The petition to request a parliamentary examination/debate of the poisonous UN migrants treaty had exceeded the required 100000 to get noticed. Silence on the subject is deafening from the Far Left BBC as well as the politicians who are meant to be representing – us .
For those expressing their now limited freedom of expression by marching this weekend good luck . The BBC is peddling the ‘no brexit’ option as the chosen outcome of current parliamentary nonsense . This writer want ‘no deal’ – they can sort out any mess afterwards because they will simply have to.
The whole ‘antifa’ thing tries to lay claim to all political virtue, excluding all ‘others’ by definition. If you’re not one of them, you must magically be a fascist, by the logic of language.
Never mind the fact that ‘antifa’ love the alleged ‘fascist’ tactics and methods they so claim to hate.
I would also wager that very few of these ‘antifa’ would be able to provide a brief explanation of what ‘Fascism’ -as a political ideology- actually espouses. They strike one as essentially superficial, often thuggish, louts, mostly of the intolerant and incoherent variety. Most of them probably think Mussolini is a type of pasta.
Do they actually have an ideology? We know what they claim to be ‘anti’, but what are they in favour of? Are they Communists? Socialists? Anarchists? Old Labour? New Labour? Would they even be able to explain the beliefs of any of these?
Or do they merely think being ‘antifa’ signals virtue (in a mindless, politically vacant, sort of manner)?
EU tanks deployed in France against Yellow vest protesters… yet silence from the BBC, i guess their official position is still that there will be no EU Army :
I wonder what other news the BBC could be hiding???
I was just look at some reports about that myself.
Translation: “The Gendarmerie forces badged “European Union” at work in Paris, France, in 2018. Are these gendarmes French? Are they commissioned by French grads?
Meet our Gendarmerie: #FREXIT!”
I am probably much more distanced from by school years French and possibly not as well-equipped in the French language as Lucy but I read that at the end as ‘Are they commanded by French Officers? Give us back our police: #Frexit! ‘
The events in France are bad and I would not be surprised if some elements have mixed in with the Gilet Jaunes and other groups to deliberately de-legitimise and divert the protests into violence.
I can foresee the advent of ID cards and barcoded armbands being welcomed soon by political Parties and march/demonstration organisers as a means of keeping groups discrete.
I’m rubbish at French. (not my foreign language of choice) I used the Google translate. The machine translations are a bit choppy at best.
I’m happy to go with your human translation.
Lucy, I struggle a bit as well and the fact that I passed a French oral exam seems miraculous to me now. Mind you, we had a pretty good teacher for much of the time in Secondary School who was a total Francophile and former Head of the Lower School.
Am having a stab at reading a book of photographs by Willy Ronis. It was super-cheap via eBay but the reason could be that the text is in French!
BBC on the rival marches between the racists for Brexit and the good anti fascists.
Weyman Bennett, of Stand Up To Racism and one of the counter-protest organisers, said: “I believe that the majority of people in this country reject fascism and racism.
“There’s deep concern in Britain about the growth of the far right in this country, under the guise of Tommy Robinson and UKIP.”
He added: “We are excited about the amount of women organisers, Muslim groups and trade unions that have come out.
The BBC love Weyman Bennet of the SWP.
I find it interesting with the BBC Newspaper front pages on their web-site how they frequently seem to put up ones with something ‘interesting’ but they are completely out of focus.
I wonder why?
I believe the eminent Dover Sentry asked about Guest Who, a long-time regular here who has produced so many fine comments and links to happenings of importance.
We crossed swords over the swearing debate and my deletion of some comments, including his.
I hope he hasn’t been driven away from the site because his contributions are really valuable.
Also, annunaki is conspicuous by his absence perhaps for the same reason.
Grant is also missed on this team.
True ,
The other one who went missing is the one who just did ‘cut And paste ‘ criticism but never expressed an opinion of its own – maxi ? I think . … it performed some function by people disciplining their thoughts sometime but was no great loss.
It’s a pity people withdraw from commenting because of the ‘swearing’ issue . I use a lot of rude words when I am riding my motor scooter but that’s because people in cars try to kill me ( I drive a car too sometimes ) .
By the way _Truetoo – I’ve scetched out the nominees for the “biased personality ‘contest and would be grateful if you looked at the draft post . I want to put it out soon as the BBC lack of personality winner is due soon . Surely it’s gotta be ‘raheem’ as they love a ‘victim’ – even one who is a multi millionaire…
Ok, will have a look. Using a dumb phone now. Will have to be tomorrow.
Thank for the explanation, TT, although I didn’t think Guest Who used language that couldn’t be used in front of my Mum (or me). I know I use this site to let off steam, but I didn’t really like words relating to a woman’s anatomy. I sometimes substitute ‘Jew ‘ for ‘Muslim ‘ in some comments to consider if they are fair, or would I be upset if that comment was said to my face. Some comments can sometimes go too far. I did always give Pounce some leeway, as he explained the reasons for his short fuse, and I add him to the ones I miss here.
But tonight on the BBC we appear to have a lighthearted drama about Care. Mr D read me the synopsis and I prefer silence and a ticking clock. Why does the BBC think that the crisis a family goes through when a family has to put someone into care makes good family viewing? It will be interesting what the viewing figures for this programme are in due course.
I found it strange. It was out of character, almost as if someone else had taken over Guest Who’s computer.
Yes, pounce made a really good contribution, notwithstanding his short fuse.
Substituting Jew for Muslim to detect bias? Problem with that is Muslims really are trying to take over the world!
The anti fascist students spread out and make their march look longer.
15,000 not likely
Am reminded that in their R4 8am News, the BBC informed me that Russia is linked to two more killings of Russians in the UK. We already knew that months ago.
What is rather more interesting is the complete lack of BBC News &&CA interest in the investigations into those murders by our Police.
BBC to make a statement? James Purnell to be sacked? The DG to resign?
I won’t hold my breath.
This is an extract from an article by Bruce Newsome:-
Theresa May increasingly looks like a demagogue who treats democracy like a naïve lover whom she can alternatively abuse or flatter.
She flattered with her determination to fulfil the popular will for Brexit that was expressed in June 2016, but in the following two years she remained evasive, unclear, or contradictory about what Brexit means. (Her commonest mantra that “Brexit means Brexit” is circular and thus means nothing.)
In the process, she enabled the myth that Brexiteers didn’t know what they were voting for. Now, all the options that are sold as Brexit look more like Remain, with the only true Brexit option mischaracterised as “no deal,” “crashing out,” and “falling off a cliff.”
Back in 2016, everybody was quite clear that leaving the EU meant leaving the single market, customs union, European Court of Justice, and every extenuation and entanglement.
The then prime minister (David Cameron) made clear that a vote for leave was a vote to leave the EU entirely (on the day after the vote, he added). He kept making this clear…..
The government must be desperate for a ‘big story’ to take the heat off of the brexit vote before Tuesday . Be interesting if they contrive something ….
At least that severely dented can can’t be kicked down the road any more …. I’m still betting David Davis for next PM as a remedy for the ‘anyone but boris ‘club.
Boris hinted on the Marr programme today that he would stand for the leadership contest. That would suggest that they are lining up and that the 48 letters may be in on Wednesday.
Buy your pop-corn ‘ere, ladies and gents.
New Thread time ……sorry Dover I nicked your line (actually it’s a ‘great minds alike job )..