The Far Left BBC has been silent on the poisonous UN Treaty on Migrants which the outgoing PM will sign on our behalf this week. It is a horror and shows how far the UN has become a disfunctional lefty cancer in need to urgent reform .
When the next government – of whatever type incorporates the treaty into UK law people will wonder what the hell is going on – bet the BBC won’t tell them .
There is a petition on the government website and I am sure some friend will put up the link in
Am I 1st
yes by a whisker
Sorry to repeat myself…
Over 60k now… but needs to be put out there by bbcers who do the social media thing. Thanks
Thank you for the link – this petition – in my opinion – is a lot more important than objecting the the BBC and its’ far left propaganda
I’m 66,146
I see the government have already blocked action on a similar petition a while back .
All very sinister. There is no major media covering it. Have TR or Farage, who was previously so concerned about controlling our own borders, mentioned it? If so I would expect the numbers signing to be much higher.
Addendum, found this
Al Beeb “Gove warns of referendum if MPs don’t back PM’s deal “. How about we walk away from the EU ?
I thought Gove was supposed to be smart?
May’s compromise ‘Withdrawl Agreement’ is like the remainers wanting a house on the north side of the river and the leavers wanting a house on the south side, so she has put an option on a nice plot in the middle of the river. A house built there would have no foundations and would please no-one.
Can’t Gove see that this issue isn’t just a minor technicality, the whole compact between the governors and the governed is under threat. This is a Magna Carta moment, a crisis of the constitution, not a time to pander to the stupidity of this demented woman.
Jim, yes but maybe he’s putting that thought out there as a test for the opposition to the proposed deal. If the PM can (and will?) go back to Brussels and say “Sorry, Luvs, deal’s orff.” with a lot of numbers behind her, at least it will have been thoroughly tested.
On the other hand, maybe some of the MP Brexiteers are getting a bit wobbly in the arms and legs department. IIRC, during WW2 Churchill spent an inordinate amount of time merely knocking together the heads of MPs, Civil Servants and military Chiefs who were all losing sight of objectives or were thinking a bit woolly or feeling like giving up or merely minimising damage at home.
Hope I’m not wrong and that the PM is as determined to deliver a clean Brexit as WC was determined to free Europe.
All a ruse to get a labour Government by default. Something the NWO/Globalists/Soros would cherish.
Al Beeb ……………..\\The UK is facing a “constitutional crisis” if Theresa May does not publish legal advice on her Brexit deal on Monday, Labour has warned.//
Where did this “legal advice come from” ? There must be more to this than this than we are told. Are they hiding something ?
I smell a rat .
If this legal advice is good news such as we can leave when we want we would have already heard it.
If, as everybody in the U.K. suspects, it is bad, shocking, a stitch up or whatever, they will hide it until it’s too late to do anything so we must resist it any way we can.
Remember, the government is our enemy, they are working against democracy.
What we have is a Treason crisis.
Treasoners #1 Corbyn etc.
Treasoners #2 Cable etc.
Treasoners #3 Greens etc.
Treasoners #4 May etc. Davis,Mogg et al excepted.
Vote UKIP, sorry Nigel you are now behaving like #5.
t – Starmer.
The Attorney-General. Apparently, “leaked” information suggests the A-G has highlighted all of our concerns and reinforced the problems with the Withdrawal Agreement. Too right! They are hiding something these third rate, dishonest people. And in particular, Treason May.
11:30pm Sunday night \\ EXCLUSIVE: @BrexitCentral has just published the House of Commons’ confidential legal note on the Withdrawal Agreement which was leaked to us.
It vindicates Trump’s latest claim, contradicts the PM and adds to Brexiteers’ concerns in numerous areas… //
See also
Today it’s theBrexiteers who totally dominate the Times comments
Thanks for that. It gives a clarity to the issue sadly lacking from reading any article on it by the BBC.
A little earlier while daydreaming the scenario of us having another referendum happening just as the Poles or Italians say to hell with this, we’re off and we end up stuck with our real enemies. A Greek tragedy would seem hilarious in comparison.
Gadzooks, too late! All I can say is…
Hark the hairlipped angels sing .
Gwowy thwew the thwnewborn thning
Signed. Up nearly 3k since 4pm today. The Government response will undoubtedly arrive after May signs this latest surrender document.
66,800 at 9am on 3/12
“Waiting for 9 days for a government response”
International Development Minister Alistair Burt said:
“The UK Government is supportive of the UN’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, both as a step forward in international co-operation to tackle irregular migration and as a framework to help us deliver our commitments under the sustainable development goals.
“As a leading voice in the negotiations, the UK Government secured positive outcomes in the final text which clearly support the Prime Minister’s main objectives as set out in her speech to the United Nations General Assembly.”
In the end, the imperial barbarians will be besieged by their own fleeing vassals and puppets. When they finally confront their own decay and internal dissolution they have to decide whether to engage in a last global conflagration or dismantle the imperial barbaric order and choose justice, law and civilization. Cover up for the continuance of projecting the propaganda of the New World Order scenario.
Time for rewriting for public consumption………..
10pm news on BBC1 Sunday evening, an item about South Eastern Asian women in abusive relationships. The BBC were so coy who these women are, that we are left without the foggiest clue. As there was a spokesperson from the Black Country Women, Mr D thought the women were black ‘country women’ ie African women living rurally.
Yes Deborah,
And then it went back to the South East Asian woman in the studio reading the “news”, who went straight to another South East Asian woman to give us an update on the latest boxing and football, as if she cares.
Hold on, maybe she does know a bit about the fight game? Only the amateur domestic scene though.
There was a time when even HIGNFY – back in Deaton’s time when it was funny – would poke fun at the EEC or the EU, especially when they re-ran referenda, as they did in the cases of Denmark, Ireland, France and Holland, each time getting the required result at the second attempt.
So here we are again, on the threshold of another renunciation of democracy when the clear will of the people is ignored by those who know best. Lucky us.
Al Beeb…………. “was funny” ?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Two moped riders suffering with broken bones caused by recent police pursuit tactics (London). Pity ?
Well tell em to look at the way police work in France’s recent demos.
Lesson to be learned – don’t mug people on mopeds .
Better still, don’t mug people.
Nowt on Al Beeb yet.
Al Beeb “France fuel protests: Macron holds urgent security meeting.”
IMHO there is more to this than just fuel.
My thoughts exactly taffman.
A family member, who is not in my opinion very politically aware, had picked up on the fact that the protests don’t appear to have had much coverage.
He also mentioned that he had seen banners calling for “Frexit”.
There is taffman: the cost of living.
The BBC however, played quite a part in the fuel protests that were held here in the UK about 18/19 years ago. That was also about other things including the inflation increase oil brings to the chain of food production, inflating of the general cost of living and by it inflating the levels of taxation and possibly unemployment. The Beeb turned within a couple of weeks of the start to its reporting featuring ‘greedy farmers’, possibly doing some propaganda work for HMG in order to undermine the protests.
There is a direct line from fuel cost inflation to the obesity crisis but don’t expect the BBC to investigate that anytime soon. (John Humphrys makes a reference to it in his book ‘The Great Food Gamble’ publ. 2002)
Although they have no direct involvement there in France, I’m sure a little frisson will have passed around the BBC that maybe people in the UK might start to get angsty again over fuel prices here and the cost of living and the level of taxation (see yesterday’s S.Telegraph front page).
Our fuel prices are higher than France, and our tax is higher, but fortunately prices are now falling with the declining oil price. That will save some of the PM’s bacon but sooner or later people will wake up and demand some of that ‘fairness’ that she promised way back in 2016.
The BBC will fear that that means higher top rates of Income Tax on all those juicy BBC salaries.
The BBC’s covert political party. Their enemy within:
BBC uk iplayer
I’ll get me coat… 😉
“G20: Trump leaves Argentine leader in the lurch”
That’s a positive for the Falkland Isles.
Oh,! I forgot Mrs Chamberlain is out there .
I see that the Christmas intro idents for the BBC where filmed in Cromer in October. The BBC say that “the BBC Filming took place over four days in early October, involving more than 100 crew and 170 extras from the local area”.
Now I have heard of Comer I believe it’s a coastal town in East Anglia but sadly never visited.
I wonder if the “170” extras accurately reflect the make up of “Cromer” if any contributor is “local” then please let us have your take on the BBC stance that the extras where from the “local area”. I’m sure I know the answer but hey ho I still live in hope.
I haven’t seen what you are referring to but I can guess where you are coming from.
So Cromer…
Almost exclusively white, minimal immigration of any kind with quite a few older retired people. Typical English seaside town that hasn’t changed all that much in the last few decades.
And in Cromer practically Leavers to a man, you may be sure.
Looks like focused around WHITE family
mother only
.. no dad
It takes a while before you see product placement of BMEs
so maybe 80% white screentime.
Are the Italian banks about to Tank ? if so it could hit the Bank of England. Will they blame Brexit?
Will Al Beeb cover it?
The Italian banks have been teetering on the edge for the past decade. If they crash now you can be sure that it is because the EU has pushed them over the edge to destabilise Italy and hence Salvini. The fact that millions of ordinary Zitalians will suffer as a result won’t be of any concern to Brussels who just want to protect the Globalist elite.
Don’t forget Deutsche Bank, said to be the weak link in Germany’s banking chain and back in the news last week.
I think that the Italian government has backed down from its budget plans in the face of EU opposition.
This was always on the cards: if you are in the Eurozone, you cannot have an independent monetary policy.
Just as if we agree to the EU’s “Withdrawal Agreement”, we will never be allowed to leave.
The one thing the EU can never do is lose. The first time that happens, they fear (and I hope) the whole corrupt edifice will come crashing down.
Uk ‘faces crisis over Brexit advice’
Who has been giving legal advice to Mrs Chamberlain? The EU?
Time for a coalition government.
@Time for a proper Conservative Government in my opinion…..
What happened to the unarmed, polite British Bobby on the beat, who would help old ladies cross the street? How did he turn into a dangerous hooligan ramming stolen mopeds and injuring the thieves?
I guess stealing a moped is now a far more serious crime than stabbing someone to death in the New Britain since the police are apparently indifferent to the slaughter.
Perhaps there are a few investigative journalists who can check this phenomenon out. They could start by researching the religious, cultural, racial and class backgrounds of the thieves and the cops who are terrorising them.
Of course, ramming cars into minor offenders could just be a way to get the cops to feel good about fighting crime while ignoring the mass rape of children and gang warfare on the streets.
As I understand it, and correct me if I’m wrong, it is not a matter of stolen mopeds. The moped thieves are stabbing and throwing conc sulphuric acid at people and believed that mopeds rendered them invulnerable, which they did until recently.
As for “minor offenders”, it depends on what else they’ve been up do, as Bill Bratton would explain.
Thanks for that, Anne. I can see I need to do some research myself here.
I can see why you would find it easy to believe that the police “service” is taking the easy way out. I don’t defend them very often these days! I think I read somewhere that our esteemed PM, and former equally esteemed Home Secretary, had a hand in preventing the moped attackers being stopped. Another first rate decision.
Made me recall that the Crown Prosecution Service brought charges against Channel 4 over the ‘ Undercover Mosque’ documentary all those years ago.
I was baffled as to why the CPS would do that until I finally realized it was a reflection of the extent of Muslim infiltration into that organisation.
Now I am wondering whether there might be an Islamic aspect to the cops ramming the mopeds.
It’s just such a radical departure, for example, from the cops backpedalling several city blocks to avoid confronting a Muslim mob.
Truetoo-it’s hardly surprising.
Here they were practicing their new tactics several months ago!
Why do I imagine it’s unlikely any of them even got disciplined?
BBC Online News:
“”System Resistance Network: Neo-Nazi group ‘should be illegal'””
Indeed. But why don’t the BBC also shine a light on the Anti-Fascists whose tactics and methods are very, very similar? Both these groups are Far-Right or both are Far-Left.
Not so simple, BBC is it?
“BIG BROTHER” how is the Diversity and Positive Discrimination
Dept here at the BBC to treat the Kate Osamor and her son
” Get the London Programme to treat it in the same way
that they did over the Mark Duggan affair. The presenters were
brilliant reading the controllers explanation on how it was all the
Metropolitan Police’s fault. Just get the presenters to do another
hatchet job on the police, blaming them for everything. The
programme has become expert at it over the years.
ti – Beauty.
Come on May, lie your way out of this.
This is the document they refer to.
Click to access Withdrawal-Agreement-Legal-and-Governance-Aspects.pdf
The question is, is it genuine? – I feel a, “We never comment on leaked documents” coming on.
Is it genuine?
Will we ever know?
It’s difficult to keep up with all the double dealing (and double crossing).
I am skimming through it right now. It seems genuine. Needless to say, if it is not ‘genuine’, it needed a very knowledgeable lawyer to put it together. Indeed, within the doc reference is made to others’ opinions and looking at them, the essence of the particular issue appears totally compliant with this document.
Seems to me, it does not hold back on punches either. For example,as we know, there is to be an “Arbitration Panel” set up with members of the UK and EU. This Panel will arbitrate when the Transition Period (whatever that is) comes to an end ad infinitum. This Legal Opinion says thus (page 21),
“The arbitration panel must try to take decisions by consensus, but can decide by majority. This raises the prospect of a decision adverse to the UK on the view of the EU appointed panel members and the jointly appointed chairperson outvoting the view of the UK appointed panel members.” So, the ECJ can reign in UK law for the future. How long’s a piece of string?
Please inform me as to what this ‘Arbitration Panel,’ is about and why does the UK need it? Can’t we keep the EU noses out of our affairs. I would add that we should not put our continued faith into the words of todays politicians, they take no risks in what they offer us, hoping only for what they consider is safe, not innovating, not daring to risk all, not inspiring the troops of inducstry to take on the world, but align themselves selfishly to what can only be considered as a sinking ship sailing on the tide of disaster as the power of the elitists in the EU squeeze harder, as in this degrading and duplicitous Brexit deal being presented to the British people as good deal for all! Only for the continuing subjugation and enslavement of the UK will be the outcome. As John Smith the English philosopher once wrote- War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. So true.
“……The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
Totally valid. That’s most of the existing population right now.
Yes It would seem so G…. Of course our right to defend ourselves in what ever manner has been stealthly taken away from us. So has the fact of deterent that was once clearly exercised in society, at least it was when I was boy, now such deterent has been watered down to almost non-existance.
If we end up sending an ‘arbitration panel’ you can bet your house it will be made up of a bunch of remainers who will back up everything the eu tell them to.
Imagine, a panel with Clegg, Cable, Blair, Soubry, Chukkusyamoney, Grieve and a couple of pseudo leavers like Leadsom and Fox to maintain a pretense of fair representation.
Nigel Farage is doing a great job of discrediting UKIP and Tommy Robinson on Talk Radio now.
When asked by JHB how he differs from Tommy Robinson, he replies “Well I haven’t been to prison 4 times for a start”..
Seems to me he just wants to get his foot back in the door.
He has suggested that violence is inevitable at the upcoming Brexit march in London and that this will reflect badly upon UKIP.
Well that’s the invite for Antifa to disrupt proceedings right there.
Farage has gone right down in my estimations. He is a sell out.
Some of the apostles of Jesus went to prison numerous times. How about Asia Bibi? And what happened to the Turkish Press? And 1000’s of Chinese dissidents? The examples are numerous. Sometimes prison sentences MIGHT just be an indication of a corrupt legal system eh? And the person in prison has the moral high ground.
Does anyone with even the slightest bit of wisdom not understand this?
LP – You forgot to mention Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler …..
Listening to Farage, who threatened this government if they reneged on Brexit, I am very worried about the future. Farage should have been at the front of this weekend’s Brexit rally; instead he has joined with the far far loony left who are bringing all of their supporters to counter the rally.
It could all turn out bad for Brexit. Thank you Al bin Farage – like the Tory front bench which you will very likely join, you envisage a strong Islamic presence in Europe, in or out of the EU.
Will or has the BBC reported the following?
start video at 1.30 min
It advertises itself as setting a framework for legislation for all nations that would ban – yes, make illegal – any criticism of mass migration – including by members of the press. This new EU Compact calls mass migration an international human right. Furthermore, it would be illegal for any media group to broadcast such criticism. If they did, they could be shut down. How’s that for European freedom of the press??? And to be signed by Traitor May!!
Time for another phone call to my MP……..
It appears to most sane people you can have a welfare state or you can have open borders
perhaps our rich “elites” have made the choice
Order, Order currently leads with a May Matrix.
Extolling the virtues of the May Deal.
Nonsense and humour mixed.
£39 Billion not present.
I can’t stand this pseudo-Churchill.
R4 Book of the week Michelle Obama has gone, now it’s Jo Brand
Jo Brand can’t help being ugly – there are, I’m sure, more attractive and charismatic bullfrogs – but she can help having an ugly mind.
R4 Today was a perfect example (unless I missed it) of how the BBC propaganda machine works because there was no mention of Trump’s extraordinarily successful G20 agreements with China.
Selectively featuring news they like, and suppressing what they don’t like, is (one of) the BiasedBBC’s propaganda strategies. So they filled the air time with one of their favourites, Brexit divisions.
It is also very poor reporting because the G20 outcome is set to a have huge (good) impact on World economy.
The BBC would argue that they did cover it in their (five minute) market report but that is also another of their strategies…
‘Hypocritical’ UK Govt to Sign UN Migration Pact, Despite Pledge to Control Borders-While a continuing debate on the UN migration pact has been raging worldwide, with a growing number of nations following the United States in withdrawing, the major deal however has seen little discussion in the United Kingdom.Indeed former Tory chancellor George Osborne has suggested the party’s leadership never intended to honour the pledge. Either way, signing the United Nations’ so-called Global Compact on Migration for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration would be a major step away from ever realising that commitment.A press release by Migration Watch UK, the London-based campaign group which Lord Green leads, said of the pact: “The UK Government should make it clear that it will not sign… If they have any regard for their election promises it would be entirely hypocritical to do so.” Australia will not sign the UN Pact. President Trump said at the body’s New York headquarters in September: “Migration should not be governed by an international body unaccountable to our own citizens.Ultimately, the only long-term solution to the migration crisis is to help people build more hopeful futures in their home countries. Were, that that could be possible realising such ideological constraints.
Other stuff is the fawning over Michelle Obama and hypocrisy regarding Bush the senior –
“Oh, that’s right. The press lies. And there is no time to lie about someone like once they are dead and no longer pose any threat. When President Bush was alive and still a threat in politics, he was scorned and ridiculed by the press.”
R4 now Sammy Woodhouse is on
ended 10:14 am
She told how depression had led to her son been taken into care
and that she had only found through court docs that the father had been contacted in prison, she was not told in advance.
Seems her son is still in care and until recently a relative of the rapist had contacted her son through social media
..and offered to drive him to the prison so he can visit his “dad”
Prog now moved to talk about trans lesbians ..and safe spaces ..butch lesbians
That’s Portsmouth council Green Energy Retail plan, now abandoned BBC report
You’d expect it was a wooly LIberal council that started it and pushed the renewable fantasy
… and a sensible Tory council that put an end to it.
But NO, it was a dumb a Tory council set it up, put one of their mates in charge on a big salary.
\\ Portsmouth City Council’s previous Conservative administration approved the contract to set up Victory Energy, but it was yet to go into operation.
Former leader Donna Jones insisted it was a “highly investable business that would generate millions of pounds”
a “shocking lack of ambition” and further studies from PWC showed the venture could make £22m after five years – 10 times more than first estimated…. the most profitable energy supply company in the UK market,” .
At a cabinet meeting, the new Liberal Democrat-run administration maintained it was “too risky” and would be closed at a cost of at least £2.5m.
Victory Energy was set up in 2017 with * the aim of providing residents with low-cost renewable electricity* and to generate money for the council.
At the time, it was claimed the company could reap up to £5m annual profit after an initial investment of £8.1m.
However, an independent report by PricewaterhouseCoopers said the council would have had to invest £19m over four years.//
I notice the BBC have decided this week’s theme is bash the ‘far right’, the only problem being they clearly have no more idea what, exactly, ‘far right’ means, than I do.
In one article (as mentioned by Dover Sentry above, who compares them to the aggressively militant ‘far left’ Antifa), we have a group who sound like deranged neo-nazi fascists (or are they unfairly being portrayed that way?):
“”System Resistance Network: Neo-Nazi group ‘should be illegal’””
IF the reporting is accurate, I have absolutely no sympathy with the whacked out Taffs (and Lithuanians?) of ‘System Resistance’, they sound like evil nutjobs, and yes I would lock them up and throw away the keys.
HOWEVER, on the same page of the BBC Webshite, we also have this:
“Spain far-right Vox party gains foothold in Andalusia election”
In what universe can a bunch of white supremacists, apparently advocating the extermination of all ‘non-whites’, be lumped together with a popular, and clearly non-racist Spanish party which is merely advocating stricter immigration controls and less support for Islamification?!!
Until the BBC gets a grip on what exactly it means by ‘far right’, I think it deserves to be ridiculed for the totally indiscriminate and mendacious use of the term, but more seriously, does anyone really think it’s rational to lump these two groups together?! Is the ‘lumping of them together’ the whole point here – a means to ‘tar with the same brush’ by association? If so, then that is very low behaviour, even by Beeb standards.
It is my hope that the ‘far right’ expression becomes so over used that it becomes useless. We could call the BBC ‘far right’ instead of far left. We could have the far right Dagenham Girl Pipers, the far right Antifa, the far right Labour Party , the far right sellers of decadent ice cream, the far right feminists, far right Dr Who etc.etc.etc…… Once that happens the media will have to find another word.
The Beeb spectrum only comprises Left, Centrist and Far Right which makes half the country…Far Right!
BigBrother / gb123, it may be irrational and mendacious but sadly it is effective. Whether beeb employees tar with the same brush through deliberate deception or plain ignorance is a good point for discussion.
I don’t doubt the power of any prevailing culture to set the meaning of language at an unconscious level. My personal view is that this operates as strongly with intelligent, good, caring people as it does with the deplorables.
Sir Roger Scruton is worth reading on The Witch Hunt Culture
BigBrotherCorporation made the ridiculous suggestion this morning that the BBC is obsessed with shouting “far right”
..oh hang on what the prog on at 4:30pm ?
\\ The Far Right and Christianity
…Robert Beckford discusses the use of Christianity by the far right in Europe. //
Katy Hopkins refused press pass for COP 24 Climate Conference
Reason given “Activities not compatible with the status of accredited journalists”
What’s that mean ?
That accredited journalists just cutNpaste ..instead of challenging ?
She’s a bit dumb if she just accepts their first refusal.
Woman’s Hour just slipped in “extreme weather events we are having now”
BTW “accredited journalists” at the ‘Irish Independent’ just caused a rape trial to collapse.
Not the BBC, but congrats to the Evening Standard for somehow managing to source the only known image of an exclusively white classroom in the UK. That takes some special photo research.
“Police hope children as young as nine will become ‘influencers of the future’ to help them beat terrorists.” Despite mentioning that this follows criticism of missed chances to prevent the Manchester Arena and Parsons Green bombings, the threat we face must be of the far far far right kind.
That peculiar phrase ‘influencers of the future’ seems specially constructed to conjure up a vision of an enlightened Shangri La where kids don silver jumpsuits and accost pesky wrong-doers on hoverboards for bonus citizen points. Sounds so much more utopian than “The State wants to programme children as young as nine into becoming fearful underage Stasi.”
Maybe that photo is the negative.
Actually image taken in 2011 and first online media to use it was BBCweb twice in 2013
Right click image
select search Google
add in the word “classroom”
#1 Used in lots of new stories cos it’s a PA stock image
#2 Searching the PA database shows it as marked as “taken 06/07/2011” by Dave Thompson
BTW Looks to me that the two black haired kids in white , mid photo, might not be Caucasian
The photos he took on that day, include Oldham and a hospital in Leighton, Crewe, so the school won’t be far away.,S,E&cond=and&condQuery=%22Dave%20Thompson%22&fields_0=all&fields_1=byline&imagesonly=1&orientation=both&text=06~2F07~2F2011&words_0=all&words_1=all
It was probably taken in Cromer.
See Halifax’s comment above at 4.53.
Read his piece . For a privately educated member of the bubble I’ve got to say his reasoning was laugh out loud flawed .
He seemed to think that if you have contact with a guest worker from the ReichEU you are effectively a remainer and a hypocrite for voting’ out’ . You see – immediately – the flaw in the idiots ‘ reasoning . If I remember – all his family have got kraut passports . all his friends have nice non uk Eu passports too so that’s nice .
It’s 29 pages long and haven’t had a chance to read it yet but the site founder says it’s a resigning matter for the current lieing PM . As if she would
Must be fake. Nothing about it on the BBC’s news page when I looked. Plenty room, however, to fawn over Michelle Obama.
Here is an example of the behaviour of demonised and deprived travellers:-
I think we are all aware that the BBC has decided that Climate Change is fully proven and won’t allow scientific ‘dissent’ to be heard. To me that is comparable with the Spanish Inquisition.
And here we go! A BBC News feature that is pages and pages long and not once permits dissent.
Trump is of course hated and the BBC can’t avoid mentioning him despite his dissent.
The host nation of the conference is Poland. They are expanding coal production and use! Good!
BBC Online News:
David Attenborough: Climate change ‘our greatest threat’
I find it desperately sad that Attenborough in his dotage has been allowed to tarnish his fine reputation.
But it is a fervent belief, after all what else is there for an old man to believe in when ‘97% of scientists have told him’ so. 😉
His tiresome preaching whilst having been flown to a far flung destination to do a 2 minute intro damaged his rep years ago and rendered many of his programmes unwatchable despite the staggering cinematography.
Michelle Obama and me: How former US first lady changed my life
Spot the white face? Seriously there isn’t one at all in the 2m26s video. The 100% Muslim school in the video is in fact a London school that Michelle Obama visited when she was in the UK to see ….errrr…… what Britain is like.
So another ‘far right’ party gets its foot in the door, this time in Spain. Anyone would think the normally silent majority are trying to tell politicians some unpalatable truth or other.
Can’t say what but the BBC will no doubt give it extensive coverage, as you’d expect from an impartial news source. Must be a bit like the riots in Paris and elsewhere having no racial element or signs of unhappiness with the EU.
Don’t worry about mass uncontrolled immigration, the erosion of your freedom or hostile Mohammedans.
The sky is falling!
Collapse of civilisations on the horizon without climate action – Attenborough
Feckin’ idiot.The best climate action would be to ignore it whilst keeping a weather eye open – safer, and cheaper, too.
They’re getting desperate, now with every conference doubling-down on the anticipated Armageddon, and each scenario becoming more preposterous than the last. I think only Trump declined to sign. Are ALL these fools totally mad, brainwashed, or just looking for UN brownie points?
The logical conclusion of course will be for climate denial to become a hate crime, especially if that should imply criticism of St David of Attenborough.
Wrenching to see the old fraud close to tears in his latest impassioned plea – at the conference held so frustratingly in the heart of Poland’s coal producing (and economically vital) area.
Thomas Sowell’s considered analysis has rather more relevance.
What are they going to make of the mini ice age between 2021 and 2027?
Have you noticed that ‘comedians’ have lost one of their jokes now that the Daily Mail is a remainer paper.
Instead of saying “……… Daily Mail” to get the usual response from the cheering lefties they are now reduced to saying out loud “Brexit” and “Trump” to get the programmed lefty response.
They are even losing Farage to joke about as he seems to be falling in line.
A typical Sopel snark.
Strange that Sopel would compare Trump with someone both he and Corbyn admire. Funny world.
Our undemocratic, far left Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC getting in a froth about a second Referendum on WatO earlier. Interviewing the equally far left David Milliband who extols the benefits of another Referendum. He doesn’t tell us that we need another Referendum because we didn’t get it right first time round. For the loathsome BBC, they are now checking out what would be the process of another Referendum. They love the sound on a two-option vote: Treason Mays Agreement or abandoning the results of the first Referendum and staying in the EU, ‘because it is rapidly transforming (aka, improving) before our very eyes’. Wow! Is that becoming democratic Lady Brooke? If the former takes place, we all can vote next year on the EU itself. That would be a crumb of comfort to look forward to even if it didn’t clear out the hangers-on at the top of the EU tree.
“For the loathsome BBC, they are now checking out what would be the process of another Referendum.”
1) A Remain vote will count as two.
2) A leave vote where the line goes outside the box is void.
3) Only people who voted Leave in the 2016 “Not the People’s Referendum” can be employed to count the votes.
Islamophobia is racism, says our MPs.
This rubbish is tied to May’s attempt to survive. Our media, government, yoonies and celebrities are all Islamophiliacs.
It is racist to say that Islam is not a race.
Enough to scrare the delights out of one-they are a race of people although it would like it, nevertheless they are of a type as we who are indigenous to the North Western Europe are a white race of people-religion/ideology has absolutely nothing to do with race.
I insist that Pastafarianophobia is racist. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a recognised religion which requires us believers to wear colanders.
Racists sometimes try to knock the colanders off our heads and I want to go on the BBC and complain about being oppressed.
A spokesman for the BBC (a metrolib-supremacist POLITICAL activist group) , has spoken on the groups media network
12pm apparently the most important news to Radio Lincolnshire is
: “Attenborough says Civilisation is at risk from Climate Change”
on 2pm Radio2 the clip was followed by Richard Black credited as a “spokesman for ..”
(he is former BBC, in the same way that some people are former National-Action)
BBC webstory
Civilization is at risk from Climate Science PR trickery.
RadioTimes : Project Hysteria piece by Billy Connolly (or Pamela Stephenson pulling the strings)
.. Falsely equating Trump with fascism
Quite insulting when his famiy is part Jewish.
One wonders od Ken Bigley’s families still find that knob ( is ‘knob’ allowed?) at all funny?
Stew, surely if you are Scottish and pro-nationalism and are rather inclined toward socialism that makes you a Na – “Oh, hello Nicola, I didn’t see you standing there.”
Well at least we’re not going to be hearing the luvvie doing his tedious willy jokes any more . Is he another paid up jocks who loves his country so much he lives in Los Angeles ?
Nov 30 th James O’Brien angry again
in Radio Times
\\ ‘BBC impartiality means you can Chair company that publishes the Spectator, rabidly pro-Brexit and right wing (A Neil)
…but can’t tweet against Boris’: – Sacked from Newsnight. BBC right wing exposed! //
… But you JOB aren’t on the same level as AN
… and your output is continuously political,
… whereas we don’t know how AN voted.
BTW I don’t know why the Yorkshire Post is reporting the opinions of the London radio host.. and has a photo of a London Santa run.
Archbishop of York has come out in favour of Theresa May’s Brexit deal and warned that another referendum could potentially lead to “civil unrest and violence”
added “Pure Brexit is a childish dream”
Seeing the remark “Pure Brexit is a childish dream” got me thinking.
Nearly every human achievement probably had someone saying the same thing. The Wright brothers (or Santos Dumont if you are Brazilian) probably had someone saying getting that thing of the air is a waste of time. When RACAL introduced a forerunner to the mobile phone people said what’s the point of that. When some bright spark thought the USA could break from Britain they were told it could not be done. What has happened to the sprit of this country?
Here’s another childish dream. Sweep Christianity out of the Middle East, slaughter Christians and spread an alternative religion without too much opposition from Christian leaders.
Bloody childish is wot I call it.
Archie Bish reminds me of the Curate in ‘War of the Worlds’. 1953 was it?
Wow. Fuel goes up 7 cents and the French riot.
Here TR gets wrongfully jailed, 1400+girls get raped, pedestrians get mowed down, stabbed and we get our democracy stolen from us, so we take to Twitter or write to our MP’s.