Prof Boghossian did the world a sevice by exposing how easy it is to publish BS science papers.
… So now his embarrassed uni are trying to sack him “He published BS papers”
..yeh that was the point
A confusion for me, and if anyone can shed a light I would be grateful is that 57% of conservative members now favour a no deal exit. So why can’t the local associations of the traitor tory MP’s call emergency de-selection meetings? What have we to lose?
We won’t get them all but moving in this direction would concentrate their minds, perhaps on the manifesto commitment to leaving the EU!?
h – “When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully. Samuel Johnson”
Also applies to women, who feature prominently in my list of candidates.
Thanks to whoever posted a few days ago about the deliberately misleading headline on NBA player Enes Kanter: ‘I don’t feel safe in the UK.’ Compare/contrast the beeb (via award-winning Asian Network reporter Nomia Iqbal) with other news outlets:
— Washington Post: “Enes Kanter to skip Knicks’ London trip out of fear he could be killed by Turkish spies”
— Newsweek: “New York Knick’s Enes Kanter brands Turkish president Recep Tayip Erdogan ‘a lunatic’, says he fears for his life”
— NYT: “Enes Kanter to Skip Knicks’ Trip to London, Citing Fear of Turkish Retaliation”
— USA Today: “Knicks’ Kanter to skip London trip, fearing Erdogan reprisal”
— Yahoo!: “Enes Kanter Will Not Travel With The Knicks To London Because Turkish Spies Might Kill Him”
— Sports Illustrated: “Enes Kanter Skipping Knicks’ London Trip Amid Ongoing Clash With Turkish President”
Top and tail from the beeb — they even manage to finish the article with another sideways dig at the UK: “Kanter urges the authorities in the UK to make a clear promise to protect him. “If I hear any reassurance from the British government, maybe I’ll talk to my team again.”
‘Milo morality clause’ to be introduced into publishing contracts
cos they don’t want to enter contract with an author , only to be scared away from publishing by the liberal mob.
So authors will instead have a clause saying that if they offend libmob the contract becomes invalid.
Can anyone please point me in the direction of articles/videos of some of the fragrant Anna Sourberry’s comments re: Brexit voters, I might be mistaken, but I’m sure she said something about ‘all'(?) Brexit voters being ‘(fascist?) extremists’… or am I recalling wrong?
Wasn’t she also the author of the ‘suck it up’ comment, can anyone help me out with some more info. on that gem?
For some reason, maybe lack of time today(?), neither are proving easy for me to find via Google this afternoon…
checked Delingpoles article ?
One thing is people keep publishing the Soubry/Sky double down item made AFTER the confrontation
but anyone could compile a better Soubry bits from the last 2 years.
I think that the point the protesters is making is that Soubry is fighting for German domination of Europe, to include the UK. not accurate, but it got a lot of coverage in the media – much more than Nigel Farage’s car being sabotaged in an attempted murder plot. (Never caught the culprits, did they?)
I couldn’t believe the chutzpah of the extremist Souberry when she accused those non-violent protesters of being anti-democratic. Pots and kettles. The trouble with all these left-wing extremists is that they project themselves onto their opponents.
Same as Bercow who called these unpleasant but non-violent protesters “fascists”. He never had a bad word for the extremist and violent Momentum thugs who are Corblimey’s little army. A bit like Hitler’s Brown Shirts.
So a Ghanian lawyer fiddled £22m from the legal aid fund.
And the Carribbean born Baroness Scotland continues to squander public money. This time £1m due to bad decisions over sacking people and them winning in court.
Beeb doing what they do best. Disseminate divisive messages and graphs re. opinions on Brexit whilst totalling ignoring the only bona fide actual referendum we have had and which returned a result that they did not like.
MPs have had at least 4 chances to rule out no-deal: the 2015 Referendum Act, the Article 50 vote, the 2017 election manifestos & the 2018 Withdrawl Act.
If they’d wanted to rule it out why didn’t they LEGISLATE against it?
Whether you voted Leave or Remain Brexit has shown that MPs & our entire parliamentary system are unfit for purpose.
Our current Parliamentary “democracy” is clearly not fit for purpose. EU membership has been a cancer on the political establishment, resulting in a Parliament of carefree troughers (with a few honourable exceptions) who despise the people they are supposed to represent. A complete re-set is necessary, otherwise people in yellow-vests may implement something they may find less pleasant.
In the 17th Century some guy tried to blow up Parliament and another succeeded in abolishing the House of Lords. Round-heads (yellow-vests) tried to re-set Parliament. But Parliament remained under a bunch of carefree troughers who caused constitutional crises by resisting attempts by the chief round-head (yellow-vest) to call General Elections. The chef round-head (yellow-vest) then died, and so the troughers were able to restore the House of Lords, which has now survived into the 21st century, with now, hundreds and hundreds of Pro-EU troughers in residence.
I suspect it is because it would have tied their hands in negotiations (ha-ha-ha!!) – also they are such morons they think they can threaten ‘no deal’ and people in Westminster quake in their boots. Problem is that normal people elsewhere start cheering, so this ‘threat’ turns out to be anything but!!
It’s important to remind everyone that May’s so-called deal also involves “no deal”. This is because she has only negotiated a Withdrawal Agreement, which does not feature a future trading arrangement. That’s in a separate and rather vague document that still has to be agreed and during which we are tied in the CU with no unilateral means of escape. The main difference is we pay £39 bn for May’s no deal whereas we don’t for the genuine article.
Having been away from Blighty today I understand that the Remainer Speaker Berkov is starting clever wheezes to undermine the brexit vote .
I don’t think the over placid JRM will stand for that if the constitutional norms are being undermined .
We may land up with some mad ‘win’ ‘win’ where either we get a full brexit or don’t – in which we will know that parliamentary democracy really is just a falsehood.
What Blighty does after that ? Who knows
Incidentally it seems that Parliament Square has more coppers in it than they know what to do with… and no protests …
“….it seems that Parliament Square has more coppers in it than they know what to do with…”
Merely a temporary transfer of those otherwise engaged exclusively in tracking down and prosecuting ‘hate speech’ no doubt. They will have the ‘skills’ to assess abuse.
Some might have been looking for the Bickley Rd Leyton E10 murderers . Once upon a time killing a 14 year old would have been big news . Now it’s gone after 12 hours in the cycle …
Fedup – Once killing becomes routine, that’s what happens. Take South Africa, for instance. Once upon a time the torture and murder of a white farmer (and family) would have been big news. Now that well over 2000 have been murdered since 1994, it’s hardly worth mentioning. The tens of thousands of black victims remain anonymous.
If you allow your country to be dragged into the sewer, don’t be surprised at anything that happens, is the moral. We are well on the way. Already knife killings in London (and spreading) are so everyday, it takes something more dramatic to make the front pages…
“Or Hate Incidents which are not crimes, but which we request you report anyway. So that we can record anyway in case they can be transmogrified into crimes afterwards.”
“PS owing to shortages and austerities it has become impossible to retain all records. Records which have been destroyed to make room for Hate Incident reports are those relating to mass rapes of white children. Blame the Tories. South Yorkshire Police.”
ISIS not newsworthy, but guys taking the mickey out of Soubry by shouting at her what she shouts at them , is somehow mega newsworthy
\\ 2 days ago · Salim Wakil (pictured outside the Old Bailey today) has denied funding terrorism and says ..
. A brother sent his jihadi sister more than £2,000 after she fled the UK to join IS in Syria, a court … //
He was also tried in March, so this is either a retrial or another sister. Twitter doesn’t even mention it.
If the source could be named, one presumes they would have been. So to all those screaming at Tory Ministers, I suggest it may have been better to share the confidence in bbc reporting those less ideologically emotional have learned to be.
Rahaf on the Asian Network
Their deleted tweet
\\ 18-year-old Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun fled Saudi Arabia as she said her family would kill her for choosing to leave Islam
– do you respect her decision ?//
They left it up long enough for some people to reply
BBC Asian network has apparently been seeking views on whether it was OK for the young Saudi woman to flee her family and religion.
Brexit: Second Commons defeat for Theresa May in 24 hours
Rebel Conservative MPs have joined forces with Labour to inflict a fresh blow on Theresa May’s government in a Commons Brexit vote.
It means the government will have to come up with fresh plans within three days if Mrs May’s EU withdrawal deal is rejected by MPs next week.
It could also open the door to alternatives, such as a referendum
Funny how every ‘defeat’ she suffers seems to favour her.
Evan Davis knows better, on R4 5.00pm news, asking a specialist a question, then telling her she’s wrong. Is Davis or Bercow the most arrogant Remainer out there today?
Poor old Nikki. Asked a question about stuff she worked with every day, then corrected by the arrogant Davis, who knew better. Why does he bother to interview anyone if he knows it all anyway? Obviously Bercow’s defiance has fired him up in his little studio.
And the pompous Bercow, (we’ve all known since his election that he’s actually Labour) makes it up as he goes along, spoke to his clerk, nothing written down, but between the two of them they know best.
Not only has parliament hijacked the real People’s vote (2016), but we now have the Clerks of the Commons dictating to the people how it’s done. What next.
……was exactly my thought when I heard it on the news this morning.
Given the choice between spending more than I need to only to be preached at (have you seen their in store inclusivity staff posters?) or spending significantly less for better products, especially wines and beers, in fun loving Kevin The Carrots shop, well it’s a no brainer.
In fact it had me thinking today. No one will openly admit that they were put off by the advertising in exactly the way that no one ever tells the truth when they’re served awful food but then the waiter asks if the meal was enjoyable.
2019-01-10 BBC UK
Debenhams sales tumble over Christmas.
John Lewis staff bonus in doubt.
Shops saw ‘worst Christmas in a decade’.
Perhaps not spending money due to project Fear, thank you BBC.
Perhaps they did not buy any clothes because the only ones advertised had Africans inside them.
Sorry for the ordinary employees who are the victims of these anti white policies.
The senior management, maybe it’s time they considered jumping out of windows.
Yeah, Kate takes me back to Berlin in the 30s when I announced that it was great having a vegetarian dog-lover in charge. In a similar way, I had to clarify my political stance later and stress that I was not a Nazi supporter. Some people might say Kate doesn’t know what she is talking about. Nah, she’s smart. Once wrote a number one hit song called “Wuthering Heights” and she hadn’t even read the book.
BBC R4 in full flow – talking about how Brexit can be defeated – well that’s their narrative – they don’t seem to say How can we ensure Brexit happens…I am sure that’s what the people voted for…
Where are the strong Brexiteers? How can we up the ante…to push for our decision…
As for this ‘Crash out’ – it’s an emotive term that means nothing …but the BBC get it in all of the time
We must be the laughing stock of the whole world. Our status, as a nation, has been debased by the lack of integrity, and strength of will, of our feeble and insidious politicians. They asked us to decide on the future of our country and we gave them a very clear answer but our decision has been thwarted at every turn. We are, indeed, a nation of lions led by donkeys.
Lions led by donkeys, WW1. Incompetent senior military officers caused excessive casualties.
But they were at least trying to do the right thing.
The NAZI traitors are much, much worse.
The history books must show that they received the appropriate penalty for their treason.
“We must be the laughing stock of the whole world. Our status, as a nation, has been debased by the lack of integrity, and strength of will, of our feeble and insidious politicians.”
If, (massive ‘if’) the country is ever in a position to negotiate freely Worldwide, your statement will come back to haunt those who seek to obtain that business. I, for one, if negotiating on behalf of another country, would bear that in mind. Who wouldn’t?
The cat at No 10 could be consulted on this nation’s future. May could take a leaf out of Bercow’s book. He had a word with his clerks, and between them they set new parliamentary precedent. No need apparently, for anything to be written down, or MPs informed of what was said. ‘Trust me, Bercow says, I’m the main man around here’.
Would we be surprised if May told us her cat had given her the ‘backstop’ inspiration? After all, President Carter told us he had consulted his little daughter on advice regarding US-Soviet relations. (Kinda put an end to his second term, though.)
And frankly, I think that cat knows more about democracy than does our parliament, anyway. Meanwhile, I think a no-confidence motion in Bercow is called for – urgently.
YouGov survey said no one uses BCE, they use AD by 20 to 1
but not BBC
Jeremy Paxman caused confusion by referring to a date as 300 CE (“Common Era”) rather than 300 AD on University Challenge, but which term do Brits use? AD: 73% CE: 4%
I don’t have a problem using “Christian Era” and “Before Christian Era”. After all, the event that changes the terms from one to the other is the birth of Christ. The BBC can be as “Common” as it likes.
I am incandescent.
The war against white people continues.
What are we going to do?
Firstly we do not help the NAZI traitors by discussing it in public.
All links to websites promoting action welcomed.
allegedly Corrupt bully incompetent charity boss ? that sounds close to BBC’s old favourite charity
salary £210K after 24% payrise
born in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
If true, it's awful and report suggests concerns were long standing and well known. And, the salary! Looking forward to hearing that report factually incorrect. Or individuals responsible have been held properly to account. #bullying
\\ £14m income and £210,000 for the CEO.
I wonder if they put on their literature ‘For every £100 you give you are helping out our CEO to the value of £1.50.
+ a bit for her husband’s contracts as well //
That £14m helps 6,000 vicmtims per year
that’s £14K for each 6 victims ie about £2K/victim
Al Beeb…………………..
“Bercow’s unprecedented ruling could change the course of Brexit”
He should have gone a long time ago, I wonder why he was kept on ?
Meanwhile in Numpty Land, Hestleteeney wants Mrs Chamberlain to step down if she loses next week’s vote . I hope that she does and Rees-Mogg replaces her to take us to WTO .
We are currently being run by a ‘Rotten Parliament’ that is stitching its people up.
I am perplexed.
The May ‘deal’ will be defeated. Yet my fear is that the May deal is the most practical option for Leavers and offers the most freedom we are likely to get. Note I did not say most desireable.
There is no parliamentary majority for no deal. This may not be welcomed by many readers, nor indeed the writer, but is IMHO a reasonable interpretation of the current position. Defeatist? Maybe but where is the parliamentary arithmetical evidence to the contrary? Hope is not a strategy.
Because the likely outcome is probably a postponement of article 50 leading in due course to either a BRINO deal, a 2nd referendum, or an indefinite limbo-land of indecision. Limbo-land, where no decision needs to be made, should not be dismissed.
So why are the BBC not asking Remoaners how much per annum they are prepared to continue to pay the EU for a. continued membership or b. to be in a customs union and/or single market.
Strangely the BBC don’t seem to want to ask, and certainly don’t seem to want to know. Not surprising for an organisation which has enjoyed tens of millions of EU goodies.
Perhaps the arithmetical evidence lay in the Parliamentary majorities for holding the referendum, and thence the wording, and thence the triggering of article 50.
Only now does that majority seem to realise they wish younto surrender? And you have?
Get rid of this ‘Rotten Parliament’ and replace it with one that will listen to its electorate. A new political party needs to be born. There will be a lot of disillusioned Labour & Conservative voters looking for a new place to hang their hats .
Sluff- ‘there is no parliamentary majority for no deal’ .Perhaps. But ‘no deal’ is the real thing, and parliament shouldn’t be ‘dealing’ anyway.
This was between the people and the Executive (cabinet). What we are watching in parliament is a slow-motion coup d’état. They get away with it because they hide behind their ‘representative’ status (irrelevant in this case) and because they have most of the MSM on their side. (See eg bbc)
The EU have realised long ago that a Remainer PM and a largely Remainer parliament, backed by Remainer media would be a piece of cake. They will take their first slice now (£39billion).
Her deal keeps us firmly glued in place, indefinitely. My guess is that will include free movement of people, all assurances to the contrary.
Let’s see where this goes. The most likely scenario is that, given the above, we will never ‘leave’ the EU. An unlikely scenario, but possible, is that May wants ‘a place in history’ more than she wants to remain, and will let things run to a ‘no deal’. Remainers in Parliament have sensed that, hence the frantic efforts to prevent this.
We have now found out that the speaker will help them in any way he can, and in this coup he has a lot of power. If May does want her place in history, she should let the wagon roll, and plough his silly little (two)face into the dirt.
All else – I fear- is blue with yellow stars. Eire also had to vote twice to find that out.
The May deal is a terrible, terrible deal. Ignoring the backstop – are you aware that the UK – which currently has NO obligation to support the Euro – will accept that obligation as part of the agreement. That clause alone could cost our economy far, far more than Crash Gordon’s financial disaster ever did in 2008. Absolutely ridiculous to even put forward that deal.
Watching the Commons was revealing. Their contempt for us is showing. When an elected body or a person shows this then you know they are finished. That their authority is going. That when they decree there is no longer any point in listening and certainly no obligation to obey.
Why are they so stupid? This is now no longer about Brexit, It is about the old question in this country. Who rules?
The Commons derives all it’s authority from us and this they have forgotten,.
Most of us have very little. No power ,no influence nothing much but we have a single vote equal to that of the highest in the land .
That is all we have and if our MPs cannot respect that then they are not fit to sit in the Parliament.
We need a Cromwell to take out the mace and to send then packing ,
Dave – watching the PMQ / lies shows that politicians are out of touch . They have to show false sympathy for some bad thing that has happened .
Today a dead man was used to support Remain . Lord Ashdown . Yes he was in the military – played big games in the UN -but he was also one of those wealthy game players who achieved nothing in Uk ( fortunately ) and won’t be frustrating brexit like so many others .
The people of Sheffield dumped Clegg who is is LA and Hune committed suicide on a speed camera . Pity more of that anti democratic bunch wouldn’t do the same .
In 2016 Referendum 51.9% of those who voted, voted Leave .
Remainers claim this is too small a margin to have the necessary legitimacy for such a vitally important event and therefore could not be considered to properly represent the will of the people.
Last night in the House of Commons, 50.9% of those who voted, voted in support of a motion which could frustrate our exit from EEC.
So how about the legitimacy of this vote regarding the will of the people?
More remain voters entering the UK.
Because clearly without the 4 million imported by Blair to enrich us Leave would have won the referendum by 6 million votes.
Which is why Trump is right to insist on a wall.
Edit I have not heard from Saint Donald yet about my offer to supply a dimwitted dancing queen from the UK to perform a duet with the US dancing dimwitess.
“More remain voters entering the UK.”
The main reason that the nation voted for Brexit was to reduce mass immigration and yet they still pour in . The government is storing up unrest and turmoil for the future .
Good for Donald.
Has anyone looked recently at the homicide rates in Mexico, South and Central America? They are worse than Africa.
Has anyone looked recently at the inflation and starvation rates in the socialist paradise of Venezuela?
Everywhere apart from Chile, looking ready to collapse. Why Chile well that is because . . .
The USA has its problems but they will not be improved by importing twenty million Democrat voters, because this is what it is really about. The only way the lefties get anywhere is by killing, cheating or both.
So Pelosi and Co can stop posturing and lecturing us, we were wearing short trousers the most recent time we believed their ******.
The propaganda is relentless .Sourberry and those of her ilk have released this aggression though they seem oblivious to the fact . There was no outcry( for instance) when Leftist thugs stormed the Grenville enquiry after Corbin and Co politicised it . Now that their own tactics have been used against them they are calling foul. The outcome is plain for us all to see that the ruling elite ably assisted by the bBBC and most of the MSM are intent on crushing any resistance.
Its gonna be a rough ride I feel.
I have to say that as of today my MP seems to be made of the right stuff and is with us. I hope he stays sound. There are a few good men and women there still.
I think it was Cromwell who said
” Give me a few good men “
Dave S, pleased to learn about your MP.
Mine is a Conservative in a Leave voting Constituency.
Who would have voted with May before she cancelled the vote.
Now refuses to state what voting intentions are.
With another similar MP in an adjoining constituency has reportedly moved in anticipation of trouble.
They will be safe behind walls. We will suffer for the stupidity of policies we voted against.
Mainstream UK media silence on this. Lets have a debate on this and other Eu politicians that have said the same thing. Crush the UK to terrify other countries from leaving disgraceful.
Brussels must be so pleased by the efforts of their staff in Parliament like D Grieve . If May is trying to get a decent deal on the brink he has sabotaged it .
The vote of confidence will come next week , the Tory party will split and its general election time .
Any one who put 50p of Comrade Corbyn to be OM at 500/1 will be well chuffed .
Well, ”we” don’t go anywhere,
I guess the BBC get the feeling that after investing 3 years of hard campaining, sneering, slurs and hatred against Donald, that they feel they somehow are part of it ..
And yet again a 6pm National news on the BBC dominated by
women presenters and reporters. 75% this evening. Six women
and two men.
The women now get nearly all the serious stuff. Rita
Chakrabarti presenting the news. Off to Parliament Square for
Sophie Raworth being serious with Laura Kuensberg. Off to
Northern Ireland for another lady editor.
We did have John Piennar playing the “stooge” at Chelmsford
Market with a magician. I don’t think the BBC have managed to
find a women with a bit of a sense of humour to replace the
older middle aged male whitey yet.
Then it was off to the latest stabbing murder in London of a
14 year old boy. I can’t remember the name of the lady reporter.
Jeremy Clarkson said in the papers today that the BBC hierarchy.
Or as I call him BIG BROTHER or SISTER , or a bit of each from
the Diversity and Positive Discrimination dept, is utterly
obsessed with giving us WOMEN ! WOMEN! WOMEN!.
It’s pay back time for him or her or a bit of each for all the
years where there was a male dominance at the BBC
1 if the girls were unbiased their gender means nothing
2 if they are good looking and suitably polished up – that also helps – but then I’m a chap and not allowed to say that now
Obviously (2) above infers a fair number of white Europeans on the tv as opposed to the current fashion of putting blacks and Asians on camera to make the white liberals feel good about themselves .
Having been in Paris today and using the metro – a lot of graffiti saying very bad things about Macron – who you might remember was being touted as a “saint “ by the BBC akin to Tony Blair before he lost any soul he ever had as a barrister .
If soubry got upset being called a Nazi she’d have swooned if she was called what Macron is being called …
On the subject of Germany, “German Police are losing control”.
Pity she is not allowed into the UK. She would be quite at home reporting similarly about the British Police.
Emily would have to go on the offensive if the integrity of the UK MSM is even slightly challenged . I wonder how big the dividends are that she pays herself through the production company tax dodge ( legal but amoral ) .
John Bercow’s decision to accept the Dominic Grieve amendment is the long awaited decisive #brexit intervention by the commons speaker. Here is my blog from last month on how he was waiting for his moment
The Newsnight political editor appears oddly smitten with a man most consider a power-crazed bully.
Clearly John Bercow is relishing confrontation with government and Tory critics. The smile on his face shows he has been waiting and preparing for this moment, the most significant of his speakership and perhaps of any modern speakership
Ritula and the Huff post decide on R4 news at 10.00 that Bercow caused ‘chaos’ today, by rewriting the rule book. A historic moment.
Ritula says that parliament ‘instructed’ May to do x,y and z. She clean forgets that it was WE THE PEOPLE who instructed May, having been tasked to do so.
That makes parliament usurpers, and little Bercow the usurper-in-chief.
I see a little man, hugely enjoying himself, very impressed with himself, taking unto himself power which has clearly gone to his head. You get these little men, popping up in history.
Makes them feel big, probably – hope he enjoys the moment…
Went to see the film Mary Poppins Returns, today, – not something I want to sit through again; but it clearly hasn’t escaped the diversity push ! you’ll see what I mean if you watch it.
Blackened chim chimerney sweeps on the roof tops of Lundonistan? Cor ….
For the record I think I qualify as a cockney . And I can put the F word into every other F ing sentence if I choose in accordance with the rules of being a cockerney -but want this site to be free of such language so i won’t ….
Oh, noes… not chimneysweepism ensuring all those Cockernees are portraying plying their craft with not a speck of culturally approriating soot on their mugs?
The Londonistan Programme with their completely naive
main presenters Riz Lateef and Asad Ahmad were
duped by their editors to run a feature on the Tottenham “racist”
Yiddo question.
Riz Lateef thought that most of the supporters at Tottenham were
Jewish it’s actually between 4 and 5%. A few made up of
the grandfathers who went to Christ College Finchley , now that’s
an anachronism. Their son’s and their grandchildren.
The reason being that OUR History, English, and sports master
was GEORGE ROBB , the last amateur to play for England.
I will never forget when in playing one of last matches for Spurs
in 1958 when Spurs beat Everton 10-4 . Bobby Smith scoring four
and George Robb one. On the Monday he called me to the front
of the class and said “BERNSTEIN when I am playing for Spurs
I don’t want to hear COME ON GEORGIE!! It’s Mr Robb from
The YIDDO thing started in the 1980’s. Chelsea as most know have
some of the worse racist supporters in the country. At Stamford
Bridge when Spurs were playing you would often hear them
screaming ” GAS THE YIDS”
it was not the small amount of Jewish fans that took up the challenge . but the down to earth non Jewish White Hart Lane
brigade. Spurs were playing in a Cup final at Wembley and
there was the amazing site of seeing them walking along the
North Circular road to Wembley dressed up in Jewish religious
gear , singing we are the YIDDOS !
As an analogy you often here black folk referring to themselves
as Niggers. ” What kind of nigger are you” etc.
The Yiddo chant’s are NOT racist . But self defence banter. 95%
of the Jewish fans at Tottenham accept it , and many join in.
Of course all of this is too much for the BBC and especially
The Londonistan programme.The Yiddo subject was equated
with banana throwing and the racist abuse that Raheem Stirling
took from the Chelsea fans. But to be honest once does not expect
anything else from this extreme left wing excuse of a programme.
This is more serious than two world wars, if not, yet, as bloody.
I am unable to discover any up to date information as to whether the worst (last?) sovereign in British history can be persuaded to stand up for her people and her realm. All links gratefully received.
What the NAZI TRAITORS in Westminster are doing is exactly why the UK voted to leave. Vote until the “correct” result is received, standard EU behaviour.
I read, in a blog which has now disappeared (thank you Google), that UK armed forces are being confined to barracks and troops with the hated blue and gold starred flags will be used to break up demonstrations in the UK. Does anyone have any confirmation of this?
This is not just about the UK, the rising tide of patriotism throughout Europe, dismissed by the sneering, mass murdering, Communists, as populism, is an indicator that the death of the EU is near. If we leave freedom lovers in Europe will follow us and the EU traitors know this.
Before I die I just want to see someone draped in a European national flag kicking Juncker’s head down a road.
And a new people takes the land: and still it is not we.
They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords.
It may be we are meant to mark with our riot . . .
Best wishes to you all. God bless real Europeans everywhere.
Article in order order on Lord Adonis the most deranged person alive.
Guido finishes the article with:-
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the Government and I’m here to help’”
A quotation from Ronald Reagan.
Sorry, Guido you are behind the times.
There are now six most terrifying words, emanating from the EU.
Whatever it takes, Ever Closer Union.
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MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “LOL – Chrystia Freeland: mad as a box of frogs. She says Britain’s nukes could protect Canada from the US?…
Fedup2Mar 4, 13:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 World at One Poor Sarah – exhibiting the bewilderment occupying the swamp as President Trump pulls funding for Ukraine .…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
Prof Boghossian did the world a sevice by exposing how easy it is to publish BS science papers.
… So now his embarrassed uni are trying to sack him “He published BS papers”
..yeh that was the point
A confusion for me, and if anyone can shed a light I would be grateful is that 57% of conservative members now favour a no deal exit. So why can’t the local associations of the traitor tory MP’s call emergency de-selection meetings? What have we to lose?
We won’t get them all but moving in this direction would concentrate their minds, perhaps on the manifesto commitment to leaving the EU!?
h – “When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully. Samuel Johnson”
Also applies to women, who feature prominently in my list of candidates.
Times : BBC & big 3 TV corps are in talks with Google
to have their own results pushed to the top of searches for UK TV shows, cos they are special.
Like to give you a link , but this sory itself cannot be found on Times website, nor Google , nor Twitter
by “Matthew Moore”
Thanks to whoever posted a few days ago about the deliberately misleading headline on NBA player Enes Kanter: ‘I don’t feel safe in the UK.’ Compare/contrast the beeb (via award-winning Asian Network reporter Nomia Iqbal) with other news outlets:
— Washington Post: “Enes Kanter to skip Knicks’ London trip out of fear he could be killed by Turkish spies”
— Newsweek: “New York Knick’s Enes Kanter brands Turkish president Recep Tayip Erdogan ‘a lunatic’, says he fears for his life”
— NYT: “Enes Kanter to Skip Knicks’ Trip to London, Citing Fear of Turkish Retaliation”
— USA Today: “Knicks’ Kanter to skip London trip, fearing Erdogan reprisal”
— Yahoo!: “Enes Kanter Will Not Travel With The Knicks To London Because Turkish Spies Might Kill Him”
— Sports Illustrated: “Enes Kanter Skipping Knicks’ London Trip Amid Ongoing Clash With Turkish President”
Top and tail from the beeb — they even manage to finish the article with another sideways dig at the UK: “Kanter urges the authorities in the UK to make a clear promise to protect him. “If I hear any reassurance from the British government, maybe I’ll talk to my team again.”
‘Milo morality clause’ to be introduced into publishing contracts
cos they don’t want to enter contract with an author , only to be scared away from publishing by the liberal mob.
So authors will instead have a clause saying that if they offend libmob the contract becomes invalid.
SG – If they offend the libmob they should be best sellers.
This is what UK will look like if they succeed in erasing all the leave bits….
Can anyone please point me in the direction of articles/videos of some of the fragrant Anna Sourberry’s comments re: Brexit voters, I might be mistaken, but I’m sure she said something about ‘all'(?) Brexit voters being ‘(fascist?) extremists’… or am I recalling wrong?
Wasn’t she also the author of the ‘suck it up’ comment, can anyone help me out with some more info. on that gem?
For some reason, maybe lack of time today(?), neither are proving easy for me to find via Google this afternoon…
checked Delingpoles article ?
One thing is people keep publishing the Soubry/Sky double down item made AFTER the confrontation
but anyone could compile a better Soubry bits from the last 2 years.
I do think it was inaccurate to call her a Nazi. It would be more correct to call her a Quisling.
I think that the point the protesters is making is that Soubry is fighting for German domination of Europe, to include the UK. not accurate, but it got a lot of coverage in the media – much more than Nigel Farage’s car being sabotaged in an attempted murder plot. (Never caught the culprits, did they?)
I think google has buried them .
I couldn’t believe the chutzpah of the extremist Souberry when she accused those non-violent protesters of being anti-democratic. Pots and kettles. The trouble with all these left-wing extremists is that they project themselves onto their opponents.
Same as Bercow who called these unpleasant but non-violent protesters “fascists”. He never had a bad word for the extremist and violent Momentum thugs who are Corblimey’s little army. A bit like Hitler’s Brown Shirts.
So a Ghanian lawyer fiddled £22m from the legal aid fund.
And the Carribbean born Baroness Scotland continues to squander public money. This time £1m due to bad decisions over sacking people and them winning in court.
Bilar stooge. Still here only because the Tories do not have a single bollock between the lot of them.
MP Anna Soubry furious at protesters for calling her fascist. Facebook and police steps in
Mein Smear
US , black guys keep dying at home of Hollywood Democrat donor Ed Buck
..maybe gays and drug thing
Happened twice
Beeb doing what they do best. Disseminate divisive messages and graphs re. opinions on Brexit whilst totalling ignoring the only bona fide actual referendum we have had and which returned a result that they did not like.
On one of the graphs illustrated was the following statement.
‘The most popular every time – backed on average by just over a quarter – has been to leave without a deal at all.’
The percentage was not given but looking at the graph was about 29%. Not far off a third but the BBC and awkward stats have form!
Correct link. Computers not my strong point!
check the upticks on the top comment
These parliamentary parlour games are sickening.
MPs have had at least 4 chances to rule out no-deal: the 2015 Referendum Act, the Article 50 vote, the 2017 election manifestos & the 2018 Withdrawl Act.
If they’d wanted to rule it out why didn’t they LEGISLATE against it?
Whether you voted Leave or Remain Brexit has shown that MPs & our entire parliamentary system are unfit for purpose.
Our current Parliamentary “democracy” is clearly not fit for purpose. EU membership has been a cancer on the political establishment, resulting in a Parliament of carefree troughers (with a few honourable exceptions) who despise the people they are supposed to represent. A complete re-set is necessary, otherwise people in yellow-vests may implement something they may find less pleasant.
In the 17th Century some guy tried to blow up Parliament and another succeeded in abolishing the House of Lords. Round-heads (yellow-vests) tried to re-set Parliament. But Parliament remained under a bunch of carefree troughers who caused constitutional crises by resisting attempts by the chief round-head (yellow-vest) to call General Elections. The chef round-head (yellow-vest) then died, and so the troughers were able to restore the House of Lords, which has now survived into the 21st century, with now, hundreds and hundreds of Pro-EU troughers in residence.
I suspect it is because it would have tied their hands in negotiations (ha-ha-ha!!) – also they are such morons they think they can threaten ‘no deal’ and people in Westminster quake in their boots. Problem is that normal people elsewhere start cheering, so this ‘threat’ turns out to be anything but!!
It’s important to remind everyone that May’s so-called deal also involves “no deal”. This is because she has only negotiated a Withdrawal Agreement, which does not feature a future trading arrangement. That’s in a separate and rather vague document that still has to be agreed and during which we are tied in the CU with no unilateral means of escape. The main difference is we pay £39 bn for May’s no deal whereas we don’t for the genuine article.
Having been away from Blighty today I understand that the Remainer Speaker Berkov is starting clever wheezes to undermine the brexit vote .
I don’t think the over placid JRM will stand for that if the constitutional norms are being undermined .
We may land up with some mad ‘win’ ‘win’ where either we get a full brexit or don’t – in which we will know that parliamentary democracy really is just a falsehood.
What Blighty does after that ? Who knows
Incidentally it seems that Parliament Square has more coppers in it than they know what to do with… and no protests …
“….it seems that Parliament Square has more coppers in it than they know what to do with…”
Merely a temporary transfer of those otherwise engaged exclusively in tracking down and prosecuting ‘hate speech’ no doubt. They will have the ‘skills’ to assess abuse.
Some might have been looking for the Bickley Rd Leyton E10 murderers . Once upon a time killing a 14 year old would have been big news . Now it’s gone after 12 hours in the cycle …
Fedup – Once killing becomes routine, that’s what happens. Take South Africa, for instance. Once upon a time the torture and murder of a white farmer (and family) would have been big news. Now that well over 2000 have been murdered since 1994, it’s hardly worth mentioning. The tens of thousands of black victims remain anonymous.
If you allow your country to be dragged into the sewer, don’t be surprised at anything that happens, is the moral. We are well on the way. Already knife killings in London (and spreading) are so everyday, it takes something more dramatic to make the front pages…
Monitoring the local newspaper covering this killing – “ appeal to the community “ for help .
Well if that’s the main strategy forget any prosecution .
My borough has 3 serious crime investigations in the first 7 days of 2019 .
1 a year would be enough . But as you say – it’s a new normality in bits of cities which have become third world .
“Some might have been looking for the Bickley Rd Leyton E10 murderers .”
Nah, too obsessed with the more serious crimes of hate speech.
“Or Hate Incidents which are not crimes, but which we request you report anyway. So that we can record anyway in case they can be transmogrified into crimes afterwards.”
“PS owing to shortages and austerities it has become impossible to retain all records. Records which have been destroyed to make room for Hate Incident reports are those relating to mass rapes of white children. Blame the Tories. South Yorkshire Police.”
ISIS not newsworthy, but guys taking the mickey out of Soubry by shouting at her what she shouts at them , is somehow mega newsworthy
\\ 2 days ago · Salim Wakil (pictured outside the Old Bailey today) has denied funding terrorism and says ..
. A brother sent his jihadi sister more than £2,000 after she fled the UK to join IS in Syria, a court … //
He was also tried in March, so this is either a retrial or another sister. Twitter doesn’t even mention it.
I think there is another “grooming gang” trial ongoing in bradford too if you pop down to the leeds page
The defendants are:
Basharat Khaliq, 38, of Deanwood Crescent, Bradford, is charged with five counts of rape and one count of assault by penetration
Saeed Akhtar, 55, of Back Girlington Road, Bradford, is charged with two counts of inciting child prostitution and one count of rape
Yasar Majid, 37, of Laxfield Drive, Milton Keynes, is charged with one count of rape
Naveed Akhtar, 43, of Newport Place, Bradford, is charged with three counts of rape
Parvaze Ahmed 36, of Farcliffe Road, Bradford, is charged with three counts of rape
Izar Hussain, 32, of St Leonard’s Road, Bradford, is charged with three counts of rape and one count of attempted rape
Zeeshan Ali, 32, of Durham Terrace, Bradford, is charged with one count of sexual assault
Kieran Harris, 28, of Fir Parade, Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
Faheem Iqbal, 27, of no fixed abode, is charged with aiding and abetting rape
Mohammed Usman, 31, of Quaker Street, Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
Kiaser ? No reporting restrictions ? Shocked
All fine, “Bradford British Citizen men’s names”……..
Somewhere, up there, a blue whale turns as Lord McAlpine mutters “Oh no; not again”.
If the source could be named, one presumes they would have been. So to all those screaming at Tory Ministers, I suggest it may have been better to share the confidence in bbc reporting those less ideologically emotional have learned to be.
This is the likely story origin.
Rahaf on the Asian Network
Their deleted tweet
\\ 18-year-old Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun fled Saudi Arabia as she said her family would kill her for choosing to leave Islam
– do you respect her decision ?//
They left it up long enough for some people to reply
Bbc in frantic cover up mode. Again.
It’s like they really can do anything with impunity.
Utter cretins, who on earth could ask that?
They have to ask? says it all….
Brexit: Second Commons defeat for Theresa May in 24 hours
Rebel Conservative MPs have joined forces with Labour to inflict a fresh blow on Theresa May’s government in a Commons Brexit vote.
It means the government will have to come up with fresh plans within three days if Mrs May’s EU withdrawal deal is rejected by MPs next week.
It could also open the door to alternatives, such as a referendum
Funny how every ‘defeat’ she suffers seems to favour her.
Remember the anti-fracking protesters and their calor gas stoves ?
sama sama
Evan Davis knows better, on R4 5.00pm news, asking a specialist a question, then telling her she’s wrong. Is Davis or Bercow the most arrogant Remainer out there today?
Poor old Nikki. Asked a question about stuff she worked with every day, then corrected by the arrogant Davis, who knew better. Why does he bother to interview anyone if he knows it all anyway? Obviously Bercow’s defiance has fired him up in his little studio.
And the pompous Bercow, (we’ve all known since his election that he’s actually Labour) makes it up as he goes along, spoke to his clerk, nothing written down, but between the two of them they know best.
Not only has parliament hijacked the real People’s vote (2016), but we now have the Clerks of the Commons dictating to the people how it’s done. What next.
Of course, he was very, very drunk…
From BBC news
Sainsbury’s has seen sales fall over Christmas after non-food trading was hit by consumer caution.
This is nothing whatsoever to do with Sainsbury advertising policy…..nothing.
……was exactly my thought when I heard it on the news this morning.
Given the choice between spending more than I need to only to be preached at (have you seen their in store inclusivity staff posters?) or spending significantly less for better products, especially wines and beers, in fun loving Kevin The Carrots shop, well it’s a no brainer.
In fact it had me thinking today. No one will openly admit that they were put off by the advertising in exactly the way that no one ever tells the truth when they’re served awful food but then the waiter asks if the meal was enjoyable.
The Lidl advert shows a different demographic than the Sainsbury target audience.
Lidl sales are going through the roof ….
Stopped using them years ago, and M&S.
A bit more solidarity from us and most of these pro EU, anti white companies will close.
2019-01-10 BBC UK
Debenhams sales tumble over Christmas.
John Lewis staff bonus in doubt.
Shops saw ‘worst Christmas in a decade’.
Perhaps not spending money due to project Fear, thank you BBC.
Perhaps they did not buy any clothes because the only ones advertised had Africans inside them.
Sorry for the ordinary employees who are the victims of these anti white policies.
The senior management, maybe it’s time they considered jumping out of windows.
Meanwhile, in a totes non-hounding way, the BBC gets a ditzy music moppet to recant….
Any queues of reporters doorsteppjng the Asian Network studios yet?
I bet her accountant who minimises Ms K Bush Ltd tax take is a conservative voter . Unless she pays 40% on every thing after 50k something …
Yeah, Kate takes me back to Berlin in the 30s when I announced that it was great having a vegetarian dog-lover in charge. In a similar way, I had to clarify my political stance later and stress that I was not a Nazi supporter. Some people might say Kate doesn’t know what she is talking about. Nah, she’s smart. Once wrote a number one hit song called “Wuthering Heights” and she hadn’t even read the book.
GW – Can’t sing, can’t think, can shriek a little.
BBC R4 in full flow – talking about how Brexit can be defeated – well that’s their narrative – they don’t seem to say How can we ensure Brexit happens…I am sure that’s what the people voted for…
Where are the strong Brexiteers? How can we up the ante…to push for our decision…
As for this ‘Crash out’ – it’s an emotive term that means nothing …but the BBC get it in all of the time
We must be the laughing stock of the whole world. Our status, as a nation, has been debased by the lack of integrity, and strength of will, of our feeble and insidious politicians. They asked us to decide on the future of our country and we gave them a very clear answer but our decision has been thwarted at every turn. We are, indeed, a nation of lions led by donkeys.
Lions led by donkeys, WW1. Incompetent senior military officers caused excessive casualties.
But they were at least trying to do the right thing.
The NAZI traitors are much, much worse.
The history books must show that they received the appropriate penalty for their treason.
“We must be the laughing stock of the whole world. Our status, as a nation, has been debased by the lack of integrity, and strength of will, of our feeble and insidious politicians.”
If, (massive ‘if’) the country is ever in a position to negotiate freely Worldwide, your statement will come back to haunt those who seek to obtain that business. I, for one, if negotiating on behalf of another country, would bear that in mind. Who wouldn’t?
The cat at No 10 could be consulted on this nation’s future. May could take a leaf out of Bercow’s book. He had a word with his clerks, and between them they set new parliamentary precedent. No need apparently, for anything to be written down, or MPs informed of what was said. ‘Trust me, Bercow says, I’m the main man around here’.
Would we be surprised if May told us her cat had given her the ‘backstop’ inspiration? After all, President Carter told us he had consulted his little daughter on advice regarding US-Soviet relations. (Kinda put an end to his second term, though.)
And frankly, I think that cat knows more about democracy than does our parliament, anyway. Meanwhile, I think a no-confidence motion in Bercow is called for – urgently.
YouGov survey said no one uses BCE, they use AD by 20 to 1
but not BBC
I thought the BBC used BS and ASS?
First prize for guessing is an hour in a camper in the BBC underground car park.
Second prize is two hours….
I don’t have a problem using “Christian Era” and “Before Christian Era”. After all, the event that changes the terms from one to the other is the birth of Christ. The BBC can be as “Common” as it likes.
I am astonished to discover that the BBC is not using its favourite calendar starting in 622 or whenever.
I am incandescent.
The war against white people continues.
What are we going to do?
Firstly we do not help the NAZI traitors by discussing it in public.
All links to websites promoting action welcomed.
allegedly Corrupt bully incompetent charity boss ? that sounds close to BBC’s old favourite charity
salary £210K after 24% payrise
born in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
\\ £14m income and £210,000 for the CEO.
I wonder if they put on their literature ‘For every £100 you give you are helping out our CEO to the value of £1.50.
+ a bit for her husband’s contracts as well //
That £14m helps 6,000 vicmtims per year
that’s £14K for each 6 victims ie about £2K/victim
Did Mrs. Soubry accept the democratic majority vote of her constituents that made her an MP?
Of course she did? Why? Because it’s a democratic majority!
But the democratic majority vote for Brexit…? For Mrs. Soubry, that’s an exception!
Al Beeb…………………..
“Bercow’s unprecedented ruling could change the course of Brexit”
He should have gone a long time ago, I wonder why he was kept on ?
Meanwhile in Numpty Land, Hestleteeney wants Mrs Chamberlain to step down if she loses next week’s vote . I hope that she does and Rees-Mogg replaces her to take us to WTO .
We are currently being run by a ‘Rotten Parliament’ that is stitching its people up.
He was kept on by remainers like the PM . He had promised to be gone in summer 2018.
I am perplexed.
The May ‘deal’ will be defeated. Yet my fear is that the May deal is the most practical option for Leavers and offers the most freedom we are likely to get. Note I did not say most desireable.
There is no parliamentary majority for no deal. This may not be welcomed by many readers, nor indeed the writer, but is IMHO a reasonable interpretation of the current position. Defeatist? Maybe but where is the parliamentary arithmetical evidence to the contrary? Hope is not a strategy.
Because the likely outcome is probably a postponement of article 50 leading in due course to either a BRINO deal, a 2nd referendum, or an indefinite limbo-land of indecision. Limbo-land, where no decision needs to be made, should not be dismissed.
So why are the BBC not asking Remoaners how much per annum they are prepared to continue to pay the EU for a. continued membership or b. to be in a customs union and/or single market.
Strangely the BBC don’t seem to want to ask, and certainly don’t seem to want to know. Not surprising for an organisation which has enjoyed tens of millions of EU goodies.
Perhaps the arithmetical evidence lay in the Parliamentary majorities for holding the referendum, and thence the wording, and thence the triggering of article 50.
Only now does that majority seem to realise they wish younto surrender? And you have?
Get rid of this ‘Rotten Parliament’ and replace it with one that will listen to its electorate. A new political party needs to be born. There will be a lot of disillusioned Labour & Conservative voters looking for a new place to hang their hats .
t – There will be a lot of disillusioned Labour & Conservative voters looking for a new place to hang something.
Sluff- ‘there is no parliamentary majority for no deal’ .Perhaps. But ‘no deal’ is the real thing, and parliament shouldn’t be ‘dealing’ anyway.
This was between the people and the Executive (cabinet). What we are watching in parliament is a slow-motion coup d’état. They get away with it because they hide behind their ‘representative’ status (irrelevant in this case) and because they have most of the MSM on their side. (See eg bbc)
The EU have realised long ago that a Remainer PM and a largely Remainer parliament, backed by Remainer media would be a piece of cake. They will take their first slice now (£39billion).
Her deal keeps us firmly glued in place, indefinitely. My guess is that will include free movement of people, all assurances to the contrary.
Let’s see where this goes. The most likely scenario is that, given the above, we will never ‘leave’ the EU. An unlikely scenario, but possible, is that May wants ‘a place in history’ more than she wants to remain, and will let things run to a ‘no deal’. Remainers in Parliament have sensed that, hence the frantic efforts to prevent this.
We have now found out that the speaker will help them in any way he can, and in this coup he has a lot of power. If May does want her place in history, she should let the wagon roll, and plough his silly little (two)face into the dirt.
All else – I fear- is blue with yellow stars. Eire also had to vote twice to find that out.
Mays ‘deal’ is limbo land, just kicked the can down the road
The May deal is a terrible, terrible deal. Ignoring the backstop – are you aware that the UK – which currently has NO obligation to support the Euro – will accept that obligation as part of the agreement. That clause alone could cost our economy far, far more than Crash Gordon’s financial disaster ever did in 2008. Absolutely ridiculous to even put forward that deal.
Watching the Commons was revealing. Their contempt for us is showing. When an elected body or a person shows this then you know they are finished. That their authority is going. That when they decree there is no longer any point in listening and certainly no obligation to obey.
Why are they so stupid? This is now no longer about Brexit, It is about the old question in this country. Who rules?
The Commons derives all it’s authority from us and this they have forgotten,.
Most of us have very little. No power ,no influence nothing much but we have a single vote equal to that of the highest in the land .
That is all we have and if our MPs cannot respect that then they are not fit to sit in the Parliament.
We need a Cromwell to take out the mace and to send then packing ,
Dave – watching the PMQ / lies shows that politicians are out of touch . They have to show false sympathy for some bad thing that has happened .
Today a dead man was used to support Remain . Lord Ashdown . Yes he was in the military – played big games in the UN -but he was also one of those wealthy game players who achieved nothing in Uk ( fortunately ) and won’t be frustrating brexit like so many others .
The people of Sheffield dumped Clegg who is is LA and Hune committed suicide on a speed camera . Pity more of that anti democratic bunch wouldn’t do the same .
In 2016 Referendum 51.9% of those who voted, voted Leave .
Remainers claim this is too small a margin to have the necessary legitimacy for such a vitally important event and therefore could not be considered to properly represent the will of the people.
Last night in the House of Commons, 50.9% of those who voted, voted in support of a motion which could frustrate our exit from EEC.
So how about the legitimacy of this vote regarding the will of the people?
“The military” – is that what we used to call the army?
Just round the corner from where I live.
Needless to say this won’t be on the bBBC site, and even if it were I suspect comments would be disabled.
Yorkshire, Kent etc etc. Is there really any doubt left that we are being invaded?
More remain voters entering the UK.
Because clearly without the 4 million imported by Blair to enrich us Leave would have won the referendum by 6 million votes.
Which is why Trump is right to insist on a wall.
Edit I have not heard from Saint Donald yet about my offer to supply a dimwitted dancing queen from the UK to perform a duet with the US dancing dimwitess.
Ohooooo !
According to Al Beeb Donald has slammed the table and walked out of the shut down talks .
“More remain voters entering the UK.”
The main reason that the nation voted for Brexit was to reduce mass immigration and yet they still pour in . The government is storing up unrest and turmoil for the future .
t – for the near future.
Good for Donald.
Has anyone looked recently at the homicide rates in Mexico, South and Central America? They are worse than Africa.
Has anyone looked recently at the inflation and starvation rates in the socialist paradise of Venezuela?
Everywhere apart from Chile, looking ready to collapse. Why Chile well that is because . . .
The USA has its problems but they will not be improved by importing twenty million Democrat voters, because this is what it is really about. The only way the lefties get anywhere is by killing, cheating or both.
So Pelosi and Co can stop posturing and lecturing us, we were wearing short trousers the most recent time we believed their ******.
The propaganda is relentless .Sourberry and those of her ilk have released this aggression though they seem oblivious to the fact . There was no outcry( for instance) when Leftist thugs stormed the Grenville enquiry after Corbin and Co politicised it . Now that their own tactics have been used against them they are calling foul. The outcome is plain for us all to see that the ruling elite ably assisted by the bBBC and most of the MSM are intent on crushing any resistance.
Its gonna be a rough ride I feel.
I have to say that as of today my MP seems to be made of the right stuff and is with us. I hope he stays sound. There are a few good men and women there still.
I think it was Cromwell who said
” Give me a few good men “
Dave S, pleased to learn about your MP.
Mine is a Conservative in a Leave voting Constituency.
Who would have voted with May before she cancelled the vote.
Now refuses to state what voting intentions are.
With another similar MP in an adjoining constituency has reportedly moved in anticipation of trouble.
They will be safe behind walls. We will suffer for the stupidity of policies we voted against.
Brussels must be so pleased by the efforts of their staff in Parliament like D Grieve . If May is trying to get a decent deal on the brink he has sabotaged it .
The vote of confidence will come next week , the Tory party will split and its general election time .
Any one who put 50p of Comrade Corbyn to be OM at 500/1 will be well chuffed .
You’d think the awful way they have treated the UK would be the wake up call to people to see what scum the EU are , but apparently not .,,
£250 will buy you a loaf of bread under corbyn, so the odds seem a bit short really
And £250 won’t even get you a one bedroom flat in London…
Great 2 parties to choose from.
Nearly 100% aware of the danger.
Task #1 Leave the EU.
Task #2 Help others to leave the EU.
The AFD are the good guys. Speak sense, no PC garbage. That is why the elite, politicians, MSM and the entire establishment are totally against them.
US government shutdown: Where do we go from here?
Well, ”we” don’t go anywhere,
I guess the BBC get the feeling that after investing 3 years of hard campaining, sneering, slurs and hatred against Donald, that they feel they somehow are part of it ..
And yet again a 6pm National news on the BBC dominated by
women presenters and reporters. 75% this evening. Six women
and two men.
The women now get nearly all the serious stuff. Rita
Chakrabarti presenting the news. Off to Parliament Square for
Sophie Raworth being serious with Laura Kuensberg. Off to
Northern Ireland for another lady editor.
We did have John Piennar playing the “stooge” at Chelmsford
Market with a magician. I don’t think the BBC have managed to
find a women with a bit of a sense of humour to replace the
older middle aged male whitey yet.
Then it was off to the latest stabbing murder in London of a
14 year old boy. I can’t remember the name of the lady reporter.
Jeremy Clarkson said in the papers today that the BBC hierarchy.
Or as I call him BIG BROTHER or SISTER , or a bit of each from
the Diversity and Positive Discrimination dept, is utterly
obsessed with giving us WOMEN ! WOMEN! WOMEN!.
It’s pay back time for him or her or a bit of each for all the
years where there was a male dominance at the BBC
I have to disagree with you on two counts ????
1 if the girls were unbiased their gender means nothing
2 if they are good looking and suitably polished up – that also helps – but then I’m a chap and not allowed to say that now
Obviously (2) above infers a fair number of white Europeans on the tv as opposed to the current fashion of putting blacks and Asians on camera to make the white liberals feel good about themselves .
Having been in Paris today and using the metro – a lot of graffiti saying very bad things about Macron – who you might remember was being touted as a “saint “ by the BBC akin to Tony Blair before he lost any soul he ever had as a barrister .
If soubry got upset being called a Nazi she’d have swooned if she was called what Macron is being called …
On the subject of Germany, “German Police are losing control”.
Pity she is not allowed into the UK. She would be quite at home reporting similarly about the British Police.
Emily would have to go on the offensive if the integrity of the UK MSM is even slightly challenged . I wonder how big the dividends are that she pays herself through the production company tax dodge ( legal but amoral ) .
……and THIS is how to deal with the EU-
US downgrades EU diplomatic status in Washington
Interesting angle for the bbc to be taking.
The Newsnight political editor appears oddly smitten with a man most consider a power-crazed bully.
Must be their kinda guy.
Small men like their big moments. I think another small man had a number of big moments back in the 1940s
Ritula and the Huff post decide on R4 news at 10.00 that Bercow caused ‘chaos’ today, by rewriting the rule book. A historic moment.
Ritula says that parliament ‘instructed’ May to do x,y and z. She clean forgets that it was WE THE PEOPLE who instructed May, having been tasked to do so.
That makes parliament usurpers, and little Bercow the usurper-in-chief.
I see a little man, hugely enjoying himself, very impressed with himself, taking unto himself power which has clearly gone to his head. You get these little men, popping up in history.
Makes them feel big, probably – hope he enjoys the moment…
Meanwhile, Anna has our backs. Well, hers.
Quite why everyone Remain, from the bbc up, has decided to make her their tallying symbol is bizarre.
Yet another ‘hit back’ conjured up by the bbc from somewhere around the world.
Eh ? “Do not judge people without their knowledge ?” what sort of question is that ?
Ok, the next time I ‘judge’ someone, I’ll send them an email beforehand.
It’s a bbc quote. It need not make sense.
Guess who the BBC thinks it is best to hand the pulpit to?
Went to see the film Mary Poppins Returns, today, – not something I want to sit through again; but it clearly hasn’t escaped the diversity push ! you’ll see what I mean if you watch it.
Blackened chim chimerney sweeps on the roof tops of Lundonistan? Cor ….
For the record I think I qualify as a cockney . And I can put the F word into every other F ing sentence if I choose in accordance with the rules of being a cockerney -but want this site to be free of such language so i won’t ….
Oh, noes… not chimneysweepism ensuring all those Cockernees are portraying plying their craft with not a speck of culturally approriating soot on their mugs?
Pretty. To read out the news. On radio.
The Londonistan Programme with their completely naive
main presenters Riz Lateef and Asad Ahmad were
duped by their editors to run a feature on the Tottenham “racist”
Yiddo question.
Riz Lateef thought that most of the supporters at Tottenham were
Jewish it’s actually between 4 and 5%. A few made up of
the grandfathers who went to Christ College Finchley , now that’s
an anachronism. Their son’s and their grandchildren.
The reason being that OUR History, English, and sports master
was GEORGE ROBB , the last amateur to play for England.
I will never forget when in playing one of last matches for Spurs
in 1958 when Spurs beat Everton 10-4 . Bobby Smith scoring four
and George Robb one. On the Monday he called me to the front
of the class and said “BERNSTEIN when I am playing for Spurs
I don’t want to hear COME ON GEORGIE!! It’s Mr Robb from
The YIDDO thing started in the 1980’s. Chelsea as most know have
some of the worse racist supporters in the country. At Stamford
Bridge when Spurs were playing you would often hear them
screaming ” GAS THE YIDS”
it was not the small amount of Jewish fans that took up the challenge . but the down to earth non Jewish White Hart Lane
brigade. Spurs were playing in a Cup final at Wembley and
there was the amazing site of seeing them walking along the
North Circular road to Wembley dressed up in Jewish religious
gear , singing we are the YIDDOS !
As an analogy you often here black folk referring to themselves
as Niggers. ” What kind of nigger are you” etc.
The Yiddo chant’s are NOT racist . But self defence banter. 95%
of the Jewish fans at Tottenham accept it , and many join in.
Of course all of this is too much for the BBC and especially
The Londonistan programme.The Yiddo subject was equated
with banana throwing and the racist abuse that Raheem Stirling
took from the Chelsea fans. But to be honest once does not expect
anything else from this extreme left wing excuse of a programme.
This is more serious than two world wars, if not, yet, as bloody.
I am unable to discover any up to date information as to whether the worst (last?) sovereign in British history can be persuaded to stand up for her people and her realm. All links gratefully received.
What the NAZI TRAITORS in Westminster are doing is exactly why the UK voted to leave. Vote until the “correct” result is received, standard EU behaviour.
I read, in a blog which has now disappeared (thank you Google), that UK armed forces are being confined to barracks and troops with the hated blue and gold starred flags will be used to break up demonstrations in the UK. Does anyone have any confirmation of this?
This is not just about the UK, the rising tide of patriotism throughout Europe, dismissed by the sneering, mass murdering, Communists, as populism, is an indicator that the death of the EU is near. If we leave freedom lovers in Europe will follow us and the EU traitors know this.
Before I die I just want to see someone draped in a European national flag kicking Juncker’s head down a road.
And a new people takes the land: and still it is not we.
They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords.
It may be we are meant to mark with our riot . . .
Best wishes to you all. God bless real Europeans everywhere.
Article in order order on Lord Adonis the most deranged person alive.
Guido finishes the article with:-
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the Government and I’m here to help’”
A quotation from Ronald Reagan.
Sorry, Guido you are behind the times.
There are now six most terrifying words, emanating from the EU.
Whatever it takes, Ever Closer Union.