Ladies and Gentlemen – and Trolls – the last thread of 2018 was so busy that a new one is needed .So – one again – have a Happy 2019 – even with the malignant BBC in our background .
Next trailer : for “We are displaced” R4’s daily Book of the Week, starting Monday a new series about refugees experiences
Mon – The first chapter is about Malala’s own
Tue – Zaynab flees Yemen with her sister
Wed – Sabreen makes a desperate journey across the Mediterranean
Thu – Analisa flees Guatemala
Fri – Marie Claire flees Zambia & Congo
“Malala Shines an Important Light on Refugees in We Are Displaced”
Malala went back home to Pakistan to promote women’s education, she needed protection from her own people who hate her … she did not stay in TOLERANT PAKISTAN but came back, with her whole family, to the UK to tell the UK how INTOLERANT it is.
Malala belives in Islam. Islam does not believe in profit. Malalal is a liar.
Publically available information shows that the London-based company, owned by Yousafzai, her father Ziauddin Yousafzai, and her mother, Toor Pekai, has a net worth of 1.87 million pounds in August 2015, up nearly 65 percent from the previous year.29 Jun 2016
From the word ‘go’ this young lady gave every appearance of being a professional PR specialist in presenting her story, and the likes of the beeb appeared more than eager to peddle it.
Looks like being a migrant + victim in Britain can be a very profitable business.
Now, how about an Iranian ‘migrant’ telling us about their persecution by the Ayatollahs…The old millionaire status must be tempting.
Over to you, beeb…
All these women flee for their lives.
Strange that when photographed in the English Channel they have all grown beards and testicles.
Or is there a floating hospital in the Bay of Biscay that does a quick cut and shut operation?
Wow. Not the bbc but I’m astounded at James Whale on Talk Radio right now pushing his opinion that gender fluidity is indeed normal and dismissing a fellows opposing views on the grounds that Christianity is a fairy tale. James thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the number of child referrals to counselling has increased by over 2000% as this means we are “helping” children who weren’t helped before.
Yes, jip, that very same obnoxious twit who had a show on radio Aire where he used to cut off his callers if he disagreed with them and was very rude and abusive towards them.
The original lefty I suppose.
British Universities are in fact a mafia business centred around conning privileged rich foreign students.
They sell them a dream about UK and uni being a magical place
..and then once they have arrived they charge them high fees for courses that are not worth it, as well as ripping them off for accommodation.
– The brochures will have pics of handsome white profs , but the actual course tutors will themselves often be imported foreigners used cos they are cheaper.
It’s a great scam ..students are locked into paying for 3 plus years of courses, having sold their parents the dream, they are unlikely to tell their parents the truth after their first year proves sub-standard.
Not to mention their potential as centres for the ‘decolonization’ scam.
A really outstanding intellectual achievement awaits in the form of the still intact CJ Rhodes statue.
After all, in SA, the true academic giants managed to topple him.
Here is another link to share if it does us any good. I don’t know if has already been posted.
HM government must publish ”ALL” legal advice on Brexit
I can report the good news that the Today programme has started the new revolutionary year in the best of form.
This morning, there was a discussion of the American government shutdown, caused by the desire of the capitalist running dog Donald Trump to build a wall to keep Mexican comrades out of America.
The obvious person to discuss this was an academic comrade who has written a book showing that Trump is indeed a fascist.
As always, there was no need to provide anyone from the hated Republican Party on to provide any sort of “balance”, or to seek to present any defence of the policies of the fascist president.
The year has started in a double plus good way on Today, and I am sure things will only get better. I have a feeling that the Order of the Red Microphone will be on its way soon!
Manchester station terror attack victims’ plea for unity
”A couple stabbed in a New Year’s Eve attack have said they hope the attack will not “divide communities or create tension.
The pair in their 50s, who wish to remain anonymous, remained in hospital with “serious” but not life-threatening injuries, said police.”
What a pair of libtard planks.
I hope they are not feeling too guilty about getting carved up by an immigrant.
Guess they saw it as a test of their politically correct faith.
”Police raided a semi-detached house on Schoolside Close, a mile north of Manchester city centre, which neighbours said was occupied by a Somali family who had moved to the UK from the Netherlands.”
They messed up in recruiting soldiers for the army , have crapita messed up again ?…………….
“TV licence email scam: More than 5,000 complaints in three months”
The bbc has been running a line that President Trump is presiding over a failing economy – yet today the payroll figures were published so a 300 thousand increase in the month – double what the market anticipated – hence a 600 point jump on the DJ .
Sopel won’t be reporting this – not Katty or Christian or Naughtie . Instead they’ll report on the press conference which president trump gave for 7minutes and then walked off without answering questions . Why bother talking to a biased media ?
After Yorkshire Regiment soldier Joshua Adams-Mitchell, 21, was run down by a car driven at him in Batley on New Year’s Day, police have arrested and charged Hamza Ali Hussain.
The local news asks for members of the public to call the police if they see the suspect even though no description has been issued …I wonder if someone with a tan will be involved . ….
I’m going to start the weekend thread soon as this one is nearly ‘ full ‘ . Busy times ….
Dystopian – This abuse of language for political purposes is actually an interesting topic. You will find that conversely, there are ‘must have’ words, which once had a meaning different from what they have now: open, tolerant, diverse, etc.
These are now manipulative words used by social engineers and their enforcers to create a ‘new society’ – DISAGREEING with them can get you into as much difficulty as using the forbidden ones.
In the dark and distant past, when I was at uni, I had a set book called ‘One Dimensional Man’ by Herbert Marcuse, which I now keep remembering. Ironically, a lefty book critiquing capitalism and the ‘middle class’, it spoke about ‘one-dimensional’ language, which becomes all-encompassing.
Now ‘liberalism’ (which is almost unrecognizable from the liberalism I learnt about in Politics) has morphed into something rather sinister, in which some words are ‘must use’ while others are…well, verboten.
We no longer have the Leninist ‘vanguard party’, advancing the internationalist socialist cause, but we have something far more subtle and effective.
Effective, because most MSM have convinced people that they’re not really ‘nice’ people, if they don’t toe the line. They may even be rather ‘bad’ people. Thus eg ‘far right’ does not actually mean what it used to either; it now simply means ‘bad’. Listen to any programme with vaguely political content on the bbc and you’ll quickly see what I mean.
Rant over.
Seem to recall an excellent post of yours, fnw, on the subject of that book ‘One Dimensional Man’ by Herbert Marcuse. Seem to recall our Stew was enthusiastic about it too.
Maybe we could insert ‘grey’ and ‘cardboard’ between Dimensional and Man?
[I hope I’ve tee’d that up obviously enough for a few on here to post some humour before Fed calls time on the Thread. 😉 ] Ooops! Too late, maybe, unless the Twelfth Night Thread is an extra and there will be a Weekend Thread as well.
Thank you Snuff. You may insert ‘grey’ and ‘cardboard’. As yet, these words are not on the verboten list, but the former could be sucked in by the new VPPC. (Vanguard Party for Political Correctness)
According to Marxism-Leninism, the ‘vanguard party’ was supposed to lead the masses/workers on their behalf, as they had not reached ‘full political consciousness’, while the state ‘withered away’.
We know we have gone badly wrong, as the state has done anything but wither away and the masses are much further away from full political consciousness than they were in 1917!
(I was watching Yvette Cooper on TV yesterday, parroting endlessly the VPPC mantra, word perfect – all sounded absolutely lovely, and realised just HOW FAR back we masses have slid; furthermore, it is just possible she may actually have believed what she was saying.)
Can someone tell me if this is true? Is Katie taking the mickey?
Are the migrants given these promises?
I guess the BBC would not inform us of the truth here.
“Can someone tell me if this is true? Is Katie taking the mickey?
Are the migrants given these promises?”
“You can choose whether you want a house, a flat, a hostel or bed & breakfast, how lovely is that.”
That is a complete and utter lie. She’s not, “taking the mickey”. She’s lying. But she has to pay those 5-star hotel bills somehow, and the more she can wind up her devoted followers; the bigger the pay cheque at the end of the month.
I like Katie Hopkins but she is clearly misleading there.
She states you can choose what type of house you want. It does NOT state that at all.
It says you will be given a house, or a flat or a hostel and you do not get to choose where you live.
You get a place to live and sleep , not like the homeless British people who have to wait in a queue, some of whom are ex servicemen, God bless em.
I am sure that Maxi troll will enlighten us a little more about it because he is a Beeboid who supports Al Beeb, that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
Have you voted here yet ?…………………
No idea who maxi is or if they are a troll. But sorry, maxi is correct. Look at what Katie Hopkins states and read the gov document. Maxi is totally correct. Sadly. I really admire some of the videos Katie Hopkins has put out lately…And she has good points about asylum seekers. Just doesn’t do her argument any good when she clearly mis-reads the Gov doc tho 🙁
I would add that whatever Katie Hopkins says, i know you DO get more choice. I worked in the dept at Manchester council that allocated such housing.
Applying for social housing, you got to put down 3 areas you would like to live in.
For asylum seekers/homeless you did not get to choose, you had to accept the place you were given – unless you were from an ethnic minority.
The council gave anyone from an ethnic minority more choice..If you were white you got no choice.
The reasoning for this was that anyone from an ethnic minority could be subject to racial abuse from white British people, so therefore we allowed ALL ethnic minorities to choose the area in Manchester they wanted to live, they could be given a place, turn it down, and be given another choice. Over and over.
I questioned my manager about this policy. I said surely this is discrimination. She said it was, but its positive discrimination, so its all ok.
Im not saying Asylum seekers should get priority over british homeless.
I’m just saying Katie Hopkins was incorrect on that point about choosing what type of house you want.
I havent. I know it won’t make the slightest bit of difference sadly if i did sign it.
But after the shitefest that was the Beebs xmas TV, i’m considering cancelling my licence fee and telling them they are not allowed to set foot on my property.
I cancelled it two years ago for a couple of months. I had the inspector goons turn up every day at one point. It got to the stage where they would then peer through the window, tap on it and call my name. Disgusting behavior. This time i’ll make sure to do that letter saying they cannot step foot on the property.
I think people not paying the licence fee will hurt them more than signing a petition.
Sod it, ill do both 🙂 Tho that petition is 4 years old. Its not going to change a thing. 17 million voted for Brexit and thats being ignored.
had to go to Nottm a few months back to clear out my dads house afer he died No one was living in it. Letter after letter from TV Licensing.
And they would turn up at the door, i told them my dad had died. Horrible conversation, asking me to go get proof, that i need to let them in. Told them i didn’t need to prove anything or let them in. I was then told they need to check as people make things up. He had the door slammed in his face straight after that.
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
Next trailer : for “We are displaced” R4’s daily Book of the Week, starting Monday a new series about refugees experiences
Mon – The first chapter is about Malala’s own
Tue – Zaynab flees Yemen with her sister
Wed – Sabreen makes a desperate journey across the Mediterranean
Thu – Analisa flees Guatemala
Fri – Marie Claire flees Zambia & Congo
“Malala Shines an Important Light on Refugees in We Are Displaced”
Malala went back home to Pakistan to promote women’s education, she needed protection from her own people who hate her … she did not stay in TOLERANT PAKISTAN but came back, with her whole family, to the UK to tell the UK how INTOLERANT it is.
Malala belives in Islam. Islam does not believe in profit. Malalal is a liar.
Publically available information shows that the London-based company, owned by Yousafzai, her father Ziauddin Yousafzai, and her mother, Toor Pekai, has a net worth of 1.87 million pounds in August 2015, up nearly 65 percent from the previous year.29 Jun 2016
From the word ‘go’ this young lady gave every appearance of being a professional PR specialist in presenting her story, and the likes of the beeb appeared more than eager to peddle it.
Looks like being a migrant + victim in Britain can be a very profitable business.
Now, how about an Iranian ‘migrant’ telling us about their persecution by the Ayatollahs…The old millionaire status must be tempting.
Over to you, beeb…
Company number 08643732
All these women flee for their lives.
Strange that when photographed in the English Channel they have all grown beards and testicles.
Or is there a floating hospital in the Bay of Biscay that does a quick cut and shut operation?
“Brexit: The DUP says there is ‘no way’ it will back PM’s deal”
Would the DUP back a No Deal Brexit ?
Most Tory Party members want a No Deal Brexit.
Wow. Not the bbc but I’m astounded at James Whale on Talk Radio right now pushing his opinion that gender fluidity is indeed normal and dismissing a fellows opposing views on the grounds that Christianity is a fairy tale. James thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the number of child referrals to counselling has increased by over 2000% as this means we are “helping” children who weren’t helped before.
As in “James Whale” from 20 years ago, or s there a new James Whale ?
Yes, jip, that very same obnoxious twit who had a show on radio Aire where he used to cut off his callers if he disagreed with them and was very rude and abusive towards them.
The original lefty I suppose.
\\Brexit: Universities warn no deal is ‘biggest-ever threat’//
How many of these ‘Yoonies’ have Mickey Mouse courses ?
British Universities are in fact a mafia business centred around conning privileged rich foreign students.
They sell them a dream about UK and uni being a magical place
..and then once they have arrived they charge them high fees for courses that are not worth it, as well as ripping them off for accommodation.
– The brochures will have pics of handsome white profs , but the actual course tutors will themselves often be imported foreigners used cos they are cheaper.
It’s a great scam ..students are locked into paying for 3 plus years of courses, having sold their parents the dream, they are unlikely to tell their parents the truth after their first year proves sub-standard.
Not to mention their potential as centres for the ‘decolonization’ scam.
A really outstanding intellectual achievement awaits in the form of the still intact CJ Rhodes statue.
After all, in SA, the true academic giants managed to topple him.
Here is another link to share if it does us any good. I don’t know if has already been posted.
HM government must publish ”ALL” legal advice on Brexit
Attention Comrades!
I can report the good news that the Today programme has started the new revolutionary year in the best of form.
This morning, there was a discussion of the American government shutdown, caused by the desire of the capitalist running dog Donald Trump to build a wall to keep Mexican comrades out of America.
The obvious person to discuss this was an academic comrade who has written a book showing that Trump is indeed a fascist.
As always, there was no need to provide anyone from the hated Republican Party on to provide any sort of “balance”, or to seek to present any defence of the policies of the fascist president.
The year has started in a double plus good way on Today, and I am sure things will only get better. I have a feeling that the Order of the Red Microphone will be on its way soon!
Manchester station terror attack victims’ plea for unity
”A couple stabbed in a New Year’s Eve attack have said they hope the attack will not “divide communities or create tension.
The pair in their 50s, who wish to remain anonymous, remained in hospital with “serious” but not life-threatening injuries, said police.”
What a pair of libtard planks.
I hope they are not feeling too guilty about getting carved up by an immigrant.
Guess they saw it as a test of their politically correct faith.
”Police raided a semi-detached house on Schoolside Close, a mile north of Manchester city centre, which neighbours said was occupied by a Somali family who had moved to the UK from the Netherlands.”
oh the delights of free movement in the EU
They messed up in recruiting soldiers for the army , have crapita messed up again ?…………….
“TV licence email scam: More than 5,000 complaints in three months”
If the fake TV license scam has just 5000 complaints that is a drop in the ocean to the complaints the BBC receives for the real TV license scam.
The bbc has been running a line that President Trump is presiding over a failing economy – yet today the payroll figures were published so a 300 thousand increase in the month – double what the market anticipated – hence a 600 point jump on the DJ .
Sopel won’t be reporting this – not Katty or Christian or Naughtie . Instead they’ll report on the press conference which president trump gave for 7minutes and then walked off without answering questions . Why bother talking to a biased media ?
Results speak for themselves .
Mr. Sweeney serving up bbc ‘news’, well, guesses, at its best.
Now deport the b@stard.
Also Batley On Halloween there was another brown on white attack reported .. in news Nov 29th
2019-01-04 BBC NEWS England.
“Surrey train stabbing: Hunt for suspect after man killed” Headline.
“stabbed to death in front of horrified passengers”
“Transport secretary Chris Grayling described the stabbing as “tragic” and said:
“Our deepest sympathies are with the victim and their family.””
At the scene in Horsley: Vicky Carter, BBC News
“This really is unheard of in Surrey – everyone is shocked and bewildered.”
No description whatsoever of the, mm er, stabbist.
Strange, innit? What with all the CCTV, fellow passengers, etc?
However, we know you can trust the bbc news, They’ve said so.
BTP – also no description, but
“We would advise anyone in the local area who sees anyone they think maybe the suspect to contact 999 immediately.”
So what does the suspect look like?
This insanity can not endure.
I read that Facebook had hoiked an image put up to track a perp… ‘to avoid causing offence’.
You beat me to it
Man stabbed to death on a train, says the BBC headline. He died of a fatal stab wound says BT police.
We are told the stabbing took place in the presence of many people and the stabber is a man.
If the police want to catch him could they ask someone was he black or white? And inform the public who have been asked to report anyone suspicious.
The local news asks for members of the public to call the police if they see the suspect even though no description has been issued …I wonder if someone with a tan will be involved . ….
I’m going to start the weekend thread soon as this one is nearly ‘ full ‘ . Busy times ….
Don’t call if you suspect any non white person or you will be carted off and accused of hatey crimes.
If we carry on like this they will have outlawed so many words that there will be no words available to describe the suspect at all!
Dystopian – This abuse of language for political purposes is actually an interesting topic. You will find that conversely, there are ‘must have’ words, which once had a meaning different from what they have now: open, tolerant, diverse, etc.
These are now manipulative words used by social engineers and their enforcers to create a ‘new society’ – DISAGREEING with them can get you into as much difficulty as using the forbidden ones.
In the dark and distant past, when I was at uni, I had a set book called ‘One Dimensional Man’ by Herbert Marcuse, which I now keep remembering. Ironically, a lefty book critiquing capitalism and the ‘middle class’, it spoke about ‘one-dimensional’ language, which becomes all-encompassing.
Now ‘liberalism’ (which is almost unrecognizable from the liberalism I learnt about in Politics) has morphed into something rather sinister, in which some words are ‘must use’ while others are…well, verboten.
We no longer have the Leninist ‘vanguard party’, advancing the internationalist socialist cause, but we have something far more subtle and effective.
Effective, because most MSM have convinced people that they’re not really ‘nice’ people, if they don’t toe the line. They may even be rather ‘bad’ people. Thus eg ‘far right’ does not actually mean what it used to either; it now simply means ‘bad’. Listen to any programme with vaguely political content on the bbc and you’ll quickly see what I mean.
Rant over.
Seem to recall an excellent post of yours, fnw, on the subject of that book ‘One Dimensional Man’ by Herbert Marcuse. Seem to recall our Stew was enthusiastic about it too.
Maybe we could insert ‘grey’ and ‘cardboard’ between Dimensional and Man?
[I hope I’ve tee’d that up obviously enough for a few on here to post some humour before Fed calls time on the Thread. 😉 ] Ooops! Too late, maybe, unless the Twelfth Night Thread is an extra and there will be a Weekend Thread as well.
Thank you Snuff. You may insert ‘grey’ and ‘cardboard’. As yet, these words are not on the verboten list, but the former could be sucked in by the new VPPC. (Vanguard Party for Political Correctness)
According to Marxism-Leninism, the ‘vanguard party’ was supposed to lead the masses/workers on their behalf, as they had not reached ‘full political consciousness’, while the state ‘withered away’.
We know we have gone badly wrong, as the state has done anything but wither away and the masses are much further away from full political consciousness than they were in 1917!
(I was watching Yvette Cooper on TV yesterday, parroting endlessly the VPPC mantra, word perfect – all sounded absolutely lovely, and realised just HOW FAR back we masses have slid; furthermore, it is just possible she may actually have believed what she was saying.)
Can someone tell me if this is true? Is Katie taking the mickey?
Are the migrants given these promises?
I guess the BBC would not inform us of the truth here.
“Can someone tell me if this is true? Is Katie taking the mickey?
Are the migrants given these promises?”
“You can choose whether you want a house, a flat, a hostel or bed & breakfast, how lovely is that.”
That is a complete and utter lie. She’s not, “taking the mickey”. She’s lying. But she has to pay those 5-star hotel bills somehow, and the more she can wind up her devoted followers; the bigger the pay cheque at the end of the month.
Telling the truth isn’t her business.
Yes it is all here in black and white on .gov
god knows what pills you are on maxi, probably red ones.
I like Katie Hopkins but she is clearly misleading there.
She states you can choose what type of house you want. It does NOT state that at all.
It says you will be given a house, or a flat or a hostel and you do not get to choose where you live.
You get a place to live and sleep , not like the homeless British people who have to wait in a queue, some of whom are ex servicemen, God bless em.
I know Taff, and ive also just posted about how i know asylum seekers do actually get a choice as i dealt with these applications in my job.
But Katie Hopkins is still not correct. The goverment document does not say you get to chose if you would like house, flat or b ‘n’ b
I am sure that Maxi troll will enlighten us a little more about it because he is a Beeboid who supports Al Beeb, that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
Have you voted here yet ?…………………
No idea who maxi is or if they are a troll. But sorry, maxi is correct. Look at what Katie Hopkins states and read the gov document. Maxi is totally correct. Sadly. I really admire some of the videos Katie Hopkins has put out lately…And she has good points about asylum seekers. Just doesn’t do her argument any good when she clearly mis-reads the Gov doc tho 🙁
I would add that whatever Katie Hopkins says, i know you DO get more choice. I worked in the dept at Manchester council that allocated such housing.
Applying for social housing, you got to put down 3 areas you would like to live in.
For asylum seekers/homeless you did not get to choose, you had to accept the place you were given – unless you were from an ethnic minority.
The council gave anyone from an ethnic minority more choice..If you were white you got no choice.
The reasoning for this was that anyone from an ethnic minority could be subject to racial abuse from white British people, so therefore we allowed ALL ethnic minorities to choose the area in Manchester they wanted to live, they could be given a place, turn it down, and be given another choice. Over and over.
I questioned my manager about this policy. I said surely this is discrimination. She said it was, but its positive discrimination, so its all ok.
You get a place to live and sleep in .
Im not saying Asylum seekers should get priority over british homeless.
I’m just saying Katie Hopkins was incorrect on that point about choosing what type of house you want.
Croeso – Welcome !
You must be new to this site and work nights , but have you voted here yet ?
You know it makes sense .
I havent. I know it won’t make the slightest bit of difference sadly if i did sign it.
But after the shitefest that was the Beebs xmas TV, i’m considering cancelling my licence fee and telling them they are not allowed to set foot on my property.
I cancelled it two years ago for a couple of months. I had the inspector goons turn up every day at one point. It got to the stage where they would then peer through the window, tap on it and call my name. Disgusting behavior. This time i’ll make sure to do that letter saying they cannot step foot on the property.
I think people not paying the licence fee will hurt them more than signing a petition.
Great , do both and be welcome here .
Sod it, ill do both 🙂 Tho that petition is 4 years old. Its not going to change a thing. 17 million voted for Brexit and thats being ignored.
had to go to Nottm a few months back to clear out my dads house afer he died No one was living in it. Letter after letter from TV Licensing.
And they would turn up at the door, i told them my dad had died. Horrible conversation, asking me to go get proof, that i need to let them in. Told them i didn’t need to prove anything or let them in. I was then told they need to check as people make things up. He had the door slammed in his face straight after that.
Well done, and tell your mates .
I am sure that you will like this site and get great satisfaction from the posts you read .