The Far Left BBC continues Project Fear in the run up to exiting the EU. The Westminster Bubble will be in full panic mode as we edge nearer to 29 March . In the mean time the BBC continues to very selectively report events according to its political stance as opposed to its duty to inform the people who pay for it.
Start the Year Open Thread 7th January 2019
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Surely not… am I first?
Well done RobRoy!
Is that a first First? 🙂
We should celebrate first Firsts, cupcakes and a cuppa, choccie bics and all that.
Yep it’s a first first :0) Not that I was sitting here waiting for the new thread, oh no.
Best of three ?
Can we have a ‘Peoples Vote’ ?
Or perhaps even a ‘meaningful’ vote. Does that imply other votes weren’t meaningful?
Just about everything I listended to this morning on the BBC News was wrong:
i.e. fake news. e.g. no mention of the killer on the Guildford Train etc. replaced by Anna Soubry etc.
Even though she has personally insulted lots of people(See you tube for details)
There is nothing new about being robust with politicians (see old copies of Punch etc.) so I wasn’t going to bother commenting here but couldn’t resist.
Theresa May – just wondering it the man behind her deal is Civil Servant Olly Robbins (PPE degree – we all know the nickname for this degree!.) As her previous advisers were Nick Timothy and and Fiona Hill-certainly Nick is a committed Brexiteer.
Just wondering if and when we get a good Brexit deal we could then concentrate on reforming the bbc. I’m in favour of reform to what it was like – say – 40years ago – when it used to employ real ex-scientists predicting climate etc. rather than two ex-reporters from the Coventry Evening Telegraph,i.e David Shuckman and Roger Harrabin?
“Brexit ‘in danger’ Unless MP’s back deal – PM”
Does this mean she will block a ‘no deal Brexit’ if she loses her vote ?
We voted OUT nothing more, nothing less and we are still in after two and a half years .
211 MPs do not want a No Deal Brexit. Its going to be Parliament Vs The People .
taffman, one of the Sunday papers was suggesting that the PM might pull the vote – again – for some more delay. What is Monday on the countdown …. day 85 or 84?
MPs are afraid – Afraid they will have more work to do when we get independence.
They may have to begin to run this country?
We are leaderless at present.
Could be part of a cunning plan … but ….
…. just in case – pray hard for Brexit on 29 March 2019!
Come come now, you know the problems that Blackadder had with cunning plans.
UKIP and Nigel made a serious error when after the referendum they assumed that we lived in a democracy and that the result would be honoured. The referendum was a mighty victory but it was only one battle in the war of liberation. The elite are going to win the war and the best that we will get is Brino . The question is then what do the 52% do? As they have demonstrated in the past couple of years The elite hold all the levers of power and will use them ruthlessly to suppress any resistance to their preferred settlement . I don’t believe that we will emulate the GJs over the channel and have mass civil disobedience.
But perhaps one small thing but very useful thing we could do is to channel the anger at our betrayal into a mass refusal to pay the BBC License Fee. Bringing down the BBC has always been a critical first step in getting our country back and ten million fewer £150 would bring the corporation to its knees very quickly.
As to the longer term the EU isn’t going to be able to continue to force its ever closer union on the likes of the Visegrad group or Italy and Euroscept parties will do well in a March elections right across the EU . The GJs have neutralised That arch Globalist Macron who only a year was the EU poster boy. The EU is much weaker than it was only two years ago. Our chance will come again.
The idea Taffy is good, and we on this site would say YES, but the question is how is it to be accomplished? The great minds of BBC Bias will have to be involved.

Missing girl taken in Newham car theft found
A 17-month-old girl taken during a car theft has been found safe and well
“I put the car on sale today and one guy called me on my phone,” he said.
“He didn’t seem suspicious on the phone, he was talking very nicely. I said to him ‘if you don’t want to wait for me, no problem’.”
Mr Stelica said his brother placed Maria inside the car as he demonstrated the engine, but the thief jumped in and drove off.
“He jumped up in the driver’s side and – boom – straight away he went with the car,” he added.
The man who took the car is described as Asian, of slim build and dressed in black clothing. ”
Unusual bbc giving the description
“He jumped up in the driver’s side and – boom – straight away he went with the car,”
I would have been more surpised if he had jumped in the back seat and – boom –
Map shows where she was found
Just finished watching the horror sequel, Rings.
Spoilers ahead
Basically the evil spirit Samara came about because of the evil actions of a white man and by no surprise that of a priest who locked a young girl in the basement as a sex slave until he got her pregnant and she birthed Samara.
Now having seen many a documentary and the Oscar winning Spotlight, I am fully aware that the Church has some pretty evil things that went on and they have rightly been exposed. To a point where it’s almost common parlance that if someone admits to being a priest you can almost immediately have the thought that they are a kiddie fiddling nonce pop into your head.
That’s culture and our accusatory society for you. The church is full of paedos and people that want to cover it up and the norm has been set.
How amazing though that the same attitude is not equally attributed to Muslim gangs or Muslim taxi drivers. I mean the coverage, albeit limited due to the endeavours of the media, is out there and this shit isn’t historical, it’s happening now.
But where are the horror stories and films about the evil spirits awakened by girls having their tongues nailed to tables while they are raped by men united by a common religion?
In TV and Film all paedos seem to be white and either deranged lone wolfs or protected men of the cloth. Funny how all these writers are so willing to dip into the Christian faith when looking for a protagonist but never the Muslim faith, which if they just turned on Google would give them all the material that they need.
Maybe we’ll have to wait another 20-30 years before they start using them.
Darren Pencille has been charged with the train murder . Seems like he is one of those ‘ grime music’ types who likes his gang culture ….
Court Monday morning … meanwhile the stabbings continue..
Interesting, isn’t it? I easily found a picture of his white accomplice, Chelsea Mitchell, but nothing of Mr Pencille. Not yet, anyway.
Perhaps I just missed it. On the other hand, with Brexit back with a vengeance, perhaps it’s a good day to bury bad news.
What was happening on Countryfile tonight? Just Adam and mainly farming. A programme about vets, mainly on farms with just a little about equine vets. Ok, we had a couple of female vets but that probably reflects the numbers coming out of vet school. We didn’t have any bimbos, mention of climate change or Elie ‘helping’ with basket making or refusing to eat meat. All we missed was stating that the weather was for ‘farmers and growers’ like they used to say.
Reprising Yasmin’s Wisdom
#1 Lammy uttered casual agism , in shout “racism”
# Cleverly responded
#3 Yasmin embarrassed herself as usual, with her unconscious racism as she lists brown skin people and suggests they are just ingratiating themselves in the Toty part
Instead of understanding that brown skin people are free to choose any paty they like.
Think YAB has been out with Anna and Di on the cooking sherry…
Mr Lammy doesn’t know the difference between “who’s” and “whose”. Mind you he didn’t know much about Mohammed Ali either. He is to grammar what Diane Abbott is to arithmetic.
Would that be “Which blue cheese is traditionally served with port? “Red Leicester” Lammy?
Lammy on Mastermind, very funny.
As Education Minister, not so funny.
Another dim white hater with a chip on each shoulder and very little between the chips.
What is an ingratiate? I thought she was at least literate.
I know I should know better, but Les Mis is one of my favourite musicals, so I’ve been watching the BBC dramatisation. In truth, I think it’s been done pretty well, other than the jarring portrayal of Javert as black.
Oh, and the Thernadiers having a coloured daughter. In fact, I do believe that M. Thernardier himself has acquired a tan. There was I thinking Mme Thernardier had been having an affair. Well, maybe she had, because Eponine remained as white as I would expect for that era. And what’s this I see? One of the nurses caring for Fantine is black.
Perhaps I’ve got it all wrong, and the level of immigration in 1830s France was significantly greater than I always imagined. And perhaps it doesn’t really matter. It’s just that once you notice these things being shoehorned in for PC reasons, it’s very difficult to look past them and not wonder what else you’re being spoon fed.
Not an expert but I would have thought it more likely that non-white immigration into France at that time would have been from the Maghreb countries whereas I suspect that the characters you refer to are sub-Saharan.
They usually are (Othello etc). The BBC (and MSM generally) doesn’t seem to regard people from N Africa as properly black.
Some one told me to watch the BBC serial “Mrs Wilson”. Within minutes of the beginning a kind black woman appeared at Mrs Wilson’s suburban front door with a pie. Feeling got at, I switched off. Don’t they realize they are making matters not better, but worse?
ITTB has a series of posts based on the latest BBC imminent retiree going rogue, with notes of Simpo and Mason and hints of Bowen, with overarching Sissonsesque aroma.
Of which this is one:
I have noted a dubious trend in media to circle wagons and hoist petticoats when their dubious activities are exposed, and calling on some form of industry omertà or citing unlikely threats to suppress any criticism. Just like most BBC FOI rejections.
And for the BBC to get precious about coverage of fact putting them in danger when they are daily stirring up any race or faith they can to push their agenda, is frankly bizarre. If inevitably unique.
Remember the story Ocean’s warming faster than we thought ?
The Mail published it even though Nic Lewis had already debunked it weeks before.
Now I see the Daily Mail has withdrawn it
“the Mail Online has withdrawn an article that claimed that global warming was warming the oceans faster than previously thought.”
This morning on Radio 4 was Down Your Way or On Your Farm programme . No matter the name , it was pointed out that Britian used to be self sufficient in food , but now it is only two thirds self sufficient . In effect it’s like we run out of food in August .
If we disregard the argument whether we need to be self sufficient or not , the Beeb never put the points that increasing the population through immigration and taking more land out of farming will make even less self sufficient .
Spot on Nibor! This is so true yet it is never discussed.
I think the PTTB have no intention of discussing it. Fertile green land is something to be built on so the country can have more immigrants and that Britain’s carrying capacity is infinite.
Perhaps they don’t even get that far? Maybe they think the most important thing in life is boosting the total Uk population to 39 billion.
Think I’m joking, then find out where they say “this will be enough”
There is no end point in their view. It will have to be forced on them and that can’t come too soon.
Living in a rural, and once rather idyllic part of the UK which has seen a constant trend towards becoming a far more urban, and less idyllic part of the UK over the last 3 decades, this is a topic which many of us locally have voiced (repeatedly), but which has been studiously ignored by the ‘great and good’ of the land.
The only contribution on the subject from the BBC was this wonderful bit of spin:
and this: .If the aim was to convince those of us ‘ignorant proles’ living in regions of creeping urbanisation that it wasn’t really happening, despite what all our senses told us, it failed miserably, but it seems to have convinced many of those living in the UK’s multiculti urban hellholes, who I guess don’t tend to get out to what’s left of the countryside much.
Ever feel you, and the inconvenient truths you know, are being brushed under the carpet by a London based ‘elite’ who would happily have you quietly shuttled off to some gas chamber if they thought they could get away with it?
I am a little puzzled. A week has passed and no reports of any migrant boats trying to cross the Channel. The sea state has been good and judging the recent past, you would have expected at least one attempt? Due to the ongoing shananigans with the Government and media (particularly the BBC) am I right to be suspicious that between them, something is going on to ensure that no more news gets out…. or am I now just paranoid?!
It could be a D notice has been slapped on the media? I wouldn’t put it past the disgusting May government to do that.
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not lying through their teeth.
I’m more of a reader than a poster on this site as I find others here to be much more capable of highlighting the bias. However, I did notice on Sunday’s 6:35pm BBC News a couple of minor examples. . . they just can’t help themselves.
An NHS story by Hugh Pym (I’m always pleased to see him; with his lanky frame and gormless fizzog he always reminds me of the American comedy actor Judge Reinhold) included the line that demand for services would increase “as the population ages.” Er yeah, I accompanied my mum to hospital just before Christmas with a fracture. Then, as ever, it wasn’t my impression that it was the aged increasing the demand for services. (Yes, OK, my mum’s an OAP)
Also we had the newsreader (Mishal Husain) telling us about the start of the movie awards season with the Golden Globes. The usual hashtag guff about more female/minority led movies with Mishal saying “hopefully” the trend will continue. You keep your hopes to yourself, mate and just read the news. My hope is that eventually Hollywood will stop producing its current rubbish (which has driven me away from the cinema) and go back to making even moderately entertaining movies like Beverly Hills Cop or Ruthless People. You know, starring Judge Reinhold?
“Pope urges end to migrant boat deadlock ”
Perhaps he will take the 49 to the Vatican? If it is big enough?
“If it is big enough” Taffman, really. Of course its big enough. There are no limits to how many Muslims anywhere can take. According to TPTB
I say let the next 49O,000 be taken in permanently by the Vatican City. The liberals need to demonstrate that it would work and be self sufficient in food. And if this a success it will be a shining example to all and the world, and I will have to eat humble pie, my hat, a horse (whatever). And everybody in Europe will crave more immigrants from every third world hell hole.
… years before the migrant crisis and the EU’s fight to spread arrivals across its members through compulsory quotas, it put out a study examining how refugee redistribution could work. It suggested Britain could handle a population of 184,038,648.
Click to access final_report_relocation_of_refugees_en.pdf
See Annex C, table 1-16
The Pope is a Racist hypocrite, he doesn’t even employ non-Catholic Christians in the Vatican. In fact the Vatican City State is like a Liberal Fascist Gated Community. It has a racist policy of not employing or allowing Muslims to become part of the Community. Making the Pope as Racist as those lot in Mecca.
Watching a DVD of the BBC’s 1970s seafaring drama ‘The Onedin Line’, I was amazed at its daringly negative portrayal of the Islamic Ottoman empire (at around 1870). It features an Arab slave-trader and an ultra-religious Turkish official who murders a secular modernist Turk. He also kills a concubine who appears to be an enslaved north European. I fear the BBC will make amends with an appalling remake that twists history to push all their PC obsessions: ‘The Omar Saladin Line’, perhaps?
Episode 1: ‘I’ll be home for Eid al-Fitr’
It’s 1870, and Omar’s ship is on a noble mission to free the Africans aboard a slaving ship chartered by the American racist Ebenezer Trump. Refusing to accept the north’s recent civil war victory, Trump has built a vast wall around his Alabama cotton plantation.
Exhausted by Ramadan fasting, Omar’s crew are suffering badly from the heat. Omar suddenly realises global warming has started, sparked off by England’s greedy, coal-burning capitalist imperialists and their industrial revolution. Omar vows his next voyage will carry the solar panels being pioneered by the scientifically advanced Ottomans.
First mate William Baines is a problem on this trip. Having discovered the gender-altering properties of Madagascan coconut milk, ‘Wilma’ now sports a 38b bosom which keeps getting caught in the rigging. (Played by Benedict Cumberbatch initially, he’s now Keira Knightly.) Omar is committed to running to a tolerant, equal opportunities schooner, but it was a nuisance to provide a transgender chamber pot.
Homeward-bound, Omar notes the sorry state of France, defeated in the Franco-Prussian war it launched in fear of the power of a rapidly uniting Germany. Paris, besieged during the war, is now (early 1871) in the power of the socialist revolutionary Paris Commune. Omar has a dream. One day, Europe (and Britain) will be peacefully united under one government! No one will ever want to leave it (except knuckle-dragging xenophobes). Never again will discontented Parisians in funny outfits riot in the streets!
Home in Britain, Omar re-homes Trump’s slaves, along with some Somali refugees he saved from English infidel pirates terrorising the coast of north-east Africa. These highly skilled families seeking a better life will be warmly welcomed by a diverse nation of immigrants who have always valued the vibrancy and talents of new arrivals.
Captain Omar is welcomed at Liverpool docks by his beloved wife Fatima, who passionately kisses him, through the burka she wears as a joyous assertion of her faith and culture (and not at all because she was sewn into it). The other two wives are home preparing the delicious feast of Eid-al-fitre, which follows Ramadan. The streets run scarlet with the blood of Halal-slaughtered sheep. It’s just another day in Victorian England – BBC-style.
Helena Hand-basket…I have fallen in love with your mind.
Absolutely brilliant.
Any chance of another episode?
Navets, I am very flattered, but I am afraid I have filled in my bingo card of BBC obsessions so I doubt whether I could think up another episode. However, Mr Hand-Basket and I are watching series 3 of ‘The Onedin Line’, so something new may occur to me.
No picture yet of Darren Pencille the man charged with the murder of Mr Pomeroy…..Seems to be plenty of references to a Mr Pencille on You tube if they are one and the same it shouldn’t be hard to find a picture. Meanwhile on the BBC “Look Mr Pomeroys family, here is a picture of your deceased father and husband”….but we can’t show you a picture of the “alleged” killer….why????
Yes it’s funny how all of the papers have described the killer as Black with a shaven/bald head and a beard..the BBC have said he is from Eltham or somewhere? if he had been right wing or the situation reversed we all know how his face would have been splashed
BBC London ‘news’ last night had a group campaigning to welcome all refugees as its lead story.
How on Earth is this balanced or news? It is just pure left wing propaganda. Would they ever lead with drooling footage of a group campaigning for what most people believe, that immigration is far too high?
Book of the week on radio 4 is all about refugee perspectives – all positive, obviously. Why not give the contributors to this site a slot giving our perspectives on open borders? That would be ‘hate speech’ though we merely speak the common sense of the decent majority. If any speech should be criminal it should be ‘total bullsh*t’ speech, because how overwhelming does the evidence have to be to show open borders have been a disaster? Plus ‘hate speech’ only leads to hurt feelings, whereas reckless virtue signalling has real world consequences. I wonder what the girlfriend of that bouncer stabbed to death on New Year by the son of a ‘refugee’ thinks about letting anyone in?
If the BBC love refugees so much why do none of them live in Hounslow?
Toady watch
The discredited ( biased) ‘fact checker ‘ Chris Morris – was asked to explain how Brexit can be stopped . This was class 1 bias ; Enthusiastically explaining the coming ‘ guerilla warfare’ to stop democracy through parliamentary tricks . There was no discussion about the offence to democracy this causes. The two beeboids just sounded like conspirators to stay in the Reich EU.
The awful Nicki Morgan and others aim to stop the Treasury finding support for Brexit . Shameful .
One of my favourite ( hated ) Guardian columnist s – Anne Perkins – reviews the drama about brexit on the state funded C4 tonight – Monday .
Perkins goes over the ignorance of brexit voters and tries to find the ‘cause ‘ of the brexit vote without realising it was people like her – those how diminished the views of the British people who do not like what the ReichEU has done to us with the complicity of the undemocratic parliament and fellow traitor journos .
Enjoy the ride – Ms Perkins ( no comments allowed on her column of course).
As Vic ably demonstrates, bbc editorial guidelines allow the use of ‘crash’ beyond Brexit.
Which is nice.
David Vance , the founder of this site ( thank you ) ,
Has emailed BBC news informing them that the leave petition has reached 303 000 and perhaps that is worthy of reporting – since they appear to like numbers demonstrating so much …
FedUp2, before Mr Vance, the site had somebody called Natalie who I always assumed was the one who set it up. Unlike the BBC I don’t care whether it was a woman who first created the blog but just if she still looks in, I don’t want her to think she is forgotten.
Thank you and I ask for forgiveness for any falsehood I may have made . Who ever started this blog – thank you .
I hope David Vance has also mentioned to our far, far left Marxist State Broadcaster that the two other parallel and converse Government Petitions have both stalled at, 323 (‘Avoid no deal Brexit’) and 107,089 (‘Stop Brexit’).
Can anyone remember when they started reporting on the anti Trump visit petition? Was it at 250,000? They were certainly mentioning it on every bulletin at the time.
Has it really come to this?
Truly grateful for your post -watched Prof Petersen until the end of the piece – that line
“If you can’t be funny – you can’t be free “
Hits the BBC nail on the head – why there is nothing funny there any more . And that comedians don’t go to university campuses any more .
The prof is a prophet shining in our darkness and show that there is hope for sanity in Blighty – maybe . ( i put this line in for maxi )
It started in 1986 with a Thatcher government, has been expanded on by successive law makers, and the only way it can have happened was that the ‘Man on the Clapham Omnibus’ must have been asleep.
I was one such person and have only recently woken up to the present reality and wondering how did we get to this place and what great minds were behind the writing of the various Acts.
Maybe it has just been a very bad example of good intentions leading to unintended consequences, Peterson believes that it will end, but not until we have paid a very high price for being so stupid.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
I find that Al Beeb offend me by not doing comedy.
Do the police need to be informed of the offence ?
The BBC – for the ‘many’; not the majority…
Should the UK raise or lower the voting age?
It is 50 years since Harold Wilson’s government lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. Many now want the age to go even lower. David Runciman, a professor of politics at Cambridge, recently called for it to be set at six, and while that is not a widely shared view, many politicians are campaigning to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote at general elections.
But, at the 1970 election, when 18-year-olds entered the polling booth for the first time, they were voting after having assumed lots of legal rights and responsibilities and were also very likely to be in work. Neither of these things is true today. Perhaps rather than talking about lowering the voting age, should we consider raising it back to 21?
James Till
Keep it vague, BBC. Easier to slip past. Maybe get Wrong Daily on to put the case for another Labour voting bloc fix after she quoted yer man’s movie on yer channel?
Love that ‘not a widely held view’ for ‘universally lampooned’.
But given the end para, maybe drop the ‘we’ and repost the headline?
This may be a related story.
Guest – what a dumb discussion when the real questions are swerved –
Voters must speak English ?
Prove their identity ?
Get locked up for fraudulent voting ?
Returning officers enforce the law ?
Prevent intimidation at polling stations ?
Vet the counting staff ?
That’s just for starters .
Q. Why isn’t there a paywall on The Guardian website ?
A because of columns called this ;
My lack of DIY skills is an embarrassment to lesbians everywhere – by
Arwa Mahdawi.
Admission – I didn’t read the piece – who would ? ( apart from ladies who play for the other side)
Toady Watch 2
My 3rd favourite remainer – Lord Patten – the former EU commissioner ( no bias there) – is interviewed on Toady by some remainer beeboid .
You can hear the desperation in Patten’s voice . He has no regard for the democratic vote . He wants A50 ‘ suspended ‘ ( which he know cannot be done ) .
But at least he didn’t attack people like me as ‘ extremists ‘ again .
Patten is on a Pension from the EU of €670 000 a year …..
Even leaving aside the question of democracy, it is clear to anyone with common sense and a modicum of intelligence that leaving on WTO terms will not be “catastrophic” for the country.
When you hear members of the HoC or HoL spouting this nonsense, or words to that effect, you know they have vested interests (bBC regulars) or are mere acolytes of limited ability (given an easy ride by the bBC et al.).
@Keir_Starmer’s latest pathetic effort is: ‘Managed no deal’ is a contradiction in terms.
Starmer update – yes, folks there will be “catastrophic consequences”. He lends his support but I note doesn’t actually sign the letter. Keir likes to keep HIS options open.
They are getting desperate, and still lying.
Up from force 11 to Hurricance 12. Hurricane Keir, in reality just a foul lefty fart.
The catastrophe, they are so keen to prevent, is the collapse of the EU.
The UK will be fine and will have £39 billion to assist other states to leave the EU. OK Keir?
That’ll be Jack Dromey married to Harriett Harperson who was involved with PIE in the 70’s I believe.
“He wants A50 ‘ suspended ‘ ( which he know cannot be done ) .”
See an excellent academic constitutional appraisal of just that:
Note under sub-heading, “Wightman and the EU’s approach” et seq.
My read on A50 was that it can either be activated or withdrawn – meaning the member state remains – a member . There is no ‘suspension ‘.
As for the meaning of A50 – the better approach would have been to examine the papers in the EU upon which the drafting was based for the meaning .
I hasten to add – I don’t think there was much consideration of how A50 should be managed because , according to the ReichEU , no country would even want to leave such a benificient organ . Until we did it.
Click to access GBLL-paper-30-Truths-Final-05.01.19.pdf
Why WTO offers a safer haven than the Backstop.
An excellent point about Fat Pang.
Obviously, he was heard with reverence as he explained how Brexit could be stopped, but strangely the interviewer never thought to ask him how massive his EU pension was.
Pang is a very sad creature. As the last British governor of Hong Kong, he seemed really concerned that the rights and liberties of the Hong Kong people should survive the Communist takeover. But democracy in Britain, and the votes of 17.4 million citizens do not seem to matter to him at all. At heart, he is as much of a corrupt dictator as any Chinese communist.
Exactly so, RiC, although I think it is better:
1. to leave the name calling to be done by the anti-Brexit Remoaners, and
2. Communism or let’s call it as it is – a rose by that name would smell as vile – Fascism.
The small minority of Remain voters who do not accept the result of our Free Democracy (let us call that as it is – a rose by any other name would smell as sweet) together with a likely majority of MPs and a significant numbers of Peers in that other place, wish to be Fascists and impose their will upon a majority of the UK population. I say “No, Sir, no!”
Cry “Freedom” and let’s slip the Bonds of the EU.
Cor, I’m now all Shakespeared out and need to go for a rest.
Utterly disgraceful headline on the beeb website. NBA star: I don’t feel safe in the UK. Seeing that you would think the UK is his problem but no, apparently he fears assassination from Turkish authorities as he speaks out against Erdogan. Totally misleading headline to get the beebs message across. Sickening.
I feel safe in the hideously White area of beautiful Yorkshire I live in. But with all those non indigenous Murderers, Rapists, Stabbers, Burglars, Acid attackers and Terrorists in that non-British multicultural paradise called Londonistan. Being White, I would not feel safe in England’s once great capital city.
With all those walls and internal borders, with security guards protecting Liberal Fascists in gated communities, as well as those posh Labour voters residing in walled off BBC property and all those so called Tories in Downing Street. Neither do the White hypocrites down south seem to feel safe in Sadiq Khan,s Caliphate.
Don’t be so smug. Parts of Yorkshire, and increasingly Durham, are anything but safe, and not all of London is dangerous. Far from it.
This is just one of several reports:
REVEALED: The most DANGEROUS places to live in England and Wales – how bad is YOUR area?
Comments like yours from the county that gave us Bradford, Rotherham and three of the London bombers, are laughable.
Anne – Are you sure you have hold of the right end of the stick?
You are forgetting that Yorkshire is bigger than Texas (or so I believe “Look North” and the Yorkshire papers tell us) so you can be in the county but a very long way from those hell-holes you mention.
Richard ,
I’m sure you are right . Failure to be aware of what is going on around you in London can have very bad consequences . Being in the wrong place at the wrong time – such as when the animals are coming out of school can be a real hazard .i wonder in the hour between 4 and 5pm will become known as the ‘stabbing hour ‘?
Obviously Londonistan population density increases and increased stress on public and private transport also adds to the mix . For the time being I live there – but being white British and English speaking makes me a minority .
The concrete blocks that once protected Britain
An article about concrete sound mirrors to detect German Zeppelins in the 1930s.
Just typical of the BBC to not even mention the modern day concrete Allah-Ak-Barriers we have today protecting Britain.
The completely irrelevant Vince Cable was on our screens earlier telling us that there that there is now a “GROUNDSWELL OF SUPPORT” for a second referendum !!! Yes, that right folks, you did hear right …” A GROUNDSWELL OF SUPPORT”.
Yet again, he was unchallenged on this and yet again, it shows just how out of touch people like Vince are with actual reality outside London.
Wonder if Vince has seen the Support No Deal Petition and the numbers of signatures, now over 303,000 …thats a GROUNDSWELL Vince actual figures not just a “feeling” plucked out of the London Bubble air.
On another note, i see via the interweb that the Yellow Vest protests in France are indeed still going strong, not that you would know this by watching the BBC as its hardly reported. I guess that as Macron is a snowflake president that the BBC adore …imagine the 24hr, wall to wall coverage on protests as big as this if it was against Trump …. Jon Sopel would be no doubt be under the influence of a 24hr per day hard on !!!!!!!
Right, rant over, off to order my Yellow Vest for April .
Now on LBC Call JRM
Jacob Rees Mogg is doing his phone in show
and talking about Peter Lilley’s favourable report about No Deal
“We’d be crashing IN to a great deal, saving £39bn for a start”
( I did say 10am , but no, JRM is on now with Nick Ferrari)
Then LBC’s Theo Leggett came on to give us a summary of what JRM had just said
FFS it was like an extreme remainer had come on.
“We had an admission from JRM for the first time, that Brexit will cost us more h said coffee shop wages would have to go up”
..Nope what JRM actually said is that we can pay societies poor in two ways : by paying them benefits or getting them jobs ..and that the coffee shop jobs are currently not done by Britons cos foreigners will work for less. Clamp the import of foreign basic workers and coffee shop wages will rise and Brits will do the jobs and come off benefits.
So then I check Theo’s tweets and see he’s doing a job for the BBC
Then he’s jut retweeted this about the Gilet Jaunes
\\ This hatred of journalists is increasingly worrying. I think @edwyplenel that “media criticism is legitimate and necessary.”
The hatred of journalism is something else: a form of hatred of democracy. ” //
JRM video is up
(Oops my mistake wrong Theo
Theo Leggott is the Beeboid Theo
Theo Usherwood is the LBC one against Jacob_Rees_Mogg )
I search on the LBC thread and find people just slinging bile at JRM
video is up
oops here’s the video
“…not done by Britons cos foreigners will work for less.”
Just noticed this morning, the female counterpart of the Lithuanian couple that live near me has a new car: a JAGUAR XE R-SPORT D 2015. This Jaguar replaced the top-end BMW.
Not bad for a so-called, “Carer” part-time and living on all the benefits.
Video from Fight4Brexit
“Look at the perks these get in Brussels/Strasbourg, no wonder they are dead set against leaving”
Shirts off to him.
As an aside, who other than an actor gives a performance?
banyak masalah dengan BBC
(many problems with the BBC)
Malaysian politics has the concept that Bumiputera (sons of the soil) should rule the country.
The BBC’s concept is that MetroLibputera should rule us helped by immigrants and that normal Bumiputera are all racists and should shut up.
(Unfortunately Malaysian politics is strange so that Bumiputera is used not to mean original tribes , but rather ethnic Malay, which is then used to mean Muslim, ie privilege goes to Muslims)
I have a friend in Malaysia, a Malaysian born and bred, Chinese (ethnicity), Christian, whom I’ve known since we were in halls of residence at Uni together. Anyway, his email this Christmas/New Year sounded thoroughly fed up and a little panicky, apparently the Muslim fundamentalists over there have been throwing their (considerable) weight around, demanding Sharia Law be applied to all races and religions, for example, and now he’s seriously concerned for his wife, kids, and elderly parents.
His family are apparently looking to emigrate back to China – which his grandparents fled in the Mao era, along with many others of the Chinese Malays, some of whom have lived there for centuries. My friend claims it’s going to be a mass exodus over the next few years and has already started… although, oddly enough nothing on the BBC?
I detect an opportunity.
The UK accepts 500,000 selected, vetted, Chinese people.
Malaysia accepts 5,000,000 unwanted, currently UK dwelling, Muslims.
Win win.
The Pencille Murder Case has now moved from suspicion as to why the MSM did not issue a description of the suspect for over 8 hours and now —a day after charge -there is no picture of him or his co defendant.
The “covering up for the sins of evil Islam “ habit it in the air ….
Could of course merely be a Jamaican/ Nigerian etc, or of that heritage? The are fond of knives, apparently.
Has the deranged Somali who knifed three people (including a policeman) in Manchester last week actually been named? I can’t seem to locate anywhere. Very odd. And what’s more he (or his brother) may have even been working at Manchester Airport!
I’ve mentioned before and reiterate now about an organisation previously loathed by the BBC but now is on the Toady , WATO , PM et al .
The Road Haulage Association ( RHA) .
Although this organisation isn’t as bad as its sister organisation , the Freight Transport Association (FTA) .
These organisations are run by professional administrators , not people who actually own and drive trucks . I’ve always thought that because they’ve lost their way , their main aim in life was to get money in in as many ways as possible , by membership dues , conferences and selling things with their logo on .
What the BBC haven’t asked them is how many BRITISH trucks now do international work !
I used to give my Dover Challenge to pro EU maniacs well before 2016 .
I’d give them £10 for every normal British registered truck coming off the ferry at Dover if they would give me £1 , just one pound , for every foreign registered truck .
I’d be quids in .
How should we refer to the BBC’s biased angle?
Obviously, it doesn’t broadcast from a right angle, and there are no such things as left angles, so may I suggest the BBC’s angle be defined as obtuse – and odiously, obnoxiously so!
Auntie-Angle or Anti-English Angle:
The BBC Angle were “Auntie” is used to describe the BBC and “Angle” used to describe the English.
I am deliberately reducing my bent (B) beyond(B) comprehension (C) input but couldn’t pass up a quick summary of the obvious.
Last night – a good BBC documentary on the Cross Rail (the one Khan says he didn’t know was late and overspent). It is clear 97% are white males working on it….so when the Queen comes who does the BBC bring to forefront and talk to – a young black female..completely unrepresentative of the workforce..How do they do it?
This morning R4. Jon Simpson talking about the storm in Thailand took it from one man saying he hadn’t seen a storm like this since the 1960s, through to ‘it must be climate change’ and Donald Trump denies climate change but this storm proves it…all it needed was a vegan slant.
Then we have Brexit – let’s promote our sister channel documentary – shite –
Then the Golden Globules – and how they loved the fact Green Book (racist whities film) won – US takings todate $35m foreign takings $160K.
and Glenn Close movie (man hating storyline) winner takings $8m US $8m foreign The BBC so happy and played clips of people knocking Trump.
In contrast Avengers – No awards – takings $600m US and $1.3Bn foreign. Which movie is better? Oh no it’s so popularist – only right wing watch successful movies obviously
And don’t get me onto Chris Mason on Brexit –
BBC you have done yourself proud and this is only in the first hour or so in the morning…I couldn’t wait for the 9.45 listen to a refugee story to start
Avoid the BBC like the plague. Indulge at your peril.
OG, but what is a good alternative, radio-wise?
James – Would that have been millionairess, Malala? You’ll be able to listen all week then, as she has come up with other ‘refugees’ -only women, of course, who will be telling us that they were ‘displaced’. If they follow the Malala example, and with the beeb to promote them, they too could well be making a million bucks+ outta the suckers. Us.
Not for nothing is there talk of a refugee ‘industry’. And the industry has -like all others- people who do rather well out of it…
Lets not forget the migrant who has fared better than the rest of us ever will in several lifetimes – she hit the jackpot and married into the Royal family.
(referred to frequently as an ‘experienced actress’, yes, well, in the early hours of the other morning, she appeared in a TV movie with other unknowns – and clearly would have remained a B lister had she not made the best career move in history)
J Arthur. Is it Chris Mason’s gurning that puts you off?
Now you mention it – that just adds to my general dislike of the man…he seems to be a lightweight who thinks he is a heavy weight and nobody wants to tell him
Apparently the boy shaves? His BBC Camera crew was filming the boy in his hotel suite this morn! (yes! it looked very 5 STAR)
So a black man murdered a white man on that Surrey train. Can we expect media hysteria and another Macpherson report? Surely we must assume a racist motive as it seemed so unprovoked? Can we expect the Police to be branded ‘institutionally cowardly’ for letting monsters like him roam the street armed?
Of course not. It will go straight down the memory hole.
The perpetrator was a big fan of the BBC’s favourite art form: grime music. The essential message it conveys is: “Extreme violence and criminality are really cool.” Can we expect moral outrage from bien pensant liberals at all the misery this culture causes (especially for young black men)? Of course not. Their website has space to report on the vital issue of Katie Price’s drink driving case though, and of course the de rigeur ‘Far Right’ story of a goalkeeper denying doing a Nazi salute.
Discussing cultural values of ‘minority cultures’ is off-limits so what hope is there? Having high standards (value education, obey law etc) is key but some think being a criminal and bunking off school is cool. No amount of minoriry heroes in BBC dramas will change anything as change must come at the individual level.
BB – I notice ‘Stormzy’ (didn’t she have something to do with Trump?) and Grime (which I had never heard of) were given an airing on ‘Profile’ for twenty minutes on R4 last night. What a hideous con the fella’s ‘music’ is. Trust the beeb to put a serious, straight face on that for twenty minutes.
Oh, and though one could see if there wasn’t some institutional racism there, don’t think we’ll see another McPherson report. It’s all a hypocritical one-way street.
His big album is called ‘Gang Signs and Prayer’ with one especially charming song about stamping on someone’s face. He is a violent criminal yet the BBC have their tongue up his backside.
I am so furious at how they have ruined Radio 4 by trying to attract ‘minority’ listeners by making it ‘diverse.’ It alienates their loyal listeners and I cannot imagine Stormzy’s gang are going to start listening to The Shipping Forecast any time soon. The perfect is the enemy of the good. They have ruined something very good indeed – the channel is a shadow of its former self.
Why does being a ‘minority’ mean you automatically revel in Beeboid victim crap? The Indian man who runs the shop up the road always had radio 4 on but he finds it too annoying now as well.
We will be waiting forever for the BBC to do a ‘White lives matter’ article or even a mention about “possible backlash in the community” for this crime.
From the comments, it is possible the BBC is not speaking for the nation. Again.
How strange. Given the headline you’d have thought an image of the accused would be the logical choice. I wonder why they went with the victim’s pic instead?
Oh, I see.
They could have argued “no pic was available at the time of writing”
but their tweet is way later that the first court sketches.
The next question is : Is the perp British ?
MSM say about celeb cases argues “Well of course we have to do lots of publicity, cos that helps previous victims of the same perp, come forward”
From the birth year this ID matches
DP Enterprises Security
“Sorry, the website cannot be found.”
“DP ENTERPRISES SECURITY SERVICES UK 24/7 365 DAYS A YEAR Bodyguarding & Close contact services provided also you can trust us with *your life*”
A Twitter account from Winston Goddard tweeted some pics this morning ..and now has been put in restricted mode.
This is a hate crime yes.?
Sure it wasn’t ..
Or this before she had her judges face cloth returned…
Beeb Bro, ” Can we expect the Police to be branded ‘institutionally cowardly’ for letting monsters like him roam the street armed?”
The Surrey Police appear to be exactly like their Sussex and Wiltshire Constabulary counterparts – institutionally dim.
The former: “We have no idea why this killing happened or what passed between the murderer and victim.” May I suggest that you interview some of the passengers?
Sussex Police: “We haven’t found any evidence of a drone or pilot at Gatwick Airport.” Why then did you arrest an innocent man who had an alibi together with his wife, instead of merely asking them some questions and running checks, and have now landed the poor taxpayer, no doubt, with a compensation bill for wrongful arrest?
The Skripal Affair was mentioned in end of year N&CA broadcasts by the BBC and I had to laugh when one contributor claimed that it had shown British Security Services (and the Police) at their best. I seem to recall that both were completely overwhelmed and had to have hundreds of Army personnel to help and even then they had no clue about what had happened until some weeks afterward when Sturgess and Rowley became ill. In the meantime, they had destroyed vital evidence.
Then, as a final embarrassing denouement, a tiny, eleven person?, group called Bellingcat came out with a full ID of the likely suspects.
As someone once said “Yer gotta laugh, ‘cos if yer don’t you’ll cry!”
A sorry tale for France. The UK is just behind this curve but will catch up soon.
I still cant fathom out where were all these suddenly-wise voters when that moron macron was elected?
D_C, problem for French Electorate was that the BBC were willing & able to interfere in their democratic procedures.
Now, where have I heard other complaints about that sort of thing?
Politics Live today. Permanant outrage and exasperation from Emily Thornberry that the tories can’t negotiate a brexit deal unlike Labour who respect the result of the referendum but would leave by keeping us in. Gawd help us all if these unbelievable collection of misfits along with Abbott, Corbyn etc ever get their foot in the door.
I listened to Emily. And some Labour Baroness (Carolyn Spelman -unelected) on Carolyn Quinn’s programme on R4 last night.
Of course, what they all want first is an election. So they can lay their grubby hands on power. There was even some bloke on the radio last night, trying to say an election would be cheaper and easier to stage than another referendum…
Spelman is a Conservative (or so she claims) and sits in the HoC so neither Labour nor a baroness; although she is a Dame.
“ever get their foot in the door”
They would be only baby sitting as the real owners of the building will be found overseeing their larger apartments in Strasburg!
P – Emily, that is a touch disrespectful.
Lady Hugee, if you please.
I am very lucky on my TV set up. Somehow I am able to get
the BBC’S Indian sub continent channel. Last night was an
example which is happening more and more. The channel
started at 10PM with a news presenter named Mishal Hussain.
I was surprised that the next programme was a regional
programme about London presented by Asad Ahmad. However
I was surprised to see FA Cup football after this. I didn;t know
that the sub continent was so into football. I expected to see
the presenter Manish Bhasin featuring cricket. I then went
to bed.Do any of you get this channel as well?
We get the Nigerian commercial channel here. I didn’t realise that they bought so many sofas.
200 parliamentarians have written to the PM to demand ‘no deal’ to come off the agenda. Here lies the problem. Parliament gave the decision to the people. They made it. Executive should implement. Parliament has nothing to do with it.
They shouldn’t even be writing letters. Makes their disdain for democracy more obvious.
\\’We lost nearly £10k to TV licence scammers’//
I wasted quite a bit of money with the TV Licence Authority. They rob the poor to give to the rich.
Pass me a packet of crisps Mr Lineker
Two petitions you wont see mentioned on Al Beeb ……………………..
The disingenuousness and cheating of second Vote campaigners
Here’s Chuka Umunna back in 2016, said no to the idea
Is the BBC an Irony-free zone?
“Brexit: Date for vote on Theresa May’s deal confirmed”
Check out the ‘highest rated HYS .
I’ll share if I can find it, but do add the link.
BBC search useless. Got it via DDG.
7. Posted by John on
5 hours ago
Vote UP if you want a clean Brexit, vote DOWN if you want May’s deal
7:1 – what the BBC would call ‘views being split’
It really is a sad state of affairs when MP’s have to send a begging letter to the State Broadcaster to ask them to be fair in their reporting.
It’s about time MPs stopped referring to the bBC as a ‘national treasure’.
They are a “national tragedy”.
National disgrace.
GW – “National disgrace.”
Is this an English test? Do I have to create sentences containing “national disgrace”?
The BBC, before being shut down for consistent anti British propaganda over a 50 year period, was a national disgrace.
800 former journalists were shot following their conviction for treason: all were employed by the former BBC, described as a national disgrace by the judge.
Bit soft on crime here aren’t you LCS ?
Gordon Brown obviously didn’t think the BBC was a national treasure otherwise he would have flogged it .
N – This is for those of a nervous disposition.
Watching sky news I had to turn over because the rabble shouting behind the person being interviewed outside Westminster was making it difficult to hear what was going on.
On switching over to bbbc news there is a wimmin being interviewed about the nhs and again, a shouting crowd made the interview difficult to understand.
Why do they have interviews where the background goings on are taking over. Not only the shouting but the eu flags and remainer placards.
If the background to these interviews was continuously having pro Brexit shouting going on I think it would have changed the interviews to other locations but as they are the same politics as the bbbc supports (and sky) they appear to be a welcome part of the game.
Friggin’ soubry on now.
I’ve switched over.
Emmanuel Goldstein
On Al Beeb there is always a numpty waving a blue Euro flag walking about in the background .
BBC sets up a scene for Norm to act as white knight to a ‘Tory’.
Thick twat X 2.
Tory Anna Soubry calls on police to “do their job” after being verbally threatened by protesters outside Parliament.
Quite correct she is not a Nazi, she is a Communist, which is worse.
I call on police to arrest self confessed traitors in the HoC.
Just when you think Nazis couldn’t get any lower Anna Foghorn Soubry joins them .
Lots of lovely follow up and extra camera angles.
Almost like it was planned.
Will it be what Anna would have wanted?
Hansard not yet available but this came up today in parliament as a Point of Order at approx 1645. The gist was that our ‘honourable’ and ‘right honourable’ members are sacrosanct and must not be insulted, all ‘yellow vests’ are implicated (Bercow) and the Met must deal with them, and all their ‘far right’ social media accounts should be shut down.
I perhaps exaggerate – but you get the idea.
It was ‘we uphold/respect the right to peaceful protest, but …’ (a bit like ‘we respect the referendum result, but …)
We must not abuse traitors.
It is a pity they’re not as concerned about real abuse.
The island
It may well be … some say … that the Palace of Westminster hasn’t seen people really upset by a sellout – if it comes . One was or another 2019 will be leaving a big mark .
As an aside – I can’t understand what further discussion the outgoing PM is having with the ReichEU – unless offering secret bribes to get the sellout watered down .
Everyone is waiting for the size of the vote against the sell out and whether comrade Corbyn succeeeds in his ‘vote of no confidence ‘ motion . If he wins A50 will have to be suspended / withdrawn in order for the election to take place in… March ?
That’s just one option – in my own opinion .
Let’s face it – people vote for their own benefit/belief … people voted for brexit knowing that this would lead to uncertainty – remainers wanted the world / ReichEU to carry on for what they want – the end of the Nation state and a supranational ReichEU . By not accepting the outcome of the vote they deserve all they get .
Soubry can’t take being called a nazi despite her disapproval of a democratic vote . When remainers use the ‘extremist ‘ tag it’s taken as read by the BBC – in fact I’ve heard Humphreys use it.
The set up is unravelling, but they are persisting.
I’d suggest its pathetic to think the BBC set this incident up so that Norman Smith could tweet about it.
I’m sure you’ve got evidence to substantiate that though……right?
I believe they were Remainers – rent a crowd – posing as Leavers! Leave voters would never be allowed the time of day let alone air-time by the BBC!
Who was it in the labour party who stated: by “hook or by crook” we must get this Brexit vote annulled?, or was it Blair/major/clegg/
We can see a bit of “crook” on BBC news today!
In order to set the stage for a Point of Order in the HoC today perhaps? (see above)
Interesting that he mentions a dead MP but not the policeman stabbed to death trying to protect the likes of Adonis …
Meanwhile, Norman is sticking doggedly to the script:
English Lass
How about this letter …………….
Dear Lord Hall,
Please ensure that the state broadcaster operates an impartial and fair service from now on, or we close you down.
Over to Ofcom, …………….your next !
“French Gilets Jaunes: Ex-boxer detained by police over assault”
Just look at the diminutive number of ‘yellow vests’ portrayed in the photograph they use . Giving the message that it was a small demo .
Addressing the court, Mr Pencille said: “Innocent until proven guilty,” adding: “I’m paranoid. I’m hearing voices.”
seems the mental illness get out of jail free card is going to be available to all non-whites
According to the NHS website:
‘Cannabis: the facts
Cannabis (also known as marijuana, weed, pot, dope or grass) is the most widely used illegal drug in the UK.
The effects of cannabis vary from person to person:
you may feel chilled out, relaxed and happy
some people get the giggles or become more talkative
hunger pangs (“the munchies”) are common
colours may look more intense and music may sound better
time may feel like it’s slowing down
Cannabis can have other effects too:
if you’re not used to it, you may feel faint or sick
it can make you sleepy and lethargic
it can affect your memory
it makes some people feel confused, anxious or paranoid, and some experience panic attacks and hallucinations – this is more common with stronger forms of cannabis like skunk or sinsemilla
it interferes with your ability to drive safely’
Let’s legalise it shall we?
Cannabis (also known as marijuana, weed, pot, dope or grass)
‘dope’ being the key name, as it makes people dopey and docile, hence govenments worldwide push to leagalise it,,
Kaiser ,
I quickly looked up his defence brief – who , it turns out , specialised in the ‘mental ‘ defence for the numerous stabbed to evade justice . So we know where this one is going ….. vibrant indeed.
Perhaps you could help me? I’m really fed up with entering this site only to find that for some seconds it, ‘flicks’ about numerous contributions before settling on a position which is likely not to be the one you selected. Same happens if I click on a link in a contribution then return. But then it is guaranteed not to return you to the contribution you came from. Same with posting a contribution. Infuriating to say the least: I just have to sit back, touch nothing and wait until it settles down and then find where I want to be. Any suggestions?
Yes, your web browser is loading the text first and then goes back and loads the pictures. It doesn’t know the size of the pictures before they are loaded so then the page starts to extend downwards by the height of each picture.
Ta. So, I take it that there’s nothing I can do to remedy?
It would help if the page settings were changed so that a new page only has 20 posts on instead of about 40
Stew – that sounds like something I can do something about – as it were . I’ll I’ve a little look…
I have the same problem. I’ll do a bit of research and get back to you soonest …
I have mentioned this before, it really screws up linking to posts on this site.
It has also been suggested that it is down to images loading yet it still happens on ‘young’ threads that have no images.
As local links used to work, (six months ago?), I think something has changed with the structure of this site which has altered over time. (One clear change is the ‘top of page’ arrow, bottom-right, which is ‘new’ and the even newer ‘pop out’ privacy terms on which it is overlayed.
Plenty of contrition on display?
I haven’t logged in for a bit so happy new year to all contributors. I was going to make a list of all the BBC programmes that i have stopped watching but the internet isn’t big enough. With reference to a previous comment I can confirm that rural Suffolk is being steadily concreted over to go with it’s spiralling crime rate. (Suffolk doesn’t really exist to the BBC, the ‘local’ news coming from the more ethnically diverse east Midlands). I might as well go back to London. Only joking! Not a millionaire like creepy Branson et al.
Pip on the Toodle then and keep up the good work
I have searched for advice on protests, found plenty.
All extreme left or anarchist.
Some useful information but I would prefer advice from “our” side.
All suggestions welcomed.
High visibility vests, what about sizes? Is small still small when worn over all other clothing?
Plenty of choice on Amazon.
Plenty of reviews from customers who have bought items very recently, things might get interesting.
I looked up yellow vests last night. I am surprised how cheap they are. It would be easy to buy them by the dozen. It looks like getting them personalised is quite cheap as well.
Personalised? O yes!
Shut down the BBC.
Pull The Plug on the BBC.
Shut your trap Jon Sopel
O what fun we could have. 😉
How do we remove/replace this personalisation?
I was considering 50mm Letter/Number stencils for versatility and using plywood or similar for DIY signs.
LP – Thank you.
Ebay, item number: 264029659971
Also essential kit.
This is the high visibility pro-Democracy clothing for Brexiteers, various sizes available.

Plenty of choice on eBay and Amazon. Guaranteed to upset pro-Establishment elitists, posh upper-class Labour voters, Members of the House of Lords, low IQ W1A types and all other progressively uneducated inferior people. Will upset Blue star clothed Remainers who want anti-Democratic European rule by authoritarian White European Men in Brussels. All because of the fear of what happened to Zaire in 1960, after it got independence from the white men in Brussels.
How are the memories of readers?
About three years ago, then PM Cameron asked the NHS CEO how much more money they needed. £8bn was the answer. OK said Cameron.
Only three years later, the NHS is in its latest (annual) crisis and another …. how muvh… £10 bn is now promised.
The bottomless pit of the NHS, the ultimate unreconstructed nationalised industry, will never be filled as there are just not enough money trees, but the BBC seems unprepared to ensure proper discussion. State equals good, private equals bad is the sum total of their mindset.
Since then Romania and Bulgaria have come into the EU and translators have gone up in price .
Didn’t even bother listening – the NHS gets no advantage from becoming efficient . After training why would a medic stay in the NHS if there is better pay and conditions elsewhere ? Or work for an agency without ongoing responsibility ?
I was visiting a hospital ward last week and listened to the staff – they did not know each other – there were doing ‘one off ‘ work . So why be interested in the patient when you’ll never care for them again . ?
Do the minimum , cover your backside and take the NHS money ….
A Government Petition? Create legislation – those NHS contract workers if exceeding x number of day per annum will be deemed to be employees of the NHS and revert to the level of NHS pay. Or something on those lines.
Brexit 100% effort.
Fix the NHS etc when we are out of the EU, and I mean really out, not the May non-Brexit.
Bit of private work then ….