David Vance – on Twitter – calls for Margaret Thatcher to be on the £50 note – it seems appropriate since it might be the last £50 before we absorbed into the ReichEU borg that is the €
It’s easy to go to the Bank of England site and nominate Lady Thatcher . – they give you 250 words to explain.
It might also a last opportunity to visit the Bank of England before it becomes the North Western branch of the ReichEU bank.
2018-11-26 BBC Business
Report on nominations for the person to be depicted on the new £50 note.
With HYS, including :-
“15. Posted by Alf Tupperware
I think there’s to be a 39 billion quid note printed with Theresa May on it.”
Not about the BBC – but since every one seems to like anniversaries – and it being 10 years since G Brown saved the world economy from sun primes – can I recommend a film –
The big Short .
It’s for you if you like money films but there’s no musical number , no one gets shot or stabbed and there s no SWAT teams …
BBC run “New £50 note scientist nominations released” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/business-46343965
em that’s PR cos actually the nominations dont close until Dec 14th, so there is time to add more
So far the list includes 600 men and 200 women
and the BBC choose a graphic which shows 1 man and 2 women
Grassroots Empowerment in Tanzania (GET) Programme
Total Budget: £17,999,998
To contribute to the delivery of HMG’s ‘leave no-one behind agenda’ – tackling extreme poverty and helping the world’s most vulnerable. Grassroots Empowerment programme will deliver results on reducing FGM and early marriage, discrimination against people with albinism, securing land rights for women, and supporting disabled people.
TuWezesha Akina Dada- Africa UK Young Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Movement
Budget: £1,198,295
Girls and young women often experience multiple forms of violence, including female genital mutilation (FGM), child marriage, domestic and sexual violence and trafficking, and yet are unable to access the needed support.
Maanda: Using the law and legal mechanisms to address HTPs in West Africa
Reporting Organisation: Charity Projects Ltd (Comic Relief)
Budget: £814,133
Though some African governments have introduced legislation to protect women and girls from harmful traditional practices such as FGM it is often poorly implemented.
Developing rights-based and empowering approaches to mobilise (DREAM) action to end FGM
Reporting Organisation: Charity Projects Ltd (Comic Relief)
Budget: £510,186
The majority of women in Gambia (76%) and Sierra Leone (88%) are affected by Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Alternative Rite of Passage for Girls at Risk of FGM
Budget: £114,585
Facilitate an alternative rite of passage course and ceremony for girls coming of age in Kipkelion
Budget: £20,000
FGM has been a criminal offense in Britain since 1985. Legislation in 2003 made it illegal for British citizens to carry out or procure FGM abroad, even in countries where it is legal.
Worms for dinner? Startup launches DIY insect farms
But police and prosecutors have yet to secure a conviction.
At least you had the decency to leave out the shed load of borrowed taxpayer money sent to Pakistan each year so they can kill Christians and run fraud gangs from dodgistan
Happily for some, Treason May has another alternative (as she always does!) for the millions supported overseas.
Under the UN Migration Compact, all groups you refer to can come to the UK and live happily ever after on State Benefits……….
‘When people want to destroy a country, they must first destroy its culture’, the beeb tells us this eve, with a straight face.
Honest, not kidding. North Wales. Hidden art. WW2.
Well, there you have it…
Poor George Soros – whose real name is Geogy Shwarz has had to pull his “ foundation “ out of Turkey in the face of nationalism . Maybe this shows that money can’t buy hearts and minds .
No, actual birth name : György Švarc
Google Hungarian voice reads that as George Swa–artz
the family changed its name to Soros in 1936
Yes I am disagreeing with Wikipedia
I like being corrected – the nuance of my comment is that his name isn’t George Yaxley Lennon and the media doesn’t choose to use his real name – he’s a Magyar – I’m an Anglo – so I really couldn’t give a tuppeny damn how this enemy of Blighty s real name is spelt .
5:48pm Evan Davis vs Brexiteer, Peter Lilley PM on Radio4 this evening https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00019n0
ended 5:54:30pm
There should have been 5 minutes more cos Davis had kept interrupting
Can you spot which Twitter comments are from angry remainers ?
\\ The discussion between Evan Davis and Peter Lilley on PM was the worst piece of radio I’ve heard since someone said “here’s the new single from Mumford and Sons”
Cue Bono#maymustgo @cue_bono
Just heard Peter Lilley kicking the crap out of Evan Davis on Radio4. They won’t be repeating that interview.
@campbellclaret Just had the misfortune of hearing Peter Lilley and Evan Davis on BBC R4 proclaiming that the BBC and the trade experts they invited onto a previous programme with him don’t understand Brexit. What an arrogant, pompous ass.
Well done Peter Lilley for dealing with the mendacious @BBCPM Evan Davis just now, exposing #BBCbrexitbias and misinformation on WTO
I’m no fan of Peter Lilley, but Evan Davis totally lost against him there! #bbcpm
On @BBCPM Peter Lilley sounded like a mad old man with a poly bag stuffed full of “trade facts”.
It sounded like a ‘right of reply’ thing, so presumably he had recently appeared where he sounded like a mad old man with a poly bag stuffed full of “trade facts”.
Just been listening to @BBCPM. That Peter Lilley’s a nasty bit of work isn’t he?
Yes, I too listened live and Peter Lilley was amazingly calm. @BBCRadio4 & @bbcnews are a complete joke … their “reality check” is simply a “remain check” … their anti #brexit bias is brazen, they think they will get away with a belated apology, but there’ll be a reckoning.
Hats off to Peter Lilley on @BBCRadio4 today. Ran circles around the ‘unbiased’ presenter and ‘impartial’ expert ???? Eloquently defended the leave camp and signed off with a cutting dig at how biased the BBC currently are ????????????????????????//
.@realDonaldTrump throws a mighty big rock into the @theresa_may#Brexit pond: "sounds like a great deal for the EU……as the deal stands they [the UK] may not be able to trade with the US. I don't want that at all, that would be a very big negative for the deal"
BBC News laying into @realDonaldTrump for weighing in on Brexit as President. I seem to recall they applauded Obama for making negative comments as part of Project Fear during the referendum campaign.
Mr Trump can see a crap deal when he sees one – unlike the 200 tory traitors aiming to support Mays’ sell out in order to get government jobs or gongs . Shameful .
I wonder what dirty deeds our secret services are going to use on MPs to get them to vote for the traitor, Dancing Terry, and her commie Civil Servants?
The BBC’s News At Ten has just announced in disapproving tones that Donald Trump has, horror of horrors, described migrants from Mexico as “stone cold criminals”.
Let’s just have a look at what he really said.
Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL!
Oh. Many of them. Not quite the impression given that he was referring to all of them.
But then they have form for that sort of thing. They have still been unable to answer a complaint I made on 1st November when they wrongly stated that Trump called the media “the enemy of the people”.
I don’t get this Mexico business. Surely even the most idiotic of BBC reporters must know that the US will not permit it’s borders to be forced open by anyone. The so called migrants have been misled if not set up. Mexico will just come down hard on them eventually to avoid a border closure which will really hurt them and not the US.
While Miniature Macron makes an issue of fishing rights, it might be worth remembering a little-known fact in this Armistice Year that our noble allies charged the British Army rent for every blood-soaked metre of trench dug in French soil and for every kilometre travelled on French railways, carrying our men to the front.
Some friends never change their spots, though ‘historian’ Dan Snow is unlikely to mention that.
PS. Suggestions that ‘trench rent’ stories were simply malicious gossip and almost to be expected, are not supported by questions recorded in Hansard at the time.
Our punishment is already being openly planned by the French. In the daily newsletter from the political magazine “Le Point” all is revealed,
An article says
Et si on profitait du Brexit pour récupérer Jersey et Guernesey
La France ne revendique plus « officiellement » les îles anglo-normandes depuis 1815, pourtant, le Brexit pourrait lui permettre de récupérer son apanage.
Are not the CI the direct possessions of the Crown via the Dukes of Normandy?
I am sure the people of the islands would have something to say about this French nonsense.
In a weak moment I watched a BBC item on the Mars landing. The wide angle shot of Nasa showed a very predominately male workforce but the BBC managed to interview two women. One an ethnic minority.
Sometimes being that obvious shows .
She is a highly qualified research chemist, currently measuring the required bromide levels in tea, in order to minimise attacks from rapacious colleagues, self-identifying as male.
I might be wrong but isn’t she using her mouse on the keyboard?
This is typical BBC..my wife highlighted BBC breakfast – speaking to a female indian scientist about the Mars probe…cut to the team at NASA 95% white men..
.How do the BBC manage to promote 1. females. 2. females of ethnic orgin for everything when the reality is far from truth but don’t seem to worry abut finding men in occupations where they are under represented?
Simple enough mistake James. In reality she is giving the keyboard a proper soft-soaping, to ensure the correct research results. It’s a technique pioneered by climate research scientists at the University of East Anglia.
Ha even worse than that I can now see she is just using a mouse mat with big writing on it.
But I bet there is something funny with that girl, like that she lives in the same house as a BBC staffer.
..Hmm she was contacted by a black BBC staffer on Oct 18, I see, about dropping out of university.
They are moaning about a lack of funding for mental health. They have a pathological need to campaign for some virtuous cause; it must give them a dopamine hit akin to what drug addicts and gamblers experience.
I think they are paving the way to hell with good intentions. Celebrities are now talking about their bad ‘mental health’ when they are merely feeling understandably anxious about performing, or sad when something bad happens (which is inevitable.) You need grit to thrive. If you feel anxious or sad you are not ‘mentally ill.’ It is just like their ‘campaigning’ for trans rights has now seen the number of trans kids increase massively. Soon mental health services will be inundated with neurotic people who have thought themselves into being ‘mentally ill’ when in fact they are fine.
Our failing ‘liberal’ education system passes on its casualties to our failing ‘liberal’ national health service which passes on its caualties to our failing ‘liberal’ police force which passes on its casualties to our failing ‘liberal’ prison service which passes off its casualties to our ‘liberal’ politicians who pass on their casualties to a not so liberal Shariah. Case and Country closed.
Some time ago I played a game when tuning into BBC daytime radio that they would be talking about either 1) islamophobia, 2) transgenderism or 3) mental health. I had a fair degree of accuracy.
It would be interesting to see some clinical research looking at the correlations between e.g. mild depression or generalised anxiety disorder and exposure to mainstream media. Anecdotal evidence alone suggests to me quite a strong relationship.
Such is the pathological nature of much of our cultural output these days. Slop Will Eat Itself.
I’m not really a fan of either of them but both Piers Morgan and Susannah Reid were going all out against Mays agreement on ITV this morning.
“Don’t be bored”, “they want you to think people are bored of Brexit”, “now isn’t the time to be complacent”, “Don’t be a Bob ( bored of Brexit)”. Despite what the politicians are telling you, remain engaged, this is important to us all.
After speaking to the blatant liar Liddington, who of course played down the comments made by Trump, both of them made the point that he hadn’t been completely straight with their viewers. The truth was that the UK wouldn’t be able to make our own goods trade deals with America, Trump was right in what he said, and then asked the viewers why would the EU let us out of any agreement to allow us to make our own deals, to compete with them, to “cut off their nose to spite their face”?
I don’t usually bother with this in the morning at all, and it won’t become regular viewing for me, but what a refreshingly honest and non-partisan piece of presenting. Obviously both opposed to the deal and not afraid to admit it.
Now, can anyone imagine this happening on the bBBC?
Lidington is smarmy, so is Alan Duncan, among many others of course. As for Barwell, wouldn’t you like to poke a pin in that pumpkin head and deflate it?
Re yesterday’s Climate Alarmism PR
OK we know that sea level rise and coastal erosion and sea level rise are two different things
ITV local news doesn’t
It opened with Gove/MetO climate doom, but was live from Skipsea East Yorkshire where the coast is not particularly low down but does erode
So they could talk about houses that have been lost over the last 100 years . as that coast gets swept away and ends up on the LIncolnshire coast of Mabelthorpe etc
…. thus the beach at Skegness gets further OUT into what used to be sea
BBC Look North came on all dramatic talk of “1.5million homes at risk, 1 million on the East Coast”
don’t be daft ..you can only get that number if you include London
Look North did get the point that it is the Lincolnshire coast, that is low down,therefore vulnerable to sea level rise causing floods.
They featured a gigantic sea wall bank around Boston
and then they flashed up the MetO map of sea level rise showing 1/3 of Lincolnshire flooded all the Wash way into Peterborough including Boston completely lost ..ie they had contradicted themselves.
The BBC interviewer gave the MetO’s Albert Klein-tank a hard time about this and other things
Then the local eco-reporter Paul Murphy came on Live from Mabelthorpe
FFS what good is that , him standing the dark in front of calm sea ..a long way behind him ?
The BBC seems to be unsure what strand of lies it want to put out at the moment . In the last 2 days we were all to bored to be interested in brexit anymore .
Yet today Mr Trump states the obvious about sell out and they report it . It struck me that the last American President was bought over by Cameron to tell us we d be at the back of the queue . Even his speech writers and skin colour didn’t help that cause .
But we land up at the back of the queue because a remainer sold us out and Will spend the next 2 weeks lieing to us . £9 million pamphlet time again?
Obama told us we’d be at the back of the queue. Trump came in and told us that we’d be at the front of the queue. May has decided that we must stay inside the Backstop, so we can’t even go out to find if there is a queue.
Trump states the obvious and the BBC tells us it’s all his fault.
The general assault by Remainers on the pathetic little Brexit ‘deal’, is in full swing on all fronts.
The Scottish courts want to go back to article 50 to see if it was ‘legal’, in order to undo it.
Michael Fallon wants to give ‘Brexit’ 2-3 more months of preparation (insert any other number as desired; years are also permissable; try thinking of big numbers).
My granddaughter wants it reversed cos, ever since the EU giving it the thumbs up, her spade has become more difficult to withdraw from the sticky, wet sand in her sandbox, and her bucket has started rusting.
Wimmins hour..the Trans wagon rolls on…there was a whole load on this yesterday or end of last weekk….is Trans such a big issue? Or is it simply a few people with big mouths? I am bored to death with it all….
I remember when I could actually listen – as a man – to Wimmins hour and find it quite interesting….no longer….
Lammy: We cannot allow this agenda of hate to be on our streets. Fascist & racist Tommy Robinson supporters will be out on the streets of London supporting the Brexit that no one wants. It is so important we mobilise to oppose them!
This is incitement.
Stand up to Racism (organisers of the opposition demo along with The Muslim Council of Britain etc.) say: Robinson says this is about a “Brexit betrayal” but it is about whipping up racism and islamophobia. Whatever way you voted in the referendum, join us to oppose Robinson and his hate.
Since those so beloved by the bBC appear to be involved can we expect full coverage this time?
By the way, I believe NF thinks the Brexit March is a bad idea which could jeopardise the ‘meaningful vote’ on Tues December 11.
It sounds like leave supporters can never ever have a march because the media and politicians plus all the hate not soap and other miscellaneous packs of traitors will simply say it’s racist or some other ‘ist, then organise a counter march, attack the pro leave marchers and the media will blame the leavers as has happened so many times already.
I wish we had Trump over here instead of the shower of sh*te we have in the den of thieves and expense claimers and that we had Fox tv instead of every other tv channel. Just one impartial channel, that’s all we want, to counter all the far left channels.
Lammy of course is projecting
when he says “We cannot allow this agenda of hate to be on our streets. Fascist & racist Tommy Robinson supporters
will be out on the streets of London supporting Brexit”
He means
“We David Lammy and crew are Fascist & racist
.. with an agenda of hate against TR
… so We cannot allow Brexit supporters to be out on the streets of London supporting Brexit”
TR supporters are of course not fascist that is why allow the normal rules of free speech
: that you have your march
.. we have our march
and that it is NOT free speech ..to turn up and say you are superior and have a right to stop the other groups march.
Lammy’s lot are the lot who say they have a right to stop the other groups march.
ie Lammy is being SUPREMACIST !
Rather than being “bored by brexit” we have a job on here to look even closer at the traitorous bBC and highlight every ounce ( bBC would say gram) of their bias.
You would have to say though, how did we get here……from the outset the EU set the agenda, the parameters, and the phasing of this process?
Why did we roll over and except that? In particular the attack on our flanks, N.ireland and to a lesser extent Brigadoon (Fishing Rights.
Its almost as if we’ve said to the EU…..here are our weak spots have a go!
And they certainly did aided and abetted by the bBC and its one sided reporting together with traitors like Starmer, and many others.
Its as if the EU has taken advice from Rome and designed a purgatory into which we are to be consigned with a modern day version of purgatory called a “backstop”
This could be turned around …..give us Boris with endorsement from Mr. Trump and a dead parrot sketch featuring that Withdrawal
Agreement playing the role of the parrot.
Most mornings at about 7:30 R4 has a 5 min summary of what happened the previous day in Parliament. I reckon that every speaker that said something positive about the “deal” yesterday was heard, in a manner that made it seem like there was some sort of balance.
That’s what I’ve received in a red envelope with those words you can see through a window .
The interesting bit is
” As we still have no record of a TV Licence at this address , BY LAW [ my capitals] we have no option but to CONTINUE [] with our investigation . You can expect a visit from …….. Enforcement Officers .
So they are breaking the law . Just continually sending letters to someone who ignores them is not investigating .
There’s also a remarkable amount of numbers and letters in very small print at the top , bottom and sides of this correspondence . Above my address ( to the Legal Occupier ) is a forty three – yes forty three and a vowel – number split into sections of 34 numbers , a space then six more then space and three more followed by a letter . Well that’s certainly over a billion and certainly over a trillion but I don’t know what that number is called . Is it the amount of people they expect to be living in the UK after all this immigration ?
At the bottom I’ve mentioned before about the eleven digit number that matches the ref number on the main page , with one extra digit .
Over the page we have at the top right ; REV/PULT/2EN/10/18 and at the bottom right we have ; INOF9 IN-NT-1EU-11-18 401IL/181114/103430/00181969 page2 000000
I’m presuming a lot of the 18 numbers are to do with the year , ditto some of the elevens . The 1EU looks interesting , is it a directive from an organisation they’ve accepted money from ?
So that’s twenty two letters in the codes they spread about plus ninety three numbers . And I’m not repeating the numbers INFO1F9 etc page 1 on the main page .
Now my post code takes four letters and three numbers to locate me , my National Insurance three letters and four numbers , my passport two letters and six numbers , my driving licence nine letters and seven numbers , a credit card twenty three numbers , nectar card twenty , casino twelve . This is where the government actually looks good and not profligate with letters and numbers . Even my Mickey Mouse European Press Card only has seven numbers and seven letters and they can make up as many as they want .
Think of a number and double it doesn’t even come close to the top right hand corner of the letters TV Licensing send out . What if I ring them to tell them I don’t want a licence ? If I do I’m going to quote all ninety three except the ten digit ref number , they must mean something to someone , surely ?
Fake photos of the Migrants in Mexico published by the BBC.
See photo of Maria Meza fleeing from tear gas. BBC follows the usual fakers reproducing this photo without question. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46355258
I was scared,” she told BuzzFeed News. “I grabbed my daughters and ran… I thought my kids were going to die with me because of the gas we inhaled.”
Meanwhile, a Honduran migrant at the border told AFP the US authorities had started using tear gas as they neared the border.
“The alarm went off and they began throwing tear gas at us. A person got hit and lots of kids fainted. So some people got rocks and threw them because many kids were fainting.”
That lady needs to pull herself together if she’s going to get past the US border control. Maybe they had a bit more discipline in the old days, when vast armies of women and persons of colour won both World Wars 1 and 2 for us all to live in a land of glorious harmonious equality.
The Times fake caption to the closely cropped fake photo reads ‘Families flee tear gas…’
Can’t see the families myself – I see one dark-haired latino woman pulling at the arms of two fairer-haired young girls who she claims are her daughters. I don’t believe the BBC would know any better.
PS I notice that my Times comment highlighting Lord Deben’s and Climate Committee’s conflict of interest, featuring a link to the parliamentary register of interests
was first put into moderation last night,
and then allowed through this morning.
Apparently we are ‘bored of brexit’ (bob) and May wants to just sign off and get on with it. That’s what the media are telling us so it must be true.
During the war, 39-45, I’m sure that was long enough to get ‘bored’ so maybe we should have just surrendered to get it over with, like May wants to do with brino.
If you’re looking for a cheer up about the sell out have a read of the guardian where a hard left journo called Micheal chessum issues a rabid panic cry because TR and others are to march on 9 December to show that it’s not just remainers who take to the streets –
Wait for the numbers battle .
As an aside if you assume A50 won’t be moved – the time table for parliament to do anything in the 3 months upto the end of March 2019 is very tight with 2 weeks out at Christmas and a further 11 days in February .
This must been that the outgoing PM must be Lieing about that constant line about leaving at the end of March .
I have doubts regarding the tactics of holding a Brexit march. Whatever the numbers it will be reported as smaller than the Remainer march. The BBC and MSM will stage pictures of Nazi salutes and claim that is due to TR’s influence on UKIP.
Far better if UKIP and brexiteers used the time in local recruiting activities, arguing with friends to add support, generally building up credibility of UKIP as the third party who could influence matters with a few MPs in what may be a hung Parliament after the GE.
Just bad tactics.
I agree on that . When did any march have any effect since Vietnam ?
I’m also against the personal risk involved .
I was witness to a countryside alliance march in parliament square where police used their batons in the way French riot police do. – on protesters doing no more than shielding themselves from injury .
I was not in the march but was shocked that could happen …
Nope, take to the streets
… those London people really think there are no Brexiteers
Tommy took to the streets to protest against Islam and the libmob covering up and restricting free speech
… and he got a million supporters on Facebook
whereas before he was ignored.
Video livestreams show that TR supporters are 99% peaceful, and hateyfa are 80% aggressive
FE2/GWF To be perfectly honest – I dont want to go on the march – I did a couple of them last summer and its a bloody long day and I have over four hours of travelling by train and car to get there (unless George Soros wants to lay a coach on for me).
But think of it this way. We are being mugged off by a coalition of crooks, cowards and possibly what is the most corrupt Goverment this country has ever had. We can rant as much as we like online, but what has changed?
There is an awful of hot air from the establishment about how wrong it is to stand shoulder to shoulder wIth TR (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon in case you forgot) and Gerard Batten.
Do you not think that for some reason the establishment are frightened of him. If it hadnt been for TR s sacrifices over the years it is quite likely that the enriching habits of Some of our newer countrymen would have all but been forgotten? And remember so unimportant is TRs contribution to the cause the BBC are also preparing another “hit piece”.
Yes there will be footy supporters drinking beer and chanting and yes their always is a chance of violence. But there will also be a lot of normal boring people like me, who think this country and democracy is still worth defending – if you think I am wasting my time all well and good but please dont project your negativity onto the rest of us who will be making the effort. Besides which the more “normal” people that go. the more difficult it is for the crooked MSM to point fingers at us as a bunch of football hooligans.
I think it must also be remembered that a lot of these ignorant “hooligans” come from towns that have experienced enrichment first hand – is not surprising that they are also angry at a corrupt establishment mugging the nation off on something else?
Yes it may all be a waste of time, But as I said on another blogg – I am normally very mild mannered but I think we are living in dangerous times for democracy and if ever there is a time to get off my backside, this is it. Besides which I ever get grandchildren , I want to be able to look them in the eye and said at least I tried.
Oak – I’m really sorry – I’d didn’t mean to rubbish people’s right to march . I don’t do them – fear of violence isn’t one of the reasons but I thought in passing I’d mention what I saw with my own eyes once – but hats off to you for doing so .
Dont apologise – I am probably just a bit oversensitive on this and felt particularly let down by the likes of Nigel Farage who years before Mays sell out was threatening to organise a march but never delivered.
When it was obvious she was trying to turn us all into good little EU subjects he moaned a bit, organised nothing and then threw stones at Gerrard Batten for talking to Tommy rather than snake Tongued Theresa for trying to sell us into bondage.
At this rate he will soon be getting his own column in the Guardian.
My negativity about the march was based on tactics and how the media would respond. Quite frankly I am so angry that I would gladly storm Parliament and shake the cowardly buggers
When Britain first, at Heaven’s command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: “Britons never will be slaves.”
The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: “Britons never will be slaves.”
Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: “Britons never will be slaves.”
Thee haughty tyrants ne’er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: “Britons never will be slaves.”
Jeremy Whine always has the same Communist whinging Welshman phoning in. He’s just advocated the killing of all rich people that try to avoid taxes, and Whine didn’t say a thing.
He then stated that accountants and solicitors are “worse than vermin”, and again Whine didn’t bat an eyelid.
Now imagine that somebody had rung in and said the same about economic migrants or benefit cheats.
I suspect our friend from Pontypridd gets phoned up rather than phones in, (fake callers), the same with Mr Moderate Muslim fron Northampton. The pair of the them are reliable ‘turns’.
No doubt there is criminal money flowing through London but perhaps if the communists and socialists weren’t so greedy for other peoples’ money there might be a greater tax take? If the tax rate for the rich was the same as for the rest of us there wouldn’t be the same incentive to avoid paying tax. Similarly if the governments weren’t so greedy to spend the tax we wouldn’t be carrying such a debt burden. The money spent on servicing the debt is money that is wasted as far as the tax-payer is concerned.
In the May Corbyn debate we will have a remainer advocating her leave plan against a leaver arguing for a remain party.
The 6 tests are remain in all but name.
I am a sad git..I have been reading the Withdrawal agreement and how it took 2 years to write this drivel is beyond me…In my past life this would have been a 2-3 month project and the addistional future realtsionsip would have taken a few days…No wonder everyone hates it…it is CRAP…however this bit made me laugh
“Union mean that it will be important for the United Kingdom to be able to take steps to prepare and establish new international arrangements of its own, including in areas of Union exclusive
competence, provided such agreements do not enter into force or apply during that period, unless so authorised by the Union”
So the EU will let us know when we can enter into trade agreements…hmmm
As for Fishing..it is barely mentioned except that whilst in the Transistion we will be able to comment on changes…No wonder the fishing industry feels sold down the Channel
This must have been the plan all along because it couldn’t possibly have taken all the Government’s resources 2 years to produce a paper turd!
It’s not even a sell out it’s basically – we will do what you ask as long as you play along that I am negotiating anything..There is nothing in there that does anything for the UK. The only thing fixed is about EU residents but that was given away by May ages ago ( and notice ther is little papragraph that says we will look at social security arrangements..so even that could be left open)..the rest is just ifs buts and balony. It really is depressing
I’ve downloaded it and to be honest I find it mostly impenetrable and loaded with ‘legal speak’…..with hundreds of references to existing EU regulations
‘The devil is in the detail’ methinks……..
The godfather of fake news Meet one of the world’s most prolific writers of disinformation
it is difficult not to assume that any news critical of Hilary Clinton must be fake news.
8pm R4 Richard Dawkins examines how the science community interacts with the public, politicians, commercial interests and their peers. #scicomm https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0001b1k
A worst-case climate-change scenario projects smaller economic damage to the U.S. than you might expect, writes Steven Koonin https://t.co/3e8VtgySdj via @WSJOpinion
Good old BBC, highlighting a supposed “godfather of fake news” on its home page. He is of course, anti Clinton/Obama.
So, from a world wide internet awash with misinformation, political spin, echo chamber lunacy and MSM bias, they pick on a saddo who is implicitly a Trump follower to highlight as being an arch purveyor of fake news. So lefties never lie, just Republican rednecks, that’s the message.
Meanwhile, industrial scale gang rape of young girls goes under reported, Brexit bias and Project Fear rumble on unchecked, and correspondents foist on us their own prejudice and propaganda under the guise of “reality checks”. Fake news, you bet you are, BBC!
Monday 9pm BBC2 prog showed white babies being racist
… but they didn’t show tests of non-white babies
@BBCTwo#babies This is #badscience. Too many unqualified observations here (e.g. babies are impulsive racists…)
Very middle class sample of kids. Did you control for parental education & socioeconomic status? Why no non-white experimental controls in face preference test?
I disagree. The colonies were growing too big and rich to be held back by us and anyway there was much support here for them ,
It is not widely know but the ordinary British soldiers deserted in great numbers and went over to the cause of the colonists. They knew the score and that life there offered them chances they would never have in Britain . We were the same people mostly after all.
Hence the use of German troops who could not speak the language so easily.
Remember Tom Paine was from Thetford in Norfolk and his pamphlet is probably the most important one in history and made a huge difference to the attitudes of everyone involved.
Interesting front page on the Daily Mirror. Pure FakeNews, if you take the IMF definition/calculation of ‘rich’. The UK is not even in the Top Twenty now. How often do you hear it repeated on the BBC, without a challenge from any Presenter?
It is well known the Britain is the richest country in the world . It is the happiest , has the best quality of life , best medical and education systems as well as being the safest, most diverse and cleanest – a government spokesman said ….
Sorry GB I forgot the most important national characteristic –
best national soccer ball teams , best politicians , fairest laws and – of course – the best state broadcaster ever seen – a government spokesperson said …
I’d love to take the two with the “I can wear what I want to” placard for a nice holiday in Iran or Saudi Arabia where they can find out what happens when they try to wear what they want to. I bet they also think wearing veils & hijabs is a woman’s choice in those countries.
The Ukraine troubles ‘with’ Russia. Before the BBC get their grubby little hands on this developing matter as material to be distorted (evil Russia) and, if anyone is interested otherwise, I found this to be an apparently good and honest explanation. The reporters credentials amount to having relatives in Ukraine.
Get primed before the Western media and particularly our, “Worlds most trusted”, attack Russia. Never thought I’d state that…………..
Thats truly what sources on the internet does for you and hence why the Globalist/NWO/Soros want to stop it!
Instead of lining up to join the German workforce, as the political elite & leftist media tried to make Germans believe, these young illegal "refugee" men (soldiers), in the hundreds of thousands, took refuge in Germany's generous welfare system pic.twitter.com/Sp4GRnGNLD
I caught a bit of wimmins hour on tv thing – Victoria someone with three? Muslim wimmin campaigning to make Islam-phobia an offence – I think the tick box Muslim woman – warsi – who was made a peer be Cameron during his ‘ down with the kids ‘ period .
So many people wanting to reduce free speech and thought .
Little boats, WW2, ex-Dunkirk, carrying British troops.
Little boats, 2018, ex anywhere in France/Belgium etc carrying, ‘migrants’.
Do we have a border force?
Are they active, beyond rescuing all the ‘migrants’ and bringing them to Britain?
Would it be: find a little boat; head for Britain; await free rescue? Take a chance. You know they’ll let you in.
Someone is making a lot of money.
Yep, FNW.
Al Beeb have the English Channel Boat People as the number 1 6 pm news story. And clearly we are expected to feel sorry for them.
Mind you, all those doctors and engineers wanting to come and fill our skills gaps, what’s not to like?
Just a shame so few can actually speak English, and women seem to be so ‘significantly under-represented’.
I thought these people were supposed to register in the first safe country. I suppose it couldn’t be that France is selectively choosing which rules to follow?
And what a shame Al Beeb cannot related this story to the benefits of Brexit and proper control of our borders. But then, connecting things together is not exactly their strong point.
This illegal immigration route could be closed immediately with a few shots from a Royal Navy ship engaging with an unidentified enemy. But imagine the outcry from the virtue-signallers.
Even though these nuclear physicists aren’t quite of the calibre to win Nobel prizes, I’m sure the BBC will promote them as expert sailors instead. Expect to see them rehoused near Cowes where they’ll be fast tracked to be our hopeful entrants into the America’s Cup.
Sluff -no prizes for guessing who would be leading the howling!
Interesting timing though. Footage of the ‘migrant’ assault on the US border virtually simultaneous on YT.
Language is interesting too. The term ‘migrant’ is now in daily use, the same as the word ‘eat’ or ‘sleep’. The adjective ‘illegal’ has simply disappeared. In vain do a few people try to distinguish it from ‘legal’. So, what has happened to the Law? What has happened to ‘Law Enforcement’?
It will reappear magically if you go to your local superstore and help yourself, then walk out without paying. So actually, are there two quite separate meanings of ‘law’? Two quite different systems?
Watch the UN. They will soon be making the illegal quite legal. Meanwhile, we are preoccupied with Brexit, while May ties us up in knots and minds all across the country seize up. Maybe that is her real offence?
Also never mentioned is the fact that many people/would-be-immigrants abroad go through the LEGAL route. They apply for visas. They submit documents. They take tests. Many are rejected.
Makes you think…
Perhaps Germany should have avoided tanks and planes when invading Poland in 1939? Thousands of Germans should simply have ‘migrated’ there and taken the place over. The Germans could have avoided 11,000 troops being killed on their side, in the effort. Wasn’t Hitler stupid?
Language is a formidable weapon. Maybe THE most formidable…
The refusal to deport these invaders is sickening.
@Michael_Heaver and LBC have both contacted the Home Office who would not give out any information (because obviously none have been deported).
NF states the obvious – “If all the illegal immigrants being rescued in the Channel and coming into Dover are allowed to stay, that will encourage even more to come. A tragedy is close at hand.”
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
David Vance – on Twitter – calls for Margaret Thatcher to be on the £50 note – it seems appropriate since it might be the last £50 before we absorbed into the ReichEU borg that is the €
It’s easy to go to the Bank of England site and nominate Lady Thatcher . – they give you 250 words to explain.
It might also a last opportunity to visit the Bank of England before it becomes the North Western branch of the ReichEU bank.
2018-11-26 BBC Business
Report on nominations for the person to be depicted on the new £50 note.
With HYS, including :-
“15. Posted by Alf Tupperware
I think there’s to be a 39 billion quid note printed with Theresa May on it.”
Ah here’s the Have your say
It doesn’t show up from the AMP I gave earlier
Not about the BBC – but since every one seems to like anniversaries – and it being 10 years since G Brown saved the world economy from sun primes – can I recommend a film –
The big Short .
It’s for you if you like money films but there’s no musical number , no one gets shot or stabbed and there s no SWAT teams …
BBC run “New £50 note scientist nominations released”
em that’s PR cos actually the nominations dont close until Dec 14th, so there is time to add more
So far the list includes 600 men and 200 women
and the BBC choose a graphic which shows 1 man and 2 women
Technical note
This graphic works from http://i2.wp.com/ichef.bbci.co.uk
but not from http://ichef.bbci.co.uk
maybe that’s a good trick
It is a truth universally acknowledged that everything of value was created by wimmin.
Oh, and Muslims.
Search UK Development Foreign Aid DFID for FGM ….
Grassroots Empowerment in Tanzania (GET) Programme
Total Budget: £17,999,998
To contribute to the delivery of HMG’s ‘leave no-one behind agenda’ – tackling extreme poverty and helping the world’s most vulnerable. Grassroots Empowerment programme will deliver results on reducing FGM and early marriage, discrimination against people with albinism, securing land rights for women, and supporting disabled people.
TuWezesha Akina Dada- Africa UK Young Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Movement
Budget: £1,198,295
Girls and young women often experience multiple forms of violence, including female genital mutilation (FGM), child marriage, domestic and sexual violence and trafficking, and yet are unable to access the needed support.
Maanda: Using the law and legal mechanisms to address HTPs in West Africa
Reporting Organisation: Charity Projects Ltd (Comic Relief)
Budget: £814,133
Though some African governments have introduced legislation to protect women and girls from harmful traditional practices such as FGM it is often poorly implemented.
Developing rights-based and empowering approaches to mobilise (DREAM) action to end FGM
Reporting Organisation: Charity Projects Ltd (Comic Relief)
Budget: £510,186
The majority of women in Gambia (76%) and Sierra Leone (88%) are affected by Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Alternative Rite of Passage for Girls at Risk of FGM
Budget: £114,585
Facilitate an alternative rite of passage course and ceremony for girls coming of age in Kipkelion
Budget: £20,000
FGM has been a criminal offense in Britain since 1985. Legislation in 2003 made it illegal for British citizens to carry out or procure FGM abroad, even in countries where it is legal.
Worms for dinner? Startup launches DIY insect farms
But police and prosecutors have yet to secure a conviction.
Thousands of FGM cases recorded in Britain
At least you had the decency to leave out the shed load of borrowed taxpayer money sent to Pakistan each year so they can kill Christians and run fraud gangs from dodgistan
Happily for some, Treason May has another alternative (as she always does!) for the millions supported overseas.
Under the UN Migration Compact, all groups you refer to can come to the UK and live happily ever after on State Benefits……….
‘When people want to destroy a country, they must first destroy its culture’, the beeb tells us this eve, with a straight face.
Honest, not kidding. North Wales. Hidden art. WW2.
Well, there you have it…
Poor George Soros – whose real name is Geogy Shwarz has had to pull his “ foundation “ out of Turkey in the face of nationalism . Maybe this shows that money can’t buy hearts and minds .
George is getting on a bit …..
No, actual birth name : György Švarc
Google Hungarian voice reads that as George Swa–artz
the family changed its name to Soros in 1936
Yes I am disagreeing with Wikipedia
I like being corrected – the nuance of my comment is that his name isn’t George Yaxley Lennon and the media doesn’t choose to use his real name – he’s a Magyar – I’m an Anglo – so I really couldn’t give a tuppeny damn how this enemy of Blighty s real name is spelt .
I know what you mean. you know what I mean
You made your point
and I just added the actual spelling of the birth name
5:48pm Evan Davis vs Brexiteer, Peter Lilley PM on Radio4 this evening
ended 5:54:30pm
There should have been 5 minutes more cos Davis had kept interrupting
Can you spot which Twitter comments are from angry remainers ?
\\ The discussion between Evan Davis and Peter Lilley on PM was the worst piece of radio I’ve heard since someone said “here’s the new single from Mumford and Sons”
Cue Bono#maymustgo @cue_bono
Just heard Peter Lilley kicking the crap out of Evan Davis on Radio4. They won’t be repeating that interview.
@campbellclaret Just had the misfortune of hearing Peter Lilley and Evan Davis on BBC R4 proclaiming that the BBC and the trade experts they invited onto a previous programme with him don’t understand Brexit. What an arrogant, pompous ass.
Well done Peter Lilley for dealing with the mendacious @BBCPM Evan Davis just now, exposing #BBCbrexitbias and misinformation on WTO
I’m no fan of Peter Lilley, but Evan Davis totally lost against him there! #bbcpm
On @BBCPM Peter Lilley sounded like a mad old man with a poly bag stuffed full of “trade facts”.
It sounded like a ‘right of reply’ thing, so presumably he had recently appeared where he sounded like a mad old man with a poly bag stuffed full of “trade facts”.
Just been listening to @BBCPM. That Peter Lilley’s a nasty bit of work isn’t he?
Yes, I too listened live and Peter Lilley was amazingly calm. @BBCRadio4 & @bbcnews are a complete joke … their “reality check” is simply a “remain check” … their anti #brexit bias is brazen, they think they will get away with a belated apology, but there’ll be a reckoning.
Hats off to Peter Lilley on @BBCRadio4 today. Ran circles around the ‘unbiased’ presenter and ‘impartial’ expert ???? Eloquently defended the leave camp and signed off with a cutting dig at how biased the BBC currently are ????????????????????????//
A quick lesson on British history- along the lines of Lammy and Abbott!
em, by “we” doesn’t he (Femi) mean the UK ?
ie the UK is a nation of 4 nations
( He confirms that he did in a reply)
Ouch! I wonder if Nigel had a little word?
But might it sway some MPs to vote in favour? TDS can cause loss of reason.
Exactly – hypocrites.
Exactly! Good post.
Mr Trump can see a crap deal when he sees one – unlike the 200 tory traitors aiming to support Mays’ sell out in order to get government jobs or gongs . Shameful .
I wonder what dirty deeds our secret services are going to use on MPs to get them to vote for the traitor, Dancing Terry, and her commie Civil Servants?
The BBC’s News At Ten has just announced in disapproving tones that Donald Trump has, horror of horrors, described migrants from Mexico as “stone cold criminals”.
Let’s just have a look at what he really said.
Oh. Many of them. Not quite the impression given that he was referring to all of them.
But then they have form for that sort of thing. They have still been unable to answer a complaint I made on 1st November when they wrongly stated that Trump called the media “the enemy of the people”.
Would that be the BBC ‘many’, i.e. my mates around the water cooler, as in ‘many people are bored with Brexit’?
Many, more than two.
I don’t get this Mexico business. Surely even the most idiotic of BBC reporters must know that the US will not permit it’s borders to be forced open by anyone. The so called migrants have been misled if not set up. Mexico will just come down hard on them eventually to avoid a border closure which will really hurt them and not the US.
While Miniature Macron makes an issue of fishing rights, it might be worth remembering a little-known fact in this Armistice Year that our noble allies charged the British Army rent for every blood-soaked metre of trench dug in French soil and for every kilometre travelled on French railways, carrying our men to the front.
Some friends never change their spots, though ‘historian’ Dan Snow is unlikely to mention that.
PS. Suggestions that ‘trench rent’ stories were simply malicious gossip and almost to be expected, are not supported by questions recorded in Hansard at the time.
Our punishment is already being openly planned by the French. In the daily newsletter from the political magazine “Le Point” all is revealed,
An article says
Et si on profitait du Brexit pour récupérer Jersey et Guernesey
La France ne revendique plus « officiellement » les îles anglo-normandes depuis 1815, pourtant, le Brexit pourrait lui permettre de récupérer son apanage.
Are not the CI the direct possessions of the Crown via the Dukes of Normandy?
I am sure the people of the islands would have something to say about this French nonsense.
A thought from a BBC hero, President John F. Kennedy:
Take note Mrs. May and your fellow ‘remainers’.
With all the money Kennedy senior had acquired through corruption they could really buy the best speach writers eh ?
Mrs Chamberlain’s actions will lead to the end of the Tory party as we know it.
What on earth were they thinking when they put her in charge?
“Tory Party” what’s that ??
Ah the old name for “The Party that cheated us out of Brexit”
Assuming the Tory MPs are going to do bugger all we have to rely on a Time traveller.
In a weak moment I watched a BBC item on the Mars landing. The wide angle shot of Nasa showed a very predominately male workforce but the BBC managed to interview two women. One an ethnic minority.
Sometimes being that obvious shows .
As NASA self-identifies as NASA I think we should respect their choice. You aren’t a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic Brexiteer are you?
A picture speaks a thousand…
I wonder what position this well educated woman holds?
She is a highly qualified research chemist, currently measuring the required bromide levels in tea, in order to minimise attacks from rapacious colleagues, self-identifying as male.
I might be wrong but isn’t she using her mouse on the keyboard?
This is typical BBC..my wife highlighted BBC breakfast – speaking to a female indian scientist about the Mars probe…cut to the team at NASA 95% white men..
.How do the BBC manage to promote 1. females. 2. females of ethnic orgin for everything when the reality is far from truth but don’t seem to worry abut finding men in occupations where they are under represented?
Simple enough mistake James. In reality she is giving the keyboard a proper soft-soaping, to ensure the correct research results. It’s a technique pioneered by climate research scientists at the University of East Anglia.
right mouse click ,
select search Google for this image
..you probably find its an image library shot
Somtimes Stew, you can be a real buzzkill…lol!
Ha even worse than that I can now see she is just using a mouse mat with big writing on it.
But I bet there is something funny with that girl, like that she lives in the same house as a BBC staffer.
..Hmm she was contacted by a black BBC staffer on Oct 18, I see, about dropping out of university.
They are moaning about a lack of funding for mental health. They have a pathological need to campaign for some virtuous cause; it must give them a dopamine hit akin to what drug addicts and gamblers experience.
I think they are paving the way to hell with good intentions. Celebrities are now talking about their bad ‘mental health’ when they are merely feeling understandably anxious about performing, or sad when something bad happens (which is inevitable.) You need grit to thrive. If you feel anxious or sad you are not ‘mentally ill.’ It is just like their ‘campaigning’ for trans rights has now seen the number of trans kids increase massively. Soon mental health services will be inundated with neurotic people who have thought themselves into being ‘mentally ill’ when in fact they are fine.
Our failing ‘liberal’ education system passes on its casualties to our failing ‘liberal’ national health service which passes on its caualties to our failing ‘liberal’ police force which passes on its casualties to our failing ‘liberal’ prison service which passes off its casualties to our ‘liberal’ politicians who pass on their casualties to a not so liberal Shariah. Case and Country closed.
Some time ago I played a game when tuning into BBC daytime radio that they would be talking about either 1) islamophobia, 2) transgenderism or 3) mental health. I had a fair degree of accuracy.
It would be interesting to see some clinical research looking at the correlations between e.g. mild depression or generalised anxiety disorder and exposure to mainstream media. Anecdotal evidence alone suggests to me quite a strong relationship.
Such is the pathological nature of much of our cultural output these days. Slop Will Eat Itself.
I call it BBC #SwitchOnBingo
Yes! (Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit also come to mind when thinking about the beeb)
There is another game called c**nwatch in which you surf the tv channels and see how many are showing BAMEs.
Too far.
They will push for ever more public sector do-gooder pen pushers until the private sector tax-payers collapse like a beaten horse.
There is no strategy beyond that.
I’m not really a fan of either of them but both Piers Morgan and Susannah Reid were going all out against Mays agreement on ITV this morning.
“Don’t be bored”, “they want you to think people are bored of Brexit”, “now isn’t the time to be complacent”, “Don’t be a Bob ( bored of Brexit)”. Despite what the politicians are telling you, remain engaged, this is important to us all.
After speaking to the blatant liar Liddington, who of course played down the comments made by Trump, both of them made the point that he hadn’t been completely straight with their viewers. The truth was that the UK wouldn’t be able to make our own goods trade deals with America, Trump was right in what he said, and then asked the viewers why would the EU let us out of any agreement to allow us to make our own deals, to compete with them, to “cut off their nose to spite their face”?
I don’t usually bother with this in the morning at all, and it won’t become regular viewing for me, but what a refreshingly honest and non-partisan piece of presenting. Obviously both opposed to the deal and not afraid to admit it.
Now, can anyone imagine this happening on the bBBC?
Lidington is smarmy, so is Alan Duncan, among many others of course. As for Barwell, wouldn’t you like to poke a pin in that pumpkin head and deflate it?
It should be “bored with” or “bored by”, not “bored of” (which sounds illiterate).
Re yesterday’s Climate Alarmism PR
OK we know that sea level rise and coastal erosion and sea level rise are two different things
ITV local news doesn’t
It opened with Gove/MetO climate doom, but was live from Skipsea East Yorkshire where the coast is not particularly low down but does erode
So they could talk about houses that have been lost over the last 100 years . as that coast gets swept away and ends up on the LIncolnshire coast of Mabelthorpe etc
…. thus the beach at Skegness gets further OUT into what used to be sea
BBC Look North came on all dramatic talk of “1.5million homes at risk, 1 million on the East Coast”
don’t be daft ..you can only get that number if you include London
Look North did get the point that it is the Lincolnshire coast, that is low down,therefore vulnerable to sea level rise causing floods.
They featured a gigantic sea wall bank around Boston
and then they flashed up the MetO map of sea level rise showing 1/3 of Lincolnshire flooded all the Wash way into Peterborough including Boston completely lost ..ie they had contradicted themselves.
The BBC interviewer gave the MetO’s Albert Klein-tank a hard time about this and other things
Then the local eco-reporter Paul Murphy came on Live from Mabelthorpe
FFS what good is that , him standing the dark in front of calm sea ..a long way behind him ?
The BBC seems to be unsure what strand of lies it want to put out at the moment . In the last 2 days we were all to bored to be interested in brexit anymore .
Yet today Mr Trump states the obvious about sell out and they report it . It struck me that the last American President was bought over by Cameron to tell us we d be at the back of the queue . Even his speech writers and skin colour didn’t help that cause .
But we land up at the back of the queue because a remainer sold us out and Will spend the next 2 weeks lieing to us . £9 million pamphlet time again?
Obama told us we’d be at the back of the queue. Trump came in and told us that we’d be at the front of the queue. May has decided that we must stay inside the Backstop, so we can’t even go out to find if there is a queue.
Trump states the obvious and the BBC tells us it’s all his fault.
The general assault by Remainers on the pathetic little Brexit ‘deal’, is in full swing on all fronts.
The Scottish courts want to go back to article 50 to see if it was ‘legal’, in order to undo it.
Michael Fallon wants to give ‘Brexit’ 2-3 more months of preparation (insert any other number as desired; years are also permissable; try thinking of big numbers).
My granddaughter wants it reversed cos, ever since the EU giving it the thumbs up, her spade has become more difficult to withdraw from the sticky, wet sand in her sandbox, and her bucket has started rusting.
Wimmins hour..the Trans wagon rolls on…there was a whole load on this yesterday or end of last weekk….is Trans such a big issue? Or is it simply a few people with big mouths? I am bored to death with it all….
I remember when I could actually listen – as a man – to Wimmins hour and find it quite interesting….no longer….
Let’s agree with the BBC and Anna Foghorn Soubry that we’ re all bored by Brexit .
So no second referendum then ?
It took me a while, but I finally realized what Treason May meant all along by
No deal is better than a bad deal
She meant that there is no deal that can possibly be better than a bad deal and so she went ahead and negotiated her bad deal.
Naturally, the EU was delighted to help her through the process.
“A bad deal is better than no deal” and “Brexit does not mean Brexit”.
Yes, May probably reads Orwell’s 1984 as an instruction manual on how to keep the people confused and submissive with constant lies and deceit.
Speaking of ministerial integrity and calibre, the unitynewsnetwork (?) site reports re the proposed Brexit March on Sun December 9:
We cannot allow this agenda of hate to be on our streets. Fascist & racist Tommy Robinson supporters will be out on the streets of London supporting the Brexit that no one wants. It is so important we mobilise to oppose them!
This is incitement.
Stand up to Racism (organisers of the opposition demo along with The Muslim Council of Britain etc.) say:
Robinson says this is about a “Brexit betrayal” but it is about whipping up racism and islamophobia. Whatever way you voted in the referendum, join us to oppose Robinson and his hate.
Since those so beloved by the bBC appear to be involved can we expect full coverage this time?
By the way, I believe NF thinks the Brexit March is a bad idea which could jeopardise the ‘meaningful vote’ on Tues December 11.
It sounds like leave supporters can never ever have a march because the media and politicians plus all the hate not soap and other miscellaneous packs of traitors will simply say it’s racist or some other ‘ist, then organise a counter march, attack the pro leave marchers and the media will blame the leavers as has happened so many times already.
I wish we had Trump over here instead of the shower of sh*te we have in the den of thieves and expense claimers and that we had Fox tv instead of every other tv channel. Just one impartial channel, that’s all we want, to counter all the far left channels.
Lammy of course is projecting
when he says “We cannot allow this agenda of hate to be on our streets. Fascist & racist Tommy Robinson supporters
will be out on the streets of London supporting Brexit”
He means
TR supporters are of course not fascist that is why allow the normal rules of free speech
: that you have your march
.. we have our march
and that it is NOT free speech ..to turn up and say you are superior and have a right to stop the other groups march.
Lammy’s lot are the lot who say they have a right to stop the other groups march.
ie Lammy is being SUPREMACIST !
Rather than being “bored by brexit” we have a job on here to look even closer at the traitorous bBC and highlight every ounce ( bBC would say gram) of their bias.
You would have to say though, how did we get here……from the outset the EU set the agenda, the parameters, and the phasing of this process?
Why did we roll over and except that? In particular the attack on our flanks, N.ireland and to a lesser extent Brigadoon (Fishing Rights.
Its almost as if we’ve said to the EU…..here are our weak spots have a go!
And they certainly did aided and abetted by the bBC and its one sided reporting together with traitors like Starmer, and many others.
Its as if the EU has taken advice from Rome and designed a purgatory into which we are to be consigned with a modern day version of purgatory called a “backstop”
This could be turned around …..give us Boris with endorsement from Mr. Trump and a dead parrot sketch featuring that Withdrawal
Agreement playing the role of the parrot.
It’s in UKIP’s manifesto to abolish the far-left bbc.
Most mornings at about 7:30 R4 has a 5 min summary of what happened the previous day in Parliament. I reckon that every speaker that said something positive about the “deal” yesterday was heard, in a manner that made it seem like there was some sort of balance.
There’s certainly no balance at the BBC.
sign up sign up
down with the UN migration treaty
That’s what I’ve received in a red envelope with those words you can see through a window .
The interesting bit is
” As we still have no record of a TV Licence at this address , BY LAW [ my capitals] we have no option but to CONTINUE [] with our investigation . You can expect a visit from …….. Enforcement Officers .
So they are breaking the law . Just continually sending letters to someone who ignores them is not investigating .
There’s also a remarkable amount of numbers and letters in very small print at the top , bottom and sides of this correspondence . Above my address ( to the Legal Occupier ) is a forty three – yes forty three and a vowel – number split into sections of 34 numbers , a space then six more then space and three more followed by a letter . Well that’s certainly over a billion and certainly over a trillion but I don’t know what that number is called . Is it the amount of people they expect to be living in the UK after all this immigration ?
At the bottom I’ve mentioned before about the eleven digit number that matches the ref number on the main page , with one extra digit .
Over the page we have at the top right ; REV/PULT/2EN/10/18 and at the bottom right we have ; INOF9 IN-NT-1EU-11-18 401IL/181114/103430/00181969 page2 000000
I’m presuming a lot of the 18 numbers are to do with the year , ditto some of the elevens . The 1EU looks interesting , is it a directive from an organisation they’ve accepted money from ?
So that’s twenty two letters in the codes they spread about plus ninety three numbers . And I’m not repeating the numbers INFO1F9 etc page 1 on the main page .
Now my post code takes four letters and three numbers to locate me , my National Insurance three letters and four numbers , my passport two letters and six numbers , my driving licence nine letters and seven numbers , a credit card twenty three numbers , nectar card twenty , casino twelve . This is where the government actually looks good and not profligate with letters and numbers . Even my Mickey Mouse European Press Card only has seven numbers and seven letters and they can make up as many as they want .
Think of a number and double it doesn’t even come close to the top right hand corner of the letters TV Licensing send out . What if I ring them to tell them I don’t want a licence ? If I do I’m going to quote all ninety three except the ten digit ref number , they must mean something to someone , surely ?
Discuss The Malicious Communications Act with the police, assuming they can tear themselves away from serious crime such as Hate Speech.
Fake photos of the Migrants in Mexico published by the BBC.
See photo of Maria Meza fleeing from tear gas. BBC follows the usual fakers reproducing this photo without question.
I was scared,” she told BuzzFeed News. “I grabbed my daughters and ran… I thought my kids were going to die with me because of the gas we inhaled.”
Meanwhile, a Honduran migrant at the border told AFP the US authorities had started using tear gas as they neared the border.
“The alarm went off and they began throwing tear gas at us. A person got hit and lots of kids fainted. So some people got rocks and threw them because many kids were fainting.”
Why do they always gas children in BBC stories?
That lady needs to pull herself together if she’s going to get past the US border control. Maybe they had a bit more discipline in the old days, when vast armies of women and persons of colour won both World Wars 1 and 2 for us all to live in a land of glorious harmonious equality.
At least that’s what the BBC keep telling us.
This fakery was reproduced by several networks
The Times fake caption to the closely cropped fake photo reads ‘Families flee tear gas…’
Can’t see the families myself – I see one dark-haired latino woman pulling at the arms of two fairer-haired young girls who she claims are her daughters. I don’t believe the BBC would know any better.
Cheers, I added a comment questioning the cropping
PS I notice that my Times comment highlighting Lord Deben’s and Climate Committee’s conflict of interest, featuring a link to the parliamentary register of interests
was first put into moderation last night,
and then allowed through this morning.
Stew, I believe you are TheDebunker and I claim my prize! Seems that most of the comments about the photo seem to run along similar lines.
This photo has an extra child
That’s some terrible photoshop! On top of border patrol, Trump’s now ruining games of beach wiffle ball?
Meanwhile in another world: “The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration, according to Homeland Security data.”
Apparently we are ‘bored of brexit’ (bob) and May wants to just sign off and get on with it. That’s what the media are telling us so it must be true.
During the war, 39-45, I’m sure that was long enough to get ‘bored’ so maybe we should have just surrendered to get it over with, like May wants to do with brino.
Bored WITH Brexit is grammatically correct….
but the BBC are ‘down with the people’ of course…….
There’s a WSJ source article with comments
but its a £1 for 3 months trial subscription
If you’re looking for a cheer up about the sell out have a read of the guardian where a hard left journo called Micheal chessum issues a rabid panic cry because TR and others are to march on 9 December to show that it’s not just remainers who take to the streets –
Wait for the numbers battle .
As an aside if you assume A50 won’t be moved – the time table for parliament to do anything in the 3 months upto the end of March 2019 is very tight with 2 weeks out at Christmas and a further 11 days in February .
This must been that the outgoing PM must be Lieing about that constant line about leaving at the end of March .
I have doubts regarding the tactics of holding a Brexit march. Whatever the numbers it will be reported as smaller than the Remainer march. The BBC and MSM will stage pictures of Nazi salutes and claim that is due to TR’s influence on UKIP.
Far better if UKIP and brexiteers used the time in local recruiting activities, arguing with friends to add support, generally building up credibility of UKIP as the third party who could influence matters with a few MPs in what may be a hung Parliament after the GE.
Just bad tactics.
I agree on that . When did any march have any effect since Vietnam ?
I’m also against the personal risk involved .
I was witness to a countryside alliance march in parliament square where police used their batons in the way French riot police do. – on protesters doing no more than shielding themselves from injury .
I was not in the march but was shocked that could happen …
The countryside march is the one we should always remember: it was huge, good-humoured, tidy, welcomed by Londoners, but it achieved nothing.
Nope, take to the streets
… those London people really think there are no Brexiteers
Tommy took to the streets to protest against Islam and the libmob covering up and restricting free speech
… and he got a million supporters on Facebook
whereas before he was ignored.
Video livestreams show that TR supporters are 99% peaceful, and hateyfa are 80% aggressive
I agree
I just argued with someone on You Tube about marching.I dont see it will help the cause…especially just before a vote in Parliament
.But when people are angry and frustrated what can you do?……
Antifa will be there…the media will be anti-TR as usual…I cant see it achieving anything…and yes it has to be done politically…I agree with you.
FE2/GWF To be perfectly honest – I dont want to go on the march – I did a couple of them last summer and its a bloody long day and I have over four hours of travelling by train and car to get there (unless George Soros wants to lay a coach on for me).
But think of it this way. We are being mugged off by a coalition of crooks, cowards and possibly what is the most corrupt Goverment this country has ever had. We can rant as much as we like online, but what has changed?
There is an awful of hot air from the establishment about how wrong it is to stand shoulder to shoulder wIth TR (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon in case you forgot) and Gerard Batten.
Do you not think that for some reason the establishment are frightened of him. If it hadnt been for TR s sacrifices over the years it is quite likely that the enriching habits of Some of our newer countrymen would have all but been forgotten? And remember so unimportant is TRs contribution to the cause the BBC are also preparing another “hit piece”.
Yes there will be footy supporters drinking beer and chanting and yes their always is a chance of violence. But there will also be a lot of normal boring people like me, who think this country and democracy is still worth defending – if you think I am wasting my time all well and good but please dont project your negativity onto the rest of us who will be making the effort. Besides which the more “normal” people that go. the more difficult it is for the crooked MSM to point fingers at us as a bunch of football hooligans.
I think it must also be remembered that a lot of these ignorant “hooligans” come from towns that have experienced enrichment first hand – is not surprising that they are also angry at a corrupt establishment mugging the nation off on something else?
Yes it may all be a waste of time, But as I said on another blogg – I am normally very mild mannered but I think we are living in dangerous times for democracy and if ever there is a time to get off my backside, this is it. Besides which I ever get grandchildren , I want to be able to look them in the eye and said at least I tried.
Oak – I’m really sorry – I’d didn’t mean to rubbish people’s right to march . I don’t do them – fear of violence isn’t one of the reasons but I thought in passing I’d mention what I saw with my own eyes once – but hats off to you for doing so .
Dont apologise – I am probably just a bit oversensitive on this and felt particularly let down by the likes of Nigel Farage who years before Mays sell out was threatening to organise a march but never delivered.
When it was obvious she was trying to turn us all into good little EU subjects he moaned a bit, organised nothing and then threw stones at Gerrard Batten for talking to Tommy rather than snake Tongued Theresa for trying to sell us into bondage.
At this rate he will soon be getting his own column in the Guardian.
Yes I think we were all waiting for Farage to organise a march but he backed off.
Anyone go the Leave me Leave events in Harrogate etc. ?
Stew – further to my comments about Farage this video is worth a watch.
Raw, unpolished but says a lot about why this march is so important.
My negativity about the march was based on tactics and how the media would respond. Quite frankly I am so angry that I would gladly storm Parliament and shake the cowardly buggers
I think they need more than shaking!
When Britain first, at Heaven’s command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
“Britons never will be slaves.”
The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
“Britons never will be slaves.”
Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
“Britons never will be slaves.”
Thee haughty tyrants ne’er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
“Britons never will be slaves.”
Jeremy Whine always has the same Communist whinging Welshman phoning in. He’s just advocated the killing of all rich people that try to avoid taxes, and Whine didn’t say a thing.
He then stated that accountants and solicitors are “worse than vermin”, and again Whine didn’t bat an eyelid.
Now imagine that somebody had rung in and said the same about economic migrants or benefit cheats.
I suspect our friend from Pontypridd gets phoned up rather than phones in, (fake callers), the same with Mr Moderate Muslim fron Northampton. The pair of the them are reliable ‘turns’.
No doubt there is criminal money flowing through London but perhaps if the communists and socialists weren’t so greedy for other peoples’ money there might be a greater tax take? If the tax rate for the rich was the same as for the rest of us there wouldn’t be the same incentive to avoid paying tax. Similarly if the governments weren’t so greedy to spend the tax we wouldn’t be carrying such a debt burden. The money spent on servicing the debt is money that is wasted as far as the tax-payer is concerned.
yep those 2 plants probably ‘phone-in’ from the studio next door.
In the May Corbyn debate we will have a remainer advocating her leave plan against a leaver arguing for a remain party.
The 6 tests are remain in all but name.
I am a sad git..I have been reading the Withdrawal agreement and how it took 2 years to write this drivel is beyond me…In my past life this would have been a 2-3 month project and the addistional future realtsionsip would have taken a few days…No wonder everyone hates it…it is CRAP…however this bit made me laugh
“Union mean that it will be important for the United Kingdom to be able to take steps to prepare and establish new international arrangements of its own, including in areas of Union exclusive
competence, provided such agreements do not enter into force or apply during that period, unless so authorised by the Union”
So the EU will let us know when we can enter into trade agreements…hmmm
As for Fishing..it is barely mentioned except that whilst in the Transistion we will be able to comment on changes…No wonder the fishing industry feels sold down the Channel
This must have been the plan all along because it couldn’t possibly have taken all the Government’s resources 2 years to produce a paper turd!
I gave up at page 250 as it was evidently a sell out not a deal . May goes on about unifying the country. As if .
It’s not even a sell out it’s basically – we will do what you ask as long as you play along that I am negotiating anything..There is nothing in there that does anything for the UK. The only thing fixed is about EU residents but that was given away by May ages ago ( and notice ther is little papragraph that says we will look at social security arrangements..so even that could be left open)..the rest is just ifs buts and balony. It really is depressing
Let’s hope this is correct. Repeal of the 1972 ECA is crucial.
I’ve downloaded it and to be honest I find it mostly impenetrable and loaded with ‘legal speak’…..with hundreds of references to existing EU regulations
‘The devil is in the detail’ methinks……..
this could be a book worth reading
The godfather of fake news
Meet one of the world’s most prolific writers of disinformation
it is difficult not to assume that any news critical of Hilary Clinton must be fake news.
8pm R4 Richard Dawkins examines how the science community interacts with the public, politicians, commercial interests and their peers. #scicomm
Not yet on BBC , or ever
Good old BBC, highlighting a supposed “godfather of fake news” on its home page. He is of course, anti Clinton/Obama.
So, from a world wide internet awash with misinformation, political spin, echo chamber lunacy and MSM bias, they pick on a saddo who is implicitly a Trump follower to highlight as being an arch purveyor of fake news. So lefties never lie, just Republican rednecks, that’s the message.
Meanwhile, industrial scale gang rape of young girls goes under reported, Brexit bias and Project Fear rumble on unchecked, and correspondents foist on us their own prejudice and propaganda under the guise of “reality checks”. Fake news, you bet you are, BBC!
BBC Online News:
“”Who are the winners and losers from degrees?””
From the BBC photos, there are only white women and black males at University.
It appears that black males in ‘BBC world’ outnumber women by 3:1.
Nicely spotted DS. The racist BBC uses 2 stock photos, both showing the same racial and gender mix, ie no white males!
Monday 9pm BBC2 prog showed white babies being racist
… but they didn’t show tests of non-white babies
prog page
I disagree. The colonies were growing too big and rich to be held back by us and anyway there was much support here for them ,
It is not widely know but the ordinary British soldiers deserted in great numbers and went over to the cause of the colonists. They knew the score and that life there offered them chances they would never have in Britain . We were the same people mostly after all.
Hence the use of German troops who could not speak the language so easily.
Remember Tom Paine was from Thetford in Norfolk and his pamphlet is probably the most important one in history and made a huge difference to the attitudes of everyone involved.
Interesting front page on the Daily Mirror. Pure FakeNews, if you take the IMF definition/calculation of ‘rich’. The UK is not even in the Top Twenty now. How often do you hear it repeated on the BBC, without a challenge from any Presenter?
It is well known the Britain is the richest country in the world . It is the happiest , has the best quality of life , best medical and education systems as well as being the safest, most diverse and cleanest – a government spokesman said ….
Fedup2, you missed out we are the bestest eva in mens and wimins football.
Sorry GB I forgot the most important national characteristic –
best national soccer ball teams , best politicians , fairest laws and – of course – the best state broadcaster ever seen – a government spokesperson said …
MelP on #MeToo4Men
I’d love to take the two with the “I can wear what I want to” placard for a nice holiday in Iran or Saudi Arabia where they can find out what happens when they try to wear what they want to. I bet they also think wearing veils & hijabs is a woman’s choice in those countries.
The Ukraine troubles ‘with’ Russia. Before the BBC get their grubby little hands on this developing matter as material to be distorted (evil Russia) and, if anyone is interested otherwise, I found this to be an apparently good and honest explanation. The reporters credentials amount to having relatives in Ukraine.
Get primed before the Western media and particularly our, “Worlds most trusted”, attack Russia. Never thought I’d state that…………..
Thats truly what sources on the internet does for you and hence why the Globalist/NWO/Soros want to stop it!
Can’t be sure of the source of this, but…
Calendar local news starts : coming up item on a transgender rugby player “he” ..ie born a woman
still plays with female team.
next item preview for black footballers of the 70’s show running tonight and tmw
I caught a bit of wimmins hour on tv thing – Victoria someone with three? Muslim wimmin campaigning to make Islam-phobia an offence – I think the tick box Muslim woman – warsi – who was made a peer be Cameron during his ‘ down with the kids ‘ period .
So many people wanting to reduce free speech and thought .
Little boats, WW2, ex-Dunkirk, carrying British troops.
Little boats, 2018, ex anywhere in France/Belgium etc carrying, ‘migrants’.
Do we have a border force?
Are they active, beyond rescuing all the ‘migrants’ and bringing them to Britain?
Would it be: find a little boat; head for Britain; await free rescue? Take a chance. You know they’ll let you in.
Someone is making a lot of money.
Yep, FNW.
Al Beeb have the English Channel Boat People as the number 1 6 pm news story. And clearly we are expected to feel sorry for them.
Mind you, all those doctors and engineers wanting to come and fill our skills gaps, what’s not to like?
Just a shame so few can actually speak English, and women seem to be so ‘significantly under-represented’.
I thought these people were supposed to register in the first safe country. I suppose it couldn’t be that France is selectively choosing which rules to follow?
And what a shame Al Beeb cannot related this story to the benefits of Brexit and proper control of our borders. But then, connecting things together is not exactly their strong point.
This illegal immigration route could be closed immediately with a few shots from a Royal Navy ship engaging with an unidentified enemy. But imagine the outcry from the virtue-signallers.
Even though these nuclear physicists aren’t quite of the calibre to win Nobel prizes, I’m sure the BBC will promote them as expert sailors instead. Expect to see them rehoused near Cowes where they’ll be fast tracked to be our hopeful entrants into the America’s Cup.
Sluff -no prizes for guessing who would be leading the howling!
Interesting timing though. Footage of the ‘migrant’ assault on the US border virtually simultaneous on YT.
Language is interesting too. The term ‘migrant’ is now in daily use, the same as the word ‘eat’ or ‘sleep’. The adjective ‘illegal’ has simply disappeared. In vain do a few people try to distinguish it from ‘legal’. So, what has happened to the Law? What has happened to ‘Law Enforcement’?
It will reappear magically if you go to your local superstore and help yourself, then walk out without paying. So actually, are there two quite separate meanings of ‘law’? Two quite different systems?
Watch the UN. They will soon be making the illegal quite legal. Meanwhile, we are preoccupied with Brexit, while May ties us up in knots and minds all across the country seize up. Maybe that is her real offence?
Also never mentioned is the fact that many people/would-be-immigrants abroad go through the LEGAL route. They apply for visas. They submit documents. They take tests. Many are rejected.
Makes you think…
Perhaps Germany should have avoided tanks and planes when invading Poland in 1939? Thousands of Germans should simply have ‘migrated’ there and taken the place over. The Germans could have avoided 11,000 troops being killed on their side, in the effort. Wasn’t Hitler stupid?
Language is a formidable weapon. Maybe THE most formidable…
The terminology is now changing to accommodate the UN Migration Compact. These people know what they’re doing.
The refusal to deport these invaders is sickening.
@Michael_Heaver and LBC have both contacted the Home Office who would not give out any information (because obviously none have been deported).
NF states the obvious – “If all the illegal immigrants being rescued in the Channel and coming into Dover are allowed to stay, that will encourage even more to come. A tragedy is close at hand.”
Katie lists the recent ‘arrivals’.
We should be spending £39 billion on a fleet of gun boats.