Ladies and Gentlemen – and Trolls – the last thread of 2018 was so busy that a new one is needed .So – one again – have a Happy 2019 – even with the malignant BBC in our background .
Dover, think that prisoner Huhne was a Lib Dem MP, in a coalition majority conservative government. But I do take your point about jailing the lying Labour MP. However she needs to be jailed for over a year to definitely remove her. Huhne was jailed for eight months, but he left of his own accord.
A slight mistake, DS, Chris Huhne was a Lib Dem. He stood against Nick Clegg and became deputy leader.
If you began to tot up all the liberals that have turned out to be bad un’s it makes quite an impressive figure.
And some of these aren’t petty, they’re pretty awful crimes.
Let’s see, Jeremy Thorpe, attempted murder, covered up by some of his Liberal pals. Cyril Smith, spanking and fondling young boys., ditto. Eugh!
Never trust a liberal in the dark…
We can also add the disgusting Mark Oaten, Lord Rennard, Lord Lester and, of course, there is the £2.4 million in stolen money given to the party by fraudster Michael Brown which it never returned.
How did the visit go with the self invited representatives of BBC Licensing ?
I also had a missive from the fellows that they will visit me today .
Unfortunate for them if they did , because I’m 300 miles away .Now that could be because ;
A) it’s my job to be here
B) I ran away because I’m afraid of them .
I ‘ll leave it to you to decide . If the Chief Enforcement Officer of the Vigilance and Monitoring Division ( Londonistan ) Taliban does visit you please don’t bubble me .
Thank you for remembering . I cleaned the house special , hid my illicit copies of The Radio Times , bought a white stick and hired a labrador,
Took the teli out of the house and hid it in me car , rehearsed my line about “ I’ve never seen strictly “.
And no one turned up . I waited in all day . Do they visit after 9pm? I’m thinking about formally complaining about’ breach of promise’ .
The TV detector van and drone will know you ran away and be waiting at the end of the road when you get back …
No expects the TVLicensing . Their chief weapon is surprise . Fear and surprise …. Their chief weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency …. Their three main weapons are fear , surprise ruthless efficiency and fanaticism t…. Their four main weapons are fear , surprise , ruthless efficiency and fanaticism to destroy Brexit .
This is why they were going to turn up on the third . For surprise . But they told you so they might turn up on the fourth , to make you fear . But maybe they turn up on the weekend to show their ruthless efficiency . They may turn up on the third , or fourth or fifth . In the morning , or afternoon , or because of fanaticism they have , in the evening .
No expects TV Licensing .
So top Danish expert what do you reckon to BBC science ?
The BBC ought to know better than to publish such fake news pablum It even allows the ever alarmist Mann to claim that we’re now seeing unprecedented superstorms, when the data clearly shows there is plenty of precedence
The most amazing thing about the 6 PM national news was not
that Sophie Raworth did not quite understand why the Manchester
City-Liverpool was so important. It was that there was a MALE
football sports reporter to tell her why. However the main sports
news ,as dictated by BIG BROTHER from the Diversity dept was that
we are to have a professional women’s rugby league.
Any ideas for the names of these teams?
It looks like Gary Lineker’s days at Match of the day are numbered.
Expect to see Claire Balding to front a Saturday night
replacement. Women’s rugby match of the day.
Why have you been brainwashing and conditioning people into believing that “For Britain” are a far right racist and fascist party?
I have just read their entire manifesto and it makes complete sense to me.
They are not just about immigration, although their policy on this seems fair and sensible, and exactly what this country needs.
Their policy on policing and education, the NHS etcetera, again makes a lot of sense, and is also exactly what this country needs.
It seems to me that you, the BBC, have been lying to me and to the general public and have misrepresented this party as racists, when in fact, their manifesto states clearly that they would treat all British citizens equally.
So, BBC, why are you lying to me and to everyone else and dissuading the public from doing what you ought to be doing…putting Britain First and supporting Britain First?
The only way a new party will have an impact is if we have Proportional Representation before the next election, and we won’t.
Splitting the populist vote further at this time would be a good tactic for the Tories.
A new party now? Should we call it the Peoples Front for the Liberation of Judea, or the Judean Peoples’ Front?
Vote for the party that will take down the BBC. It begins with U.
If we have PR then we will have a permanent Labour/ Conservative coalition like they do in most countries with PR. Even having a handful of Mps would not influence anything. At least with FTP a government can be got rid of unlike the elective dictatorship that goes with PR.
I am with you.
The only reason we needed UKIP is because the Conservative party turned left.
The Tories need to get rid of 100 Non Conservative MPs, 150 would be better. Replace them with real Conservatives.
The next Conservative manifesto should include a commitment to investigate instances of treason
in Parliament, the Civil Service and Quangos. Starting with May and Robbins.
The manifesto should also promise to kill most of the Qangos, and do it. Unlike Cameron, the Heir to Blair.
Blair, that reminds me.
2015-03-05 Times headline “Labour ‘conspiracy let in 3.6m to create multicultural Britain’”
There is the biggest traitor ever.
I was recently reminded of an old western movie quote by John Wayne (from ‘The Shootist’ – made when he was himself soon to die with cancer).
He’s talking about his moral philosophy :
“I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted and I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people and I require the same from them.”
Don’t you wish we had politicians with just 5% of that unwavering certitude when dealing with those ridiculous EU civil servants?
Or in any other area of whatever kind -immigration, crime, terrorism – where the UK has long been seen as a soft touch and a laughing stock, a pathetic joke nation.
I’m too bewildered (and now frankly bored) by all the speculation that may or may not happen over Brexit. My best guess is that a second referendum will be called and the powers-that-be will without fail engineer a remain win.
But we’re not in the wild west anymore, and we will struggle to find a plain speaking Trump-alike for British politics. But until about 95% of those morons in Parliament are driven out and replaced by real people I think our country might not really be worth saving, and to get out while you’re still young enough.
BBC news 4 Dec 2018
Food prices could rise between 5% and 10% if there is a disorderly Brexit, the Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, has warned.
BBC news 3 Jan 20018
National Farmers Union president, Minette Batters, said any attempt to encourage cheap imports after Brexit in an effort to cut food bills should be “fought to the death”..
I think it is utterly disgusting how we are being made to feel a sense of fear/shame of being perceived as racist, for even thinking about supporting the likes of For Britain, UKIP, TR!
I feel like big brother is watching me just for reading their manifesto(s) online. The fear of reprisals or loss of livelihood for voicing ones opinions should not be an issue. It’s a disgrace and I truly do blame the likes of the BBC for brainwashing normal people, who care about their children’s futures, into feeling this way in order to push their globalist agenda.
I’ve had enough of it now. It’s time to force a change somehow and I don’t give a flying **** anymore if the leftists shout racist.
The bbc clearly has a death algorithm that alerts them when someone they like sadly passes and allows precious space to be filled and agenda to be pushed.
this prog was being transmitted when I awoke from an early evening nap – for the first 15 minutes I couldn’t decide if it was a spoof or not about mental illness. I couldn’t see anything that had happened to the women under discussion that wouldn’t have as likely happpened to any other poor soul of whatever colour or gender in similar mmental distress. A truely bizarre perspective.
The prestige of the Nobel Peace prize had already been tarnished by being awarded to evil men, like Arafat and others, who had no intention of pursuing peace. When they awarded it to Obama just for being black the prize was completely devalued and it will never recover its lost prestige as a result.
As soon as awards cease to be merit based, where your gender, race etc. become quotas, they cease to have any merit. I am thinking of the BBC Sports “peronality” award and the Oscars for instance. Since the BBC one became political I have never bothered about it. I think I heard it was a cyclist who won but which one I don’t care – it’s meaningless. The oscars are just a joke, a bad joke.
I think the Oscars are generally devalued because the choice of a decent actor/actress/film in recent times has been minimal.
E.g…..On the publicity of La La Land being a musical, I trotted along to watch it – I belong to that percentage who thought it was rubbish, so to see Emma Stone grab Best Actress was an anathema, I mean, compare her to the likes of Bette Davis in an era when movie stars were ‘stars’, and it doesn’t stack up.
Nowadays, how many can actually name any of the ‘stars’ trotting up the red carpet, the event is nothing more than a fashion parade.
What to look forward to, pre and post ice-pick, if Corbyn becomes our PM
Free university education for all
Free Healthcare for all, waiting times abolished
Free unlimited care for the elderly
Free unlimited travel on public transport for all to anywhere in the EU
Free TV licences for all?
Free wheelbarrows required to carry the money required to buy life’s daily necessities.
No need to tell the last person to leave Britain to turn off the lights, the power will have run out long before then.
Bbc editorial integrity means there is not always time or space to include detail the bbc would prefer the public not to worry their pretty heads about.
But why the about turn BBC?… well don’t you know the fellow who wrote that letter was a white English convert… so therefore its not racist to point out that Islam is a death cult in that situation.
Just so ya know BBC, i’s be happy to have this retarded white English convert be deported to Pakistan along with the countless Islamic child rapists.
Either disavow, Muhammad for the paedophilic, murdering thug he was or be deported… or interned or exiled where deportation is not possible… and bring back hanging for child rape while you are at it.
But why the about turn BBC?… well don’t you know the fellow who wrote that letter was a white English convert… so therefore its not racist to point out that Islam is a death cult in that situation.
Just so ya know BBC, i’s be happy to have this retarded white English convert be deported to Pakistan along with the countless Islamic child rapists.
Either disavow, Muhammad for the paedophilic, murdering thug he was or be deported… or interned or exiled where deportation is not possible… and bring back hanging for child rape while you are at it.
Jo Coburn is perhaps the number one liberal bigot on the
BBC and that’s saying something! At least Andrew Neil
had some humour in his facetious questioning. Coburn
is just vile. I expect she gets away with it because she is
women . I would like to see somebody like John Bolton
National Security Advisor of the USA and former ambassador
tear into Coburn , as he did Kay Burley on Sky News. Really getting personal and calling her a munchkin. Mind you I have called
Louise Minchin and Naga Munchetty ,munchkins!
Gerard Batten was very impressive in not losing
his cool against the liberal bigot, as Jacob Rees Mogg called her.
I can think of something 100 times worse. But just your typical
BBC interviewer will suffice.
Just skimming through the whole thread there are quite a few on pollution, global warming, daer Sadiq’s ultra low emissions zone, the pollution from the New Years Eve fireworks et al.
So I’ll just lob in two facts.
1. The biggest single cause of particulates in car transport is……wait for it……brake and tyre wear. Since electric cars and ultra low emitting cars still travel on wheels and have to slow down (road humps, traffic queues) and speed up their increasing popularity will have little impact, as compared with endless council anti-car speed and road capacity reduction schemes.
2. Transport only accounts for a quarter of all the CO2 and particulates creation. Most is from industry and energy generation. Cement production alone accounts for 8% of the global total. Where is Sadiq on wooden skyscrapers for the City?
Where do these facts come from? The Department of Transport.
Many public sector policies, especially zealous council traffic departments, thus create the very pollution they then claim they want to reduce. It’s like a circular job creation scheme. And section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act gives them the ammunition they need.
The BBC are too thick and too disingenuous to comment on this. I guess statist transport ‘solutions’ are always going to be more popular to them than private sector transport, irrespective of actual outcomes and especially the needs of ordinary people.
The bbc morning email has a story in complement, featuring a Vox Pop from Chardonn… ‘Charlotte’, who clearly is not working class but likely is still a student. If not of science.
How far would you go to save the planet?
“I make a really conscious effort not to buy any meat or fish,” says 25-year-old Charlotte. “Buying vegetarian or vegan food is not particularly tough but eating out is trickier when it looks so tempting – and I do eat a prawn curry at a restaurant.
“Avoiding cow’s milk is not hard – I already drink soy milk, prefer my coffee black and recently discovered chocolate oat milk. I tried vegan parmesan for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised that it tasted like the real thing and even melted.”
Sluff quite right! Tyre & brake wear is fairly large as particulates sizes go and is found on the road and in the gutter. Disposal of worn tyres is a large environmental problem. There are only so many race circuits and boats needing cheap barriers and fenders. If CO2 is the big problem the IPCC pretends it is, we would really make a big effort around the world to make sure roads were highly efficient and very, very, smooth.
You missed farming. Farming creates quite a bit of particulate pollution in the atmosphere, especially in certain parts of the country, ie. those where soil quality is declining and in certain weather conditions ie. dry, windy, weather. Often seen at harvest time – clouds of dust in the air.
CO2 from cement is certainly created in manufacture and building but that’s only a fraction of the story. Cement (and brick) is a form of storage radiator, thus in summer big cities are a form of exaggeration of global warming. The construction process can often create dust in the atmosphere and from hill in London, say Primrose Hill, it is possible to see little ‘domes’ of dust over building sites.
It then gets worse. Many ‘skyscrapers’ are ‘lifed’ – their shortest lifespan is only about thirty years – so that means demolition and a repeat of the cement CO2 cycle.
I was watching a programme the other night where it was stated that the textile industry (fashion) creates more CO2 than air and rail freight/travel combined.
Listening from 6.30am and it is a complete farce, total comedy. Total lack of intelligent interviewing. No dots joined up with other news items or ‘concerns’ covered by BBC N&CA. Poor old Mishal is showing herself up. It’s not been a good morning for females, not only are they twice as likely as males to become depressed, it appears their brains are damaged in other ways eg. the spokesperson (a Professor?!!!) from N.I.C.E..
I disagree about saving ‘ Toaday’ . I’d be much happier seeing it gone . The whole thing is an excercise in the BBC expressing its bias .
There was a silly interview with Rory Stewart – the half wit prison minister who the PM often puts up to sell the sell out . Mr Stewart thinks drugs X ray scanners can stop drugs going into prison .
No one asked about who operates the scanners ?
It will be a key job for corruption .
-The Soros Grid anti brexit propaganda today is bought to you by the heads of Universities saying things will be bad and their huge wages might suffer . There has to be a better Project Fear yarn than that.
Fed, start a counter campaign then to keep Sarah Sands in place! 😉
When do we get the listening figures for 2018?
‘Fat Cat Pay’-day is currently under consideration with £200K+ Mishal and £700K+ The Humph! They really wanted to talk to an ‘anti-Brexit’-Uni Vice Chancellor but knowing what was coming next the highly paid ‘anti-Brexit’-Uni Vice Chancellor arranged for some phone connection problems …..
Up – as they say – “no pain no gain”. Listening to Toady is becoming so painful that the listening figures will reflect people realising what a sad biased program it is .
No surprise to find ‘progressive’ £multimillion corporations bleating about Brexit (again). This time, it’s the financially engorged, self-serving Universities (aka: communist indoctrination centres) who take issue with Brexit:
Of course they’re upset with Brexit. Those overseas students are their fattest pay cheques, paying through the nose for a miseducation only the most devout progressive zealots can deliver. Today, almost every UK university is engaged in the fiercely partisan anti-Brexit movement, actively turning out armies of pre-programmed ‘activists’ to spread the progressive narrative out into the workforce and beyond.
The sooner their malignant money train is derailed the better.
Beautiful moment on Toady – proposed interview with Dame somebody or other wingeing about brexit – university vice chancellors earn a shed load – this story was abandoned – and was followed by a story on nasty fat cats earning big wages .
No connection was made . This story was presented as Humph talking to another beeboid called ‘ darshi’ – nice bit on incest eh ? The Far Left BBC does a lot of this .
ObiWan, that derailment may be coming soon but with another bill for the poor taxpayer. One national newspaper (think it was FT or Times) yesterday carried item about possible University insolvencies.
R4 today having such fun. It’s knock Trump and Brexit from start to finish…I will be very surprised when they have anyone saying something positive about either subject…Bias is Back in 2019…poor Universities bleating on…not Left wing by any chance…
Breakfast – talking about fat cats – hmm as my wife said and Up2 has mentioned already – they failed to calculate how long it takes some of them to earn more than the average person…Average wage is £28k for it will take the Hump only 2 weeks to earn that…boy is he worth it..
The BBC supported anti brexit winge by university Vice Chancellors needs to have the following data added for perspective – Average wage of a university vice chancellor is £268 k – rothwell is on £300 k ( source – Times ) .
But sad that people on this site land up doing journalism to counter BBC bias .
Nancy Rothwell is doing her anti-Brexit bit. The Interwebby (may not be correct) tell me she is paid nearly £300K, paid this on ‘Fat Cat Pay’-day and talking on TOADY who have just made a thing of ‘Fat Cat Pay’-day.
Nancy Rothwell is claiming staying in the EU is essential for research projects.
During the 6.30-7am segment, Mishal – who is interviewing Nancy – interviewed Dr Russell Viner (not sure whether MD or PhD) of The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). He is a University researcher who had done some research and found he was relaying the results of this research which showed that he really didn’t know his researched subject and contradicted himself or gave no clear indication of findings from this ever so valuable research with any certainty.
As an exercise of going round in circles with no added value, it was brilliant.
Value of that RCPCH research, according to my research which comes totally cost free and took seconds longer than the radio item = Nil. Where’s my PhD? Is it in the post yet?
A recent study into academic research came to the conclusion that 85% is worthless….and as someone that is involved I would agree…it’s game played to get money for pet projects often of no value to anyone but the researcher..
JA, yes. I have encountered the field a little, here and there, and am none too impressed with much of it. Mind you, you can ‘research’ anything – TV Soaps, Pop Music, dance, Bingo Halls, parking spaces, etc.
Can I do a PhD, please, researching golf swings?
I could research why mine hasn’t turned me into the winner of a Major?
I know somebody that has a PhD in Golf swings 🙂
As an aside, R4 now doing a bit on India (that’s novel) and who do they talk to? Some bloke that slates our decision to have a referendum..Now a female Indian saying we won’t get a special deal with India and that she doesn’t understand why we want to leave the EU.. how do they do it????
Oh and of course partition only inflicted harm on Muslims…they didn’t attack anyone.. I am switching off now as it is now an anti Britain broadcast..
History being re written as we live and breathe..
Ms Nancy Rothwell does earn nearly £300k salary from the university
She also has an expense account , permanently available chauffeur driven car and fantastic pension.
She is a trustee of Cancer Research UK
and the Campaign for Medical Progress,
a council member of BBSRC,
chair of the Research Defence Society
the Wellcome Trust’s Public Engagement Strategy Committee
and a non-executive director of AstraZeneca
300k is probabbly the tip of this progressive liberals avalanche of cash
Dover – yes she is out of the Labour Party but going to take her wages as an independent MP. There will be plenty watching on Monday to see if she turns up and who she sits with in the Commons .
She’ll be writing her book so I bet she’ll turn up to play ‘ victim of the system’ . See if she is too toxic for Lammy or whether there are limits of order about her . Here’s a thing – a criminal law breaker – without shame .
Just listening to this R4 programme about how others see us, today it’s India. Well my flabber is totally ghasted, it would seem that Indians (At least the ones interviewed) have exactly the same view of the British as the BBC does. They don’t like them, and they especially don’t like Brexit. In fact the whole programme is a not so subtle dig at Britain’s decision to leave the EU and wishful thinking for Globalisation.
I assume the other programmes have been exactly the same.
Funny dat. Because most Indians (actually from India) I have crossed paths with are quite conservative and nationalist in their views. Obviously Beeby has an extreme vetting system in order to cherry-pick only those with the required viewpoint.
quisquose, I found myself thinking that if Neil MacGregor (an academic) had made a series of programmes like the one he has fronted all this week in, say, Iraq, a car would have been sent round to his house by the President and he would have disappeared for a long time, if not for ever.
How the BBC can broadcast such a disgraceful attack on the nation at this time, I do not know.
All I can assume is that BBC brains are totalled addled by alcohol and other substances. At least it may stimulate some robustness in and a response from our young people, who the BBC are also busy promoting as feeble weeds and snowflakes.
The Germans seemed to like us the most (Monday).
The Nigerians and the Indians were predictably the most hostile. (The beeb sought out Indians who conformed to what the beeb thought Indians should think of Britain). To some extent even ditto the Egyptians, although ‘affection’ for Mo Salah seemed to save our bacon.
When this series was announced, I knew what was coming. R4. It doesn’t take a genius.
I don’t think Nigerians are hostile at all – they are forever emailing me telling me I have an inheritance and for a few hundred quid they’ll tell me about it ….
It’s always the same ie
You are nice people but live in the past you don’t realise the past from our point of view and it’s the past anyway you can’t live independently you’re mad to have Brexit you don’t know the modern world you haven’t got that much influence so we’re a little bit fond of you but we’re laughing at you .
What the BBC forget is the attitude any of these countries have towards their neighbours . The only way that some citizens of one country will not have any negative thoughts about another country is if they have nothing to do with each other , like Bhutan and Boliviar .
Yep, it’s Fat Cat Friday and the BBC are playing the class envy card for all its worth. But only for FT100 executives.
Now I do not support telephone number salaries for non-performing CEOs sitting on each others’ remuneration committees. But on the whole they do carry a hell of a lot of responsibility. And the salaries have to be declared in the annual report, are open to scrutiny, and occasionally shareholders vote against them.
Wheras….., fat cat BBC television presenters and premier league footballers did not get any mention at all in the coverage. They have few responsibilities and no accountability.
The BBC. World class in selectivity.
BBC R5LIVE this morning did a report on: females learning how to ride peddle-bikes for the “first time in their life”. They interviewed women 60 yrs and below.
Most women were asian/muslim as they kept going on about their ijabs (spelling?) getting in the way as they ride on the main streets of Britain. Then it struck me! Boris was correct about letter-box women – how on earth would they be able to see whats to their left or to their right as they set out to battle the mean streets of London? There would be fatalities galore! Talk about knife fatalities in London. That statistic would be over taken within months if muslim women were let loose.
The 60 old muslim grannie trying to steady herself on her bike as her long gown/smock got caught in the wheels and with every london bus speeded past her at 100 miles an hour mad me realise it would be a bad idea..
That’ll be an offshoot of Monday’s R4 prog
\\ Roni never learnt to ride a bike. It became embarrassing and she stopped telling people about it.
Now, at 33, she is determined to learn.
But can she? The Untold is at 11am. ????♀️ //
A commenter here said it was more like a made up story that a producer had roped her friend in for.
9:25am LBC Vigilante patrols in Germany after migrant attacks
NickFerrariLBC ‘Here I have German reporter friend from Die Zietung to explain about this Far-right group like EDL ..”
German reporter “actually Nick the problem in Germany is the media ..and the backlash due to them playing down attacks by migrants
eg in this last one 4 migrants got drunk and went down the street attacking people
.. You are getting your info from the Telegraph piece, but unfortunately I see a lot of errors in it ”
Nick “but Chemnitz attacks on migrants”
German “No that was Fake news originating from a 20s clip in an article by antifa …..but the idiot driving into a crowd of Migrants in another town that was true”
Nick “Yes what was the truth , about the alleged Cologne NYE attacks 2 years ago ?”
German “Yes it was true North African migrants went on the rampage”
Nick “oh”
..blah blah
Nick “but what’s going to Angela Merkel hen she loses her looks ?”
The German reporter is not some righties , but a long term friend of Ferrari
If this is Amberg, near Nuernberg, I’ve actually been there. Nice little place, with a cathedral.
But Germany has been ruined by the ‘migrants’ and German media, like the toxic publicly-funded ZDF, have remained solidly behind Merkel and the ‘Willkommenskultur’. The AdF was a response, but like UKIP, it faces constant attack and ridicule by the MSM. And if you thought the beeb was bad…
The old East knows what left-fascism is, so the best hopes for an awakening lie there.
It will be tough. Germans have more to live down than even the Brits (colonialism), so the big political parties and the MSM virtue signal like there is no tomorrow. They don’t need to play the race card, cos the mention of possibly being a neonazi strikes fear into every heart.
German police are like chocolate teapots; any tough action is reserved for the ‘far right’ and ‘neonazies’, while the very active and often violent and destructive Antifa gets no attention from them at all.
‘Ewan Vinnicombe is editor of Blue Peter. A lifelong fan of the show – and a proud recipient of one of its sought-after badges when he was just six years old – he started with the BBC aged 21 as a “tea boy for the Chuckle Brothers,” before moving on to entertainment development. He later became head of presentation, producing shows such as ‘CBeebies Bedtime Stories’ and the live links between programmes featuring children’s favourite Hacker T Dog. In this in-depth interview, he takes us behind the scenes of the iconic show, pays homage to past presenters, reveals the recruitment process behind the on-screen current line-up – and discusses last year’s record-breaking 60th anniversary celebrations’.
“TV licence email scam: More than 5,000 complaints in three months”
“Is the TV licence email I have received a scam?”
Regardless of the source I think we can safely say, yes it is.
I was tempted to write in and ask if it was the officially sanctioned scam or a more honest scam, no point as they just don’t get it.
Having received 2 or 3 of these phishing e-mails, I was interested enough
to go on the official TVL web-site to see if they wanted the e-mails reported to them so they could take action against the perpetrators.
Apparently TVL do not.
Funny that.
Most businesses, especially banks and on-line retailers, are very anxious to take action against scammers and phishing attempts in order to protect their businesses and reputations.
I got one just two days ago telling me there was a problem as TVL hadn’t been able to collect the Direct Debit. It was actually very convincing and had me checking my bank account. The moral is to NEVER use the links in unexpected emails.
I do, however, like to help any business (or HMRC, for that matter) by forwarding any spoofs to them so they can get their Cyber Teams & Security on the case. Think the BBC and TVL (Capita) may have boobed here in showing little interest in closing the scammers down. Reflects badly on the BBC, imv.
The agency responsible JWT looks like they’ve taken a bung from Sadiq Khan, as it bears striking similarities to his #LondonIsOpen nonsense. Proving once more that to many of the powers in charge, culture and heritage are not of much importance and better reduced to a confusing mess of disposable consumerism. (The Manchester and Leeds ones at least have a less international flavour).
Technically world trade yes, but somehow the protectionist little bubble that is the EU, has somehow managed to dress itself up as the poster person for free trade and internationalism.
Also you could see the HSBC ad as pro European, with it’s Spain and Poland.
A bit rich with the Pearly Queen mention – as the Cockneys have been ethnically cleansed from the london.
Used to be a client of mine. I once suggested running ads locally with some other faces to reflect their global reach. Not keen. Mind you, this was at the head office.
Yesterday that free rag -Metro, the one that’s available on bus, train & tube everyday had a bizarre front page headline. No images at all. Just a blank white page with We Are Not An Island in the centre. I didn’t pick it up. I gave up on that free little paper about a year ago. It’s strewn all over the trains in the morning & has become as unreadable as a Radio 4 transcript. I used to pick it up and read it sometimes but It’s gone thoroughly libtard now.
A weird front page for a newspaper. I guessed it would be some sort of anti-leave propaganda.
K – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, BBC wetting their frilly trans gender knickers.
From her current Leftypedia article.
“It’s not by trying to win spending all of our energy winning over those who have other opinions. It’s by expanding the electorate, speaking to those that feel disenchanted, dejected, cynical about our politics, and letting them know that we’re fighting for them.”
A lie.
“It’s by expanding the electorate”
A truth.
Import millions more Hispanics to vote Democrat, encourage illegals, that is the current Lefty plan everywhere.
Would expect this from @guardian. Never has been interested in fair reporting from Northern Ireland and only interested in Project Fear
No one would have believed, in the last years
of the nineteenth 21ST century, that human affairs were being
watched from the timeless worlds of space OF THE MIDDLE EAST.
No one could have dreamed we were being scrutinized, as
someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm
and multiply in a drop of water.
Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets AND CULTURE IN THE MIDDLE EAST and yet, across
the gulf of space DESERT, minds immeasurably superior INFERIOR to ours
regarded this Earth WESTERN CULTURE with envious eyes,
and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us.
‘Forgiveness’, Communist-style…(the BBC approves, of course)
‘Has Hart ‘reached out’?
But Nick Levine, a UK journalist who writes about pop culture and LGBTQ issues, told the BBC: “Like Ellen DeGeneres, I believe in forgiveness and second chances, but I also believe those things need to be earned.
“Has Kevin Hart made any meaningful effort to reach out to the LGTBQ community and listen to their perspective on why his past comments are so offensive and damaging?
“I think if he did that, he’d understand why things he said a long time ago – which he’s apologised for, and I’m sure completely regrets – have caused him to lose this incredible global platform. “Once he demonstrates a greater awareness of why his comments hurt the LGBTQ community, we can start talking about forgiveness and the possibility of Hart hosting the Oscars again.”
Communists have a term for it: ‘Struggle Session’. It was all the rage back when Uncle Joe and The Chairman (Mao) and their comrades around the globe were piling up the corpses. A ‘struggle session’ was the latter-day equivalent of apologising to SJWs today (back then there were existential implications, today there are clear career implications). All the same, it’s a trial of virtue and indoctrination that one must endure – often more than once – in order to gain re-entry into the Party.
Good luck, Kevin – although I’m pretty sure I know where I’d tell them to shove their ‘apology’. Salut!
This is no joke.
The new knife-enriched Britain is not funny.
Especially one in which you can’t do stop-and-search for political reasons. That’s pretty ridiculous.
The real joke though, is at the bottom of the page carrying that report.
It says: “Why you can trust the BBc News.”
You need a sick sense of humour, though…
And if your objective is to learn the meaning of ‘propaganda’, have a listen to one of the longer R4 ‘news ‘bulletins.
Interesting that the BBC bothers to cover this as so many killings just pass it by . Perhaps it’s where senior beeboids live so gets a bit personal for them
I can’t wait to embrace more of this wonderful diversity on my way home tonight.
Just to be on the safe side, I think I will pick up a stab vest from M+S to save me from this ‘part and parcel of living in a big City’ Londonistan contagion.
4:15pm Switch-On Bingo win, The SJW issue was get more black actors in productions
The R4 obituary prog was claiming that the deceased Thomas Baptiste, the Guyana-born actor who appeared in Coronation Street , was a great champion this.
They also thought one of weeks 4 most important deaths was
YouTube cooking granny in India
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
A Tory minister and his wife were both sent to prison in 2013 for lying about a speed camera. Remember the Huhnes?
Prison is mandatory for Perverting the Course of Justice.
If the black female labour MP for Peterborough doesn’t go to prison I won’t be surprised.
Equality and fairness? I’m sure the BBC would be so indignant if she didn’t go to prison. Or maybe not…?
female , black if only she was a lesbian it would be a slam dunk
Dover, think that prisoner Huhne was a Lib Dem MP, in a coalition majority conservative government. But I do take your point about jailing the lying Labour MP. However she needs to be jailed for over a year to definitely remove her. Huhne was jailed for eight months, but he left of his own accord.
It’s a start. She’s been sacked at last.
Be funny if she hires Cherie and takes them to court for some bat guano reason…. and wins.
A slight mistake, DS, Chris Huhne was a Lib Dem. He stood against Nick Clegg and became deputy leader.
If you began to tot up all the liberals that have turned out to be bad un’s it makes quite an impressive figure.
And some of these aren’t petty, they’re pretty awful crimes.
Let’s see, Jeremy Thorpe, attempted murder, covered up by some of his Liberal pals. Cyril Smith, spanking and fondling young boys., ditto. Eugh!
Never trust a liberal in the dark…
We can also add the disgusting Mark Oaten, Lord Rennard, Lord Lester and, of course, there is the £2.4 million in stolen money given to the party by fraudster Michael Brown which it never returned.
@SadiqKhan pays for an anti brexit firework display, with tax payer money,
His defenders say “See London voted Remain”
Quick fact : More people actually voted to leave the EU in London, than voted for #SadiqKhan
FedUp2 ,
How did the visit go with the self invited representatives of BBC Licensing ?
I also had a missive from the fellows that they will visit me today .
Unfortunate for them if they did , because I’m 300 miles away .Now that could be because ;
A) it’s my job to be here
B) I ran away because I’m afraid of them .
I ‘ll leave it to you to decide . If the Chief Enforcement Officer of the Vigilance and Monitoring Division ( Londonistan ) Taliban does visit you please don’t bubble me .
Thank you for remembering . I cleaned the house special , hid my illicit copies of The Radio Times , bought a white stick and hired a labrador,
Took the teli out of the house and hid it in me car , rehearsed my line about “ I’ve never seen strictly “.
And no one turned up . I waited in all day . Do they visit after 9pm? I’m thinking about formally complaining about’ breach of promise’ .
The TV detector van and drone will know you ran away and be waiting at the end of the road when you get back …
No expects the TVLicensing . Their chief weapon is surprise . Fear and surprise …. Their chief weapons are fear and surprise and ruthless efficiency …. Their three main weapons are fear , surprise ruthless efficiency and fanaticism t…. Their four main weapons are fear , surprise , ruthless efficiency and fanaticism to destroy Brexit .
This is why they were going to turn up on the third . For surprise . But they told you so they might turn up on the fourth , to make you fear . But maybe they turn up on the weekend to show their ruthless efficiency . They may turn up on the third , or fourth or fifth . In the morning , or afternoon , or because of fanaticism they have , in the evening .
No expects TV Licensing .
Ha ha – we must be due a new brown letter with “ we know where live “ or “ we’ve started an investigation “ on it … suspect every one…
So top Danish expert what do you reckon to BBC science ?
The most amazing thing about the 6 PM national news was not
that Sophie Raworth did not quite understand why the Manchester
City-Liverpool was so important. It was that there was a MALE
football sports reporter to tell her why. However the main sports
news ,as dictated by BIG BROTHER from the Diversity dept was that
we are to have a professional women’s rugby league.
Any ideas for the names of these teams?
It looks like Gary Lineker’s days at Match of the day are numbered.
Expect to see Claire Balding to front a Saturday night
replacement. Women’s rugby match of the day.
Honestly ? any gender or my Border Terrier is utterly preferable to the odious Gary Lineker.
Dear BBC,
Why have you been brainwashing and conditioning people into believing that “For Britain” are a far right racist and fascist party?
I have just read their entire manifesto and it makes complete sense to me.
They are not just about immigration, although their policy on this seems fair and sensible, and exactly what this country needs.
Their policy on policing and education, the NHS etcetera, again makes a lot of sense, and is also exactly what this country needs.
It seems to me that you, the BBC, have been lying to me and to the general public and have misrepresented this party as racists, when in fact, their manifesto states clearly that they would treat all British citizens equally.
So, BBC, why are you lying to me and to everyone else and dissuading the public from doing what you ought to be doing…putting Britain First and supporting Britain First?
I’m considering …
can i be a member of for britain and ukip?
I just hope one of them has a candidate to vote for in my area when the time comes.
Both Parties will be handicapped by their ‘pasts’ when it comes to dealing with opponents and the media …
… who will also be their opponents.
I think we need a new political Party without any baggage that will be well led and make a Parliamentary impact at GE time.
The only way a new party will have an impact is if we have Proportional Representation before the next election, and we won’t.
Splitting the populist vote further at this time would be a good tactic for the Tories.
A new party now? Should we call it the Peoples Front for the Liberation of Judea, or the Judean Peoples’ Front?
Vote for the party that will take down the BBC. It begins with U.
If we have PR then we will have a permanent Labour/ Conservative coalition like they do in most countries with PR. Even having a handful of Mps would not influence anything. At least with FTP a government can be got rid of unlike the elective dictatorship that goes with PR.
I am with you.
The only reason we needed UKIP is because the Conservative party turned left.
The Tories need to get rid of 100 Non Conservative MPs, 150 would be better. Replace them with real Conservatives.
The next Conservative manifesto should include a commitment to investigate instances of treason
in Parliament, the Civil Service and Quangos. Starting with May and Robbins.
The manifesto should also promise to kill most of the Qangos, and do it. Unlike Cameron, the Heir to Blair.
Blair, that reminds me.
2015-03-05 Times headline “Labour ‘conspiracy let in 3.6m to create multicultural Britain’”
There is the biggest traitor ever.
Any new party of the kind you mean will very quickly acquire baggage and a past. BBC and others will see to that.
I was recently reminded of an old western movie quote by John Wayne (from ‘The Shootist’ – made when he was himself soon to die with cancer).
He’s talking about his moral philosophy :
“I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted and I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people and I require the same from them.”
Don’t you wish we had politicians with just 5% of that unwavering certitude when dealing with those ridiculous EU civil servants?
Or in any other area of whatever kind -immigration, crime, terrorism – where the UK has long been seen as a soft touch and a laughing stock, a pathetic joke nation.
I’m too bewildered (and now frankly bored) by all the speculation that may or may not happen over Brexit. My best guess is that a second referendum will be called and the powers-that-be will without fail engineer a remain win.
But we’re not in the wild west anymore, and we will struggle to find a plain speaking Trump-alike for British politics. But until about 95% of those morons in Parliament are driven out and replaced by real people I think our country might not really be worth saving, and to get out while you’re still young enough.
290,074 signatures lets round it off anyone you aint told , do it now
BBC news 4 Dec 2018
Food prices could rise between 5% and 10% if there is a disorderly Brexit, the Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, has warned.
BBC news 3 Jan 20018
National Farmers Union president, Minette Batters, said any attempt to encourage cheap imports after Brexit in an effort to cut food bills should be “fought to the death”..
I think it is utterly disgusting how we are being made to feel a sense of fear/shame of being perceived as racist, for even thinking about supporting the likes of For Britain, UKIP, TR!
I feel like big brother is watching me just for reading their manifesto(s) online. The fear of reprisals or loss of livelihood for voicing ones opinions should not be an issue. It’s a disgrace and I truly do blame the likes of the BBC for brainwashing normal people, who care about their children’s futures, into feeling this way in order to push their globalist agenda.
I’ve had enough of it now. It’s time to force a change somehow and I don’t give a flying **** anymore if the leftists shout racist.
Five bbc docos…. five!
Five likes. Synergy is all.
The bbc clearly has a death algorithm that alerts them when someone they like sadly passes and allows precious space to be filled and agenda to be pushed.
this prog was being transmitted when I awoke from an early evening nap – for the first 15 minutes I couldn’t decide if it was a spoof or not about mental illness. I couldn’t see anything that had happened to the women under discussion that wouldn’t have as likely happpened to any other poor soul of whatever colour or gender in similar mmental distress. A truely bizarre perspective.
The prestige of the Nobel Peace prize had already been tarnished by being awarded to evil men, like Arafat and others, who had no intention of pursuing peace. When they awarded it to Obama just for being black the prize was completely devalued and it will never recover its lost prestige as a result.
As soon as awards cease to be merit based, where your gender, race etc. become quotas, they cease to have any merit. I am thinking of the BBC Sports “peronality” award and the Oscars for instance. Since the BBC one became political I have never bothered about it. I think I heard it was a cyclist who won but which one I don’t care – it’s meaningless. The oscars are just a joke, a bad joke.
I think the Oscars are generally devalued because the choice of a decent actor/actress/film in recent times has been minimal.
E.g…..On the publicity of La La Land being a musical, I trotted along to watch it – I belong to that percentage who thought it was rubbish, so to see Emma Stone grab Best Actress was an anathema, I mean, compare her to the likes of Bette Davis in an era when movie stars were ‘stars’, and it doesn’t stack up.
Nowadays, how many can actually name any of the ‘stars’ trotting up the red carpet, the event is nothing more than a fashion parade.
Bet that would not have made Michelle’s book or Barry’s year end list.
Wonder if Katty will be RTing this tweet as her TGIF task for the day?
What to look forward to, pre and post ice-pick, if Corbyn becomes our PM
Free university education for all
Free Healthcare for all, waiting times abolished
Free unlimited care for the elderly
Free unlimited travel on public transport for all to anywhere in the EU
Free TV licences for all?
Free wheelbarrows required to carry the money required to buy life’s daily necessities.
No need to tell the last person to leave Britain to turn off the lights, the power will have run out long before then.
The bBBC report is short and leaves out some detail included by Sky
Bbc editorial integrity means there is not always time or space to include detail the bbc would prefer the public not to worry their pretty heads about.
“Oxford Street terror attack plotter ‘resisted’ de-radicalisation” the BBC is happy to tell us…
and what is more they published a hand written letter from the fellow that states:
“… we love death as you love life… ” and goes on to reference the relevant verse in the Koran.
Yet when Gerard Batten made a similar statement about two months ago on politics live he was slandered BBC.
But why the about turn BBC?… well don’t you know the fellow who wrote that letter was a white English convert… so therefore its not racist to point out that Islam is a death cult in that situation.
Just so ya know BBC, i’s be happy to have this retarded white English convert be deported to Pakistan along with the countless Islamic child rapists.
Either disavow, Muhammad for the paedophilic, murdering thug he was or be deported… or interned or exiled where deportation is not possible… and bring back hanging for child rape while you are at it.
“Oxford Street terror attack plotter ‘resisted’ de-radicalisation” the BBC is happy to tell us…
and what is more they published a hand written letter from the fellow that states:
“… we love death as you love life… ” and goes on to reference the relevant verse in the Koran.
Yet when Gerard Batten made a similar statement about two months ago on politics live he was slandered BBC.
But why the about turn BBC?… well don’t you know the fellow who wrote that letter was a white English convert… so therefore its not racist to point out that Islam is a death cult in that situation.
Just so ya know BBC, i’s be happy to have this retarded white English convert be deported to Pakistan along with the countless Islamic child rapists.
Either disavow, Muhammad for the paedophilic, murdering thug he was or be deported… or interned or exiled where deportation is not possible… and bring back hanging for child rape while you are at it.
Jo Coburn is perhaps the number one liberal bigot on the
BBC and that’s saying something! At least Andrew Neil
had some humour in his facetious questioning. Coburn
is just vile. I expect she gets away with it because she is
women . I would like to see somebody like John Bolton
National Security Advisor of the USA and former ambassador
tear into Coburn , as he did Kay Burley on Sky News. Really getting personal and calling her a munchkin. Mind you I have called
Louise Minchin and Naga Munchetty ,munchkins!
Gerard Batten was very impressive in not losing
his cool against the liberal bigot, as Jacob Rees Mogg called her.
I can think of something 100 times worse. But just your typical
BBC interviewer will suffice.
Just skimming through the whole thread there are quite a few on pollution, global warming, daer Sadiq’s ultra low emissions zone, the pollution from the New Years Eve fireworks et al.
So I’ll just lob in two facts.
1. The biggest single cause of particulates in car transport is……wait for it……brake and tyre wear. Since electric cars and ultra low emitting cars still travel on wheels and have to slow down (road humps, traffic queues) and speed up their increasing popularity will have little impact, as compared with endless council anti-car speed and road capacity reduction schemes.
2. Transport only accounts for a quarter of all the CO2 and particulates creation. Most is from industry and energy generation. Cement production alone accounts for 8% of the global total. Where is Sadiq on wooden skyscrapers for the City?
Where do these facts come from? The Department of Transport.
Many public sector policies, especially zealous council traffic departments, thus create the very pollution they then claim they want to reduce. It’s like a circular job creation scheme. And section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act gives them the ammunition they need.
The BBC are too thick and too disingenuous to comment on this. I guess statist transport ‘solutions’ are always going to be more popular to them than private sector transport, irrespective of actual outcomes and especially the needs of ordinary people.
The bbc morning email has a story in complement, featuring a Vox Pop from Chardonn… ‘Charlotte’, who clearly is not working class but likely is still a student. If not of science.
How far would you go to save the planet?
“I make a really conscious effort not to buy any meat or fish,” says 25-year-old Charlotte. “Buying vegetarian or vegan food is not particularly tough but eating out is trickier when it looks so tempting – and I do eat a prawn curry at a restaurant.
“Avoiding cow’s milk is not hard – I already drink soy milk, prefer my coffee black and recently discovered chocolate oat milk. I tried vegan parmesan for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised that it tasted like the real thing and even melted.”
I wonder how she likes her men?
Sluff quite right! Tyre & brake wear is fairly large as particulates sizes go and is found on the road and in the gutter. Disposal of worn tyres is a large environmental problem. There are only so many race circuits and boats needing cheap barriers and fenders. If CO2 is the big problem the IPCC pretends it is, we would really make a big effort around the world to make sure roads were highly efficient and very, very, smooth.
You missed farming. Farming creates quite a bit of particulate pollution in the atmosphere, especially in certain parts of the country, ie. those where soil quality is declining and in certain weather conditions ie. dry, windy, weather. Often seen at harvest time – clouds of dust in the air.
CO2 from cement is certainly created in manufacture and building but that’s only a fraction of the story. Cement (and brick) is a form of storage radiator, thus in summer big cities are a form of exaggeration of global warming. The construction process can often create dust in the atmosphere and from hill in London, say Primrose Hill, it is possible to see little ‘domes’ of dust over building sites.
It then gets worse. Many ‘skyscrapers’ are ‘lifed’ – their shortest lifespan is only about thirty years – so that means demolition and a repeat of the cement CO2 cycle.
None of this considered by the BBC at all.
I was watching a programme the other night where it was stated that the textile industry (fashion) creates more CO2 than air and rail freight/travel combined.
TOADY Watch #1 – general comment
Listening from 6.30am and it is a complete farce, total comedy. Total lack of intelligent interviewing. No dots joined up with other news items or ‘concerns’ covered by BBC N&CA. Poor old Mishal is showing herself up. It’s not been a good morning for females, not only are they twice as likely as males to become depressed, it appears their brains are damaged in other ways eg. the spokesperson (a Professor?!!!) from N.I.C.E..
I say ‘Sack Sarah Sands and Save TODAY’!
I disagree about saving ‘ Toaday’ . I’d be much happier seeing it gone . The whole thing is an excercise in the BBC expressing its bias .
There was a silly interview with Rory Stewart – the half wit prison minister who the PM often puts up to sell the sell out . Mr Stewart thinks drugs X ray scanners can stop drugs going into prison .
No one asked about who operates the scanners ?
It will be a key job for corruption .
-The Soros Grid anti brexit propaganda today is bought to you by the heads of Universities saying things will be bad and their huge wages might suffer . There has to be a better Project Fear yarn than that.
Fed, start a counter campaign then to keep Sarah Sands in place! 😉
When do we get the listening figures for 2018?
‘Fat Cat Pay’-day is currently under consideration with £200K+ Mishal and £700K+ The Humph! They really wanted to talk to an ‘anti-Brexit’-Uni Vice Chancellor but knowing what was coming next the highly paid ‘anti-Brexit’-Uni Vice Chancellor arranged for some phone connection problems …..
Up – as they say – “no pain no gain”. Listening to Toady is becoming so painful that the listening figures will reflect people realising what a sad biased program it is .
Fed, pain? I was laughing.
From beginning to end. TOADY, the former flagship BBC N&CA* programme is now a TOATAL JOAKE.
(* = News – yes, remember that? – and Current Affairs)
No surprise to find ‘progressive’ £multimillion corporations bleating about Brexit (again). This time, it’s the financially engorged, self-serving Universities (aka: communist indoctrination centres) who take issue with Brexit:
Brexit: Universities warn no deal is ‘biggest-ever threat’
Of course they’re upset with Brexit. Those overseas students are their fattest pay cheques, paying through the nose for a miseducation only the most devout progressive zealots can deliver. Today, almost every UK university is engaged in the fiercely partisan anti-Brexit movement, actively turning out armies of pre-programmed ‘activists’ to spread the progressive narrative out into the workforce and beyond.
The sooner their malignant money train is derailed the better.
Beautiful moment on Toady – proposed interview with Dame somebody or other wingeing about brexit – university vice chancellors earn a shed load – this story was abandoned – and was followed by a story on nasty fat cats earning big wages .
No connection was made . This story was presented as Humph talking to another beeboid called ‘ darshi’ – nice bit on incest eh ? The Far Left BBC does a lot of this .
ObiWan, that derailment may be coming soon but with another bill for the poor taxpayer. One national newspaper (think it was FT or Times) yesterday carried item about possible University insolvencies.
R4 today having such fun. It’s knock Trump and Brexit from start to finish…I will be very surprised when they have anyone saying something positive about either subject…Bias is Back in 2019…poor Universities bleating on…not Left wing by any chance…
Breakfast – talking about fat cats – hmm as my wife said and Up2 has mentioned already – they failed to calculate how long it takes some of them to earn more than the average person…Average wage is £28k for it will take the Hump only 2 weeks to earn that…boy is he worth it..
Luckily, the bbc can still do real news.
GW, where did you spot it?
That’s a rare sighting. Don’t forget to tell the Twitchers.
The Beeb should pay you to do a TV series.
How about ‘News Planet’ for a title?
Not going near. A large blonde bloke called Tracey will be busting down my door asking for the telephone number to corporate.
Can’t see this venture succeeding as the women who don’t have under-arm hair will be suing those who do!
The BBC supported anti brexit winge by university Vice Chancellors needs to have the following data added for perspective – Average wage of a university vice chancellor is £268 k – rothwell is on £300 k ( source – Times ) .
But sad that people on this site land up doing journalism to counter BBC bias .
Nancy Rothwell is doing her anti-Brexit bit. The Interwebby (may not be correct) tell me she is paid nearly £300K, paid this on ‘Fat Cat Pay’-day and talking on TOADY who have just made a thing of ‘Fat Cat Pay’-day.
Nancy Rothwell is claiming staying in the EU is essential for research projects.
During the 6.30-7am segment, Mishal – who is interviewing Nancy – interviewed Dr Russell Viner (not sure whether MD or PhD) of The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). He is a University researcher who had done some research and found he was relaying the results of this research which showed that he really didn’t know his researched subject and contradicted himself or gave no clear indication of findings from this ever so valuable research with any certainty.
As an exercise of going round in circles with no added value, it was brilliant.
Value of that RCPCH research, according to my research which comes totally cost free and took seconds longer than the radio item = Nil. Where’s my PhD? Is it in the post yet?
Value of Mishal’s interview? Also Nil.
A recent study into academic research came to the conclusion that 85% is worthless….and as someone that is involved I would agree…it’s game played to get money for pet projects often of no value to anyone but the researcher..
JA, yes. I have encountered the field a little, here and there, and am none too impressed with much of it. Mind you, you can ‘research’ anything – TV Soaps, Pop Music, dance, Bingo Halls, parking spaces, etc.
Can I do a PhD, please, researching golf swings?
I could research why mine hasn’t turned me into the winner of a Major?
I know somebody that has a PhD in Golf swings 🙂
As an aside, R4 now doing a bit on India (that’s novel) and who do they talk to? Some bloke that slates our decision to have a referendum..Now a female Indian saying we won’t get a special deal with India and that she doesn’t understand why we want to leave the EU.. how do they do it????
Oh and of course partition only inflicted harm on Muslims…they didn’t attack anyone.. I am switching off now as it is now an anti Britain broadcast..
History being re written as we live and breathe..
JA, why am I not surprised?
Now, that has given me another idea for a ‘Phud’.
I could research why people are no longer surprised at the silly things that Uni researchers study.
Pass the Funding Bowl, please.
Ms Nancy Rothwell does earn nearly £300k salary from the university
She also has an expense account , permanently available chauffeur driven car and fantastic pension.
She is a trustee of Cancer Research UK
and the Campaign for Medical Progress,
a council member of BBSRC,
chair of the Research Defence Society
the Wellcome Trust’s Public Engagement Strategy Committee
and a non-executive director of AstraZeneca
300k is probabbly the tip of this progressive liberals avalanche of cash
The Peterborough black female Labour MP has been sacked! How unfair….
By Election on way. It’s marginal and pro-Leave.
Spin this, BBC 😉
Dover – yes she is out of the Labour Party but going to take her wages as an independent MP. There will be plenty watching on Monday to see if she turns up and who she sits with in the Commons .
She’ll be writing her book so I bet she’ll turn up to play ‘ victim of the system’ . See if she is too toxic for Lammy or whether there are limits of order about her . Here’s a thing – a criminal law breaker – without shame .
I think MP’s have to be sentenced to at least a year in prision before they are stripped of thier seat.
even the mails headline is a bit misleading
“refused to step down over speeding fine lie”
did she not tell her insurance ? or fail to tell a hire company?
“being found to have lied persistently and deliberately to police”
“MP/Solicitor refuses to step down after perverting the course of justice with many lies” would be a correct headline
Just listening to this R4 programme about how others see us, today it’s India. Well my flabber is totally ghasted, it would seem that Indians (At least the ones interviewed) have exactly the same view of the British as the BBC does. They don’t like them, and they especially don’t like Brexit. In fact the whole programme is a not so subtle dig at Britain’s decision to leave the EU and wishful thinking for Globalisation.
I assume the other programmes have been exactly the same.
Do you notice about no series on where the overseas tax give away fund goes ? £13 billion
Funny dat. Because most Indians (actually from India) I have crossed paths with are quite conservative and nationalist in their views. Obviously Beeby has an extreme vetting system in order to cherry-pick only those with the required viewpoint.
Odd. As on Facebook most bbc posts about India comment threads suggest most people there utterly despise the bbc.
Maybe the bbc contacted the few who shared their biases?
quisquose, I found myself thinking that if Neil MacGregor (an academic) had made a series of programmes like the one he has fronted all this week in, say, Iraq, a car would have been sent round to his house by the President and he would have disappeared for a long time, if not for ever.
How the BBC can broadcast such a disgraceful attack on the nation at this time, I do not know.
All I can assume is that BBC brains are totalled addled by alcohol and other substances. At least it may stimulate some robustness in and a response from our young people, who the BBC are also busy promoting as feeble weeds and snowflakes.
The Germans seemed to like us the most (Monday).
The Nigerians and the Indians were predictably the most hostile. (The beeb sought out Indians who conformed to what the beeb thought Indians should think of Britain). To some extent even ditto the Egyptians, although ‘affection’ for Mo Salah seemed to save our bacon.
When this series was announced, I knew what was coming. R4. It doesn’t take a genius.
I don’t think Nigerians are hostile at all – they are forever emailing me telling me I have an inheritance and for a few hundred quid they’ll tell me about it ….
It’s always the same ie
You are nice people but live in the past you don’t realise the past from our point of view and it’s the past anyway you can’t live independently you’re mad to have Brexit you don’t know the modern world you haven’t got that much influence so we’re a little bit fond of you but we’re laughing at you .
What the BBC forget is the attitude any of these countries have towards their neighbours . The only way that some citizens of one country will not have any negative thoughts about another country is if they have nothing to do with each other , like Bhutan and Boliviar .
OT, but when I get a promoted tweet I know I am in for a treat. Wait until the reveal.
I’ve already blocked a promoted tweet for gay feminist clothing today.
Yep, it’s Fat Cat Friday and the BBC are playing the class envy card for all its worth. But only for FT100 executives.
Now I do not support telephone number salaries for non-performing CEOs sitting on each others’ remuneration committees. But on the whole they do carry a hell of a lot of responsibility. And the salaries have to be declared in the annual report, are open to scrutiny, and occasionally shareholders vote against them.
Wheras….., fat cat BBC television presenters and premier league footballers did not get any mention at all in the coverage. They have few responsibilities and no accountability.
The BBC. World class in selectivity.
Tanned Norwegians at it in Sydney again it seems . … enough is enough …. our thoughts are with …. lessons will be learned ….
Tanned Norwegians, mentally ill, British, home-grown……..
BBC R5LIVE this morning did a report on: females learning how to ride peddle-bikes for the “first time in their life”. They interviewed women 60 yrs and below.
Most women were asian/muslim as they kept going on about their ijabs (spelling?) getting in the way as they ride on the main streets of Britain. Then it struck me! Boris was correct about letter-box women – how on earth would they be able to see whats to their left or to their right as they set out to battle the mean streets of London? There would be fatalities galore! Talk about knife fatalities in London. That statistic would be over taken within months if muslim women were let loose.
The 60 old muslim grannie trying to steady herself on her bike as her long gown/smock got caught in the wheels and with every london bus speeded past her at 100 miles an hour mad me realise it would be a bad idea..
I am LOL now. Thank you. 🙂
Great minds, Lucy, great minds! : – /
That’ll be an offshoot of Monday’s R4 prog
\\ Roni never learnt to ride a bike. It became embarrassing and she stopped telling people about it.
Now, at 33, she is determined to learn.
But can she? The Untold is at 11am. ????♀️ //
A commenter here said it was more like a made up story that a producer had roped her friend in for.
9:25am LBC Vigilante patrols in Germany after migrant attacks
NickFerrariLBC ‘Here I have German reporter friend from Die Zietung to explain about this Far-right group like EDL ..”
German reporter “actually Nick the problem in Germany is the media ..and the backlash due to them playing down attacks by migrants
eg in this last one 4 migrants got drunk and went down the street attacking people
.. You are getting your info from the Telegraph piece, but unfortunately I see a lot of errors in it ”
Nick “but Chemnitz attacks on migrants”
German “No that was Fake news originating from a 20s clip in an article by antifa …..but the idiot driving into a crowd of Migrants in another town that was true”
Nick “Yes what was the truth , about the alleged Cologne NYE attacks 2 years ago ?”
German “Yes it was true North African migrants went on the rampage”
Nick “oh”
..blah blah
Nick “but what’s going to Angela Merkel hen she loses her looks ?”
The German reporter is not some righties , but a long term friend of Ferrari
If this is Amberg, near Nuernberg, I’ve actually been there. Nice little place, with a cathedral.
But Germany has been ruined by the ‘migrants’ and German media, like the toxic publicly-funded ZDF, have remained solidly behind Merkel and the ‘Willkommenskultur’. The AdF was a response, but like UKIP, it faces constant attack and ridicule by the MSM. And if you thought the beeb was bad…
The old East knows what left-fascism is, so the best hopes for an awakening lie there.
It will be tough. Germans have more to live down than even the Brits (colonialism), so the big political parties and the MSM virtue signal like there is no tomorrow. They don’t need to play the race card, cos the mention of possibly being a neonazi strikes fear into every heart.
German police are like chocolate teapots; any tough action is reserved for the ‘far right’ and ‘neonazies’, while the very active and often violent and destructive Antifa gets no attention from them at all.
Another good ‘un from Liddle (sorry, paywalled):
The BBC’s Quest to make Watership Down Woke
And this from D Murray (not new):
Cathy Newman’s catastrophic interview with Jordan Peterson
‘Media Masters’
Ewan Vinnicombe
Editor, Blue Peter
‘Ewan Vinnicombe is editor of Blue Peter. A lifelong fan of the show – and a proud recipient of one of its sought-after badges when he was just six years old – he started with the BBC aged 21 as a “tea boy for the Chuckle Brothers,” before moving on to entertainment development. He later became head of presentation, producing shows such as ‘CBeebies Bedtime Stories’ and the live links between programmes featuring children’s favourite Hacker T Dog. In this in-depth interview, he takes us behind the scenes of the iconic show, pays homage to past presenters, reveals the recruitment process behind the on-screen current line-up – and discusses last year’s record-breaking 60th anniversary celebrations’.
I wonder what he calls his socks?
“TV licence email scam: More than 5,000 complaints in three months”
“Is the TV licence email I have received a scam?”
Regardless of the source I think we can safely say, yes it is.
I was tempted to write in and ask if it was the officially sanctioned scam or a more honest scam, no point as they just don’t get it.
Blimey – I’ve got a tan at the moment and got an inflatable ( she’s lovely ) so I’m off to Calais to claim …..
Having received 2 or 3 of these phishing e-mails, I was interested enough
to go on the official TVL web-site to see if they wanted the e-mails reported to them so they could take action against the perpetrators.
Apparently TVL do not.
Funny that.
Most businesses, especially banks and on-line retailers, are very anxious to take action against scammers and phishing attempts in order to protect their businesses and reputations.
Not so with TV Licensing.
I got one just two days ago telling me there was a problem as TVL hadn’t been able to collect the Direct Debit. It was actually very convincing and had me checking my bank account. The moral is to NEVER use the links in unexpected emails.
RD, echo & endorse that excellent advice.
I do, however, like to help any business (or HMRC, for that matter) by forwarding any spoofs to them so they can get their Cyber Teams & Security on the case. Think the BBC and TVL (Capita) may have boobed here in showing little interest in closing the scammers down. Reflects badly on the BBC, imv.
Not BBC, but last night I was out for a state approved potter in my London Civic Zone and spotted this new poster on the bus stop. There are some more in the campaign for HSBC bank worth looking at — all very pro-European.
The agency responsible JWT looks like they’ve taken a bung from Sadiq Khan, as it bears striking similarities to his #LondonIsOpen nonsense. Proving once more that to many of the powers in charge, culture and heritage are not of much importance and better reduced to a confusing mess of disposable consumerism. (The Manchester and Leeds ones at least have a less international flavour).
isn’t it a world trade advert rather than an anti-Brexit ad ?
\\ It is the bank’s latest marketing effort promoting the idea that we are global citizens and comes amid ongoing uncertainty around Brexit. //
Stew — yes, globalist more than just pro-Europe but the timing is interesting!
Technically world trade yes, but somehow the protectionist little bubble that is the EU, has somehow managed to dress itself up as the poster person for free trade and internationalism.
Also you could see the HSBC ad as pro European, with it’s Spain and Poland.
A bit rich with the Pearly Queen mention – as the Cockneys have been ethnically cleansed from the london.
There’s nothing wrong with being an island.
Unless the defences are less than adequate.
Used to be a client of mine. I once suggested running ads locally with some other faces to reflect their global reach. Not keen. Mind you, this was at the head office.
is eating salt beef bagels outside a curry house not a hate crime
Yesterday that free rag -Metro, the one that’s available on bus, train & tube everyday had a bizarre front page headline. No images at all. Just a blank white page with We Are Not An Island in the centre. I didn’t pick it up. I gave up on that free little paper about a year ago. It’s strewn all over the trains in the morning & has become as unreadable as a Radio 4 transcript. I used to pick it up and read it sometimes but It’s gone thoroughly libtard now.
A weird front page for a newspaper. I guessed it would be some sort of anti-leave propaganda.
Wot – No bacon sarnies!
One reason for me to leave HSBC..been pondering for a while but this just about pushes me.
“We are not an island.”
No. Quite correct. I remember when you were in a race with Royal Bank of Scotland to be the biggest retail bank in the world.
That went well, didn’t it?
Also spotted recently in my local Ikea:
BBC roving reporter (think a combination of Nick Clegg and John Prescott, only without the class) Lily has got herself in the news again.
Not sure what the embedded BBC crew does now. Has the Snog, Marry, Show your Bits Corporation covered this tragic ‘news’ yet?
If so, I hope their subs can match those George has deployed:
Look out Calais! Sniff.
The BBC. On twitter, ‘views their own’.
On broadcast, also ‘views their own’.
People are required by law to pay for this.
The difference in tone when the BBC has your back is quite striking.
Just imagine the sneering if an embarrassing video from President Trump’s youth were to emerge.
ahhh the BBC’s new poster girl
K – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, BBC wetting their frilly trans gender knickers.
From her current Leftypedia article.
“It’s not by trying to win spending all of our energy winning over those who have other opinions. It’s by expanding the electorate, speaking to those that feel disenchanted, dejected, cynical about our politics, and letting them know that we’re fighting for them.”
A lie.
“It’s by expanding the electorate”
A truth.
Import millions more Hispanics to vote Democrat, encourage illegals, that is the current Lefty plan everywhere.
BBC House Journal.
Now check BBC Watch for bbc ‘reporting’ in the ME.
No one would have believed, in the last years
of the
nineteenth21ST century, that human affairs were beingwatched from the timeless
worlds ofspace OF THE MIDDLE EAST.No one could have dreamed we were being scrutinized, as
someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm
and multiply in a drop of water.
Few men even considered the possibility of life
on other planetsAND CULTURE IN THE MIDDLE EAST and yet, acrossthe gulf of
spaceDESERT, minds immeasurablysuperiorINFERIOR to oursregarded this
EarthWESTERN CULTURE with envious eyes,and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us.
Day 1: We must smash all elitist political systems for the people.
Day 2: We must defend the EU political system with all our might against the people who want to leave it.
Day 3: Errrrrr …….
‘Forgiveness’, Communist-style…(the BBC approves, of course)
‘Has Hart ‘reached out’?
But Nick Levine, a UK journalist who writes about pop culture and LGBTQ issues, told the BBC: “Like Ellen DeGeneres, I believe in forgiveness and second chances, but I also believe those things need to be earned.
“Has Kevin Hart made any meaningful effort to reach out to the LGTBQ community and listen to their perspective on why his past comments are so offensive and damaging?
“I think if he did that, he’d understand why things he said a long time ago – which he’s apologised for, and I’m sure completely regrets – have caused him to lose this incredible global platform.
“Once he demonstrates a greater awareness of why his comments hurt the LGBTQ community, we can start talking about forgiveness and the possibility of Hart hosting the Oscars again.”
Communists have a term for it: ‘Struggle Session’. It was all the rage back when Uncle Joe and The Chairman (Mao) and their comrades around the globe were piling up the corpses. A ‘struggle session’ was the latter-day equivalent of apologising to SJWs today (back then there were existential implications, today there are clear career implications). All the same, it’s a trial of virtue and indoctrination that one must endure – often more than once – in order to gain re-entry into the Party.
Good luck, Kevin – although I’m pretty sure I know where I’d tell them to shove their ‘apology’. Salut!
Just stumbled on this news item.
TV Licence fee scam – the dangerous fake email and the real refunds available
Now headed by the ex-DG of the BBC I believe.
They do know how to find each other.
Meanwhile, KJZ’s fave station, probably including their own.
2010 … FFS … 2010 ….
Iran has said Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, will be spared being stoned to death for adultery while leaving it unclear what fate does await her.
A case in Somalia in October 2008 attracted much attention. A girl was stoned to death before a large crowd at a football stadium.
Lucy Pevensey
The Prime Minister needs to “Get a Grip”.
This is no joke.
The new knife-enriched Britain is not funny.
Especially one in which you can’t do stop-and-search for political reasons. That’s pretty ridiculous.
The real joke though, is at the bottom of the page carrying that report.
It says: “Why you can trust the BBc News.”
You need a sick sense of humour, though…
And if your objective is to learn the meaning of ‘propaganda’, have a listen to one of the longer R4 ‘news ‘bulletins.
Interesting that the BBC bothers to cover this as so many killings just pass it by . Perhaps it’s where senior beeboids live so gets a bit personal for them
“Man” off the train in Clandon
Dunno if this is made up
“Bald with black beard” 4:14pm
I can’t wait to embrace more of this wonderful diversity on my way home tonight.
Just to be on the safe side, I think I will pick up a stab vest from M+S to save me from this ‘part and parcel of living in a big City’ Londonistan contagion.
Perhaps Al Beeb will pick this up from here ?
UK nationals in Italy assured of residency in event of no Brexit deal .
Yes and Spain has said the assuming assuming reciprocal agreement .
4:15pm Switch-On Bingo win, The SJW issue was get more black actors in productions

The R4 obituary prog was claiming that the deceased Thomas Baptiste, the Guyana-born actor who appeared in Coronation Street , was a great champion this.
They also thought one of weeks 4 most important deaths was

YouTube cooking granny in India
Still cooking grannies? thought Sati was no longer practiced?