So this is the week that the can stops being kicked down the road . It will be difficult for the BBC to spin events without looking wholly biased to the general public and not just users of this and similar blogs .
My tip – buy popcorn and wear a seat belt.
BBC Online News:
“”Has Trump turned his back on Europe?””
“”As the EU says the US government has effectively downgraded its diplomatic status in Washington, how has the transatlantic relationship changed under Donald Trump’s presidency?”” (Dover Sentry has a quiet chuckle at this downgrade from a State to an International Organisation 😉 😉 )
“”Many of the journalists who watched Donald Trump’s inaugural presidential address two years ago – in which the “America first” phrase became the theme of a nationalist marching song – wondered how far he would go. Wouldn’t the realities of power kick in? It seems not.””
So far, Trump hasn’t turned his back on us. I hope it stays that way.
Given the amount of vitriol pumped out 24/7 by the beeb, the msm, the government, all political parties, most celebs, actors, musicians, and of course 100% of ‘comics’, it’s a wonder Trump hasn’t nuked us yet.
A lesser man would have turned his back on us a long time ago.
Earlier today I was having a nosey at my nephew’s homework (he is in his second year at grammar school). Well unsurprisingly, I see that the indoctrination has begun. Revision notes about the slave trade; “African dealers kidnapped villagers and marched them to waiting ships where they were traded for goods. Families were separated”.
“The men who owned the slaves would often rape the women. This was a sign to demonstrate their power over them”.
“It was usually white people capturing black people, but sometimes it was black people who captured black people”.
Teachers question; ” How did the slave trade make Britain wealthy?”
So there you have it. Nasty white rapists capturing black people and splitting up families, then raping the women to demonstrate their “power” over them and becoming wealthy at the expense of black people.
There begins the guilt trip.
I wonder if one day the kids will be looking at history books about nasty brown men going around raping and blowing up schoolgirls and getting away with it.
They’ll be censored
Yes but they will have been photo shopped so the rapists will be white males and the schoolgirls black or Muslim.
give him a copy of Giles Miltons “White Gold” for balance.
Clearly Jez is just ‘thinking out loud’, but the combination of those thoughts and the imagery selected in complement seems, Oh, I don’t know… a bit tricky to defend.
Hateful, even, as some may perceive it.
Do we need a minimum IQ for voters. I would say yes . How can we have people who are not fit to do nothing but gabble, be allowed to change the direction of a country.
Well it seems that although racism is the worst sin there is- ageism is no problem at all.
Killing off parts of the population that are considered weak and burdensome. How very NAZI. But I won’t mention that to Anna Sourface.
I think there should be a maximum age for voters.
Those voters still entitled to vote by reasons of age (>150 years since birth) but unable to vote by reason of death, should have a proxy vote.
Elderly people currently alive are best placed to assess how the dead, but entitled to vote, would have voted.
The elderly must therefore be given the arduous task of casting these proxy votes.
Had this sensible, necessary and progressive measure been available on 201-06-23 Leave would have won the referendum by 70,000,000 votes.
Democracy does give votes to the dead. Who said that? G.K. Chesterton I expect.
It seems the liberal indoctrination is as bad in Germany as here. I stumbled upon a film on Netflix about a woman who loses her family in a terrorist bomb blast. Guess who the terrorists are: yep, neo-Nazis.
vlad -Nazis are a bit scary, but who are they really, mindsetwise? Forget swastikas and all that jazz from the past. Nazis were national Socialists. ‘national’ is the adjective. ‘Socialist’ is the noun. The socialist mindset is still around. But they have morphed into internationalist socialists. Look there for well-disguised neo-nazis.
Fiona Bruce, PC all the way, forgot that when she went Nazi-hunting in the art world on BbC4 this evening.
When Trump says he is a nationalist, there is no relationship at all to socialism. Typical of some media types to twist things and call him a Nazi.
No, the (internationalist) socialist mindset of today is elsewhere. Doesn’t like borders, all of a sudden. But is still as keen on ultimate takeover as ever. In Germany we have the many year old iron rule of the CDU/SPD coalition. Try getting past that lot, and their faithful media. Try opposing THEM…
Some time ago, when Britain had genuine freedom of speech, it was a time of the greatest free thinkers in all history. Britain produced a stream of thinkers of such vitality and originality, they changed the world for good and for good. In engineering, mathematics, Physics, medicine, economic etc etc . No end. Radio, TV, computers, the list goes on.
And now
Sir Tim Hunt ‘to leave Britain for Japan’ after sexism row
Nobel Prize-winning scientist forced to quit after storm of criticism over so-called ‘trouble with girls’ speech reportedly plans to move to Japan with wife.
This carnage brought about by weak minded leftist fascists, while the upholders of freedom of speech – MPs, PM and parliament, siding with the anti-freedom fascists, even unto using the police to shut down free speech on specious grounds. If Prof Hunt had said what he said now, you can bet some MP would be calling for his arrest, and the police would oblige. So its good for Prof Hunt that he is out of Europe.
No wonder Britain is a shadow of what it was post WWII, a subject of pity for the rest of the world.
Astounding. Here they get invited on.
The Prime Minister’s chances of getting her Brexit deal through Parliament have suffered another blow, as one of her own whips resigns his post to vote against it.
Gareth Johnson, the Brexit-supporting Member of Parliament for Dartford, has abandoned the May administration on the eve of the so-called “meaningful vote” on whether or not to accept the terms the EU has offered the Prime Minister, having struggled to “reconcile my duties as a Whip to assist the Government to implement the European Withdrawal Agreement, with my own personal objections to the agreement.”
The Tory MP is evidently unimpressed by the “clarifications” on the “backstop” arrangement included in the deal, which would see Great Britain locked into an ad hoc customs union for goods with the European Union, controlled by the bloc, and the British province of Northern Ireland essentially annexed to the EU Customs Union proper.
I am in the process of writing a book, called “Headlines made easy for journalists with the Brain-dead, Brian-washed Condition”.
What you do, is you ask an absurd question with no factual basis…
For example you might ask Theresa May if she has ever had sex with a horse, or the Queen if she ever snorted cocaine while wanking off Prince Charles, or Donald Trump if he ever paid prostitutes to urinate on him in Russia…
Then when they deny it, you write headlines like this:
“Theresa May denies having sex with horse”
“Queen denies snorting coke while wanking off son”
“Trump denies paying prostitutes to urinate on him for golden showers”
But then i found that the BBC, already beat me to it with
“Trump denies he ever worked for Russia”
This fits the technique in my book perfectly… they have no recordings, no documents, no transcripts, no witnesses, no photos… but ask the question anyway and generate a headline, fabricated from thin air.
However i suspect that the BBC, in league with Russia have stolen the ideas from my book… can it really be a coincidence that the BBC would make something this ridiculous up?
Its not like they would report on Trump paying for prostitute urination either…
The JG release video just came up on my screen
It was done 2 days ago, but I’ve not watched it yet
Oh hangon “BREAKING James #Goddard Facing JAIL If He Doesnt Find New Bail Address ”
New video from 5pm today
The JG release video just came up on my screen
It was done 2 days ago, but I’ve not watched it yet.
Oh hangon “BREAKING James #Goddard Facing JAIL If He Doesnt Find New Bail Address ”
New video from 5pm today
I wondered what the bail conditions were . But it seems the police added a ‘racially aggravated allegation ‘ to the Soubry one because he said at the time of arrest ‘you’re not even british’ to a Lithuanian copper .
He cannot enter the area within the m25, he can’t visit the Soubry constituency or contact her ( obvious) has to report to police x2 a week and there is a residence condition .
This is tough stuff and shows how the state can use the law as a political weapon . Other stuff is going on but I think this shows that when people call about Britain being a ‘free country ‘ – it isn’t .
The state will take its time deciding whether to prosecute this fella in order to shut him up. In our current world I am surprised You tube hasn’t taken his post down yet …
The BBC has ignored this case from the time that it filmed Soubry receiving some of the words she has rolled out over the last 2 years .
Lithuanian copper !??
In Lithuania or Londonistan ?
On a reciprocal visit ?
@G.W.F. about you being censored by Spiked
Yes I listened to Spiked’s Ben Slater and he behaved like Rod Liddle did ..not Red Pilled
The liberals are supposed to understand that equality means treating people as individuals and that you can’t go around saying
“Yeh all them BLACKS, I’ve never met, they are THICK”
.. yet the they then throw out
“Yeh all them PURPLESKINs, I’ve never met, they are FAR-RIGHT thick/racist/nazi/thugs”
FFS any one who uses the F-R smear word uses it like a deep-south bigot uses the N-word
But they just don’t know any better they live in their Guardian BBC Ghetto and have never been in the middle of a Ukip or Tommy march or watched the livestreams
Their offices must be like a Labour Student Union office
Though Spiked/Liddle/Guido are not in the libmob they also grew up in that Guardian/BBC-bubble and just take it for granted that over there there really is a crowd of frothing racist thugs,
… cos it can’t possibly true that the MSM establishment have told such a big lie.
In the Spiked podcast Minute5 to min7 Tom Slater dismisses James Goddard making some very big claims against him WITHOUT the big evidence
TS says
I checked ..Not true one uses that hashtag #BanIslam on Gab does not come up on a search
JG’s profile actually says something longer
“I oppose Islam and everything that it stands for, as long as Islam exists in the West, there will never be peace.”
I have just transcribed TS’s bit about JG , but it’s a bit too long to post right now.
Thanks for the info, excellent post.
OK in that case I will later on post the transcript
probably about 200 words.
”May says opponents of Brexit deal risk ‘letting British people down”
She’s can be a right sarcastic b,,,,,,d when she wants.
Al Beeb Perv Dept:
What is the right age to lose your virginity?
Note use of skin color models. So as not to cause offence.
Well it’s certainly not aged 9 as some would suggest.
Lucky they don’t do that with old folk who vote Brexit.
It’s like the cubicle gardens have free rein to propagandise.
I see Clegg has piped down somewhat since he landed a jackpot trougher job at Facebook. Was Brexit not meant to be our greatest catastrophe since the asteroid hit? You’d think he might still have something to say about something so tragic.
Alas it seems the only catastrophe was him not landing the cushy EU job he had always planned for his twilight years.
Gooooood morning everybody!
Well it’s the middle of January-but it sure feels like the end of May!
One can hope!
Dyst, I cannot get out of my head the image of the PM in a monks tunic and cowl, switching off her light sabre and bowing her head to await the coming blow.
Will it be tomorrow? Thursday after she wins a House vote of No Confidence – if Labour have the guts to do it? At or after the weekend? Or on 31st March or 1st or any other date in April, May, June, July, or August when a No-Deal Brexit has not caused colossal chaos.
Or at the Party Conference when she bows out to great applause from Leavers and grudging applause from Remainers?
I had a horrible dream last night that I was trapped in one of these hellish London ghettos and everyone was trying to rob and kill me. I think this London crime wave has disturbed me to my core.
I wonder if I can style myself as a ‘community’ leader and get a slot on the BBC my thoughts? We are not talking about hurt feelings/hate crime here but an absolute terror of suffering physical harm. Am I ‘Far right’ for not wanting to be butchered?
We got a good fortnight of phone-ins etc about racism based on a single misheard insult to a multi millionaire footballer (Sterling called a ‘Manc’ c**t rather than a black c**t.). I am not rich man and I am not mishearing anything – this extreme violence is very real. Surely in this basis the BBC should give me a good month or so to vent my anger at our glorious capital being turned into a war zone?
London. It’s all of dem Norwegians, innit!
How to protect yourself in London from knife attacks.
Note that if you drive in a bus lane you get a fine in the post within 48 hours.
So make sure that when you are knifed, arrange it so you are in a bus lane.
Piers Morgan this morning ripping into a Government minister who says that no deal Brexit is impossible because it would need primary legislation and there isn’t time. Morgan infers that this is incompetence and gives the EU a strong bargaining chip by removing an option for us that would seriously harm them. I say that it’s not incompetence, it’s treason! Why can’t the BBC ask questions like this?
popeye, to answer your question either their brains have become completely addled or they have an agenda. No other ways about it.
I thought legislation was necessary to stop “no deal”, that “no deal” is what we get unless specific measures are taken to avoid it. Have I misunderstood?
Piers is superb … he really is… and a remainer. This morning he was hilarious banging on about the new Gillette advert and hes never seen a more virtue signalling advert in his life. Hes right. Its bloody awful. Heres the twitter and well, lets just say, comment could be ….blah blah blah ….its just a advert you could well imagine being written at the BBC
Clearly this only applies to ‘men’ without beards!
Oh my god! That is laughably so bad I think it might be a parody.
Almost all the comments on that tweet are against it.
Re Twitter ..maybe something going on there , cos two replies are heavily liked 9.5K for Mark Dice, and thousands for the Bawdy Barbers tweet
Yet Twitter buries them down the list, first giving us 7 new tweets from people who like the advert, but with no likes
.. then also dozens of similar SJW unliked tweets appear below them.
BBC news on Gillette backlash
lalaland goi
ng on about lalaland stuff again
The bbc; what larks.
Nearly as rare as a white face on BBC TV.
If you do see a white face on BBC TV, it will be a feather-your-own-nest lefty bird variety, this bird likes to live in small flocks in large cities.
Its song is an eternally repeated HateTweet HateTweet.
Like the cuckoo it habitually infiltrates other nests, mimics other species, destroys the nestlings and grabs the nest for itself.
I could go on for hours in this vein but I am preaching to the converted on BBBC.
I have never been as angry as I am now.
@LCS re anger
… don’t act in anger, that doesn’t work out.
..but there will come an opportunity to act and you should take it then
The toady show was going on about a company called ‘boohoo ‘ which apparently sells inferior disposable clothing at low price . It’s doing really well. So I looked at its website .
Put it this way – some might say it’s racist . I don’t know if they sell stab prove vests but looking at its clientele perhaps it should . No mention of that on the biased BBC.
Are many of their customers getting their income from drug dealing ?
BBC breakfast..
Small unnecessary article on man made climate change and melting ice sheets, obviously just to balance following report about huge snow storms in Europe.
A local is asked the question. “Have you ever had this much snow before?” “Oh yes” was the reply. “Every four years.” Not the reply she wanted..
Yes Davylars,
I saw that local guy playing it cool, telling the bbc bod ( louise munchkin?) that what they had was great for skiing.
The pleas for him to say it was like armageddon fell on deaf ears.
” Ok listen up to BIG BROTHER. Things are going very well at
my diversity dept here at the BBC. In fact as you already know
I am practically running the BBC now. We have nearly managed
to get rid of all of the whitey middle aged men as presenters
and reporters. Just a few left and we will use them to
make themselves as the goof balls on the news. I am working
on getting rid of the last bastion Gary Lineker. In fact I am trying
to get football match of the day replaced with a women’s netball
match of the day.
I like the presentation of pictures on the BBC internet. Keep it up.
I want to see white hands holding knives. The picture of the
Muslim lady saying I can be a lesbian was great. Of course in
general I want pictures of typical families having a black dad
and white mum. BUT not when it comes to pictures of when it
is time to lose your virginity. Here the models must be WHITE,
Make sure that the story about the 55 men who have been arrested in Bradford, Batley and Dewsbury over sex crimes is
kept very low profile , just in case it is found out that a fairl
percentage say more than 90% are ethnic. We are doing a
great job here at the BBC . And before long we can start
working on the WHITE women who have replaced the men.”
Foscari: are you sure you don’t work for the BBBC, cause that posts reads like an internal memo?
55 men arrested should be headline news for days – just like the rolling news of a celebrity’s house being raided, complete with helicopter cameras and where no one was arrested !
The BBC still shilling like mad against No-Deal. That must therefore be the one to have.
I’m tempted to go into BBC R4 News Purdah today.
6 am: News – a glimmer of hope BBC reports that amendments to the Bill for the PM’s Deal have been pulled. Has a miracle or some miracles happened? No notes of despair in Beeboid voices, though. Martha is going to have to shiver on College Green all day, no doubt with one of those jet engine furnace heaters creating lots of Global Warming and Climate Change in this mild January.
8am: News – gloom in the Snuffy household. Hints that Amendments are still coming in. Not sure what time John Bercow makes his final decision as Speaker on the Amendments allowed. Will he attend Prayers?
However, immediately prior to that a slightly revealing interview with der Starmer who sounds a little gloomy. Martha does a non-inert-view and actually tries to push him on whether Labour would go for a tie-up with the EU via a Customs Deal or Norway style arrangement. Three attempts by Martha but der Starmer only mentions a General Election and quotes a Labour Leaver.
Thinks: have Labour Leavers been playing a very wise, a very clever, game? Keeping very quiet, being very patient, being very resolute and only popping up at the last minute to say to der Starmer “We want OUT. When do we want it? Now! (well, on 29th March).”
There was also a revealing inert-view with Herman van Rompuy. Martha did ask a few questions, one about what the Belgians thinks about a No-Deal Brexit. HvR is, I think, dishonest in his answer. The Belgians will love it when you think about it. Martha goes all inert like a bee in very cold, pollen-less, weather. Mr vRompuy really needed a challenge on that point.
Should there be any No-Deal Brexit chaos in Kent and Calais, who will benefit? Belgium and The Netherlands, of course. Their ports and airports may well see extra business. Extra business may well equal extra jobs. When people get work and can earn money then they become a lot happier and content. Brussels/Strasbourg and member State Parliaments please note.
Schedule of business appears to be:!/Calendar/Commons/MainChamber/2019/1/15
Pondering my purdah now. The quiet is very pleasant. I may even skip reading posts on here. Ummmhhh … difficult choices ….
…. except No-Deal. Bring that on. Let’s tackle it head-on on the morning of 30 March 2019.
The bbc needs to go down with the ship.
There is sense in going to purdah today but being a geek I might just stick with the Parliament channel . Bercow was shaking last night . A real bully and a lot of people might see him in action today -although he ll be on best behaviour .
At least tonight there is an FA cup replay which is far more important than the sell out attempt . We could also get vintage maxi or his new friend her ‘ham ‘ someone .
Fed, there were loads in there at the weekend with maxi, weren’t there? ID, MoreHamHead and another couple of them. Most ever?
Does that mean that this site is right over the target and delivering some h.e. ordnance onto it? The flak is usually heaviest over the target.
I’m off. See you on the other side. Happy landings!
Yes I totally agree . I predicted busy times here and as you say there was an upsurge in disrupters . As has been said before here – they perform a sometimes useful function as acting like fibre in ones diet keeping one regular .
I’ve said that I’m trying to keep comments decent here but it’s a bit of an effort sometimes even as a volunteer .
It’s the easiest thing in the world to Chuck in a few effs and a few cees in posts but time consuming to edit them
I got likened to the great ‘ Mary whitehouse ‘ at the weekend which was a great complement .
A lady years ahead of her time and hated by beeboids and other amoral lefties .
I won’t conplain too much as I’m off to the beach in a minute and the temperature of the country I’m in May peak at 23 today ….
I originally imagined Starmer to be quite content with Treezer’s non-deal from a personal prospects viewpoint, but he has somewhat painted himself into a corner. Most of his twitter ‘followers’ are demanding a losers’ vote.
The BBC has largely ignored the stabbing and killing of a lefty migrant liking polish politician at the weekend . I thought they’d go all’jo cox’ and give it the the nasty ‘Far Right ‘ treatment .
But not the case.
Perhaps there is an editorial realisation that the vitriol Project Fear the BBC and the extremist remainers have used in the last 2 years are having a real effect and it’s only a matter of time before a beeboid or bubble politician is on the receiving end .
Poor bbc editors must have thought long and hard about how not to show the footage of the diverse Norwegian waving a machete about at a Londonistan railway station .
He got nicely tazered and had the decency to hit the floor without the need to shoot him . Had this happened thr whole ‘yoof worker ‘ ‘commoonity ‘ ‘industry would have been heading to the BBC studios to do the ‘bad white man’ routine £££
“had the decency to hit the floor”
You’re being ‘Tarmacist’ now, Fed, and you’ll have the boys from the black stuff all over you like a rash!
But isn’t a machete some sort of coffee flavoured drink, only sold in cafes inside the BBC?
@Fed the Gdansk stabbing was of a Liberal politician, however it doesn’t lend itself to BBC simple narrative pushing cos the perp gave his reason immediately on camera
“Television footage showed the assailant shouting that he was imprisoned, despite being innocent and purportedly tortured by the former government of the Civic Platform, to which the mayor previously belonged.”
That opens a can of worms cos the founder/leader of that party/government is Donald Tusk
When the bbc can’t let go, they go the ‘critics are saying’ route.
As to comments, if the bbc has any staff left with a brain cell, maybe they might reflect on a dwindling audience of those using facts being shrieked at by those whose feelings have been hurt.
The media reporting that Benn Minimus has withdrawn his proposed amendment opposing both Treasoner’s WA and a no-deal Brexit. Seems to me that Labour are reluctant to show their voters that they are against leaving the EU ahead of their planned ‘no confidence’ motion and, they hope, a GE.
I am trying to avoid the BBC today..but my wife won’t .. sent me a picture of Breakfast Dan stood outside parliament with a background of EU flags..she has put in a complaint
but fun when BBc reporter talikng to business owner asks him if Brexit and the uncertainty is causing him concern…(leading question of course) he smiles and says not really, businesses have to be flexible…
reporter withdraws takes hand off his shoulder and says..well you seem relaxed by 3/4 of businesse we have spoken to are concerned…hilarious….typical BBC bias
Bbc fave expert Femi is stressed.
Feeling his pain.
“Bbc fave expert”
Let’s hope they retain the current selection criteria.
“Sorry” could not win an argument with a toaster.
Just in case no-one bothers to click the link – it is a worthwhile read:
Sittings in both Houses begin with prayers. (Since mid-16th century, please note.) These follow the Christian faith and there is currently no multi-faith element. Attendance is voluntary.
House of Commons
The Speaker’s Chaplain usually reads the prayers. The form of the main prayer is as follows:
“Lord, the God of righteousness and truth, grant to our Queen and her government, to Members of Parliament and all in positions of responsibility, the guidance of your Spirit. May they never lead the nation wrongly through love of power, desire to please, or unworthy ideals but laying aside all private interests and prejudices keep in mind their responsibility to seek to improve the condition of all mankind; so may your kingdom come and your name be hallowed.
Now if ever was something due for a change it is that
The new version must unfaithful ungender unnation unroyal but pro private interests
Shouldn’t it end: “May God have mercy on us, because the electorate won’t”.
Martin is worried about this bbc report.
Martin, mate….
Oh, and again the picture editor seems to be on message.
Bet they’re studying economics or PPE ….
Nah, doctors. Though the chick in front likely practising with a machete on her BF while stoned. But allllll good.
Nothing changes.
Do you remember when Martin would explain to Jeremy Vine over and over how a student loan wasn’t a loan like a mortgage because most would never have to pay it all back?
And then Jeremy Vine would pick up his
agendascript and tell us again what a burden these loans would be, as if he hadn’t heard a word that Martin had said.Agenda pushing is BBC news priority
.. in this case probably cos they want the narrative to be “Tory cuts” etc.
Pic conforms to BBC rule that no white straight males must be shown
video : Katie Hopkins live in Finland with mayor talking about grooming gangs.
I guess that is what @LeftyWright meant to post about
Ended 30 mins ago
Well, chaps (and ‘chapesses’), today’s the day for Treason May’s so-called, “Deal” with the EU to be voted upon. Just over 331,000 on the Petition which should be message enough.
Day started on a down note. There are instances where you feel the World is closing in on you. My wood burner is now suspect and Toady explored that further with an, “expert”. The “expert” informed the listener that scented candles are equally suspect and should be banned. It seems, he told us, that the dangerous chemicals given off are the same as what is in furniture, white goods, carpets and most everthing in the average home, unless of course you live in a cave.
Solution? We really ought to ban everthing in accordance with the Holy Grail of air pollution/climate change. That’ll fix it.
I will still be stealth burning pallets till they concrete my chimney up
I’m old enough to remember the BBC’s great ecological campaigns of the 1970s.
“Plant a tree in ’73.”
“Buy a saw in ’74.”
I might have misremembered the second one.
I remember it as
” Plant some more in ’74
Watch them die in ’75”
Newsbeat asks as only the bbc can….
Have you seen Gillette’s new advert?
It’s been watched nearly 2 million times on YouTube and has definitely divided opinion…
‘Divided’ between the Gillette marketing dept. Graun and W1A in one ‘camp’, and everyone else.
Beebistan still running the story about the Saudi teenager who took refuge in Canada.
But they completely omit the main reason she feared for her life, namely that she had renounced the Religion of Murder for Apostates.
Oh, the BBC have called Jeremy Hunt “Jeremy C**t” yet again. What’s that now? 10 times making the same mistake? It just proves what the impartial BBC staff call him off camera and then they say it live on TV as a force of habit.
Disgraceful. Imagine the uproar if someone out in the street insulted a politician….oh er yes…
pug -well done! May is manipulative and deceitful, trying the old ‘divide and rule’: playing off ‘no dealers’ v. ‘no Brexiteers’ (also ‘second referendum’ v. ‘election’) to get her ‘deal’ through.
But she doesn’t have Merkel’s backroom skills or Merkel’s scheming abilities, though she has learnt a lot from her. Merkel would never have exposed herself like May. merkel would have roped in the Remainers long ago, and had a quiet chat…
And the Bundestag doesn’t have a Bercow to deceive members, although his latest performances outdid those of Goebbels in the days of Reich.
The present Bundestag is also more of one mind than parliament in London. it -unlike the UK where UKIP is sadly absent-has a small opposition, the AfD, which is constantly trying to muzzle.Had we such a group in parliament to speak a few home truths, instead of various constellations of brexit reversers, things might have been different.
On LBC early this morning, 50 ‘men’ have been arrested in the Dewsbury and Batley area on crimes of child sexual abuse. 50! My God these ‘ people’ never stop with their evil and won’t stop until they are stopped.
Has the far-left bbc collective mentioned this yet?
john- this requires our leadership to stand up and be counted, and they won’t.
Beeb reported this week that president Cyril Ramaphosa told a vast stadium of supporters at the ANC manifesto launch in the SA elections, that rape had got totally out of hand in the country. 40,000 cases reported last year, if I remember correctly, according to beeb. They could report it cos it was a black ANC leader who said it.
He called it ‘gender violence against women’ and it included abuse, assault and murder.
This, the chanting, enthusiastic, loyal crowd weren’t expecting.
He asked all men to rise to their feet and commit themselves to not do anything like that.
Can you imagine that happening in Britain, where appropriate?
Or someone at the top – be it cabinet or mayors, calling out knife-crime and drugs?
Naw, couldn’t do it. ‘Racism’ prevents. Pretend it’s all about Brexit.
I commend Cyril Ramaphosa. We know he’s got other nasties up his sleeve, but -on this- he wasn’t found wanting.
And as for beeb taking a strong stand on these issues? Naw, couldn’t do it. ‘Racism’ prevents. Pretend it’s all about Brexit. And see if you can’t nail whitey in a few soaps. Subtle-like, of course.
That’s really unusual. Ramaphosa might even make some difference as ANC devotees might be inclined to listen to a direct plea from their leader.
Well let’s face it the bbc is renowned for protecting paedophiles. Look what happened with Jimmy Saville.
What I want to know is why the fathers of these girls aren’t out carrying on about it. Do you imagine for one minute that there would be silence if this was white men who had been raping Muslim girls. Their fathers would be out in force causing mayhem.
Parents are doing what they can to protect their children from the groomers. But you won’t hear of them on the BBC, and if they were to make an impact they would be demonised.
Clearly Far-Right fascists, all.
Is that all there is ? – a bit shameful. And why are they grinning ?? The parents of these abused girls should be turning up at every tv station demanding to be interviewed on air. What exactly are the fathers doing for Christ sake ?
“What I want to know is why the fathers of these girls aren’t out carrying on about it.”
In Rotherham the fathers who objected were arrested.
“In Rotherham the fathers who objected were arrested.”
And their daughters – who were ‘asking for it’ – unlike all those Hollywood actresses looking for million-dollar film parts, #metoobutnotyou.
55 I believe , no doubt it will soon be a group, then a few then silence
John, It’s on the beeb webshite, but buried so deep in Regions you need a magnifying glass to see it, and of course no mention of what these 55 men could possibly have in common to trigger such a mass outbreak of child sex abuse.
Personally I reckon there’s something in the water in West Yorkshire, it’s the only possible explanation.
That and Brexit of course.
must be the rhubarb
John, I’ve heard they’re all out. Released on bail.
That’s what I heard too. I wonder how many of them will fail to turn up for their trials.
No doubt lots of one way tickets being bought for pakland and maybe banglaland?
There won’t be any taxis left at this rate.
No doubt it’s what Jo would have wanted.
Trump has a symbiotic relationship with the US media where their attacks fire up his base and they get to sell advertising space.
The bBBC’s non-stop anti-Trump output should be deeply worrying to us all because their motivation comes from an entirely different place.
BBC Parliament channel running doom-sob stories from remoaners followed by a trip to Great Yarmouth where there was a large exit vote. They play that stupid jokey music and desperately try to make fools of the leavers “have you moved on from two years ago” NO F**K OFF bed wetter.
From order order
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
““If it goes wrong tonight, there could be further talks.”
It being the May no Brexit.
EU traitors still fiddling while Europe burns.
JRM is on Radio2 against some proRemain nutter called Jeremy Vine
..AND another disinformed Remain shouty women.
J Vine loaded question “Don’t you feel like the Pied Piper leading your people off a cliff”
… JRM is holding up against his two opponents.
JRM is earning his crust this morning. He was on James O’Brien’s show up until 1.00pm. Throughout all JOBs sarcastic hectoring style of questiong he remained composed and polite and refused to be brow beaten by the prat. At one point when he couldn’t get him to go down one of his stupid avenues of questioning (like he does with ordinary members of the public who disagree with him), JOB actually uttered, “answer the question, man.”
In the interrogation (well you can’t really call it an interview), JOB called JRM a liar in all but name when he alledged that JRM refuses to appear on his programme. JRM reminded him that he appears fortnightly on the Nick Ferrari show, actually sitting in the LBC studios and that he had never been approached. JOB refuted this and said that was a lie. I do hope JRM makes a complaint.
C, the only people I have ever heard using that style of quick fire staccato questioning without drawing breath are smug over pleased lefty twats of which O’Brien is the epitome. This was playground verbal bullying of the order only reserved for the hated leavers, tories and other non lefties.
LBC really need to employ some grown ups if they are ever to aspire to providing listeners with quality guest engagement rather than giving o’brien the opportunity to huff, puff and sigh his utter dislike and shameful rudeness against those with whom he disagrees.
Absolutely disgraceful and exemplar for his tribe.
Sorry fed, no BBC but same swamp.
C – “JOB refuted this and said that was a lie.”
Denied, not refuted.
Berkow knows that one way or another his days are done so he will all that he can to stay in the ReichEU because he ll be after a job there .
With labour continually running the numbers to see if they’ll win the vote of no bloody good i think he’ll do it tonight straight after the sell out vote goes south .
This is because
1 the place will be full
2 it will save on the PMQ drama stuff
That’s assuming they’ll win the confidence vote. His winning will also mean a move to withdraw a50 with the excuse that a Gen Election can’t be settled before 29 March .
In the meantime the Brussels drunks, together with their traitor friends like grieve and soubry and the BBC , will be plotting the next step to undermine and split Blighty further . .
May was happy to claim that the letter of assurance she had received from the enemy had legal force . She lied in the house . She’ll be happy to lie again .
Whatever happens the trolls will be in full voice tonight . I’m going to put up a new thread later .
I was asked about trying to tweak the site to make it easier to read . I said I’d try to do something but at the moment I can’t .
Thanks for that, Fedup2. I’ll be following events closely, ignoring the BBC output, of course.
Disgusting lefty rag though the Guardian undoubtedly is, it’s still streets ahead of the BBC in terms of what it is willing to report. That is, it has a sense of the newsworthiness of various news stories, unlike the BBC – masters of bias by downplaying or omission of facts it doesn’t like and shouting from the rooftops when a story suits its narrow prejudice.
But I guess there must be media better than the Guardian for info on this fiasco so I’ll be scouting for something reliable from 7pm your time tonight.
Dunno why the website needs tweaking. Seems fine to me.
“Dunno why the website needs tweaking. Seems fine to me.”
It would not seem fine after you had used a modern one.
No doubt more funding is required to update it.
“It would not seem fine after you had used a modern one.”
Examples please!
JS – Examples, almost any other.
Search for “comment hosting services compared” “choosing a comments hosting service” or similar.
Read about the various services and features.
Create a spreadsheet to contain the various features, cost, advertisements, languages, thread organisation, searching, sorting, …
Then you will be able to compare them.
Then you can show your results on BBBC.
I charge for this sort of effort, it is outside the remit of my “free” contributions to BBBC.
May did do us all one favour though, by calling an ill-advised GE.
We’ll never know in which direction the Tory MPs who lost their seats would have swung, but the DUP have proved themselves real Conservatives (with a capital ‘C’) and done their best to at least delay, and at best prevent, a sellout to the EU.
In theory all of the Conservative and Labour MPs should be voting for Brexit as per their manifesto promises. The Remainers should all have stood down before the election if they weren’t prepared to deliver on those promises.
The same wasn’t true of the last ‘Cameron’ parliament, elected before the referendum.
Do these ‘remainer’ Conservative and Labour MPs have no integrity?
For those of the ‘popcorn ‘ persuasion like me tonight it will be interesting what the list of supporters of the sell out vote will be compared to the outgoing PMs honours ‘ giveaway ‘ .
The House of Commons counters on one side are gonna get a headache and on there other side it will be pretty quiet …. they are predicting the vote will be about 2015 but I’d put money on Berkow lording it for at least an hour as it may be his last day in the job .
Good article on the BBC’s negative attitude towards no deal. Hints of collusion between the BBC and Government.
swap ireland for UK
or imagine it at best just on our border
What border is that then?
well for one they can wander into Norther Ireland , have free movement , right to reside and vote in the UK
2019-01-14 BBC News Europe.
“Chechnya LGBT: Dozens ‘detained in new gay purge”
The Chechens are loveable, peaceful and tolerant. So much so, that the USSR was forced to resettle them all in Siberia.
After a [mistaken] change of policy, Chechens were allowed to return to their former home, where they continued to be loveable, peaceful and tolerant.
Except when they were not, which was nearly always.
After the collapse of the USSR, the loveable, peaceful and tolerant Chechens, started a war for independence where they committed innumerable loving, peaceful, and tolerant atrocities.
(Another loveable, peaceful and tolerant group whose behaviour resulted in Siberian resettlement by the USSR, were the Crimean Tatars.
Who have a 700 year long record of loving, peaceful, and tolerant atrocities.)
BBC concerned about a small number of deviants abroad, BBC reports on the background.
BBC unconcerned about the mistreatment of 100,000 white children in the UK.
Correction, BBC now pretends to be concerned, after not reporting this mass abuse for many years.
Heard Beeb favourite and PC former ‘Conservative’ MP, Matthew Parris, on the R4 news this lunchtime.
Said he felt ‘closer’ to Yvonne Cooper than his former Cons colleagues, on the Brexit issue.
Well, we would never have guessed!
This the same Matthew Parris, who has a regular column in the devil’s magazine, The Spectator, according to soy boy Owen Jones..
Think he is bent too
Oh, yes – well iron…
Brexit Doom : Corollas for export to Europe start rolling off the production line of the new Toyota factory in Derby
£240m actually seems like only a medium size factory, probably just assembly
Once we stop buying VWs, Renaults and Fiats Toyota will have to run the line 24/7 just for the British market.
I wonder how the BBC will spin that?
If I have to drive a Corolla can we stop in please.