Who knows what’s to happen – but be sure the Far Left BBC will lie about it .
just a suggestion – the BBC is doing a’consultation ‘ on the future of the over 75s licence . There is a bit at the end where you can comment generally on the BBC …
Who knows what’s to happen – but be sure the Far Left BBC will lie about it .
just a suggestion – the BBC is doing a’consultation ‘ on the future of the over 75s licence . There is a bit at the end where you can comment generally on the BBC …
On the BBC News Channel this lunchtime anchor Ben Brown wants to talk about a soap opera… on Channel 4
Yes, really. You see Hollyoaks is introducing a storyline about radicalisation.
What, you mean islamic radicalisation – which has killed dozens in the past couple of years?
No, of course not. This storyline is aimed at deterring far right anti-islamic radicalisation. Which apparently government figures say represents a scary 16% of so-called radicalisation referrals.
So the 84% of the other presumably non-far right, non-anti-islamic, referrals… whatever they may be about – and we’re not told – well that situation is pretty hunkydory and not something our soap broadcasters need worry over and our BBC news headline editors feel the need to further promote?
It’s a topsy turvy world, isn’t it?
Or as Jimmy Greaves used to say to Ian St John on that old football show : “It’s a funny old game!”
I noticed that and thought the same.
Did you know that the character being radicalised, “Ste”, is gay?
Not much chance of him being radicalised by Islam now is there? They usually treat homosexuals in a rather different way. Although I don’t really understand how that works in places like Afghanistan where it seems acceptable for men to seek the company of young boys.
gay ehhh
whats the bet the story line is , he finds redemption with an ethnic boyfreind
In Sharia law sodomy is defined as between two men who have gone through puberty… since boys have not gone through puberty this is seen as ok, which is why you have Bacha boys in Islamic countries.
You can verify this by looking at “reliance of the traveler” which is a “sharia law” text based on the life of Muhammad.
No Christmas at Westminster
The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the nation’s House of Commons this Christmas season.
This isn’t for any religious reason – they simply have not been able to find three wise men in there.
The search for a Virgin continues….
However, there was one positive note, they had no problem finding enough donkeys to fill the stable.
G spot on there .
I’m wondering what the good people of Maidenhead think of their constituency MP -one T May –
Becoming the member for Brussels Central .
The amount of venom about her and her sell out on the twitter is impressive by any standard .
Most probably not too vexed – its stockbroker belt – the same illegitimates who have been screwing this country for decades and most of whom are anti Brexit.
Our BBC News Channel is on quite a roll this lunchtime. Did you know for instance that the illegal (and hitherto unheard of – in the UK) practice of FGM can only really be tackled in the third world with our money spent overseas. This according to a new official ministerial initiative. You know, one of those government initiatives of the type that our BBC likes, admires and approves of – so gives a good write up, rather than attacking it editorially. Our featured NHS medic has to deal with the consequences every day – funny how we never see any prosecutions. Just one more bad thing that’s part and parcel of…. well, maybe it’s having a national border that acts more like a catflap than a border. If you’ll excuse the analogy.
I watched London’s Mayor in an interview this morning with the Beeb News. What stood out particularly was that he kept stressing the what is required now was a new “First” peoples vote, emphasising “first” several times as if this would imply the referendum vote never really happened and people had not yet been asked. Wriggling or what?
What’s the betting that the use of “first” people vote starts to pop-up from other sources now, it’s as if they have realised that referring to a “second vote” has worked against them. I bet their advisory back-room spin doctors thought they were on to a brilliant new idea in “thinkspeech” as George Orwell would have put it.
“Hollyoaks character to be groomed in far-right plot”
Wow, i look forward to watching the character, read that there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under police investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children, Yet according to “The Jay Report” Rotherham only has a population of 8000 Muslims…
Then he gets angry that 15% of the entire Muslim population in that town are implicated in child rape.
Then as the character continues to read The Jay Report he realizes that 1,400 child gang rape victims in Rotherham probably means in excess of 14,000 rapes in total. That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average.
He realizes the numbers are the same in Telford, Sandwell, Rochdale, Blackpool and a massive list of other place.
Then on his daily walk past his local school, he realizes that there are always young Pakistani men hanging around the school gares in their cars… he always thought it odd in the past, but never really gave it any thought, but this was going on in his neighborhood.
Then some kids get massacred in a concert, and people get convicted of calling the prophet Muhammad a “peadophile” a verdict upheld by the ECJ….
So he reads about Muhammad to see if Myhammad is a paedophile, he finds that in Islam, Muhammad is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders.
He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt. He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe. He married his cousin Zaynab, and stole his sons wife Zayd, and had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for witing insulting poems, and apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine…
The character realizes that Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, incest, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates.
THen he becomes “radicalized” and starts writing that stuff on some “biased BBC” website because of their utter failure, complicity and lies in hiding probably the extent of tens of millions of child rapes…
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
Having given up on nighttime and daytime bbc tv I found a nice second hand box set of “colditz”
It was made in 1972- at the time my mum and dad wouldn’t let me stay up late to watch it – I thought strange as I was 25 at the time .
Any way – I was so pleased by how good it looks and sounds with great story lines and powerful writing even though it looks done on a tight budget
A modern version would need a black camp guard op matron -someone going through gender change and a pacifist or 10.
As I watch it I try not to see the similarity of escaping from the ReichEU but it’s always there
Agreed Fed
I particularly like Secret Army as well from later on….1977…..
Good acting, script etc …..no politically correct diversions……
I note both starred Bernard Hepton who unfortunately died this year.
Try Allo Allo for a simpler view of life, a comedy that takes the proverbial out of every nationality in the war bar the Russians as they never made it to France.
MPs criticised the CBI’s leaders after it emerged that behind closed doors they had called May’s Brexit agreement a bad deal
Times : New Testament and Koran should have trigger warnings in margins to highlight “antisemitic passages” used to justify persecution of Jews throughout history, Jewish group says
I think the Talmund might be anti Jesus and Gentiles too, whilst elevating Jews as a chosen race.
but Islam is the only religion that tells people to take its holy book literally.
..doggedly anti-Semitic passages contained within the Koran. Passages such as Sura 5: 60 (which refer to Jews as mere “pigs” deserving of the most repugnant forms of subjugation and execution)
Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/06/theres-no-other-way-to-say-it-islam-sks/#ixzz2Vv3fd8cC
It’s a strange (& false) claim that one about the New Testament being anti-Semitic given that all but one of the NT authors were Jewish.
And the person of central focus is a Jew.
And the message of the gospels is expressly stated to be FIRST for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
And the Early Church was totally Jewish until God overcame Peter’s rooftop objections in Joppa! 😉
After acknowledging the many thousands on watch lists, the hundreds that are considered a danger after returning from ISIS, the dozens of radical mosques/imams, the BBC advertise a soap storyline is to now to include a radicalisation piece.
Finally a dose of realism? … the threat openly discussed?
… don t hold your breath, it’s the “far right” of course.
BBC NEWS – Hollyoaks character to be groomed in far-right plot
A question? … how many years before the “three girls” story was
finally put on the in denial Al BBC?
How many terror plots objectively? do the math, for A/. Islam or B/. The Far Right
Hmmmm Far Right? … how many times has the Al BBC been caught out using the term incorrectly?
BBC News UKIP leader defends hiring Tommy Robinson
UKIP leader Gerard Batten has defended his decision to hire Tommy Robinson as an adviser and says he had saved the party “from oblivion”.
His predecessor Nigel Farage criticised UKIP’s association with the ex-English Defence League leader and said there should be a vote of no confidence in Mr Batten.
For the nth month running, according to MI5 The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.
If you find this troubling, get to the nearest sofa immediately and await Hollyoaks broadcasts for further instructions on deradicalisation.
Smug little s##t isnt he. I think Gerard ripped him up for arse paper The pretty pink glasses say it all. Lots of nasty little traps and Gerard pushed them all easily aside.
Reminds me very much of Eddie Izzard haranguing Nigel Farage at the time of the referendum.
This joker seems a bit like an elderly Aunt with delusions of grandeur – huffing and puffing, demanding a refund on a pair of Marks and Sparks knickers because they are now too tight – forgetting that after spending Christmas on the Quality Street, she now has an arse the width the Jupiter
What I found particularly symbolic was his focusing on how “prosperous” the EU had made “us” all. Maybe he should try that line on an ex fisherman from Grimsby and see if he gets the same patient response he got from Batten.
All I can say is that I am proud that oily little pipsqueaks like this man would not consider me either to be one of “us”
He (Mathew Wright) went on to discuss briefly, his encounter with Gerard Batten with his next guest.
He was mocking people who had criticised his views calling them racist knuckle draggers etc.
Thanks for posting that interview. Gerald Batten was really impressive, kept his cool and came across as knowledgeable, quick on the draw and unwilling to take what that ‘interviewer’ was offering him.
What amazing arrogance! Why hasn’t the BBC snapped this man up?
Anyone escaping the far far left BBC will have turned to You Tube for news and commentaries. And there you will see that You Tube is also hostile to conservatives
But the EU are overstepping their censorship and now You Tube are squealing because the EU’s Article 13 will hurt them
Mugabe’s Zimbabwe has become a model to follow, would you believe, while that nation itself claims to be trying to move away from his legacy?
A model being followed in South Africa.
Driving farmers from their land through terror, or simply just grabbing it through EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) are twin prongs of the strategy.
On the latter, there is much disinformation peddled by Western MSM using deceptive statistics. The reason for this, is that the statistics attempt to show the ‘injustices’ of land ownership in SA.
So, you may think, people are merely turning to violence, frequently with extreme brutality/torture, to put this right. Hence the former. Or the State merely legislates to take over and ‘redistribute’ land. Hence the latter.
On EWC, an informative- if rather lengthy – article by James Myburgh appeared on this topic on 14 November in ‘Politicsweb.co.za’ , under the title: ‘Hating the White Africans’. Myburgh cites the key purveyors of manipulated statistics as ‘The Guardian’, the BBC, The New York Times and The Financial Times.
On the topic of the violent terror tactic, Ernst Roets has written a book entitled: ‘Kill the Boer’, which is available from Amazon (at least, for the moment).
Makes our little tiff with the EU seem a tea-party, suffused by sweetness and light.
The black on white slaughter in those SA killing fields is horrific. I doubt the BBC will touch the story. The last time (or perhaps the only time) the BBC took a mildly-critical look at the New South Africa was several years back when John Simpson (strangely enough) focused on the violence and the empty skyscrapers in Johannesburg.
The ANC reacted with fury, accusing the BBC of “racism” against blacks.
That really must have hurt. Didn’t ANC comrades realize that the BBC ranked among their most loyal supporters?
True Too – You’re right. The ANC have good links in London and would pressurize anyone who criticises them w.r.t. the farm murders, incl. the bbc. (Not that they would be likely to).
They will say that there are many black victims of crime (also those working on farms) -perfectly true. (But the torture? Now there is a real hate crime for you!)
However, the ‘Commando’ system, which could have helped farmers come to one another’s aid, was abolished by Mbeki. He promised a replacement, but that never happened. The chant of ‘kill the Boer, kill the farmer’ remained popular in the ANC, even when Mandela was in power. Try to point this out,and you are told that it is merely a traditional song, which doesn’t mean what it says!
Another song beloved of Malema and the EFF is ‘Bring me my machine-gun..’ It is also used by the ANC. So the message is never disguised!
As regards the EWC, I think the ANC adopted it quickly in response to the EFF having it as policy. I have read comments that the EFF is really no more than the ANC Youth. Don’t know, but there is definitely a continuum between these two parties.
‘Bring me my machine-gun..’
A far cry from “Bring me my bow of burning gold”.
Makes me wonder – where has all that sweetness and light gone that we were promised at the end of apartheid?
TT- Mandela’s ‘Rainbow Nation’ was always going to be an illusion. Racist socialists winning power was the name of the game. He was a skillful politician, who disguised the ploy so well, he became an international hero. Whitey took the bait.
We are talking about a party openly allied to Communists, openly singing anti-white songs. The ANC in exile preached non-racialism (ignoring racist songs was another little game within a game). Once in power, it’s was a different game. The real winners: the black elite.
Anti-white discrimination, every bit as racist as Apartheid, but dressed up in ‘acceptable’ language dominates this time: Black Economic Empowerment, Expropriation Without Compensation etc.
Corruption ensures the benefits flow largely to the new elite.
The losers: regrettably -once again- the large majority of blacks who wanted ‘a better life for all’; the whites eliminated through legislative measures.
Elites, politicians and media, largely stick together. You wont be hearing any criticism from the ‘West’. It’s too busy digging its own grave.
Times Exclusive: BBC is spending £3m in five months to promote BBC Sounds, with plans to spend £7.6m more.
Documents leaked to The Times show how money has been spent on ‘London Ear’ stunt, free headphones giveaway, social media ads and paid ‘influencers’
The three phases of the campaign are ‘Establish Fame’, ‘Build Understanding’ and ‘Drive Habit’.
By the end of the campaign most Britons will have seen/heard an average of 16.7 different references to the Sounds app, the BBC hopes
The BBC is also buying promotional posts on social media and paying “influencers” (their lefty mates, not Farage KT or Tommy I bet)
to promote the app to young people.
The external ad spend, including a big chunk on cinema spots, is in addition to the relentless (free) Sounds plugs on BBC radio and television.
“This is the biggest product launch we’ve done in ten years and like any media organisation we’re using advertising to tell audiences about it because the more people who use it the better value it delivers to licence fee payers.”
The app is available on istore and Google Play (where there were just 1,600 downloads)
Young listeners aren’t licence payers. (Neither are old listeners-only).
The BBC’s ‘business model’ takes the biscuit – make programmes that p-off the people that do pay for it and provide new services for people that don’t.
*sigh* Matthew Wright says The Wright Stuff gave him PTSD
Matthew Wright has revealed the stress of presenting his long-running Channel 5 show left him with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
MM, what you mean worrying about ratings and how to spend the salary?
“Matthew Wright says The Wright Stuff gave him PTSD.”
I saw it once. Absolutely gruesomely awful. That simpering, effeminate presenter with his disingenuous, creepy smile. Eugh!
As for the guests, Jesus H Christ, was there one with an IQ that scraped into double figures? And it looked like they got their audience from cast offs from The Jeremy Kyle Show.
And he reckons it’s given him PTSD. Well…
Had the same bloody effect on me…
I never saw a full show of the Wright Stuff. I tried to watch it to see the views of “the enemy”. It seems like they had the same series of guests week in week out. I got fed up with seeing Yasmin ali bee bee being treated as goddess of all things wise and wonderful. Maybe that is what started his PTSD along with the strain of interrupting and shouting over anyone, including the tea lady, who opposed his world view.
I am afraid PTSD appears to be the new “must have” fashionable condition for those who are part of the fashionable elite.
Forget being affected by having suffered multiple enrichment rapes.
Forget about the effects of seeing your mates being blown apart on a battlefield or seeing people disemboweled by terrorists in the Batalan
No the PTSD that really matters these days is because you found doing your radio presenter job difficult – or you “worried” (like Fireperson Danny Cotton) about sending firemen into Grenfell Tower. Maybe it is time these scarred individuals did something else for a living.
It is obvious that these people are just so much better than us because they CARE just sooooooooo much more and therefore are worth the ridiculous amount of money they get paid.
I recommend twenty years in a darkened soundproof room.
‘The Guardian view of the BBC and the Elderly – A Burden too far”
So there you have it – an admission by The Guardian that it is time to get rid of the elderly . ‘Logan’s Run’ comes true .
Bit harsh to enable the BBC to make higher cost rubbish .
The best BBC video for years:
“”Thieves’ knocked off mopeds by police in London””
I’m shocked! Not really……
“Police and Thieves (in the street)”……Junior Murvin 1977…..
perhaps before your time….it was a reggae hit…….
Dover Sentry. Great vid. Just needed the Benny Hill tune as background.
That police drive cars at moped thieves video
Cops ramming motorbike crims is all well and good, but less effective than shoot-to-kill imo.
But what about their yooman rites!
There was one of two hopes a man presenting Question Time.
Or should i say a Caucasian male. Bob Hope or No Hope.
So really it’s just down to see how long before Gary Lineker
is replaced at Match of the Day by a women . To be honest
it would not surprise me if Premiership highlights are scrapped
in place of Women’s League football on the BBC.
They may well lose the rights next time…Sky just got the EFL rights.I cant see the BBC paying next time…its megabucks.As you rightly say..it will be replaced by women’s football……maybe even live from the House of Commons…
Foscari – Off the football field, the PC obsession with gender may have serious consequences.
‘Free West Media’ reports today on the sinking of the very modern Norwegian frigate ‘Helge Ingstad’, after a collision with an oil tanker in perfect weather. Geier Eilertsen, an experienced captain and navigator referred to the incident as ‘shocking’ and other naval officers questioned the levels of skill and training of the crew.
A Norwegian Armed Forces Magazine said that four out of five navigators on board the Helge Ingstad were women, apparently appointed for gender reasons.
A comment on the article by a former naval officer speculated about the passing on of orders in a tricky situation having to be ‘direct and loud’ and ‘hurtful of feelings’, which he found women would not be likely to engage in. Whether that is true I cannot judge, never having been in the navy.
I can see a different tack (heh) being taken, the key here is that only four out of the five navigators were wimmin, twas obviously the odd man outs fault.
This current indulgence in all areas of life is a luxury, only possible due to the relatively stable times in which we live, already we see it fraying at the edges. When it really hits the fan people soon revert to type.
Question Time?
Honestly, why do you bother? Its a joke. I stopped watching years ago.
I have stopped paying the Telly Tax that pays for the propaganda programme.
Sign here…………..
Perhaps a compromise for Linaker’s replacement might be found in either Eddie Izzard or Grayson Perry. It could be a toss up between the two. If you’ll pardon the expression.
Only thirteen percent of Leave voters are fooled by Theresa Mays Deal. It was double that last week at around 26 percent.
The Editor of the Daily Mail wants to detoxify the Mail and turn it into something like the none toxic clean nice pro-EU BBC.
Yesterday at Morrison’s there where two big piles of Daily Mails and only one Telegraph left under the one I bought. Daily Mail sales were already down 12 percent in October, so a minority of people were more on the ball than I was in October. The majority seems to be on the ball now, so that could mean a 52 percent drop in sales in November.
I’ve been suspicious of May ever since the botched General election, in part due to her enthusiasm to grab people’s property, ostensibly to solve the social care crisis. Also strange was her ‘cult of personality’ approach, in which her party took a back seat to her image – not something I would have recommended in UK politics.
Both of these approaches had a strong socialist flavour. It was then that I saw parallels to Ms Merkel, a socialist who had hijacked a conservative party, and I have commented on that for some time on this site.
Both ladies are determined to cling on to power, at the same time showing little inclination to listen to their core vote. This is why I have said, it would not surprise me if we somehow emerge from this ‘crisis’ with a ‘Grand Coalition’. Merkel simply sailed way over to the left, making both the SPD and the Greens her natural allies. Her core vote drifted off to the AfD.
May could be tempted, I’m convinced of that. She wouldn’t need to worry about Boris, the DUP, UKIP, etc. She also potentially has another BIG asset which has seen Merkel through for years: state-funded media (esp. radio/TV) support. Print media support, by and large, only lately becoming more balanced.
So the Mail is keen on May. The Express is not dissimilar. I have been reading The Telegraph for years, and would say even for that: approach with caution. The FAZ, Welt etc have been ‘conservative’ papers who, for many years, have seen Merkel through thick and thin, disregarding entirely their comment columns, who were 80%-90% on a different wavelength. One had to go to the tiny ‘compact-online’ for a genuinely anti-Merkel, conservative stance; the authorities will certainly be watching, having it down -no doubt- as ‘far-right’.
I think May will be as closely associated with this ‘Brexit’ as Merkel with 2015 and ‘migrants’. Will the UK press now swing in behind her as enthusiastically as those in G. did behind Merkel?
As yet, the Beeb have not, because they hope Jeremy will take over.
But we shall see; time will tell.
I’m one of them – just got in with copy of Telegraph and left stacks of DM in shop 🙂
Hour long panel show on BBC1 now
..”Have I Got Lies for You?”
Al Beeb “Eight suspected migrants claiming to be from Iran have been brought ashore after a dinghy was spotted off Kent.”
Is our Prime Minister defending the country and its borders?
It goes on and on …
Al Beeb “Eight suspected migrants claiming to be from Iran have been brought ashore after a dinghy was spotted off Kent.”
Is our Prime Minister defending the country and its borders?
It goes on and on …
In the old days we’d defend our country with bows and arrows………. a few well placed arrows wouldn’t go amiss puncturing those rubber dinghies – close to the French coastline of course !
They are not migrants – they are illegal immigrants . Which is a crime . Maybe some sort of non lethal mine field could be developed –
Re TR, Gerard Batten etc
Tommy Robinson is used by politicians and journalists as the ‘bogie’ man (‘buggy’ man in USA movie pronunciation).
They willingly accept the shallowest descriptions of his chequered history. Perhaps if they accepted that he might be right about some things, living as he does in Luton, surrounded by the failing muslim experiment, their dear heads might explode.
When TR had lunch in the Lords restaurant as a guest of Lord Pearson after his court appearance in October, I remember this was followed by various expressions of outrage. One that stuck in my mind, although can’t remember names, occurred during a session the Commons when a lady rose to speak to condemn the restaurant being used by TR saying that he should be banned from the premises in future if only so that the waiting staff didn’t have to suffer having to deal with such an unpleasant person. She was almost in tears. The point is that she was using the bogie man ploy.
In the interview with Gerard Batten Radio on 4 news at 1pm, the interviewer made no attempt to conceal his disgust at his association with the bogie man. All the radio 4 journos do the same.
The words ‘Tommy Robinson’ are never uttered without a sneer and the suggestion of a cold shudder as if they were defiled by it.
This is probably having an effect in spreading the idea among people who aren’t inclined to be analytical (Oooh, Tommy Robinson, isn’t he that racist bloke?) The problem is that this might be having it’s desired effect of making what TR stands for more difficult to disseminate.
Lib Dem frontbencher Lady Sarah Ludford : Baroness Ludford was the one
“Can the Minister tell me when we will see action to ban Tommy Robinson from this House, not least to protect House of Lords staff from having to wait on this man?”
It can’t been long before his bail terms ended that she said this..Ah yes 1 week it was Nov 5th
She wants Purple-skins banned from entering the Lords building
so she is projecting herself when she says this
She tweets a lot about rape BUT doesn’t tweet a lot about grooming gangs and CSE victims
Wiki has Ludford as both a friend of turkey and Israel – so she like cheap hot holidays . Privately educated – degree lse – barrister – councillor in the socialist republic of Islington -Mep – peerage –
The usual swamp dweller – not big on free speech or freedom for anyone she does not like by the sound of it .
I’m really surprised that the BBC doesn’t use her more . Maybe her comments about TR was an attempt to get a few more lefty gigs . Stiff opposition from so many sistas though
@Fedup a couple of things did come up, but i didn’t list them last night, cos you can’t really judge people unless you have full context.
But OK, her husband is Steve Hitchins once a a council bigwig,
2006 Council leader cleared of cronyism charge
\\ The tribunal criticised the “sloppiness” of the recruitment process but it dismissed Mr Hitchins’ main accuser as politically motivated. //
When she was an MEP she forgot to list that he was on her payroll
Now he’s slipped into be head of a health authority
2014 Apology issued after Whittington Hospital chief falls asleep again in key meeting
They were both at Buckingham Palace function not so long back, so are not so tainted.
I saw the stuff about her husband and have personal experience of his hospital – but thought I’d leave it out .
This lady just strikes me as another waster supping the taxpayers coin despite having no democratic mandate .
Thanks for the link, and the memory jogging. I thought it might have been the Lords. What a bitch.
BBC1 Graham Norton Show tonight…. 4 people including Norton…..3 are gay men and one woman.
All 4 are hideously white skinned. I feel a complaint coming on due to the lack of diversity!
I detect a realisation within the BBC that May’s farce document is not going to cut it with the Brexit electorate or Parliament.
The media keeps referring to the vote in Parliament next week as being the biggest crucial step in Brexit.
No. The crucial step would be not to deliver Brexit as was voted for in 2016.
17 million Brexit voters carrying pitchforks and lanterns will prove to be an imposing sight.
Unless I’m reading wrong – the remainers’ demand for a ‘ meaningful vote’ as exemplified by the monsterous Soros funded Gina Miller – will land up blighting them in the bottom as the sellout document becomes toilet paper after being thrown out .
Maybe they’ll demand a meaningful vote about the meaningful vote.
Taffman ,
I collect fifty pence and two pound coins which may have a rarity value . I’ve also got a heck of an amount of BBC licensing Threatograms . I’m not sure if I have the full set and if there are any rare or unusual ones, misprints etc , do they they send out a Welsh language version with options at the back for Braille , English etc ? Like I get in English but can let them know if I want it in Gaelic ?
Unfortunately I’ve thrown away the correspondence from my last address but kept four odd years at the present address ( barring those sent back as Return To Sender ) .
I think in a file somewhere I have a couple of hand delivered cards with the usual threats from the late eighties / early nineties . Are they worth anything ?
Yes they do send out bilingual threats, they are in Welsh and English.
Makes no difference because I am still not paying them.
I hope that rest of you readers do the same?
The more the merrier .
Is there a museum of these things that you could give them to, for the nation? I once had a huge collection of them but threw them away; you are making me wonder whether that was wise.
Mammoth Fraud Trial Ends In Jail Sentences For Fraudsters In £13 Million Immigration Scam
The fraud was discovered in 2011 and involved the use of 79 bogus companies to create fake documents that were then used by Bangladeshi nationals in fraudulent visa applications.
Ringleader London law student Abul Kalam Muhammad (known as AKM) Rezaul Karim*, 42 – jailed for ten years and six months
Enamul Karim*, 34, from Dagenham – jailed for nine years and four months
Kazi Borkot Ullah*, 39. from Dagenham – jailed for five years and ten months
Jalpa Trivedi, 41, from St Albans – jailed for three years
Mohammed Tamij Uddin, 48, from Bethnal Green, London – jailed for two years and six months
Three of the five sentenced have absconded *
AKM Karim, Enamul Karim and Ullah, absconded in July 2018 during the trial and warrants have been issued for their arrest but their whereabouts are unknown.
AND remember there was another similar £6m case not so long back
The same ideology (let us call it) that justifies the treatment of young western girls as lower than animals, because it regards non-sharia and un-koranic laws and customs of personal morality and truth as valueless, also regards our standards of uprightness in public administration and financial dealings as similarly not applying to them. There is never any expression of remorse on the part of those found guilty. Adherents of this ideology can never fit in. How long will it take for this truth to sink in?
Not going to be hearing about that cultural vibrancy on al beeb . I wonder how many Pakistanis buy one way tickets back to the home land ?
Ipswich school pupil confirmed as ADULT
Stew – the kind of mindset which led to this obscene situation is the one which allowed Pakistani paedophile gangs to rape young white girls . PC beat common sense .
YES! It is the same.
Stephen Knight’s comment made me think of the old ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ tale, wasn’t it a boy (innocent and naive enough to speak aloud what everyone else was thinking) who pointed out the obvious in that one too?
Having children of my own, I’m well aware the wool isn’t easily pulled over their eyes on so many issues (despite the best efforts of their Lefty, and desperately ‘right on’ teachers and the BBC, of course).
“Dad, why is that man wearing a dress?”
“She’s not a man, son, she’s a lady”
“No, it’s definitely a man, Dad”
“Don’t be silly, of course she isn’t, men don’t wear dresses”
“Dad! Dad! It’s not a woman, I’m telling you, it’s a man!”
“Oh… look over there quick, do you see that squirrel?”
Project fear 3 has not worked. Stand by for project fear 4.
We will now get a choice of remain, stay in and leave with no deal – that was what we voted for.
Al Beeb will work on the term ‘ falling off a cliff’ disaster.
It should not be a disaster if our PM has made contingency plans, as she should have.
Another stabbing in Londonistan, this time it’s a policeman. Terrorism or gang warfare?
It’s not news anymore . It’s just Londonistan normality now
The BBC love Lily Allen. She’s a Corbyn supporting, anti-Brexit darling and they give her as much airtime as possible. She’s on chat shows, cookery shows, radio shows, the lot.
Recently she brought out a new book and the BBC gave her maximum publicity. One of the revelations she made was that she was sexually assaulted by a music industry executive and the BBC, being huge fans of the #MeToo movement, gave due prominence to this shocking revelation with the headline “Lily Allen discloses sexual assault by record industry executive”
It turns out though that it is Lily Allen who is the sexual predator. In the book she tells the story of having shared a steamy kiss with another woman, Zoe Kravitz, who has now accused Lily of attacking and sexually assaulting her.
The MSM report that “Lily Allen has admitted she now believes some of the recollections in her tell-all book are incorrect.” Which is what we would call lies but she is allowed to say that she simply mis-remembered.
How have the BBC covered the shocking revelation that Lily Allen is actually nothing but a lying slag and sexual predator?. Oh, they’ve not bothered, it’s not important.
One rule for them, another rule for the rest of us.
So today is the day that the outgoing PM goes to Brussels with a white flag . Apparently she is only buying a single ticket . I wish
Instead she’ll come back waving a piece of paper saying ‘ peace in our time ‘ before going through the parliamentary pantomime next week . The BBC is clearly enjoying all of this .
Toady watch
After screwing up an interview with Mr D Raab yesterday today Comrade Robinson had a juvenile interview with the DUP s Geoffrey Donaldson .
Mr Donaldson remained calm when Robinson suggested that the DUP might sup with comrade Corbyn . I started shouting at the radio again .
Toady watch 2
Humph interviews the chancellor – who had gone to Northern Ireland to offer further bribes to the DUP and gongs aplenty to buy their support . I think he ll fail .
The chancellor reckons the Brussels sellout will help bring the country together . I agree – the people will come together to throw the tories out of power if the sellout goes through .
Third – I’m guessing she went to school with quite a few beeboids and remains in that metro social circuit .
The self entitledment , mental issues and drug abuse just add to the ‘ colourful’ character of this nobody – heard a couple of her tunes . Could do better – as they say .
The BBC seem to have an affinity towards lying sexual predators. Remember that long serving employee going by the name of Savile?
Now that news will have reached migrants in France that we will ‘rescue’ anyone in the channel there will be a flood of dinghys crossing the channel to the amazement of the BBC. After all, we will be told, these people are desperate.
Is this because France is such a violent and war torn country?
…. is Iran ?
I caught two diverse beeboids talking to each other on the bbc news channel yesterday – I couldn’t find the remote quick enough .
They were talking about the oil price falling below $60 as though it’s a bad thing . My ears did a double take and my jaw dropped Open .
On a more positive point – $60 dollars seems to be the point where cranky stops getting out the brace heart dvd and screeching about even Westminster and independence .
Famously their last paper reasoning on the economic viability of 7 million jocks was based on oil at $130 otherwise they are subsidised by English taxpayers ,
Anyone heard from Alexander Salmond ? Is he still working for the Russians ?
7 million?….
My deepest apologies . I have been found out for spreading false news .
I checked and find the population of Scotland to be 5 million 2 hundred thousand . I knew the population of Scotland was falling but over egged it .
So thepoulation of Scotland is about that of the 16 boroughs in Londonistan north of the Thames .
Thanks again LuckyH – next time I hear crankie wingeing on about ‘ the people of Scotland ‘ I’ll remember what small number of people that is .
…. the population of Scotland is about the same as Yorkshire. Similar number of constituencies. The people of Yorkshire voted Out
How about an “Assembly” in Goole ?
If Yorkshire were a nation it would come high up in a list of European economies. Alas, I have lost the reference for that interesting fact.
Are we all ready for the BBC quiz today?
Spot the Ethnic/Female/LGBT/Opressed group/Eco Warrior in every programme…….
I just put Radio 4 on and got 3 points!!……..
Sandi Toksvig….Gay
Helen Czerski…Climate scientist (apparantly)
Richard Blackwood (?)…Black Eastenders rapper and Strictly dancer
what are they talking about?…..havent got a clue….
I think you may be talking about the Rev Coles’ programme. It is ALWAYS very diverse, in principle.
If you’re suffering from low blood pressure, you should give it a try.
I switched off when I heard Sandy Toxic was in it.
I was blind, now I can see
You made a LEAVER out of me
I was blind, now I can see
You made a LEAVER out of me
I’m movin’ out now
Getting out of that EU darkness
My light shines on
My light shines on
Our light shines on
I was lost
Now I’m found
I’m leaving EU
I got no bounds
If EU got us, EU can screw us
EU cana have us
EU screws us
But If we got us
We can raise us
We’re Gonna move us on up …now
We’re Gonna move us OUT …now ..byee
I notice that vid doesn’t have the last verses that listed on lyric sheets… there must be a longer version somewhere.
Stew, if I was a stroppy, spiky-haired, teenager wishing to have a neo-Punk band, right now I’d call it Jaune Gilet and the Alliez.
London is no longer alone. Frankfurt now has a 51.2% population of ‘migrants’, mostly Turks. Merkel is working hard to put that right.
By bringing in more ‘migrants’. Latest from Merkel’s new paradise:
#Barmbeck: Ibrahim (Turkish) has slit his neighbour’s throat.
She is working hard. This week she again said that Germany would have to give up its sovereignty to the EU. Not that new a thought: in 2011, her colleague, Wolfgang Schauble, raised eyebrows by saying that -at no point since 8 Mai 1945- had Germany been fully sovereign anyway. So she’s not giving away much anyway…
And still three years left in which to do it…
Further to which, ‘Die Welt’ reports that hundreds of police were drafted in to Freiburg last night, in response to recent gang rapes and a case of rape/murder going back two years. Stop and search of persons and vehicles took place on a large scale. (Wonder what Javid/Khan/Dick would have to say about that?)
Freiburg Chief of Police, Berhard Rotzinger, promised more of the same.
Week in Westminster watch
30 minutes of remainers – chaired by a guardian remainers called arriva or similar .
The swamp talking to itself . Quite frightening how they reinforce the view about the disconnect between the BBC / political class and the feelings of the “other” like me.
I wanted to hear about any reaction to the outgoing chancellors ‘ comment about being in ‘ uncharted waters’ if no sell out takes place re brexit .
Instead I got 3 girls going on about how nasty Parliament is – including an SNP girl who played football in the commons to celebrate 100 years of wimmin politicians . She wanted to show that the place’ is in touch ‘ no apology from her .
If you were a Scots MP and peed on the floor at holyrood I wonder what response they’d be .
fnw. Mutti therefore gives the lie to those who claim on behalf of the EU: “It has prevented future wars in Europe”.
I’ve just returned from my newsagent having examined all the daily paper offerings…and I’m unimpressed by them all. 🙁
I’ve been a DM reader for over 30 years, and the Telegraph and Express previous to that. The DM has, quite suddenly (as you are probably aware), become unbearable…who the hell their target reader is I haven’t a clue. Soppy 12 year old kids perhaps?
Seriously folks, advise me…what do you think I should buy? 🙂
Cant help you sorry…I havent bought a paper for many years……
Me too – I used to buy the FT or Herald tribune but no more . I haven’t bought a paper for many years . I read the guardian on line to see what the enemy is up to but won’t pay anymore .
Country..sorry posted earlier – all you have is the Telegraph..then it’s a cliff edge and no more papers
Has the Telegraph improved at all recently to compensate for the general drift EU-wards? It was getting so bad that I stopped it.
A one way ticket to South America.
Country – you could always buy an independent and double the circulation …
I don’t buy newspapers. Never have. I used to buy the occasional music magazine but I prefer reading books. Apart from the days when you looked for jobs in the back of the papers I’ve never felt the need to have newspapers even before the extreme left psychos took over the meeja. I don’t recall my parents ever buying them. We never had them in the house growing up. I see them discarded a lot on the trains, sometimes I look at them there.
Which newspaper should you buy ?
Well the Times trial membership is good value at £8 for 8 weeks
… On Dec 11th I’ll have to find another family member to share an account with, since the one that I am using will expire… hint
The Spectator is full of stuff
and has promos for on line membership
But you wanna start by looking at Delingpoles postcasts and mayeb Conservativewoman etc.
Sorry to say i’m no help here. IIRC, the last newspaper i bought was the Today.
Lord Tebbit, 87, on roads protesters
said “I approached the unlawful barrier at a very slow pace and stopped my car when its bumper came into contact with the banner.
“I identified myself as a member of the upper house of parliament on my way to a session of the house and asked [the officer] to carry out his duty to enable me to reach Westminster.
He declined to do so, saying that the trespassers were intent only on delaying me.
To avoid risk of injury I complied with his unlawful request. After a delay of several minutes the trespassers moved away and I resumed my lawful journey.”
Lord Tebbit said it was only the third time he has experienced “a failure of the police to comply with the duty placed upon them to maintain free and open access”.
“Lord Tebbit said it was only the third time he has experienced “a failure of the police to comply with the duty placed upon them to maintain free and open access”.
He really needs to get out more often……….
G, if he was in the crowd at the Cenotaph on the 11th then he was likely to have been ‘unlawfully prevented’ for a fourth time.
Not really sure if police do ‘ duty ‘ any more unless it suits them – bit like when they choose to turn up to support a tv licence employee as shown on so many you tubes .
I await the details of the stabbing of a copper in stabbed last night in ilfordistan as well as the fatal stabbing 3 miles away from that in havkneystan
Norwegian lone wolves with mental issues
Sir Cliff Richard, is on the BBC today
6:15pm The Clive Anderson Virtue Signalling Show
Times : Matt Chorely does a sneering hatey article against Tommy
.. and of course gets a kicking in the comments.
\\ “Of course it’s not even his real name, which is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon”
Do you apply the same argument to trans people who haven’t yet been through deed poll yet choose to use another name?
Or do you apply values depending on whether you like a person or not? //
I believe its a hate crime called ‘dead naming’ , or so some shrill bbc harridan informed me, perpetrator to be dragged out to the yard and shot.
Our Far Left Marxist State Broadcaster tells us that the most senior serving military officer has told them that the threat from Russia is greater than islamic terrorism. Fake News! Fake News by omission!
What about the ‘Elephant in the Room’ I ask: Right Wing terrorists!
After all, hanging pork chops on a mosque door or having been a member of a proscribed organisation is pretty damn serious along with ‘Hate Speech’. Isn’t it?
G spot on
The chief defence can’t say the biggest threat is N internal one .
Bet the Russians sit in the Kremlin saying – if we invade uk we can get control of the BBC
“G spot”, Fed? Young Man!
Oop s – sorry Cassandra – I blame G . what’s a G spot ? I think I had better report myself and truetoo can press the delete button
No, I would never delete you, Fedup2. On that subject, haven’t seen Guest Who around in a while.
Pity, he makes a fine contribution here.
He’s not going to get a bigger budget unless he identifies the right enemy. If he say “Russia” he can demand lots of new toys to counter Putin’s new toys.
RJ, well we’ve now got the recipe for a Novichok thanks to some highly trained (smirk #1) and deadly (smirk #2) assassins (smirk #3) from the GRU.
Got to be worth a Trident submarine or two?
The BBC are still feeding us the lie that the rioting in Paris is attributable to ‘fuel protests’ but even CNN nails that fake news:
‘The “yellow vest” protests, which began as a campaign against rising gas [fuel] prices, have morphed into a wider demonstration against the government of President Emmanuel Macron in recent weeks.’
Gatestone Institute fills in the background that the BBC won’t be reporting on:
Name – yes the beeboid on the now dire “from our own correspondent ‘ said it’s all about Parisians wanting clean air so country types have to pay for it
. Yet marine lepenn seems to be put in the frame for it . Her real name of course is Marine Yaxley Lennon – mind you I am readily Fedup Yaxley Lennon . My dog – Fido – is really Fido Yaxley Lennon …….. sorry .
Fedup2, I think we may be related,
NNN Yaxley Lennon
Je suis Yaxley Lennon
Je suis Yaxley Lennon.
Yours came on when I clicked post on mine.
Great minds ……
Times Review pg13
Justin Webb reviews 6 books about Trump.
5 are anti and he describes the 6th as drivel.
He doesn’t review Sopel’s BBC book which in the non-fiction chart has risen from 8 to 6th
The Times already have Nadiya
Now they just recruited the Indian winner of C4 BakeOff to do a monthly column
… who will be replacing Matt Chorely ?
Why is Nadiya so spelt? We spell it Nadia. I have also seen Lidiya. Weird versions of names that are already perfectly familiar to us are puzzling. Aleksandr is a particularly annoying one.
Spain 894
Salivating in expectation of all those lovely benefits Europeans paid for.
What a great Christmas card that will make …maybe the Department of sending taxpayers money abroad will use that great picture .
After been given a kicking by NAO
Smart Meter promoters SmartEnergyGB have wasted more of YOUR money by taking a full page advertisement in the Times etc.
to say they believe in their campaign.
\\ PR wagon SmartEnergyGB declare that PR is of value and use their other peoples’s money cash pot to spread the word…. one can’t express surprise at that.
Quite why the matter hasn’t attracted criticism from those elected to monitor at least in part the responsible stewardship of public funds is another matter =farce. //
The BBC have taught me that Muslim men are very clean.
British men who object to the cleanliness of Pakis should be jailed for being extreme right-handed Nazis.
The BBC is rewriting science history in the BBC News archive and erasing original content. If you want to know what article was published about a certain subject on a particular day you can no longer be sure the BBC Online News website is telling you the truth. History might have been rewritten, 1984 style. A Climate alarmist BBC News story on 1st November was found out to be Fake News. On November 20th the BBC eradicated the original story and simply overwrote it with new text, using the same URL. They left it in the BBC archive with no mention that they had removed the old one, meaning that the original report no longer exists except via the wayback archive.
Rewriting historical articles sceptical of man-made climate change in the BBC News archive can now be expected, erasing the original content is now BBC climate science policy. Therefore we can’t trust the BBC archive on this and other issues. Researchers and Historians looking into BBC coverage of Climate science and other News events can no longer trust the BBC archive. The archive may contain retrospective Fake News, rewritten by the BBC many years later. All because the original article was now deemed Politically Incorrect by 2018 standards.
Richard Pinder,
At the risk of stating the obvious, your post reminds me of Orwell’s 1984
I don’t know what the propaganda policy is regarding the World Service. Perhaps they archive their broadcasts. If so, maybe sometime in the future they will be going though them to delete bias there that is possibly the worst of BBC bias.
The BBC has an institutional tendency to wipe things away . Programmes recorded on tape during the 60s and 70s were wiped because there was a view that they weren’t worth keeping .
Screw any equitable ownership the taxpayer might have – but monetary value doesn’t matter when you have taxpayers cash coming at you each year guaranteed .
Different subject
Watching TV news with the sound down ( actually got spurs Chelsea on the iPad ) – the outgoing PM really does have echoes of Chamberlain in her going to Brussels and doing a disgusting smile whilst shaking hands with the unelected drunks and selling out the country .
You can view the mega-changes on Newssniffer
#1 You state that the BBC wrote a Climate article on Nov 1st
Well which one ??
You of course mean the Resplandy : Ocean Heat paper that Nic Lewis found the large error in
#2 You state that on Nov 20th the BBC rewrote the article
And add since they used the original URL, the historical record has been lost.
Not entirely true cos some of us know to use tools like Newssniffer (see above )
and Wayback
Good summary of Nic Lewi’s debunk
Nic Lewis did his discussion thru Judith Curry’s blog
Interesting things the paper was released before the mid-term election, Lewis immediately contacted them about the error, they didn’t get back to him until 5 days later, which was AFTER the election
Now is it evil to use the same URL
One advantage is that old tweets and articles do not have previews with the old headline
but rather the new headline shows up
Which makes some of the old Nov1 tweets, especially the ones that also screamed at deniers look ridiculous
BTW the old comments are still on the BBC page , which is a bit bad cos since comments closed on Nov 2nd they are all about the old flawed story
…many comments sneer at “deniers”.
A cartoon on Theresa May’s deal in name only.
I see that Police Scotland are linking welfare reform with a rise in robberies. The DWP reject this claim and say that Police Scotland’s evidence is “anecdotal”. The sad thing here is that both organisations seem to assume that a cut in your benefits would justify your robbing a fellow citizen. Their moral compasses have ceased to work. The institutions of this country are rotten to the core.
For 45 minutes, Brexiteer, Bernard Jenkin MP, tells us “What makes a successful Brexit” at 10pm, on BBC Parliament, Freeview Channel 232.
Why you can trust BBC news
2018-11-24 BBC Sport Tennis
“Get Inspired: How to get into tennis” Photograph – young white girl, black “coach”. Click on the link.
“How do I start?”
Photograph – three black children in the foreground, several non whites in the background. Also one girl who might be white but is hidden by a tennis racket.
“To get you in the mood …”
Photograph – grotesquely fat adult WHITE male 50s?, who has since become thinner and fitter by playing tennis.
Two men speaking to the same God hear a different message!
2008 …. “The Archbishop of Canterbury (Rowan Williams) says the adoption of certain aspects of (Islamic) Sharia law in the UK “seems unavoidable”.”
2018 … “ISLAMIC rules are incompatible with British laws (Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby)”