So this is the week that the can stops being kicked down the road . It will be difficult for the BBC to spin events without looking wholly biased to the general public and not just users of this and similar blogs .
My tip – buy popcorn and wear a seat belt.
Worth a read.
To answer the question, yes. And a worthwhile one. Thanks. Am off to have a look.
Article is on the Conservative Woman web-site dated today.
I think, still – just – that the PM has deliberately chosen to put a deal to Parliament that she knew would fail. It was obvious to anyone from the outset that both Brexiteers, Remainers and, most importantly, the DUP would be upset by the deal.
Snuff – it is all about time. As a remainer the longer we dont get Brexit the longer there is for some sort of “fix” to go in (be it a “soft” brexit, a Labour Goverment, whatever) and the longer that whole idea of Brexit becomes discredited because its …………………………………………difficult.
She has no loyalty to the electorate only to her political class – and they have decreed that we should stay in the EU by hook or by crook.
I believe there has been a subtle plan dictated by the EU from the start. The EU is planning to shoe-horn all member states into one “super”-country by 2028-30. The UK would have been the only country that might have stopped it by exercising our veto.
By giving us a vote on membership they caught us both ways. If we had voted to remain they would have said that as we support the EU we must have wanted the UK to become a part of the new country so no need to use the veto.
Alternatively, if we voted for freedom (as we did) they would find a way of keeping us in, but depriving us of voting, including the veto. This deal is exactly that. We will still be a vassal state of the new “super”-country but without the means to stop it happening.
I am frightened as this is exactly the direction Orwell predicted. He was a prophet and the globalists have used 1984 as the blueprint for their desired dictatorship.
Demon – Good point. We can but hope that the EU falls apart. Only German money keeps it going. That may run out and that’s when things may start happening. (The foundation of Merkel’s foreign policy has been the cheque book). Also, the people in countries like Italy, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Czech Rep. possibly France are not happy..
Conversely, if Macron can latch onto German cash, that would be bad. The two countries are meeting soon, to seal a special bilateral treaty. They think nobody notices, perhaps?
Salvini is meeting with Orbán shortly having recently met with the Poles. They are planning a takeover of the EU and forming an Eastern/Italian axis to roll back the superstate. Between them (excluding Italy) they are Muslimrein. What happens in May will be decisive. Brexit is a side show and a distraction…the global pact on migration was far more significant and the Western European powers all signed up to it without reservation damning their fellow citizens/subjects to extinction. In or out, the UK is finished.
I’m firmly of a differing opinion, there, Oaknash. The PM is not stupid. She knows that and always did know that what the EU offered breached one of her ‘red lines’. Yet she has persisted with ‘her deal’. She is really after ‘No-Deal’ because in reality that gets the best negotiating option with the EU and removes the potential for sabotage by the Remainers in Parliament and the Civil Service.
I think Merkel has pulled her on-side to help dismantle the EU or instead to force the EU into massive and much needed reforms.
I’m off to the current end of the Thread now …
Peter Gardner posted a link to his article on John Redwood’s blog yesterday.
I’m a bit miffed that my comment, on another matter, didn’t pass his censorship. I might post it here later when I can cut and paste it.
I’ve just had a look and there were some other interesting comments on John Redwood’s blog yesterday, specifically relating to amending the definition of ‘exit day’, and potential shenanigans by the likes of Grieve and Bercow etc.
I just hope the Queen stands firm and declines to annul the existing Act or give Royal Assent to any new wrecking legislation. I’m sure she knows a thing or two about our constitution, and that Lawyers for Britain, Veterans for Britain, and members of the ERG or the Bruges Group etc. would be happy to assist HM on any points.
Just as long as she steers clear of the Privy Council.
If Maggie May had balls she would have followed this path so that her deal would get voted down and we would leave under WTO terms on 29th March. Traitors Bercow and Grieve have stymied that with their 3 day amendment. It now becomes more important than ever to ascertain which MPs are NOT prepared to follow through on the referendum, because I believe strongly that we will have a GE soon. I want Leave voters to see, whatever their MPs say/lie, that many are not prepared to accept the will of the people.
This is what didn’t pass John Redwood yesterday-
Thank you MrSpeaker,
In 2016 this House agreed to abide by the decision of the people with regard to the binary question of staying in or leaving the EU. In the many debates leading up to the vote it was clearly stated by proponents of both courses that leaving the EU meant leaving the Single Market, leaving the Customs Union, leaving the jurisdiction of the ECJ and regaining control of our laws, borders and money. The people voted to leave the EU and in 2017 we overwhelmingly gave notice under Article 50 of our intention to do so.
In 2017 over 80% of colleagues were elected on manifestos which promised to leave the EU. Since 2017 many of those colleagues appear to have changed their minds and now openly contradict strong statements they made in 2016 agreeing with leaving the EU and that the 2016 people’s vote should be respected.
Since March 2017 my government has worked tirelessly and honestly to negotiate withdrawal from the EU and a satisfactory arrangement for trading post our leaving. In these negotiations I have always attempted to obtain the greatest access to the EU market with the least disruption to employment here in the U.K. and to our economic success whilst maintaining the integrity of the U.K. I believed that the Withdrawal Agreement which colleagues voted down on Tuesday would have achieved this had the EU given legally binding assurances as to the temporary nature of the backstop, which it has not done. I have also repeated consistently that no deal is better than a bad deal.
However, in view of colleagues having voted to claw back control of the course of negotiations and appearing to rule out leaving the EU without a deal I am of the opinion that colleagues in this House owe a duty to the British public to state openly whether they are prepared to pursue a no deal exit from the EU, the only alternative to the WA which would fulfill the aims expressed at the time of the referendum or whether they wish to defy the will of the public and remain in Single Market, Customs Union, ECJ etc. I believe it is important for the British public to understand exactly where each Member stands in relation to leaving the EU, particularly as the party opposite has variously argued for leaving the EU, staying in the EU, leaving the Single Market, the Customs Union and the jurisdiction of the ECJ and remaining subject to all of those, to holding a second referendum and to holding a General Election…or neither. In so doing it attempts both to frustrate the will of the people and to garner support from those who are duped by its cynical hypocrisy.
I am not prepared to allow this great Union to be broken up at the behest of the EU or to remain as some of my RH Friends have described, a vassal state. Accordingly the deal which I now propose to negotiate with the EU is the following :
We will leave the EU and all of its apparatus on 29th March 2019 and will use the funds already budgeted to accelerate this activity
We will not construct barriers between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic nor will we be risking the separation of Northern Ireland from the U.K.
We will not pay any amounts provisionally agreed when negotiating the Withdrawal Agreement – whilst I have negotiated in good faith with the EU it is clear from comments by some of their officials since December that the EU will attempt to hold us to ransom over the Backstop, fishing rights and much more in any trade negotiations. In the absence of legally binding agreements on the duration of the backstop I can no longer in all conscience recommend the Withdrawal Agreement
We will trade with the EU for two years on the tariff-free terms permitted by Article 24 of the WTO treaty whilst we negotiate a Free Trade Deal where we would be unencumbered by having conceded large sums of money and control to the EU and can therefore negotiate as equal partners
My RH friend the (new?) Chancellor of the Exchequer, (Sir John Redwood??), will after this notice present details of the amendments we propose to make to our MFN tariffs, in particular with regard to agricultural produce and components, both of which he proposes to reduce or remove entirely. He will also announce an allowance for buyers of British-built cars from 6 April which are subsequently registered for use in the UK, This will be on a sliding scale and will be self-financing from the tariffs levied on imported cars from third countries as applied by the EU.
In the interest of transparency, a subject which has much exercised this House of late, my RH Friend will also make available to interested academic economists all of the information and assumptions used by the Treasury and the Bank of England last year to model the effect of various scenarios for our leaving the EU. None of these showed that we would be worse off in the future, only that we would have very marginally slower growth than previously projected. These projections also took no effect of any decision by this House on the best use of the substantial monies saved by not signing the Withdrawal Agreement.
I commend this statement to the House and look forward to the division which will finally make clear, transparent in fact, which colleagues are intent on frustrating the clearly-expressed will of the people to leave the EU and its institutions.
It is strange that even though there is a strong prospect of leaving without a sell out the planned tariffs under WTO have not been published –
As sir John redwood has ringhtly been banging on. The media dares less as well because I don’t think the kidults understand or care about what a tariff is and what it can do to the economy .
It would be pure fantasy to see a true conservative such as John Redwood in charge of the treasury – if he was chancellor -he’d clear the deadwood …
Liars like the junior, and most odious of all, Kinnock try to dupe the public on tariffs, pretending that it will hurt the consumer here. Most of the sheeple aren’t aware that the U.K. government collects the tariff on imports and can reimburse manufacturers (eg of U.K. built cars) to offset those tariffs. And most of that tariff income on third country imports is currently paid straight over to the EUSSR. Kinnochio is very happy to confuse the sheeple further.
Link to last thread
– Sunday started halfway down page 2 with latest news on the James Goddard case (inc His own new video you might not have seen)
– page 3 covered Sunday 11am until 8:30pm
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The PM is going to have to be extremely determined, nimble and fleet-footed, in the political sense, this week in order to head for a no-Deal Brexit on 29 March 2019. Don’t call off Brexit, PM, and please resist all attempts by others to do the same. Please don’t allow Article 50 to be postponed or paused or cancelled either.
Our democracy is at stake.
Up2 – I’ve been avoiding BBC news and current affairs but I’m trying to ‘game’ the variations this week ….
Now that Comrade Corbyn has said he will trigger a ‘ no confidence ‘ vote when will he do it and what happens if he wins ?
I’m taking it the remainers like soubry will abstain thus letting Labour win and causing a general election,
But how can a general election be fitted in by the end of March . A50 can’t be suspended so there would have to be a vote to withdraw it and change the statute which withdraws UK from the ReichEU.
It’s tricky . I can’t work it out . Can anyone here?
I had a job once where I had to translate complicated paragraphs into logical flow charts which had to be very easy to understand . I can’t even start with the mess the PM has caused
I wouldn’t put it past Mr Corbyn to get the 7 IRA MPs to come to England to bring down the British Government in the confidence vote . They could decide it ….
Fed, if it helps in your ‘gaming’ my MP (Lab), will vote against the Deal but will vote for amendments. It is those amendments that concern me and that I fear may be designed to cancel Brexit. I intend to e-m my MP to let them know that I would like them to vote for a no-Deal, full-Brexit, should that be a voted amendment. I doubt they will as the reply to me earlier was a feeble ‘constituents didn’t vote to be poorer’ and mentioned ‘chaos and uncertainty of no-Deal’ .
Muddled thinking from my MP on those, I’m afraid. Mind you, their Party is pretty muddled on this.
As for a Governmental No Confidence vote, my MP will vote for that. I agree with you, Corbyn could achieve what the desire to unite Ireland could not: Sinn Fein taking up seats in the House. Am not sure how the swearing in could be accommodated in time.
I would be staggered if May’s Deal gets through. Amendments have to be proposed, seconded and voted through first. Then the full proposition, as amended, can be put to the House for consideration and the vote. Am not sure what time we will know whether we and a full Brexit have been miraculously rescued.
As Martin Luther said, rubbing God’s ear with His promises, might just be a good idea for the next 72 to 96 hours. Playing Jean Sibelius’ Finlandia while singing or musing on the words of a well-known hymn also might help. 🙂
May is part of the remain plan. Expect nothing from her. The establishment has gone to war against a referendum result it did not expect to lose. Think of it as parliament versus the people. 1642 king versus parliament. Nothing changes much .
Except we chopped of his head !
“The PM is going to have to be extremely determined, nimble and fleet-footed, in the political sense”
To sell us down the river more completely than she intends.
Your pleas are in vain, she will not only betray us, she will enjoy doing so.
b######s to her – The tories and Theresa gave up on democracy a long time ago. I think we need to realise, they have changed the political rules without telling us and it aint gonna be nice.
In an article which should be titled “political speech dissident arrested at behest of MP”, the BBC is instead reminiscent of something from the soviet union or the Third Reich, Our faithful BBC starts with the vague headline: “Protester James Goddard held over Parliament incidents”:
And what were the incidents that justified this arrest BBC? well obviously it was because: “On Monday, Conservative MP Anna Soubry was called a “Nazi” by protesters during a live BBC News interview” and she didn’t like it.
Yes folks, a riled Anna Soubry then went on TV and demanded that “these people need sorting out” by the police.
So the police dutifully went out and started arresting her political opposition for causing her offense… and she still thinks she is not a totalitarian?
Even worse the same politician has a career based on calling people racists, bigots and even called Donald Trump a “dick head”… no criticism, no arrests… just demonetization of a group of people, just like the Nazis directed at the Jews… and anyone who disagreed was arrested.
This is so serious, the police are arresting people on the say so of politicians based on the most fatuous claims of offense, yet the same politician has said far far worse…
If we had the right to trial by jury as laid down in the Magna Carta, this would be thrown out of court… unfortunately that right has been snatched away, and we have activist judges who will be more than happy to throw this guy in prison, even completely ignoring the law… as we saw with Tommy Robinson.
The rancid filth at the BBC, are muted, complicit, Goebbesque. These are the new facts of an emerging totalitarian state backed up by this sick and diseased corporation that would fit better in Venezuela than in a western country.
BBC Typo the sub heading says “Protester James Goddard held over Parliament incidents”
Yet we know he was release on super draconian bail terms last night
What’s Twitter say ?
\\ British MPs can roar at each other all day and get paid for it
… but if MR PUBLIC exercises his right to free expression THE toffs UNITE #brexit //
\\ Not a mention of @OwenJones84 I wonder why? //
Reminder that Soubry stands shoulder to shoulder with her pal Steve Bray who does indulge in harassing not merely demonstrating in plugging his anti-Brexit campaign
A video on the previous thread shows a stresses Diane Abbott being trailed by him barracking her with questions .
I now understand that this ‘Mad Hatter’ comes from Wales ?
Please note he does not represent Welshmen. We voted OUT!
Is he a Judas, with ‘thirty pieces of silver’ in his hand?
Makes sense “He makes his money from dealing in rare coins”
Yes, he is a Judas, and so is my MP, Simon Harte.
He’s sittng in a heavy ‘leave’ area, but is already telling us that people are now for staying in.
I have indeed told him what I think, but he wont give a toss what us plebs want.
Have you read Tommy Robinson’s book ‘Enemy of the State’? It is petrifying the despicable lengths they went to because he was telling uncomfortable truths. It is Kafka meets 1984 and then some.
well said Jip – I think of the BBC as a cancer at the heart of our society – which really needs radical surgery to cut it out but the patient is still in denial. The longer you leave it the worse it gets.
O – “Radical surgery”. I will do that.
I shall be amazed if the patient survives the operation.
Saloon – A club hammer (surgical steel), a few thousand gallons of petrol and a very big box of matches should be sufficient for the “micro surgery” I had in mind.
Countryfile Bias by omission
They talked about waste plastic, but incinerators not mentioned
The BBC fed us the activist FakeNews that
“recycling is the only way of dealing with waste plastic”
That’s BS if your granny’s bananas came in wooden crates from Guatamala she wouldn’t have sent them back and then bought in wood for her fire
Tom Heap’s propaganda
“Oh what can we do with all this dirty farm plastic ?”
’12 years ago the government stopped farmers burning it, but now China has stopped taking waste and all UK waste company piles are full’
blah, blah, blah ..landfill, landfill
FFS BBC why in 10 minute did you not mention incineration ?
All plastic can be safely converted into energy in a high temperature incinerator.
#2 There are also a few plants in the UK change waste plastic into oil
#3 If recycling is practical then corps already do it
eg in a window unit factory it’s practical to collect all the plastic cut offs since they are uniform and uncontaminated
Video clip
I’m guessing that the item basically came out of cutNpasting an NGO’s PR
..and we know “the arts graduate BBC doesn’t do science”
SG – 99% of their “art” should be incinerated.
Every truck leaving the UK via Dover is weighed , and there are only two weighbriges there .
So they’re not really delayed are they ?
Now at Tescos RDC at Dagenham , the whole process of taking the details of a lorries load and unloading is done electronically .
The drivers use a touchscreen to select a language , input the details OR use a scanner on a barcode to input the details , is given a bay number by the screen , he goes into a waiting area where he uses more computers to put his keys in a locker for safety reasons , he waits and watches a screen which tells what is happening on the bays eg waiting , offloading or unloaded collect keys and depart site .
So a driver can arrive at the RDC , be allocated a bay , be unloaded and depart WITHOUT talking to , communicating , meeting , seeing or even looking at any employee of that RDC , and there are thousands of lorries of all nationalities doing that every day .
Imagine thinking that one up two years ago and applying it to the ports .
In the early hours of Sunday morning, I found myself musing on the phrases tripped out ad nauseam by pro-Remain BBC presenters, BBC inert-viewers, politicians, Civil Servants & various other Remain busybodies that get air time to the effect “We didn’t/couldn’t really know what we were voting for”, “We didn’t know what deal would be offered” and “We didn’t know what Brexit would entail”.
This is sometimes, quite usually, accompanied by the phrase “Both sides lied in the Referendum debate”.
No they didn’t.
We know that for a fact. The Government leaflet sent to every household and setting out what the EU Referendum vote entailed and would mean had to be checked & meet with the Electoral Commission’s approval. We know that it can be trusted. Leave means leave.
We knew full well what we wanted and what we were voting for. A fact completely overlooked by the BBC since 24 June 2016.
Come on, Parliament.
Now you must stand and deliver.
Please do not let the whole of the UK population down.
Exactly !
“The Government leaflet sent to every household and setting out what the EU Referendum vote entailed and would mean had to be checked & meet with the Electoral Commission’s approval. We know that it can be trusted. Leave means leave.”
A very important fact that Remoaners are conveniently forgetting.
Remoaners – Democracy is at stake, ignoring this will Come Back and Bite you on your Backside, Beware and be-warned.
People of Great Britain and so-called MPs take note, because it will not go away !
“The Government leaflet sent to every household and setting out what the EU Referendum vote entailed and would mean had to be checked & meet with the Electoral Commission’s approval. We know that it can be trusted. Leave means leave.”
Unless I have a comprehension problem you have both ambiguity and inaccuracy here.
Two entities, Government and the Electoral Commission, which one (it) do you trust?
The Government (packed with Remain MPS) has spent the last two years saying “war is peace, freedom is slavery, leave means remain”.
The Electoral Commission (packed with extreme left champagne socialist Remainers) has spent the last two years looking for the last farthing which they can unjustifiably claim to be abuses of process by Leave. The EC has spent the last two years not looking for Remain abuses, not finding any and dismissing any abuses noted by others.
Neither are fit for purpose or trustworthy.
While it may be true, LCS, that the EC is “packed with extreme left champagne socialist Remainers” – there is post-Referendum evidence – at the time pre-Referendum (which Dave didn’t know for sure he would lose but might have done) he still HAD to have his booklet checked out for accuracy.
It came over to me as a pro-EU puff piece but it was a strictly accurate, pro-EU puff piece, because it was a legal requirement to be so. It did not mention lots of things that an anti-EU campaigner might have mentioned like increasing the scope of taxes to cover food-stuffs, for example, or a EU Army, for another example.
This is the key point: that strictly accurate booklet gave the WHOLE ELECTORATE a TRUE picture of what we were voting for: stay with the Government’s preferred option and vote Remain or vote to Leave the EU.
The whole Electorate were imperfectly but ACCURATELY INFORMED ON WHAT THE VOTE WAS ABOUT. (Oh I wish we had an italics facility on this web-site!) Get it now? See why it is stupid to state ‘We didn’t know what we were voting for’ because if you are a Remainer and say that, it is because either you didn’t read the Government booklet or didn’t understand what it was saying and NOT SAYING.
Leave voters did.
Or they voted according to some other measure that they only knew about but a Remainer cannot. 😉
Italics: where you want the italics to start put a “less than” sign then an “i” then a “greater than” sign.
Where you want them to finish, put “less than” sign then a forward slash followed by an “i” then a “greater than” sign. Leave no spaces between the symbols. comme ça!
“b” can be used if you want boldface.
Having been a member of the corrupt, anti-democratic, bloated, parasitic and rotting EU for over forty years, I think we had a fairly good idea what we were voting for and it is utter nonsense for anyone to suggest otherwise.
Cocky Cameron thought the referendum result would be a foregone conclusion. How wrong he was.
The truth of the matter is that the EU is scared stiff that our leaving will perfectly demonstrate how a nation can prosper outside of the EU and is fully aware of the existential threat this would pose.
It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the EU, aided by all of its lackeys, will do everything in its power to frustrate our leaving. If successful in frustrating our departure, we could witness civil disturbances in this country of an unprecedented nature. Would the EU care? Not a jot, I say.
Navets, am not sure about Dave just as I’m not sure about Mutti and May.
I feel that Cameron was nowhere as bright as Osborne. Even so, he must have known that in Elections/Referendums anything could happen, Pollsters do not have a cast-iron reputation and his 2015 win was slightly against the odds, so a win was far from certain.
So, I do not think he was cocky. Why did he draft in all that extra firepower, Obama, et al, and get Osborne & Carney to go head over heels, over the top, with their predictions of fire and brimstone and vengeance.
It’s also a mystery that once the EU Referendum had been agreed in Parliament, Dave didn’t immediately start on his charm offensive around the heads of the 27 States. He left it very late. That could have been cockiness as you say or perhaps fear. Fear that the EU Ref was fated to be a Leave win? Fear that he would be sent back totally empty-handed.
Agree to an extent about the EU and ‘pour encourager les autres’ but I also feel that in a Twainish way, reports of other departures are premature or exaggerated. The problem for the Eurozone countries will be getting a Central Bank back and creating a currency. It really requires the EU to fall apart for EZers to get their freedom. That may be why Mutti is trying to subvert Germany, France & Belgium via massive migration.
Weaken the head of the Borg and its tentacles may whither and die.
Sorry, more cold water needs to be poured on your exhortations.
No stone will be left unturned in efforts to betray Brexit.
We know who the patriots are in the House Of Commons.
Unfortunately there are not very many of them.
The remainder are just collateral damage.
LCS, to what do you refer precisely?
U2S – I wish I could answer.
My screen now shows
LastChanceSaloon January 14, 2019 at 12:57 am
Up2snuff January 14, 2019 at 9:11 am
LCS, to what do you refer precisely?
My contribution is timestamped 3 hours from now.
And you have responded, earlier into the future?
I have noticed this before.
The non existent numbering of posts. The poor, in my opinion, indentation thereof make it difficult to follow the developing threads.
I am now using a tablet, which makes it worse.
Can’t Google now. But just saw an article in the Guardian – that monstrosity called the EU is now talking about delaying the whole process in order to provide May with better snake oil to sell to parliament to help push the deceitful deal through.
The swine are making up rules as they go along. I really feel for you guys in embattled Britain right now.
#1 Speculation not news
.. and I don’t waste my time reading speculation when I can instead just wait for REAL news to happen, and then analyse that.
#2 .. Releasing speculative articles is often “kite flying” to test peoples reactions to options
#3 Always check the comment under a lengthy article
BUT this Guardian article has no open comments
..which is suspicious
..I could always plug the URL into Twitter to check for reactions
but libmob stories tend to get mass retweeted without comment as if by bots.
the new form of censorship comments/hys limited to subjects that no one really cares about
the fact they wont let you comment always tells me they are pushing the bollox boat out
SG – I believe your suspicions are correct.
“The EU is preparing to delay.” This just displays their lefty contempt, at the Guardian they think we are too stupid to notice.
The UK made the decision to Leave, when we Leave is a UK decision. None of it EU business. The EU cannot delay our decision. It is a smokescreen to buy more time to betray our vote.
Thanks, TT. Takes me back to six days in 1967. And October 1973. 😉
The little guys up against seemingly overwhelming forces.
Say some prayers for us. And if you are an atheist, say some prayers for us anyway. I think it will take a miracle equivalent to 1967 & 1973 added together to get the UK out and clean away from the EU.
The Department Against Transport (via the IRFO , the International RoadFreight Office ) are warning hauliers that go abroad that they must apply for ECMT permits and that there will be a shortage of them .
So as only about three a week of our lorries go abroad they must only have two then . I wonder if the foreigners will have a shortage ?
Any trailers , rather than the prime mover ( the artic cab at the front ) will have to have its own number plate .
Why that now ?
We never did in the past when we went over there .. If it’s EU law then we would need to do that now .
MoreHamHead & maxincony
Just in case you did not see it earlier?
Prove that you are not a just bunch of Haemorrhoids and Trolls by providing us with evidence of pro-Brexit and pro-Right Wing bias broadcast by your beloved Al Beeb.
PS help advertise these petitions…………
As much chance of this ship getting it’s voted for name ,
as us getting Brexit .
Choices are:
1. Accept Mays ‘deal’, ie leave in name only.
2. Have an election, Labour win and we stay in EU,
3. Delay March date to give more time , then a recession or something hits, then we delay it again.
Eddy Booth
Scupper that lot and go WTO or change the Government along with its Rotten Parliament.
How is your post related to bias broadcast by the BBC?
Boaty got remamed ”Sir David Attenborough”
a 50 year BBC worker..
thats how,
Try Wikipedia ?
It is possible that the BBC cubicle gardens are running out of relatives to feature.
Radio 4
Meet the YouTube couple who are taking on colourism in their community.
(via BBC Asian Network)
“BBC cubicle gardens”. What are they, places for the burial of cremated remains?
It was a term coined to reflect the preponderance of bbc ‘reporters’ with names like ‘Tulip’, hired on a basis not necessarily to do with objective journalistic competence.
Well, water cannon and tear gas didn’t really attract much attention at the BBC.
This seems…. worse.
So clearly the bbc will have to work harder at ignoring it.
It must be a lot worse in France than our media tells us. If live fire is used against the French people then that would mean the end of Macron and probably the end of the EU.
As for the man arrested on Soubry’s say so they have to get a conviction. Still not as easy as the authorities would like.
Politicising the police and the law is counterproductive.
“Politicising the police and the law is counter-productive.”
In normal times.
These are not normal times.
The treasonous authorities will ignore the law.
“If live fire is used against the French people then that would mean the end of Macron and probably the end of the EU.”
How do you think this would be so?
I must share this: with my poor eyesight I read that as “the man arrested on St Soubry’s Day.”
The 3 branches of government have been totally politicised. Why do you think you have never heard of any muslim rape gangs from Manchester,Birmingham and London? I don’t think you appreciate the scale of the corruption in our society. In fact Brexit has demonstrated there is only one branch of goverment and that won’t change anytime soon.
Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t it normal to quote someone AFTER they have said something! This report is full of quotes about what Mrs May will say on Monday and even puts parentheses around the text! What do they know that we don’t?
Moped boy Jaden Moodie 14
My father says telly told him that JM was moved from Nottingham cos he gave evidence against a drug gang, and that’s why they hunted him down and killed
Ah Rod Liddle writes
The page also has a video of him interviewing Robert Aitkin about his new book outside Broadcasting House
\\ Poverty and racial inequality are the comfortable answers always given when something like this happens. It’s rot, PC rot. Usually the Labour MP David Lammy then complains about a lack of policing in problem areas, having previously criticised the police for stopping and searching black youngsters, a policy he described as racist. So he wants the police there, but not to do anything. More convenient rot.//
Article has 438 most supportive comments quite a lot for a none-free publication
Oft repeated message to Parliament and Al Beeb………………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Lets summarise the lib/left/ remoaner scenario if we leave on WTO rules in March .
Lorry drivers going about their lawful business will be subject to horrendous delays at one or both sides of the channel .
Bogus asylum seekers will be facilitated by our own coastguard and navy and forwarded quickly to the UK .
Extra paperwork and permits will be required by hauliers . Bogus asylum seekers will require no paperwork .
More identification wil need to be displayed by our trucks if they cross the channel ,otherwise they will not be allowed to proceed .
Bogus asylum seekers don’t need any identification to travel in France provided they wish to invade Britain .
London plummeting new depths
May has purposely betrayed the majority referendum vote. On the one hand she has knowingly seceded to the legislative process in the House. On the other she carps dishonestly about the catastrophe to the democratic process. I realise she is one of those weak personalities that tries to appease all. And she was/is a remainer after all. The BBC has of course flown to the aid of wealthy London remainer liberals. I can only imagine a vote of no confidrnce and a Tory leadership challenge. This country is full of Anthony Edens, Lord Halifaxes and imbecilic Chamberlains. May is Neville Chamberlain. The BBC has played an astoundingly treacherous role in the face of its charter for impartiality. This country has become a disgrace. Meanwhile, the EU is bankrupting it’s menbers whilst its unelected apparatchiks take vast salaries and pensions. Reprehensible times lie in wait for Brexiteers who recognise the EU as a staggering insult to those who believe in national pride. If the exit fails and by that I mean the no deal I voted for I hope Britain is plunged into civil war.
Last night I was absolutely disgusted when I posted a message thus similar to this to Briebart London:
Even the queen should be worrying just now, as this betrayal by the MPs could very easily lead to the people of England ending the Monarchy in Great Britain.
And I was immediately banned!
Breitbart isn’t what it was….not since Breitbart died in fact.
Earlier in the French demonstrations armoured cars bearing the treasonous EU flag were deployed.
Was that counter productive?
The reason I ask is that since time immemorial [2nd year of Richard I] the standard technique is to import troops from another area, preferably into an area where they are disliked and/or distrusted.
The imported troops then do the dirty work.
Then the local authorities shrug their (Gallic in this case) shoulders and adopt a “nothing to do with us” posture.
As in NTDWI.
So are these local troops? If not, does anyone know where are they from?
I am not seeing any more armoured vehicles carrying the treasonous gold stars.
In 1381 the Peasants Revolt was in a position to do almost as the leaders pleased, at least in the South East.
Then the authorities promised them the moon and the gullible peasant leaders believed them.
Thereafter the rebellion was crushed.
So in all and any discussions or negotiations which might arise from the current conflict we only believe the former authorities when they are unable to respond, because they are DEAD.
The situation may change violently and permanently at any time.
The beloved EU, the entity that has kept peace in the universe since just after the big bang, and has a Nobel prize to prove it, may soon have a difficult decision to make.
Options :-
#1 Accept that their beloved project, their ever closer union, is increasingly unpopular, is not working, is not producing the benefits claimed and must dissolve with the minimum amount of fuss, cost and destruction.
#2 Refuse to accept defeat and go EU Army, immediate financial union, sovereign states replaced by regions, maximum repression, mass arrests imprisonments and executions, martial law, emergency powers, news blackouts, state propaganda, for as long as required.
What I believe these bastards will do is 1381 repeated. They will claim to have listened, to have taken on board, be prepared to compromise, etc. buying time for option #2. Since there are no second chances option #2 will be genocide. You just watch the bastards arm Muslims.
LCS, back in the days of Nick Robinson as a Political Editor who Blogged and a BBC board of readers/posters who could consider and discuss with each other at length, War was a topic under discussion, because of ‘Dave’s’ desire to go to war in Libya and also because he’d got caught in a macho bidding contest with Sarkozy.
I suggested that future wars will be asymmetric and most likely to include as part of that asymmetry People versus Government, exactly the situation you outline for France: Government v. immigrants v. people. Add an EU ‘controlling force’ Army and then perhaps NATO into the mix and it doesn’t bear thinking about and is a good reason to migrate to Chile or New Zealand.
Yet another good reason to leave the EU with no-deal at the end of March.
BBC Online News:
“”Intersex surgeries: Is it right to assign sex to a baby?””
“”BBC Gender and Identity Reporter Megha Mohan explores the hidden world of intersex children.””
Here’s something about this BBC reporter, who probably has no medical or scientific qualifications from the UK:
“As of September 2018, Megha Mohan is the BBC’s first Gender and Identity Correspondent.”
“Prior to that she was a senior multimedia staff reporter at the BBC’s Digital Current Affairs department. There, she told stories on subcultures across Asia, Africa, the US and Europe, with a focus on gender.”
“Her original reports include stories on the influence of the Alt-Right in global politics… ”
She has a job passport for the BBC. Shes’s black, female, under 30 and has a photo of herself high-fiving black kids in Africa.
I would never qualify for the job.
DS – Sickening and predictable.
“There, she told stories on SUBcultures”
She would do, wouldn’t she? Coming from a SUBculture herself.
How do these – I swear to honor the BBC no matter her rules as long as I can travel the world 5 star – people get these jobs?
The bbc is as usual, showing its anti-family agenda. They adore hatred, shrieking arguments on failed soap shows and violence in as many guises as they can think up.
That’s why they never talk of families where there are two loving parents, usually a male and a female couple, doing what countless generations have done, and producing children to further prosper their environment.
The bbc will always strive to try and ‘seek’ alternatives, as if it is their divine right to alter a normal relationship.
Imagine the outcry when a woman, having gone through several hours of torture in labour, being told by the nurse that she is the proud parent of a ‘thing’!
As usual, the bbc takes the piss out of the majority of real families with its tax-funded rubbish.
Toady Watch
Before turning the radio off at 0630 the business section has vintage anti Brexit bias. Two remainer business types answering the question “ why is brexit so bad ?” And then the usual recital ….
… where has the balance inaccordance with the actual democratic vote ?
Tourette’s Robinson was on it so a good reason for switching off.
I saw a clip/trailer by BBC TV news the other day of two kids playing together (aged about 8-10 yrs old) one was white female and the other was male black African! But that’s not all! As the clip progressed we were given a close-up shot of the boy who had on his forehead – yes, you guessed it – a pretty rainbow between to pretty white clouds. My only surprise was that the two clouds on his forehead were not black!?
Its in our faces every day! These imbeciles must think that the UK public are somehow going along with their regressive madness! They are wrong! Schools will begin to close down as the education system will never be able to avoid the collapse of the education system just to please those who shout loudest! This madness must change.
From order order
“Theresa May already bending to Labour demands”
The saintly May conspiring (behind Corbyn’s back) with the opposition.
If I understand Guido correctly, May has offered the Labour plotters more concessions.
Worse than her “deal”, ie no Brexit whatsoever.
Guido readers incandescent in the comments.
Eg “There are at least 480 items of dross out of a number of 650 that can be extinguished.”
It seems that every day, in every way, more people want dead MPs.
I would read that as getting them out of the House of Commons. I’d hope no one here wants dead MPs.
RD “I would read”
You read 600 comments in five minutes?
I hope that nobody on BBBC wanted 100,000 white children gang raped by people deliberately imported by Labour Party MPs, and then covered up by the same MPs.
Don’t be silly. When there are plenty on the left only too willing and able to shut down sites and have people arrested on the flimsiest of pretexts, even the vaguest suggestion of killing MPs is foolish in the extreme.
Oh, string ’em up, I say, if they won’t do want they were told to do by the referendum.
Good old BBC …. we pay for this sh%t !!!
‘Is it possible to be a Muslim & a lesbian’, they like to ask…
….but wait a minute, I seem to recall we’ve been here before.
‘The blog A Gay Girl in Damascus began appearing in early 2011, with posts by Amina Arraf, a self-described Syrian-American lesbian. The title said it all. The Web site quickly grew in popularity, and Arraf began several online relationships with lesbian political activists, one of whom considered Arraf her long-distance girlfriend. When Arraf disappeared, a few months later, in the midst of the uprising that became known as the Arab Spring…’
and the rest is history, or should I say it was western liberal self delusional wishful thinking.
‘… the inspiring Arab-American lesbian turned out to be a white man from Georgia named Tom MacMaster’
Sure it is.
Just not for very long.
The Forum on radio 4 was when I first fell in love with the channel: four academics discussing prime numbers in a hyper intellectual tour de force.
The last episode was about a Greek tragedy with a female heroine, explained in a patronising GCSE tone by a Middle Eastern man who had rewritten it about Syrian refugees.
What an absolute disgrace. My old French teacher said listening to radio 4 for ten years was equivalent to obtaining a degree. I saw him the other day and he is just as furious as me at how dumbed down and ruined most of it has been, primarily due to all this ‘woke’ garbage whereby there can be no pure programmes – they are all tainted by having to convey some empowering message. I just want to learn about prime numbers etc not to be lectured relentlessly about race, gender and homosexuality.
If a Muslim feels offended they can call the Police and many other organisations. One of my favourite pastimes has been ruined by SJWs – who can I call? I am not a Nazi or ‘Far right’ just for wanting to conserve basic things that have brought me joy. And this is not confected offence taking to shut down an argument – this is genuinely profound disgust.
Alas, I have no ‘protected characteristics’ so my feelings are worthless to the state. I pity my poor retired French teacher losing his lifelong companion to the virus of political correctness.
Great post, Beeb Bro. No wonder people are listening less or not at all to Radio 4.
Excellent, Beeb!
As far as Radio 4 is concerned, Senora O’Blene and I just give it all a miss, especially the news – faked or even more faked.
My warm thanks goes out to good guys like you, Stew, Fed, Up (and of course everyone else – even the trolls sometimes, when they try and make a point and usually fail), who bothers to take the time to look at the issues properly and let us all have a cut-down incisive version of all the crap we pay for in W1A.
R5Dead is only made palatable by Dotun, whom I think is a sincere chap, and much too good for trash progs dished up by ‘managers’. He grunts well at ‘tittle tattle’, and even Chris Mason gets hammered if Dotun pokes at him seriously. Robbo, Marr and the rest don’t hold a candle to this guy!
I respect the feelings of my radio too much to listen to Dotun, someone that six-short planks could out-think.
No home-grown meteotainment for us this morning, Carol? No weather porn being produced locally by mother nature, Ms Kirkwood? Never mind, let’s look further afield for our daily dose of worst since… worst evers… Austrian mountain resorts have had some avalanches, doncha know. Holy Von Trapps, Batman! And in the States there’s some of the heaviest snowfall since… wowww… 2016 !
Meanwhile, an American beauty…
Washington’s Foggy Bottom never looks better than under snow…and I’m not referring to Katty’s bum.
Traitor Grieve on Toady this morning decrying hysterical reporting about Brexit, shortly after having lied, lied that economic forecasts showed that gdp would fall by 8% in the event of a no deal Brexit. Toenails Robinson failed to correct him that the forecasts showed, using slanted assumptions, an 8% LESSER GROWTH than previous slanted forecasts showed.
Robinson carefully lined up Grieve (to tell us-in effect- he wouldn’t DREAM of BEING PART OF A COUP, ALL SWEETNESS AND LIGHT,) just wanted to ensure that the weakest in society didn’t suffer in the event of ‘no deal’. What a lovely man, I had tears in my eyes, not since Andy’s resignation statement have I needed the tissues quite so much. (And he is currently winning on court in 50C+ heat, so what does all THAT blubbing tell you?)
Robinson also lined up McDonnell to tell us for the 928th time that, if May lost, Labour wanted to go back to the people to have an ELECTION, after which anything but ‘no deal’ was an option. What a lovely man. No sign of a coup. Tissues out again
I gather Fox was there to herd everyone behind the May ‘deal’.
Typical, treacherous Bbc.
And as for our political class, A SWAMP that makes the one in Washington look like a small puddle. Pity we don’t have a Hannity in the media or a Trump where HM sits passively by, doing NOTHING.
World’s oldest and the Home of Democracy is allegedly in London. Now THERE is something to cry about.
PG, I am newish here.
Why is Robinson called toenails?
Not sure the new commenting rules will allow an in depth reply.
Years ago Guido’s cartoonist invariably portrayed just Toenails’ Toenails emerging from Brown’s fundament. He was thereafter named.
Thank you for the explanation.
I wish I had not asked.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
I got a wonderfully witty piece of ‘spam’ in my email from 38 Degrees.
It was quite long and asked me to comment. The first sentence was hilarious. “The BBC provides quality news and entertainment – free from adverts and Rupert Murdoch – it’s the envy of the world.”
For fun I answered the survey in the link.. Told them I didn’t want over 75s to be means tested and I didn’t think the BBC was value for money. I do hope they will be disappointed.
38 Bee Gees, Compass… all showing how desperate they are in their true colours.
And the quaint presumption that everyone the spam on their list is on it because they agree with them is also quite sweet.
As we draw ever closer to the great Brexit betrayal by the elite of the people I look at the various positives that we can draw from this . Here they are in no particular order.
# Millions more people will now realise that the BBC is acting against their best interests and is certainly not unbiased. Hopefully can transfer this learning to issues such as immigration and Islam and join with us in despising the state funded broadcaster and join a LF strike.
# If we are forced to Remain then presumably we will get a special election for our MEP representatives at the Noddy Parliament in Brussels. If so UKIP should sweep the board and add even more weight to the growing Eurosceptic tendency over there.
# In the UK any last vestiges of democracy will have been swept away and people will now be certain that on the greatest issues of our time, EU and Islamification, their wishes , even when they are in a majority , will not be heard by the ruling establishment. If people want to preserve their way of life then these leaders need to be swept away. The people are thus more likely to force through a political realignment and bring to power leaders like Salvini who will fight on their behalf. People willl wake up to the fact that if they need to think for themselves rather than swallow whole what the likes of politicians of the BBC tell them.
# This complete disillusionment with Parliament will spread to all those institutions which are ruled by the establishment , eg Police, Courts, BoE , most of the media, arts, academia. These institutions will be cleansed by the great realignment
# If these things happen over the next decade then we might look back on this lost war of liberation as the beginning of the end of the despised Liberal Left hegemony and the start of true democracy in our country.
The question of race and IQ rumbles on with the geneticist Robert Watson stripped of his honours for saying (again, previously in 2007) that he feared for Africa and connecting his position with IQ. Unlike 2007, the PC warriors came out in strength to support the condemnation. On Toady earlier, our far left Marxist State Broadcaster (aka, “The Worlds Most Trusted”) wheeled on their Adam Rutherford to continue the condemnation.
This ex Guardian reporter referred to the matter of race and IQ as being nonsense and a total fabrication of the truth. Perhaps being an ex Guardian reporter says it all. But, according to Wiki, the subject is controversial and there is no firm evidence either way in support of the theory of race and IQ. I would not expect that balanced opinion from a BBC science reporter much less, being ex Guardian reporter.
G, personally I thought Watson’s comment about black IQ was ill thought through, insensitive, and probably incorrect (although, how would I, or most other people, know if he’s technically correct, or not?).
HOWEVER, what really concerns me is the terrifying, and now totally obvious, obliteration of any right to freedom of speech, which was such an underpinning pillar of modern democracy. Without freedom of speech there can be no democracy, ergo, we no longer live in a democratic country.
To be honest, there are some other crystal clear indications that we no longer live in a democracy on the table as we speak, it should be obvious to even the most obtuse now that we’re living in a totalitarian dictatorship, and one which is increasingly using it’s might to crush any trace of dissent.
I’m going to risk upsetting people and turn this around with a different question.
Why would all IQs (or whatever measurement you choose) be the same? Wouldn’t that be an unlikely coincidence?
Other abilities vary, the 100m sprint for example, which is what you would expect when people have evolved in different locations under different conditions.
All questions unlikely to be asked and, worse, likely to be suppressed.
Thinking about Africa, could there be something like a ‘corrupt dictator’ gene?
Quite possibly, but looking at Parliament and the EU right now, I don’t think it’s confined to Africa or politics. How about the MSM?
So much in science depends on the choice of the sample on which the survey, test or experiment is performed. For instance if someone was testing for a quality such as common sense and took their sample from the ranks of Guardian journalists or readers they would find conclusive evidence that this quality did not exist other than in trace amounts.
World map by IQ.
World map by GDP.
World map by crime.
World map by homicides.
World map by development index.
World map by failed state index.
World map by plenty of etceteras.
“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled. — Richard Feynman”
You threw me for a while there because I couldn’t place Robert Watson until it dawned on me you meant James Watson. One of the discoverers of DNA, no less and he’s held these views for yonks.
These views may well be “insensitive” and they’re certainly controversial, but so what? Are they true? He was talking about the horrendous problems facing Africa and if there was any hope of them being solved.
Once upon a time it was controversial to believe that the earth circled the sun. We believed that the earth was the centre of the universe. It was dangerous to openly say anything else as Copernicus realised and later Galileo discovered to his cost. However they were both right.
It certainly tells us something though, when a man as esteemed as James Watson can be reprimanded and stripped of his honours, then what chance do the rest of us have?
Blimey, you can’t even be offensive to a certain MP…
Stripping Dr James Watson of his honours do not devalue him. On the contrary, they actually raise his status. He sees the real ongoing tragedy in Africa- starving people and babies, no infrastructure, rampant disease, desolate land, and getting worse by the year. Its clear that Africans cant avert it, or they would have done it, just as Asians have done it.
Jordan Peterson has an interesting tutorial on IQ and the job market. People with an IQ less then 80, are not going to find a job. This will lead to social and personal tragedies.
With millions of people from Africa pouring into the West, expecting instant paradise, how is a future West going to cope. With AI and automation, even jobs with a 100 IQ requirement, will be taken up by either AI or very smart 120+ IQ people.
Sooner or later, political pressure is going to close the migration gates. Italy has already closed the gates.Unless something is done now, we will see a Biblical tragedy unfold in Africa. Dr Watson is merely pointing this out. Only the West has the ability and compassion to avert this tragedy, But first, it has to remove its PC blinders.
G, agree and re your last para, do I not recall that the measures of IQ are now thought to be unreliable anyway? Seem to recall Richard Pinder posted about that on here not so long ago.
To fully appreciate bbc ‘reporting’, check out the caption at the bottom.
BBC has no self awareness
#1 They set up a system where each webstory has two titles
#2 The second is hidden in the html ..and is usually more clickbaity
as it is the one that is visible in Twitter links etc
.. they don’t realise that such text gets cut short after the character limit ..hence “homo”
The SWP’s Weyman Bennett tells Theresa May “shoot yourself” at Saturday’s People’s Assembly demo as John McDonnell applauds
Sounds like a Conspiracy to encourage the suicide of another?
Perhaps McDonnell and Bennet should be detained by the police. May is PM (at the moment) after all.
SG “Weyman Bennet”
I remember him, tremendous athlete.
He is in the Guinness Book of World records.
Broke the world record for chip on shoulder carrying, 605 times.
Weyman Bennet, SWP and leader of Unite Against Fascism, a nasty bunch of thugs who disrupt meetings attended by people they have labelled fascist. Despite numerous scandals and arrests their Founding Subscriber, David Cameron, never removed himself from them.
I am sure Cameron will now take the opportunity to resign from the UAF
So has he been arrested yet under the new rules made up last week, and enthusiastically championed by the BBC? And if not, why not?
TOADY Watch #1 and only – an inert-view between Dominic Grieve MP and Nick Robinson. (with apologies to Peter Grimes above – just read your post on this. But at least two of us noticed the bias … how many out there in the country?)
Grieve makes the astounding claim that leaving the EU with no-deal at the end of March ‘threatens the break up of the United Kingdom’. No interruption from NR. No correction from NR. (It is actually the PM’s deal that threatens the integrity of the UK.)
No apology needed. The more the merrier.
PG, Agreed. 🙂 Hope lots of BBC R4 listeners also noticed the bias.
the scots the irish the welsh may need/be forced to make a choice to stay with england or to go with the EU.
I do wonder in the situation of any of them leaving, quite how the discussions will go what backstops will be in place what hard borders will be needed how many billions will they contribute towards already agreed plans, will they go for a cliff edge wto or make a deal with england, that they have to give up to get in the EU.
so many questions
K, brilliant post. Very clever.
G – Look at Europe over the last 1000 years and what it has produced in the way of cultural, scientific, political, social, theological and technical innovation. The civilization it has created.
Then compare Africa.
You probably won’t need to get embroiled in genetic argument, because that’s over inputs and processes. The outputs, or achievements, speak for themselves.
So now we come to the stage where we feel guilty about all that. And we stop reproducing to any meaningful degree and import all our doctors and engineers, our scientists and cultural achievers, from Africa, since they’re reproducing at a staggering apace.
That should work well.
(Note that I make no judgement of individuals as moral beings in either scenario. You will get your killers and your compassionates, your wars and your peaceful co-existence, your goodies and your baddies in either scenario. I speak only of the ACHIEVEMENTS –outputs if you will — of the two models in overall comparison.)
Comments already made here on a recent televised discussion between Andrew Neil and the world’s most nauseating, self-promoting homosexual. Apparently we were wrong.
comment from “chaosmage”
“Yes did you see him the other night on “this week” , Jones was brilliant. Took on both Portillo and Neil.
neither of them answered the questions Owen asked of them.”
“Healthy eating: What is a correct food portion?
Nutrition scientists have devised a new way of measuring out food portions – using your hands, thumbs and fists rather than a set of scales.
The new guide from the British Nutrition Foundation has been created after studying portion sizes around the world and what is available in UK supermarkets.
It is thought that better portion control could lead to people being healthier – taking pressure off the NHS. It could also save customers money and it would be better for the environment as less food would be wasted.
The BBC’s Health Reporter Laura Foster explains some of the key portion measures that often catch people out.”
A classic example of ‘the BBC not doing science’. My schooldays Biology, Chemistry and Physics teachers would be rolling on the floor laughing at that bit of BBC nonsense. And we didn’t know what ROFL was back then! Hilarious. Who says the BBC doesn’t do comedy anymore?
“‘the BBC not doing science”
BBC not doing scientists, jobs for the girls in Leftyland
Laura Foster, educated at The London College of Communication. No Leftypedia article.
Not prepared to invest any more time enquiring about her.
The British Nutrition Foundation
Leftypedia states (my paraphrase) that it is in effect a lobbying group. Funded solely by large food producers.
Many complaints against it.
Leftypedia states (verbatim) “the foundation had been constantly engaged in frustrating government committees aiming to recommend reductions in sugars, salt, and fats”
Registered as a charity.
The Charity Commission is overdue for a good cull.
Then we should cull the charities mercilessly. I offer to do this for previously agreed expenses only.
So we have, presumably unqualified, BBC reporter, quoting puerile gimmicky ideas from dodgy non-charity.
Why you can trust BBC news.
Post left me at 2019-01-14 11:32.
LCS, interesting. I thought after it was too late to edit my post that I should have added that it was a perfect example of BBC FakeNews and FalseFacts. Well done you for the investigation. Ta.
Many years ago, I met the great Pat Jennings, a retired footballer, who had played for Tottenham Hotspur and Arsenal among others. We shook hands.
Imagine using Pat’s legendary large hands to measure food portions ….
…. obesity crisis …. what obesity crisis?
Loaded BBC headline against No Deal
I have a strong feeling that the BBC and Government are working from the same script. Anti Trump, anti Brexit for closer ties with the EU. And those who disagree are enemies of the state, far right, gammons and fascists.
OK, I’ll admit it. ‘Transport Statistics Great Britain 2017’ may not be everyone’s first choice reading material.
Click to access tsgb-2017-print-ready-version.pdf
And pages 13 and 14 are clearly not on the BBC Toady list.
This morning we had the fixation on transport pollution in general and particulates. Three eco warriors, all agreeing with each other, were given free rein.
The subtext is that evil nasty private motorists should be driven off the road, especially those horrible diesels. The new ultra low emission zone is London must be a good thing, and of course electric cars must be the way forward.
Particulates have halved since 1997, and are on a steady decline, so why the fanaticism now ?
Transport contributes only 24% of ‘greenhouse gas emissions’ so where is the BBC angst on the other 76%?
And my favourite. The biggest single cause of particulates from cars is brake and tyre wear. Are the ecowarriors going to ban electric cars from the centre of London, or just prevent them from braking ?
Of course the real BBC aim is to deter private transport and so to deter individual freedom in favour of socialist collectivist public transport.
Sometimes the bias reveals itself in selective ignorance, sometimes in overall direction.
Sluff, you’ve got me! I gotta own up. That’s something I was thinking about on Saturday as I’m on the point of asking some pointed (pointy?) questions of the Mayor of London via a letter.
I’ll have to look to see if there’s a handy table for London.
You may be able to answer an immediate question that comes to mind: do the stats relate the emissions to road miles? That’s the key thing.
Up 2.
There are fuel consumption tables. Cars are more and more efficifent.
But there are also car-hating councils. Under the guises of safety or pro-cycling, council policies have created pollution (build-outs, speed bumps, traffic lights all out of sequence). They create pollution, and then the council environmental department feels the need to reduce it. It’s in effect a circular public sector job creation scheme ! It reminds me of the Laurel and Hardy sketch where Ollie washes the dishes, and Stan dries them and puts them down next to the sink, and Ollie puts them in the sink and washes them again, and Stan dries them again………….
And guess who pays – in taxes, inconvenience, wasted time, quality of life, and sheer frustration ?
I heard someone on Talk Radio earlier talking about the nonsense of electric cars. Irish accent but didn’t catch his name. He made some very good points including the fact that all this electricity for the cars has to come from somewhere and that 70% of it still comes from oil or coal powered generation. Also he said that lithium is one of the most problematic minerals to mine for. He predicted that 10 years down the road they will be talking about how we need to get rid of those nasty electric cars. I doubt you would have heard this on the biased bbc
29th March Breach of Contract day
.. parliament has a contract with the electorate to deliver PROPER Brexit on that date.
If they fail they are breach of contract and therefore should not be collecting salary /benefits etc.
Good point, Stew. HM petitioned to enforce? It’s a thought …
Here’s Femi, the BBc’s new Remain squeeze now Owen has gone a bit hideously too bat guano to serve any more.
Femi is talking about propaganda.
Femi moves in the same downward spirals as Soubry, Adonis, Lammy and Campbell.
Don’t be like Femi.
i’d love to hear his explanation as to why he thinks the left suck up to an ideology that’s diametrically opposed to their own.
‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’ is the only explanation.
Low IQ.
BBC in full anti-brexit mode today …(like every other day )
Do the BBC people never get out? I saw the longest traffic jam I have ever seen on Friday on the M6 and as far as I know we haven’t had Brexit..
They really are pushing all the Project Fear Remain boats out – It’s like D day in reverse we are going to give GB to the EU Reich..
As with anything BBC, they will pick their cherries carefully, on time period and duration.
Given no one in the bbc has gone near what happened over two years ago and the planning, or not, of fellow state empires since, I am pretty sure there will be epic cluster FUBARS everywhere for a while.
And during that while, the national disgrace will be wheeling out Adonis and Femi to skweem ‘told you so!’ at max volume.
So, Katty blames Trump or Evan blames Brexit?
Speaking of picking cherries, this from a lefty outfit targets a person rather than an institution.
Be keen to see the results of any to the bbc.
Its a “Drip-drip-drip” from the BBC elites! They think all their false news will have a huge affect on the UK public! One thing that these BBC imbeciles forget – we Brexit lovers have turned the water main off!
The effects of said action will be seen in the month of March in the year of our Lord, 2019. AD.
I know from recent news that the BBC hate the use of AD so it will make them really cross when they see my use of said AD!
It was probably caused by the lorries dropping off their load of invaders.
Tea is brewing so I have had an idle moment to ponder. And share.
Last night we watched one of the lesser offerings from the Netflix repertoire.
It involved a drug lord compound in the middle of nowhere, however replete with stunning villa and, of course, scores of nubile bimbos wandering around the pool aimlessly, until slaughtered in the inevitable crossfire that also takes out various Roman statues.
How do they get there? Is there an interview? Do they get up late and go to bed early? Is there dental? Sure the pool is nice and it is sunny, but is there, like… anything else to do? Until being slaughtered?
Then I look at our political classes. Sure the money is good and the perks include food and drinks and comfy accommodation, with the chance of a BBC studio score, but look who you get to mix with most of the time. In clubs, around Caste Green and, if unlucky, the entrance to the HoP.
Not much of a life either. Plus they are butt ugly to a man, woman and that one who waves the mace about. Maybe that is what attracts the Robinsons and Laura K’s to them like flies?
Anyone feeling a bit down with all the Brexit talk? Fear not as the BBC will cheer us up with…
Malala Yousafzai: What does a Nobel Peace Prize winner do for fun?
Apparently she like old BBC British sit-com comedy – I don’t think she likes old ITV sitcoms though. Then it gets really interesting when the interviewer asks “How do you fare on keeping your University room tidy?”. I won’t reveal any spoilers and you will have to watch the video to find out what her exciting answer was!
Malala ends with “I’m proudly Brummie as well!”. I’m not sure why the “as well” bit was there. Perhaps she is proud to be something else as well but due to BBC editorial time restrictions they had to edit out the other bit….. you know…. you make her sound as ‘British’ as the Queen herself.
There are several places that I have lived in the UK for a period longer than ten years. I wouldn’t dare call myself a citizen of any of them, I wouldn’t want to offend those whose parents, grandparents and great-grandparents made those places what they are.
Getting free health care doesn’t cut it.
Pug – there’s nothing independent about ‘The Independent’.
Just as there’s very little conservative about the Conservative Party.
And relativey little about Labour that represents the interests of the working man/woman.
What’s in a name?
I trust we’ve all signed?
Stories that don’t make the BBC ?
EU on open borders
\\ The European Union should consider regulating to stop member states from poaching each other’s doctors and other professionals, German Health Minister Jens Spahn said.//
Our metrolib rulers see themselves as the Hutus
..and we working class non-conformers as the Tutsis
Well, beeb news, against a backdrop of European flags, as per usual.
May, telling us a ‘no Brexit’ is now more likely if they don’t vote for her deal. A manipulative, dishonest Remainer all the way. In a parliament more than half full of Remainers, determined to reverse Brexit and the will of the people. Boris got about three seconds: beeb’s idea of ‘impartial’ . Welcome to the London SWAMP.
I prefer the real thing: ‘no deal’.
But I am now also OK with the swamp-dwellers’ ‘no Brexit’.
Stuff all their halfway -bit in – bit out solutions, all designed NOT to leave the EU. Many names, from ‘Norway’ to ‘EFTA’. And stuff their hypocritical, misnamed ‘people’s vote’. It’s been and gone. And stuff Corbyn’s election: we don’t want Abbott, Thornberry, Starmer etc, prancing about, destroying what’s left of the country. And no, ‘Independent’, we don’t want D Milipede coming back either.
Because that way we will see an honest situation: parliament has thwarted the will of the people.
Lets see all those swamp-dwelling traitors, standing fully exposed.
We take it from there.
Boris sprang to mind.
“Zoe Ball earns respect with new BBC Radio 2 breakfast show”
The BBC is terribly excited about Zoe Ball taking over from Chris Evans, it even has a comments section so we can all share the BBC’s enthusiasm. Sadly, the comments aren’t exactly going the BBC’s way.
Still, the BBC’s extinction of the primitive white male continues at pace.
After what happened on the QT FiPR on social media, opening an HYS was… brave.
Zoe Ball says the bBc’s ‘full of women’. ‘All over the place.’
She’s right about that.
Having learnt to tune out the BBC adverts I was only vaguely aware that women were taking over Radio 2 this week.
Looking at today’s schedule there is 90 minutes of Feltz followed by Ball, who will give BBC favourite Nadiya a plug.
Before Steve Wright quits for good Cox gets a plug and then on to her own two hours. I expect Thatcher stopped her getting the gig until now. The two hours of Whiley and finally the nice but monotonous Mathews with her specialist Blues show, which gets later and later, (remember when we could get our specialist items at 7 pm?).
Re Air Pollution
I just saw that a politician would have been better off lying than telling the truth.
12:20pm Radio4 Thérèse Coffey mentioned NOx & particulates, presenter Winifred Robinson and her Twitterati just didn’t understand they are 2 DIFFERENT sub-categories of air pollution
They wouldn’t believe that woodburning is worse re ParticulateMatter
..cos they are accustomed to hearing “Diesels are evil”
The real world is just not that simple
She tried to explain that of all air pollution the UK is only breaking one measure .. and that’s the one for NOx
Explaining that is complex, cos although a street corner could have an illegal NOx level and the biggest source of that could well be old diesels .. out of two people one could go home and get a much higher daily dose from their normal gas appliances
and then remember someone else in a different house might be getting a completely different harder hit from particulate matter (PM) sourced from their own or a neighbour’s wood burning.