I’ve signed it. You beat me to posting the link. Thanks.
I hope hundreds of thousands sign it.
But unlike the UN migrant accord, or whatever it’s called, I hope our poor excuse for a government listen to us this time and do as they are told. Get us completely, effectively and cheaply out of the EU by the 29th. March; that’s all these bastards, to use a John Major adjective, have to do.
MA big problem with this second referendum malarkey is that we brexiteers naively think that if we won again, the remoaners would accept the result.
They will not.
They might say it has to be 60:40 to be meaningful so 59:41 would be too close.
They will make up loads of reasons why they can’t accept it.
Had May simply left 2 years ago they would not have been able to do anything but May, being a remainer, stuffed her cabinet full of remainers and had a civil servant conduct the ‘brexit’ deal behind the backs of the various Brexit deal negotiators.
If we don’t get our brexit I foresee fire and fury.
We are in danger of accepting the narrative as dictated by the EU quislings (remainers) and their propaganda mouthpiece the activist BBC.
The Referendum has been had. Leave won.
(‘A once in a generation decision. This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide’)
There will be no second referendum.
If the anti democrats wish to annul our votes, then let them state this clearly, not hide behind some pseudo double speak suggesting an impartial fairness which another referendum is not.
It is important that we do not let the BBC and anti democrats frame the narrative.
Away from brexit -a bbc beauty – Afria hirch – writes about black killings in The Guardian .
Whitee is to Blame because of slavery – which disabled the black family culture and has led to Afro Caribbean’s being the biggest tranche of single parents in Blighty .
Black men are only agressive because of nasty whitee society it seems according to Afria .
It was interesting in her piece that she never referedto either the police courts or prisons . But that could be explained by her simpleton view of the world which enables blacks to blame others for the killings of their children .
She referred to the dead 14 year old drug dealer on a stolen moped but left his crimes out …
Her attitude is disgraceful as it prevents these dreadful killings being dealt with by society. I wonder what the parents of the dead and maimed children think of her.
R4 You and and Yours just started and went straight into a #ProjectFear item Tesco’s are stockpiling for Brexit
Next item
Universal Credit : “It’s not fair I am a single parent with two children struggling to do a medical degree
.. I have to put in 40 hours a week you know”
..FFS talk about “have your cake and eat it”
You CHOSE to have 2 children and you want the state to pay for it
..She gets a £2K hardship grant from the uni ontop of her student loans.
Yes stew that programme doesn’t do much for personal responsibility and just reflects the snow flake blame someone else culture – so typical of the BBC.
@BBCNews now more anti WTO rhetoric on now. #biasedbbc Goes completely unchallenged. We'll wait in vain for alternative positive view. BBC brazen in its bias: https://t.co/X8f04GpP9t
BBC have been a social activist advocacy for years, normally softly softly. Referendum confirmed the size of their tribe and they crawled out of the shadows and are now, despite their charter, an OFCOM free zone spitting their bias with nonchalance.
UK inflation drops to the lowest level in 2 years .
Won’t hear much of that on the BBC – now the finding of Labour Party election spending breaches announced yesterday.
After the bbc pulled away from coverage of PMlies
Anna Soubry raised a point of order that one of her staff was verbally abused on the way into parliament .
Reap what you sow – my view .
I wonder if the police chief for London is using the policing of parliament as a tool for more cash . Which they do not deserve.
The bBBC are pushing the idea the Brexit deal problem lies with the British government and it’s inability to reach a consensus. The focus should rather be on the intransigence of the EU which won’t change until and unless we just leave.
I wondered whether taking part in their petition would just encourage politician to believe they really consult or are in touch with voters .
Having seen what they’ve done I think I’m done with their petitions.
The idiots keep talking about’ healing divisions ‘ they and their state broadcaster have caused by using political correctness over decades to crush contrary comments – particularly about the country being taken over by the third world , it wives and offspring .
Did Corbyn make an idiot of himself at PMQs today? I cannot find a link to watch it anywhere on BBC News website so I assume the BBC have buried it deep.
Yesterday and today our BBC show #beyond100days has made way for live coverage from Westminster. This means I’m left with the task of explaining Brexit to US audiences on MSNBC. #loveachallenge
I couldn’t resist thinking this:
Little scatty ratty Katty
For blocking Brexit, went into bat-y
But she’ll only confirm she’s just a prat-y
Poor old ratty Katty.
It’s not very good, I’m the first to admit but it dissipated some of the anger people like her generate in me.
Southern Ireland again warning that Brexit could bring about a return of conflict ie: bombs, shooting, beatings with the deaths of many innocents so let’s not have any comments about uncivilized, brainless Irish people please.
I have found a foolproof way to get on any BBC Brexit phone in.
All you have to do is say that you voted for Brexit, but now realise that you fell for a lie on the side of a bus, and now you want a “People’s Vote” so that you can change your mind and vote Remain.
In reality, are there any such people? I don’t know, but at least two who claimed they were in this vanishingly small subset managed to get on Five Dead in the time I was listening yesterday.
Listened to a couple of minutes of yesterdays bbc World Service phone in. Misinformed tripe from Remainers and good points from Leavers.
Like the fact that we have 3.5m migrants but there are only 1.5m Brit living in the whole of Europe.
Illustrated that the propaganda does hit the mark with some.
eg: No Brit will be able to work in Europe post Brexit and we are a mongrel race so need many more migrants.
Before the referendum we sent the EU £350 MILLION a week. Mrs Mays deal would have cost us £39 BILLION plus extra, for permanent VASSALAGE. That would have cost us £615 MILLION per week for a fake Brexit. A 75% increase in payments to the EU for vassalage status.
Doh! Did that regulation prevent the Government’s EU Referendum information booklet reaching the homes of Remainers?
Or did it just prevent the Remainers understanding the facts about the EU, and the UK voting to Remain in or Leave the EU on 23rd June 2016, and think they were being lied to?
“Trump as the Kremlin’s Tool: The Logical Proof
Whether intentional or not, Donald Trump serves the Kremlin’s interests — from NATO to the global economy and the Middle East to democracy.” https://www.theglobalist.com/trump-russia-agent-proof-nato/
Amazing. In the absence of any facts or proof, this Globalist mouthpiece seeks to perpetuate the illusion.
“As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 U.S. Presidential campaign starts to wind down, recent revelations in the New York Times and Washington Post raise the possibility that President Donald Trump was working as an agent of the Russian government.” Note, Mueller is, winding down. Not, ‘there is no evidence’.
Check out also, https://www.theglobalist.com/donald-trump-russia-sleeper-agent-putin-nato/
“The man who is making a hash of virtually anything he touches….”
I ask myself, is this the Billionare Trump they refer to?
More Trump please USA.
Lots more Trump.
Build the Wall, lock her up.
Yes, I know it’s puerile, I just do it in the hope that is causes cardiac arrest in Democrats, Beeboids and other deplorables.
OK Instagram vids dont embed here.
It was Adam Boulton holding up Brendan O’Neill’s Sun article and calling it “bonkers” cos said MP voting for May’s Deal were betraying the Brexit voters “bonkers, May’s deal is Brexit isn’t it”
the female MP agreed with BO’ but Boulton cut her off.
Hundreds of Tweets call Boulton a superbiased Remainer.
Tell me @SkyNews, why are we hearing so much about Adam Boulton's @adamboultonSKY opinions in these interviews, and what he thinks is the "sensible" position? Its his job to allow others to express theirs. Not give him a platform for his own political leanings.
I can’t help thinking that this Islington resident looks like he always wants to be some where else. How he got the job he does amazes me. He talks and looks as if he’s being scratched up the back by a ferret!
The EU has already won, or at least made their point to any other vassal state with the temerity to consider exiting.
“See the pain and chaos Brexit caused the UK? Do you really want to inflict that on yourselves for years to come?”
V, can see your point and this is the result after two and half years, but this was not the EU’s doing. This was self inflicted by fifth columnists born and bred in UK. Another time would see such citizens causing so much harm to their own countries interests labled traitors and treated accordingly.
“The Brexit crisis all stems from one simple problem: the people want to leave the EU and the political class does not. This is where all the tension comes from — the fact that the political elite detests our democratic demand.”
It is that simple . Us versus them now. Not a good state for this country of ours to be in. The elite was warned but would not back off and soon it will have to come to a confrontation. In what form this will take I have no idea but I hope it will be peaceful .
An old and ancient nation does not just fold and give up it’s way of life and it’s history . We never have done so.
The seeds of real conflict are being sown.
I agree. Isn’t it strange that all the BBC outside broadcasts show the TV viewer nothing but scenes from London/southern residents waving their beloved EURO FLAGS? Why is it we northern viewers never see Remain voters doing the same thing in places like Bolton or Manchester – why not?
Could it be that there are very few remainers up north or are they too scared of showing their faces to their neighbours? We won’t harm you you know. We love the whole of GB not just parts of Scotland/London.
Imagine in 1939 the BBC demanding we accept Herr Hitler’s deal.
Imagine Swastika flags outside Parliament.
Imagine some prick in SS uniform in the background of every news interview.
Imagine the SNP communicating directly with the German Nazi party…………(oh wait……..)
You have to ask the question as to why these stupid girls get involved with men like this, unless of course its the money involved with drug dealing, and then what does that make them ?
UK media are in their ffing circus on College Green
… meanwhile France is on fire and they hardly even mention it, keeping up the lie that the EU is peace and paradise.
It seems all the worlds media are camped there, in their temporary tarpaulin covered shacks. Its more like the Calais jungle every day, lets hope some illegals move in.
It looks bloody awful.
Funny you mention that SG as my father phoned me this morning to tell me he was listening to local radio. Ex pat living in France phoned in to say that all they are talking about on the radio stations is the mess that they are in and Brexit is rarely mentioned. It would seem that things across the water are worse than our beeb is letting on.
BBC now advancing the idea that May must extend Article 50, Revoke "no deaL' and accept that the UK must stay in a Customs union with the EU. The summary of this is – Remain. The BBC must be defunded, it is pure digital poison.
I’m just watching the “France 24” news channel and that’s what they are advocating too.
These people are even more conceited than the bbbc reporters if that was ever possible.
Not true to say Owen Jones worked for Kremlin but Kremlin did make use of him and other famous lefties by pretending to be grassroots filmmakers making films about the Tory decline of Britain
\\ Steve Hedley, senior assistant general secretary of the RMT union, co-operated with a Redfish film about the rise of the far right, blaming politicians for helping to create the problem//
Exclusive: Trade union bosses, Labour politicians and left-wing activists interviewed for slick new YouTube documentaries about UK’s social ills.
Problem: the ‘grassroots’ production company behind them is actually owned by the Russian statehttps://t.co/QsNmD2vOJY
Do you laugh or do you cry?
You know how the Remoaners want to allow young people (aged about 10) to be able to vote in a referendum (‘because it is their future’).
On BBC Pointless there was a question – ‘name a EU country without a U or K’
Answers from young contestants included Norway (wrong), Moldova (wrong) and Italy ( one of the highest scores).
Yep, these are the people Jezza and the Libdems want to be able to vote.
Pass the razor blades!
PS just to make sure the bBBC were hitting the right PC buttons, the answers to the next question about (naturally) women ( imagine a round exclusively about men) included Maggie (which of course provoked a dig) as compared with Mary Seacole (cue a description of ‘remarkable woman’ or similar).
Tick. Tick.
PPS thankfully Maggie scored 71, seacole 11. Clearly the bBBC have not quite yet totally succeeded in their brainwashing.
Well yes, as said there’s the AFD, the new Italian Government, Poland and Hungry, Southern Spain’s ‘populists’ toppling the Socialists and France, well there’s France.
And they’d have us believe that the German led EU superstate is the way to go?
BBC with important news concerning a doctor’s receptionist who dealt with a very bad Scottish waaaycist who did not want to be treated by an Asian doctor.
Patient “I don’t want an Asian doctor”
Receptionist “she is Scottish”
Patient “she doesn’t look Scottish.”
Receptionist “what do Scottish people look like?”
Silence. Appointment card taken. So proud of my team
Wow, that learnt the patient.
Pulitzer Prize to be awarded to this would be BBC journo.
I remember ‘Till Death Do Us Part’ many years ago, when Alf Garnett didn’t want an African doctor treating his wife. The nurse told him “he’s not African – he was born in Manchester”
To which Alf said “Manchester??? Manchester??? – must have been a bleeding hot day then”.
The doctor turned out to be excellent doctor.
But this is how we used to be able to make jokes about truly racist views and use humour to present it. Clearly those working today at the BBC never understood it.
Two very happy and smug Remainer MPs interviewed after a ‘crushing’ defeat of ‘The Deal’ agreed that the only way to solve the impasse now was to hold a ‘People’s Vote’… the question?
(A) Accept the Deal.
(B) Remain.
D’OH…great, we can choose ‘The Deal’ that they themselves cheerfully find unacceptable… 🙁 🙁 🙁
\\ Boy admits ‘appalling’ attack that left former ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer covered in blood last July at Victoria Station //
He’s 17 so his name and photo are secret even though he’s be found guilty .. sentencing to come
New Zealand deports hooligan family
Times claims they are not gypsies
Can @BBCNWT explain why they are running a report about ‘a family from Merseyside’ getting deported from New Zealand? It’s crystal clear, as soon as the speak & by the way they dress, that they’re an Irish gypsy family, as detailed in this report: https://t.co/vaO5FecH83
Libby Purves : Virtue-signalling bullies are at home in the charity sector
..ends “Observe how uncharitable religious sects become when pointing out the deficiencies of rivals, or indeed their own staff. Older readers might remember the plaintive cry of Derek Nimmo’s curate Noote in All Gas and Gaiters “Oh b-b-bishop, how unkind!”. Some bishops are.
Perhaps that’s why the most inconsiderate producer I ever had at the BBC (another holy institution where bullies flourish among the pious mission statements) was in the religion department.
Note the well-worn saying in journalism:
“Never work for a liberal paper; they’ll sack you just before Christmas.”
BBC Parliament channel showing the vote of confidence debate.
It ever there was a symbol of how far the political system is out of step with voters – this must be it . All that wasted effort and air . A ritual .
They all know that the government will win it . Whether the men in grey suits come for Mrs May – who knows ( yes I know the previous vote of confidence gives her 12 months ).
At least at the end Gove had a ‘despite brexit – poke at the BBC – to which he got a cheer…
used to derive much comfort out of such ancient rituals such as knocking on door with mace, dragging speaker to chair etc as they conferred sense of history and stability and continuation. Now see them for what they are – self indulgent play acting by kidults who consider themselves our superiors and betters who live life high on the hog using our tax pennies.
Just watched Gove’s speech on youtube. I’ve never been too sure about the man but boy does he deliver this time. If you’ve not yet seen it, check it out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCs901Cjiyk – it’s well worth 10m 57s of your evening.
The bbc politics show put the biased coburg in change and put an Asian female “ prospective labour councillor “ on to talk about the proceedings tonight . Nice tick box work .
Best to just watch the parly channel to avoid the added bias from the state broadcaster .
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Guido using the “smear label & dismiss” trick : “far right” “quasi-fascist parties”
Is Guido projecting ??
It’s ironic that his moderators remove posts by the untermensch (Nazi term for the under-class)
Guido simplified. Batten far right, Ukip far right, far right bad.
Dellers “Until Britain gets full Brexit, there can never be peace or stability in the realm.”
no extension to article 50
I’ve signed it. You beat me to posting the link. Thanks.
I hope hundreds of thousands sign it.
But unlike the UN migrant accord, or whatever it’s called, I hope our poor excuse for a government listen to us this time and do as they are told. Get us completely, effectively and cheaply out of the EU by the 29th. March; that’s all these bastards, to use a John Major adjective, have to do.
K, signed. Thanks for link.
Done now 33K+
They aren’t listening to the referendum, so why will they listen to this?
MA big problem with this second referendum malarkey is that we brexiteers naively think that if we won again, the remoaners would accept the result.
They will not.
They might say it has to be 60:40 to be meaningful so 59:41 would be too close.
They will make up loads of reasons why they can’t accept it.
Had May simply left 2 years ago they would not have been able to do anything but May, being a remainer, stuffed her cabinet full of remainers and had a civil servant conduct the ‘brexit’ deal behind the backs of the various Brexit deal negotiators.
If we don’t get our brexit I foresee fire and fury.
a 59:41 leave win would be to close
a 49.99:50.01 remain win will be final
and thats before wondering where vote leave will get money from for endless referendums, whereas remain has an inexhaustible supply
I reality if there is one and remain win I for one will never believe it wasnt fixed.
We are in danger of accepting the narrative as dictated by the EU quislings (remainers) and their propaganda mouthpiece the activist BBC.
The Referendum has been had. Leave won.
(‘A once in a generation decision. This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide’)
There will be no second referendum.
If the anti democrats wish to annul our votes, then let them state this clearly, not hide behind some pseudo double speak suggesting an impartial fairness which another referendum is not.
It is important that we do not let the BBC and anti democrats frame the narrative.
Away from brexit -a bbc beauty – Afria hirch – writes about black killings in The Guardian .
Whitee is to Blame because of slavery – which disabled the black family culture and has led to Afro Caribbean’s being the biggest tranche of single parents in Blighty .
Black men are only agressive because of nasty whitee society it seems according to Afria .
It was interesting in her piece that she never referedto either the police courts or prisons . But that could be explained by her simpleton view of the world which enables blacks to blame others for the killings of their children .
She referred to the dead 14 year old drug dealer on a stolen moped but left his crimes out …
Her attitude is disgraceful as it prevents these dreadful killings being dealt with by society. I wonder what the parents of the dead and maimed children think of her.
As Miss Hirch despises the UK and white people so much, I do not understand why she continues to live here in the UK in abject, feet stomping, misery.
R4 You and and Yours just started and went straight into a #ProjectFear item Tesco’s are stockpiling for Brexit
Next item
Universal Credit : “It’s not fair I am a single parent with two children struggling to do a medical degree
.. I have to put in 40 hours a week you know”
..FFS talk about “have your cake and eat it”
You CHOSE to have 2 children and you want the state to pay for it
..She gets a £2K hardship grant from the uni ontop of her student loans.
Yes stew that programme doesn’t do much for personal responsibility and just reflects the snow flake blame someone else culture – so typical of the BBC.
Why does she need a medical degree when there are so many immigrant doctors coming here?
BBC StopBrexit campaign
Worth a read, thanks SG.
“the BBC is arguably now behaving like a political grouping or faction in its own right.”
BBC have been a social activist advocacy for years, normally softly softly. Referendum confirmed the size of their tribe and they crawled out of the shadows and are now, despite their charter, an OFCOM free zone spitting their bias with nonchalance.
UK inflation drops to the lowest level in 2 years .
Won’t hear much of that on the BBC – now the finding of Labour Party election spending breaches announced yesterday.
After the bbc pulled away from coverage of PMlies
Anna Soubry raised a point of order that one of her staff was verbally abused on the way into parliament .
Reap what you sow – my view .
I wonder if the police chief for London is using the policing of parliament as a tool for more cash . Which they do not deserve.
Funny that Soubry has remained utterly unconcerned about the abuse and violence her own supporters have visited on her opponents.
Soubry has called for Islamophobia to be classed as racism because it offends against perceived muslimness.
And they call her a Nazi. But some aspects of muslimness are a tad Nazi
Photo, theSS at prayer
Taking Arabic calligraphy out of the mosque
According to the BBC, some Muslim “believes the elegance of Arabic calligraphy can inspire people outside of Islam.”
There was me thinking Calligraphy was from China but no, it’s an Islam thing apparently.
The far left extremist bbc rewriting history.
“According to the BBC, some Muslim “believes the elegance of Arabic calligraphy can inspire people outside of Islam.”
According to Religious Jews and Christians only the “truth” inspires anyone who sincerely seeks it!
Qur’an – plagerised from much of the “truth” of the OT/NT Scriptures.
Elegant, like an ISIS flag.
Or Arabic inscriptions carved on the bodies of Yazidis.
Really inspiring.
The bBBC are pushing the idea the Brexit deal problem lies with the British government and it’s inability to reach a consensus. The focus should rather be on the intransigence of the EU which won’t change until and unless we just leave.
Historian: Queen Should Suspend Parliament to Stop Remain MPs from Blocking Brexit
MPs debate the Leave Now Petition.
Not many there
Somewhat diluted by being lumped together with those calling for a second referendum. Clearly two separate issues being labelled as similar.
Leave now does not equate to having another referendum on what we already decided.
“Leave now does not equate to having another referendum on what we already decided.”
And if they listen to the “shout it loud enough then perhaps they will agree with you” SNP Blackford and his SNP cohorts they still won’t get it!
I wondered whether taking part in their petition would just encourage politician to believe they really consult or are in touch with voters .
Having seen what they’ve done I think I’m done with their petitions.
The idiots keep talking about’ healing divisions ‘ they and their state broadcaster have caused by using political correctness over decades to crush contrary comments – particularly about the country being taken over by the third world , it wives and offspring .
Did Corbyn make an idiot of himself at PMQs today? I cannot find a link to watch it anywhere on BBC News website so I assume the BBC have buried it deep.
As only the BBC, and she can….
I couldn’t resist thinking this:
Little scatty ratty Katty
For blocking Brexit, went into bat-y
But she’ll only confirm she’s just a prat-y
Poor old ratty Katty.
It’s not very good, I’m the first to admit but it dissipated some of the anger people like her generate in me.
So is that the 59th day of the 16th month in 200019?
Sterling, metric or imperial?
CE, BCE, AD or BC?
Obviously I haven’t got my calculator on me so I can’t be entirely precise.
You’re all racists anyway.
” No I mis spoke, what I really err what I really err meant to say …was was err was….what was the question again ?”
Southern Ireland again warning that Brexit could bring about a return of conflict ie: bombs, shooting, beatings with the deaths of many innocents so let’s not have any comments about uncivilized, brainless Irish people please.
I have found a foolproof way to get on any BBC Brexit phone in.
All you have to do is say that you voted for Brexit, but now realise that you fell for a lie on the side of a bus, and now you want a “People’s Vote” so that you can change your mind and vote Remain.
In reality, are there any such people? I don’t know, but at least two who claimed they were in this vanishingly small subset managed to get on Five Dead in the time I was listening yesterday.
Try it folks, believe me, it works!
Listened to a couple of minutes of yesterdays bbc World Service phone in. Misinformed tripe from Remainers and good points from Leavers.
Like the fact that we have 3.5m migrants but there are only 1.5m Brit living in the whole of Europe.
Illustrated that the propaganda does hit the mark with some.
eg: No Brit will be able to work in Europe post Brexit and we are a mongrel race so need many more migrants.
Before the referendum we sent the EU £350 MILLION a week. Mrs Mays deal would have cost us £39 BILLION plus extra, for permanent VASSALAGE. That would have cost us £615 MILLION per week for a fake Brexit. A 75% increase in payments to the EU for vassalage status.

EU letter box height standards. who knew there was such a thing
Doh! Did that regulation prevent the Government’s EU Referendum information booklet reaching the homes of Remainers?
Or did it just prevent the Remainers understanding the facts about the EU, and the UK voting to Remain in or Leave the EU on 23rd June 2016, and think they were being lied to?
Typical BBC web story with hardly any relevant facts, such as ‘what is a EU standard letterbox’.
BS EN13724 key features… if anyone is ‘bovered’, innit.
Maybe Boris Johnson should advise the Muslims to wear high heels then.
“Trump as the Kremlin’s Tool: The Logical Proof
Whether intentional or not, Donald Trump serves the Kremlin’s interests — from NATO to the global economy and the Middle East to democracy.”
Amazing. In the absence of any facts or proof, this Globalist mouthpiece seeks to perpetuate the illusion.
“As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 U.S. Presidential campaign starts to wind down, recent revelations in the New York Times and Washington Post raise the possibility that President Donald Trump was working as an agent of the Russian government.” Note, Mueller is, winding down. Not, ‘there is no evidence’.
Check out also,
“The man who is making a hash of virtually anything he touches….”
I ask myself, is this the Billionare Trump they refer to?
More Trump please USA.
Lots more Trump.
Build the Wall, lock her up.
Yes, I know it’s puerile, I just do it in the hope that is causes cardiac arrest in Democrats, Beeboids and other deplorables.
trying this
OK Instagram vids dont embed here.
It was Adam Boulton holding up Brendan O’Neill’s Sun article and calling it “bonkers” cos said MP voting for May’s Deal were betraying the Brexit voters “bonkers, May’s deal is Brexit isn’t it”
the female MP agreed with BO’ but Boulton cut her off.
Hundreds of Tweets call Boulton a superbiased Remainer.
I can’t help thinking that this Islington resident looks like he always wants to be some where else. How he got the job he does amazes me. He talks and looks as if he’s being scratched up the back by a ferret!
The EU has already won, or at least made their point to any other vassal state with the temerity to consider exiting.
“See the pain and chaos Brexit caused the UK? Do you really want to inflict that on yourselves for years to come?”
V, can see your point and this is the result after two and half years, but this was not the EU’s doing. This was self inflicted by fifth columnists born and bred in UK. Another time would see such citizens causing so much harm to their own countries interests labled traitors and treated accordingly.
Bdendan O’Neill again
It is that simple . Us versus them now. Not a good state for this country of ours to be in. The elite was warned but would not back off and soon it will have to come to a confrontation. In what form this will take I have no idea but I hope it will be peaceful .
An old and ancient nation does not just fold and give up it’s way of life and it’s history . We never have done so.
The seeds of real conflict are being sown.
“It is that simple . Us versus them now”
I agree. Isn’t it strange that all the BBC outside broadcasts show the TV viewer nothing but scenes from London/southern residents waving their beloved EURO FLAGS? Why is it we northern viewers never see Remain voters doing the same thing in places like Bolton or Manchester – why not?
Could it be that there are very few remainers up north or are they too scared of showing their faces to their neighbours? We won’t harm you you know. We love the whole of GB not just parts of Scotland/London.
And so Farage predicts a second Referendum.
Maybe next time well get a 51% leave 49% remain split.
Then what?
It could run and run.
Imagine in 1939 the BBC demanding we accept Herr Hitler’s deal.
Imagine Swastika flags outside Parliament.
Imagine some prick in SS uniform in the background of every news interview.
Imagine the SNP communicating directly with the German Nazi party…………(oh wait……..)
Almost 40,000 signed already.
EG ?
May should be top of the list to be de-selected.
Not the person to whom the supplicants address their petition.
London crime : again perp and victim seem foreign
.. and Met Police screw up again
SG – Gene pool improved.
Sorry but the Met. was busy protecting MPs.
Perhaps the solution is do not associate with black thugs.
“The police fail again”
Agree. But we don’t want to upset the London green MP/Liberarchy MPs now do we!?
You have to ask the question as to why these stupid girls get involved with men like this, unless of course its the money involved with drug dealing, and then what does that make them ?
UK media are in their ffing circus on College Green
… meanwhile France is on fire and they hardly even mention it, keeping up the lie that the EU is peace and paradise.
It seems all the worlds media are camped there, in their temporary tarpaulin covered shacks. Its more like the Calais jungle every day, lets hope some illegals move in.
It looks bloody awful.
rMSM say “nothing to see in Greece”
Funny you mention that SG as my father phoned me this morning to tell me he was listening to local radio. Ex pat living in France phoned in to say that all they are talking about on the radio stations is the mess that they are in and Brexit is rarely mentioned. It would seem that things across the water are worse than our beeb is letting on.
Ozzie exPM
“What’s wrong with no deal?”
Tis easy, you are Australian and most of our MPs are cowards!
DV about BBC
I’m just watching the “France 24” news channel and that’s what they are advocating too.
These people are even more conceited than the bbbc reporters if that was ever possible.
Not true to say Owen Jones worked for Kremlin but Kremlin did make use of him and other famous lefties by pretending to be grassroots filmmakers making films about the Tory decline of Britain
\\ Steve Hedley, senior assistant general secretary of the RMT union, co-operated with a Redfish film about the rise of the far right, blaming politicians for helping to create the problem//
Soon I won’t be able to buy my favourite razor blades!
Must remain – not!
I hope that doesn’t mean you will become a ‘toxic white male’?
Stefan Molyneux on Gillette advert.
When we all become bearded men Gillette will be finished anyway.
there wont be much lady shaving either
Do you laugh or do you cry?
You know how the Remoaners want to allow young people (aged about 10) to be able to vote in a referendum (‘because it is their future’).
On BBC Pointless there was a question – ‘name a EU country without a U or K’
Answers from young contestants included Norway (wrong), Moldova (wrong) and Italy ( one of the highest scores).
Yep, these are the people Jezza and the Libdems want to be able to vote.
Pass the razor blades!
PS just to make sure the bBBC were hitting the right PC buttons, the answers to the next question about (naturally) women ( imagine a round exclusively about men) included Maggie (which of course provoked a dig) as compared with Mary Seacole (cue a description of ‘remarkable woman’ or similar).
Tick. Tick.
PPS thankfully Maggie scored 71, seacole 11. Clearly the bBBC have not quite yet totally succeeded in their brainwashing.
AfD considers Dexit if EU fails to reform
Well yes, as said there’s the AFD, the new Italian Government, Poland and Hungry, Southern Spain’s ‘populists’ toppling the Socialists and France, well there’s France.
And they’d have us believe that the German led EU superstate is the way to go?
The BBC asks a question. Maybe… it’s because it’s what they would have wanted?
BBC with important news concerning a doctor’s receptionist who dealt with a very bad Scottish waaaycist who did not want to be treated by an Asian doctor.
Patient “I don’t want an Asian doctor”
Receptionist “she is Scottish”
Patient “she doesn’t look Scottish.”
Receptionist “what do Scottish people look like?”
Silence. Appointment card taken. So proud of my team
Wow, that learnt the patient.
Pulitzer Prize to be awarded to this would be BBC journo.
I remember ‘Till Death Do Us Part’ many years ago, when Alf Garnett didn’t want an African doctor treating his wife. The nurse told him “he’s not African – he was born in Manchester”
To which Alf said “Manchester??? Manchester??? – must have been a bleeding hot day then”.
The doctor turned out to be excellent doctor.
But this is how we used to be able to make jokes about truly racist views and use humour to present it. Clearly those working today at the BBC never understood it.
I thought the scots loved immigrants and just hated the english
Receptionist “what do Scottish people look like?”
According to Disnea, red hair, kilt, massive toothpick and large red beard (male) small red beard (female)
Bound for the House of Lords very soon. Such a brave woman.
Four US soldiers killed by ‘Isis’ suicide bomber in Manbij
A suicide attack claimed by Islamic State killed four US soldiers in a northern Syrian town today.
The Times use this image of beautiful female Pro No-Deal protesters.
Not seen such on BBC
BBC News last night :
Two very happy and smug Remainer MPs interviewed after a ‘crushing’ defeat of ‘The Deal’ agreed that the only way to solve the impasse now was to hold a ‘People’s Vote’… the question?
(A) Accept the Deal.
(B) Remain.
D’OH…great, we can choose ‘The Deal’ that they themselves cheerfully find unacceptable… 🙁 🙁 🙁
Does anybody know if Tunde Ogunbesan head of the Diversity Dept
at the BBC and his team , have anything to do with the new Gillette
\\ Boy admits ‘appalling’ attack that left former ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer covered in blood last July at Victoria Station //
He’s 17 so his name and photo are secret even though he’s be found guilty .. sentencing to come
New Zealand deports hooligan family
Times claims they are not gypsies
Agreed, as soon as I heard their voices there was no doubt they were Irish tinkers, doing exactly what they always do everywhere they go.
Fair play to New Zealand for deporting them, in Britain we would never have the nerve. They have human rights after all.
Libby Purves : Virtue-signalling bullies are at home in the charity sector
..ends “Observe how uncharitable religious sects become when pointing out the deficiencies of rivals, or indeed their own staff. Older readers might remember the plaintive cry of Derek Nimmo’s curate Noote in All Gas and Gaiters “Oh b-b-bishop, how unkind!”. Some bishops are.
Perhaps that’s why the most inconsiderate producer I ever had at the BBC (another holy institution where bullies flourish among the pious mission statements) was in the religion department.
Note the well-worn saying in journalism:
“Never work for a liberal paper; they’ll sack you just before Christmas.”
This Dahlia Gebrial Editor of Novara Media talking on France 24 news channel is full of ****!
BBC Parliament channel showing the vote of confidence debate.
It ever there was a symbol of how far the political system is out of step with voters – this must be it . All that wasted effort and air . A ritual .
They all know that the government will win it . Whether the men in grey suits come for Mrs May – who knows ( yes I know the previous vote of confidence gives her 12 months ).
At least at the end Gove had a ‘despite brexit – poke at the BBC – to which he got a cheer…
used to derive much comfort out of such ancient rituals such as knocking on door with mace, dragging speaker to chair etc as they conferred sense of history and stability and continuation. Now see them for what they are – self indulgent play acting by kidults who consider themselves our superiors and betters who live life high on the hog using our tax pennies.
Michael Gove in HOC “and all of this, in the words of the bbc, despite brexit” haha class!
Just watched Gove’s speech on youtube. I’ve never been too sure about the man but boy does he deliver this time. If you’ve not yet seen it, check it out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCs901Cjiyk – it’s well worth 10m 57s of your evening.
I would not want Gove along side me ever.
Did he mean what he said about fisheries? And will he support May’s intention to bargain them away?
Great speech by Gove, destroying Wurzel Cor yn, and a great dig to the BBC
I bet the bbc edit that bit out on the ‘news’
It was edited out of the Sky coverage of Gove’s speech.
The bbc politics show put the biased coburg in change and put an Asian female “ prospective labour councillor “ on to talk about the proceedings tonight . Nice tick box work .
Best to just watch the parly channel to avoid the added bias from the state broadcaster .
19 majority for May .
Is the a greater than 4% difference compared to the against camp?
If not, I demand another vote.
I’m watching it on RT now. Nice to see an interviewer challenging the views of their interviewee!
Btw ayes 306 noes 325 government wins