Who knows what’s to happen – but be sure the Far Left BBC will lie about it .
just a suggestion – the BBC is doing a’consultation ‘ on the future of the over 75s licence . There is a bit at the end where you can comment generally on the BBC …
Who knows what’s to happen – but be sure the Far Left BBC will lie about it .
just a suggestion – the BBC is doing a’consultation ‘ on the future of the over 75s licence . There is a bit at the end where you can comment generally on the BBC …
Protecting tribes is oK, unless it’s the British Tribe … “John Allen Chau: What we could learn from remote tribes”
What could we learn from them?
It is possible to live in complete equality – and it can make for a peaceful community.
There’s one catch: it involves becoming an anarchist. No government, no state, only the individual and their will to do as they please.
The Piaroa disavow violence, and don’t punish children physically. They believe peace is achieved by dismissing concepts of ownership, competition, vanity and greed.
No sports are played, land isn’t owned, no-one can order anyone else to work and there’s a strong emphasis on learning from other people. Not that there’s a deference towards elders – that would make society hierarchical, and would mean not everyone was equal.
The idea of the individual is the most important thing, although that emphasis doesn’t foster selfishness. It is up to each individual to choose what they do, how they do it and when they do it, and they do not pass judgment on others’ decisions.
As I was reading your post I started to wonder who would install the plumbing for running clean water and the loo. Without these life is very different .
And denying land/resource ownership/control explains most of the issues driving the world – with the exception of insane beliefs such as aslam – but look hard enough and find that Saudi oil money funds that .
Defecation on the streets in India is 50% …. but they have a space programme and aid from the UK.
MarkyMark – all of that works fine if you live in a small clan of, say up to a couple of hundred people, where you know everyone else (and are probably related to them all). The point is you’re all part of one big (happy?) family really, and that works, so long as you banish, or kill, anyone in the clan who causes trouble, and don’t let any outsiders in, unless you’ve carefully vetted them first AND they have passed YOUR initiation rites, AND live by YOUR standards (become part of the family).
What is ignored is how warlike these tribes are regarding anyone who tries to muscle in on THEIR territory/hunting rites, then the war paint goes on and the poison arrows come out (and there’s no prisoners taken either). Inter-tribal conflict is usually merciless and genocidal, because they can’t afford competition for the resources they need to survive.
What about: really old people, sickly children, the mentally ill? All banged on the head, or left out in the forest to die. Primitive tribes can’t afford the resources to support non-productive members.
Am sure it’s a great life if you’re fit and able, and have a large and warlike clan to back you up and seize control of the best hunting grounds. Civilisation, on the other hand, gives more support to the weak, and forces us to be more tolerant and forgiving.
I’ve never been on a march – never thought I would . But if parliament doesn’t strike down the May sell out deal I think I will be there .
I’m still waiting for a reply to my letter to my MP – IDS – telling him if he didn’t stop that sell out he’d be an ex MP.
I just hope the bubble gets the message .
Things not to say to someone who wears a veil
Things Not To Say
From presumptions that you’re being forced to wear it, to being told ‘to go back to your own country’ because of it – when it comes to clothing, the veil is arguably the most contentious of them all. We hear from some wearers about the stereotypes they encounter.
“That look is sooooo last week, darlings”
I think the one on the right is a man. Those are bricklayers hands.
Some fool called John Henley writes in the Guardian whether the ReichEU is going to miss Blighty after we leave . He thinks “not” – but he doesn’t mention that UK pays for at least 20 per cent of their budget – and will probably amount to more .
“We believe we are the nation of abolition, but forget we are the nation of slavery. ”
These are the countries with the most slaves.
1. India
> Est. population in modern slavery: 14.3 million
> Pct. population in modern slavery: 1.14% (5th highest)
> Human Development Index Score: 0.586 (46th worst)
> GDP per capita 2013: $5,450 (50th lowest)
With the second-largest population in the world, it is perhaps not surprising that India has the largest absolute number of residents living in conditions of modern slavery. The 14.3 million modern-day slaves in India, however, is by far the highest figure worldwide, and more than four times the next highest figure. The prevalence of slavery in India, as in other countries located in the Asia-Pacific region, is largely due to the economy’s dependence on low-skilled and cheap labor. Bonded labor is especially prevalent in the country. Forced marriages and commercial sex workers are also relatively common. Like many other countries with large numbers of modern slaves, India is also quite poor. India had a GDP per capita of just $5,450 per capita last year, one of the lower figures worldwide.
2. China
> Est. population in modern slavery: 3.2 million
> Pct. population in modern slavery: 0.24% (59th lowest)
> Human Development Index Score: 0.719 (76th worst)
> GDP per capita 2013: $11,868 (77th lowest)
Roughly 3.2 million people live in modern slavery in China. This high figure may be due, in part, to the country’s scale, as China is the world’s most populous country with more than 1.3 billion residents. However, in the U.S., the world’s third most populous country, just over 60,000 people live in modern slavery, according to the Walk Free Foundation. China’s rapid modernization and urbanization, the foundation adds, “correlates with large flows of domestic migrants moving around the country in search of work.” Last year, roughly 166 million workers in China left their hometowns and worked elsewhere, according to the National Bureau of Statistics of China. That figure alone is larger than the entire U.S. labor force. Such migrant workers, according to the foundation, are vulnerable to modern slavery in a range of industries, including construction and mining.
3. Pakistan
> Est. population in modern slavery: 2.1 million
> Pct. population in modern slavery: 1.13% (6th highest)
> Human Development Index Score: 0.537 (39th worst)
> GDP per capita 2013: $4,574 (44th lowest)
More than 1% of Pakistan’s population — or an estimated 2,058,200 people — are believed to be living in slavery, both among the highest figures worldwide. The most common form of slavery in Pakistan is debt bondage, a technique frequently used by employers in ungoverned and fringe industries. As workers spiral further into debt, other family members are often forced to help work off the bond. According to the Walk Free Foundation, there are an estimated 10 million child workers in Pakistan. Forced marriages and sex trafficking are also more common in Pakistan than in the vast majority of countries.
4. Uzbekistan
> Est. population in modern slavery: 1.2 million
> Pct. population in modern slavery: 3.97% (2nd highest)
> Human Development Index Score: 0.661 (60th worst)
> GDP per capita 2013: $5,176 (48th lowest)
Roughly 4% of all people in Uzbekistan live in modern slavery, nearly the highest percentage in the world. According to Human Rights Watch, “State-sponsored forced labor of children and adults in the cotton sector continues on a massive scale,” with over one million people forced to pick cotton for two months each year. The Cotton Campaign, an organization dedicated to eradicating forced labor in the Uzbekistani cotton industry, estimates that the number of citizens forced to pick cotton last year was as high as five million. Despite a decline in cotton production in recent years, and a drop in global prices, both the IMF and Asian Development Bank forecast strong growth in the country’s economy in 2014 and 2015.
5. Russia
> Est. population in modern slavery: 1.0 million
> Pct. population in modern slavery: 0.73% (32nd highest)
> Human Development Index Score: 0.778 (57th best)
> GDP per capita 2013: $24,298 (46th highest)
Russia is one of just five countries in the world with more than one million people living as modern slaves, according to the Walk Free Foundation. These include laborers born in countries formerly part of the Soviet Union, as well as women and children who are trafficked as sex workers. The foundation is also quite critical of the Russian government’s response to the problem, and notes that rampant corruption in law enforcement increases the vulnerability of Russians living in modern slavery. Russia’s GDP per capita, at $24,298 last year, was higher than that of any other country with a similarly high number of modern slaves. However, declining oil prices and economic sanctions could curb Russia’s economic growth.
Should a man who writes a piece of fiction like the Satanic Verses have a death contract put on his life and those who sell his book be killed?
Should a man who is homosexual be killed?
If a man draws a cartoon of a prophet, should he be killed?
Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic
It has always been such, the difference is that you notice the madness where other people just ignore it.
Al Beeb
“France fuel unrest: ‘Shame’ on violent protesters, says Macron”
What are they really protesting about ?
8pm Tuesday R4 Richard Dawkins examines how the science community interacts with the public, politicians, commercial interests and their peers.
“Even the President of the United States has called climate change a hoax.”
has he ? Ah yes in 5 tweets in Dec-Jan 2014
Well neither Lew nor Mann are on the prog’s interviewee list
What do you reckon to the rest ?
ITV Tue & Wed : Out Of Their Skin, a 2 x 60-min series about black footballers in Britain.
presented by Ian Wright
Al Beeb
“UK pledges £50m to help end FGM in Africa”
How about UK pledges £50m to help fund the NHS with more doctors or nurses for the UK ?
There is something radically wrong with this present PM and her government.
Excuses .. Announcing the aid money, International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt said FGM could not be eliminated in the UK “without ending it globally”.
UK pledges £50m to help end FGM in Africa {bbc.co.uk 25nov2018}
The aid package will help fund organisations such as the Saleema project in Sudan, which aims to show girls they can feel empowered if they are left uncut as well as trying to shift the attitudes of older members in the community.
. . . . .
Saleema materials currently include poster sets, stickers, a multimedia campaign kit comprising a song, an animated television spot, a set of 4 linked radio spots, and a set of 4 linked posters, a comic book aimed at young readers; saleema design tobes, shawls, and head scarves intended for distribution at public declarations of abandonment by community groups and networks.
The animation below is one of the communication tools launched at the inception of this year calling families to take the decision to stop the practice.
So Ann Widdecombe waht do you reckon ?
and FURIOUS at Britain waving white flag to EU.”
Supporting democratic governance in Turkey (UK AID PROGRAMME)
Reporting Organisation: UK – Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Project Identifier: GB-GOV-3-PEU-BPF-160115
Activity Status: Implementation
Total Budget: £138,070
This project aims to enhance democracy in Turkey by encouraging the Government to undertake constitutional and system reforms to better support democratic governance.
Democracy is like a train, he said; you get off once you have reached your destination.
So I looked at China’s UK AID PROGRAMME which then takes me to the “International Carbon Capture and Storage Capacity Building” … which is situated in Africa .. so we are paying China to store Carbon in Africa … WTF!
UK Aid by Location
We offer aid to Pakistan … but cannot protect their women in the UK?
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme – Pakistan (UK AID PROGRAMME)
Reporting Organisation: Department for International Development
Project Identifier: GB-1-202328
Activity Status: Implementation
Total Budget: £283,200,862
To improve primary and secondary education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by providing up to £283.2million in technical assistance, financial aid and infrastructure which aims to benefit all primary and lower secondary children in the province by 2020.This programme targets primary enrolment specifically girl child enrolment and female literacy which contributes towards Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 5. The programme is directly supporting 257,808
. .. . .

Channel 4 are creating a drama about the leave campaign.
Ah you might think, they will be undermining the case for leave and making out that all the leavers were villains.
…er, seems you’d be right.
It is written by a remain campaigner, James Graham, and it stars the lead luvvie Remainer, Benedict Cumberbatch as Dominic Cummings. According to the Times, Cumberbatch was unhappy that the “script showed Cummings in a positive light and he wanted to play him as a much darker figure.”
A sort of Blofeld I guess, but without the good nature.
The Times went on: “The source claimed that Cumberbatch, 42, wanted Graham to rewrite certain parts of the script: “He was throwing his weight around on set. We all have our differences, but this was something else.””
In fairness to Graham, the writer, his drama for Ch4, Coalition, was scrupulously fair, even to the lying Tory scum characters. So fingers crossed Jon Snow’s channel will try and do something it has been incapable of doing so far, being fair to the leavers.
I saw the BBCs Chris Morris on earlier from Brussels, after the agreement had been signed.
He said, which I don’t think I’ve heard him or the bBBC really mention before, that we have the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world and that the EU wouldn’t want to lose such a large market on their doorstep and that they have as much to lose in negotiations as us.
If only the bBBC had told Theresa this before she agreed this deal, I’m sure she would have got a better one.
Treacherous bitch.
Countryfile after 6 mins they are wrong again
Now Tom Heap is doing item on the feeling of fish
FFS the Compassion in World In World Farming urban activist is getting 3 minutes
..Next visits fishfarm where fish are stunned before death.
Yes Stew,
Heap said everyone was talking about this contentious issue. Not in my world.
Now, cutting the throats of sheep without stunning or killing them humanely first whilst reciting some nonsense in the name of an unforgiving and alien god and then serving it to non-believing and unsuspecting customers? Most of the people I know find that a lot more contentious, unnecessary and unwanted.
@Rich numerous tweets to Countryfile said
“What about the cruelty of halal ?”
I remember paying 2p to cross on the Walberswick Ferry in the 70s. Although for ferry, read old guy with a rowing boat.
Monday TV
8:30pm Panorama about flawed implants scandal
9pm BBC1 Menopause … BBC2 Babies Their Wonderful World
The fallacy of “scientists’ say” news stories
.. is that most science papers do not stand the test of time
Al Beeb is reporting that there is trouble in the Ukraine with Russia .
Will the Germany & EU ‘Army’ deal with it, or will the EU rely on Mr Trump and NATO?
Mrs Merkel & Germany need Russian Gas . Russia can see a week EU and will take advantage.
Will Mrs Chamberlain will be worried, after all she is an appeaser ?
Over to you Al Beeb …………….
@RichardPinder Paul picked up the story
I see the initial essay about the re-writing was made by Dr David Whitehouse the ex BBC man who has come well over to our side , and has more experience than the current Beeboid Climate alarmists.
He was BBC’s Science correspondent from 1988 until 2006, and also served as the Science Editor for BBC News Online.
Whitehouse has since criticized the BBC’s climate change reporting as “evangelical” and “inconsistent,” and claimed their reporting on scientific issues was “shallow and sparse.” //
Al Beeb reporting “Mexico will deport almost 500 migrants who attempted to storm the US border, according to its interior ministry.”
Trumps message getting through ?
Would Mrs Chamberlain do the same to illegals arriving on our coast ?
Perhaps it’s time for angry leave voters to turn up at Broadcasting house with rubber dinghies as a protest. A lot of people day & night clogging up the car park & doorways and demanding entrance. If they refuse to let us in we can call them Nazis. Bring camping equipment.
Licence payers demand a people’s BBC!
A typical BBC article entitled:
“UWE Bristol project to close race pay gap faced by graduates”
in which “A project to close the race pay gap experienced by graduating black, Asian and minority ethnic students is rolling out across a university.”
In typical BBC fashion, the article is devoid of facts and heavy on the feelings of the “victims”, in this case, students who are convivnced they face less favourable outcomes solely because of their ethnicity.
The students concerned are studying law and business at the Bristol based University of West England (UWE). The University was granted University status in 1992.
Before making any judgement on this matter, I would want to compare the entry requirements of UWE for its law and business degrees with those for law and business degrees elsewhere. I would want to compare recent UWE results for those courses with the results of other institutions offering those courses. I would want to know whether the students are comparing their outcomes with just those of other law and business students or whether they are comparing themselves with graduates as a whole. I would also want to know whether, nationally, there are too many graduates chasing too few jobs in the law and business fields. Finally, the article assumes as a given the outcomes between black, Asian and other ethnic minoroty students will all be the same. This can, and should, also be questioned as I suspect some ethnic minority groups may well perform far better than any comparable group of white students of British origin.
It’s easy to cry racism and just as easy to avoid any analysis that may spoil the preferred narrative.
Another day, another biased anti Brexit ‘news’ story (or two, or three or four….)
1. The illegal immigration across the channel is all the fault of Brexit…
2. We’re going back to the Dark Ages, there’ll be no food come Brexit…
3. Reality check (Whose reality exactly?) Need I say more…
4, Bank stress checks (nothing released yet), but how many times can you insert the word ‘Brexit’ into an article?
5. I drove through a pile of leaves today (Brexit leaves?) Bad pun, sorry….
This is the kind of ‘news’ I would expect from one of the tabloids or the Beano or Viz, not our national broadcaster. At least I can choose if I pay for a tabloid newspaper, or the Beano……