The petition to request a parliamentary examination/debate of the poisonous UN migrants treaty had exceeded the required 100000 to get noticed. Silence on the subject is deafening from the Far Left BBC as well as the politicians who are meant to be representing – us .
For those expressing their now limited freedom of expression by marching this weekend good luck . The BBC is peddling the ‘no brexit’ option as the chosen outcome of current parliamentary nonsense . This writer want ‘no deal’ – they can sort out any mess afterwards because they will simply have to.
The Queen can no longer dissolve Parliament but can she replace the PM?
Your Majesty, Mrs May’s health is suspect and deteriorating, so it would be a humane and Christian act to replace her. Might I suggest Sir William Cash as a suitably wise and steady hand to be appointed caretaker PM until the next election.
The island
It is strange that Bill Cash is an ignored voice in the parliamentary wilderness . I wonder if it because he knows what he is talking about unlike , as has been proved over and other this week , so many dwellers making a fat living from the bubble ?
Good man – Mr cash .
I agree Bill Cash is a top bloke in true Tory fashion….but not leadership material…
My preference would be David Davis or Owen Patterson, Dominic Raab (who I think has a point to prove) and perhaps one or two others.
Somebody needs to grow some BALLS quick….and I dont mean Andrea Leadsom or Nadine Dorries
I still think Bill would be a good caretaker to soberly steer us through, with the right cabinet, until the end of March and a WTO Brexit. Once we have left the EU properly a younger person could take over.
@Island….I wouldnt disagree.
Makes sense in view of what is going or not going just now. Its a shambles as I think we would all agree-of course there are some complex issues surrounding leaving an institution that has controlled us (UK) for so long. Another that should their hat into the ring is Ian Duncan-smith, levelled headed fellow and 100% leave.
Yes, any of Cash, Davis or Paterson.
Paterson, as I remember, was the minister who got fired for rapidly sorting out the flooding problem on the Somerset Levels.
But I think the anti-badger-cull people may have had a hand in Paterson being replaced.
Remain voter Johnny Mercer spoke really well on TWatO today. He put Mardell firmly in his place. He is committed to representing his electorate, J R-M please note, Plymouth Moor View, who voted ‘Out’.
I’d be happy with J R-M, but Edward Leigh would be another firm and experienced Brexiteer probably capable of doing the job. There’s a strong younger group coming up through the Conservative ranks. Robert Halfon might be a future candidate along with Kemi Badenoch.
Priti Patel would be a good one .
I’m not being racist etc ..I don’t want to be a patronising virtue signaller … but I’ve seen some ethnic minority MPs who turn out to be Brexiteers who seem to love this country and want it as it is .
Frank Field . No more left of centre than Treason May and could possibly lead a coalition cabinet . Including Gisela Stuart and Kate Hoey .
For that matter , Donald Trump , that Greek fellow who tells us how to negotiate , the new Brazilian president and Victor Orban .
Kemi Badenoch is one to watch.
“Your Majesty, Mrs May’s mental health is suspect……”.
MSM use ‘mental’ to explain a terrorist and Treason May is an islamic terrorist all said and done.
Project Armageddon
\\No-deal Brexit: Disruption at Dover ‘could last six months’//
“Dover and other Channel ports face disruption for up to six months if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, ministers have said. “
They always put our side of threatened suffering.
Remember, the EU exports far more to us than we send back – The EU will squeal.
Parliament is doing its damnedest to disobey the democratic referendum. How many MPs have a vested interested in the United States of Europe ?
Taffy I was spitting nails when I heard this report on R4.
Even assuming this is right (though how an isolated country like Australia manages to get medical supplies regularly must obviously be some sort of miracle!)
So lets get this straight. we the “people” voted to LEAVE the EU. We were given a remain PM, who appointed a largely remain Cabinet, who then with the connivance of a corrupt Civil Service proceeded to deliberately stall and then put a deal together so appalling even staying in the EU looks preferable to what she is offering us.
And she then goes to tell us (because she has made no preparations for leaving) that there may be “disruptions” to our trade if we are forced to make a “disorderly exit”
I am actually starting to feel a little bit violent about this stitch up. I think I will have to try extra hard to be good on Sundays demo.
FE2 can I Say some naught words about this corrupt , lying, treacherous old bitch please?
Oh go on oak ….
Shes a FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ####ng evil, devious, two faced, arrogant, dangerous, manipulative, patronising, piece of utter shite!
Thanks FE2 I feel better now please feel free to delete!
Don’t hold back, Oaknash. Tell us how you really feel!!
I was being nice about her actually!
no more comments tonight – time for a scotch.
You missed out that she’s also £&@(; and /:.;( and also that she <#%^€?' Which means that she is -(£&'as{} n which is why she's a (;:(5)()£&;3-,,!!'bsf .
Can't make myself clearer .
Stop that – it’s dirty!
Just joined this morning…….yawn……are you referring to Amber Rudd?
This was reported as the worse case scenario on the BBC 6 o’clock news this evening.
I wonder what the best case scenario is.
Doubt that would ever hear what that is…
Good point Davylars.
They’re all ‘scenarios’, which are un-researched opinions, dreamed up by a left-leaning tax-funded group of academics, (who never actually produce wealth, just make up ways to spend it)!
The BBC just cut-and-paste that ‘research, which they then claim is ‘proof’, and it’s job done, even though there’s no substantation for facts at all!
Most future deals with the old EU will have already been factored in to export and import deals by real businesslike companies. It’s only the thick politicians getting in the way, as they always do, and calling the farce of recent weeks ‘negotiations’, is ridiculous!
Civil servants, flunkies and their shags have rolled over our elected members, and I can’t wait for a general election, as the BBBC will have a chance to do some real comedy at last!
It won’t be so bad at Dover because we will not need much in the way of imports.
As you know, another one of the end of life as we know it claims is that medicine will be stopped from coming in.
Insulin will be unable to get to the diabetics who will die in their millions.
The eu, our friends in Europe, will happily see mass deaths in the U.K. by stopping medication from arriving.
They can’t be flown in either because all air travel between the U.K. and the eu will cease.
We wouldn’t be able to buy anything because b of e forecasts financial Armageddon anyway.
I know all this because I’m hearing it all the time from remoaners.
I have watched the BBC and as a result of the news that 30 ministers have gone out to the country to win support as well as the shock that the channel ports will clog up….
I have decided to become a remainer . The masterful Martine Croxall sold it to me – ….
Is she an android ?
And she’s not scared any longer (having the restraint taken off all BBC employees from BBC HQ) to tell you what she realy thinks about us leavers! She thinks we all come from some projects on’t northern moors and that we can’t spel nor reed still – even owd un’s like meself!! Copy!
I’ve never heard of @MartineBBC
BBC News people aren’t supposed to Tweet politics
…(unless it supports libmob party agenda)
but here she is telling her followers to sign a petition against the merge of BBCnews and BBCworldNews24
She could be one these fangled new sex bots with a “slogan programming”
And it must be remembered 16 million of us voted to stay in the EU
And as Remain said no0body voted to be poorer
If Theresas plan is not accepted this could mean we are going over a cliff edge
This could mean a peoples vote is more likely
Mr Junker said no more negotiation
this all makes the Norway option more credible
Dominick Grieve and the rebels have said ………..
ooh youre so big – you must be the king!!!!!!!
OOOh yeah baby – give it too me now!
“as well as the shock that the channel ports will clog up….”
Thank goodness they will, Fed!
With Amber Rudd as MP for two of the oldest shore-based fishing ports in the UK, they’ll have a chance to bring their increasing catches into Dover, Newhaven and Ramsgate! It’ll be a bonanza for our fishing industry, and exports will soar.
Of course, the problem will be Amber Rudd, but that’s a ‘drop in the ocean’…
Is your last phrase just a suggested solution to the problem in the last sentence?
Love it, David!
Took me a few seconds, and a re-read of both bits, but thank you!
And – er – yes, you have a good point!
Actually, thinking further, the bbbc would never ever report ‘a drop in the ocean’, because that would mean that there was no globule worming…
And Master WHeelibin would be out of a sinecure (job).
Any half way decent haulier or company will be making plans to avoid Dover until it all settles down. There are other ports and as usual people will seize an opportunity to make money. This is scare mongering by the usual suspects .
The half decent hauliers ( and drivers ) aren’t British . It will be EU trucks , business and drivers that will be delayed if there’s problems this side of the channel or that side .
This was another ace we held in the negotiating .
Treason May has sent ministers gallivanting about the country trying to persuade the ordinary Joe here that her exit plan is the gold plated toast . Trying to go over the heads of the politicians and appeal to the masses .
What she should have done was to go over the heads of the politicians of the EU and talk to the ordinary people of Europe where their interests lie .
100% agree Nibor-but such a thing probably never enteredt her head or the dark satanic looks from the negotiators in Brussels dared her with excommunication from the EU religion of corruption and stealth, and her promised position of Governor General of the UK would never be in the communistic state of the European State, which is galloping along towards a darn great hole.
\\No-deal Brexit: Disruption at Dover ‘could last six months’//
“Dover and other Channel ports face disruption for up to six months if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, ministers have said. “
Check out the HYS. Its going a treat. 😉
taffman, huge irony for the GlobalWarming promoting BBC that they are having to support 1400 evil-diesel-burning trucks a day through Dover merely to try to overturn Brexit.
The vast majority of whom are foreign and double manned .
That’s a lot of EU drivers held up . That’s a lot of businesses that will go under . Can those eastern bloc countries afford the loss of revenue these bankruptcies would make ?
Here in Kent, Nibor, we might just get some of our police force back on the streets, not on the motorways being clogged up on a daily basis with sub-standard EU trucks and even worse drivers.
When ‘Operation Stack’ is in place, you’ll never see a police car in our villages in the day time. In the evening they’ll go and sort out the fights in Medway, Tunbridge Wells and Maidstone, then come morning, they’ll be out shepherding huge smelly lorries onto parks, giving them a cheery wave.
The local BBC press is absolutely dire when it comes to ‘news’. (The Kent dead-tree press isn’t any better, but I don’t have to pay for that), but they spend all their time on yawn yarns about low-life, failure and depression.
Great ‘journalism’ that…
They’ve had over two years to get this sorted.we could have left and been in transition in that time………
Methinks this was planned all along……….there are lots of people with fingers in the Euro-Pie……….
I’ve been away for a week and on my return i’ve watched a succession of people, politicians and commentators of suposedly all sides of the debate being asked about brexit. But leavers are still very thin on the ground and all we get are people screaming for a magical 2nd ‘peoples’ vote which would ask: Mays ‘deal’ or stay in the EU. This is an obvious stitch up. Listen dear old beeb/Sky, we voted LEAVE full stop!
Panda, ” Listen dear old beeb/Sky, we voted LEAVE full stop!” which was what the PM at 8.10am in TOADY and another Conservative during the TWT, yesterday, were very clear and firm about. The decision has been made. We are leaving.
Panda, agreed.
One of the few coherent points to come out of the latest Question Time was on the proposed second referendum.
I agree that the powers that be are far too devious to put a direct Leave or Remain option to the public again. They can’t run the risk of Leave winning again. So if they do engineer another vote it will be May’s capitulation or Remain – the former option being even worse than the latter.
The people allegedly governing Britain make me cringe at their untrustworthiness and cowardice, May being chief among them.
I might be mistaken, but I just can’t imagine that (absolute) shower of MPs organising another referendum (People’s Vote)…by the time they’ve debated the actual question we’ll all be long dead…due to Brexit, Trump, Global Warming, no food, no medical supplies, no planes, impassable lorry parks, Corbyn, Islamification etc. etc. 🙁
We’re doomed I tell ye…
Well, I guess people can always emigrate…. or hang on, why not just migrate? Go against the flow and head from the first world to the third. Can’t be worse than staying under the tyrannical yoke of the EU.
If we all migrate to the third world, I’ll bet they’ll all follow us back there… 🙁
Thanks for the chuckle, countryblues!
Many a true word is said in jest.
Just think what could be made of Zimbabwe and Malawi and Zaire with the right ‘resources’.
“Well, I guess people can always emigrate…. or hang on, why not just migrate? Go against the flow and head from the first world to the third. Can’t be worse than staying under the tyrannical yoke of the EU”
Not arf! Hold on though! Might bump into BONO doing his annual pius visits to cities/countries who only have 5 star hotels plus recharging rights for his new cadilac and is 100 th guitar even though his manager tells him he has no idea how to even hold a guitar!
I don’t want to meet Bono. Just tell me which country he’s in and I’ll go elsewhere.
Vesna and True, you’re really onto a good idea here!
I’d love to see a crowd-funding pitch to buy a country in Africa, preferably on the coast and nowhere near Somalia, and build a holiday haven for international visitors!
I’d need to have a Ministry of Anti-Spiders-and-snakes, but that shouldn’t be difficult, after all housing developers all over the UK get rid of lizards and newts as a matter of course!
There would be employment for anyone who is indigenous, but riff-raff would have to be told to go and live in the empty houses in the UK.
All broadcasting there would be privately owned, the BBC, CNN etc would be banned of course, and they wouldn’t be allowed to visit either. Sorry, they’re the rules…
And of course, Bono, Geldof, and co won’t be allowed in either – phew, nearly forgot that, easy to do though!
Barbra Streisand would also not be welcome. Much as I love her extraordinary talent, she loathes Trump and did a scathing skit on him which made me less inclined to listen again to her stunning rendition of Send in the clowns.
True – sadly I agree.
I prefer the Judy Collins version, as Mrs O’Blene gave me the ‘Judith’ album over forty years ago, and I’m an old sentimentalist at heart…
BTW, ‘TrueToo’ just reminds me a teeny bit of my best old chums from Oz, and if this is the case, then you are most welcome to comment – ‘good’ or ‘sod-off’ at any time!
If I have misread the name than please blame Brexit, or next door’s barking dog, or anyone else for that matter..;0)
I’m ex-South African currently living in Israel but I do have very good friends in Aussie.
My pseudonym stems from years back when I was asked to create one, probably to join the BBC’s ‘Have Your Say’ – which soon became ‘Have Our Say.’ I originally chose ‘TooTrue’ but that was already taken by some enterprising soul and so I simply reversed the words.
“I’d love to see a crowd-funding pitch to buy a country in Africa, preferably on the coast and nowhere near Somalia, and build a holiday haven for international visitors!”
Preferably with one-way tickets!
Vesna, you really do pitch a hard deal, but yes, I can think of 650 names right away, but when they get there, the place won’t be built, and they’ll have to work for a living!
But hang on a mo. Might bump into Sir Geldof swearing his way through the uninhabited parts of the world where they do celerate christmas and have seen snow and know what rain looks like and whose customs will permit him to enter their country with scraggy hair.
In which case, Vesna, the deal’s off! I don’t want that prick anywhere near my African Haven.
Crowdfunding issues are negated from twonks giving two fingers to hard-working fishermen. He’s always been a minor interest in normal minds, and this particular mind will tell him to feck off, preferably immediately.
Emigrate? All possible under the UN Migration Compact of course………….And we will be led like lambs to the slaughter in Morocco in a few days time.
On that subject, has anyone else received the Government’s initial response to the Petition? I signed up to updates. Here that is:
I must admit to not realising that there are two UN Migration Compacts running in parallel. It is the other one that the Government’s response relates to. So, read the Response and ask yourself (para 7):
“It does not establish a ‘human right to migrate’ or create any new legal categories of migrant. It explicitly stresses that migrants are entitled to the same universal human rights as any human being, and that these are different to the legal protections available to refugees.”
The Government are clearly referring to the ‘other’ Compact as I can’t find the quoted passage in the actual Compact or even statements in any way compatible.
More attempted deception? It appears that, for one topic or another, lying to the public by the Government/MSM has reached a depth not know before.
G, I was thinking of migration rather than emigration. After all, if hordes of migrants from the third world can swamp the first world then it’s only fair that people can also go in the opposite direction.
Some real facts from Migration Watch- Our central concern is the current massive level of immigration which, if allowed to continue, would mean that the population of the UK would increase by 10 million in 25 years, 82% of it due to future migrants and their children. Migration is, of course, a natural part of an open economy and society but it must be sustainable and must have the assent of the British public – yet many in the media and political class have long dismissed widespread public concern and the strong view of a clear majority that the current level of net migration of around a quarter of a million a year must be significantly reduced. The government are considering immigration proposals from the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) that would expose millions of jobs currently held by UK workers to new or increased competition from a huge pool of overseas candidates. As it has been recommended that the current work permit limit be scrapped, this risks a very significant rise in immigration at a time when voters are clear that they want a significant reduction. Since the EU referendum, some business and employer lobby groups have raised concerns that the current level of the cap was not allowing them to fill vacancies from abroad. Not from Europe but the real problem is from outside Europe-Middle East/Africa/Indian Sub Continent with particular emphasis on those who follow the teachings of Islam. If we do not address the significant rise in Islamic enrty into the UK already at alarming rates of development the UK will see its indigenous peoples swamped, washed away from their own native country. Weak political action over many years on the migration issue will come home to haunt us for sure.
Eastern Europe beckons.
TT, am not sure the people charged with Election (and Referendum) oversight would allow that choice. And would it get through Parliament? While the SNP, LibNon-Dems & PC might support it, Labour under Corbyn would be afraid that it would cost them any chance of being elected to government in future. I suspect there might be lots of abstentions.
I blame Cameron,, perhaps even more than May. Though a Remoaner, he should have honoured the will of the voters and the mandate they had presented to him, risen to the occasion and implemented Brexit.
Instead he took the easy way out.
C’mon TT, have some sympathy. Cameron was told by his Globalist masters in the NWO to step down and make way for someone like Treason May who will fight tooth and nail to stay in the EU. They have what they wanted……
G, I ain’t got no sympathy for David Cameron.
TT, I agree.
His Parliamentary aides and CSs would have told him in advance of the result what was required in the unlikely event of a Leave win. And Theresa May was left in no doubt what the EU wanted because they started to get upset at one point that no Article 50 had been filed by the UK. Had she got a move on instead of messing about with that GE, we’d have been out now.
She might have then dealt with Grenfell a bit better, too.
It was interesting that David Cameron muttered out loud in public a few months back that he might like to return to politics. I suspect he faced a somewhat chilly response despite all that Global Warming heat and has now thought better of it. He can be Yesterday’s Man behind John Major’s coat tails in the crowd at the Oval.
Don’t you think that if she had a proper working majority she would be doing even more damage?
Could be Cameron is regretting his shameful exit.
I have been reading Sean Gabb’s “Radical Coup : A Case for Reaction”. It’s an update of a book he wrote in 2007 (it’s available on Kindle Unlimited if you’re a subscriber).
It’s still very relevant and well written. Gabb is a libertarian and still writes lots of articles on the web and (I think) still appears on TV now and again.
Up until 3 or 4 years ago I’d probably have described my political outlook as ‘libertarian right’. Now I’d likely vote for any new party that was a coalition of groups that included the Devil, Ghengis Khan and any other mad buggers that wanted to topple the current set of parliamentary scoundrels.
Here’s a quote:
“Remember, these people are at war not just with us, but with reality itself. That war must always be lost in the end”.
That cheered me up in these depressing times I can tell you!
Some may remember after the French elections I was making the outlandish accusation that the result seemed to have been manipulated to suit the great and the good at the EU, with the support for LePen seeming to fade all of a sudden. After recent events it would seem that perhaps Macron wasn’t as popular at the polling station as the authorities would have had us believe. Deep State or have I been reading far to much into it.
Most elections within the EU are manipulated. With the manifest rise of what is termed populism throughout Europe, the fact that Wilders, Le Pen and Farage have been denied a mandate is not a coincidence. Only Italy seems capable of breaking the political mould, though Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs and Poles have already decided on their futures – only the EU commission seems unable to accept the fact.
The Baltic States will be next, then Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Spain and Portugal while Greece will be the first to leave the euro.
Brexit is actually almost a sideshow with what lies ahead – with Les Gilets Jaunes providing the cabaret, kicking off tomorrow.
Aunty was very pleased with herself today.
She gave us the “terrible news” that ex UKIP leader Paul Nuttal (and some obscure Scottish kipper no one has ever heard of) were also resigning from UKIP due to UKIPS (and she said this very slowly – so we could all take in the full horror)
– A N T I
A G E N D A !!!!!
Please reconsider Paul, please stay, Paul – we need you, and your great election winning ideas like removing VAT from Fish and Chips. Oh by the way have you recovered after losing your close friend at Hillsborough? It must have been a blow!
I wonder whether we will be losing any more of our “star” performers over this issue – Henry Bolton , are you still a member?
It’s a banal thing to say but nonetheless true, that change exposes weakness. And Brexit has certainly done that in spades.
The HoP rats and cockroaches are now fully exposed. I just hope enough voters remember who they are at the next election. And that the local constituency parties ensure they are not selected as candidates, if they want their miserable parties to survive.
“The HoP rats and cockroaches are now fully exposed. I just hope enough voters remember who they are at the next election”
Oh, I think we will find out one way or another! !
Oak, I’m afraid that the thing that has done for UKIP is egos, personal egos.
I saw Henry Bolton, not long after he had to resign, and you could tell all was not well, in the way he posed for the cameras with his ladyfriend on his arm.
Nothing to do with the bbc but this is how the Estonians do it….worth a watch!!
King. – I think they mean it !
Here’s one for the pc permanently offended who see hate in everything.
And one for us happy breed to laugh at.
The war on independent bloggers by those with the power is continuing relentlessly. And will not stop until it is stopped.
Milo Yannopoulos and Sargon of Akkad have both had their Patreon accounts suspended. This is the kind of attack on the purveyors of alternative opinions and information that the far-left bbc should be publicising and denouncing but they won’t.
C4 news
their once and future saint Macron given a light wash over as he fails to hold his cheese eating surrender monkeys from rioting .
This was the Remedy to President Trump . But it seems he is not .
The Reich has a new Fueher too it seems a girl called mini Merkel who wants a European army – well a Kraut would – wouldn’t they ?
Maybe call it the Wehrmacht
By the way the new German leader is called
An Egret Kramp
Gotta be an anagram ..
That is quite a challenge.
The best ones I could come up with for Annegret Kramp were:
German Pranket, pranket being urban slang for a small prank
Grape Remnant K
I’m sure anyone with access to an anagram solver would do better.
It’s got to be: –
Nag ‘n premarket!
Telling understatement if you ask me!
BTW, I often get cramps at night, and have only recently found that blowing into a paper bag stops them immediately!
I just thought you might like to know that…
Really? If that is true – I shall be trying it out – then bless you, in advance.
Banania, it really does work, and my lovely chum, Anne told me and I’ll verify that!
Having just seen a photo of Merkel’s protege and successor, I’m reminded of the lady with unusual footwear in From Russia with Love.
Kindly leave Amber Rudd out of it please!
Why has not one single policeman, social worker or politician been held to account for the Muslim rape gangs they enabled for so long?
It’s now 30 years since they started business and it’s 6 years since The Times finally broke the story.
Because those police and social workers were following government policy to look the other way:
Alex ,
I think every one got promoted for keeping it secret and doing nothing …. ‘ community relations ‘
Nice picture of politicians and top cops shaking hands with a smiling imam ….
You know how things go around ? The Germans are suggesting France gives up its seat on the UN insecurity council to the ReichEU – which means the Krauts and their European Army …
Echoes of 1913 ….
I like that, Fedup2:
The UN Insecurity Council (UNIC)
Hope you don’t mind if I use it from time to time.
What sort of way were they shaking hands Fed?
Third knuckle syndrome no doubt!
I could do one of those at the moment as I have a bit of Dupuytren’s in my hand, so could be a shoe-in…
But there again, you can get that particular condition in your feet, so I’d have to take my shoes off first and leave them at the door…
Hey, where’s all this going I ask myself?
“… I have a bit of Dupuytren’s in my hand….” Me to. Try Troo Green lipped mussel capsules. Worked wonders for me.
Hey, thanks G! I’ll ask my fave chemist assistant, who can raise a smile and several other body parts in a few seconds!
I’ve got an appointment for a check on the latest digit, but have been there several years ago for the chop on both paws..:0(
I just say Bowlacks, it’s old age, and who really cares as long as I can hold a glass!
Oh, and as this is all about the bbbc, what an absolute shower they are – all that money and crap programmes, and fake news!
Phew – mods take note..:0]
And what are they doing about the thousands of rape threats sent to that boy’s mother in Huddersfield by the local peacemakers?
An interesting bit of news that is kept from us. The Spanish trainmaker Talgo has decided to open a plant in Scotland . It has only decided this after we voted to leave. It also wants to source most of the engineering here. Rather than import it.
Of course I would rather it was a British firm doing this but it is still good news.
In contrast that behemoth of Germany Siemens has never wanted a plant here despite earning fortunes from us for it’s trains.
These railways contracts coming up are worth billions. Out of the EU we could exert real pressure and control over who gets what as most are taxpayer funded .
Talgo obviously think there is a real opening here. Siemens being German is doing what German industry does best.
I can’t understand why the US doesn’t simply boot the entire UN out of New York and stop paying them another dollar.
Let them go and sit in some third-world hell hole where they can work on their devious little plots and schemes.
Better still, form an alternative body of countries that actually have something to contribute to this sorry planet.
TT, the US withheld its UN subscription for a long time, including I think under Clinton and Bush as Presidents and for a while under Obama. My memory may be defective on that a bit. feel free to check up on it.
Without Googling, I don’t think that’s correct. THE US did recently stop funding UNESCO but still contributes overall.
All those devious Remoaners in government intent on selling Britain out should be locked in a room for a week and forced to watch continual replays of Al Pacino’s speech from Scent of a Woman.
There’s a slight chance that the message of that great speech might sink in.
Al Pacino and Maurice Chevalier were both stupendously creepy.
I was giving a talk this week to about 50 school children (Year 6 – top class Primary) from a fairly deprived area of the city this week and asked them how many of them watched Strictly. Out of 50 children only 3 put up their hands. We that comment or read the comments on the site fear the Left Wing BBC are very influential but when I saw that response it gives me hope that the BBC is not reaching as deeply as they and we think they are.
Something for the BBC to investigate:
1. How did Brexit become Hard-Brexit?
2. Why has Remain not become Hard-Remain?
I’m confused and need expert guidance from our BBC. They are very pro-Remain and I’m sure could help. They do earn a vast amount of our money after all. I don’t know exactly what they spend it on.
Over fifty of them earn more than the Prime Minister so I hear. This includes a retired Footballer from long ago. He supplements his income by selling crisps as I understand. Poor boy…
How did ‘voting leave’ become ‘crashing out’
How did ‘WTO terms’ become ‘no deal’?
How did ‘a second referendum’ become ‘peoples vote’?
‘English’ replaced with ‘newspeak’.
Because BBC is totally corrupt and biased, time to defund them.
I was a much happier person when I wasn’t getting all this news information overload. I’m sick of Brexit, sick of government supposition, and sick of media supposition.
Oh for the days when our info was just the 6 o’clock news and the daily paper. We just let the government of the day get on with ‘stuff’, we might have a little march or protest, and a bit of a punch up on Margate beach at Easter, but generally we were much happier with our lot. –
Only those over 60 will remember those days.
Very true, Brissles.
Hearing about Richard Baker moving on, and reading about his contemporaries like Robert Dougall and Kenneth Kendall, you realise how news reporting has slumped to such a low level, with vain, opinionated ‘sound-bites’, over-paid slebs and plain stupidity and arrogance spewed out on every bulletin.
And you’re right about the papers too. I have a few old papers in the roof (family yarns etc), and they’re just a few pages of real news. I spent over £10 in Waitrose the other weekend, and picked up a Daily Telegraph as it would be free. I could hardly lift it!
So the BBBC has the same amount of drivel but paid for by the taxpayer, opinionated and usually so biased that it’s just a huge switch-off on every occasion.
Big is beautiful, make as much noise as possible, while screwing the UK under cover of the torrents of low-life rubbishy ‘stories’ about nobodies!
But this is the BBBC we’re talking about…
Well Brissles, I dont quite know how far baxk you need to go to see that unbiased rose tinted view.
Thinking back to the 1975 stay/ leave EU referendum, they were indeed heady days when all folk had was the main news and their daily paper. All was hunky dory, but it wasnt was it.
That major decision was taken by a population spoon fed the media lines about the trading bloc of the EEC, nithing more.
Yeah right.
The establishment knew there was a much bigger plan, but kept quiet and that bastard paedo heath lied. The media let him get away with it, but they knew. Its all in the book by Booker and North ‘ the great deception’.
I voted to get out in 75 I never accepted the idea. However, I did so in ignorance of the EU true plans.
So, the media were lying then, and they lie now.
When the Balkans blew up into a complex war in ( whenever it was) the media fed us the line of persecuted moslems in Serbia, and mass executions, Adolf reborn etc etc.
The public took the medias version hook line and sinker. Having more pressing life priorities than international conflicts at that time I swallowed the ‘poor persecuted moslems’ line as well.
Applying today’s media standards to the situation then tells me it was all probably propaganda once again.
Today we have, for now, a better way to keep informed, thankfully.
I cannot disagree with your comments DC, but for me, I doubt whether being better informed say, about events in Paris, or the war in the Balkans, or knowing that MPs are currently charging around the country trying to whip up support, is going to change what I have for tea tonight, or how I’ll spend Christmas. And like 40 odd years ago, I still get facility bills arriving just before Christmas that have to be paid – being more ‘news’ aware is not going to change my way of life, but I do know lots of my friends don’t even listen to or watch the news anymore, why ? because its always too depressing. Maybe the advent of rolling news has contributed to this, who knows.
I was attempting a little self denigration Brissles.
I was indeed that unaware person for years. It’s entirely possible that during the era to which you refer, that an inquisitive kind of mind could glean the thruth by reading a variety of newspapers. However that aint gonna happen today. They are all bought and paid for by the same messaging service, including the broadcast media of course.
I was the negligent one back then with far too many other things to bother myself about the finer points of the media.
I agree about focussing on the more important things as you consider them.
May your bills get paid and Santa is kind to you.
Mods and Rockers?
So the Government (?) has put out a warning that if there is a No Deal Brexit urgent medical supplies could be held up for 6 Months.
Then they told Hospitals they must NOT stock pile vital drugs prior toBrexit ????!!!!
Is this a total lack of common sense or an admission that the 6 month delay is no more than a despicable scare tactic.
THis is a dangerous road to take. We peasants here might take the view that the Eu was acting in a hostile manner towards us personally and threatening our safety and lives.
Now we know where that feeling can lead.
The failure to leave swiftly and cleanly is going to sour our relations with Europe -all of it- for a generation. Idiots.
Conveniently forgetting the ‘Berlin Airlift’………..
Typical Online BBC headline on their front page.
“”Six months of Jams under No Deal Brexit””
When you click on it, the headline changes to something more moderate by inserting the word ‘could’.
“”No-deal Brexit: Disruption at Dover could last six months'””
There are those who say that the BBC is biased against Brexit as it opposes their Marxist ‘open borders’ desire.
I almost forgot to mention that the second BBC headline was anti-Trump.
“”Trump ex-lawyer Michael Cohen’s help with Russia probe revealed””
“”What does it all mean?””
Analysis by BBC North America reporter Anthony Zurcher
“Six months of Jams” – bring back Robertson’s golliwog. A golden age lies ahead.
Germany demands that every truck going through it has an OBU box in the windscreen that will record every mile , sorry , kilometre that it does on the Autobahn . Then the company gets charged .
The Dartford Tunnel and the new Wirral tunnel use APNR to charge trucks .
Italy has the Telepass system that makes the barriers at the toll booths rise as a car hurtles towards it at over 30 mph .
This technology can be used to speedily clear docks both sides of the channel . Every load can be matched to the lorry and/ or trailer and imprinted onto a credit sized card , applicable for only so long like your room key (credit sized card) in most hotels .
The driver collects his load , then his card for that load which he inserts into the equivalent OBU box in his windscreen . Details have been sent on by computer to both HMRC and consignee .
All duties, tariffs and NTB being cleared near immediately , the truck disembarks the ferry and passes through a toll booth style place which raises the barrier , or informs him of other actions to be taken ( eg ; park and clear in Dover , park for other reasons , or proceed to an inland clearance depot ) .
There will be several of these toll booth style places as the trucks disembark .backup means will be available .
Customs checks for narcotics , firearms , pornographic filth etc will continue as they do now , ie ; based on intelligence or the occasional random check . Immigration checks the same .
I wish I’d have had that in my happy days .
Perfect sense which makes a total mockery of the obstacles put forth by the media-enabled opportunism of the remainers.
When Czeckoslovakia split ino two, it took six months, from start to finish, to negotiate and achieve the split. This itself shows the utter bad faith of the so-called negotiators we have had to endure.
“Brexit: Lib Dems to make Commons bid for another referendum”
Leave it where it is . You know what happened to your last attempt.
Democracy Rules OK!
Bye bye Lib Dems………………….
How can we have 6 months of delays at Dover if we aren’t trading with the EU?
Exactly !
They haven’t thought that one out have they ?
Does the EU want to sell us cars etc?
The EU will be hit harder than us .
All this propaganda reminds me of the stuff Lord Haw Haw broadcast during WW2.
We got through that one with our sovereignty and freedom .
Tr … you bring to mind:
Eccles: “Uurrghhhh, we had 6 months of delays in 2015 at Dover when we WERE trading with the EU!”
“Labour ready to step in and negotiate Brexit deal with EU, Jeremy Corbyn says”
Anything on Al Beeb about this yet ?
I am sure that Corbyn could do better than Mrs Chamberlain .
Hello Taff
He would say that, wouldn’t he. i just hope he never gets the chance and the Conservative Party wakes up, gets rid of treason and gets something a lot beter in place before it’s too late.
Old man steptoe is reviled by many, including me Navets.
The problem being, at the moment Treason May is reviled even more.
It’s hard to imagine he could make any more of a cock up over the EU than she is doing. No, not hard, it’s impossible.
Of course there are other apsects that Corbyn can make a mess of, but on balance I’m beginning to waver on which one deserves a shot.
I’m aware that choosing the least worst is a bad place to be, but WTF can we do?
The whole Brexit debacle needs a confident Tory party under a decent leader, but the bunch of scum sitting on the Tory benches are next to useless, and therfore we aint gonna get it.
The answer? No idea here where we can go, unless a viable UKIP party can resurrect things in the distant future. For now? Batten down a lid and chuckle.
Will the Conservative Party wake up? Presently they appear to be the New Lib Dems.
Horrific injuries suffered by woman, 50, during violent robbery at her home/
Read more:
Twitter: | Facebook:
“He is described as black, around 6ft 2in and of small build. He was wearing a fluorescent jacket.”
Violent robbing is hazardous, so high-viz clothing is important. How on earth was it allowed for him to be described as “black”? Was he asked?
When will they listen?
7 December 2018
To – Members of Parliament
On 29 November, with others, we published a letter to the Prime Minister. It explained that the Withdrawal Agreement, on which you will shortly be called to vote, threatens to change our national security policy by binding us into new sets of EU controlled relationships.
Buried in the Agreement is the offer of a ‘new, deep and special relationship’ with the EU in defence, security and intelligence which cuts across the three fundamentals of our national security policy: membership of NATO, our close bilateral defence and intelligence relationship with the USA, and the Five Eyes intelligence alliance.
Number 10’s immediate response to our letter showed we had touched a raw nerve. However their rebuttal indicated a worryingly poor understanding of the issues. We repudiate their arguments and their criticism (see below).
The first duty of the state, above trade, is the security of its citizens. The Withdrawal Agreement abrogates this fundamental contract and would place control of aspects of our national security in foreign hands. Vote against this bad agreement.
Sir Richard Dearlove
Major-General Julian Thompson
Borders, Territorial Waters, Defence
Toady watch
Nick tourets Robinson interviews Lord Howard using his “yeah but no but” style of not listening – interupting answers and desperately getting a quote which can be put on the Guardian website
He really is a sad biased ….. character .
And that idiot amber Rudd reckons because migration is down ‘ free movement ‘ is ‘ yesterday’s question’ .
How thick does she think we are ? The reason it’s down is because the migrants see that Britain is leaving the ReichEU and please god will be toughening up on deportations and refusal to admit these guest workers . About time
What? this drop in migration?:
“The latest immigration figures have made uncomfortable reading for a government that has pledged a major reduction in immigration. EU net migration is still, despite Brexit, at 74,000 – roughly the size of the British army. Non-EU migration is a quarter of a million – that is, the highest for 14 years.”
Not much sign of the ‘ fact checker ‘ on Toady recently .
Global Compact petition currently nearly 120,000 signatures
The government has provided a mealy-mouthed ‘response’ and we are “Waiting for 3 days for a debate date”. Pointless.
Katie H highlights The Economist headline “European governments in melt-down over an inoffensive migration compact” and she comments on twitter:
It’s pretty bloody offensive when your socialised health care is flat-lining, your ‘free’ schools are full and your daughters become the sexual fodder for feral humans, arriving from abroad.
I’ve had the government reply about the petition . Like so much of what the outgoing red tories say – it is full of lies aimed at conning British people to acquiescing in the latest scheme to punish us.
Humphies says that mr farage is discussing a new party aside fro the current red one ..
A great video showing why the left-wing and MSM in every Western country has flipped 180 degrees, from being against immigration of any kind, to being in favour of immigration whether legal or illegal.
Nice to see the emancipation of Dan Walker (Football presenter) continues apace, the bloke looks like a panto dame on the sofa this morning, has he come straight from a tranny nightclub.
Charlie with a poodle on his head , Mike Bushell – shit at all sports so a shoe in for a sports presenter and now Dan Snow with lippy and eye make-up
Got the women’s World Cup draw from Paris later (I’ll set my alarm) bet they avoid any shots or mentions of the Tanks on the streets shooting at the indigenous population fighting Globalism and the EU
What’s Google pushing at me today ?
Seems Guardian are scared about the pro-Brexit march, so have done another hit piece againt Tommy
also Google pushes this BBC piece at me
\\Ethnic minority academics earn less than white colleagues
By Rianna Croxford BBC News//
In their example an academic who comes over from India complains she wasn’t given a big salary.
… I suppose American would be paid more cos their market rate would be higher
..and in general BME tend to be a younger demographic.
Stew, in addition, they may well have not been comparing like with like. That is a big danger in these odious feminist and race comparisons.
Interestingly, on the TOADY Prog yesterday, they carried a statement from a Uni (may have been a Russell Group one) that said, in effect: “Not here. We’ve checked and comparing age, seniority, qualifications and time in post, we pay our staff the same irrespective of gender and skin colour.”
I caught the back end of the casually sneering little talk by John Simpson – a career bloated beeboid talking about the cheese eating surrender monkeys
I only caught the end but I didn’t hear him use the term ‘ populist’ which is short hand for the thick common unwashed who don’t consent to being steamrolled by the bbc and the bubble . I m a proud member .
The French riots are populism where people fedup with career swamp dwellers like Macron have their real say …. I wonder if it might inspire people here .
Fed, I thought his piece was quite good and noted what Simpson said about the difference between the French and the British.
I am disappointed that the Gilet Jaune protest has descended into violence & destruction of property. That is never justified or justifiable in democratic nations.
The fact is that the Gilet Jaune cause has been infiltrated or picked up by Hard Left and Anarchist groups who are using the Gilet Jaunes as cover. That needs to be guarded against in any well ordered society.
BTW, I am aware that there is ‘history’ in French protests and difficulties with the different groupings of French policing and any protesters, whatever the cause.
Up2 – I disagree on extra parliamentary activity . If a so called democratic government ignores the fundamental view of the voters there can sometime be no other option – particularly if votes are fixed .
Fed, there can never be an excuse for violence. Just think a moment – what happens to the legitimacy of a protest that turns violent? Are the existing authorities beholden to deal with the cause of the protest?
They are immediately legitimised in enforcing the law on the violence and damage.
Since the ReichEU is being so savage in its behaviour towards the UK perhaps one of the ways we can get our country back is to play hard with the Irish republic and engineer it to leave the ReichEU.
. The border problem goes away and the common travel area is intact.
Not strictly BBC bias, but I copied it as it indicates life in so called Tory Britain
It Snowed Last Night..
8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10 – A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 – My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.
8:20 – The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead.
8:22 – The transgender man..women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:31 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .
8:40 – The Police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 – The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.
8:45 – TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied “Snowballs” and am now called a sexist.
9:00 – I was on the News as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 – Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.
There is no moral to this story. It is what we have become all because of snowflakes.
G.W.F., that’s brilliant. A Christmas Tale.
To bring a chuckle to all.
That’s hilarious. Should be a video of it!
Round of applause
Fabulous, please may I send it to everyone?
Amber Rudd, bless, is a bit muddled in her thinking. Interview on TOADY (R4 7-9am):
“People did not know what they were voting for.”
They were not bright enough to work out the difference between ‘Remain in the EU’ and ‘Leave the EU’.”
“People voted against the effects of globalisation on their communities.”
They had a good understanding of economics, taxation, unemployment, subsidies, the difference between globalism and globalisation, localised industrial specialisation, local, national and international governance and its financing, etc., etc., then M/s Rudd? The likelihood, then, is that they knew exactly what they were voting for when the choice was Remain or Leave and they chose Leave.
Up2 – Given the evolving nature of the EU, it is far more likely that Amber Rudd and the Remainers didn’t know what they were voting for.
The destination of ‘ever closer and deeper Union’ is a single sovereign Superstate, we’re not yet there by a long chalk.
Rather one positive side though, looking at the bunch we pay for at Westminster at the mo: the palace would close down, being superfluous…
fnw, chuckle!
I do actually know of a bunch of ardent Fascist Remainers who (think they) would like to be governed by Brussels and want to do away with our Houses of Parliament.
I know some people like that too, thankfully I have pretty much now stopped socialising with them.
Achingly middle-class labour and green voters. I think they are terrified of us leaving the EU, and god forbid thriving after re-forging trade links with those terrible Americans, or any other ‘wrong’ type of white people.
They’d actually prefer staying on the EU’s naughty step until 20XX. They will only be satisfied as long as the UK is humiliated, we continue to pour stackloads of cash into its coffers, and mass-immigration is continued unabated.
That’s what 40 odd years of brainwashing has done.
imnaly, yes and affluent ones in my case with extra homes abroad. They look at the occasional criminal or waster or bumbler that makes it into the HoC (and also into the HoL these days) and judge all those there by that same standard.
The have scant regard for the Fields and Hoeys and Halfons and others who work for their constituents and respect their wishes.
In addition, those MPs who are not in their ‘Guardian Party’ are similarly dismissed but this time with additional burden of being adjudged as idiots.
Our far left Marxist State Broadcaster should run a series on the palpable deterioration of the EU since our Referendum and the effect that has had on the initial Remoan faction. Local people I talk to, who admit to having voting ‘remain’, now wholeheartedly (and enthusiastically) declare they’ve seen the light and would not vote ‘stay’ again.
Strange. Whenever I see people in the street being interviewed by bbc/Sky it’s always leavers who have seen the errors of their ways and now want a second ‘peoples’ vote to change their vote to remain.
Surely they are not trying to mislead us.
They are neutral, they keep telling us so they must be.
It can’t be fake news because the bbc tell us it’s true.
Watching the peers talking about the sell out I was struck by how many either ignored or refused to accept the nature of the ReichEU.
It is to end the ‘ nation state’ and change them into a United States of Europe . It’s been the aim since the treaty of Rome and always will be for the drunk corrupt Brussels mafia .
We were lied too in 1972 and uk governments have lied about it ever since – aides and abetted by the MSM .
Don’t look now, grandma – the BBC are promoting euthanasia again!
Cuddly touchy-feely BBC Breakfast sofa news segue from the story of the rescued seasick yachtswoman (expect extensive interviews with this brave intrepid lass – who, were she a bloke, we could think was a bit of a dick) into a report on yet another ‘assisted death campaigner’.
Of course the BBC present a very sympathetic filmed report of this chap’s opinion. Apparently our laws are ‘medieval’.
Yeah, I think theft and murder were on the medieval statute book too – want to do away those just because they are old ideas? But don’t worry your head about the vulnerable being pressured, ‘two doctors and a judge’ would need to sign off a patient in this utopia. Remind me, wasn’t a similar system once in place in Germany for the mentally ill – pre war, I think?
And of course we return to the studio for the press review and guess what… guest journo Paul Horrocks (late of the Manchester Evening News – Guardian Media Group dontcha know) is also in favour of changing the law. Plus on another issue dear to the BBC’s hollow heart, he thinks new media such as Facebook ought to be more tightly controlled. You could have knocked me down with a feather.
Phew! the lengths they’d go too to dispose of ‘old git’ Brexit voters.
I am glad it’s not just me thinking that about the sailor – she will be turned into a heroine now with extensive interviews and no doubt a place on Strictly
Did anyone you see Breakfast bit on the Universal Credit.. How did the BBC find a refugee polio victim from Syria who lived in Grenfell to interview about UC and he has the cheek to be sitting in a nice apartment in Kensingston – where most of us couldn’t afford a shed – moaning about the UK not giving him enough money..WTF
Not saying what words were coming out of my mouth and my wife’s
Have I missed the reports on how the Remainer howling mob explain what Remaining in the EU entails? Have they told us if they expect status quo, or that we will have to Remain under different conditions? Have they told us whether we’ll be praying more to the EU with no rebate, committing to joining the Euro, abolishing all exemptions we’ve been given up to now? That we’ll have to commit to a Euro army? That if we go crawling back to the EU jailers, we’ll be punished anyway for causing them so many headaches over the past few years?
Just exactly what do these Remain fools have in mind for life back in the EU prison and when are they going to give the rest of us the details?
Sopel, positively frothing at the mouth on Toady earlier, relating how a Federal Court’s decision on the Cohen affair refers to ‘Cohen and, “individual 1″‘. Despite courts using such references for a jolly good legal reason which, in this case, we don’t know, Sopel states that “individual 1” is Donald Trump.
I don’t know the US legal system but I guess, ‘Slander’ is the same in the US as the UK. Over to you POTUS……….
This morning as I ‘crashed out’ of my bed (got out of bed) I went ‘off a cliff edge’ (entered) to my bathroom and put the radio on to listen to today’s predictions of doom and gloom from the remoaners.
It’s always how bad it’s going to be from the remoaners. I suppose the reason for that is they can find nothing good to say about the eu so attacking leaving is their only option.
Contrast that to us leavers, full of optimism, there’s a whole world out there waiting, freedom, less people piling in giving us benefits such as smaller class sizes, less congested roads, higher wages, decreasing nhs waiting times….. I could fill the page.
So many good things about leaving.
It’s good to know ( or rather I’m assuming) you didn’t teeter on the brink of putting on the kettle, or dither about having one slice of toast or two.
jic, I do that sometimes! 🙂
I heard a Remoaner MP trying to sell the deal on R4 yesterday and he said we would be free to make trade deals with others..what he didn’t say is that the WA says we can only do this when the EU say we can..
Disingenuous is the polite word for what May and her lot are being in trying to sell this piece of crap.
Why is go back and renegotiate not on the table as an option? – oh because the EU say so…but the EU say we can have another referendum..
Thanks pug
I’m glad I didn’t hear that!
The beeboids are ignorant.
Martin Howe speaks sense to those with fully-formed brains, which excludes Robinson and his chums.
Best Cartoon this Year
I was gaming the vote on Tuesday
100 or less gap – May goes back to ReichEU
100 or more – May resigns . Vote of no
confidence labour loses votes
New Tory leader
Ask ReichEU again
No change in sell out – full British brexit
I think the ReichEU will try to get another UK referendum just to undermine and further divide .
As an aside – the week in Westminster has roger gale on it . This man sat behind Boris Johnson during the parliamentary debate attempting to distract and undermine him by getting his voice on the microphone . An absolute example of the worst inhabitant of the bubble . Ps I’m no fan of Boris .
Fed, that – I think – was what’s behind that ECJ judgement due on Monday.
The PM is going to have be resolute and stay in post .. er, … come what may. She needs the weight of a Parliamentary loss, preferably a substantial one, to drop on the table in Brussels with a thud to distract eyes as she sweeps the £39bn back into her handbag before heading for the train.
“Call me guys, when you have a new offer. Byeee!”
I avoided the Robinson “interview”.
I am disappointed how unprepared many of the interviewees are. How reluctant they are to take over an interview, silence the Beeboid, and provide the information the audience wants, rather than allow the Beeb version to stand.
Every QC should be able to run rings round any collection of lying Beeboids.
Perhaps some trips to the archives, to see how Beeboids were murdered in the past, is indicated.
My favourite is James Goldsmith crucifying the Money Programme.
Anything suggestions for my further education?
Interesting that number 10 sent Rudd onto the radio to sound out an alternative sell out . No way could she have done that without permission . Definite smell of panic / desperation from May – who I hope has booked the removal van .
Tomorrow another so called brexiter – probably Gove – will come up with another scheme to babuzel the back bench sheep who vote for anything which gets them a ministerial job.
‘Rudd’erless more like.
She can damn well look to helping her on-shore fishing fleets first.
Forget your remainer stuff, just do what we need on the south coast you silly woman!
Anne Coulter dealt very nicely with Jeremy Paxman. And of course there was the unforgettable self-demolition of Cathy Newman when she interviewed Jordan Peterson.
From our own lieing correspondent
Lead piece on domestic violence in Iraq . Plenty of ‘isn’t it terrible ? But no attention to ‘why ?’ No mention of Islam at all – which sees it ok to marry off 13 old girls to old me .
This programme – with the dreadful presenter Kate Adie – white real name is Katherine yexley adie – uses ‘ populist ‘ as a word of abuse and and anything right is ‘far right ‘ . Full obedience to the BBC editorial untruths .
I thought her real name was Kate Aiding-and-Abetting the destruction of Western civilisation.
“which sees it ok to marry off 13 old girls to old me .”
Lucky you.
I wish interviewees would either refuse to be interviewed by the far-left bbc, treat them with contempt as does President Trump, or during an interview, attack the hack personally with words such as ‘know nothing sh1ts’. This should apply equally to Sky, ch4, LBC, the guardian and the rest of the sniveling MSM.
I quite like this one.
He makes no apologies and goes for Tim Sebastian on every point.
Shallow beeboid interviewer meets politician with a decent mind . Tim Sebastian – yet another ‘ senior reporter ‘ put right in his place .
I’ve only done a stop over in Singapore but I remember an interview long ago where the PM said ‘ our aim is to take the best of the west and discard the rubbish ‘ or similar words. I think they succeeded .
gb123, now Oxbridge Colleges are all racist and do not admit non-Caucasians, aren’t they? David Lammy said so.
Remind me where Lee Kuan Yew got his (Double First) Law degree.
She’s ok – big beeboid pension – big pay – the smug beeboid looking down on punters stupid enough to listen ( like me – but less often – is she related to John Yexley Simpson ?)
Watch Paris
A family of a dozen Travellers committed more than 200 burglaries in 11 months in a spree worth at least £2 million
How can that be ?
The police know this demographic are so well behaved, they just move them on, thank God our police signal they aren’t racist.
Strange that The Times ‘forgot’ to open comments on their article.
No, “Family Gang” is the title BBC used after the conviction in November
Now was the sentencing.
Note that cos they are white, prominent photos were allowed on the news webpage.
“Family Gang” had all of the hallmarks of a euphemism and my suspicions about the perps being members of a misunderstood, downtrodden and repressed minority appear to have been well founded.
The BBC news channel is currently showing “Exposed: the hidden world of neo-Nazi recruiters” about the spread of “race hate”.
Okay, so can we now look forward to similar probes into the Islamic recruiters who also spread race hate, the evil recruiters behind rape gangs, or the underground lefties and anarchists who ferment anti capitalist protest?
Let’s see now…silence
BBC Online News:
“”Yellow vest movement: Paris police fire tear gas at protesters””
“”Some 8,000 police and 12 armoured vehicles have been deployed in Paris, and nearly 90,000 countrywide.””
“”TV pictures have shown what appear to be far-right groups setting up barricades. Armoured vehicles are being sent to deal with them, and French media say this is the first time they have been deployed in metropolitan Paris.””
“”Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said the numbers of arrests were greater than during the whole of the previous weekend.””
“”They have even spread to Belgium. About 70 people were arrested in the capital Brussels but there was no violence.””
“”Protests against climate change are also being held in some French cities, including Paris.””
“”Some of Mr Macron’s critics call him “the president of the rich”.””
Time to refill the pop-corn tub 😉
Are the BBC saying that far right groups are in the forefront of the fight against climate change?They may be confused or they may be lying as usual.