You can can take you kids to free special screenings BBC One’s The Midnight Gang before anyone else.
\\ The Midnight Gang is adapted from the bestseller by popular children’s author David Walliams and isn’t broadcast until Christmas. It tells the story of a young boy called Tom who finds himself in hospital after being hit on the head by a cricket ball. On the children’s ward he discovers the Midnight Gang, a secret group of children who go on midnight adventures in the hospital making dreams come true. //
Can we have a new thread documenting gross stupidity:-
I see a week long health and safety course being mandated.
G.W.F.–Why go through all the effort of building THAT, while your ‘Border Force’ is actually importing ‘migrants’?
You could have financed several thousand permanent border patrols with that lot!
So really, it’s a vanity project.
Not the BBC but it seems ITV have the same agenda to ram multi culti down our throats
Just watching “How to spend it well” with Philip Schofield.
They did an experiment to see which messy toys were easiest to clean up.
They introduced the cleaners-2 black wimmin.
Then the messy kids.
Must have been 15 kids only two of them white.
I’m really getting fed up of this inverted racism.
Our 13 year old, who is usually immune to it, even noticed and asked “why isn’t it racist if there’s more blacks than whites?”
Beltane, Absolutely on the money with your observations and comments. Since the traitorous removal of Maggie our Continental Mandarins have been emboldened and empowered by a succession of weak, malleable and morally bereft so called, ‘Leaders’.
Naturally, they have been systematically and cynically preyed upon by a highly politicised and corrupt EU. How cheaply they have given of our oountries sovereignty, democracy and people.
How costly this gravest of acquiescences will be for us all, yet not a headstone to show for it.
How past generations must weep.
I agree. We really are slipping beneath the waves of vanilla conformity. Such a rich and glorious past yet when we hit 2000 in the history books it will say ‘yeah, nothing much happened. The world kinda forgot about them’.
Even when our electorate try to halt the slide because they can feel it happening, the ruling establishment and media just work together to stamp out any rebellion or patriotism and consign us to years of obscurity. It really is all over for having any pride in our national identity and most annoyingly we were sold out from within!
BBC1 drama set in post war England
Of course everyone in the family is white
Opens with the sudden death of the father 5 mins in
then external character is a priest
then by 10 mins in a black person is the next character .. a black woman
a neighbour who’s come with food in consolidation
She goes ..we see nothing more of her
.the BBC’s non-racist .virtue has been signalled
21:50pm ..cuts to back of funeral..2 black people, one even introduces himself
21:56 Indianman turns up at the end of burial
prog ends
BBC continuity announcer says “Who the flip’s Dorothy ?”
… that’s basically swearing isn’t it ?
Nobody seems to have picked up on the ‘Harry-esque’ bearded Army officer hero. As far as I’m aware, beards permitted within the British Army at the time were restricted to Pioneer Sergeants with no exceptions. Different in the Navy of course, but nothing new there.
Wikileaks takes on the mad cat lady’s paper
Guardian “claims jailed former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had secret meetings with Assange in 2013, 2015 and 2016”
Remember this day when the Guardian permitted a serial fabricator to totally destroy the paper's reputation. @WikiLeaks is willing to bet the Guardian a million dollars and its editor's head that Manafort never met Assange.
BREAKING: @WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has instructed his lawyers to sue the Guardian for libel over fabricated Manafort story and launched a legal fund to boost the action
20:00 BBCfour Prog about Wales’ copper industry
20:12 SIGNAL of GUILT as some of the copper went to make the tokens used as currency for trading in slaves.
22:22 to 2230 More4 : Pru and Timothy West SIGNAL GUILT for the way Lancaster Mahogany industry and canal were connected to the slave industry , as wood came slave country and slave trade profits part financed the canal
A token Mixed race woman takes them to a famous local landmark : the grave of Sambo a PAID servant boy brought from Africa,
…. The legend is that he was left in lodging at the inn whilst his master went off on some errands, but thought he’d been abandoned so refused to eat ..and so died after a few days .. hence the grave .
The TV people mused “Oh look it says ‘Here lies Sambo’, that something on a dogs grave ”
.. em no similar is written on lots of old HUMAN graves you sycophants.
There were masses injustice over past centuries
… How often does the BBC muse on poor lads press-ganged ?
… they don’t they just make jokes about it …only working class white folks weren’t they.
Radio5 now the presenter is fawning all over an author
Oh it’s James Patterson
..the guy who wrote a novel together with Bill Clinton
called The President Is Missing
.. Beeboid is pushing him to sneer at Trump,
…. but the author’s not biting too hard
“Yeh they told me to write a kids book called Max Einstein
… so I said yeh but Max has to be a girl
… so I wrote the story about how she uses science to help the homeless people”
Ah mow they’ve moved onto racebaiting
“There is a shocking HORRIFIC video trending from West Yorkshire showing a hate crime at a school”
… doh, phone vid shows a school playingfield a white boy in a group of whites call over to a shorter Asian kid roughly grabs him and easily puts the boy on the floor and empties water bottle onto his face
The Asian kid just gets up and walks away.
It’s not horrific at all, there’s no blood, same thing happened to most of us at school.
There is no context , maybe the perp was getting revenge for something ..I dunno
(It happened on October 25)
Of course it’s nothing to real knife crimes in London etc.
Al Beeb says “Brexit: Theresa May denies ‘rolling over’ on deal”
Urm……………you could have fooled us .
Also …..
“Mrs May has said Welsh farmers will enjoy a brighter future outside the Common Agricultural Policy” ……………….
We in Wales know that and have known it for a long time . Tell us something we would like to know, like we are out of the EU
“Leave means leave !”
Al Beeb are running a series of items on their website about illegal immigrants crossing the English Channel.
Given that everyone knows one of the major calls for Brexit was the mass of migrants legal or illegal, arriving in the UK. Why isn’t the our Prime Minister securing our borders ? Border force is not fit for purpose .
Send for the Royal Navy .
As a follow up its Brexit’s fault according to Al Beeb…………
\\People smugglers are telling migrants they must enter the UK before “the borders shut properly” after Brexit, //
Al Beeb really hate Brexit just as much as they hate President Trump.
That doesn’t make sense, if the borders are open now why not come in through the ‘open door’?
Having said that it has never made sense to me that these people pay a lot of money to get on a leaky boat when for a third of the money they could have bought an airline ticket. On arrival they can then either spin the asylum story or say they are ‘just visiting’ and then not use the return ticket. Or does that mean that these aren’t the brightest of surgeons and engineers that enrich our city slums?
How much is a fake EU passport in Bucharest these days? What about a genuine one? The number of minibuses making the twice weekly journey from Bucharest to London is staggering, how many of the passengers plan a one way trip?
The other issue the BBC doesn’t discuss is why Frau Merkel encouraged vast numbers to swamp the ReichEU border in the pretext that Germany didn’t have enough workers because of falling populations .
Free movement within the EU was meant to address that . Other EU countries with surplus labour should have been invited to Germany – right ?
I don’t remember that being mentioned in the news .
I see that the Grenfell inquiry has stated that a poorly formed crimp probably started a chain of events. I’m sure most of you know that crimps are the little brass things at the end of wires that join them to terminals. The report says the crimp wasn’t tight causing the crimp to arc (my own words) and overheat causing a fire. The BBC also report that “The inquiry was told that investigators also found three inches of damaged wire in one of the bedrooms of the flat”. Now I’m not an expert but wouldn’t the circuit be RCD protected and that any unusual current draw (caused by arcing) not trip the RCD ???? However “if” the power was being drawn from a electrical power source that wasn’t routed through a RCD e.g. someone had connected to an uncontrolled (unmetterd) power source have caused the fire ?? Or is this an “inconvenient” causal factor that will be overlooked by the enquiry that power theft in the “community” has reached epidemic proportions. Those of us that remember the tradergy will also recall that whole blocks of flats where evacuated following inspections by the fire brigade what did these “inspections” find ? I’m not suggesting for one minute that power theft was occurring but surely it’s somthing that should be considered.
If and I say “if” the enquiry doesn’t for PC reasons and “community” cohesion reasons look at these issues due to pressure from the PC media to “apportion blame to the system” then that MSM bubble may as well have supplied Jerry cans and matches to residents. I do hope the head of the enquiry sits above the pressures to apportion blame to the “system” and that all the causal factors are listed that contributed to the tradergy. If there is pressure not to implicate the “community” from the PC brigade then these PC minded people should be cited as the real reason for the fire and the subsequent tradergy that will follow if actions isn’t taken to ensure that the “community” conforms.
Halifax, I also read that with interest and noticed that as usual the media didn’t ask any probing questions like, why do all similar models which have fire retardant backing not need to be recalled? Why did this particular one have the ability to catch fire? I’m no expert in these matters but anyone with a few brain cells could see that there was a hole in this explanation, and probably a large elephant in the room.
They can be triggered, can they not, by a poor connection or connection interruption? I have a very sensitive RCD that can be and has many times been triggered by a mere light bulb failure.
An expert engaged to find the cause of a fire must be under a lot of pressure to find something – ‘nothing found’ doesn’t do much for your reputation.
This expert finds voids in a crimp, a crimp that has been through a fire and that might well have ‘relaxed’ because of the high temperatures. I doubt if a bad crimp would dissipate more than about 30 W, something like a soldering iron, and would hardly ‘glow’ but it might melt adjacent parts. It would tend to oxidise also, reducing the heat produced and ultimately stopping the fridge to from working.
It is interesting that the expert also found a few inches of damaged cable elsewhere in the flat, presumably totally unconnected to the crimp inside the fridge. One could say that this indicates that the expert was thorough in his examination or, perhaps, that is the fall-back answer if the crimp answer is disputed. A ‘credible’ expert must ‘always’ find a cause.
I reported yesterday on a column in the Guardian by some so called journo ranting about the so called ‘Far Right’ and brexit .
Today this is followed up by that little Owen Jones ranting about the need to fight the ‘ Far Right’ around the world which apparently is in ‘the ascendency ‘ .
As usual ‘Far right’ Is never defined but it seems to be anyone the likes of Mr Jones don’t agree with .
Knife crime in the capital is soaring to record levels but no matter, BBC London has the Mayor’s back and this morning tries to focus our attention on one borough where the figures are a tad lower than they were previously.
I’m reminded of the performance of John Cleese in full manic mode as Basil Fawlty desperately attempting to draw attention away from his own gaffes with the cry of “Oh my God, look over there!”
Anyway, can anyone guess BBC London’s unsubstantiated reasoning for a crime reduction in Croydon? Well a guest ‘community activist’ (whatever the hell that means) tells us it’s because “…the community has a voice”.
Yeah, well, I think the overall rise in murders and mayhem in London is because ‘the community’ have knives.
So we are being told this morning that a no deal Brexit would cost the country £150billion whereas Theresa Mays “deal” would cost £40billion.
Does that include the £39billion Brexit bill for nothing in return?
Does it include the continuing cost to our country in the flood of illegal immigrants to our shores?
Does it include the cost of 1000 peers in the HOL?
“”Republican wins Mississippi Senate vote marked by race row””
“”Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith has won Mississippi’s racially charged Senate election, beating a challenge from the black Democrat, Mike Espy.””
“”It extends the Senate majority of President Donald Trump’s party to 53, compared with the Democrats’ 47.
“”The race narrowed after Ms Hyde-Smith, who is white, was recorded saying she would happily attend a public hanging.””
“”The comments evoked the lynching of African-Americans in a state scarred by a history of racial violence.””
“”This election became more competitive after a video emerged earlier this month of Ms Hyde-Smith – who is the incumbent senator – saying she would be “on the front row” if one of her supporters “invited me to a public hanging””.
“”For many, the comment evoked past lynchings of African-Americans.””
“”Joking about a public hanging in a state with a history of racially-motivated lynchings wasn’t just insensitive – it was a rallying call for opponents.””
“”A number of businesses even asked her for their donations to be returned.””
“”Eventually there was an apology but by then the comments had come to overshadow Senator Hyde-Smith’s campaign and everywhere she faced questions about racial division rather than the election race.””
“”Despite everything she can console herself in the knowledge that this was a decisive win.””
“”Mr Espy was agriculture secretary under President Bill Clinton, but resigned under a cloud of corruption allegations, on which he was later acquitted.””
I find it irritating beyond belief that talking heads on Daily Politics and other BBC output(including P.Hammond this morning) are allowed to suggest that “leave” has not come up with any credible alternative plan on Brexit. Theresa May as the Prime Minister has control of all the levers of power, the thousands of Civil Servants who work as directed by her ministers, everyone from the Treasury to the party hacks. Who, in the “Leave” campaign has the resources, compared to the government, to be able to undertake any feasible plan that could be put forward as an alternative? May’s Government has taken the best part of two years to come up with her plan. It is fatuous to suggest that any other group or Party could offer an alternative without any resources of people or funds.
I listened to the ‘soft’ Husain interview with Hammond on our far left Marxist State Broadcaster’s R4 Toady programme earlier. Needless to say, Treason May’s so-called, ‘deal’ is said to be the best and least damaging in the circumstances.
Listeners could be fooled in thinking back to George Osborne’s efforts to manipulate the Referendum in 2016. Rememer if we voted out, that would require the CoE to raise taxes by £3.5 billion immediately?
Who could argue that, ‘history (does not) repeat itself’?
G, that was a most revealing interview. Hammond stated, effectively, that the UK is already part of a European State and we have no independence at present. Hence, May’s ‘deal’ is the closest we are going to get to being ‘out’ of the EU. Out but not OUT. Drowning, not waving.
Mishal obviously did not want to really question the Chancellor on that and passed over it at high speed to a weaker question about something in the past.
The PM appears to have rolled over and let the EU tickle her tummy. Appears to.
I hope & pray that the cunning plan exists and the PM will be strong, determined and resolute for No Deal, No Referendum, No Article 50 withdrawal, No Article 50 extension and no extra periods for negotiation or adjustment or implementation or withdrawal.
Out must mean OUT (and away from the EU) on 29 March 2019 if that Parliamentary vote rejects the proposed deal as I hope and pray that it does.
I would love to know what was said at that private meeting in the summer between May and Merkel. Get your handbags out, ladies, and start channelling your inner Thatchers!
Are we all ready for the treasury economic forecasts which I’m confident will predict terrible consequences of us leaving the eu.
All scenarios will be catastrophic with May’s awful deal being the least worst.
Just as well that nobody believes the treasury anymore as the public now has no confidence in it.
In other news, headlining on bbc radio Newcastle as the first item, a couple is stockpiling food in case of a no deal Brexit (what remainers call a no deal is a clean Brexit going onto WTO rules) and has been the leading news item all morning so far.
The referendum was not fought over the immediate economic outcome, but the long term benefits and freedoms of being free of the EU ball and chain. I am sick of hearing ‘no one voted to be poorer’, as though THAT was the referendum question. What price freedom, sovereignty, and self determination? £150bn over the short term is cheap, what price do you put on your own country? Maybe in 40 years we could have another in/out vote, when we have seen the United States of Europe project for what it is.
In my part of the UK, (NE Lincs) I see no softening of attitude towards May’s surrender deal, or any change of heart to leaving the EU, despite MSM and slippery MP’s best endeavours.
Clean Brexit on WTO terms, please.
But I DID vote to be poorer! The £9M leaflet, the MSM and especially the BBC told me that I WOULD be poorer but I, and many others, preferred to get back our sovereignty and still voted Leave. You’re not telling me they lied then are you? Or are they lying now?
Labour Marxist Andy Burnham (Mayor of Manchester) was a guest to discuss the ‘homelessness crisis’ in Manchester.
(No MENTION of pressures from immigration, of course).
The sofa sloths pressed the right question-buttons to elicit the contrived responses.
Naga suggested that that businesses were creating buildings but not for the homeless. Andy rolled up his sleeves and said that she had asked a very pertinent question!
Blame was also placed on the ‘right to buy’ council homes from the 80’s. That was the 80’s which is almost 40 years ago!
The Left/BBC have a thing about the homeless. Yes, some have fallen on hard times but it’s a very complex subject involving mental health and drug dependency or a combination of factors.
I live and work in Manchester and there is no doubt rough sleeping is worse, equally I see some people sleeping in brand new sleeeping bags tents etc and then a few days later have gone – are they just transient.
However I never see any real analysis of the make up of these people, how many are mentally ill, how many British born, how many foreigners, how many professional beggars? But as Dover says it is complicated and is may be why they should never have implemened care in the community.
Why not build one of those pod can get 400 people in a very small foot space….they do it Japan and people pay to stay in them!
But how is it a refugee/asylum seeker can get a home paid for by us but a Bristish citizen on hard times can’t? Politicians seem unwilling to address another elephant in the room
It’s a great shame that a deluded fool such as the outgoing PM thinks wandering about the UK trying to convince people that she hasn’t sold the country out to the reuchEU will achieve anything .
She’d be far better planning for the full UK brexit and the aftermath of which tariffs to cut immediately afterwards and how quickly trade deals can be signed with our true friends such as the USA, Australia NZ, Canada and the like .
She could also prepare for proper border controls and developing a policy of reciprocal hostility for anything the ReichEU tries in order to harm our interests. The ReichEU under current management cannot be regarded as ‘ friendly ‘ – including sadly Eire .
Fake ,
My personal view is to drag the Irish Republic out of the ReichEU . The border doesn’t become a problem them . Bribe them with the €39 billion – it will be cheaper .
Up2 -‘twould be nice.
Only problem: that man Varadkar looks a lot more working for Eire than May working for UK?
He is unlikely to dream up stupidities like the ‘backstop’ – a May gimmick she learned from her buddy in Berlin.
Up2 -Apologies to all concerned.
All I was clear about is that I was getting on with the job, in the national interest. And that there is really no alternative to my comments.
Good article in the Telepgraph about why it is the wrong thing to do – but as most people are now seeing May is an autocrat that only believes in herself and listens to only those who say her lines back..
No longer buying DM – has anyone seen its front page today!!! – apparantly most of the UK are behind May’s a survey done for the DM..these polls never ask how many of them have 1. read it and 2. understand it?
A blatant attempt to push May’s deal…atrocious
That was a ‘we must stay in the EU’ article by the BBC. As always!
The BBC try to use this Remain logic.
“”83% (110,000 tonnes) of cod consumed in UK is imported””
“”58% (47,000 tonnes) of haddock eaten in UK is imported””
“”The North Sea cod stock is primarily fished by European Union member states and Norway””.
“”In 1999 the catch was divided among Denmark (31%), Scotland (25%), the rest of the United Kingdom (12%), the Netherlands (10%), Belgium, Germany and Norway (17%)””
Could it be that a slow learning process is taking place?
The Nuestra Madre Loreto, carrying twelve migrants from Sub Saharan Afr. via Libya, has been refused permission to dock in Italy or Malta.
Now Spain, recently having taken ten thousand, has refused permission, but offered to take them back to Lybia. Captain Pascal Duara is facing a mutiny.
Of course, if he can get across the Bay of Biscay, I can think of a country that will take them.
Notwithstanding expressions of concern from Sajid Javid, the man who could actually DO SOMETHING to stop the arrival of hundreds of small boats, the welcome message apparently having gone out.
Comment from 5 Live Facebook page
\\ I loved it when 5 Live asked a travel agent about what people had been saying about brexit when booking a 2019 holiday she replied no one has mentioned Brexit at all I do think its Time the BBC actually thought about its license payers and got out of its Home Counties leftish PC bubble and made programs like Nationwide which we had On TV in the 70s bring in BBC local and regional radio stations then they might have a much better idea what people actually care about and what the hell is going on outside In the real world. //
5 Live opened a Brexit Facebook discussion at 7:30am
The Remainers piled in and Brexiteers answered them
5 Live then opened ANOTHER Brexit Facebook discussion at 9am
.. and by then the Brexiteers were too tired to answer back
(ah I see the video maker gave himself the ambush-name of “Tommy Robinson News”)
Fedup – could I suggest a possible separate pinned thread for nominations for most biased/worst ‘reporter’ of 2018? Possibly with sub -categories for SKY/ITV/C4 as well?
FE2 – Rather than best or worst you could have special categories such as “Most starry eyed” or “The Rudest” “Most Self Regarding” “Best looking with worst personality” or even “Best legs with the worst personality” the possibilities are endless.
However if there was a corporate award – I am thinking something like “Services to Cultural Marxism” Then I think we all know who would win.
I think that’s a great idea – I kind of ‘biased personality of the year ‘ – hosted , as they now say , by the model of objectivity – £G Linaker esquire .
R4 now 11:26pm The “student journalist” Megan Schellong who made the prog said
“Milo has strong links to white-supremacists”
..that is an outrageous smear
.. Milo has a black partner/husband
95 year old Lefty dies – BBC running the fact like a story . The bias is obvious on this one . Apparently the BBC approves of some old people but prefers others to be dead .
20 minutes before PMQs – sorry PMLies the treasury publishes its 15 year forecast for the British Economy . I’ve no need to read it as I know what an appalling record the Treasury / Bank of England has on forecasting the economy fir this afternoon – yet alone tomorrow .
And no sign of the legal advice about Brexit once promised …
More Isabel Oakeshott Retweeted Guido Fawkes
The @DailyMailUK presentation of their Brexit poll today is deeply disingenuous. I hope nobody is fooled.
When some uk passport holder gets locked up in some third world hole al beeb gets on the ‘ something must be done -blame HMG’
Yes when the PM is asked in PMQ/lies whether the Christian woman whom the Pakistanis want to kill will be allowed to come to the UK – the PM basically infers that she won’t be safe in the UK ( because Muslims will try to kill her )
“”Ms Sammy Woodhouse: Rapist Arshid Hussain ‘gets chance to see victim’s child'””
“”A victim of child sexual exploitation has called for a law change amid claims a man who raped her has been invited to play a role in her son’s life.””
“”Arshid Hussain, who was jailed for 35 years in 2016, was told by Rotherham Council he could seek visits from the child he fathered””
“”Hussain, known as Mad Ash around Rotherham, was one of three brothers behind the grooming and sexual abuse of more than 50 girls, including Ms Woodhouse.””
No prizes for guessing serial rapist Mad Ash’s cultural background. But some details of the cultural backgrounds of those who made the decision to allow him to visit the outcome of his spoils of war. would be interesting
Yes I held off it yesterday
The Times Frontpage story was : Jailed rapist given chance to see his victim’s child : Council investigated.
by Andrew Norfolk
… and I thought.. rapist child … that sounds like grooming rape gang
The biased BBC are all over Labour at the moment over the second referendum talk. Yet after watching PMs Corbyn was absolutely hopeless. The outgoing PM had a really easy time this week as Corbyn spent his whole six questions muttering and stuttering while tripping over his words. A complete joke of a politician so why are the BBC trying to big him up?
Other than that more Brexit scare mongering (we are all doomed apparently) and more universal credit stories (everyone is suffering?)
Just another normal week in the BBC office I guess?
How did you rate her performance when replying to the question Zac Goldsmith asked about why we were unwilling/ unable to offer asylum to Asia Bibi?
Pathetic, completely and utterly pathetic. Even if you disregard the obviously lack of quality in both her policies and in her character, she is an awful orator and communicator off-script. Although I suppose she has been able communicate clearly that she is a fool and a coward and that she cannot be trusted.
Trying to avoid Al Beeb at the moment as I feel so angry about Brino and the migration issue. The bias and complicity of the media is so obvious, I see project fear ramped up today
And then back to climate change and this article of pathetic deluded nirvana cretins:
The two Swedish mums who want people to give up flying for a year
However, my point is that again, when it suits Al Beeb are very undiverse. There isn’t a brown or darker hue of skin in this video. I thought Sweden was a multicultural heaven?
Vine doing the Channel migrant story
#1 Serbia wanted to trade with Iran, so changed to visa free entry
#2 Rich/corrupt Iranians saw the opportunity to get to Paradise Europe
#3 Once they get to France, people smugglers, tell them Britain will be closed after Brexit so pay £3-£6K to come across
#4 They get half way across and UK has to rescue and asylum them.
Doh, rule should be all rescued get sent back to France cos all we are doing is helping the French police who’ve failed to police their border
… They’ll try to claim it’s a Belgian/Netherlands problem.
… Either way its a Mainland Europe problem not ours.
Yorkshire Post: 2018-11-28 Front pages
printed edition : Prospect of ports chaos if no deal is agreed
Online edition : Working canal will show off Yorkshire at Chelsea
Camden Police kindly educating the shadow Home Secretary on law. (Although Hackney is quite a walk from Camden, maybe they do things differently over there)
Someone who's responsible for law-making (or at least debating and ratifying new legislation) should probably realise that using tactical contact to terminate dangerous pursuits is entirely within our lawful power… And our responsibility.
The College of Policing would seem to agree with Diane Abbott.
I don’t think it is right for police officers to engage with elected MPs via Twitter. If they disagree with the MP’s opinion then it should be for the Metropolitan Police Commissioner to write to that MP. Police officers are public servants and whatever one might think of Diane Abbott she is an elected MP and a representative of the people, the employers of the police.
Well Jim…..I reckon it may not be long before Diane is yer actual Home Sec.
Why? Treason Mays deal is turning to dust in her hands. If it doesnt get through Parliament, and that is looking decidedly dodgy at the moment, she’s stuffed. She cant call a second referendum obviously if her deal cant implement the result of the first one. But she can go to the country. As we have seen with her snap election last time her judgement is terrible.
She has, single handedly, destroyed much of her loyal supporter base,so imho, the tories will hand old man steptoe and easy shoe in to power. Nobody knows yet though what would be in their manifestoes vis a vis Brexit, so its all a bit risky.
I’d rather be saying that I thought patriotic groups like UKIP would make a big difference, but I dont think it will happen.
On the bBBC website NEWS homepage there is this video item, which unfortunately I can’t link to, but it’s there, NEWS homepage.
‘Hating yourself into invisibility’ and other Asian stories.
Young Asian poets in the UK share their stories.
What is life like for young Asians living in the UK?
News? Wtf? This really has to stop, they’re beyond parody now, ‘battling white supremacy for centuries’ apparently.
How do you become ‘a poet’? It’s like the one Billy Connolly tells about having dinner in a stately home and when asked his profession one of the younger members of the arseofcrockery replies, “Tobogganist”.
Imagine your Dad asking you as a kid what you wanted to be and you replying “Social commentator” or “influencer”? Poet my arse.
I don’t know how to put it on here but if somebody else can then there’s a picture going round on Facebook with the first pictures sent back from yesterday’s Mars landing.
It shows the picture many of us will have seen but with that bloke who is behind every sky/bbbc interview outside Parliament with his stop Brexit signs and flags, photoshopped in behind the landing craft.
It’s quite funny.
BofE joining in with project fear again.
Pound will crash.
Inflation soars.
Unemployment doubling.
Interest rates jumps to 5.5%
Switched off because I’m sick of hearing all this project fear rubbish from the usual suspects again.
Clearly we can see why Traitor May was so keen to renew Carney’s term. The headline says it all “could” which just means its a guess, and one my boss would like.
It looks like May has deliberately produced the worst “deal” possible, dressing it up as Brexit (when clearly the reality is Remain minus) and will lose the HoC vote which will then lead to a second ref. Our whole political class (with a few exceptions) are beyond the pale.
Well, even a broken clock is correct twice a day. The law of averages dictates that at some point in the future at least one these statements will come true. And regardless of whether Brexit was a contributing factor or not, the doomsayers will of course be on hand to cry ‘Told you so!’
My view of the EU has changed since the Referendum.
Changed to Remain?!!!
No. I now think the EU is evil, Satanic almost or actually so, in the power of possession it gains over some people. Previously, my reasons first and foremost for voting Leave were purely economic at the top of quite a long list of reasons to go.
Do you think that there are a large number of remainers who are like a dog with a bone. They must see the lies about the EU army and the way that the EU have treated us with contempt, but they still think that to remain would have been voting for the status quo when it clearly would not. Still they voted remain and the leavers are all thick so they have to hang on by the skin of their teeth. They can’t see the wood for the trees!
I wonder what his predictions are for the economy when they don’t deliver Brexit and Labour get into Downing Street.
That’s when the proverbial really will hit the fan!
Emmanuel ,
I watched him but how can the Governor of England s Bank have any credibility . He is a confessed remainer – his staff will just tell him what he wants to hear .
They all got the last 2 years wrong . I notice al beeb didn’t interrupt time . He was singing their project fear song …
Fed, if you or anyone else reading or posting on here has the ‘Argument du Jour’ put to them in the days ahead ‘The PM’s deal AND no deal will both mean we are poorer’ just quietly ask “Did you know that the EU’s share of world trade is declining?” and when they answer ‘No’, you can then ask “Will remaining in the EU make us richer or poorer, then?”
Let’s face it – oil runs the world economy – the treasury is making insane assumptions which arnt even worth looking at because it lies and lies ….how they think putting out a soros fear grid is going to flighten people into supporting the sell out in the next 13 days upto the meaningless vote – is a joke . Just group delusion in number 10/11
I have just finished a remarkable true spy story ” The Spy and
the Traitor by Ben Macintyre about the Alan Turing of the
espionage world Oleg Gordievsky. Perhaps Gordievsky in his
way helped the Western World as much as Turing did.
I like a lot of other readers have given the book 5*.
I only relate this on this website because the BBC reviewed it
and gave it 3 stars. To be honest the way that Jeremy Corbyn’s
mentor Michael Foot is portrayed ( the useful idiot” I am surprised that the BBC reviewer gave it any stars at all.
I remember seeing a TV version of the book and the good that Mr Girdievsky did – as well as the way he was extracted from the evil empire .
There are so many ‘useful idiots ‘
I’m reading the max hastings of Vietnam and if ever one could see the outcome of media bias that was was it. – largely because the North Vietnamese communists never let bad news out – like mass executions …. reminded me of the BBC attitude to Islam ….
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
You can can take you kids to free special screenings BBC One’s The Midnight Gang before anyone else.
\\ The Midnight Gang is adapted from the bestseller by popular children’s author David Walliams and isn’t broadcast until Christmas. It tells the story of a young boy called Tom who finds himself in hospital after being hit on the head by a cricket ball. On the children’s ward he discovers the Midnight Gang, a secret group of children who go on midnight adventures in the hospital making dreams come true. //
Will we see at close hand, what goes on in mosques with subtitles?
9pm Channel 94 PBS Charlottesville : Documenting Hate
Can we have a new thread documenting gross stupidity:-
I see a week long health and safety course being mandated.
theisland November 27, 2018 at 8:07 pm
The refusal to deport these invaders is sickening.
Migrants in the channel
HMS Queen Elizabeth
Don’t worry Treezer, we will bring your quota of migrants while awaiting orders from President Macron on further deployment
G.W.F.–Why go through all the effort of building THAT, while your ‘Border Force’ is actually importing ‘migrants’?
You could have financed several thousand permanent border patrols with that lot!
So really, it’s a vanity project.
“Why go through all the effort of building THAT,…”. When you intend handing over control of it and its personnel to the EU?
Not the BBC but it seems ITV have the same agenda to ram multi culti down our throats
Just watching “How to spend it well” with Philip Schofield.
They did an experiment to see which messy toys were easiest to clean up.
They introduced the cleaners-2 black wimmin.
Then the messy kids.
Must have been 15 kids only two of them white.
I’m really getting fed up of this inverted racism.
Our 13 year old, who is usually immune to it, even noticed and asked “why isn’t it racist if there’s more blacks than whites?”
Beltane, Absolutely on the money with your observations and comments. Since the traitorous removal of Maggie our Continental Mandarins have been emboldened and empowered by a succession of weak, malleable and morally bereft so called, ‘Leaders’.
Naturally, they have been systematically and cynically preyed upon by a highly politicised and corrupt EU. How cheaply they have given of our oountries sovereignty, democracy and people.
How costly this gravest of acquiescences will be for us all, yet not a headstone to show for it.
How past generations must weep.
I agree. We really are slipping beneath the waves of vanilla conformity. Such a rich and glorious past yet when we hit 2000 in the history books it will say ‘yeah, nothing much happened. The world kinda forgot about them’.
Even when our electorate try to halt the slide because they can feel it happening, the ruling establishment and media just work together to stamp out any rebellion or patriotism and consign us to years of obscurity. It really is all over for having any pride in our national identity and most annoyingly we were sold out from within!
BBC1 drama set in post war England
Of course everyone in the family is white
Opens with the sudden death of the father 5 mins in
then external character is a priest
then by 10 mins in a black person is the next character .. a black woman
a neighbour who’s come with food in consolidation
She goes ..we see nothing more of her
.the BBC’s non-racist .virtue has been signalled
21:50pm ..cuts to back of funeral..2 black people, one even introduces himself
21:56 Indianman turns up at the end of burial
prog ends
BBC continuity announcer says “Who the flip’s Dorothy ?”
… that’s basically swearing isn’t it ?
… then a Dr Who-ess trailer comes on
Nobody seems to have picked up on the ‘Harry-esque’ bearded Army officer hero. As far as I’m aware, beards permitted within the British Army at the time were restricted to Pioneer Sergeants with no exceptions. Different in the Navy of course, but nothing new there.
Wikileaks takes on the mad cat lady’s paper
Guardian “claims jailed former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had secret meetings with Assange in 2013, 2015 and 2016”
Remind me, who was editor of the Mirror when it was hoaxed over fake photographs of British soldiers torturing Iraqis?
Channel 4 ran with this tonight even though they must have known there was doubt to The authenticity.
And of course he never had those Viglen shares?
20:00 BBCfour Prog about Wales’ copper industry
20:12 SIGNAL of GUILT as some of the copper went to make the tokens used as currency for trading in slaves.
22:22 to 2230 More4 : Pru and Timothy West SIGNAL GUILT for the way Lancaster Mahogany industry and canal were connected to the slave industry , as wood came slave country and slave trade profits part financed the canal
A token Mixed race woman takes them to a famous local landmark : the grave of Sambo a PAID servant boy brought from Africa,
…. The legend is that he was left in lodging at the inn whilst his master went off on some errands, but thought he’d been abandoned so refused to eat ..and so died after a few days .. hence the grave .
The TV people mused “Oh look it says ‘Here lies Sambo’, that something on a dogs grave ”
.. em no similar is written on lots of old HUMAN graves you sycophants.
There were masses injustice over past centuries
… How often does the BBC muse on poor lads press-ganged ?
… they don’t they just make jokes about it …only working class white folks weren’t they.
Radio5 now the presenter is fawning all over an author
Oh it’s James Patterson
..the guy who wrote a novel together with Bill Clinton
called The President Is Missing
.. Beeboid is pushing him to sneer at Trump,
…. but the author’s not biting too hard
“Yeh they told me to write a kids book called Max Einstein
… so I said yeh but Max has to be a girl
… so I wrote the story about how she uses science to help the homeless people”
Ah mow they’ve moved onto racebaiting
“There is a shocking HORRIFIC video trending from West Yorkshire showing a hate crime at a school”
… doh, phone vid shows a school playingfield a white boy in a group of whites call over to a shorter Asian kid roughly grabs him and easily puts the boy on the floor and empties water bottle onto his face
The Asian kid just gets up and walks away.
It’s not horrific at all, there’s no blood, same thing happened to most of us at school.
There is no context , maybe the perp was getting revenge for something ..I dunno
(It happened on October 25)
Of course it’s nothing to real knife crimes in London etc.
Al Beeb says “Brexit: Theresa May denies ‘rolling over’ on deal”
Urm……………you could have fooled us .
Also …..
“Mrs May has said Welsh farmers will enjoy a brighter future outside the Common Agricultural Policy” ……………….
We in Wales know that and have known it for a long time . Tell us something we would like to know, like we are out of the EU
“Leave means leave !”
Al Beeb are running a series of items on their website about illegal immigrants crossing the English Channel.
Given that everyone knows one of the major calls for Brexit was the mass of migrants legal or illegal, arriving in the UK. Why isn’t the our Prime Minister securing our borders ? Border force is not fit for purpose .
Send for the Royal Navy .
As a follow up its Brexit’s fault according to Al Beeb…………
\\People smugglers are telling migrants they must enter the UK before “the borders shut properly” after Brexit, //
Al Beeb really hate Brexit just as much as they hate President Trump.
That doesn’t make sense, if the borders are open now why not come in through the ‘open door’?
Having said that it has never made sense to me that these people pay a lot of money to get on a leaky boat when for a third of the money they could have bought an airline ticket. On arrival they can then either spin the asylum story or say they are ‘just visiting’ and then not use the return ticket. Or does that mean that these aren’t the brightest of surgeons and engineers that enrich our city slums?
How much is a fake EU passport in Bucharest these days? What about a genuine one? The number of minibuses making the twice weekly journey from Bucharest to London is staggering, how many of the passengers plan a one way trip?
The other issue the BBC doesn’t discuss is why Frau Merkel encouraged vast numbers to swamp the ReichEU border in the pretext that Germany didn’t have enough workers because of falling populations .
Free movement within the EU was meant to address that . Other EU countries with surplus labour should have been invited to Germany – right ?
I don’t remember that being mentioned in the news .
What happened ? .
Well can’t mention that or the the spiegel international pieces on EU Commission Complicity on German Diesel engine emissions evidence
I see that the Grenfell inquiry has stated that a poorly formed crimp probably started a chain of events. I’m sure most of you know that crimps are the little brass things at the end of wires that join them to terminals. The report says the crimp wasn’t tight causing the crimp to arc (my own words) and overheat causing a fire. The BBC also report that “The inquiry was told that investigators also found three inches of damaged wire in one of the bedrooms of the flat”. Now I’m not an expert but wouldn’t the circuit be RCD protected and that any unusual current draw (caused by arcing) not trip the RCD ???? However “if” the power was being drawn from a electrical power source that wasn’t routed through a RCD e.g. someone had connected to an uncontrolled (unmetterd) power source have caused the fire ?? Or is this an “inconvenient” causal factor that will be overlooked by the enquiry that power theft in the “community” has reached epidemic proportions. Those of us that remember the tradergy will also recall that whole blocks of flats where evacuated following inspections by the fire brigade what did these “inspections” find ? I’m not suggesting for one minute that power theft was occurring but surely it’s somthing that should be considered.
If and I say “if” the enquiry doesn’t for PC reasons and “community” cohesion reasons look at these issues due to pressure from the PC media to “apportion blame to the system” then that MSM bubble may as well have supplied Jerry cans and matches to residents. I do hope the head of the enquiry sits above the pressures to apportion blame to the “system” and that all the causal factors are listed that contributed to the tradergy. If there is pressure not to implicate the “community” from the PC brigade then these PC minded people should be cited as the real reason for the fire and the subsequent tradergy that will follow if actions isn’t taken to ensure that the “community” conforms.
Halifax, I also read that with interest and noticed that as usual the media didn’t ask any probing questions like, why do all similar models which have fire retardant backing not need to be recalled? Why did this particular one have the ability to catch fire? I’m no expert in these matters but anyone with a few brain cells could see that there was a hole in this explanation, and probably a large elephant in the room.
RCDs don’t detect over-current. They detect leakage to earth.
I stand corrected but wouldn’t an issue such as the faulty compressor not cause the RCD to trip……
They can be triggered, can they not, by a poor connection or connection interruption? I have a very sensitive RCD that can be and has many times been triggered by a mere light bulb failure.
An expert engaged to find the cause of a fire must be under a lot of pressure to find something – ‘nothing found’ doesn’t do much for your reputation.
This expert finds voids in a crimp, a crimp that has been through a fire and that might well have ‘relaxed’ because of the high temperatures. I doubt if a bad crimp would dissipate more than about 30 W, something like a soldering iron, and would hardly ‘glow’ but it might melt adjacent parts. It would tend to oxidise also, reducing the heat produced and ultimately stopping the fridge to from working.
It is interesting that the expert also found a few inches of damaged cable elsewhere in the flat, presumably totally unconnected to the crimp inside the fridge. One could say that this indicates that the expert was thorough in his examination or, perhaps, that is the fall-back answer if the crimp answer is disputed. A ‘credible’ expert must ‘always’ find a cause.
Guardian watch
I reported yesterday on a column in the Guardian by some so called journo ranting about the so called ‘Far Right’ and brexit .
Today this is followed up by that little Owen Jones ranting about the need to fight the ‘ Far Right’ around the world which apparently is in ‘the ascendency ‘ .
As usual ‘Far right’ Is never defined but it seems to be anyone the likes of Mr Jones don’t agree with .
Knife crime in the capital is soaring to record levels but no matter, BBC London has the Mayor’s back and this morning tries to focus our attention on one borough where the figures are a tad lower than they were previously.
I’m reminded of the performance of John Cleese in full manic mode as Basil Fawlty desperately attempting to draw attention away from his own gaffes with the cry of “Oh my God, look over there!”
Anyway, can anyone guess BBC London’s unsubstantiated reasoning for a crime reduction in Croydon? Well a guest ‘community activist’ (whatever the hell that means) tells us it’s because “…the community has a voice”.
Yeah, well, I think the overall rise in murders and mayhem in London is because ‘the community’ have knives.
So we are being told this morning that a no deal Brexit would cost the country £150billion whereas Theresa Mays “deal” would cost £40billion.
Does that include the £39billion Brexit bill for nothing in return?
Does it include the continuing cost to our country in the flood of illegal immigrants to our shores?
Does it include the cost of 1000 peers in the HOL?
Did those claims come with any facts behind the £150 billion or was it just a big number that sounds bad?
BBC Online News:
“”Republican wins Mississippi Senate vote marked by race row””
“”Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith has won Mississippi’s racially charged Senate election, beating a challenge from the black Democrat, Mike Espy.””
“”It extends the Senate majority of President Donald Trump’s party to 53, compared with the Democrats’ 47.
“”The race narrowed after Ms Hyde-Smith, who is white, was recorded saying she would happily attend a public hanging.””
“”The comments evoked the lynching of African-Americans in a state scarred by a history of racial violence.””
“”This election became more competitive after a video emerged earlier this month of Ms Hyde-Smith – who is the incumbent senator – saying she would be “on the front row” if one of her supporters “invited me to a public hanging””.
“”For many, the comment evoked past lynchings of African-Americans.””
“”Joking about a public hanging in a state with a history of racially-motivated lynchings wasn’t just insensitive – it was a rallying call for opponents.””
“”A number of businesses even asked her for their donations to be returned.””
“”Eventually there was an apology but by then the comments had come to overshadow Senator Hyde-Smith’s campaign and everywhere she faced questions about racial division rather than the election race.””
“”Despite everything she can console herself in the knowledge that this was a decisive win.””
“”Mr Espy was agriculture secretary under President Bill Clinton, but resigned under a cloud of corruption allegations, on which he was later acquitted.””
Get over it BBC. Your Party lost. 😉
From this side of the pond it doesn’t seem the Democrats have much to offer other than the racism or sexism cards.
I find it irritating beyond belief that talking heads on Daily Politics and other BBC output(including P.Hammond this morning) are allowed to suggest that “leave” has not come up with any credible alternative plan on Brexit. Theresa May as the Prime Minister has control of all the levers of power, the thousands of Civil Servants who work as directed by her ministers, everyone from the Treasury to the party hacks. Who, in the “Leave” campaign has the resources, compared to the government, to be able to undertake any feasible plan that could be put forward as an alternative? May’s Government has taken the best part of two years to come up with her plan. It is fatuous to suggest that any other group or Party could offer an alternative without any resources of people or funds.
It may not be popular with all here but it seems to me that Richard & Pete North’s EEA/EFTA option solves a lot of problems.
The Norths believe in the EU, the only problem is that they think they should be running it.
What a joke. The plan as they choose to call it was simple enough – Leave.
That was the plan and that was the instruction that the Govt were given by their population.
I listened to the ‘soft’ Husain interview with Hammond on our far left Marxist State Broadcaster’s R4 Toady programme earlier. Needless to say, Treason May’s so-called, ‘deal’ is said to be the best and least damaging in the circumstances.
Listeners could be fooled in thinking back to George Osborne’s efforts to manipulate the Referendum in 2016. Rememer if we voted out, that would require the CoE to raise taxes by £3.5 billion immediately?
Who could argue that, ‘history (does not) repeat itself’?
G, that was a most revealing interview. Hammond stated, effectively, that the UK is already part of a European State and we have no independence at present. Hence, May’s ‘deal’ is the closest we are going to get to being ‘out’ of the EU. Out but not OUT. Drowning, not waving.
Mishal obviously did not want to really question the Chancellor on that and passed over it at high speed to a weaker question about something in the past.
The PM appears to have rolled over and let the EU tickle her tummy. Appears to.
I hope & pray that the cunning plan exists and the PM will be strong, determined and resolute for No Deal, No Referendum, No Article 50 withdrawal, No Article 50 extension and no extra periods for negotiation or adjustment or implementation or withdrawal.
Out must mean OUT (and away from the EU) on 29 March 2019 if that Parliamentary vote rejects the proposed deal as I hope and pray that it does.
I would love to know what was said at that private meeting in the summer between May and Merkel. Get your handbags out, ladies, and start channelling your inner Thatchers!
Are we all ready for the treasury economic forecasts which I’m confident will predict terrible consequences of us leaving the eu.
All scenarios will be catastrophic with May’s awful deal being the least worst.
Just as well that nobody believes the treasury anymore as the public now has no confidence in it.
In other news, headlining on bbc radio Newcastle as the first item, a couple is stockpiling food in case of a no deal Brexit (what remainers call a no deal is a clean Brexit going onto WTO rules) and has been the leading news item all morning so far.
what this project fear version xx
how many times can the same people be consistantly wrong before they stfu
The referendum was not fought over the immediate economic outcome, but the long term benefits and freedoms of being free of the EU ball and chain. I am sick of hearing ‘no one voted to be poorer’, as though THAT was the referendum question. What price freedom, sovereignty, and self determination? £150bn over the short term is cheap, what price do you put on your own country? Maybe in 40 years we could have another in/out vote, when we have seen the United States of Europe project for what it is.
In my part of the UK, (NE Lincs) I see no softening of attitude towards May’s surrender deal, or any change of heart to leaving the EU, despite MSM and slippery MP’s best endeavours.
Clean Brexit on WTO terms, please.
But I DID vote to be poorer! The £9M leaflet, the MSM and especially the BBC told me that I WOULD be poorer but I, and many others, preferred to get back our sovereignty and still voted Leave. You’re not telling me they lied then are you? Or are they lying now?
BBC1 TV Breakfast 08.15 today.
Labour Marxist Andy Burnham (Mayor of Manchester) was a guest to discuss the ‘homelessness crisis’ in Manchester.
(No MENTION of pressures from immigration, of course).
The sofa sloths pressed the right question-buttons to elicit the contrived responses.
Naga suggested that that businesses were creating buildings but not for the homeless. Andy rolled up his sleeves and said that she had asked a very pertinent question!
Blame was also placed on the ‘right to buy’ council homes from the 80’s. That was the 80’s which is almost 40 years ago!
The Left/BBC have a thing about the homeless. Yes, some have fallen on hard times but it’s a very complex subject involving mental health and drug dependency or a combination of factors.
I wish that such Left/BBC energy had been directed to such places as Rotherham……
I live and work in Manchester and there is no doubt rough sleeping is worse, equally I see some people sleeping in brand new sleeeping bags tents etc and then a few days later have gone – are they just transient.
However I never see any real analysis of the make up of these people, how many are mentally ill, how many British born, how many foreigners, how many professional beggars? But as Dover says it is complicated and is may be why they should never have implemened care in the community.
Why not build one of those pod can get 400 people in a very small foot space….they do it Japan and people pay to stay in them!
But how is it a refugee/asylum seeker can get a home paid for by us but a Bristish citizen on hard times can’t? Politicians seem unwilling to address another elephant in the room
there are still rafts of empty old building in manchester as yet not converted to flats.
Im pretty sure the council could do some kind of short term deal to rent them on the cheap and at least give these people a roof to sleep under
of course then they couldnt be appealing for more central government money to waste
It’s a great shame that a deluded fool such as the outgoing PM thinks wandering about the UK trying to convince people that she hasn’t sold the country out to the reuchEU will achieve anything .
She’d be far better planning for the full UK brexit and the aftermath of which tariffs to cut immediately afterwards and how quickly trade deals can be signed with our true friends such as the USA, Australia NZ, Canada and the like .
She could also prepare for proper border controls and developing a policy of reciprocal hostility for anything the ReichEU tries in order to harm our interests. The ReichEU under current management cannot be regarded as ‘ friendly ‘ – including sadly Eire .
Up2 – Eire? Hoping that the first step towards Unification has been taken? Currently working on how to take the next?
“England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity”.
Nothing more needs to be said.
Fake ,
My personal view is to drag the Irish Republic out of the ReichEU . The border doesn’t become a problem them . Bribe them with the €39 billion – it will be cheaper .
Up2 -‘twould be nice.
Only problem: that man Varadkar looks a lot more working for Eire than May working for UK?
He is unlikely to dream up stupidities like the ‘backstop’ – a May gimmick she learned from her buddy in Berlin.
fnw, Oi!
I’m Up2.
Fed is FU2 or, if that has unpleasant connotations for some, perhaps FE2, hereinafter affectionately known as Nikon or Nik.
Up2 -Apologies to all concerned.
All I was clear about is that I was getting on with the job, in the national interest. And that there is really no alternative to my comments.
LOL x 5! 🙂
I laughed at the some minister saying stern words about russia messing with Ukraines navy and making veiled threats to russia
and yet when it comes to the EU they become simpering surrender monkeys
Good article in the Telepgraph about why it is the wrong thing to do – but as most people are now seeing May is an autocrat that only believes in herself and listens to only those who say her lines back..
No longer buying DM – has anyone seen its front page today!!! – apparantly most of the UK are behind May’s a survey done for the DM..these polls never ask how many of them have 1. read it and 2. understand it?
A blatant attempt to push May’s deal…atrocious
That DM front page has been deconstructed by Guido.
the bbc has pangs of sympathy for fishing communities
A man wearing a hairnet pushes a ***** newspaper into my hand: “It says the prime minister must roll up *** sleeves and fight for our fishermen.”
(***’s denote the hardly suprising suprise)
Thanks for posting, Kaiser.
That was a ‘we must stay in the EU’ article by the BBC. As always!
The BBC try to use this Remain logic.
“”83% (110,000 tonnes) of cod consumed in UK is imported””
“”58% (47,000 tonnes) of haddock eaten in UK is imported””
“”The North Sea cod stock is primarily fished by European Union member states and Norway””.
“”In 1999 the catch was divided among Denmark (31%), Scotland (25%), the rest of the United Kingdom (12%), the Netherlands (10%), Belgium, Germany and Norway (17%)””
So, we are buying back our fish stocks from the EU!
The sooner this ends, the better.
Could it be that a slow learning process is taking place?
The Nuestra Madre Loreto, carrying twelve migrants from Sub Saharan Afr. via Libya, has been refused permission to dock in Italy or Malta.
Now Spain, recently having taken ten thousand, has refused permission, but offered to take them back to Lybia. Captain Pascal Duara is facing a mutiny.
Of course, if he can get across the Bay of Biscay, I can think of a country that will take them.
Notwithstanding expressions of concern from Sajid Javid, the man who could actually DO SOMETHING to stop the arrival of hundreds of small boats, the welcome message apparently having gone out.
Comment from 5 Live Facebook page
\\ I loved it when 5 Live asked a travel agent about what people had been saying about brexit when booking a 2019 holiday she replied no one has mentioned Brexit at all I do think its Time the BBC actually thought about its license payers and got out of its Home Counties leftish PC bubble and made programs like Nationwide which we had On TV in the 70s bring in BBC local and regional radio stations then they might have a much better idea what people actually care about and what the hell is going on outside In the real world. //
5 Live opened a Brexit Facebook discussion at 7:30am
The Remainers piled in and Brexiteers answered them
5 Live then opened ANOTHER Brexit Facebook discussion at 9am
.. and by then the Brexiteers were too tired to answer back
(ah I see the video maker gave himself the ambush-name of “Tommy Robinson News”)
Fedup – could I suggest a possible separate pinned thread for nominations for most biased/worst ‘reporter’ of 2018? Possibly with sub -categories for SKY/ITV/C4 as well?
FE2 – Rather than best or worst you could have special categories such as “Most starry eyed” or “The Rudest” “Most Self Regarding” “Best looking with worst personality” or even “Best legs with the worst personality” the possibilities are endless.
However if there was a corporate award – I am thinking something like “Services to Cultural Marxism” Then I think we all know who would win.
Oak, after thatch’ excellent idea I have drafted the post and hope to publish it soon . I think you’ll find it embraces you good ideas too.
I think that’s a great idea – I kind of ‘biased personality of the year ‘ – hosted , as they now say , by the model of objectivity – £G Linaker esquire .
Views of others welcome …
R4 now 11:26pm The “student journalist” Megan Schellong who made the prog said
“Milo has strong links to white-supremacists”
..that is an outrageous smear
.. Milo has a black partner/husband
typo am not pm
95 year old Lefty dies – BBC running the fact like a story . The bias is obvious on this one . Apparently the BBC approves of some old people but prefers others to be dead .
Give them credit , yesterday BBC reported sympathetically on tory Baroness Trumpington’s death at 94
20 minutes before PMQs – sorry PMLies the treasury publishes its 15 year forecast for the British Economy . I’ve no need to read it as I know what an appalling record the Treasury / Bank of England has on forecasting the economy fir this afternoon – yet alone tomorrow .
And no sign of the legal advice about Brexit once promised …
@MediaGuido “Quentin Letts Gone from Mail”
(he’d already kind of half left cos his stuff has recently been appearing in the Telegraph instead)
What about Littlejohn ?
More Isabel Oakeshott Retweeted Guido Fawkes
The @DailyMailUK presentation of their Brexit poll today is deeply disingenuous. I hope nobody is fooled.
Looks like Mail got the Lawyers in
His page now has an update ‘We should not compare 2 polls, two weeks apart’
…Yeh right
I see Swedish police practice the same UK response to migrant/muslim rapes.
Perhaps this is what security liaison with their EU counterparts is all about?
“Cultural exchange”.
Interesting evidence of bias
When some uk passport holder gets locked up in some third world hole al beeb gets on the ‘ something must be done -blame HMG’
Yes when the PM is asked in PMQ/lies whether the Christian woman whom the Pakistanis want to kill will be allowed to come to the UK – the PM basically infers that she won’t be safe in the UK ( because Muslims will try to kill her )
Caliphate not far away …
“ PM basically infers that she won’t be safe in the UK ( because Muslims will try to kill her )”
How could she possibly think that it is the religion of peace!
More consequences of the Rotherham rapes:
BBC Online News:
“”Ms Sammy Woodhouse: Rapist Arshid Hussain ‘gets chance to see victim’s child'””
“”A victim of child sexual exploitation has called for a law change amid claims a man who raped her has been invited to play a role in her son’s life.””
“”Arshid Hussain, who was jailed for 35 years in 2016, was told by Rotherham Council he could seek visits from the child he fathered””
“”Hussain, known as Mad Ash around Rotherham, was one of three brothers behind the grooming and sexual abuse of more than 50 girls, including Ms Woodhouse.””
“”She was just 14…””
It’s a pity the BBC with it’s world wide expertise didn’t focus upon Rotherham and other such towns earlier.
Dover Sentry
No prizes for guessing serial rapist Mad Ash’s cultural background. But some details of the cultural backgrounds of those who made the decision to allow him to visit the outcome of his spoils of war. would be interesting
I heard that many Rotherham councillors and police, of a certain cultural background, also shared the his spoils of war.
Yes I held off it yesterday
The Times Frontpage story was : Jailed rapist given chance to see his victim’s child : Council investigated.
by Andrew Norfolk
… and I thought.. rapist child … that sounds like grooming rape gang
…Now Sammy Woodhouses photo is on the front page.
The biased BBC are all over Labour at the moment over the second referendum talk. Yet after watching PMs Corbyn was absolutely hopeless. The outgoing PM had a really easy time this week as Corbyn spent his whole six questions muttering and stuttering while tripping over his words. A complete joke of a politician so why are the BBC trying to big him up?
Other than that more Brexit scare mongering (we are all doomed apparently) and more universal credit stories (everyone is suffering?)
Just another normal week in the BBC office I guess?
How did you rate her performance when replying to the question Zac Goldsmith asked about why we were unwilling/ unable to offer asylum to Asia Bibi?
Pathetic, completely and utterly pathetic. Even if you disregard the obviously lack of quality in both her policies and in her character, she is an awful orator and communicator off-script. Although I suppose she has been able communicate clearly that she is a fool and a coward and that she cannot be trusted.
Rich / smoogie
Her reply basically implied uk is not safe for a Christian who has received death threats in her own land and been banged up for nothing .
Shameful .
On the issue of PMQlies – notice they cut away when excellent brexiteer Peter bone went to deliver his question .
Last week they cut away when the DUP leader started to ask a question .
Today I don’t think any DUP MPs had a question . Which seemed – off .
My OCD again ..
Trying to avoid Al Beeb at the moment as I feel so angry about Brino and the migration issue. The bias and complicity of the media is so obvious, I see project fear ramped up today
So long and thanks for all the fish? Dutch fear Brexit threat
…so, worrying about Europeans, not our fishing industry
Brexit will make UK worse off, government forecasts warn
And then back to climate change and this article of pathetic deluded nirvana cretins:
The two Swedish mums who want people to give up flying for a year
However, my point is that again, when it suits Al Beeb are very undiverse. There isn’t a brown or darker hue of skin in this video. I thought Sweden was a multicultural heaven?
Vine doing the Channel migrant story
#1 Serbia wanted to trade with Iran, so changed to visa free entry
#2 Rich/corrupt Iranians saw the opportunity to get to Paradise Europe
#3 Once they get to France, people smugglers, tell them Britain will be closed after Brexit so pay £3-£6K to come across
#4 They get half way across and UK has to rescue and asylum them.
Doh, rule should be all rescued get sent back to France cos all we are doing is helping the French police who’ve failed to police their border
… They’ll try to claim it’s a Belgian/Netherlands problem.
… Either way its a Mainland Europe problem not ours.
Low pay and high stress: Survey lifts lid on life as a struggling performer
Almost two-thirds of performers (63%) earned less than £5,000 from their profession in the last year, a survey suggests.
And what better way to illustrate this article? Three photos of actors all black.
If the TV adverts are anything to go by ‘black’ actors must be at a premium.
Yorkshire Post: 2018-11-28 Front pages
printed edition : Prospect of ports chaos if no deal is agreed
Online edition : Working canal will show off Yorkshire at Chelsea
” Cliff will now be unable to perform at BBC Radio 2 In Concert this Thursday 29th November due to illness.”
Camden Police kindly educating the shadow Home Secretary on law. (Although Hackney is quite a walk from Camden, maybe they do things differently over there)
It would be an Abbot and Costello police force if she ever became Home Secretary.. How, really how did she get to the position she has?
Look at a picture of her for your answer.
The College of Policing would seem to agree with Diane Abbott.
I don’t think it is right for police officers to engage with elected MPs via Twitter. If they disagree with the MP’s opinion then it should be for the Metropolitan Police Commissioner to write to that MP. Police officers are public servants and whatever one might think of Diane Abbott she is an elected MP and a representative of the people, the employers of the police.
Well Jim…..I reckon it may not be long before Diane is yer actual Home Sec.
Why? Treason Mays deal is turning to dust in her hands. If it doesnt get through Parliament, and that is looking decidedly dodgy at the moment, she’s stuffed. She cant call a second referendum obviously if her deal cant implement the result of the first one. But she can go to the country. As we have seen with her snap election last time her judgement is terrible.
She has, single handedly, destroyed much of her loyal supporter base,so imho, the tories will hand old man steptoe and easy shoe in to power. Nobody knows yet though what would be in their manifestoes vis a vis Brexit, so its all a bit risky.
I’d rather be saying that I thought patriotic groups like UKIP would make a big difference, but I dont think it will happen.
Abbot comes from the same school as the idiot judge who gave a thug threatening with a giant knife a suspended sentence ….
I m guessing he looks after his sick mum, his girl friend is pregnant and he just got a great job or trials with Arsenal.
Theatres seek blackstage staff
\\ UK theatres back plan to improve diversity among offstage staff
(link: //
On the bBBC website NEWS homepage there is this video item, which unfortunately I can’t link to, but it’s there, NEWS homepage.
‘Hating yourself into invisibility’ and other Asian stories.
Young Asian poets in the UK share their stories.
What is life like for young Asians living in the UK?
News? Wtf? This really has to stop, they’re beyond parody now, ‘battling white supremacy for centuries’ apparently.
Self-indulgent, puerile, irrelevant, polarizing shite.
‘Self-indulgent, puerile, irrelevant, polarizing shite.’ LOVE IT, Rich. You have a way with words. Ever thought of becoming a poet?
How do you become ‘a poet’? It’s like the one Billy Connolly tells about having dinner in a stately home and when asked his profession one of the younger members of the arseofcrockery replies, “Tobogganist”.
Imagine your Dad asking you as a kid what you wanted to be and you replying “Social commentator” or “influencer”? Poet my arse.
photoshopped flag on BBC tweet ?
I don’t know how to put it on here but if somebody else can then there’s a picture going round on Facebook with the first pictures sent back from yesterday’s Mars landing.
It shows the picture many of us will have seen but with that bloke who is behind every sky/bbbc interview outside Parliament with his stop Brexit signs and flags, photoshopped in behind the landing craft.
It’s quite funny.
So *still* no intelligent life found on Mars, then?
His real name is Freddie Soros – Yaxley … you know the rest
Brilliant idea-send all the remoaners to Mars!
That’s the one Stew.
Hope that’s a gun shooting 12 inch shells he’s stood in front of!
4:30pm R4 Boris sidekick Jo Tanner is on with amolrajan
with @adamboultonSKY to discuss Leaders’ debates on
preview pic is of Canadian PM Trudeau
I sometimes turn over from Radio 4 to Radio Cambs to get away from the lefty islamophilic rubbish. But all I hear today is numerous trails for this:
Radio Cambridgeshire
More than a Mosque: Ep 3
The Residency
Amir Suleman presents inspiring stories of unity and courage from Peterborough
Jesus wept.
BofE joining in with project fear again.
Pound will crash.
Inflation soars.
Unemployment doubling.
Interest rates jumps to 5.5%
Switched off because I’m sick of hearing all this project fear rubbish from the usual suspects again.
It’s made me even more determined to leave.
I cant believe the idiots have dusted off Project Fear and turbo charged it, they have learnt nothing from the referendum
Clearly we can see why Traitor May was so keen to renew Carney’s term. The headline says it all “could” which just means its a guess, and one my boss would like.
It looks like May has deliberately produced the worst “deal” possible, dressing it up as Brexit (when clearly the reality is Remain minus) and will lose the HoC vote which will then lead to a second ref. Our whole political class (with a few exceptions) are beyond the pale.
Well, even a broken clock is correct twice a day. The law of averages dictates that at some point in the future at least one these statements will come true. And regardless of whether Brexit was a contributing factor or not, the doomsayers will of course be on hand to cry ‘Told you so!’
They say “could” when they mean “may” or “might”, thus attributing some kind of intention or will-power to neutral trends.
Please forgive my French, but I really wish Carney would va se faire foutre!
EmmanuelG, bravo Sir!
My view of the EU has changed since the Referendum.
Changed to Remain?!!!
No. I now think the EU is evil, Satanic almost or actually so, in the power of possession it gains over some people. Previously, my reasons first and foremost for voting Leave were purely economic at the top of quite a long list of reasons to go.
Now I have another reason that tops the lot.
We have to leave …..
Do you think that there are a large number of remainers who are like a dog with a bone. They must see the lies about the EU army and the way that the EU have treated us with contempt, but they still think that to remain would have been voting for the status quo when it clearly would not. Still they voted remain and the leavers are all thick so they have to hang on by the skin of their teeth. They can’t see the wood for the trees!
I wonder what his predictions are for the economy when they don’t deliver Brexit and Labour get into Downing Street.
That’s when the proverbial really will hit the fan!
Emmanuel ,
I watched him but how can the Governor of England s Bank have any credibility . He is a confessed remainer – his staff will just tell him what he wants to hear .
They all got the last 2 years wrong . I notice al beeb didn’t interrupt time . He was singing their project fear song …
Fed, if you or anyone else reading or posting on here has the ‘Argument du Jour’ put to them in the days ahead ‘The PM’s deal AND no deal will both mean we are poorer’ just quietly ask “Did you know that the EU’s share of world trade is declining?” and when they answer ‘No’, you can then ask “Will remaining in the EU make us richer or poorer, then?”
Let’s face it – oil runs the world economy – the treasury is making insane assumptions which arnt even worth looking at because it lies and lies ….how they think putting out a soros fear grid is going to flighten people into supporting the sell out in the next 13 days upto the meaningless vote – is a joke . Just group delusion in number 10/11
Could be worse could be Venezuela if Corbyn and his cronies get into number 10
I have just finished a remarkable true spy story ” The Spy and
the Traitor by Ben Macintyre about the Alan Turing of the
espionage world Oleg Gordievsky. Perhaps Gordievsky in his
way helped the Western World as much as Turing did.
I like a lot of other readers have given the book 5*.
I only relate this on this website because the BBC reviewed it
and gave it 3 stars. To be honest the way that Jeremy Corbyn’s
mentor Michael Foot is portrayed ( the useful idiot” I am surprised that the BBC reviewer gave it any stars at all.
I remember seeing a TV version of the book and the good that Mr Girdievsky did – as well as the way he was extracted from the evil empire .
There are so many ‘useful idiots ‘
I’m reading the max hastings of Vietnam and if ever one could see the outcome of media bias that was was it. – largely because the North Vietnamese communists never let bad news out – like mass executions …. reminded me of the BBC attitude to Islam ….