The petition to request a parliamentary examination/debate of the poisonous UN migrants treaty had exceeded the required 100000 to get noticed. Silence on the subject is deafening from the Far Left BBC as well as the politicians who are meant to be representing – us .
For those expressing their now limited freedom of expression by marching this weekend good luck . The BBC is peddling the ‘no brexit’ option as the chosen outcome of current parliamentary nonsense . This writer want ‘no deal’ – they can sort out any mess afterwards because they will simply have to.
Someone comments on Britain’s growing food bank industry
\\ If I were to set up a free money bank, giving a weekly £25 handout to anyone who stopped by with a pleading letter from the local citizens advice bureau or church, I wouldn’t be surprised if lots of people showed up.
I could probably expand this into a network of free money banks if I had sufficient funds, and report impressive statistics of increasing demand.
However, this would prove nothing at all about levels of poverty in the country. //
Someone else claims that many are fronts for crims and money lenders.
CBS using “unwanted in the same way BBC would.
You see “unwanted” actually means “CONVICTED of crimes but unable to be deported”
If only we had the long standing tradition of the French at making politicians do what they want by taking to the streets en masse. If we were known for this then and had done something like the gilets jaunes have over recent weeks , then the EU would be desperate to get rid of us in case other chose to copy us. The moral of the story seems to be that being quiet, obeying the law etc gets you nowhere. On the other hand…..
Lunchtime R4 news brewed up a non story about India having the first woman tea plantation manager .
Drive that agenda .
So she is still making the tea all be it on a much bigger level.
Don’t you think we shall change? – things can’t go on like this. I hope the authorities are beginning to feel nervous about awaking a sleeping giant.
Pug, I heard that interview too. Robinson didn’t miss any chances to state that the QC was a longstanding eurosceptic. By default, R4 only has proEU guests but rarely introduces the guest as a remainer.
Also noticed that when Howe’s articulate response to the first question effectively demolished Robinson’s loaded backstop assertions, Robinson then announced that he was short of time and changed the subject to the attempted ERM “gotcha” which only served to make Robinson look foolish a second time.
Pug, I heard that interview too. Robinson didn’t miss any chances to state that the QC was a longstanding eurosceptic. By default, R4 only has proEU guests but rarely introduces the guest as a remainer.
Also noticed that when Howe’s articulate response to the first question effectively demolished Robinson’s loaded backstop assertions, Robinson then announced that he was short of time and changed the subject to the attempted ERM “gotcha” which only served to make Robinson look foolish a second time.
There is a great tweet from President Trump about the EU plan to have a European Army and how it didn’t go too well last time ….
Thanks Stew – that’s the one . I think President Trump is enjoying swamp dweller Macron sliding back into the slime .
From the looks of it James O’Brien wrote his own book review in The Times today.
: The book is called How To Be *****
guess what word I asterisked.
Fiction charts feature Stephen Fry and Jeffrey Archer
In non-fiction Sopel is out of the top 10
but Michelle O tops the too expensive for normal people to buy category (hardback)
Stew “but Michelle O tops the too expensive for normal people to buy category (hardback).”
Already being discounted 20% at Waterstones, I noted this week.
Michelle’s book: check your local charity shops in a few weeks. It will be like Jane Fonda’s workout videos.
I’ve already seen several copies in our charity shop.
Some of them were already coloured, but one had a funny stain on page 24, the next page was torn out, and the crayon hadn’t quite corrected the deliberate spelling mistakes!
All in all, a great find for using as kindling and at 2 pence; a bargain in my opinion!
Did the bbbc really spend all that money blowing this crap into an interesting subject?
Yup; ‘fraid so…
The bbbc spends other peoples money.
Trump tweets about Paris
Are they really chanting “We want Trump”? That would really P@ss off Al Beeb and the Swamp Dwellers if he was.
But then, would they report it ?
Germany. Berlin. The case of the missing 14-year-old Georgine Krüger was one of the most mysterious crimes.
Now 43-year-old “German Turk” Ali K. known for sexual crimes was arrested.
It is said that he killed a 14-year-old in his basement.
banned professor Carl Noah
Replaced leadership of huge UK charity Muslim Aid (£34m collected per year) run by former senior figures in the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), condemned by Charity Commission for failing to safeguard against funding proscribed extremist organisations
What’s happened to regular poster Guestwho?
And where’s Grant when you need to hear him!
The Guardian has a strange report of police warning against violent at the Brexit protest in Londonistan Sunday . The author is one hatty ( Harriet Collier ) .
It is strange because I have never read an MSM report concerning TR which does not include “real name Yaxley Lennon” . No doubt this will show in the corectshons.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– Clueless BBC Boss Claims Viewers Love Christmas Repeats
– Duplicate TV Licensing Threatograms
Will those on the Brexit march tomorrow be wearing yellow jackets?
I’ve seen a couple of posters saying they will be in their yellow hi viz.
That will send a message to the government. A warning.
Given the media calling anyone patriotic as far right does that make the Queen far right.
A little englander perhaps.
Not to me but the lefties are the ones who throw these labels out at everyone who doesn’t agree with them.
Labour and the unions have hijacked the yellow jackets for Remain
The irony is none of Labour or in fact the Union representatives have ever worn a high-vis…….they just like to pretend to speak on their behalf.
Corbyn wouldn’t be seen dead in a high vis?…Abbot/MacDonell?…can you imagine?…….
A yellow jacket is far below Joe Corbyn’s sartorial presence.
If he was a US bloke, he’d be a donkey, and wear the same jacket as Michael Foot did when he made a complete arse of himself at The Cenotaph!
But then lefties, don’t recognise dress sense. In his case, he dresses to the left…
I reckon the police will be searching and seizing any such jacket because the government won’t want to help populism spread .
The point is in Britain hi-viz dear enotes you as a steward
If everyone wears hi-viz does affect public safety.
Weather looks OK on Sunday, I wish I could be there.
Brexit: Amber Rudd says Plan B options plausible
They may be plausible to you, Amber and BBC , but to Brexiteers they are unacceptable.
Well, I heard the most interesting interview with Martin Thelle today. Martin has worked for the European Commission advising about the economic impact of trade deals, and is a partner of Copenhagen Economics.
He was talking about the current worries of the negative effects on Ireland if a true Brexit were to happen. He stated that in Feb 18 he had done a breakdown of various scenarios of Brexit for Ireland and in his opinion the May deal had been seen to have the best outcome for Ireland. Having stated that he quickly said that it was only based on assumptions. However it was clear to me that this deal has been evolving for a long time more than they would like us to believe.
As the Irish government have acted the way they have a decent British government would punish that country and economically force it out of the ReichEU thus ending the border issue . After all we both joined at the same time .
That’s after the full referendum brexit of course .
Have you seen how sky are spinning the leave donor story they are leading on.
“Three largest donors would rather remain in the eu”
Later it says the rest which is “than Mrs Mays deal”
Also saying businesses want to stay in the eu.
Maybe a fraction of the 7% who do business with the eu but no mention of the other 93%
Finally, what’s this ‘no plan B’
How about the Brexit we voted for, the clean Brexit, out on wto rules.
That is our plan B, you know, the one 52% of us voted for.
I’ve only watched a couple of BBC programmes today.Surprisingly they fit the current trend perfectly.Something weird or ‘trendy’ at the BBC…the term is ‘Liberal’……
firstly Gay Male couples who have women (100 Women!!?) give birth for them.One of the men is so overwhelmed he cries seeing the new born child?Strangely that isn’t his the meantime what does the mother do?…she is giving away a child to two gay men?……
Is there something wrong with ME?..or is there something wrong with them?or is it not a problem at all?…Am I just getting wound up about nothing?.Men cannot have babies.Women have babies in a traditional CHRISTIAN family unit?That is what I beleive and holds our society together………is this something that turns people on at the BBC?…or is it of interest to us all as TV Licence Fee/Tax payers?Personally I dont agree with Elton John adopting children.I think it is disgusting but please disagree with me and tell me why……..
Secondly….again…weird people in the USA who are doing digital implants under their skin in order to create stimulation in order to replace real stimulation?…so men can get super orgasms by having implants behind their penises etc…..creepy creepy stuff which the BBC seem to be really into…it pervades a lot of their coverage currently…an ‘alternative’ way of living……….
this is just Aldous Huxley stuff in 2018 by our National Broadcaster as if its perfectly cool and trendy…it isnt…its very creepy almost in a Jimmy Saville esque way……
who makes the rules?…anything goes?….we can all have sex with anyone for any reason and reproduce babies for any reason?.whats next…group marriages with men women and transsexuals all interbreeding and adopting children they havent produced themselves?..all in the name of Liberalism (which has come from the European Union)…DISGUSTING. Someone tell me I am wrong…..please explain………..
It’s all the drive to achieve amorality . After ‘ duty’ was replaced by ‘ rights’ and ‘ honour ‘ replaced by ‘blame someone else’ the next step was amorality .
The gender changing movement is not quite the final step – that is – Animals . People should be allow to marry their pets if they love them more than people . Just wait for it . After tranies it’s the ‘ beastiality movement ‘ – “ the Human and Animal Rights Act 2020 awaits …,
And after all – the BBC had already made ‘ animal magic’
My values of personal responsibility honour and duty are long gone …
Declaration – I do not have any pets … yet .
Well there was a guy this week lost his case for wanting to change his age to date younger women?…
as you say…why shouldnt we ‘marry’ animals and have sex with them?People like Chris Packham actually prefers animal rights to human rights!!…………or adopt animals in a family unit designed by us?….is it my ‘right’ to have sex with children?(and of course I am just using that as an analogy to cover myself)…who is going to argue against that?….where are our morals based?….this is why I voted to leave the EU…I’m afraid this is where things have been going for years…weird creepy territory……
essentially everybody has a ‘human right’ to do what they want?…..
Children are only recently out of bounds PIE – in the 70s had quite a sympathetic reception from the BBC and defended the NCCL – legal rep – Hattie Harman .
It’s clear from the behaviour and lack of reporting of Asian paedophile gangs that there is a degree of ambivalence in the BBC about having relations with under 16 year olds .
Otherwise the BBC would have been screaming about this from the rooftops for past decades . But the BBC hasn’t has it ?
And banishes the monthly set of Asian mugshots and convictions within hours .
Perhaps the BBC still harbours paedophiles like their favourite son – mr Saville ?
Certainly sodomites are welcomed and the practice encouraged by the many BBC stars who are loud and proud about their personal preferences … all about ‘ love’ innit ?
A number of countries permit marriage with animals. However sex with animals is a rather tricky matter. Gradually it is being made illegal in the US but the following states still allow it; Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming, the District of Columbia as well as Ohio.
It is illegal in most European countries but mainly on grounds of welfare rather than morality, which means that men are more likely to be prosecuted if you know what I mean. Especially as chickens are a favourite sexual partner.
In the UK is it illegal, but again on welfare grounds so it is perfectly legal to have sex with dead animals. So you have a chance to say goodbye to Fido before cremation.
However, The Criminal justice and immigration act, 2008 explicitly forbids distributing electronic images of sex with dead animals, so you can’t do a You Tube or FB vid for your friends to enjoy.
Jeez ? Is that true – surely you are – as they say – avin a laugh . ? I thought I was just having a ‘ laugh ‘ about the lack of morality the BBC shows – unless they can chuck ‘ far fight’ into the mix .
Every word spot on. I have supervised postgrad research on sex with animals have taught courses in animal welfare, assisted with the passing of the Animal Welfare Act 2006, done several animal welfare reports, and have a say in animal welfare in zoos.
No one mucks about with my Siberian Tigers.
In fairness to the US, where animal welfare is legislated on a stete basis, it is said that it was not prohibited because people did not believe it was going on. I believe legislation is underway.
Interesting link
I was at a loose end tonight so thanks for that………..
Ive read your posts…your honour and duty ARENT GONE……
Lucky – thank you – very kind . I wasn’t really referring to me as an individual but as society generally .
I know that one of the main criticisms of Thatcherism is that giving people freedom of choice would be balanced by their duty to support society failed because human nature doesn’t work like that but I think things come around one way or another .
The BBC thinks it was evolved beyond what Lord Reith laid down as its ‘ mission ‘ . Now it is about social change to comply with its senior managers political beliefs – helped by an agnostic political class which refused to rein it in for fear of negative treatment .
Lh, “firstly Gay Male couples who have women (100 Women!!?) give birth for them.One of the men is so overwhelmed he cries seeing the new born child?Strangely that isn’t his the meantime what does the mother do?…she is giving away a child to two gay men?……”
I cannot help but wonder what psychological emotional and mental problems may arise for those women some time in the future?
If they do, I know who will be paying the bill for fixing those problems.
(Am not sure why but site software keeps pushing this post away from the one I’m replying to. It is Luckyharry’s at 6.19pm)
that woman had a child only for it to be given straight to a gay man lying in bed as if it were his own child and he had actually given birth?…..and him and his partner were crying etc… mouth was wide open……….
its weird creepy shit im sorry.Its a form of modern day EUGENICS that would have been called FASCISM or NAZISM when the Americans did it in the 1920s…..its social engineering…even 40 years ago it would have been laughed at.
I dont see it as ‘progress’ in any way…………as you say how is she going to feel perhaps 10 years down the road?….
Vote condemning Hamas for firing rockets into Israel fails at UN
For the record, because BBC didn’t think it important enough to mention, the UK voted against the resolution requiring a two-thirds majority and for condemning Hamas.
A good summary of the corrupt UN.
Two themes dominate the UN – the delegitimisation of Israel and criticising the West. Dominated by the Islamist Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and associated tyrants and despots, delegates dream up one resolution after the other condemning Israel and finding new ways to admonish the West.
Why do we contribute £83 million a year?
This is unbelievable…. well, okay, no it isn’t, except to Gary Linekar, I’d really like to hear what he has to say about it?
‘Liverpool ‘child asylum seekers’ found to be adults’
I believe it………
Time to get the good old fashioned horse dealers out , a quick pull of the tongue to the corner of the mouth , a good swatch at the teeth and age established in seconds. Just don’t ask a dentist or a vet , they’re useless .
They explain we usually don’t get to hear, cos threat of suing by NGO’s leads councils not to get in to pointing out the fake-children
\\ Lawyers know a judicial review will cost a council between £20,000 and £60,000 and use the threat of court to get their client what they want.
“Fair play to Liverpool for trying to stand up to it. But win or lose, the taxpayer always loses out.” //
A very revealing interview. Howe must have been sorely tempted to physical violence, if they were in the same room. To Robinson, one might say: “Have you listened to yourself? Your bias is unmistakable.”
My mate has just texted me to say he’s all excited, he’s got a plane to himself because the large group heading for a psychic convention cancelled at the last minute.
Was the convention cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances?
“Alastair Campbell told to ‘shut up’ during Newsnight Brexit debate”
Why is Alistair Campbell wheeled out by Al Beeb and the media whenever the topic of Brexit is discussed ?
When was he elected to Parliament ? What has he done for Great Britain ?
Check him out on Wikipedia
Because hes a liar and they like liars.
He’s a Labour has-been, who was never elected by anyone. To me he also has a thuggish quality. The beeb find all that attractive
Campbell was picked up on a statement he made on R4 t’other day about the ‘Peoples Referendunm’ (2nd one) and the fact that 1m have died since then. Unfortunately, she inserted the word ‘codger’ in her response and Campbell immediately claimed that SHE was the liar and he’d never mentioned dead Leave voters. The implication of what AC said was quite clear, however, to listeners. He then talked all over her (think it was brave Alison Pearson), the Brexiteer, to the end of the segment.
It was as slick a piece of spin-doctoring that Alastair Campbell ever produced when working in No.10 Downing Street.
The People voted for Brexit .
Why does Al Beeb always refer to MPs that want what the people voted for as “Brexit Rebels” ?
I see the comments aren’t going well on the BBC wetting themselves over England’s Women playing Scotland in the “ladys” world cup. The story has been on for 24 hours now and has attracted 441 comments on HYS ….if you look at the comments they are far from supportive…the main tone being (May I paraphrase ? ) “for fuck sake BBC give it a rest”…the HYS comming in at about one a minute that’s 24 x 60 = 1440 somthing….lol so only 441 HYS can be viewed and these are 90% negative or adopt the theme of my paraphrase. So 24 hours for a “agenda” story and 8 hours for Muslim rape gang story…….no bias there at all.
It seems not all football fans share the same enthusiasm for womens football as the BBC; here are a few comments from the HYS forum:
“8 Dec 2018 18:18
Enough of all this PC nonsense – please BBC I’m begging you, start a women’s sports section – nobody cares about this except you.
8 Dec 2018 17:57
Nice to see another women’s HYS while ignoring the whole of the Championship yet again.
8 Dec 2018 18:15
Gotta hand it to the way the BBC thinks that if it pretends something is newsworthy very very hard then it will be newsworthy. Why don’t you just stop with the social engineering BBC?
9 Dec 2018 07.20
The measure is what I find baffling. Women demand their game is treated the same and fair enough. So in footballing terms my view is the womens game lies somewhere shy of U-15s youth football in terms of quality and somewhere between Step 3 and Step 4 mens football in terms of attendance and so the question remains by what measure do the BBC warrant this attention and why is it ‘sexist’ to ask?
9 Dec 2018 03.20
It is not misogynistic to express a negative view about women’s football and if women put themselves into this particular sporting arena they and followers of it must expect and accept that. Providing there is no direct abuse everyone is entitled to express a view and the misogynistic card cannot be trotted out just because you don’t agree with a critical opinion being expressed.”
Like Parliament , Al Beeb are completely out of touch with the people that pay them.
Cut the money that keeps them going – The Telly Tax.
A scribbling this week on the Paris violence:
Morning call for anyone interested
Brexit demo (the thing Nigel Farrage wasnt interested in)
meet 11.45 outside The, Dorchester – march to Whitehall at 12.15
Demo ends at 3 ish. Even if you cant make it al,l try and make Whitehall and actually show these liars, some of us are not impressed with their antics.
Looks like the far left thugs are being bussed in to attack a lawful protest. I dont recall the “Peoples March” being threatened in the same way.
MSM labelling protest as “far-right”, pathetic
To all those going have a good day out
Yes I hope the turnout is a good one – I didn’t know about it until Friday. Why are the Brexit marches not given any headlines – like the ‘people’s ones?’
I was out at a family do and surprisingly a large swathe of Brexiteers and none knew about march..
We all now how it will be written up by BBC and MSM
they will focus on the older members there and the few inevitable thugs and give support to the Left who are protecting the nation from the racist Brexit thugs..all so predictable
Oak ash
Just don’t rely on the trains.
Steady on Netherlands, that would be called, ‘hate speech’ here.
Funny though, all the symptoms of muslim grooming gangs etc are the same in the Netherlands. We? The public seem to accept the ‘Religion of Peace’ as described by our highly trustworthy Government/BBC/MSM.
If you owned a compass which refused to point mag. North and you put your life on it, you would ditch it for a new one which worked. Wouldn’t you?
If we do make it to March and are free of the awful eu, I wonder what Carney will do.
Will he be dropping interest rates to 0% or even minus or raising them to 8% or something,
Whichever will, in his mind, do the most damage to the U.K. and he can then say “I told you so”
Being part of the eu cancer, Carney, along with the other anti Brexit gobshites, all need to be removed from their posts to prevent them harming what will be a glorious prosperous freedom and replaced by people who believe in the U.K. and it’s future.
EG, did you see that a new ‘forecast’ (with assumptions’ – the new economic In-word) has come from the BoE about inflation that sees a strengthening trend, next year, for inflation to rise to 3.2%. (Notwithstanding the previous inflation forecast of it falling next year ….)
No doubt Remainer Hammond, with his Remainer assistant Carney, could [ note the ‘bus’ word 😉 could ] ‘help’ that inflation along a bit with some indirect taxes and an interest rate cut.
The Panto season looms large over the UK ……..
Do take a moment to read Rod Liddle’s take on the BBC in today’s ST.
Last time I looked there were No Comments (odd) and his article does not appear on the on-line search index…….!
Non entity Gina Miller on the Marr show. Giving another famous for being famous airtime to tell us we didn’t know what we were voting for. The relentless churning out of remainers is getting a bit boring.
Another reason for not watching Marr any more. His show has degraded into a pro EU voice box. I used to like watching it.
Sync, hopefully the population at large will start to pick up on this continual battering of Brexit and it will stiffen their resolve and should – heaven forfend – there be another Referendum on the EU, they will demand to leave completely and entirely.
Since the MSM has a fetish for previous real names let’s call her Gina nadira Singh shall we ? 3 kids and a second husband ….
Gina’s has in on husband #3 after 2 failed marriages
..and she is trying to direct our choices
Her husbands : Adrian Beal (m. 1985; div.) Jon Maguire (m. 2000; div. 2002) Alan Miller (m. 2007)
Her father Doodnauth Singh was Attorney General aand politician in Guyana
I spot the Mail saying she is a barrister ..that’s not true she dropped out of her law degree ..and later took a marketing degree
Stew, isn’t GM a financial trader or has been? One of those people who the BBC and Labour and the LibDems blame for 2007-2009 …..?
Everything from immigration to Brexit, from calling general elections to crossing her own red lines, everything.
Everything touched by Theresa May is cursed.
Anybody know if she’s launched any ships?
I think we should be warned.
Plenty enough hymns to sing as I continue Fedup2’s Advent theme and strangely many have echoes that relate to the UK leaving the EU.
James Montgomery’s one of 1821 has hints and phrases in its first two verses that might be aligned to Brexit:
1. Hail to the Lord’s Anointed,
Great David’s greater Son!
Hail, in the time appointed,
His reign on earth begun!
He comes to break oppression,
To set the captive free,
To take away transgression,
And rule in equity.
2. He comes with succor speedy
To those who suffer wrong;
To help the poor and needy
And bid the weak be strong;
To give them songs for sighing,
Their darkness turn to light,
Whose souls, condemned and dying,
Were precious in His sight.
EverydayHateSpeech from the libmob
You don’t have to wait long on Twitter to spot it
In response to Farge making the question :
“What do you want to see happen on Tuesday?”
The libmobber Paul responds
Same thread Labour Member in Plymouth says
\\ I’d like to see a swarm of angry wasps nesting in @Nigel_Farage ‘s trousers, but I suspect that’s not quite what you meant //
According to the R4 News at 8am (I managed to miss the 7am version and the Sunday Programme – bliss) the PM, Theresa May, is putting the frighteners on her Party: “He’s behind you!”
If I recall correctly that the Labour Manifesto HAS to be agreed by the NEC (national executive committee, not the well-known Exhibition Centre – oh! hang on,.. … wait a minute …..) then our Panto PM is trying to play a clever game.
What will Corbyn be able to put in the Labour Manifesto?
I will lead the UK out and away entirely from the EU?
I will lead the UK out and away from the EU but will keep it tied to the EU in a Customs Arrangement (similar to the PM’s deal but completely different) that will protect British jobs and businesses?
I will let the Party decide in a democratic vote what to do and after that, Parliament will have a Final Say on keeping the UK – for all intents and purposes – in the EU and paying for it?
I don’t think it will work and that the PM’s deal will be voted down for all sorts of reasonsby a variety of MPs. I certainly hope so. Keep that vote scheduled for Tuesday, PM, and give us all a Christmas present.
on LBC Maajid Nawaaz is trying to assert that the France situation is just the same those few looting riots in UK.
He’s loudly pooh poohing an Indian caller who’s asserting Macron is on his last legs.
A rant follows
The bbc is reporting that the new health secretary is banning the use of fax machines in the NHS . Apparently there are over 9000 of them . For the youngsters reading this you’ll need to wiki what fax machine is .
Why does the NHS still use fax machines ?
I have first hand knowledge . It’s because they run out of paper . If they run out of paper -work can be avoided – unless someone replaces the paper of course .
Fax machines are also a great way to avoid accountability , lose the fax , came out unreadable and every other Friday afternoon trick to avoid work .
An email gives a timed audit trail and accountability -even when deleted . I think health professionals hate them .
I member of my family suffered unnecessarily because the district nurse in NE Londonistan only use fax machines – which often break down .
I was forced to take a fax order from a GP to the district nurse office by hand to get them to do their job . Best health service in the world right? According to the BBC – the best broadcaster in the world right?
Ps apologies – I found a non brexit moan !
Stew .People like Nawaaaz can down play the French situation as much as they like but us ordinary folk are getting angry if this spreads it could be hard to contain .We have had years of being ignored or insulted and belittled and lied to by the Ruling Establishment and perhaps we are realising that we don’t have to put up with this any more.
Today’s Brexit march seems to have vanished from the Beeb webite. Are they covering it on the radio and TV?
RT is live streaming it, rather sad I have to rely on the Russians for this!
Anyone watching livefeeds ?
– Ruptly seem to have a feed from in front of the police line
– Conservative Action are a bit closer
– Manny Sinder LIVE is at Trafalgar Square .. He’s a British Indian who’s just interviewing people about ho the media cheat and represent Brexiteers as racists …
Stewards doing a good job of directing
– The TOMMY ROBINSON NEWS lievefeed just sits there not loading
– Benix WoW is combining streams from other sources but it too doesn’t load
– slimmwill uk
won’t loads
Scots guy running Guerilla Tv Channel
is off just now Saying he’s changing the battery so he can cover the speeches
– RT FRance has a livefeed (I guess same as Ruptly I guess they are both part of RT)
No visials show the full crowd
..but the noise is loud like a football crowd it’s certinly thousands
Pity that Redpill Phil is not there, he said in a video that he is staying away from Tommy marches for the time being cos of the way that people screamed at Lucy Brown ..he says Tommy had apologised to her.
Jonaya is probably the same, I see Based Amy was on her way down
but she hasn’t tweeted a live stream
Last week she convicted of “Hate crime” for saying “have a gay day”
Police dropped the resisting arrest charge at the last moment when she challenged their video evidence , as it was different to her actual recording.
Tommy News has pics from side of stage
Lord Pearson introduced TR
TR “Labour are the party who havebetrayed us, 90% of their MPs are middle class”
“It’s out time for poularism like Europes”
“So get out your phone and join UKIP”
TR cut his speech short and thanked everyone for coming
especially for the non-violence, despite MSM’s scaremongering
Lord Peason then introduced UKIPs spokesman on immigration to talk about the UN immigration treaty
“Je suis gilets jaunes.” To nick a slogan from a few years back…
Swelter, I thought ‘gilet peuple’ was the UKIP thing; red, white & blue of the UK flag all mixed together?
Stew I’ve just heard him and switched LBC off. Pathetically loving the sound of his own voice and his weak arguments.
I’d love to know who is advising the outgoing PM . Today it is said that she is going to Brussels and taking a handbag with her – presumably to do a bit of shopping for Christmas . I bet they give her a farewell ReichEU mug to suit her character and the promise of a made up job when she becomes unemployable in Blighty .
BBC headline on theri website about march
“A UKIP-organised march in support of Brexit which controversial activist Tommy Robinson is attending is taking place in London.”
Now go to any live feed and most people are just normal Brits who voted to trouble…so why isn’t this just a Pro Brexit march?
BBC narrative is disgusting….
Type of complaint: BBC News (TV, Radio and website)
Which news service is it about: General News
Complaint category: Not enough coverage
Complaint title : You failed to cover a march in London on Brexit.
Complaint description
Dear Winston Smith,
There is a march for pro-Brexit in London right now and you are not covering it, I cannot find it on your website. 09dec2018 NOT HERE! NOT HERE! FOUND HERE, NICELY HIDDEN!
Orwell wrote, “the most powerful form of lie is the omission, and it is the duty of the historian to make sure that those lies do not creep into the history books.”
A concerned BBC TV Tax Payer who pays under threat of prosecution but UK MPs get to pay for their BBC TV Tax via their expenses for their office.
James, you must be doing a very specific search to come up with that website header because my look through the BBC pages has come up with nowt about the march on the home page, the England page or even the London page!
Thousands are marching yet the BBC hides it from the people…clear censorship and betrayal. A major news event that it wants to erase. An utter disgrace.
You are right Ed
It seems to be buried. I had to search “BBC Brexit march December 9th”
The actual headline is “Rival marches ahead of Brexit vote” which isn’t what it is, the words I put earlier are how they introduce their pathetic storyline.
Please next time just copy the URL from your address bar
I found it on the BBC Politics page
Ah now I spot it hidden top left of the home page under “Brexit marches ahead of vote”
under “Brexit marches ahead of vote”
See how when I run a Twitter search on the URL, it shows the BBC gave it a different title previously
I wonder what games the BBC stealth edit dept are playing ?
Cos when I look at the edit stages
I do not spot a page resembling the above tweet
that is titled “Police restrictions for UKIP march in London”
(which appears to be all about UKIP)
Newssniffer picked up 4 edit stages none have that title
I guess that it missed a few stages one of which was when the page was titled “Police restrictions for UKIP march in London” did pick that edit stage up
I spot pages with the html code hidden
(meta property=”og:title” content=”Police restrictions for ‘Brexit Betrayal’ march”/)
but by the 12:06pm version
the hidden titling is
(meta property=”og:description” content=”Police in London have urged people attending demonstrations in the capital to protest peacefully” )
It’s quite interesting that above Twitter photo is of course NOT from today’s march cos the BBC put it up just after midnight Satuday.
I wonder they actually used it on the day it was taken, or suppressed reporting on that day.
Photo dates from Dec 3
Here’s it being used on Dec 4th
Yep there is a discussion about the BBC using that old photo
cos of course depite the headline being about UK protest the man in the top had is the opposite of UKIP he is Steve Bray’ the fanatical anti-Brexit protester daily at parliament
Ah actually it of course a photo of a mixture of protesters including a May’s Deal sign but the the fanatical anti-Brexit Steve Bray is in the centre with his “Save the NHS” placard.
The livefeeds I watched didn’t show any violent people
But the Indy used an old photo build the narrative
Farage to form new movement…
Your mission Nigel should you choose/decide to accept it, …is to form a new political movement that will throw yet another spanner in the works, thereby making sure the vote from the right of centre remains split…. (Remains lol ..see what we did there?)
As always, should you or any of your Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape/disc will self-destruct in five/ten seconds. Good luck…
Apologies to the original.
Rod Liddle in the S. Times writes about BBC bias, not just in its news output but across its programmes. Thankfully we still have some clear minded commentators out there who won’t bow to the thought police…..
The MSM, understandably, aren’t particularly interested in a jolly, sociable Sunday afternoon walkabout. It won’t achieve anything – it rarely does.
In France, over three or four weekends, we have made the anger felt, and are achieving results. The foot was in the door three weeks ago – it is steadily being prised open, and we are winning concessions, the interest of the world, and the support of Trump amongst others, and some are emulating our efforts in solidarity.
If people are angry, they need to show it. How else can they expect anyone to take notice of their desires?
Meanwhile the Former UK lurches, in a somewhat desultory manner, from crisis to crisis.
About the March.
If the turnout is very low they will show it and point out the low turnout.
It’s quite a large turnout so that will not apply.
If antifa, hate not soap or any other of the government favoured gangs show up, cause trouble and then somebody retaliates or tries to defend themselves or their friends, they will edit to the Brexiteer responding and label it as trouble at Brexit March implying that it’s being caused by brexiteers.
If there’s a very large turnout and pictures go around the world they might have to show something as in the case of the Cologne railway station mass groping (and more) but after maybe a fleeting few frames will disappear (like a remoaner when it’s his round)
On Facebook there are intermittent bits appearing from the March but they keep freezing and disappearing.
It’s as if someone doesn’t want this to be seen.
I don’t know the turnout, it seems reasonable but I don’t know when the pictures were taken.
Anyone got a reliable estimate of the number marching?
The independent – which apparently is a newspaper – estimated the turn out as 1/200 th of the remain march last week – 3000 brave souls .
Most of the websites aiming to show it appear disrupted -which should not be surprising in the repressive state that Britain has become – unless you conform to liberal snowflake views of course .
Saw a bit of Boris on the bbc – he’s had his hair cut and dropped the buffoon nonsense to try to sound like a PM . But if he gets us to a full brexit all is forgiven .
Old Tweet from our Gary
4pm update. Sky TV leads it’s news with the pro Brexit march.
The BBC news at the top of the hour, it’s headlines, does not even mention it, but does manage to use some archive film of Boris in front of the Brexit bus (the red one they didn’t like) and then gives one of its political correspondents a good five minutes to sneer yet again at the Brexit process.
So, you see, the self fulfilling prophecies of the Beeboids in their little bubble far outweigh what the people are doing out on the streets.
Oh, and there’s also time to jump all over a story about a football fan shouting abuse at a footballer. Followed by more women’s football coverage.
Now, it’s 4.30pm and finally the BBC gives a ten second mention to the Brexit march and what it calls a “counter march” involving “anti fascists”, followed sharply by a report from a rally in favour of a second referendum……now they can claim balance, impartiality etc etc but we know this is just the usual BBC tokenism and the ten second slot will soon disappear.
The implicit inference that ‘ anti fascist’ marchers are good because they are marching against ‘ fascists’ gives the BBCs bias away really .
The BBC is effectively saying the brexiters are fascists . But then – define fascist -a term used as loosely as ‘ populist’ and ‘ Far Right’ .
Just when you thought the beeb might have hit the bottom as far as propaganda goes we have just had a report on the local news. Wait for it. The report told us that the female Bishop of Crediton has said a prayer to the almighty to give guidance to all and sundry including MP’s on how to come to the correct conclusion as regards Brexit. They really have morphed into Monty Python.