109 days to Brexit ? 10 ish days of renegotiating , resignations or lies from the government and Far Left BBC . Meanwhile a UN treaty benefitting illegal immigrants is due to be signed on the 11th with a full fanfare from the Biased BBC .
Dont forget to buy your popcorn for the Tuesday vote . They’ll be tears and tantrums
R4 are certainly doing their bit for anti Brexit.. now allowing a bunch of “Peoples vote” monkeys to speak gobshite
One of them is now saying we have a Remain option in ballot but not a have Brexit…she can’t see the irony of her idiocy
She is spouting jobs will be lost, the economy will die – all the stuff they said in 2016 which was wrong..
Now she is telling us that we didn’t know what we were voting for and HUGE numbers of people who voted Brexit now want to remain..WTF, just opinion
No idea who she is but she is an idiot and R4 giving her voice…too much..and no challenge to the mass of garbage flowing forth – BBC at its best. Rant over
‘‘Tis the season of rants . I just can’t figure out how the bbc became just so solidly biased . They never let the defence down for one moment . Their journ college must have a Stalin like regime shooting waverers in the back of the head before they get their NUJ card . Quite something .
“Wages rises accelerate to fastest pace since 2008”
Dare I say it ? Despite Brexit .
“Man held by armed police at UK Parliament”
“He is to undergo a mental health assessment, police said.” But …………………
“They would not say whether the man was armed”.
Looking at the Video does anyone see a policeman picking up a weapon of sorts ?
What does that tell you, Watson?
Reminds me of when I was a counsellor at an American summer camp.
Seated around the fire the discussion turned to where we would visit after our stint.
One suggested California, but another said it was full of Manson types. So another asked why so many ended up there.
One of the hosts answered that “They they may be crazy psychos, but they are not stupid and want to be like that where the weather is nice”.
I see ‘attacking’ the HoP might see some similar thinking on the matter of arms.
Like her or dislike her, this little girl is more than a match for the best of that sad bunch of BBC interviewers.
Is she a sign that generation snowflake is coming to an end?
How could anyone dislike her!
Great video
Wow! Would she consider being our next PM? 😉
There are comments in a panel top right (at least on my browser). Some brain donor has suggested she will be struggling if in need of birth control or an abortion.
When the time comes this young lady will probably, like most not addicted to state control, handle the first herself and not need the latter.
I don’t see a video/link?
ITV Calendar local news
Brexit : we report from 2 local businesses, both voted Remain, but one has now changed his mind
Here we are at the bakery, where the owner has changed his mind
..very articulate , except for the bit where he said he feared custom delays means he wouldn’t get components from France ..his solution he’d be buying British in future
NEXT : “Here we are at the piano dealer”
..cuts to kid playing There May Be Trouble Ahead”
..Owner is inarticulate “Second vote ..blah blah .. VAT in France …”
…blah blah
They just cut to Westminster Green ..blurred EU flags in background
..but then a prerecord from sensible MP Andrea Jenkyns
The piano dealer on Calendar said that pianos would be more expensive after Brexit because they would have VAT levied on them. I’m sure I don’t need to explain the reasons this is bollocks.
Damn! I was going to buy a piano from John Lewis and become the next Elton John.
On second thoughts…..
maybe not.
Just buy piano wire.
It maybe useful in the near future.
Aaaah Soros yet again.
The pound drops a smidgeon because of ‘events’.
The old buqqer gets a few more squillions on shorts, and off we go again!
I’m hoping that the anusapertures like blair and co will get found out pretty soon, as they’re certainly on the money as we speak!
Where is the real fraud squad when you need them? Maybe we should ask the bbbc’s financial squirrell? It’ll know – or not…
Scrob ,
At least we know soros can’t live for ever – however much cash he has and gives to remainer mouthpieces .
Isn’t Satan immortal ?
Did I hear correctly on the BBC news today…
A BBC film crew just happened to be onboard a fishing boat in the middle of the English Channel, when they spotted a dinghy full of doctors and engineers attempting to cross.
They shepherded the dingy through one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world so they could phone the coastguard to rescue them when they got into coastal waters.
It would appear that the BBC are now complcent in helping illegal immigrants….
(Complicit) .. spellcheck error.
Well Channel 4’s ‘metal four man’ has been bringing them in for quite a while now so the BBC is slow to the game.
Look North (Hull) did have footage of Tim Martin speaking outside the Wetherspoons in Scunthorpe
and then played the video from Andrew Percy MP “they are trying to stitch-up”
Then another pro-proper-brexit Grimsby MP (Edward Leigh)
End of show “We’ve had loads of comments coming in, here’s some examples.. he then read 5 from hardline Brexiteers , and one from from a former Remainer, who also didn’t want a second vote”
.. I am pretty sure if they had some pro Remain or pro-MrsMay msgs they would have read them out.
The BBC is a force to be reckoned with.
interesting looking but a
paywalled article not much use
Looks like the House of Commons is getting a bit fractious – an snp nobody raising a point of order because Dennis skinner refered to him as a piece of excrement . The berkow played referee with just a warning and no yellow cards yet .
Shape things to come . My prediction in the final sentence of my thread preamble seems to be close to the mark .
PMLies will be a hum dinger .
Dennis Skinner just lifted in my estimations
In which the bbc again forgets where it is based.
The video freeze frame was headed:
Should teachers have guns at schools? Thousands are being trained to carry concealed weapons
Sadiq “London knifecrime & terrorism, ye’ll I’ll sort them out later”
Matthew Taylor exclusive
London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, has declared a climate emergency and urged the UK government to do more to avert an ecological breakdown that he says poses an existential threat to future generations.
\\ On Sunday 100 academics, philosophers and authors wrote to the Guardian to back a new civil disobedience group Extinction Rebellion and called for people around the world to rise up and organise against the “paralysis” of political leaders.//
no open comments of course
So it’s diesel killing people in London not black youths with knives?
Oh Hell. 100 academics, philosophers and authors
Endless meetings planned in the yoonies with ambitious young snots applying for grants.
“…poses an existential threat to future generations.”
The other threat seems invisible to the “Mayor”.
BBC4 now, History of Wales , talks about Cardiff and 15 minutes in
a long segment on a new tradition local Muslims created 50 years ago of walking in a procession to celebrate Mohammed’s birthday.
Tell them to keep walking. How far is Mecca from Wales? (and I don’t mean the bingo!)
Attack: at Strasbourg Christmas market.
One dead, t10 wounded in shooting
Police say a gunman is on the run via @AFP
BBC is catching up from behind,
I hope that the death toll does not rise to 5000 and they are all EU officials.
Edit – One too many not.
Now 2 dead, 11 injured
its been a while , im guessing its time for off we go again
So how do they link 2 dead 10 wounded so far to brexit and make the event go away by the morning ?
Artist drags lumps of ice to the Tate, says it will remind people of the dangers of warming the planet.
I think this idiotic display could be improved.
Anyone with dogs nearby might like to walk them past the ice and let them pee on it which may add some colour to this work of art that has somehow found its way into a BBC news item.
I once accidentally switched off the freezer.
Next morning I had an installation I called ‘Sodding Zanussi Switches’.
No takers.
How much energy was wasted in making the ice ? More carbon footprints.
Absolute tosh, and all you Telly Tax payers help to fund it .
Channel 5 prog about Transexuals
..and how they buy and sell sex
Albeeb re running the `thorp thing . Just a reminder of the amorality of sodomites like Thorp and the illustrious successors such as a drunk Scotsman, corrupt Hune, paddy my Lord pants down , I’m with nick ( soul sold to LA) and the current leader who is a ball room dancer .. please God what a political class…
The programme also made the late George Harmon out to be the evil character he was . The devil can bill him by the hour now .
As most here know, the bbc is big on belief, and one of the biggest they hold is that them saying something makes it true.
Radio 4
At least Nish Kumar can make Brexit funny. ????????♂️????
(via BBC Two)
So, that went well then.
“Tory Brexiteers are increasingly confident they have enough support to trigger a no-confidence vote in Theresa May as party leader.”
Time is running out. It looks like that the nation will get what it voted for?
A Full British Brexit.
Has Mrs Chamberlain always been under the orders of The EU?
The Church of England has issued new advice about how to help transgender people mark their transition. According to the beeb, “in the past, the Church has been criticised for not doing enough to guard against transphobia, and for failing to eliminate the bullying of transgender pupils in faith schools.”
In the interests of gender equality, I’m sure the BBC will also be reporting how the spokesimams of other religions plan to welcome the trans community into their inclusive, loving embrace.
Al Beeb …………\\UKIP AM Neil Hamilton’s appearance with Tommy Robinson ‘shameful’//
I can name another prominent politician who often met with the IRA and other unsavoury terrorists , can you ?
Al Beeb double standards .
Breaking News
Letters are in ? Palace informed ?
Anyone else pick it up ?
BBC Online News:
“”Strasbourg shooting: Gunman at large after three killed and 12 injured””
“”France’s counter terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation””
“”..suspect … was already known to the security services as a possible terrorist threat.””
“”Grenades were found during the search”” (of his flat).
Note to BBC. The motive is VERY clear!
She may mean what she says now. But would we be surprised to find TM changing her mind in ‘the national interest’ and sacrificing herself to NOT resign before the next election after all, assuming she lasts that long? Nope.
She would discover some crisis that needed her urgent personal attention, she would be ‘clear’ about it, then focus on ‘getting on with the job’. I can hear it now.
No big deal for a politician. So why do the beeb drone on about it endlessly, pretending it hadn’t occured to them.
And would her gutless party let her? Yup. If they haven’t joined up with Labour by then, in the national interest, of course. And there is an example of how it’s done, not so far away.
Does that undertaking really have any credibility at all?