109 days to Brexit ? 10 ish days of renegotiating , resignations or lies from the government and Far Left BBC . Meanwhile a UN treaty benefitting illegal immigrants is due to be signed on the 11th with a full fanfare from the Biased BBC .
Dont forget to buy your popcorn for the Tuesday vote . They’ll be tears and tantrums
From the BBC Website today.
About the BBC
The BBC is not permitted to carry advertising or sponsorship on its public services.
This keeps them independent of commercial interests and ensures they can be run purely to serve the
general public interest.
If the BBC sold airtime either wholly or partially, advertisers and other commercial pressures would
dictate its programme and schedule priorities.
There would also be far less revenue for other broadcasters.
On the BBC Today
“RobertKennedyCollege” “University of Cumbria”
“Advance your career with an Online MBA. No bachelor required. Do you want to know more?”
“Advance your career with a British Online MBA in 1 Year!”
There are now more “Advertisements” on the BBC.
Yesterday they were carrying adverts for Gary linakers favourite crisps – which is an American cola company subsidiary ….
Knowing how the bbc would treat yesterday’s events I avoided the bbc news coverage and stuck to the Parliament channel .
I was really pleased with events and we Brexiteers should be looking forward to the panic as the ReichEU realises what the effect of our WTO brexit it will be .
I really hope priority is being given to removing their flag from the UK and planning for exact reciprocal treatment of any EU anti British policies .
Yesterday was really good news .and more importantly a dodgy ex football manager won the strictly X factor celebrity thingy
Fed, I just hope & pray that the PM will develop even more of a steely edge to cut through all the media grot and what her colleagues, let alone the Opposition & the EU, throw at her. She needs to stonewall like ten Geoffrey Boycotts until the vote is eventually held and, hopefully lost, and then the UK should be able to sit back and let the clock tick down.
“PM, I recommend that you watch the post-season games, along with The Superbowl itself. You may be able to gather an idea for an extra play or two for your dealing with Brussels.”
I wonder what Mutti will say to her in their Berlin meeting? Will the meeting be held ‘In Kamera’, with no Civil Servants present?
It will be an excellent opportunity to meet the new Reich Leader – mini Merkel . Maybe they’ll do a deal for us to take have their Muslim criminals and water down the sell out a bit .
As I said Yesterday was a good day for Brexiteers .
Better – also – was the sight of macron looking like a rabbit caught in car headlights . Al beeb avoiding too much coverage of him .. someone mentioned D notices here yesterday but I don’t think the pro ReuchEU media really needs them do you ?
Agreed, run down the clock until the Miller & Others v The Crown vote HAS to be taken.
Then run down the clock some more, after it is lost.
Sterling is an interesting case. Shared years ago with my wife that I saw the ‘race card’ coming up from him, whenever we watched him play.
He would dive dramatically in a strategic place, after every successful tackle on him, rise to his feet, and put on a face of extreme outrage at the ref, who hadn’t given him a free kick .
White players do that as well, of course. But they know that they may as well get on with the game, as the ref’s decision is final. Most black players will do the same.
But if you think carefully, there are other situations in which sensitivities around incidents on the field may be exploited, to ensure that is not the end of the story.
I speculate Raheem may now think, that as the nation’s top footballer (how he probably sees himself), he can now expand his media profile and take up other causes. There’ll be many eager supporters, so when he hangs up his boots, parliament or something will beckon.
I don’t know what happened in this particular situation, so I don’t want to be unfair to him. But something like this was definitely going to happen sooner or later. I hope I’m wrong, but all those pulled faces and the message they conveyed have stuck in my mind.
Let the backlash begin. The “racist” smear has had it’s day. It’s time to kill it and bury it.
Wow, that’s my MP on whose Facebook page I wrote the other day, that he is in the party known as “The party that cheated us outbof Brexit”
..So it see he got the message.
(I had to use Facebook, cos he fled from Twitter last year)
Ah I checked, despite his strong words he IS supporting Mrs May
… and said MPs can’t get rid of her cos Corbyn would be worse.
His own Facebook post of the video
He has also blocked my account from coomenting on his posts… which is pretty low class.
.. I have other accounts of course.
Bit like his principles then, if you dont like ’em? He has others.
Very droll.
Worth much more than the current +3.
I do not know whether to award you more +s for economical re-use of old material, or deduct some for plagiarism.
The 18 year old black kid stabbed to death in London yesterday was apparently number 23 this year ( I make it more ). The unarrested suspect Is another black kid – so it doesn’t register .
However – if you are white and shout bad things at a black millionaire footballer your world will end . Funny old world .
Maybe be they should have one of those crowd funding things for raheem ….
I thought one of the benefits of watching football was to let off some steam. Isn’t that all that the man in the news was doing?
I’ve read he’s now lost his job and his season ticket. Where’s the sanity in all of this? Who’s championing this man’s case and opposing his unreasonable punishment, for no crime?
I do wonder how far this name calling is going to go. Black males have a propensity for calling women, ‘bitch’ – in particular ‘white bitch’ , so as a white woman what would my recourse be ? Another popular playground taunt by supposedly mature adults, is ‘scumbag’ (whatever one is), so would there be a come back if one was to lose a job or their standing in society after being called that particular profanity ?
The pound has rocketed due to Brexit (pardon my BBC terminology) on the Brexit news that the PM has gone to Europe for Brexit meetings about Brexit.
I wonder if the BBC will report it, with or without mentioning Brexit?
The BBC was full on with the 1% value reduction on Monday but it always has too bad news in accordance with policy .
I got fed up SNP chunter – so did a bit of research —- there 3.9 million voters in total in Scotland . I haven’t worked out how many votes the SNP gets but they sure get more than their fair share of anti English moaning . A national trait in my English view…where as the English trait is self abuse ( non sexual )
A labour MP called Lloyd Russell Moyle ? – mp for Brighton – did a mace act in the commons during the Monday brexit mess . The bbc have helpfully put it on their website.
Mr Moyle – a life long bubble dweller ( wiki ) was the character who decided to tell everyone in a debate that as a homosexual he is HIV positive .
Obviously one to watch and making a nice niche for himself with his community . Watching the coverage it really looked as though most of the MPs present didn’t know what the Mace is for or what it represents .
Once upon a time it would have been a big deal – but parliament has so devalued itself – like the BBC that people really don’t care any more . I certainly don’t as it doesn’t represent me any more ..
There are over 40 MPs in the house of liars with a majority less than the referendum majority to leave (3.8%)
Going by remoaner logic, all these constituencies should vote again.
I also think we should have a ‘people’s vote’ on the 1st day of every month because some people may change their minds and of course, leavers are dying off and being replaced by new, younger remoan voters.
Perhaps the eu hope to kill off millions of older voters, by withholding insulin, as the older are more likely to be diabetics.
Just imagine.
If the eu had a negotiator like May and we had a competent negotiator. We could have had everything we asked for and we would have passed whatever withdrawal agreement appeared before the honourables.
I suppose the 27 would have been extremely angry though, much like us lot now.
After the Monday popcorn day I started to think about how the mental health of remainers needs to be cared for in the run up to brexit and in the months thereafter .
Questions need to be asked – is the NHS ready for hundreds of thousands of referrals , help groups , website blogs .
I’m designing an EU passport style cover in which the new British passport can be placed to make grief stricken remainers think they are still in the ReichEU with all their free moving snowflake kidult friends . ( pat pending )Great days .
You know, I really have to take my hat off to the BBC. An article about redheads, and they still manage to find a person of colour for the accompanying photo.
The BBC have been there before in October 2013 – “How many redheads are there in the world?”
There’s no way that middle one is a true scot/ redhead. That must be cultural appropriation !
The ethnic in the most prominent position, again.
Framed by two plain indigenes to minimise the ugliness of the ethnic.
Very old BBC trick.
BBC Newsnight…
‘It’s known that 30% of Labour voters and 70% of Conservative voters voted for Leave in the referendum.’
How in hell can this be known? Was everyone asked? I wasn’t… 🙁
I’ve just been out walking the dogs and now returned. Has she gone?
Nah… 🙁
But more invaders have been welcomed, so business as usual.
BBC reporter handing them drinks of water on the 6 o’clock news and the RNLI on stand by. There’s another charity off the list.
Well, the word Quisling may spring to mind.
Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine – cap in hand, to the Germans et al, begging and pleading, ‘Let my people go’.
And in our towns we fight to retain Crossing Wardens while armed cops patrol the crime ridden streets.
And what’s this Dickensian thing? Gave one episode a go and bugger me – turns out little Nell is black. Not sure we’ll watch anymore for the LBTQI shite to surface.
In the spirit of critical observation, though our Em has used the BBC technique of hiding behind a question, it looks very like she has found an opinion she likes and is pushing it.
Yes let’s go back to Burke – and take the vote from Emily and her sisters.
“Before the [1832 Reform Act] reform, most members nominally represented boroughs. The number of electors in a borough varied widely, from a dozen or so up to 12,000.”
Can two play? Some more Edmund Burke for Ms Maitlis, the BBC and the EU because it feels critical right now:
‘The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.’
‘The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.’
‘The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts.’
And the best of them all:
‘… a great empire and little minds go together.’
With the UN migration compact quietly going through I wanted to post this 2017 scientific study again: *Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection.*
It’s a truly disturbing study of socio-chemical engineering that reveals the “underlying sociobiological conditions associated with outgroup-directed altruism by showing that charitable social cues co-occurring with enhanced activity of the oxytocin system reduce the effects of xenophobia by facilitating prosocial behavior toward refugees.”
In a nutshell, administering the ‘love hormone’ Oxytocin (which plays a key role in sexual arousal, trust, and mother/infant bonding) will make you want to give more cash to refugees. If that doesn’t work on its own, add heavy peer pressure and group conformity and even the most ’xenophobic individuals’ will submit. Seriously.
“In the midst of rapid globalization, the peaceful coexistence of cultures requires a deeper understanding of the forces that compel prosocial behavior and thwart xenophobia […] enhanced activity of the oxytocin system paired with charitable social cues can help counter the effects of xenophobia by fostering altruism toward refugees. These findings suggest that the combination of oxytocin and peer-derived altruistic norms reduces outgroup rejection even in the most selfish and xenophobic individuals, and thereby would be expected to increase the ease by which people adapt to rapidly changing social ecosystems.”
Sample question: “Safiye is 24 years old, was born in Aleppo (Syria) and fled to Germany. She is poor and cannot afford to buy fresh fruit and vegetables at the grocery store. Do you donate some money to Safiye?
Your peers donated an average of EUR 0.52.”
If we are seeing a bit of a push back on the NWO across the west, is pharmaceutical intervention the next move? Oxytocin in the water supply?
dum de dum
bbc say “It is not understood to be terror related” INSTANTLY
picture is a little more suggestive
Another “man”. No doubt suffering from mental health issues. No known motive…..blah blah blah.
Finding people that scaled the railings to get into Westminster Palace is clearly a daily event so, no, clearly this foreigner’s entry is not ‘terror related’. I’d opt for the other option, “a mental health problem”.
I think he looks a bit like a Somalian Bob Dylan. Surely just a peaceful sit down or an innocent protest song. On a railing.
The times they are a changin’…
The best comment on the above story is that there are 650 intruders already in parliament!
‘No-tv licence G’. That’s me. So I ask anyone here with a licence to watch the news about Treason May’s meeting in Berlin. No doubt photographs of Treason with her fellow conspirator, Merkel. But, look out for the other individual Treason is in discussion with and seeking advice from, i.e. the EU representative for the Globalist/NWO, Mr George Soros himself. Dire times for the Globalists as their Grand Plan is starting to unwind – big time!.
Wonderful twitter footage of May locked in her car when she is due to meet head kraut . Symbolism or what ? Must have brexiters maintaining the protection cars …
Meanwhile, not on anyone’s radar………………..
Al beeb hasn’t got to pixelating the international website picture yet so the ‘ non terrorist ‘ trying to get into parliament appears to be a Norwegian of Somalian origin .
My money was on Rees Mogg.
Anyone on here with family or friends in the Republic of Ireland?
We know what the politicians there think about Brexit. It would be very interesting (more interesting?) to know what ‘the people’ there think about the EU and its treatment of the UK and it’s Brexit negotiations.
I know a bit – there have been post uk referendum
Polling suggesting 35 to 40 Eire exiters but with the republic run from Dublin by snowflake kidults
I think there is little chance for Eire to pull out with out Blighty bribing them .
My plan was to use the whole final years overseas tax payers ‘ give away money to bribe them to leave the Reich Eu and some of the £39 billion bribe as needed .
They’d need to get rid of the half Indian gay fella who the EU has given the job of running the country for them .
The pain set in for the Irish economy when we go to WTO but if they put the begging bowl out again like 2008 we must play hard .
Seen a couple of comments from the people of the republic on my FB page.
Most significant said something along the line of
” if we’d had Treason running the Brit negotiating team in 1922, we’d have had no border ( tween NI and South) amd probably have Wales as well.
My family is from the South of Ireland. If I write what they think about the EU my post would likely be deleted due to a surplus of 4-letter words. 😉 I don’t have a Brit-hating Irish family even though they are quite patriotic about Ireland itself.
At least some of them think Britain has lost it’s spine. (I can’t speak for everyone) We don’t have any Bono or Geldof types in my family that I’m aware of. It has become exceedingly expensive to live in Ireland thanks to The EU. They were telling me back in the late 80’s that it was full of Germans! “Fecking Germans buying the housing that we can’t afford !”
Myself, I was very disappointed when Ireland adopted the Euro. I thought there was probably no going back after that. It made me glad I lived in England, I thought there would be more resistance to the EU land-grab here.
Most of our MPs are spineless donkeys. The US president – William McKinley – was once described as having “no more backbone than a chocolate eclair.” This would aptly reflect the current House of Commons.
LP, that’s an interesting pount about the Euro. The inability of our useless Parliament to get us out, would have been multiplied tenfold if the currency was also an issue.
Already lost count of the repeats of Juncker’s no compromise speech in Strasbourg, helping to reinforce the BBC attitude to Brexit. His gripping words are greeted with spontaneous applause – but there’s no back-panning to show how many are in the chamber, nor what proportion are clapping. That’s a bit disingenuous on the BBC’s part – to use an apparently popular word of the moment – but then so are the number of Amber Rudd comments, obviously the ‘go-to’ source of informed opinion to ring the right bells with the right people.
R4. TWATO .Remainers menu. A German MEP..no changes, A French Politician – No changes
and now the Buffon who is Ken Clarke…basically just called all Brexiteers idiots and said we should just sign the deal and trust ‘our best friends in the world!!!’ and then added a snide comment about Trump.
I thought it was the Brexiteers that were old and stupid..
Surely someone as old as ken Clark shouldn’t be able to rule on the future of young people ? ?
He shouldn’t be allowed out these days ! He really is the epitome of a buffoon…
Quite like that, JA, you may have created a Prince-style moniker for him: The Buffoon formerly known as Ken Clarke MP.
I cannot help but wonder what the polling is in his constituency?
If a pro-Brexit Independent Conservative stood against him would it be a straight swap or would it let Labour in? Should there be another GE I doubt that he would stand. He changed his mind to stand in 2017.
Why not ?
When I was young, some oldie called Harold Wilson dictated mine !!!
Farage has stated on Sky News to Adam Boulton today that he would join the Tory party if May was gone.
The chess pieces are making their moves…
Dover Sentry
He has made a deal. Rubbish Islam’s critics, get a safe seat in the Tory Party, a good member of the Tory opposition when Corbyn replaces May. Watch for a couple of the other ex UKIPPers.
What? Carswell and Reckless? I think they may have been Fifth Columnists or some sort of stooges sent to destroy UKIP. Not sure they could be relied upon as ‘clean’ or even clean Brexiteers.
He may well find they wont have him.
Mrs Merkel’s child Little Theresa was stuck in the back of the limo, cos the child-lock was on.
… Merkel had her bodyguard reset it, so Little Theresa could get out.
This is
a) Donald Trump’s Fault
b) The Russians wot did it
c) Dr Evil without the sharks with lasers
d) Her husband hoping something good would come of the visit
e) The usual because of Brexit
What a metaphor this is for our Terry’s efforts to keep us locked in the EU until the EU let us out.
So the EU is made up of 28 countries-why is Merkel ‘in charge’ and why do we have to go begging to Germany? Did they win two world wars?
The Kent Refugee Action Network..WTF? on R4. They have a Network in Kent for refugees? Why are these people not sent back to France – we know that’s where they came from?
Remember when Cameron went to the eu begging for scraps just before the referendum.
The eu more or less told him to F off.
They wouldn’t budge.
He lost.
Here we have history repeating itself with May going round begging for some scraps, mainly about a detail we are told the eu don’t want, we don’t want and the Irish don’t want.
She will also be told to F off.
The eu will not budge.
We will leave on wto terms and the eu will lose out a huge amount (and we gain a huge amount, not only financial but freedoms)
That will be the eu losing out twice because they are too stubborn (and us leaving on wto rules because our MPs are so bad they can’t even get it wrong properly)
WTO rules OK.
By the way, is this £39 billion for eu pensions? That’s some pension fund, a million pound pot each for 39,000 workers.
Is it for Galileo which they will not let us use?
What is it for?
Maybe the upkeep of the buildings and assets our £500 billion of contributions have already paid for. Where are they by the way, can we sell them off?
Why do people keep assuming that we will be leaving on WTO rules?
It’s wishful thinking and isn’t going to happen.
They’ll fabricate something so that we are still in the EU. We can’t trust these people and it won’t be turning out hunky dory for us Brexiteers.
You really cannot trust them and I venture to say that this is the most serious breach of trust in this country for generations. In fact you would have to go back to the 17 th century to find one as bad.
The day after the vote I wrote somewhere ( forget where ) that we will be forced to recant. That the EU collapses if we go . That it is a failed project and needs us .That our ruling class as vicious and lying as it ever was is committed to the EU.
This orchestrated campaign is no accident .
There is one thing though. A black swan event that nobody saw coming. The French revolt of the yellow jackets.
Neither left nor right but determind to take on the globalisers and the governmental system that sustains this .
Macron caved in quickly. Hoping to defuse the revolt but maybe too late.
Meanwhile our MPs ( most of them ) continue to work to overturn the vote to leave. This puts parliament in direct opposition to us.
Expect the clamour for a second referendum to grow as without it Parliament is exposed to a charge of defying a democratic vote of the people . Back to the 17th century again but this time us versus parliament.
As I see it the matter can only be resolved by the removal of Mrs May and a new PM possibly a caretaker who returns to the EU and rejects the deal and says it is no deal and that is the end of it.
We then need to prepare ourselves at once for this at whatever cost and whatever difficulties it causes.
Business has to be told and understand that the nation’s future takes priority over their needs.
Any other course of action will not hold for long. If a second vote is in favour of leaving the same things remain, If it is favour of remaining then millions will rightly regard it as illegitimate and refuse to accept it.
The course I have outlined stating with May’s immediate removal or resignation is the only one that makes logical sense.
It should have been the course of action from day one.
EG. I doubt we will get out on WTO rules. The next step in the great betrayal will be a second referendum. The choices will be accept Mays so called deal or revoke article 50
Climate conferences didn’t like being laughed at for all their extra diesel generators outside, so they took to hiding them behind screens.
Poland COP24
Hey there’s a pic of the fellow ‘who is not a terrorist’ being apprehended.
If the armed officer on the left actually fired even one round in that position the ricochet from the cobbles would probably kill one of his colleagues or him. More training needed. They’re not invincible behind a gun……I guess it comes down to common sense as distinct from wanting to look good in a photo.
Just sayin’.
I thought he didn’t fire because he didn’t want to damage the cobble stones .
Right! Cobblestones have feelings you know and anti-cobblestone behaviour doesn’t go down too well.
On the other hand – the initial shot puts one hole through “the visitor” from back to front and the ricochet puts a second hole through him from front to back. Fire one bullet and you’ve shot him twice. It saves on ammunition, although I’m sure the BBC will blame the Tory cutz.
Up2. The papers (on line) in Ireland have been full of ridicule for Brexit and the ‘English’ who they love to bash. Reports have been constantly negative, such as:-
-They stupidly didn’t know what they were voting for.
-The British are trying to ruin the GFA.
-We’ll never let them put up the border they are trying to impose.
-Brexit is the upper class Brits trying to get back their Imperialism.
– Brexit is only wanted by a very few.
-MP’s are in chaos and no one knows what to do.
All extremely negative and anti Brit and Brexit.
In the last few days there has been a panic about possible food shortages which is the fault of the (guess who) yes the British.
Varadkar has been wooed and his ego massively stroked by the EU and the papers who are in the politicians pockets have shown him as a bold leader, looking after Ireland’s interests. He is bumped up above his station, is a mouthpiece for the EU and will be given a job in Europe in the future and he’s paving his way quietly looking after himself at Ireland’s expense. He is about to sign up to the Migration Pact on Thursday, according to a report I found on Facebook, and not a peep about it in the Irish press. It hasn’t from what I can see, been even mentioned let alone discussed. Anything to be shown to bash the UK goes down well, and pleased his EU masters.
English Lass, “The papers (on line) in Ireland have been full of ridicule for Brexit and the ‘English’ who they love to bash.”
Just like here then. 😉
Oh dear!
‘The markets’ seem to like the prospect of a No-Deal Brexit.
The Pound Sterling has crashed.
I wonder if the BBC will report it?
The bBC will be in complete cahoots with Faisal of SKY to stay firmly on Remain/Anti Brexit message………………..
The only solution is to tell the EU tomorrow…………sorry but a new Negotiation team is being formed…………to be led by Boris Johnson..
and the Attorney General………and a support team to include Nigel Farage and Andrea Leadsom………….
Having worked on major contracts ..we had a ready reckoner of no no’s”… best endeavors was one………a well known bank tried to
pose this particular nonsense….using offended customer tactics and the like…….seek and destroy any of those types of clauses was our M.O
Use of this clearly shows the utter contempt this EU has for us…time to tell them to do one.
We just spent £100K on one week’s advertising !
Look at which campaigns have the most adverts created
… someone paid for all that creation work.
Doesn’t this count as trying to influence the electorate?
The BBC really are seriously milking the Raheem Sterling race abuse story, leading all their sports coverage with it.
The narrative is clearly that white middle aged football fans are innately racist.
Now, I happen to follow Spurs, a club whose supporters get anti-Semitic abuse hurled at them, gas chamber hissing noises and the like. You don’t see much coverage of that on the BBC.
And a club that reveres someone like Ledley King, former captain, now club ambassador, and who is black.
And which fondly supports and remembers its great present and former black stars such as Jermaine Defoe, Danny Rose, Garth Crooks, Edgar Davids etc.
What I am saying, in effect, is that perhaps football fans who shout abuse are not necessarily racially motivated but just like to shout abuse at the opponents, full stop.
Most football fans actually don’t discriminate on grounds of race but on grounds of which players they like or don’t like, and who they play for. When Beckham got piles of abuse a few years ago it wasn’t a race issue, obviously, but because he had let his team down and was a bit of an overpaid show pony, and the same thing would have happened if he had been a black English star doing the same things.
Okay, one stupid bigot shouts at Sterling, and suddenly all fans are in the dock, the BBC is working up a head of steam and out in the real world young white girls are being racially and sexually abused by Pakistani gangs on an industrial scale….but we get nowhere near the same level of concern from our state broadcaster.
It’s not really a race abuse story, just something concocted to deflect the news that Manchester City lost their first league game of the season and their position at the top of the table… Of course, such racist abust is moronic and cannot be defended. However, some these footballers earn more in a week than their supporters earn in a decade, and it might become them to grow a thicker skin in the circumstances. Stirling is reported as earning at least £180,000 a week: for that money, I’ll happily stand in the middle of the pitch for 90 minutes and be racially abused by the entire stadium and have it broadcast live on the BBC as Match of the Day, with a commentary by Gary Lineker and a soundtrack by Lily Allen. With no charge for the repeat showing on Sunday morning.
Myself and some mates were enjoying a kickabout on Platt Lane in the early nineties, I was visiting them in Rusholme while they were at university, and we were able to walk into Maine Road unchallenged at half-time straight to the top of one of the stands overlooking the Spurs fans in the away end. Not a great place to be for someone with a seat in K-stand at Old Trafford. The Man City fans hissed continually during the match, something I’d never heard before but which has sickened me to this day. I wasn’t surprised that horses ended up on the pitch after Terry Phelan scored or that one goading City pitch invader who got too close to the away end was given a hiding before being thrown back onto the pitch directly below us.
The coverage of the Sterling incident fits nicely into the black footballer season being pushed by the bBBC since about October, from Walter Tull via Emma Clarke(?) to Viv Anderson, and the narrative you describe, in simplistic terms, that white men are racist and this is who voted for Brexit.
Is Sterling the new Laurie Cunningham? Why not ask bBBC “expert” Trevor “you’re a white c### officer” Sinclair.
PR across all media today
\\ 2.4 million people to get new or improved access to clean energy in Africa – including hundreds of thousands getting power for the first time – with £100m from UK govt for small/medium scale renewables schemes //
Who’s it quote ?
\\ Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry said: “At home we’re world leaders in cutting emissions while growing our economy and abroad we’re showing our international leadership by giving countries a helping hand to shift to greener, cleaner economies.”
(that means the PR is charged to the taxpayer)
It is being announced as part of the UN climate talks taking place in Katowice, Poland.//
Can somebody send a packet of strepsils down to the gang of benefit claimants grunting and yelling during all the interviews where sky and the bbbc are holding them ( and carefully getting the pro eu flags and slogans on screen during every interview.)
Their guttural baying must be hurting their throats, it’s painful enough just listening to the jobless airheads.
Maybe get the tv companies some new microphones which pick up those being interviewed over the shouters so that you can hear some of what is being discussed.
Quite clearly, ‘Steve’ and his motley crew are ‘Disturbing the Peace’ which, I understand, is still an indictable offence. The police could arrest them, and the judge could exclude them permanently from Parliament and 500 yards from it. In fact, they could hold their protests in Brixton or Hackney or Tower Hamlet’s perhaps?
Interesting that Steve Bray was basically braying like a donkey
..over the top of other people trying to have their say on TV
Free speech means fairly letting other people have their say
disrupting them is anti-free speech ..so correct that he was banned.
Tim Martin on tour in Lincolnshire today, promoting proper Brexit
3:30pm R4 be ready to listen to Lily Allan again
‘Sleepless in Kent ‘- turned on R4 and just got a repeat – why – and a podthing called ‘Master tapes’!
Why they had to ask Lily Ollerenshaw about her ‘life’ was beyond me…
click… zzzzz
Brexit: The BBC smells blood in the water, starts smacking its lips in anticipation and has helpfully prepared a ‘Menu of Possible Options’ for its pro-EU collective in readiness for what it anticipates will be a joyous triumph:
Brexit vote: What could happen next?
The BBC, with its reach and influence, works on the assumption that if it just keeps saying something enough, repeating it over and over, it can really make it come true.
who does she really work for
What a RACIST!!!!
Lucy Pevensey
Well that’s Steve back on the dole again – collecting coins.
Note the friendly terms
It’s just “Steve” to PH the #BiasedBBC political editor & metroLibmedia , as they all work together to stop Proper-Brexit
… To the rest of the world he’s Steve Bray
To the Guardian writer Dawn Foster also just “Steve”
\\ Steve’s been ejected from College Green after being warned about “criminal damage of a live broadcast”? //
In this Twitter thread Steve explains the build up to his expulsion
note a camerman praises him
\\ We love banter and flags in the back of shot, it normally takes alot to wind up camera people, we suffer fools daily! //
and someone explains how they help him coordinate to get into LIVE shots
\\ interviews a convicted but not sentenced criminal (is that not a breach of Broadcasting rules?) //
The rule of thumb is juries can be influenced by media but judges are above that
..so you can report anything after conviction even pre-sentencing.
Bloody plinky plonk background music throughout the show ruins it
@Fedup2 please delete my 4:42pm messed up comment above
.. if you are around
Variety has just reported that the Oscars are pondering doing without hosts, because there is not a person, or cause of anything frankly that someone there would not get loudly offended by.
So before the BBC girlies, and the women, all book their jolly tickets, here’s a movie from the past.
GW I reckon those who actually recognise these fab dancers are now far and few between ! But at least they’ve stood the test of time, unlike the 5 minute wonders of BGT or X factor (who will remember Simon Cowell or Ambitious Amanda in another 10 years let alone 70 ??)
4pm R4 prog about Non-Disclosure Agreements
The opening example they chose was of course TRUMP ..not Brendan Cox etc.
Bloody plinky plonk background music throughout the show ruins it
Back in 2011 Mark Reed made a long note about the BBC employing criminals
If anyone has time they could wade through it.
It’s a poorly made FOI request, cos the BBC can just use the excuse “for the purposes of journalism” to ignore his points
However the list is interesting
: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/convicted_criminals_working_for
I had a nice day at the beach and then turned on the bbc news channel. An ex Irish minister talking about the UK as though it’s equal with Eire – it’s not .
Followed by an unelected mouthpiece for soros and Blair having an uncontested anti brexit tirade – I know he celebrates his depression but god why give him so much air time
Then 6 illegal immigrants in the channel . Why can’t they just be towed back to France or sunk . ?
79 000 more in employment in November – because of brexit …
R4 Some MP Charles Walker – said if MPs don’t do what is right the ‘Populists’ will get in..a very derogatory phrase and tone..
Why is being a Populist bad? I have yet to hear a real definition it seems to be that if a large group vote against the elite and establishment they are nasty populists – isnt that democracy?
and now John ‘I am a real k..b’ Major telling us what we should revoke article 50…
The Soros grid is working as well as it can in my view – today Major – then G brown – then some others .
As for ‘populism ‘ – I wonder what history will say of it – unless the snowflakes tipex it out .
When one looks at the anti brexit constant onslaught one can only marvel that the British can maintain their desire for freedom and fairness from an evil enemy
Seems like Merkel has told May to go take a jump . Tomorrow the Irish EU mouthpiece will tell her the same .