Lord jack straw ( not his real name ) goes onto Toady and “ does an Adonis “ by rewriting the brexit referendum campaign to say there was an admission by the brexit side for a second referendum .
Well I can’t remember that . I can remember that the campaign was about our freedom and not just economics . There wasn’t much discussion about what sort of deal there’d be – just that we would be “out” – er “ no ifs no buts” as a certain prime minister said .
I’m guessing Soros has taken Adonis off the fear grid since we causes more support for brexit that remaining . Role on that clock .
During the interview straw admitted he isn’t connected to the Commons as he once was . I wonder if he can remember where his constituency is – which voted Leave . He always was one of those Far Left self servers .
Just to remind us that Mr Jack Straw once said that ‘ the white race is not worth saving’. That’s you and me by the way.
So what race does Mr Straw identify himself with? And is his hatred of us, the white race, coloured by his religion?
Is it just me but R4 is going into overdrive on POTUS..despite saying he did nothing wrong it is all bad..it’s all about a somebody doing his day job before he became President..and to add to the rhetoric they are saying he was colluding with an adversary (Russia, when lots of people do business with them) and all they talk to is Democrats
I am sick and tired of the BBC just pushing their agendas…
I have to confess I’ve no idea what the latest Trump story is, other than someone has admitted to lying to the FBI. As soon as this kind of story comes on I simply stop listening, because I’ve heard so many over-egged stories when it comes to Trump and just don’t believe them any more.
RD, you deliberately or inadvertently highlight the dangers inherent in a news organisation, such as the BBC, abandoning its neutrality and impartiality to take on a partisan viewpoint and partisan view of a major elected representative, in this case a Head of State.
Suppose that President Trump does now start to do something wrong, very wrong, (pardon my Trumpism there) but start by small degree, inching along.
The danger is that a large proportion of the population, together with very many more outside the USA, will not be alerted to that wrong when the biased news organisation reports on it. Either they will have ‘switched off’ mentally or in reality or they will assume – for a variety of reasons – that the news is just another attack from the ‘other side’.
Your appraisal has also occurred to me. It’s the theme of the classic story-book The Boy Who Cried Wolf .
A lesson many of us learned early on in school. Back before education became indoctrination. The BBC and other MSM outlets are crying wolf on a grand scale.
Tim Martin – boss of weatherspoons gives a priceless 1 minute 30 on the advantage of brexit from day 1 – it’s on twitter – despite Dimbleby during a remainer interruption job .
Mr Martin has ‘ skin in the game’ as he employs people – unlike politician s who employ their families and very close ‘ assistants ‘
At the end there is cheering and they cut to the non clapping audience who look shocked … priceless
Well, if you must go to a G20 in Argentina, at a time when most think you're intent on deceitfully pushing through your sell-out of the country to Brussels, just what the hell do you expect? pic.twitter.com/Fds48iZqO8
— A Libertarian Rebel Esq QC???? #BritishIndependence (@A_Liberty_Rebel) November 30, 2018
Mr Martin, I’d enjoy having a pint with him. Especially in one of his pubs.
Mrs May, Mr Corbyn, the fake aristo, Mr Heseltine, the blood spreader Mr Beliar, Miss Dick, the ABC, Mr Bergoglio, nothing could persuade me to even be in their presence.
I actually pray that these sinners see the error of their ways and come to Jesus. But if they don’t, that’s their choice. I just hope I don’t see them in the afterlife.
“Let’s focus on the deal May tells MPs” – Al Beeb.
Let’s focus on Brexit, we voted out – nothing more nothing less. We are now given Hobbsons Choice. Parliament is out of touch with the people.
Vote UKIP.
BBC tv airs a rather approving report about Australian school kids going ‘on strike’ for climate change.
We get interviews with youngsters putting their case – although one suspects adult campaign groups, red/green politicians and indeed their teachers are really the drving forces behind the guff these children spout.
The BBC drily quotes the Australian PM as saying he would like to see ‘more learning and less activisim’
I always thought Dr Liam Fox was a rarety — a proper Conservative – the type who avoids the BBC because of its far left approach
Today he is on the bbc saying he supports the sell out . I suppose the outgoing PM ordered the 5 in the cabinet to show loyalty – but as a result his stock has declined and he should have been brave – not a coward .
Agreed, all-in-all a pretty pathetic response under questioning from the shill. As I understood it, the international deals so beloved of leavers, will not be possible until we are out of the transisition period and the Cabinet “hope” that would be no more than 2 years. So, we can rely upon the EU and “hope” they release us. The EU holds all the cards.
Google search for “BBC News abusive partners” brings up the following:
Mother’s legal fight to block sex abuser child access
BBC News 16 hours ago
Spice Girl’s Mel B on ‘abusive’ relationships and her green tank top
BBC News 1 day ago
Clare’s Law: The women who risk their lives by refusing information
BBC News 12 hours ago
Meanwhile BBC news trumpets a storyline in their Eastenders ‘Busting myths around sexual consent’ But don’t imagine this was about anything other than lecturing the male of the species. You could say BBC soap opera moralising is a one way coronation street.
Re the biased Eastender storyline, is there any case on record when a man has woken up after a drunken night of passion with a female and said to him self I didn’t really want to do that, go running to the police claim rape and try to get the female jailed for seven years ? thought not, they just get on with it. This gender war against WHITE straight males is now out of control and the evil BBC is propagating major social problems for future generations. MGTOW will be the only way to survive soon.
Meanwhile JHB on Talk Radio discussing men, who are biologically men, “self identifying” as women to gain access to women by being placed in women’s prisons!
Talk about gaming the system!
I think I might nip down the gym for a shower later and self identify as a woman! Wonder how that will go down.
Looking back at the previous page, the Tommy Robinson video posted by GWF showing the truth behind the Syrian being ‘waterboarded’ has now been blocked by Facebook in our free speech, open, media.
There is a later TR video where he apologises for being taken in by a fake facebook profile which claimed that 5 muslims jumped on a school kid, however he says that the other 2 stories he told are true
I never watched the original vid @EG talks about, I’d like to track down a copy.
Is it this one where TR wears a beany ?
.. Maybe it was it TR who has removed it from FB himself ?
I thought his presentation was improving. Constantly breaking off and sniggering about trivia whilst discussing a serious matter does not help his case.
I hope he doesn’t think he is on a roll and can do no wrong.
@Anne I agree with those criticisms, but the issues have always been about more than one man whether it be Tommy or Farage.
Whether it’s the thousands of rape victims or the nation being held in slavery to the EU, those injustices are bigger than the injustices done to Tommy or Farage.
However with all that they’ve both been through I think they are allowed to be forgiven for some mistakes.
Like a “tired and emotional” video
I see TR now has put up a new video on his FB page 17 mins long
I’m pretty sure all of us saw incidents equally as bad when we were at school, and were possibly at the receiving end. Is it too late for me to get some former schoolmates charged for assault during a fight in the changing rooms 40 years ago when my head was put under the shower?
Would it improve the chances if I now self-identify as a laydee?
Why are the Muslim men outside the school?
This is what they do. They kick off about stuff and they influence decisions.
Question is why aren’t the non Muslim men outside the courts when these paedo rape gangs are on trial?
Why only Tommy outside the courts.
When the Muslims are p1ssed off they kick off.
What do we do? Nothing. We have a moan on social media.
There’s nearly a quarter of a million more arriving in the UK since last year, no doubt, many of them muslim men of fighting age. I do hope they’ve got enough Kalashnikov’s stored to go round when it all kicks off. Methinks that will be soon the way things are going. The Saudi’s can then reap payback for the covert work and people they’ve been putting in assiduously. I wonder what will be the value of Treason May’s bung………
New 17 mins video where TR addresses issues like
– Facebook removing some stuff on his FB page
– Accusations a solicitor is suing him on behalf of the Syrian boy
.. I paraphrase here
– The idea that TR would come to the school gates “I am a 36 year old man I don’t hang around school gates, cos those are places for children not for me”
– ‘Yes I did caught out when someone went to incredible lengths to sting me , by setting up a fake Instagram profile of a mother saying her son had been beaten up by a group of 5 ..I hold my hands up there’
.. however I do have these genuine cases logged ..the daughter who was violently attacked by the same Syrian.
– ‘I will not be silenced by such mere letters
because the world needs to know both sides’
.. A mother’s house was smashed to pieces, gangs of Muslims outside the house , I have photos ..and the media haven’t reported this ‘
– ‘The water bottle incident, was bad but it was dealt with 6 weeks ago by the school.. it wasn’t waterboarding don’t call it that’
.. The English boy has had to leave the country to hide’
– ’20 girls in Rotherham are waiting right now for counselling , yet the money is not available, but i it is available for this Syrian kid’
– ‘The English kid, comes from a mixed race family’
– ‘Why was there an imam giving a speech outside the school gates the other day ?’
– ‘ Why is no on criticising the rape threats against the mother’
– ‘Dec 9th Brexit rally, the topic will NOT be Islam, the speakers will be on other topics’
– ‘Now it is the media who are BULLYING, they have escalated the situation, it is all on their hands’
According to the Independent TR is going to be sued by the Syrian youth’s family. If they have a case he is heading into serious trouble. He needs to know that everything he says or does is under close scrutiny and the media and others will pounce..
I do hope he’s taking good advice before sounding off, but fear he’s posting without thinking through the consequences. He will be crucified for the slightest mis-step.
Then again, if he’s been wrong about some stories but right about others, I suspect the kid’s family won’t want the truth to escape.
One thing I will say from my own experience. It’s the bullies who sound off the most when the tables are turned on them, and all too often get undeserved sympathy.
Well this should be interesting. I’m sure the MSM won’t be able to ignore the juicy possibility of TR being taken to court. If they remain silent, it will suggest to me that their own enquiries have revealed that the family don’t have a case.
Are you familiar with the way Michael Mann starts legal proceedings just to shut people up ?
…and then delays and delays
…a six year delay against TimBall
..so basically thinks he won’t win in court.
That was my reaction. He’s trying to stir things up and intimidate on Twitter because he knows there isn’t a case.
He’s a London based solicitor. Pretty quick work for a solicitor, conducting a full investigation in Huddersfield before posting the letter. In my experience it takes them a whole week just to attach a stamp to an envelope.
Nadhim Zahawi’s better-than-Freudian slip, on QT last night, only goes to confirm an underlying fear that comes ever closer to the surface. Zahawi said, in the context of the May 2019 deadline, ‘If there is no deal or no Brexit…..’ implying that the whole fiasco will implode if May’s (PM not month) sell-out is not approved. Beware the phrase ‘Back to square one’ because while it might easily be construed as meaning re-start the process, it could equally mean go back to the way things were. Pretend it hasn’t happened.
My concern is based on the fact that today’s politicians and much of the media – with the Mail’s despicable volte-face a perfect example – are completely and utterly unreliable, untrustworthy and unprincipled. As a result, May’s appalling ‘deal’ could well gain approval despite all the superficial huffing and puffing, and there’s little or nothing that can realistically be done to counter the fact. Talk of riots for instance may appeal to some of the most fervent opponents but, just as we have to accept the fact that we on here are a minority – in being prepared to speak out – an even smaller minority would actually take to the streets.
The only real hope is that the EU itself implodes before we do, and that is a far more realistic hope since so much of what is currently happening in the Continental Nirvana We Must Be Mad To Want To Leave is embargoed.
I thought today I would exercise a few media troubles not only being displayed by the BBC.
The subject is the way anti white race hate has now become an every day part of British life, how the Fascist left excuse it and reason it away.
We have the story of a playground fight between a white boy and a Muslim refugee which on this occasion was won by the white kid and as a result became the subject of media attention and then the State.
Does anyone seriously think if it was the Syrian kid beating up the white kid this would have received any attention at all? There are probably millions of examples of Muslims bullying white kids, to the extent that even the BBC produced a general overview of the problem, save that not one media outlet has ever covered an example of it.
But this is just a single example of the latest outrageous Fascist race hating ideology which is gripping our benighted nation.
Phrases like ‘Male Pale & Stale’ would never be tolerated if they were about minority groups, and other anti white race hate slogans such as ‘white privilege’ are freely bandied about without anyone objecting.
The false goal of ‘equality’ is often used to justify this race hate and the media lap it up gleefully and without question.
We have in Theresa May a Marxist PM in Corbyn we have a Fascist verging on a Nazi whose Momentum group was funded by the son of the founder of the British Union of Fascists Max Moseley. We are seeing the same race hate and anti Semitism we saw arise in Europe prior to WWII and thanks to post war revisionism no one is speaking out against it.
Presently we are in a similar position to Spain in the 1930s a face off between Marxists and Fascists It is unbelievable that thanks to the capitulation and misguided loyalty of the Commirserveyourselves they have allowed such a cuckoo in their nest and done next to nothing to rid themselves of it.
Wouldn’t quite call May a Marxist. For one thing, they have a coherent political philosophy, which I don’t think she has.
But there are certainly anti-white sentiments drifting about, usually disguised as diversity, or some such thing.
One now has to be very vigilant.
Oh no? How about this then, the 11 point plan of the Frankfurt school of Marxism to wreck Western culture:
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family …
Easier to ask which one of these she isn’t studiously following?
Then there are the continual statements on ‘equality’ which is a Communist vision, she’ll probably have us all in Mao suits soon – designer ones you understand but Mao suits never the less.
Or her support for Mugabe’s program of seizure of white owned businesses without compensation to be carried out in South Africa.
It is Donald Trump who stopped SA in their tracks and who has forced Zimbabwe to compensate white farmers against Mays wishes.
Then there is her support for censorship by forming a pro censorship committee with the proviso not to allow an undefined ‘hate’ opinions.
Or the tacit support for the illegal arrest imprisonment and torture of political opponents such as Tommy Robinson.
I could go on & on but I think that should be sufficient to prove the point.
As for being vigilant I would say we now have to do more than that and speak out against anti white hate wherever we see it and to highlight it.
For what it’s worth, I think Mrs May is a collectivist, a marxist or at least a fascist. And that’s why she sought out and appointed a marxist as her leading EU exit liar and plotter.
I wish that someone would ask Mrs May, in public ” Mrs May, are you a Christian and do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?”
“Presently we are in a similar position to Spain in the 1930s a face off between Marxists and Fascists It is unbelievable…”
Not forgetting islam of course, fanning the flames and clapping vigourously from the sidelines.
Talking of the Mail’s exciting change of heart along with its editor reminds me of the huge fuss generated by Rupert Murdoch when he swung the Sun behind New Labour and Tony Blair.
Historically regarded as vile manipulation, not least because one nauseatingly rich man was thus able to influence an election, it seems that engineering a swing in the politics of a best selling newspaper today is fine, as long as the government does the engineering.
The island posted yesterday on Salvini’s anti-migrant decree which has now become enshrined in Italian law. Reuters adds: “It also funnels millions of euros to law enforcement and anti-mafia administrators.” News agencies running the story (via main search engines):
This is newsworthy stuff for Italy and the knock-on effects for Europe — wot no lofty sneering from the BBC about the far far far right? Not even an auto-shame op-ed from an Owen Jones or a Toynbee? Nope, total silence.
NB: Google even omits Yahoo and Forbes from its search results to bury the story even more. Something to remember if you still think search engines are impartial purveyors of information.
Re change in the Daily Mail : In the R4 Media show 10 days ago
Andrew Pierce (Ex -Mail-on-Sunday editor)defended the changes by saying , the hasn’t been a real change …readership is up
from minute 14
“No we don’t edit comments below the line, on Saturday sales were up 61K (cherrypick)
..yes we did have Labour’s Tom Watson just do an article ”
Nope, says next panelist
Mail used to be pro-Brexit now it is in favour of May’s RemainBrexit
Mail on Sunday was always anti-Brexit
The Times was always anti-Brexit
The Sunday Times was always pro-Brexit
The Express is now owned by Daily Mirror REACH Group ..so it’s “tone” has changed
The DM is now calling the Brexiteers “saboteurs”
There is an argument that media has to look to serve younger people as the old die.
Tonight’s R4 Any Questions
author Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,
the Conservative MEP Dan Hannan, (The only Brexiteer I presume ?)
the crossbench peer and historian Lord Hennessy
and Shadow Treasury Minister Clive Lewis MP. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0001ccn
Putting aside the obvious for a moment. I would question her claim to be black. She doesn’t look of African descent and her name is not African.
My understanding has always been that the “black people” tag refers to persons from Africa or descended from the native black African races. She is clearly not “black” but trying to identify with races other than her own in order to incite racism.
I find her totally obnoxious, Lucy. From what I understand she arrived in this country from Uganda in the early 70s from Uganda when Idi Amin kicked the asians out. So much for showing gratitude.
I hate to reply in the same vein, but quite frankly there are many like me in Britain who would be quite happy for her to bugger off back to the jungle or desert or wherever she and her kind came from.
Looks to me that she would be quite happy back with her seventh century chums.
[Sorry G.W.F. I had to delete that link. It was too rough.]
Times front page : thumbs up photo of Syrian boy
Yorkshire Post pg 7 :small paragraph : Rotherham man arrested in child rape investigation.. operation Stovewood
Times pg2 : Aid spending reaches £14bn
… Pakistan #1 recipient at £400m
follows the normal format against TR slightly less sneery..comments are not open of course.
“TR defended the 16-year-old boy accused of attacking Jamal and claimed that the Syrian boy had attacked two schoolgirls.”
“Later the mother of the schoolgirl referred to in the first posting added another message on Robinson’s site denying that it was Jamal who had attacked her daughter. Her Facebook page has since been deleted.”
It ends
“A spokesman for West Yorkshire police said that the force was not aware of any reports of the Syrian boy allegedly being involved in an assault on a schoolgirl.”
Bottomline whilst at the same time as denying TRs explanation of the context, this Times article supplies no other explanation.
(I don’t think its wacky for TR to provide a platform for people to make claims , cos it is by airing claims that we test them and find out which are true or not. People trying to fool TR with false things like the 5 Muslim attack is part of that)
Next page pg12 : British father killed by Taliban.
pg15 : Iranian refugee strangled widow (East European name), 80 over allotment feud between Portuguese loud music playing members and others
At one point another Mohammed was accused of rape but police dropped the investigation.
Times report on huge £390k over 2.5 years expenses of 2 Bank of England advisers based in US,
flying first class, staying in grand hotels and eating a £273 meal at Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge is sickening,
especially their claim of £1 for donation to Action against hunger
(Corbynomics policy of spend more to buy country out of recession ?) https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/7ff72e52-f433-11e8-8c84-29b2667b0b46
+ Sky
Here’s how the Bank of England’s summer party cost £100,000:
£58,000 on food and drink
£27,000 on entertainment
£10,400 on other expenses
Just a random thought. What happens if Treezer Quisling Chamberlain says “Christmas means Christmas” in her message to the nation?
Do you
a) Believe her as she sounds sincere
b) Remember the lyrics from Wont get fooled again
c) Give up on Christmas as you know it will become CINO
d) Emigrate
I half expect Santa to drop a dog turd and a mouldy satsuma in my stocking this year, with a note saying he believes with every fibre of his being that he’s delivering what the British people asked for
Just a random thought. What happens if Treezer Quisling Chamberlain says “Christmas means Christmas” in her message to the nation?
Do you
a) Believe her as she sounds sincere
b) Remember the lyrics from Wont get fooled again
c) Give up on Christmas as you know it will become CINO
d) Emigrate
7:30pm Channel4 Times says it an anti-Trump thing from Honduras
the preview says otherwise
\\ official figures show that an increasing number of those who are being deported have no criminal record.
There is a growing trend of Salvadorans with deep roots in the US – many of whom arrived in the States as children more than 20 years ago, and some of whom can’t speak Spanish – being deported back to a country with which they have little relationship. //
"Is being Christian now the only way out of a gang?"
"- It’s either Christianity or a black bag… that's it."
Meet the gang members in El Salvador finding God in prison.
Has anyone else had problems subscribing to The Telegraph? In view of failure of DM, and loss of Quentin Letts, have been trying today, without success.
OG and FedUp, any better suggestions for a suitable newspaper. Not frightfully keen on paying, but cannot stand new DM editorial stance, and loss of Quentin. Apologies by the way for going a bit off the aim of the site.
Merci EG, but is Breitbart a newspaper? If I want comments, I already find those in the Grauniad absolutely hilarious. I may just bury my head under the blankets for the next few weeks.
“Has anyone else had problems subscribing to The Telegraph?”
I telephoned the Telegraph on Monday and got through on the first attempt.
0800 827 827. 9 to 5 Monday to Friday and 9 to 1 Saturday.
I told them I was telephoning because of their support for Brexit, although their American reporting was totally untrustworthy. His comment on that was that they’d had a tie-up with the Washington Post, which might have influenced their reporters’ line on Trump stories.
Peter Jackson – the famed director – is apparently making a new version of the “dam Busters”. I’m trying to picture what the 2019 version will look like – idris Elba as Barnes Wallis , graham norton as guy Gibson – or perhaps played by the current doctor who .
Guy’s dog will now be a cat called tigger and they won’t be bombing dams – they’ll be delivering copies of the ReichEU sell out document using Ryanair ….
Please understand – I don’t intend to be flippant – or undermine what those bomber crews did – all young and all knowing it could easily be their last job . But why do something to a story which was so well made back in the 1950s ..?
Sorry Anne, Danny Boyle in an exciting new dimension to his creativity will play the heroic inland lifeboat captain, rescuing distraught German peasant farmers together with their Turkish fruit-picking labour force, from the floods caused by the Imperialist thugs.
Maybe Lenny Henry should play Guy Gibson. In fact we could have an all black LGBT cast – it would tick all the boxes at once, be historically accurate, and would be a sell out in Islington.
Any mention by the BBC reporters of riots in Brussels today, in the style of Gilets Jaunes, against the EU headquarters over fuel prices, and cost of living. Can’t find any mention so far, but they are occurring, with at least two riot vans torched so far.
Further to the report about the afghan immigrant being given a condign punishment for his animal instincts, and the state’s retribution against one of our own for exacting such punishment, and the idiocy of so many people to give the afghanland thug over £100,000, I ask one question:
How much money has been raised by the public for the horrendous injuries inflicted on a three year old white English girl by a gang of somali immigrant children? Yes, that’s right, nothing!
Those white English men and women who gave their money to the afghan thug and ignored the mutilation of one of our own, are as much traitors to our country as Mrs May.
Has anyone noticed the similarities between Theresa May’s last election manifesto and this Brexit deal.
She tried to lose the last election hoping that labour would be able to overturn the referendum and remain stuck in the eu but even with such a terrible manifesto she couldn’t even lose properly.
Now, this proposed deal is also a right dog’s breakfast and she will be hoping to manoeuvre into a position where we end up staying in. If her deal somehow gets through it’s not much removed from staying in anyway.
A win win position.
Twice we’ve been offered lousy choices by her. Is she very clever or just plain useless.
I’m not sure if we will EVER leave?……..i’m serious.
without a serious Constitutional crisis or violent bloodshed?……..but i’m convinced a huge majority of the population really don’t care…..they have been ‘dumbed down’ and brainwashed since the War………
Al Beeb ………………………”Theresa May has refused to rule out another Commons vote on her Brexit deal if MPs reject it the first time.” I smell a rat.
Also, listening to the news this evening the EU is beginning to sound threatening now.
What say you all ?
Anybody notice at the G20 summit which I beleive is a summit of ‘nation states’….Tusk and Barnier spoke in front of a European Union flag on behalf of the European Union?Since when has the EU been a seperate country in its own right?…it either is or it isnt?……….but France and Germany are represented seperately…..
what about Holland Belgium Spain etc….are they not countries anymore?…..
Wikipedia suggests the G20 is a ‘forum for the Governments and central banks’ of the 20 countries…but the EU is represented seperately?…im confused.Surely Germany and France are part of the EU?….
Google ‘New tab’ is now pushing news links at me
from 10,
3 are from BBC Sport which I never look at ..no local connection
1 is Liverpool Echo – a paper I looked at one day 6 weeks ago
3 are from the Guardian, which I never read (but sometimes open to grab a link)
3 are from BBC news … I do not open the BBC news website daily .. I open Guido or Breitbart more ..and the Times every day
… 3 are Green connected
… Tesco and VW plan free electric car charging points – BBC News
… Whales stranded in New Zealand_ Another 50 pilot whales die – BBC News
… ‘It’s the only way forward’_ Madrid bans polluting vehicles from city centre _ Cities _ The Guardian
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Toady 3
Lord jack straw ( not his real name ) goes onto Toady and “ does an Adonis “ by rewriting the brexit referendum campaign to say there was an admission by the brexit side for a second referendum .
Well I can’t remember that . I can remember that the campaign was about our freedom and not just economics . There wasn’t much discussion about what sort of deal there’d be – just that we would be “out” – er “ no ifs no buts” as a certain prime minister said .
I’m guessing Soros has taken Adonis off the fear grid since we causes more support for brexit that remaining . Role on that clock .
During the interview straw admitted he isn’t connected to the Commons as he once was . I wonder if he can remember where his constituency is – which voted Leave . He always was one of those Far Left self servers .
Jack Straw = John Whitaker Straw 3 August 1946 Buckhurst Hill, Essex, England
Jack a nickname of John
Just to remind us that Mr Jack Straw once said that ‘ the white race is not worth saving’. That’s you and me by the way.
So what race does Mr Straw identify himself with? And is his hatred of us, the white race, coloured by his religion?
You did say “coloured”?
Is it just me but R4 is going into overdrive on POTUS..despite saying he did nothing wrong it is all bad..it’s all about a somebody doing his day job before he became President..and to add to the rhetoric they are saying he was colluding with an adversary (Russia, when lots of people do business with them) and all they talk to is Democrats
I am sick and tired of the BBC just pushing their agendas…
I have to confess I’ve no idea what the latest Trump story is, other than someone has admitted to lying to the FBI. As soon as this kind of story comes on I simply stop listening, because I’ve heard so many over-egged stories when it comes to Trump and just don’t believe them any more.
RD, you deliberately or inadvertently highlight the dangers inherent in a news organisation, such as the BBC, abandoning its neutrality and impartiality to take on a partisan viewpoint and partisan view of a major elected representative, in this case a Head of State.
Suppose that President Trump does now start to do something wrong, very wrong, (pardon my Trumpism there) but start by small degree, inching along.
The danger is that a large proportion of the population, together with very many more outside the USA, will not be alerted to that wrong when the biased news organisation reports on it. Either they will have ‘switched off’ mentally or in reality or they will assume – for a variety of reasons – that the news is just another attack from the ‘other side’.
The BBC is playing a very dangerous game.
Quite deliberate, I can assure you. I’ve alluded here in the past to that very danger.
Your appraisal has also occurred to me. It’s the theme of the classic story-book The Boy Who Cried Wolf .
A lesson many of us learned early on in school. Back before education became indoctrination. The BBC and other MSM outlets are crying wolf on a grand scale.
Tim Martin – boss of weatherspoons gives a priceless 1 minute 30 on the advantage of brexit from day 1 – it’s on twitter – despite Dimbleby during a remainer interruption job .
Mr Martin has ‘ skin in the game’ as he employs people – unlike politician s who employ their families and very close ‘ assistants ‘
At the end there is cheering and they cut to the non clapping audience who look shocked … priceless
The outgoing PM has gone to Argentina for a G20 chat – what price an ‘evita’ Based headline ?
“Oh What a Circus”
Here’s the link:
Mr Martin, I’d enjoy having a pint with him. Especially in one of his pubs.
Mrs May, Mr Corbyn, the fake aristo, Mr Heseltine, the blood spreader Mr Beliar, Miss Dick, the ABC, Mr Bergoglio, nothing could persuade me to even be in their presence.
I actually pray that these sinners see the error of their ways and come to Jesus. But if they don’t, that’s their choice. I just hope I don’t see them in the afterlife.
“Let’s focus on the deal May tells MPs” – Al Beeb.
Let’s focus on Brexit, we voted out – nothing more nothing less. We are now given Hobbsons Choice. Parliament is out of touch with the people.
Vote UKIP.
We don’t want no education
BBC tv airs a rather approving report about Australian school kids going ‘on strike’ for climate change.
We get interviews with youngsters putting their case – although one suspects adult campaign groups, red/green politicians and indeed their teachers are really the drving forces behind the guff these children spout.
The BBC drily quotes the Australian PM as saying he would like to see ‘more learning and less activisim’
Too right cobber!
Toady 4
I always thought Dr Liam Fox was a rarety — a proper Conservative – the type who avoids the BBC because of its far left approach
Today he is on the bbc saying he supports the sell out . I suppose the outgoing PM ordered the 5 in the cabinet to show loyalty – but as a result his stock has declined and he should have been brave – not a coward .
Agreed, all-in-all a pretty pathetic response under questioning from the shill. As I understood it, the international deals so beloved of leavers, will not be possible until we are out of the transisition period and the Cabinet “hope” that would be no more than 2 years. So, we can rely upon the EU and “hope” they release us. The EU holds all the cards.
Men behaving badly
Got that…? MEN behaving badly.
Google search for “BBC News abusive partners” brings up the following:
Mother’s legal fight to block sex abuser child access
BBC News 16 hours ago
Spice Girl’s Mel B on ‘abusive’ relationships and her green tank top
BBC News 1 day ago
Clare’s Law: The women who risk their lives by refusing information
BBC News 12 hours ago
Meanwhile BBC news trumpets a storyline in their Eastenders ‘Busting myths around sexual consent’ But don’t imagine this was about anything other than lecturing the male of the species. You could say BBC soap opera moralising is a one way coronation street.
Re the biased Eastender storyline, is there any case on record when a man has woken up after a drunken night of passion with a female and said to him self I didn’t really want to do that, go running to the police claim rape and try to get the female jailed for seven years ? thought not, they just get on with it. This gender war against WHITE straight males is now out of control and the evil BBC is propagating major social problems for future generations. MGTOW will be the only way to survive soon.
Meanwhile JHB on Talk Radio discussing men, who are biologically men, “self identifying” as women to gain access to women by being placed in women’s prisons!
Talk about gaming the system!
I think I might nip down the gym for a shower later and self identify as a woman! Wonder how that will go down.
I told my son to ask to use the girl’s showers after PE when they started all that shite at his school.
And did he?
Needless to say it was explained away and he was told to ’grow up’
Looking back at the previous page, the Tommy Robinson video posted by GWF showing the truth behind the Syrian being ‘waterboarded’ has now been blocked by Facebook in our free speech, open, media.
There is a later TR video where he apologises for being taken in by a fake facebook profile which claimed that 5 muslims jumped on a school kid, however he says that the other 2 stories he told are true
I never watched the original vid @EG talks about, I’d like to track down a copy.
Is it this one where TR wears a beany ?
.. Maybe it was it TR who has removed it from FB himself ?
I thought his presentation was improving. Constantly breaking off and sniggering about trivia whilst discussing a serious matter does not help his case.
I hope he doesn’t think he is on a roll and can do no wrong.
@Anne I agree with those criticisms, but the issues have always been about more than one man whether it be Tommy or Farage.
Whether it’s the thousands of rape victims or the nation being held in slavery to the EU, those injustices are bigger than the injustices done to Tommy or Farage.
However with all that they’ve both been through I think they are allowed to be forgiven for some mistakes.
Like a “tired and emotional” video
I see TR now has put up a new video on his FB page 17 mins long
even taking the first “bullying” video at face value
Its mild stuff, for the police to be getting involved is absolutely ridiculous, surely the teachers could have dealt with this
Its a while since I was at school but in those days they would have been arresting about 25 kids a week and there was only 300 of us there
I’m pretty sure all of us saw incidents equally as bad when we were at school, and were possibly at the receiving end. Is it too late for me to get some former schoolmates charged for assault during a fight in the changing rooms 40 years ago when my head was put under the shower?
Would it improve the chances if I now self-identify as a laydee?
Why are the Muslim men outside the school?
This is what they do. They kick off about stuff and they influence decisions.
Question is why aren’t the non Muslim men outside the courts when these paedo rape gangs are on trial?
Why only Tommy outside the courts.
When the Muslims are p1ssed off they kick off.
What do we do? Nothing. We have a moan on social media.
There’s nearly a quarter of a million more arriving in the UK since last year, no doubt, many of them muslim men of fighting age. I do hope they’ve got enough Kalashnikov’s stored to go round when it all kicks off. Methinks that will be soon the way things are going. The Saudi’s can then reap payback for the covert work and people they’ve been putting in assiduously. I wonder what will be the value of Treason May’s bung………
New 17 mins video where TR addresses issues like
– Facebook removing some stuff on his FB page
– Accusations a solicitor is suing him on behalf of the Syrian boy
.. I paraphrase here
– The idea that TR would come to the school gates “I am a 36 year old man I don’t hang around school gates, cos those are places for children not for me”
– ‘Yes I did caught out when someone went to incredible lengths to sting me , by setting up a fake Instagram profile of a mother saying her son had been beaten up by a group of 5 ..I hold my hands up there’
.. however I do have these genuine cases logged ..the daughter who was violently attacked by the same Syrian.
– ‘I will not be silenced by such mere letters
because the world needs to know both sides’
.. A mother’s house was smashed to pieces, gangs of Muslims outside the house , I have photos ..and the media haven’t reported this ‘
– ‘The water bottle incident, was bad but it was dealt with 6 weeks ago by the school.. it wasn’t waterboarding don’t call it that’
.. The English boy has had to leave the country to hide’
– ’20 girls in Rotherham are waiting right now for counselling , yet the money is not available, but i it is available for this Syrian kid’
– ‘The English kid, comes from a mixed race family’
– ‘Why was there an imam giving a speech outside the school gates the other day ?’
– ‘ Why is no on criticising the rape threats against the mother’
– ‘Dec 9th Brexit rally, the topic will NOT be Islam, the speakers will be on other topics’
– ‘Now it is the media who are BULLYING, they have escalated the situation, it is all on their hands’
FB video
According to the Independent TR is going to be sued by the Syrian youth’s family. If they have a case he is heading into serious trouble. He needs to know that everything he says or does is under close scrutiny and the media and others will pounce..
More in the Standard.
I do hope he’s taking good advice before sounding off, but fear he’s posting without thinking through the consequences. He will be crucified for the slightest mis-step.
Then again, if he’s been wrong about some stories but right about others, I suspect the kid’s family won’t want the truth to escape.
One thing I will say from my own experience. It’s the bullies who sound off the most when the tables are turned on them, and all too often get undeserved sympathy.
TR makes clear in the video ‘Go ahead sue’, alluding to the idea that the dark side of the Syrians case, would be exposed if they went to court.
Well this should be interesting. I’m sure the MSM won’t be able to ignore the juicy possibility of TR being taken to court. If they remain silent, it will suggest to me that their own enquiries have revealed that the family don’t have a case.
So solicitors put their letters on Twitter now?
Unprofessional (if indeed on the level)
Client twitter privilege
From the logo they appear to specialise in claims for broken windows – possibly from far-right vandalism?
Are you familiar with the way Michael Mann starts legal proceedings just to shut people up ?
…and then delays and delays
…a six year delay against TimBall
..so basically thinks he won’t win in court.
“..so basically thinks he won’t win in court.”
That was my reaction. He’s trying to stir things up and intimidate on Twitter because he knows there isn’t a case.
He’s a London based solicitor. Pretty quick work for a solicitor, conducting a full investigation in Huddersfield before posting the letter. In my experience it takes them a whole week just to attach a stamp to an envelope.
It’ll fizzle out. Hope I’m right.
BBC dismisses conspiracy theory over Brexit deal fan ‘actor’ on Newsnight
They “dismiss”. It’s worded as though they have the final word.
Nadhim Zahawi’s better-than-Freudian slip, on QT last night, only goes to confirm an underlying fear that comes ever closer to the surface. Zahawi said, in the context of the May 2019 deadline, ‘If there is no deal or no Brexit…..’ implying that the whole fiasco will implode if May’s (PM not month) sell-out is not approved. Beware the phrase ‘Back to square one’ because while it might easily be construed as meaning re-start the process, it could equally mean go back to the way things were. Pretend it hasn’t happened.
My concern is based on the fact that today’s politicians and much of the media – with the Mail’s despicable volte-face a perfect example – are completely and utterly unreliable, untrustworthy and unprincipled. As a result, May’s appalling ‘deal’ could well gain approval despite all the superficial huffing and puffing, and there’s little or nothing that can realistically be done to counter the fact. Talk of riots for instance may appeal to some of the most fervent opponents but, just as we have to accept the fact that we on here are a minority – in being prepared to speak out – an even smaller minority would actually take to the streets.
The only real hope is that the EU itself implodes before we do, and that is a far more realistic hope since so much of what is currently happening in the Continental Nirvana We Must Be Mad To Want To Leave is embargoed.
I thought today I would exercise a few media troubles not only being displayed by the BBC.
The subject is the way anti white race hate has now become an every day part of British life, how the Fascist left excuse it and reason it away.
We have the story of a playground fight between a white boy and a Muslim refugee which on this occasion was won by the white kid and as a result became the subject of media attention and then the State.
Does anyone seriously think if it was the Syrian kid beating up the white kid this would have received any attention at all? There are probably millions of examples of Muslims bullying white kids, to the extent that even the BBC produced a general overview of the problem, save that not one media outlet has ever covered an example of it.
But this is just a single example of the latest outrageous Fascist race hating ideology which is gripping our benighted nation.
Phrases like ‘Male Pale & Stale’ would never be tolerated if they were about minority groups, and other anti white race hate slogans such as ‘white privilege’ are freely bandied about without anyone objecting.
The false goal of ‘equality’ is often used to justify this race hate and the media lap it up gleefully and without question.
We have in Theresa May a Marxist PM in Corbyn we have a Fascist verging on a Nazi whose Momentum group was funded by the son of the founder of the British Union of Fascists Max Moseley. We are seeing the same race hate and anti Semitism we saw arise in Europe prior to WWII and thanks to post war revisionism no one is speaking out against it.
Presently we are in a similar position to Spain in the 1930s a face off between Marxists and Fascists It is unbelievable that thanks to the capitulation and misguided loyalty of the Commirserveyourselves they have allowed such a cuckoo in their nest and done next to nothing to rid themselves of it.
Wouldn’t quite call May a Marxist. For one thing, they have a coherent political philosophy, which I don’t think she has.
But there are certainly anti-white sentiments drifting about, usually disguised as diversity, or some such thing.
One now has to be very vigilant.
“Wouldn’t quite call May a Marxist.”
Oh no? How about this then, the 11 point plan of the Frankfurt school of Marxism to wreck Western culture:
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family …
Easier to ask which one of these she isn’t studiously following?
Then there are the continual statements on ‘equality’ which is a Communist vision, she’ll probably have us all in Mao suits soon – designer ones you understand but Mao suits never the less.
Or her support for Mugabe’s program of seizure of white owned businesses without compensation to be carried out in South Africa.
It is Donald Trump who stopped SA in their tracks and who has forced Zimbabwe to compensate white farmers against Mays wishes.
Then there is her support for censorship by forming a pro censorship committee with the proviso not to allow an undefined ‘hate’ opinions.
Or the tacit support for the illegal arrest imprisonment and torture of political opponents such as Tommy Robinson.
I could go on & on but I think that should be sufficient to prove the point.
As for being vigilant I would say we now have to do more than that and speak out against anti white hate wherever we see it and to highlight it.
For what it’s worth, I think Mrs May is a collectivist, a marxist or at least a fascist. And that’s why she sought out and appointed a marxist as her leading EU exit liar and plotter.
I wish that someone would ask Mrs May, in public ” Mrs May, are you a Christian and do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?”
“Presently we are in a similar position to Spain in the 1930s a face off between Marxists and Fascists It is unbelievable…”
Not forgetting islam of course, fanning the flames and clapping vigourously from the sidelines.
Talking of the Mail’s exciting change of heart along with its editor reminds me of the huge fuss generated by Rupert Murdoch when he swung the Sun behind New Labour and Tony Blair.
Historically regarded as vile manipulation, not least because one nauseatingly rich man was thus able to influence an election, it seems that engineering a swing in the politics of a best selling newspaper today is fine, as long as the government does the engineering.
The island posted yesterday on Salvini’s anti-migrant decree which has now become enshrined in Italian law. Reuters adds: “It also funnels millions of euros to law enforcement and anti-mafia administrators.” News agencies running the story (via main search engines):
This is newsworthy stuff for Italy and the knock-on effects for Europe — wot no lofty sneering from the BBC about the far far far right? Not even an auto-shame op-ed from an Owen Jones or a Toynbee? Nope, total silence.
NB: Google even omits Yahoo and Forbes from its search results to bury the story even more. Something to remember if you still think search engines are impartial purveyors of information.
I don’t think any of us have thought that, for a long time…
remember lammy complaining about blacks getting worse sentances
contrast and compare
White man jailed for 12 months.
Black man walks free!
white man had been stabbed but that didnt help his cause
blackman appears to be some form of drugs gangster and that became his mitigating circumstances
amazing really
BBC News last night…
Trump tweets something : BAD.
Trump doesn’t tweet anything : BAD.
Sometimes you just can’t win… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Re change in the Daily Mail : In the R4 Media show 10 days ago
Andrew Pierce (Ex -Mail-on-Sunday editor)defended the changes by saying , the hasn’t been a real change …readership is up
from minute 14
“No we don’t edit comments below the line, on Saturday sales were up 61K (cherrypick)
..yes we did have Labour’s Tom Watson just do an article ”
Nope, says next panelist
Mail used to be pro-Brexit now it is in favour of May’s RemainBrexit
Mail on Sunday was always anti-Brexit
The Times was always anti-Brexit
The Sunday Times was always pro-Brexit
The Express is now owned by Daily Mirror REACH Group ..so it’s “tone” has changed
The DM is now calling the Brexiteers “saboteurs”
There is an argument that media has to look to serve younger people as the old die.
I got Times and Sunday Times the wrong way around there.
Tonight’s R4 Any Questions
author Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,
the Conservative MEP Dan Hannan, (The only Brexiteer I presume ?)
the crossbench peer and historian Lord Hennessy
and Shadow Treasury Minister Clive Lewis MP.
What a vile creature that Alibaba woman is!
Putting aside the obvious for a moment. I would question her claim to be black. She doesn’t look of African descent and her name is not African.
My understanding has always been that the “black people” tag refers to persons from Africa or descended from the native black African races. She is clearly not “black” but trying to identify with races other than her own in order to incite racism.
I find her totally obnoxious, Lucy. From what I understand she arrived in this country from Uganda in the early 70s from Uganda when Idi Amin kicked the asians out. So much for showing gratitude.
I pray that I live to see her and her kind, regardless of where they happen to have been born, physically removed from our country.
And all the commies, again regardless of where they were born, sent out with the uppity immigrants.
I hate to reply in the same vein, but quite frankly there are many like me in Britain who would be quite happy for her to bugger off back to the jungle or desert or wherever she and her kind came from.
Looks to me that she would be quite happy back with her seventh century chums.
[Sorry G.W.F. I had to delete that link. It was too rough.]
Deletion accepted with good grace. Thanks for keeping an eye on things.
Thanks for that response, G.W.F.
I cannot tell a lie, ’twas I, and not the good Fedup2, who undertook the dreaded action.
The totem pole of victimhood .. but I didn’t spot anything from Liddle
Times front page : thumbs up photo of Syrian boy
Yorkshire Post pg 7 :small paragraph : Rotherham man arrested in child rape investigation.. operation Stovewood
Times pg2 : Aid spending reaches £14bn
… Pakistan #1 recipient at £400m
The actual article is on page 2
follows the normal format against TR slightly less sneery..comments are not open of course.
“TR defended the 16-year-old boy accused of attacking Jamal and claimed that the Syrian boy had attacked two schoolgirls.”
“Later the mother of the schoolgirl referred to in the first posting added another message on Robinson’s site denying that it was Jamal who had attacked her daughter. Her Facebook page has since been deleted.”
It ends
“A spokesman for West Yorkshire police said that the force was not aware of any reports of the Syrian boy allegedly being involved in an assault on a schoolgirl.”
Bottomline whilst at the same time as denying TRs explanation of the context, this Times article supplies no other explanation.
(I don’t think its wacky for TR to provide a platform for people to make claims , cos it is by airing claims that we test them and find out which are true or not. People trying to fool TR with false things like the 5 Muslim attack is part of that)
Next page pg12 : British father killed by Taliban.
pg15 : Iranian refugee strangled widow (East European name), 80 over allotment feud between Portuguese loud music playing members and others
At one point another Mohammed was accused of rape but police dropped the investigation.
Obviously they were baiting him. Isn’t there something immoral about THAT for people to scream about?
He’s going to have to be careful obviously.
“West Yorks Police not aware of any……allegedlly…….”
West Yorks Police not aware of 1400 rapes. Conveniently unaware of crime when it suits them.
my typo “actual article was on page 12”
Times report on huge £390k over 2.5 years expenses of 2 Bank of England advisers based in US,
flying first class, staying in grand hotels and eating a £273 meal at Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge is sickening,
especially their claim of £1 for donation to Action against hunger
(Corbynomics policy of spend more to buy country out of recession ?)
+ Sky
Here’s how the Bank of England’s summer party cost £100,000:
£58,000 on food and drink
£27,000 on entertainment
£10,400 on other expenses
Just a random thought. What happens if Treezer Quisling Chamberlain says “Christmas means Christmas” in her message to the nation?
Do you
a) Believe her as she sounds sincere
b) Remember the lyrics from Wont get fooled again
c) Give up on Christmas as you know it will become CINO
d) Emigrate
I half expect Santa to drop a dog turd and a mouldy satsuma in my stocking this year, with a note saying he believes with every fibre of his being that he’s delivering what the British people asked for
Just a random thought. What happens if Treezer Quisling Chamberlain says “Christmas means Christmas” in her message to the nation?
Do you
a) Believe her as she sounds sincere
b) Remember the lyrics from Wont get fooled again
c) Give up on Christmas as you know it will become CINO
d) Emigrate
sorry for the double post.
Times Opinion : “Euro-fanatics are stoking the populist fire”
screenshot here
7:30pm Channel4 Times says it an anti-Trump thing from Honduras
the preview says otherwise
\\ official figures show that an increasing number of those who are being deported have no criminal record.
There is a growing trend of Salvadorans with deep roots in the US – many of whom arrived in the States as children more than 20 years ago, and some of whom can’t speak Spanish – being deported back to a country with which they have little relationship. //
Has anyone else had problems subscribing to The Telegraph? In view of failure of DM, and loss of Quentin Letts, have been trying today, without success.
Not something I would wish to do.
Captain – yes I have – I’m just not willing to pay for any so called newspaper ……
OG and FedUp, any better suggestions for a suitable newspaper. Not frightfully keen on paying, but cannot stand new DM editorial stance, and loss of Quentin. Apologies by the way for going a bit off the aim of the site.
Captain – quite honestly – no – there is no newspaper worth a penny in my view
You can still read the comments in the Telegraph without a subscription and those are usually the best parts.
Try Breitbart London (on line)
Always good articles on there.
Merci EG, but is Breitbart a newspaper? If I want comments, I already find those in the Grauniad absolutely hilarious. I may just bury my head under the blankets for the next few weeks.
Try this:
“Has anyone else had problems subscribing to The Telegraph?”
I telephoned the Telegraph on Monday and got through on the first attempt.
0800 827 827. 9 to 5 Monday to Friday and 9 to 1 Saturday.
I told them I was telephoning because of their support for Brexit, although their American reporting was totally untrustworthy. His comment on that was that they’d had a tie-up with the Washington Post, which might have influenced their reporters’ line on Trump stories.
Peter Jackson – the famed director – is apparently making a new version of the “dam Busters”. I’m trying to picture what the 2019 version will look like – idris Elba as Barnes Wallis , graham norton as guy Gibson – or perhaps played by the current doctor who .
Guy’s dog will now be a cat called tigger and they won’t be bombing dams – they’ll be delivering copies of the ReichEU sell out document using Ryanair ….
Please understand – I don’t intend to be flippant – or undermine what those bomber crews did – all young and all knowing it could easily be their last job . But why do something to a story which was so well made back in the 1950s ..?
I don’t see why it should be necessary either, but at least Peter Jackson was responsible for “They Shall Not Grow Old”. Could be worse.
Be grateful that Danny Boyle is not involved.
Sorry Anne, Danny Boyle in an exciting new dimension to his creativity will play the heroic inland lifeboat captain, rescuing distraught German peasant farmers together with their Turkish fruit-picking labour force, from the floods caused by the Imperialist thugs.
I reckon Danny Boyle would make an excellent musical out of the ‘ dambusters’ -with a message about saving water .
Maybe Lenny Henry should play Guy Gibson. In fact we could have an all black LGBT cast – it would tick all the boxes at once, be historically accurate, and would be a sell out in Islington.
I thought Lenny Henry was going to play the bomb.
Any mention by the BBC reporters of riots in Brussels today, in the style of Gilets Jaunes, against the EU headquarters over fuel prices, and cost of living. Can’t find any mention so far, but they are occurring, with at least two riot vans torched so far.
Further to the report about the afghan immigrant being given a condign punishment for his animal instincts, and the state’s retribution against one of our own for exacting such punishment, and the idiocy of so many people to give the afghanland thug over £100,000, I ask one question:
How much money has been raised by the public for the horrendous injuries inflicted on a three year old white English girl by a gang of somali immigrant children? Yes, that’s right, nothing!
Those white English men and women who gave their money to the afghan thug and ignored the mutilation of one of our own, are as much traitors to our country as Mrs May.
Not Beeb bias but I was wondering if these raised funds count as taxable income?
Has anyone noticed the similarities between Theresa May’s last election manifesto and this Brexit deal.
She tried to lose the last election hoping that labour would be able to overturn the referendum and remain stuck in the eu but even with such a terrible manifesto she couldn’t even lose properly.
Now, this proposed deal is also a right dog’s breakfast and she will be hoping to manoeuvre into a position where we end up staying in. If her deal somehow gets through it’s not much removed from staying in anyway.
A win win position.
Twice we’ve been offered lousy choices by her. Is she very clever or just plain useless.
I think she is extremely devious and very dangerous.
I’m not sure if we will EVER leave?……..i’m serious.
without a serious Constitutional crisis or violent bloodshed?……..but i’m convinced a huge majority of the population really don’t care…..they have been ‘dumbed down’ and brainwashed since the War………
Al Beeb ………………………”Theresa May has refused to rule out another Commons vote on her Brexit deal if MPs reject it the first time.” I smell a rat.
Also, listening to the news this evening the EU is beginning to sound threatening now.
What say you all ?
Anybody notice at the G20 summit which I beleive is a summit of ‘nation states’….Tusk and Barnier spoke in front of a European Union flag on behalf of the European Union?Since when has the EU been a seperate country in its own right?…it either is or it isnt?……….but France and Germany are represented seperately…..
what about Holland Belgium Spain etc….are they not countries anymore?…..
Wikipedia suggests the G20 is a ‘forum for the Governments and central banks’ of the 20 countries…but the EU is represented seperately?…im confused.Surely Germany and France are part of the EU?….
just a thought really…..
Google ‘New tab’ is now pushing news links at me
from 10,
3 are from BBC Sport which I never look at ..no local connection
1 is Liverpool Echo – a paper I looked at one day 6 weeks ago
3 are from the Guardian, which I never read (but sometimes open to grab a link)
3 are from BBC news … I do not open the BBC news website daily .. I open Guido or Breitbart more ..and the Times every day
… 3 are Green connected
… Tesco and VW plan free electric car charging points – BBC News
… Whales stranded in New Zealand_ Another 50 pilot whales die – BBC News
… ‘It’s the only way forward’_ Madrid bans polluting vehicles from city centre _ Cities _ The Guardian
Google being evil
..stealing someone else’s idea to patent it
BBC Online News Video:
“”Putin and Saudi crown prince high five””
This 5 second video is hated by the BBC.
I love it 🙂
This thread is the longest thread in the history of thread history….
Dunno if much noise was made in the UK about the visit of Liam Fox to Israel to discuss post-Brexit trade.
Almost seems as if there will be no constraints on normal trade between the UK and countries outside the EU.
Is May’s capitulation then just a nightmare from which we’ll soon awake and all will be fine?
Two versions of the same song but that’s what we’re living: