The report examines this departure from nine separate perspectives:
The Political Case – Jacob Rees-Mogg, MP
The Labour Case – Prof David Paton
The Economic Case – Prof Patrick Minford
The Sovereignty Case – Rt Hon Owen Paterson, MP
The Case for Ending Uncertainty – Lord Bamford
The Immigration Case – Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith, MP and Neil MacKinnon
The Trade Case – Roger Bootle
The Case for Non-Disruption – Edgar Miller
The Legal Case – Martin Howe QC
It concludes – even though exiting with a free trade agreement would be a preferred outcome – that a No-Deal departure embracing WTO rules is very much more attractive than proceeding with the Withdrawal Agreement. No Deal should not be feared, and it preserves – indeed enhances – all of our negotiating options.
Spiked podcast 21 Oct : Rod Liddle on Islam, transgenderism, victim culture and more.
‘I don’t have a “phobia” – my objections to Islam are rational’
There is an interesting line after 5 min
When I was producing R4Today It was Nick Griffin who kept coming to me between 1994 to 2001 and saying “we have to do something about these grooming gangs” ..but nothing was done.
ie that Rod Liddle as part of the Lefty establishment admitting the problem, yet now at the start both he and Brendan O’Neil restate they are both lefties .. and then dismiss Tommy Robinson “He’s just a self publicist” that take is comfortable for them to box the issue and move on, but it doesn’t actually bear close analysis.
I have had the pleasure of a comment of mine censored by Spiked, or rather moved to pending purgatory, before they moved to micro FB for comments. I notice that Spiked have matched the BBC over the past two weeks with attacks on Trump.
Stew – only five in seven?
That’s remarkably little for the bBc!
Usually R4 does 90% effortlessly.
It’s not only the explicit, but also the implicit that counts.
Caught the end of little Paddy O Connel, and his ‘guests’ were unanimous about how outrageous anti-Soubry stuff was and how more police are needed etc etc
And we know the police are a little…er…not neutral.
Still, looking at the MS press, it seems they’re all quite happy to see government being overthrown by the Grieve/Bercow Coup this coming week. Various versions, but they all boil down to Brexit being shelved or disappearing from the map altogether.
Since the demonstrations yesterday, publicity for the anti-Brexit cause has gone through the roof, while Brexiteers have virtually vanished.
Interesting, isn’t it? Really, when we should be seeing these two gentlemen, Grieve/Bercow and others- eg Cable, behind bars in the Tower by the end of the week -if democracy means anything.
I am trying to watch Marr – listening to both sides and I am totally lost.
Labour & Conservative are both telling me what their plans are for us to Remain in the EU after March 29th .
I thought we voted Leave?
I can see a lot of heads on spikes on bridges throughout London shortly
MP”s seem to think they are running a little Dictatorship
BBC dirty tactics discovered by Guido. The BBC have been caught out on several occasions before with plants in their programmes, e.g. Question Time audiences, yet they still continue to employ the same tactics devoid of any shame.
“The BBC extensively quote Universal Credit claimant Rebecca Smidmore as a case study in a widely shared article on the beleaguered benefit reform. What the article doesn’t inform its readers is that Smidmore is a Labour Party member. This is especially curious as the BBC knows this pretty key fact and briefly included it in last night’s News at 10 report. Why did they leave it out of the article?”
Someone did a breakdown of what this woman receives in benefits:
“She is scrolling through the payments she receives. She gets an average of £1228 per month (edited correction). Broken down as:-
May 2018 – £1267
June 2018 – £712
July 2018 – £1702
Aug 2018 – £1208
Sep 2018 – £1276
Oct 2018 -£1259
Nov 2018 – £704
Dec 2018 – 1702”
But how does her political opinion come into it ?
Labour have not said they will scrap universal credit, most of the jobcentre staff who are enabling UC are labour voters and union members .
”Rebecca Smidmore, a carer for her 10-year-old son who has spina bifida, said her family’s universal credit payments vary hugely each month – for example, if her husband gets paid a day or two early when payday falls at a weekend.”
Ok she is not good at budgeting money, but that hasn’t been criminalised yet .
The family gets an ”average of £1228 per month ”
So why dont they just pay here that every month then…
or pay her weekly in advance instead of a calendar month +7 days in arrears..
She has a husband who works, so why is she included in the article
”Universal credit: Single mums win High Court battle”
She talks quite posh so no change there then! As most of the members of the new labour party are Momentum members! Usually middle to very upper class who have no need to work as mummy and daddy supply all the readies for their careers involving: Intimidation, bricks, paint, late night phone calls (threats in other words) vile e-mails, etc etc.
PS: and every labour MP who even shakes their head – never mind doubts our politics – will be harassed like nothing they’ve ever experienced afore!
Now that there’s no such thing as democracy or free speech in the U.K. I wonder if us lot are being monitored and are on a list for re-education or to be disappeared.
Who knows, we all may meet up in cattle trucks on our way to work our way to freedom.
Being far far extreme right (I must be as I voted to leave the eu) I am, along with 17.4 million other far far extreme right’ists eligible for political imprisonment on any made up charge the left think up like yesterday’s arrest for saying hurty words to that old sot outside Westminster or Tommy for any made up excuse.
So then, maybe we will all meet up and greet each other before having a shower at out re-education/labour camp.
We can leave the lefties to fight it out with Islam for the U.K.
My money is on Islam taking over, before 2050.
Or maybe we could actually leave, as voted for, on the 29th. and have a chance to save the UK.
There used to be list with my name on it, probably still is.
Long, long ago, I joined a political party.
Working undercover in party HQ was a MI5 officer.
Every time a new member joined, their details were also added to Government Intelligence records.
I learned this because my local branch also had an infiltrator.
This infiltrator had a lung condition; one evening he attended a party meeting but forgot to bring his medication; later he needed the medication and dashed home.
Leaving incriminating documents behind.
I never saw him again.
Pat Condell ended his video here yesterday, talking about Britain as the ‘Home of Democracy’. I’ve been wondering about that for a long time, given an unelected and overstuffed upper house.
Now we appear to have the lower house ignoring both the voters and the Executive, and doing its own thing entirely, one does wonder whether Pat’s rather optimistic description contains any grain of truth at all?
Perhaps we could look to the Democratic Republic of Congo or DPRK to take over that title?
Pat Condell ended his excellent video here yesterday, talking about Britain as the ‘Home of Democracy’. I’ve been wondering about that for a long time, given an unelected and overstuffed upper house.
Now we appear to have the lower house ignoring both the voters and the Executive, and doing its own thing entirely, one does wonder whether Pat’s rather optimistic description contains any grain of truth at all?
Perhaps we could look to the Democratic Republic of Congo or DPRK to take over that title?
“Let’s leave the insults out of it”: listen to Anna Soubry and Jess Phillips insult and attack Brendan O’Neill on the All Out Politics podcast today.
How did I get to this ?
Searching for mentions of Soubry hugging Top Hat man Steve Bray
Well I spotted that Soubry had deleted a tweet .. a Retweet of Jess Phillips, a tweet which said that they got on well with some Leavers and even got hugged
.. And I thought why would Soubry delete such a tweet ?
..then I spotted that a few replies down someone had posted the above Instagram quote from Brandan O’Neill saying how Soubry and Phillips had been frothing with hate. ..So of course she really contradicted her
And the value of petitions illustrated here…. by Kieran, Robin, Bex, Cathy and the gang.
The BBC provides quality news and entertainment – free from adverts and Rupert Murdoch – it’s the envy of the world. But due to government funding changes it’s now facing a horrible choice. Do they cut dozens of loved programmes and channels, or do they scrap free licences for older people, some of whom rely on TV for entertainment and company? [1]
The BBC has one other option: they could “means test” the licence fee for over-75s. This means that older people who can afford it, would pay the fee. There would still have to be cuts, but we could keep more of the channels and TV shows we love. [2]
Before we do anything, I want to know what you think. Should 38 Degrees campaign for the licence fee to be “means tested” for the over-75s? You can tell us your thoughts by clicking one of the buttons below:
A) Dream on
B) Hahaha
C) Diane Abbott
38 Degrees has a long history of winning campaigns to protect our BBC. Together, we’ve won campaigns for more funding, to keep it independent and to protect treasured services – like CBBC and Radio 6 Music. [3] And we can do it again. But we want to know we’re doing the right thing this time.
Together 38 Degrees-ers (that includes you reading this email, Tony, decide which campaigns to run. The office team will only launch a campaign on this if lots of us vote to do so – just answer the question below to get started! The short survey will take less than two minutes to complete (2 mins for ‘yes’ vs. ‘no’. We know our audience).
Do you think the BBC licence fees should be means tested for people over 75?
Nobel winner James Watson stripped of honourary titles for making remarks about race
I thought the principle of free speech is that you are allowed to express opinions, even if wrong, cos that is part of the path to truth
Honouring him for his work, and then later acting vindictively against him cos he expressed an opinio seems nasty and wrong
Nobel winner James Watson stripped of titles over 'reprehensible' views on race
James Watson’s right to free speech hasn’t been denied but actions have consequences. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory felt the need to dissociate themselves from his views as is their right.
No they are free to disagree with him, but what they did is PUNISH him
They wouldn’t have punished him if he had kept his gob shut
Forcing someone to self censor is the worst form of censorship.
Not censored, but the students at Cold Springs Harbour will not have an opportunity to hear him or debate with him.
The familiar Antifa/UAF no platform argument.
He can say whatever he wants but we don’t want people to be allowed to listen to him.
Same shite when antifa thugs disrupted Farage’s meetings. They did not want people to hear him.
Yesterday, Weyman Bennett, UAF and leader of Stand Up To Racism, urged Theresa May to shoot herself. So that peope would not hear what she has to say, I assume.
From the article, they said his views (that people of African descent tend to have lower intelligence) are “unsupported by science”. I’d be interested to know if that is true, or whether they really mean that inconvenient science should be denied.
Lefties are like children playing a game of “Let’s Pretend” who throw a tantrum whenever someone fails to maintain the illusion. Everyone knows that whites are on average smarter than blacks but woe betide anyone who openly acknowledges that and breaks the progressive spell. The Left is terrified of recognising any area of life where one race may exhibit some superiority over another. I even detect a reluctance to talk about areas where blacks excel over whites – athletics, basketball, rhythmic music, etc. – because they then might be forced to concede a difference in average IQ. If the Left wasn’t generally made up of atheists with totalitarian mindsets who see life solely in the Marxist terms of oppressor and oppressed, they wouldn’t be so scared of talking about racial differences that they need to destroy the livelihoods of people who do. Because no matter what our racial differences, everyone is equal in the eyes of God and, in our free and democratic society, before the law.
Can’t find a reply button on your post either.
I thought biasedbbc was meant to be an open forum, so I do not understand in what sense biasedbbc can be “spied” upon.
Whether Maxicony is a mole or not seems irrelevant. He has no interest in exploring BBC bias and his denials that it exists are axiomatic. People who claim that the Brexit was undermined by Putin trolls fall into the same error as you. Firstly, because they insinuate that others simply absorb information like unthinking sponges and regurgitate it like automatons and secondly that a valid argument for Brexit remains valid regardless who says it.
Do you have any examples of “infiltration” actualy causing any real world damage. If not what is the problem? I am not a social media user and my thinking may be naive.
Just heard the Soubry and Brendan O’Neill clash. What a foul piece of mediocrity she is. She’d obviously totally lost the plot and started to call him names, which is a sure sign that she had lost the argument as well. Well done Brendan. A small piece of sanity in a mad world.
Don’t know if someone posted this but been busy this weekend so not had time to read posts yet. I am livid that anyone voting for brexit has now become the far right like some piece of dirt just a stick to beat us with. That foul mouth mp who can play the shrinking violet can cause so much distress and rest of the looney lot who give us sh*t but also act like victorian ladies when it suits them are the most dishonested people who should not be allowed all this say over our lives. I have decided from today I am calling all labour mps or voters far left and that includes remainers when I talk about them . I have a right wing view of politics and object to being called far right. I think we have to play them at their own game and call anyone who isn’t right wing far left. I bet you will soon get complaints but I intend to carry on until they grow up . As if they would but it makes me feel a bit better.
I spot BBC Northen Ireland expressing CorrectSpeak opinon on Soubry
.. The problem is the double standard
Day in day out antifa & the regressive left behave in a similar manner day in day out, yet that is accepted.
The one day that the Yellow Vests copy it , it becomes an arrestable offence.
The point is when the antifa do that, and so when you watch them on livestream you realise they are the intolerant bigots, who harass and stop debate , rather than engage. I wouldn’t want them arrested .
PODCAST ????: The MP Anna Soubry was subjected to appalling abuse outside Westminster yesterday. Are those scenes of intimidation a sign of where the polarising Brexit debate is taking the UK?
Pictured is William Crawley, far too clever by half. Happiest most when hearing his own voice, he was once a lecturer and academic who became a Presbyterian minister before renouncing his faith to find his true spiritual home as a journalist at the bBBC. The fact that he is a sanctimonious pseudo-intellectual pillock remains a constant.
I suppose it was Treason May who delayed the parliamentary vote on her ‘deal’ and I was wondering about the nuts and bolts of it. Does she have the power to just delay such a vote until she feels the time is right for it to go her way? And if so, can she delay the vote set for Tuesday or would that be a step too far?
Chris Grayling has stated that there is no current technology available to combat drone intrusion into airport air space !!! Are these people stupid ? Surely there is merit in keeping prospective criminals, terrorists and idiots having at the very least an element of uncertainty that they can fly drones into the path of aircraft without consequences?
TG, what even a RAF fast jet with the radar to pinpoint something as small as a drone, engines on re-heat that will fry anything at 50 paces and a pilot who is good enough to fly the manoeuvres required?
“I just love the smell of melted drone in the morning.”
Winston Churchill is lionised by the British people for defending this nation when we were an island, facing the Nazis all on our own. Yesterday, his grandson Nicholas @NSoames MP (ultra-Remoaner) said in a speech: “This country is not an island, on its own”
I had thought this was the bbc’s plan all along, though Dave may now have noted 650,000 reasons to be wary of giving up the ‘one facile tweet a week’ gig currently being enjoyed.
Another academic sacked for wrongSpeak
Court recently upheld as fair the Aug 2017 dismissal of Lincoln Uni lecturer Andrew Dunn, when he said he was not free to express his support for UKIP
Judge said there is “no legal right to defy political correctness”
BBC Radio Lincolnshire seem to have never mentioned the case
Silly man all he has to do is do to his union, they believe in diversity of opinion don’t they ?
Anna Soubry supports harassment, happily took selfy with College Green’s #1 harasser Steve Bray
who has been in peoples face a few times.
While 5 Live covered the Tory conference I heard him butting in and being chased out
Thank you for all the festive good wishes and support. This one from friends in the North East has got to be my favourite. Baubles to Brexit!
Feb 2018 Welsh MP David TC Davies complained
“I was physically threatened and verbally abused by one male who barred my way.
“It is unacceptable bullying and it must stop.”
However their was no outrage bus instead the BBC chose to report it as “he said, she said”
Steve Bray proudly posted this video where he “disturbs” Diane Abbot as she walks to a meeting
.. The argument was made this week by Bercow and all that WOMEN desrve special protection from disturbance.
Yet here Br trails her like a stalker .. it is clearly intimidating for her.
“There’s a time and place” etc.
Another #HowWillBrexitBenefitMe video from the summertime. See what happened when I asked Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott MP, Try asking your own MP & see what they come up with. A simple question & not many answers. The local press might be interested
“Anna Soubry supports harassment, happily took selfy with College ”
I’m quite sure that the sight of these two individuals seen on our TV screens over the last 2 years will add an extra 1 -2 million new Brexit supporters should it come to another referendum! It will never happen of course. These people – and Obama (you got to laugh- all that travelling/expense/time in helping our enemies was such a waste of time) behaved in the exact same way afore the 1st referendum and the public wised up to their lies/hatred then so now know the enemies tactics!
Love your nonsequitur. If Albeeb is beloved by these two, why would they be providing evidence that contradicted their belovedness?
I thought the new tone introduced by Fedup2 was to discourage mere name calling and concentrate on the higher purposes of biasedbbc. What would passing readers think?
I have already signed the first petition because I am a BBC mole.
Cunning plan to take in Fedup2
“The death toll from a suspected gas explosion in central Paris has risen to four after rescue workers found the body of a woman in the rubble.”
Was it a gas explosion ?
Operative word “suspected”.
I discovered ‘Dateline London’ on Al Beeb’s news channel while I was at the local torture chamber (gym). Views from four foreign correspondents…
I always have a laugh at the student bedwetters trying to type out the ‘English’ subtitles, but it usually ends up being a version probably better suited for a country called Wankanda.
Anyway, more importantly I nearly fell off the bike as it appeared that we had a vaguely balanced discussion group.
The 2 ladies on the show reminded me of a ‘man in the pub who smells faintly of piss and everyone tries to avoid.’ (copyright Maxi, see earlier comments today, thank you, not) slavishly wanting to be shackled to the Fatherland and another vote!
Agnes ‘Perrier Water’ from ‘Marriane’ (me neither) and an odious Isabel Hilton from ‘China Dialogue’.
However, we had one man, Thomas ‘Klinger’ from a German paper, Die Welt, and fairly reasonable gentleman John Fisher Burns (Cricketer Bob Willis’s dad?) who needs feeding up, from of all papers, The New York Times!
Well worth a watch… but notice how the BBC presenter asks after the German journalist has spoken..
‘And Agnes gives us a EUROPEAN view on that’ very revealing! At 23m.00s
Bbc on R4 currently, trying initially to sound like a balanced view on Trump is coming…
Hey ho! It turns out to be another hatchet job. Racism etc
Who would have thought it?
‘The Trumped Republicans’ it’s called, if you want to avoid more of the same old, same old.
It’s followed by a profile on Democrat speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
Beeb very excited.
Any likelyhood of another hatchet job?
Guess not…
‘Glowing’ is what I’m expecting.
It’s not only about Pelosi as we may have thought.
It -like the previous piece, swings towards anti-Trump propaganda, as it nears the climax.
Well done, Smeeta Patel.
You confirmed that, when listening to the bBc, you ALWAYS get the bbC.
Impartial? Not.
Coming up : #1 soon Top Heap and UK war on plastic
#2 Tmw Local Regions : Inside Out : Brexit specials , which will probably consist of tracking down and asking “who will do their jobs after Brexit ?”
Ah looks like the whole prog will not be about Brexit, only half.
Another Countryfile winner was the eco-farm that caters for the birds and the RSPB can’t praise them enough – except that the mixed areas of crops like quinoa, millet, buckwheat and similar would be called cover strips on any UK shoot, and the conservation headland concept – pioneered on the Manydown estate in Hampshire – has been a Game Conservancy project since the 1980s.
But as we all know shooting is a vile sport that does nothing for the environment, and the BBC will always be more than happy to keep that delusion alive.
Vince Cable says ‘parliament WILL take control of this process’. (Brexit) R4 news at 6pm.
A little surprising, given that this has been about a referendum, an instruction from voters to the Executive.
Parliament doesn’t come into it.
There is a procedure for dealing with coup plotters.
I hope the authorities will deal with it.
Is that the same Vince Cable, an MP – like Anna Soubry – and a Remainer – like Anna Soubry, and a Parliamentarian who likes politeness and good behaviour – like Anna Soubry who, on Radio 4 on the TODAY Programme, called all the old people who voted Leave in the EU Referendum isolationists and racists and xenophobes?
This parliamentary control is what is wrong with the situation; they have wrested control from the people. There need be no “impasse” if parliamentarians just got on with fulfilling their obligations. The crisis is entirely of their own making.
Arrogant Vince Cable, trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
His party stood explicitly for ‘Remain’ (and little else), and got nowhere.
Where does he find the cheek to say parliament WILL take control of the process, so he can twist things to ‘remain’?
Further to my previous comment, I don’t hope the authorities will deal with this coup.
I EXPECT them to.
Being in parliament gives you no excuse for trying to overthrow a legitimately-elected government, and the clear majority voice of the voters. Parliament can do its legislating -which is its role- IN LINE WITH the Executive, as soon as THAT has got its house in order and got us right out of the EU. It is NOT there to reverse a referendum decision!
We are not, quite yet, the DR Congo. However much it’s beginning to soundl like it.
“”Brexit: Ministers plead with MPs to back Theresa May’s deal””
“”…..critics – including both Brexit supporters and opponents – say that leaving without a deal would be a disaster for the UK: driving up food prices, leading to shortages of goods and gridlock on some roads in the South East resulting from extra border checks. “”
taffman, a tiny amount of cash – when compared to the amount it extorts from the British householder to watch any real-time broadcast television.
Have you watched the excellent interview with Robin Aitken that our Stew put up on the previous Thread? Aitken explains the BBC love affair with the EU. I can imagine that brainless Beeboids, especially at the higher Executive levels, derive a warm, cosy, feeling and some satisfaction from the motives of which Aitken speaks.
It has just occurred to me while writing this that more intelligent, free-thinking (in the best sense of those words), Beeboids, like Aitken or Rod Liddle, that he mentions, are not at all signed up to ‘the project’.
Antiques Roadshow. BBC1
Tonight’s episode hideously white. 100% . In fact I have been conditioned to be almost embarrassed by this gross misrepresentation.
Except for the very last shot when they managed to shoehorn two BAME faces in. Phew…
I bet the producers were relieved when they found them.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:16 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ” honor the sex worker community” see “Germany’s ‘remarkable’ prostitution tax meter” made be Siemens!
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Coded sex slang edition It’s somehow rather reassuring to notice how – despite these difficult economic and politically fractious times…
JohnCMar 4, 07:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 One-year-olds among those raped during Sudan civil war, UN says More description of what is going on in Sudan…
GMar 4, 07:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC R4 just before 0700 told me that Hegseth has instructed their spy agencies to halt any monitoring of Russian…
JeffMar 4, 07:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 For the life of me I can’t understand why so many middle-class media types are so gung-ho about us “putting…
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Today Katie ‘cor’ razzle – the media person at the BBC – tells us that the MP culture committee is…
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
Fedup2Mar 4, 06:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Tomo – I’ve been watching Cruz and Hawley and Kennedy regularly eviserserating federal judicial candidates put forward by Biden for…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
Click to access No-Deal-is-the-Best-Deal-for-Britain-Upload.pdf
An easy read – 20 pages (total)
The report examines this departure from nine separate perspectives:
The Political Case – Jacob Rees-Mogg, MP
The Labour Case – Prof David Paton
The Economic Case – Prof Patrick Minford
The Sovereignty Case – Rt Hon Owen Paterson, MP
The Case for Ending Uncertainty – Lord Bamford
The Immigration Case – Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith, MP and Neil MacKinnon
The Trade Case – Roger Bootle
The Case for Non-Disruption – Edgar Miller
The Legal Case – Martin Howe QC
It concludes – even though exiting with a free trade agreement would be a preferred outcome – that a No-Deal departure embracing WTO rules is very much more attractive than proceeding with the Withdrawal Agreement. No Deal should not be feared, and it preserves – indeed enhances – all of our negotiating options.
Spiked podcast 21 Oct : Rod Liddle on Islam, transgenderism, victim culture and more.
‘I don’t have a “phobia” – my objections to Islam are rational’
There is an interesting line after 5 min
When I was producing R4Today It was Nick Griffin who kept coming to me between 1994 to 2001 and saying “we have to do something about these grooming gangs” ..but nothing was done.
ie that Rod Liddle as part of the Lefty establishment admitting the problem, yet now at the start both he and Brendan O’Neil restate they are both lefties .. and then dismiss Tommy Robinson “He’s just a self publicist” that take is comfortable for them to box the issue and move on, but it doesn’t actually bear close analysis.
I have had the pleasure of a comment of mine censored by Spiked, or rather moved to pending purgatory, before they moved to micro FB for comments. I notice that Spiked have matched the BBC over the past two weeks with attacks on Trump.
Stew – only five in seven?
That’s remarkably little for the bBc!
Usually R4 does 90% effortlessly.
It’s not only the explicit, but also the implicit that counts.
Caught the end of little Paddy O Connel, and his ‘guests’ were unanimous about how outrageous anti-Soubry stuff was and how more police are needed etc etc
And we know the police are a little…er…not neutral.
Still, looking at the MS press, it seems they’re all quite happy to see government being overthrown by the Grieve/Bercow Coup this coming week. Various versions, but they all boil down to Brexit being shelved or disappearing from the map altogether.
Since the demonstrations yesterday, publicity for the anti-Brexit cause has gone through the roof, while Brexiteers have virtually vanished.
Interesting, isn’t it? Really, when we should be seeing these two gentlemen, Grieve/Bercow and others- eg Cable, behind bars in the Tower by the end of the week -if democracy means anything.
I am trying to watch Marr – listening to both sides and I am totally lost.
Labour & Conservative are both telling me what their plans are for us to Remain in the EU after March 29th .
I thought we voted Leave?
I can see a lot of heads on spikes on bridges throughout London shortly
MP”s seem to think they are running a little Dictatorship
Bbc balance.
BBC dirty tactics discovered by Guido. The BBC have been caught out on several occasions before with plants in their programmes, e.g. Question Time audiences, yet they still continue to employ the same tactics devoid of any shame.
“The BBC extensively quote Universal Credit claimant Rebecca Smidmore as a case study in a widely shared article on the beleaguered benefit reform. What the article doesn’t inform its readers is that Smidmore is a Labour Party member. This is especially curious as the BBC knows this pretty key fact and briefly included it in last night’s News at 10 report. Why did they leave it out of the article?”
Someone did a breakdown of what this woman receives in benefits:
“She is scrolling through the payments she receives. She gets an average of £1228 per month (edited correction). Broken down as:-
May 2018 – £1267
June 2018 – £712
July 2018 – £1702
Aug 2018 – £1208
Sep 2018 – £1276
Oct 2018 -£1259
Nov 2018 – £704
Dec 2018 – 1702”
C – The end justifies the means.
But how does her political opinion come into it ?
Labour have not said they will scrap universal credit, most of the jobcentre staff who are enabling UC are labour voters and union members .
”Rebecca Smidmore, a carer for her 10-year-old son who has spina bifida, said her family’s universal credit payments vary hugely each month – for example, if her husband gets paid a day or two early when payday falls at a weekend.”
Ok she is not good at budgeting money, but that hasn’t been criminalised yet .
The family gets an ”average of £1228 per month ”
So why dont they just pay here that every month then…
or pay her weekly in advance instead of a calendar month +7 days in arrears..
She has a husband who works, so why is she included in the article
”Universal credit: Single mums win High Court battle”
She talks quite posh so no change there then! As most of the members of the new labour party are Momentum members! Usually middle to very upper class who have no need to work as mummy and daddy supply all the readies for their careers involving: Intimidation, bricks, paint, late night phone calls (threats in other words) vile e-mails, etc etc.
PS: and every labour MP who even shakes their head – never mind doubts our politics – will be harassed like nothing they’ve ever experienced afore!
Now that there’s no such thing as democracy or free speech in the U.K. I wonder if us lot are being monitored and are on a list for re-education or to be disappeared.
Who knows, we all may meet up in cattle trucks on our way to work our way to freedom.
Being far far extreme right (I must be as I voted to leave the eu) I am, along with 17.4 million other far far extreme right’ists eligible for political imprisonment on any made up charge the left think up like yesterday’s arrest for saying hurty words to that old sot outside Westminster or Tommy for any made up excuse.
So then, maybe we will all meet up and greet each other before having a shower at out re-education/labour camp.
We can leave the lefties to fight it out with Islam for the U.K.
My money is on Islam taking over, before 2050.
Or maybe we could actually leave, as voted for, on the 29th. and have a chance to save the UK.
There used to be list with my name on it, probably still is.
Long, long ago, I joined a political party.
Working undercover in party HQ was a MI5 officer.
Every time a new member joined, their details were also added to Government Intelligence records.
I learned this because my local branch also had an infiltrator.
This infiltrator had a lung condition; one evening he attended a party meeting but forgot to bring his medication; later he needed the medication and dashed home.
Leaving incriminating documents behind.
I never saw him again.
We are all on the ” In Favour of Democracy’ List.
We will be rounded up and put in camps in the Shetlands
Be good to meet everyone in person
Pat Condell ended his video here yesterday, talking about Britain as the ‘Home of Democracy’. I’ve been wondering about that for a long time, given an unelected and overstuffed upper house.
Now we appear to have the lower house ignoring both the voters and the Executive, and doing its own thing entirely, one does wonder whether Pat’s rather optimistic description contains any grain of truth at all?
Perhaps we could look to the Democratic Republic of Congo or DPRK to take over that title?
Pat Condell ended his excellent video here yesterday, talking about Britain as the ‘Home of Democracy’. I’ve been wondering about that for a long time, given an unelected and overstuffed upper house.
Now we appear to have the lower house ignoring both the voters and the Executive, and doing its own thing entirely, one does wonder whether Pat’s rather optimistic description contains any grain of truth at all?
Perhaps we could look to the Democratic Republic of Congo or DPRK to take over that title?
“EU vegetables”
So the Co Op is added to my boycott list.
“What about them?”
“It’s OK, they have paid the TVL”.
EU vegetables? – Does that include Soubry and Adonis?
Anna Soubry and Jess Phillips insult and attack Brendan O’Neill
How did I get to this ?
Searching for mentions of Soubry hugging Top Hat man Steve Bray
Well I spotted that Soubry had deleted a tweet .. a Retweet of Jess Phillips, a tweet which said that they got on well with some Leavers and even got hugged
.. And I thought why would Soubry delete such a tweet ?
..then I spotted that a few replies down someone had posted the above Instagram quote from Brandan O’Neill saying how Soubry and Phillips had been frothing with hate. ..So of course she really contradicted her
And the value of petitions illustrated here…. by Kieran, Robin, Bex, Cathy and the gang.
The BBC provides quality news and entertainment – free from adverts and Rupert Murdoch – it’s the envy of the world. But due to government funding changes it’s now facing a horrible choice. Do they cut dozens of loved programmes and channels, or do they scrap free licences for older people, some of whom rely on TV for entertainment and company? [1]
The BBC has one other option: they could “means test” the licence fee for over-75s. This means that older people who can afford it, would pay the fee. There would still have to be cuts, but we could keep more of the channels and TV shows we love. [2]
Before we do anything, I want to know what you think. Should 38 Degrees campaign for the licence fee to be “means tested” for the over-75s? You can tell us your thoughts by clicking one of the buttons below:
A) Dream on
B) Hahaha
C) Diane Abbott
38 Degrees has a long history of winning campaigns to protect our BBC. Together, we’ve won campaigns for more funding, to keep it independent and to protect treasured services – like CBBC and Radio 6 Music. [3] And we can do it again. But we want to know we’re doing the right thing this time.
Together 38 Degrees-ers (that includes you reading this email, Tony, decide which campaigns to run. The office team will only launch a campaign on this if lots of us vote to do so – just answer the question below to get started! The short survey will take less than two minutes to complete (2 mins for ‘yes’ vs. ‘no’. We know our audience).
Do you think the BBC licence fees should be means tested for people over 75?
Thanks for everything that you do,
Kieran, Robin, Bex, Cathy and the 38 Degrees team
Nobel winner James Watson stripped of honourary titles for making remarks about race
I thought the principle of free speech is that you are allowed to express opinions, even if wrong, cos that is part of the path to truth
Honouring him for his work, and then later acting vindictively against him cos he expressed an opinio seems nasty and wrong
James Watson’s right to free speech hasn’t been denied but actions have consequences. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory felt the need to dissociate themselves from his views as is their right.
No they are free to disagree with him, but what they did is PUNISH him
They wouldn’t have punished him if he had kept his gob shut
Forcing someone to self censor is the worst form of censorship.
He hasn’t been censored. He is free to say whatever he wants.
Would that be true of any dealings with or on the BBC?
Not censored, but the students at Cold Springs Harbour will not have an opportunity to hear him or debate with him.
The familiar Antifa/UAF no platform argument.
He can say whatever he wants but we don’t want people to be allowed to listen to him.
Same shite when antifa thugs disrupted Farage’s meetings. They did not want people to hear him.
Yesterday, Weyman Bennett, UAF and leader of Stand Up To Racism, urged Theresa May to shoot herself. So that peope would not hear what she has to say, I assume.
I read on one website by some Pakistani guy who wrote to a Brexit voter: I hope you get lung cancer.
Can’t remember the website as I was simply clicking the links on another website.
No, @Piku the action is anti-free speech cos it signals to others that they must curb their opinions, otherwise they too could face punishment.
From the article, they said his views (that people of African descent tend to have lower intelligence) are “unsupported by science”. I’d be interested to know if that is true, or whether they really mean that inconvenient science should be denied.
Roland, here a scientist talking about that:
Lefties are like children playing a game of “Let’s Pretend” who throw a tantrum whenever someone fails to maintain the illusion. Everyone knows that whites are on average smarter than blacks but woe betide anyone who openly acknowledges that and breaks the progressive spell. The Left is terrified of recognising any area of life where one race may exhibit some superiority over another. I even detect a reluctance to talk about areas where blacks excel over whites – athletics, basketball, rhythmic music, etc. – because they then might be forced to concede a difference in average IQ. If the Left wasn’t generally made up of atheists with totalitarian mindsets who see life solely in the Marxist terms of oppressor and oppressed, they wouldn’t be so scared of talking about racial differences that they need to destroy the livelihoods of people who do. Because no matter what our racial differences, everyone is equal in the eyes of God and, in our free and democratic society, before the law.
Doesn’t James Watson know that telling the truth is now hatespeak.
Wasn’t it Galileo that was nearly executed for saying the Earth goes round the Sun?
Glad to see we’ve moved on from those times.
I bet that he thinks, ‘If I had my time over again’………..(i.e. why bother)
Can’t find a reply button on your post either.
I thought biasedbbc was meant to be an open forum, so I do not understand in what sense biasedbbc can be “spied” upon.
Whether Maxicony is a mole or not seems irrelevant. He has no interest in exploring BBC bias and his denials that it exists are axiomatic. People who claim that the Brexit was undermined by Putin trolls fall into the same error as you. Firstly, because they insinuate that others simply absorb information like unthinking sponges and regurgitate it like automatons and secondly that a valid argument for Brexit remains valid regardless who says it.
Do you have any examples of “infiltration” actualy causing any real world damage. If not what is the problem? I am not a social media user and my thinking may be naive.
Just heard the Soubry and Brendan O’Neill clash. What a foul piece of mediocrity she is. She’d obviously totally lost the plot and started to call him names, which is a sure sign that she had lost the argument as well. Well done Brendan. A small piece of sanity in a mad world.
Don’t know if someone posted this but been busy this weekend so not had time to read posts yet. I am livid that anyone voting for brexit has now become the far right like some piece of dirt just a stick to beat us with. That foul mouth mp who can play the shrinking violet can cause so much distress and rest of the looney lot who give us sh*t but also act like victorian ladies when it suits them are the most dishonested people who should not be allowed all this say over our lives. I have decided from today I am calling all labour mps or voters far left and that includes remainers when I talk about them . I have a right wing view of politics and object to being called far right. I think we have to play them at their own game and call anyone who isn’t right wing far left. I bet you will soon get complaints but I intend to carry on until they grow up . As if they would but it makes me feel a bit better.
I spot BBC Northen Ireland expressing CorrectSpeak opinon on Soubry
.. The problem is the double standard
Day in day out antifa & the regressive left behave in a similar manner day in day out, yet that is accepted.
The one day that the Yellow Vests copy it , it becomes an arrestable offence.
The point is when the antifa do that, and so when you watch them on livestream you realise they are the intolerant bigots, who harass and stop debate , rather than engage. I wouldn’t want them arrested .
Femi is looking set to outlast Owen and Polly in bbc studios.
This could get ugly… uglier.
Pictured is William Crawley, far too clever by half. Happiest most when hearing his own voice, he was once a lecturer and academic who became a Presbyterian minister before renouncing his faith to find his true spiritual home as a journalist at the bBBC. The fact that he is a sanctimonious pseudo-intellectual pillock remains a constant.
Can’t be a Christian at the BBC!
I suppose it was Treason May who delayed the parliamentary vote on her ‘deal’ and I was wondering about the nuts and bolts of it. Does she have the power to just delay such a vote until she feels the time is right for it to go her way? And if so, can she delay the vote set for Tuesday or would that be a step too far?
Chris Grayling has stated that there is no current technology available to combat drone intrusion into airport air space !!! Are these people stupid ? Surely there is merit in keeping prospective criminals, terrorists and idiots having at the very least an element of uncertainty that they can fly drones into the path of aircraft without consequences?
Maybe he’s the one shouldering the ‘carrots’ counter psyops?
Especially when there aren’t any drones . They are particularly hard to find, the invisible ones
TG, what even a RAF fast jet with the radar to pinpoint something as small as a drone, engines on re-heat that will fry anything at 50 paces and a pilot who is good enough to fly the manoeuvres required?
“I just love the smell of melted drone in the morning.”
I had thought this was the bbc’s plan all along, though Dave may now have noted 650,000 reasons to be wary of giving up the ‘one facile tweet a week’ gig currently being enjoyed.
There’s nothing independent about ‘The Independent’.
They’ve thought it a good time to push D Milipede; what a big surprise…
Another academic sacked for wrongSpeak
Court recently upheld as fair the Aug 2017 dismissal of Lincoln Uni lecturer Andrew Dunn, when he said he was not free to express his support for UKIP
Judge said there is “no legal right to defy political correctness”
BBC Radio Lincolnshire seem to have never mentioned the case
Silly man all he has to do is do to his union, they believe in diversity of opinion don’t they ?
go to his union
Met take 10 weeks to appeal about male on male sex assault
The choose this description
“Both suspects were described by the victim as WHITE, and of Eastern European origin”
and post this CCTV photo
Anna Soubry supports harassment, happily took selfy with College Green’s #1 harasser Steve Bray
who has been in peoples face a few times.
While 5 Live covered the Tory conference I heard him butting in and being chased out
Feb 2018 Welsh MP David TC Davies complained
“I was physically threatened and verbally abused by one male who barred my way.
“It is unacceptable bullying and it must stop.”
However their was no outrage bus instead the BBC chose to report it as “he said, she said”
Steve Bray proudly posted this video where he “disturbs” Diane Abbot as she walks to a meeting
.. The argument was made this week by Bercow and all that WOMEN desrve special protection from disturbance.
Yet here Br trails her like a stalker .. it is clearly intimidating for her.
“There’s a time and place” etc.
“Anna Soubry supports harassment, happily took selfy with College ”
I’m quite sure that the sight of these two individuals seen on our TV screens over the last 2 years will add an extra 1 -2 million new Brexit supporters should it come to another referendum! It will never happen of course. These people – and Obama (you got to laugh- all that travelling/expense/time in helping our enemies was such a waste of time) behaved in the exact same way afore the 1st referendum and the public wised up to their lies/hatred then so now know the enemies tactics!
Does that flag waving ‘Mad Hatter’ Bray have a real day job ?
Does he get paid by state social security ?
Perhaps he will answer us here ?
Supposedly a coin dealer
So one suspects he buys coins for 50p and sells them to a collector Mr Soros for £5 each
Sounds like a dodgy character?
MoreHamHead & maxincony
Prove that you are not a just bunch of Haemorrhoids and Trolls by providing us with evidence of pro-Brexit and pro-Right Wing bias broadcast by your beloved Al Beeb.
Love your nonsequitur. If Albeeb is beloved by these two, why would they be providing evidence that contradicted their belovedness?
I thought the new tone introduced by Fedup2 was to discourage mere name calling and concentrate on the higher purposes of biasedbbc. What would passing readers think?
I have already signed the first petition because I am a BBC mole.
Cunning plan to take in Fedup2
“The death toll from a suspected gas explosion in central Paris has risen to four after rescue workers found the body of a woman in the rubble.”
Was it a gas explosion ?
Operative word “suspected”.
Didn’t we have a gas explosion in Leicester a while back that subsequently turned out to be a local bomb factory run by a Mr. M.O. Hammed ?
I discovered ‘Dateline London’ on Al Beeb’s news channel while I was at the local torture chamber (gym). Views from four foreign correspondents…
I always have a laugh at the student bedwetters trying to type out the ‘English’ subtitles, but it usually ends up being a version probably better suited for a country called Wankanda.
Anyway, more importantly I nearly fell off the bike as it appeared that we had a vaguely balanced discussion group.
The 2 ladies on the show reminded me of a ‘man in the pub who smells faintly of piss and everyone tries to avoid.’ (copyright Maxi, see earlier comments today, thank you, not) slavishly wanting to be shackled to the Fatherland and another vote!
Agnes ‘Perrier Water’ from ‘Marriane’ (me neither) and an odious Isabel Hilton from ‘China Dialogue’.
However, we had one man, Thomas ‘Klinger’ from a German paper, Die Welt, and fairly reasonable gentleman John Fisher Burns (Cricketer Bob Willis’s dad?) who needs feeding up, from of all papers, The New York Times!
Well worth a watch… but notice how the BBC presenter asks after the German journalist has spoken..
‘And Agnes gives us a EUROPEAN view on that’ very revealing! At 23m.00s
Gave up watching that propaganda machine yrs back. Its not changed I see.
Bbc on R4 currently, trying initially to sound like a balanced view on Trump is coming…
Hey ho! It turns out to be another hatchet job. Racism etc
Who would have thought it?
‘The Trumped Republicans’ it’s called, if you want to avoid more of the same old, same old.
It’s followed by a profile on Democrat speaker, Nancy Pelosi.
Beeb very excited.
Any likelyhood of another hatchet job?
Guess not…
‘Glowing’ is what I’m expecting.
It’s not only about Pelosi as we may have thought.
It -like the previous piece, swings towards anti-Trump propaganda, as it nears the climax.
Well done, Smeeta Patel.
You confirmed that, when listening to the bBc, you ALWAYS get the bbC.
Impartial? Not.
Coming up : #1 soon Top Heap and UK war on plastic
#2 Tmw Local Regions : Inside Out : Brexit specials , which will probably consist of tracking down and asking “who will do their jobs after Brexit ?”
Ah looks like the whole prog will not be about Brexit, only half.
Sounds like a winner.
I doubt they will get Jez back on board unless it’s a Corvette.
Another Countryfile winner was the eco-farm that caters for the birds and the RSPB can’t praise them enough – except that the mixed areas of crops like quinoa, millet, buckwheat and similar would be called cover strips on any UK shoot, and the conservation headland concept – pioneered on the Manydown estate in Hampshire – has been a Game Conservancy project since the 1980s.
But as we all know shooting is a vile sport that does nothing for the environment, and the BBC will always be more than happy to keep that delusion alive.
Vince Cable says ‘parliament WILL take control of this process’. (Brexit) R4 news at 6pm.
A little surprising, given that this has been about a referendum, an instruction from voters to the Executive.
Parliament doesn’t come into it.
There is a procedure for dealing with coup plotters.
I hope the authorities will deal with it.
Is that the same Vince Cable, an MP – like Anna Soubry – and a Remainer – like Anna Soubry, and a Parliamentarian who likes politeness and good behaviour – like Anna Soubry who, on Radio 4 on the TODAY Programme, called all the old people who voted Leave in the EU Referendum isolationists and racists and xenophobes?
This parliamentary control is what is wrong with the situation; they have wrested control from the people. There need be no “impasse” if parliamentarians just got on with fulfilling their obligations. The crisis is entirely of their own making.
Arrogant Vince Cable, trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
His party stood explicitly for ‘Remain’ (and little else), and got nowhere.
Where does he find the cheek to say parliament WILL take control of the process, so he can twist things to ‘remain’?
Further to my previous comment, I don’t hope the authorities will deal with this coup.
I EXPECT them to.
Being in parliament gives you no excuse for trying to overthrow a legitimately-elected government, and the clear majority voice of the voters. Parliament can do its legislating -which is its role- IN LINE WITH the Executive, as soon as THAT has got its house in order and got us right out of the EU. It is NOT there to reverse a referendum decision!
We are not, quite yet, the DR Congo. However much it’s beginning to soundl like it.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Ministers plead with MPs to back Theresa May’s deal””
“”…..critics – including both Brexit supporters and opponents – say that leaving without a deal would be a disaster for the UK: driving up food prices, leading to shortages of goods and gridlock on some roads in the South East resulting from extra border checks. “”
Question ………………….
Does Al Beeb have a vested interest in the EU?
taffman, a tiny amount of cash – when compared to the amount it extorts from the British householder to watch any real-time broadcast television.
Have you watched the excellent interview with Robin Aitken that our Stew put up on the previous Thread? Aitken explains the BBC love affair with the EU. I can imagine that brainless Beeboids, especially at the higher Executive levels, derive a warm, cosy, feeling and some satisfaction from the motives of which Aitken speaks.
It has just occurred to me while writing this that more intelligent, free-thinking (in the best sense of those words), Beeboids, like Aitken or Rod Liddle, that he mentions, are not at all signed up to ‘the project’.
Mainly an ideological one, I should think, but extremely strong.
Antiques Roadshow. BBC1
Tonight’s episode hideously white. 100% . In fact I have been conditioned to be almost embarrassed by this gross misrepresentation.
Except for the very last shot when they managed to shoehorn two BAME faces in. Phew…
I bet the producers were relieved when they found them.