770 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 16 January 2019

  1. Dover Sentry says:

    Those figures are significant, Taffman. 🙂


  2. Dystopian says:

    On ITV now a party political broadcast by the Labour Party!
    They must have been hoping for a GE when they scheduled this.


  3. Peter Sausages says:

    Why do they say Theresa May’s Government and not the Government, they hate Tories, love Wurzels Liebour


  4. Dystopian says:

    Their party political broadcast looks like an ad for Benetton!


  5. taffman says:

    Al Beeb
    “MPs voting on confidence in government after May’s Brexit defeat”
    Check out the HYS ……………..
    2035 UP 1300 Down
    Its a poor omen for those Remainers that want a ‘peoples vote’.
    And before it disappears………….


    • StewGreen says:

      Here is a screenshot of the votes on the page
      The list order is by lowest vote cos that best shows how the voting goes against Remain

      And if you right or long click over the image to open the full image in a new tab you can see the idea of a Second Vote is losing badly.


  6. Fedup2 says:

    The only objective journo left in the BBC – Brillo – gave JRM a proper interview tonight . Methinks JRM might have been in the land of the hang over / exhaustion as he seemed down and out – but came through reasonably .

    This was followed by another head girl type- hippy Amber Rudd doing her turn to take over from May – The Gove speech at the end of the confidence debate will take some beating however unpleasant he is …


    • jazznick1 says:

      Yes I saw this too. Brillo in full BBC interrupt mode which JRM tolerates meekly.

      I just wish JRM would be a bit more assertive and not allow himself to be browbeaten into answering 2 questions at once.

      BBC dirty tricks tried to insert a JRM answer from a different
      question re: Irish border – very naughty and I would have thought Brillo would have been better than that.

      Sad thing is that JRM is too polite for today’s politics.


      • honestus says:

        J, in fairness JRM has done the rounds last couple of days and endured one of the most ignorant ranty shoutathons (interview) by JOBO on LBC yesterday. Listened in today and he said JRM trying to crash UK Agriculture and Manufacturing so he’s rich mates can make a financial killing!! Seriously, JOBO is deranged and should be committed to Broadcasting House for immediate employment toot sweet.


        • Banania says:

          The interview of Rees-Mogg by James O’Brien: has there ever been a more disgracefully insulting treatment of a guest on such a programme?


    • Rob in Cheshire says:


      Like you, I thought JRM seemed rather tired and less than 100%. It was also most dishonourable for Brillo to wrench a quotation out of context and attempt to smear JRM. He defended himself, but not with sufficient vigour, in my opinion. I had thought better of Brillo.

      As for the toad O’Brien, there is just no reason to go on his show, and every reason to tell the management of LBC why you would refuse to put up with his insane bullshit.

      Sometimes JRM is just too restrained and polite for his own good.


  7. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    These politicians are now laying down their pre talk conditions.

    1. Rule out no deal. We voted to leave and it meant no deal (no CU, no SM, no ECJ )
    They want to stop what we voted for.

    2. They want another referendum. To try and change the result of the referendum, not yet implemented, that they refuse to accept so this means they will only accept a referendum result if they win. This also means that if we leavers lose we can also deny the result and then it’s our turn to ask for the third referendum.
    By now, referendums are meaningless (as is voting and democracy is dead)

    3. They want to delay (or revoke) article 50 to give them more time to destroy democracy.

    Of course, all the ‘honourable members’ respect the result of the referendum. They just want to disappear it.

    What a shower of shit they are.
    (Sorry Fed but that’s the least worst word I could think of to describe them)


    • Fedup2 says:

      EG – no worries – Unless someone complaints directly I’m not going to do any thing about that . Unpleasant descriptions of ladies private parts of four letter words for sexual Congress might be a bit too much for ‘ common decency’ but I’m finding life a nit to short to edit stuff…..


    • Dave S says:

      Sounds like a declaration of war on we the demos. Not your usual day in the House.


    • honestus says:

      can understand rule out no deal as more honest although wrong and will never agree and will march when time is right.
      Another referendum is a sign of insanity as they want to cancel a referendum so they can hold a referendum. I.e. referendum only allowed if pre-ordained result applied.
      They are truly mad.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    Jeremy vine apparently has a tv show and gave air time to someone called ‘jamelia’ who had a one hit wonder pop song .

    Ms Jamelia thinks old people should not be allowed to vote because they will die before the effect of their decisions come to pass .

    This set me thinking . If the principle was applied logically then people would be disqualified from voting the day after they hit 50% of average life expectancy because only those under the 50% threshold would be allowed to vote .

    This further means that as many as 50% of MPs would automatically be disqualified because the average age of MPs is 50.

    I’m surprised more has not been made of this because what this silly girl suggests is illegal under the “Equality Act”.


    • G.W.F. says:


      I took this argument seriously. Jamail is a PoC which means she has to be given priority. In the programme she had two supporters on the seats with her whilst an elderly lady on the phone was shouted down. The PoC’s two supporters were yelping about reducing the voting age to 16 . See how this will pan out in school discussions during the referendum part 2..

      I was alarmed that the proposal was taken seriously as if democracy in a civilised country should be limited in this way. But then, some of these people have ideas of democracy based on other cultures.


    • Dave S says:

      Jeremy VIne had no business entertaining this. it is an affront to our democracy. I suggest he looks up the meaning of the word. The fact that it was aired tells me that we are far gone into a society disintegrating .
      I am sure that even 20 years ago such a proposal being aired would have led to his dismissal.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Now now, come on, be fair. Jamelia reckons it’s hard for her to get on the telly at all because of the antics of her gangster stepbrother. Clearly just a little cultural misunderstanding relating to ‘enrichment’:



    • JimS says:

      ‘Old people’ are the grandparents and parents that have spent the greater part of their lives selflessly caring for ‘the young’.

      ‘The young’ are the self-centred living for the ‘now’.

      If anyone is concerned about the future of ‘the young’ it is ‘old people’.


      • Cassandra says:

        Clearly Jamelia had no problems in taking the money from the over 75s in the form of child benefits in the past when she was producing illegitimate children by different fathers when they deserted her.
        BTW, how is her brother, you know, the one who’s finally gone down for murder but believed to have got away with several others?


  9. Jeff says:

    So, she survives the vote of no confidence, offers the opposition leaders the chance to hammer out an agreement and is instantly ambushed by Comrade Corbyn. This plank immediately set down idiotic requirements even before he’ll even contemplate taking part in any inter party talks. He wants the so called “No deal” off the table.
    If you thought Theresa was hopeless just take a gander across the dispatch box at the Labour front bench. What a stupid position.
    If we lose the option to walk away we’ve lost any of our negotiating power. We’re in this pathetic predicament because Mother May has been far too enthusiastic in getting a deal, not because she’s been willing to walk away. She’s gone to the EU cap in hand and with bended knee. I can’t imagine Maggie doing that.
    Anyone who has lived in the real world, bought a house or a car, or even been for a job interview, knows that you always maintain the option to walk away. It’s absolutely essential.
    I wouldn’t trust Compo and his Marxist cohorts to make me a cup of tea, let alone listen to anything he had to say about Brexit.
    We’re up crap creek without a paddle.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I disagree . I think al, those politicians should go home and come back after 29th March when the ReIchhEU with their trade surplus panics and gets around to making a fair deal as opposed to a sell out – which hopefully is not to be seen again.

      Brexit is as much about freedom as trade . The UK should just concentrate on supporting businesses which might be threatened by changing trading rules


    • Dave S says:

      Yesterday I drove some distance to do a deal. The vendor wanted me to take everything irrespective of it’s value to me. . This was not an option for me and I had to tell him I would have to leave it. In the end we concluded a mutually agreed settlement .That is how it works as you say.
      If you have ever done business in China then walking away is part of it otherwise you get stuffed.
      Any half competent person could have negotiated a better deal than May .
      The ability to walk away is an absolutely vital thing .


      • Up2snuff says:

        Dave S, don’t forget that at times the talking was a matter devolved to colleagues and to Civil Servants, including the now notorious Olly Robbins.

        It didn’t help that Team Leaders changed on a regular basis, more than Manchester United change their Managers.

        All the PM needs to do now is stay behind her Red Lines and point at them. After a day or two of that, if the EU haven’t improved the Northern Ireland thing, then it is off home to Blighty.


        • RJ says:

          “All the PM needs to do now is stay behind her Red Lines and point at them. After a day or two of that, if the EU haven’t improved the Northern Ireland thing, then it is off home to Blighty.”

          In one sense May’s personal poition was strengthened by the defeat yesterday. The HoC rejected her Withdrawal Agreement, so if we now leave on 29th without an agreement she can blame the HoC for any problems that arise.

          We all know that her Agreement was a sell-out, but in the game of finger pointing after 29th she can put all the responsibilty on the HoC. Her excuse will be that the EU didn’t negotiate in good faith; she came back with the best deal available; and the HoC rejected it in favour of a mass of contradictory demands – so it’s not her fault.

          We know that it is her fault because she sabotaged the Department that should have led on the negotiations, but that’s not how it will be spun.

          I haven’t seen this explored by the BBC


    • smoogie7 says:

      Corbyn has really put his foot in it this time. His shoddy Brexit stance or should I say stances have not gone unnoticed, only by the BBC who obviously give him exception and over look his occasional pro Brexit views (and only occasional in that sense) but for some reason ignore the Lib Dumbs who are so pro remain they could be the BBC’s mouth piece.

      This shows that the BBC are actually even more pro Labour than they are pro remain. The last few days has really exposed them even more than before


  10. Dystopian says:

    News just in. The vote in parliament is to be rerun.
    The government only won by 52% so the remoaners won’t accept it.

    They didn’t know what they were voting for and it was only advisory.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Oh god is Soubry bitching and blubbing again?


      • honestus says:

        Apparently she tried to play a tune on a harp thing and it sounded terrible and someone shouted nasty lyre upon which she called the old bill who promptly tossed shouter into clink.


  11. G.W.F. says:

    Guido is rapidly approaching BBC political correctness.
    My post with the word ‘bum’ in it has been sent to pending purgatory

    Bending down to put letters through the door gives the dog a chance to bite the postman’s bum. After listening the BBC Brexit in the morning I deserve a laugh
    ps Are we allowed to say Bum under regulations here ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      As far as I’m concerned – yes . I got taken to task by a humourless troll at the weekend for using the term ‘fart’ which I now regret editing out . Won’t happen again . The troll even called me a ‘liar ‘ which means in Fedup world its next posts may well land up in the trash….( I’m teasing you maxi …)


      • TrueToo says:


        I’ll use the word ‘fart.’

        Treason May’s alleged negotiations to implement Brexit have had as much impact on the EU as a lost fart in a thunderstorm.


    • TrueToo says:


      ‘Bum’ is acceptable. After all, we can’t discriminate against vagrants and posteriors.


      • Scroblene says:

        I think to’bum a fag’ may raise a few eyebrows (maybe more) though Trues…

        Two naughties in the same sentence!

        How about ‘to bum a fag’ from a POC then? Or from a member of the GLTVD%&R$$D lot?

        I’d love to see the BBBC in melt down about that, especially as the ‘fag’ may be for recreational chemical purposes – as yet undescribed of course, but ‘sources say’ and all that!

        I smoked a pipe for years, and nobody ever asked me for some ‘Gold Block’ (millionaire’s $hagg), although I did let a chum in the Co-op’s offices have some for a roll-up, and he nearly coughed to death!

        But back to the BBBC, er – where were we…?


        • Mrs Kitty says:

          Completely OT Srobbie but I’m following you down memory lane and asking a question. Does anyone else remember the sweet tobacco that came in a package that resembled the real thing, must be an age thing because for the life of me I can’t remember the name and because you mentioned gold block that will plague me all day LOL
          My brains just woken up …….it was called Spanish Gold, which is why my brain was yelling at me I used to love it.


        • Lefty Wright says:

          40 years ago I used to “smoke”? twenty fags a day. Perish the thought.


        • TrueToo says:

          Thanks for the chuckle, Scroblene!


          • Scroblene says:

            You’re welcome, Trues and others!

            I used to love those sweet cigarettes too, especially the ringers for ‘Gold Flake’…

            And yes, I remember sweet tobacco, and seem to recall it was over my pocket money limit!


  12. Dover Sentry says:

    Rudd was on BBC ‘Politics Live’ this evening.

    At about 7.45 she stated:

    “The government needs a negotiated settlement so that we can leave the EU”.

    “No Deal will never be for the government”.


  13. TrueToo says:

    Dunno if I’m right in saying this but it seems that if the DUP had voted for no confidence in the government, that would have been the result. Funny how a tiny party can so drastically swing a crucial vote.

    Why is the left not hysterically insisting that the vote was too close, the pro-government voters didn’t know what they were voting for and therefore there should be another vote?

    Or can a result be declared invalid only when the great unwashed don’t vote the way their superiors want them to while a vote by the elite is binding?

    I expect the BBC to be consistent in its bias and to start demanding another no confidence vote.


    • Up2snuff says:

      TT, LOL x 5!

      No one losing an Election or vote will be able to live that down now.


      • TrueToo says:


        Thanks. Voting in a democracy will never again be the same. New rules will be implemented for voting results that can be overruled, undermined and discounted, depending on whether or not they are politically correct.


        • honestus says:

          Voting for anything now pointless as trust completely gone.
          Democracy now pointless as trust completely gone.


          • TrueToo says:


            Too true. If someone had predicted this duplicity in Britain ten years ago they would have been regarded as stark raving mad.


    • Kaiser says:

      maybe the over 65’s should have been excluded


    • smoogie7 says:

      Rumour has it that Labour have already hinted at another vote of NC. Keep voting until you get the result you want.

      The thing is this has backfired against Corbyn badly. The idea was to put the knife in and twist after yesterday but instead the Tories and DUP came together to vote while all other parties where just not quite big enough.

      Those other parties, the larger three all demanding a second referendum but for different reasons. SN just want out of the UK, Lib Dem just want to stay in Europe while Labour is a remain party with a casual Brexiter as a leader who pretends to be a remainer when it suits him.

      Those parties all lost today and that is thanks to Corbyn.

      Indeed, Brexit has not been cancelled and there will not be an election to stop it either. The BBC have lost today also.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Bullseye! Perhaps these cosseted MPs should also consider whether , when we gave them their very lucrative, cushy, highly privileged jobs, we the great unwashed, knew what we were voting for.
      By the way although I will admit to perhaps being a bit smelly after a spell of diy I do not agree that I am unwashed.


  14. Dystopian says:

    Best comment on bbc HYS so far.
    Credit “Andrew”

    “It’s astonishing that our national broadcaster signed up to promote an organisation whose purpose is to dissolve the very country that sustains it”


  15. Up2snuff says:

    These are the days of miracle and wonder – again.

    We move on to Monday, with – as others on here have already noted above – the Remainers attempting to come up with all sorts of blocks and diversions to throw Brexit off course and into the ditch.

    Make way, I say, make way. Keeping going, Theresa May.

    Talk tough with the EU. Do not let Civil Servants weasel around with words. The previous deal with the EU was unacceptable to Parliament. No two ways to put it. Sweep that £39bn back into your handbag and bring it home, PM, say your prayers and prepare for the Parliamentary battle next week.


    • Dystopian says:

      “….the Remainers attempting to come up with all sorts of blocks”

      Up2…just realised you missed an “ol”out of this (b**locks). 🙂


  16. Up2snuff says:

    The petition needs a boost, it has slowed again.

    Sign up friends and relatives.


  17. taffman says:

    “UK Prime Minister Theresa May has seen off a bid to remove her government from power, winning a no confidence vote by 325 to 306.”

    The only way that she could vindicate herself and storm the next election would be to call the EU’s bluff and go ‘no deal’. That would be 17.5 Million votes for her to start with!
    Then she would hold all the bargaining power to beat the EU into a trade dale .
    Parliament has already agreed to Article 50 .


  18. TrueToo says:

    Wow, the BBC HYS linked to by taffman in the third comment on this page has already had over 8000 comments!!

    From the few that I read and the recommendations to those comments, it seems Leave has the edge over Remain on the BBC today!


  19. scribblingscribe says:

    Michael Gove’s rip-roaring unforgettable speech:
    (it mocks the BBC at one point, so there is no danger of them showing it.)


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Kaiser – I wonder if number 10 knows it clashes with ET in the FA cup replay ….


  21. G says:

    “Ratings for the Liberal Globalist BBC are IMPLODING!!!”
    Join me in experiencing that lovely warm glow when you watch this video:
    Happy viewing! Its what its all about.


  22. jazznick1 says:

    Watching now – if either side loses by less than 3 goals a 2nd replay will be demanded.

    It’s what the people would want.


  23. Sluff says:

    Biased BBC shows itself in tonight’s BBC2 programme about Venezuela.
    The 60 minutes break down as follows.
    Charismatic idealist with desireable socialist policies, 35 minutes
    Failing policies 10 minutes
    Feeling sorry for him because of illness 8 minutes.
    Total basket case economy, starvatiom, oil industry implosion, mass emigration, 7 minutes.

    How very impartial.
    We did get 1 minute of Jezza Corbyn and Ken Livingstone telling us how marvellous he was, but the BBC did not of course join the dots.

    In other words, one hour of idealistic socialism and a few minutes of reluctant admission that it was all ratshit.


    • Rich says:


      I saw most of that programme and heard left-wing mentioned once, socialist, in Spanish, twice.

      According to bBBC2 Chavez was a populist, which I thought was a derogatory term only applied to those that the bBBC et al regard as right-wing, conservative, or not like them. Venezuela is in ruins but it’s nothing to do with socialism, the capitalist oil industry and the Americans are to blame, and if we’re not careful and continue to vote for the “populists” then we could end up the same.

      Our most trusted media organisation apparently.


    • StewGreen says:

      Venezuela is template for Corbyn’s Britain


  24. taffman says:

    Al Beeb…………………….
    \\”Theresa May has called on MPs to “put self interest aside” and “work constructively together” to find a way forward for Brexit.”//
    ‘A coalition’? Something that should have been done in June 2016 !


    • Dave S says:

      I heard the fix going in. Nothing else other than vapid words of trivial nonsense. It is us against them and keep that in your head now.


  25. Guest Who says:

    Bbc doing its bit for harmony each day.


    • vlad says:

      But I have some questions:
      Is it racist to fancy an Asian woman?
      Or is it racist NOT to fancy an Asian woman?
      Is it a worse crime to fancy Asian women or Scottish women?
      Is fancying a Muslima islamophobic?
      Is fancying ANY woman a hate crime?
      I really, really, want to be PC, but it’s getting so HARD!
      Ooh, matron.



      • StewGreen says:

        No, no no sorry we Vlad can’t have you talking about fancying this woman
        .. not cos of any racism angle
        but we’ve got to have you play the role of a “Q”
        so we make our official government LGBTQ+ quota


      • Lefty Wright says:

        No- Stop messin’ about!


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Nasty bitch has a nice swimming pool in Scotland ,,


  26. Doughboy says:

    After all this talk of 2nd referendums, surely if we have to have one the only question is the EU Deal (Mays) or no Deal (ours) after all we have already had the one to leave which we won! anything else is TREASON


    • gaxvil says:

      I trust they’ll be pushing for a vote by the People as to whether the People actually want another referendum – I mean that would be right and proper would it not?
      And, of course we need to vote on whether we, the People should take any notice of the results of any vote, Peoples’ or not.


  27. BRISSLES says:

    Oh the fickleness of potential Labour voters.
    Speaking today to someone who thought a General Election was a good idea, in order that Labour certainly couldn’t do any worse.

    I then laughingly asked if she would be happy with Dianne Abbot being Home Secretary. She then realised the stupidity of her idea.

    This is the rubbish we are lumbered with in our Parliament. No one with any gravity to pull us out of this mire. Everyone of them can talk the talk for the planet, but no-one is lifting a f……g finger !


    • gaxvil says:

      Difficult for any of them to do much at all – they’re travelling far too fast on that speeding gravy train while counting chickens.


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        A train heading towards a bridge they have burnt, whereupon the unhatched chickens they have put all in one basket, will demonstrate the dangers of omelette manufacture.


  28. jip says:

    You know pathetic the BBC is when it has a news article about a Gilette advert… and how many dislikes it has.


    On the other hand, i won’t be using Gillette ever again, or any other Procter and Gamble products:


    • Scroblene says:

      To be perfectly honest, Jip, I haven’t a clue what they’re on about here! It’s not good advertising is it!

      But then, I’m over seventy, so am not allowed principles any more…


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Oh come on now Scroblene. As one coffin dodger to another do you not recognise social engineering when Big Bro takes the trouble to send it down the tube into your living room?


        • Scroblene says:

          Lefters, I still don’t understand what they’re on about…

          Is it about men having to shave, or women having to? I haven’t actually seen it on TV, (only here) as we’re watching re-runs of ‘Men behaving badly’, and ‘New tricks’. I’ve just turned off Mark Steel being unfunny about Hastings after a few minutes, although an old chum said it might be good. Nope. (Hastings is where I did all my formative drinking and I have a soft spot for the place)!

          I really do get confused when I see ads like this though. The Christmas ads last year were dire, and unwatchable too.

          Naturally, I assume that if the BBBC is upset, then I’ll enjoy it, or if they’re promoting something I’ll ignore it!


    • Kaiser says:

      I see the beeb neglects to mention its all about

      bad men
      bad white men


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Not touching a Gillette product ever again…
        Joins my boycott list. Getting long, but manageable.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      If anyone can tell me what that has got to do with selling razor blades, I would very grateful.


  29. Richard Pinder says:

    370 years ago a British prides purge of traitors created the Rump Parliament. This was because someone a lot like Mrs May stalled negotiations by attempting to play different factions in Parliament off against each other. They became convinced that they could no longer trust the leader to deliver freedoms from something a lot like the European Union, and when they returned with the leaders answers, which were far short of what was hoped, the traitorous House of Commons eventually declared them acceptable by 129 votes to 83. After the purge of the traitors, only the 83 patriots were allowed back into Parliament after formally dissenting from the decision to accept the leaders awful proposals of vassalage. They then passed an ordinance to try the leader for treason, the traitorous House of Lords rejected it. The House of Commons then passed an ‘Act’ by itself for the same purpose, and the leader was then beheaded for treason. The House of Lords was then abolished for supporting a traitorous leader who caused a civil war by insisting on preserving the vassalage of the British people, who only wanted to have freedom from vassalage.


    • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

      I’ve not heard it put like that before, but it fits.

      Come back Oliver, all is forgiven


  30. Beeb Brother says:

    I switched to radio 4 and counted how many seconds it was until some lefty crap came on. Lo and behold after five seconds it is about not enough minorities getting into Oxbridge. Cud vox pops about how wicked whitey is.

    Call me ‘Far Right’ but I reckon all the gang nonsense might be an issue. I am yet to hear a single rapper talk about working hard at school. Plus marrying cousins within certain ROPer communities leads to offspring with far lower IQ.

    I am sick of being insulted. Plus it is so, so boring. The same divisive nonsense all the time. And it is so dishonest: the problem is rotten cultures, not ‘structural racism.’ We have done everything humanly possible to help minorities, to the extent that we even openly racially discriminate against indigenous Brits. Yet still all we ever get is abuse.


  31. Guest Who says:

    Bbc again takes an unusual angle on tragedy affecting many people.

    There is a common link that seems to have been missed too.


  32. Guest Who says:

    No, seriously…

    The comments.


    • Scroblene says:

      “I wish to make a complaint…”


    • G says:

      Further evidence (if that were required) that if you keep a dangerous islam in your house, you will be mauled by that dangerous entity at some stage……………


  33. Guest Who says:

    Bbc gets a mention.


    • Deborah says:

      I am not surprised Mrs Merkel regrets the MPs rejecting Mrs May’s (and Mrs Merkel ‘s agreement as they seemed to hatch it up between themselves) because if we leave without an agreement, then Germany will have to find a lot more money to fund Brussels. And Germany has only just avoided recession (and I assume when the figures are reconsidered it might turn out to be in one)


      • Fedup2 says:

        Let’s face it in real life it’s the krauts and uk who fund the EU . The southern states in France all cheat . With a bit of luck Germany will go into recession and we ll be gone . Maybe money will help kill off Brussels .


    • Dystopian says:

      I thought she previously said there would be no more negotiating.


  34. Guest Who says:

    Another bbc Vox Pop triumph.


    • Deborah says:

      I think Miss Carver should be worrying more about the local M&S closing. Without it, that part of town will be dead, and the number of her customers will decline. But I expect she will blame it on Brexit and the BBC will use our money to give it publicly.


    • Dystopian says:

      Why the subtitles? They are in Hull not Bradford.


  35. Guest Who says:

    Not BBC, but Ch4 knows what works up the faithful.

    Meanwhile, at a Climate Conference in Bora Bora, Jon, KGM and Cathy bump into Leo diCaprio and Bernie Sanders at the Duty Free.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thank you for the post . Every so often the median talk about why politics is nastier -poor soubry being heckled – and some poor sods liberty being taken away as an example to others .

      So Mr Frei goes for Mr Farage over a private plane trip and labels him as a member of the elite . Frei knows full well how much it costs . I know because have a PPL . I am not a member of an elite .

      This was just an example of the nasty politics which the snowflakes use to sob about a snowflake MP getting killed . Shape of nasty things to come from state funded broadcasters ….


  36. Dover Sentry says:

    Excellent video posted by G yesterday evening as regards the decline of BBC viewing.

    The viewing figures were 26 million in 2012.
    This fell to 17 million by 2018.
    That’s a fall of 35% 🙂


    • Guest Who says:

      At least the licence fee has kept pac… er…


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      BBC viewers in 2018 – 17 million.
      Decrease in BBC viewers since 2012 – 9 million.
      Decrease in BBC viewers 53%.


      • StewGreen says:

        @LCS your maths is wrong @Dover Sentry had the correct mathts above
        17/26= 0.65
        ie at 17m it’s at 65% of the 2012 total
        ie a decrease of 35%

        Now 26/17=1.53
        ie 26m is 153% of the 2018 total
        ie the the 2018 total would need to INCREASE by 53% to get back to the 2012 total


        • StewGreen says:

          typo “ie 26m is 153% of the 2012 total”


        • LastChanceSaloon says:

          #1 It is not maths, it is arithmetic.
          #2 My arithmetic is correct.
          #3 The decrease (9) is 53% of current (17) viewers.

          I have merely presented the figures in a manner which gives a “better” result.


          • StewGreen says:

            @LCS no your maths or your English language was wrong
            cos the convention in English with percentages is that the word “decrease” is always used relative FROM the past time point TO the future time point.
            So this case that is 26 to 17
            “the decrease in BBC viewers is 35%”

            Now with percentages the word “increase” likewise applies relatively FROM today’s value TO the future value
            So if the number of reviewers rose FROM today’s value of 17 TO a future value 26 (the same as 2014 ) then that increase would be “a 53%.increase”

            We can use a different word instead of “decrease”
            eg “higher/lower” cos then we can specify that we mean relative FROM today TO the past
            “The 2014 viewership of 26m was 53% higher than today’s viewership of 17m”

            That convention might not be the same in other languages


            • LastChanceSaloon says:

              “cos the convention”
              The convention I am using is to make the figures look as bad as possible.
              Just like the Leftys do.
              I am sorry if this was not made clear enough earlier.


  37. StewGreen says:

    BBC campaign #TrumpMustFall
    What Would It Take to Impeach Trump?


    • Guest Who says:

      Clearly, more RTs from Katty.

      She is doing her best. Impartially, of course.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      What’s been happening at #BBCMustFall?


      • StewGreen says:

        Strange the BBC World Service put out that programme campaigning for Trump to fall

        Yet he would describe the BBC as a “FAILING network” for the way its viewers fell by 35% in 6 years


        • StewGreen says:

          Does the graphic look IMPARTIAL or like a campaign to you ?


          • fakenewswatcher says:

            Like a campaign… it’s been going strong since Trump was elected, headed up by the Sopels of this world.


          • Rob in Cheshire says:

            Most people would think that after two years, all Mueller has found are “process” crimes such as people not telling FBI goons the truth about when they had a drink in a pub in London. There is no evidence about the central claim that the Trump campaign actively colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

            I am sure Mueller would love to prove it, but it didn’t happen. If he could not make this stick in two years, it will never stick.

            Now, why don’t we ask Hillary Clinton about her 30,000 missing emails?


  38. Guest Who says:


    • Guest Who says:


      Clearly ‘Duplicate short plank cat lady’ is Emily’s ‘style’.

      How does he hold it together in the face of such a harridan?

      How she holds on to her job likely buried in an FOI exemption.


    • Guest Who says:

      Looks like Matt Frei will have to fight a duel with Adam Boulton to win Emily’s favours. Maybe get Pesto in and have three way?

      When rants go rong…


      • Fedup2 says:

        Ha ha brilliant . I ll keep an eye out for Mr Frei in the first class section on Eurostar -I’ll wonder through from economy ( £50 return at the mo – 1st class @£1000)

        Whatever opinion of Mr Farage ( me a fan ) he has shaken the UK to the core . Much needed whatever the outcome of the next few weeks )


  39. LastChanceSaloon says:

    All from Wikipedia.
    2016 referendum 17 410 742
    1975 referendum 17,378,581

    So more voted to leave than join.
    The vote to join was not to join the EU but the EEC!

    The then PM (Wilson) stated.
    “it was a free vote, without constraint, following a free democratic campaign conducted constructively and without rancour. It means that fourteen years of national argument are over. It means that all those who have had reservations about Britain’s commitment should now join wholeheartedly with our partners in Europe, and our friends everywhere to meet the challenge confronting the whole nation.”

    Tony Benn
    ‘When the British people speak, everyone, including members of Parliament, should tremble before their decision”

    We have spoken, start trembling in the Hoc, otherwise these will be a new game in town, called Consequences.


    • The Sage says:

      A small correction, the vote in 1975 was not to join. We were already members of the EEC.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It will be ‘ interesting ‘ if MPs are targeted in a more robust way than we’ve seen with soubry . I don’t want that but as you say – consequences .


  40. Roland Deschain says:

    The BBC seems terribly pleased about this.

    The resolution of the picture isn’t great on my phone, but I think I’m right in saying there isn’t a single white male amongst them. Except the teacher.

    Ah, what’s this further down the article? “Nearly all of those who received offers are from ethnic minority backgrounds..” Now, far be it from me to suggest there was a race element to the selection…


    • tarien says:

      As you say all coloured with at first glance 8 of Islamic following-triumph for what? Britains great teachers or a triumph for Multiculturalism. Nothing at all mentioned by the media/BBC about the real concerms of those that voted Leave- IMMIGRATION-they are scared and run away from any confrontation concerning it.


    • Guest Who says:

      Offers need to met. However, even decades ago it is worth bearing mind that Polly got in to Oxford and Di through Cambridge.

      Several of my kids’ chums gained places there in disciplines such as Physics and Maths, and so inter-Uni visits are engaged upon.

      Seems the arts and humanities faculties are… entirely what might be expected.


    • StewGreen says:

      Does the school have a similar photo of the kids who are likely to secure future a prison place or drug gang death ?



    • Dystopian says:

      I think my clumsy thumb just hit report instead of reply, sorry.

      I was going to mention that the school is in “one of London’s poorest boroughs”
      Wonder how it got that way.


    • Dystopian says:

      They were discussing this on Talk Radio this morning. JHB mentioned that a high percentage (80% IIRC) were from ethnic minority’s, most of whom were on free school dinners, therefore the “poorest” in society.
      Here’s me thinking that all immigrants are doctors and engineers making a massive contribution to our society, when clearly to qualify for free school meals they’re on benefits.


  41. Kaiser says:

    the far left bbc pushing vegetarian/veganism again

    by 2050 everyone can only have 1 burger 1.5 eggs a week etc to create a sustainable environment

    what they dont seem to want to mention here is the booming population of the third world and their inability to control procreation.


    • StewGreen says:

      When the pseudo greens steal my time by forcing me to spend 30 mins showing that their maths is wrong, I tell them I’m going to deduct that time from the time I spend sorting the recycling

      I now have the alternative of saying
      “You’ve wasted my time so I am going to eat some extra meat”


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Kaiser: This is the critical key issue almost everyone is ignoring. The UN projects the Sub Saharan population to rise to 2 billion,168 million in 2050, up from 969 million in 2015. GDP growth would have to be well over 5.5% to keep the region from sliding into absolute poverty, and even that will not ensure per capita income of the next poorest region – developing Asia.
      By then the Blairs and Merkels of this world will have ensured that fast-track routes into Europe and the UK will be funneling those who want ‘a better life’ northwards on a massive scale. The recent UN ‘Migrant Compact’, signed in Marrakesh, kept quiet by most of the media will have created the necessary structures and facilities.
      Close your eyes and imagine….


  42. Guest Who says:

    By way of ‘balance’, Nick may soon be seeing some calm, measured responses to this:

    I wonder of LBC has issued J’Obsworth with his assault rifle yet? Or is he too busy tear gas training with Emily?


    • Guest Who says:

      Jim trying to take a tartan bullet for Nick?


      • Fedup2 says:

        The Americans started that fashion – Obama -I think . They used to put a few attractive faces ( girls) in to distract from the dumb politician . Obviously in the case of the SNP …..


    • Fedup2 says:

      The audience look pretty stoney faced . I wonder how many thought – when he said 70% of food comes from EU farmers – those businesses will be in trouble . As for defending French fishing in uk waters -there won’t be any without a licence .

      It’s going to get nasty


  43. Guest Who says:

    Here is another bbc contribution?


  44. Guest Who says:

    And a dumb mutt chips in.

    The lab is sweet though.


    • Cassandra says:

      One is is a drooling, worm ridden, mange covered old mutt who will try out any new tricks to please his master despite being in his autumn years and the other is a golden labrador.


    • StewGreen says:

      One fawns & drools all over libmob people
      .. yet snaps & barks at those not in its metrolib pack


      • Cassandra says:

        Don’t worry Stew, I do believe I see Dr Chinnery from The League of Gentlemen coming around the corner. Hope Nick doesn’t suffer the same fate as the panda.


  45. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    A no-deal Brexit would mean anyone planning to drive in EU countries would need an insurance Green Card.


    Easily solved. One way or another.


    • Guest Who says:

      They appear to be on a roll.


      • The Sage says:

        But Brexit uncertainty and Brexit itself are two different things. That’s why 22 months ago revoking A50 and No deal would have created absolutely certainty that everyone could have worked towards.


      • Dystopian says:

        Funny that. Talk Radio have just reported a 5.3% increase in the number of first time buyers getting onto the property ladder. I’d say that’s good news….despite Brexit of course.


    • CompassionateLeave says:

      I love it how they think stuff like this is going to work. I tend to think full sovereignty is absolutely foundational to a nation state but what I didn’t reckon with is needing an insurance green card to drive in the (soon to collapse) EU… so I’ve changed my mind completely. I wish I hadn’t voted leave now! (said nobody ever).


      • Fedup2 says:

        Compsssionate – very dry …. am international driving permit costs £5.50 from a post office or AA. Easy to get . Lasts 6 months .


  46. Peter Grimes says:

    I wish I could draw.

    I would have Nanny May in nanny’s uniform pushing a nappy-clad Corbyn in his pram (keep your breakfast down!), bawling and throwing his dummy away.


  47. Peter Grimes says:

    Fatty Bolton currently interviewing Labour MP Graham Stringer about Brexit. Stringer speaking eminent sense, a view one can rarely apply to a Labour politician, and not being interrupted. Fatty would never allow a Brexiteer to speak uninterrupted.


  48. tarien says:

    Astounded when I turned on the Radio 8am to learn from Humphries that they had invited Anthony Blair to talk or give his views on what the Prime Minister should do now ! Can you credit it, a past Prime Minister who pushed this nation into a financial crisis, without any thought of this nations democratic voice, involved us in a terrible Middle Eastern war which has had its ramifications with the Islamic invasion into Britain let alone anything else that traitor inflicted upon us and now via the BBC has the temerity to pontificate as to how we should handle the Brexit affair. Can you beat it ?


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Yes I can – Jeremy Vine advertised this yesterday and referred to Farage, Cameron and Tony Blair.

      First names for favourites, surnames for the distasteful.

      This is also used frequently when discussing American politics.


  49. tarien says:

    Although we have no Constitution we must not allow the members of Parliament to withdraw Article 50- Brexit means out and that is what should be the only measure now facing Parliament.


  50. LastChanceSaloon says:

    Not on BBC News.

    “FBI Arrests Man Suspected of Plotting Attack on White House with Explosives”

    “The suspect, 21-year-old Hasher Jallal Taheb . . .”