The Far Left BBC continues Project Fear in the run up to exiting the EU. The Westminster Bubble will be in full panic mode as we edge nearer to 29 March . In the mean time the BBC continues to very selectively report events according to its political stance as opposed to its duty to inform the people who pay for it.
Start the Year Open Thread 7th January 2019
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Popped over to the twitter feed to find out what Newsnight had up.
Oddly, not as much as usual of Emily spitting partisan bile.
Maybe they have a glimmer of awareness of what they started and where they are headed.
I think it’s great – the consequence of a biased aggressive media – really upsetting people – as we see every day on this site .
I also think it’s great because it warns politicians of how things could go if they sell us out as well as distracting from the fundamental need to run the clock down so that our vote is honoured by default .
And if remainer MPs choose to frustrate sensible arrangements for our exit then so be it . They can take the blame …
Don’t know about great, but a lot of reaping what has been sown going on.
Now waiting for the MSM to start bleating about how mentioning their role in creating this cluster FUBAR is putting them in danger, and should not be allowed.
Cue Jamie Angus…
Kay trying to garner some sympathy.
If the Remainers think that this bad what will they think when they have overturned the democratic referendum result and the reaction occurs. If you ride roughshod over democracy you have to expect that some people will get upset.
Awe poor dear Anna Sourface was taunted with a “Nazi” slur.
Haven’t millions of us?
Meanwhile something serious………
That’s a sad event we won’t see on british State TV . Hence the growing sense of outrage over 2 or 3 years of MSM bias and lies . The cliff edge indeed .. for them and politicians I think.
Magnitz is a Bremen man, an area traditionally hostile to the AfD.
The German ‘mainstream’ political parties and media have been conducting low-intensity warfare against the AfD ever since it got into national and regional parliaments, so the situation is different from the UK, and has similarities to that of Trump, also under constant attack.
It is worth mentioning that The Greens, the SPD and ‘Die Linke’ – the Left have been openly supportive of Antifa, a violent mob in Germany, to date enthusiastic about destroying property and intimidation.
SPD’s Ralf Stegner recently called for an attack on the AfD, leaving open what was meant by that term. Presumably the bigwigs felt offended by the recent hacking of their details, ‘assumed’ the right was responsible and decided it was time to bring back methods from the thirties.
Ignazio Silone, Italian writer on Fascism said, that when it returned, Fascism would claim to be ‘antifascism’. Interesting observation.
The Beeb website article uses a cropped photo, so you do not see the very serious head wound so they can say he was just “badly hurt”.
Of course he is labelled “far-right” in the article as was Salvini on the World Service news last night.
No @ED the BBC cropping there is OK
cos it tastefully tones down the immediate horror, but owns up
“edited picture” “He had a big gash on his forehead and severe bruising around his right eye.”
We – BBC – don’t want our delicate viewers upset by dramatic images so we decided to crop this guy – if only!:
Soubry started it
caller just said ‘first on a previous occasion Anna Soubry had said of the Yellow Shirts leader James Goddard “he’s a Nazi and the kind of man, who beats his wife”
Secondly today Goddard was trying to get her to answer his question as to why she had labelled him with the smears’
nR Humbs just had a weird Vox pop
#1 I don’t watch TV news anymore
#2 I don’t watch TV news anymore
… but I don’t think anyone should call anyone a Nazi cos it devalues the word ..Soubry uses it she calls people Nazis and Islamophobes
#3 Mumble …(clearly not a native English speaker)
Bbc eco nut explains to Graun eco nut the tricky balance the bbc walks between using data to support bbc ideological advocacy, or not.
It also means profits being exported to Japan and Germany and America
A lot less of Harrabin and monbiot would be a good thing too..
Guest Who, Fedup2
Why don’t these so called reporters just report? Why do they have to decide whether it is good news or bad news, perhaps we could do that ourselves.
I’m so excited, I’ve just seen some of the old films the BBC will be showing this year. Naturally, they have all been retitled to comply with current BBC guidelines…
R4 ran a ‘very balanced’ sounding thing this am, called ‘The long view’, going back to 1902-10, to show how the Conservative party was tearing itself apart, even then. How all the dynamics were the same as now. How now even Labour is torn.
Conclusion when you peel away all the bumpf: a General Election had to be held.
Subtle like a sledgehammer.
Jonathan Freedland Guardian columnist lefty remainer – well at home in the state broadcaster –
It used to be interesting – now it’s just more propaganda
Freedland and Cohen seem to contribute very little these days.
Being Jewish, maybe being side lined by the Communists current favourites.
LP – Google or the EU, which to trust?
After some thought, my position is unchanged. I trust neither.
Logically, this should end his career.
Luckily for him, logic is so last media cycle.
I have to force myself to watch him! And his voice! Sheesh! And going off his own voice/body language he can’t stand himself as well!
Grapes, sour, face.
Can’t stand the guy!
Game, set and match to D.B.
Blackwell, what you think may work within W1A. Just my opinion. However in the real world, there is nothing quite like substantiated evidence.
I presume you’ve given up on trying to make the world a better place then. If only you could re-find your ‘common purpose’.
And that’s a No then with the evidence. Thought as much.
Keep up the good work.
Oo, I too have a stalker. A presumptive one.
I am of course not as well resourced as the bbc, so my evidence is sources who say, and if you persist I will claim exemption and then seek to get you banned. Let’s call it ‘interpreting events’.
Meanwhile, on a platform under the glare of lights and cameras, the media await something to happen with eager anticipation.
If it suits they will go mental.
If it does not suit they will go dark.
Shame about the internet down in the inky darkness of that well.
Ah yes, the BBC employ me to trawl through your comments because you’re such a threat to them.
I guess you can add delusions of grandeur to the conspiracy theories.
Interesting interpretation to commit to, Blackwell, as I did but infer motivation by way of opinion. So protesting too coyly can be telling. As well as guessing, which is a short route to editorial ‘analysis’ glory at the the BBC. You are keen on demanding evidence of what is happening within the BBC but most, like me, cannot know, so we might allege. Allegedly. Proving negatives is a route to madness, but for you a boat long sailed.
EU-phemisms are all the rage.
“Ask a BBC member of staff however about an agenda and the reaction is predictable enough: ‘conspiracy theory’ is invariably the rebuttal of choice.”
S’ok; I won’t ask 🙂
The greatest threat to the BBC is the BBC’s staff and the output they generate. I can and do offer opinion but mostly allow the BBC to speak for itself, which is what gets folk banned if failing to allow CECUO to dodge this. Speaking of which, I notice you have not gone near what DB shared and I cited above. Compelling evidence indeed. Didn’t suit?
I doubt I register a blip on their radar, true. Or any other single person here. However, collectively there is something that suggests concerns on what is brought to the attention of the masses are resurfacing, and that is when such as you reappear, with presumptions, guesses… and not much else.
My thoughts are with you at this difficult time… GW.
GW – Who is this Blackwell?
I do not remember being favoured with his wit and wisdom before.
LCS – No idea. But they seem to feel they know a lot about me.
Vaguely recall some exchanges a while back. Again, nothing to do with BBC bias and a lot to do with trying to defend the BBC no matter what. Very loyal.
If Scotty, the refresher course he went to with Maxi was money well wasted. The calibre of snark is well below par.
At least he’s sensible enough to write.
He has 2 likes, one his own and the other his husband.
Do we have a resurrected Scotty?
Perhaps he would like to advertise this petition?
Why doesn’t Anna Foghorn Soubry just ” suck it up ” ?
I’ve just watched the Kay Burley Sky News interview with Anna Soubry and she clearly calls the the protesters fascists and racists that were released by Brexit at 2 mins 53 secs into the video.
So it’s ok for an MP to label British voters as fascists and racists but not vice versa it would appear.
Think she’s referring to the people shouting abuse at her, not Leave voters.
Presumably the racists she’s referring to are the ones who shouted racist abuse at Faisal Islam.
So Soubry sees only two alternatives: another Referendum and Theresa’s ‘deal’.
What happened to ‘no deal’ -which is the real definition of ‘leave’?
She’s conveniently forgotten about that.
Another anti-Democrat.
Has that mentally affected thug – Alistair Campbell turned up yet to howl at brexiters again?
Who’s New Year message is this? No cheating, and no prizes.
Let’s hope 2019 is a year where long established values of internationalism, cooperation and collaboration overcome populism across Europe and the World.
Fuck internationalism.
Bring on the populism.
Blimey, the Beeb are loving this Anna Soubry story, aren’t they?
It’s getting far more coverage than the poor bloke who was stabbed to death on a train.
We’ve had the usual talking heads telling us that MPs, journalists and women in particular, are being intimidated and bullied by these “far right” louts. I guess we know they’re far right because most of them are white, they’re pro Brexit and they seem to be working class. Riff raff!
Look, don’t misunderstand me, everyone should have the right to go to work without being harassed…even Anna Soubry. But in the piece I’ve seen on the BBC…at least fifteen times!…Anna doesn’t look unduly distressed.
She’s smiling and chatting.
We’ve even had people comparing yesterday’s kerfuffle with the murder of Jo Cox, FFS.
You know, I don’t recall his sort of hysteria following the assault on Jacob Rees Mogg’s home a few months ago.
And when Nigel and his family were chased out of a pub by a far left mob I remember the interviewer asking him “What do you think it is about you that makes people behave like this?”
Same could be asked of Anna…
I don’t expect to hear much about the leader of the AfD in Bremen being badly beaten by three masked men either, but he doesn’t count anyway what with his wrong outlook.
Back in the UK our MPs really do seem to inhabit a parallel universe where all their rabble-rousing gin-laden speeches, duplicity, dishonesty and downright inhumanity have nothing to do with the reactions they are being faced with. And that they have directly caused.
It’s as though they sincerely believe that all their attempts to flout the will of the public, all their pathetic slavish toeing the EU line, all their delays and filibustering and civil service complicity, working towards the standard EU response to any referendum that achieves the wrong result, by forcing through another, is being so cleverly and adroitly managed that we won’t catch on until it’s too late.
The same mind-set allows them to disregard the civil unrest that is rife throughout Europe, to steadfastly believe that the EU is the answer and not the problem, that it will all come right – or left, of course – in the end. I don’t think they have the vaguest concept of what the end they are so busily working towards will actually look like.
Spot on Beltane. The elites across the West are fighting a dirty war against their own people and the complicit MSM is their main weapon.
The BBC Elites are so consumed with anti-Semitic ideas that at times they completely forget to condemn pro-Islamic ideas/stories.
Piece by David Sedgwick, about his book, on Going Postal:
The civil service knew that there would be discontent in the unwashed classes by having thirdworlders and the toilet end of Europe descending on the land so the easy touch .
So the BBC was told to go easy .
Hence we land up where we are .
Is there clear written evidence of my assertion ?
No . But just look and see – as the excellent article does .
I contend that the senior civil servants up to WW1 would have been very pro Empire and Commonwealth , because they would have learned Latin before any other foreign language , and the Empire would had given them great opportunities for advancement .
Europe was more a dead end street .
Then as Britians empire declined , the post war mandarins looked to Euope as their way to stomp about on the worlds stage .
Then the Gramscian educated bureaucrats came to the fore , with opportunities to visit exciting Europe where it’s all happening . Sod the British ordinary Joe .
Same as with the politicians and where they served in WW2 . Heath was on the continent , Powell in the Far East .
The contrary interpretation is that the BBC became infested with the multicultural left at all levels and no politician who wants to have a career will take them on .
That would explain why very few give it to them in the way they deserve . It took an academic ( prof petersen ) to roast a C4 journo
Such an incident becomes an event because it is so rare . I don’t watch newsnight because mateless is on it but I’d love see her get the roasting she and her type ( whatever gender ) deserve .
Maybe the next few weeks will bring that .
In the meantime due you notice that there is now only one clear month left before we get out. ?
FE2 – I dont know about career minded politicians afraid to take the BBC on – I think what you have in reality is a symbiotic relationship between the senior/most influential members of the Conservative party (the majority of whom are globalists) and the BBC which prepares the debating ground for them (BBC snakes currently working on making the idea of a 2nd referendum acceptable).
I think the 2nd referendum idea is the globalist progressive last hurdle, if they fail to foist on us BRINO or extend Article 50.
I am in no doubt the Labour party is no different. The old politics are dead and only parties like UKIP, who are not part of the MSM Fashionable set give us any real choice.
Old Goat
I have recently purchased a copy of this book and I’m looking forward to, at the very least, having my own long held suspicions about the BBC confirmed. Mostly though I’m hoping to find fully substantiated facts and not just idle speculation and guesswork. I shall begin the adventure very soon.
A gentleman by the name of Henry, calling into Mike Graham’s show on Talk Radio, has just made a very good point.
He did not condone the way that Anna Soubry has been treated. However, what he did say was that, before taking a seat in parliament, it ought to be compulsory for politicians to spend a week or so in deprived run down areas and witness the intimidation that people face on a daily basis from the criminals etc that are placed in those areas. My interpretation was that he was implying that the politicians are protected and not subjected to this as most people are and that they do nothing to change things for ordinary folk.
Social engineering masquerading as science from the Guardian: “Brain scans show social exclusion creates jihadists, say researchers.” On hand is Nafees Hamid (Social Psychologist of terrorism/radicalization) to back up their wholly inaccurate and intentionally misleading headline.
Subjects underwent brain scans for “their willingness to fight and die for in-group sacred values before and after […] a toss ball game known to yield strong feelings of social exclusion.” Conclusion: “sacralization of values interacts with willingness to engage in extreme behavior in populations vulnerable to radicalization […] social exclusion may be a relevant factor motivating violent extremism and consolidation of sacred values. If so, counteracting social exclusion and sacralization of values should figure into policies to prevent radicalization.”
And here’s another spanner in the works — the sample group were all Sunni Muslim men. What would be interesting is a follow up study with a sample group of non-Muslims. Let’s see some research with a group containing only Buddhists or Christians or Jews or Jains or Hindus. Of course it won’t be so easy to find 535 men to “fight and die for in-group sacred values”. They might also discover in pre-screening that other ethnic/religious groups somehow manage to uphold such values without driving vans into people, blowing them up and cutting their heads off in the streets.
That should tell the designers of the study something rather important. But in the meantime we have this dodgy paper, pushed by the Guardian, with the inevitable call for policy intervention and more cuddles in the community.
Good call..Just another useless piece of research to be misquoted in the support of a narrative…I despair
Rather an interesting point I’ve noticed on Politics Live. Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham, is now a voice for reason and a rare Labourite willing to confront Pakistani rape gangs. She also makes sensible points about politicians being allowed to speak without being harassed and bullied. It wasn’t always thus.
I remember when Nigel Farage visited her constituency and got caught up in a violent situation with the very hard left (UAF, Momentum, Rentayob,etc) and had to decamp, for his own safety, to the UKIP building. That afternoon Champion was on TV saying that “The people have spoken. We don’t want the likes of UKIP here.” Hmmm…
What changed your mind, Sarah?
Kicking the sh1t out of her then husband and getting a police caution maybe.
Excellent observation Jeff.
Kay Burley up in arms about violence. Funny that she forgot about this. Pictured her attacking Kirsty Widdlesworth.
Blue chips and sterling shrug off Brexit vote worries
Click to access FAQs-broadcasting-in-UK-after-UK-leaves-EU.pdf
If anyone is in the mood for some indigestible reading over lunch.
How absolutely predictable our MSM are.
For years we have been vilified, attacked, called far worse than anything the lefties have been called and things like holding a bloodied decapitated head (Trump) up and sharing it all over the media.
Now that one of theirs (a remainer) has had some hurty words chanted in the background the whole of the media had made this nationwide front page news.
JRM, Trump, Tommy, Farage, Batten, not a squeak from the media.
One of theirs (any remainer). Front page news.
And now, that Dick getting involved because it’s a remainer.
Tell JRM’s children they don’t matter, they don’t count.
The attitude of the MSM and “activists” can be seen with Maxine Waters. The hypocrisy in not calling this out at the time is mind boggling. Seems to me the harassment of Anna Soubry is simply using the same blueprint. As Lance Corporal Jones used to say “They don’t like it up ’em!”
Maxine waters: “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere”
Vine is giving a platform to Ruth & Mel 2 convicted people of the Stansted 15 convicted for cutting airport fences, locking themselves to deportation flight headed for Nigeria.
Uni of Buckingham prof Anthony Glees is saying the conviction was right cos it disturbed lots of peoples flights.
and an example has to be set.
“You used fear to get government to change their policy .. that is terrorism … it’s not peaceful if you cut fences”
10 of the 50 immigrants have had their deportation orders rescindered.
Tweets in reply : One supports them, 15 say they should be in jail
Now Vine has Ed Milliband is on saying how him and his mates have a consensus on housing polict.
housing policy
Admire your 24/7 efforts.
When one of these “immigrants” who hate us murders someone, I bet it is our fault.
Feartwas 😉
Anti-Brexit scare-stories issued by the remain media on behalf of project fear.
TWATO at 1.25 today and Lady Shouty Montague interviewing a woman on benefits who moved with her husband from their Midlands rented accommodation when the landlord sold up. The dopey cow says they couldn’t find alternative accommodation they could afford so they moved to NorthDevon, FFS, where they spend £700 of their (mainly benefit) £1100 pm income on rent. What’s wrong with ‘ull or Lancashire where rents would undoubtedly be cheaper?
Really Peter!
“The dopey cow….” How can you say that about Lady Brooke (aka Sarah Montague)?
I heard that and thought the same…how does the BBC find these people? They can rent properties in relatively ok parts of Manchester/Bolton for less than that. Me thinks the N Devon was a choice…not a necessity
it as all starting to get nasty. Which was predictable. What with the yellow jackets in France and the trouble in Germany and the worsening situation here re Brexit.
These things happen when enough people who are habitually ignored see that the political/media class is in a state of panic and out to reassert it’s God given right to rule.
Brexit is a pivot point. There are enough politically engaged people now who simply will not accept that their vote to leave can be ignored or set aside. The vote was given too them by the Commons and the Commons agreed to carry out the verdict. That was clear. Leave and no deal was ever involved in this.
Ever since the entire political/,media class has tried to undermine this simple fact. For the peace and good order of the realm they need to back off now and carry out our wishes. No ifs or buts but just do it. The English in particular are funny like that. Straight talking and straight dealing is our way and however humble we are we know how things should be said and done . All sovereignty resides with us and our so called betters need to cut the crap and remember that we are the country and we will have our way come what may .This transcends party politics and there is now common cause with the left and right on this. AS for the BBC it is nothing. It never was and has chosen it’s side.
Never was an Oliver Cromwell or King Alfred more needed in this land .
Yes Dave, the signs are the beginnings of things getting really nasty. I think most of the public are well past disinchantment with the political class and the ‘swamp’. If not already there, we will reach the point shortly when some incident, no matter how small, will ignite and then we shall see where the police and armed services stand. We are potentially in coup territory now.
Anna Soubry is such a hypocrite. Kettle…pot….black springs to mind. ‘They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.’ Hopefully, for her and her kind, it won’t be long in coming.
If they criminalize calling people Nazi’s then Tommy Robinson should play a role in putting hundreds into jail.
R4 it’s pathetic – interviewing the police chief and pushing them on whether calling somebody is a Nazi is an offence. Like many on this site I have seen Brexiteers abused and not a whisper from BBC..Hypocrites. It is this sort of one sided story telling with which the BBC is digging its own grave…
And as for the bit on anti-Semitism. Dame Margaret Hodge ..she is just allowed to say what she all means talk about the Labour party but do not say there is a rising fear amongst Jews in the whole country and we are now worse than European countries when the latest reports say the opposite. Put it in context 60% of the 300,000 UK Jews live in London..why are they scared? It ain’t because of Christians. Another elephant in the room
No challenge just more ‘ look at me I am a victim’..
I wonder what the case law is on the term ‘ nazi’? Is it about to be designated as ‘illegal ‘ because MPs got upset ?
Maybe soubry should step into TRs shoes for a bit to see what hate from Muslims , lefties and The State feels like .
I don’t listen to the radio that much, apart from in the car, and then it spews out the usual anti-Brexit diatribe – or women’s issues, or the joy of Islam, or gender etc. I know Orwell is a favourite on this site, so here is a reference he made about the radio, ergo the BBC. (Apologies if it has been used before.)
‘…..few people are able to imagine the radio being used for the dissemination of anything except tripe.’
Perhaps those who have been on the receiving end of Sourby et al’s criticisms, if filmed, should get in touch with Mrs Dick in the Met. They would now have a sympathetic ear to suggestions of Hate Speech.
What did Foghorn Soubry say about Nigel Farage ?
So disgusting I can’t print it here .
She has one advantage over the general public and political opponents ;
She’s got two faces .
No Nibor she has two advantages not one. She is a member of the Remainer Elite Globalist and is therefore untouchable and the rules that apply to the likes of us do not apply to her. At least that is the case at present but things are on the move and the despised REGs could could soon be in deep trouble.
And both look like a smacked arse.
Nibor – if it’s true – please record it here .
With a bit of luck the Politicians in the Palace of Westminster will adopt an even thicker bunker mentality that they already have because of the soubry nonsense
It’s a taste of what could come if A50 is withdrawn or the sell out is accepted and we are sold out .
Naturally the BBC will never have anyone broadcast
What I say and will stick to the ‘ isnt I terrible ‘ nonsense .
I think back to the constant hatred Lady Thatcher received – and still does even after death .
The snow flake police chief will have a few shouters arrested on BBC cameras and this will be followed up by a Daily Mail expose of the people and their families as a deterrent . Meanwhile in France ….
That would be the pussy muncher who never did a shift in the danger zone.
Drive on chauffeur immediately, before an officer is murdered doing HIS duty.
2019-01-07 Guardian France.
About French protests.
Quoting the French Prime Minister.
” . . no consessions to those who threaten French institutions, including the president [Micron], and who seek to “invalidate the results of elections”.
Well I am with the French president, those who seek to invalidate the results of elections should be executed for treason. Starting with British MPs and Civil servants.
Execution may be a wee bit harsh. However, the facts are these:
The people gave the Executive an instruction, in an exercise of direct democracy. The then PM gave a promise of speedy implementation. Parliament committed a coup d’état by claiming that, as representatives, they should take back the decision. That certainly has the smell of treason. Going on trial and lengthy jail terms, perhaps?
As for civil servants, they shouldn’t feature in cabinet-level decision making. They certainly shouldn’t be negotiating on critical issues, other than in an advisory capacity. Whoever ‘delegated’ that undelegatable role is guilty of gross dereliction of duty and should resign forthwith.
I regret to say that I hold HM partially responsible for this state of affairs. For, when you ask: does no one know what’s going on or are they all pretending not to, she should have known it was time to step in. She would have had the support of the people. The army too, I hope. The police, I’m not so sure of, at senior levels…
Alex Salmond found not guilty of sexy times . Shock Horror the Scots government put a tarnished investigator in charge this contaminating the investigation .
I’m sure none of mr salmons comrades in the SNP never planned that one .
With a bit of luck there’ll be a fresh investigation which will continue to shut Salmon up for a good few months leaving the crankie to blub when Scotland leaves the ReichEU .
3:52pm Making History is one of the most SJW progs of Radio4, sounding like a Labour student union
… they went from an item about Britain’s ancient forest and wanted to talk about the Rebecca Riots
but instead of just doing that, they indulged with a one minute of framing where they said “Britain a nation of protest” and then played a load of clips of road protesters like Swampy etc. until “now the Rebecca Riots of 1840”
4pm prog was
SG – Reminded me of this.
On being asked if he had ever conducted any Stockhausen, Beecham replied, “No, but I once trod in some”.
I heard the intro. Immediate off-switch. I would be prepared to listen to the music of forgotten composers because someone thought their music had merit. I am not prepared to listen to the music of forgotten composers the beeb thinks should be ‘unforgotten’ because they tick two of their favourite boxes.
Also, this is discrimination against forgotten composers who do not tick said boxes. As ever with beeb, merit as a criterion has gone down the pan.
Trump downgrades the EU from ‘Member State’ to ‘International Organisation’.
The EU has been getting a taste of its own medicine in Washington DC, with EU diplomats being frozen out of swanky gatherings after Donald Trump downgraded the EU delegation’s diplomatic status from “member state” to “international organisation”. The EU’s fantasies of being a superstate brought crashing back down to reality…
Perhaps the BBC can be downgraded from ‘World’s Best Broadcaster’ to that of a ‘Regional Biased Nuisance’?
Great news.
Any bad news for the EU is good news for Europe.
Thank you Saint Donald.
Mr president, I learn that the USA has acquired a female dancing dimwit who masquerades as a politician with brains.
The UK currently has one of these to spare, available free under “the special relationship”.
Please let us know if you are interested.
You’re all going to die!
PROJECT FEAR Ministers will have access to emergency cash to prevent ‘loss of human life’ under a No Deal Brexit
What’s left to scare us with?
The island
I think I might die of popcorn overdose if this gets more entertaining … Soubry really is a ‘star’ playing the victim card for all its worth…
My recent prediction that the ReichEU is going to take all our air away after we leave is going to come true . I’d still rather die free of those gangsters than be subject to their musings and corruption .
Dover – another bit of good news..
I watched the C4 brexit fiction . It wasn’t the remain propaganda I thought it would be . It got 2 stars out of 5 from the Guardian so it must have been okay .
I won’t reveal the end in case anyone doesn’t know the outcome – which involves 17 million voters ….
But I think that the senior command of C4 must have been so alarmed by the ‘fairness ‘ of the programme that they had to spoil it by putting up words right at the end implying that the referendum was illegally ‘bought’ and that targeting voters made a difference .
Clearly the authodox extreme remainers at their nasty anti democratic work .
It was sad that Arron Banks and Nigel Farage we’re portrayed as ‘yobs’ when they are the opposite . Also that the lies of project fear from so many – Obama, celebrities , the bbc – were glossed over . But to be expected .
By coincidence, I’m now watching it on catch-up. Seems interesting so far.
The elite are certainly becoming scared and now realise that there is resistance out there.
Have to go….pop-corn delivery is at the door!
Fed, “It got 2 stars out of 5 from the Guardian so it must have been okay.”
That cheered me up.
R4. News Finally they get Jo Cox into the Anna Sourberry facade.
Prior to this a whole section on the far right…Funny nothing about the Left shouty people.
These poor MPs ..being called names….is it abuse if it’s true?
Bloody hell now an MP who succeeded Jo Cox saying it’s wrong to shout at female, minority and gay MPs…so White straight men are fair game..
.and now she said this is led by a small group who want to destabilise the process and they are led by far right rhetoric….Funny I thought it was a whole bunch of Remainers who want to destabilise the process..are they far right?
This is a joke….and the BBC are trying to imply it’s all Brexiteers…
Raheem FREE podcast today only
Thanks Stew,
Great Podcast…
I just looked up a definition (others may disagree)
Nazism is a form of fascism and showed that ideology’s disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system,
Well I would say that all MPs who are fighting against Brexit fit this category.. so the protesters were just being honest..
Stop the press
Heathrow airport drone blamed on nazi brexiters sez BBC ????
Soubry must be on the westbound Piccadilly line by now in order to blame Nigel Farage .
JA, yes, that can be justified in Court. Any claim by a Remainer MP that it was a so-called ‘hate crime’ to be described as a Fascist (or Communist – effectively the same thing), instantly fails when the Defence lawyer asks the Plaintiff MP “Do you wish to overturn the result of the Referendum?”.
They cannot answer “No.” without perjuring themselves if they are on record as previously stating the opposite.
JA Seconded. Thanks SG. Well worth a listen.
‘Strategic risk assessment’…. inspired by?
I wonder how our ’honourables’ are going to phrase any new law making it illegal to heckle remainers.
Leavers have been getting this treatment for years but we haven’t made a fuss about it and the MSM went happily along with it.
Now that a leaver has said something to upset a remainer all hell’s broke loose, the MSM is having a collective attack of the vapours and we seem to be on the brink of a national emergency and the end of life as we know it.
Same as with that lot outside Parliament. It was fine when it was remainers in their silly hats waving their silly eu flags but these last couple of days some leavers have turned up and the MSM don’t like that.
How can a couple of remoaner girls (cooper and Morgan) get some tax amendment added to mess up some eu bill vote. Do the 650 hate the population so much that they are self harming our government rather than carry out what the population democratically voted to tell them what to do.
And how can the 3 Sunderland MPs where we voted heavily to leave spend all their time trying to keep us in. Their latest wheeze is writing a letter together to the pm wanting to stay in. I voted UKIP and I hope these 3 (who ‘respect the result of the referendum but’) get booted out asp.
I note that the BBC is stealing my scribblings – again.
I had written elsewhere several examples of when the Left or remainers (usually left) had done far worse to people who were either on the right of centre or were pro Brexit.
I also note the BBC lying by dragging up the Jo Cox murder claiming the murderer was a ‘far right activist’ yet there is scant evidence he was even far right and zero evidence to support any claim of activism.
Well said . And another day gone ….
The vindictive harassment of Anna Soubry by the demonstrators in Parliament Square yesterday was deplorable and extremely harmful to the Brexit cause. It should stop.
It may not have occurred to the demonstrators but there is probably a strong enough majority of House of Commons members to unite and sabotage Brexit. Thanks to the Supreme Court, Parliament was about to throw out a very poor Brexit deal. Parliament may now just decide to unite against Brexit and lumber the UK with Theresa May’s Deal.
It is far better for the Brexiteers to retain the moral high ground and not sink to the levels of Cable, Clarke, Patten, Adonis and Campbell. By all means call out for what it is – Fascism – the attempts by Remainers to overturn or deny Brexit to the nation.
But attacks on Remainer individuals, even if not actually physical, gives that minority of Remainers who do not accept the Referendum result and wish to overturn it, a weapon they will turn on Brexiteers. Remember, that minority contains a large chunk of the UK print & broadcast media. ‘They’ have all the advantages.
Do not give them another.
Well said that man!
Being properly brought up I do not insult a woman whatever her views and Soubry should be ignored. . There has never been a real chance of a proper brexit and that has become crystal clear to many people hence the growing anger at a political class that along with the media, the bankers and the corporate world has united against millions of the common folk.
I have been most gloomy recently as this united bunch of whatever they like to call themselves are putting the peace of England at risk and for what? Their own pride and their own privileges.
Because this elite ( in it’s own mind) is so stupid as to think that it has only to wave a stick and millions will run away this makes things dangerous. The ONLY recourse this elite has now is into oppression and a form of in your face tyranny. This is dangerous as events are never predictable and neither are people.
Not good times at all and it was easily avoidable.
Beware the reMainstream Media
Nice little twist there.
So, now you know.
Pug – your last sentence is true.
‘Far Right’: this is now simply a term of abuse, largely devoid of political content or meaning. The likes of the bbc are happy to use it constantly, in that sense. Yes, there could be extremists in the AfD (the picture tells a different story!) but they are largely conservatives, who don’t like the way the CDU under Merkel has drifted to the left.
In the same sense you are ‘racist’ if you oppose your country being converted from what it was for millenia, into a ‘multicultural’ version of itself (could this enforced conversion actually be ‘racism’?). Thus anyone who is really hateful in any way towards someone of another race cannot be adequately described, since ‘racism’ too, has become a meaningless term.
Political Correctness is destroying the meaning of language , in order for certain media to denigrate anyone or anything they don’t like, saving them having to make any rational argument/debate on issues. Shows only how bankrupt they are in the thinking department.
Further to above and hoping not to be too boring: digging around in old Politics books from uni days, I came across Noel O’Sullivan’s book ‘Conservatism’. In his introduction he very clearly explains why there is a world of difference between conservatism and Nazism or Fascism.
I would imagine that most of the little PC minds at the bbc would be unable or unwilling (or both) to follow NO’s train of thought/argument, which is insightful and comprehensive. (You could add to that a Soubry or a Rudd).
No space here, but if you are interested, try to get hold of this book. I notice some of it on the net under the Edmundburkesclub website (which is critical of some aspects of NO) but it will quickly become clear how superficial and insulting the bbc and their ilk, are -with their constant description of conservatism as ‘far right’.
Equally, I don’t refer to the bbc as ‘Marxist’. Most of those little minds wouldn’t understand Marx either. No, what makes them feel warm and smug inside is being ‘open, tolerant and diverse’, without any understanding of what that really means or how self-destructive it could easily be.
Also, as a coherent statement of a political philosophy – zilch.
It’s what Anna would have wanted. And Berko seems on board.
Man charged with train stabbing ‘murder’ proclaims innocence
”He is accused of launching the attack after the alleged victim followed him into a neighbouring carriage on a train following an argument.”
Why didn’t the bbc etc tell us that?
The Snuffy household is a TV-free zone and some R4 News today has, for perhaps obvious reasons, wanged past instead of into my ears.
For those on here paying better attention to BBC radio and/or TV, has anyone – in relation to the Soubry & Jones harassment yesterday – mentioned MPs behaviour in the House of Commons, especially at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesdays?
I wonder why?
I note that the Petition to Parliament, to leave the EU without a deal, appears to have gained fresh impetus. It has added about 6,000 votes today.