Ladies and Gentlemen – and Trolls – the last thread of 2018 was so busy that a new one is needed .So – one again – have a Happy 2019 – even with the malignant BBC in our background .
Bloody Help Lobster – congratulation – I thought every one would be away doing New Year stuff .
Where I live – because of Londonistan multicultural stuff – I’ve had bloody fireworks every hour since about 5 o bloody pm ( I’m not allowed to be second )
Surely the guy on the right giving the Nazi salute will be arrested by the local Hate Crime team?
If they can successfully prosecute a Scot for training a dog to give that salute, this actor and any others colluding will all be equally responsible. I guess that the well manicured police in red high heels with be actively investigating.
So we have the traditional new years eve Jihad attack in Manchester…
“Sam Clack, a producer at the BBC, tweeted how he nearly jumped on the tracks to get away from the knifeman.”
So a BBC fellow nearly got his head hacked… If it was up to me, instead of giving returning ISIS jihadis council housing, i’d give them machine guns and lock them in television center with all of the BBC staff…
Perhaps then it’d get through their thick skulls, that Muhammad ordered Muslims to kill and subjugate infidels, and force their women in to sex slavery.
I wonder if Sam Clack will wake up from his middle class brainwashing, and realize that’s just what Muhammad did. It’s at the core of the “religion”… or will he light a candle and berate people… because you know “not all Muslims…”
I walk up that platform every morning to get the tram to Manchester Police head quarters ….it’s the platform for tram to Rochdale and only yards away from the Manchester atrocity….I wonder if the BBC will point that out ?
BY now the BBC must know by now this is coming from Islam, where Muhammad is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt.
He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe. He married his cousin Zaynab, and stole his sons wife Zayd, and had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for witing insulting poems, and apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine…
Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, incest, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates… its hardly brain surgery to verify this stuff.
Snap, I first saw that Alexi Sayle sat there which p*ssed me off then the Trump impersonators, I saw where this was going. Jooles you can go and f**k yourself in future your nothing better than a bbc hooker.
I said to my partner last night that one advantage of not having a TV licence and hence no access to any TV was that there was absolutely no chance that I would at any point happen to flick through and see the lazy pretentious art ****of TV that is Jools Holland’s Hogmany.
I’m surprised Jools Holland still has an audience on NYE. Its well known that the programme is recorded in November, so all that faux ‘bon homie’ is the best fake news of all !
Well it’s New years Eve and following on from a knife attack in Schipol airport comes another at Manchester Victoria Train Station and it appears to have a BBC connection.
The man is reported to have shouted ‘Allah’, however another witness a Mr Sam Clack who is reportedly a BBC producer
Claimed the attacker said “as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of shit is going to keep happening.”
There were plenty of other people close to the attacker, no one else has reported hearing these words.
I’ll now ask you to imagine the circumstances of a man hyped up with adrenaline who has been pepper sprayed and is resisting arrest being able to come out with such a long and cogent sentence which is exactly what the lefties want to hear to excuse such an incident and turning the blame on the white people whom the left hate so much.
Mr Clack hails from the Labour stronghold of Newcastle, and works for the Labour stronghold of the BBC. I for one find his testimony ‘unreliable’ given the circumstances.
It’s amazing as a professional journolist he didn’t make comparison to the massacre of young lives that took place litteraly yards from the scene of the “attack” ..apologies for repeating myself I’m fuming
“as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of s**t is going to keep happening.”
This is the narrative that is pushed by the BBC, yet they egged on these wars and helped the government hide the lies in the first place.
Yet in reality, if you look at say Afghanistan (2017), about 1,662 civilians were killed, and 80% of these were “normal Muslims” killed by ISIS Muslims… so most deaths were not even due to coalition forces.
Compare that to 4932 deaths due to road traffic accidents in Afghanistan… in other words you are three times more likely to be killed in a road traffic accident as a civilian in Afghanistan.
This is all in a country of 33 million… so the odds of the average Afghani getting involved is very very small… and its even smaller if they stay away from trouble spots.
Yet the ****** BBC, as ever, exaggerate out of all proportion… insist as ever that it the fault of the British people, when its the Establishment traitors who did this, backed up by the Goebbelesque BBC.
These deceivers make me want to vomit blood, i hate the BBC so much, can they really believe their own lies???, with thousands of employees are they really so incapable of doing the simplest bit of research that even i can do from my own living room in 10 minutes???.
Claimed the attacker said “as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of shit is going to keep happening.” So why the H are we continuing to take them in-again for thousanth time I ask as no doubt we all do. What is or has happened to those Muslim boat people? Where are they now, I know where they should be, on the shores of northern France. The subject for this or any other Government if they have the guts is to face up to the stealth invasion of those people who follow Islamic teachings, coming from Africa/Middle East & Indian Sub Continent in particular Pakistan, is to close the door firmly. Their mission as directed from their Mosques is to invade and conquer Europe make no mistake. Happy New year.
The man has made tens of millions from Salafist Muslim countries for his services to Islamising Britain. He was followed by Brown who carried this on.
Cameron who bombed Assads forces to protect Saudis ISIS creation, and then Libya to get rid of Ghaddafi because he hacked off the Saudis, and kept quiet about the war in Yemen.
May carried on the ‘good work by supressing a report into Saudi sponsored terrorism in the UK, has kept quiet on the war on Yemen, and made a few noises about the kashoggi murder – but nothing serious, she has met the Crown Prince on a number of occasions.
Not one Prime Minister after John Major has taken up their entitlement to a peerage, because this would involve them having to declare their earnings and their source.
No other politician is going to start an enquiry into the previous because they are all waiting in lineto get their snouts in the trough.
It might have been expected that Donald Trump would be immune with all his billions, but alas he is just as compromised as all the other Western leaders.
Oh dear me. The Establishment propaganda machine has even hijacked the New Years Day celebratory fireworks display.
Apparently the organiser’s “brief” from the London mayor (Sad Dick. Kant) was to make it about Europe with soundtracks by European “artists” and an “open global theme” FFS just piss off!
It’s just three minutes into the New Year and I’m already sick to the back teeth of fireworks. I suppose things could be worse – I’m not watching the BBC for instance.
I don’t mind the fireworks . But the horrible music electronic noise prompted me to to press the mute button after 1 minute. Fireworks can work well with music but they seem to go out of their way to find the worst computer-generated crap in existence.
Exactly Lucy, that is just what my wife and I did turned off the distorting sound and with Handels music playing in the background from our music centre, watched both Edinburgh and London’s Fire work display which wereboth just fantastic. Love the way the London eye had been used, superb like most such things we do in this still white Christian country-just about !
We usually watch BBC1 Scotland (on Freesat) in the hope of seeing a traditional new year celebration. This year it was marginalised almost to nothing. There was only one traditional item of music. Otherwise Ally McBeale was used to back some horrid squawking pop singer. Like using Mozart to back the barking of a seal.
Apparently the knife man (terrorist) shouted Allah Akbar as he stabbed people…..however the BBC had a first hand account….strange no mention of his ethnicity or motive….
BBC 5 live producer Sam Clack, who had been at the station at the time, tweeted he had been”very close to the most terrifying thing”.
He said he saw a man stabbed on a tram platform at the station, which is next to Manchester Arena, “feet from me”.
He added he was “close to jumping on the tracks” as the attacker had a “long kitchen knife”.
‘Pure fear’
Mr Clack said he first “heard this most blood-curdling scream and looked down the platform”.
“It looked like they were having a fight, but the woman was screaming in this blood-curdling way. I saw police in high-vis come towards him. He came towards me.
“I looked down and saw he had a kitchen knife with a black handle with a good, 12in blade. It was just fear, pure fear.”
Mr Clack said he saw the attacked man – who he described as in his 60s – and the woman, who had been with him, “walk out of the station” with emergency crews.
Halifax i think you have the wrong end of the stick… as Naz Shah MP explains its Tommy Robinson and “the far right” that caused this by “alienating Muslims”… by pointing out that in Rotherham alone 15% of Muslims men are under investigation for child rape, and the average Muslim man has committed 5 child rapes.
You can understand this logic by watching more of the BBC and developing a Brain-washed, Brain-dead Condition (BBC)… which will lead you to light a candle to apologize to to Islam after your daughter has been raped or murdered by followers of that religion.
BTW here are the stats to back up my claims (since some people say i am making these numbers up)… im not sure if teh police can arrest me for quoting a government report and police numbers… YET???:
According to the Jay Report… Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 muslim Men.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. The Majority of court cases describe victims being raped hundreds of times in total.
If just 10% of victims were raped 100 times, this would already be 14,000 rapes, That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average.
According to police there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children. That is fully 15% of the Adult Male Muslim population in that town.
Bloke above loses all credibility once he starts bleating on about being under heavy sedation (hungover), picking a fight then crying about it when he gets some back shows the measure of the man. Best part of all? when he realises the crowd aren’t with him.
What a gutless whining little creep they put on to defend You Tube. All he had to do in order to silence those MPs was ask for details of Tommy Robinson’s hate speech.
“””In 2019 the UK will start a new chapter. The Brexit deal I have negotiated delivers on the vote of the British people. If Parliament backs a deal, Britain can turn a corner.””
It’s incredible that she has the gall to talk about this train wreck of a deal with pride.
“that I have negotiated” – how have you negotiated this. What have you actually bartered about. Is this woman completely insane? How can she even consider this to have been a negotiated deal.
Her ability to completely ignore reason and be so utterly delusional about what she has put together is alarming. I think there is a valid case for her to be sectioned as mentally and criminally insane.
Payne – She is a very intelligent woman.
She knows exactly what she is doing. She also knows that we know what she is doing. But she cares not because, in her warped world of betrayal. she is in a win /win situation.
In her mind she has discredited the whole idea of brexit by creating a mess, she has successfully fudged and delayed, if she gets away with her latest act of treason remain has won, if she doesnt get away with her latest act of treason then chaos remains, in her mind further obscuring, discrediting the whole concept of brexit.
She is a very dangerous woman and nobodies fool. And holds the electorate and the concept of democracy in utter contempt.
Happy new year to all on this site. 2019 will be a very important year for democracy in this country but just in case things don’t go well order your yellow vests before they sell out !
Well said. With her stooges in the MSM she has played it perfectly to mire the ‘negotiations’ in such endless detail and drivel that the nations apathy will be that they’ll let her and her Tory goons to get away with it. And no one can or will stop her.
As I’ve said before, most Brexiteers are sensible responsible individuals with jobs and families and bills to pay.
Hence they cannot afford to run the risk of being slandered, discredited, disavowed, snubbed or threatened with being let go at work for appearing on QT or being seen at a Brexit or TR march and branded a racist, xenophobic swivel eyed loon.
The establishment has created an environment where the loudest shouters are heard on issues of identity politics and social justice but deliberately suppressed on issues of immigration, actual criminal justice and a loss of democratic representation.
When the masses are prevented from having their voice heard, they will make it known in the ballot box. Unfortunately Brexit is revealing that we will no longer be able to use that as an avenue to express our frustration.
I’d proclaim that revolution is coming but it won’t. We’ll just sit back and allow our country to be taken from beneath our feet and naturally retreat into our own little bubbles and communities.
And once again another false dream of integration and assimilation falters because over zealous autocrats thought they could artificially control society rather than letting things take their natural course.
Clack said police officers deployed a Taser and pepper spray before “six or seven” officers collared the suspect.
Victoria Station is steps away from the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up as fans were leaving an Ariana Grande concert.
That it takes so many police officers to subdue these muslim killers suggests to me that they are taking drugs to enhance their performance. Several years ago the Saudis were caught taking amphetamines into Iraq and Syria in diplomatic bags for just this purpose. Thus if a normal Englishman or woman is targeted by these animals it’s virtually impossible to fight them off.
So they have an open mind for the attack in Manchester? They cannot even be bothered to lie properly which gives us this terrible feeling this is all spinning out of control. Their sole policy for dealing with this state of war is to not merely ignore it but in fact pretend it is something glorious to celebrate, and make it illegal to even state that 2 + 2 = 5. It is the blind leading the sighted.
Why did nobody mention that the Gatwick fiasco was highly likely to have been caused by ROPers? I imagine this would be akin to scoring an overhead kick in a cup final: making us miserable at the one time of year we really celebrate. It was not even mentioned and to my shame I had swallowed the MSM narrative until recently. They really are absolute poison: they look so slick and trustworthy but in reality they are no different to wicked conmen like Madoff.
Happy new year everyone. Any bets on how many stabbings in London? I wish some eternal justice court could hoist Blair off his yacht and plunge him into some hellish London street his policies created.
If the roper’s havent caught on with subtle variations on how to attack us they must be thick.
Anually the media gives us seasonal updates on how tinder-dry the heathlands and forests are, and annually there laid out for any jihadi is an open goal just waiting to be scored.
How many deaths can we claim for California, Australia, the uk even.
The almost funny part about California is they welcome undocumented humans it seems. What idiots.
I have seen this week UK regional news progs informing that some of the saddleworth moor type fires here, were deliberately started.
Did they speculate on a motive? No bloody chance.
And that Gatwick fiasco? If it wasnt on their index of ways ro disrupt the Uk aviation industry before? It bloody well is now.
What a complete fiasco. Security? Vlad must be pissing himself laffin.
The New Year starts with a tricky one for the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation.
The Manchester stabbings were caused by a man who was heard shouting Allah and anti-western comments – according to a witness who was a BBC5live employee !
How will they spin the story now?
They won’t. They’ll bury it.
The BBC. Whose standards of investigative journalism make Inspector Clouseau look like Albert Einstein.
“Life is a comedy for those who think but a tragedy for those who feel.”
I have decided to just find it all funny if I can. This must be one of the best examples of mass insanity ever: the most successful nation in history invites those from the worst to do whatever they want, then persecutes any citizens loyal to the older, far superior order who complain.
The BBC are like Comical Ali during the Iraq war, celebrating imminent victory as everything explodes around him.
“Who cares about the murders and rape gangs – we have a female Dr Who and a Muslim producing religious programmes! We will hit our diversity targets by 2020, at which point heave on earth will instantly occur across Britain.”
I wonder if this will be as contrived as the famous “Battle of the sexes” matches from the 70’s and 90’s. Those matches were heavily weighted in favour of the female players: Jimmy Connors in 1992 was only allowed one serve per point for example, and Bobby Riggs in 1973 was nearly twice as old as Billie Jean King.
I daresay Williams will get all the attention, and when she starts being petulant, insulting the umpire and smashing her raquet, it will of course be Federer’s fault.
Thanks for the link. That was nauseating in its attempt to be so pro Europe. The desparation in the choice of songs – Stay, We are you friends (which I assume is meant to be Calling occcupants by The Carpenters which is a great song) is embarrasing though I can see little Khan thinking it was so clever.
Exactly, guess it’s all part of the game,
Daily Mirror doing it’s bit to build the traitors story –
to make May look like a prime minister that is determined to leave, rather than the shill, plant or a stooge for the EU, she clearly is
That Mirror headline so you don’t have to look at the page with it’s bloody self loading video
\\ New Year 2019: Sadiq Khan trolls Theresa May with blatant anti-Brexit fireworks
London’s mayor doubled down to defend the “spectacular” New Year’s Eve 2019 fireworks display – which came with a not-so-subtle message on the London Eye//
I note the word politics in the link above. That says it all really.
Our new year celebrations in our capital hijacked by a jumped up little Muslim in a position of power which he should have been kicked out of long ago! It’s our country and 17.4 million voted against being “open” so f*ck off you horrible little traitor.
PS the attempts to skew the EU parliament issue and make it about the willingness for us to be friends with the people of Europe is also very misleading and part of why the remoaners think we are somehow not still physically going to be in Europe as opposed to no longer being dictated to by the EU political establishment.
Just after pumping 8 tonnes of particulate pollution into London’s air Sadiq tweeted
Sending a message across the globe: London's diversity will always be our strength. Our one million EU citizens are Londoners, they make a huge contribution, and no matter the outcome of Brexit – they will always be welcome.
The real loyal viewers are outside London and they voted LEAVE in their millions and by what I discern in the nation those leave voters have increased remarkably! Don’t tell this muslim fake this as somewhere down the road this will be fatal to himself/his remainer chumps!
Of course there are not thousands of deaths in London due to pollution, the stat comes from guessing that people would live a few days longer at the end of their lives if air were a bit cleaner.
..Whereas with each stabbing murder of a 15 year old wipes 72 years of their life span
Now add that up thru 135 murders and it looks like 7,200 Life Years
.. Taking a population of 7,200,000
that becomes one year lost per each 1,000 Londoners each year Over a lifetime that’s 80 years lost over 80 years
.. that’s 4,160 weeks each 1,000 people
ie equivalent to each Londoner have 1 month lopped off their lifespan.
Happy New Year to everyone on here, as I live in the South of France Mr Kitty and I celebrate twice Paris time and London time , also it’s Mr Kittys birthday today. It’s very quiet here as we’re so remote which is a good thing this morning as we both seem to be suffering , hope everyone is well and has a fantastic year ahead . Many thanks to all who administer this site and to all who post , maybe 2019 will see many more people awakening and seeing the bias at the Beeb.
And the same to you and Mr. Kitty, and all on B-BBC from central France. We didn’t bother to stay up – unimpressed with the last year, and full of forboding for this new one, it didn’t seem to be worth celebrating.
I wake up this morning and click on Google on my phone and it gives me a selection of headlines from the Beeb and Guardian (despite me repeatedly messaging Google to tell them to stop pushing their bias) and although I know about the Manchester attack, I see a headline informing me of an intern killed in a zoo by a lion in the US.
Right so there was a religiously motivated attack yards from the scene of a previous and horrific religious attack but the BBC thinks I should be more concerned about an intern in the US.
Maybe if the Beeb wants to consider itself a global news organisation it should seek payment from the world rather than just us gullible UK citizens.
I don’t pay the licence fee but one has to gasp at the majority of UK taxpayers happy to endlessly fund organisations like the BBC and NHS who are more motivated by serving the people of the whole world rather than their own who actually fund them.
One day in and already bbc editorial integrity is already delivering a mast… personclass on what goes in, and what does not get mentioned.
So far ‘news’ of this poor girl appears limited to emoting and gush.
Having worked at rescue centres worldwide, the first image my wife and I saw of a nuzzle nose to nose with a wolf suggested handling standards were as unique as bbc funding.
A good read, thanks for posting. I got engaged with some of the comments and repsonded to one individual with the following. I hope you guys don’t mind me posting it.
“You want to have your own trade deals with other countries, but you want them to be like the EU trade deals you have with those same countries now…” (this is what someone had posted and my response is below).
And why can’t they be?
You make an assumption that other countries want to punish the UK like the EU do with a negative trade deal – why?
Why do you assume that South Korea or Singapore have an axe to grind with the UK? Their only motivation is smooth trade that benefits them.
So when a member of the UK civil service phones up South Korea and says “you know that deal we have with you through the EU. Well is it cool if we still continue to both stick with that arrangement until we sort something out” why would South Korea say no.
They aren’t motivated by punishing us or needing to make an example of us, they just want to trade.
Unfortunately what many EU supporters do is project their own animosity to the UK onto other countries when there is no reason to think that way other than a desperate desire to fabricate a doomsday scenario for anyone daring to leave your relationship.
Just like how you might assume that you could speak on behalf of all men or women if you told a partner wanting to leave that they would never find love again. It’s desparate projection brought on by fear of being alone. It’s weak, it’s deceitful and it’s pathetic.
I realise we are living in a different ‘age’ now, and there have been lesbians and homosexuals roaming the planet since God was a boy (am I allowed to say that?), and I haven’t the slightest probs , – behind closed doors and all that; but I do cringe when I hear the term ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ referring to partners of the same sex.
” Listen up everybody, BIG BROTHER is talking. I want as
little as possible made of this collateral damage in Manchester.
The big story today is the GENDER passport news from Germany.
Make sure on the BBC website that this MAJOR story
takes pride of place over the slight altercation in Manchester.
Also I don’t want this reference to ALLAH included. I don’t
want to hear what the eye witness heard even if he is from the BBC..
The sooner we get rid of all the men working for he BBC the
I’m hearing that these boat people are only a couple of hundred and that it’s a drop in the ocean compared to what’s been going on in Greece and Italy.
Just remind me, how did it start in Greece and Italy, was it also just a couple of hundred or was it nothing one day then all of a sudden thousands the next day.
The message ‘our’ government is sending out is “get in a boat and we will find you, come and collect you, give you everything you want and never send you back”
That should stop them.
You think given how the Ariana Grande bomber was picked up, sorry ‘rescued’ by the Royal Navy, that we might have learnt a lesson on just accepting any of those ‘brave and noble’ individuals who attempted the channel crossing in their desperation to flee the persecution they received from the 6/7 safe Western countries that they’d already passed through.
I mean god forbid that someone should remind anyone about what one of the previous ‘brave’ asylum seekers actually did.
Love how the bbc say, “serious injuries but not life threatening”.
So that’s ok then ?
The witness who heard, ‘Allah’ shouted was a bbc producer ?
Apparently he was, beyond afraid – terrorism is coming home – nice.
FYI the BBC have a coming drama #GiriHaji which from the sound of the end of the name sounds like a Muslim character
In fact it is a Japanese character who comes to London
If the Parliament elected by the British people ratifies it, we shall deserve to terminate our centuries as a proud independent country, for we shall have delivered ourselves to become once more the off-shore “Province of Britannia” ruled by a foreign power imposing alien laws on us, as we were two thousand years ago.
Shakespeare had it thus:
“England … is now bound in with shame,
With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:
That England, that was wont to conquer others,
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.”
The BBC is approaching the nexus of the hilarious and the desperate.
A story on the tennis player Andy Murray contains the advice:
Warning: This story contains language that some people may find offensive.
The offensive word? “Shit”. As in “What a shit year that was”, in a Murray tweet. [Edit: It was an Instagram post]
I don’t know if the BBC is trying to sell the narrative that we are now so fragile that we can’t handle a word like that, or is just polishing its safe space and trigger warning credentials.
Either way, it doesn’t say much for their view of UK society.
I can only guess that our extreme far left Marxist State Broadcaster is ferretting around right now anxious to determine whether he was a, ‘British Subject’…………
I note that shortly after this Islamic terror attack the increasingly absurd Arch Bishop of Canterbury, Welby , in his New Year message thought that we must pull together in our ‘ wonderful diverse country’. What a fool and the Cof E wonders why attendances continue to fall when its leader spouts nonsense such as this.
BBC saying attack at Manchester Victoria however again no reference to terror attack at the MEN arena…….secretly the BBC agree that “we deserve it”…….its wrong this anti western rhetoric has got to stop.
BBC saying attack at Manchester Victoria was terror related however again no reference to terror attack at the MEN arena…….secretly the BBC agree that “we (and our children) deserve it”…….its so wrong this anti western rhetoric has got to stop.
Yes, apparently it says something in the Quran about us all being infidels and kafir and the worst of creatures…due to our foreign policy and that if we stop dropping bombs on other countries their Jihad must end immediately and they must embrace us as equals [sarc].
Thank god for Fox and Greg Gutfeld still giving us some right wing humour to laugh about. The one below is a mock advert they put together on the show relating to a PC Santa Claus.
I keep hearing about some place called Ultima Thule. Apparently there is no diversity at all there. No knife-wielding black thugs, no Pakistani grooming gangs, no Muslim suicide bombers, no jihadis with machetes, no thirty year old Iranian children who have lost their passports, no Somalis defecating in the street. Not even a BAME microbe. Fancy it, anyone?
Without checking DuckDuckGo guessing this is a place where, even if the A Ark reached and made habitable and peaceful, those in the B Ark would insist those in the D Ark were allowed to settle too, to bring with them the unique skills for which they are already globally renowned, currently on Manchester especially.
A handy little guide to muslim activities in the UK during 2018. I wonder what percentage were broadcast as, ‘News’ by our famous extreme left wing Marxist State Broadcaster?
I’m looking forward to Part 2 however, I doubt whether the essence of content will change dramatically.
All, part and parcel of living with vibrant multiculturism.
My thoughts are with the young man who was only informing us that god is great by stabbing middle aged bystanders when he was jumped on by half a dozen police officers. Doesn’t he have any human rights in all this? Can we please welcome more of these people to our shores as they have so obviously enriched us.
The Premier League’s first female chief exec Susanna Dinnage suddenly dropped out last week before starting the role. Obviously a blow for equality but as they say, when one door closes… another opens.
‘There was blood everywhere’: the abuse case against the Afghan FA president.“He took a gun, his gun, put it on my head and said: ‘See what I have done to you? I can shoot you in the head and everywhere will be your brain. And I can do the same with your family. If you want your family to be alive you should keep quiet’”.
Just think of the exotic diversity he’d bring. If he can get himself to France, we could give him a dingy and he’d probably be here in time for the weekend’s fixtures. Any bloodbaths in the stadiums and I’m sure we’d all understand there are “no easy answers”.
That BBC producer being right on scene to put convenient words in the mouth of the Manchester assailant really has turned my stomach. They are spinning at source here. I imagine he will be put up for a promotion as this really is brilliant work, lying before the Ministry is Truth has even got to work on the story.
Almost as good as the ‘hate crime’ where at midnight outside a pub someone enquired of someone’s asylum status before attacking them. Because mindless thugs talk of nothing other than asylum status.
13:45pm R4 The IMPARTIAL BBC tells you
“Give up your car one day a week” and ‘you will save a significant amount of petrol use & therefore CO2’
I note that the BBC are keeping the episode pages blank
I checked at 1:30pm to see what the prog would be about, but there was no info ..ah they do give info at the end of audio “Tmw we will be..”
This is not a prog or news, it is a 15 minute Climate Activist advert
another one tmw
Claimed that “driving at 50mph compared to 70mph using one third less fuel and one third less CO2”
What to you motor experts reckon ?
Age of car (recent or older model)
Size of car
Drag coefficient of car
Size of engine
Engine management system
Quality of past maintenance
Condition of braking system
Type of tyres and their inflation
Whether tyres are new or not or are quite old but still legal (just)
Road surface
Driver skill
Load carried
Time of day
Use of features & accessories
Behaviour of other drivers, pedestrians, etc.
(I may have missed a few. Have remembered and added four more but brain is starting to ache. I give in. Anyone beat eighteen?)
Oops – forgot fuel. Not quantity ie. full tank v. empty-ish tank, because that would be covered under ‘Load carried’ but whether Premium fuel or not. Some Premium fuels have been shown to reduce fuel consumption ….. at a price.
Just caught a snippet of a bbc news maker upper saying that nothing is certain in politics any more – I heard someone shouting at the screen – “ yes there is – the lefty bias of the BBC” – it seemed the person shouting was .. er… me.
Fed, the TWatO discussion about year past and year ahead in politics was interesting, too. Certainly a pro-Remain/anti-Brexit-biased view from the BBC in 2019 (as in 2018 and 2017 and 2016) but not sure it is ‘lefty’ in the sense of softy, nice liberal-ish cosy ‘lefty’.
More a sort of fascistic Alt-Left, Hard Left, Far Left therefore Far Right, “We cannot have a thoughtful Leave Campaigner on for balance so it’s a Guardian Editor and Matthew – ‘I sneer on Brexit and on voters’ – Parris into BBC to discuss.” (And he complains of people trolling him! You could not make it up!!!)
I found myself wondering a couple of days ago whether BBC Radio Flaw would tone down their anti-Brexit and anti-Democracy campaigning in 2019 as it had actually been quite pleasant to be pretty much free of it since 23 December. Didn’t take long to be disabused of that notion this morning after three minutes or so of the TOADY Programme around 6.45am.
Happy New Year . The BBC is lefty so will support anything they see as similar to themselves – hence the obvious pro EU bias .
Also – i think their big fear is that after we leave ( if) Britain might start becoming less ‘ welfare’ oriented and move a bit back to the middle or further on – the right .
Fed, Happy New Year to you too. Forgot to add that to my post above.
What I’m hearing from the Beeb now, certainly as far as the EU and Brexit are concerned is – must call it as I see it – capital F Fascism or Communism. Same difference, as they say.
What the BBC fear, I think, is that the horrible poorer middle-ground, out of the EU, may well thrive, not because it becomes less ‘welfare’ but just becomes more enterprising but will also eventually encompass (and pull together) more and more of the Electorate.
Have you noticed where all this talk of a ‘divided country’ has come from?
It is largely the advantaged middle ground that is espousing Fascism (of the Left, the true or real Fascism) and voting Remain and complaining of a divided country because it provides its own group (a relatively small group – less than 10% of the population) with an economic and fiscal and moral hegemony.
Am I making sense? Am largely thinking out loud ‘on paper’ as it were here.
Certainly the strain within the ReichEU is showing . The BBC is playing down French protest as well as other countries where people do not agree that their nation should be changed beneath their feet in the way that the UK population suffered – being repressed by the Media screaming ‘racism’ every 5 minutes .
I only hope that if we manage a full exit the Brussels edifice will shake and break .. my countdown app says 87 days to go .
May seems to think Brussels will be told to back down but I think both German and France would prefer to run their club without UK interfering .
A possible New Year Resolution for B-BBCers: ‘Call it as it is’ in 2019?
1. A desire to overturn Brexit = Fascism.
Over to others. Add your own to this list I have started. If I understand Fed’s strain from his posts at this point, then it would be –
2. An overwhelming, enforced Welfare State = Fascism.
(Correct that if I’ve got it wrong, Fed.) Come on, folks, add some more.
“Claimed that “driving at 50mph compared to 70mph using one third less fuel and one third less CO2”
What to you motor experts reckon ?”
If you use “snowflake logic” it’s simple.
1) The faster you drive the shorter your journey time.
2) The earlier you arrive the sooner you can turn your engine off.
3) When your engine is turned off your car isn’t produciong CO2.
4) Conclusion: higher speed = shorter journey time = reduced car usage = less CO2.
If you drive fast enough you won’t need to give up your car one day per week, as five days worth of journeys will now only take the time you used to spend on four.
As the planet could do with as much CO2 as it can get hold of, the amount of fuel one uses is up to the individual, as with all things, and fifty MPH appears to be the average on congested roads, every day, in the Former UK anyway. If I were working, I’d be happy not to drive my car to work one day each week, provided I was compensated with a day’s pay.
As I’m retired, live in the wilds of France Profonde, own and use two diesel 4 x 4s, I don’t really give a stuff. They wouldn’t DARE to try and curtail our transport needs, here…
For several hours the Beeb website omitted any mention of what the knifeman shouted or their motive. They just said the police are keeping an open mind.
Fast forward to the breaking news in Germany of a car hitting some immigrants –
‘A man has been arrested in Germany after driving his car into a crowd of people, injuring at least four, in what appears to have been an intentional attack directed at immigrants’.
If an immigrant is hurt, they immediately state its a right wing terror attack. If an immigrant causes harm, then the Beeb don’t give a toss and omit whatever key facts they like.
one can almost play a sick game where MSM take an age to name the animal because it will be called ‘mo’ or be a ‘ asylum seeker ‘ or ‘ refugee’ or ‘ migrant’
It makes me smile when I hear sages talking about the need to have our military overseas to prevent terrorist attacks -yet our borders are wide open , control of illegal immigrant criminals is non existence and Norwegians regularly get the knife out and start screaming about ‘ Alan’s snack bar’ in that ‘ one off’ ‘ unconnected ‘ way …
We know , of course, that this is now the accepted new normal and a fair price for enrichment .
Seems the Knifeman comes from Cheetham Hill. Lovely area. I lived there once.
Had a knife held an inch from my eye by 2 screaming Asian folk while i waited for a bus. I handed over all my money and they stabbed me anyway. I moved out the area shortly after that.
Eight – sounds like my bit of east Londonistan . As I walked to Church today I passed the traditional police tape sealing off a nearby road .
It’s a bit of a backwater for beeboids as they are all out west or in Islington so won’t get any attention . – unless of course it’s a non white victim of a ‘ racial ‘ .
”A far-right former army captain will be sworn in as Brazil’s new president later on Tuesday.
Jair Bolsonaro, 63, won the presidential election by a wide margin against Fernando Haddad of the left-wing Workers’ Party on 28 October.”
how come Fernando and his party isn’t described as FAR LEFT?
That tweet is the thing they hate most about the Don.
He bypasses the entire MSM and goes direct to his people with a message. He completely wrongfoots them every time, and they hate him for it.
It’s ok, just a bbc reporter having views his own whilst blotto.
LOL. Happy New Year to you, Piers. Perhaps I’m slightly hungover so lacking in my usual love of the funny, the different, the mildly irritating that make up life.
I didn’t want to do this but a Londonistan new year crime update – 2 reported stabbed to death last night in separate killings and 2 shot in separate incidents .. a quiet night .
So the BBC finally admit the Manchester attack was “terror related” But don’t mention Islam or Muslim once in the article. But they do want you to let you know that:
“… police were still trying to establish whether the suspect is a British national; and that “given how frenzied the attack was”, they are also “obviously considering his mental health”.”
I’m gonna take a guess here and say that the fellow does have a mental health issue, and it’s called Islam.
Ask the fellow is he believes in flying donkeys, camel urine as a cure for tummy ache, dunking flies in you drink so you don’t get sick, Jins sitting on you shoulder whispering doubts about Islam in you ear, and the devil living in you nose…
… and of course that the only guaranteed way to get to heaven (Jenna) is to kill infidels.
I think we should lock up all people who have the mental health issue known as Islam, along with people who have the mental health issue BBC, Brain-washed, Brain-dead Condition.
the manchester attack is their first article ive looked at since the 23rd
“There is wide reporting in the press about what the attacker allegedly said during the incident and because of this we want to be clear, we are treating this as a terrorism investigation,” he said.
so as my very first dip of the year I guessed immediately that the words were not seig heil
is their really any point left in the so called bbc hiding the alans snackbar phrase , are they really fooling anybody? anymore?
back to work in manchester tomorrow, im expecting to see police with machine guns AGAIN! oh what a job our so called Elites have done on this country
These petty fascists in government are doing a great job trying to hide what is going on with this “religion”, they have now take down Tommy Robinson website…
They can’t argue against words, so they just shut people down like the Stazi. The government is so shameful and disgusting… they are scared of words, that they can’t argue against.
See the Manchester moslem attack from the Government’s perspective. After numerous mass killings culminating the the Arena Grande massacre, Treezer said enough was enough. Then she probably went begging for support from the moslem Council who ordered her first to clamp down on whomever they defined as far right, and get some of their kind in the Government. All of this was done and Home Secretary Savid Javid – moslem politician of the year – was seen to swear his oath on the Koran. But the moslem Council are not keeping their end of the deal, so we have to rely on the media to minimise details of the attacks. Names witheld where moslems are involved, and you betcha the men in suits will be visiting the witness who heard the moslem shout about allah akibar. It will turn out that he was mistaken. In a couple of weeks, like the car rammings and numerous other knife attacks, it will not have happened.
Tragic for those injured in the latest muslim atrocity, but pleased a bbc producer witnessed at close range what their favourite religionists are up to, and that he was scared shitless.
A few more like that in the Manchester-Salford area might knock a bit of sense into their thick treacherous skulls.
But on second thoughts, no it won’t. The rot is too deep. The indoctrination and the wilful, cowardly blindness to what’s happening are too entrenched.
Abolition of the beeb is the only answer.
State of the three Parliament Petitions anybody?
‘Ours’: 287,453 Still rising but slowly;
Avoid No Deal: 311 Stalled just out the stocks;
Stop Brexit: 106,540 Pretty well stalled;
The MP’s that have failed to understand the 2016 Referendum, the figures above should remind them. At least the intervening two and a half years or so has demonstrated to everybody what an evil Reich the EU actually is. Treason May and her co-conspirators will understand that a second Referendum may well show even more that 17.4 million want a simple ‘OUT’.
Have no doubt we are in the early stages of a war between them and us.
£2.25 is a small price to pay:
– A Muslim/Islamist blowing people up and/or running people over
– A Black person stabbing someone
– Pakistan (other 3rd world countries are available) rape gangs
– Somalian criminals of various desriptions
– Machete wielding Asians
Comments always seem to be disabled on the bBBC. I think it’s called freedom of speech?
In my Londonistan borough some one wrote
“Speak English “ on a wall. Someone else took a picture of it and put it on something called ‘ snapchat’ . The local MP – the lovely Stella Creasy ( champagne lefty remainer )wrote on her twitter account that who ever wrote this “ hate crime” woukd be hunted down and prosecuted . What a country .
The footage of the Manchester Islamic terrorist being arrested shouting “ Allah Akbar – long live the caliphate “ is on twitter .
There was obviously not hate involved , he has an odd sense of humour and it was just a misunderstanding .
Video here PJW did tweet it later, but I have tracked it to the first posting just before midnight
It’s unverified, but if it is fake they did it very quickly or they’ve lifted it from an older video.
I would expect that someone would pop up in that thread with evidence that it is fake, but I haven’t found that yet.
Maybe someone can look more
That Stella Creasy thing was a month ago.
4 different walls they say.
IT is the crime of vandalism
It would be about foreigners not integrating
The idea of hate cime is ridiculous, cos it’s still vandalism if it said “I love Pakistan” both should get the same punishment.
I wonder if there is further context, like a lot of foreign language graffiti in the area.
Yep – it’s criminal damage alright – but is that a hatey crime ? Some might say it’s a form of cultural expression or free speach . Personally if Creasy comes out with stuff like that she deserves all the trolling she boasts about under the cloak of misogyny .
Ps I’ve got her as 9/1 to be next labour leader . A punt .
Haha this just about sums up the intelligence (lack of) of the left.
If the perceived victims of this hatey crime can’t speak English, then the chances are they cannot read English either. Therefore they cannot be offended and no hatey crime can possibly have been committed!
Ps could have been Banksy. Apparently it’s ok for him to go around defacing other people’s property.
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First comment of 2019 thread!!!
Happy New Year everybody!!!
Bloody Help Lobster – congratulation – I thought every one would be away doing New Year stuff .
Where I live – because of Londonistan multicultural stuff – I’ve had bloody fireworks every hour since about 5 o bloody pm ( I’m not allowed to be second )
Happy New Year to all my “far right” friends. 😉
In view of the Islamic slaughters this evening:
Brilliant Lucy = great early morning chuckle.
Surely the guy on the right giving the Nazi salute will be arrested by the local Hate Crime team?
If they can successfully prosecute a Scot for training a dog to give that salute, this actor and any others colluding will all be equally responsible. I guess that the well manicured police in red high heels with be actively investigating.
I prefer the term ‘Extremist’….lol…Thank you Mr.Hammond
So we have the traditional new years eve Jihad attack in Manchester…
“Sam Clack, a producer at the BBC, tweeted how he nearly jumped on the tracks to get away from the knifeman.”
So a BBC fellow nearly got his head hacked… If it was up to me, instead of giving returning ISIS jihadis council housing, i’d give them machine guns and lock them in television center with all of the BBC staff…
Perhaps then it’d get through their thick skulls, that Muhammad ordered Muslims to kill and subjugate infidels, and force their women in to sex slavery.
I wonder if Sam Clack will wake up from his middle class brainwashing, and realize that’s just what Muhammad did. It’s at the core of the “religion”… or will he light a candle and berate people… because you know “not all Muslims…”
Bloody Lone Wolf Norwegians with their mental issues about Alan’s Snack Bar who are “ known to the authorities “…..
Yeah the DM tells us teh fellow was shouting “Allah”..
But the BBC knows that this is an unimportant detail, and so does not mention that:
I walk up that platform every morning to get the tram to Manchester Police head quarters ….it’s the platform for tram to Rochdale and only yards away from the Manchester atrocity….I wonder if the BBC will point that out ?
No mention that it’s less than 50 yards from Manchester atrocity on BBC. It really is disgusting bias by ommision.
BY now the BBC must know by now this is coming from Islam, where Muhammad is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt.
He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe. He married his cousin Zaynab, and stole his sons wife Zayd, and had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for witing insulting poems, and apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine…
Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, incest, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates… its hardly brain surgery to verify this stuff.
Halifax: “Manchester atrocity”…
You mean the Islamic infidel child massacre?
Well I lasted ten minutes. Trump impersonators on… boos…’s f**king embarrassing………
Snap, I first saw that Alexi Sayle sat there which p*ssed me off then the Trump impersonators, I saw where this was going. Jooles you can go and f**k yourself in future your nothing better than a bbc hooker.
I said to my partner last night that one advantage of not having a TV licence and hence no access to any TV was that there was absolutely no chance that I would at any point happen to flick through and see the lazy pretentious art ****of TV that is Jools Holland’s Hogmany.
I’m surprised Jools Holland still has an audience on NYE. Its well known that the programme is recorded in November, so all that faux ‘bon homie’ is the best fake news of all !
Well it’s New years Eve and following on from a knife attack in Schipol airport comes another at Manchester Victoria Train Station and it appears to have a BBC connection.
The man is reported to have shouted ‘Allah’, however another witness a Mr Sam Clack who is reportedly a BBC producer
Claimed the attacker said “as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of shit is going to keep happening.”
There were plenty of other people close to the attacker, no one else has reported hearing these words.
I’ll now ask you to imagine the circumstances of a man hyped up with adrenaline who has been pepper sprayed and is resisting arrest being able to come out with such a long and cogent sentence which is exactly what the lefties want to hear to excuse such an incident and turning the blame on the white people whom the left hate so much.
Mr Clack hails from the Labour stronghold of Newcastle, and works for the Labour stronghold of the BBC. I for one find his testimony ‘unreliable’ given the circumstances.
It’s amazing as a professional journolist he didn’t make comparison to the massacre of young lives that took place litteraly yards from the scene of the “attack” ..apologies for repeating myself I’m fuming
“as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of s**t is going to keep happening.”
This is the narrative that is pushed by the BBC, yet they egged on these wars and helped the government hide the lies in the first place.
Yet in reality, if you look at say Afghanistan (2017), about 1,662 civilians were killed, and 80% of these were “normal Muslims” killed by ISIS Muslims… so most deaths were not even due to coalition forces.
Compare that to 4932 deaths due to road traffic accidents in Afghanistan… in other words you are three times more likely to be killed in a road traffic accident as a civilian in Afghanistan.
This is all in a country of 33 million… so the odds of the average Afghani getting involved is very very small… and its even smaller if they stay away from trouble spots.
Yet the ****** BBC, as ever, exaggerate out of all proportion… insist as ever that it the fault of the British people, when its the Establishment traitors who did this, backed up by the Goebbelesque BBC.
These deceivers make me want to vomit blood, i hate the BBC so much, can they really believe their own lies???, with thousands of employees are they really so incapable of doing the simplest bit of research that even i can do from my own living room in 10 minutes???.
Claimed the attacker said “as the suspect was held down, he said: “As long as you keep bombing other countries this sort of shit is going to keep happening.” So why the H are we continuing to take them in-again for thousanth time I ask as no doubt we all do. What is or has happened to those Muslim boat people? Where are they now, I know where they should be, on the shores of northern France. The subject for this or any other Government if they have the guts is to face up to the stealth invasion of those people who follow Islamic teachings, coming from Africa/Middle East & Indian Sub Continent in particular Pakistan, is to close the door firmly. Their mission as directed from their Mosques is to invade and conquer Europe make no mistake. Happy New year.
So why the H are we continuing to take them in-again for thousanth time I ask as no doubt we all do.
I wonder if you have seen the freedom of information request on Tony Bliars activities immediately post office?
The man has made tens of millions from Salafist Muslim countries for his services to Islamising Britain. He was followed by Brown who carried this on.
Cameron who bombed Assads forces to protect Saudis ISIS creation, and then Libya to get rid of Ghaddafi because he hacked off the Saudis, and kept quiet about the war in Yemen.
May carried on the ‘good work by supressing a report into Saudi sponsored terrorism in the UK, has kept quiet on the war on Yemen, and made a few noises about the kashoggi murder – but nothing serious, she has met the Crown Prince on a number of occasions.
Not one Prime Minister after John Major has taken up their entitlement to a peerage, because this would involve them having to declare their earnings and their source.
No other politician is going to start an enquiry into the previous because they are all waiting in lineto get their snouts in the trough.
It might have been expected that Donald Trump would be immune with all his billions, but alas he is just as compromised as all the other Western leaders.
Oh dear me. The Establishment propaganda machine has even hijacked the New Years Day celebratory fireworks display.
Apparently the organiser’s “brief” from the London mayor (Sad Dick. Kant) was to make it about Europe with soundtracks by European “artists” and an “open global theme” FFS just piss off!
It’s just three minutes into the New Year and I’m already sick to the back teeth of fireworks. I suppose things could be worse – I’m not watching the BBC for instance.
I don’t mind the fireworks . But the horrible
musicelectronic noise prompted me to to press the mute button after 1 minute. Fireworks can work well with music but they seem to go out of their way to find the worst computer-generated crap in existence.Exactly Lucy, that is just what my wife and I did turned off the distorting sound and with Handels music playing in the background from our music centre, watched both Edinburgh and London’s Fire work display which wereboth just fantastic. Love the way the London eye had been used, superb like most such things we do in this still white Christian country-just about !
We usually watch BBC1 Scotland (on Freesat) in the hope of seeing a traditional new year celebration. This year it was marginalised almost to nothing. There was only one traditional item of music. Otherwise Ally McBeale was used to back some horrid squawking pop singer. Like using Mozart to back the barking of a seal.
Apparently the knife man (terrorist) shouted Allah Akbar as he stabbed people…..however the BBC had a first hand account….strange no mention of his ethnicity or motive….
BBC 5 live producer Sam Clack, who had been at the station at the time, tweeted he had been”very close to the most terrifying thing”.
He said he saw a man stabbed on a tram platform at the station, which is next to Manchester Arena, “feet from me”.
He added he was “close to jumping on the tracks” as the attacker had a “long kitchen knife”.
‘Pure fear’
Mr Clack said he first “heard this most blood-curdling scream and looked down the platform”.
“It looked like they were having a fight, but the woman was screaming in this blood-curdling way. I saw police in high-vis come towards him. He came towards me.
“I looked down and saw he had a kitchen knife with a black handle with a good, 12in blade. It was just fear, pure fear.”
Mr Clack said he saw the attacked man – who he described as in his 60s – and the woman, who had been with him, “walk out of the station” with emergency crews.
Halifax i think you have the wrong end of the stick… as Naz Shah MP explains its Tommy Robinson and “the far right” that caused this by “alienating Muslims”… by pointing out that in Rotherham alone 15% of Muslims men are under investigation for child rape, and the average Muslim man has committed 5 child rapes.
You can understand this logic by watching more of the BBC and developing a Brain-washed, Brain-dead Condition (BBC)… which will lead you to light a candle to apologize to to Islam after your daughter has been raped or murdered by followers of that religion.
BTW here are the stats to back up my claims (since some people say i am making these numbers up)… im not sure if teh police can arrest me for quoting a government report and police numbers… YET???:
According to the Jay Report… Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 muslim Men.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. The Majority of court cases describe victims being raped hundreds of times in total.
If just 10% of victims were raped 100 times, this would already be 14,000 rapes, That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average.
According to police there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children. That is fully 15% of the Adult Male Muslim population in that town.
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
Tommy Robinson
The days of silencing people with buzz words are gone.
Man abuses Tommy shouting Nazi etc at him, and ,,
Bloke above loses all credibility once he starts bleating on about being under heavy sedation (hungover), picking a fight then crying about it when he gets some back shows the measure of the man. Best part of all? when he realises the crowd aren’t with him.
What a gutless whining little creep they put on to defend You Tube. All he had to do in order to silence those MPs was ask for details of Tommy Robinson’s hate speech.
Happy New Year to all!
May’s New Year Treason:
“””In 2019 the UK will start a new chapter. The Brexit deal I have negotiated delivers on the vote of the British people. If Parliament backs a deal, Britain can turn a corner.””
Happy New Year from my Sentry Box upon our Cliffs of Dover.
It’s incredible that she has the gall to talk about this train wreck of a deal with pride.
“that I have negotiated” – how have you negotiated this. What have you actually bartered about. Is this woman completely insane? How can she even consider this to have been a negotiated deal.
Her ability to completely ignore reason and be so utterly delusional about what she has put together is alarming. I think there is a valid case for her to be sectioned as mentally and criminally insane.
Payne – She is a very intelligent woman.
She knows exactly what she is doing. She also knows that we know what she is doing. But she cares not because, in her warped world of betrayal. she is in a win /win situation.
In her mind she has discredited the whole idea of brexit by creating a mess, she has successfully fudged and delayed, if she gets away with her latest act of treason remain has won, if she doesnt get away with her latest act of treason then chaos remains, in her mind further obscuring, discrediting the whole concept of brexit.
She is a very dangerous woman and nobodies fool. And holds the electorate and the concept of democracy in utter contempt.
I think Mrs May is a key member of our swamp, which is why she hates President Trump and doesn’t give a damn about having a US trade agreement.
Happy new year to all on this site. 2019 will be a very important year for democracy in this country but just in case things don’t go well order your yellow vests before they sell out !
Well said. With her stooges in the MSM she has played it perfectly to mire the ‘negotiations’ in such endless detail and drivel that the nations apathy will be that they’ll let her and her Tory goons to get away with it. And no one can or will stop her.
As I’ve said before, most Brexiteers are sensible responsible individuals with jobs and families and bills to pay.
Hence they cannot afford to run the risk of being slandered, discredited, disavowed, snubbed or threatened with being let go at work for appearing on QT or being seen at a Brexit or TR march and branded a racist, xenophobic swivel eyed loon.
The establishment has created an environment where the loudest shouters are heard on issues of identity politics and social justice but deliberately suppressed on issues of immigration, actual criminal justice and a loss of democratic representation.
When the masses are prevented from having their voice heard, they will make it known in the ballot box. Unfortunately Brexit is revealing that we will no longer be able to use that as an avenue to express our frustration.
I’d proclaim that revolution is coming but it won’t. We’ll just sit back and allow our country to be taken from beneath our feet and naturally retreat into our own little bubbles and communities.
And once again another false dream of integration and assimilation falters because over zealous autocrats thought they could artificially control society rather than letting things take their natural course.
Here we go Fox news mention the link…
Clack said police officers deployed a Taser and pepper spray before “six or seven” officers collared the suspect.
Victoria Station is steps away from the Manchester Arena, where 22 people were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up as fans were leaving an Ariana Grande concert.
That it takes so many police officers to subdue these muslim killers suggests to me that they are taking drugs to enhance their performance. Several years ago the Saudis were caught taking amphetamines into Iraq and Syria in diplomatic bags for just this purpose. Thus if a normal Englishman or woman is targeted by these animals it’s virtually impossible to fight them off.
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
Grripen Newdaye’a tit!!!
Ogi, ogi, ogi – Oy, Oy OY!
(Actually gents – I think it is something to do with buying pastis – but I did not want to be left out!)
Guest, looks a bit heavy on the chicken.
No silly – I meant Cornish ones – ulp – have just realised I cant spell!
No silly – I meant Cornish ones – ulp – have just realised I cant spell!
Often used in local rugby football matches (Max Boyce).
Diolch o galon Taff, ac yn ol atoch chi a’ch teulu chi.
Diolch o galon, Dysgwr_Cymraeg.
Macron attacks extremists in New Year speech
He is one of the the extreamists
So they have an open mind for the attack in Manchester? They cannot even be bothered to lie properly which gives us this terrible feeling this is all spinning out of control. Their sole policy for dealing with this state of war is to not merely ignore it but in fact pretend it is something glorious to celebrate, and make it illegal to even state that 2 + 2 = 5. It is the blind leading the sighted.
Why did nobody mention that the Gatwick fiasco was highly likely to have been caused by ROPers? I imagine this would be akin to scoring an overhead kick in a cup final: making us miserable at the one time of year we really celebrate. It was not even mentioned and to my shame I had swallowed the MSM narrative until recently. They really are absolute poison: they look so slick and trustworthy but in reality they are no different to wicked conmen like Madoff.
Happy new year everyone. Any bets on how many stabbings in London? I wish some eternal justice court could hoist Blair off his yacht and plunge him into some hellish London street his policies created.
If the roper’s havent caught on with subtle variations on how to attack us they must be thick.
Anually the media gives us seasonal updates on how tinder-dry the heathlands and forests are, and annually there laid out for any jihadi is an open goal just waiting to be scored.
How many deaths can we claim for California, Australia, the uk even.
The almost funny part about California is they welcome undocumented humans it seems. What idiots.
I have seen this week UK regional news progs informing that some of the saddleworth moor type fires here, were deliberately started.
Did they speculate on a motive? No bloody chance.
And that Gatwick fiasco? If it wasnt on their index of ways ro disrupt the Uk aviation industry before? It bloody well is now.
What a complete fiasco. Security? Vlad must be pissing himself laffin.
Happy New Year. And what a great start!
Well it will certainly make the body searches in airports in places like India interesting………
Just wait until some countries refuse them entry, due to what their passport says. That’s when the fun begins.
The New Year starts with a tricky one for the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation.
The Manchester stabbings were caused by a man who was heard shouting Allah and anti-western comments – according to a witness who was a BBC5live employee !
How will they spin the story now?
They won’t. They’ll bury it.
The BBC. Whose standards of investigative journalism make Inspector Clouseau look like Albert Einstein.
“Life is a comedy for those who think but a tragedy for those who feel.”
I have decided to just find it all funny if I can. This must be one of the best examples of mass insanity ever: the most successful nation in history invites those from the worst to do whatever they want, then persecutes any citizens loyal to the older, far superior order who complain.
The BBC are like Comical Ali during the Iraq war, celebrating imminent victory as everything explodes around him.
“Who cares about the murders and rape gangs – we have a female Dr Who and a Muslim producing religious programmes! We will hit our diversity targets by 2020, at which point heave on earth will instantly occur across Britain.”
And first #CCBGB of the new year.
Well, they did ask 🙂
I wonder if this will be as contrived as the famous “Battle of the sexes” matches from the 70’s and 90’s. Those matches were heavily weighted in favour of the female players: Jimmy Connors in 1992 was only allowed one serve per point for example, and Bobby Riggs in 1973 was nearly twice as old as Billie Jean King.
I daresay Williams will get all the attention, and when she starts being petulant, insulting the umpire and smashing her raquet, it will of course be Federer’s fault.
At the stroke of midnight the BBC open with the fireworks display showing the EU flag.
Thanks for the link. That was nauseating in its attempt to be so pro Europe. The desparation in the choice of songs – Stay, We are you friends (which I assume is meant to be Calling occcupants by The Carpenters which is a great song) is embarrasing though I can see little Khan thinking it was so clever.
The little creep Khan was easily caught out with his propaganda,
He is rather odious.
Not too clear how he is trolling Treezer giving she is also a deranged Remainer.
Exactly, guess it’s all part of the game,
Daily Mirror doing it’s bit to build the traitors story –
to make May look like a prime minister that is determined to leave, rather than the shill, plant or a stooge for the EU, she clearly is
That Mirror headline so you don’t have to look at the page with it’s bloody self loading video
\\ New Year 2019: Sadiq Khan trolls Theresa May with blatant anti-Brexit fireworks
London’s mayor doubled down to defend the “spectacular” New Year’s Eve 2019 fireworks display – which came with a not-so-subtle message on the London Eye//
I note the word politics in the link above. That says it all really.
Our new year celebrations in our capital hijacked by a jumped up little Muslim in a position of power which he should have been kicked out of long ago! It’s our country and 17.4 million voted against being “open” so f*ck off you horrible little traitor.
PS the attempts to skew the EU parliament issue and make it about the willingness for us to be friends with the people of Europe is also very misleading and part of why the remoaners think we are somehow not still physically going to be in Europe as opposed to no longer being dictated to by the EU political establishment.
Just after pumping 8 tonnes of particulate pollution into London’s air Sadiq tweeted
“Sending a message across the globe2
Remember, he only speaks for London!.
The real loyal viewers are outside London and they voted LEAVE in their millions and by what I discern in the nation those leave voters have increased remarkably! Don’t tell this muslim fake this as somewhere down the road this will be fatal to himself/his remainer chumps!
A few living in cities not Saddo’s ‘hood are most impressed with him and the heft his city’s media remoras have given his claims.
Build the wall around Londonistan. It is no longer part of Britain.
Khan’s pollution contradiction
From April Sadiq will introduce the diesel congestion charge

as he pretends to care about pollution
His policing policy is likely to result in thousands of deaths per year if he is not removed soon.
Of course there are not thousands of deaths in London due to pollution, the stat comes from guessing that people would live a few days longer at the end of their lives if air were a bit cleaner.
..Whereas with each stabbing murder of a 15 year old wipes 72 years of their life span
Now add that up thru 135 murders and it looks like 7,200 Life Years
.. Taking a population of 7,200,000
that becomes one year lost per each 1,000 Londoners each year Over a lifetime that’s 80 years lost over 80 years
.. that’s 4,160 weeks each 1,000 people
ie equivalent to each Londoner have 1 month lopped off their lifespan.
Its been said those fireworks cost £2.3 million, and cant wait for Khan to moan about not having enough money for police funding !!!!
Yesterday some bored minion in the US SEC sent out a tweet that generously might be viewed as ‘tongue in cheek’.
I therefore set my timer to DaftCon 69 on how long before the British Boner Command would take before going mental.
Longer that I had predicted, surprisingly.
Happy New Year to everyone on here, as I live in the South of France Mr Kitty and I celebrate twice Paris time and London time , also it’s Mr Kittys birthday today. It’s very quiet here as we’re so remote which is a good thing this morning as we both seem to be suffering , hope everyone is well and has a fantastic year ahead . Many thanks to all who administer this site and to all who post , maybe 2019 will see many more people awakening and seeing the bias at the Beeb.
And the same to you and Mr. Kitty, and all on B-BBC from central France. We didn’t bother to stay up – unimpressed with the last year, and full of forboding for this new one, it didn’t seem to be worth celebrating.
I heard it was raining for the USA new year Times Square celebrations but I didn’t catch whether it was because of Trump or Brexit.
I wake up this morning and click on Google on my phone and it gives me a selection of headlines from the Beeb and Guardian (despite me repeatedly messaging Google to tell them to stop pushing their bias) and although I know about the Manchester attack, I see a headline informing me of an intern killed in a zoo by a lion in the US.
Right so there was a religiously motivated attack yards from the scene of a previous and horrific religious attack but the BBC thinks I should be more concerned about an intern in the US.
Maybe if the Beeb wants to consider itself a global news organisation it should seek payment from the world rather than just us gullible UK citizens.
I don’t pay the licence fee but one has to gasp at the majority of UK taxpayers happy to endlessly fund organisations like the BBC and NHS who are more motivated by serving the people of the whole world rather than their own who actually fund them.
One day in and already bbc editorial integrity is already delivering a mast… personclass on what goes in, and what does not get mentioned.
So far ‘news’ of this poor girl appears limited to emoting and gush.
Having worked at rescue centres worldwide, the first image my wife and I saw of a nuzzle nose to nose with a wolf suggested handling standards were as unique as bbc funding.
Payne .. see a line at the top of the page “stories selected for you” just click it once and it turns them off.
Happy New Year!
On the BBC News website homepage is “Our pick of 2018: Long watches” which consists of 5 video thumbnails.
First one is anti trump and the other 4 have a black person in them.
Nice to see the BBC starting 2019 the exact same way they reported 2018.
If the bbc is picking it will be scabs.
Great article by Mervyn King. You will never see this on the Biased BBC.
A good read, thanks for posting. I got engaged with some of the comments and repsonded to one individual with the following. I hope you guys don’t mind me posting it.
“You want to have your own trade deals with other countries, but you want them to be like the EU trade deals you have with those same countries now…” (this is what someone had posted and my response is below).
And why can’t they be?
You make an assumption that other countries want to punish the UK like the EU do with a negative trade deal – why?
Why do you assume that South Korea or Singapore have an axe to grind with the UK? Their only motivation is smooth trade that benefits them.
So when a member of the UK civil service phones up South Korea and says “you know that deal we have with you through the EU. Well is it cool if we still continue to both stick with that arrangement until we sort something out” why would South Korea say no.
They aren’t motivated by punishing us or needing to make an example of us, they just want to trade.
Unfortunately what many EU supporters do is project their own animosity to the UK onto other countries when there is no reason to think that way other than a desperate desire to fabricate a doomsday scenario for anyone daring to leave your relationship.
Just like how you might assume that you could speak on behalf of all men or women if you told a partner wanting to leave that they would never find love again. It’s desparate projection brought on by fear of being alone. It’s weak, it’s deceitful and it’s pathetic.
Obama has been revealing things too. Again.
I wonder which the bbc will devote all day to first?
I realise we are living in a different ‘age’ now, and there have been lesbians and homosexuals roaming the planet since God was a boy (am I allowed to say that?), and I haven’t the slightest probs , – behind closed doors and all that; but I do cringe when I hear the term ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ referring to partners of the same sex.
Whether we find it distasteful or not – it’s simply confusing.
Husband is male. wife is female. Like we start calling just some sheep, cows – stupid.
” Listen up everybody, BIG BROTHER is talking. I want as
little as possible made of this collateral damage in Manchester.
The big story today is the GENDER passport news from Germany.
Make sure on the BBC website that this MAJOR story
takes pride of place over the slight altercation in Manchester.
Also I don’t want this reference to ALLAH included. I don’t
want to hear what the eye witness heard even if he is from the BBC..
The sooner we get rid of all the men working for he BBC the
I’m hearing that these boat people are only a couple of hundred and that it’s a drop in the ocean compared to what’s been going on in Greece and Italy.
Just remind me, how did it start in Greece and Italy, was it also just a couple of hundred or was it nothing one day then all of a sudden thousands the next day.
The message ‘our’ government is sending out is “get in a boat and we will find you, come and collect you, give you everything you want and never send you back”
That should stop them.
You think given how the Ariana Grande bomber was picked up, sorry ‘rescued’ by the Royal Navy, that we might have learnt a lesson on just accepting any of those ‘brave and noble’ individuals who attempted the channel crossing in their desperation to flee the persecution they received from the 6/7 safe Western countries that they’d already passed through.
I mean god forbid that someone should remind anyone about what one of the previous ‘brave’ asylum seekers actually did.
Love how the bbc say, “serious injuries but not life threatening”.
So that’s ok then ?
The witness who heard, ‘Allah’ shouted was a bbc producer ?
Apparently he was, beyond afraid – terrorism is coming home – nice.
Are you sure it wasn’t a BBC producer shouting?
It is true because the bbc says it is. Apparently.
“Do we instantly have to be suspicious?”. Tweet that.
FYI the BBC have a coming drama #GiriHaji which from the sound of the end of the name sounds like a Muslim character
In fact it is a Japanese character who comes to London
The Bruges Group have published a paper entitled Dangers to National Security and Individual Freedom in Mrs May’s “withdrawal” Agreement
Click to access dangerseusecuritytreaty.pdf
I haven’t read it fully yet, but it concludes:
If the Parliament elected by the British people ratifies it, we shall deserve to terminate our centuries as a proud independent country, for we shall have delivered ourselves to become once more the off-shore “Province of Britannia” ruled by a foreign power imposing alien laws on us, as we were two thousand years ago.
Shakespeare had it thus:
“England … is now bound in with shame,
With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:
That England, that was wont to conquer others,
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.”
87 days to go.
The BBC is approaching the nexus of the hilarious and the desperate.
A story on the tennis player Andy Murray contains the advice:
Warning: This story contains language that some people may find offensive.
The offensive word? “Shit”. As in “What a shit year that was”, in a Murray tweet. [Edit: It was an Instagram post]
I don’t know if the BBC is trying to sell the narrative that we are now so fragile that we can’t handle a word like that, or is just polishing its safe space and trigger warning credentials.
Either way, it doesn’t say much for their view of UK society.
Imagine the fit of vapours if oor Andy had said “Gee, had a **** year”.
Tuesday midday.
The Manchester knifeman attack yesterday is being treated as ‘terror related’
So now you know, all of you out there who wondered what this snack bar shouting, lone wolf, mentally challenged Norwegian was up to.
Stand by for the backlash. Interview follower of the perfect religion who had her hijab pulled off .
I’m assuming that the Beeb will partner this with a story about the rising hate crime figures as they always do.
I can only guess that our extreme far left Marxist State Broadcaster is ferretting around right now anxious to determine whether he was a, ‘British Subject’…………
I note that shortly after this Islamic terror attack the increasingly absurd Arch Bishop of Canterbury, Welby , in his New Year message thought that we must pull together in our ‘ wonderful diverse country’. What a fool and the Cof E wonders why attendances continue to fall when its leader spouts nonsense such as this.
BBC saying attack at Manchester Victoria however again no reference to terror attack at the MEN arena…….secretly the BBC agree that “we deserve it”…….its wrong this anti western rhetoric has got to stop.
BBC saying attack at Manchester Victoria was terror related however again no reference to terror attack at the MEN arena…….secretly the BBC agree that “we (and our children) deserve it”…….its so wrong this anti western rhetoric has got to stop.
Yes, apparently it says something in the Quran about us all being infidels and kafir and the worst of creatures…due to our foreign policy and that if we stop dropping bombs on other countries their Jihad must end immediately and they must embrace us as equals [sarc].
Thank god for Fox and Greg Gutfeld still giving us some right wing humour to laugh about. The one below is a mock advert they put together on the show relating to a PC Santa Claus.
Official Reactions Today to the Manchester Terror Attack.
Their first words are as follows….
Manchester Chief Constable: “My thoughts are with…..”
Home Secretary: “This morning, my thoughts with……”
Treason May: ” My thoughts are with….”
I keep hearing about some place called Ultima Thule. Apparently there is no diversity at all there. No knife-wielding black thugs, no Pakistani grooming gangs, no Muslim suicide bombers, no jihadis with machetes, no thirty year old Iranian children who have lost their passports, no Somalis defecating in the street. Not even a BAME microbe. Fancy it, anyone?
Without checking DuckDuckGo guessing this is a place where, even if the A Ark reached and made habitable and peaceful, those in the B Ark would insist those in the D Ark were allowed to settle too, to bring with them the unique skills for which they are already globally renowned, currently on Manchester especially.
Zel – I’m sure I used to drive an Ultima Thule sometime ago…
I’ve got a Thule roof rack.
A handy little guide to muslim activities in the UK during 2018. I wonder what percentage were broadcast as, ‘News’ by our famous extreme left wing Marxist State Broadcaster?
I’m looking forward to Part 2 however, I doubt whether the essence of content will change dramatically.
All, part and parcel of living with vibrant multiculturism.
My thoughts are with the young man who was only informing us that god is great by stabbing middle aged bystanders when he was jumped on by half a dozen police officers. Doesn’t he have any human rights in all this? Can we please welcome more of these people to our shores as they have so obviously enriched us.
The Premier League’s first female chief exec Susanna Dinnage suddenly dropped out last week before starting the role. Obviously a blow for equality but as they say, when one door closes… another opens.
‘There was blood everywhere’: the abuse case against the Afghan FA president. “He took a gun, his gun, put it on my head and said: ‘See what I have done to you? I can shoot you in the head and everywhere will be your brain. And I can do the same with your family. If you want your family to be alive you should keep quiet’”.
Just think of the exotic diversity he’d bring. If he can get himself to France, we could give him a dingy and he’d probably be here in time for the weekend’s fixtures. Any bloodbaths in the stadiums and I’m sure we’d all understand there are “no easy answers”.
Sorry didn’t mean to press report finger slipped
That BBC producer being right on scene to put convenient words in the mouth of the Manchester assailant really has turned my stomach. They are spinning at source here. I imagine he will be put up for a promotion as this really is brilliant work, lying before the Ministry is Truth has even got to work on the story.
Almost as good as the ‘hate crime’ where at midnight outside a pub someone enquired of someone’s asylum status before attacking them. Because mindless thugs talk of nothing other than asylum status.
”That BBC producer being right on scene to put convenient words in the mouth of the Manchester assailant ..”
What words?
“As long as you keep bombing our countries this sort of shit is going to keep happening.”
Nothing to do with commands in a certain text to strike terror into the heart of non-believers: always, always our fault.
13:45pm R4 The IMPARTIAL BBC tells you
“Give up your car one day a week” and ‘you will save a significant amount of petrol use & therefore CO2’
I note that the BBC are keeping the episode pages blank
I checked at 1:30pm to see what the prog would be about, but there was no info ..ah they do give info at the end of audio “Tmw we will be..”
This is not a prog or news, it is a 15 minute Climate Activist advert
another one tmw
Claimed that “driving at 50mph compared to 70mph using one third less fuel and one third less CO2”
What to you motor experts reckon ?
Stew, it all depends ….
… on …. things like …
Age of car (recent or older model)
Size of car
Drag coefficient of car
Size of engine
Engine management system
Quality of past maintenance
Condition of braking system
Type of tyres and their inflation
Whether tyres are new or not or are quite old but still legal (just)
Road surface
Driver skill
Load carried
Time of day
Use of features & accessories
Behaviour of other drivers, pedestrians, etc.
(I may have missed a few. Have remembered and added four more but brain is starting to ache. I give in. Anyone beat eighteen?)
Oops – forgot fuel. Not quantity ie. full tank v. empty-ish tank, because that would be covered under ‘Load carried’ but whether Premium fuel or not. Some Premium fuels have been shown to reduce fuel consumption ….. at a price.
Burning fuel produces the CO2, so that last stat is ok, if essentially redundant.
Less sure about the 70>50 saving with today’s aerodynamic slippy cars.
And plodding along the M4 at 50 might see plod having a chat.
Even if you are a BBC Teflon MP.
Just caught a snippet of a bbc news maker upper saying that nothing is certain in politics any more – I heard someone shouting at the screen – “ yes there is – the lefty bias of the BBC” – it seemed the person shouting was .. er… me.
Fed, the TWatO discussion about year past and year ahead in politics was interesting, too. Certainly a pro-Remain/anti-Brexit-biased view from the BBC in 2019 (as in 2018 and 2017 and 2016) but not sure it is ‘lefty’ in the sense of softy, nice liberal-ish cosy ‘lefty’.
More a sort of fascistic Alt-Left, Hard Left, Far Left therefore Far Right, “We cannot have a thoughtful Leave Campaigner on for balance so it’s a Guardian Editor and Matthew – ‘I sneer on Brexit and on voters’ – Parris into BBC to discuss.” (And he complains of people trolling him! You could not make it up!!!)
I found myself wondering a couple of days ago whether BBC Radio Flaw would tone down their anti-Brexit and anti-Democracy campaigning in 2019 as it had actually been quite pleasant to be pretty much free of it since 23 December. Didn’t take long to be disabused of that notion this morning after three minutes or so of the TOADY Programme around 6.45am.
Happy New Year . The BBC is lefty so will support anything they see as similar to themselves – hence the obvious pro EU bias .
Also – i think their big fear is that after we leave ( if) Britain might start becoming less ‘ welfare’ oriented and move a bit back to the middle or further on – the right .
Fed, Happy New Year to you too. Forgot to add that to my post above.
What I’m hearing from the Beeb now, certainly as far as the EU and Brexit are concerned is – must call it as I see it – capital F Fascism or Communism. Same difference, as they say.
What the BBC fear, I think, is that the horrible poorer middle-ground, out of the EU, may well thrive, not because it becomes less ‘welfare’ but just becomes more enterprising but will also eventually encompass (and pull together) more and more of the Electorate.
Have you noticed where all this talk of a ‘divided country’ has come from?
It is largely the advantaged middle ground that is espousing Fascism (of the Left, the true or real Fascism) and voting Remain and complaining of a divided country because it provides its own group (a relatively small group – less than 10% of the population) with an economic and fiscal and moral hegemony.
Am I making sense? Am largely thinking out loud ‘on paper’ as it were here.
Certainly the strain within the ReichEU is showing . The BBC is playing down French protest as well as other countries where people do not agree that their nation should be changed beneath their feet in the way that the UK population suffered – being repressed by the Media screaming ‘racism’ every 5 minutes .
I only hope that if we manage a full exit the Brussels edifice will shake and break .. my countdown app says 87 days to go .
May seems to think Brussels will be told to back down but I think both German and France would prefer to run their club without UK interfering .
A possible New Year Resolution for B-BBCers: ‘Call it as it is’ in 2019?
1. A desire to overturn Brexit = Fascism.
Over to others. Add your own to this list I have started. If I understand Fed’s strain from his posts at this point, then it would be –
2. An overwhelming, enforced Welfare State = Fascism.
(Correct that if I’ve got it wrong, Fed.) Come on, folks, add some more.
“Claimed that “driving at 50mph compared to 70mph using one third less fuel and one third less CO2”
What to you motor experts reckon ?”
If you use “snowflake logic” it’s simple.
1) The faster you drive the shorter your journey time.
2) The earlier you arrive the sooner you can turn your engine off.
3) When your engine is turned off your car isn’t produciong CO2.
4) Conclusion: higher speed = shorter journey time = reduced car usage = less CO2.
If you drive fast enough you won’t need to give up your car one day per week, as five days worth of journeys will now only take the time you used to spend on four.
P.S. In the real world CO2 is a plant food.
RJ, brilliant.
Ultima Thule, here I come.
“Warp Factor 9, Mr. Sulu. Make it so.”
[ with apologies for mixing up ST crews 😉 ]
As the planet could do with as much CO2 as it can get hold of, the amount of fuel one uses is up to the individual, as with all things, and fifty MPH appears to be the average on congested roads, every day, in the Former UK anyway. If I were working, I’d be happy not to drive my car to work one day each week, provided I was compensated with a day’s pay.
As I’m retired, live in the wilds of France Profonde, own and use two diesel 4 x 4s, I don’t really give a stuff. They wouldn’t DARE to try and curtail our transport needs, here…
For several hours the Beeb website omitted any mention of what the knifeman shouted or their motive. They just said the police are keeping an open mind.
Fast forward to the breaking news in Germany of a car hitting some immigrants –
‘A man has been arrested in Germany after driving his car into a crowd of people, injuring at least four, in what appears to have been an intentional attack directed at immigrants’.
If an immigrant is hurt, they immediately state its a right wing terror attack. If an immigrant causes harm, then the Beeb don’t give a toss and omit whatever key facts they like.
one can almost play a sick game where MSM take an age to name the animal because it will be called ‘mo’ or be a ‘ asylum seeker ‘ or ‘ refugee’ or ‘ migrant’
It makes me smile when I hear sages talking about the need to have our military overseas to prevent terrorist attacks -yet our borders are wide open , control of illegal immigrant criminals is non existence and Norwegians regularly get the knife out and start screaming about ‘ Alan’s snack bar’ in that ‘ one off’ ‘ unconnected ‘ way …
We know , of course, that this is now the accepted new normal and a fair price for enrichment .
Seems the Knifeman comes from Cheetham Hill. Lovely area. I lived there once.
Had a knife held an inch from my eye by 2 screaming Asian folk while i waited for a bus. I handed over all my money and they stabbed me anyway. I moved out the area shortly after that.
Eight – sounds like my bit of east Londonistan . As I walked to Church today I passed the traditional police tape sealing off a nearby road .
It’s a bit of a backwater for beeboids as they are all out west or in Islington so won’t get any attention . – unless of course it’s a non white victim of a ‘ racial ‘ .
Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil’s far-right leader to take office
”A far-right former army captain will be sworn in as Brazil’s new president later on Tuesday.
Jair Bolsonaro, 63, won the presidential election by a wide margin against Fernando Haddad of the left-wing Workers’ Party on 28 October.”
how come Fernando and his party isn’t described as FAR LEFT?
Maybe, in the eyes of the bbc, Fernando and chums are not so far from them in view?
Eddy – I use the Far Left s language – everything is ‘far’…
The old dog can still teach the likes of Emily a few tricks…
Got to spare a thought for sad beeboids like sweeney . When President Trump gets his second term sweeney will need counselling .
They just can’t get that Donald Trump is not a career politician
Fed, quite right. The BBC do not realise that ‘they’ * ‘created’ Trump via Reality TV.
* Not the BBC directly, but a US equivalent gave him the platform for the US version of The Apprentice.
Follow the rule , Sweeney is just PROJECTING himself.
He does take ‘tool of the state’ to 17 stone extremes.
That tweet is the thing they hate most about the Don.
He bypasses the entire MSM and goes direct to his people with a message. He completely wrongfoots them every time, and they hate him for it.
It’s ok, just a bbc reporter having views his own whilst blotto.
Totally excusable.
Now, over to Anthony Zurcher….
Sweeney accusing people of being bonkers ?
I didn’t want to do this but a Londonistan new year crime update – 2 reported stabbed to death last night in separate killings and 2 shot in separate incidents .. a quiet night .
So the BBC finally admit the Manchester attack was “terror related” But don’t mention Islam or Muslim once in the article. But they do want you to let you know that:
“… police were still trying to establish whether the suspect is a British national; and that “given how frenzied the attack was”, they are also “obviously considering his mental health”.”
I’m gonna take a guess here and say that the fellow does have a mental health issue, and it’s called Islam.
Ask the fellow is he believes in flying donkeys, camel urine as a cure for tummy ache, dunking flies in you drink so you don’t get sick, Jins sitting on you shoulder whispering doubts about Islam in you ear, and the devil living in you nose…
… and of course that the only guaranteed way to get to heaven (Jenna) is to kill infidels.
I think we should lock up all people who have the mental health issue known as Islam, along with people who have the mental health issue BBC, Brain-washed, Brain-dead Condition.
Then we can return to sanity.
so ive detoxed of the bbc over christmas
the manchester attack is their first article ive looked at since the 23rd
“There is wide reporting in the press about what the attacker allegedly said during the incident and because of this we want to be clear, we are treating this as a terrorism investigation,” he said.
so as my very first dip of the year I guessed immediately that the words were not seig heil
is their really any point left in the so called bbc hiding the alans snackbar phrase , are they really fooling anybody? anymore?
back to work in manchester tomorrow, im expecting to see police with machine guns AGAIN! oh what a job our so called Elites have done on this country
These petty fascists in government are doing a great job trying to hide what is going on with this “religion”, they have now take down Tommy Robinson website…
They can’t argue against words, so they just shut people down like the Stazi. The government is so shameful and disgusting… they are scared of words, that they can’t argue against.
Its totalitarian.
See the Manchester moslem attack from the Government’s perspective. After numerous mass killings culminating the the Arena Grande massacre, Treezer said enough was enough. Then she probably went begging for support from the moslem Council who ordered her first to clamp down on whomever they defined as far right, and get some of their kind in the Government. All of this was done and Home Secretary Savid Javid – moslem politician of the year – was seen to swear his oath on the Koran. But the moslem Council are not keeping their end of the deal, so we have to rely on the media to minimise details of the attacks. Names witheld where moslems are involved, and you betcha the men in suits will be visiting the witness who heard the moslem shout about allah akibar. It will turn out that he was mistaken. In a couple of weeks, like the car rammings and numerous other knife attacks, it will not have happened.
Tragic for those injured in the latest muslim atrocity, but pleased a bbc producer witnessed at close range what their favourite religionists are up to, and that he was scared shitless.
A few more like that in the Manchester-Salford area might knock a bit of sense into their thick treacherous skulls.
But on second thoughts, no it won’t. The rot is too deep. The indoctrination and the wilful, cowardly blindness to what’s happening are too entrenched.
Abolition of the beeb is the only answer.
87 days to go!
State of the three Parliament Petitions anybody?
‘Ours’: 287,453 Still rising but slowly;
Avoid No Deal: 311 Stalled just out the stocks;
Stop Brexit: 106,540 Pretty well stalled;
The MP’s that have failed to understand the 2016 Referendum, the figures above should remind them. At least the intervening two and a half years or so has demonstrated to everybody what an evil Reich the EU actually is. Treason May and her co-conspirators will understand that a second Referendum may well show even more that 17.4 million want a simple ‘OUT’.
Have no doubt we are in the early stages of a war between them and us.
£2.25 is a small price to pay:
So, every time we have:-
– A Muslim/Islamist blowing people up and/or running people over
– A Black person stabbing someone
– Pakistan (other 3rd world countries are available) rape gangs
– Somalian criminals of various desriptions
– Machete wielding Asians
Comments always seem to be disabled on the bBBC. I think it’s called freedom of speech?
The problems with comments as far as the BBC is concerned is that they are hard to ‘handle’. So best to not have any.
Well, except from staff who are immune from any consequence.
@NS To be fair , it is a bank holiday .. and BBC moderators, only work weekdays (mostly)
In my Londonistan borough some one wrote
“Speak English “ on a wall. Someone else took a picture of it and put it on something called ‘ snapchat’ . The local MP – the lovely Stella Creasy ( champagne lefty remainer )wrote on her twitter account that who ever wrote this “ hate crime” woukd be hunted down and prosecuted . What a country .
It will soon be a hate crime to speak English in our own country.
Ha. Next thing they’ll be after anyone waving a fla… oh.
But enough of the Barrage Ballooness. I just reported a school using Stella’s law.
Ok, I missed the ‘…in a matter of weeks’ after the fold in the paper.
Ironically it was a school for those seeking help with the language.
Shame they will miss next week’s lesson on what ‘collateral damage’ means.
The footage of the Manchester Islamic terrorist being arrested shouting “ Allah Akbar – long live the caliphate “ is on twitter .
There was obviously not hate involved , he has an odd sense of humour and it was just a misunderstanding .
Video here PJW did tweet it later, but I have tracked it to the first posting just before midnight
It’s unverified, but if it is fake they did it very quickly or they’ve lifted it from an older video.
I would expect that someone would pop up in that thread with evidence that it is fake, but I haven’t found that yet.
Maybe someone can look more
That Stella Creasy thing was a month ago.
4 different walls they say.
IT is the crime of vandalism
It would be about foreigners not integrating
The idea of hate cime is ridiculous, cos it’s still vandalism if it said “I love Pakistan” both should get the same punishment.
I wonder if there is further context, like a lot of foreign language graffiti in the area.
@Eddy, you are probably right there
Nah! There’s no spelling mistakes. Have you seen some of the banners that they carry?
Yep – it’s criminal damage alright – but is that a hatey crime ? Some might say it’s a form of cultural expression or free speach . Personally if Creasy comes out with stuff like that she deserves all the trolling she boasts about under the cloak of misogyny .
Ps I’ve got her as 9/1 to be next labour leader . A punt .
Haha this just about sums up the intelligence (lack of) of the left.
If the perceived victims of this hatey crime can’t speak English, then the chances are they cannot read English either. Therefore they cannot be offended and no hatey crime can possibly have been committed!
Ps could have been Banksy. Apparently it’s ok for him to go around defacing other people’s property.