In the original Planet of the Apes film, at the end there’s a scene where Charlton Heston sees the Statue of Liberty ruins half buried on a beach.
He says words something like “So you finally done it” meaning the humans had destroyed themselves.
Watching our crap politicians, who are mainly against our democratic decision to leave the eu, going through the motions to steadily stop Brexit makes me think that “they are finally doing it”
They are not even trying to hide their contempt for us any more.
They now want no deal off the table and to be part of the customs union.
In effect, stay in the eu.
We count for nothing and they don’t give a fig.
I hope the consequences are terrible.
I don’t care any more.
Let there be fire and fury.
They all need to be flushed out of the U bend they are blocking and I don’t care what happens to them.
A handful of them are valiantly trying to represent the 17.4 million of us but the utter contempt shown by the majority of the “honourables” makes me want to vomit.
As has been said elsewhere here today there will be consequences .
The good old ‘ one ness’ nonsense the BBC desperately puts out with like minded club members looking like dumb sheep before every programme representing the best of socialist – well I ask you –
“BBC desperately puts out with like minded club members looking like dumb sheep ”
Corbyn had a posse of them directly behind him as he addressed the nation today on BBC TV. Every one looked like a momentum voter ready to stab him in the back if he goes off script! Some were young groupie-girls and going off my telly looked like they needed a few weeks fasting. Didn’t see Toynbee though? Must have been made to clean the corridors of the gurdiana no doubt awash with all todays bile which she has spewed out of her mouth! So too late to see her idol (soon to be fallen)
@Pug re the hit piece against Orban
BBC don’t spend 2 minutes embellishing news pages about Grooming/raping gangs, cos that isdue is not a BBC
political campaign
Yet that page against Orban seems like it has had a team of graphic designers working on it for a week.
Followed an earlier post onto twitter where the chap above has posted an expose of the french polices brutality against the yellow vests. If it the link works (not tech savvy) then be prepared to be very shocked.
Following the protests via UK MSM does not do the sheer over the top violence any where near justice and the lack of outcry must be deliberate.
Cannot link to exact post but scroll down until the 15/1/19 where he has uploaded many instances of shocking police behaviour that at times resembles a war zone. Very scary.
If you collect the URL of a tweet by right or long clicking over its timestamp and podt copyNpasting it here, it embeds just that one tweet here … (or sometimes also its parent tweet)
.. But if you post the URL of someones Twitter homepage ,
here then that embeds here all their recent tweets
Thus it will slow down this page
my attempts to copy a twitter link may cause problems with the site running smoothly as per Stew’s comment. Please feel free to delete the offending post.
He keeps a thread about the violence of the police against the Gilet Jaunes
Latest tweet of that thread
If you click the text of the tweet below it will open a new tab with that entire Jan15th thread.
IMHO what happens outside the UK is that some protesters resort to out of control thug tactics ..and the police retaliate in kind.
If people are nutty enough to go along to go along to take photos, then they have themselves to blame if they get caught in the cross-fire.
Thanks for the link Stew, I was going to ask.
My point was not that some people engage in stuff where they almost invite reaction – its the sheer extent and brutality of the violence and the almost complete lack of MSM reporting. And Stew, we might find ourselves in a not so dissimilar position in the very near future.
At the moment this country hasn’t got the police resources to control multisite outbreaks of civil disorder for more than say – 3 days . Nor has the army .
And I bet a lot of snowflake coppers would hand in their badge if they really came up against people demonstrating about democracy being subverted .
may explain another oddity in that many of the clips I viewed, the ‘police’ seem to be in civvies wearing stab vests and riot helmets bearing weapons.
Oh, and I also now know what a flashball is and the immense damage it can cause to a human.
May also explain why minor exercises in protest in London are met with a swift and fairly draconian reaction to nip in the bud any thought of larger scale protest?
honestus, in that escalating situation it is important to be peaceful and law abiding. Command and maintain the high moral ground. As soon as you lose it then the parts of the MSM that are not even opposed – the ones who might have just been on your side – will swing against you and back the forces of the other side.
Absolutely disgraceful. Meanwhile the left complain about nurses allegedly having to use food banks, and the lack of housing, hospital beds and school places. You couldn’t make it up.
“Since the Law and Justice Party (PiS) came to power in 2013, five Polish artistic directors of major public theatres have not had their contracts renewed.”
They give an example a director made a play where an actor takes a statues of the late Polish pope and performs fellatio. on. it.
Not surprisingly this caused demonstrations outside the theatre.
..and the prog argues is surely the reason why the “nasty far right” government didn’t renew his contract and pulled out of funding his festival in Malta.
“The PM tried to meet the needs of both but knew it would crash”
There must be a second PM unknown to me..
Because Theresa the Traitor, has never had any intention of facilitating Brexit.
Imagine if he had been allowed to study aero engineering. I would stop flying immediately. Gone are the days when Universities, Technical Institutes and Polytechnics were for people who had some aptitude for their chosen subjects.
I am beginning to wonder if Theresa May is a lot more clever than we are giving her credit for.
Is she just stringing the remoaners along with every intention of leaving in the 29th March with no deal?
Yes it’s a choice of ‘ stupid’ or ‘ cunning ‘ . I’d go for the former because the £39 billion promise has never been explained and appears just stupid .
As well as the strong and stable needless election – the outcome of which did ‘ extremist ‘ brexiters like me a favour .
Maybe I’m going soft in the head but I have been thinking along the same lines. I just hope we are correct or our nation is up to it’s hairline in the brown stuff.
More project fear on the business section of the website. The boss of Procter & Gamble claiming prices will increase after Brexit. The last sentence of the piece tells us that we import 30% of our food from the EU. Allow me to finish the sentence for them, “a lot of it unnecessarily”.
Syc, as well as unnecessarily, some of it more expensive than sourcing from outside the EU and artificially inflated by tariffs and legislation designed to prop up inefficient producers inside the EU.
“The school in Springfield, Virginia, bars teachers from engaging in or condoning “homosexual or lesbian sexual activity” and “transgender identity”.”
Oh the horror!!! that the vice presidents wife would work for a school that is not on board with the BBC’s push to tackle the tyranny of hetronormative culture:
So BBC complains Pence’s wife works at a school with normal Vatican values.
Has the BBC ever condemned a named individual who works at a school conforming to normal Islamic values ?
that likewise \\ bars teachers from engaging in or condoning homosexual or lesbian sexual activity” and “transgender identity” //
+ condones men having preferential court witness and inheritance rights
+ condones men having four wives, but not same for women
+ that supports the death penalty as the sentence for leaving the faith
It can now be seen that the globalists,the corporatists ,the elite, and the MSM, led by their cheerleaders the Biased Broadcasting Corporation, are burying democracy in this country.
One thousand years of proud freedom to end up being dictated to by the the likes of Jean Claude Drunker , Macroleon , and obergruppenfeuhrer Angela.
We are now led by traitors and fifth columnists.
Orwell was so right when he said (over 70 years ago) that the British ruling class hated its own people.
Civil Disobedience anyone?
How about mass resignations from local lib/lab/con associations?
How about paying official bills on the last possible day?
How about boycott of elections?(the ‘winners’ could never claim a mandate on a very low turnout??)
How do we legally stop paying the BBC licence?
The BBC is whipping up hysteria against a full brexit . Sooner or later even the most ignorant about what is going on will register that emotion .
The result will be panic buying and queues at petrol stations leading to shortages .
There will be ‘ cyber attacks ‘ on certain websites and I fear for this one .
Am I over egging it or will it be ‘ keep calm and carry on’ . I think that quality left the snowflakes long ago .
Both the state broadcaster and government should be explaining practical issues about life after 29 March by now but they have both avoided their responsibilities for political ‘ remain’ reasons .
I know it’s a bit of a pipe dream but what I’d like to see as a protest would be for people in important jobs to resign and just go on the dole. Stop paying taxes, a kind of a ‘Going Galt’ philosophy. It could be middle or senior managers, people working in infrastructure/roads/energy. Engineers, mechanics and plumbers – we’d miss them soon enough and even the dumbest Con/Lab MP would have to respond to the people’s anger.
Their expertise would be sorely missed, would cause disruption and would eventually (slightly) overload the benefits system if thousands joined in the protest.
Wouldn’t work for me and my crappy temp job but for people who are well off already and are sick of how the country is run – they get to de-stress from the corporate life and can ‘enjoy the decline’ until we get a sensible party back in power.
As for the licence fee, that’s a given – I think everyone should stop as a matter of principle. Just don’t respond to their stupid letters and simply close the door on unsolicited visits from Capita’s thickie enforcers.
And definitely never vote for Lib/Lab/Con/Green whatever you do.
And write back to those misguided companies with their lefty propaganda (eg Gillette) – saying your offensive and insulting crap means you’re off my shopping list for good.
Truetoo – yes it was a barnstormer for any one like me interested in that stuff and I was almost choking on me popcorn .
I watched it on the Parliament channel which so far hasn’t a gaggle of remainer snowflakes or various hue ‘ interpreting ‘ for we dumb shmucks.
Corbyn is determined to keep is fingerprints off any responsibility for what comes next in terms of ReichEU negotiations by doing his ‘ no deal off the table ‘ nonsense . He also seems to have ruled out another referendum which suggests labour polling still has a lot of brexiters amoungst the comrades who are fed up by ReichEU guest workers under cutting their pay to send the money home to mother .
Fed, I think he (Corbyn) has been ‘leant on’ by the heavy duty Remainers in Labour who have said “We backed you as leader through two votes. Now it’s time for payback. If you don’t rule out a No-Deal Brexit (which leaves no way back for Remain) there might just be another leadership challenge … you effectively lost the No Confidence Vote.”
He really wasn’t going to commit on Brexit but something or someone has made him do it.
Interesting what you say about the Labour Brexiters angry about EU workers coming in. I wonder just how much support there is for Brexit in Labour. Corbyn himself was a Brexiter – until he became a lukewarm Remainer out of political expediency.
I imagine there is a large majority of Labour Remainers salivating at the prospect of being part of a lefty EU super state implementing socialist policies (that surely will succeed this time around) while guzzling at the public trough.
So Blair was on BBC – I didn’t listen but he is our best weapon because so many of the remoaners hate him too ..he just makes Brexit better..
My wife got a response to her complaint about BBC having EU flags in background on Breakfast..Guess what – their response didn’t bear any resemblance to her complaint – so she emailed back and asked for a real answer..!! So we await the ‘we think we got it about right’ response
OFCOM need to be complained to about BBC stoking fires …
Err …… Never mind, “What Would it Take to Impeach Donald Trump” – tenuous and contrived AND we are NOT America.
What would it take to impeach the bbc? – Clear and present.
They are guilty of blatant, consistent derogation of their Charter ……………….. just for starters and then move through the list and cap it off with flagrant disregard and contravention of the Trades Descriptions laws.
gaxvil – ‘Impeach Trump’ started off in full gallop on day 1 of his presidency. Everyone from the NYT to the BBC gunning for him, either explicitly or implicitly. Universities, media, RINOs, you name it. Mueller has been checking on him with an entire team full-time.
But who checks on the BBC? Nobody. The Trust and Ofcom are stuffed with former BBC employees and present buddies. The government keeps well away. I think it was Whittingdale who tried, two years ago or so to put up a small challenge (Media Culture and Sport).
That went quiet so quickly, it was pretty clear that the odd BBC bigwig had picked up the phone and said a few words…
So, my guess -for what it’s worth- is that there are invisible networks in high places , supporting the bbc throughout the country. Complaints bounce off harmlessly. DGs can make racist anti-white statements. It all doesn’t matter…
True, it feels very much like the workings as in China, Russia and any authoritarian state. We see things that beggar belief and can say, ‘Don’t pee down my back and tell me its rain’ but they just do.
BBC PCness beyond a joke. One armed weather girl. Box ticked. I mean what do weather girls do? They wave their arms over a map. What next paraplegics on strictly?
I disagree a one armed weather girl is not a PC thing
If she can do the job fine… weather presenters rarely use 2 hands.
In the past staff may have had one arm etc. , but not flaunted it.
However its also natural to be repulsed by people with missing limbs, cos deep inside you is a genetic evolutionary message ‘take care otherwise you could end up badly injured.’
Actually, there is much to be said for one handed lawyers, economists, and political commentators who would have difficulty in adding complexity to a simple problem by saying ‘ On the one hand… but on the other hand’.
“However its also natural to be repulsed by people with missing limbs, cos deep inside you is a genetic evolutionary message ‘take care otherwise you could end up badly injured.’”
Unless you can cite evidence to support that ridiculous statement I’ll assume you’re just making stuff up again.
Emma Barnett on R5 this morning was channelling her inner O’Brien with endless interruptions and a verbal attack on Leave Means Leave’s Richard Tice, declaring at one point without any sense of impartiality that another referendum is “profoundly democratic”.
Then a lengthy piece about a man born without a penis who had one surgically constructed for him. No details spared — think Popular Mechanics meets Razzle. Good family entertainment.
Now Nihal Arthanayake has one of his actor/comedian chums on to talk about his feelings, being gay, depression, sex, his feelings, therapy, his inner journey and his feelings.
I take it she made no mention of Mr Anif Ansari – who is currently on trial for publishing the name of a victim of Muslim paedo rape gangs .
Mr Ansari is an employee of the BBC on the ‘ Asian network ‘- the editor no less- where foreigners talk foreign to each other using taxpayers ‘ British cash . Learn bloody English
Anyway – the story is on the BBC website .
My money is on a snowflake ‘ not guilty ‘
Despite screwing up the victim ever more than the Muslim rapists did .
Just thought – I hope the BBC hasn’t breach any contempt laws by publishing trial details as it is highly fashionable for men with tans to have’ reporting restrictions ‘ imposed to prevent people from knowing what is going on in their country .
spelling : Arif Ansari’s trial is in Sheffield, BBC Radio Sheffield have tweeted about it
and there is a BBC webnews story
Quite understandable that with 8 years BBC work he had never done any work in court.
Unlike the white community the AsianNetwork demographic are so upstanding that the police rarely feel they need to intervene and the CPS rarely find themselves needing to prosecute
A BBC news editor has gone on trial accused of publicly naming a victim of sexual abuse. Sheffield Magistrates Court heard how a reporter read out the victim's name on the BBC Asian Network, from a script which Arif Ansari had approved. Mr Ansari denies the charge
I live in fear of this kind of mistake, which can easily happen & have devastating consequences. But what's also worrying is that a BBC journalist (I know him & he's not junior) could go 8 years without doing *any* court reporting.
“Anyone hear Blair in the prime-time slot of 08:10 on the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme Today, which sets the BBC news agenda for the day?”
In answer to your question, no, I did not listen to Tony B. Liar his morning. I had switched my radio off by 8.11, as soon as I had heard his prissy little voice. I hate the man and cannot stand the sight or sound of him, and if I had left the radio on I fear I would have been sick on my cornflakes.
I will always be eternally grateful to Mr B. Liar, for it was he who cured me of my lifelong addiction to all brands of Socialism. He achieved what I used to think was an impossibility. Maybe he will do the same for millions of other lost souls. However, for the cure to be effective the afflicted person must listen to him – unfortunately.
I don’t know, is it setting a precedent?
A government offer the people a democratic vote for an action but that government fails to carry it out. A majority of the peoples representatives vote it down for diverse reasons …………………
I really don’t see where that leaves us constitutionally? In there I see zero argument for asking the people to repeat the vote other than that the negative propaganda machine has had time time to work at it.
Over to you.
Ah the BBC contempt trial may explain why there wasn’t a rush to reprosecute Tommy.
If they’d jailed Tommy again, before the BBC trial then the world would likewise be expexithe BBC guy to get jailed.
but now they are free to be light on the BBC guy
.. and then later try Tommy and be harsh.
They certainly couldn’t have run the two trials side by side.
gaxvil, Parliament has had its Gina Miller moment of glory. I would argue that The Supreme Court ruling was one vote. That was it. No more votes. It is up to the EU to come up with an acceptable offer that doesn’t breach the PM’s red lines.
Maybe we need to get Crowd Funding going for a High Court application?
“I really don’t see where that leaves us constitutionally?”
Nowhere different to how it was before as the UK is one of very few countries in the world not to have any kind of consititution. Even North Korea can manage a constitution!
I think they are serious about removing the vote from the elderly. As I see it, the discussion is being slowly eased in. Initially a few establishment serfs like Guido will sneer at it, but not too much, and so it remains a topic for serious discussion.
Now that’s interesting …. presumably the cretin who put this website up has been got too by the soros clan as it will be perceived as too hostile to non snowflakes .
A decent MSM would find out who did it and do a page 3 expose – including the ages of his /her parents and grandparents . …
Re: Deatherendum
\\ I mean the far smaller number of Remainers who devote their every waking hour to trying to scupper the Brexit vote.)
Their latest ruse is a website called ‘EU Deatherendum’. Yes, it is as sick as it sounds.//
There is also Guido
“One of the worst things about Remoaners is their bigotry against old people. Some Remoaners are now even celebrating old people’s deaths because they think this will swing Britain to a Remainer outlook. This is vile ageist hatred”, says Brendan O’Neill
“..15 per cent representation of black and minority ethnic actors on screen by 2020”
Or, in other words, 15% black by 2020. And it will be regardless of the period or the context except, of course, where the context requires 100% black. That, of course, will be 100% black. This is so irritating that I suspect it might be making people more racist, not less. Most of the people I know don’t react well to being manipulated.
I object to seeing black and Asian people injected into historical dramas set in a time when they simply did not figure.
We have had William the Conqueror aided by a black messenger, there is another black man in the new film about Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots, and now Inspector Javert in Les Miserables is played by a Nigerian and Thenardier by an Asian.
This is our history and culture which is just being misrepresented. The left wing media elite think they can mock us and there will never be any consequence. They may well find out they are wrong.
You forgot that Michael Caine’s role now has to have a woman actor this time round and I can see problems with Nigel Green’s name-unless he could come looking a little more Martian…
As Western civilisation goes down in flames, the GLBTQ-BBC sees fit to give Home-page coverage to the story of an ex-Ukrainian soldier who claims ‘I couldn’t say I was gay’. The horror!
But I wonder if the well-informed readers of B-bbc can think of another ‘community’ where gays daren’t come out, especially in the neighbourhood of tall buildings, and which seems to receive very little attention from al-beeb?
Brexit Britain would have cheaper rice
and be helping third world farmers.
“Brussels who today imposed protectionist tariffs on rice imports from poverty-stricken Asian nations”
We won't be taking any lessons in morality from Brussels who today imposed protectionist tariffs on rice imports from poverty-stricken Asian nations, a move they were warned would impact efforts "to alleviate poverty in developing countries and affect its own consumers."
The guys running Tate & Lyle are keen Brexiteers, if I recall correctly. They want to import cane sugar from the Carib and elsewhere. Why? It tastes better (may be better for you? < my added thought) than chemically induced beet sugar produced within the EU. They also think it is a good idea to trade with those poorer sugar cane producing nations for mutual benefit. Plus we have some long-standing ties with them too.
The EU merely imposes tariffs on cane imports to protect EU beet producers.
But hey EU, if we are all going Vegan, then we'll need the beets to eat in our casseroles and salads. Think on that!
Guido censors criticism of BBC darlings. Or is mention of the BBC and Guido’s faith that offended?
The establishment is circling the wagons.
“Owen Jones Scraps With Andrew Neil”
One thing we all know, Jones is a loud mouth who is committed to Islq@m and is a BBC favourite. So is Neil. The pair of them deserve each other.
I believe the establishment are serious about removing the vote from the old folk who are inclined to vote Brexit. It is being discussed in a light hearted way, and Guido has picked up on Polly Guardian’s comments. That’s the way, keep the argument going eh Guido, Guardian and Polly.;
Hence Guido’s censorship of a joke about how programmed youths might volunteer for a war with a mortality rate comparable to WW1, thus reducing their chances of surviving long after their vote.
Never mind Guido, don’t want to kill off a bright idea too soon.
Yes, pug, I did and enjoyed it. I won’t be taking the advice myself from a Pro-EU, Pro-Remain failed lawyer and failed Prime Minister.
In fact, I will do the opposite of what he suggests and embrace with enthusiasm a No-Deal Brexit (with no ransom money paid over, either) on 29 March 2019.
I hope the reduced number of millions who still listen to BBC R4 and the TOADY programme will think exactly the same. I like to think that of those that voted Remain on 23 June 2016, every time Blair comes on the radio a significant percentage of them think ‘Right. If he’s pushing against Brexit, I’ve just changed my mind!’
And a hat-tip to The Humph, too, who did a non-inertview and pushed Blair quite hard with some questions.
chrisH hasn’t been around on B-BBC lately. I am wondering if he popped up on a BBC anti-Brexit, Project Fear v3.8 HYS today.
Whoever , … the posts were good:
17. Posted by Chris H on 6 hours ago
@5 Paul Ansell
“Further proof that Brexit is asinine”
No its further proof of 2 things: 1. Just how deep the tentacles of this so called trading arrangement reach into our daily lives and 2. You seem to be too young to recall when we did this all the time and there really was no problem.
‘Asinine’ is my driving to France in my car is controlled by some idiot in Brussels and admired by you
Comment number 25. Posted by Chris H on 6 hours ago
@8 anon
“This is nothing compared to the right and freedom to live, work, study and retire in the EU that brexiteers stripped from us”
My God! How on earth did I manage to work in Germany aged 18 in 1965 then? Oh wait ….. it was no big deal then and it won’t be whenever. Only poor EU Luvvie snowflakes like you cannot see a world that actually exists outside the EU.
Very very sad that …
Just as with Blair at the top of this page, I hope that every time the BBC shills against Brexit, especially a hard No-Deal Brexit, a number of people who were Remain voters think ‘ This is rubbish. I’m all for democracy, we decided, I support the decision now.’ ….. although they may not put it quite so politely.
Yes, they’re getting the intended erroneous message that we won’t be able to travel to, trade with or work in Europe. (Well, the EU could decide on that but even they’re not that perverse).
If, to them, the 1980s are ancient history we’ve been in the EU since around 1066, at least in their minds.
Project Fear finds fertile ground with today’s youth who have no idea what a stamp is for or how to use a dial phone.
gaxvil, I have a notion that Julius Caesar might be a bit upset at you writing this “If, to them, the 1980s are ancient history we’ve been in the EU since around 1066, at least in their minds.”
” youth who have no idea what a stamp is for or how to use a dial phone.”
They can’t even walk and chew chewing gum at the same time. God help em snowflakes when they get ‘called up’ to serve in the EU Army.
I think the next iteration will be the European federation . Give that 10 years and it becomes the United States of Europe .
A nice flag with a red horizontal stripe for each former country and a section in the corner in blue with a lot of gold stars … and a Declaration of Independence saying ..
pug, “May should have set out from the start to deliver that proper Brexit, the clean break,”
Theresa May as PM did exactly that. Those are her red lines. Blair rubbished those this morning ….
… therefore …..
…. they are really important and the PM must stick to them and not relax them.
That is why she lost the vote in the House on Tuesday, she put up a Bill that broke a red line, so it failed.
You would think Tony Blair if he was so clever and experienced 😉 would realise that.
Of course he does but he’s never going to say it because he is a Fascist/Marxist/ultra-neoLib – whatever – who wishes to do away with democracy and freedom and responsibility and conservatism and independence and liberty and duty.
Al Beeb
“Nuclear plant in Anglesey suspended by Hitachi”
“The decision puts thousands of jobs at risk if the £13bn plant at Wylfa Newydd in Anglesey, north Wales, is scrapped.”
How about spending some of that £39 Billion on its way to the EU to save it ?
What a nasty piece of work this woman is! She is has good as saying: I hope the old leave voters are beginning to die off now as they are being replaced by young remainers so the remain vote would now turn out higher than the leave vote! Vile, bile, spit and lies! She is near enough inciting civil unrest this Saturday as that’s the day when this change in numbers happens (supposedly) ! She drops a big hint about Saturday; no doubt smarting from her sleepless nights as things aren’t turning out as she predicted. Traitor!
Polly Toynbee is qualified, by age, to be a dead Leaver.
Failed her 11+. One A level.
Family connections propelled her to Oxford University, where she failed.
Far left Guardian columnist for many years.
Has a thirty year old photograph at the top of her columns, to be fair many lefty “journalists” do this, especially women.
Specialises in bile and ill informed nonsense.
Possibly the worst writer in the Guardian, which is a very difficult title to win, because there are so many qualified candidates.
I have not seen or heard her interviewed for many years. She used to get trounced on Question Time and similar programmes, whatever the subject.
I suppose this lady must make a contribution to the guardian to keep her column . Like Owen Jones – the bbc goes to her to do her party piece as though there aren’t millions of others who could go on the TV to give a view
I believe she appears on “date-line London” every now and again. As I n o longer watch QT I do believe she is one of Dumblebees favourites. I wonder why.
It remains curious to say the least that the bbc takes those lines: pro ethnic, pro Islamic, pro socialist, anti Trump and yet there lie the seeds of their very own destruction.
Hope you all are making revised shopping lists for the new bBBC diet. it seems 37 diverse so-called scientists have predicted the future again, and as a result the 10 Billion people on the planet are going to ‘have to’ change what they eat.
The bBBC uses the word ‘we’ referring to everyone on planet Earth
Only the bBBC would see this non story as worthy of top News
Thanks for the clip, the PM and every MP should be locked in a room and forced to watch this on a a continuous loop. They could be let out on the 29th March.
ED, if I were the PM right now, I would be looking to build a consensus (serious voice tone) across all Parliamentary Parties. I would try to see about 8 to 10 members each working day.
Now, let me see, 650/10 say = about 65 working days. Oh dear. That’s 1 April. Maybe we could up the ‘strike rate’? Up to 12 a day? So that’s 650/12 = 54 working days. Allowing for illness of colleagues, weekly meetings with the Queen, an essential dental appointment, occasional phone calls to M. Barnier and persuading Jeremy Corbyn to take part, that should have it all done and dusted by 28 March 2019.
Then an early night to get ready for the celebrations over the next three days.
Thanks GWF! A blast from the past, but:
-do promises mean anything?
-do words have any meaning?
If yes, anything other than ‘no deal’ is ruled out.
I leave my friend’s place and go back to mine.
When I’m home, do I still sit with him in his lounge?
Use his loo quickly?
Grab a glass of water from his kitchen?
Nope. Impossible. If words mean anything, I have left his place. Debate superfluous. No uncertainty exists.
Left means left.
Appears he pulled out of a junction onto a fast moving road, well clearly a car rammed into him which made the R/Rover overturn. Ok he walked away uninjured, but he could easily have killed the occupants of the other car, and perhaps anyone who was in the car with him. Then what would the repercussions have been ? something the R/Family would never live down to be sure. Clearly not to upset the ‘family’ this has never been mentioned on any of the rolling news.
Looking at the photos, that was one hell of a crash.
Let’s just thank God that no one seems to have been seriously injured.
And in the meantime, Duke…
You’ve got a chauffeur. Use him!
Even so, I agree we should wrap the old boy in cotton wool because (i) it would be good for him to get his ton, (ii) it would break HM’s heart when he ‘goes’ and that might be bad for her, and, (iii) we may soon need HM to ummhhh …. er …. ‘have a quiet word’ ….. with some people in Parliament and the Duke is ‘her rock’. Sort of Gibraltar-ish but East a bit more, if you know what I mean.
He’s supposed to, Fed. Sky and the BBC are naturally both reporting the story but my Conspiracy nature is getting a hold of me. I’m thinking “What if… ” No details of the accident or the welfare of the other driver. Was it just a road accident or is there more to the story? It’s still too early but I lived in New Zealand when Diana died and at 3am UK time, 4pm NZ time, BBC World Service news reported that Diana escaped with only a broken arm.
Cass, I doubt if there’s any conspiracy, but just a man of too great an age who has lost his sense of distance (and maybe other reasoning too), and who should not be allowed to drive on public roads. I wonder if he had to update his licence like the rest of have to do every 3 years after the age of 70.
Its been widely reported that he’s been hospitalised often with ‘infections’ which in the elderly mean ‘water’, and we know that in turn can bring on confusion and disorientation, so at 97 he should be kept well away from machinery etc whether ill or not.
And I wonder if the Duke will hold the breathalizer directly at eye level to the copper testing him just so’s that rozzer gets a real close up view of that machine which shows the “by appointment to the Queen” sticker on said handheld gadget?
And you may have noticed the party that won the last European election and actually represents Brexit is being no-platformed by the MSM. It’s a disgrace.
I knew I shouldn’t have put that tin foil hat this morning but here goes. Range Rovers are heavy, even more heavy with the armour plating I would imagine it has. A car would have to be travelling at some speed to turn one over. HRH had trained security / drivers in the car with him (presumably), wouldn’t they have advised him when it was safe to pull out? I know I’m probably wrong and spouting a lot of rubbish but I’m very wary of news reports from the MSM over the last few years.
Blair is responsible for a totally unnecessary war in the middle east, untold deaths and worldwide unrest and yet Tommy is “the extremist.”
I’m missing something…
Dyst ,
Listening to Brillo s language he has been bought into the Beeboid fold to be on the TV to suppprt his massive ego – as seen on that dreadful Thursday night programme he does.
It’s a great shame because he was a good interviewer once .
I have to admit I no longer watch the MSM. A child of 10 can see that there is something wrong with their output.
It would be interesting to know Mr Neil’s view on the governments of countries such as South Africa and Rhod – I beg your pardon – Zimbabwe. Are they in any way “extremist” or are they models of compassion and moderation?
As I say I rarely watch TV and now mostly rely on what I see and hear around me and of course the internet to keep me up to date.
The governments of Italy and Hungary do not comply with the agenda of the British Brainwashing Corporation . Hence the title “Extremist”
Renew now, then sit back and enjoy a year’s worth of TV.
Your TV Licence expires on 31 January 2019. Please renew now, quickly and easily online.
When you give us your email address, we only use it to send essential messages about your TV Licence, such as helpful reminders that a payment is due or has been missed. Sending emails rather than letters saves us money that can go towards BBC programmes.
However, if you no longer want us to contact you by email and would rather we send you letters, you need to let us know.
Well….actually I’d rather you didn’t send me anything by any means.
I would not pay it. In fact I don’t. But the Mrs. bless her she can’t cope with the thought of the knocks at the door and would rather cough up. She likes the kids to sit and be indoctrinated whilst eating their breakfasts. Makes for a stress free morning for her getting ready for work.
look on the bright side, Crapita will have to employ more Tellygoons .
‘Job creation’ ? Besides, the over 75s wont bother paying because most of the ones I know hate Al Beeb .
Popped by into a local butcher yesterday . I haven’t been buying anything due to circumstances .
He still greeted me hale and hearty . He’s probably thinking I might have been using the butchers round the corner or the one right in the town centre , but he hopes I will come back to patronuse his establishment . A bit of small talk , commerce done and out I go .
He didn’t accuse me of illegal activities or non payment of money owed , demanded my name , threatened to visit on unspecified dates , put my name in a databank with lots of codes , send his van around my place with the intention of implying I’m up to no good by using a silly looking antenna , used a hand held device to point at my premises , used TV airtime to castigate any who doesn’t buy from him or threaten me in any way whatsoever .
Further amongst his flyers on the wall telling the public about his locally sourced produce and special offers , he did not insult me about my experience of life and therefore my politics , the area I live in , my ethnicity , sex , job and education , then demand I patronise his premises even if I wish to go somewhere else .
Even a vegan must admit he’s nicer than the BBC .
I’ve turned on to Brillo questioning Blair and feel much better as he makes my conspiracy ideas seem quite plausible. Oh no, now I’ve started thinking about the death of Dr David Kelly….Wetherspoon’s beckons.
I feel sorry for Noel Edmonds. He’s gutted he never got the gig, only ended up in the “celebrity” jungle and now thinks Corbyn is trying to get the government to promise he can never make a comeback.
“Back in time for school” on bbc 2 now. Time travelling adventure back to the 40s and 50s. Deportment, debate and dancing. Just been watching clips from that era. So hideously white. Strangely their (BBC’s) reproduction of it consists of several black kids.
If they had used the children that now occupy my old school’s buildings they wouldn’t have been able to find any ‘black’ kids, or ‘white’ ones for that matter.
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
Israel Stuff : BBCwatch keeps track
and have multiple breaches : Webb, Goldberg etc.
In the original Planet of the Apes film, at the end there’s a scene where Charlton Heston sees the Statue of Liberty ruins half buried on a beach.
He says words something like “So you finally done it” meaning the humans had destroyed themselves.
Watching our crap politicians, who are mainly against our democratic decision to leave the eu, going through the motions to steadily stop Brexit makes me think that “they are finally doing it”
They are not even trying to hide their contempt for us any more.
They now want no deal off the table and to be part of the customs union.
In effect, stay in the eu.
We count for nothing and they don’t give a fig.
I hope the consequences are terrible.
I don’t care any more.
Let there be fire and fury.
They all need to be flushed out of the U bend they are blocking and I don’t care what happens to them.
A handful of them are valiantly trying to represent the 17.4 million of us but the utter contempt shown by the majority of the “honourables” makes me want to vomit.
How heartless – no spoiler alert . ????
As has been said elsewhere here today there will be consequences .
The good old ‘ one ness’ nonsense the BBC desperately puts out with like minded club members looking like dumb sheep before every programme representing the best of socialist – well I ask you –
“BBC desperately puts out with like minded club members looking like dumb sheep ”
Corbyn had a posse of them directly behind him as he addressed the nation today on BBC TV. Every one looked like a momentum voter ready to stab him in the back if he goes off script! Some were young groupie-girls and going off my telly looked like they needed a few weeks fasting. Didn’t see Toynbee though? Must have been made to clean the corridors of the gurdiana no doubt awash with all todays bile which she has spewed out of her mouth! So too late to see her idol (soon to be fallen)
Yeah – it was the socialist republic of Hastings .
Your not wrong.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Thanks for reminding me.
Here it is.
And Liberty is being destroyed.
Just being in the CU is even worse than being in the EU, But I guess thats the plan, look how shit this is plebs best we rejoin
The Soros plan will role our Major next then some well thought of celebrity in a recently popular show . Read em like a book
@Pug re the hit piece against Orban
BBC don’t spend 2 minutes embellishing news pages about Grooming/raping gangs, cos that isdue is not a BBC
political campaign
Yet that page against Orban seems like it has had a team of graphic designers working on it for a week.
anti-Semitic hmmmm where are jews safer? Macrons France or orbans Hungary
Maybe someone at the bbc has eventually read the comments (where permi… unavoidable) on the social media posts of TB’s pearls?
Tweets by sotiridi
Followed an earlier post onto twitter where the chap above has posted an expose of the french polices brutality against the yellow vests. If it the link works (not tech savvy) then be prepared to be very shocked.
Following the protests via UK MSM does not do the sheer over the top violence any where near justice and the lack of outcry must be deliberate.
Cannot link to exact post but scroll down until the 15/1/19 where he has uploaded many instances of shocking police behaviour that at times resembles a war zone. Very scary.
If you collect the URL of a tweet by right or long clicking over its timestamp and podt copyNpasting it here, it embeds just that one tweet here … (or sometimes also its parent tweet)
.. But if you post the URL of someones Twitter homepage ,
here then that embeds here all their recent tweets
Thus it will slow down this page
my attempts to copy a twitter link may cause problems with the site running smoothly as per Stew’s comment. Please feel free to delete the offending post.
Thanks but I want to leave posts up if I can. I know the site can be a bit frustrating but not the biggest price to pay in my view…
He keeps a thread about the violence of the police against the Gilet Jaunes
Latest tweet of that thread
If you click the text of the tweet below it will open a new tab with that entire Jan15th thread.
IMHO what happens outside the UK is that some protesters resort to out of control thug tactics ..and the police retaliate in kind.
If people are nutty enough to go along to go along to take photos, then they have themselves to blame if they get caught in the cross-fire.
Thanks for the link Stew, I was going to ask.
My point was not that some people engage in stuff where they almost invite reaction – its the sheer extent and brutality of the violence and the almost complete lack of MSM reporting. And Stew, we might find ourselves in a not so dissimilar position in the very near future.
At the moment this country hasn’t got the police resources to control multisite outbreaks of civil disorder for more than say – 3 days . Nor has the army .
And I bet a lot of snowflake coppers would hand in their badge if they really came up against people demonstrating about democracy being subverted .
At the moment this country hasn’t got the police resources….
And I suspect the men with beards know this, and it may explain why they are treated with such deference.
may explain another oddity in that many of the clips I viewed, the ‘police’ seem to be in civvies wearing stab vests and riot helmets bearing weapons.
Oh, and I also now know what a flashball is and the immense damage it can cause to a human.
May also explain why minor exercises in protest in London are met with a swift and fairly draconian reaction to nip in the bud any thought of larger scale protest?
honestus, in that escalating situation it is important to be peaceful and law abiding. Command and maintain the high moral ground. As soon as you lose it then the parts of the MSM that are not even opposed – the ones who might have just been on your side – will swing against you and back the forces of the other side.
That then makes your position almost impossible.
Gain, maintain and command the high moral ground.
Absolutely disgraceful. Meanwhile the left complain about nurses allegedly having to use food banks, and the lack of housing, hospital beds and school places. You couldn’t make it up.
R4 now prog about arts scene in Poland and allegations that the “far right” government is cracking down on lefty artists
“artists are fighting back against ultra-nationalism.” says the BBC intro
“Since the Law and Justice Party (PiS) came to power in 2013, five Polish artistic directors of major public theatres have not had their contracts renewed.”
They give an example a director made a play where an actor takes a statues of the late Polish pope and performs fellatio. on. it.
Not surprisingly this caused demonstrations outside the theatre.
..and the prog argues is surely the reason why the “nasty far right” government didn’t renew his contract and pulled out of funding his festival in Malta.
So on brexit we are getting to the stage of the clash between a majority of remainer MPs and a democratic vote to leave .
It’s been put off and put off .
The PM tried to meet the needs of both but knew it would crash
It’s quite simple – if we are in the jurisdiction of the ECJ we are in the ReichEU and the brexit vote is betrayed
By the way – 4 to 1 ratio. Of remainers to brexiter of BBC politics show, off switch
“The PM tried to meet the needs of both but knew it would crash”
There must be a second PM unknown to me..
Because Theresa the Traitor, has never had any intention of facilitating Brexit.
Just had delivered a free, ‘Weatherspoon News’ full of Brexit articles by learned folks. Now we just need a radio and TV channel.
Earlier it was noted that the BBC got excited about University ice offers. Mash by sheer coincidence has the image balance right too.
The Toynbees will be well impressed. Two!
Imagine if he had been allowed to study aero engineering. I would stop flying immediately. Gone are the days when Universities, Technical Institutes and Polytechnics were for people who had some aptitude for their chosen subjects.
I am beginning to wonder if Theresa May is a lot more clever than we are giving her credit for.
Is she just stringing the remoaners along with every intention of leaving in the 29th March with no deal?
The May plan is to get US to believe she is working for Brexit.
Her plan has failed.
Yes it’s a choice of ‘ stupid’ or ‘ cunning ‘ . I’d go for the former because the £39 billion promise has never been explained and appears just stupid .
As well as the strong and stable needless election – the outcome of which did ‘ extremist ‘ brexiters like me a favour .
Maybe I’m going soft in the head but I have been thinking along the same lines. I just hope we are correct or our nation is up to it’s hairline in the brown stuff.
More project fear on the business section of the website. The boss of Procter & Gamble claiming prices will increase after Brexit. The last sentence of the piece tells us that we import 30% of our food from the EU. Allow me to finish the sentence for them, “a lot of it unnecessarily”.
Syc, as well as unnecessarily, some of it more expensive than sourcing from outside the EU and artificially inflated by tariffs and legislation designed to prop up inefficient producers inside the EU.
Procter & Gamble a US group that owns Gillette
Some firms like them might be worried that cheaper world goods will soon be competing with them in the UK
“Vice-president’s wife Karen Pence to teach at anti-LGBT school”
“The school in Springfield, Virginia, bars teachers from engaging in or condoning “homosexual or lesbian sexual activity” and “transgender identity”.”
Oh the horror!!! that the vice presidents wife would work for a school that is not on board with the BBC’s push to tackle the tyranny of hetronormative culture:
In other news, Trumps once had a chauffeur, who’s cousin’s dog once barked at a gay man….
The BBC posts such pathetic drivel, its embarrassing even being British at this point.
So BBC complains Pence’s wife works at a school with normal Vatican values.
Has the BBC ever condemned a named individual who works at a school conforming to normal Islamic values ?
that likewise \\ bars teachers from engaging in or condoning homosexual or lesbian sexual activity” and “transgender identity” //
+ condones men having preferential court witness and inheritance rights
+ condones men having four wives, but not same for women
+ that supports the death penalty as the sentence for leaving the faith
It can now be seen that the globalists,the corporatists ,the elite, and the MSM, led by their cheerleaders the Biased Broadcasting Corporation, are burying democracy in this country.
One thousand years of proud freedom to end up being dictated to by the the likes of Jean Claude Drunker , Macroleon , and obergruppenfeuhrer Angela.
We are now led by traitors and fifth columnists.
Orwell was so right when he said (over 70 years ago) that the British ruling class hated its own people.
Civil Disobedience anyone?
How about mass resignations from local lib/lab/con associations?
How about paying official bills on the last possible day?
How about boycott of elections?(the ‘winners’ could never claim a mandate on a very low turnout??)
How do we legally stop paying the BBC licence?
All suggestions gratefully received.
The BBC is whipping up hysteria against a full brexit . Sooner or later even the most ignorant about what is going on will register that emotion .
The result will be panic buying and queues at petrol stations leading to shortages .
There will be ‘ cyber attacks ‘ on certain websites and I fear for this one .
Am I over egging it or will it be ‘ keep calm and carry on’ . I think that quality left the snowflakes long ago .
Both the state broadcaster and government should be explaining practical issues about life after 29 March by now but they have both avoided their responsibilities for political ‘ remain’ reasons .
I know it’s a bit of a pipe dream but what I’d like to see as a protest would be for people in important jobs to resign and just go on the dole. Stop paying taxes, a kind of a ‘Going Galt’ philosophy. It could be middle or senior managers, people working in infrastructure/roads/energy. Engineers, mechanics and plumbers – we’d miss them soon enough and even the dumbest Con/Lab MP would have to respond to the people’s anger.
Their expertise would be sorely missed, would cause disruption and would eventually (slightly) overload the benefits system if thousands joined in the protest.
Wouldn’t work for me and my crappy temp job but for people who are well off already and are sick of how the country is run – they get to de-stress from the corporate life and can ‘enjoy the decline’ until we get a sensible party back in power.
As for the licence fee, that’s a given – I think everyone should stop as a matter of principle. Just don’t respond to their stupid letters and simply close the door on unsolicited visits from Capita’s thickie enforcers.
And definitely never vote for Lib/Lab/Con/Green whatever you do.
And write back to those misguided companies with their lefty propaganda (eg Gillette) – saying your offensive and insulting crap means you’re off my shopping list for good.
Just listened to Michael Gove’s inspiring speech yesterday, during which he utterly demolished Corbyn.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned but he also had a disparaging remark re the BBC and its ubiquitous “despite Brexit” sneer.
Truetoo – yes it was a barnstormer for any one like me interested in that stuff and I was almost choking on me popcorn .
I watched it on the Parliament channel which so far hasn’t a gaggle of remainer snowflakes or various hue ‘ interpreting ‘ for we dumb shmucks.
Corbyn is determined to keep is fingerprints off any responsibility for what comes next in terms of ReichEU negotiations by doing his ‘ no deal off the table ‘ nonsense . He also seems to have ruled out another referendum which suggests labour polling still has a lot of brexiters amoungst the comrades who are fed up by ReichEU guest workers under cutting their pay to send the money home to mother .
Fed, I think he (Corbyn) has been ‘leant on’ by the heavy duty Remainers in Labour who have said “We backed you as leader through two votes. Now it’s time for payback. If you don’t rule out a No-Deal Brexit (which leaves no way back for Remain) there might just be another leadership challenge … you effectively lost the No Confidence Vote.”
He really wasn’t going to commit on Brexit but something or someone has made him do it.
Interesting what you say about the Labour Brexiters angry about EU workers coming in. I wonder just how much support there is for Brexit in Labour. Corbyn himself was a Brexiter – until he became a lukewarm Remainer out of political expediency.
I imagine there is a large majority of Labour Remainers salivating at the prospect of being part of a lefty EU super state implementing socialist policies (that surely will succeed this time around) while guzzling at the public trough.
from dec
food prices will go up if we leave
or maybe it doesnt have too?
So Blair was on BBC – I didn’t listen but he is our best weapon because so many of the remoaners hate him too ..he just makes Brexit better..
My wife got a response to her complaint about BBC having EU flags in background on Breakfast..Guess what – their response didn’t bear any resemblance to her complaint – so she emailed back and asked for a real answer..!! So we await the ‘we think we got it about right’ response
OFCOM need to be complained to about BBC stoking fires …
Err …… Never mind, “What Would it Take to Impeach Donald Trump” – tenuous and contrived AND we are NOT America.
What would it take to impeach the bbc? – Clear and present.
They are guilty of blatant, consistent derogation of their Charter ……………….. just for starters and then move through the list and cap it off with flagrant disregard and contravention of the Trades Descriptions laws.
gaxvil – ‘Impeach Trump’ started off in full gallop on day 1 of his presidency. Everyone from the NYT to the BBC gunning for him, either explicitly or implicitly. Universities, media, RINOs, you name it. Mueller has been checking on him with an entire team full-time.
But who checks on the BBC? Nobody. The Trust and Ofcom are stuffed with former BBC employees and present buddies. The government keeps well away. I think it was Whittingdale who tried, two years ago or so to put up a small challenge (Media Culture and Sport).
That went quiet so quickly, it was pretty clear that the odd BBC bigwig had picked up the phone and said a few words…
So, my guess -for what it’s worth- is that there are invisible networks in high places , supporting the bbc throughout the country. Complaints bounce off harmlessly. DGs can make racist anti-white statements. It all doesn’t matter…
True, it feels very much like the workings as in China, Russia and any authoritarian state. We see things that beggar belief and can say, ‘Don’t pee down my back and tell me its rain’ but they just do.
BBC PCness beyond a joke. One armed weather girl. Box ticked. I mean what do weather girls do? They wave their arms over a map. What next paraplegics on strictly?
I disagree a one armed weather girl is not a PC thing
If she can do the job fine… weather presenters rarely use 2 hands.
In the past staff may have had one arm etc. , but not flaunted it.
However its also natural to be repulsed by people with missing limbs, cos deep inside you is a genetic evolutionary message ‘take care otherwise you could end up badly injured.’
Actually, there is much to be said for one handed lawyers, economists, and political commentators who would have difficulty in adding complexity to a simple problem by saying ‘ On the one hand… but on the other hand’.
G.W.F., that’s one of my most used expressions ….
“However its also natural to be repulsed by people with missing limbs, cos deep inside you is a genetic evolutionary message ‘take care otherwise you could end up badly injured.’”
Unless you can cite evidence to support that ridiculous statement I’ll assume you’re just making stuff up again.
So what you are saying is, the fascination with paralympics is deeply problematic.
Emma Barnett on R5 this morning was channelling her inner O’Brien with endless interruptions and a verbal attack on Leave Means Leave’s Richard Tice, declaring at one point without any sense of impartiality that another referendum is “profoundly democratic”.
Then a lengthy piece about a man born without a penis who had one surgically constructed for him. No details spared — think Popular Mechanics meets Razzle. Good family entertainment.
Now Nihal Arthanayake has one of his actor/comedian chums on to talk about his feelings, being gay, depression, sex, his feelings, therapy, his inner journey and his feelings.
Bubble? Wot bubble?
“ channelling her inner O’brien “ ha ha
I take it she made no mention of Mr Anif Ansari – who is currently on trial for publishing the name of a victim of Muslim paedo rape gangs .
Mr Ansari is an employee of the BBC on the ‘ Asian network ‘- the editor no less- where foreigners talk foreign to each other using taxpayers ‘ British cash . Learn bloody English
Anyway – the story is on the BBC website .
My money is on a snowflake ‘ not guilty ‘
Despite screwing up the victim ever more than the Muslim rapists did .
Just thought – I hope the BBC hasn’t breach any contempt laws by publishing trial details as it is highly fashionable for men with tans to have’ reporting restrictions ‘ imposed to prevent people from knowing what is going on in their country .
spelling : Arif Ansari’s trial is in Sheffield, BBC Radio Sheffield have tweeted about it
and there is a BBC webnews story
Quite understandable that with 8 years BBC work he had never done any work in court.
Unlike the white community the AsianNetwork demographic are so upstanding that the police rarely feel they need to intervene and the CPS rarely find themselves needing to prosecute
An “inner O’Brien” makes me think of Sigourney Weaver in “Alien”; she had an inner O’Brien.
“Anyone hear Blair in the prime-time slot of 08:10 on the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme Today, which sets the BBC news agenda for the day?”
In answer to your question, no, I did not listen to Tony B. Liar his morning. I had switched my radio off by 8.11, as soon as I had heard his prissy little voice. I hate the man and cannot stand the sight or sound of him, and if I had left the radio on I fear I would have been sick on my cornflakes.
Thank you for listening so I didn’t have to.
I will always be eternally grateful to Mr B. Liar, for it was he who cured me of my lifelong addiction to all brands of Socialism. He achieved what I used to think was an impossibility. Maybe he will do the same for millions of other lost souls. However, for the cure to be effective the afflicted person must listen to him – unfortunately.
I don’t know, is it setting a precedent?
A government offer the people a democratic vote for an action but that government fails to carry it out. A majority of the peoples representatives vote it down for diverse reasons …………………
I really don’t see where that leaves us constitutionally? In there I see zero argument for asking the people to repeat the vote other than that the negative propaganda machine has had time time to work at it.
Over to you.
Ah the BBC contempt trial may explain why there wasn’t a rush to reprosecute Tommy.
If they’d jailed Tommy again, before the BBC trial then the world would likewise be expexithe BBC guy to get jailed.
but now they are free to be light on the BBC guy
.. and then later try Tommy and be harsh.
They certainly couldn’t have run the two trials side by side.
gaxvil, Parliament has had its Gina Miller moment of glory. I would argue that The Supreme Court ruling was one vote. That was it. No more votes. It is up to the EU to come up with an acceptable offer that doesn’t breach the PM’s red lines.
Maybe we need to get Crowd Funding going for a High Court application?
“I really don’t see where that leaves us constitutionally?”
Nowhere different to how it was before as the UK is one of very few countries in the world not to have any kind of consititution. Even North Korea can manage a constitution!
I said earlier that this is getting nasty ….
I think they are serious about removing the vote from the elderly. As I see it, the discussion is being slowly eased in. Initially a few establishment serfs like Guido will sneer at it, but not too much, and so it remains a topic for serious discussion.
As I said yesterday – anyone under 50% of the average life expectancy loses the vote . Goodbye House of Commons and Lords .
Ken Clarke is 78.
Ron Knee is 59 (and ashen-faced)…
Do you remember when Private Eye was funny, and clever?
“I said earlier that this is getting nasty ….”
The link worked but the page has been taken down.
Now that’s interesting …. presumably the cretin who put this website up has been got too by the soros clan as it will be perceived as too hostile to non snowflakes .
A decent MSM would find out who did it and do a page 3 expose – including the ages of his /her parents and grandparents . …
Bit unlucky to be a vegan and over 65…
(That’s if you live that long)!
Re: Deatherendum
\\ I mean the far smaller number of Remainers who devote their every waking hour to trying to scupper the Brexit vote.)
Their latest ruse is a website called ‘EU Deatherendum’. Yes, it is as sick as it sounds.//
There is also Guido
The creator originally from Chipping, Lancs but now living and working in Germany
Les Misérables is another depressing example of the BBC’s woke quota targets
“..15 per cent representation of black and minority ethnic actors on screen by 2020”
Or, in other words, 15% black by 2020. And it will be regardless of the period or the context except, of course, where the context requires 100% black. That, of course, will be 100% black. This is so irritating that I suspect it might be making people more racist, not less. Most of the people I know don’t react well to being manipulated.
its going to be funny watching the bbc shoehorn them all into costume dramas
perhaps a new version of great expectations can put a new meaning into Joe Gargerys trade
‘Let the eat chapattis’ ?
‘If music be the rice ‘n peas of love ….’ ?
The Tikka Masala Eaters guarding the Tower?
So what your saying is …. that joe gargery was in fact a blackjones ?
You are entirely correct.
I object to seeing black and Asian people injected into historical dramas set in a time when they simply did not figure.
We have had William the Conqueror aided by a black messenger, there is another black man in the new film about Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots, and now Inspector Javert in Les Miserables is played by a Nigerian and Thenardier by an Asian.
This is our history and culture which is just being misrepresented. The left wing media elite think they can mock us and there will never be any consequence. They may well find out they are wrong.
Just remake Zulu you get a massive ratio of blacks to whites. Problem solved.
You forgot that Michael Caine’s role now has to have a woman actor this time round and I can see problems with Nigel Green’s name-unless he could come looking a little more Martian…
As Western civilisation goes down in flames, the GLBTQ-BBC sees fit to give Home-page coverage to the story of an ex-Ukrainian soldier who claims ‘I couldn’t say I was gay’. The horror!
But I wonder if the well-informed readers of B-bbc can think of another ‘community’ where gays daren’t come out, especially in the neighbourhood of tall buildings, and which seems to receive very little attention from al-beeb?
Brexit Britain would have cheaper rice
and be helping third world farmers.
“Brussels who today imposed protectionist tariffs on rice imports from poverty-stricken Asian nations”
Similarly with sugar, Stew.
The guys running Tate & Lyle are keen Brexiteers, if I recall correctly. They want to import cane sugar from the Carib and elsewhere. Why? It tastes better (may be better for you? < my added thought) than chemically induced beet sugar produced within the EU. They also think it is a good idea to trade with those poorer sugar cane producing nations for mutual benefit. Plus we have some long-standing ties with them too.
The EU merely imposes tariffs on cane imports to protect EU beet producers.
But hey EU, if we are all going Vegan, then we'll need the beets to eat in our casseroles and salads. Think on that!
Guido censors criticism of BBC darlings. Or is mention of the BBC and Guido’s faith that offended?
The establishment is circling the wagons.
“Owen Jones Scraps With Andrew Neil”
One thing we all know, Jones is a loud mouth who is committed to Islq@m and is a BBC favourite. So is Neil. The pair of them deserve each other.
I believe the establishment are serious about removing the vote from the old folk who are inclined to vote Brexit. It is being discussed in a light hearted way, and Guido has picked up on Polly Guardian’s comments. That’s the way, keep the argument going eh Guido, Guardian and Polly.;
Hence Guido’s censorship of a joke about how programmed youths might volunteer for a war with a mortality rate comparable to WW1, thus reducing their chances of surviving long after their vote.
Never mind Guido, don’t want to kill off a bright idea too soon.
“we all know, Jones is a loud mouth who is committed to Islq@”
And the IRA don’t forget:
I wonder if he took the option on ‘ killing British soldiers , police and civilians ‘ in the name of ‘ the cause ‘ ….
I like how he’s attending a School! Can’t start young enough to be corrupted I see. Well, that’s the message I get from this shot.
Blinkers and extreme hypocrisy – essential for Lefty / Globalists.
Isabel Oakshott is the token leaver on tonight’s question time.
Get ready for more towering intellect and a mathematical masterclass from the one and only Diane Abbott.
Oakshott is worth at least 6 remainers in a debate. She will do fine.
My heroine!
Yes, pug, I did and enjoyed it. I won’t be taking the advice myself from a Pro-EU, Pro-Remain failed lawyer and failed Prime Minister.
In fact, I will do the opposite of what he suggests and embrace with enthusiasm a No-Deal Brexit (with no ransom money paid over, either) on 29 March 2019.
I hope the reduced number of millions who still listen to BBC R4 and the TOADY programme will think exactly the same. I like to think that of those that voted Remain on 23 June 2016, every time Blair comes on the radio a significant percentage of them think ‘Right. If he’s pushing against Brexit, I’ve just changed my mind!’
And a hat-tip to The Humph, too, who did a non-inertview and pushed Blair quite hard with some questions.
chrisH hasn’t been around on B-BBC lately. I am wondering if he popped up on a BBC anti-Brexit, Project Fear v3.8 HYS today.
Whoever , … the posts were good:
17. Posted by Chris H on 6 hours ago
@5 Paul Ansell
“Further proof that Brexit is asinine”
No its further proof of 2 things: 1. Just how deep the tentacles of this so called trading arrangement reach into our daily lives and 2. You seem to be too young to recall when we did this all the time and there really was no problem.
‘Asinine’ is my driving to France in my car is controlled by some idiot in Brussels and admired by you
Comment number 25. Posted by Chris H on 6 hours ago
@8 anon
“This is nothing compared to the right and freedom to live, work, study and retire in the EU that brexiteers stripped from us”
My God! How on earth did I manage to work in Germany aged 18 in 1965 then? Oh wait ….. it was no big deal then and it won’t be whenever. Only poor EU Luvvie snowflakes like you cannot see a world that actually exists outside the EU.
Very very sad that …
Just as with Blair at the top of this page, I hope that every time the BBC shills against Brexit, especially a hard No-Deal Brexit, a number of people who were Remain voters think ‘ This is rubbish. I’m all for democracy, we decided, I support the decision now.’ ….. although they may not put it quite so politely.
Good to know that Chris H is still about and hasn’t changed!
Yes, they’re getting the intended erroneous message that we won’t be able to travel to, trade with or work in Europe. (Well, the EU could decide on that but even they’re not that perverse).
If, to them, the 1980s are ancient history we’ve been in the EU since around 1066, at least in their minds.
Project Fear finds fertile ground with today’s youth who have no idea what a stamp is for or how to use a dial phone.
gaxvil, I have a notion that Julius Caesar might be a bit upset at you writing this “If, to them, the 1980s are ancient history we’ve been in the EU since around 1066, at least in their minds.”
” youth who have no idea what a stamp is for or how to use a dial phone.”
They can’t even walk and chew chewing gum at the same time. God help em snowflakes when they get ‘called up’ to serve in the EU Army.
Or use a Gillette razor blade.
I think the next iteration will be the European federation . Give that 10 years and it becomes the United States of Europe .
A nice flag with a red horizontal stripe for each former country and a section in the corner in blue with a lot of gold stars … and a Declaration of Independence saying ..
We the people …. will do what we are told .
pug, “May should have set out from the start to deliver that proper Brexit, the clean break,”
Theresa May as PM did exactly that. Those are her red lines. Blair rubbished those this morning ….
… therefore …..
…. they are really important and the PM must stick to them and not relax them.
That is why she lost the vote in the House on Tuesday, she put up a Bill that broke a red line, so it failed.
You would think Tony Blair if he was so clever and experienced 😉 would realise that.
Of course he does but he’s never going to say it because he is a Fascist/Marxist/ultra-neoLib – whatever – who wishes to do away with democracy and freedom and responsibility and conservatism and independence and liberty and duty.
Al Beeb
“Nuclear plant in Anglesey suspended by Hitachi”
“The decision puts thousands of jobs at risk if the £13bn plant at Wylfa Newydd in Anglesey, north Wales, is scrapped.”
How about spending some of that £39 Billion on its way to the EU to save it ?
Anyone seen P. Tonybee’s (spelling) article in todays gurdianana!? she still deludes herself re a second referendum is possible.
What a nasty piece of work this woman is! She is has good as saying: I hope the old leave voters are beginning to die off now as they are being replaced by young remainers so the remain vote would now turn out higher than the leave vote! Vile, bile, spit and lies! She is near enough inciting civil unrest this Saturday as that’s the day when this change in numbers happens (supposedly) ! She drops a big hint about Saturday; no doubt smarting from her sleepless nights as things aren’t turning out as she predicted. Traitor!
Polly Toynbee is qualified, by age, to be a dead Leaver.
Failed her 11+. One A level.
Family connections propelled her to Oxford University, where she failed.
Far left Guardian columnist for many years.
Has a thirty year old photograph at the top of her columns, to be fair many lefty “journalists” do this, especially women.
Specialises in bile and ill informed nonsense.
Possibly the worst writer in the Guardian, which is a very difficult title to win, because there are so many qualified candidates.
I have not seen or heard her interviewed for many years. She used to get trounced on Question Time and similar programmes, whatever the subject.
I suppose this lady must make a contribution to the guardian to keep her column . Like Owen Jones – the bbc goes to her to do her party piece as though there aren’t millions of others who could go on the TV to give a view
Shows how small the bubble is
I agree with everything you say.
I believe she appears on “date-line London” every now and again. As I n o longer watch QT I do believe she is one of Dumblebees favourites. I wonder why.
It remains curious to say the least that the bbc takes those lines: pro ethnic, pro Islamic, pro socialist, anti Trump and yet there lie the seeds of their very own destruction.
Al Beeb “Theresa May urges Jeremy Corbyn: Let’s talk Brexit”
Check out the ‘Highest Rated’ on HYS.
And this one, which seems no different.
Hope you all are making revised shopping lists for the new bBBC diet. it seems 37 diverse so-called scientists have predicted the future again, and as a result the 10 Billion people on the planet are going to ‘have to’ change what they eat.
The bBBC uses the word ‘we’ referring to everyone on planet Earth
Only the bBBC would see this non story as worthy of top News
Heard a great quote from a French scientist today – “The opinion of scientists is not science”.
Someone has drawn my attention to this speech from Cameron on there being no further referendum
Yep – no if s no buts – once in a generation choice – words lost in the Soros remain propaganda machine
Thanks for the clip, the PM and every MP should be locked in a room and forced to watch this on a a continuous loop. They could be let out on the 29th March.
ED, if I were the PM right now, I would be looking to build a consensus (serious voice tone) across all Parliamentary Parties. I would try to see about 8 to 10 members each working day.
Now, let me see, 650/10 say = about 65 working days. Oh dear. That’s 1 April. Maybe we could up the ‘strike rate’? Up to 12 a day? So that’s 650/12 = 54 working days. Allowing for illness of colleagues, weekly meetings with the Queen, an essential dental appointment, occasional phone calls to M. Barnier and persuading Jeremy Corbyn to take part, that should have it all done and dusted by 28 March 2019.
Then an early night to get ready for the celebrations over the next three days.
Thanks GWF! A blast from the past, but:
-do promises mean anything?
-do words have any meaning?
If yes, anything other than ‘no deal’ is ruled out.
I leave my friend’s place and go back to mine.
When I’m home, do I still sit with him in his lounge?
Use his loo quickly?
Grab a glass of water from his kitchen?
Nope. Impossible. If words mean anything, I have left his place. Debate superfluous. No uncertainty exists.
Left means left.
Breaking News: The BBC has learned that Meghan Markle has got her revenge in first on The Duke of Edinburgh. I wonder if HRH was breathalized?
Cassandra – I’ve been newsless so wondered about your angle … does Phil the Greek really still drive at the age of 97 ?
It would seem so, which is nuts.
Not an ageism comment, but simply common sense given everything from security to insurance issues.
Never understood why Hollywood stars still risk encountering the public, or non-Jewish policemen, or scammers when clearly they can afford drivers.
Appears he pulled out of a junction onto a fast moving road, well clearly a car rammed into him which made the R/Rover overturn. Ok he walked away uninjured, but he could easily have killed the occupants of the other car, and perhaps anyone who was in the car with him. Then what would the repercussions have been ? something the R/Family would never live down to be sure. Clearly not to upset the ‘family’ this has never been mentioned on any of the rolling news.
Looking at the photos, that was one hell of a crash.
Let’s just thank God that no one seems to have been seriously injured.
And in the meantime, Duke…
You’ve got a chauffeur. Use him!
It happened on ‘the estate’ at Sandringham.
Even so, I agree we should wrap the old boy in cotton wool because (i) it would be good for him to get his ton, (ii) it would break HM’s heart when he ‘goes’ and that might be bad for her, and, (iii) we may soon need HM to ummhhh …. er …. ‘have a quiet word’ ….. with some people in Parliament and the Duke is ‘her rock’. Sort of Gibraltar-ish but East a bit more, if you know what I mean.
He’s supposed to, Fed. Sky and the BBC are naturally both reporting the story but my Conspiracy nature is getting a hold of me. I’m thinking “What if… ” No details of the accident or the welfare of the other driver. Was it just a road accident or is there more to the story? It’s still too early but I lived in New Zealand when Diana died and at 3am UK time, 4pm NZ time, BBC World Service news reported that Diana escaped with only a broken arm.
Cass, I doubt if there’s any conspiracy, but just a man of too great an age who has lost his sense of distance (and maybe other reasoning too), and who should not be allowed to drive on public roads. I wonder if he had to update his licence like the rest of have to do every 3 years after the age of 70.
Its been widely reported that he’s been hospitalised often with ‘infections’ which in the elderly mean ‘water’, and we know that in turn can bring on confusion and disorientation, so at 97 he should be kept well away from machinery etc whether ill or not.
And I wonder if the Duke will hold the breathalizer directly at eye level to the copper testing him just so’s that rozzer gets a real close up view of that machine which shows the “by appointment to the Queen” sticker on said handheld gadget?
What is it about ‘the firm’ and road accidents ?
I wish the media would give us a sodding break from photos of the Markle woman stroking / holding her stomach !
In case it hasn’t yet been posted here. Moraymint’s take on the EU shenanigans. As always, he’s spot on:
Tony Bliar being given air time by the biased bbc on BBC 2 politics live special. Why give that @rsehole the time of day.
And you may have noticed the party that won the last European election and actually represents Brexit is being no-platformed by the MSM. It’s a disgrace.
Blair desperately wanted Drunker’s ‘job’ and was told to piss off!
Like almost everyone here, directly that smarmy apology for decency appears, either on a) clips here, or b)in the press, he gets …
a) switched off.
b) drawn all over with a felt pen.
I knew I shouldn’t have put that tin foil hat this morning but here goes. Range Rovers are heavy, even more heavy with the armour plating I would imagine it has. A car would have to be travelling at some speed to turn one over. HRH had trained security / drivers in the car with him (presumably), wouldn’t they have advised him when it was safe to pull out? I know I’m probably wrong and spouting a lot of rubbish but I’m very wary of news reports from the MSM over the last few years.
I think the poor old bugger just got a bit confused when he heard the other royals discussing Philips moving home to the Netherlands.
If I’m not mistaken Tony Blair has just used the word extremists and Tommy Robinson in the same sentence!
What a slimey horrid creature Tony Blair is!
Blair is responsible for a totally unnecessary war in the middle east, untold deaths and worldwide unrest and yet Tommy is “the extremist.”
I’m missing something…
You are missing nothing.
Andrew Neil just branded the “parliaments of Italy or of most of the countries in Eastern Europe” as extremists! Oh my word.
Dyst ,
Listening to Brillo s language he has been bought into the Beeboid fold to be on the TV to suppprt his massive ego – as seen on that dreadful Thursday night programme he does.
It’s a great shame because he was a good interviewer once .
I have to admit I no longer watch the MSM. A child of 10 can see that there is something wrong with their output.
It would be interesting to know Mr Neil’s view on the governments of countries such as South Africa and Rhod – I beg your pardon – Zimbabwe. Are they in any way “extremist” or are they models of compassion and moderation?
As I say I rarely watch TV and now mostly rely on what I see and hear around me and of course the internet to keep me up to date.
The governments of Italy and Hungary do not comply with the agenda of the British Brainwashing Corporation . Hence the title “Extremist”
Dear Mr Dyst,
Renew now, then sit back and enjoy a year’s worth of TV.
Your TV Licence expires on 31 January 2019. Please renew now, quickly and easily online.
When you give us your email address, we only use it to send essential messages about your TV Licence, such as helpful reminders that a payment is due or has been missed. Sending emails rather than letters saves us money that can go towards BBC programmes.
However, if you no longer want us to contact you by email and would rather we send you letters, you need to let us know.
Well….actually I’d rather you didn’t send me anything by any means.
Save yourself £150.50.
If everyone did that, Al Beeb would soon get the message.
I would not pay it. In fact I don’t. But the Mrs. bless her she can’t cope with the thought of the knocks at the door and would rather cough up. She likes the kids to sit and be indoctrinated whilst eating their breakfasts. Makes for a stress free morning for her getting ready for work.
The BBC knows that many are cancelling their Telly Tax.
They want to make up for it by now inflicting the tax on the over-75s.
look on the bright side, Crapita will have to employ more Tellygoons .
‘Job creation’ ? Besides, the over 75s wont bother paying because most of the ones I know hate Al Beeb .
Popped by into a local butcher yesterday . I haven’t been buying anything due to circumstances .
He still greeted me hale and hearty . He’s probably thinking I might have been using the butchers round the corner or the one right in the town centre , but he hopes I will come back to patronuse his establishment . A bit of small talk , commerce done and out I go .
He didn’t accuse me of illegal activities or non payment of money owed , demanded my name , threatened to visit on unspecified dates , put my name in a databank with lots of codes , send his van around my place with the intention of implying I’m up to no good by using a silly looking antenna , used a hand held device to point at my premises , used TV airtime to castigate any who doesn’t buy from him or threaten me in any way whatsoever .
Further amongst his flyers on the wall telling the public about his locally sourced produce and special offers , he did not insult me about my experience of life and therefore my politics , the area I live in , my ethnicity , sex , job and education , then demand I patronise his premises even if I wish to go somewhere else .
Even a vegan must admit he’s nicer than the BBC .
Please provide your bank details and password to the national bank of mombasa and for a small management fee we ll take care of the transfer .
I’ve turned on to Brillo questioning Blair and feel much better as he makes my conspiracy ideas seem quite plausible. Oh no, now I’ve started thinking about the death of Dr David Kelly….Wetherspoon’s beckons.
Not on Al Beeb? but is it getting ‘squeaky bum’ time in Europe, it could be the beginning of the ‘domino effect’ ?
“France launches $57m plan for no-deal Brexit”
the french have probably spent more money preparing than hammond has
I certainly remember ticking the ‘Cliff Edge’ option during the Referendum 2016. Or was it ‘No Deal’?
I feel sorry for Noel Edmonds. He’s gutted he never got the gig, only ended up in the “celebrity” jungle and now thinks Corbyn is trying to get the government to promise he can never make a comeback.
“Back in time for school” on bbc 2 now. Time travelling adventure back to the 40s and 50s. Deportment, debate and dancing. Just been watching clips from that era. So hideously white. Strangely their (BBC’s) reproduction of it consists of several black kids.
If they had used the children that now occupy my old school’s buildings they wouldn’t have been able to find any ‘black’ kids, or ‘white’ ones for that matter.
Mine neither.