the Guardian.
Top story currently in BBC headlines is the one about the wife of a Brit imprisoned in the Gulf and specifically the line that she has criticised the UK Government and Foreign Office for their apparent abject lack of support for this Briton and their abnegation of their duty of care.
This is a humdinger of a story for the BBC as her attack on the British authorities occurred on their prized but failing Today show and the Beeb do so love and admire any story sticking it to HM Govt.
But wait… wait minute… on the subject of our civil service and political leadership not looking out for the best interest of we Britons… Theresa May goes to Brussels again today…..
But this happens on a regular basis. Someone goes to a dodgy country, gets into trouble, then whines that HM Government isn’t doing enough. Hint: stay away.
I’ve heard that some countries even prosecute people for tasteless jokes and racist dog training. Thank God it doesn’t happen here.
You bring up a couple of interesting points. Yes, this same story is heard over and over again. Lazy journos like this narrative of Brits in trouble abroad because it plays out over time and feeds their hunger for news copy and continued emoting. The other point is that liberal media shy away from highlighting the lack of a rule of law and cultural differences and instead focus on our own supposed diplomatic failings. By the way, perhaps this bloke was a spy? The notion voiced this morning that supposed allies don’t spy on one another is bunk. Do you recall the Yanks tapping Merkel, anyone? Already in this story I have heard BBC talking heads criticise UAE for being our ally – as if there are any good allies to be found in this part of the world. And already I have heard BBC invited guests attempt to widen the issue to other local dissidents of the regime as the liberal utopian BBC continues to treat the world as they would wish it to be – rather than as it is in reality.
“By the way, perhaps this bloke was a spy? ”
My first thought was, what was he spying on? UAE missile submarine deployments? Their concept of freedom and ideas about what should be open to discussion are very different from ours (for now). If he was sticking his nose into matters concerning Yemen for instance, which I understand is entirely possible, well yes, he probably was “spying” as they understand it.
Keep your nose out. There are matters closer to home which need sorting out.
Arrested, prosecuted and jailed within the hour; something else that never happens here either.
Yes I noticed this also. Talk of kangaroo courts, lack of a lawyer, quick conviction. Apparently you would be protected in this country…..tell that to Tommy Robinson.
The Gulf states only exist with US and UK guarantees. He will be released. This is all about face as usual in that part of the world.
The recent European Court of Human Rights decision in the Austrian/Blasphemy case involving discussion of islam:
“…., this judgment seems to take things one step further.”
This assertion is a natural consequence of a court determined to, ‘spread its wings’ in so many other directions.
The sooner we extricate oursleves from this expansionist shambles the better.
Someone to keep a close eye on is Amber (no Brexit) Rudd. She seems not directly involved, but she is ambitious and probably doesn’t have a conservative bone in her body.
She noticed May adding to various options that ‘Brexit might not happen’ and has been quick to jump into that ship.
I will always remember Rudd for hoping to ‘lock up’ people who so much as looked at ‘far right’ websites, when she was Home Secretary. I would put nothing, repeat: nothing, past her.
They look like an updated PC/SJW version of Ron and Ron “the management” from Hale and Pace. Same dark suits and hard bstd expressions.
How demented can one be? I guess that living in a parallel Universe completely out of touch with reality helps.
When TM first took over this video was made in relation to the BBC. It was a joke but frighteningly it has more than a grain of truth.
PS Beeb looking remarkably like DPKTV
Could the EU train be pulling into its final destination soon? ‘Die Welt’ reports today that Merkel said last night that ‘national states’ should be prepared to ‘hand over powers and sovereignty’ to the EU, something she was fully agreed on with Macron.
Didn’t sound as if the opinions of the other 25 member states played any role in this. And Trump is supposedly the ‘fascist’?
Merkel, who has only agreed to hand over CDU chairmanship, but will remain Chancellor (good luck with that), is out to do maximum damage before she goes ( eg UN Migration Pact- wouldn’t surprise me either if she tries to link the EU to the UN).
I do feel for businesses and jobs negatively affected by ‘no deal’, but developments like the above tend to suggest we should walk, very firmly, right now. While the going is still good…
Interestingly, Friedrich Merz, one of three aspirant successors to the CDU chair, last night said the unthinkable: that Germany should revisit its committment to unrestricted Asylum laws. Could just be electioneering, and The Greens will probably jump on him and garrote him, but interesting to see how the deplorables of the AfD now have to be taken into account in anything German politicians do or say.
According to Lyin’ Leo, the teabagging Taoiseach, the DUP are “a hardline unionist party not disposed to take advice from Irish political parties”. Did their name, Democratic Unionist Party, give that away Leo? And tell me, why should they take this advice?
The Brexit propagandists at the bBBC NI website tell us Varadkar stated, in a kind of victory speech to his parliament, that the DUP didn’t really care about the future of Northern Ireland or of it’s people and were only interested in what he referred to with derision as “the precious union”. He also stated that talk of a border poll “undermines the work we’re trying to do”. Nothing for Unionists to worry about then Leo? Right?
It really is a strange world that the bBBC are helping to create and celebrate when the leader of a foreign country is given free rein to ridicule our elected representatives and is continually lauded for lecturing and hectoring our politicians when they actually adhere to their principles, try to do what they say they would do and by taking neither an extreme nor a hardline stance respect the values of democracy.
Rich – When Sinn Fein eyes are smiling….
Rich on
Leo the teabagging (Taoiseach) Teashirt, and it’s an overrated unelected one at that.
This piece of shit called John McDonnell say’s he never can be friends with or forgive a Tory…
Mr McDonnell, i spent 3 years of my Military career pounding the streets of Northern Ireland in the 70’s, there is no way i can forgive you for being a IRA sympathiser and terrorist supporter. Im staggered that a steaming pile of shit like McDonnell and the rest of his nauseating leftie mates has the effrontery to make such a comment…
The families and friends of loved ones who lost there lives at the hands of the IRA and other terror groups they support will never forgive you…
John McDonnell is a complete bastard and a serious danger to this country and if you vote for a man like him then you should hang your head in shame….
I found this gem of a crime stat website. You can play around with every relevant factor. A bit dated in some respects as regards the latest figures. I was hoping to quote the most recent murder rate in Pakistan/Bangladesh as clearly the figures will be those the Home Office is trying to reach as a reasonable target.
Is the UK climbing this ‘Hit Parade’? 🙁
The £ is going up and down like a yo-yo. Every time they want us to think something good is coming…..Manipulation ??? Soros????