“growth in food insecurity”
What kind of English is that ?
BTW This country is awash with cheap/free food
Don’t you pass bushes with unpicked fruit on in the Autumn as the people rush into Tescos ?
A report out this week points to families struggling to put food on the table. Should the Govt appoint a Minister for Hunger to respond to the growth in food insecurity especially among children? Call Any Answers 03700 100 444 #bbcaq
Some animals are more equal that others
Remainers CAN scream “scum” at an MP and that’s OK
Is this really a very well known pro-EU Remain campaigner aggressively confronting pro-Brexit MP David Davies @DavidTCDavies and calling him "the worst piece of scum" to his face? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. pic.twitter.com/x9c00r7giE
Guest – I heard this on R4 yesterday, but just turned the volume down and listened to my diesel engine instead, its a far more pleasing sound than the daily, R4, lefty, whiner.
Might do her a bit of a favour, looks like Rebecca could easily ease up a bit on the pasties and probably still not be in much danger of starving to death.
Racist rules causing problems for BBC opera joint produdtion.
The original Porgy & Bess performance rights specify that always white actors cannot play black parts, but the opera company cant get the 40 British black performers
could be a PR stunt
. I thought biasedbbc had been purged of schoolboy naughty words and general smuttiness by Fedup2 in his Mary Whitehouse channelling mode. Lowering the tone there, Old Chap!! Where’s the serious critique of the BBC? Try keeping it pristine in future, mate.
ID thank you for that -I’ve edited my post not to offend you further ….if you notice over the last few days of 600 entry threads I’ve not been correcting the various ‘Fs’ that have been used
But to spare you offence and nice lines about Mary Whitehouse -it’s ammended .
Sorry about the sense of humour failure . I ll increase the censorship to keep you happy
If there’s any thing else you don’t like ID please report it and it will be examined .
Your efforts are most appreciated.
Blending into the background and running an efficient ship is not the way to become a celebrity.
I do not view you as a would be Bercow.
ID – I put that one in to gauge your reaction. I really would love to engage people like you who support the BBC .
You exhibit the characteristics of trolls who who seek to get evidence from those with whom they engage / challenge -as opposed to providing evidence themselves . ✉️
You are talking in riddles.
What engagement at a sensible level do you want?
I seem to remember you making some pompous statement about gathering evidence for some future reckoning with the BBC. Naughty words would undermine the credibility of biasedbbc. I read one of your posts for the illumination it should bring and find you mentioning “flatus”. Is that the grand indictment of the BBC you were envisaging?
“You are talking in riddles. What engagement at a sensible level do you want?”
LOL, Fed’s response is just another example of the near constant paranoia many people on this site seem to live under:
They’re all laughing at us. They all hate us. They all want to kill us. Everyone is the enemy. The State, universities, institutions are all ‘infected’. Soros, globalists, cultural Marxists, Gramscians, Fabians, NWO Common Purpose graduates, the EU, the UN, the BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, immigrants, black people, brown people, feminists, ’homos’, sandal wearers and those people you thought gave you a bit of a funny look walking down the street a few days ago. – They’ve all been meeting in secret, dark, smoke-free rooms across the country with the sole purpose of ensuring that a non-white, muslim woman won “Bake Off” in 2015.
You can’t even say racist, bigoted things anymore without some no-mark calling you a bigoted racist.
Strange! How efficient can the running of the ship be if the Cap’n thinks someone who has pointed out BBC bias for years is a BBC employee? More Queeg than Nelson.
ID, It was not so long ago you suggested I was a Russian Troll because I had a different view on the Syrian situation. Then you took me to task over for supporting an alternative view view on the Skipal incident when not only had I not written anything about it my views on that were the same as yours. I did not receive an apology. I declined to trade insults with you at the time but now the gloves are off.
You are by far the most unpleasant person I have encountered on this site in four years. You are incapable of reasonable discourse and you sew disharmony like you have studied it for a degree.
I will not accuse you of working for the BBC and I don’t know if Fed made that seriously or tongue in cheek but I do know this, and that is anybody on this site working for the BBC would not make statements supporting them. That would be plain stupid. They would be working in more subtle ways to cause problems.
As for calling people liars, well! Twice you have told us that you are leaving this site and yet you keep coming back like a demented ghost. To your own self be true, at least.
Anyone claiming to be outraged about BBCbias yet parrots RT nonsense cannot be taken seriously. Especially, as many of the stalwarts of Press TV still turn up on RT.
Even I can’t “sew” disharmony.
Do you still think the Russians had nothing to do with Salisbury? Did your conspiracy theories pan out.?
Continue in your ridiculous belief that someone criticising the BBC is actually working for them in some cunning nefarious way. Utterly laughable.
Can’t you get it into your thick head that I think, and have thought right from the beginning, that the Russians had everything to do with the Salisbury incident. I said so then.
Also I do know a little about infiltration though having experience with official plants. They are quite happy to chant along with everyone else. Not laughable, based on several experiences. What I say is quite true.
I can’t remember what you wrote or, indeed ever replying to you. However, as I have no reason to doubt you, and can’t find the post/posts, would you accept my apology for misrepresenting your views?
I am intrigued by the idea that there are loyal BBC employees infiltrating BiasedBBC and slagging off the BBas a way of furthering the BBC agenda. How do you differentiate “real” critics from bogus ones? Is it the dodgy grammar and misspelling of simple words that marks out the true ctitic of the BBC from those duplicitous Oxbridge educated BBC blackop wallahs?
ID, There is no reply option to your letter below. so I’ll reply here.
Firstly I accept your apology. Thank you.
Next I will assume your question is serious and that you do wish to know how to distinguish between real from bogus critics and not just a dig at my lack of education. I would have to say I don’t have a reliable answer. It’s not a thing I worry about a lot and I don’t tend to think that it would make any sense for the beeb to pay someone to infiltrate us. But lack of sense does not mean they wouldn’t do it.
Is maxicony a bbc mole? I have never accused him of being such. I think him a mildly irritating ambush predator who waits for the unwary. His style of delivery is like a previous troll going by the name of LTV or similar in that he presents peoples own lines back at them, often out of context, but he may not be the same person. I just think him a harmless idiot.
But there again he did launch quite vicious attacks against Alan our previous chap in charge. And we have to see if he starts to attack Fed in the same way.
My experience with infiltrators was before the ‘online era’
I was going to relate a few incidents here which you and others may have found amusing but my post would become too long. In summary I would say that that one can spend too much time worrying about moles and spies and in my experience while they do turn up now and again they generally turn out to be not the ones who people thought.
But looking for unusual patterns in their behaviour is my suggestion and don’t get hung up be unusual behaviour as such. If that makes sense.
2019-01-09 10:06 Russia Today UK
Dozens of decapitated skeletons unearthed in mysterious ancient cemetery (PHOTOS)
“A cemetery dating back to the 4th century has been uncovered by archaeologists in Suffolk, England, revealing 52 incredibly well-preserved skeletons, many of which had been decapitated.
The dig at the Roman-era cemetery revealed many disembodied skeletons, buried with their heads carefully placed between their legs or feet. Some of the remains were merely skulls, buried without corresponding bodies. In all, only 17 of the 52 bodies of men, women and children were buried in the standard lying position”
” . . . this site had an unusually high number of “deviants””
A just translated epigraph stated that the skeletons were from a patrician group who tried to stop Britain leaving the
Roman Empire in 329AD and were executed for their treason.
The epigraph also explained that the term “lying position” used in 329AD is not the same as that used today.
From a comment :-
“These were the burials of liberals. It was believed that if the heads of liberals were cut off they would neither return to life or harass you in the afterlife.”
The Brexiteers finally won a referendum amongst the posh elite in 406. They appointed Marcus as Emperor of Britannia, but he was as useless as Theresa May, so they appointed Gratian as Emperor of Britannia, but he was as useless as Jeremy Corbyn, so they appointed Constantine as Emperor of Britain, but he was a bit like Michael Gove, abandoning Britain to fight the French, Spaniards, Germans and Italians in Spain and France. The Remainers then tried to reverse the Referendum result four years later in 410 by sending a letter to Honorius (Juncker) asking for help to reimpose European rule. But Honorius (Juncker) said he couldn’t do this because the Euroskeptic, Alaric (Orban) had sacked Rome (Brussels). So Honorius (Juncker) told the Remainers to respect the 406 Referendum result. So in the north of Britain, the Brexitters appointed Old King Coel as King of Birneich (Britannia-North)
It's worth reading this, reminding yourself that this is the President of the United States talking, and then reading it again. https://t.co/L9BCpnwZmW
Guest – we know Trump’s not going to win prizes for eloquence, nor does he have Reagans short, sharp stabbing sword. By and large, though, he does have what matters: policies.
What good is a smooth talker with crap policies, eg Obama?
Anyway, it’s quite easy to transcribe someone talking off the cuff, and make them sound… not fluent. Bet you can do the same to the smug Naughtie.
No, Trump has a constituency for whom he delivers. They like him that way.
Obama pretended to deliver to his ‘constituency’ , but never really did.
In fact, you can argue that Trump has done more to deliver for Obama’s constituency (jobs, security etc) than Obama ever did. But the latter did have a smooth tongue; smooth as a snake…
For years there was ‘allegedly’, which served the BBC and still does when actually unable to substantiate anything, by neatly going vague and/or either referencing unknown testimony or that of others more immune from carrying the can.
Then came ‘reportedly’, where the escape clause is, as the word suggests, a ‘report’ by another, who is not the BBC, and hence good enough to serve.
Now there is, often in combination, ‘investigated’. Which actually and often only does mean someone, somewhere, has made a claim that has pushed those easily guided into checking.
It means nothing at this point. If it leads to a charge, it does. But still not as much as a conviction. especially these days as the DPP is utterly discredited. Otherwise it is simply a tool to taint alone.
The BBC likes all these words. Too much. And for these reasons.
“Where does he think it is now ?” He and his treasonous ilk are to blame. They ignored the democratic tradition.
The bottle is broken, the genie cannot be replaced.
They ignored the rules. We shall replace the former rules with our new rules.
“ripping Britain apart”
It is not, and never has been, just about the UK.
We are not eurosceptics no matter how many times the lying MSM used this term. We have no doubts about EU intentions, we understand and hate them.
Hundreds of millions of good Europeans cheered when the UK voted to leave, not that this was widely publicised.
They want to leave the moribund dictatorship themselves. The suggestion that these people will not trade with us shows how desperate the Europhiles are.
The Politiburo will be working round the clock. Their army will be deployed ASAP and it will be like 1956 in Hungary again.
The EU must die in 2019, if half a million eurocrats have to die with it, that is just fine by me.
Love and best wishes to all freedom loving Europeans.
It’s one of the reasons I refer to it at the ReichEU.
On a slightly different issue – the fella who was arrested today relating to alleged nasty words to an MP called Soubry – seems not to have been released yet …
“Oh, wait.. we can’t criticise our own culture can we?”
Well yes, actually we can. And we do, it happens all the time. Furthermore, we can leave “our religion ” without death threats.
I don’t know what you think MoreHamHead, perhaps not much, but I don’t think Jesus said anything particularly objectionable. And that’s from a long standing atheist.
“Maybe not but he said many things which were, and remain, undeniably stupid.”
Reported to have said. Who knows what, if anything, he actually said. An important point is that the New Testament is not taken as the word of God. Makes it much easier to interpret, or totally ignore, as you wish. At least we have a choice.
It seems it is more the case of objecting against the special treatment Islam is given by the BBC and how they cover events relating to that religion in a biased way.
The recent New Year’s Eve stabbing is a fine example of them doing everything they could to avoid calling it a religious-based attack including rewriting headlines, burying the description and religion of the attacker at the bottom of the article, and dropping the story as quickly as they could diminishing the Islam angle with mental illness one.
How is it even possible to discuss that story without including Islam? Are you advocating that we too become like the BBC and ignore the most important element of the story.
You need to understand that Islam is primarily a political cult and that critics, or attackers, of the Koran, do so because it is not perceived as a religious text. No one here has either found or attacked any religious element in it. They attack its elevation to a credible bundle of words by the biased BBC
james goddard arrested under suspicion of a public order offence
I find it deeply disturbing that our “elites” can now shout any insults they want about anybody they want, but if you shout insults back you get arrested, Whilst violent mobs with the correct way of thinking walk away without a word being said.
If you have not recognised for how long the Globalist/NWO have been planning and working assiduously toward the downfall of the West and how they have subverted the UN in the process take a look at the series of videos by the John Birch Society eg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVXVuEVUKkU
Blocking Brexit could cause far-right surge – Grayling https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46847169
Cue the lefts darling a Banksy…
Unitentionally showing a workman breaking many EU regulations …
”Transport Secretary Chris Grayling told the Daily Mail that not leaving the EU would cause the 17 million people who voted for Brexit to feel “cheated”.
This could end centuries of “moderate” politics in the UK, he said, as he urged his colleagues to back Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal.”
”..end centuries of “moderate” politics..” ?
The last few decade’s looks rather EXTREMIST to me
Such as :
Importing 7 million immigrants,
legalising all things homo – even marridge and allowing children to be part adoption experiments.
CCTV everywhere.
Police that dress like para millitary and often with better hardware than the army.
Virtually criminalising criticism of a certain religion.
Dividing societies up and calling it communities,,
Having a welfare systen than hands out as many fines (sanctions) a year, as magistrates courts, but with less time to repay them or legal scrutiny.
A raft of laws curtailing free speech, gatherings, marches..
An education system that looks a lot like a far left version of Hitlers Youth camp.
Smoking inside bans.
Drinking outside bans.
The lying Grayling needs to understand :-
#1 We know that the May “deal” is specifically designed to be NOT BREXIT.
#2 No matter how frequently he and other Class A TRAITORS tell us how wonderful the May “deal” is, and how often he and other Class A TRAITORS tell us that the May “deal” is the only deal, we are not going to start believing six impossible things before breakfast.
All power to Mogg and the ERG, the only group who do have credibility.
At least there will be a special British Military “Brexit Corridor Convoy” Train
travelling through enemy territory to the British sector of Berlin on the 16th June. With a formal reception at the Reichstag, a Chelsea Pensioners parade through the Brandenburg Gate, a tour of the British Occupation Zone, a day of British Garrison open doors in Berlin and an End-of-Train party in Spandau.
See this pamphlet on how the British Army are going to return to Berlin after Brexit.
Maxi was pinned down a while back on whether he was a Beeboid. He said no. Have a vague notion that he sort of half hinted, half admitted he’s something in the legal profession.
Interesting that we have three trolls on together. Less likely to be one and the same person.
Welcome guys & gals – as long as you truly engage in debate and not just indulge in drive-by shoutings. What would be especially welcome – and would raise your status no end – would be if you picked up and posted BBC errors or examples of bias on here, too. After all, it is what we are about.
Hmmm. Why did we interview Banks on Marr if this is true? Strange. And provide Newsnight with paperwork that they used to dig deeper into the very questions you suggest we aim to suppress. https://t.co/8hlKfnnNW0
The beeb was actually pushing a NYT story that, not only did Trump allegedly benefit from Russian interference, but he actually worked for Russia in some way, can’t remember the exact wording, but I’ll look for the alleged NYT article.
Not that there’s much there I would believe…
Did anyone else hear that? I always wonder what next, in the non-stop anti-Trump warfare from day one? It’s so ridiculous, the thousands that have been gunning for him, but still nothing.
Now we have a new angle…
I stopped watching BBC a few years ago to avoid the bias.
While I was a viewer I must have seen hundreds of these ethnic “experts” promoted by the BBC.
100% chip on their shoulder.
95% white haters.
95% ugly as sin.
95% IQ of a carpet.
Against my better judgement I just watched Question Time and better judgement proved right since it was grindingly awful. I guess Fiona Bruce’s enunciation and voice projection didn’t figure in the BBC’s choice of her to replace Dimbleby. Lefty PeeCee shmuck though Dimbleby is, he could clearly articulate his Lefty PeeCee shmuckness and one didn’t have to strain to hear him.
So why did the BBC choose her? I guess they figured she was the one who most closely resembled Dimbleby’s style and could be relied on to perpetuate it, remaining equally unperturbed by the programme’s biased lefty choice of panelists and audience.
I noticed that she allowed the awful Thornberry to waffle and grumble on at length, frequently cut the black Tory guy short and virtually ignored Melanie Phillips (who nevertheless managed to put that dumb ‘comedian’ in his place over his ignorant and insulting rant on the subject of black-on-black knife killings in London.)
No wonder the BBC is delighted with her first performance.
A few on here have asked if the bbbc have ever done a positive item about Brexit (and nobody has found one yet)
There have been lots of either anti Brexit or pro eu programmes (100 days after Brexit, QT and the like), not to mention the sledgehammer pro eu/anti Brexit propaganda (same withTrump) we get incessantly from EVERY channel.
So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find ONE pro Brexit – anti eu programme broadcasted on ANY channel EVER.
Some one thing to counter the hundreds of pro eu/anti Brexit propaganda programmes.
By the way, I have heard of a comedian who is NOT far left like all the comedians we see on tv. He is called Geoff Norcott (I think) although he’s rarely seen. He is, unlike current ‘comedians’, funny.
I think Geoff Norcott is a pretend non-lefty , a partially made up character an act.
There are plenty of non-libmob comediabs/writers its just they are excluded from our ReMainStreamMedia.
eg Lee Hurst, Andrew Lawrence etc.
“The office of EU Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs issued a statement called on Khartoum to ensure the right for freedom of assembly, association and expression and to refrain from violence”
Still pretending to be a sovereign state.
Still encouraging sovereign states in the EU to repress their own people.
For those of you who have not come across Pat Condell, the attached link to the following YouTube clip perhaps should be sent to the BBC and other media outlets to remind them of what actually happened with the Brexit vote:
There are many infinitely more intelligent and erudite people on Youtube to watch than Pissy Pants Pat Condell. Check out Douglas Murray or Christopher Hitchens on Islam if you want some real intellectual stimulation, not just a zombie reading from a screen with a few “jokes” thrown in.
Well, MoreHamHead, in a sense you’re right. It doesn’t take more than three of my brain cells to respond to your arguments for the simple reason that they’re not very challenging in the first place.
I just despise the left and how they they get away with stuff like this yet as soon as someone shouts a hurty word at one of their own they go into complete meltdown and claim far right thuggery …..it makes my blood boil.
That is what is getting me so angry about the arrest of James Goddard. It’s not that I particularly approve of his behaviour; I don’t. It’s that the left get carte blanche to behave like that with not a murmur from the State.
In their haste to put him in his place for calling Soubry a Nazi, the authorities are showing it is they who behave like Nazis. How else do you describe the application of laws against some political views but not others?
2019-01-11 17:07 Guardian Opinion LGBT rights
“We don’t think John Finnis should teach at Oxford University. Here’s why”
Briefly, because we do not like the beliefs of Professor Finnis and we intend to stop anyone else becoming infected with these heretical attitudes.
No comments. The Guardian between a rock and a hard place.
Because of paywalls reader opportunities are fewer, the Guardian comments are popular and the source of income the Guardian badly needs.
However the increasingly extreme, implausible and, occasionally totally unbelievable, nonsense that passes as reasoned opinion in the current Guardian ecdysis gets mocked, ridiculed, parodied and generally demonstrated to be untenable, by battalions of enthusiastic critics, when comments are allowed.
The discussion about whether some one with particular views should be made unemployed by a university is a good debating issue .
As an undergrad i went to a a lefty university . I had to tone down my ( Far?) right views to get me to a 2-1 part time whilst I did a full time job .
But university life is about thinking and coming to views through argument . Closing down argument will make it easy to question the value of university education – whether subsidised or not .
I see that the Muslim guy on the right is keeping up the old Islamic chant; Death, death death! He’s proving how his religion loves to be associated with death – notice the dead bird he is holding up after slaughter!
The Nobel prize-winning DNA pioneer James Watson is probably the most qualified man on the planet to comment on human intelligence in relation to DNA seeing as he discovered it.
He recently made the perfectly reasonable assertion that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”.
He was further quoted as saying that his hope was that everyone was equal but that “people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true”.
The reaction of all the less qualified people who desperately want to virtue signal their love of all things black and African is to remove him from his job and strip him of all his awards, telling him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
James Watson didn’t discover DNA. DNA was discovered by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. The role of DNA was discovered by Oswald Avery in 1944. Watson, along with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA and for this they were awarded a Nobel Prize in 1953.
Watson’s work tells us nothing about the role of DNA and intelligence.
There has been several studies claiming that the IQ of Africans is lower that many non Africans. Yes, very controversial and claims have been made regarding DNA, so I would expect Watson, as a scientist, might investigate the arguments.
So if Watson said this, then it would have been based on some research into the arguments. He could be wrong, just as the studies could be wrong.
But the wrongness would be based on a refutation of the science, not by virtue signalling would be Maxiconys
As one clearly keen on doing so, if as a rare poster, maybe by way of introduction to a forum on bbc bias you could share your top five bbc links that illustrate this?
I should point out that I do not place much weight on IQ tests in any area.
However, for discussions on the claim regarding IQ and Africans I suggest looking on You Tube where there are numerous discussions on the subject – some crude, others intelligent. Worth a look. Try hitting You Tube
IQ tests and Africans
Worth looking at Wikipedia for an outline of the theories.
Watson has a reputation for thinking outside the box, which he is entitled to. Sir Patrick Moore once hauled me over for re-examining his work on Directed Panspermia. Outlandish and outside of mainstream science, but I have not found a correct medical diagnosis for that.
Indulge me over Goddard. Before he upset Owen Jones’s adopted Mummy, Anna Soubry, he has been leading a campaign called Justice for the Three, which is backing the claims of the families of three young boys who were victims of a hit and run attack, which Goddard – rightly or wrongly – sees as a terrorist act covered up by the cops and the media.
In this respect, like Tommy Robinson, who has been drawing attention to the cover up of grooming gangs, Goddard has become a nuisance to the authorities. He needs to be silenced, so nail him over offending Owen Jones’s mummy.
His broadcasting style is not very polished, but people who are losing contact with the MSM are listening.
I am not saying he is correct, but I do oppose him being demonized for his views.
Some people might think a gang of violent muggers is a big story. Not Al Beebeera apparently, who seem remarkably insouciant about what the police describe as a shocking level of violence.
Why the indifference? Their names are Mohammed Chaab, Abdelhakim Naili, Ziyad Al-Daher, Serewo Gwanzura, Khalid Abdullah, Khaled Guehis…
UK: 2018 was London’s Most Violent Year in a Decade | Jack Buckby
Check Jack’s other new Videos
If you set the filter to “upload date” : There’s one about No Post Brexit migration limit
..and another about Soubry “They do it (shout Nazi etc.) all the time, but if we do it to them, it’s A HATE CRIME”
Jack Buckby, previous member of the racist, anti-semitic, anti-muslim BNP (just like your other crush, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, but I’m sure thats purely coincidental…).
Previous member of LibertyGB lead by the racist, anti-semitic, anti-muslim Paul Weston (but again, just another strange coincidence…)
“Don’t have sex with ‘intravenous drug abusers’, ‘bisexuals’ or ‘blacks’.
Also known as patriots.
Who will be awarded the Brexit medal.
Who may be awarded the Post EU Freedom Medal, and 27 other medals created by grateful sovereign states in recognition of their contributions towards the extinction of the EU.
Maxicony has just discovered that it is fashionable to refer to Tommy Robinson as Steven Yaxley Lennon. Hey Maxi, you missed out mortgage fraud, soccer hooligan, thug, yada yada, founder of racist EDL yada yada.
Rahaf al-Qunun: Saudi teen refugee arrives in Canada https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-46851723
Good luck to her if she has really renounced Islam,
but the cynical side of me, sees her sat Googling
”Canadian immigration rules –
family reunification ”
Next the USA! I didn’t really want Canada as my imam drew me a map of the best tourist sights there! And best pharmacies owned by fellow muslims He said now’t about visiting sights in Canada though?
It’s oldish news from a month back, but if you haven’t checked out the London Brexit address it’s really inspiring stuff, even though coming from London.
There seems little point in complaining of left wing bias to the BBC
as all you seem to get is an auto generated “dear John”.
They seem to just show the one finger salute as we are just the suckers
that pay their wages !!
They get no payment from me and i neither watch or listen to any of their output. Three years free now. News and info from other online sources. I come here and Is The BBC Biased to read how bad and senile Auntie has become.
Opposition activists in Russia accuse the Kremlin of using the security services and state-controlled TV to attack them. When #BBCPanorama went to investigate their claims, the same tactics were used. Find out more in Taking on Putin, 7.30pm tomorrow on @BBCOne. pic.twitter.com/e11x4uyNDm
BBC News seems to be under-reporting the chaos in France again. If there were similar protests against say Trump or Putin every weekend the coverage would be endless. https://t.co/G0zAAdksui
Mary Creagh was on LBC argued that “yes her constituents voted 66% for Brexit but only 56% want it now”
.. Personally I think it is OK for MP to have points of principle which are different from their constituents.
..but there has been a big con in the way Islington people were parachuted into safe Labour seats, Jo Cox was one of them too
Is it a Fabian society thing ?
Mary Creagh has only libmob obsessions : Climate Change, StopBrexit and WomenAreVictims
..yet does nothing on grooming gangs etc.
If it’s a point of principle about an issue central to the last vote and they did not make their principle clear at that time, they should resign and seek re-election.
Just as it is worth checking all those unhappy with Referendum and its result for their extent and passion and skill explaining why to those they subsequently accuse of not knowing what they did.
8am Radio 4 news, I listened back on Iplayer
and fastforwarded past agenda pushing
#1 3min of Brexit bashing
#2 1min Trump bashing .. WaPo’s Russian meeting conspiracy
#3 1min actual news about US Syria
#4 1.5 mins Obama mate’s mate will run for the Democrat nomination .. so what ? this is not relevant news to us in the UK
#5 20s Sun says that only half stolen vehicles are recover
So inthat 7 min news bulletin 5 mins was agenda pushing.
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896693369948311986?s=61 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
“growth in food insecurity”
What kind of English is that ?
BTW This country is awash with cheap/free food
Don’t you pass bushes with unpicked fruit on in the Autumn as the people rush into Tescos ?
If I’m not even looking for this stuff, yet I just spot it whilst searching for other stuff, then it must be dead easy for MSM to report… so I guess they suppress it.
Maybe they only check twitter when using the undergr… oh, wait.
Some animals are more equal that others
Remainers CAN scream “scum” at an MP and that’s OK
Apparently, ‘Steve’ is a good friend of the MP for Broxtowe. Maybe she can ask him to mend his ways?
As Amy Rutland would say…. ‘unsurprising but still dizgoostin’. Allegedly.
and most of the UC job centre staff are labour too .
Guest – I heard this on R4 yesterday, but just turned the volume down and listened to my diesel engine instead, its a far more pleasing sound than the daily, R4, lefty, whiner.
Might do her a bit of a favour, looks like Rebecca could easily ease up a bit on the pasties and probably still not be in much danger of starving to death.
In Rouen
Racist rules causing problems for BBC opera joint produdtion.
The original Porgy & Bess performance rights specify that always white actors cannot play black parts, but the opera company cant get the 40 British black performers
could be a PR stunt
I suppose we must blame the Gershwin family for that. Would they prefer that it wasn’t performed at all?
There also seems to be shortage of white cowboys:
Must be like watching ‘ blazing saddles ‘ – is there a ‘eruction ’ scene?
( this post has been amended at the request of ID )
. I thought biasedbbc had been purged of schoolboy naughty words and general smuttiness by Fedup2 in his Mary Whitehouse channelling mode. Lowering the tone there, Old Chap!! Where’s the serious critique of the BBC? Try keeping it pristine in future, mate.
ID thank you for that -I’ve edited my post not to offend you further ….if you notice over the last few days of 600 entry threads I’ve not been correcting the various ‘Fs’ that have been used
But to spare you offence and nice lines about Mary Whitehouse -it’s ammended .
Sorry about the sense of humour failure . I ll increase the censorship to keep you happy
If there’s any thing else you don’t like ID please report it and it will be examined .
Your efforts are most appreciated.
Blending into the background and running an efficient ship is not the way to become a celebrity.
I do not view you as a would be Bercow.
Last – thank you .
ID wants this site to focus more on evidence of bias by the BBC. I presume ID works for the BBC so should be accommodated .
Why do you suppose I work for the BBC?
Produce one post of mine in which I have supported the BBC.
“eruction” suggests belching. If you are going to self-censor at least try and get it right.
( this post has been amended to prevent defamation ID) .
ID – I put that one in to gauge your reaction. I really would love to engage people like you who support the BBC .
You exhibit the characteristics of trolls who who seek to get evidence from those with whom they engage / challenge -as opposed to providing evidence themselves . ✉️
You are talking in riddles.
What engagement at a sensible level do you want?
I seem to remember you making some pompous statement about gathering evidence for some future reckoning with the BBC. Naughty words would undermine the credibility of biasedbbc. I read one of your posts for the illumination it should bring and find you mentioning “flatus”. Is that the grand indictment of the BBC you were envisaging?
“You are talking in riddles. What engagement at a sensible level do you want?”
LOL, Fed’s response is just another example of the near constant paranoia many people on this site seem to live under:
They’re all laughing at us. They all hate us. They all want to kill us. Everyone is the enemy. The State, universities, institutions are all ‘infected’. Soros, globalists, cultural Marxists, Gramscians, Fabians, NWO Common Purpose graduates, the EU, the UN, the BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, immigrants, black people, brown people, feminists, ’homos’, sandal wearers and those people you thought gave you a bit of a funny look walking down the street a few days ago. – They’ve all been meeting in secret, dark, smoke-free rooms across the country with the sole purpose of ensuring that a non-white, muslim woman won “Bake Off” in 2015.
You can’t even say racist, bigoted things anymore without some no-mark calling you a bigoted racist.
It may suggest it but there is still no such word.
hear, hear
Strange! How efficient can the running of the ship be if the Cap’n thinks someone who has pointed out BBC bias for years is a BBC employee? More Queeg than Nelson.
ID, It was not so long ago you suggested I was a Russian Troll because I had a different view on the Syrian situation. Then you took me to task over for supporting an alternative view view on the Skipal incident when not only had I not written anything about it my views on that were the same as yours. I did not receive an apology. I declined to trade insults with you at the time but now the gloves are off.
You are by far the most unpleasant person I have encountered on this site in four years. You are incapable of reasonable discourse and you sew disharmony like you have studied it for a degree.
I will not accuse you of working for the BBC and I don’t know if Fed made that seriously or tongue in cheek but I do know this, and that is anybody on this site working for the BBC would not make statements supporting them. That would be plain stupid. They would be working in more subtle ways to cause problems.
As for calling people liars, well! Twice you have told us that you are leaving this site and yet you keep coming back like a demented ghost. To your own self be true, at least.
Anyone claiming to be outraged about BBCbias yet parrots RT nonsense cannot be taken seriously. Especially, as many of the stalwarts of Press TV still turn up on RT.
Even I can’t “sew” disharmony.
Do you still think the Russians had nothing to do with Salisbury? Did your conspiracy theories pan out.?
Continue in your ridiculous belief that someone criticising the BBC is actually working for them in some cunning nefarious way. Utterly laughable.
Can’t you get it into your thick head that I think, and have thought right from the beginning, that the Russians had everything to do with the Salisbury incident. I said so then.
Also I do know a little about infiltration though having experience with official plants. They are quite happy to chant along with everyone else. Not laughable, based on several experiences. What I say is quite true.
Sew there!
I can’t remember what you wrote or, indeed ever replying to you. However, as I have no reason to doubt you, and can’t find the post/posts, would you accept my apology for misrepresenting your views?
I am intrigued by the idea that there are loyal BBC employees infiltrating BiasedBBC and slagging off the BBas a way of furthering the BBC agenda. How do you differentiate “real” critics from bogus ones? Is it the dodgy grammar and misspelling of simple words that marks out the true ctitic of the BBC from those duplicitous Oxbridge educated BBC blackop wallahs?
ID, There is no reply option to your letter below. so I’ll reply here.
Firstly I accept your apology. Thank you.
Next I will assume your question is serious and that you do wish to know how to distinguish between real from bogus critics and not just a dig at my lack of education. I would have to say I don’t have a reliable answer. It’s not a thing I worry about a lot and I don’t tend to think that it would make any sense for the beeb to pay someone to infiltrate us. But lack of sense does not mean they wouldn’t do it.
Is maxicony a bbc mole? I have never accused him of being such. I think him a mildly irritating ambush predator who waits for the unwary. His style of delivery is like a previous troll going by the name of LTV or similar in that he presents peoples own lines back at them, often out of context, but he may not be the same person. I just think him a harmless idiot.
But there again he did launch quite vicious attacks against Alan our previous chap in charge. And we have to see if he starts to attack Fed in the same way.
My experience with infiltrators was before the ‘online era’
I was going to relate a few incidents here which you and others may have found amusing but my post would become too long. In summary I would say that that one can spend too much time worrying about moles and spies and in my experience while they do turn up now and again they generally turn out to be not the ones who people thought.
But looking for unusual patterns in their behaviour is my suggestion and don’t get hung up be unusual behaviour as such. If that makes sense.
YD – 40 love.
Sky tries an editorial fast one.
Fails big time.
2019-01-09 10:06 Russia Today UK
Dozens of decapitated skeletons unearthed in mysterious ancient cemetery (PHOTOS)
“A cemetery dating back to the 4th century has been uncovered by archaeologists in Suffolk, England, revealing 52 incredibly well-preserved skeletons, many of which had been decapitated.
The dig at the Roman-era cemetery revealed many disembodied skeletons, buried with their heads carefully placed between their legs or feet. Some of the remains were merely skulls, buried without corresponding bodies. In all, only 17 of the 52 bodies of men, women and children were buried in the standard lying position”
” . . . this site had an unusually high number of “deviants””
A just translated epigraph stated that the skeletons were from a patrician group who tried to stop Britain leaving the
Roman Empire in 329AD and were executed for their treason.
The epigraph also explained that the term “lying position” used in 329AD is not the same as that used today.
From a comment :-
“These were the burials of liberals. It was believed that if the heads of liberals were cut off they would neither return to life or harass you in the afterlife.”
The Brexiteers finally won a referendum amongst the posh elite in 406. They appointed Marcus as Emperor of Britannia, but he was as useless as Theresa May, so they appointed Gratian as Emperor of Britannia, but he was as useless as Jeremy Corbyn, so they appointed Constantine as Emperor of Britain, but he was a bit like Michael Gove, abandoning Britain to fight the French, Spaniards, Germans and Italians in Spain and France. The Remainers then tried to reverse the Referendum result four years later in 410 by sending a letter to Honorius (Juncker) asking for help to reimpose European rule. But Honorius (Juncker) said he couldn’t do this because the Euroskeptic, Alaric (Orban) had sacked Rome (Brussels). So Honorius (Juncker) told the Remainers to respect the 406 Referendum result. So in the north of Britain, the Brexitters appointed Old King Coel as King of Birneich (Britannia-North)
Thank you, that’s really made me laugh 🙂
Yet another impartial bbc stalwart tweets:
Guest – we know Trump’s not going to win prizes for eloquence, nor does he have Reagans short, sharp stabbing sword. By and large, though, he does have what matters: policies.
What good is a smooth talker with crap policies, eg Obama?
Anyway, it’s quite easy to transcribe someone talking off the cuff, and make them sound… not fluent. Bet you can do the same to the smug Naughtie.
No, Trump has a constituency for whom he delivers. They like him that way.
Obama pretended to deliver to his ‘constituency’ , but never really did.
In fact, you can argue that Trump has done more to deliver for Obama’s constituency (jobs, security etc) than Obama ever did. But the latter did have a smooth tongue; smooth as a snake…
It’s worth reminding James Naughtie
..to look at his own falling audience figures
..and the fact that he is NOT president ,far from it.
It is now quite surreal.
For years there was ‘allegedly’, which served the BBC and still does when actually unable to substantiate anything, by neatly going vague and/or either referencing unknown testimony or that of others more immune from carrying the can.
Then came ‘reportedly’, where the escape clause is, as the word suggests, a ‘report’ by another, who is not the BBC, and hence good enough to serve.
Now there is, often in combination, ‘investigated’. Which actually and often only does mean someone, somewhere, has made a claim that has pushed those easily guided into checking.
It means nothing at this point. If it leads to a charge, it does. But still not as much as a conviction. especially these days as the DPP is utterly discredited. Otherwise it is simply a tool to taint alone.
The BBC likes all these words. Too much. And for these reasons.
Sources say ——-
It has been suggested ….
A think tank claims ….
Unconfirmed reports ….
Some claim …..
a spokesman said …
I was really surprised that Chris Grayling said that if the brexit process fails the door will be open to ‘ gutter politics ‘ .
Where does he think it is now ?
Membership of the ReichEU is politically ripping Britain apart and it only remains to be seen whether the political Rips become physical ones ….
“Where does he think it is now ?” He and his treasonous ilk are to blame. They ignored the democratic tradition.
The bottle is broken, the genie cannot be replaced.
They ignored the rules. We shall replace the former rules with our new rules.
“ripping Britain apart”
It is not, and never has been, just about the UK.
We are not eurosceptics no matter how many times the lying MSM used this term. We have no doubts about EU intentions, we understand and hate them.
Hundreds of millions of good Europeans cheered when the UK voted to leave, not that this was widely publicised.
They want to leave the moribund dictatorship themselves. The suggestion that these people will not trade with us shows how desperate the Europhiles are.
The Politiburo will be working round the clock. Their army will be deployed ASAP and it will be like 1956 in Hungary again.
The EU must die in 2019, if half a million eurocrats have to die with it, that is just fine by me.
Love and best wishes to all freedom loving Europeans.
It’s one of the reasons I refer to it at the ReichEU.
On a slightly different issue – the fella who was arrested today relating to alleged nasty words to an MP called Soubry – seems not to have been released yet …
And a man in the desert 1400 years ago said …..
And a man in the desert 2000 years ago said…
Oh, wait.. we can’t criticise our own culture can we?
“Oh, wait.. we can’t criticise our own culture can we?”
Well yes, actually we can. And we do, it happens all the time. Furthermore, we can leave “our religion ” without death threats.
I don’t know what you think MoreHamHead, perhaps not much, but I don’t think Jesus said anything particularly objectionable. And that’s from a long standing atheist.
lw “but I don’t think Jesus said anything particularly objectionable”
Maybe not but he said many things which were, and remain, undeniably stupid.
“It will be interesting to see how long the meek retain control of the Earth after they inherit it” Cannot remember the source of this quote.
LCS, IIRC, you have a choice between a long time (1000 years) and eternity with no in-betweens. 😉 It is either or.
“Maybe not but he said many things which were, and remain, undeniably stupid.”
Reported to have said. Who knows what, if anything, he actually said. An important point is that the New Testament is not taken as the word of God. Makes it much easier to interpret, or totally ignore, as you wish. At least we have a choice.
This is not a site to discuss religion . It’s about the BBC and at best mainstream media .
If you want to attack / support the New Testament – go find another site .
“This is not a site to discuss religion.”
But but but… people here attack the Koran and Islam ALL THE TIME. Hypocrite.
It seems it is more the case of objecting against the special treatment Islam is given by the BBC and how they cover events relating to that religion in a biased way.
The recent New Year’s Eve stabbing is a fine example of them doing everything they could to avoid calling it a religious-based attack including rewriting headlines, burying the description and religion of the attacker at the bottom of the article, and dropping the story as quickly as they could diminishing the Islam angle with mental illness one.
How is it even possible to discuss that story without including Islam? Are you advocating that we too become like the BBC and ignore the most important element of the story.
You need to understand that Islam is primarily a political cult and that critics, or attackers, of the Koran, do so because it is not perceived as a religious text. No one here has either found or attacked any religious element in it. They attack its elevation to a credible bundle of words by the biased BBC
” No one here has either found or attacked any religious element in it.”
Funny, I wonder if you actually believe the lies you write.
Not that Islam doesn’t deserve to be criticised as a religion, but your statement is a blatent, total lie.
Wear a hat and sun cream?
james goddard arrested under suspicion of a public order offence
I find it deeply disturbing that our “elites” can now shout any insults they want about anybody they want, but if you shout insults back you get arrested, Whilst violent mobs with the correct way of thinking walk away without a word being said.
this is deeply deeply disturbing
Never fear, bbc factchecking is here!
He has been released on bail pending “ enquiries”.
A Sunday paper will run a hatchet job on himI reckon .
If you have not recognised for how long the Globalist/NWO have been planning and working assiduously toward the downfall of the West and how they have subverted the UN in the process take a look at the series of videos by the John Birch Society eg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVXVuEVUKkU
Blocking Brexit could cause far-right surge – Grayling

Cue the lefts darling a Banksy…
Unitentionally showing a workman breaking many EU regulations …
”Transport Secretary Chris Grayling told the Daily Mail that not leaving the EU would cause the 17 million people who voted for Brexit to feel “cheated”.
This could end centuries of “moderate” politics in the UK, he said, as he urged his colleagues to back Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal.”
”..end centuries of “moderate” politics..” ?
The last few decade’s looks rather EXTREMIST to me
Such as :
Importing 7 million immigrants,
legalising all things homo – even marridge and allowing children to be part adoption experiments.
CCTV everywhere.
Police that dress like para millitary and often with better hardware than the army.
Virtually criminalising criticism of a certain religion.
Dividing societies up and calling it communities,,
Having a welfare systen than hands out as many fines (sanctions) a year, as magistrates courts, but with less time to repay them or legal scrutiny.
A raft of laws curtailing free speech, gatherings, marches..
An education system that looks a lot like a far left version of Hitlers Youth camp.
Smoking inside bans.
Drinking outside bans.
The lying Grayling needs to understand :-
#1 We know that the May “deal” is specifically designed to be NOT BREXIT.
#2 No matter how frequently he and other Class A TRAITORS tell us how wonderful the May “deal” is, and how often he and other Class A TRAITORS tell us that the May “deal” is the only deal, we are not going to start believing six impossible things before breakfast.
All power to Mogg and the ERG, the only group who do have credibility.
Rail magazine , issue 869 , January 2-15 . Page 6 .
Eurostar expects to maintain services post Brexit .
Also in the text is ; and plans to increase its services to Amsterdam next year .
Notice that the headline says services post Brexit , not services in spite of Brexit or despite Brexit .
Not reported by the BBC .
At least there will be a special British Military “Brexit Corridor Convoy” Train
travelling through enemy territory to the British sector of Berlin on the 16th June. With a formal reception at the Reichstag, a Chelsea Pensioners parade through the Brandenburg Gate, a tour of the British Occupation Zone, a day of British Garrison open doors in Berlin and an End-of-Train party in Spandau.
See this pamphlet on how the British Army are going to return to Berlin after Brexit.
Just dawned on me if maxincony is in any way connected to the bBBC?
It says not.
But then, the bbc says it is trusted and impartial.
Most likely, others have looked in a similar position for many a year.
Best way is to ignore them, and not rise to the bait.
Celtic_Mist, are ‘we’ not bBBC or B-BBC?
Maxi was pinned down a while back on whether he was a Beeboid. He said no. Have a vague notion that he sort of half hinted, half admitted he’s something in the legal profession.
Interesting that we have three trolls on together. Less likely to be one and the same person.
Welcome guys & gals – as long as you truly engage in debate and not just indulge in drive-by shoutings. What would be especially welcome – and would raise your status no end – would be if you picked up and posted BBC errors or examples of bias on here, too. After all, it is what we are about.
Yet again, the BBC twitter terror chooses to cross swords with a loopy Remainer via the medium of facts.
Still seems like a lose-lose.
The Remainer will not be placated as hoped.
And the BBC desperately trying to placate Remainers by showing how they stick it to da man risks looking like they are a wee bit skewed from the off.
The beeb was actually pushing a NYT story that, not only did Trump allegedly benefit from Russian interference, but he actually worked for Russia in some way, can’t remember the exact wording, but I’ll look for the alleged NYT article.
Not that there’s much there I would believe…
Did anyone else hear that? I always wonder what next, in the non-stop anti-Trump warfare from day one? It’s so ridiculous, the thousands that have been gunning for him, but still nothing.
Now we have a new angle…
But they do persist.
I stopped watching BBC a few years ago to avoid the bias.
While I was a viewer I must have seen hundreds of these ethnic “experts” promoted by the BBC.
100% chip on their shoulder.
95% white haters.
95% ugly as sin.
95% IQ of a carpet.
…but enough about Diane Abbopotamus…
Against my better judgement I just watched Question Time and better judgement proved right since it was grindingly awful. I guess Fiona Bruce’s enunciation and voice projection didn’t figure in the BBC’s choice of her to replace Dimbleby. Lefty PeeCee shmuck though Dimbleby is, he could clearly articulate his Lefty PeeCee shmuckness and one didn’t have to strain to hear him.
So why did the BBC choose her? I guess they figured she was the one who most closely resembled Dimbleby’s style and could be relied on to perpetuate it, remaining equally unperturbed by the programme’s biased lefty choice of panelists and audience.
I noticed that she allowed the awful Thornberry to waffle and grumble on at length, frequently cut the black Tory guy short and virtually ignored Melanie Phillips (who nevertheless managed to put that dumb ‘comedian’ in his place over his ignorant and insulting rant on the subject of black-on-black knife killings in London.)
No wonder the BBC is delighted with her first performance.
A few on here have asked if the bbbc have ever done a positive item about Brexit (and nobody has found one yet)
There have been lots of either anti Brexit or pro eu programmes (100 days after Brexit, QT and the like), not to mention the sledgehammer pro eu/anti Brexit propaganda (same withTrump) we get incessantly from EVERY channel.
So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find ONE pro Brexit – anti eu programme broadcasted on ANY channel EVER.
Some one thing to counter the hundreds of pro eu/anti Brexit propaganda programmes.
By the way, I have heard of a comedian who is NOT far left like all the comedians we see on tv. He is called Geoff Norcott (I think) although he’s rarely seen. He is, unlike current ‘comedians’, funny.
I think Geoff Norcott is a pretend non-lefty , a partially made up character an act.
There are plenty of non-libmob comediabs/writers its just they are excluded from our ReMainStreamMedia.
eg Lee Hurst, Andrew Lawrence etc.
There’s is always the wonderful Milo Yiannopoulos
Dare I mention the excellent (Jewish) speaker/comedian Ben Shapiro.
Not a chance of this great (Jewish) guy being seen on any of the BBC networks News! BBC hates Jewish people/good news.
Nowhere is safe from Black men with knives.
Which is why the post Brexit legislation must include rights to bear ams similar to the USA.
2019-01-12 “Sudan Protests: European Union calls on Khartoum to ensure political freedoms”
“The office of EU Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs issued a statement called on Khartoum to ensure the right for freedom of assembly, association and expression and to refrain from violence”
Still pretending to be a sovereign state.
Still encouraging sovereign states in the EU to repress their own people.
For those of you who have not come across Pat Condell, the attached link to the following YouTube clip perhaps should be sent to the BBC and other media outlets to remind them of what actually happened with the Brexit vote:
Pat Condell reminds me of the man in the pub who smells faintly of piss and everyone tries to avoid.
“Pat Condell reminds me of the man in the pub who smells faintly of piss and everyone tries to avoid.”
That’ll be the ‘old white man stereotype’ I guess. Still if your old man is even half as smart as Pat then he will be worth listening to.
There are many infinitely more intelligent and erudite people on Youtube to watch than Pissy Pants Pat Condell. Check out Douglas Murray or Christopher Hitchens on Islam if you want some real intellectual stimulation, not just a zombie reading from a screen with a few “jokes” thrown in.
Do we have a mohemmedan troll aboard?
I recommend you people who shred Islam to pieces, but you think I’m a Mohammadan troll. I think you need some sort of medication.
You don’t have to go to the pub to find men who smell of piss !
I believe that’s called projection.
If you drink camel piss you will smell of piss, just saying
Doesn’t say much for your neighbourhood. I suppose that choice is limited for people in your circumstances.
Wow, that must have taken all 3 of your brain cells to come up with. Bravo.
How offensive do you want to be – would The Guardian be a better place for such a comment ?
Well, MoreHamHead, in a sense you’re right. It doesn’t take more than three of my brain cells to respond to your arguments for the simple reason that they’re not very challenging in the first place.
A few seconds’ work, that’s all.
So what do you smell like , fairy dust?
Can you be of more use and provide us with some evidence of Pro-Brexit Bias broadcast by Al Beeb ?
Help us all by voting here ………………………….
And here ………………………….
It helps to enlighten new readers or visitor to this site.
Thanks .
A very revealing comment that tells us nothing about Pat Condell.
Have you ever been in a pub? Isn’t it against your “religion” Mohammed? I think the piss smell might be coming from your goat.
Pat Condell can be a bit too shouty (nowhere near as bad as Paul Watson) but of the PC videos that I’ve watched, that has to be the best – ever.
Well done, Pat, and well said.
I just despise the left and how they they get away with stuff like this yet as soon as someone shouts a hurty word at one of their own they go into complete meltdown and claim far right thuggery …..it makes my blood boil.
That is what is getting me so angry about the arrest of James Goddard. It’s not that I particularly approve of his behaviour; I don’t. It’s that the left get carte blanche to behave like that with not a murmur from the State.
In their haste to put him in his place for calling Soubry a Nazi, the authorities are showing it is they who behave like Nazis. How else do you describe the application of laws against some political views but not others?
Doobie & RD, well said, Sirs! Agree with you all the way there.
2019-01-11 17:07 Guardian Opinion LGBT rights
“We don’t think John Finnis should teach at Oxford University. Here’s why”
Briefly, because we do not like the beliefs of Professor Finnis and we intend to stop anyone else becoming infected with these heretical attitudes.
No comments. The Guardian between a rock and a hard place.
Because of paywalls reader opportunities are fewer, the Guardian comments are popular and the source of income the Guardian badly needs.
However the increasingly extreme, implausible and, occasionally totally unbelievable, nonsense that passes as reasoned opinion in the current Guardian ecdysis gets mocked, ridiculed, parodied and generally demonstrated to be untenable, by battalions of enthusiastic critics, when comments are allowed.
The discussion about whether some one with particular views should be made unemployed by a university is a good debating issue .
As an undergrad i went to a a lefty university . I had to tone down my ( Far?) right views to get me to a 2-1 part time whilst I did a full time job .
But university life is about thinking and coming to views through argument . Closing down argument will make it easy to question the value of university education – whether subsidised or not .
…but enough about Diane Abbopotamus…
Another story the beebeestan don’t seem too bothered about: Muhammed Awais poses as Uber driver, kidnaps, robs and rapes a student.
All part and parcel, eh Khant?
Not directly on BBC bias, but it covers the leftish wonderland shared by the BBC
From Comedy Unleashed, Twitter
Me either.
Have they established an office there yet?
GW – Even the lioness is bored by BBC Bias.
I see that the Muslim guy on the right is keeping up the old Islamic chant; Death, death death! He’s proving how his religion loves to be associated with death – notice the dead bird he is holding up after slaughter!
The Nobel prize-winning DNA pioneer James Watson is probably the most qualified man on the planet to comment on human intelligence in relation to DNA seeing as he discovered it.
He recently made the perfectly reasonable assertion that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”.
He was further quoted as saying that his hope was that everyone was equal but that “people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true”.
The reaction of all the less qualified people who desperately want to virtue signal their love of all things black and African is to remove him from his job and strip him of all his awards, telling him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Ha ha ha.
James Watson didn’t discover DNA. DNA was discovered by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. The role of DNA was discovered by Oswald Avery in 1944. Watson, along with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA and for this they were awarded a Nobel Prize in 1953.
Watson’s work tells us nothing about the role of DNA and intelligence.
Another “new to me”.
BBC payroll bulging this month as it’s all hands to the pump on overtime, with extracts cut and pasted from Leftypedia.
Meanwhile, in Port-au-Prince, the government reported that their latest space probe failed to reach escape velocity.
The rubber band broke.
There has been several studies claiming that the IQ of Africans is lower that many non Africans. Yes, very controversial and claims have been made regarding DNA, so I would expect Watson, as a scientist, might investigate the arguments.
So if Watson said this, then it would have been based on some research into the arguments. He could be wrong, just as the studies could be wrong.
But the wrongness would be based on a refutation of the science, not by virtue signalling would be Maxiconys
Perhaps you could provide links to those studies.
James Watson is now 90 years old and sadly seems to be suffering from Nobel Disease.
Providing links is ace.
As one clearly keen on doing so, if as a rare poster, maybe by way of introduction to a forum on bbc bias you could share your top five bbc links that illustrate this?
Piku, Guest Who
I should point out that I do not place much weight on IQ tests in any area.
However, for discussions on the claim regarding IQ and Africans I suggest looking on You Tube where there are numerous discussions on the subject – some crude, others intelligent. Worth a look. Try hitting You Tube
IQ tests and Africans
Worth looking at Wikipedia for an outline of the theories.
Watson has a reputation for thinking outside the box, which he is entitled to. Sir Patrick Moore once hauled me over for re-examining his work on Directed Panspermia. Outlandish and outside of mainstream science, but I have not found a correct medical diagnosis for that.
Lucy Pevensey
Indulge me over Goddard. Before he upset Owen Jones’s adopted Mummy, Anna Soubry, he has been leading a campaign called Justice for the Three, which is backing the claims of the families of three young boys who were victims of a hit and run attack, which Goddard – rightly or wrongly – sees as a terrorist act covered up by the cops and the media.
In this respect, like Tommy Robinson, who has been drawing attention to the cover up of grooming gangs, Goddard has become a nuisance to the authorities. He needs to be silenced, so nail him over offending Owen Jones’s mummy.
His broadcasting style is not very polished, but people who are losing contact with the MSM are listening.
I am not saying he is correct, but I do oppose him being demonized for his views.
Some people might think a gang of violent muggers is a big story. Not Al Beebeera apparently, who seem remarkably insouciant about what the police describe as a shocking level of violence.
Why the indifference? Their names are Mohammed Chaab, Abdelhakim Naili, Ziyad Al-Daher, Serewo Gwanzura, Khalid Abdullah, Khaled Guehis…
But I’m sure that has nothing to do with the beeb’s suppression of the story.
UK: 2018 was London’s Most Violent Year in a Decade | Jack Buckby
Check Jack’s other new Videos
If you set the filter to “upload date” : There’s one about No Post Brexit migration limit
..and another about Soubry “They do it (shout Nazi etc.) all the time, but if we do it to them, it’s A HATE CRIME”
Stew Green,
Jack Buckby, previous member of the racist, anti-semitic, anti-muslim BNP (just like your other crush, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, but I’m sure thats purely coincidental…).
Previous member of LibertyGB lead by the racist, anti-semitic, anti-muslim Paul Weston (but again, just another strange coincidence…)
“Don’t have sex with ‘intravenous drug abusers’, ‘bisexuals’ or ‘blacks’.
Good example Maxi, Jack Buckby is so anti-semitic that he works for Ezra Levant.
Also interesting is ignoring the facts shared but going for the man to distract from any counter, or lack of.
Some broadcasters do this too, I have learned.
Also known as patriots.
Who will be awarded the Brexit medal.
Who may be awarded the Post EU Freedom Medal, and 27 other medals created by grateful sovereign states in recognition of their contributions towards the extinction of the EU.
Maxicony has just discovered that it is fashionable to refer to Tommy Robinson as Steven Yaxley Lennon. Hey Maxi, you missed out mortgage fraud, soccer hooligan, thug, yada yada, founder of racist EDL yada yada.
Rahaf al-Qunun: Saudi teen refugee arrives in Canada

Good luck to her if she has really renounced Islam,
but the cynical side of me, sees her sat Googling
”Canadian immigration rules –
family reunification ”
Perhaps they could show her at Crufts
Note only one with a head covering……………….Why?
Don’t want to freak out Justin too much.
People are asking why Britain did not do this.
Treezer likely warned she may not go full postbox.
Which would never do.
How can you ask? We don’t take refugees from Islam for fear of upsetting our own patriotic moslems.
Next the USA! I didn’t really want Canada as my imam drew me a map of the best tourist sights there! And best pharmacies owned by fellow muslims He said now’t about visiting sights in Canada though?
My review on the Brexit news this week:
It’s oldish news from a month back, but if you haven’t checked out the London Brexit address it’s really inspiring stuff, even though coming from London.
The BBC doing what it does best… passing on PR.
However, #CCBGB
But at least the drug dealer is suitably pale. Wouldn’t want to reinforce racial stereotypes, would we?
Or ‘the Truth’ as it used to be called.
May is well known for her love of walking.
I think she should take a stroll in the Atlas Mountains.
Preach real Brexit to the locals.
There seems little point in complaining of left wing bias to the BBC
as all you seem to get is an auto generated “dear John”.
They seem to just show the one finger salute as we are just the suckers
that pay their wages !!
They get no payment from me and i neither watch or listen to any of their output. Three years free now. News and info from other online sources. I come here and Is The BBC Biased to read how bad and senile Auntie has become.
Cologne Station?
Great to be in a country where speech is free. Well, used to be.
With an impartial news provider that holds power to account and reports the news. Well, used to.
“Good morning, this… is the BBC. And here is the ‘Oo look, squirrel!’ News”.
There’s a Tweet by bbc stalwart John Sweeney I would have shared here, but cannot.
So here is his twitter handle instead.
Is it perhaps something he retweeted that includes an f word?
Which would, of course, be ‘views his own’.
Is this what you are referring to, GW?
No. Maybe exemptions are possible here too?
Crikey, does the bbc have a Wakanda Bureau too?
Here’s John ‘reporting’… nudge, nudge, wink wink…
On the other matter, it seems he’s neck and neck with Frankie Boyle to be the Blue Peter book reviewer. Apparently.
More BBC Fluff on Fluff love.
But does Norm not know how offensive a blue door can be to some?
BBC Online News:
“” Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia: ‘I escaped to seek a better life’ “”
“”It was very risky because if I had been caught then they would have hurt me.””
Not once is Islam mentioned. Islam is the cause of this.
The BBC logic is that is the fault of men and therefore a feminist-sister issue.
Another simple and one-sided case of Domestic Abuse in the eyes of the BBC and nothing, absolutely nothing to do with religion. Nothing at all.
“they would have hurt me”
Also known in BBC speak as “cuts to the neck”.
The bbc is big on titles.
‘Undereporter’ seems a good one for most.
Mary Creagh was on LBC argued that “yes her constituents voted 66% for Brexit but only 56% want it now”
.. Personally I think it is OK for MP to have points of principle which are different from their constituents.
..but there has been a big con in the way Islington people were parachuted into safe Labour seats, Jo Cox was one of them too
Is it a Fabian society thing ?
Mary Creagh has only libmob obsessions : Climate Change, StopBrexit and WomenAreVictims
..yet does nothing on grooming gangs etc.
You’d think that LBC would have asked Creagh as to how she had established that the 66% in favour of Brexit had dropped to 56% ??
Has there been a secret Referendum? 🙂
‘Din’t Ask; didn’t want to know’ operates in most MSM bradcasters.
Especially any James O’Brien shares a fridge with.
If it’s a point of principle about an issue central to the last vote and they did not make their principle clear at that time, they should resign and seek re-election.
Just as it is worth checking all those unhappy with Referendum and its result for their extent and passion and skill explaining why to those they subsequently accuse of not knowing what they did.
Is it a Fabian society thing?
Someone mention us?:
8am Radio 4 news, I listened back on Iplayer
and fastforwarded past agenda pushing
#1 3min of Brexit bashing
#2 1min Trump bashing .. WaPo’s Russian meeting conspiracy
#3 1min actual news about US Syria
#4 1.5 mins Obama mate’s mate will run for the Democrat nomination .. so what ? this is not relevant news to us in the UK
#5 20s Sun says that only half stolen vehicles are recover
So inthat 7 min news bulletin 5 mins was agenda pushing.