Ladies and Gentlemen – and Trolls – the last thread of 2018 was so busy that a new one is needed .So – one again – have a Happy 2019 – even with the malignant BBC in our background .
Please help me understand what the governments logic is here?
ie why does a ‘no deal’ need more ships from Europe;
I thought trade would supposedly dry up.
So whats the spin ?
”Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has defended the government’s choice of a UK company with no ships as one of the providers of extra ferry services in the event of a no-deal Brexit.”
Perhaps it is the likelihood of the French suddenly finding that all their ferries are broken down so we can’t get fresh Brie or fizz from their republic .
German cars might get stopped as well….
Twice 2day I flicked on 5dead and each time they were refighting the referendum – the east European brummie drinker chap broke the ‘neutrality ‘ stance without taking breath . But I’m not a regular on that dismal remainers station
Maybe we could have “ radio free of the ReichEU” ?
We import loads of different things from Germany – they rely on us. Their factories can’t suddenly switch those exports to Portugal for example. And trade will always find a way eg: loads of Portland cement built WW1 German bunkers.
What next? ‘Mens’ willies will drop of? Cats will explode? The UK will sink on one side? Blood and locusts will rain down?
Go back to your nursery sand-pit bbc and stop trying to bother us – it ain’t working.
gaxvil, in some ways I’m hoping the BBC will keep up their tirade – painful as it is – against Brexit. I think it may just have a ‘Tony Blair-type’ effect on the British public, well the 5m who listened to R4 in 2016, anyway, and the 4m who listened to R4 in 2017 and the 3m+ who listened to R4 in 2018 ……. well, maybe not that MUCH of an effect but you never know. Here’s hoping.
“I remember the run up to Gulf 2, so if Blair says there will be trouble in Ireland, I don’t believe him!”
“If Blair’s in favour of a Second Referendum, I’m agin it!”
“If Blair’s against Brexit, then I’m in favour of Brexit!”
On the other hand, the Christmas break from the propaganda was wonderful.
Cannot wait for 30th March. No Deal Brexit, please PM!
And if my memory serves me right I read somewhere that around half of the Russian armour used to fight the eastern advance back towards berlin were provided/built in the UK. (something to do with the reason why all those British merchant ships kept going round’t top of bearian sea so many times.)
Of course we have since stopped supplying the Russians as some bowler-hated English toff/chap sort of a fellow with a piece of paper messed things up a bit. I realise Russia doesn’t need our help because they have enough steel lying around their vast oceans of Siberia which we built those tanks n guns with which we shall never see again unless Putin lobs a few of his modern missiles built by said British steel our way in which case ….DUCK!
Like the dramas imagining what if – the Nazis had won and what if the bomb dropped – they need one, ‘What if Hilary or Sanders had won?
It’ll never happen though.
Family of the poor man who did the Manchester terror attack and is mentally unstable, are praying for the victims, says the BBC whose reporter obviously put that in their mouths.
See, there is good amongst them.
Or maybe a little Taqqia is called for.
But are they praying to Allah akibar for the well being of the victims? I understand that it is offensive to ask Allah akibar to do things, as he is there be praised and worshipped, not petitioned.
See the BBC link. Nice house for people who are alienated and on the sidelines of our Islamophobic society.
Frankly those who ‘pray for’ anything are the ones I tend to be most wary of. Especially when the content of such prayers are guided by folk with skewed notions of goodwill to all.
It is sometimes associated with ‘thoughts’, mainly from pols who have not had one since they were six.
In the same way the evil beeb did everything they could to downplay the horror of the moroccan murders (rape and gruesome beheading) and up-play those nice Moroccans apologising and commiserating — I suspect encouraged or staged by their ministry of tourism, which is so important to their economy (second largest foreign exchange earner).
@Tabs that page has open comments
From BBC ONE year ago Steven Moffat: Brexit voters delayed female Doctor
“The outgoing head writer of Doctor Who has defended his decision not to cast a female lead during his tenure, to retain viewers who “voted Brexit”.
So liberal-friendly has the show been, it was a surprise in this special that the Dalekian inner jelly didn’t turn out to be called Jacob Rees-Blob, or that when the extraterrestrial glop was enclosed in a plastic bag, it wasn’t the packaging that proved to be the biggest threat to the planet.
With 88 days to go until the UK is supposed to leave the EU, however, there was one pointed political reference. When the Doctor tried to call on the cross-border Unified Intelligence Taskforce to help save Sheffield from extermination, she learned that Britain was no longer a member after falling out with her “major international partners”
Looks like the BBC have given up on any attempt to pretend they’re neutral over Brexit, and couldn’t care less about offending Brexit voters. After all, the clock’s ticking down rapidly now, and giving us a daily anti-Brexit scare story in the news just isn’t enough. Brexit must be stopped!
It is embarrassing how little actual racism and ‘Far Right’ activity they have to report on. We got weeks out of Sterling’s ‘racist abuse’ even though the fan actually said ‘Manc c**t’ rather than ‘black c**t.’ Even had the fan said racist words he is just a single person (likely to be a thuggish idiot.). This is fake news par excellence.
They had a collective orgasm over Charlottesville as finally some actual events fitted their narrative, though of course much fault lay with the alt-left counter protestors throwing faeces etc at the other group. It was so glorious how Trump pointed out that fact and the MSM squirmingly not only owned up to how violent their side was but justified it!
I hope everyone on the site has been bulk buying popcorn and is ready for the ride. 2019 will be some ride – can the BBC manage to lower the bar even further? You bet they can and we will all be here to document it!
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
Let’s close the Beeb down before England’s dead!
I cannot believe that 2 police officers went out with them. Who pays that bill? I guess it is us? The white shirt bloke seemed like he would have been quite aggressive if the camera hadn’t been on.
“Sajid Javid defends Channel migrant response on visit to Dover”
Double speak? Are these boats defending our border security or are they rescue boats? Read between the lines …………………………
“Only one of the five Border Force cutters – specialist boats which the force describes as being capable of rescuing several migrant boats at the same time – had been working in the Straits of Dover.”
“Speaking during a trip to the UK’s largest port, in which he went out on patrol on HMC Searcher, the home secretary said the intensified operation would “make a big difference” in protecting human life, as well as securing the UK’s borders.”
“The UK, Mr Javid said, would of course consider asylum applications from victims of political or religious persecution in their native countries.”
Expect more illegals as the weather improves towards the summer . Asylum applications should have been made in the first safe country of arrival. The government continues to turn a blind eye as they have been doing for a long time.
Taffman – ‘First safe country of arrival’ is what the law says. Merkel formally flung that out of the window long ago. We have to go one stage further back: the ‘asylum’ idea, made for a post-war Europe, not a worldwide offer, needs scrapping.
The question is: what will the UK do about that, when it leaves the EU (if it leaves the EU – never doubt the duplicity/dishonesty of your politicians).
An even bigger unanswered question, not even posed in the whole Brexit saga: why have MORE non-EU ‘migrants’ been coming into the UK, than those from the EU? They should have been easy to control.
With no credible UKIP in sight, the so-called Conservatives will do absolutely nothing to change that. May’s long failed leadership at the Home Office is only one sign of many.
Migrants? I fear you ain’t seen nothing yet.
“With no credible UKIP in sight,”
UKIP are still going but are not seen because they have been marginalised by Al Beeb and the MSM. There is no other party of credibility . Vote and support UKIP.
Hmm so KK presumes to speak on behalf of Mr Fraser’s wife, assuming her automatic disapproval of his Beyonce tweet. Who’s to say Mrs Fraser wouldn’t just laugh off such an innocuous comment?
Standard BBC practice… ignore individual agency and presume everyone is ruled by their diktats which prohibit a) frivolity and b) heterosexual physical attraction by men
The original question :
\\ Who fancies #Beyond100Days? Special guest in London tonight. No clues.//
someone suggests : Beyoncé?
@ChristianFraser replies : In my dreams
Katty weighs in : Neither Mrs Fraser nor I particularly appreciate this tweet.
“Brexit: Corbyn warns of ‘complete mess’ in new year message”
Read between the lines ?
IMHO Corbyn is a Brexiteer.
If the Tory Party went for a WTO Brexit, they would win any General Election hands down .
Stand by for Al Beeb /MSM Mega Project Fear.
The EU want a second referendum , as they always have done in other countries .
The EU want as many referenda as is required to obtain their desired result. The result is then declared final.
How many more millions of our money is now being supplied by the EU for anti British propaganda?
We are leaving, another referendum can be considered in 2060.
40 years in (various versions) of the EU was plenty, most of us wanted to leave decades ago.
So it’s only fair to have the next 40 years outside the EU to make an assessment of the benefits thereof.
I am sure every one who voted in the referendum understood that.
Just been watching BBC South Today item on the funding crisis in a Junior School in Southampton. The main cause of the shortfall apparently is the “burgeoning” numbers attending. And yet during the 6-minute item all I saw were “hideously white” children – not a BAME amongst them. Now, either Southampton indigenous families are bucking the trend in rates of reproduction or the BBC has carried out a bit of judicious editing. Surely that latter suspicion is total paranoia, they wouldn’t do that would they?
Mr Vance highlights the case of the alleged rapist of a 14 year old girl in Bury on New Year. The police description is ‘a tanned male ‘ . When you see the picture you’ll appreciate what ‘tanned ‘ means these days ….
2018-11-01 BBC News England
Court report, there was an earlier trial.
“Family gang carried out 250 burglaries in 11 months”
Photographs of twelve white males, complete with names.
Names repeated, with ages and addresses.
2018-12-07 BBC News England
Remaining culprits now sentenced.
“Family gang carried out 250 burglaries in 11 months”
Photographs of twelve white males, complete with names.
Details of crimes and criminals.
Photographs of weapons.
12 names repeated, with age, address and sentence.
2019-01-02 BBC News England
“Gang’s £2m 250-burglary haul revealed by police”
Pictures of some stolen goods, intended to assist the owners with recovery.
Photographs of twelve white males, complete with names.
12 names, age, address listed separately.
I say intended because, this is the BBC excuse, they are “helping” owners become re-united with their property.
The real reason this being reported frequently is to distract attention from other court cases where a number of “men” were shown in BBC reports. Men who were also armed, with penises.
The BBC “helped” in these cases, by remaining silent, hoping they would not become public knowledge.
Impartial as ever.
bbc4 at the mo tells me at the start that sicily is as much part of Africa as it is of Europe.
the Italians will probably be surprised at that
but the beeb mindset tells you a lot about the pickle we are in.
oh yes, and a bit of human sacrifice, anyone?
we are told the ancient greeks and romans didn’t mind…
The government realise that they have to deal with the migrant issue urgently, because if numbers start to significantly increase and the trickle becomes a flood across the Channel, there really will be anarchy that no political party will be able to control. Immigration caused Brexit, and the politicians are sh..t scared of the consequences, as the South Coast has the potential of becoming another Lampedusa.
I think that you are spot on. Its going to be a repeat performance of the illegal methods used to get to Lampedusa. If the government doesn’t act there will be civil unrest in the UK.
They will sail out of France, scupper their boats and call out the RNLI to ship them over to mainland UK – not France.
The Royal Navy and Royal Marines should now be called in the protect the integrity of our borders. The present Border Force is not fit for purpose. This Tory Government is comparable to that of 1939. We even have another ‘Chamberlain’ as PM now . Tory voters and supporters , if there are any left , must be livid?
Politicians couldn’t give a sh*t about what the people think. No sooner did May announce that we had control of our borders back, she was preparing to give control away to the UN and their compact on migration. In Belgium the treacherous left wing PM was forced to resign for his part, here though, the complicit MSM have been completely quiet and willing to back May no matter what. Because have no credible alternative right of centre party, there is only a left wing option and no other.
Thtful, I agree, politicians on the whole do what they want regardless of what we think; BUT there has never been a potential full on assault of our border on our coastline, since the Armada 500 years ago in the reign of the other Queen Elizabeth. At least we had more bloody boats protecting us then than we have now !!! I believe if more migrants start to arrive in droves on deserted beaches at night, and the media start to show lifejackets in the numbers that were littered on Lampedusa, then just watch the panic set in.
“How many asylum seekers are there?”
“In 2017, there were 26,350 applications for asylum made in the UK.”
“This compares with 198,255 applications for asylum made in Germany, 126,550 in Italy and 91,070 in France over the same period.”
Al Beeb making comparisons ?
Well the UK is a much smaller country !
Remember Merkel opened the doors to them and Italy had an insane leftist government which the people actively removed from office for allowing this, currently the people of France are doing the same to Macaroon.
Perhaps the BBC should take note after the yellow vests when after the MSM for their ‘collaboration’.
It’s right of you to say that, Dover, as we’re Kent poll tax payers (I hope I’m correct on your name/location, but I’m not fishing), and feel aggrieved that even more of our money is poured into services which we definitely didn’t vote for.
I’m trying to think of an analogy with ‘Operation Stack’, but it’s too early in the day for that…
The jihadist who stabbed 3 people at Manchester rail station was a Somali who with his family came to Britain 12yrs ago after living in Holland, migrants must not be given asylum if they come here from a safe country, surely their status changes from refugee to illegal migrant.
incoming congresswoman AOC : Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
is a darling of the BBC, a junior female Obama
During election her bio said she’s a working class Bronx girl
.. That’s now exposed as Fake news , she even corrected her own bio
Nobody is “trying to take the Bronx away from” you. We’re pointing out that you lied about having grown up there, and you changed your official campaign bio when this was pointed out.
Morning propaganda email. Fergal has a bit of a man crush:
“ The leader promising to heal a nation
Men and women, old, young and very young – beaming babies were held above the crowd – gathered at the airport in Jimma, Ethiopia, to witness the arrival of a political sensation. “We are so very happy,” an elderly man shouted above the military band. “It is like a renaissance. We have waited so long for this.”
Then Abiy Ahmed was among us, descending the steps of his plane to cheers, testing the nerves of his security detail as he reached into the crowd to kiss a baby here, embrace an old man there. I was conscious of an extraordinary fusion between the driven energy of an individual and the hope of a nation. Africa has rarely seen anyone like him. ”
Well, that in bbc terms sorts out the net migration stats by…. one.
On the bBBC 10 pm news, the objective was to downplay the English Channel boat people. Mark Easton was keen to tell us how few there were, compared to other countries and also the total for the UK.
In other bBBC words, it’s not really a problem
They also managed to gang up on the Home Secretary, who had the temerity to wonder why the boat people did not apply for asylum in France, which is clearly a ‘safe’ country, but rather risk their lives to get to the UK.
In other words, business as usual at the bBBC..
“it’s not really a problem”
They don’t know the true numbers that are coming ashore, unseen and then going to ground.
How many more terrorists have the security forces got to worry about in the future?
A typical and oft-repeated tactic of the SJW class, make unfavourable comparisons with other countries to support ones views. What other countries do, however, is entirely their own business and is based, one would assume, on their own particular circumstances.
I’m not too bothered about the BBC gifting the Home Secretary the chance to make the point that the migrants are crossing safe countries to get to the UK.
Why bother having any border boats patrolling the channel.
All they will be doing is collecting these ‘asylum seekers’ and giving them a ride into the uk.
Let them make their own way in their rubber dinghies, the result will be the same.
Let as many who feel like it come in. It’s already happening.
Like Italy and Greece, it starts off in the hundreds and then builds up once word gets around that the U.K. is there for the taking. It’s like the eu, once you’re in (the U.K.) you’ll never leave.
Apparently, when they pop over they ask for the nearest police station to claim asylum (from France?) so what’s the point of the border boats.
Whatever, the dinghies will have to run the gauntlet of commercial shipping. Rest assured when the benign weather changes there’s nothing like an immense vessel travelling at 30 knots which is impossible to stop or alter course quickly, which will take its toll. When bodies get washed up things will change. What ‘change’? I hear you ask. Well, lets start a Government petition to re-route the commercial vessels around the West coast. That would no doubt please the ‘uman rights people including the UN and all the lefties……….
“How many countries?
That depends if you mean in Metric or Imperial?
2 gazillion?
300,000 pounds sterling per policeman, give or take.
I’m sorry I haven’t got a calculator on me.
I blame the Tories.
That’s a racist question.
Is it cos I is black?…”
An interesting read if you have the time. Not a point of view that will be considered or talked about on Beebistan. Anxiety About Immigration is a Global Issue
Navy finally called in? Nowt on Al Beeb yet? Perhaps they will wake up?
But will they be used to ferry illegals in as they were off Africa, or will they defend the nation’s security? You can bet that the human rights lawyers will be sharpening their pens.
A Happy New Year to all
I have been a regular reader and not so regular poster here for the past two years or so and I cannot thank contributors enough for sharing their thoughts from whom I have often learned a great deal.
I find it quite wearisome now to listen to and read BBC output whether it be articles about news, current affairs, drama, lifestyle or anything else, it is all agenda driven and tiresomely so. It is, however, important to listen to and read what the BBC says so that one can know the enemy.
Not long ago, I read “Can we trust the BBC” by Robin Aitken and if it evoked feelings of disgust with the BBC they were nothing compared with feelings evoked by the revelations in “BBC Brainwashing Britain?” by David Sedgwick. It is an alarming expose of the true agenda of the BBC and the hideous tactics and cheap tricks used to promote it.
I could go now go on at great length about the BBC and all of its faults but it suffices me to say that if you haven’t read both of the books yet, please do and you may well conclude, as I do, that the continued existence of the BBC is actually harmful to most of the citizens of this country and that it has an awful lot of blood on its hands.
Got to hand it the the biased BBC . They do a piece about the National Portrait Gallery having difficulty to get people to look at pictures of white men .
Then a woman painter is interviewed who did a picture of President Trump – and got the dig in . Then a picture of some designer wearing. ‘Stop brexit’ t shirt .
These 2 targets are now like a school boy running internL gag for beeboids – every aspect of life must be bought round to demeaning President Trump and brexit .
Twice is a hundred years boys with white faces who spoke English had their lives taken fighting Germans to keep a type of freedom . Now look what is happening …
I lasted less than 10 minutes this morning with Toady. Just before 7 there was James Naughtie (hadn’t he retired?) giving an analysis of the state of the United States. Sounded almost as excited as Jon Sopel (if the BBC are paying Sopel why do they have to employ Naughtie?) telling us that as the Republicans have lost ‘the House’, the Democrats can now go all out to get Trump and then listed the things that Trump cannot now do including sack Muller. From this I assume that if Trump had wanted to sack Muller he could have done it by now?
I am afraid that I no longer trust the BBC’s analysis but if I am lucky Bill O’Reilly is suggested to me on YouTube and seems to give good explanations on what is happening in the United States.
Naughtie is employed for the same reason as all the other unnecessary, largely unintelligible and frequently duplicated BBC correspondents worldwide: the money pot we fund.
They already pay themselves massive salaries based on fictional ‘market rates’, cut back on program creation, use up air-time with repeats whenever possible, sign expense accounts for taxis, lattes and poppies and still there’s stacks of cash floating around that simply has to be used.
Sopel could do his job on a laptop in Clapham with a White House backdrop but it just wouldn’t be the same….
Soon… Shuckman and Co. get seats in economy on Buzz Branson’s almost to space EU firework display paid for by profits from his Coconut Airways stunt they all provided PR for.
The British Chambers of Commerce says more companies than ever before are having problems recruiting staff. They are also being squeezed by higher prices and a slowdown in sales, its survey of 6,000 firms found.”
Surprised they are not interviewing all the butchers and fishmongers having trouble finding qualified filleters.
Meanwhile, manufacturing is doing well at moment due to… panic over Brexit.
How many of us really care about the ‘Dark Side of theMoon’? Extraordinary that a country (China) so deep in debt can spend billions no doubt, on such a worthless project just to be the first to achieve it. And who cares that some large piece of rock has been discovered billions of miles away flying around in space. Just so imcomprehensible when there is a wonderful World right under our feet that needs looking after. More important we can have peace in out time, so perhaps such explorations could be the conduit to achieve that peace.
Probably the Chinese want to claim the moon is in their territorial waters and annexe it as their own, like Tibet and the islands in the South China Sea.
Haven’t you heard? Hard Brexit will cause the moon to wobble in it’s orbit and all the seas will become huge tsunami swells that drown one third of the life on earth. The poor dinghies won’t stand a chance! Something must be done to stop Brexit! 😉
Lucy, your tongue in cheek comment is being taken starkly to heart by a large section of our government and by many political agitators.
The Referendum question was phrased in such a way as to be simple to understand and totally unambiguous. This was done ostensibly to ensure that vexatious legalese could not be employed to ‘unpick’ the vote by the losing side, widely expected to be the Leave voters.
That this is happening anyway, by the Remainers, their internet shock troops and multiple media propaganda outfits led by the famously unbiased BBC is an affront to the very concept of a democratic vote and a personal insult to each and every voter who believed that their vote was of equal value to everybody elses.
Forget that the referendum was ‘advisory’. Forget that the ‘people didn’t know what they were voting for’. This is strawman flotsam of absolutely no importance.
One vote – one voter – first past the post wins. This was a leave victory which we are being prevented from celebrating with siren voices openly declaring that our/your vote doesn’t count.
The collusion to ignore our votes goes deep and encompasses the undemocratic shrills in this country and our adversaries within the EU, in other times, to a treasonous extent.
I wish I could enjoy being part of the 17m plus voters who won the vote to leave the EU, but I see dark times ahead and believe my vote will not count unless I fight for it – which I will.
Honestus – the poor kid at GCHQ monitoring the isp s using this site must emailing its boss saying there’s another one for the watch list – like me.
It’s hard to gauge the response to a sellout should it come . Many are actively apathetic and only care about strictly .
The media will monster protests and prevent on line coordination by disinformation as much as possible or spouting on about National Security
At least we ll know that voting has no value and that the bubble is a self serving monster – but I think more and more people are waking up to that .
Some defeatists reading this blog see it as an’ echo chamber’ . I see it as a place for free speach without the level of abuse received elsewhere .
I have watched the slide toward federal borough for years and the only show of force appeared to be federalist supportive – until the Referendum. This represented a game changer and put (or should have) real power back into the hands of joe blogg public.
You are right in what you say in that apathy plus the enormous weight of negative propaganda can brow beat those who are half hearted or easily cowed. I am buoyed by the recent UKIP march where I saw thousands of democrats with families and all ages represented, many past spring chicken age like myself.
This should always come down to one simple issue. One voter – one vote, winner carries the day and anything else is the bully wins.
Your stewardship of this site is greatly appreciated by me and everyone else who looks for sane intelligent comment. The left can keep their bile and spite and arrogance on sites for what are literally for them, echo chambers.
Thanks honestus – in a dream moment I was wondering what a pro brexit – or even neutral – -BBC would have sounded like -.a kind of alt world – then I woke at the end of the northern line again….
Aha! some are getting the message!
Project fear triumphs!
And not forgetting we must all become transgender vegans!
It’s our duty to convince all our tots they’re in the wrong body and feed them laboratory meat . Amen
Oh my goodness Lucy, I hadn’t thought of that-how will our Home Secretary respond to such a scenario? Supplying those migrants with bigger boats maybe? or perhaps actually arranging a water taxi service between the UK and France/Belgium/Holland. I know it is a very serious issue so dear Brexit will have to pay. Roll on Match 29th.
Flying to the Moon is an exercise in applied rationality, no amount of virtual signalling, inclusive diversity (?) will make a rocket or iphone work.
Better this than we are all made to believe that Sun is in a chariot driven by Allah’s command.
It is darkly comic how they pride themselves on having so many female newsreaders, when the same ‘diversity at all costs’ policy has resulted in unfathomable numbers of young girls being raped. They are so proud of hitting their diversity targets even as London becomes like hell on Earth; just like the band playing on as the Titanic sank.
Ahh so great to be back in the land of BBC bias
WATO…so far – more females and minorities in US congress….assumption this makes it better. Maybe it will maybe it won’t but no need to fawn over it…but still a time to dig at Trump as he seems to have made the US a really bad place – all by himself..
Womans’ Rugby will now be professional and get paid…presenter says men can get paid £20k a game – will you be getting that much? Stupid idiot…does he think early male rugby players got that much..and will people pay to see female rugby?
Now Brexit a Love story…what a waste of bloody time.
Time to get back to work…
Happy New Year
Have you noticed that on the many comment sites it’s only the ones like this that let all views be seen.
I know we bbbc’ers are on the right but those who are still finding their way (maxi?) can come and have their points of view read and replied to.
The lefty sites either remove comment they disagree with or they don’t allow any comments at all.
Free speech on here but censored by most of the MSM.
Do you think that the lefties and all the MSM are having a sort of competition to describe Muslims in ever more tenuous ways.
What started off as ‘asians’ became ‘mentally challenged’, ‘norwegians’, ‘lone wolves’, ‘a car/knife/gun/bomb’ (like “a car has killed 3 people in Madrid or suchlike”) and the latest, ‘a bearded man with a tan’
Is there a prize for the most obscure description they can get away with?
These 2 arrested today, an iranian and a British man.
I wonder what 99.9% of us on here think this ‘british man’ will turn out to be (if we ever find out)
Something beginning with ‘M’ ?
I am certain the wording ‘an Iranian national and a British man’ is deliberate obfuscation… I am also guessing his name won’t be Billy Smith (apologies to all Billy Smith’s)
Time will tell…
We are also waiting for the name of the mentally ill man who for some deranged reason stabbed three people in Manchester on NYE. I wonder why it has not been released and after three days or so.
We are also eager to learn if he was directly employed at Manchester Airport or if it was just a brother. No security risk, of course, either way.
I have been tuned to Sky News today because I’m sick of the BBC, everything they produce is unwatchable from Dr Who to the news.|
Sky had an interesting interview with Jeremy Hunt who admits Assad will be in power ‘for a while’ due to Russian support. I could find nothing from the BBC and conclude they are trying to figure out how worst to spin the story.
Funny, normally there are surveillance videos available with these events..
now if it was a group of white lads (and I am assuming Imran is the guilty party and was out -not drinking – at a club) attacking a person of colour or muslim the BBC would have had the pictures and videos out…not heard /seen much about this..But I withhold I am not a Leftie..
Right now Radio4 on air and on Twitter is promoting racebaiter June Sarpong’s charity appeal again.
This week’s #R4Appeal, with @junesarpong, is on behalf of the charity @AfriKids which aims to ensure that children in Ghana have a fair chance in life by getting an education. Find out more, and donate.
We want our children in the UK firstly to have an education and a fiar chance at life, never mind those far away in a country that completely ruined itself after Britain gave it independence in 1965-I know because I was there in the 1980’s 90’s-they let the comminists destroy much of any good and allowed those that follow the teachings of Islam to supress and enslave thousands-strangely some of the women have been very successful in the fabric piece goods trade some are millionaires. But most still in poverty mainly through lack of any real interest other than continuing corruption.
Then as I “scour”, I mean check what’s-on tonight
I see at 8pm R4 are repeating this
Have you tuned in yet? Show your support, have a listen to me on The BBC… and please share with folk that I may not yet be connected to… Black Girls Don't Cry
Ah Actually I have to commend that after that they did have a prog questing Identity politics
..but it wasn’t presented by a white or British man
Kaiser – the same sort of approach that I took in my comment here earlier today . Neither the police nor military have the numbers to control mass national protest . Even during the miners strike constabulary support was sent around the country .
The planners ( if there are any ) looking at contingencies for 12 weeks? Time must have a bit of a headache looking as best and worst case outcomes with regard to civil disobedience .
Naturally the state broadcaster won’t be covering this in anyway and see themselves engineering some sort of reversal of the democratic decision which was made by so many thick voters – I’m sure the twitter comment by some remainer about wanting to kill off brexiters was made under the influence of mind changing chemicals .
I can see plenty of constitution stuff coming up soon. – particularly with an overtly biased speaker .
The Queen must be ducking her head and hope she doesn’t get drawn into it.
“Neither the police nor military have the numbers to control mass national protest .”
That is also why the moslems will always get their own way. They can fill the streets in minutes with rioters. Look at what happened to the family of the “bully” at the school near Huddersfield: his mother had thousands of rape threats and not one was investigated.
Listening to Talk Radio telling me that the vikings were nice despite their raping and pillaging as they brought us new “culture”
Wonder how long before the bbbc jump on this and make a comparison with our present foreign invaders.
Just caught a bit of the laughingly titled “Celebrity Antiques Road Trip” on BBC1 – the “celebrities” being Tony Singh and Cyrus Todiwala, whoever they might be!
I remember the days when the term “celebrity” was reserved for people of the calibre of Frank Sinatra or Elizabeth Taylor.
Bbc 5 news seems to interpret the law of claiming refugee status is that if you apply in one ReichEU country and they throw you out then you can paddle off to an easier touch like Blighty and have another go .. then bring the extended family in ….
No discussion about the strain on public services or NI contributions …
To be fair, as we are not casually racist on this site
they are Indians and great chefs and very funny when on TV and exhibit British values more than some whites as far as I am concerned.
They are celebrities to any cooking fans like my wife although I agree celeb on BBC these days amount in general to anyone who has worked for the BBC
“The Incredible Spice Men” Award-winning chefs and old friends Tony Singh and Cyrus Todiwala want to transform the way people cook British dishes at home. This Saturday 13th October on BBC Two BBC 2 at 12pm there is a rerun of the…
MP fined £5000 for nuisance phone calls during his attempt to become Londonistan mayor – won’t hear this one on The Far Left BBC – it’s David ‘free bike ‘ Lammy .
Wonder if he ll claim it on expenses ?
Unfortunately not a criminal offence …. unlike that of another labour MP Due for sentencing next week…
Dominic casciani s level one beeboid stands outside the old bailey talking about a Muslim convert called ‘ludlow’ who planned and aimed to kill a 100 people by driving at them in oxford street .
In a fascinating piece of biased non reporting he manages to omit the motivation for this creature – being the holy war against the infidel by The Religion of Peace namely Islam .
It seems this Ludlow character is trying on the ‘mental issues’ defence to prevent him joining the rest of the Muslim residents of the HMP Belmarch Madrassa Wing ….
Just another day.
Demon – my comment was unclear because I omitted the fact that the BBC reporter was on their 6pm news reporting from outside the old bailey – hence the context .
Not the BBC – but the Guardian —- reporting something fairly—- the labour MP for Peterborough who apparently is the first one of any party to remain as an MP after being convicted to a criminal offence .
The Guardianista points out that at any other time the fact she has remained an MP despite being convicted on perverting the course of justice would have had the entire press screaming for he dismissal – but because of Brexit it is a ‘side show ‘.
It does show that the morality of politicians has never been lower .
@FedUp are you sure it is the actual Guardian and not the Peterborough Guardian or something ?
Did they mention another reason , she is double #MoreThanEqual ?
white and male gets different treatment.
White, male and Tory would be max score.
No the race issue isn’t raised and in fairness to The Guardian there is no need to because the writer goes back across the outcome of convicted politicians . Many resign from the seat before conviction . This character has even played the religious card by comparing herself to Jesus Christ – who from my recollection of the New Testament – never got done for lying about a speed camera .
The underlying theme of the piece is that Brexit has had a deafening effect on normal politics – I agree with that . How could there have been any other outcome with a 2 year ticking A50 clock.
The Guardian writer never even had to dig in the the drug dealer brother or living in social housing . He does mention that the editor of The Peterborough Guardian has said she should resign because she is not best serving her constituents …..
I think a job in the BBC awaits the soon to be ex MP where she can re run the ‘woman as victim’ routine and ‘black as victim’ too – with a sprinkle of working class victimisation too…
Mind you that area is quite competitive with ‘Afria?’ And ‘alibi’ amongst the tame voices al beeb uses when it goes peak racial.
There was a Brexit candidate in the General Election – the sitting Conservative MP Stewart Jackson. UKIP didn’t put up a candidate to help his cause, and Jackson still lost – albeit narrowly. I’m hoping that Onasanya will do the honourable thing and resign, but Labour don’t do honourable.
7am BBC radio local news cos their main headline was claiming that extreme weather is going to become more common due to climate change.
Get home 6:30pm local BBC news , it was second item
They cited drought, rainfall, storms and wintry weather, so all bases covered.
Did each local area do same item ?
Radio Humberside tweeted
\\Reservoirs in Yorkshire & the Humber are currently operating at half of their expected levels due to drought.
Experts believe 2019 could become another year dominated by extreme weather events. //
Well surely not in my zone, cos we’ve had standing water in field corners for 2 months.
Stew, saw Look North and thought of you and guessed you would be posting. Utter nonsense but fits the agenda. Yes early autumn was still fairly dry but soils around here now getting claggy suggesting water table somewhere near normal at long last. So maybe LN thinking they couldn’t keep this story much longer. Noticed they referred to the floods of 2006 which I have always understood were more due to things like Hull City Council covering drain holes when resurfacing roads; Drainage Boards not cleaning out ditches because the environmental agency and English Nature telling them not to protect lesser spotted newts; building on the floodplain at Kingswood, etc, rather than the amount of rain there was that day. The report also included that 2018 was the hottest since 2003 but with the dire summers would occur more often without a shred of evidence. Overall a report written to the BBC formula.
BBC ecstatic over Mohamidam Congress Woman who intends to take her oath on a copy of the Koran once owned by Jefferson. It seems she intends to display lots of Mohamidan clothes and poses for pictures wearing them.
The report ends with a few snide tweets about the lack of colour and diversity among the Republicans in Congress.
Wow. Diversity. The report might have said:
Congress Woman believes in flying donkeys, believes that Satan farts to drown out her prayers, and asked whether she feeds her baby on camel pee to maintain its health.
Then BBC local news moved on to “Greggs introduce vegetarian sausage roll”
FFS 3 different locations for vox pop.
All meat eaters said no-way
The one vegan said it was good.
PR not news.
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
Please help me understand what the governments logic is here?
ie why does a ‘no deal’ need more ships from Europe;
I thought trade would supposedly dry up.
So whats the spin ?
”Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has defended the government’s choice of a UK company with no ships as one of the providers of extra ferry services in the event of a no-deal Brexit.”
Perhaps it is the likelihood of the French suddenly finding that all their ferries are broken down so we can’t get fresh Brie or fizz from their republic .
German cars might get stopped as well….
Twice 2day I flicked on 5dead and each time they were refighting the referendum – the east European brummie drinker chap broke the ‘neutrality ‘ stance without taking breath . But I’m not a regular on that dismal remainers station
Maybe we could have “ radio free of the ReichEU” ?
We import loads of different things from Germany – they rely on us. Their factories can’t suddenly switch those exports to Portugal for example. And trade will always find a way eg: loads of Portland cement built WW1 German bunkers.
What next? ‘Mens’ willies will drop of? Cats will explode? The UK will sink on one side? Blood and locusts will rain down?
Go back to your nursery sand-pit bbc and stop trying to bother us – it ain’t working.
gaxvil, in some ways I’m hoping the BBC will keep up their tirade – painful as it is – against Brexit. I think it may just have a ‘Tony Blair-type’ effect on the British public, well the 5m who listened to R4 in 2016, anyway, and the 4m who listened to R4 in 2017 and the 3m+ who listened to R4 in 2018 ……. well, maybe not that MUCH of an effect but you never know. Here’s hoping.
“I remember the run up to Gulf 2, so if Blair says there will be trouble in Ireland, I don’t believe him!”
“If Blair’s in favour of a Second Referendum, I’m agin it!”
“If Blair’s against Brexit, then I’m in favour of Brexit!”
On the other hand, the Christmas break from the propaganda was wonderful.
Cannot wait for 30th March. No Deal Brexit, please PM!
“Cannot wait for 30th March. No Deal Brexit, please PM!”
And me !
And if my memory serves me right I read somewhere that around half of the Russian armour used to fight the eastern advance back towards berlin were provided/built in the UK. (something to do with the reason why all those British merchant ships kept going round’t top of bearian sea so many times.)
Of course we have since stopped supplying the Russians as some bowler-hated English toff/chap sort of a fellow with a piece of paper messed things up a bit. I realise Russia doesn’t need our help because they have enough steel lying around their vast oceans of Siberia which we built those tanks n guns with which we shall never see again unless Putin lobs a few of his modern missiles built by said British steel our way in which case ….DUCK!
How does one put this…. in quotes…?
Like the dramas imagining what if – the Nazis had won and what if the bomb dropped – they need one, ‘What if Hilary or Sanders had won?
It’ll never happen though.
Family of the poor man who did the Manchester terror attack and is mentally unstable, are praying for the victims, says the BBC whose reporter obviously put that in their mouths.
See, there is good amongst them.
Or maybe a little Taqqia is called for.
But are they praying to Allah akibar for the well being of the victims? I understand that it is offensive to ask Allah akibar to do things, as he is there be praised and worshipped, not petitioned.
See the BBC link. Nice house for people who are alienated and on the sidelines of our Islamophobic society.
Frankly those who ‘pray for’ anything are the ones I tend to be most wary of. Especially when the content of such prayers are guided by folk with skewed notions of goodwill to all.
It is sometimes associated with ‘thoughts’, mainly from pols who have not had one since they were six.
“See, there is good amongst them.”
In the same way the evil beeb did everything they could to downplay the horror of the moroccan murders (rape and gruesome beheading) and up-play those nice Moroccans apologising and commiserating — I suspect encouraged or staged by their ministry of tourism, which is so important to their economy (second largest foreign exchange earner).
How Doctor Who, Luther and The Inbetweeners fared on New Year
There was praise for Doctor Who, whose seasonal episode “whizzed along at a cracking pace” according to one pundit.
Said the BBC employee paid to write this biased crap.
@Tabs that page has open comments
From BBC ONE year ago Steven Moffat: Brexit voters delayed female Doctor
“The outgoing head writer of Doctor Who has defended his decision not to cast a female lead during his tenure, to retain viewers who “voted Brexit”.
Steven Moffat told Radio Times the BBC One programme was not “exclusively for progressive liberals” and “we have to keep everyone on board”.
This comment below, comes from @Forager
Now Guardian Doctor Who: Resolution review – old foes and Brexit gags in spectacular satire
Looks like the BBC have given up on any attempt to pretend they’re neutral over Brexit, and couldn’t care less about offending Brexit voters. After all, the clock’s ticking down rapidly now, and giving us a daily anti-Brexit scare story in the news just isn’t enough. Brexit must be stopped!
Do you think Maxi watches Dr Who. I wonder if it would like to state its views on the series.
2:15pm R4 drama is about a homosexual Muslim youth living in London
It’s now 15:15. Has he been pushed off a rooftop yet?
RE: ‘Far right’ storyline in police show.
It is embarrassing how little actual racism and ‘Far Right’ activity they have to report on. We got weeks out of Sterling’s ‘racist abuse’ even though the fan actually said ‘Manc c**t’ rather than ‘black c**t.’ Even had the fan said racist words he is just a single person (likely to be a thuggish idiot.). This is fake news par excellence.
They had a collective orgasm over Charlottesville as finally some actual events fitted their narrative, though of course much fault lay with the alt-left counter protestors throwing faeces etc at the other group. It was so glorious how Trump pointed out that fact and the MSM squirmingly not only owned up to how violent their side was but justified it!
I hope everyone on the site has been bulk buying popcorn and is ready for the ride. 2019 will be some ride – can the BBC manage to lower the bar even further? You bet they can and we will all be here to document it!
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
Let’s close the Beeb down before England’s dead!
And return to pounds n ounces!
Only 86 days to go guys!
The only surprise is that the Fuzz weren’t wearing rainbow LBGT badges.
I cannot believe that 2 police officers went out with them. Who pays that bill? I guess it is us? The white shirt bloke seemed like he would have been quite aggressive if the camera hadn’t been on.
2014? maybe the police hadn’t caught institutional homosexuality at that time .
How reassuring to see our finest are hard at work combatting serious crime such as refusing to pay the extortion tax, for not watching live tv.
“Sajid Javid defends Channel migrant response on visit to Dover”
Double speak? Are these boats defending our border security or are they rescue boats? Read between the lines …………………………
“Only one of the five Border Force cutters – specialist boats which the force describes as being capable of rescuing several migrant boats at the same time – had been working in the Straits of Dover.”
“Speaking during a trip to the UK’s largest port, in which he went out on patrol on HMC Searcher, the home secretary said the intensified operation would “make a big difference” in protecting human life, as well as securing the UK’s borders.”
“The UK, Mr Javid said, would of course consider asylum applications from victims of political or religious persecution in their native countries.”
Expect more illegals as the weather improves towards the summer . Asylum applications should have been made in the first safe country of arrival. The government continues to turn a blind eye as they have been doing for a long time.
Taffman – ‘First safe country of arrival’ is what the law says. Merkel formally flung that out of the window long ago. We have to go one stage further back: the ‘asylum’ idea, made for a post-war Europe, not a worldwide offer, needs scrapping.
The question is: what will the UK do about that, when it leaves the EU (if it leaves the EU – never doubt the duplicity/dishonesty of your politicians).
An even bigger unanswered question, not even posed in the whole Brexit saga: why have MORE non-EU ‘migrants’ been coming into the UK, than those from the EU? They should have been easy to control.
With no credible UKIP in sight, the so-called Conservatives will do absolutely nothing to change that. May’s long failed leadership at the Home Office is only one sign of many.
Migrants? I fear you ain’t seen nothing yet.
“With no credible UKIP in sight,”
UKIP are still going but are not seen because they have been marginalised by Al Beeb and the MSM. There is no other party of credibility . Vote and support UKIP.
Me either.
And they exist merely to question Trump tweets.
Hmm so KK presumes to speak on behalf of Mr Fraser’s wife, assuming her automatic disapproval of his Beyonce tweet. Who’s to say Mrs Fraser wouldn’t just laugh off such an innocuous comment?
Standard BBC practice… ignore individual agency and presume everyone is ruled by their diktats which prohibit a) frivolity and b) heterosexual physical attraction by men
The original question :
\\ Who fancies #Beyond100Days? Special guest in London tonight. No clues.//
someone suggests : Beyoncé?
@ChristianFraser replies : In my dreams
Katty weighs in : Neither Mrs Fraser nor I particularly appreciate this tweet.
NB 100 Days wasn’t on BBC4 Tonight
“Brexit: Corbyn warns of ‘complete mess’ in new year message”
Read between the lines ?
IMHO Corbyn is a Brexiteer.
If the Tory Party went for a WTO Brexit, they would win any General Election hands down .
Stand by for Al Beeb /MSM Mega Project Fear.
The EU want a second referendum , as they always have done in other countries .
The EU want as many referenda as is required to obtain their desired result. The result is then declared final.
How many more millions of our money is now being supplied by the EU for anti British propaganda?
We are leaving, another referendum can be considered in 2060.
40 years in (various versions) of the EU was plenty, most of us wanted to leave decades ago.
So it’s only fair to have the next 40 years outside the EU to make an assessment of the benefits thereof.
I am sure every one who voted in the referendum understood that.
I hope that in forty years’ time there will be no such thing as the EU. The quicker the better as far as I am concerned.
Just been watching BBC South Today item on the funding crisis in a Junior School in Southampton. The main cause of the shortfall apparently is the “burgeoning” numbers attending. And yet during the 6-minute item all I saw were “hideously white” children – not a BAME amongst them. Now, either Southampton indigenous families are bucking the trend in rates of reproduction or the BBC has carried out a bit of judicious editing. Surely that latter suspicion is total paranoia, they wouldn’t do that would they?
Mr Vance highlights the case of the alleged rapist of a 14 year old girl in Bury on New Year. The police description is ‘a tanned male ‘ . When you see the picture you’ll appreciate what ‘tanned ‘ means these days ….
2018-11-01 BBC News England
Court report, there was an earlier trial.
“Family gang carried out 250 burglaries in 11 months”
Photographs of twelve white males, complete with names.
Names repeated, with ages and addresses.
2018-12-07 BBC News England
Remaining culprits now sentenced.
“Family gang carried out 250 burglaries in 11 months”
Photographs of twelve white males, complete with names.
Details of crimes and criminals.
Photographs of weapons.
12 names repeated, with age, address and sentence.
2019-01-02 BBC News England
“Gang’s £2m 250-burglary haul revealed by police”
Pictures of some stolen goods, intended to assist the owners with recovery.
Photographs of twelve white males, complete with names.
12 names, age, address listed separately.
I say intended because, this is the BBC excuse, they are “helping” owners become re-united with their property.
The real reason this being reported frequently is to distract attention from other court cases where a number of “men” were shown in BBC reports. Men who were also armed, with penises.
The BBC “helped” in these cases, by remaining silent, hoping they would not become public knowledge.
Impartial as ever.
bbc4 at the mo tells me at the start that sicily is as much part of Africa as it is of Europe.
the Italians will probably be surprised at that
but the beeb mindset tells you a lot about the pickle we are in.
oh yes, and a bit of human sacrifice, anyone?
we are told the ancient greeks and romans didn’t mind…
We indulge in civilisation sacrifice…. Our own.
The BBC is saying that the Home Secretary is questioning whether the people coming ashore on the south coast are genuine asylum seekers .
They are also reporting that people are questioning whether he is a genuine Home Secretary
Fed, brilliant – LOL x5!
He could be an ‘Immigration Minister’ in disguise?
Immigration Facilitation Minister
.. It says on his card
On the back it has the phone number of his mate in Calais who rents out inflatable boats at £1000/day/person
Some say that the Yellow Vests are ready to storm the EU Parliament ?
I’m sure the BBC will not be reporting that.
The government realise that they have to deal with the migrant issue urgently, because if numbers start to significantly increase and the trickle becomes a flood across the Channel, there really will be anarchy that no political party will be able to control. Immigration caused Brexit, and the politicians are sh..t scared of the consequences, as the South Coast has the potential of becoming another Lampedusa.
I think that you are spot on. Its going to be a repeat performance of the illegal methods used to get to Lampedusa. If the government doesn’t act there will be civil unrest in the UK.
They will sail out of France, scupper their boats and call out the RNLI to ship them over to mainland UK – not France.
The Royal Navy and Royal Marines should now be called in the protect the integrity of our borders. The present Border Force is not fit for purpose. This Tory Government is comparable to that of 1939. We even have another ‘Chamberlain’ as PM now . Tory voters and supporters , if there are any left , must be livid?
Politicians couldn’t give a sh*t about what the people think. No sooner did May announce that we had control of our borders back, she was preparing to give control away to the UN and their compact on migration. In Belgium the treacherous left wing PM was forced to resign for his part, here though, the complicit MSM have been completely quiet and willing to back May no matter what. Because have no credible alternative right of centre party, there is only a left wing option and no other.
Thtful, I agree, politicians on the whole do what they want regardless of what we think; BUT there has never been a potential full on assault of our border on our coastline, since the Armada 500 years ago in the reign of the other Queen Elizabeth. At least we had more bloody boats protecting us then than we have now !!! I believe if more migrants start to arrive in droves on deserted beaches at night, and the media start to show lifejackets in the numbers that were littered on Lampedusa, then just watch the panic set in.
“How many asylum seekers are there?”
“In 2017, there were 26,350 applications for asylum made in the UK.”
“This compares with 198,255 applications for asylum made in Germany, 126,550 in Italy and 91,070 in France over the same period.”
Al Beeb making comparisons ?
Well the UK is a much smaller country !
Remember Merkel opened the doors to them and Italy had an insane leftist government which the people actively removed from office for allowing this, currently the people of France are doing the same to Macaroon.
Perhaps the BBC should take note after the yellow vests when after the MSM for their ‘collaboration’.
I would like this English Channel fiasco to continue.
It’s doing the cause of the Remainers no good at all.
It’s right of you to say that, Dover, as we’re Kent poll tax payers (I hope I’m correct on your name/location, but I’m not fishing), and feel aggrieved that even more of our money is poured into services which we definitely didn’t vote for.
I’m trying to think of an analogy with ‘Operation Stack’, but it’s too early in the day for that…
I think it was Raheem who got hold of an EU document assessing how many people countries could accommodate, and the U.K. was assigned 185,000,000.
incoming congresswoman AOC : Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
is a darling of the BBC, a junior female Obama
During election her bio said she’s a working class Bronx girl
.. That’s now exposed as Fake news , she even corrected her own bio
Background story
Have Katty, Jon and Baldy weighed in yet? And on whose side?
They seem keen on high profile politicians with pervasive social media presence. Usually.
libmob are trying to distract by posting links to GENERAL stories about hand grenades in Sweden : One from BBC, one from Sputnik
i spot someone giving better link to actual stories … …
Good job the Swedes are neutral and don’t make weapons.
\\Iranian and Briton held in Manchester suspected of arranging “movement of migrants” across Channel – Crime Agency//
Who is the Briton ? Name?
Place bets.
The “Briton” is named one form or another of Mohammed.
Morning propaganda email. Fergal has a bit of a man crush:
“ The leader promising to heal a nation
Men and women, old, young and very young – beaming babies were held above the crowd – gathered at the airport in Jimma, Ethiopia, to witness the arrival of a political sensation. “We are so very happy,” an elderly man shouted above the military band. “It is like a renaissance. We have waited so long for this.”
Then Abiy Ahmed was among us, descending the steps of his plane to cheers, testing the nerves of his security detail as he reached into the crowd to kiss a baby here, embrace an old man there. I was conscious of an extraordinary fusion between the driven energy of an individual and the hope of a nation. Africa has rarely seen anyone like him. ”
Well, that in bbc terms sorts out the net migration stats by…. one.
“Britain’s very porous borders: Having just three boats to patrol coast is a security gamble, says ex-Navy chief”
The Government were warned about this over two years ago. Published: 30 May 2016…………………
On the bBBC 10 pm news, the objective was to downplay the English Channel boat people. Mark Easton was keen to tell us how few there were, compared to other countries and also the total for the UK.
In other bBBC words, it’s not really a problem
They also managed to gang up on the Home Secretary, who had the temerity to wonder why the boat people did not apply for asylum in France, which is clearly a ‘safe’ country, but rather risk their lives to get to the UK.
In other words, business as usual at the bBBC..
“it’s not really a problem”
They don’t know the true numbers that are coming ashore, unseen and then going to ground.
How many more terrorists have the security forces got to worry about in the future?
France is not a safe country, it’s full of Muslim terrorists.
Not around here, it ain’t…
A typical and oft-repeated tactic of the SJW class, make unfavourable comparisons with other countries to support ones views. What other countries do, however, is entirely their own business and is based, one would assume, on their own particular circumstances.
I’m not too bothered about the BBC gifting the Home Secretary the chance to make the point that the migrants are crossing safe countries to get to the UK.
It is not looking too good for Gary Oldman if he ever plays the Studley Constable Palladium. Especially if Iranians get hold of E-boats.
Why bother having any border boats patrolling the channel.
All they will be doing is collecting these ‘asylum seekers’ and giving them a ride into the uk.
Let them make their own way in their rubber dinghies, the result will be the same.
Let as many who feel like it come in. It’s already happening.
Like Italy and Greece, it starts off in the hundreds and then builds up once word gets around that the U.K. is there for the taking. It’s like the eu, once you’re in (the U.K.) you’ll never leave.
Apparently, when they pop over they ask for the nearest police station to claim asylum (from France?) so what’s the point of the border boats.
Whatever, the dinghies will have to run the gauntlet of commercial shipping. Rest assured when the benign weather changes there’s nothing like an immense vessel travelling at 30 knots which is impossible to stop or alter course quickly, which will take its toll. When bodies get washed up things will change. What ‘change’? I hear you ask. Well, lets start a Government petition to re-route the commercial vessels around the West coast. That would no doubt please the ‘uman rights people including the UN and all the lefties……….
“How many countries?
That depends if you mean in Metric or Imperial?
2 gazillion?
300,000 pounds sterling per policeman, give or take.
I’m sorry I haven’t got a calculator on me.
I blame the Tories.
That’s a racist question.
Is it cos I is black?…”
“Have a Snickers, Di. You are not yourself without a tube of sugar in your maw”.
At least they know where we are – this French guy wants everyone to believe we don’t exist:
Sorry about the link in the above message it didn’t work for some reason?
An interesting read if you have the time. Not a point of view that will be considered or talked about on Beebistan.
Anxiety About Immigration is a Global Issue
Amazing. I can’t imagine why the BBC and other alt-left organisations ignore this sort of information, hmm…..
Navy finally called in? Nowt on Al Beeb yet? Perhaps they will wake up?
But will they be used to ferry illegals in as they were off Africa, or will they defend the nation’s security? You can bet that the human rights lawyers will be sharpening their pens.
the last navy rescue mission brought back the manchester bomber, wonder what they are bringing home this time
A Happy New Year to all
I have been a regular reader and not so regular poster here for the past two years or so and I cannot thank contributors enough for sharing their thoughts from whom I have often learned a great deal.
I find it quite wearisome now to listen to and read BBC output whether it be articles about news, current affairs, drama, lifestyle or anything else, it is all agenda driven and tiresomely so. It is, however, important to listen to and read what the BBC says so that one can know the enemy.
Not long ago, I read “Can we trust the BBC” by Robin Aitken and if it evoked feelings of disgust with the BBC they were nothing compared with feelings evoked by the revelations in “BBC Brainwashing Britain?” by David Sedgwick. It is an alarming expose of the true agenda of the BBC and the hideous tactics and cheap tricks used to promote it.
I could go now go on at great length about the BBC and all of its faults but it suffices me to say that if you haven’t read both of the books yet, please do and you may well conclude, as I do, that the continued existence of the BBC is actually harmful to most of the citizens of this country and that it has an awful lot of blood on its hands.
Happy New Year to you, too.
“BBC Brainwashing Britain?” by David Sedgwick is a very good book, and makes me loathe the BBC even more, if that’s possible…
“you may well conclude, as I do, that the continued existence of the BBC is actually harmful to most of the citizens of this country”…
Many of us here have already reached that conclusion Navets.
Toady watch
Got to hand it the the biased BBC . They do a piece about the National Portrait Gallery having difficulty to get people to look at pictures of white men .
Then a woman painter is interviewed who did a picture of President Trump – and got the dig in . Then a picture of some designer wearing. ‘Stop brexit’ t shirt .
These 2 targets are now like a school boy running internL gag for beeboids – every aspect of life must be bought round to demeaning President Trump and brexit .
Twice is a hundred years boys with white faces who spoke English had their lives taken fighting Germans to keep a type of freedom . Now look what is happening …
I lasted less than 10 minutes this morning with Toady. Just before 7 there was James Naughtie (hadn’t he retired?) giving an analysis of the state of the United States. Sounded almost as excited as Jon Sopel (if the BBC are paying Sopel why do they have to employ Naughtie?) telling us that as the Republicans have lost ‘the House’, the Democrats can now go all out to get Trump and then listed the things that Trump cannot now do including sack Muller. From this I assume that if Trump had wanted to sack Muller he could have done it by now?
I am afraid that I no longer trust the BBC’s analysis but if I am lucky Bill O’Reilly is suggested to me on YouTube and seems to give good explanations on what is happening in the United States.
Naughtie is employed for the same reason as all the other unnecessary, largely unintelligible and frequently duplicated BBC correspondents worldwide: the money pot we fund.
They already pay themselves massive salaries based on fictional ‘market rates’, cut back on program creation, use up air-time with repeats whenever possible, sign expense accounts for taxis, lattes and poppies and still there’s stacks of cash floating around that simply has to be used.
Sopel could do his job on a laptop in Clapham with a White House backdrop but it just wouldn’t be the same….
Soon… Shuckman and Co. get seats in economy on Buzz Branson’s almost to space EU firework display paid for by profits from his Coconut Airways stunt they all provided PR for.
Also BBC sheet:
“Firms ‘finding it hard to get staff’
The British Chambers of Commerce says more companies than ever before are having problems recruiting staff. They are also being squeezed by higher prices and a slowdown in sales, its survey of 6,000 firms found.”
Surprised they are not interviewing all the butchers and fishmongers having trouble finding qualified filleters.
Meanwhile, manufacturing is doing well at moment due to… panic over Brexit.
How many of us really care about the ‘Dark Side of theMoon’? Extraordinary that a country (China) so deep in debt can spend billions no doubt, on such a worthless project just to be the first to achieve it. And who cares that some large piece of rock has been discovered billions of miles away flying around in space. Just so imcomprehensible when there is a wonderful World right under our feet that needs looking after. More important we can have peace in out time, so perhaps such explorations could be the conduit to achieve that peace.
Probably the Chinese want to claim the moon is in their territorial waters and annexe it as their own, like Tibet and the islands in the South China Sea.
I hope the mission was funded by the overseas aid budget – £13 billion should have done it
Haven’t you heard? Hard Brexit will cause the moon to wobble in it’s orbit and all the seas will become huge tsunami swells that drown one third of the life on earth. The poor dinghies won’t stand a chance! Something must be done to stop Brexit! 😉
Lucy, your tongue in cheek comment is being taken starkly to heart by a large section of our government and by many political agitators.
The Referendum question was phrased in such a way as to be simple to understand and totally unambiguous. This was done ostensibly to ensure that vexatious legalese could not be employed to ‘unpick’ the vote by the losing side, widely expected to be the Leave voters.
That this is happening anyway, by the Remainers, their internet shock troops and multiple media propaganda outfits led by the famously unbiased BBC is an affront to the very concept of a democratic vote and a personal insult to each and every voter who believed that their vote was of equal value to everybody elses.
Forget that the referendum was ‘advisory’. Forget that the ‘people didn’t know what they were voting for’. This is strawman flotsam of absolutely no importance.
One vote – one voter – first past the post wins. This was a leave victory which we are being prevented from celebrating with siren voices openly declaring that our/your vote doesn’t count.
The collusion to ignore our votes goes deep and encompasses the undemocratic shrills in this country and our adversaries within the EU, in other times, to a treasonous extent.
I wish I could enjoy being part of the 17m plus voters who won the vote to leave the EU, but I see dark times ahead and believe my vote will not count unless I fight for it – which I will.
Honestus – the poor kid at GCHQ monitoring the isp s using this site must emailing its boss saying there’s another one for the watch list – like me.
It’s hard to gauge the response to a sellout should it come . Many are actively apathetic and only care about strictly .
The media will monster protests and prevent on line coordination by disinformation as much as possible or spouting on about National Security
At least we ll know that voting has no value and that the bubble is a self serving monster – but I think more and more people are waking up to that .
Some defeatists reading this blog see it as an’ echo chamber’ . I see it as a place for free speach without the level of abuse received elsewhere .
I have watched the slide toward federal borough for years and the only show of force appeared to be federalist supportive – until the Referendum. This represented a game changer and put (or should have) real power back into the hands of joe blogg public.
You are right in what you say in that apathy plus the enormous weight of negative propaganda can brow beat those who are half hearted or easily cowed. I am buoyed by the recent UKIP march where I saw thousands of democrats with families and all ages represented, many past spring chicken age like myself.
This should always come down to one simple issue. One voter – one vote, winner carries the day and anything else is the bully wins.
Your stewardship of this site is greatly appreciated by me and everyone else who looks for sane intelligent comment. The left can keep their bile and spite and arrogance on sites for what are literally for them, echo chambers.
Thanks honestus – in a dream moment I was wondering what a pro brexit – or even neutral – -BBC would have sounded like -.a kind of alt world – then I woke at the end of the northern line again….
Aha! some are getting the message!
Project fear triumphs!
And not forgetting we must all become transgender vegans!
It’s our duty to convince all our tots they’re in the wrong body and feed them laboratory meat . Amen
Oh my goodness Lucy, I hadn’t thought of that-how will our Home Secretary respond to such a scenario? Supplying those migrants with bigger boats maybe? or perhaps actually arranging a water taxi service between the UK and France/Belgium/Holland. I know it is a very serious issue so dear Brexit will have to pay. Roll on Match 29th.
Flying to the Moon is an exercise in applied rationality, no amount of virtual signalling, inclusive diversity (?) will make a rocket or iphone work.
Better this than we are all made to believe that Sun is in a chariot driven by Allah’s command.
Tarien: It must be a surprise to the Chinese that the sun shines on ‘Dark Side of theMoon’ for exactly half the time, just like this side.
It is darkly comic how they pride themselves on having so many female newsreaders, when the same ‘diversity at all costs’ policy has resulted in unfathomable numbers of young girls being raped. They are so proud of hitting their diversity targets even as London becomes like hell on Earth; just like the band playing on as the Titanic sank.
Ahh so great to be back in the land of BBC bias
WATO…so far – more females and minorities in US congress….assumption this makes it better. Maybe it will maybe it won’t but no need to fawn over it…but still a time to dig at Trump as he seems to have made the US a really bad place – all by himself..
Womans’ Rugby will now be professional and get paid…presenter says men can get paid £20k a game – will you be getting that much? Stupid idiot…does he think early male rugby players got that much..and will people pay to see female rugby?
Now Brexit a Love story…what a waste of bloody time.
Time to get back to work…
Happy New Year
Have you noticed that on the many comment sites it’s only the ones like this that let all views be seen.
I know we bbbc’ers are on the right but those who are still finding their way (maxi?) can come and have their points of view read and replied to.
The lefty sites either remove comment they disagree with or they don’t allow any comments at all.
Free speech on here but censored by most of the MSM.
Do you think that the lefties and all the MSM are having a sort of competition to describe Muslims in ever more tenuous ways.
What started off as ‘asians’ became ‘mentally challenged’, ‘norwegians’, ‘lone wolves’, ‘a car/knife/gun/bomb’ (like “a car has killed 3 people in Madrid or suchlike”) and the latest, ‘a bearded man with a tan’
Is there a prize for the most obscure description they can get away with?
These 2 arrested today, an iranian and a British man.
I wonder what 99.9% of us on here think this ‘british man’ will turn out to be (if we ever find out)
Something beginning with ‘M’ ?
I am certain the wording ‘an Iranian national and a British man’ is deliberate obfuscation… I am also guessing his name won’t be Billy Smith (apologies to all Billy Smith’s)
Time will tell…
We are also waiting for the name of the mentally ill man who for some deranged reason stabbed three people in Manchester on NYE. I wonder why it has not been released and after three days or so.
We are also eager to learn if he was directly employed at Manchester Airport or if it was just a brother. No security risk, of course, either way.
His name could be Isaac Hunt (apologies to any Isaac Hunts out there).
Has our ‘First’ for Breaking News Al Beeb covered this little gem from Malta ?………………………………….
From closer to home …………………
Or will the British Tax Payer bail them out again ?
Come on Al Beeb report it, its on your back doorstep for God’s sake.
Looks like their current PM is after a commissioners job in the ReichEU…
I have been tuned to Sky News today because I’m sick of the BBC, everything they produce is unwatchable from Dr Who to the news.|
Sky had an interesting interview with Jeremy Hunt who admits Assad will be in power ‘for a while’ due to Russian support. I could find nothing from the BBC and conclude they are trying to figure out how worst to spin the story.
Absolutely nothing to do with Islam………..
THE SON of radical hate preacher Abu Hamza has appeared in court after being charged by police investigating the murder of a bouncer at a New Year’s Eve party on London’s Park Lane.
“Mr Simionov fought off up to nine men seconds before being stabbed to death outside 80 Park Lane”
Funny, normally there are surveillance videos available with these events..
now if it was a group of white lads (and I am assuming Imran is the guilty party and was out -not drinking – at a club) attacking a person of colour or muslim the BBC would have had the pictures and videos out…not heard /seen much about this..But I withhold I am not a Leftie..
Right now Radio4 on air and on Twitter is promoting racebaiter June Sarpong’s charity appeal again.
We want our children in the UK firstly to have an education and a fiar chance at life, never mind those far away in a country that completely ruined itself after Britain gave it independence in 1965-I know because I was there in the 1980’s 90’s-they let the comminists destroy much of any good and allowed those that follow the teachings of Islam to supress and enslave thousands-strangely some of the women have been very successful in the fabric piece goods trade some are millionaires. But most still in poverty mainly through lack of any real interest other than continuing corruption.
Then as I “scour”, I mean check what’s-on tonight
I see at 8pm R4 are repeating this
Maybe the next instalment could be why some Muslim girls don’t experience sexual pleasure?
“why some black women in the UK are more prone to anxiety and depression.”
That’s because all your young men/ex-husbands are either dating or married to young blond white girls!
Then I spot that the same people who ae promoting that are promoting this
Is Lenny Henry morphing into Huggy Bear before our very eyes?
And then I check what R4 had on this morning
All SJW agenda all the time ?
Ah Actually I have to commend that after that they did have a prog questing Identity politics
..but it wasn’t presented by a white or British man
“children in Ghana have a fair chance in life ”
Oh, I think CNN has been doing this for years! I don’t think the African kids would notice the BBC’s tiny contribution! Copy cat!
nice article
Kaiser – the same sort of approach that I took in my comment here earlier today . Neither the police nor military have the numbers to control mass national protest . Even during the miners strike constabulary support was sent around the country .
The planners ( if there are any ) looking at contingencies for 12 weeks? Time must have a bit of a headache looking as best and worst case outcomes with regard to civil disobedience .
Naturally the state broadcaster won’t be covering this in anyway and see themselves engineering some sort of reversal of the democratic decision which was made by so many thick voters – I’m sure the twitter comment by some remainer about wanting to kill off brexiters was made under the influence of mind changing chemicals .
I can see plenty of constitution stuff coming up soon. – particularly with an overtly biased speaker .
The Queen must be ducking her head and hope she doesn’t get drawn into it.
Bercow on the case …
“Neither the police nor military have the numbers to control mass national protest .”
That is also why the moslems will always get their own way. They can fill the streets in minutes with rioters. Look at what happened to the family of the “bully” at the school near Huddersfield: his mother had thousands of rape threats and not one was investigated.
Sadly I am over my limit, already.
A woke bunny sounds very BBC though.
NYE Germany some nutter drove into a crowd of migrants
.. Activists are shouting “see he’s a Nazi terrorist”!5562472/
Amazing how this is a racist attack but the soldier beaten up and ran over by Muslims isn’t.
“investigators have preliminary information about a mental illness of the driver”
It’s OK, it’s nothing to do with racism. That’s how it works, no?
Amazingly, looking at the comments, Katty, Jon and Anthony may need to step in…
Not sure if the bbc have reported this but it just shows how these judges live in a bubble just like the bbc;
Listening to Talk Radio telling me that the vikings were nice despite their raping and pillaging as they brought us new “culture”
Wonder how long before the bbbc jump on this and make a comparison with our present foreign invaders.
Just caught a bit of the laughingly titled “Celebrity Antiques Road Trip” on BBC1 – the “celebrities” being Tony Singh and Cyrus Todiwala, whoever they might be!
I remember the days when the term “celebrity” was reserved for people of the calibre of Frank Sinatra or Elizabeth Taylor.
Bbc 5 news seems to interpret the law of claiming refugee status is that if you apply in one ReichEU country and they throw you out then you can paddle off to an easier touch like Blighty and have another go .. then bring the extended family in ….
No discussion about the strain on public services or NI contributions …
They’re not real celebs but at least they’re not white, which is the main thing on the wonderfully diverse beebistan.
To be fair, as we are not casually racist on this site
they are Indians and great chefs and very funny when on TV and exhibit British values more than some whites as far as I am concerned.
They are celebrities to any cooking fans like my wife although I agree celeb on BBC these days amount in general to anyone who has worked for the BBC
Any programme, anywhere, which contains the word “celebrity” in the title, is an automatic turn-off, for me.
pics of those two ethnic Indian chefs
MP fined £5000 for nuisance phone calls during his attempt to become Londonistan mayor – won’t hear this one on The Far Left BBC – it’s David ‘free bike ‘ Lammy .
Wonder if he ll claim it on expenses ?
Unfortunately not a criminal offence …. unlike that of another labour MP Due for sentencing next week…
Dominic casciani s level one beeboid stands outside the old bailey talking about a Muslim convert called ‘ludlow’ who planned and aimed to kill a 100 people by driving at them in oxford street .
In a fascinating piece of biased non reporting he manages to omit the motivation for this creature – being the holy war against the infidel by The Religion of Peace namely Islam .
It seems this Ludlow character is trying on the ‘mental issues’ defence to prevent him joining the rest of the Muslim residents of the HMP Belmarch Madrassa Wing ….
Just another day.
Standing outside a court room? Is he in prison yet, or is that just for pro-British people?
Demon – my comment was unclear because I omitted the fact that the BBC reporter was on their 6pm news reporting from outside the old bailey – hence the context .
Apart from the title the online story isn’t so shy.
In the second sentence it calls him an Islamic State supporter.
Not the BBC – but the Guardian —- reporting something fairly—- the labour MP for Peterborough who apparently is the first one of any party to remain as an MP after being convicted to a criminal offence .
The Guardianista points out that at any other time the fact she has remained an MP despite being convicted on perverting the course of justice would have had the entire press screaming for he dismissal – but because of Brexit it is a ‘side show ‘.
It does show that the morality of politicians has never been lower .
@FedUp are you sure it is the actual Guardian and not the Peterborough Guardian or something ?
Did they mention another reason , she is double #MoreThanEqual ?
white and male gets different treatment.
White, male and Tory would be max score.
No the race issue isn’t raised and in fairness to The Guardian there is no need to because the writer goes back across the outcome of convicted politicians . Many resign from the seat before conviction . This character has even played the religious card by comparing herself to Jesus Christ – who from my recollection of the New Testament – never got done for lying about a speed camera .
The underlying theme of the piece is that Brexit has had a deafening effect on normal politics – I agree with that . How could there have been any other outcome with a 2 year ticking A50 clock.
The Guardian writer never even had to dig in the the drug dealer brother or living in social housing . He does mention that the editor of The Peterborough Guardian has said she should resign because she is not best serving her constituents …..
I think a job in the BBC awaits the soon to be ex MP where she can re run the ‘woman as victim’ routine and ‘black as victim’ too – with a sprinkle of working class victimisation too…
Mind you that area is quite competitive with ‘Afria?’ And ‘alibi’ amongst the tame voices al beeb uses when it goes peak racial.
Expelled? By-election?
Someone suggested recently (can’t remember who) that there should be ONE Brexit candidate if there is a by-election.
There was a Brexit candidate in the General Election – the sitting Conservative MP Stewart Jackson. UKIP didn’t put up a candidate to help his cause, and Jackson still lost – albeit narrowly. I’m hoping that Onasanya will do the honourable thing and resign, but Labour don’t do honourable.
7am BBC radio local news cos their main headline was claiming that extreme weather is going to become more common due to climate change.
Get home 6:30pm local BBC news , it was second item
They cited drought, rainfall, storms and wintry weather, so all bases covered.
Did each local area do same item ?
Radio Humberside tweeted
\\Reservoirs in Yorkshire & the Humber are currently operating at half of their expected levels due to drought.
Experts believe 2019 could become another year dominated by extreme weather events. //
Well surely not in my zone, cos we’ve had standing water in field corners for 2 months.
Bloody hell – hot summer – cold winter – where did that come from ?
Stew, saw Look North and thought of you and guessed you would be posting. Utter nonsense but fits the agenda. Yes early autumn was still fairly dry but soils around here now getting claggy suggesting water table somewhere near normal at long last. So maybe LN thinking they couldn’t keep this story much longer. Noticed they referred to the floods of 2006 which I have always understood were more due to things like Hull City Council covering drain holes when resurfacing roads; Drainage Boards not cleaning out ditches because the environmental agency and English Nature telling them not to protect lesser spotted newts; building on the floodplain at Kingswood, etc, rather than the amount of rain there was that day. The report also included that 2018 was the hottest since 2003 but with the dire summers would occur more often without a shred of evidence. Overall a report written to the BBC formula.
BBC ecstatic over Mohamidam Congress Woman who intends to take her oath on a copy of the Koran once owned by Jefferson. It seems she intends to display lots of Mohamidan clothes and poses for pictures wearing them.
The report ends with a few snide tweets about the lack of colour and diversity among the Republicans in Congress.
Wow. Diversity. The report might have said:
Congress Woman believes in flying donkeys, believes that Satan farts to drown out her prayers, and asked whether she feeds her baby on camel pee to maintain its health.
Let’s hear it for Diversity
Then BBC local news moved on to “Greggs introduce vegetarian sausage roll”
FFS 3 different locations for vox pop.
All meat eaters said no-way
The one vegan said it was good.
PR not news.