Ladies and Gentlemen – and Trolls – the last thread of 2018 was so busy that a new one is needed .So – one again – have a Happy 2019 – even with the malignant BBC in our background .
5:30 BBC News channel The Amol Rajan show
“You see when Trump uses the words FakeNews, he’s using it in the WRONG way.
… but when we media people use the words FakeNews, we’re using it in the RIGHT way.” paraphrased
Eco-activist charity SkyNews have the hashtag #PassOnPlastic running along the bottom of the screen
I see WWF use the same hashtag.
Oh Sky really do run their own activist group @SkyOceanRescue
“We aim to inspire people to make everyday changes to #PassOnPlastic to stop our oceans from drowning in plastic. Shop our limited edition reusable range ”
Oh and The New Chris Evans show will not”advertising, instead each prog item, competition etc, are to be sponsored by Sky.
Further down the Twittersphere
One Herb Martin offers Dan Bongino a correction.
The killer is not an “illegal immigrant”.
He is an “illegal alien”.
Thanks Herb, that makes it OK.
I expect all those carrying placards with “Sorry” in seven languages, at the candlelit vigils in Morocco, started laughing when the cameras were removed.
Upon reading this report a couple of questions come to mind.
Firstly, why are these Somalians living in a house like that and who is funding it?
Secondly, what kind of an imbecile would give these people jobs at airports?
Unfortunately, Andy Burnham is NOT an ‘isolated incident’. He has ‘incidented’ himself on the UK Parliament and now he has ‘incidented’ himself upon the poor people of Greater Manchester.
Some of us knew no good would come from this regional Mayoral lark. The canny folk up in the north-east refuse to accept it. Shame about everywhere else.
The lefties consider Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min isolated incidents.
At least Burnham has acknowledged the incident happened.
It took Labour 15 years to acknowledge that the mass rapes happened.
But that is just how the extreme ultra left are, they have the amoral high ground because they killed all those who formerly occupied the moral high ground.
An isolated incident. Poor man was simply trying to direct the police van to Allan’s Snackbar, as you can see in the video, which will soon vanish.
Social media footage of the suspect shouting "Allah Akbar" as he was taken into the police van after stabbing three people (Man, woman and a police officer) at #Manchester#Victoria station
1) Veganism will become the new “CAUSE”.
2) Talk of the French handing over and sharing the cost of nuclear weapons with EU army.
3) Transgender reporter on football focus.
4) The death of a popular royal will show the BBC as the royal hating fascists they are…….
5) The radio 5 witness to Manchester terror attack wont testify, well not for the prosecution.
I reckon the next cause will be people who want to marry their pets . Since marriage was based on consumption between male and female has now been binned after 200 years of case law bestiality will be the next taboo to be ‘overcome ‘ it will be something like LGBTDOG
If we are successful after the next 83? Days the BBC will do it’s best to show evidence of the failure of the UK outside the ReichEU and join the Soros campaign to rejoin ‘within a generation ‘ according to the fashionable measure of time .
I’ve covered this subject before, so I will digress a little. Many countries allow sex between humans and animals and only recently have some passed laws against it. Germany, for example, had a tradition of zoophilia or beastiality until Hitler made it illegal. After the war the Germans got back into their wellies (sorry my joke) and it remained legal until around 2013 And the ban led to several demonstrations. See link.
Prof Peter Singer, formerly at Melbourne now at Yale (author of Animal Liberation) supports zoophilia as long as it is consensual and no harm takes place, and he suggests that both partners can derive pleasure from it. Prejudice against zoophilia, he says, is derived from speciesism, a standpoint similar to racism.
There have been cases of people marrying dogs, as in the link below regarding an Irish woman who lived happily ever after with her canine husband.
You’re a nuisance because now I’ve got to go and find out what zoophilia is . It sounds a bit like philately which I consider a disgusting practice which should be stamped out …
Fed… I think the act you refer to is restricted, luckily, to certain spiders and mantis. For now at least. Though in Germany there was a dude A dude attempt I think involving a consensual casserole.
Just been watching Doctor Who. Is it a good idea to expose innocent British youth to these Daleks? Because a lot of Dalek talk could be construed as hate speech, if you ask me. These far-right extraterrestrials are not a good example for our young people. They are imperialistic in nature and seem to advocate colonisation. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they condone slavery. I know, I know, it’s only a fantasy programme – I realised that when a young black character was reconciled with his absent father – but don’t our young people have a right to feel safe and protected from dangerous, unorthodox ideas even in fictional dramas?
Very true. These daleks must only be allowed to exterminate Brexit voters. That way our youth will understand the dangers of unapproved thoughts.
Bad thoughts lead to bad actions and worse consequences. Like daleks suddenly coming to get you.
Manchester knife attack
BBC report a man is being held under mental health act. Obviously the establishment are playing the incident down.
I’m no conspiracy nut but…
Many have been blocked by this bbc market rate talent who likes to broadcast but not be questioned or corrected.
No whistleblowers. No industry insights from anonymous insiders. No dissidents living under authoritarian regimes. No plain-speaking from people who have a boss who dislikes their politics. Sounds like a pretty awful change to make to @Twitter, to be honest.
Cool. Posting here I can see it. Off now to track down Jonsey. Assuming they don’t share blocking lists proactively.
Guessing the BBC still feels it should be allowed to quote ‘sources’ and hide behind ‘purposes of’ because the bbc is exempted from everything it likes to hold others to account for?
While there is a shortage of police on the streets of London, the Mayor wastes over a million pounds on an anti Brexit fireworks extravaganza? How on earth did he get ‘elected’ ? He and his PC police commissioner should consider resigning.
Message to our PM, ‘Stop and Search’ does work.
Legitimate & important question — has Khan broken the law by using (what I assume is) public money in a clearly partisan political way?
So far comments appear to be mostly from the #FBPE brigade, and of the calibre Maxi, or bbc editors, manage in argument.
Speaking of the national disgrace, they seem almost silent on the ‘contoversial’ aspects of this sutteesque commitment of public funds. Clearly their kind of guy.
Charming programme on Channel 5 tonight with Ben Fogle. He visited a Yorkshire farming family in the depths of the country. Former model now shepherdess and her husband and 8 children. If social services could find them I guess there was reason once every five minutes for the children to be taken away and into care. Dead moles in the washing machine if the 11 year old wasn’t hanging them on the poachers larder for example. But no mention of climate change or any other apparent agenda. Bliss.
The programme was made four years ago. But you might be pleased to know that Clive and Amanda continue to live in the farm with their children, and all is well. I can tell you that they are really nice people and the kids are super. If you want to meet them come to the Muker Show next Sept.
German car manufacturers will soon be hit by the imminent slump in the ‘new cars’ market. Of course, this will be blamed on Brexit.
The cracks are beginning to appear in the EU house of cards.
I wonder whether there is not a single theme dominating the world of the MSM worldwide and the BbC in particular? But it is always disguised as something else, to hide its real content/agenda.
It could be disguised as any from ‘affirmative action’ recruitement in the beeb, to the ad campaigns that seem to feature compulsory ‘people of colour’ in them, regardless of how irrelevant, to the blatant anti-white policies of the Zimbabwean and south African regimes, disguised as ‘land restitution’, where whites are actually fair game as the Rule of Law is quietly dumped.
So the anti-white theme is disguised by the ‘liberals’ -who are actually socialist and commmunist at heart. They use the language of ‘anti-colonialism’ and ‘decolonistaion’ to disguise their inti-white agenda.
So when another rocket is launched by Chris Mason on the R4 news at 10 pm against Bolsonaro -the ‘Trump of the tropics’, for being ‘racist’, and ‘mysogenist’ and ‘homophopic’ we know it includes attacks on that other vital pillar of anti-white campaigns: the anti-male pillar. Want to break down western (still largely white) societies? Attack and try to emasculate the men first. All in the name of ‘equality’, of course.
Look at Merkel. Anti-white. Happy to break the law of her own country. But you need to neutralise the men to do it. Merkel has been good at it. Make your own men feel guilty for ‘racism’, and illegally import men from Africa and the Middle east. The unrest there is good camouflage. And at home you ‘mentor’ women like Kramp-Karrenbauer to take over from you when you go.
The UN is behind much of it. Well-paid bureaucrats and lobbyists trying to ease the way for ‘migrants’ to turn essentially white societies into ‘multicultural’ ones.
And so we get to propagandists like Afua Hirsh. Anti-white, anti-male, but happy to call it ‘decolonisation’ or something.
White men need to wake up now and stop felling guilty for being white men. The beeb will take you to the cleaners, if you don’t stand and fight.
So here’s my question: Has the Communist strategy for the downfall of the West, of the Cold war, morphed into a three-pronged attack in which the Marxist-Leninist ‘Vanguard Party’ leadership of old disposed of itself in favour of the new flag-bearers;
1 The Feminists
2 The UN
3 The myriad of Antifas, ‘Decolonisers’,’Islamists’ ,’Equality Monitoring’ lobbyists etc etc which now infest the West?
The Manchester attacker had mental health issues, the BBC proudly announces! Do they expect us to swallow this? I thought there was a big campaign to help people with mental health problems though this is throwing them under the bus, along with white working class girls and so many others in our elite’s desperate urge to appease our enemies.
A recent attacker in London was sectioned as well. This is a brazen new PR strategy and a pisspoor one. Everyone can see it is only amongst a certain group that there is this sudden outbreak of ‘mental health’ issues.
Brazil’s new leader they describe as ‘far right.’ Do they ever consider that the likes of Trump and Salvini are just reasonable, decent people opposed to the far left which the BBC embodies? The news then segues to a casual list of all the people murdered recently in our capital, a direct result of the far left ‘anything goes’ nonsense which people everywhere are revolting against.
Do they ever look themselves in the mirror and wonder if they might be the bad guys? Do they not feel any guilt at what they has happened to this country on their watch?
It seems nearly all the channels are running the same script including the words misogynist and sexist in their wise nodding heads. One of the triggers must have been Bolsonaro wanting have an education system that turns out citizens not communists.
Why is it with conservatives one mistake defines you forever? Who has not said something sexist or flippant at some point? It is behaviour as a whole that should be considered.
So Infowars is forever smeared with the claim that Sandy Hook was a hoax. What if he made a mistake or was joking? We all make mistakes.
Milo was unpersoned for a single comment deliberately interpreted in the worst possible way; as was Roseanne; and so many more. The same standard does not apply to their side. That Diane Abbot can have any position of power after her interview with Neill about Police numbers is unfathomable: this is a matter of gross incompetence rather than mere smearing of character. This will soon be forgotten about and will not define her like it would with a conservative.
Google the BBC and they are described as a noble organisation; no description leads with countless smears of times they have lied obscenely – the homeless man supposedly killed due to Brexit (he was not) was especially shameful.
And have none of their guys ever said or done something questionable? We all have! Obama’s past is very shady. That he was caught red handed spying on Trump and they never mention it really is obscene. This is Watergate x1000 but you can bet no film will be made of a modern day David Frost grilling Obama. Imagine for one second if Bush had been caught spying on Obama: it would be hyped as an outrage worse than 9/11.
Turns out that this chap had mental health issues too. Don’t these rules mean it’s nothing to do with racism? Or do they only apply to exonerate Islam?
Interestingly, I noticed yesterday that Mayor Reul (SPD-scocialist) immediately proclaimed to the press that this was a ‘hate crime’ committed by a German against foreign ‘guests’. The usual reticence, obfuscation, unwillingness to appoint blame, etc was entirely missing. It struck me that there was even enthusiasm in the mayor’s eagerness to reveal perpetrator…(possibly caught up excitedly in the ‘fight against Right’, a favourite preoccupation of most German anti-AfD politicians)
Almost completely missing from the wave of indignation is any mention of the attacks by ‘asylum seekers’ on ordinary folk in Amberg, near Nuernberg, in which twelve people were injured. Only CSU Home Office Minister said ‘something would have to be done’.
The CSU is Merkel’s sister party in Bavaria, and they help to keep her in power. The minister is Herr Seehofer, as much likely to ‘get something done’ as a chocolate teapot is to pour a good cup of tea.
The rule is that whatever something positive is being shown like passing exams use diverse people, and whenever anything bad always use the hideously white. It is annoying but who cares? Imagine if you had some ‘community organiser’ speaking on your behalf saying all these portrayals deeply hurt you? How patronising is that?
Yep..beat me to this. Also, note the clothes and general designer magazine throws around the well-groomed white woman. Thank goodness for this reminder of racial and class inequality from the blessed ones. Phew.
My taxes have provided migrants – whatever their status, with living costs, benefits, housing, jobs. Why should I pay anymore because a cultural practice doesn’t go down too well in the country where these migrants have settled ? Outlaw the practice and FGM while they’re at it, and if finance is involved then reduce the amount of overseas aid to India/Pakistan/Bangladesh to cover the costs involved.
Toady watch
Apparently the excellent news that foreigners who get involved in ‘ forced’ marriages in bongo bongo land have to pay for them selves to get to Blighty is a bad thing .
The government needs to be ‘ compassionate ‘.
Do you ever notice underwhat circumstances the government is called upon to be ‘ compassionate ‘?
It’s not ‘ compassionate ‘ about my tax bill or people buying rail season tickets .
( I was going to tune this up a bit for maxi but that’s too much like fun) .
The state seems have found a new way of protecting the identity of Islamic terrorists by declaring them ‘ nutters’ thus avoiding justice and letting them back into the nutter community when it goes quiet ….
BBC help PH(E) call for a (inflationary) sugar tax.
BBC complain about rail fair price rises.
On BBC, Secretary of State blames fare rises on inflationary wage increases demanded by the Unions.
BBC: please join the dots, connect the realities, in your news reporting in 2019 and stop politicising and campaigning. You are required to be strictly neutral.
She should read Thomas Sowell’s ‘Vision of the Anointed’ as should all the liberal elite, so as to understand that the most noble aims often pave the way to hell – which most living in London can attest to.
And both Jane Ciabattari and Caryn James, who advises on what films we should see, are both white, middle-aged, middle-class, Democrat American women based in New York.
In what world do the bBBC believe that their opinion or advice would be of any relevance or interest other than the one that they inhabit, the one that so many in the bBBC either think they do or aspire to inhabit themselves?
There's a saying in politics that things are rarely as bad, or as good as they seem. And it's usually true, but this Brexit fiasco is about as bad as it gets.
Thanks Guest.. it’s nice to know other think like we do…
That should be broadcast to every household in UK…somehow don’t think the BBC will have reported on it.
Wow! Did Sky news get hacked? That woman is awesome!
Now just imagine if the treacherous BBC actually took her view and made those points on a daily basis in support of our country instead of working against it. The general public would be properly informed and there would be huge support for a no deal Brexit. Our politicians would have had a lot more leverage and a far better bargaining position and the EU wanna bee bullies would have come crawling with their tails between their legs long ago.
Instead we continue to fund the treacherous lying b@stards to sabotage our once great nation and destroy our future.
I pray for the day when a strong leader arises, destroys the enemy within that is the monstrous BBC and leads us to a glorious bright and prosperous future!
A whole week of how others see the UK…A great chance to lambast Britain non-stop, from beeb R4. Let the self-flagellation begin. Today Nigeria.
Currently getting slated for favouring the Nigerian north over the South, Britain is told that there has never been a proper census since the fifties. This, of course, is the fault of Britain and will be forever.
Turn on to R4 to find out how bad Britain was.
Ah yes, the interviewer has raised the ‘slave trade…’
Ah, and the EU is the realisation of Kwame Nkrumah’s dream…Interesting.
Like the Egyptians yesterday, the thought of one Nigerian is that London is fantastic, as it reflects the whole world…
Drugs and knives not even mentioned.
In the place where ‘Comment if Free ‘ the ever smug beeboid Dominic Lawson reviews the current diminished Dr Who .
I’m not a customer of this Far Left BBC product so stuck to the review …. anyway .. great news … no Dr Who until 2020 . And maybe the BBC will have been ‘ exterminated ‘ by then .
@LastChance and who would the bubbleword Press Guild vote as Radio Broadcaster Of The Year ?
….think of the most awful, the most biased, the most deceitful
Funny if true,but not as crazy as people voting remain because:
They think a protectionist group somehow repesents global free trade .
They are homosexual and want more Muslims imported, so they can be eventually chucked off a tall building.
Never heard this fella but I suppose he makes a living from upsetting people in the way that the Jeremy Kyle chap does with disfunctional people who want to be on television .
If I could be bothered I’d phone in to the wee J’Obby and claim I had voted for Brexit for the most outlandish reasons. And do so as many times as I could, with a different reason each time, before being banned, just to wind him up.
Toady watch.
Did you hear it this morning?
The palpably audible relief among the BBC news ‘journalists’ that the Manchester attacker, for whom the police were keeping an ‘open mind’ despite the attacker shouting Jihadist slogans and coming from a Somalian part of Manchester, has now been detained due to mental health issues. And therefore the whole thing is, obviously, NTDWI.
Phew !!!!
Toady watch 2
Failing Grayling was being interviewed. And, for a change, he got in some truisms. That union intransigency and poor project management of (nationalised ) Network Rail were prime causes of many of the problems.
Martha Kearny dashed around that one faster than a ferret stuck in a bicycle pump. Move on quickly. A bit embarrassing for the bBBC when a state rather than private organisation is held to blame.
In the DE, an article saying missed doctors appointments cost the NHS £216 a year.
Any time I go to the doctors I’m rarely seen on the appointment time and usually have a 20+ minute wait.
Doctors also have a lot of catching up filling in computer details and other admin type tasks.
I don’t believe doctors sit twiddling their thumbs for the 10 minutes during an appointment no show.
I think that if every one of these no shows actually turned up the NHS really would have a problem so let’s not moan about costs and wastes of time where none exists.
Woo-hoo…. a magazine… to reach an audience hitherto not reached, all day presumably….. Wimmin! I wonder what parts VD reaches that J’Obsworth doesn’t scratch?
Not to mention the waste of time and money to you when the doctor keeps you waiting. We are threatened with punishment if we are late or miss an appointment, but when it happens the other way round we are not expected to complain.
“We would like to reassure service personnel that police have no evidence that the victim has been targeted due to his service in the army, or that it is motivated by racism.”
Ch Insp Ben Ryder
West Yorkshire Police”
So that’s alright then…:0(
I reckon there’ll be a few decent army service personel out taking a look at the cowards responsible anyway. I hope that Batley has a garrison of sorts, Colchester lads would have solved the mystery by now!
wHAT A SILLY ARSE this Ch Insp Ryder is to think that we will be taken in by such duplicity-of course his chief instructed him to make this comment, if he had any guts he should have refused and then most probably lost his job no doubt. What a shambolic mess this nation has allowed itself to get into.
OT: But spare a moment. This year South Africa goes to the polls in a general election (date of election TBA). One of the main Parties contending the vote is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), led by self-styled ‘Commander-in-Chief’ Julius Malema. The EFF is an avowed Marxist-Leninist outfit – with conspicuous Maoist tendencies. The Party dreams of creating a socialist egalitarian utopia in SA (re-named, under an EFF regime, ‘Azania’).
Over the past few years, the EFF has been very busy, sending its (predominantly young) cadres out into the towns and villages, schools and universities, of SA to ‘get amongst the people’ and recruit for ‘the coming revolution’. It was the EFF which spurred the compromised ruling Party, the ANC, to push through the change to the SA Constitution to allow for State expropriation of land without compensation (a long-term aim of the so-called ‘New Democratic Revolution’ – itself a stated aim of SA’s various communist organisations over the decades).
As we embark into 2019, keep an eye on developments in South Africa. The BBC, along with almost every other western media outlet, has done a good job (so far) in concealing the activities and political agenda of the comrades of the EFF, but the more time I have spent reading, researching and monitoring the situation in SA (specifically the EFF itself), the more I am led to conclude that should the EFF gain power in this year’s election, the country could be facing something equivalent to the terrible fate of Cambodia, circa 1975, when radical Marxist-Leninists marched into the capital, Phnom Penh and reset the clocks to Year Zero. Much worse was to follow.
Alarmist? Perhaps. Given the context and the situation on the ground, I don’t think so. The EFF has already sworn (in their Draft Constitution and Founding Manifesto) to gain power by ‘any necessary means’ – and history informs us how qucikly communists will disregard the ballot box when it suits them. Just keep one eye out for all the news the BBC won’t be giving you about developments in SA.
Obi – I make my assessment because those are two cornerstones of bBc reporting ANYWHERE.
You do right to sound a warning, many others are, but I fear the Bbc is really not interested in any in-depth analysis or historical overwiew, especially if this clashes with their narrative for SA, and it will.
Above all, while the BbC is not Marxist-Leninist and has no obvious Maoist tendencies, it is fully committed to a socialist-multiculturalist- ‘decolonisation’ vision of the past and present (even for britain).
To the extent that Malema sticks to Socialist/Decolonisation narrative, he is even likely to have the secret sympathy of many little beeboids. Ditto Sky, the Guardian, etc.
The likelyhood is that the land issue will be wrongly-portrayed, no historical analysis of who got where first will be made, or of who worked the land for many generations, having purchased it.
No assessment of how much government-owned land is really available for distribution. Expect no analysis of a collapse in food production; not much has even now, been said about the Zimbabwe precedence. (And if you thought Zimbabwe was ‘getting better’, read Eddie Cross’ website; but this is not news: the caravan has moved on to Brazil, where Bolsonaro can be bad-mouthed.) No, this is all about envy, and grabbing the goodies from Whitey.)
Instead there will be much droning on about the evils of Apartheid and much mention of a BbC hero second to none, Mandela, of whose background as a ruthless guerilla fighter, happy to kill to achieve political objectives, also absolutely no investigation was made.
So, Malema will have to play his cards right. he could even end up being portrayed as a rather glamerous freedom fighter, a la Che Gueveara. The beret is already in place. (Although I do have to observe that Che cut a rather more attractive image!)
Comrade Malema promises black South Africans that they will ‘own the land’ if the EFF assumes power later this year. What he isn’t telling them is that the EFF’s own Manifesto makes it clear that ALL SA’s land will be owned by the State in an EFF regime. That means neither whites or blacks will be able to privately own land – Malema has publicly (and repeatedly) dismissed the very idea of ‘land title deeds’, and for good reason: in an EFF regime everything belongs to the State. Communists despise private property ownership as a matter of principle – the EFF is no different.
Unfortunately, most black SA’s appear not have read the EFF’s small print. They imagine they’ll receive tracts of land which they will somehow ‘own’ and be able to either sell for cash or pass on to their children. That is absolutely NOT what the EFF intends. The EFF’s own documentation makes it perfectly clear they seek ‘Democratic Centralism’ = The State Takes It (and owns it) All.
I see South Africa sleepwalking towards catastrophe – and being led there by a malignant, duplicitous communist organisation which has done a good job of selling its message of ‘Free Stuff For Everyone’ (except whites and Asians) when the EFF takes power. When the truth finally dawns on ordinary black South Africans it will be too late; by then they’ll have been forced out on to the state-run collective farms to work as unpaid serfs for the very regime they voted for. They’ll own nothing.
The strange thing is that I’ve had these discussions several times with black South Africans on social media and outlined my concerns from an informed historical perspective. They don’t care. They simply don’t believe anything can go wrong. They aggressively insist that this time the EFF will get the whole ‘socialist utopia’ thing right. They are absolutely convinced I’m just a white racist patronising them and not trusting them to be able to run their own country.
Obi – A Referendum can be fatal if you get it wrong. De Klerk asked people in SA to vote on whether he could ‘continue with his reforms’ in 1992. They didn’t realize they were giving him a blank, signed cheque. You are describing the eventual outcome.
And what you describe is NOT a surprise, but merely a consequence of trusting your politicians. Thinking they know best and will work in your interest…
The EFF is merely the Communist wing of the ANC proposing to do exactly what Communists say they will do. People took their eye off the ball, lulled to sleep by promises of a ‘rainbow nation’. They apparently also forgot they were in Africa (eg.just south of Zimbabwe, another Communist paradise, and the oh so chaotic DR Congo.) So they voted ‘YES’ in the Referendum. (Maybe there actually are people who will walk willingly into their own demise).
Proof that -if you intend to vote in a referendum- you need to give it a lot of thought, and do some homework. And that, once you’ve voted, the Executive doesn’t decide simply to do its own thing.
There is a lesson there somewhere.
Are you aware that our own Marxist PM Theresa May has given her support for the Marxist Robert Mugabe and program of seizure of white owned farms to be carried out in South Africa?
Donald Trump has threatened Zimbabwe with sanctions unless it compensates white farmers, and threated South Africa with the same if it starts seizing property.
Yet again it’s an example of the anti white race hate endemic in the British elite establishment. We really need to shout this out because otherwise it will be our own property they are seizing next in Britain.
Ever hear of ‘we own it’?
Its yet snother far left pressure group being given lots of unchallenged air time by bBBC ‘news ‘. This one is to nationalise the railways.
Some far left spokeswoman is complaining about £66m profit out of £11 bn turnover. Parts of 1 per cent.
Quote ‘ a public railway would be so much more efficient’.
The woman has no brains and no evidence and almost certainly no actual knowledge of railways. Just trained to spout left wing propaganda. And allowed to do so freely. Not unlike the BBC, in fact.
It sounds a little like Bathhouse Barry’s mantra, ‘ you didn’t build it’, when he was trying to rewrite American history to claim the blacks built what is now the civilised and prosperous USA.
I note that Manchester Fascist Mayor Andy Burnham has issued one of his predictable race hating anti white comments about the Manchester attack.
He calls it the usual Fascist buzzword ‘vile’, and attempt to protect the Muslims by claiming it to be an ‘isolated incident’ (new twist on the lon wolf excuse)
It wouldn’t be the same though had a white person stabbed a couple of Muslims, and herein is the continuing issue with the casual anti white race hate of white people by an increasingly Fascist left in the West.
It perhaps shouldn’t come as a surprise with the core of the party moving to open Nazism having been funded in no small measure by the son of the leader of the British Union of Fascists Oswald Moseley, who in his turn was a Minister in a Labour government prior to forming the BUF.
We need to start calling the Left out for their race hate of us and we need to do it collectively in the way the Fascists do it, not as some splintered collective of individualists.
On New Year’s Eve I decided to watch the cop show “No Offence” which I had recorded, as there was nothing worth watching on TV.
I have enjoyed it in the past, and as it is set in Manchester I enjoy seeing the places I know where it is filmed.
However, this season it seems to have gone full SJW retard. The plot seems to be that nasty right wing thuggish English nationalists are picking on the poor, peace loving muslims. One of the right wingers takes a pot shot at the muslim mayor and kills a copper.
It was the usual snowflake garbage, which I found a shame as it wasn’t a bad show in the past. Then I turned on the TV news to learn about the latest terror attack in Manchester, and no, it did not involve a right wing thug attacking a peaceful muslim.
The leftist MSM seems to live in a comfortable fantasy bubble don’t they? They seem to think that if they believe in something really hard, it will come true.
I believe that we are heading towards a breakdown of society and a civil war similar to that which tore Yugoslavia apart. I wonder who will be right?
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My ten penneth worth.
The BBC is leaking viewers, particularly younger viewers by the shedload. Average viewer age is now 61. Coincidently, the 50-64 age group voted 61% for Leave (male) and 60% leave (female), rising to 62% and 66% respectively in the 65+ age group. In short, we Leavers make up the majority of the BBC viewing audience even though they, being the globalist left leaning pressure group that they are, never cater for our views nor do they represent our interests in any discernible way. Their content is corrupted beyond common sense redemption. Left Wing idealism is inculcated in everything they air.
We should therefore boycott the channel in its entirety.
PS hope for a happy 2019 and wish this for all of my fellow patriots whose views I read voraciously and are what keeps me sane.
Honestus -Reciprocate your Good Wishes.
If what you say is correct, we over 61s should really be flexing our muscles to challenge this rewriter of history and social engineer of the present and give ’em hell!
Communication is the key.
What can we do to improve it?
as far as I can see, most people in our age group (generalisation alert) are wedded to the concept of live tv viewing which entails a tv licence and whilst I applaud those who have opted out of the tv tax, I fear the majority will not. Therefore, we need to deprive the BBC of its raison d’être by refusing to view its twisted and distorted output. It’s not meant for us anyway. Declining viewer figures will eventually draw attention to the viability of continuing with a ‘National Broadcaster’.
This should be fairly painless for most of us and would personally give me immense satisfaction.
Just stop paying the TV tax and shut the door in the face of any Crapita goon who turns up. Don’t talk to them and don’t respond to any correspondence.
I did it 5 years ago and don’t watch any BBC at all except MOTD
I try to avoid any of the stuff from them on YouTube too, even when they’re being shown up as the Marxists they are, as it’s not good for my blood pressure.
I look after my nephews a lot (8 and 11) and the BBC plays no part whatsoever in their viewing habits. Thank God the next generation will be free from their brainwashing, though heaven knows what may replace it. They spend all their time online and the internet giants are run by the same lunatics who control the Beeb, only they have God-like power in comparison.
14 year old girl raped in Burnley, broad daylight (9am New Year’s Day).
Suspect described as “tanned complexion” short dark curly hair and a short beard…
Happy New Year everyone and all the best for 2019.
One of my new year resolutions is to thank the BBC, so I’m doing that here and now on this (excellent) public forum, and have also sent Lord Hall a personal email to say ‘thanks’.
Why do I want to thank the BBC? Two reasons:
1. For convincing me there are far better things to do with my time than watching TV – we only get so many hours on this planet, and quite honestly, how many of your best hours have been spent slumped in front of the TV? When there really is nothing you want to watch, at all, then the decision to go and do something better has been made for you – thanks BBC for inspiring me, and my family, to stop wasting time in front of the TV.
2. For saving me £150 a year. Quite honestly, once the decision to no longer watch TV was made in this household, stopping the TV licence was an obvious outgoing we could cut without any ‘pain’ at all.
Alright, we made this decision three years ago now, and I must admit we do have Netflix (which costs around half the TV licence fee), and we do sometimes watch something on that. However, it suddenly struck me this New Year just what a favour the BBC had done for us, and hence the desire to thank them.
Your approach is sound, Brother.
However, outside your four walls is an environment the beeb are keen to change to their vision. And unless everyone follows your good example, this will continue apace.
Sajid’s on TV1 news, telling us that, besides saving lives, the cutters in the channel ‘are also there to protect our borders’. The latter was a bit of a reluctant afterthought, clearly a challenging duty for which there was no strategy.
Clear now, what the two additional cutters will be doing. Picking up migrants and bringing them to Britain.
Startling discovery: Sajid thinks many of the ‘migrants’ may not be ‘genuine refugees’. Wow! Under that big, bald pate there lurks a sharp, perceptive mind…
Move over, Hercules Poirot.
Beeb excited on TV1 lunchtime news: Mitt Romney has written a fierce criticism of Trump in the Washington Post.
Will Mr Sopel be gracing us with his presence tonight, to embroider on that?
Surely the title and image suggest some sort of modern day classical revival? An appreciation of the golden age of ancient Greece? An homage to one of the greatest playwrights of western civilisation? No of course it doesn’t. What it does is allow the beeb to plug Kamila Shamsie’s (female, British Pakistani) book ‘Home Fire’ which is a story of five London Muslims, one of whom goes off to join ISIS. The promotion of Sophocles’ Antigone up front really is top level trickery, but no doubt gives a bit of pseudo-intellectual heft to tickle the beard strokers in W1A.
The video uses all the usual Graun/BBC ploys where self-indulgent artists and writers get to muse on the ‘big questions’ — but really what it’s about is Kamila Shamsie (female, British Pakistani) finding fault with UK citizenship laws. Seems stripping it from Brits who join ISIS irked her enough to ask “What do you do if the State starts acting in ways that you think are unjust? Do you back your religion… do you back your nation?” I bet I know which way Kamila Shamsie (female, British Pakistani) leans on the answers to those.
Who could have seen that coming from the Beloved BBC (Propaganda Be Upon It)?
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
5:30 BBC News channel The Amol Rajan show
“You see when Trump uses the words FakeNews, he’s using it in the WRONG way.
… but when we media people use the words FakeNews, we’re using it in the RIGHT way.” paraphrased
Eco-activist charity SkyNews have the hashtag #PassOnPlastic running along the bottom of the screen
I see WWF use the same hashtag.
Oh Sky really do run their own activist group @SkyOceanRescue
“We aim to inspire people to make everyday changes to #PassOnPlastic to stop our oceans from drowning in plastic. Shop our limited edition reusable range ”
Oh and The New Chris Evans show will not”advertising, instead each prog item, competition etc, are to be sponsored by Sky.
Further down the Twittersphere
One Herb Martin offers Dan Bongino a correction.
The killer is not an “illegal immigrant”.
He is an “illegal alien”.
Thanks Herb, that makes it OK.
I expect all those carrying placards with “Sorry” in seven languages, at the candlelit vigils in Morocco, started laughing when the cameras were removed.
Never mentioned by the BBC:
Trump takes only $1 a year as a salary. The rest is donated to charities for Veterans.
Saint Obama took the lot as did his wife’s entourage.
Upon reading this report a couple of questions come to mind.
Firstly, why are these Somalians living in a house like that and who is funding it?
Secondly, what kind of an imbecile would give these people jobs at airports?
Apparently, Andy Burnham has said that the Manchester Victoria attack is an isolated incident.
Well in my opinion, there are too many of these ‘isolated’ incidents!
Unfortunately, Andy Burnham is NOT an ‘isolated incident’. He has ‘incidented’ himself on the UK Parliament and now he has ‘incidented’ himself upon the poor people of Greater Manchester.
Some of us knew no good would come from this regional Mayoral lark. The canny folk up in the north-east refuse to accept it. Shame about everywhere else.
us real mancs know he is a scouse tw *t
scuse the language
The lefties consider Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min isolated incidents.
At least Burnham has acknowledged the incident happened.
It took Labour 15 years to acknowledge that the mass rapes happened.
But that is just how the extreme ultra left are, they have the amoral high ground because they killed all those who formerly occupied the moral high ground.
I dont trust a man who plucks his eyebrows and wears make up…sorry thats just me…….
Luckyharry, me neither.
Andy Burnham is correct. Terror attacks in Manchester are isolated to the Manchester Victoria area…….
An isolated incident. Poor man was simply trying to direct the police van to Allan’s Snackbar, as you can see in the video, which will soon vanish.
“Detained under the mental health act” ?
“Detained under the mental health act” ?
At first glance my heart gave a flutter as I thought the piece was referring to “Transgender people”!
Why not detain all Trans-people in the same cell and then see if they continue faking it!
1) Veganism will become the new “CAUSE”.
2) Talk of the French handing over and sharing the cost of nuclear weapons with EU army.
3) Transgender reporter on football focus.
4) The death of a popular royal will show the BBC as the royal hating fascists they are…….
5) The radio 5 witness to Manchester terror attack wont testify, well not for the prosecution.
Interesting Halifax
I reckon the next cause will be people who want to marry their pets . Since marriage was based on consumption between male and female has now been binned after 200 years of case law bestiality will be the next taboo to be ‘overcome ‘ it will be something like LGBTDOG
If we are successful after the next 83? Days the BBC will do it’s best to show evidence of the failure of the UK outside the ReichEU and join the Soros campaign to rejoin ‘within a generation ‘ according to the fashionable measure of time .
I’ve covered this subject before, so I will digress a little. Many countries allow sex between humans and animals and only recently have some passed laws against it. Germany, for example, had a tradition of zoophilia or beastiality until Hitler made it illegal. After the war the Germans got back into their wellies (sorry my joke) and it remained legal until around 2013 And the ban led to several demonstrations. See link.
Prof Peter Singer, formerly at Melbourne now at Yale (author of Animal Liberation) supports zoophilia as long as it is consensual and no harm takes place, and he suggests that both partners can derive pleasure from it. Prejudice against zoophilia, he says, is derived from speciesism, a standpoint similar to racism.
There have been cases of people marrying dogs, as in the link below regarding an Irish woman who lived happily ever after with her canine husband.
You’re a nuisance because now I’ve got to go and find out what zoophilia is . It sounds a bit like philately which I consider a disgusting practice which should be stamped out …
Philately will get you anywhere.
A severe warning. If you are looking up zoophilia do not look at Google images on the subject.
Campanology is another one. There is still a lot of it in Norfolk.
I’m very fond of my budgie…..could we get encaged ?
I have the hots for my Koi Carp. Is that a bit fishy …..?
Nothing barring that, as far as I can see.
Fed… I think the act you refer to is restricted, luckily, to certain spiders and mantis. For now at least. Though in Germany there was a dude A dude attempt I think involving a consensual casserole.
It’s OK, it’s an ‘isolated incident’ apparently…..
Isolated by the biased bbc/msm from all the other ‘isolated incidents’…..
So ridiculous you just couldn’t make it up.
Just been watching Doctor Who. Is it a good idea to expose innocent British youth to these Daleks? Because a lot of Dalek talk could be construed as hate speech, if you ask me. These far-right extraterrestrials are not a good example for our young people. They are imperialistic in nature and seem to advocate colonisation. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they condone slavery. I know, I know, it’s only a fantasy programme – I realised that when a young black character was reconciled with his absent father – but don’t our young people have a right to feel safe and protected from dangerous, unorthodox ideas even in fictional dramas?
Very true. These daleks must only be allowed to exterminate Brexit voters. That way our youth will understand the dangers of unapproved thoughts.
Bad thoughts lead to bad actions and worse consequences. Like daleks suddenly coming to get you.
Manchester knife attack
BBC report a man is being held under mental health act. Obviously the establishment are playing the incident down.
I’m no conspiracy nut but…
Not so nuts he did not make a beeline for the best place to get to a better place to be ‘nuts’ in.
Many have been blocked by this bbc market rate talent who likes to broadcast but not be questioned or corrected.
Could anyone share what Mr. Vine’s latest ‘own view’ has been?
Cool. Posting here I can see it. Off now to track down Jonsey. Assuming they don’t share blocking lists proactively.
Guessing the BBC still feels it should be allowed to quote ‘sources’ and hide behind ‘purposes of’ because the bbc is exempted from everything it likes to hold others to account for?
The BBC, and their hero Saddo, have really scored with the rest of the country who also celebrated New Years, with this one:
Like they care.
is this national news ?
cheese attacks
veganism in disguise, even as a non-judgemental veggie this transparent crap is starting to wind me up
Has anyone seen maxi troll ?
Took some flak last sortie.
Likely kicking the cat for a while to get inspired for another run.
Like a bad penny, he will be back. The closer to the target the more the flak.
Al Beeb London ……………
“Two dead, four hurt in knife and gun attacks” . But, “Knife crime ‘levelling off’, says Cressida Dick”?
Flunky showed her the graph on a 90° tilt.
While there is a shortage of police on the streets of London, the Mayor wastes over a million pounds on an anti Brexit fireworks extravaganza? How on earth did he get ‘elected’ ? He and his PC police commissioner should consider resigning.
Message to our PM, ‘Stop and Search’ does work.
Is it legal to use these funds for political purposes?
Only if David Lammy, Femi, And the hence the bbc, approve.
So, totes not an abuse of power needing to be held to account.
So far comments appear to be mostly from the #FBPE brigade, and of the calibre Maxi, or bbc editors, manage in argument.
Speaking of the national disgrace, they seem almost silent on the ‘contoversial’ aspects of this sutteesque commitment of public funds. Clearly their kind of guy.
Brave girl. Not a show to beef up the cv of any journalist of integrity.
Any relation to the once golden boy of the Beeb – Danny Cohen ??
Well, she certainly represents another triumph to his legacy of removing all trace of the 3rd sex from the Ministry of Propaganda.
Charming programme on Channel 5 tonight with Ben Fogle. He visited a Yorkshire farming family in the depths of the country. Former model now shepherdess and her husband and 8 children. If social services could find them I guess there was reason once every five minutes for the children to be taken away and into care. Dead moles in the washing machine if the 11 year old wasn’t hanging them on the poachers larder for example. But no mention of climate change or any other apparent agenda. Bliss.
The programme was made four years ago. But you might be pleased to know that Clive and Amanda continue to live in the farm with their children, and all is well. I can tell you that they are really nice people and the kids are super. If you want to meet them come to the Muker Show next Sept.
I notice that there is a dearth of HYS features on Al Beeb of late .
What are they afraid of ?
The ‘Y’ & ‘S’ aspects are out of BBC control.
Al Beeb
“UK can ‘turn a corner’ if MPs back Brexit deal, says May”.
Is this a play on the phrase ” You turn if you want to – the lady’s not for turning”. said Mrs Thatcher ?
endless corners

The story so far….
German car manufacturers will soon be hit by the imminent slump in the ‘new cars’ market. Of course, this will be blamed on Brexit.
The cracks are beginning to appear in the EU house of cards.
Trump is quite amazing
I wonder whether there is not a single theme dominating the world of the MSM worldwide and the BbC in particular? But it is always disguised as something else, to hide its real content/agenda.
It could be disguised as any from ‘affirmative action’ recruitement in the beeb, to the ad campaigns that seem to feature compulsory ‘people of colour’ in them, regardless of how irrelevant, to the blatant anti-white policies of the Zimbabwean and south African regimes, disguised as ‘land restitution’, where whites are actually fair game as the Rule of Law is quietly dumped.
So the anti-white theme is disguised by the ‘liberals’ -who are actually socialist and commmunist at heart. They use the language of ‘anti-colonialism’ and ‘decolonistaion’ to disguise their inti-white agenda.
So when another rocket is launched by Chris Mason on the R4 news at 10 pm against Bolsonaro -the ‘Trump of the tropics’, for being ‘racist’, and ‘mysogenist’ and ‘homophopic’ we know it includes attacks on that other vital pillar of anti-white campaigns: the anti-male pillar. Want to break down western (still largely white) societies? Attack and try to emasculate the men first. All in the name of ‘equality’, of course.
Look at Merkel. Anti-white. Happy to break the law of her own country. But you need to neutralise the men to do it. Merkel has been good at it. Make your own men feel guilty for ‘racism’, and illegally import men from Africa and the Middle east. The unrest there is good camouflage. And at home you ‘mentor’ women like Kramp-Karrenbauer to take over from you when you go.
The UN is behind much of it. Well-paid bureaucrats and lobbyists trying to ease the way for ‘migrants’ to turn essentially white societies into ‘multicultural’ ones.
And so we get to propagandists like Afua Hirsh. Anti-white, anti-male, but happy to call it ‘decolonisation’ or something.
White men need to wake up now and stop felling guilty for being white men. The beeb will take you to the cleaners, if you don’t stand and fight.
So here’s my question: Has the Communist strategy for the downfall of the West, of the Cold war, morphed into a three-pronged attack in which the Marxist-Leninist ‘Vanguard Party’ leadership of old disposed of itself in favour of the new flag-bearers;
1 The Feminists
2 The UN
3 The myriad of Antifas, ‘Decolonisers’,’Islamists’ ,’Equality Monitoring’ lobbyists etc etc which now infest the West?
3 1/2: Not to mention the myriad publicly uniquely funded outfits with CEOs up to $600k salaries and a permanent suite at hotel W1A, eh, Mr. Miliband?
The Manchester attacker had mental health issues, the BBC proudly announces! Do they expect us to swallow this? I thought there was a big campaign to help people with mental health problems though this is throwing them under the bus, along with white working class girls and so many others in our elite’s desperate urge to appease our enemies.
A recent attacker in London was sectioned as well. This is a brazen new PR strategy and a pisspoor one. Everyone can see it is only amongst a certain group that there is this sudden outbreak of ‘mental health’ issues.
Brazil’s new leader they describe as ‘far right.’ Do they ever consider that the likes of Trump and Salvini are just reasonable, decent people opposed to the far left which the BBC embodies? The news then segues to a casual list of all the people murdered recently in our capital, a direct result of the far left ‘anything goes’ nonsense which people everywhere are revolting against.
Do they ever look themselves in the mirror and wonder if they might be the bad guys? Do they not feel any guilt at what they has happened to this country on their watch?
It seems nearly all the channels are running the same script including the words misogynist and sexist in their wise nodding heads. One of the triggers must have been Bolsonaro wanting have an education system that turns out citizens not communists.
Why is it with conservatives one mistake defines you forever? Who has not said something sexist or flippant at some point? It is behaviour as a whole that should be considered.
So Infowars is forever smeared with the claim that Sandy Hook was a hoax. What if he made a mistake or was joking? We all make mistakes.
Milo was unpersoned for a single comment deliberately interpreted in the worst possible way; as was Roseanne; and so many more. The same standard does not apply to their side. That Diane Abbot can have any position of power after her interview with Neill about Police numbers is unfathomable: this is a matter of gross incompetence rather than mere smearing of character. This will soon be forgotten about and will not define her like it would with a conservative.
Google the BBC and they are described as a noble organisation; no description leads with countless smears of times they have lied obscenely – the homeless man supposedly killed due to Brexit (he was not) was especially shameful.
And have none of their guys ever said or done something questionable? We all have! Obama’s past is very shady. That he was caught red handed spying on Trump and they never mention it really is obscene. This is Watergate x1000 but you can bet no film will be made of a modern day David Frost grilling Obama. Imagine for one second if Bush had been caught spying on Obama: it would be hyped as an outrage worse than 9/11.
Pretty sure Maxi is by now almost back to the birth of BBBC in the bbc archive room.
IIRC correctly, popping folk in institutions was a trend in the Soviet era.
Turns out that this chap had mental health issues too. Don’t these rules mean it’s nothing to do with racism? Or do they only apply to exonerate Islam?
Interestingly, I noticed yesterday that Mayor Reul (SPD-scocialist) immediately proclaimed to the press that this was a ‘hate crime’ committed by a German against foreign ‘guests’. The usual reticence, obfuscation, unwillingness to appoint blame, etc was entirely missing. It struck me that there was even enthusiasm in the mayor’s eagerness to reveal perpetrator…(possibly caught up excitedly in the ‘fight against Right’, a favourite preoccupation of most German anti-AfD politicians)
Almost completely missing from the wave of indignation is any mention of the attacks by ‘asylum seekers’ on ordinary folk in Amberg, near Nuernberg, in which twelve people were injured. Only CSU Home Office Minister said ‘something would have to be done’.
The CSU is Merkel’s sister party in Bavaria, and they help to keep her in power. The minister is Herr Seehofer, as much likely to ‘get something done’ as a chocolate teapot is to pour a good cup of tea.
Happy 1920 from Dianne Abbot.
I’m not sure the picture used is of a typical victim of this practice.
Ha – that is classic!
The rule is that whatever something positive is being shown like passing exams use diverse people, and whenever anything bad always use the hideously white. It is annoying but who cares? Imagine if you had some ‘community organiser’ speaking on your behalf saying all these portrayals deeply hurt you? How patronising is that?
Yep..beat me to this. Also, note the clothes and general designer magazine throws around the well-groomed white woman. Thank goodness for this reminder of racial and class inequality from the blessed ones. Phew.
RD – Now on Facebook, with comments. Guess what…:)?
My taxes have provided migrants – whatever their status, with living costs, benefits, housing, jobs. Why should I pay anymore because a cultural practice doesn’t go down too well in the country where these migrants have settled ? Outlaw the practice and FGM while they’re at it, and if finance is involved then reduce the amount of overseas aid to India/Pakistan/Bangladesh to cover the costs involved.
Toady watch
Apparently the excellent news that foreigners who get involved in ‘ forced’ marriages in bongo bongo land have to pay for them selves to get to Blighty is a bad thing .
The government needs to be ‘ compassionate ‘.
Do you ever notice underwhat circumstances the government is called upon to be ‘ compassionate ‘?
It’s not ‘ compassionate ‘ about my tax bill or people buying rail season tickets .
( I was going to tune this up a bit for maxi but that’s too much like fun) .
The state seems have found a new way of protecting the identity of Islamic terrorists by declaring them ‘ nutters’ thus avoiding justice and letting them back into the nutter community when it goes quiet ….
TOADY Watch #1
BBC help PH(E) call for a (inflationary) sugar tax.
BBC complain about rail fair price rises.
On BBC, Secretary of State blames fare rises on inflationary wage increases demanded by the Unions.
BBC: please join the dots, connect the realities, in your news reporting in 2019 and stop politicising and campaigning. You are required to be strictly neutral.
Surely it is self-evident that anyone who believes in Islam has mental health issues.
Exact same issues as the other growing religion political correctness,
Sadly normal people are stuck in the middle.
They can be corrected with and ECT machine. But you have to turn it up to 11.
2019-01-01 BBC Culture [sic]
Jane Ciabattari “Ten books to read in 2019”
#1 Colson Whitehead – black.
#2 Toni Morrison – black.
#3 Brenda Wineapple – jewish.
#4 Marlon James – black.
#5 Ocean Vuong – vietnamese.
#6 Elizabeth McCracken – white lefty.
#7 Lawrence Ferlinghetti – social activist.
#8 Namwali Serpell – zambian.
#9 Laila Lalami – moroccan.
#10 I could not find a tenth.
Biased? The BBC, you bet.
Wait until Diane Abbott publishes ‘1010 Uses For A Dead Cat Bounce’.
Michelle Obama will not be wearing that winning smile then.
She should read Thomas Sowell’s ‘Vision of the Anointed’ as should all the liberal elite, so as to understand that the most noble aims often pave the way to hell – which most living in London can attest to.
The re-education process is in full swing…
Is the beeb racist?
We know it’s pretty anti-white in many ways.
Why should ‘literature’ be different?
And both Jane Ciabattari and Caryn James, who advises on what films we should see, are both white, middle-aged, middle-class, Democrat American women based in New York.
In what world do the bBBC believe that their opinion or advice would be of any relevance or interest other than the one that they inhabit, the one that so many in the bBBC either think they do or aspire to inhabit themselves?
Sky news Australia has a lady called peda credlin doungva 5 minute piece about Brexit which sums up the whole situation and way forward .
It offers a way out of the current mess simply . I would love to see this on UK TV screens but we know why that could never happen ….
I can’t do the linking bit but sure someone can help out please….
Thank you Guest . Happy EU free 2019
Wouldn’t expect Sky Australia to have a clue about what is going on with Brexit.
Fake – the lady says things you do not hear in UK MSM – hence my recommendation to take a view / listen . I’m surprised it got past the Sky censor .
Thanks Guest.. it’s nice to know other think like we do…
That should be broadcast to every household in UK…somehow don’t think the BBC will have reported on it.
Wow! Did Sky news get hacked? That woman is awesome!
Now just imagine if the treacherous BBC actually took her view and made those points on a daily basis in support of our country instead of working against it. The general public would be properly informed and there would be huge support for a no deal Brexit. Our politicians would have had a lot more leverage and a far better bargaining position and the EU wanna bee bullies would have come crawling with their tails between their legs long ago.
Instead we continue to fund the treacherous lying b@stards to sabotage our once great nation and destroy our future.
I pray for the day when a strong leader arises, destroys the enemy within that is the monstrous BBC and leads us to a glorious bright and prosperous future!
A whole week of how others see the UK…A great chance to lambast Britain non-stop, from beeb R4. Let the self-flagellation begin. Today Nigeria.
Currently getting slated for favouring the Nigerian north over the South, Britain is told that there has never been a proper census since the fifties. This, of course, is the fault of Britain and will be forever.
Turn on to R4 to find out how bad Britain was.
Ah yes, the interviewer has raised the ‘slave trade…’
Ah, and the EU is the realisation of Kwame Nkrumah’s dream…Interesting.
Like the Egyptians yesterday, the thought of one Nigerian is that London is fantastic, as it reflects the whole world…
Drugs and knives not even mentioned.
In the place where ‘Comment if Free ‘ the ever smug beeboid Dominic Lawson reviews the current diminished Dr Who .
I’m not a customer of this Far Left BBC product so stuck to the review …. anyway .. great news … no Dr Who until 2020 . And maybe the BBC will have been ‘ exterminated ‘ by then .
@LastChance and who would the bubbleword Press Guild vote as Radio Broadcaster Of The Year ?
….think of the most awful, the most biased, the most deceitful
Oddly, a view not shared in comments from the actual public.
Funny if true,but not as crazy as people voting remain because:
They think a protectionist group somehow repesents global free trade .
They are homosexual and want more Muslims imported, so they can be eventually chucked off a tall building.
Never heard this fella but I suppose he makes a living from upsetting people in the way that the Jeremy Kyle chap does with disfunctional people who want to be on television .
If I could be bothered I’d phone in to the wee J’Obby and claim I had voted for Brexit for the most outlandish reasons. And do so as many times as I could, with a different reason each time, before being banned, just to wind him up.
What do you think Twitter ?
\\ @LBC Just heard XXXX’s voice, time to change stations //
\\ Would rather sticks pins in my eyes and beans in my ears.
LBC goes off from 10 until 6 //
there are loads of tweets like that
Toady watch.
Did you hear it this morning?
The palpably audible relief among the BBC news ‘journalists’ that the Manchester attacker, for whom the police were keeping an ‘open mind’ despite the attacker shouting Jihadist slogans and coming from a Somalian part of Manchester, has now been detained due to mental health issues. And therefore the whole thing is, obviously, NTDWI.
Phew !!!!
Toady watch 2
Failing Grayling was being interviewed. And, for a change, he got in some truisms. That union intransigency and poor project management of (nationalised ) Network Rail were prime causes of many of the problems.
Martha Kearny dashed around that one faster than a ferret stuck in a bicycle pump. Move on quickly. A bit embarrassing for the bBBC when a state rather than private organisation is held to blame.
Nothing to do with the world’s most trusted but…
In the DE, an article saying missed doctors appointments cost the NHS £216 a year.
Any time I go to the doctors I’m rarely seen on the appointment time and usually have a 20+ minute wait.
Doctors also have a lot of catching up filling in computer details and other admin type tasks.
I don’t believe doctors sit twiddling their thumbs for the 10 minutes during an appointment no show.
I think that if every one of these no shows actually turned up the NHS really would have a problem so let’s not moan about costs and wastes of time where none exists.
Likewise OT, but..
Woo-hoo…. a magazine… to reach an audience hitherto not reached, all day presumably….. Wimmin! I wonder what parts VD reaches that J’Obsworth doesn’t scratch?
Hope I still get my free cappuccino at ‘trose.
£216 million.
Not to mention the waste of time and money to you when the doctor keeps you waiting. We are threatened with punishment if we are late or miss an appointment, but when it happens the other way round we are not expected to complain.
Batly : racist car attack against off-duty soldier on NYE
Simply another example of, “mental health” issues……….
BBBC website…
“We would like to reassure service personnel that police have no evidence that the victim has been targeted due to his service in the army, or that it is motivated by racism.”
Ch Insp Ben Ryder
West Yorkshire Police”
So that’s alright then…:0(
I reckon there’ll be a few decent army service personel out taking a look at the cowards responsible anyway. I hope that Batley has a garrison of sorts, Colchester lads would have solved the mystery by now!
wHAT A SILLY ARSE this Ch Insp Ryder is to think that we will be taken in by such duplicity-of course his chief instructed him to make this comment, if he had any guts he should have refused and then most probably lost his job no doubt. What a shambolic mess this nation has allowed itself to get into.
So far winning the BBC #CCBGB stakes by a country kilometre.
another example of, “mental health” issues……….
Discussions proceed in comments.
Best viewed in light of bbc executive raises during this period.
I am sure the BBC were boasting a few weeks ago that the figures were the highest ever….Fake News?
OT: But spare a moment. This year South Africa goes to the polls in a general election (date of election TBA). One of the main Parties contending the vote is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), led by self-styled ‘Commander-in-Chief’ Julius Malema. The EFF is an avowed Marxist-Leninist outfit – with conspicuous Maoist tendencies. The Party dreams of creating a socialist egalitarian utopia in SA (re-named, under an EFF regime, ‘Azania’).
Over the past few years, the EFF has been very busy, sending its (predominantly young) cadres out into the towns and villages, schools and universities, of SA to ‘get amongst the people’ and recruit for ‘the coming revolution’. It was the EFF which spurred the compromised ruling Party, the ANC, to push through the change to the SA Constitution to allow for State expropriation of land without compensation (a long-term aim of the so-called ‘New Democratic Revolution’ – itself a stated aim of SA’s various communist organisations over the decades).
As we embark into 2019, keep an eye on developments in South Africa. The BBC, along with almost every other western media outlet, has done a good job (so far) in concealing the activities and political agenda of the comrades of the EFF, but the more time I have spent reading, researching and monitoring the situation in SA (specifically the EFF itself), the more I am led to conclude that should the EFF gain power in this year’s election, the country could be facing something equivalent to the terrible fate of Cambodia, circa 1975, when radical Marxist-Leninists marched into the capital, Phnom Penh and reset the clocks to Year Zero. Much worse was to follow.
Alarmist? Perhaps. Given the context and the situation on the ground, I don’t think so. The EFF has already sworn (in their Draft Constitution and Founding Manifesto) to gain power by ‘any necessary means’ – and history informs us how qucikly communists will disregard the ballot box when it suits them. Just keep one eye out for all the news the BBC won’t be giving you about developments in SA.
If it DOES give us anything, the BBc will ascribe anything that happens to ‘white racism’ and ‘white privilege’.
Obi – I make my assessment because those are two cornerstones of bBc reporting ANYWHERE.
You do right to sound a warning, many others are, but I fear the Bbc is really not interested in any in-depth analysis or historical overwiew, especially if this clashes with their narrative for SA, and it will.
Above all, while the BbC is not Marxist-Leninist and has no obvious Maoist tendencies, it is fully committed to a socialist-multiculturalist- ‘decolonisation’ vision of the past and present (even for britain).
To the extent that Malema sticks to Socialist/Decolonisation narrative, he is even likely to have the secret sympathy of many little beeboids. Ditto Sky, the Guardian, etc.
The likelyhood is that the land issue will be wrongly-portrayed, no historical analysis of who got where first will be made, or of who worked the land for many generations, having purchased it.
No assessment of how much government-owned land is really available for distribution. Expect no analysis of a collapse in food production; not much has even now, been said about the Zimbabwe precedence. (And if you thought Zimbabwe was ‘getting better’, read Eddie Cross’ website; but this is not news: the caravan has moved on to Brazil, where Bolsonaro can be bad-mouthed.) No, this is all about envy, and grabbing the goodies from Whitey.)
Instead there will be much droning on about the evils of Apartheid and much mention of a BbC hero second to none, Mandela, of whose background as a ruthless guerilla fighter, happy to kill to achieve political objectives, also absolutely no investigation was made.
So, Malema will have to play his cards right. he could even end up being portrayed as a rather glamerous freedom fighter, a la Che Gueveara. The beret is already in place. (Although I do have to observe that Che cut a rather more attractive image!)
Comrade Malema promises black South Africans that they will ‘own the land’ if the EFF assumes power later this year. What he isn’t telling them is that the EFF’s own Manifesto makes it clear that ALL SA’s land will be owned by the State in an EFF regime. That means neither whites or blacks will be able to privately own land – Malema has publicly (and repeatedly) dismissed the very idea of ‘land title deeds’, and for good reason: in an EFF regime everything belongs to the State. Communists despise private property ownership as a matter of principle – the EFF is no different.
Unfortunately, most black SA’s appear not have read the EFF’s small print. They imagine they’ll receive tracts of land which they will somehow ‘own’ and be able to either sell for cash or pass on to their children. That is absolutely NOT what the EFF intends. The EFF’s own documentation makes it perfectly clear they seek ‘Democratic Centralism’ = The State Takes It (and owns it) All.
I see South Africa sleepwalking towards catastrophe – and being led there by a malignant, duplicitous communist organisation which has done a good job of selling its message of ‘Free Stuff For Everyone’ (except whites and Asians) when the EFF takes power. When the truth finally dawns on ordinary black South Africans it will be too late; by then they’ll have been forced out on to the state-run collective farms to work as unpaid serfs for the very regime they voted for. They’ll own nothing.
The strange thing is that I’ve had these discussions several times with black South Africans on social media and outlined my concerns from an informed historical perspective. They don’t care. They simply don’t believe anything can go wrong. They aggressively insist that this time the EFF will get the whole ‘socialist utopia’ thing right. They are absolutely convinced I’m just a white racist patronising them and not trusting them to be able to run their own country.
So, buckle up. Here we go again.
Obi – A Referendum can be fatal if you get it wrong. De Klerk asked people in SA to vote on whether he could ‘continue with his reforms’ in 1992. They didn’t realize they were giving him a blank, signed cheque. You are describing the eventual outcome.
And what you describe is NOT a surprise, but merely a consequence of trusting your politicians. Thinking they know best and will work in your interest…
The EFF is merely the Communist wing of the ANC proposing to do exactly what Communists say they will do. People took their eye off the ball, lulled to sleep by promises of a ‘rainbow nation’. They apparently also forgot they were in Africa (eg.just south of Zimbabwe, another Communist paradise, and the oh so chaotic DR Congo.) So they voted ‘YES’ in the Referendum. (Maybe there actually are people who will walk willingly into their own demise).
Proof that -if you intend to vote in a referendum- you need to give it a lot of thought, and do some homework. And that, once you’ve voted, the Executive doesn’t decide simply to do its own thing.
There is a lesson there somewhere.
im sure the Foreign Office will be advising them just how much the british government will support their plans
“Alarmist?” No. It’s just Africa doing its thing. And its really good at doing its thing.
Where’s Geldoff when you need him………..
Are you aware that our own Marxist PM Theresa May has given her support for the Marxist Robert Mugabe and program of seizure of white owned farms to be carried out in South Africa?
Donald Trump has threatened Zimbabwe with sanctions unless it compensates white farmers, and threated South Africa with the same if it starts seizing property.
Yet again it’s an example of the anti white race hate endemic in the British elite establishment. We really need to shout this out because otherwise it will be our own property they are seizing next in Britain.
Note that no peasants ever received land under the Mugabe regeime – only friends and relatives or Mr Mugabe and his family. Here is a good example – a Zimbabwean man, living in Nottingham, UK. His wife was friends with Grace Mugabe, so she was awarded several farms, after the owners were arrested and relocated.
Ever hear of ‘we own it’?
Its yet snother far left pressure group being given lots of unchallenged air time by bBBC ‘news ‘. This one is to nationalise the railways.
Some far left spokeswoman is complaining about £66m profit out of £11 bn turnover. Parts of 1 per cent.
Quote ‘ a public railway would be so much more efficient’.
The woman has no brains and no evidence and almost certainly no actual knowledge of railways. Just trained to spout left wing propaganda. And allowed to do so freely. Not unlike the BBC, in fact.
It sounds a little like Bathhouse Barry’s mantra, ‘ you didn’t build it’, when he was trying to rewrite American history to claim the blacks built what is now the civilised and prosperous USA.
I note that Manchester Fascist Mayor Andy Burnham has issued one of his predictable race hating anti white comments about the Manchester attack.
He calls it the usual Fascist buzzword ‘vile’, and attempt to protect the Muslims by claiming it to be an ‘isolated incident’ (new twist on the lon wolf excuse)
It wouldn’t be the same though had a white person stabbed a couple of Muslims, and herein is the continuing issue with the casual anti white race hate of white people by an increasingly Fascist left in the West.
It perhaps shouldn’t come as a surprise with the core of the party moving to open Nazism having been funded in no small measure by the son of the leader of the British Union of Fascists Oswald Moseley, who in his turn was a Minister in a Labour government prior to forming the BUF.
We need to start calling the Left out for their race hate of us and we need to do it collectively in the way the Fascists do it, not as some splintered collective of individualists.
On New Year’s Eve I decided to watch the cop show “No Offence” which I had recorded, as there was nothing worth watching on TV.
I have enjoyed it in the past, and as it is set in Manchester I enjoy seeing the places I know where it is filmed.
However, this season it seems to have gone full SJW retard. The plot seems to be that nasty right wing thuggish English nationalists are picking on the poor, peace loving muslims. One of the right wingers takes a pot shot at the muslim mayor and kills a copper.
It was the usual snowflake garbage, which I found a shame as it wasn’t a bad show in the past. Then I turned on the TV news to learn about the latest terror attack in Manchester, and no, it did not involve a right wing thug attacking a peaceful muslim.
The leftist MSM seems to live in a comfortable fantasy bubble don’t they? They seem to think that if they believe in something really hard, it will come true.
I believe that we are heading towards a breakdown of society and a civil war similar to that which tore Yugoslavia apart. I wonder who will be right?
Removal made difficult on purpose.
My ten penneth worth.
The BBC is leaking viewers, particularly younger viewers by the shedload. Average viewer age is now 61. Coincidently, the 50-64 age group voted 61% for Leave (male) and 60% leave (female), rising to 62% and 66% respectively in the 65+ age group. In short, we Leavers make up the majority of the BBC viewing audience even though they, being the globalist left leaning pressure group that they are, never cater for our views nor do they represent our interests in any discernible way. Their content is corrupted beyond common sense redemption. Left Wing idealism is inculcated in everything they air.
We should therefore boycott the channel in its entirety.
PS hope for a happy 2019 and wish this for all of my fellow patriots whose views I read voraciously and are what keeps me sane.
Honestus -Reciprocate your Good Wishes.
If what you say is correct, we over 61s should really be flexing our muscles to challenge this rewriter of history and social engineer of the present and give ’em hell!
Communication is the key.
What can we do to improve it?
as far as I can see, most people in our age group (generalisation alert) are wedded to the concept of live tv viewing which entails a tv licence and whilst I applaud those who have opted out of the tv tax, I fear the majority will not. Therefore, we need to deprive the BBC of its raison d’être by refusing to view its twisted and distorted output. It’s not meant for us anyway. Declining viewer figures will eventually draw attention to the viability of continuing with a ‘National Broadcaster’.
This should be fairly painless for most of us and would personally give me immense satisfaction.
ive never figured out how they come up with viewing figures, and im pretty sure they have no way of really knowing either.
I suspect they just make them up or extrapolate from a very few very select group of monitored people.
You could always ask Diane Abbott, Kaiser!
Just stop paying the TV tax and shut the door in the face of any Crapita goon who turns up. Don’t talk to them and don’t respond to any correspondence.
I did it 5 years ago and don’t watch any BBC at all except MOTD
I try to avoid any of the stuff from them on YouTube too, even when they’re being shown up as the Marxists they are, as it’s not good for my blood pressure.
I look after my nephews a lot (8 and 11) and the BBC plays no part whatsoever in their viewing habits. Thank God the next generation will be free from their brainwashing, though heaven knows what may replace it. They spend all their time online and the internet giants are run by the same lunatics who control the Beeb, only they have God-like power in comparison.
14 year old girl raped in Burnley, broad daylight (9am New Year’s Day).
Suspect described as “tanned complexion” short dark curly hair and a short beard…
Happy New Year everyone and all the best for 2019.
One of my new year resolutions is to thank the BBC, so I’m doing that here and now on this (excellent) public forum, and have also sent Lord Hall a personal email to say ‘thanks’.
Why do I want to thank the BBC? Two reasons:
1. For convincing me there are far better things to do with my time than watching TV – we only get so many hours on this planet, and quite honestly, how many of your best hours have been spent slumped in front of the TV? When there really is nothing you want to watch, at all, then the decision to go and do something better has been made for you – thanks BBC for inspiring me, and my family, to stop wasting time in front of the TV.
2. For saving me £150 a year. Quite honestly, once the decision to no longer watch TV was made in this household, stopping the TV licence was an obvious outgoing we could cut without any ‘pain’ at all.
Alright, we made this decision three years ago now, and I must admit we do have Netflix (which costs around half the TV licence fee), and we do sometimes watch something on that. However, it suddenly struck me this New Year just what a favour the BBC had done for us, and hence the desire to thank them.
Your approach is sound, Brother.
However, outside your four walls is an environment the beeb are keen to change to their vision. And unless everyone follows your good example, this will continue apace.
Sajid’s on TV1 news, telling us that, besides saving lives, the cutters in the channel ‘are also there to protect our borders’. The latter was a bit of a reluctant afterthought, clearly a challenging duty for which there was no strategy.
Clear now, what the two additional cutters will be doing. Picking up migrants and bringing them to Britain.
Startling discovery: Sajid thinks many of the ‘migrants’ may not be ‘genuine refugees’. Wow! Under that big, bald pate there lurks a sharp, perceptive mind…
Move over, Hercules Poirot.
Beeb excited on TV1 lunchtime news: Mitt Romney has written a fierce criticism of Trump in the Washington Post.
Will Mr Sopel be gracing us with his presence tonight, to embroider on that?
BBC Ideas in turbo-charged apologetics for Jihad with this short video: “Opinion: An ancient betrayal that still resonates today.”
Surely the title and image suggest some sort of modern day classical revival? An appreciation of the golden age of ancient Greece? An homage to one of the greatest playwrights of western civilisation? No of course it doesn’t. What it does is allow the beeb to plug Kamila Shamsie’s (female, British Pakistani) book ‘Home Fire’ which is a story of five London Muslims, one of whom goes off to join ISIS. The promotion of Sophocles’ Antigone up front really is top level trickery, but no doubt gives a bit of pseudo-intellectual heft to tickle the beard strokers in W1A.
The video uses all the usual Graun/BBC ploys where self-indulgent artists and writers get to muse on the ‘big questions’ — but really what it’s about is Kamila Shamsie (female, British Pakistani) finding fault with UK citizenship laws. Seems stripping it from Brits who join ISIS irked her enough to ask “What do you do if the State starts acting in ways that you think are unjust? Do you back your religion… do you back your nation?” I bet I know which way Kamila Shamsie (female, British Pakistani) leans on the answers to those.
Who could have seen that coming from the Beloved BBC (Propaganda Be Upon It)?