I read in the Daily Mail that Corbyn has accepted a tv debate with Theresa over Brexit. Has Mrs May learned nothing. Even when she was Home Secretary she always sounded flustered and Corbyn just rants. But the BBC will ensure a pro Corbyn pro remain audience. It will be like Daniel in the lions den except Mrs May will get slaughtered, a General Election and we will get Labour Marxist government. I think I need to emigrate whilst I still can.
There is no way the Liberal Party and the Scottish National Party will allow May and Corbyn to debate one on one. They will kick up a hell of a stink and demand they are allowed to join in. It will then become the usual fiasco of the Conservative representative ( you never know!) being heckled, cut off mid response and generally marginalized.
Plus the danger that if it still is May, what off guarded, inappropriate rubbish will she splutter out.
The only people who should be debating with Dancing Terry are Arlene Foster, Gerard Batten and Nigel Farage. But she’s too much of a coward to even think about doing that because she knows any one of them would wipe the floor with her.
Understandable Roland, but leave a little space in your heart to despise the Mail as well. Although all too obviously politically motivated and devised – something beyond shameless in itself – the capitulation of a previously bold and outspoken newspaper makes a total mockery of press freedom.
What an ultimate irony it might be if the paper most constantly derided and belittled by the BBC were to be instrumental in achieving their aims.
Nice thought Deborah if I was younger and better qualified I would definitely be looking across the Atlantic – bit I am not, so I stay.
Of course the the BBC will not have to do very much at all to ensure Theresa looks like a lying, devious, unprincipled traitor – all that they have to do is ensure she opens her mouth. But in all truth it matters not who wins the “debate”
Vote Labour you get surrender to the EU plus open door immigration.
Vote Tory you get surrender to the EU plus open door immigration .
Since both parties are hopeless – In future I will be sticking with UKIP who finally under Batten have a good leader will be going from strength to strength. its is probably our last and only hope.
Er, Deborah, Jeremy Corbyn is believed to be a Leaver, a Brexiteer. That is his past voting and vocal record before the Referendum campaign started.
He absented himself from that, probably because it would have meant joining with the more conservative members of his Party like Gisela Stuart, Frank Field and Kate Hoey, Labour heroes of the Leave Campaign.
Labour are pushing this ‘protection of British jobs’-thing as part of their natural weaponising (ie. exploitation) of the workers of Britain and because they see a chance – as a now more radical Socialist Party – of another shot at replacing ‘the evil, vile, wicked Tories’ in another unscheduled General Election.
what would Labour put in their manifesto in the event of a GE. “We will negotiate Leave.” or “We will negotiate a return to remain in the EU.”? Which do you think would help Labour win? (What was in their 2017GE manifesto?)
Quite what would happen to Corbyn in those circumstances, one could only fantasise about. Removal by Starmer or Benn or Umunna in some sort of arranged coup? Parliamentary Putsch or Pick of the Ice variety? The thought of him, as a firm EU-sceptic, leading a team of Remainers like Starmer in re-opened negotiations is mind-boggling.
I think it would make Theresa May look like a determined well-organised, no-nonsense, tough, give-nothing-away negotiator.
Unfortunately she is from along line of inept and uninspiring leaders
and I agree she is a godawful debater. The Commies must be rubbing their oily hands !!
The whole Remain cabal are banking on the ‘meaningful ‘ vote going their way because they are of the mind that the people of GB are bored with the Brexit fiasco – two years of Al Beeb’s anti – Brexit propaganda.
“People are tired of Brexit”, “the people just want to get back to important things”, “most of my constituents tell me/ the people we asked are fed up with the whole Brexit thing”.
If the bBBC presenters aren’t saying it, some talking head or previously anonymous politician are being set up to throw it in to their interview. It’s usually delivered with a tilt of the head and a we-care simpering smile if they’re supposedly conservative, a take-me-seriously determined look, a pause, and a pointed thumb if they’re from the left. Either are usually met with a nod and a docile grin from the bBBC facilitator.
And do you know, I don’t really care how many hours talks lasted or what time they had to stay out of bed until, it’s no great achievement to do what you’re paid to do into the small hours. The bBBC are really milking that one too. Perhaps if they’d spent a bit longer at it May and her co-conspirators could have done a better job “in the national interest”, her new “strong and stable”, rather than in the interests of the new British establishment and the EU.
I think the MSM and the outgoing PMs lackies will have to screen any members of the public from direct contact with her due to the fury of the sell out .
Already Macron is issuing threats about fishing rights and as we know krauts like to threaten too .
Rich – I am just tired of being lied to by politicians and the BBC led media.
And as for “get on with it” I wanted the Prime Minister to “get on” with doing what we (the public) asked her to do, not what she (the public servant) wants to do.
I dont remember seeing anywhere on the ballet form it saying “If you vote leave – we the government will totally ignore your wishes and surrender to Brussels on your behalf”
In an area of the UK where the bBBC led media are allowing Sinn Fein to rewrite history unchallenged on a daily basis, unconcerned as murderers seek to claim the moral high ground and define agendas as long as they are thrown a soundbite, I’m well used to politicians lying and being indulged by the anti-British bBBC.
taffman, yes, that was the Beeb’s TOADY line this morning. It is just like Pravda!
Unfortunately, British people getting borded with the whole thing might just result in a more determined and larger Leave vote if there was a 2nd Referendum.
Do not agree. The ‘getting bored’ line is what the BBC et al are pushing.
We are NOT bored we are frustrated and want them to properly address the result of the referendum and get us out. We are annoyed that those supposedly negotiating out exit are those who want to stay in. What a ridiculous situation !!
General, exactly so, if you had read & understood my post.
Sir, you of all people should know that when the British Tommy gets bored, or even frustrated as you suggest, in a long campaign, he or she longs for some action and may well come out fighting harder and tougher and more determinedly than ever before in that campaign.
Ok a whole hour of remainers in various colours on the BBC. I’ve been waiting for anyone expressing a positive point about leaving the ReichEU but in vane .
This post can go down as clear evidence of bbc bias and propaganda – irrespective of ones view about the ReichEU
Remoaners complain about the BBC giving airtime to various Leavers like Nigel Farage , but never about the BBCs take on the Brexit issue especially their so called comedy programmes .
I have not heard Nigel Farage’s voice on BBC wireless for a rather long time. It seems they are freezing him out on the pretext that he is no longer leader of a political party. Perhaps I’m wrong: I listen to BBC R4 less and less these days.
… if Parliament wishes to have a second referendum or set aside Article 50, then MPs will have to find time to legislate for such an outcome and before 29th March 2019. No deal is therefore the de facto backstop …
Also MPs cannot press for an early general election without removing the legislative lock of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act …
Of course there will be further machinations. He identifies 21st January 2019 as key date when the PM is obliged to lay a neutral motion before the House on why a deal has or has not been agreed with the EU (cue Bercow et al.)
IMO remainers fall into three broad groups: those with vested interests, the propagandised, and the insane.
We know that the majority population do not belong to these groups but the MSM, through their choice of guests, would have us believe they are ‘the norm’. This is their allotted task.
But Jackson asks How many Conservative MPs truly believe that they must take the thinnest of gruel offered to them by Mrs May, because apparently the British people just “want to get on with it”?
Just a little light relief from Brexit…
Last week every morning on Radio 4 we had the “much anticipated” memoirs of Mrs Obama. We were told (yet again!) about the Obamas brave struggles with racism. Good luck to them both, however… when they say “much anticipated”, who by? I must be honest and confess that I’ve not been chomping at the bit waiting to hear this drivel read out on our beloved Beeb. I’ve got a feeling the same courtesy won’t be offered to Mrs Trump.
This week the same station is giving us the thoughts and reminiscences of the late Maya Angelou. I don’t want to prejudge but…I have little doubt we’ll be regaled with her memories of meetings with Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and…yes… her battles against racism.
In recent weeks the new and much heralded Dr Who (viewing figures plummeting!) has visited the American deep south, pre civil rights, sat on a bus with the saintly Rosa Parks, been confronted by white bigots and lectured us about racism.
She’s also nipped along to colonial India and met lots of decent intelligent Indians, brutal and thick as sludge English people and…lectured us about the evils of empire and racism.
I keep hearing that all these are educational and enlightening. We need to be confronted by our past.
Seems more like brainwashing to me…
Of those, I have regard only for Rosa Parks, whose action was conspicuously brave in the prevailing conditions of the Deep South amongst the Democrat -supported KKK and racists.
Racism against the whites ? I think it should be said the blacks or coloureds cannot complain their kind are dominating the air waves, and the advertising on our screens and magazines, and goodness knows where else. I am led to believe that the whites are still the majority in the British Isles, well you could have fooled me if that is so. Powerful enemy’s to the white peoples are desperate to distablise our way of life, to undermine the immense contribution we white people have given to to this miserably ungrateful world. Zimbabwe once the bread basket of Africa mostly developed by the whites farmers who were good employers, now this nation is on the floor in a terrible state, and yet this demonic piece of filth Mugabi who had led them into this situation has been transported to Singapore for medical treatment whilst his people die of starvation. Let’s get real for once and stop running ourselves into the ground.
tarien- it’s getting ever worse, you know.
I noticed that last week again, when an advertising big-wig proposed Meghan M as the new face of Britannia, so we’ll be seeing her on our pennies soon..
I studied Christoper Marlowe’s Dr Faustus at uni many years ago. Andrew Marr had a guest this morning who has converted the main characters into blacks and/or women in her version.
Actually, there’s no point in listing this sort of thing, there are a dozen a day, launched against ‘The Patriarchy’ and white people in general, with the aim of preparing us for the New Order. The definition of ‘Racism’ is that it is what whites do to ‘people of colour’, so the possibility of the reverse does not exist,
apparently. The beating/murder of white farmers in Zimbabwe and/or South Africa seemingly doesn’t count. Nor would anything like that in Europe or the UK. And if you watch the news carefully, you will find plenty of examples. Just ask truck drivers who get violently waylaid by ‘migrants’ at the Channel ports, for instance.
No, the narrative has been prepared, and in the media and advertising it is now entirely one-sided.
My town is till ‘hideously white’ as former beeb DG, Dyke, put it, so I suppose we are being prepared for an ‘invasion of the body-snatchers’, as the movie had it…
Oh yes, and -of course- the arrival of The Matriarchy…
Absolutely fakennewswtcher, what an indictement against our world- what have the wonders of the BBC levelled at us, those that for years have supported their overpayed employees and now can you believe it, although I expect you can , the BBC want to stop us chappies of over 75 from not having to pay a licence fee to then having to pay that dam fee. Yet what do we see the Director General with a salary of £ 450K, oh yes I would happlily do it for half tha, never mind the peerage at the end. I suspect that many other BBC employees /Contractors will be paid into the £millions-and continue to prodcue such rubbish progs. Maybe I’m too old now, but I shudder to think what my grandchildren are likely to face twenty years from now. NO NHS, NO housing unless you are a multi millionaire, NO benefits for whites, NO white MP’s , a muslim PM, NO Police or only specials who will have a right to kill one for whatever they consider against the people’s safety, Marriage for whites will cost at least £ 20, 000, and that’s just the licence fee, well I’m sure you can make up the rest!
Tarien- you put your finger on another ‘trend’: youth in (‘oppressed’), aged out (‘oppressors’)- not that pronounced yet, but give it time…
Contrary to possible impressions, I don’t have, and never have had, a problem with women or people of colour as individuals, as long as they have a ‘live and let live’ approach. The same can be said about white men, really. Ditto with the young (which we both have some of).
My problem is with social engineers, guided by PC. They love things like virtue-signalling and redistribution, not to mention the occasional bit of population replacement. The redistributors and their propagandists are frequently to found living the high life…
As you point out. I suspect they see virtue-signalling as vital for their own prosperity.
My aversion to socialism is not its compassionate tendency, but its enthusiasm for redistribution. The elite will almost always escape the consequences. Now and then, they don’t. That’s when you notice the Caucescu’s of this world. Palaces with gilded taps in each of the dozen bathrooms, but the talk is all about that great favourite: ‘the people’. Doesn’t always work.
I don’t think socialim has a compassionate tendancy, it has a tendancy to seek out those with a grievance and then to pretend to speak for them.
The last thing socialists want to do is make things better for its core voters, a happy voter isn’t a socialist voter.
‘White Van Man’ has got to be the epitome of the ‘working class’ but he has done too well in recent decades so is now despised by ‘socialists’ like multi-property owning, ex-lawyer Lady Nugee, as his vote is no longer guaranteed.
If socialists were compassionate places like Merthyr Tydfil would be utopia by now.
Yes agree the elitists will always escape the consequences of what they advance, wrapped up in a nice shiny bundle ready for those sometimes unable to see the wood for the trees. Now however we have the very serious problem of the collapse of our society which appears to accept the terrible murders/rapes and deliberate killings on nearly every street in the country-of course you and I don’t accpet this appalling situation BUT do we have the answer? Personally with the advancement of Forensic Science/ DNA et al there is every reason to restore Capital Punishment-a deterrent of such is needed unless we want to encourage the continuance of such crimes. Look at the terribel murder and rape of this young Lithuanian girl by a boy of 16yrs, cand’t be named for legal reasons, preposterous-under 18 too young to be executed but what the H does Society do with him, he has ruined a young life and those of the parents of this girl, what punishment would be equal? The man who killed Lee Rigsby, seen buy millions to have killed this young soldier, shouldn’t this evil individual also have his life taken away?
Whilst surfing the airwaves I came across a pleasant female voice reading memoirs. After a few seconds I realized it was not worth listening to, but she did read very nicely.
Clare Runacres on Radio 2 is just too nice, the world could come to an end and still she would vocally smile. (Richard Baker said he was warned against that when he started on BBC TV).
Katherine Cracknell has a voice that suits her name, it is like glasspaper polishing gravel.
Cathy Clugston and Susan Rae are pleasant and amusing.
I quite like hearing (American) Barbara Barnes read stories; I am fed up of hearing Juliet Stevenson and her ‘Radio 4 Women’ clones ditto the ‘voice of the BBC’ Carmen Squire, who used to get to interupt Radio 2 every 20 minutes, the rest of the time ruining local radio and Channel Four.
Agree FedUp
Kier (evil eyes) Starmer on R4 this morning – I guess they thought John McDonnell again would be too much – save him for later in the week.
I did laugh however at the new R4 stunning programme – women talking about cars and what a bunch of lefty liberals…oh how we all needed this…can the BBC shoe horn the female agenda into everything?
Little insight into the bBBC mindset on their webshite today where a Swede, Ulrika Jonsson, ex of Sven and mother of 4×4, discusses British Brexit with an American, Lance Dustin Black, creepy husband of the 20 years younger Tom Daley, meet on a “Brexit Blind Date”. Seriously bBBC, who the f#*% cares?
LGBT issues and parenthood to the fore for these oh-so-normal everyday folk and their oh-so-modern families. To her credit Ulrika is pro-Brexit, but as a Swedish female she probably has a bit more experience of the perils of EU policies than a gay American luvvie could ever have.
I would post a link but not sure how to from a Kindle, sorry Stew. I would also link to the Pampers ad starring gay-dads-are-the-best-dads Lance and Tom, a slightly sleazy duo in my opinion, that my daughters came across on Youtube but I’m mindful that some of you might be at your breakfast.
You know Rich, I don’t think I’ve got words to respond-simply so awuful that such people are allowed to show their miserable faces-maybe not quite so much in Josson’s case however.
It’s on VD at the minute, they are as smug and as vomit-inducing as I imagined. Black is as stereotypically Hollywood fake as expected and doesn’t seem too pleasant underneath. I really don’t think he’s done the cause any favours here.
And we are expected to pay for this crap/ indoctrination?
Oh wait, there’s more. Foodbanks now, and camp mens voices heard once again as two more are allowed to join the women in the sisters safe space on bBBC2. It never ends, thank God I only ever see the bBBC passing through. Off.
R4 allow interviewer (Matthew Paris) to say 700,000 people marched on London on to stay – no fact checker and then to say people think now it was better to stay in the EU…
WTF – these are his opinions not facts….
Revelations in the Mail from Peter Hichens (former member of the Socialist Workers Party about Tommy Robinson (former leader of the EDL).
Apparently TR’s real name is Yaxley Lennon. Who’d have thunk that?
‘Mr ‘Robinson’ (the alias is said to be the name of a once-famous Luton football hooligan) is really Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, an unlovable and mysterious figure with an unpleasant record, some of it criminal, and some very unattractive supporters.’
Looks like the mainstream media are circling the wagons and Peter Jonathon Hichens has reverted to Socialist Worker Party reporting. In this article he takes the SWP supported UAF position regarding UKIP’s alleged lurch to the far far far right. He could have lifted the entire article from the rag published by his old comrades.
Permit me to speculate on Mr Farage’s objectives. For him UKIP is the past. But the battle for Brexit is not over.
So distancing himself from far far far right Islamophobic UKIP he places himself in the Westminster/BBC bubble.
Now it should be obvious that Treezer and her Tories will lose the election and during the early months of Corbyn’s reign the Tories will re-group and it would make sense for Nigel to join a reinvigorated Tory Party with Corbyn and the loonie left to oppose.
And who knows, he is a good speaker with plenty of drive and could easily become the new Tory leader.
As someone mentioned earlier, Gib voted 90% to stay in the EU.
Could we perhaps let it go to Spain on the proviso that the 10% are exchanged for British remainers?
I think they voted to stay in because they knew they’d be sold out in any “negotiations”.
I’m happy for Spain to have closer economic links with Gibraltar. We could begin by requiring all SEAT cars imported into the UK to be inspected in Gib – to ensure that the VW Group aren’t cheating again.
There is a letter by May showing this deal as good for us all.
I hope somebody can take all her points, one by one, and expose the actual truth and not the misleading propaganda which it is.
For example, her ‘taking back full control of our fishing’ sounds like we will have 100% control over all our coastal waters for the benefit of British fishermen but in truth we hear that the eu wants at least the same access as now and will probably demand more concessions from May who will obviously give in as she has done with everything else demanded by the eu.
If someone, Mogg perhaps, was to list her letter and put the true facts after each of her points (fact check them) then more people would realise the lies, half truths and omissions this useless defeatist PM is trying to fob off onto us.
I voted Leave and not for some crappy deal cooked up by a remainer PM in a remainer cabinet in a remainer dominated government and House of Lords backed by a remainer media including the extreme far far left bbbc.
Democracy is dead in the U.K. but there will be a price to pay.
We are fast approaching the time ‘when the English begin to hate’
Politicians beware!
“Taking back control” is a weasel phrase, especially when those that have control do exactly the same thing as happened when we didn’t have control.
Democracy has been dead for a long time in the UK. It is all very well being able to vote out one party but if the alternatives would carry out the same policy what is the point of the vote? All of our main parties have been pro-EU and pro-immigration for 40 years or more. One could argue that they are all keen to be on the ‘left-side’ of the BBC, they fear it so much.
Mrs May says that the UK will have ‘full sovereign control’ over access to the UK’s coastal waters and that this is “not tied to any other aspect of our economic partnership”.
The EU Council says the precise opposite. They say it is linked to discussions of the future relationship and that it will be based on “existing reciprocal access and quota shares”.
I’m travelling through The National Forest today . It isn’t a forest yet , it’s an ambitious plan to create , well , a national forest .
Can’t see how building houses there can help . Perhaps it’s a futile gesture to get back to nature at the same time as rapidly increasing the population .
I’d imagine the plan might be to build the houses and then knock them down as part of a reduced carbon footprint – illustrating the lengths to which an honourable and committed climate change society are prepared to go.
Meanwhile, the Chinese will have built another 100 coal-fired power stations, in China, Africa and South America.
Not a bBBC example but it applies to them even more so.
Tuned into that blubbering buffoon Boulton on Sky where he is joined by a middle class male with the ubiquitous speech impediment from the New European (?) and a chattering female Chakasomething, Brexit Editor from the Telegraph apparently. Now, it is a truly awful and aggressively partisan programme, and Boulton needs a slap, but it made me think.
Why do the msm, especially the bBBC, think that the opinions of “Asian” women seem to matter most on everything? Politics, current affairs, food, fashion, lifestyle, even sport. Surely they must be the most disproportionately overrepresented group in the media. Why?
Being facetious I could ask why, if nobody in their own cultures cares what most of them say or think, or is allowed to say or think, why should the rest of us? I just don’t get it.
Rich…….think that the opinions of “Asian” women seem to matter most on everything? Politics, current affairs, food, fashion, lifestyle, even sport. Surely they must be the most disproportionately overrepresented group in the media. Why?….
I have wondered about this for quite some time. Its the slow drip drip of pushing out any representation of the main body of the 80% population that inhabit this island. I do know when they are asked for their opinion on whatever subject matter, they are what we used to call a bit “gobby” – so perhaps the tv chiefs believe they are more intelligent because they appear more forceful in their opinions (there is one on Sky now giving it ‘large’ on Boulton’s show).
It must be quite dispiriting for those of a white culture who have spent years studying at yuni and then turned down at auditions in favour of a someone from a minority group who is over represented.
I believe you are referring to the excellent and gorgeous Dia Chakravarty. I won’t have a bad word said against her and she is a full-on Brexiteer to boot.
Brissles, they mustn’t have the old “empty vessels” saying in the sub-continent and the media seem to judge intelligence by volume and quantity, certainly not quality.
I’ve never seen Dia before Sage but she can certainly talk.
If you are referring to Dia Chakravarti (apologies if you are not) may I assert that she is a consistently sound advocate of a proper Brexit, and has engaged courteously and wittily but firmly with opponents in many broadcast discussion. I would say she is a heroine in all this controversy.
Half of women murdered are killed at home, the BBC reports in another Groundhog story. Do they not feel guilty boring us to death with the same things over and over?
Midway through the article, almost as an aside, they mention that overall you are FOUR TIMES more likely to be murdered if you are a man. Imagine the hyperventilation and ‘crisis’ talk if 90% of homeless people were women and not men. Can you imagine anything worse than being homeless?
They do not mention that it is ROPers, another thriving victim category, who are probably responsible for a disproportionate number of these deaths.
We are not the only ones sick to death of cultural Marxism/political correctness. We have had a generation of it and all that could be achieved has been done and now it is doing more harm than good. Thank God for heroes like Milo, Jordan Peterson and Breitbart for waking people up to just how toxic and dangerous it all is. They can try to shut people down but ideas are bulletproof and nobody with any sense is swallowing their bs anymore.
It was put on YouTube only 5 days ago but it’s already had over 100 000 views and over 2 000 comments.
It’s full of her blunt, don’t-give-a-damn humour, but also controlled anger at the state of Western society and those responsible for the decline.
And she is a moving witness to the atrocities against white South Africans by blacks. No surprise, then, that the alleged government there has refused her entry again into what’s left of that country.
Look out for this evening’s Panorama. It seems this programme has been made in conjunction with the Washington-based International Bureau of Investigative Journalists and, needless to say, The Guardian. The BBC loves these tie-ups with such SJW-leaning bureaux. Remember our very own fact-obsessed Bureau of Investigative Journalists and with whom Newsnight brought us the totally discredited Lord McAlpine child abuse story.
During negotiations on brexit we kept hearing from our useless leader the phrase “no deal is better than a bad deal” what happened to that . Now it seems it’s the worst thing that could happen. If that’s so why was she always spouting that every time she spoke on brexit. What a useless polition and a devious woman.
We need to replace no deal and this deal with World Deal. Out of the EU and into the world.
If the business community cannot cope, sack the CEOs and replace them
Crimebodge guy maliciously arrested
#1 Police say they are under-resourced but prosecute a non-crime
#2 “The officer claims to be threatened yet visits you at your home by himself”
(that comment alone is enough to get the case thrown out)
#3 Case law precedent : Harvey v DPP AC, 17 2011 confirmed officers hear foul language all too frequently to be harassed, alarmed or distressed by it
This, sadly, is a recurring story, these days. The police are really only interested in exacting revenge, and extracting their pound of flesh. Little wonder that the respect they used to enjoy from the public at large, has evaporated.
When I was in the job, in the 70s and 80s, this kind of incident would never have occurred. We used to summarily deal with cheek there and then, and invariably the accused and us would part company peacefully, whilst probably all having a good laugh about it.
Such is the police state, now – and they dare to ask for extra cah and resources.
There was a majority vote for getting out of the EU, because that was the question to vote on. No ‘ifs’ no ‘buts’.
The answer was that the majority of UK citizens wanted out, so, what is there to negotiate? I know civil servants don’t actually do very much for their wages, they’re usually far too cautious and not very bright, but why do our politicians, whom we voted in – or maybe not – just say ‘We’re going, and that’s that – see to it’!
I probably won’t vote Conservative again after this disgraceful charade. Luckily ‘Ol’ raincoat’ Joe Carrobin is utterly useless so when Ukip resurface, they’ll get my vote.
A key question at the next GE will be whether to keep the bbbc as a paid poodle parlour for the elite and the brain-dead lefty-liberal nutters. That would be a vote-winner, even though I’m rapidly approaching the year when I won’t have to pay this iniquitous tax.
After Pres Trump repeats his complaint of European countries not meeting their Nato funding commitments, Sopel tweets
“On day that Russia ramps up tension with Ukraine years after illegally annexing Crimea, president Trump goes after NATO and the EU. So curious”
So Trump stating the bleeding obvious is for creep Sopel proof that Trump is in Putin’s pocket. Pathetic!
NISA – President Trump is Right as usual . Article 5 of the NATO cuts both ways and is potentially the trigger for the last war we will experience – for an hour or two .
Let the Europeans pay for their own defence . We need a few more boats to defend the south coast too
Equally curious?? but not noticed by sopel MOSCOW – Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Monday that if the U.S. deploys intermediate range missiles in Europe after opting out of the treaty banning their use, it will allow Washington to reach targets deep inside Russia.
U.S. President Donald Trump declared his intention last month to withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty over alleged Russian violations. Moscow has denied breaching the pact and accused Washington of violating it.
Great words yes. But Sam Adams, yukk.
One of the most objectionable anti- British men in history. He was a propagandist and a grievance monger. I would argue that he was the real force behind the American revolution. Auberon Waugh came up with a word that comes to mind and that was ‘Pilgerism’ ie taking a problem and exaggerating it beyond reason for political purposes. That describes Adams well.
He was akin to Gandhi in that he was allowed to foment rebellion and destructive political ideas by the excessive tolerance of the British colonial authorities. If they had acted even mildly against Adams the totally unnecessary revolution would probably not have happened.
What has my rant to do do with the BBC? Nothing really, except to say that the BBC would have loved Sam Adams had it existed in them days. It would be like having Corbyn and Sturgeon rolled into one and he would have been promoted endlessly.
I disagree. The colonies were growing too big and rich to be held back by us and anyway there was much support here for them ,
It is not widely know but the ordinary British soldiers deserted in great numbers and went over to the cause of the colonists. They knew the score and that life there offered them chances they would never have in Britain . We were the same people mostly after all.
Hence the use of German troops who could not speak the language so easily.
Remember Tom Paine was from Thetford in Norfolk and his pamphlet is probably the most important one in history and made a huge difference to the attitudes of everyone involved.
Dave S, Yes there were high numbers of British troops who chose to desert and stay in the Americas there’s no denying that but what you overlook was the large numbers of Americans who supported the British Empire. Loyalist Americans were let down by the British authorities from the start with the appointment of the Whig general Howe whose political sympathies lay with the rebels but whose gambling debts forced him to accept command of a vital campaign for which he did not have enthusiasm. Though he wasn’t such a bad general once in action, he was lazy took far too much time into deploy, showed very little oomph and worse still stifled the initiative and daring of his 2/ic General Clinton who was an excellent deputy to have on a team.
The huge mistake was putting an unsympathetic person in charge of something when their true sympathies lie with the enemy.( It would like be putting a Remainer in charge of the Brexit process. Oops)
Sam Adam’s hatred of the British was due to failure of British Government to sort out a currency crisis that had existed for some time and his father lost his business due to involvement with an effort to set up a bank. Unfortunate yes, reason for a rebellion, no.
An embittered man, similar to Tom Paine who having been in the colonies but briefly, used his undeniable propaganda skills to use with great effect on his home country.
The fact that Paine came from Norfolk doesn’t wash with me I’m afraid. Especially as the man who previously let the American Colonists get away with just about everything they wanted by a policy of ‘benign neglect’, one Robert Walpole PM, was also from… you guessed it… Norfolk!
But a good response Dave S. Deserving of an uptick. Even though I suspect you may be from… Norfolk!
Samuel Adams quote reminds me of this little gem I discovered years ago from a 1916 NZ newspaper article spoken by a south American VIP on his admiration for the UK people :
Keir Starmer seems to think getting an extension. Of A50 to avoid a ‘chaotic’ exit will solve problems
How Keir ?
The exit will only be chaotic if the ReichEU wants it to be . They can send the EUReich army to protect t the Irish border from the hordes of British surging across the border for some reason .
A PM with courage – and a brexiter – would say – okay – do your worst . We import far more from the
And they will choose to suffer more .
We need to be asking President Trump or other true friends to lead lease a few ships to defend our waters .
Same with sending convoys of ships from America laden with fresh air and water since this will be in short supply cum April 1
5C warmer by 2070 !
1pm news speaking very fast
“There are warnings of Towns face being abandoned and farmland destroyed according to a new Met O report
saying sea level will rise 3-4 ft by 2100
report highlights the east coast inc Lincolnshire as the most vulnerable part of the UK”
….Cuts to vox pop saying people are worried
UK Climate Projections 2018 study suggests that under the highest emissions scenario, UK summer temperatures could be 5.4C hotter by 2070.
Chances of a summer as warm as 2018 are around 50% by 2050! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46343103
Note that this PR is given the hyping “Breaking News” logo and treatment
BBC News – Climate change: UK summers could be over 5C warmer by 2070 https://t.co/QwmWMg2bm5 From a #datacentre perspective this is a major gamechanger, but manageable if the EUCOC is used. info@carbon3it.com for more information
I just checked the Radio Humberside version
quite short as if a forced advertisement
“New report … We can expect longer and hotter summers
.. worst case scenario a 5C rise by 2070”
hm 51 years ..a 5C temp different from now
If that has happened in th past historical record then it is possible
but I suspect ice and heat ages take a much longer time to happen
and that the report has discounted all possible coolings like volcano eruptions etc.
Picking the worse case scenario ..looks like PR.
May I quote Stew from an interview with Breitbart London, by Greenpeace founder Dr. Patrick Moore who addressed the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London a while back.
In 1980s he found himself the only director of Greenpeace International with a formal education in science. His fellow directors proposed a campaign to “ban chlorine worldwide”, naming it “The Devil’s Element”. He pointed out that chlorine is one of the elements in the Periodic Table, one of the building blocks of the Universe and the 11th most common element in the Earth’s crust. He argued the fact that chlorine is the most important element for public health and medicine. Adding chlorine to drinking water was the biggest advance in the history of public health and the majority of our synthetic medicines are based on chlorine chemistry. This info fell on deaf ears and for Dr Moore this was the final straw. He had to leave. However he went on; When I left Greenpeace I vowed to develop an environmental policy that was based on science and logic rather than sensationalism, misinformation, anti-humanism and fear. He explains why he left the environmentalist group and became sceptical of man-made global warming. ‘As I have stated publicly on many occasions, there is no definitive scientific proof, through real-world observation, that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate that has occurred during the past 300 years, since the peak of the Little Ice Age. If there were such a proof through testing and replication it would have been written down for all to see.
The contention that human emissions are now the dominant influence on climate is simply a hypothesis, rather than a universally accepted scientific theory. It is therefore correct, indeed verging on compulsory in the scientific tradition, to be sceptical of those who express certainty that “the science is settled” and “the debate is over”. But there is certainty beyond any doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration this would be a dead planet. Yet today our children and our publics are taught that CO2 is a toxic pollutant that will destroy life and bring civilization to its knees. Tonight I hope to turn this dangerous human-caused propaganda on its head.
To demonstrate that human emissions of CO2 have already saved life on our planet from a very untimely end. That in the absence of our emitting some of the carbon back into the atmosphere from whence it came in the first place, most or perhaps all life on Earth would begin to die in less than two million years from today. The world’s top climate body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, is hopelessly conflicted by its makeup and its mandate. The Panel is composed solely of the World Meteorological Organization, weather forecasters, and the United Nations Environment Program, environmentalists. Both these organizations are focused primarily on short-term timescales, days to maybe a century or two. But the most significant conflict is with the Panel’s mandate from the United Nations. They are required only to focus on “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere, and which is in addition to natural climate variability.” So if the IPCC found that climate change was not being affected by human alteration of the atmosphere or that it is not “dangerous” there would be no need for them to exist. They are virtually mandated to find on the side of apocalypse. There is a lot that Dr Moore states and in my humble opinion all of it is argued with common sense and an obvious understanding of what is really the cause of the scaring tactics being pushed down our throats.
So BBC Radio 2 what are you promoting ?
They don’t even mention that it is nohing to do with Radio2
but rather it was on R4 and is now on the BBC Sounds app
"Barack was now President-elect…it was new. Everything was new"
I’ve seen reports on YouTube that Bathhouse is going to divorce Michael and marry his gay boyfriend, a reporter. I don’t know if this is true or just fake news but it fits in with all the fakery that emanates from the far-left bbc, so it’s worth a mention.
Do you spot that the preview pic has changed from big read “Breaking News” to pic of Chinese kids
looks like they are all at a big conference
\\ Today, @metoffice & @DefraGovUK are releasing the next generation UK Climate Projections, called #UKCP18.
These projections describe how different regions of the UK will be affected by climate change. Here is an overview of what will be available: //
They know nothing of the kind. They just pay lip-service to the AGW alarmists, and ignore ALL the contrary evidence, because it all fits in with their plan of sucking up to the UN, and doing as they’re told.
Western Europe has become an area of clueless milksops.
I am watching a Panorama about scammers on dating sites. He is travelling all over the USA and Africa to tell the story.
Do they not have plenty of scammers in London? Having all these free holidays paid for through threats of prison (the licence fee) strikes me as a massive scam.
Now he is off to Lagos where the scammer is from! Could they not just use some archive footage? There must be scammers in Folkestone as well but that does not make a good holiday.
Another two days looking for him! I wonder how much drinking and sight seeing they managed to fit in?
Vine Show supporters plea on behalf of Hilary Ineomo Marcus
He’s one of those Nigerians that came here at age 10 and never took citizenship..then go caught in a VAT fraud scheme.
“second in commenand to a £250K VAT fraud operation, that was growing”
Now he’s been out of prison for a while and has a 1 year old kid, he claims he cannot be deported. https://www.getwestlondon.co.uk/news/local-news/stanmore-vat-fraud-ringleader-jailed-5966817
From last week — Nihal Arthanayake on R5 loves nothing more than a chin wag with an on-brand luvvie so he can crowbar in his own, multiple, prejudices. Any time I tune in, whatever the subject, he’s a man perennially unsettled and unnerved by the ‘direction our country is going.’
He had Paul Simonon of the Clash and Damon Albarn on to talk about their new album. Of course it wasn’t really about their new album, it was about how perennially unsettled and unnerved Nihal is by the ‘direction our country is going’. After 20 mins of progressive propaganda and the odd hot potato that Nihal is quick to drop (“Don’t worry about Europe — worry about our sense of who we are, because we don’t know…”), he asks the leading question “would you be happy with this album being called ‘the first great Brexit album?”
Albarn: “No… that would put people off wanting to listen to it.”
There’s a hidden lesson there for Nihal, but I’m sure he won’t ever learn it.
After numerous wars with France over the centuries, they still don’t understand the true British psyche. Macron has a, ‘UK can get to the back of the queue’ moment when related to Britain’s fishing waters. Obama’s efforts failed and indeed, got the backs up of most Brits. Macron’s efforts to undermine the Brits will go the same way.
Macron is trying to be a De Gaulle to cover up the downfall of France he is creating. Never mind he will still be the darling of the so far left they are far right BBC luvvies.
I think that is wishful thinking. That might be the attitude if it were the British people but we are talking about a govt and ruling class that have demonstrated that they will willingly conform to whatever the EU requests or demands.
This country has been hollowed out by that odious traitor and I don’t see it ever changing. None of these politicians has the ring to take on the media so be prepared to be taking a shafting on literally everything.
Radio4 Quotation prog starts with a quote about there being a moron in the Whitehouse
..The curated audience clap like seals
..Very 6th form common room.
There is a moron in the White House. He can be found in the Press room interrupting and shooting his mouth off pretty much every briefing. Goes by the name of Jim Acosta and he works for the BBC wannabee, CNN.
Just heard Mathew Wright on Talk Radio banging on about his recent interview with Gerard Batten whilst discussing how the word “Islamaphobia” should be redefined. Is it having negative effects on Sikh communities?
Straight away starts talking about racism and how “Islamaphobes” don’t listen to reason.
I’d say it’s people like Mathew Wright who refuse to listen to reason. He just cannot join the dots can he! Talking about those who think that if one Muslim is a rapist then all Muslims must be the same. Well Mathew let’s take a look at the scriptures and ask who is the perfect man they all want to emulate? What example did he make of how to live ones life and would all Muslims be expected to endeavour to be just like him?
So why would anyone think that this is a problem with the ideology of Islam? But it’s not Mathew who doesn’t listen to reason is it!
‘England in effect is insular, she is maritime, she is linked through her interactions, her markets and her supply lines to the most diverse and often the most distant countries; she pursues essentially industrial and commercial activities, and only slight agricultural ones. She has, in all her doings, very marked and very original habits and traditions.’
That sums it up pretty well. It is a quote from Charles De Gaulle. We should be thinking and doing the things in that quote with gusto.
#2 I’m guessing a local reporter or activist has cutomised it.
\\ women in Yorkshire have already suffered from a vast swathe of cuts to public services, from the closure of women’s refuges, to the privatisation of support roles (which are dominated by women) at Rotherham Hospital.
A crisis in child services and adult social care has left women across Yorkshire having to plug in the gaps in what little spare time they have.
And there are already more to come: Rotherham’s children’s ward is under threat of closure, as is Pontefract’s maternity centre.
In Rotherham, a sexual health clinic for under-25s is set to be axed despite high demand for the service from young sexual assault survivors.//
Yes that’s right when people think of women’s problems and Rotherham there main concern is “Tory cuts” ….NOT
\\There is still time to put a stop to this. On Friday, November 30, I’ll be running two free campaigning workshops for women who want to join the fight for a People’s Vote: at The Glasshoughton Centre, Castleford, WF10 4PF, between noon and 2pm, and at Unity Centre, Saint Leonard’s Road, Rotherham, S65 1PD, from 5.30-7.30pm. //
Ah so the article is just a promo for CCP’s People’s Vote workshop.
R4 Tonight
7:45pm Maya Angelou twice daily installment of yet another of her autobiographies
8pm Blackface on Campus
8:30pm Nigerian Hospitals problems
“I had to trust life, since I was young enough to believe that life loved the person who dared to live it.” Maya Angelou's remarkable autobiographies continue with The Heart of a Woman – today at 10.45am:https://t.co/ekZWU3iNtC
Start your week right with Paulette Randall, director of #Faustus, who will be on @BBCRadio4 for Start the Week, at 9am this morning. (????: Marc Brenner) pic.twitter.com/vAtTyiVPmd
Hey Matt, last week the BBC published a news story that the oceans were soaking up more heat than estimated.
The science was quickly shown to be incorrect.
The BBC did not publish a retraction but merely altered the original article.
Is this good journalistic practice?
Being out and about I heard that the outgoing PM was going to try and sell her sellout to MPs.
So I turned onto 5 live – something I don’t do except for the footy . Mrs May said her bit and then Mr Corbyn made hit bit . Mrs May sounded like she was waiting for her seat in the Upper house – and forgive me – Mr Corbyn spoke for the country – words I never thought I’d write .
And then what ? You guessed it. – the foreign sounding beeboid cut away – told us we were bored with the brexit and let’s talk about Christmas kiddie films .
Now whether you be remainer or not – this was a major moment in the Commons and deserved
Uninterrupted cover by the State Broadcaster .
But as others here have written – the new element from the Soros bbc grid is to say everyone is bored with it .
Zilch from our national broadcaster (that I can see).
Take note Your Majesty.
Theresa May has knowingly placed our country as a defence and foreign policy rule-taker. A massive transfer of sovereignty. This was always going to be the case. This is a concern/conflict of interests for those who have taken the Oath of Allegiance. https://t.co/pmKrg9SZr4
A peerage is an attractive thing. Even a good socialist like Prescott is happy to wear ermine, be addressed with deference, and take the cash. No embarrassment. Of course, in his case, ’twas only cos her indoors wanted it…
We are given to believe.
Oh yes, and once Ms May has completed her campaign for support, we can expect the H.o.L. to be on, or over, about 1000? Members, that is.
You know that bit where a PM resigns and there are lovely warm words from politicians in the Commons ?
Well I bet a lot are getting ready to Bury they’re words in Mrs May
All the talk in the Causational Climate Science community and the Mensa magazine is about the proof that carbon dioxide warming is a hoax. As Meteorologist haven’t said anything about this to Astronomers, I would assume that a computer model that produces an increase of 5.4C by 2070 would only be possible if Peter Cox at the University of Exeter was involved. He has produced computer generated dogma for the man-made Climate Change fraud on other occasions. He has been the senior scientific advisor for BBC programs on Climate Change, even though he’s only a computer modeller. The BBC has had trouble with Professor Cox regarding the predictions of a Barbecue Summer and Mild Winters and his prominent role in the Climategate Scandal and with the IPCC.
Causational climate experts complaining about him to the BBC where stunned when he confused the southern ocean with the deep ocean and had not heard of the science of Cosmoclimatology.
The BBC sticks with the same discredited and poorly qualified people it used ten years ago. People with irrelevant qualifications such as computer modellers and environmental scientists, pitched against complaints from Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers, complaints that have never been upheld by the BBC.
It proves that the BBC, Met Office and the Tory Government are lead by Morons.
The certainty with which the characters who come up with these calculations is breath taking . Make a vacuous claim – have it forgotten – and when 20 years further on it is disproved no one remembers it .
Cutting down on the use of carbon based fuels is good from a strategic point of view . We must never be threatened by rubbish Russians or primitive Arabs regarding fuel supplies . But that is not about climate change driven by human activity .
On the political front the leaders of the G7 plan to “end extreme poverty and hunger” by phasing out 85% of the world’s energy supply including 98% of the energy used to transport people and goods, including food. The Emperors of the world appear clothed in the photo taken at the close of the meeting but it was obviously Photo-shopped. They should be required to stand naked for making such a foolish statement.The world’s top climate body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, is hopelessly conflicted by its makeup and its mandate. The Panel is composed solely of the World Meteorological Organization, weather forecasters, and the United Nations Environment Program, environmentalists. Both these organizations are focused primarily on short-term timescales, days to maybe a century or two. But the most significant conflict is with the Panel’s mandate from the United Nations is that they are required only to focus on “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere, and which is in addition to natural climate variability.” So if the IPCC found that climate change was not being affected by human alteration of the atmosphere or that it is not “dangerous” there would be no need for them to exist. They are virtually mandated to find on the side of apocalypse.
Scientific certainty, political pandering, a hopelessly conflicted IPCC, and now the Pope, spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, in a bold move to reinforce the concept of original sin, says the Earth looks like “an immense pile of filth” and we must go back to pre-industrial bliss, or is that squalor? There was no guarantee that fungi or any other decomposer species would develop the complex of enzymes required to digest lignin. If they had not, CO2, which had already been drawn down for the first time in Earth’s history to levels similar to today’s, would have continued to decline as trees continued to grow and die. That is until CO2 approached the threshold of 150 ppm below which plants begin first to starve, then to stop growing altogether, and then die. Not just woody plants but all plants. This would bring about the extinction of most, if not all, terrestrial species, as animals, insects, and other invertebrates starved for lack of food. And that would be that. The human species would never have existed. This was only the first time that there was a distinct possibility that life would come close to extinguishing itself, due to a shortage of CO2, which is essential for life on Earth. So we need it don’t we?
MUST-WATCH | "No sooner was the ink dry than Spain was after Gibraltar and the French were after our fish! The House of Commons has never surrendered to anybody – and it won't start now!" – Mark Francois savages May's deal! ????
Thanks for that. Great to see a politician showing old fashioned guts and commitment. Hopefully enough MPs feel the same and will consign May’s treachery to the dustbin of history.
Spot the manipulation in the above. I have found it very interesting to observe a general bit of deception from the BBC over 2007-2009 as the tenth anniversary has unfolded.
Having watched the PM taking questions on the sell out it’s amazing how many Tory mps have stayed behind to toady up to the PM telling her how great she is and ‘can I have a job or knighthood please ?’
Yes, so BBC, the average Briton is man-of-colour Earl Marchan, whose ‘biggest concern’ in Autumn 2008 was what he should be stocking in Woolworth’s for Christmas 2008. Of course he wouldn’t be at all bothered that the company had cancelled its September 2008 interim dividend or that it had declared a £99.7m loss in the six months up to August 2008!
Sir Vince Cable gets a free pass too. It was he that caused the collapse of Northern Rock by triggering a run on its retail banking business. Northern Rock’s ‘capital’ was its loan book, i.e. the properties that it held mortgages on. The houses weren’t going anywhere but equally they or the loan book couldn’t be easily converted into cash, cash that Sir Vince (and the BBC) convinced the public that they should be taking out of Northern Rock. But never mind, Sir Vince showed himself to be a ‘banking expert’ and the BBC got their 15-minutes of disaster story so all was well!
With so much going on in World the stupid BiasedBBC chooses to go with a ‘could happen’ lead story about Climate Change on the 6 pm National News.
So-called ‘scientists’ cannot predict systems they don’t fully understand 50 years into the future. Indeed that fact is recognised in the article so why do they choose to lead with such a ‘nothing burger’?
If they must lead with a science story why not the latest Mars landing?
What with all the excitement in prospect at leaving the Nirvana that is the European Union, how short are our memories – or are they deliberately blanked – when it comes to all the petty slights, arrogance, ingratitude and rudeness of our continental brothers?
Remember Maggie Thatcher, front row, centre, at each and every group photo following yet another attempt to belittle and dupe the UK out of rights or cash? Can you imaginer her being forced into the current situation, made to bow before crooks and drunks? Remember Major and Blair, relegated to one end or other of the leader’s row, and Cameron, back row, far right (how ironic) in a deliberate and petty diminution of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, second largest contributor to the world’s biggest slush fund? Remember little Sarkozy, ignoring Cameron’s outstretched hand in a loutish display of Gallic charm?
Remember May, waiting until the early morning hours while the likes of Barnier, Juncker and all the other fat controllers finish their seven-course dinner – and then allowed 10 minutes to make her plea? All these are on record, yet how many more have never seen the light of exposure? How many other humiliations have there been?
And now we are again to wait, for over a fortnight – in which the ‘people are bored’ mantra will be blurted from the BBC like some loud-speaker’ed muezzin calling to the faithful. While May, Mandelson, Starmer, Cable, Soubry, Grieve, Blair, Hammond, Major, Heseltine and all the other traitors bask in the reassurance of having done the right thing.
For shame UK, for shame EU.
Beltane, Just thought I might draw Monsieur Moron’s attention to an interesting find in the classifieds . . .
For Sale: French rifle, perfect condition, dropped once.
The prosecution rests.
Today’s parliamentary debate makes it very clear that May will be defeated by a significant number. No narrow majority or even defeat to justify ploughing on with her traitorous deal. Not good news for those who support Brino. The BBC now realises that it must fall back on ‘the people’s vote’ to keep us in the EU. Meanwhile, best to play down this debate. Why not lead on a climate change scare story instead?
JohnCFeb 5, 10:35 Midweek 5th February 2025 Starmer voice coach was not key worker, Labour sources admit https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2025/02/04/starmer-voice-coach-key-worker-covid/ After all the daily ‘live updates’ about Boris and…
tomoFeb 5, 10:30 Midweek 5th February 2025 USAID the BBC [img]https://i.ibb.co/Qv4q9RF6/chrome-I1-Koo3-D1pt.png[/img]
vladFeb 5, 10:00 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 We need a Trump to sort out the madness. ‘Trump declares there to be ‘only two genders, male and female”
vladFeb 5, 09:52 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 Presumably the mass killer in Sweden is another Welsh choirboy. Whoever he turns out to be, in just a few…
tomoFeb 5, 09:37 Midweek 5th February 2025 Reform policy initiative? – give the BBC the USAID treatment – eh? (Cutting funding to BBC shouldn’t be confined to…
I read in the Daily Mail that Corbyn has accepted a tv debate with Theresa over Brexit. Has Mrs May learned nothing. Even when she was Home Secretary she always sounded flustered and Corbyn just rants. But the BBC will ensure a pro Corbyn pro remain audience. It will be like Daniel in the lions den except Mrs May will get slaughtered, a General Election and we will get Labour Marxist government. I think I need to emigrate whilst I still can.
Before I clock out, I am reminded of the time that the former Home Secretary was booed by the police back in 2012 ?
There is no way the Liberal Party and the Scottish National Party will allow May and Corbyn to debate one on one. They will kick up a hell of a stink and demand they are allowed to join in. It will then become the usual fiasco of the Conservative representative ( you never know!) being heckled, cut off mid response and generally marginalized.
Plus the danger that if it still is May, what off guarded, inappropriate rubbish will she splutter out.
The only people who should be debating with Dancing Terry are Arlene Foster, Gerard Batten and Nigel Farage. But she’s too much of a coward to even think about doing that because she knows any one of them would wipe the floor with her.
Deborah, there was a time when I might have cared about that. Now I despise them both equally.
The only good outcome is if someone locks them in there and throws away the key.
Understandable Roland, but leave a little space in your heart to despise the Mail as well. Although all too obviously politically motivated and devised – something beyond shameless in itself – the capitulation of a previously bold and outspoken newspaper makes a total mockery of press freedom.
What an ultimate irony it might be if the paper most constantly derided and belittled by the BBC were to be instrumental in achieving their aims.
Nice thought Deborah if I was younger and better qualified I would definitely be looking across the Atlantic – bit I am not, so I stay.
Of course the the BBC will not have to do very much at all to ensure Theresa looks like a lying, devious, unprincipled traitor – all that they have to do is ensure she opens her mouth. But in all truth it matters not who wins the “debate”
Vote Labour you get surrender to the EU plus open door immigration.
Vote Tory you get surrender to the EU plus open door immigration .
Since both parties are hopeless – In future I will be sticking with UKIP who finally under Batten have a good leader will be going from strength to strength. its is probably our last and only hope.
I agree. But please join many of us in boycotting the Daily Mail.
Already done since they changed Editor and Brexit stance.
Er, Deborah, Jeremy Corbyn is believed to be a Leaver, a Brexiteer. That is his past voting and vocal record before the Referendum campaign started.
He absented himself from that, probably because it would have meant joining with the more conservative members of his Party like Gisela Stuart, Frank Field and Kate Hoey, Labour heroes of the Leave Campaign.
Labour are pushing this ‘protection of British jobs’-thing as part of their natural weaponising (ie. exploitation) of the workers of Britain and because they see a chance – as a now more radical Socialist Party – of another shot at replacing ‘the evil, vile, wicked Tories’ in another unscheduled General Election.
what would Labour put in their manifesto in the event of a GE. “We will negotiate Leave.” or “We will negotiate a return to remain in the EU.”? Which do you think would help Labour win? (What was in their 2017GE manifesto?)
Quite what would happen to Corbyn in those circumstances, one could only fantasise about. Removal by Starmer or Benn or Umunna in some sort of arranged coup? Parliamentary Putsch or Pick of the Ice variety? The thought of him, as a firm EU-sceptic, leading a team of Remainers like Starmer in re-opened negotiations is mind-boggling.
I think it would make Theresa May look like a determined well-organised, no-nonsense, tough, give-nothing-away negotiator.
Unfortunately she is from along line of inept and uninspiring leaders
and I agree she is a godawful debater. The Commies must be rubbing their oily hands !!
The whole Remain cabal are banking on the ‘meaningful ‘ vote going their way because they are of the mind that the people of GB are bored with the Brexit fiasco – two years of Al Beeb’s anti – Brexit propaganda.
Have you noticed this as well?
“People are tired of Brexit”, “the people just want to get back to important things”, “most of my constituents tell me/ the people we asked are fed up with the whole Brexit thing”.
If the bBBC presenters aren’t saying it, some talking head or previously anonymous politician are being set up to throw it in to their interview. It’s usually delivered with a tilt of the head and a we-care simpering smile if they’re supposedly conservative, a take-me-seriously determined look, a pause, and a pointed thumb if they’re from the left. Either are usually met with a nod and a docile grin from the bBBC facilitator.
And do you know, I don’t really care how many hours talks lasted or what time they had to stay out of bed until, it’s no great achievement to do what you’re paid to do into the small hours. The bBBC are really milking that one too. Perhaps if they’d spent a bit longer at it May and her co-conspirators could have done a better job “in the national interest”, her new “strong and stable”, rather than in the interests of the new British establishment and the EU.
I think the MSM and the outgoing PMs lackies will have to screen any members of the public from direct contact with her due to the fury of the sell out .
Already Macron is issuing threats about fishing rights and as we know krauts like to threaten too .
Best picture so far of Treezer the traitor.
Rich – I am just tired of being lied to by politicians and the BBC led media.
And as for “get on with it” I wanted the Prime Minister to “get on” with doing what we (the public) asked her to do, not what she (the public servant) wants to do.
I dont remember seeing anywhere on the ballet form it saying “If you vote leave – we the government will totally ignore your wishes and surrender to Brussels on your behalf”
In an area of the UK where the bBBC led media are allowing Sinn Fein to rewrite history unchallenged on a daily basis, unconcerned as murderers seek to claim the moral high ground and define agendas as long as they are thrown a soundbite, I’m well used to politicians lying and being indulged by the anti-British bBBC.
Hating those that stand up for us is in the BBC,s DNA
taffman, yes, that was the Beeb’s TOADY line this morning. It is just like Pravda!
Unfortunately, British people getting borded with the whole thing might just result in a more determined and larger Leave vote if there was a 2nd Referendum.
Do not agree. The ‘getting bored’ line is what the BBC et al are pushing.
We are NOT bored we are frustrated and want them to properly address the result of the referendum and get us out. We are annoyed that those supposedly negotiating out exit are those who want to stay in. What a ridiculous situation !!
General, exactly so, if you had read & understood my post.
Sir, you of all people should know that when the British Tommy gets bored, or even frustrated as you suggest, in a long campaign, he or she longs for some action and may well come out fighting harder and tougher and more determinedly than ever before in that campaign.
Toady 2
Ok a whole hour of remainers in various colours on the BBC. I’ve been waiting for anyone expressing a positive point about leaving the ReichEU but in vane .
This post can go down as clear evidence of bbc bias and propaganda – irrespective of ones view about the ReichEU
Remoaners complain about the BBC giving airtime to various Leavers like Nigel Farage , but never about the BBCs take on the Brexit issue especially their so called comedy programmes .
I have not heard Nigel Farage’s voice on BBC wireless for a rather long time. It seems they are freezing him out on the pretext that he is no longer leader of a political party. Perhaps I’m wrong: I listen to BBC R4 less and less these days.
His work is done now – He said what they wanted him to say about TR joining UKIP – “Now jog on Nigel me boy and dont come back till we tell you”
This article by Stewart Jackson offers a glimmer of hope
… if Parliament wishes to have a second referendum or set aside Article 50, then MPs will have to find time to legislate for such an outcome and before 29th March 2019. No deal is therefore the de facto backstop …
Also MPs cannot press for an early general election without removing the legislative lock of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act …
Of course there will be further machinations. He identifies 21st January 2019 as key date when the PM is obliged to lay a neutral motion before the House on why a deal has or has not been agreed with the EU (cue Bercow et al.)
IMO remainers fall into three broad groups: those with vested interests, the propagandised, and the insane.
We know that the majority population do not belong to these groups but the MSM, through their choice of guests, would have us believe they are ‘the norm’. This is their allotted task.
But Jackson asks How many Conservative MPs truly believe that they must take the thinnest of gruel offered to them by Mrs May, because apparently the British people just “want to get on with it”?
Just a little light relief from Brexit…
Last week every morning on Radio 4 we had the “much anticipated” memoirs of Mrs Obama. We were told (yet again!) about the Obamas brave struggles with racism. Good luck to them both, however… when they say “much anticipated”, who by? I must be honest and confess that I’ve not been chomping at the bit waiting to hear this drivel read out on our beloved Beeb. I’ve got a feeling the same courtesy won’t be offered to Mrs Trump.
This week the same station is giving us the thoughts and reminiscences of the late Maya Angelou. I don’t want to prejudge but…I have little doubt we’ll be regaled with her memories of meetings with Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and…yes… her battles against racism.
In recent weeks the new and much heralded Dr Who (viewing figures plummeting!) has visited the American deep south, pre civil rights, sat on a bus with the saintly Rosa Parks, been confronted by white bigots and lectured us about racism.
She’s also nipped along to colonial India and met lots of decent intelligent Indians, brutal and thick as sludge English people and…lectured us about the evils of empire and racism.
I keep hearing that all these are educational and enlightening. We need to be confronted by our past.
Seems more like brainwashing to me…
Of those, I have regard only for Rosa Parks, whose action was conspicuously brave in the prevailing conditions of the Deep South amongst the Democrat -supported KKK and racists.
Racism against the whites ? I think it should be said the blacks or coloureds cannot complain their kind are dominating the air waves, and the advertising on our screens and magazines, and goodness knows where else. I am led to believe that the whites are still the majority in the British Isles, well you could have fooled me if that is so. Powerful enemy’s to the white peoples are desperate to distablise our way of life, to undermine the immense contribution we white people have given to to this miserably ungrateful world. Zimbabwe once the bread basket of Africa mostly developed by the whites farmers who were good employers, now this nation is on the floor in a terrible state, and yet this demonic piece of filth Mugabi who had led them into this situation has been transported to Singapore for medical treatment whilst his people die of starvation. Let’s get real for once and stop running ourselves into the ground.
tarien- it’s getting ever worse, you know.
I noticed that last week again, when an advertising big-wig proposed Meghan M as the new face of Britannia, so we’ll be seeing her on our pennies soon..
I studied Christoper Marlowe’s Dr Faustus at uni many years ago. Andrew Marr had a guest this morning who has converted the main characters into blacks and/or women in her version.
Actually, there’s no point in listing this sort of thing, there are a dozen a day, launched against ‘The Patriarchy’ and white people in general, with the aim of preparing us for the New Order. The definition of ‘Racism’ is that it is what whites do to ‘people of colour’, so the possibility of the reverse does not exist,
apparently. The beating/murder of white farmers in Zimbabwe and/or South Africa seemingly doesn’t count. Nor would anything like that in Europe or the UK. And if you watch the news carefully, you will find plenty of examples. Just ask truck drivers who get violently waylaid by ‘migrants’ at the Channel ports, for instance.
No, the narrative has been prepared, and in the media and advertising it is now entirely one-sided.
My town is till ‘hideously white’ as former beeb DG, Dyke, put it, so I suppose we are being prepared for an ‘invasion of the body-snatchers’, as the movie had it…
Oh yes, and -of course- the arrival of The Matriarchy…
Absolutely fakennewswtcher, what an indictement against our world- what have the wonders of the BBC levelled at us, those that for years have supported their overpayed employees and now can you believe it, although I expect you can , the BBC want to stop us chappies of over 75 from not having to pay a licence fee to then having to pay that dam fee. Yet what do we see the Director General with a salary of £ 450K, oh yes I would happlily do it for half tha, never mind the peerage at the end. I suspect that many other BBC employees /Contractors will be paid into the £millions-and continue to prodcue such rubbish progs. Maybe I’m too old now, but I shudder to think what my grandchildren are likely to face twenty years from now. NO NHS, NO housing unless you are a multi millionaire, NO benefits for whites, NO white MP’s , a muslim PM, NO Police or only specials who will have a right to kill one for whatever they consider against the people’s safety, Marriage for whites will cost at least £ 20, 000, and that’s just the licence fee, well I’m sure you can make up the rest!
Tarien- you put your finger on another ‘trend’: youth in (‘oppressed’), aged out (‘oppressors’)- not that pronounced yet, but give it time…
Contrary to possible impressions, I don’t have, and never have had, a problem with women or people of colour as individuals, as long as they have a ‘live and let live’ approach. The same can be said about white men, really. Ditto with the young (which we both have some of).
My problem is with social engineers, guided by PC. They love things like virtue-signalling and redistribution, not to mention the occasional bit of population replacement. The redistributors and their propagandists are frequently to found living the high life…
As you point out. I suspect they see virtue-signalling as vital for their own prosperity.
My aversion to socialism is not its compassionate tendency, but its enthusiasm for redistribution. The elite will almost always escape the consequences. Now and then, they don’t. That’s when you notice the Caucescu’s of this world. Palaces with gilded taps in each of the dozen bathrooms, but the talk is all about that great favourite: ‘the people’. Doesn’t always work.
I don’t think socialim has a compassionate tendancy, it has a tendancy to seek out those with a grievance and then to pretend to speak for them.
The last thing socialists want to do is make things better for its core voters, a happy voter isn’t a socialist voter.
‘White Van Man’ has got to be the epitome of the ‘working class’ but he has done too well in recent decades so is now despised by ‘socialists’ like multi-property owning, ex-lawyer Lady Nugee, as his vote is no longer guaranteed.
If socialists were compassionate places like Merthyr Tydfil would be utopia by now.
Yes agree the elitists will always escape the consequences of what they advance, wrapped up in a nice shiny bundle ready for those sometimes unable to see the wood for the trees. Now however we have the very serious problem of the collapse of our society which appears to accept the terrible murders/rapes and deliberate killings on nearly every street in the country-of course you and I don’t accpet this appalling situation BUT do we have the answer? Personally with the advancement of Forensic Science/ DNA et al there is every reason to restore Capital Punishment-a deterrent of such is needed unless we want to encourage the continuance of such crimes. Look at the terribel murder and rape of this young Lithuanian girl by a boy of 16yrs, cand’t be named for legal reasons, preposterous-under 18 too young to be executed but what the H does Society do with him, he has ruined a young life and those of the parents of this girl, what punishment would be equal? The man who killed Lee Rigsby, seen buy millions to have killed this young soldier, shouldn’t this evil individual also have his life taken away?
Jeff – I don’t know why it’s called ‘Doctor Who’ – the BBC should be done under the Trade Descriptions Act or something.
Whilst surfing the airwaves I came across a pleasant female voice reading memoirs. After a few seconds I realized it was not worth listening to, but she did read very nicely.
Clare Runacres on Radio 2 is just too nice, the world could come to an end and still she would vocally smile. (Richard Baker said he was warned against that when he started on BBC TV).
Katherine Cracknell has a voice that suits her name, it is like glasspaper polishing gravel.
Cathy Clugston and Susan Rae are pleasant and amusing.
I quite like hearing (American) Barbara Barnes read stories; I am fed up of hearing Juliet Stevenson and her ‘Radio 4 Women’ clones ditto the ‘voice of the BBC’ Carmen Squire, who used to get to interupt Radio 2 every 20 minutes, the rest of the time ruining local radio and Channel Four.
Agree FedUp
Kier (evil eyes) Starmer on R4 this morning – I guess they thought John McDonnell again would be too much – save him for later in the week.
I did laugh however at the new R4 stunning programme – women talking about cars and what a bunch of lefty liberals…oh how we all needed this…can the BBC shoe horn the female agenda into everything?
Evil eyes – what about his hair?
Little insight into the bBBC mindset on their webshite today where a Swede, Ulrika Jonsson, ex of Sven and mother of 4×4, discusses British Brexit with an American, Lance Dustin Black, creepy husband of the 20 years younger Tom Daley, meet on a “Brexit Blind Date”. Seriously bBBC, who the f#*% cares?
LGBT issues and parenthood to the fore for these oh-so-normal everyday folk and their oh-so-modern families. To her credit Ulrika is pro-Brexit, but as a Swedish female she probably has a bit more experience of the perils of EU policies than a gay American luvvie could ever have.
I would post a link but not sure how to from a Kindle, sorry Stew. I would also link to the Pampers ad starring gay-dads-are-the-best-dads Lance and Tom, a slightly sleazy duo in my opinion, that my daughters came across on Youtube but I’m mindful that some of you might be at your breakfast.
You know Rich, I don’t think I’ve got words to respond-simply so awuful that such people are allowed to show their miserable faces-maybe not quite so much in Josson’s case however.
It’s on VD at the minute, they are as smug and as vomit-inducing as I imagined. Black is as stereotypically Hollywood fake as expected and doesn’t seem too pleasant underneath. I really don’t think he’s done the cause any favours here.
And we are expected to pay for this crap/ indoctrination?
Oh wait, there’s more. Foodbanks now, and camp mens voices heard once again as two more are allowed to join the women in the sisters safe space on bBBC2. It never ends, thank God I only ever see the bBBC passing through. Off.
R4 allow interviewer (Matthew Paris) to say 700,000 people marched on London on to stay – no fact checker and then to say people think now it was better to stay in the EU…
WTF – these are his opinions not facts….
Revelations in the Mail from Peter Hichens (former member of the Socialist Workers Party about Tommy Robinson (former leader of the EDL).
Apparently TR’s real name is Yaxley Lennon. Who’d have thunk that?
‘Mr ‘Robinson’ (the alias is said to be the name of a once-famous Luton football hooligan) is really Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, an unlovable and mysterious figure with an unpleasant record, some of it criminal, and some very unattractive supporters.’
Looks like the mainstream media are circling the wagons and Peter Jonathon Hichens has reverted to Socialist Worker Party reporting. In this article he takes the SWP supported UAF position regarding UKIP’s alleged lurch to the far far far right. He could have lifted the entire article from the rag published by his old comrades.
Unfortunately this sounds very similar to what NF is saying at the moment.
Permit me to speculate on Mr Farage’s objectives. For him UKIP is the past. But the battle for Brexit is not over.
So distancing himself from far far far right Islamophobic UKIP he places himself in the Westminster/BBC bubble.
Now it should be obvious that Treezer and her Tories will lose the election and during the early months of Corbyn’s reign the Tories will re-group and it would make sense for Nigel to join a reinvigorated Tory Party with Corbyn and the loonie left to oppose.
And who knows, he is a good speaker with plenty of drive and could easily become the new Tory leader.
You may be right but I wouldn’t vote for a new Tory leader who refuses to resist Islam.
Do you really think UKIP are far right and islamophobic? Your answer tells me about you.
I’m fairly sure i remember NF saying he didn’t want to be be PM….but I think he’d settle for a cushy HoL spot after a front bench position.
Hitchens is a mad bible puncher,how can you take him seriously !!
Breaking News that won’t get reported
Current demand is 45GW
Wind 1 GW
Solar 1.68 GW (lunchtime peak)
Coal 7.GW
Gas 22.5GW
As someone mentioned earlier, Gib voted 90% to stay in the EU.
Could we perhaps let it go to Spain on the proviso that the 10% are exchanged for British remainers?
I think they voted to stay in because they knew they’d be sold out in any “negotiations”.
I’m happy for Spain to have closer economic links with Gibraltar. We could begin by requiring all SEAT cars imported into the UK to be inspected in Gib – to ensure that the VW Group aren’t cheating again.
They voted even more decisively to stay British, and that decision would take priority over the other.
There is a letter by May showing this deal as good for us all.
I hope somebody can take all her points, one by one, and expose the actual truth and not the misleading propaganda which it is.
For example, her ‘taking back full control of our fishing’ sounds like we will have 100% control over all our coastal waters for the benefit of British fishermen but in truth we hear that the eu wants at least the same access as now and will probably demand more concessions from May who will obviously give in as she has done with everything else demanded by the eu.
If someone, Mogg perhaps, was to list her letter and put the true facts after each of her points (fact check them) then more people would realise the lies, half truths and omissions this useless defeatist PM is trying to fob off onto us.
I voted Leave and not for some crappy deal cooked up by a remainer PM in a remainer cabinet in a remainer dominated government and House of Lords backed by a remainer media including the extreme far far left bbbc.
Democracy is dead in the U.K. but there will be a price to pay.
We are fast approaching the time ‘when the English begin to hate’
Politicians beware!
as one of the 17.4m people I think that ‘TIME’ is long past
“Taking back control” is a weasel phrase, especially when those that have control do exactly the same thing as happened when we didn’t have control.
Democracy has been dead for a long time in the UK. It is all very well being able to vote out one party but if the alternatives would carry out the same policy what is the point of the vote? All of our main parties have been pro-EU and pro-immigration for 40 years or more. One could argue that they are all keen to be on the ‘left-side’ of the BBC, they fear it so much.
Mrs May says that the UK will have ‘full sovereign control’ over access to the UK’s coastal waters and that this is “not tied to any other aspect of our economic partnership”.
The EU Council says the precise opposite. They say it is linked to discussions of the future relationship and that it will be based on “existing reciprocal access and quota shares”.
She has also said she wants a fairer share of out own fish, which is pretty revealing.
I’m travelling through The National Forest today . It isn’t a forest yet , it’s an ambitious plan to create , well , a national forest .
Can’t see how building houses there can help . Perhaps it’s a futile gesture to get back to nature at the same time as rapidly increasing the population .
I’d imagine the plan might be to build the houses and then knock them down as part of a reduced carbon footprint – illustrating the lengths to which an honourable and committed climate change society are prepared to go.
Meanwhile, the Chinese will have built another 100 coal-fired power stations, in China, Africa and South America.
Not a bBBC example but it applies to them even more so.
Tuned into that blubbering buffoon Boulton on Sky where he is joined by a middle class male with the ubiquitous speech impediment from the New European (?) and a chattering female Chakasomething, Brexit Editor from the Telegraph apparently. Now, it is a truly awful and aggressively partisan programme, and Boulton needs a slap, but it made me think.
Why do the msm, especially the bBBC, think that the opinions of “Asian” women seem to matter most on everything? Politics, current affairs, food, fashion, lifestyle, even sport. Surely they must be the most disproportionately overrepresented group in the media. Why?
Being facetious I could ask why, if nobody in their own cultures cares what most of them say or think, or is allowed to say or think, why should the rest of us? I just don’t get it.
Rich…….think that the opinions of “Asian” women seem to matter most on everything? Politics, current affairs, food, fashion, lifestyle, even sport. Surely they must be the most disproportionately overrepresented group in the media. Why?….
I have wondered about this for quite some time. Its the slow drip drip of pushing out any representation of the main body of the 80% population that inhabit this island. I do know when they are asked for their opinion on whatever subject matter, they are what we used to call a bit “gobby” – so perhaps the tv chiefs believe they are more intelligent because they appear more forceful in their opinions (there is one on Sky now giving it ‘large’ on Boulton’s show).
It must be quite dispiriting for those of a white culture who have spent years studying at yuni and then turned down at auditions in favour of a someone from a minority group who is over represented.
I believe you are referring to the excellent and gorgeous Dia Chakravarty. I won’t have a bad word said against her and she is a full-on Brexiteer to boot.
Brissles, they mustn’t have the old “empty vessels” saying in the sub-continent and the media seem to judge intelligence by volume and quantity, certainly not quality.
I’ve never seen Dia before Sage but she can certainly talk.
Hear hear! Alas, she is already married.
If you are referring to Dia Chakravarti (apologies if you are not) may I assert that she is a consistently sound advocate of a proper Brexit, and has engaged courteously and wittily but firmly with opponents in many broadcast discussion. I would say she is a heroine in all this controversy.
Half of women murdered are killed at home, the BBC reports in another Groundhog story. Do they not feel guilty boring us to death with the same things over and over?
Midway through the article, almost as an aside, they mention that overall you are FOUR TIMES more likely to be murdered if you are a man. Imagine the hyperventilation and ‘crisis’ talk if 90% of homeless people were women and not men. Can you imagine anything worse than being homeless?
They do not mention that it is ROPers, another thriving victim category, who are probably responsible for a disproportionate number of these deaths.
We are not the only ones sick to death of cultural Marxism/political correctness. We have had a generation of it and all that could be achieved has been done and now it is doing more harm than good. Thank God for heroes like Milo, Jordan Peterson and Breitbart for waking people up to just how toxic and dangerous it all is. They can try to shut people down but ideas are bulletproof and nobody with any sense is swallowing their bs anymore.
Amazing speech by Katie Hopkins in Florida
It was put on YouTube only 5 days ago but it’s already had over 100 000 views and over 2 000 comments.
It’s full of her blunt, don’t-give-a-damn humour, but also controlled anger at the state of Western society and those responsible for the decline.
And she is a moving witness to the atrocities against white South Africans by blacks. No surprise, then, that the alleged government there has refused her entry again into what’s left of that country.
Is there a working link?
Go Katie
Thanks Old Goat/theisland. Dunno what happened with my link. Gotta run.
Look out for this evening’s Panorama. It seems this programme has been made in conjunction with the Washington-based International Bureau of Investigative Journalists and, needless to say, The Guardian. The BBC loves these tie-ups with such SJW-leaning bureaux. Remember our very own fact-obsessed Bureau of Investigative Journalists and with whom Newsnight brought us the totally discredited Lord McAlpine child abuse story.
During negotiations on brexit we kept hearing from our useless leader the phrase “no deal is better than a bad deal” what happened to that . Now it seems it’s the worst thing that could happen. If that’s so why was she always spouting that every time she spoke on brexit. What a useless polition and a devious woman.
We need to replace no deal and this deal with World Deal. Out of the EU and into the world.
If the business community cannot cope, sack the CEOs and replace them
Crimebodge guy maliciously arrested
#1 Police say they are under-resourced but prosecute a non-crime
#2 “The officer claims to be threatened yet visits you at your home by himself”
(that comment alone is enough to get the case thrown out)
#3 Case law precedent : Harvey v DPP AC, 17 2011 confirmed officers hear foul language all too frequently to be harassed, alarmed or distressed by it
This, sadly, is a recurring story, these days. The police are really only interested in exacting revenge, and extracting their pound of flesh. Little wonder that the respect they used to enjoy from the public at large, has evaporated.
When I was in the job, in the 70s and 80s, this kind of incident would never have occurred. We used to summarily deal with cheek there and then, and invariably the accused and us would part company peacefully, whilst probably all having a good laugh about it.
Such is the police state, now – and they dare to ask for extra cah and resources.
It’s the word ‘negotiate’ I don’t get.
There was a majority vote for getting out of the EU, because that was the question to vote on. No ‘ifs’ no ‘buts’.
The answer was that the majority of UK citizens wanted out, so, what is there to negotiate? I know civil servants don’t actually do very much for their wages, they’re usually far too cautious and not very bright, but why do our politicians, whom we voted in – or maybe not – just say ‘We’re going, and that’s that – see to it’!
I probably won’t vote Conservative again after this disgraceful charade. Luckily ‘Ol’ raincoat’ Joe Carrobin is utterly useless so when Ukip resurface, they’ll get my vote.
A key question at the next GE will be whether to keep the bbbc as a paid poodle parlour for the elite and the brain-dead lefty-liberal nutters. That would be a vote-winner, even though I’m rapidly approaching the year when I won’t have to pay this iniquitous tax.
After Pres Trump repeats his complaint of European countries not meeting their Nato funding commitments, Sopel tweets
“On day that Russia ramps up tension with Ukraine years after illegally annexing Crimea, president Trump goes after NATO and the EU. So curious”
So Trump stating the bleeding obvious is for creep Sopel proof that Trump is in Putin’s pocket. Pathetic!
NISA – President Trump is Right as usual . Article 5 of the NATO cuts both ways and is potentially the trigger for the last war we will experience – for an hour or two .
Let the Europeans pay for their own defence . We need a few more boats to defend the south coast too
Equally curious?? but not noticed by sopel
MOSCOW – Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Monday that if the U.S. deploys intermediate range missiles in Europe after opting out of the treaty banning their use, it will allow Washington to reach targets deep inside Russia.
U.S. President Donald Trump declared his intention last month to withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty over alleged Russian violations. Moscow has denied breaching the pact and accused Washington of violating it.
A caller from Boston 1776 has a message for
Mrs May and the party known as “The party that cheated us out of Brexit”
Great words yes. But Sam Adams, yukk.
One of the most objectionable anti- British men in history. He was a propagandist and a grievance monger. I would argue that he was the real force behind the American revolution. Auberon Waugh came up with a word that comes to mind and that was ‘Pilgerism’ ie taking a problem and exaggerating it beyond reason for political purposes. That describes Adams well.
He was akin to Gandhi in that he was allowed to foment rebellion and destructive political ideas by the excessive tolerance of the British colonial authorities. If they had acted even mildly against Adams the totally unnecessary revolution would probably not have happened.
What has my rant to do do with the BBC? Nothing really, except to say that the BBC would have loved Sam Adams had it existed in them days. It would be like having Corbyn and Sturgeon rolled into one and he would have been promoted endlessly.
I disagree. The colonies were growing too big and rich to be held back by us and anyway there was much support here for them ,
It is not widely know but the ordinary British soldiers deserted in great numbers and went over to the cause of the colonists. They knew the score and that life there offered them chances they would never have in Britain . We were the same people mostly after all.
Hence the use of German troops who could not speak the language so easily.
Remember Tom Paine was from Thetford in Norfolk and his pamphlet is probably the most important one in history and made a huge difference to the attitudes of everyone involved.
Dave S, Yes there were high numbers of British troops who chose to desert and stay in the Americas there’s no denying that but what you overlook was the large numbers of Americans who supported the British Empire. Loyalist Americans were let down by the British authorities from the start with the appointment of the Whig general Howe whose political sympathies lay with the rebels but whose gambling debts forced him to accept command of a vital campaign for which he did not have enthusiasm. Though he wasn’t such a bad general once in action, he was lazy took far too much time into deploy, showed very little oomph and worse still stifled the initiative and daring of his 2/ic General Clinton who was an excellent deputy to have on a team.
The huge mistake was putting an unsympathetic person in charge of something when their true sympathies lie with the enemy.( It would like be putting a Remainer in charge of the Brexit process. Oops)
Sam Adam’s hatred of the British was due to failure of British Government to sort out a currency crisis that had existed for some time and his father lost his business due to involvement with an effort to set up a bank. Unfortunate yes, reason for a rebellion, no.
An embittered man, similar to Tom Paine who having been in the colonies but briefly, used his undeniable propaganda skills to use with great effect on his home country.
The fact that Paine came from Norfolk doesn’t wash with me I’m afraid. Especially as the man who previously let the American Colonists get away with just about everything they wanted by a policy of ‘benign neglect’, one Robert Walpole PM, was also from… you guessed it… Norfolk!
But a good response Dave S. Deserving of an uptick. Even though I suspect you may be from… Norfolk!
Samuel Adams quote reminds me of this little gem I discovered years ago from a 1916 NZ newspaper article spoken by a south American VIP on his admiration for the UK people :
@HowlandRobin tweets
Keir Starmer seems to think getting an extension. Of A50 to avoid a ‘chaotic’ exit will solve problems
How Keir ?
The exit will only be chaotic if the ReichEU wants it to be . They can send the EUReich army to protect t the Irish border from the hordes of British surging across the border for some reason .
A PM with courage – and a brexiter – would say – okay – do your worst . We import far more from the
And they will choose to suffer more .
We need to be asking President Trump or other true friends to lead lease a few ships to defend our waters .
Same with sending convoys of ships from America laden with fresh air and water since this will be in short supply cum April 1
5C warmer by 2070 !
1pm news speaking very fast
“There are warnings of Towns face being abandoned and farmland destroyed according to a new Met O report
saying sea level will rise 3-4 ft by 2100
report highlights the east coast inc Lincolnshire as the most vulnerable part of the UK”
….Cuts to vox pop saying people are worried
UK Climate Projections 2018 study suggests that under the highest emissions scenario, UK summer temperatures could be 5.4C hotter by 2070.
Chances of a summer as warm as 2018 are around 50% by 2050!
Note that this PR is given the hyping “Breaking News” logo and treatment
I don’t suppose they’ve bothered to read any of this, and even if they had, they sure as hell ain’t gonna let their “audience” know anything about it…
I just checked the Radio Humberside version
quite short as if a forced advertisement
“New report … We can expect longer and hotter summers
.. worst case scenario a 5C rise by 2070”
hm 51 years ..a 5C temp different from now
If that has happened in th past historical record then it is possible
but I suspect ice and heat ages take a much longer time to happen
and that the report has discounted all possible coolings like volcano eruptions etc.
Picking the worse case scenario ..looks like PR.
May I quote Stew from an interview with Breitbart London, by Greenpeace founder Dr. Patrick Moore who addressed the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London a while back.
In 1980s he found himself the only director of Greenpeace International with a formal education in science. His fellow directors proposed a campaign to “ban chlorine worldwide”, naming it “The Devil’s Element”. He pointed out that chlorine is one of the elements in the Periodic Table, one of the building blocks of the Universe and the 11th most common element in the Earth’s crust. He argued the fact that chlorine is the most important element for public health and medicine. Adding chlorine to drinking water was the biggest advance in the history of public health and the majority of our synthetic medicines are based on chlorine chemistry. This info fell on deaf ears and for Dr Moore this was the final straw. He had to leave. However he went on; When I left Greenpeace I vowed to develop an environmental policy that was based on science and logic rather than sensationalism, misinformation, anti-humanism and fear. He explains why he left the environmentalist group and became sceptical of man-made global warming. ‘As I have stated publicly on many occasions, there is no definitive scientific proof, through real-world observation, that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate that has occurred during the past 300 years, since the peak of the Little Ice Age. If there were such a proof through testing and replication it would have been written down for all to see.
The contention that human emissions are now the dominant influence on climate is simply a hypothesis, rather than a universally accepted scientific theory. It is therefore correct, indeed verging on compulsory in the scientific tradition, to be sceptical of those who express certainty that “the science is settled” and “the debate is over”. But there is certainty beyond any doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration this would be a dead planet. Yet today our children and our publics are taught that CO2 is a toxic pollutant that will destroy life and bring civilization to its knees. Tonight I hope to turn this dangerous human-caused propaganda on its head.
To demonstrate that human emissions of CO2 have already saved life on our planet from a very untimely end. That in the absence of our emitting some of the carbon back into the atmosphere from whence it came in the first place, most or perhaps all life on Earth would begin to die in less than two million years from today. The world’s top climate body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, is hopelessly conflicted by its makeup and its mandate. The Panel is composed solely of the World Meteorological Organization, weather forecasters, and the United Nations Environment Program, environmentalists. Both these organizations are focused primarily on short-term timescales, days to maybe a century or two. But the most significant conflict is with the Panel’s mandate from the United Nations. They are required only to focus on “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere, and which is in addition to natural climate variability.” So if the IPCC found that climate change was not being affected by human alteration of the atmosphere or that it is not “dangerous” there would be no need for them to exist. They are virtually mandated to find on the side of apocalypse. There is a lot that Dr Moore states and in my humble opinion all of it is argued with common sense and an obvious understanding of what is really the cause of the scaring tactics being pushed down our throats.
So BBC Radio 2 what are you promoting ?
They don’t even mention that it is nohing to do with Radio2
but rather it was on R4 and is now on the BBC Sounds app
“I was now married to one of the most heavily-guarded human beings on earth.”
The depth of insight we are getting is a wonder to behold and well worth at least 20 licence fees.
I’ve seen reports on YouTube that Bathhouse is going to divorce Michael and marry his gay boyfriend, a reporter. I don’t know if this is true or just fake news but it fits in with all the fakery that emanates from the far-left bbc, so it’s worth a mention.
Mr Gove is rapidly becoming quite a bit more than a severe disappointment.
(Apologies – I see StewGreen got there before me above)
Do you spot that the preview pic has changed from big read “Breaking News” to pic of Chinese kids
looks like they are all at a big conference
\\ Today, @metoffice & @DefraGovUK are releasing the next generation UK Climate Projections, called #UKCP18.
These projections describe how different regions of the UK will be affected by climate change. Here is an overview of what will be available: //
They know nothing of the kind. They just pay lip-service to the AGW alarmists, and ignore ALL the contrary evidence, because it all fits in with their plan of sucking up to the UN, and doing as they’re told.
Western Europe has become an area of clueless milksops.
I am watching a Panorama about scammers on dating sites. He is travelling all over the USA and Africa to tell the story.
Do they not have plenty of scammers in London? Having all these free holidays paid for through threats of prison (the licence fee) strikes me as a massive scam.
Now he is off to Lagos where the scammer is from! Could they not just use some archive footage? There must be scammers in Folkestone as well but that does not make a good holiday.
Another two days looking for him! I wonder how much drinking and sight seeing they managed to fit in?
Vine Show supporters plea on behalf of Hilary Ineomo Marcus
He’s one of those Nigerians that came here at age 10 and never took citizenship..then go caught in a VAT fraud scheme.
“second in commenand to a £250K VAT fraud operation, that was growing”
Now he’s been out of prison for a while and has a 1 year old kid, he claims he cannot be deported.
Jesus the jury couldn’t find the Labour MP guilty
so there needs to be a retrial
..(bet it gets quietly dropped)
From last week — Nihal Arthanayake on R5 loves nothing more than a chin wag with an on-brand luvvie so he can crowbar in his own, multiple, prejudices. Any time I tune in, whatever the subject, he’s a man perennially unsettled and unnerved by the ‘direction our country is going.’
He had Paul Simonon of the Clash and Damon Albarn on to talk about their new album. Of course it wasn’t really about their new album, it was about how perennially unsettled and unnerved Nihal is by the ‘direction our country is going’. After 20 mins of progressive propaganda and the odd hot potato that Nihal is quick to drop (“Don’t worry about Europe — worry about our sense of who we are, because we don’t know…”), he asks the leading question “would you be happy with this album being called ‘the first great Brexit album?”
Albarn: “No… that would put people off wanting to listen to it.”
There’s a hidden lesson there for Nihal, but I’m sure he won’t ever learn it.
After numerous wars with France over the centuries, they still don’t understand the true British psyche. Macron has a, ‘UK can get to the back of the queue’ moment when related to Britain’s fishing waters. Obama’s efforts failed and indeed, got the backs up of most Brits. Macron’s efforts to undermine the Brits will go the same way.
Macron is trying to be a De Gaulle to cover up the downfall of France he is creating. Never mind he will still be the darling of the so far left they are far right BBC luvvies.
I think that is wishful thinking. That might be the attitude if it were the British people but we are talking about a govt and ruling class that have demonstrated that they will willingly conform to whatever the EU requests or demands.
This country has been hollowed out by that odious traitor and I don’t see it ever changing. None of these politicians has the ring to take on the media so be prepared to be taking a shafting on literally everything.
Radio4 Quotation prog starts with a quote about there being a moron in the Whitehouse
..The curated audience clap like seals
..Very 6th form common room.
There is a moron in the White House. He can be found in the Press room interrupting and shooting his mouth off pretty much every briefing. Goes by the name of Jim Acosta and he works for the BBC wannabee, CNN.
Just heard Mathew Wright on Talk Radio banging on about his recent interview with Gerard Batten whilst discussing how the word “Islamaphobia” should be redefined. Is it having negative effects on Sikh communities?
Straight away starts talking about racism and how “Islamaphobes” don’t listen to reason.
I’d say it’s people like Mathew Wright who refuse to listen to reason. He just cannot join the dots can he! Talking about those who think that if one Muslim is a rapist then all Muslims must be the same. Well Mathew let’s take a look at the scriptures and ask who is the perfect man they all want to emulate? What example did he make of how to live ones life and would all Muslims be expected to endeavour to be just like him?
So why would anyone think that this is a problem with the ideology of Islam? But it’s not Mathew who doesn’t listen to reason is it!
when libmob throw out accusations they are merely#Projecting their own flaws
…ie Rightaphobia
“Rightaphobes” don’t listen to reason
I don’t often throw things at the screen but Matthew Wright managed to overcome my reluctance.
Dear Treezer Quisling-Chamberlain,
‘England in effect is insular, she is maritime, she is linked through her interactions, her markets and her supply lines to the most diverse and often the most distant countries; she pursues essentially industrial and commercial activities, and only slight agricultural ones. She has, in all her doings, very marked and very original habits and traditions.’
That sums it up pretty well. It is a quote from Charles De Gaulle. We should be thinking and doing the things in that quote with gusto.
Yorkshire Pist : Women from Yorkshire must now be heard in Brexit debate – this is how
#1 The item doesn’t mention its syndicated yet simalar wording is used across lib media eg CNN
#2 I’m guessing a local reporter or activist has cutomised it.
\\ women in Yorkshire have already suffered from a vast swathe of cuts to public services, from the closure of women’s refuges, to the privatisation of support roles (which are dominated by women) at Rotherham Hospital.
A crisis in child services and adult social care has left women across Yorkshire having to plug in the gaps in what little spare time they have.
And there are already more to come: Rotherham’s children’s ward is under threat of closure, as is Pontefract’s maternity centre.
In Rotherham, a sexual health clinic for under-25s is set to be axed despite high demand for the service from young sexual assault survivors.//
Yes that’s right when people think of women’s problems and Rotherham there main concern is “Tory cuts” ….NOT
\\There is still time to put a stop to this. On Friday, November 30, I’ll be running two free campaigning workshops for women who want to join the fight for a People’s Vote: at The Glasshoughton Centre, Castleford, WF10 4PF, between noon and 2pm, and at Unity Centre, Saint Leonard’s Road, Rotherham, S65 1PD, from 5.30-7.30pm. //
Ah so the article is just a promo for CCP’s People’s Vote workshop.
R4 Tonight
7:45pm Maya Angelou twice daily installment of yet another of her autobiographies
8pm Blackface on Campus
8:30pm Nigerian Hospitals problems
9:30pm Start The Week
That would explain the …er…adaptations.
oops bbc select today’s Climate PR for priority reporting
.. and as part of that made OPEN COMMENTS
..so their supporters could pile in
Ha, see the top comment from bigbangtwo
Why would 20 people downvote it ?
Five live watch
Being out and about I heard that the outgoing PM was going to try and sell her sellout to MPs.
So I turned onto 5 live – something I don’t do except for the footy . Mrs May said her bit and then Mr Corbyn made hit bit . Mrs May sounded like she was waiting for her seat in the Upper house – and forgive me – Mr Corbyn spoke for the country – words I never thought I’d write .
And then what ? You guessed it. – the foreign sounding beeboid cut away – told us we were bored with the brexit and let’s talk about Christmas kiddie films .
Now whether you be remainer or not – this was a major moment in the Commons and deserved
Uninterrupted cover by the State Broadcaster .
But as others here have written – the new element from the Soros bbc grid is to say everyone is bored with it .
And it’s terribly complicated, so don’t you worry your head about it.
Zilch from our national broadcaster (that I can see).
Take note Your Majesty.
FFS Tory Lord Willetts
A People’s Vote would help to heal our divided country says David Willetts in @TheTimes
screenshot on Twitter
Poor Wiletts – went from Right wing Conservative to a Lib Dem in the drop of a peerage . Sold out .
A peerage is an attractive thing. Even a good socialist like Prescott is happy to wear ermine, be addressed with deference, and take the cash. No embarrassment. Of course, in his case, ’twas only cos her indoors wanted it…
We are given to believe.
Oh yes, and once Ms May has completed her campaign for support, we can expect the H.o.L. to be on, or over, about 1000? Members, that is.
If the result came back Leave would it still be healing? What a cretin.
Would he still say that if another referendum reinforced the last one, as I think it would do?
You know that bit where a PM resigns and there are lovely warm words from politicians in the Commons ?
Well I bet a lot are getting ready to Bury they’re words in Mrs May
The BBC says it could be 5.4C hotter by 2070.
All the talk in the Causational Climate Science community and the Mensa magazine is about the proof that carbon dioxide warming is a hoax. As Meteorologist haven’t said anything about this to Astronomers, I would assume that a computer model that produces an increase of 5.4C by 2070 would only be possible if Peter Cox at the University of Exeter was involved. He has produced computer generated dogma for the man-made Climate Change fraud on other occasions. He has been the senior scientific advisor for BBC programs on Climate Change, even though he’s only a computer modeller. The BBC has had trouble with Professor Cox regarding the predictions of a Barbecue Summer and Mild Winters and his prominent role in the Climategate Scandal and with the IPCC.
Causational climate experts complaining about him to the BBC where stunned when he confused the southern ocean with the deep ocean and had not heard of the science of Cosmoclimatology.
The BBC sticks with the same discredited and poorly qualified people it used ten years ago. People with irrelevant qualifications such as computer modellers and environmental scientists, pitched against complaints from Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers, complaints that have never been upheld by the BBC.
It proves that the BBC, Met Office and the Tory Government are lead by Morons.
The certainty with which the characters who come up with these calculations is breath taking . Make a vacuous claim – have it forgotten – and when 20 years further on it is disproved no one remembers it .
Cutting down on the use of carbon based fuels is good from a strategic point of view . We must never be threatened by rubbish Russians or primitive Arabs regarding fuel supplies . But that is not about climate change driven by human activity .
On the political front the leaders of the G7 plan to “end extreme poverty and hunger” by phasing out 85% of the world’s energy supply including 98% of the energy used to transport people and goods, including food. The Emperors of the world appear clothed in the photo taken at the close of the meeting but it was obviously Photo-shopped. They should be required to stand naked for making such a foolish statement.The world’s top climate body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, is hopelessly conflicted by its makeup and its mandate. The Panel is composed solely of the World Meteorological Organization, weather forecasters, and the United Nations Environment Program, environmentalists. Both these organizations are focused primarily on short-term timescales, days to maybe a century or two. But the most significant conflict is with the Panel’s mandate from the United Nations is that they are required only to focus on “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere, and which is in addition to natural climate variability.” So if the IPCC found that climate change was not being affected by human alteration of the atmosphere or that it is not “dangerous” there would be no need for them to exist. They are virtually mandated to find on the side of apocalypse.
Scientific certainty, political pandering, a hopelessly conflicted IPCC, and now the Pope, spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, in a bold move to reinforce the concept of original sin, says the Earth looks like “an immense pile of filth” and we must go back to pre-industrial bliss, or is that squalor? There was no guarantee that fungi or any other decomposer species would develop the complex of enzymes required to digest lignin. If they had not, CO2, which had already been drawn down for the first time in Earth’s history to levels similar to today’s, would have continued to decline as trees continued to grow and die. That is until CO2 approached the threshold of 150 ppm below which plants begin first to starve, then to stop growing altogether, and then die. Not just woody plants but all plants. This would bring about the extinction of most, if not all, terrestrial species, as animals, insects, and other invertebrates starved for lack of food. And that would be that. The human species would never have existed. This was only the first time that there was a distinct possibility that life would come close to extinguishing itself, due to a shortage of CO2, which is essential for life on Earth. So we need it don’t we?
Good to see, thanks for posting.
It’s a strange thing isn’t it? The UK votes to Leave but ends up Remaining, while Gibraltar votes to Remain in the UK but might be forced to Leave.
Thanks for that. Great to see a politician showing old fashioned guts and commitment. Hopefully enough MPs feel the same and will consign May’s treachery to the dustbin of history.
A little bit of relief from Brexit but, I’m afraid, no relief from BBC FakeNews and FalseFacts.
Spot the manipulation in the above. I have found it very interesting to observe a general bit of deception from the BBC over 2007-2009 as the tenth anniversary has unfolded.
Having watched the PM taking questions on the sell out it’s amazing how many Tory mps have stayed behind to toady up to the PM telling her how great she is and ‘can I have a job or knighthood please ?’
Yes, so BBC, the average Briton is man-of-colour Earl Marchan, whose ‘biggest concern’ in Autumn 2008 was what he should be stocking in Woolworth’s for Christmas 2008. Of course he wouldn’t be at all bothered that the company had cancelled its September 2008 interim dividend or that it had declared a £99.7m loss in the six months up to August 2008!
Sir Vince Cable gets a free pass too. It was he that caused the collapse of Northern Rock by triggering a run on its retail banking business. Northern Rock’s ‘capital’ was its loan book, i.e. the properties that it held mortgages on. The houses weren’t going anywhere but equally they or the loan book couldn’t be easily converted into cash, cash that Sir Vince (and the BBC) convinced the public that they should be taking out of Northern Rock. But never mind, Sir Vince showed himself to be a ‘banking expert’ and the BBC got their 15-minutes of disaster story so all was well!
A white male DJ (Charlie Sloth) has recently left Radio 1.
His replacements?
A female and 2 black men.
Par for the course really…….
With so much going on in World the stupid BiasedBBC chooses to go with a ‘could happen’ lead story about Climate Change on the 6 pm National News.
So-called ‘scientists’ cannot predict systems they don’t fully understand 50 years into the future. Indeed that fact is recognised in the article so why do they choose to lead with such a ‘nothing burger’?
If they must lead with a science story why not the latest Mars landing?
What with all the excitement in prospect at leaving the Nirvana that is the European Union, how short are our memories – or are they deliberately blanked – when it comes to all the petty slights, arrogance, ingratitude and rudeness of our continental brothers?
Remember Maggie Thatcher, front row, centre, at each and every group photo following yet another attempt to belittle and dupe the UK out of rights or cash? Can you imaginer her being forced into the current situation, made to bow before crooks and drunks? Remember Major and Blair, relegated to one end or other of the leader’s row, and Cameron, back row, far right (how ironic) in a deliberate and petty diminution of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, second largest contributor to the world’s biggest slush fund? Remember little Sarkozy, ignoring Cameron’s outstretched hand in a loutish display of Gallic charm?
Remember May, waiting until the early morning hours while the likes of Barnier, Juncker and all the other fat controllers finish their seven-course dinner – and then allowed 10 minutes to make her plea? All these are on record, yet how many more have never seen the light of exposure? How many other humiliations have there been?
And now we are again to wait, for over a fortnight – in which the ‘people are bored’ mantra will be blurted from the BBC like some loud-speaker’ed muezzin calling to the faithful. While May, Mandelson, Starmer, Cable, Soubry, Grieve, Blair, Hammond, Major, Heseltine and all the other traitors bask in the reassurance of having done the right thing.
For shame UK, for shame EU.
Beltane, Just thought I might draw Monsieur Moron’s attention to an interesting find in the classifieds . . .
For Sale: French rifle, perfect condition, dropped once.
The prosecution rests.
Today’s parliamentary debate makes it very clear that May will be defeated by a significant number. No narrow majority or even defeat to justify ploughing on with her traitorous deal. Not good news for those who support Brino. The BBC now realises that it must fall back on ‘the people’s vote’ to keep us in the EU. Meanwhile, best to play down this debate. Why not lead on a climate change scare story instead?