Suffering = having a nice time invading a first world state with the intention of turning it into a slum.
F*** all of them.
Where are all the photographs of 200,000 white, British, children raped?
Or is it 500,000?
Al Beeb…………….. “Bank warns no-deal could see UK sink into recession” Any analysis from him about the EU’ s economy when we leave ?
In financial term their HYS is ‘Tanking’
The fact that Carney is issuing theses negative statements about the economy is causing the market to go ‘twitchy’.
What price sovereignty Mr Carney ? Ours not yours .
I was driving on the M1 this morning south of Sheffield.
The so called “smart motorway” signs were set to a speed limit of 60mph. The information signs read “speed limit for air quality”.
Last time I looked the national legal motorway speed limit was 70mph.
Who sets these speed limit signs and what right do they have to impose them for such a ridiculous reason?
I would have thought that slowing traffic down means it spends longer in one place, therefore increasing any impact on an area.
One slightly paranoid interpretation is that the miles of 50mph motorway road works without workers is about conditioning people to obedience.
The M4/M5 interchange speed signs rarely make much sense related to the volume of traffic – lots of traffic speed signs are slower … I’ve got news for the chimps splurging our money – that happened before you spent several billion on computerised revenue generators
Dystopian, certainly with older vehicles (pre-current registration numbering system), especially with five speed gearboxes, they were geared to be most fuel efficient at motorway top speeds. I learned that the hard, expensive way, with an M-prefix Ford Mondeo.
My present vehicle, much more up-to-date, is geared and mapped to minimise fuel consumption in third gear, for example, in the new 20mph limits being rolled out across London and elsewhere.
The fact that pollution has increased in London, IF the Mayor’s claims are true, is due to his rolling out the new 20mph limits before enough vehicles can run economically at that speed in a gear lower than fourth or fifth gear.
I was just watching some adverts on tv and now I’m wondering where I’m going to get a random black person to share our family Christmas dinner with?
Funny isn’t it how many white families just happen to have black people around at Christmas.
Or maybe the libtards are right we are all racists and that’s why we don’t have any black folk in our immediate families?
So this article translates as: uk fishing industry not very important and we import most of our fish anyway, so don’t worry your little heads about it.
Looby, fishing will be an essential industry – especially if the UK trawler fleet converts to electric vessels after Brexit – to feed us all when beef, pork and lamb are taken out of the food chain because they cause global warming and climate change. 😉
I did think that the BBC was being very careful with Carney’s predictions.
Someone there is wary of tying the BBC too closely to what is clearly an organised attempt to reverse or derail Brexit.
I have never witnessed an attempt so brazen to overturn a democratic vote and replace it with a concocted public relations blitz to mislead and force us to accept this May deal.
Maybe there are people at the BBC who understand that if it all explodes in May’s face then the fall out will claim victims.
The only way for May to go is into some form of oppression and censorship. If she and her backers cannot achieve their way then this is what they will do.
I am not sure even the BBC will go along with that.
Jacob Rees Mogg tells @bbcnews he’s overseeing “project hysteria” and calls Carney a “a failed second rate Canadian politician who is talking down the pound”
If there was any justice in the world these clowns would be writing their political and professional death sentences.
Essentially they are telling us that they are incompetent and that they have no faith in the UK. Why should we continue to employ them?
I suggest that if May’s Surrender Document still permits voting that, starting with the local elections, we vote for anyone not standing for the LibLabCon party.
Another Radio 4 comment. This time about the serialised book ‘Middle England’ : “Jonathan Coe’s biting new satire on Brexit Britain”. Well, I didn’t know the title or author etc when I caught a few minutes of it in the car midday today.
What my brain received was that an old man had achieved his cherished aim of voting ‘Leave’ by struggling to the post box with his postal vote presumably, gone home, and had a fall in the hallway. Meanwhile, a young female relative was listening to the radio and heard the news about Jo Cox being murdered, ‘Britain First’ blah blah. Young female goes into shock, maybe an epiletic fit, didn’t catch that. When she came round she realises that she should have gone round to see to old man. When they open the door, he is dead on the floor.
The moral of this tale seems to be that the leave voting oldie died because Jo Cox was murdered, some sort of justice thereby being delivered.
Now I know that BBC didn’t write the book, but they chose to put it in the 12-12:15 slot previously occupied by Home Front. I’ll be sure to avoid the next two installments of that this week.
USA confirms Brexit Britain would be "head of the line" for a "heavyweight [free trade] deal that gets the whole world to sit up and take notice.” ????????????????
To do so, MPs must vote down May's deal. Lobby your MP today!
The BBC News at Ten is talking about the Bank of England “possibilities” (not forecasts or predictions). It told us what the worst-case scenarios were, but I’m still waiting for them to tell us what the best-case scenarios are.
“They didn’t say we’d be poorer after Brexit on the side of a bus,” warbled Laura Kuenssberg.
Strange how they seem to overlook making comparisons with Carney’s all too similar predictions in the summer of 2016. Perhaps because there’s too much innate comedy involved?
I’ve seen both beat up kid videos
#1 the Syrian kid it’s quick and the kid gets bottle of of water poured over him, gets up walks away
no blood no screaming
#2 The other where the white kids gets beaten up is much longer and violent
#3 but then there are the London stabbings
The Syrian victim one , gets the most Virtue Signal points so is the most reported on the media.
Just generally – the stories which the BBC run with as opposed to burying evidences the bias and editorial policy
A school playground fight which leads to court has days of coverage. – yet a girl raped and made pregnant by a Muslim paedophile – the latter of which is supported by the local council – disappears after a day .
If it wasn’t so painful I’d be interested to know why she kept the kid as it sends a sign to other Muslim paedophile gangs that they can get kids reared by whites girls . Allah would be pleased
Why is the Globe and Mail using a photo from a forest fire in Northern Ontario on a story about Canada missing its emission targets in the Paris Climate Accord? That isn't smog from cars, it's smoke from a fire.
To all you Telly Tax payers .
I have today received what must be my sixth ‘investigation’ letter from the Tellygoons informing me that a local investigation is ‘live’, rubber stamped in red with ‘Enforcement Officer Visit Approved.
Shall I bake him a cake and offer a cup of tea ?
Do I let him know that I do not have a TV ?
Why should I ? He has a detector van doesn’t he ? Or have Al Beeb been telling us ‘porkie pies’ all these years ?
All you posters stop criticising Al Beeb , hit em where it hurts and do the same as me .
Stop paying the Telly Tax.
Vote and support UKIP because they are the only party that will rid us of their fake news .
Those ” investigations ” of your property are worth nothing . Two weeks ago I had a sewage blockage that caused damage . Why didn’t the telly goons see that when they were investigating my property ? Useless idiots .
Al Beeb……………… “PMQs: Corbyn and May on resignations and Brexit talks”
Corbyn and his Labour Party would have no chance at winning another general election if the Tory Party had gone for the full Brexit according to the original referendum, ie Remain or Leave .
The Tories would win the next election because they would have all the UKIP and Labour Brexiteers behind them. Leave means Leave.
Unfortunately the Liberal Mrs Chamberlain made a hash of it . She is Midas in reverse, just check her track record .
What price sovereignty?
What price democracy?
Answer, the cost of British lives and blood in two World Wars
It does make me laugh when I hear Labour & LibDem pro-Brussels politicians tell me they don’t want Brexit because it will disrupt business. Since when did they ever concern themselves with business?
The bad news to come will be when the bbbc start getting ‘the papers’ editors on, and the new-age, leftie, softie, snowflake/sjwophile Daily Mail gets a slot.
It’s amazing that the term ‘Daily Mail reader’ will become a positive for the lefties in W1A after all this time!
Now Quentin Letts has left, it’s only a matter of time before the circulation of this empty rag drops so low to be insignificant! As a good poster has said elsewhere, just don’t click on anything it does online, so that advertising will plummet as well!
I wonder if the bbbc are having to think that in a couple of years, they’ll be sharing the same fate?
B “taking a submarine down the world’s largest sinkhole”
Let us hope he has room for a passenger. A rich passenger, a self professed expert in underwater activity.
I nominate Elon Musk.
Then, in the event of an accident, we might simultaneously lose two great arseholes down a sinkhole.
If you enjoy being accused of being a racialist first thing in the morning, I can recommend the BBC Breakfast show. Former footballer Dion Dublin is on the sofa telling us that there’s very few black soccer managers – ‘cos of racism.
Of course our Naga and our Charlie agree. No one at the BBC will say boo to that goose.
There was a time every small boy imagined himself as a footballer. Maturity tends to kill off the delusion. Can’t say the dream really extended to being the shouty one on the bench or in the dressing room. And anyway there was me thinking the top coaching jobs would now be closed to me because I’m English. Now if I were Portugese, Argentinian or I had made my name in the Bundesliga. Occurs to me the ownership of clubs will take whoever looks as though they might bring home the silverware.
There are zero black winners of Nobel science prizes.
I think a statue should be erected celebrating the accomplishments of every one of these zero winners.
Meanwhile the EU is collapsing, and it makes me smile.
There’s one group of people in the Premier League that are massively under represented and they’re English football managers. This is the top of the English football establishment and yet, blimey, whenever I hear a manager interviewed they’ve got a foreign accent.
I’m English, white working class and (sorry) a Fulham supporter and yet this discrepancy, although noticeable, doesn’t bother me a bit. These managers have got their jobs because they’re good. They’ve not inherited them and they’ve not been weeping and wailing and endlessly moaning about “racism.”
Something I’d really like to know is why Dion Dublin has got a nice cushy number (on the Beeb, of course) wandering about looking confused, in Homes Under the Hammer. Is he an expert in house renovation? Does he have a degree in architecture? Just what is it he brings to the programme?
Straining the football analogy a little, I think I know what he brings…
Sweet FA.
Bbbc are pushing the story about a Syrian boy being grabbed by the throat and doused with a bottle of water by another boy.
What they are keeping secret is that this Syrian boy attacked and beat up a little (white) girl in his class and also threatened to knife the boy who doused him with water.
Nice and fair,impartial news brought to you by the bbc.
I am not contesting what you add to the story but I would like to read it for myself. Would you let me know the source please. I have no doubt that the truth is likely to be buried by the MSM if it in any way doesn’t fit the desired narrative .
Tommy Robinson was putting this out on Facebook last night.
He has been contacted by lots of pupils and those who know the truth about this.
He says if he can find out what happened within hours why can’t any of the media also find this out.
The conclusion was that they are suppressing it.
On Facebook, search for Tommy Robinson and I’m sure you will find a link offering you more information on this.
I know who I believe but you can decide for yourself after hearing what he has to say.
Maybe someone on here could post a link.
When you listen to the likes of Hammond, May and Carney, then you listen to Tommy, who do you believe.
Tommy has more honour and decency in his little fingernail than all 3 above combined.
Having watched TR I do believe that his amplified account rings true. There is no hope that the BBC et al will ever report the whole story. Even the newspapers are silent , either because they support the MSM version or because they have been nobbled. I note that no comments have been allowed on this story, the incomplete version of course, in the Times. This is unusual , as comments are allowed but censored on 99% of stories, and may be because the authorities don’t want the whole truth coming out from readers comments. Soon even face book and u tube will be completely censored and we will never know the truth about incidents like this . All that we will know is what the authorities want us to know. With every passing day I feel less loyalty and affection for the country of my birth which is now somewhere I don’t recognise and can’t relate to.
So this story, or tissue of lies, has been all over the disgusting BBC for the past two days. As usual they are acting as propagandists and cheer leaders for violent thugs and Islamists.
If an ordinary “street journalist”, like TR can get to the truth of this, then our state sponsored broadcaster, with all the resources they have, MUST have known they were peddling dangerous lies.
The sooner we ditch this scum the better!
So although this may be true, I think if he wants to be taken seriously he needs to gather more evidence like a serious journalist (not like the Beebs). There should be a court record of the attack on the girl? Without names of course.
I agree Double, I have read some of this Twitter storm and until there is some independent evidence (from other parents maybe) then it’s very hard to believe anyone’s version. Clearly the media have an agenda, this fits it and they will run with it. Now the boys sister is featured as having been bullied. I’m guessing that a big compo will follow and they can all laugh at how stupid the British authorities and people are.
I can’t believe how gullible and naive folks around the world are, that they will believe these stories and videos without further evidence or critical analysis. It’s scary.
As soon as I saw this story, it didn’t sound right. And my first thoughts were what is the MSM leaving out this time and what did this Afghan immigrant do to provoke retaliation?
I’ve read that someone created a Gofundme account for the immigrant and idiots have already coughed up at least £50,000. Why? What’s the money for and, well, why?
Makes one realise that the so called MSM/“news” , upon which everyone bases their views and opinions of the world around them, is nothing but a corrupt propaganda machine churning out twisted agenda driven lies on a daily basis.
We so need our own version of President Trump to drain our swamp.
Even the POTUS is struggling to drain the rancid , toxic swamp. It’s tentacles are everywhere and his efforts are sabotaged at every turn. The MSM right across the West has been so thoroughly corrupted that it simply refuses to print any story that clashes with its Globalist narrative. It amazes and shocks me that massive wrong doing at the highest level in the US government, a silent coup no less to depose a democratically elected President, is simply not reported by the MSM either in the USA or the UK. In fact the MSM is one of the main players in the coup itself. I am unsure that the West can ever recover it’s democratic baseis with media that is so corrupt.
@KTHopkins 12h Salvini’s Security and Immigration Bill passes into law
Suspends asylum process of those who are “socially dangerous” or convicted of a crime
Removes humanitarian protection
Easier deportations
This is the kind of important news I expect to be informed about (without comment) by a national broadcaster.
Yep bbc did report in September the plan for the bill
but haven’t yet reported the passing of the bill
Reuters and Iranian TV reported it 5 hours ago Google search list
This doesn’t seem to have been picked up by the BBC, Guardian, Times, NYT, WaPo, Independent, Sky or just about anyone else outside of Yahoo, Breitbart and of course the eminent news outlet Department of Oppression working overtime…
This is one of the most biased BBC news reports I’ve ever seen. The article desperately tries to focus attention on a small drop in EU migration, while minimising the fact that non-EU arrivals are at their highest level since 2004.
James -This tells us a great deal.
The same person who failed entirely as Home Secretary, on this issue, is now failing as Prime Minister. She may actually rather like this whole EU stuff, since it completely obscures the non-EU ‘migration’. Could explain why she is so comfortable, in the midst of the Brexit battlefield, slashing at ‘enemies’ all about her. No one bothers about the little boats of 2018 -drifting silently across the Channel, or the UN ‘migrant compact’ to be signed at Marrakesh.
And she wants US to believe she is going to ‘cut free movement’?
What, from Belgium but not Bangladesh, from Poland but not Pakistan, from Ireland but not India, from Norway but not Nigeria, from Estonia but not Eritrea, from Sweden but not Somalia?
That’s useful, that is.
Pakistanis should of course not be confused with Brits of “Pakistani heritage” which is the state-approved term when talking about some special interest groups typically found in the north.
(Terminology which is carefully chosen to convey class and prestige. Just like a Jermyn Street letterhead with a nice embossed logo on thick cotton paper it’s all still quintessentially British, lest we forget)
With talk of being unable to go to Europe, planes being refused landing permission, strict border controls, high tariffs, no medicine and all the other project fear rubbish the likes of Hammond and Carney are spewing out I’m surprised the haven’t altered Churchill’s 1946 Iron Curtain speech.
From Stettin toTrieste could be replaced by from Copenhagen to Calais (or wherever, choose your places) an Iron Curtain will go up in Europe.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be giving them ideas.
The EU and UK Remain propagandists are having a field day. They dominate the MSM, so this is their big chance.
Now we have two curtains being created: the Copenhagen to Calais (or wherever), you mention, and the one down the Irish sea. Churchill would have been astonished.
Meanwhile, someone is getting on with a trade agreement……..
None of this is ever reported in MSM unless they can put a negative spin on it.
PM Benjamin Netanyahu met with British Secretary of State for International Trade Dr. Liam Fox. The Prime Minister welcomed the steps that Israel and Britain are taking to advance bilateral trade on the same terms and in any situation.
This country never ceases to amaze me.
Zholia Alimi, a ‘doctor’ from New Zealand (hmmm…) enters Britain and starts working without anyone checking her qualifications!
There are complaints and suspensions, but they are not followed-up or ‘checked’.
It takes seven years to finally lock her up, for forging the will of a dementia patient.
Beeb tells us this was during 2014-15, ‘when doctors from the Commonwealth qualifications’ weren’t checked’.
This displays such an unbelievable lack of common sense, it takes one’s breath away, doesn’t it, Jeremy Hunt?
I hate to say this, I really do, but will the day come when we look back with affection to the good old EU, as we open up to the Commonwealth? Then again, this happened while we were members, so -while the EU will dictate what vacuum cleaner you can use, no systems for checking the qualifications of immigrant doctors exists?
Treatment, anyone?
I think I have mentioned this before. I often ask ‘a friend’ about how they check the quals of foreign medics at the nhs. I’m not sure they do, but they start on a lower level and then have to pass exams to get on to higher levels. So yes, they will start on a salary way above anything they’ve dreamed of at home, before being demoted and not deported if found out to be incompetent or fraudulent. There are many cringing stories that go along with this. They bring family members who have expensive medical conditions, get pregnant shortly after arriving, get long term sick shortly after arriving, announce medical issues that render them unable to do all of the elements detailed in the job description. These are all real examples. Also, being the state run lefty organization that is the nhs, almost no one is ever sacked. They are desperate for anyone – remember the Syrian refugee that they were proudly parading that they were training on teesside? I doubt whether he’ll have brought his certificates. And anyway, these institutions are so many, who can check all of them, what they teach and the standard to which they are taught and examined, then trained in situ as they are here. And that’s language and cultural difficulties aside. Never mind, after a couple of years they can be on £100k plus. Rant over(I think)
“Zholia Alimi, a ‘doctor’ from New Zealand”
She came with a certificate from New Zealand, but has she studied or even been there ?
Her name if common in Afghanistan, and exidts in Pakistan
Looks like the media are tarting Treezer up a bit, a pleasant smile, twinkle in her eyes, hair cut, cracks filled up, her neck sanded down to make it look smooth. General election on the way?
Doesn’t show the ‘trumpet lips’ she adopts when lying. Watch in the future and hear what she is saying when the lips take on the shape of the bell end of a trumpet. Personally, I’m fed up seeing those trumpet lips every time she speaks.
Claims that Lynn appeared on #newsnight as a paid actor are false. Lynn is a pastor and was a genuine participant of our Brexit debate. She carries out work as an extra using her middle name but this is not relevant to the capacity in which she appeared. #VicarGate
Alex Tiffin #WelfareRebellion
1h1 hour ago
Replying to @BBCNewsnight
She’s an internet ordained minister. Literally anyone can do the course she did for free.
Do we all get an invite to appear if we do?
@Despairada mentioned this story on the previous page
The BBC Cambs series : More than a Mosque:
Amir Suleman @BBCCambs tells incredible stories of inspirational people from the Khadijah mosque in 'The Residency: More than a Mosque'. In episode two the programme features Hameeda Hussaini (a Paralegal at Birketts). Listen to her extraordinary story
@Fedup2 asked why the Syrian boy story gets so much MSM time.
Ans : cos it scores most Virtue Signal brownie points in the newsroom
News reporting is not about truth, it’s about Public Relations
.. to show the newsroom people andtheir agenda in the best possible light.
: Exposing that Tommy was fitted up in Leeds, scores you negative points so it doesn’t get reported.
: Exposing that white kid bullied, white kid gets you zero points, unless the bullied kid is the member of a Special Victim group like gay or trans etc
: Exposing a black kid stabbing a black kid is obviously a much bigger deal, but again scores negative points.
.. but white kid stabbing a black kid does get brownie points
The more the Special Victim statuses add up the more the brownie points.
eg white perp, female, lesbian victim.
Specifically@Fedup2 asked
\\ A school playground fight which leads to court has days of coverage.
– yet a (WORKING CLASS) girl raped and made pregnant by a Muslim paedophile
– the latter of which is supported by the local council – disappears after a day . //
ans : white and working class and outside London puts you at bottom of Special Victimhood rankings
the score is also knocked down cos of the Special Victimhood status of the perp
.. and the political inconvenience of Labour Party connection.
.. The score is further reduced , cos the ussue of interest to “patriot/nationalist” orgs and it’s important for journos to signal they are distant from these “untouchables”
If a Conservative council was covering up grroom/rape/trafficking of female Syrian Muslim refugees by old white guys, can you imagine the reporting Virtue Signal points to be earnt.
pg 9 of today’s Yorkshire Post is a large photo of Sammy Woodhouse ..and the story of the council saying her rapist should have a say in her child’s live
…yeh YP is only reporting it cos the Times did yesterday and Sarah Champion Labour MP has spoken
..and the YP has Labour connections.
… the YP could have done such stories 10 years ago if they had the bottle.
Same page : MP praises bravery of constituent
…Labour MP Tracey Brabin spoke of Natt Ineson who was raped by a Bradford vicar in 1984 who claimed church leaders had failed to act when he reported it.
Stew – I’m a white Christian chap. I just do not understand how feminists can choose to make substantial issues out of sexual harassment , domestic violent , adverts which are deemed sexually offensive BUT when is comes to organised sexual exploitation of young girls seems to get relegated to “other “‘
This is not just a criticism – but I really just don’t get it . I would have thought even al beeb sees something wrong …
It was either on these very pages or perhaps Rod Liddle where I read the best explanation for this. It was something along the lines of the “totem pole of victimhood” where it is acceptable to persecute someone below you on the totem pole, but not above. Blacks used to be at the top, but I think Muslims can now claim that honour. Women and gays are below both. White, working class men are below ground level.
Thank you Anne – I take the explanation but I still don’t get the insanity of a council offering access to the child caused by a Muslim paedo rapist who I recall – should have another 33 years to do – and with a bit of luck will die inside .
Do you think the shouty people care about victims ?
Take the Trump tape, he said something sleazy and caddish once ten years ago
… and that is worth massive marches in Britain by British people
… yet Grooming gangs are not worth demonstrating against.
.. The thing is the libmob are a seething ball of hate and anger and they looking to output that.
They output it against Trump cos he has offended against libmob tribe by blaspheming against their sacred holy dogma of liberalism and political correctness.
The don’t output it against the child rapists cos #1 they have not offended againt the libmob tribe directly.
and #2 It is against libmob dogma to risk appearing racist.
Note the way they held back against speaking up against Brendan Cox, who they knew was sleazy, but they weren’t going to manifest anger him, cos he’s in the right tribe, their tribe.
The anger partially come from their frustration of not being in control. When Obama, Labour or Merkel are in government the libmob are not so angry.
Of course Merkel’s CO2 saving policies are so rubbish they increase CO2, but if a right wing gov was in and doing it better the libmob would be screaming the effort was oathetic.
In a doco now about Nazi police they are talking about Untermensch
whenever a crime happened they only bother to look in the Untermensch the under-humans ie the non-Aryan, the none party members.
Perhaps that’s how libmob see the world ie to them the Rotherham girls are just Untermensch
…but if a middle class girl gets allergy poisoning it’s time to start the outrage bus.
Likewise Brendan Cox, Keith Vaz, Bercow are NOT Untermensch they are GOOD people and can’t be guilty of crimes.
It’s interesting that Nazis, Soviets, Chinese have this two tier society of Party member and normal citizens.
and now in the UK we us normal people and our Metro-liberal overlords
..Is their constant Virtue Signalling like saying look at me “I am not Untermensch” ?
Who will be the unbiased presenter?
If questions are allowed, who will choose the questioner?
If a question is tilted in favour of Leave who will be responsible for the quality of the sound?
Who the hell is advising Theresa May at the moment?
Who in the Tory party is even contemplating a debate with the Comrade Commissar Corbyn?
We had the debates BEFORE the people’s vote!!!(Referendum)
Even Labour MP Gisella Stuart, a German Born Left wing MP(!!!) is saying its a waste of time and has no point!!!!!
In the meantime the disgusting BBC on Radio 5 and various other stations are gleefully getting involved.(Tony Livesey is another one for the BBBC awards)..
.of course the most important thing is whether Strictly or ‘The Jungle’ will be disrupted!!!…….
The Bank of England is warning Britain would face its 'worst crash since 1930s' and a 30 per cent fall in house prices in the event of a No Deal Brexit, plunging the country into a deep recession
Hysteria is a mild description.
JRM was wrong, he is a fifth rate failed banker.
The first task for Boris or whoever succeeds the late Traitor is to have Carney put on the next plane to Canada.
No pension, no redundancy, SFA.
Another Common Purpose ****.
Germany, disguised as the EU, now wants France’s seat on the UN Security Council. Next it will be the French Force de Frappe.
I’m surprised that the EU didn’t demand our UN seat as part of May’s capitulation – or perhaps that being kept in reserve for the trade “negotiations”.
An objective State Broadcaster would lay out the variations of what could happen in the next four months –
1 the May sell out goes through
2 the May sellout is sent back to the ReichEU
3 the May sell out fails and she resigns ??
4 general election?
5 another referendum
6 a50 extended
7 full British brexit
This really needs one of those ‘yes’ ‘no’ flow charts but the BBC is obviously only interested in a remain outcome .
Lucky – obviously my favoured outcome but I cannot see any preparations being made for this .
From my addled mind ; just got off a plane from another few time zones – the meaningless vote is 11 December but then 21 days later the issue must be resolved and goes back to Brussels .
That date is the end of 2018 . So if there is no agreement , no further referendum , no general election – it leaves HMG and the ReichEU to work out how to keep things running after March 2019
So the legitimacy of EU/UK citizens resident in respective countries – communications and transport – financial services and the rest .
Under the current regime HMG would not be able to achieve this unless A50 is extended – yet alone the hostility of the ReichEU .
And it shouldn’t be for HMG to pay for an extension . Or anyone really .
I think a Norway/Cananda style option may well be ‘negotiated’ before March… May has played it this way very cleverly in true diplomatic/Civil Service stylee…..she knew we couldnt have a FULL Brexit…was never going to happen.
Corbyn hasnt a clue what he wants along with most MPs….and the public will go along with it.
I still fear we will be tied to EU Courts/Justice legislation and Human Rights legislation which worries me…freedom of speech and migration etc.
Over 50 nations achieved independence from the British Empire quicker than we have taken to get out from this tinpot dictatorship.
We have a very poor negotiating team without any experience.
30 months of 100% Remain lies and propaganda.
Preceded by 50 years of “isn’t the EU great” lies and propaganda.
The EU will not change, it has always been the enemy of European people.
The Remainer BBC still do not understand.
Remain are totally untrustworthy and contemptible.
Remain behaviour has been exactly that of an appendage to the EU.
Every time the will of the EU was rebuffed in referenda, it lied, cheated, moved the goalposts and steamed ahead on its totalitarian master plan. With Remainers burning our flags and waving their EU banners.
Suggestions of new treason laws must be implemented as soon as possible. Not needed for Robbins, Clegg, et al, they can be found guilty under existing legislation.
Outlawry is another useful concept. I bet millions of Remainers would quit the realm permanently PDQ, if they were outlawed. They would not be missed.
“I, and the Government have negotiated on behalf of the European Unio-eh-United Kingdom,” Freudian slip and a half from the PM this morning
If they really wanted an unbiased host they should put it on RT with Larry King. Wont happen since both would be shown for what they are. Economisers of truth.
The founder of a Muslim television station in New York State has been convicted of beheading his wife in 2009. The defendant and his wife had founded the station to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims.
Foreign correspondent beeboid reports on Russians not liking president trump any more because of the acts of the Russian military
It seems that the bbc likes Russia more than president trump . He has declined to meet with Putin this making him bad . No mention about aid from Russia to get elected .
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JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
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JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Article on Mexican border staged photos
MSM very quiet, so I guess that is their best defence tactic.
ah Stefan Molyneux
“Art of the Narrative: How viral photos of suffering kids silence immigration debate” Article Review
Suffering = having a nice time invading a first world state with the intention of turning it into a slum.
F*** all of them.
Where are all the photographs of 200,000 white, British, children raped?
Or is it 500,000?
Al Beeb…………….. “Bank warns no-deal could see UK sink into recession” Any analysis from him about the EU’ s economy when we leave ?
In financial term their HYS is ‘Tanking’
The fact that Carney is issuing theses negative statements about the economy is causing the market to go ‘twitchy’.
What price sovereignty Mr Carney ? Ours not yours .
Spot the rather obvious FakeNews/FalseFacts here
“The European Union says it is aiming to become the first major economy to go “climate neutral” by 2050.
Under the plan, emissions of greenhouse gases after that date would have to be offset by planting trees or by burying the gases underground.
Scientists say that net-zero emissions by 2050 are needed to have a fighting chance of keeping global temperatures under 1.5C this century.
The EU says the move will also cut premature air pollution deaths by 40%.
CO2 rises for the first time in four years
Trump dismisses US climate change report”
Yes, honestly!
Taken from .
It is going to be a chilly-old 82 years to the end of the twenty-first century, then.
Ooops! Sack the sub-Editor. Sack Matt McGrath – if he is responsible for checking his own copy.
I was driving on the M1 this morning south of Sheffield.
The so called “smart motorway” signs were set to a speed limit of 60mph. The information signs read “speed limit for air quality”.
Last time I looked the national legal motorway speed limit was 70mph.
Who sets these speed limit signs and what right do they have to impose them for such a ridiculous reason?
I would have thought that slowing traffic down means it spends longer in one place, therefore increasing any impact on an area.
One slightly paranoid interpretation is that the miles of 50mph motorway road works without workers is about conditioning people to obedience.
The M4/M5 interchange speed signs rarely make much sense related to the volume of traffic – lots of traffic speed signs are slower … I’ve got news for the chimps splurging our money – that happened before you spent several billion on computerised revenue generators
Dystopian, certainly with older vehicles (pre-current registration numbering system), especially with five speed gearboxes, they were geared to be most fuel efficient at motorway top speeds. I learned that the hard, expensive way, with an M-prefix Ford Mondeo.
My present vehicle, much more up-to-date, is geared and mapped to minimise fuel consumption in third gear, for example, in the new 20mph limits being rolled out across London and elsewhere.
The fact that pollution has increased in London, IF the Mayor’s claims are true, is due to his rolling out the new 20mph limits before enough vehicles can run economically at that speed in a gear lower than fourth or fifth gear.
I was just watching some adverts on tv and now I’m wondering where I’m going to get a random black person to share our family Christmas dinner with?
Funny isn’t it how many white families just happen to have black people around at Christmas.
Or maybe the libtards are right we are all racists and that’s why we don’t have any black folk in our immediate families?
Exactly! How many black families have a white person for Christmas Dinner?
I don’t know Dover, I hear albinos aren’t too safe in certain parts of the dark continent.
Well I’m not having a black person for Christmas dinner . I’m having the traditional Turkey .
Brexit: Why is everyone talking about fishing?
So this article translates as: uk fishing industry not very important and we import most of our fish anyway, so don’t worry your little heads about it.
Looby, fishing will be an essential industry – especially if the UK trawler fleet converts to electric vessels after Brexit – to feed us all when beef, pork and lamb are taken out of the food chain because they cause global warming and climate change. 😉
I did think that the BBC was being very careful with Carney’s predictions.
Someone there is wary of tying the BBC too closely to what is clearly an organised attempt to reverse or derail Brexit.
I have never witnessed an attempt so brazen to overturn a democratic vote and replace it with a concocted public relations blitz to mislead and force us to accept this May deal.
Maybe there are people at the BBC who understand that if it all explodes in May’s face then the fall out will claim victims.
The only way for May to go is into some form of oppression and censorship. If she and her backers cannot achieve their way then this is what they will do.
I am not sure even the BBC will go along with that.
Well said, JRM,
Jacob Rees Mogg tells @bbcnews he’s overseeing “project hysteria” and calls Carney a “a failed second rate Canadian politician who is talking down the pound”
Good for Jacob Rees Mogg. If he carries on like this the media will have to expose him as Jacob Rees Yaxley Lennon
If there was any justice in the world these clowns would be writing their political and professional death sentences.
Essentially they are telling us that they are incompetent and that they have no faith in the UK. Why should we continue to employ them?
I suggest that if May’s Surrender Document still permits voting that, starting with the local elections, we vote for anyone not standing for the LibLabCon party.
“If there was any justice in the world these clowns would be writing their political and professional death sentences.”
If there was any justice, their actual death warrants would be written, by the electorate.
Another Radio 4 comment. This time about the serialised book ‘Middle England’ : “Jonathan Coe’s biting new satire on Brexit Britain”. Well, I didn’t know the title or author etc when I caught a few minutes of it in the car midday today.
What my brain received was that an old man had achieved his cherished aim of voting ‘Leave’ by struggling to the post box with his postal vote presumably, gone home, and had a fall in the hallway. Meanwhile, a young female relative was listening to the radio and heard the news about Jo Cox being murdered, ‘Britain First’ blah blah. Young female goes into shock, maybe an epiletic fit, didn’t catch that. When she came round she realises that she should have gone round to see to old man. When they open the door, he is dead on the floor.
The moral of this tale seems to be that the leave voting oldie died because Jo Cox was murdered, some sort of justice thereby being delivered.
Now I know that BBC didn’t write the book, but they chose to put it in the 12-12:15 slot previously occupied by Home Front. I’ll be sure to avoid the next two installments of that this week.
The BBC News at Ten is talking about the Bank of England “possibilities” (not forecasts or predictions). It told us what the worst-case scenarios were, but I’m still waiting for them to tell us what the best-case scenarios are.
“They didn’t say we’d be poorer after Brexit on the side of a bus,” warbled Laura Kuenssberg.
Strange how they seem to overlook making comparisons with Carney’s all too similar predictions in the summer of 2016. Perhaps because there’s too much innate comedy involved?
A warning, the following is disturbing to watch.
And it should be on BBC News.
I’ve seen both beat up kid videos
#1 the Syrian kid it’s quick and the kid gets bottle of of water poured over him, gets up walks away
no blood no screaming
#2 The other where the white kids gets beaten up is much longer and violent
#3 but then there are the London stabbings
The Syrian victim one , gets the most Virtue Signal points so is the most reported on the media.
Lucy, Stew,
Looks to me that the invaders are winning and have a supportive media and a left wing fifth column plus a Quisling Government.
Just generally – the stories which the BBC run with as opposed to burying evidences the bias and editorial policy
A school playground fight which leads to court has days of coverage. – yet a girl raped and made pregnant by a Muslim paedophile – the latter of which is supported by the local council – disappears after a day .
If it wasn’t so painful I’d be interested to know why she kept the kid as it sends a sign to other Muslim paedophile gangs that they can get kids reared by whites girls . Allah would be pleased
A word we should be using before Mrs May’s Surrender Document bans it:
Eleutherophobia – the fear of freedom
Thanks to Jeff Taylor
To all you Telly Tax payers .
I have today received what must be my sixth ‘investigation’ letter from the Tellygoons informing me that a local investigation is ‘live’, rubber stamped in red with ‘Enforcement Officer Visit Approved.
Shall I bake him a cake and offer a cup of tea ?
Do I let him know that I do not have a TV ?
Why should I ? He has a detector van doesn’t he ? Or have Al Beeb been telling us ‘porkie pies’ all these years ?
All you posters stop criticising Al Beeb , hit em where it hurts and do the same as me .
Stop paying the Telly Tax.
Vote and support UKIP because they are the only party that will rid us of their fake news .
Taffman ,
Those ” investigations ” of your property are worth nothing . Two weeks ago I had a sewage blockage that caused damage . Why didn’t the telly goons see that when they were investigating my property ? Useless idiots .
Al Beeb……………… “PMQs: Corbyn and May on resignations and Brexit talks”
Corbyn and his Labour Party would have no chance at winning another general election if the Tory Party had gone for the full Brexit according to the original referendum, ie Remain or Leave .
The Tories would win the next election because they would have all the UKIP and Labour Brexiteers behind them. Leave means Leave.
Unfortunately the Liberal Mrs Chamberlain made a hash of it . She is Midas in reverse, just check her track record .
What price sovereignty?
What price democracy?
Answer, the cost of British lives and blood in two World Wars
Toady watch
Our Justin goes to somewhere called Northern Ireland – which mainland beeboids treat in terms of a place far far away ,
Anyway he interviews Arlene Foster – leader of the DUP and died his usual interruption job as well as
“We haven’t got much time “ .
‘This is the usual tactic when they interview someone with a message the BBC doesn’t like .
The BBC message today seems to be “ business likes remain so we should too “ .since when as the BBC ever cared about business . ?
So Andrea Ledsome has sold out and making an early application for a peerage . Guaranteed .
“ business likes remain so we should too “
It does make me laugh when I hear Labour & LibDem pro-Brussels politicians tell me they don’t want Brexit because it will disrupt business. Since when did they ever concern themselves with business?
The bad news to come will be when the bbbc start getting ‘the papers’ editors on, and the new-age, leftie, softie, snowflake/sjwophile Daily Mail gets a slot.
It’s amazing that the term ‘Daily Mail reader’ will become a positive for the lefties in W1A after all this time!
Now Quentin Letts has left, it’s only a matter of time before the circulation of this empty rag drops so low to be insignificant! As a good poster has said elsewhere, just don’t click on anything it does online, so that advertising will plummet as well!
I wonder if the bbbc are having to think that in a couple of years, they’ll be sharing the same fate?
From The Telegraph: Richard Branson is taking a submarine down the world’s largest sinkhole.
One can only hope.
B “taking a submarine down the world’s largest sinkhole”
Let us hope he has room for a passenger. A rich passenger, a self professed expert in underwater activity.
I nominate Elon Musk.
Then, in the event of an accident, we might simultaneously lose two great arseholes down a sinkhole.
Thanks you two, I award you the laugh of the day award (if that’s ok with everyone…)
If you enjoy being accused of being a racialist first thing in the morning, I can recommend the BBC Breakfast show. Former footballer Dion Dublin is on the sofa telling us that there’s very few black soccer managers – ‘cos of racism.
Of course our Naga and our Charlie agree. No one at the BBC will say boo to that goose.
There was a time every small boy imagined himself as a footballer. Maturity tends to kill off the delusion. Can’t say the dream really extended to being the shouty one on the bench or in the dressing room. And anyway there was me thinking the top coaching jobs would now be closed to me because I’m English. Now if I were Portugese, Argentinian or I had made my name in the Bundesliga. Occurs to me the ownership of clubs will take whoever looks as though they might bring home the silverware.
But this is the BBC – so racism.
“Former footballer Dion Dublin is on the sofa telling us that there’s very few black soccer managers – ‘cos of racism.”
I don’t suppose they asked him why there aren’t many white people at the auctions on Homes Under The Hammer though?
There are zero black winners of Nobel science prizes.
I think a statue should be erected celebrating the accomplishments of every one of these zero winners.
Meanwhile the EU is collapsing, and it makes me smile.
LCS, the EU cannot collapse fast enough for me.
Preferably starting on 1 April 2019.
There’s one group of people in the Premier League that are massively under represented and they’re English football managers. This is the top of the English football establishment and yet, blimey, whenever I hear a manager interviewed they’ve got a foreign accent.
I’m English, white working class and (sorry) a Fulham supporter and yet this discrepancy, although noticeable, doesn’t bother me a bit. These managers have got their jobs because they’re good. They’ve not inherited them and they’ve not been weeping and wailing and endlessly moaning about “racism.”
Something I’d really like to know is why Dion Dublin has got a nice cushy number (on the Beeb, of course) wandering about looking confused, in Homes Under the Hammer. Is he an expert in house renovation? Does he have a degree in architecture? Just what is it he brings to the programme?
Straining the football analogy a little, I think I know what he brings…
Sweet FA.
J – I expect he holds the joint world spitting distance record.
With several million other low IQ footy types.
From Guido I learn that the NUS will be going bang soon.
Yet another instance of the 10⁸ supporting lefties running out of other people’s money?
Bbbc are pushing the story about a Syrian boy being grabbed by the throat and doused with a bottle of water by another boy.
What they are keeping secret is that this Syrian boy attacked and beat up a little (white) girl in his class and also threatened to knife the boy who doused him with water.
Nice and fair,impartial news brought to you by the bbc.
I am not contesting what you add to the story but I would like to read it for myself. Would you let me know the source please. I have no doubt that the truth is likely to be buried by the MSM if it in any way doesn’t fit the desired narrative .
Tommy Robinson was putting this out on Facebook last night.
He has been contacted by lots of pupils and those who know the truth about this.
He says if he can find out what happened within hours why can’t any of the media also find this out.
The conclusion was that they are suppressing it.
On Facebook, search for Tommy Robinson and I’m sure you will find a link offering you more information on this.
I know who I believe but you can decide for yourself after hearing what he has to say.
Maybe someone on here could post a link.
Here is TR’s video
Thanks GWF.
When you listen to the likes of Hammond, May and Carney, then you listen to Tommy, who do you believe.
Tommy has more honour and decency in his little fingernail than all 3 above combined.
Having watched TR I do believe that his amplified account rings true. There is no hope that the BBC et al will ever report the whole story. Even the newspapers are silent , either because they support the MSM version or because they have been nobbled. I note that no comments have been allowed on this story, the incomplete version of course, in the Times. This is unusual , as comments are allowed but censored on 99% of stories, and may be because the authorities don’t want the whole truth coming out from readers comments. Soon even face book and u tube will be completely censored and we will never know the truth about incidents like this . All that we will know is what the authorities want us to know. With every passing day I feel less loyalty and affection for the country of my birth which is now somewhere I don’t recognise and can’t relate to.
So this story, or tissue of lies, has been all over the disgusting BBC for the past two days. As usual they are acting as propagandists and cheer leaders for violent thugs and Islamists.
If an ordinary “street journalist”, like TR can get to the truth of this, then our state sponsored broadcaster, with all the resources they have, MUST have known they were peddling dangerous lies.
The sooner we ditch this scum the better!
So although this may be true, I think if he wants to be taken seriously he needs to gather more evidence like a serious journalist (not like the Beebs). There should be a court record of the attack on the girl? Without names of course.
Many thanks EG
I agree Double, I have read some of this Twitter storm and until there is some independent evidence (from other parents maybe) then it’s very hard to believe anyone’s version. Clearly the media have an agenda, this fits it and they will run with it. Now the boys sister is featured as having been bullied. I’m guessing that a big compo will follow and they can all laugh at how stupid the British authorities and people are.
I can’t believe how gullible and naive folks around the world are, that they will believe these stories and videos without further evidence or critical analysis. It’s scary.
As soon as I saw this story, it didn’t sound right. And my first thoughts were what is the MSM leaving out this time and what did this Afghan immigrant do to provoke retaliation?
I’ve read that someone created a Gofundme account for the immigrant and idiots have already coughed up at least £50,000. Why? What’s the money for and, well, why?
Makes one realise that the so called MSM/“news” , upon which everyone bases their views and opinions of the world around them, is nothing but a corrupt propaganda machine churning out twisted agenda driven lies on a daily basis.
We so need our own version of President Trump to drain our swamp.
We could do with a dozen Trumps.
It’s worse than a swamp.
It’s a fetid and festering cesspit.
Even the POTUS is struggling to drain the rancid , toxic swamp. It’s tentacles are everywhere and his efforts are sabotaged at every turn. The MSM right across the West has been so thoroughly corrupted that it simply refuses to print any story that clashes with its Globalist narrative. It amazes and shocks me that massive wrong doing at the highest level in the US government, a silent coup no less to depose a democratically elected President, is simply not reported by the MSM either in the USA or the UK. In fact the MSM is one of the main players in the coup itself. I am unsure that the West can ever recover it’s democratic baseis with media that is so corrupt.
@KTHopkins 12h
Salvini’s Security and Immigration Bill passes into law
Suspends asylum process of those who are “socially dangerous” or convicted of a crime
Removes humanitarian protection
Easier deportations
This is the kind of important news I expect to be informed about (without comment) by a national broadcaster.
ti – Just searched the BBC website, no “hits”.
Yep bbc did report in September the plan for the bill
but haven’t yet reported the passing of the bill
Reuters and Iranian TV reported it 5 hours ago
Google search list
Thanks theisland — just to check I used 3 different search engines. The only MSM news agency reporting this seems to be Yahoo:
The bill, which makes it easier to expel migrants and limits residency permits, was passed in the lower house of parliament […] “I’m happy, it’s a memorable day,” Salvini told journalists, shrugging off criticism from “left-wingers who think illegal immigration is not a problem”
This doesn’t seem to have been picked up by the BBC, Guardian, Times, NYT, WaPo, Independent, Sky or just about anyone else outside of Yahoo, Breitbart and of course the eminent news outlet Department of Oppression working overtime…
This is one of the most biased BBC news reports I’ve ever seen. The article desperately tries to focus attention on a small drop in EU migration, while minimising the fact that non-EU arrivals are at their highest level since 2004.
James -This tells us a great deal.
The same person who failed entirely as Home Secretary, on this issue, is now failing as Prime Minister. She may actually rather like this whole EU stuff, since it completely obscures the non-EU ‘migration’. Could explain why she is so comfortable, in the midst of the Brexit battlefield, slashing at ‘enemies’ all about her. No one bothers about the little boats of 2018 -drifting silently across the Channel, or the UN ‘migrant compact’ to be signed at Marrakesh.
And she wants US to believe she is going to ‘cut free movement’?
What, from Belgium but not Bangladesh, from Poland but not Pakistan, from Ireland but not India, from Norway but not Nigeria, from Estonia but not Eritrea, from Sweden but not Somalia?
That’s useful, that is.
the graph on
tells me there is only 200k Pakistanis in the uk ??
Pakistanis should of course not be confused with Brits of “Pakistani heritage” which is the state-approved term when talking about some special interest groups typically found in the north.
(Terminology which is carefully chosen to convey class and prestige. Just like a Jermyn Street letterhead with a nice embossed logo on thick cotton paper it’s all still quintessentially British, lest we forget)
That’s in Luton only.
With talk of being unable to go to Europe, planes being refused landing permission, strict border controls, high tariffs, no medicine and all the other project fear rubbish the likes of Hammond and Carney are spewing out I’m surprised the haven’t altered Churchill’s 1946 Iron Curtain speech.
From Stettin toTrieste could be replaced by from Copenhagen to Calais (or wherever, choose your places) an Iron Curtain will go up in Europe.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be giving them ideas.
The EU and UK Remain propagandists are having a field day. They dominate the MSM, so this is their big chance.
Now we have two curtains being created: the Copenhagen to Calais (or wherever), you mention, and the one down the Irish sea. Churchill would have been astonished.
Churchill would have been growling …..
When Branson is down that sinkhole lets hope he finds all the Foreign aid money that has been flushed down it.
Meanwhile, someone is getting on with a trade agreement……..
None of this is ever reported in MSM unless they can put a negative spin on it.
This country never ceases to amaze me.
Zholia Alimi, a ‘doctor’ from New Zealand (hmmm…) enters Britain and starts working without anyone checking her qualifications!
There are complaints and suspensions, but they are not followed-up or ‘checked’.
It takes seven years to finally lock her up, for forging the will of a dementia patient.
Beeb tells us this was during 2014-15, ‘when doctors from the Commonwealth qualifications’ weren’t checked’.
This displays such an unbelievable lack of common sense, it takes one’s breath away, doesn’t it, Jeremy Hunt?
I hate to say this, I really do, but will the day come when we look back with affection to the good old EU, as we open up to the Commonwealth? Then again, this happened while we were members, so -while the EU will dictate what vacuum cleaner you can use, no systems for checking the qualifications of immigrant doctors exists?
Treatment, anyone?
I think I have mentioned this before. I often ask ‘a friend’ about how they check the quals of foreign medics at the nhs. I’m not sure they do, but they start on a lower level and then have to pass exams to get on to higher levels. So yes, they will start on a salary way above anything they’ve dreamed of at home, before being demoted and not deported if found out to be incompetent or fraudulent. There are many cringing stories that go along with this. They bring family members who have expensive medical conditions, get pregnant shortly after arriving, get long term sick shortly after arriving, announce medical issues that render them unable to do all of the elements detailed in the job description. These are all real examples. Also, being the state run lefty organization that is the nhs, almost no one is ever sacked. They are desperate for anyone – remember the Syrian refugee that they were proudly parading that they were training on teesside? I doubt whether he’ll have brought his certificates. And anyway, these institutions are so many, who can check all of them, what they teach and the standard to which they are taught and examined, then trained in situ as they are here. And that’s language and cultural difficulties aside. Never mind, after a couple of years they can be on £100k plus. Rant over(I think)
“Zholia Alimi, a ‘doctor’ from New Zealand”
She came with a certificate from New Zealand, but has she studied or even been there ?
Her name if common in Afghanistan, and exidts in Pakistan
Looks like the media are tarting Treezer up a bit, a pleasant smile, twinkle in her eyes, hair cut, cracks filled up, her neck sanded down to make it look smooth. General election on the way?
Doesn’t show the ‘trumpet lips’ she adopts when lying. Watch in the future and hear what she is saying when the lips take on the shape of the bell end of a trumpet. Personally, I’m fed up seeing those trumpet lips every time she speaks.
Well, well, well…
Me neither.
Interesting that they can reply quickly when they want to. Meanwhile, I still haven’t had a reply to my complaint of 1st November.
But people are not satisfied
Alex Tiffin #WelfareRebellion
1h1 hour ago
Replying to @BBCNewsnight
She’s an internet ordained minister. Literally anyone can do the course she did for free.
Do we all get an invite to appear if we do?
Look at Newsnight’s Twitter timeline and you can see that they have tweeted that exact same tweet 6 times almost every hour
There must be some PR reason why orgs do that deflection or something
@Despairada mentioned this story on the previous page
The BBC Cambs series : More than a Mosque:
Next weeks thrilling instalment “More than a bridge”
Followed by “More than a concert arena”.
Tag team.
@Fedup2 asked why the Syrian boy story gets so much MSM time.
Ans : cos it scores most Virtue Signal brownie points in the newsroom
News reporting is not about truth, it’s about Public Relations
.. to show the newsroom people andtheir agenda in the best possible light.
: Exposing that Tommy was fitted up in Leeds, scores you negative points so it doesn’t get reported.
: Exposing that white kid bullied, white kid gets you zero points, unless the bullied kid is the member of a Special Victim group like gay or trans etc
: Exposing a black kid stabbing a black kid is obviously a much bigger deal, but again scores negative points.
.. but white kid stabbing a black kid does get brownie points
The more the Special Victim statuses add up the more the brownie points.
eg white perp, female, lesbian victim.
Specifically@Fedup2 asked
\\ A school playground fight which leads to court has days of coverage.
– yet a (WORKING CLASS) girl raped and made pregnant by a Muslim paedophile
– the latter of which is supported by the local council – disappears after a day . //
ans : white and working class and outside London puts you at bottom of Special Victimhood rankings
the score is also knocked down cos of the Special Victimhood status of the perp
.. and the political inconvenience of Labour Party connection.
.. The score is further reduced , cos the ussue of interest to “patriot/nationalist” orgs and it’s important for journos to signal they are distant from these “untouchables”
If a Conservative council was covering up grroom/rape/trafficking of female Syrian Muslim refugees by old white guys, can you imagine the reporting Virtue Signal points to be earnt.
pg 9 of today’s Yorkshire Post is a large photo of Sammy Woodhouse ..and the story of the council saying her rapist should have a say in her child’s live
…yeh YP is only reporting it cos the Times did yesterday and Sarah Champion Labour MP has spoken
..and the YP has Labour connections.
… the YP could have done such stories 10 years ago if they had the bottle.
Same page : MP praises bravery of constituent
…Labour MP Tracey Brabin spoke of Natt Ineson who was raped by a Bradford vicar in 1984 who claimed church leaders had failed to act when he reported it.
Stew – I’m a white Christian chap. I just do not understand how feminists can choose to make substantial issues out of sexual harassment , domestic violent , adverts which are deemed sexually offensive BUT when is comes to organised sexual exploitation of young girls seems to get relegated to “other “‘
This is not just a criticism – but I really just don’t get it . I would have thought even al beeb sees something wrong …
It was either on these very pages or perhaps Rod Liddle where I read the best explanation for this. It was something along the lines of the “totem pole of victimhood” where it is acceptable to persecute someone below you on the totem pole, but not above. Blacks used to be at the top, but I think Muslims can now claim that honour. Women and gays are below both. White, working class men are below ground level.
Thank you Anne – I take the explanation but I still don’t get the insanity of a council offering access to the child caused by a Muslim paedo rapist who I recall – should have another 33 years to do – and with a bit of luck will die inside .
Do you think the shouty people care about victims ?
Take the Trump tape, he said something sleazy and caddish once ten years ago
… and that is worth massive marches in Britain by British people
… yet Grooming gangs are not worth demonstrating against.
.. The thing is the libmob are a seething ball of hate and anger and they looking to output that.
They output it against Trump cos he has offended against libmob tribe by blaspheming against their sacred holy dogma of liberalism and political correctness.
The don’t output it against the child rapists cos #1 they have not offended againt the libmob tribe directly.
and #2 It is against libmob dogma to risk appearing racist.
Note the way they held back against speaking up against Brendan Cox, who they knew was sleazy, but they weren’t going to manifest anger him, cos he’s in the right tribe, their tribe.
The anger partially come from their frustration of not being in control. When Obama, Labour or Merkel are in government the libmob are not so angry.
Of course Merkel’s CO2 saving policies are so rubbish they increase CO2, but if a right wing gov was in and doing it better the libmob would be screaming the effort was oathetic.
In a doco now about Nazi police they are talking about Untermensch
whenever a crime happened they only bother to look in the Untermensch the under-humans ie the non-Aryan, the none party members.
Perhaps that’s how libmob see the world ie to them the Rotherham girls are just Untermensch
…but if a middle class girl gets allergy poisoning it’s time to start the outrage bus.
Likewise Brendan Cox, Keith Vaz, Bercow are NOT Untermensch they are GOOD people and can’t be guilty of crimes.
It’s interesting that Nazis, Soviets, Chinese have this two tier society of Party member and normal citizens.
and now in the UK we us normal people and our Metro-liberal overlords
..Is their constant Virtue Signalling like saying look at me “I am not Untermensch” ?
“Brendan Cox, Keith Vaz, Bercow” – the dream team.
Who will host the May V Corbyn debate? The BBC or ITV?
It doesn’t matter who. Both are as bad as each other. That goes for the two channels as well! (lol)
Who will be the unbiased presenter?
If questions are allowed, who will choose the questioner?
If a question is tilted in favour of Leave who will be responsible for the quality of the sound?
Who the hell is advising Theresa May at the moment?
Who in the Tory party is even contemplating a debate with the Comrade Commissar Corbyn?
We had the debates BEFORE the people’s vote!!!(Referendum)
Even Labour MP Gisella Stuart, a German Born Left wing MP(!!!) is saying its a waste of time and has no point!!!!!
In the meantime the disgusting BBC on Radio 5 and various other stations are gleefully getting involved.(Tony Livesey is another one for the BBBC awards)..
.of course the most important thing is whether Strictly or ‘The Jungle’ will be disrupted!!!…….
Jesus wept……
Brillo is the only chair worth anything for this but a Dimbleby or the dumb Asian girl will get the gig.
“Who will host the May V Corbyn debate? The BBC or ITV?”
A DVD evening, I think. “The Walking Dead”, perhaps.
No no – Anna – I’m savouring ‘breaking bad ‘ which , like ‘the wire’ is an acquired taste but worthy of a view ….
Project Hysteria from Mr Carney
Hysteria is a mild description.
JRM was wrong, he is a fifth rate failed banker.
The first task for Boris or whoever succeeds the late Traitor is to have Carney put on the next plane to Canada.
No pension, no redundancy, SFA.
Another Common Purpose ****.
He’s a Goldman Sachs, the vampire squid, gofer. Didn’t he bugger up the Canadian housing market?
The worst crash?
Only if the Government thinks it knows better than the market and makes disastrous interventions.
A hatchet man. Once he has done his job or he has been rumbled he will scoot back to Canada.
Im outraged that a Kent market stall has been selling knitted dolls of Bob Marley dolll, and Mo Farah for £50
£3 would have been more like it. photo/a>
Aren’t they (whisper) G*ll*w**s ?
Cash only? Wonder why.
Syrian boy/sister bullying story in the Times
comments are not open
BBC Turkish tweeting the video of the sister getting bullied they have never tweeted about the grooming gangs
I’m feeling very gloomy today, thanks to the forces of hell being unleashed again – esp. on BBC R4 – against the UK leaving the EU.
And now Microsoft has gone and messed up its Outlook e-mail system.
Up2, if you need a smile have a look at this story – it’s France’s turn to get bitten by the EU:
Germany, disguised as the EU, now wants France’s seat on the UN Security Council. Next it will be the French Force de Frappe.
I’m surprised that the EU didn’t demand our UN seat as part of May’s capitulation – or perhaps that being kept in reserve for the trade “negotiations”.
An objective State Broadcaster would lay out the variations of what could happen in the next four months –
1 the May sell out goes through
2 the May sellout is sent back to the ReichEU
3 the May sell out fails and she resigns ??
4 general election?
5 another referendum
6 a50 extended
7 full British brexit
This really needs one of those ‘yes’ ‘no’ flow charts but the BBC is obviously only interested in a remain outcome .
obviously No7 on your list should be at No1……and no other considerations are needed…..
Lucky – obviously my favoured outcome but I cannot see any preparations being made for this .
From my addled mind ; just got off a plane from another few time zones – the meaningless vote is 11 December but then 21 days later the issue must be resolved and goes back to Brussels .
That date is the end of 2018 . So if there is no agreement , no further referendum , no general election – it leaves HMG and the ReichEU to work out how to keep things running after March 2019
So the legitimacy of EU/UK citizens resident in respective countries – communications and transport – financial services and the rest .
Under the current regime HMG would not be able to achieve this unless A50 is extended – yet alone the hostility of the ReichEU .
And it shouldn’t be for HMG to pay for an extension . Or anyone really .
I think a Norway/Cananda style option may well be ‘negotiated’ before March… May has played it this way very cleverly in true diplomatic/Civil Service stylee…..she knew we couldnt have a FULL Brexit…was never going to happen.
Corbyn hasnt a clue what he wants along with most MPs….and the public will go along with it.
I still fear we will be tied to EU Courts/Justice legislation and Human Rights legislation which worries me…freedom of speech and migration etc.
Over 50 nations achieved independence from the British Empire quicker than we have taken to get out from this tinpot dictatorship.
We have a very poor negotiating team without any experience.
30 months of 100% Remain lies and propaganda.
Preceded by 50 years of “isn’t the EU great” lies and propaganda.
The EU will not change, it has always been the enemy of European people.
The Remainer BBC still do not understand.
Remain are totally untrustworthy and contemptible.
Remain behaviour has been exactly that of an appendage to the EU.
Every time the will of the EU was rebuffed in referenda, it lied, cheated, moved the goalposts and steamed ahead on its totalitarian master plan. With Remainers burning our flags and waving their EU banners.
Suggestions of new treason laws must be implemented as soon as possible. Not needed for Robbins, Clegg, et al, they can be found guilty under existing legislation.
Outlawry is another useful concept. I bet millions of Remainers would quit the realm permanently PDQ, if they were outlawed. They would not be missed.
Not BBC but good fun.
Ok -I got a non BBC one .
A woman complains that airport staff laughed at the name of her 5 year old daughter – which is ABCDE-
This is reported in the Londonistan Evening News today as being true – I kid you not .
Whoops! The mask nearly slipped
RE: Mao Tse Corby vs Quisling Chamberlain Debate.
If they really wanted an unbiased host they should put it on RT with Larry King. Wont happen since both would be shown for what they are. Economisers of truth.
The founder of a Muslim television station in New York State has been convicted of beheading his wife in 2009. The defendant and his wife had founded the station to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims.
Good to know some broadcasters still believe in “keeping it real”
What madness we seem hellbent on importing into the west.
Good to know some broadcasters still believe in “keeping it real”
What madness we seem hellbent on importing into the west.
The Post Office are now showing in their online adverts that everyone is either brown or a white woman!
Advertisers like to be ‘creative and edgy’.
White males need not apply for a mortgage, so the message goes.
Toady watch
Foreign correspondent beeboid reports on Russians not liking president trump any more because of the acts of the Russian military
It seems that the bbc likes Russia more than president trump . He has declined to meet with Putin this making him bad . No mention about aid from Russia to get elected .