The Far Left BBC , as a matter of editorial policy ,
suppresses negative stories about Muslims – rape gangs , terrorism and intimidation
Promotes anti brexit stories
undermines Judeo -Christian religion with its pro Islam propaganda
approves of the drive to limit freedom of speech by criminalising what it does not like
and will only approve its version of Britain using our money to do it .
as part of the tripartite pact of BBC – Guardian -Labour Party the decline of Britain accelerates.
Treason May has just announced an agreement with Brussels that gives us control of our borders our money and our laws.
So to which agreement does she refer? Not the one she is trying to pass off as Brexit means Brexit surely?
Is she seriously deluded or demented?
They’ve amended a 7 page document to 26 pages since her arrival in the EU. Drafted it, agreed it and passed by the legal eagles in a matter of moments. Quite amazing really considering the time it’s taken to get to this point. Pre-written perhaps??
Keep saying something and it becomes the truth .
Let’s face it – the ReichEU issue is going affect our politics for years to come . Whatever the initial A50 outcome there will be campaigns for further separation or rejoining .
Unless the Conservative Party takes us somewhere close to what brexiteers voted for it is finished . And shouting about letting in a far left Labour Party won’t work .
The BBC looks as though it’s job of watering down expectations or just boring every one is working .
I would’t believe a word this woman says.
If she bid me good morning I would look to check if it was night time!
I think she has gone beyond telling lies, she has become self-delusional, what she says just doesn’t make sense anymore.
I am reminded of the Challenger disaster, NASA believed that to keep the politicians ‘on-side’ they had to promise ‘a one in a million’ chance of failure and that promise became a management ‘reality’.
After the disaster Nobel prize winner Richard Feynman asked the range safety engineers what failure rate they had seen on non-manned launches and they said ‘about one in a hundred’. asked what changes had been made to make the shuttle so much more reliable they said they weren’t aware of any.
The space shuttles flew 135 missions, two of which killed all of their crew. “The space shuttle is safe for manned flight!” was the NASA mantra, the reality, a one in sixty-seven failure rate.
‘Brexit means Brexit’ chants the Maybot ‘I’ve just signed us up for idefinite servitude, for the good of the (EU) nation’. [It would be nice to think that soon smoke will pour out of her ears as she spins in circles, “Does not compute! Does not compute!”]
I know that she has accepted that she made a real mistake in nominating Corbyn for Labour leader, fair play to her, but given that, why the hell would you listen to or care about Margaret Becketts views on anything?
Margaret Beckett? I thought it was Vlad Drakul.
Excellent! Thanks for posting the video, LP
Fourteen ‘migrants’ on dinghies rescued off Kent coast
Make that ANOTHER 14 invaders rescued from the sea.
We’re being pressed on all sides by this globalist lunacy.
Maybot is currently
selling us outgiving away our nation from the top while invaders are welcomed in by a non-existent border control.In light of the blatant lies by May of late I would not be surprised if the so called NGO “rescue boats” are actually sent out there to find migrants under instructions from our government.
I had the same thought. Is anyone safe in this country anymore?
Rescue boats could be replacement boats; the new Europeans for the New Eurabian state. The passengers are just the right age for the new Eurabian army, with no European culture to resist the newly emerging Eurabian culture. A merging of Islam with the remnants of misunderstood interfaith Christianity, white guilt and a sense of entitlement fostered among the new arrivals.
It will be interesting to see how bBC plays this so called Brexit deal and if they come out with ” you know it looks just about right” guff we will know what has just happened.
You could sum up this type of Brexit by recalling Spock’s observation to James T Kirk
Its life Jim
Its Life Jim
But not as we know it
Grocer Ted lied to take us into this monstrosity and Dancing Terry is lying to keep us in. What do they have in common, apart from a tendency to betray their country? They are both Conservative Party members.
BBC and the newly realigned Mail going big on Matthew Hedges, an evidently mature student jailed for spying in the UAE. All the fault of the government and the Foreign Office in particular, naturally, and another sad misunderstanding, no doubt.
Then again, and call me old fashioned if you will, but perhaps the least sensible part of the world in which to carry out ‘PhD research on security systems’ would be any country with Arabs in it. Did anyone from Matt’s Alma Mater suggest safer alternatives?
JHB had a discussion about this with a “yooman rights” guy this morning. It was mentioned that his trial took place in a kangaroo court, without a lawyer, was over quickly and that they were trumped up charges. They suggested that no one should visit a country with such blatant disregard for human rights.
So I guess after the Tommy Robinson fiasco, no one will be visiting this country!
Tommy Robinson and others including Gerard Batten are organising a Brexit protest in London on 9th. December. I don’t suppose it will attract any MSM time unless there is some violence; probably instigated by agent provocateurs and antifa thugs.
And apparently, he doesn’t even speak arabic; I would have thought he’d have made some inquiries about the place and some preparations, such as a smattering of the language, and notifying people in the appropriate government office in the country of his intentions, before leaving the relative safety of the UK.
I do feel very sorry for Matthew Hedges, but perhaps he was wrong and foolish to overestimate the reasonableness of the government and legal system of this Arab islamic country. Since, apparently, he partly grew up in that region, he should know better. Perhaps he has gone soft minded under the UK education system and subliminal brainwashing from the bbc.
The Times does the same
2 pages and an editorial saying he must be released.
… yet they were implicit in injustly jailing Tommy and repressing investigation.
They also publish 5 letters about Melanie Phillip’s column in which she said No Deal is the best choice
…all 5 letters are against her
The “impartial” BBC eco correspondent is on a crusade
In the real world dogmatically shouting recycling can be wasteful in terms of money and environment.
The classic was trucking newspaper from all of the UK to the UK’s one paper recycling plant.
Now you night want to turn waste plastic into energy rather that truck it back to China to be made into new products.
Women who has done nothing says nothing regarding nothing but sponsored by the BBC..
The daughter (Chelsea) of former US president Bill Clinton, and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, was speaking to the BBC after being named one of this year’s BBC 100 Women. {}
Notice that they say “former US president” and “former presidential candidate”. why not “FAILED presidential candidate”?
With a bit of luck President Trump and his loyal team members will soon begin the process of legal proceedings against the Clinton Foundation, in which Miss Clinton is deeply mired, and she’ll join her parents in clink.
And the new Royal Foundation by the UK Royals …. we will take your money and use it wisely … 99% on administration.
At least she wasn’t being genda specific when she called half the American electorate ‘ deplorable ‘
I couldn’t be bothered reading the Guardian series on ‘Populism ‘ – I could guess the angle .
Some might call ‘ populism ‘ ‘democracy ‘
But it’s the snow flake fascism of hating ‘ the other ‘ who is ‘different’ .
You get into a list of 100 women just because you have (in)famous parents? Can’t be much competition.
And can I point out to her that no one is forcing her to change her name. She just needs to find a
guyperson who doesn’t mind taking her name. Or go double-barrelled, except that leaves the next generation with a problem.R4TODAY Christmas guest editors
David Dimbleby
Angelina Jolie
Andrew Roberts
“Outer Space”
Alibi brown
Afia herchy bar
Owen Jones
Comrade linaker
Scots Comediene who goes on about her wife
Token black democrat
What more suitable list for al beeb to put up . Instead we have a director of the Dimbleby production company
oh well they are being given 2 weeks each as usual during the rest of the year
Liked and retweeted
If students are really going to pay off their student loans why has the government just sold off a £3.3bn chunk of the loanbook for just 1.7bn ?
Cos Italy pays ransoms
\\ Italian #humanitarian worker #SylviaConstanzaRomano was kidnapped by armed suspected Somali Islamist individuals that opened fire in #Chakama town, Kilifi county, in south-eastern #Kenya. Five people, including children, were reported injured in the attack. //
So if Macron calls some story FakeNews during an election campaign it will be banned.
Wow! the World gets more dangerous by the day.
So, who decides whether ‘truth’ is actually ‘fake news’?
Macron’s dictatorial approach is synonomous with Treason May insisting that the will of the people will be violated.
Let this be a lesson in what happens when their Globalist masters sense things going off course. They default to instructing their minnions to adopt a form of dictatorship.
“German law prohibits political parties from receiving donations from countries outside the EU “
Australia : Muslim leaders, including the Grand Mufti, will shun a round table meeting with Scott Morrison this week following his comments calling on them to do more to stop terrorism in Australia.
Thanks Stew, this one is worth keeping an eye on. Morrison is an evangelical Christian and it looks like the cover is slipping somewhat from the peace-loving Muslims.
It could be a testing ground — we’re not used to that kind of bullishness here but he’s not couching his language and calling for more interfaith barbies…
I wonder how many Muslims are in Australia ? Perhaps few enough to be able to close the door for national security reasons . It’s too late for us.
BBC 1 Panorama on Salisbury
In view of the apparent capitulation of the British government over brexit the BBC will take extra care who lands up in its QT and AQ audiences as well as other sections where opinions are expressed.
I don’t believe will hear any true feelings from the betrayed .
Speaking of QT. The papers are reporting that Fiona Bruce has been offered the job.
Please get the name right – it’s Fiona Bruce -Dimbleby . Nana biscotti- dimbleby will take over the wireless version .
The 2010 Rear of the Year about to make an arse of herself every Thursday night.
According to wiki she was born in Singapore, attended school in Milan, read French and Italian at Oxford and studied at the University of London Inst. in Paris. A bBBC/ EU goddess no less.
She seems more than qualified to accommodate the politicians from our Government elect in Brussels who will be appearing on the upcoming post-Brino shows.
She has to go on the crash course in interruption , ridiculing, pompous Bashing of the `right , Smug asides , killing off unfriendly questions , allowing favoured speakers to hog the programme and generally treating the viewer as an inferior being in need of wise beeboid guidance – and I don’t even regularly watch the do do any more ….
Can’t see Lord Lilley getting a seat after he eviscerated the beeboid fact checker this week. ( see guido)
Politics live today.
The leave voter today on the panel of remainers was Richard Tice.
The few times he was allowed to say anything he was stopped very quickly.
You would think that if they are going to have 3 remainers to 1 leaver everyday they should let the leaver speak for 50% of the time and the 3 remainers the other 50%
EG – all across beeb radio/TV: standard practice, or what?
‘Impartial’ : Sick joke…
Darn. Missed the footie on the beeb yesterday. I believe the Sufrajets
were playing in parliament…
An interesting account of how we all got the vote, (but to what purpose?).
A big part of the story is that ‘the elite’ didn’t want ‘the plebs’ to get control.
– Disraeli
– John Stuart Mill
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, as Macron wouldn’t say.
“Leave the EU on a fictitious date, but actually remain in the EU for an undetermined time (transition period) with all sovereignty removed but still pay £39b into the expansive bureaucratic unelected EU until they degrade you more. ”
What about sending all males under 16 to the Reich EU for indoctrination and induction into the US of E military …?
Britain to pay for the training of course and pay a fine for any one who deserts . In that way British sailors can be used to defend British fishing zones to benefit the French Dutch Spanish and any one else who fancies plundering our waters .
“Darling, I want a divorce.”
“But, I’m keeping the children, the house, the car and the dog.”
“And you will pay for their maintenance.”
“And you agree not to go on dates for the next 20 years.”
“Hold on, not so fast, my mum’s just texted me, she says I shouldn’t let you cherry pick, you can’t have your cake and eat it.”
Checkout all money you ,as a BBC TV Tax Payer have paid Russell Brand money to appear on shows ….
Islam has outdone itself in the irony and comedy categories ….
100 Women: The (Islamic) woman who decides if (Islamic) men can take a second (Islamic) wife
“can take a second wife”. Yes, in the western country they move to, leaving the first one behind in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, etc, etc. For a while anyway, just until they can scrounge enough to ship them over too.
Not worrying at all ….
The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) is a social purpose company. We are jointly owned by the UK Government; Nesta (the innovation charity); and our employees.
BIT started life inside 10 Downing Street as the world’s first government institution dedicated to the application of behavioural sciences. Our objectives remain the same as they have always been:
making public services more cost-effective and easier for citizens to use;
improving outcomes by introducing a more realistic model of human behaviour to policy; and wherever possible,
enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.
enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.
enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.
enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.
enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.
enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.
enabling people to make ‘better choices for themselves’.
Here is a better choice for yourselves …………………..
Vote and support UKIP they have promised just that .
Strength through joy
Strength through joy
The BBC NI website and local news are giving lots of coverage to the group of Northern Ireland business representatives who attended Downing Street today to gain clarity on and offer their support to Mays agreement. In the gleeful words of one, Claire Guinness who is pictured, “there was a spontaneous round of applause”.
Standing beside Claire, Inst. Of Directors and banking background of course, is Stephen Kelly from Manufacturing NI, his bio naturally mentions both the BBC and Common Purpose. They are the only ones shown and not many others are mentioned by name in the bBBC report but the Belfast Telegraph gives us a bit more detail. In it, along with Kelly and Guinness, the CBI NI boss Angela McGowan, Freight NI boss Seamus Leheny and NI Retail Consortium boss Aodhan Connolly feature heavily.
Anybody from Northern Ireland will notice a wee pattern emerging there, food for future thought perhaps, as these names all show them to be from an Irish Nationalist background, a group that overwhelmingly supported Remain in the Referendum, and who want nothing less than the failure of Northern Ireland as a state and to subsequently achieve a united Ireland. Many Nationalists appreciate that the EU seem intent on making this outcome a lot easier for them and will wholeheartedly support the EU in whatever way they can. If this means engaging in a little Celtic taqqiya, then so be it, it’s working for Varadkar.
A bit of a paranoid conspiracy theory maybe but, as a NI Unionist, forgive me if I don’t share the bBBCs enthusiasm for and belief in their opinions and their intentions, I don’t believe that these people have much interest in what is best for either Northern Ireland or for any other part of the United Kingdom.
Rich – were I a member of Sinn Fein, I’d certainly permit myself a quiet smile…
For years, it’s war, war, war. Then it’s jaw, jaw, jaw. Then nothing happens. Well, the Chuckle Bros, perhaps.
All of a sudden, from nowhere comes someone getting on with the job, in the national interest, and hey, presto.
The old BBC Tomorrow’s World could do an episode without the picture breaking up.
But no not in the new one, where picture and sound have packed up a few times and they have had to apologise for it.
They plugged electric vehicles at the start with an updated Sinclair C5
and immediately used the buzzphrase
“If we are to have a cleaner greener future”
\\ Wasn’t that New c5 just an electric recumbent bike in a foam shell? Very inventive! //
At the end the AI robot demo doesn’t seem to be working.
It can’t do the same things that my “OK Google” has been able to do instantly for 6 years
(apparently the BBC studio’s internet bandwidth is not up to scratch
Grant Sinclair’s IRIS eTrike
yes that new C5 was an electric recumbent bike in a foam shell
and only has a 30mile range
So what ?? when we already have mobiliy scooters that do the same thing,
Maggie P did an item about autonomous cars
at 21:16pm “It’s all part of the vision for cleaner greener cities of the future”
..Note in the Milton Keynes item she fessed up that the human driver had to intervene when the car went wrong on a roundabout.
..same in their outside the studio demo.
21:48 There was more plugging of green dogma wit the plugging of
“Dyson Award-winning urban wind turbine invention “
Our site owner Mr Vance – is letting Mrs May have both barrels on twitter – hoping – as I do- that the DUP will save the UK from the sellout – it is not an agreement .