While of course the tone is ‘look how bad a no deal Brexit is’, this article actually highlights just how bad it would be for the EU. A reader may think to themselves why didn’t they offer a better deal to Theresa if things will be so bad for the EU.
I can’t remember an article since the vote which goes through the negatives of no deal Brexit for EU countries like this one does.
Has the BBC finally accepted we’re leaving?
Have they switched from pushing Remain as the only option to now putting effort in to pushing a deal that ties us very closely to the EU instead?
You see – that’s the way to deal with an enemy / opposition . President Trump has blocked the awful Nancy pelosi from using government transport to go on a jolly /shopping trip to Brussels – one hour before she was due to go – and suggested she use commercial flights .
What better way to make a point . If only he could have advised on the ReichEU negotiations . Realise that Brussels is an enemy and go personal on the negotiators – stop being respectful to the drunks and druggies . But it didn’t happen .
“Here in Westminster we are in the heart of enemy territory.. ” – Nigel Farage at ‘Leave means Leave’ event -see YT.
Bullying, bellowing Bercow won’t like this…
Marky – very kind . Thank you . I feel honoured to be involved in this site at a key time in the fight for freedom of Britain against a repulsive self serving regime in Brussels .
The ReichEU and BBC share the same anti democratic values. This site is an expression of resistance against both .
Is it me? Am I being too optimistic, or are the top-rated replies on BBC HYS more ‘righty’ than ‘lefty’ lately? Not too long ago they seemed to be dominated by marxists and just the sort of reply the BEEB wanted, but certainly when it comes to Brexit it’s appears to have changed.
I have spent much time over the years glued to HYS and have often found the public response to be at odds with the BBC agenda.
One of the most remarkable examples was the HYS after the assassination of Pakistani PM Bhutto. The public response was powerfully against the BBC agenda. One of the most recommended comments was, “The Religion of Peace strikes again.”
Senior BBC apologist for Islam, Peter Horrocks, was so upset by the response that he considered removing the ‘Comments Recommended’ tab. When I last looked his lengthy and anguished comment on that HYS was still up on ‘The Editors’ blog.
As you say, the response to Brexit is not going the BBC’s way. A fine example of same was posted by eminent colleagues taffman and StewGreen near the top of page three of this thread. I can’t link now but the link to Wednesday’s HYS is there. I had a look at several highest-rated comments. Without exception they were strongly in favour of leave and/or disparaging of Corbyn.
It’s so good to see the BBC not getting it’s own way.
RobRoy, the BBC HYS have a great number of new names for the last couple of years without any previous posting record commenting on Brexit-related Threads. All the old guys that I knew appear to have disappeared apart from John from Hendon and Omegaman plus occasional visits from Engineer Neil.
To me, that is a little supicious.
More new names seem to have been added recently and now the postings do appear to be pro-Brexit, especially yesterday.
its that crappy Have Your Say feedback stream that runs under select articles and doesnt exist under any where they know they are likely to get a good slapping
With some regret I announce that Anne Bulford – deputy director general of the BBC is to step down from her £430000 pa job . Ms Bulford presided over HR and other stuff and her limited skills will not be missed . Although hideously white she ll be replaced by some one a bit more …. diverse .
“Lineker ‘gets’ all that money, he doesn’t ‘earn’ it!”
And there’s me thinking that for 15 years or more I thought that his Walkers TV adds, were, well – all about him? And now after all these years I find that they were adds to sell Chips (as our cousins call them) and that over recent years the sales of said product have dropped so alarmingly that he’s had to resort to inviting some of his ex-prem footballers to do his TV adds (real life drama productions/shows) with him – of course, on a limited budget as their host wouldn’t agree to have his fee reduced but in the kindness of his heart he did agree chip-in a few quid to help towards their bus fares home. Bless.
I think that about a fifth of all poll tax payments go to giving ex LA people enormous index-linked pensions, and therefore assume that the TV tax is on a par with this.
I wonder what would have happened if the BBBC pension fund had been adminstered by Equitable Life?
Faiza Shaheen strangulating the English language again with glottal stops on the Press Review. Amazing how the academics of the younger generation cannot even enunciate properly.
The glottal stop is a tool used by all female (and some male) Labour party members to identify to casual listeners their political affiliation. To most normal people, a cursory appraisal of the bollox which they customarily spout would be more than enough clue. The current queen of the use of the glottal stop in the Labour party is Angela Rayner, who manages to get about seven glottal stops into every uttered sentence, even when the word count is less then two.
Is it a moslem thing? Chucka Umunna and Sadik Khan are very similar. Notice particularly the grotesque pronunciation of “deal” (a word that often comes up). It is like “diou”.
The Brexit situation rather reminds of the film Zulu.
Stanley Baker stand-in played by Nigel Farage.
Michael Caine stand-in played by Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Colour Sergeant Bourne stand-in played by Dover Sentry.
Reverend Otto Witt stand-in played by the BBC : (Death waits you! You have made a covenant with death, and with Hell you are in agreement. You’re all going to die! Don’t you realize? Can’t you see? You’re all going to die! Die! Death awaits you all!).
Funny you should bring this up. My brother and I could bet our fish finger suppers that within the Zulu movie the viewers – looking closely of course – can see a very brief glimpse of a car or truck coming down the road in the distant hills?!. I thought it was the duke of Edinborough taking mr Attenbourough taking flight from a group of local lions, but I (we) were much younger then and doubt that us older viewers couldn even see the end of the noses of those lions (speaking for myself of course)
Ms polly Toynbee ran a line that remainer voters now outnumber brexit voter because she assume all ‘young ‘ voters are remainers and all dead people are ‘ brexiters ‘.
I ask any one – of any persuasion – how can anyone with such a simplistic view of the world deserve to receive the attention of any section of the public . In decades to come – whatever the outcome of current events – sane people will look back at this mind set and say “ what the … “
Brilliant. I heard this mentioned this morning on Talk Radio.
They were also discussing how the remoaners are becoming more and more bigoted, with the launch of this disgraceful and morbid “deatherendum” website, which apparently counts how many “old Brexiteers” have dropped dead!
It is becoming more and more apparent now that the very people who are smearing us Brexiteers as short sighted bigots are the bigoted sick ones.
I think the BBC is giving up on Remain as their preferred option and is now backing May to try and avoid the ‘no deal’ option. They are terrified of a clean Brexit!
I posted about the change of attitude yesterday (January 17, 2019 at 8:22 pm) in a couple of recent articles from the BBC.
Think the OT would imply that most angels are non-gender specific except for the senior Messengers who carry male names and appear to people as men, eg. Archangel Gabriel.
In fact Angels in the Holy Bible are always male never female. But don’t you females amongst us despair as females were the very first humans to see the Risen Christ – now that’s what you call a real honour.
I took a screenshot for posterity, before submitting a complaint. The grounds being that President Trump did not describe the media as the enemy of the people, but fake news as the enemy.
As was demonstrated well down the article, which I also captured.
One has to admire the way the BBC indignantly castigates the President for not providing evidence for something they try to pretend he didn’t say.
The complaint was submitted on 1st November. And, in what must be a record on this site for the longest delay suffered, I finally received an answer today.
After considering your point further we have amended the headline of the article to now refer to “fake news”.
We have also amended the body of the article to clarify that President Trump was referring to fake news and the “far-left” media and added a correction note at the bottom of the article outlining these changes.
The tweet promoting the article has also been deleted.
We hope you’ll find this satisfactory and thank you once again for bringing this issue to our attention.
Well, whoopy-doo. A result. Of course, there can be no one left in the world who is still reading the article, and certainly none who will be aware of the correction (except visitors to this site). So the damage is long done. But at least I made them sweat for their lies. And delete their bloody tweet.
Ditto, back of the net, Roland! I must have fired off 10 plus complaints but have yet to score a hit. Shows it’s worth doing. If we all keep at ’em maybe one day the dimwits will get the message.
It’s a remarkable achievement to get the BBC to acknowledge an error and correct it – though as you said it’s unlikely anyone will go back and read an article from almost three months ago.
However, I disagree that the response was slow. For the BBC that’s probably average. It took the BBC almost two years to come up with a partial and grudging acknowledgement of Jeremy Bowen’s anti-Israel bias.
But when the Palestinians complained bitterly about the BBC naming Jerusalem (rightly) as the capital of Israel, the correction, along with an abject apology, was faster than greased lightning.
Echo all that, well done Roland Deschain. Excellent result. Now the BBC know they have a struggle on their hands and lies and propaganda will not work.
#1 original properly story corrected ? NOPE
See their quotation marks in the correction note
\\ President Trump’s comments specifically related to “fake news media”.//
No he did NOT use that phrase
.. ALSO See what happens when I tweet the story
See how the preview title at the bottom of the tweet is the same as before
That’s cos the BBC don’t know how to correct their own stories
..Each story has a on screen title AND a hidden preview title , and they’ve forgotten to correct the hidden preview title
The #BiasedBBC put up a negative story about Trump "media is enemy" People immediately pointed out title is contradicted by Trump's actual phrase "FakeNews is enemy" in video 10 weeks later #BiasedBBC claim to have corrected all Nope, look at the titlehttps://t.co/LqJBqcgUzM
Claim “After considering your point further we have amended the headline of the article to now refer to “fake news”.
..Well kind of
Old title : Trump: Third of Americans see media as ‘enemy of the people’
New Title : Trump: Third of Americans see fake news media as ‘enemy of the people’
.. (that apostrophed quote is False cos trump said “fake news is the enemy of the people”
Old Hidden preview title : “Third of US sees media as enemy – Trump”
New Hidden preview Title : “Third of US sees media as enemy – Trump”
So the BBC have still not put the correct one, they have replaced one incorrect one with their other incorrect one
There are 3 versions of Trumps’s phrase
#1 The correct one as in the video
‘FAKE NEWS .. the enemy of the people’
from “33% of the people in this country believe the FAKE NEWS is, in fact, and I hate to say this, in fact, the enemy of the people.”
#2 The phrase the BBC page title used
“media .. the enemy of the people”
#3 A false picture caption
\\ “fake news” media //
from \\ US president said a third of Americans believed “fake news” media was “the enemy of the people”//
Have they changed #2 to the correct one #1 ??
Nope instead they have changed their initial false title #2 to #3 the almost same thing as their initial false picture caption #3 \\fake news media //
BBC correction changed their initial false phrase "media" to "Fake News media" copying their initial ALSO false picture caption \ US president said a third of Americans believed "fake news" media was "the enemy of the people"// They'd made up the word MEDIA there See the edits pic.twitter.com/YkuKS1tHuo
The correction letter claims they have deleted the offending tweet
Really ?
(BTW deletions are wrong, rather a correction note should be put underneath, cos deletion is just sanitising the public record.)
I spot 3am Nov1st an original BBC tweet which provoked a thread of hate against Trump below it
Ohhh. goody, goody gumdrops, BBC Four announces new programmers about British diversity…
I just know that the BBC are finally going to come clean, about all the great ways you can now be slaughtered by jihadists, become disfigured by having acid thrown in you face, have your children raped, be arrested for pointing out that Muhammad owned sex-slaves, get a criminal conviction for posting rap lyrics on facebook, be unable toy afford a house, be unable to afford a family, have the opportunity to move from unstable job to unstable job… and then be slagged off as racist for pointing out all the problems by the same people who are making a bundle of money out of your misery…
But of course our new raft of problems which make life more unplesent year by year…. is the BBC’s diversity.
“are the BBC and the ECJ excusing pedopilia in the name of LGBT rights”
Of course, they are also redefining pedophilia for “religious rights”.
The ECJ even recently redefined pedophilia by upholding a conviction on an Austrian lady who called Muhammad a pedophile for marrying a six year old.
The courts “reasoning” was that it wasn’t a pedophile because there was no evidence that the attraction was due to age, rather than the child’s hair or other attribute… and it was incumbent on the accuser to prove the nature of the attraction, evidence of the age was not sufficient.
This redefinition of pedophilia can now be used as a defense for this kind of behavior… welcome to Sharia creep (or rather Sharia stampede).
Theme for today-
How can they extend a50 (meaning remain)?
How can another referendum be called ?
How can the full leave promise be broken
Oh yeah – and a Project Fear story about alleged medical shortages courtesy of George Soros .
Pretty transparent stuff which is really starting to sound tired now . Drain the Swamp .
By the way the dreadful polly Toynbee has taken a kicking about the Age ist brexit column . And she’s no spring chicken ….she is 72 … bet her three children will miss her.
Yesterday evening i flicked over to the BBC to catch the weather forecast. I just caught the end of the 100 Days slot with the ever impartial Katty and Christian.
Christian shared a tweet he had sent out with a picture of President Trump in front of all the food he had purchased with his own money for his guests and in the background was a portrait on the wall and Christian had tweeted what do you think the picture is thinking …..
Cue, snide giggling from Katty , then Christian reads out a reply he had received, it stated ” i wonder if he ordered a happy meal for himself so he could play with the toy ” ….more giggling from both of them, then a further reply which they put on screen was a mocked up picture of the President dressed in a McDonalds uniform handing out food at the drive thru window ….cue even more snide giggling.
This is the democratically elected PRESIDENT of the USA that these 2 half wits are mocking. The lack of respect from them and the BBC is utterly disgraceful. Its shameful , it really is. I wonder if Obama had done the same thing what the headline would be ????? 100% a positive spin on it i imagine.
In the moaning email Nick clearly trying to join the popular girl’s gang…
How will history judge President Trump?
Hostile historians may come to regard Donald Trump’s presidency as an aggregation of the lesser traits of his predecessors. The bullying of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who demeaned White House aides and even humiliated his Vice-President Hubert Humphrey… The shameless lies of Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. The paranoia of Richard Nixon… The incompetence of George W Bush… At the midpoint of Donald Trump’s first term, historians have struggled to detect the kind of virtues that offset his predecessors’ vices.
Read full analysis >
Nick Bryant
‘Analysis’? Lol. The ‘lines in the sand’, so many lines in the sand, the race baiting, the abuse of executive power on opponents…. of Barry. All excised in the new bbc editorial integrity.
The attitude from the BBC echos Naz Shah’s attitude of basically “white girls should shut the up for the sake of diversity”. This naming will of course have a chilling effect on people coming forward about Islamic child rape… because they can be named.
No doubt this was the intent, since the BBC makes every attempt to down play the massive scale of Islamic infidel sex slavery, as practiced by Muhammad and his followers and copied today by large numbers of Muslim men raping children.
Here are the numbers again in case their is any doubt:
According to the Jay Report… Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 muslim Men.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. The Majority of court cases describe victims being raped hundreds of times in total.
If just 10% of victims were raped 100 times, this would already be 14,000 rapes, That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average.
According to police there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children. That is fully 15% of the Adult Male Muslim population in that town.
Israeli Ambassador to the UK @MarkRegev defends using live ammunition against protestors by saying "you're talking about a combat situation… people are storming the fence… it's clearly orchestrated by Hamas"
Imagine if Mishal had been around during the Falkalands War. She would be up in arms about those beastly Paras and Marines charging up hills killing poor defenceless conscripts. Also why couldn’t we have given the conscripts better food (which the Argentine officers were hoarding ) and weapons so the fight would be fairer? How dare they tab/yomp 56 miles in quick time so the other side weren’t ready.
LC. I suggest you look up and see if you can “1533 Km hasta casa” (1533 Km to home).
It covers the Falklands conflict from the viewpoint of 8 Argentine military personnel who were there. Towards the end of the interviews one of the conscripts describes how they had nothing but watery soup and beans. He later describes how the officers had beef , wine and potatoes. He also describes how a UK Marine took him to a warehouse stacked full of the Argentine provisions meant for them and gave them the lot. It also describes how, on returning they were kept in the barracks for a month and fed to cover up what was happening.
Last night news report by Mishal from Gaza on the 10pm BBC1 news was the sort that they usually hold back for a Friday night. I am not sure whether the most vicious anti Israel items are shown on a Friday night because Orthodox Jews won’t be watching and therefore complaining or just to add further insult to Jewish people.
Anyway there was Mishal in Gaza complaining that Hamas was running out of money for medicines. Pictures of lots of children. She blamed the lack of medicines on the Israeli blockade but didn’t ask why then drugs couldn’t be brought in via Egypt which also has a border with Gaza. Mishal also didn’t ask why Hamas spends so much money on cement lined tunnels which reach into Israel rather than medicines for their people. I understand the tunnels are planned for Gazans to get into Israel and carry out mass murders. Mishal could also have asked why Israel no longer allowed ambulances from Gaza into Israel without searching them first. It is because Hamas was found to be smuggling arms and terrorists into Israel in ambulances. No, the predictable Mishal becomes the voice of Hamas furthering their propaganda.
She also reported lack of fuel to run hospital generators and yet incendiary devices were being lobbed over the fences into Israel. Perhaps…… we’ll of course not.
Isn’t there anything we can do to support the Israeli people. Apart from sympathy? I like this Mr Regev. He doesn’t half get some stick (insults really) from the BBC anti-family elites.
This a topic you wont see on Riz Lateef’s Londonistan programme
on the BBC.I am sure you know that Golders Green in North West
London has a large Jewish community. There were initial concerns
when the Golders Green Hippodrome which had been used as a
theatre for many years including BBC shows ,was being turned into a mosque in 2017.
However these concerns eased when it was known that the mosque was going to be run by a sect The Shirazi. The Shirazi are
opposed to the Iranian regime. Their aim is the separation between
mosque and state.
The mosque in Golders Green has gone out of it’s way to show
friendship towards their Jewish neighbours. The mosque planned
an exhibition created by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, on how
Albanian Muslims had protected Jews from the Nazis .
BUT then the Iranian regime and its apologists in the UK got
to work on the mosque. The mosque feared for the safety
of it’s members and families. The intimidation worked and
the exhibition was cancelled.
Of course not a word about this on the Londonistan Programme
or anywhere on the BBC. The Londonistan programme has a
much more important agenda of slagging off the Metropolitan
Police and stop and search.
Can we please ban the word Hero for anyone who isn’t knowingly putting themselves in danger to help others..
Basically this first year medic wrapped the baby in his jumper and rubbed its face – the sister had done the delivery and nature the rest. Neither are heroes. They may be nice good people but not heroes…. or is it the fact his name is not James Smith that interested the BBC..call me cynical…..
Here’s a little ‘gem’ that might have slipped through the net, you need to scroll all the way down to the 3rd from last paragraph to get to the interesting bit:
read the story and right from the first photograph (spoiler alert) I thought that ‘she’ looked like a man dressed as a woman.
When She/He gets out of clink, she/he wants to sue the clinic responsible methinks.
R4 managed to squeeze the Zimbabwe situation into their toady bulletin – government there has taken internet and facebook etc down. But Zimbabwe has been burning for weeks. The country has been in lockdown, not only electronic. The President has been off to Moscow with large entourage in an expensive Boeing Dreamliner. Back home he is apparently appearing in military (General’s) uniform. That tells a story.
Now we have mass detentions and possibly ‘some’ deaths. Police stand by and watch looting (a la Londres) and inflation has shot to 42%.
Little or no action by governments and media in the West. Can you imagine how the world would be screaming if the Apartheid government had done this? Mind you, nothing was heard from them during Mugabe’s genocide in Matabeleland in the eighties, so you wouldn’t expect to hear much, would you?
So, I suppose, it’s give Managagwa a chance decade. To see if he’s really not such a bad boy, having been Mugabe’s second in command.
And let’s roll out the same land-grabbing policies in South Africa, never mind that you’ve 5 times the number of mouths to feed when the agricultural production collapses. People won’t get food or fuel. Sure UK will send food aid.
Good on inside info, Zimbabwe: Eddie Cross’ Website’s heading is: Trying to explain the unfathomable? Unfathomable indeed.
“We are reaching the point on Saturday when more old people who voted Brexit will have died & more young people will have come onto the electoral register,” says Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee on her recent article which attracted controversy #newsnight | @pollytoynbeepic.twitter.com/lwRUM8vGKh
We listened to 7 am R4 news this morning and they had a really sensible lady from pharmaceutical industry who basically destroyed their argument that Brexit was to blame for the shortage – explained in very clear terms that it may be exacerbating some drugs but this is a global industry issue..
Interviewer having none of it – usual ‘ but others have said’…Lady responded to put comment into context…2 mins later – R4 Headline ‘Brexit causes drug shortages’ in fact they used the term Brexit in the context of drug shortages 3 times in a news headline and completely ignored what the ‘expert’ had said –
On Breakfast TV same comment but they do say Brexit is significant factor in..but don’t discuss how significant or what other factors
It occurs to me that Brexit can’t have caused anything yet. Unless the TARDIS is operational and The female doctor has been giving BBC a news feed from the future. How can they make these ever more absurd predictions? Brexit has yet to happen. We are waiting in hope that it does.
I’m surprised that no BBC News report hasn’t been reminded by any of the many brave Brexit MPs concerning the kind of calamities that would take place in every UK Street and village soon after 11.99PM 2000…..but what happened BBC News? Wrong once again.
One couldn’t turn on the BBC news prior/after the event with out some BBC employee “calling for the mountains and the rocks to fall upon us”
I have taken common medicines for 15 years.
Being given an “owing slip” when the pharmacy does not have sufficient stock is a regular occurrence. NTDWB.
The pharmacies might also be more careful with the drugs.
Some months ago the pharmacy gave me an owing slip for 40ish tablets. I had sufficient “stock”, because of a dosage change, so I did not collect the “owed” tablets.
When I went to collect my next batch of tablets, the girl at the pharmacy brought out only the owed stock (my prescription was not ready, again, sound familiar?), I explained that I did not need the tablets.
My prescription arrived, 5 tablets and an owing slip for 51 tablets OF THE SAME DRUG I had just refused.
Apparently they throw them away.
The Forelock and cap tugging deference shown by BBC Royal correspondents over a 97 year old involved in a recent RTA is now beginning to wear thin. Fortunately with the aid of CassiCam I have incontrovertible evidence which proves who was at fault…
The BBC seem oddly restrained on why he was let loose to now, immediately off the roster from now on, and speed limits and cameras going in… as always happens after a shunt.
Tricky issue. We only got my Mum out of her car after a merge with an artic and pointing out the grandkids might have been in there… if we had not made darn sure they were not.
Must have been fun for his protection detail; “Phil fancies a jaunt; you, you and you…”
In the absence of evidence I won’t jump to the conclusion that age was a factor. Old white men get enough stick as it is and it could well have been the other driver travelling too fast.
However, isn’t it marvellous how the speed limit gets lowered immediately after a VIP has an accident whereas normally some commoner has to die before action is taken.
Sorry James, I can’t help you there, I saw it it the messages section of b3ta. You might get the information you require there. The gif has the watermark, “Captain Howdy” in the bottom right hand corner.
RT have picked up on the CNN “white privilege” story
Of course the Russian propaganderists are interested in mocking CNN and this provided them with an open goal
Amol’s R4 Media Show had an whole extra podcast this week with the CNN-Russia head Matthew Chance
“Yeh the Russian’s no longer grant CNN interviews with Putin , cos they don’t want to offend Trump.
…… (that’s a conspiracy theory)
.. I have interviewed Putin in the past and he has a severe presence, he doesn’t tolerate interruptions”
(He made it clear that Putin says what he wants to say, instead of the way British journos push around their interviewees)
TOADY Watch #1
Switch on late for 8.10am Inertview which is no sort of interview or inertview at all. More later. Main immediate thought ‘How nice – it is not about bashing Brexit’ and the sense of relief and peace was really dramatic. The country as whole – the R4 N&CA listening part – will be so happy and relieved after 29 March 2019 they may well think ‘Wish we had done it long before now.’.
I discover the Inertview is actually an Interrogation – again* – of one of my heroes, Mark Regev, Israel’s Ambassador to the Court of St James.
The thought then strikes me, should not Mishal have recused herself from this interview? There was an obvious bias evident throughout.
(* poor bloke has suffered this biased BBC treatment before when Media Spokesman for Israel in UK.)
“The thought then strikes me, should not Mishal have recused herself from this interview? There was an obvious bias evident throughout.” Correct.
Mishal’s quaran will have directed her in respect of any willingness to fraternise with the kafir. And certainly don’t have anything whatsoever to to with the hated Jews. Plain wording of the quaran.
Just looked on the Daily Express website and their top story is about diane flabbott on question time. Its funny that the 3 most looked at stories are about question time and flabbott making a complete arse of it as usual.
However once again the Express will not allow comments whenever they do a story on Diane.
Freedom of speech is now a thing of the past,the BBC,Media, government, and police are all in it together. People will realise to late to do anything.
The web is slowly being reigned in, the Brexit ref made the powers at be wake up and see the power the web had on people where TV and Radio had failed. This website is a beacon of light for many of us and long may it be so.
pete, it looks like the visual media in Scotland is heading for a clampdown.
Here is my TOADY Watch #3 – promoted to match your post.
Uni Law Prof from Scotland on TOADY talking about the ‘Upskirting’ Law in Scotland and the number of prosecutions & types of defence offered. The Uni Prof appeared to believe the law prevents all photography/filming of people (in public) without their express consent.
In other words the Uni Prof believed not that there should be no indecent image making of men or women wearing kilts, skirts or dresses in public (with which we would all probably agree – I certainly do) but there should be no filming or photography of the public in the public space.
Dangerous. Very dangerous.
Communism/Fascism has already come to Scotland. Now it could be applied in England & Wales – how soon before someone tries?
“In other words the Uni Prof believed not that there should be no indecent image making of men or women wearing kilts, skirts or dresses in public (with which we would all probably agree – I certainly do) but there should be no filming or photography of the public in the public space.”
That rather mucks up the Japanese tourist trade then! Lots of cameras on Ebay, despite Brexit!
I’m waiting for a ban on ‘Uptrouser’ shots, specially as my waistline vanished about three years ago, and I’d like to see it again one day…
I’m well past wearing flares, so my pale pins have nothing to fear. I’m also quite sensitive to drafts these days and have been known to tuck trouser bottoms into socks.
Going off topic – sort of – although the film is still current, just how did Brian May play guitar with sleeves like that?
@petebogtrott So many articles are debunked by looking at the top comment beneath the article.
If ‘comment is NOT free’ then I have a couple of ideas of where to find the debunk
#1 Look on the orgs Facebook page
#2 Look to see if the journo has tweeted the story
You will often spot people replying under their tweet
#3 Search twitter for the article’s basic URL
.. copy the URL of the article and plonk it in the twitter search box
the url might include a question mark with tracking info after it , so you need to trim off that bit off and trim it to begin www
Hit search.
In the results you’ll see that most tweets are just PR and have no replies
You will spot that some tweets have multiple replies and that is where the real discussion is
Pay attention for tweets that are “ratioed”
When people disagree with a tweet it has a high number of replies compared to likes,
.. cos when people agree they just click “like” and “retweet”
…. when people disagree they just click “quote” or “reply”
The R4 Media Show prog this week was about FulltFact being brought in by Facebook to police #FakeNews on Facebook
As ever the studio panel was a total metro-lib bubbleworld
– Diana Zimmermann ZDF German state TV
.. “Yes Germans couldn’t believe British would be so stupid as to vote for Brexit”
– Joy Reid, TVNZ New Zealand’s state TV
– Matthew Chance, CNN-Russia
They were unanimous: “Fake news is NOT US, it’s over there : it’s Trump and Facebook”
And I’m thinking ‘Doh, you guts do nothing but feed out fakenews all day’
.. All UK media told us there were 700,000 people on the People’s vote march, yet that incredible number never seemed plausible for a number of reasons. (The recent police FOI gave a number of 250K)
The same way it fed us Owen Jones #fakenews about Tommy’s Brexit Betrayal march being much smaller that its counter protest.
We here see the BBC do fakenews on a routine basis
The TVNZ woman brought up the idea that mainstream like them is the “Trusted source” and they all agreed.
Which just shows how out of touch they are, cos everyone else knows “Trusted Source” is a fallacy as each story stands on its own feet, with the evidence it presents ..Truth is independent of the messenger. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000219g
Have admitted EU military unification is happening: • EU Commission • European External Action Service • EU Parliament • Merkel • Macron • German Defence Minister ____
Still deny EU military unification is happening: • Remain think tanks • BBC • House of Commons Library
Bbc sent a reporter to the Midwest – Michigan – I think it was and meet business types and ask them to slag off President Trump . The mission failed .
All the reporter did was hear that president trump is delivering on jobs and industry . Oops.
Brendan O’Neill covers ground here regarding freedom of speech and freedom of right of protest following the arrest of James Goddard a few days ago. His views will resonate with all those who respect democracy and expect it to be enacted (ideals you will never see on the BBBC).
My view is that we will not get our votes respected by this parliament and that this will signal a turning point where a stand will have to be made if we are ever going to have confidence in an electoral democratic voting system going forward.
I believe that our democratic system is now at stake.
If anything gets in the way of that I think the mid protest might well turn into something else – whether they arrest and bail people for weeks to shut them up.
How can there be any doubt about political prosecution?
The Duke of Edinburgh’s car accident. Last night, BBC R4 6pm News it was stated that it happened on the Sandringham Estate.
This morning the confusion has ended. Except it hasn’t. The car was emerging from an Estate turning (implied by Just overturn-Brexit-in time Webb) or was it on public roads? Norfolk Council are brought into the equation with possible speed limit changes.
The Duke’s Range Rover was already on its side when hit by another vehicle? Or not. Had the Duke ‘dropped it’, letting a wheel, or two, fall into a roadside ditch and then tried to power his way out? (The Duke is an experienced Off-roader in all sorts of wheeled vehicles.) Had the side of the road collapsed under the weight of an armour protected car? I could believe that, with a little knowledge of the roads in that area.
So was Justin Webb really interested in getting to the facts of the accident? I got the distinct impression and uncomfortable feeling that as he was non-inertviewing a man who was the first on the scene to help the victims, that Justin was more interested ‘in getting an angle’ rather than the facts.
What you say makes sense about the accident and the positions of the cars..I couldn’t work it out when I saw BBC news –
But why o why did they have a reporter stood next to a pile of glass which they ‘thought’ might be from his car? She added nothing and the non interview with some bloke was a pointless waste of time – followed by another non interview with their Royal Historian stood outside Buck house.. BBC at its best – looking for a way to smear Phil.
Personally, I smell the start of a BBC campaign: To take dangerous elderly drivers off the road. They made a start on that line of ‘reasoning’ when the interviewed their, “Royal Correspondent” in relation to the issue on Toady earlier.
Elderly drivers = Evil elderly white racist, islamaphobic males = Those that voted for Brexit = Those we fail (miserably) to convince the merits of Remaining = Those we cannot convince to run a second Referendum.
Not true. Her victory in the confidence motion means that Mrs May could indeed ask for a proroguing of parliament for 70 days. It happens several times a year when Parlt goes into recess, so it's hardly dictatorship. It's protection from Parlt subverting the referendum result https://t.co/RxaQFVlnnF
Our lying, cheating, dishonest far left Marxist State Broadcaster (aka, “The Worlds Most Trusted”) shown for what it is:
“……head of news Arif Ansari, pictured above, denies breaching section 1 of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992”. http://tv-licensing.blogspot.com/2019/01/bbc-editor-in-dock-after-naming.html
He told the court, he realised his error just after it was broadcast and he drafted a letter of apology to the victim, but, “……TOLD THE COURT HE WAS BLOCKED FROM SENDING IT BY BBC BOSSES”. No doubt just like the Saville issue.
The BBC are so dishonest that they can’t even put their hands up to having erred.
Surprisingly, German TV broadcast an interview including SPD Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, pivot of the ‘war against the Right’, and Alexander Gauland, AfD leader. Gauland said a second referendum would make no sense. Maas -surprise (not) -thought there should be.
As minister of Justice, Maas thought like Rudd: stop ‘the Right’ from doing this, that and the other. His own party is falling apart, now well below 20% in the polls. We know that doesn’t worry people who only pay lip service to democracy. Doesn’t seem to make them thoughtful. In fact, German security services are now officially watching the AfD, possibly as a lead-up to banning them.
Doesn’t do that for his boss, Angela Merkel, allegedly CDU, either. Her party is just over 30% and she maintains the old ‘iron grip’ via the Grand coalition.
Surprised our dear leaders May and Corbyn haven’t come to such an arrangement yet. With the beeb in their pocket, they could do the old ‘iron grip’ thing as well….
Could just be that, while the German people seem to be relatively docile, all hell would break loose here. Or would it?
BBC, good luck with that. I suspect many more will be convinced of the need to shut the BBC down.
If the comments are anything to go by, let’s all wish the BBC success in their drive to shove even more hated multikulti down our throats.
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
I’m going to do the unthinkable. For the first time in years I’m going to say that the bbc has published an article that I believe is fair!!
While of course the tone is ‘look how bad a no deal Brexit is’, this article actually highlights just how bad it would be for the EU. A reader may think to themselves why didn’t they offer a better deal to Theresa if things will be so bad for the EU.
I can’t remember an article since the vote which goes through the negatives of no deal Brexit for EU countries like this one does.
Has the BBC finally accepted we’re leaving?
Have they switched from pushing Remain as the only option to now putting effort in to pushing a deal that ties us very closely to the EU instead?
Just found this article too. Quite supportive of May and dismissive of Corbyn:
Don’t the bbc take instruction from the government on how to frame the narrative-or is it vice versa?
vice versa – tail wagging the dog.
Just like Parliament and the people.
You see – that’s the way to deal with an enemy / opposition . President Trump has blocked the awful Nancy pelosi from using government transport to go on a jolly /shopping trip to Brussels – one hour before she was due to go – and suggested she use commercial flights .
What better way to make a point . If only he could have advised on the ReichEU negotiations . Realise that Brussels is an enemy and go personal on the negotiators – stop being respectful to the drunks and druggies . But it didn’t happen .
I hope Trump will be on our side when the whole of the EU collapses.
“Here in Westminster we are in the heart of enemy territory.. ” – Nigel Farage at ‘Leave means Leave’ event -see YT.
Bullying, bellowing Bercow won’t like this…
An article confirming what we on here have always known about the bbbc . https://iea.org.uk/media/iea-analysis-shows-systemic-bias-against-leave-supporters-on-flagship-bbc-political-programmes/
When did the bbbc stop being impartial? And they try and force a TV licence on us when we don’t even use the garbage service they provide
Marky – very kind . Thank you . I feel honoured to be involved in this site at a key time in the fight for freedom of Britain against a repulsive self serving regime in Brussels .
The ReichEU and BBC share the same anti democratic values. This site is an expression of resistance against both .
Is it me? Am I being too optimistic, or are the top-rated replies on BBC HYS more ‘righty’ than ‘lefty’ lately? Not too long ago they seemed to be dominated by marxists and just the sort of reply the BEEB wanted, but certainly when it comes to Brexit it’s appears to have changed.
I have spent much time over the years glued to HYS and have often found the public response to be at odds with the BBC agenda.
One of the most remarkable examples was the HYS after the assassination of Pakistani PM Bhutto. The public response was powerfully against the BBC agenda. One of the most recommended comments was, “The Religion of Peace strikes again.”
Senior BBC apologist for Islam, Peter Horrocks, was so upset by the response that he considered removing the ‘Comments Recommended’ tab. When I last looked his lengthy and anguished comment on that HYS was still up on ‘The Editors’ blog.
As you say, the response to Brexit is not going the BBC’s way. A fine example of same was posted by eminent colleagues taffman and StewGreen near the top of page three of this thread. I can’t link now but the link to Wednesday’s HYS is there. I had a look at several highest-rated comments. Without exception they were strongly in favour of leave and/or disparaging of Corbyn.
It’s so good to see the BBC not getting it’s own way.
RobRoy, the BBC HYS have a great number of new names for the last couple of years without any previous posting record commenting on Brexit-related Threads. All the old guys that I knew appear to have disappeared apart from John from Hendon and Omegaman plus occasional visits from Engineer Neil.
To me, that is a little supicious.
More new names seem to have been added recently and now the postings do appear to be pro-Brexit, especially yesterday.
Excuse me guys but what does: BBC HYS…mean?
its that crappy Have Your Say feedback stream that runs under select articles and doesnt exist under any where they know they are likely to get a good slapping
I get it now. Thanks.
Warren Street baby: Student helps deliver newborn at Tube station
Not just any student… a foreign student….. who didn’t really do much to help apart from panic a bit.
But he made the BBC news because foreigners are infinite times better than native Brits in BBC land.
With some regret I announce that Anne Bulford – deputy director general of the BBC is to step down from her £430000 pa job . Ms Bulford presided over HR and other stuff and her limited skills will not be missed . Although hideously white she ll be replaced by some one a bit more …. diverse .
Why do so many at the BBC earn far,far more than the Prime Minister?
Who set the pay scales? The BBC?
Or why Gary Lineker earns more than the whole of Parliament ??
Brissles, I hope you won’t be offended if I make a small correction…
Lineker ‘gets’ all that money, he doesn’t ‘earn’ it!
Totally agree Scrob !
“Lineker ‘gets’ all that money, he doesn’t ‘earn’ it!”
And there’s me thinking that for 15 years or more I thought that his Walkers TV adds, were, well – all about him? And now after all these years I find that they were adds to sell Chips (as our cousins call them) and that over recent years the sales of said product have dropped so alarmingly that he’s had to resort to inviting some of his ex-prem footballers to do his TV adds (real life drama productions/shows) with him – of course, on a limited budget as their host wouldn’t agree to have his fee reduced but in the kindness of his heart he did agree chip-in a few quid to help towards their bus fares home. Bless.
I think we should have a moment of peace with regard to respecting ms Bulford s tax funded pension plan , Amen
I think that about a fifth of all poll tax payments go to giving ex LA people enormous index-linked pensions, and therefore assume that the TV tax is on a par with this.
I wonder what would have happened if the BBBC pension fund had been adminstered by Equitable Life?
We’d have got our money back for certain!
Sky went with this in the morning.
Bombed big time.
So, the bbc…. waited a bit… and went there too…
Faiza Shaheen strangulating the English language again with glottal stops on the Press Review. Amazing how the academics of the younger generation cannot even enunciate properly.
The glottal stop is a tool used by all female (and some male) Labour party members to identify to casual listeners their political affiliation. To most normal people, a cursory appraisal of the bollox which they customarily spout would be more than enough clue. The current queen of the use of the glottal stop in the Labour party is Angela Rayner, who manages to get about seven glottal stops into every uttered sentence, even when the word count is less then two.
Is it a moslem thing? Chucka Umunna and Sadik Khan are very similar. Notice particularly the grotesque pronunciation of “deal” (a word that often comes up). It is like “diou”.
The Brexit situation rather reminds of the film Zulu.
Stanley Baker stand-in played by Nigel Farage.
Michael Caine stand-in played by Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Colour Sergeant Bourne stand-in played by Dover Sentry.
Reverend Otto Witt stand-in played by the BBC : (Death waits you! You have made a covenant with death, and with Hell you are in agreement. You’re all going to die! Don’t you realize? Can’t you see? You’re all going to die! Die! Death awaits you all!).
Dover sentry as Nigel Green – steady the ranks …
My favourite , you won’t see that film on Al Beeb soon.
Singing ” Men of Harlech” but what about maxincony?
A bit silly, Taff, but everytime I see that name, I think of Conwy!
(Spent a happy week on Ynys Gaint in my youth, lovely island, only approached at low tide back then, but that’s a bit off topic I suppose).
‘Stay calm lad, now just get along with your mates’ Nigel Green’s best line in the film!
Funny you should bring this up. My brother and I could bet our fish finger suppers that within the Zulu movie the viewers – looking closely of course – can see a very brief glimpse of a car or truck coming down the road in the distant hills?!. I thought it was the duke of Edinborough taking mr Attenbourough taking flight from a group of local lions, but I (we) were much younger then and doubt that us older viewers couldn even see the end of the noses of those lions (speaking for myself of course)
Ms polly Toynbee ran a line that remainer voters now outnumber brexit voter because she assume all ‘young ‘ voters are remainers and all dead people are ‘ brexiters ‘.
I ask any one – of any persuasion – how can anyone with such a simplistic view of the world deserve to receive the attention of any section of the public . In decades to come – whatever the outcome of current events – sane people will look back at this mind set and say “ what the … “
The reason why May dare not have a second referendum is that the Leave vote would be higher.
The EU have disgraced themselves during the Brexit process.
Leave would win the vote but Remain would win the count. May can’t call a referendum until the fix is guaranteed.
Easy cross party fix-let Dianne Abbot do the counting.
“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Joseph Stalin.
The UK government has also disgraced itself!
BBC Question Time… What’s happened? Fiona Bruce appears to giving Labour (Diane Abbott) a harder time than the Tories.
This has to a be a first for the BBC.
Plus Isabel Oakeshott is gorgeous, you all kept that from me.
The BBC can pretend all they like but our girls knock spots off their favourite ethnic females in both the looks and brains departments.
Brilliant. I heard this mentioned this morning on Talk Radio.
They were also discussing how the remoaners are becoming more and more bigoted, with the launch of this disgraceful and morbid “deatherendum” website, which apparently counts how many “old Brexiteers” have dropped dead!
It is becoming more and more apparent now that the very people who are smearing us Brexiteers as short sighted bigots are the bigoted sick ones.
Thanks GW. Interesting to see who was not cheering and all sitting in prime front row!
Merely a coincidence, no need for Brexiters like us to get hyper suspicious.
Notice when the majority of the audience cheer and clap the entire front row is full of non clapping Remainers?
What’s the chance of a carefully selected “balanced” audience being randomly seated like that?
LCS, like Alice Thompson?
Another ‘fragrant’ female journalist with brains and style. Does AT still appear on the BBC or has she become persona non grata?
Compare and contrast in 400 words with M/s Toynbee of The Gruinard. 😉
I think the BBC is giving up on Remain as their preferred option and is now backing May to try and avoid the ‘no deal’ option. They are terrified of a clean Brexit!
I posted about the change of attitude yesterday (January 17, 2019 at 8:22 pm) in a couple of recent articles from the BBC.
Not on Al Beeb yet but could Boris go for it?
I say Go for it Boris! , get us out of this mess.
What say you lot ?…………..
t – What say I?
I say I would follow Satan out of the EU if he could deliver a no deal BREXIT.
I hope nobody objects to me describing Satan as male.
Well HE must be. Also white and middle aged if so evil! (Sarc)
Think the OT would imply that most angels are non-gender specific except for the senior Messengers who carry male names and appear to people as men, eg. Archangel Gabriel.
In fact Angels in the Holy Bible are always male never female. But don’t you females amongst us despair as females were the very first humans to see the Risen Christ – now that’s what you call a real honour.
Wasn’t it a woman who caused all the worlds ills by eating the forbidden fruit? So why are we men being blamed for everything?
Al Beeb ………….
Speaker Bercow ‘could be denied peerage’
Could the worm have turned ?
Any one ?…………..
He ought to be denied breath.
Anyone remember this article on the BBC website?

I took a screenshot for posterity, before submitting a complaint. The grounds being that President Trump did not describe the media as the enemy of the people, but fake news as the enemy.
As was demonstrated well down the article, which I also captured.

One has to admire the way the BBC indignantly castigates the President for not providing evidence for something they try to pretend he didn’t say.
The complaint was submitted on 1st November. And, in what must be a record on this site for the longest delay suffered, I finally received an answer today.
Well, whoopy-doo. A result. Of course, there can be no one left in the world who is still reading the article, and certainly none who will be aware of the correction (except visitors to this site). So the damage is long done. But at least I made them sweat for their lies. And delete their bloody tweet.
Sterling work Roland !
When will the government and the rest of the media pick it up ?
Ditto, back of the net, Roland! I must have fired off 10 plus complaints but have yet to score a hit. Shows it’s worth doing. If we all keep at ’em maybe one day the dimwits will get the message.
Well done, Roland D.
Well done!
Nice one.
Here’s another. TGIF in CECUO today will be restrained, even though almost no one will see or know about it, as planned.
Fine effort Roland Deschain!
It’s a remarkable achievement to get the BBC to acknowledge an error and correct it – though as you said it’s unlikely anyone will go back and read an article from almost three months ago.
However, I disagree that the response was slow. For the BBC that’s probably average. It took the BBC almost two years to come up with a partial and grudging acknowledgement of Jeremy Bowen’s anti-Israel bias.
But when the Palestinians complained bitterly about the BBC naming Jerusalem (rightly) as the capital of Israel, the correction, along with an abject apology, was faster than greased lightning.
RD – Great result, apart from the accuracy of your final sentence.
When all its work is done, the lie shall rot;
The truth is great, and shall prevail,
When none cares whether it prevail or not.
Coventry Patmore
Echo all that, well done Roland Deschain. Excellent result. Now the BBC know they have a struggle on their hands and lies and propaganda will not work.
#1 original properly story corrected ? NOPE
See their quotation marks in the correction note
\\ President Trump’s comments specifically related to “fake news media”.//
No he did NOT use that phrase
.. ALSO See what happens when I tweet the story
See how the preview title at the bottom of the tweet is the same as before
That’s cos the BBC don’t know how to correct their own stories
..Each story has a on screen title AND a hidden preview title , and they’ve forgotten to correct the hidden preview title
Claim “After considering your point further we have amended the headline of the article to now refer to “fake news”.
..Well kind of
Old title : Trump: Third of Americans see media as ‘enemy of the people’
New Title : Trump: Third of Americans see fake news media as ‘enemy of the people’
.. (that apostrophed quote is False cos trump said “fake news is the enemy of the people”
Old Hidden preview title : “Third of US sees media as enemy – Trump”
New Hidden preview Title : “Third of US sees media as enemy – Trump”
So the BBC have still not put the correct one, they have replaced one incorrect one with their other incorrect one
There are 3 versions of Trumps’s phrase
#1 The correct one as in the video
‘FAKE NEWS .. the enemy of the people’
from “33% of the people in this country believe the FAKE NEWS is, in fact, and I hate to say this, in fact, the enemy of the people.”
#2 The phrase the BBC page title used
“media .. the enemy of the people”
#3 A false picture caption
\\ “fake news” media //
from \\ US president said a third of Americans believed “fake news” media was “the enemy of the people”//
Have they changed #2 to the correct one #1 ??
Nope instead they have changed their initial false title #2 to #3 the almost same thing as their initial false picture caption #3 \\fake news media //
The correction letter claims they have deleted the offending tweet
Really ?
(BTW deletions are wrong, rather a correction note should be put underneath, cos deletion is just sanitising the public record.)
I spot 3am Nov1st an original BBC tweet which provoked a thread of hate against Trump below it
10:57am 11th November they tweeted the story again..with tweet video showing Trump used DIFFERENT words to their actual title
BTW The Independent ran too with a similar headline Trump claims third of Americans see media as ‘enemy of the people’, without providing any evidence
It has no correction, tho they had time to delete about 20% of the 43 comments
Ohhh. goody, goody gumdrops, BBC Four announces new programmers about British diversity…
I just know that the BBC are finally going to come clean, about all the great ways you can now be slaughtered by jihadists, become disfigured by having acid thrown in you face, have your children raped, be arrested for pointing out that Muhammad owned sex-slaves, get a criminal conviction for posting rap lyrics on facebook, be unable toy afford a house, be unable to afford a family, have the opportunity to move from unstable job to unstable job… and then be slagged off as racist for pointing out all the problems by the same people who are making a bundle of money out of your misery…
But of course our new raft of problems which make life more unplesent year by year…. is the BBC’s diversity.
This musician is outstanding.
She’s a woman and I don’t care.
Diversity does not register with me. But talent does.
Good morning,
Please read this;
It’s very early and I’m not at my best but are the BBC and the ECJ excusing pedopilia in the name of LGBT rights?
Am I dreaming? Am I still asleep?
Tw – I think that these days in BBC land there is no insanity that cannot be justified in the name of LGBT rights cos theyre all victims – right.
We have already had the sex abuse of young girls by “men” justified by some liberals as “cultural relativism” So why not?
“are the BBC and the ECJ excusing pedopilia in the name of LGBT rights”
Of course, they are also redefining pedophilia for “religious rights”.
The ECJ even recently redefined pedophilia by upholding a conviction on an Austrian lady who called Muhammad a pedophile for marrying a six year old.
The courts “reasoning” was that it wasn’t a pedophile because there was no evidence that the attraction was due to age, rather than the child’s hair or other attribute… and it was incumbent on the accuser to prove the nature of the attraction, evidence of the age was not sufficient.
This redefinition of pedophilia can now be used as a defense for this kind of behavior… welcome to Sharia creep (or rather Sharia stampede).
Toady watch
Theme for today-
How can they extend a50 (meaning remain)?
How can another referendum be called ?
How can the full leave promise be broken
Oh yeah – and a Project Fear story about alleged medical shortages courtesy of George Soros .
Pretty transparent stuff which is really starting to sound tired now . Drain the Swamp .
By the way the dreadful polly Toynbee has taken a kicking about the Age ist brexit column . And she’s no spring chicken ….she is 72 … bet her three children will miss her.
“Pretty transparent stuff which is really starting to sound tired now . Drain the Swamp ”
And going off that QT audience video they are waking up to it also.
Yesterday evening i flicked over to the BBC to catch the weather forecast. I just caught the end of the 100 Days slot with the ever impartial Katty and Christian.
Christian shared a tweet he had sent out with a picture of President Trump in front of all the food he had purchased with his own money for his guests and in the background was a portrait on the wall and Christian had tweeted what do you think the picture is thinking …..
Cue, snide giggling from Katty , then Christian reads out a reply he had received, it stated ” i wonder if he ordered a happy meal for himself so he could play with the toy ” ….more giggling from both of them, then a further reply which they put on screen was a mocked up picture of the President dressed in a McDonalds uniform handing out food at the drive thru window ….cue even more snide giggling.
This is the democratically elected PRESIDENT of the USA that these 2 half wits are mocking. The lack of respect from them and the BBC is utterly disgraceful. Its shameful , it really is. I wonder if Obama had done the same thing what the headline would be ????? 100% a positive spin on it i imagine.
The BBC just has zero credibility left now. Zero.
In the moaning email Nick clearly trying to join the popular girl’s gang…
How will history judge President Trump?
Hostile historians may come to regard Donald Trump’s presidency as an aggregation of the lesser traits of his predecessors. The bullying of Lyndon Baines Johnson, who demeaned White House aides and even humiliated his Vice-President Hubert Humphrey… The shameless lies of Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. The paranoia of Richard Nixon… The incompetence of George W Bush… At the midpoint of Donald Trump’s first term, historians have struggled to detect the kind of virtues that offset his predecessors’ vices.
Read full analysis >
Nick Bryant
‘Analysis’? Lol. The ‘lines in the sand’, so many lines in the sand, the race baiting, the abuse of executive power on opponents…. of Barry. All excised in the new bbc editorial integrity.
So many stories, so little time or space.
The attitude from the BBC echos Naz Shah’s attitude of basically “white girls should shut the up for the sake of diversity”. This naming will of course have a chilling effect on people coming forward about Islamic child rape… because they can be named.
No doubt this was the intent, since the BBC makes every attempt to down play the massive scale of Islamic infidel sex slavery, as practiced by Muhammad and his followers and copied today by large numbers of Muslim men raping children.
Here are the numbers again in case their is any doubt:
According to the Jay Report… Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 muslim Men.
Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. The Majority of court cases describe victims being raped hundreds of times in total.
If just 10% of victims were raped 100 times, this would already be 14,000 rapes, That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average.
According to police there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children. That is fully 15% of the Adult Male Muslim population in that town.
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
Time for Mishal to break out the death chart again.
Kids somewhere in Israel waiting for a rocket to land = Kids sent by their parents as shields and PR collateral.
She really is a piece of work.
Imagine if Mishal had been around during the Falkalands War. She would be up in arms about those beastly Paras and Marines charging up hills killing poor defenceless conscripts. Also why couldn’t we have given the conscripts better food (which the Argentine officers were hoarding ) and weapons so the fight would be fairer? How dare they tab/yomp 56 miles in quick time so the other side weren’t ready.
Do have a link to this “hoarding” which proves it was not just rationing?
LC. I suggest you look up and see if you can “1533 Km hasta casa” (1533 Km to home).
It covers the Falklands conflict from the viewpoint of 8 Argentine military personnel who were there. Towards the end of the interviews one of the conscripts describes how they had nothing but watery soup and beans. He later describes how the officers had beef , wine and potatoes. He also describes how a UK Marine took him to a warehouse stacked full of the Argentine provisions meant for them and gave them the lot. It also describes how, on returning they were kept in the barracks for a month and fed to cover up what was happening.
gb123 – Thanks.
Last night news report by Mishal from Gaza on the 10pm BBC1 news was the sort that they usually hold back for a Friday night. I am not sure whether the most vicious anti Israel items are shown on a Friday night because Orthodox Jews won’t be watching and therefore complaining or just to add further insult to Jewish people.
Anyway there was Mishal in Gaza complaining that Hamas was running out of money for medicines. Pictures of lots of children. She blamed the lack of medicines on the Israeli blockade but didn’t ask why then drugs couldn’t be brought in via Egypt which also has a border with Gaza. Mishal also didn’t ask why Hamas spends so much money on cement lined tunnels which reach into Israel rather than medicines for their people. I understand the tunnels are planned for Gazans to get into Israel and carry out mass murders. Mishal could also have asked why Israel no longer allowed ambulances from Gaza into Israel without searching them first. It is because Hamas was found to be smuggling arms and terrorists into Israel in ambulances. No, the predictable Mishal becomes the voice of Hamas furthering their propaganda.
She also reported lack of fuel to run hospital generators and yet incendiary devices were being lobbed over the fences into Israel. Perhaps…… we’ll of course not.
Why should anybody think that Mishal Husain should
not support Hamas ? She works for the BBC!
She works for the BBC, AND….. (clue: her name).
Isn’t there anything we can do to support the Israeli people. Apart from sympathy? I like this Mr Regev. He doesn’t half get some stick (insults really) from the BBC anti-family elites.
This a topic you wont see on Riz Lateef’s Londonistan programme
on the BBC.I am sure you know that Golders Green in North West
London has a large Jewish community. There were initial concerns
when the Golders Green Hippodrome which had been used as a
theatre for many years including BBC shows ,was being turned into a mosque in 2017.
However these concerns eased when it was known that the mosque was going to be run by a sect The Shirazi. The Shirazi are
opposed to the Iranian regime. Their aim is the separation between
mosque and state.
The mosque in Golders Green has gone out of it’s way to show
friendship towards their Jewish neighbours. The mosque planned
an exhibition created by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, on how
Albanian Muslims had protected Jews from the Nazis .
BUT then the Iranian regime and its apologists in the UK got
to work on the mosque. The mosque feared for the safety
of it’s members and families. The intimidation worked and
the exhibition was cancelled.
Of course not a word about this on the Londonistan Programme
or anywhere on the BBC. The Londonistan programme has a
much more important agenda of slagging off the Metropolitan
Police and stop and search.
Now, which media might that include?
The BBC ‘Hero Editor’ is a coveted role.
Hope he didn’t get TB.
The top comment, highly rated, is interesting in context of bbc reporting confidence and feminist on Asian VS warfare.
Can we please ban the word Hero for anyone who isn’t knowingly putting themselves in danger to help others..
Basically this first year medic wrapped the baby in his jumper and rubbed its face – the sister had done the delivery and nature the rest. Neither are heroes. They may be nice good people but not heroes…. or is it the fact his name is not James Smith that interested the BBC..call me cynical…..
Here’s a little ‘gem’ that might have slipped through the net, you need to scroll all the way down to the 3rd from last paragraph to get to the interesting bit:
read the story and right from the first photograph (spoiler alert) I thought that ‘she’ looked like a man dressed as a woman.
When She/He gets out of clink, she/he wants to sue the clinic responsible methinks.
“Security footage played during the trial showed Amati approaching her first victim, Ben Rimmer, as he waited to buy a meat pie.”
Ah well there you have it he was buying a meat pie. Deserves all he gets. Seriously, what is the relevance of the meat pie?
Wonder if the “before” CCTV shot shows her going into or out of the gent’s/women’s WC dressed like that?
What big muscles you have there cobber!
R4 managed to squeeze the Zimbabwe situation into their toady bulletin – government there has taken internet and facebook etc down. But Zimbabwe has been burning for weeks. The country has been in lockdown, not only electronic. The President has been off to Moscow with large entourage in an expensive Boeing Dreamliner. Back home he is apparently appearing in military (General’s) uniform. That tells a story.
Now we have mass detentions and possibly ‘some’ deaths. Police stand by and watch looting (a la Londres) and inflation has shot to 42%.
Little or no action by governments and media in the West. Can you imagine how the world would be screaming if the Apartheid government had done this? Mind you, nothing was heard from them during Mugabe’s genocide in Matabeleland in the eighties, so you wouldn’t expect to hear much, would you?
So, I suppose, it’s give Managagwa a chance decade. To see if he’s really not such a bad boy, having been Mugabe’s second in command.
And let’s roll out the same land-grabbing policies in South Africa, never mind that you’ve 5 times the number of mouths to feed when the agricultural production collapses. People won’t get food or fuel. Sure UK will send food aid.
Good on inside info, Zimbabwe: Eddie Cross’ Website’s heading is: Trying to explain the unfathomable? Unfathomable indeed.
From inside Zimbabwe: ‘We’re very, very scared’ – BizNews.za
Since all communication has ceased, this is as good as any a site to get local sentiment.
Rather restrained description for ‘universally derided’, but BBC editorial integrity does mean circling the wagons around your own.
“It’s news, Jim, just… not as we used to know it”.
We listened to 7 am R4 news this morning and they had a really sensible lady from pharmaceutical industry who basically destroyed their argument that Brexit was to blame for the shortage – explained in very clear terms that it may be exacerbating some drugs but this is a global industry issue..
Interviewer having none of it – usual ‘ but others have said’…Lady responded to put comment into context…2 mins later – R4 Headline ‘Brexit causes drug shortages’ in fact they used the term Brexit in the context of drug shortages 3 times in a news headline and completely ignored what the ‘expert’ had said –
On Breakfast TV same comment but they do say Brexit is significant factor in..but don’t discuss how significant or what other factors
Complaint going to BBC and OFCOM
It occurs to me that Brexit can’t have caused anything yet. Unless the TARDIS is operational and The female doctor has been giving BBC a news feed from the future. How can they make these ever more absurd predictions? Brexit has yet to happen. We are waiting in hope that it does.
I’m surprised that no BBC News report hasn’t been reminded by any of the many brave Brexit MPs concerning the kind of calamities that would take place in every UK Street and village soon after 11.99PM 2000…..but what happened BBC News? Wrong once again.
One couldn’t turn on the BBC news prior/after the event with out some BBC employee “calling for the mountains and the rocks to fall upon us”
I have taken common medicines for 15 years.
Being given an “owing slip” when the pharmacy does not have sufficient stock is a regular occurrence. NTDWB.
The pharmacies might also be more careful with the drugs.
Some months ago the pharmacy gave me an owing slip for 40ish tablets. I had sufficient “stock”, because of a dosage change, so I did not collect the “owed” tablets.
When I went to collect my next batch of tablets, the girl at the pharmacy brought out only the owed stock (my prescription was not ready, again, sound familiar?), I explained that I did not need the tablets.
My prescription arrived, 5 tablets and an owing slip for 51 tablets OF THE SAME DRUG I had just refused.
Apparently they throw them away.
The Forelock and cap tugging deference shown by BBC Royal correspondents over a 97 year old involved in a recent RTA is now beginning to wear thin. Fortunately with the aid of CassiCam I have incontrovertible evidence which proves who was at fault…
The BBC seem oddly restrained on why he was let loose to now, immediately off the roster from now on, and speed limits and cameras going in… as always happens after a shunt.
Tricky issue. We only got my Mum out of her car after a merge with an artic and pointing out the grandkids might have been in there… if we had not made darn sure they were not.
Must have been fun for his protection detail; “Phil fancies a jaunt; you, you and you…”
In the absence of evidence I won’t jump to the conclusion that age was a factor. Old white men get enough stick as it is and it could well have been the other driver travelling too fast.
However, isn’t it marvellous how the speed limit gets lowered immediately after a VIP has an accident whereas normally some commoner has to die before action is taken.
Nothing at all to do with BBC bias, that’s my next post – what software did you use to do this – keeping head overlay on original video?
Sorry James, I can’t help you there, I saw it it the messages section of b3ta. You might get the information you require there. The gif has the watermark, “Captain Howdy” in the bottom right hand corner.
Captain Howdy eh? Looks like you could get the info from a ouija board.
I wouldn’t.
Probably used After Effects but it is quite expensive.
Thank you
RT have picked up on the CNN “white privilege” story
Of course the Russian propaganderists are interested in mocking CNN and this provided them with an open goal
Amol’s R4 Media Show had an whole extra podcast this week with the CNN-Russia head Matthew Chance
“Yeh the Russian’s no longer grant CNN interviews with Putin , cos they don’t want to offend Trump.
…… (that’s a conspiracy theory)
.. I have interviewed Putin in the past and he has a severe presence, he doesn’t tolerate interruptions”
(He made it clear that Putin says what he wants to say, instead of the way British journos push around their interviewees)
Hilarious…..I would have loved to see her face after that interview..
TOADY Watch #1
Switch on late for 8.10am Inertview which is no sort of interview or inertview at all. More later. Main immediate thought ‘How nice – it is not about bashing Brexit’ and the sense of relief and peace was really dramatic. The country as whole – the R4 N&CA listening part – will be so happy and relieved after 29 March 2019 they may well think ‘Wish we had done it long before now.’.
I discover the Inertview is actually an Interrogation – again* – of one of my heroes, Mark Regev, Israel’s Ambassador to the Court of St James.
The thought then strikes me, should not Mishal have recused herself from this interview? There was an obvious bias evident throughout.
(* poor bloke has suffered this biased BBC treatment before when Media Spokesman for Israel in UK.)
“The thought then strikes me, should not Mishal have recused herself from this interview? There was an obvious bias evident throughout.” Correct.
Mishal’s quaran will have directed her in respect of any willingness to fraternise with the kafir. And certainly don’t have anything whatsoever to to with the hated Jews. Plain wording of the quaran.
Just looked on the Daily Express website and their top story is about diane flabbott on question time. Its funny that the 3 most looked at stories are about question time and flabbott making a complete arse of it as usual.
However once again the Express will not allow comments whenever they do a story on Diane.
Freedom of speech is now a thing of the past,the BBC,Media, government, and police are all in it together. People will realise to late to do anything.
The web is slowly being reigned in, the Brexit ref made the powers at be wake up and see the power the web had on people where TV and Radio had failed. This website is a beacon of light for many of us and long may it be so.
pete, it looks like the visual media in Scotland is heading for a clampdown.
Here is my TOADY Watch #3 – promoted to match your post.
Uni Law Prof from Scotland on TOADY talking about the ‘Upskirting’ Law in Scotland and the number of prosecutions & types of defence offered. The Uni Prof appeared to believe the law prevents all photography/filming of people (in public) without their express consent.
In other words the Uni Prof believed not that there should be no indecent image making of men or women wearing kilts, skirts or dresses in public (with which we would all probably agree – I certainly do) but there should be no filming or photography of the public in the public space.
Dangerous. Very dangerous.
Communism/Fascism has already come to Scotland. Now it could be applied in England & Wales – how soon before someone tries?
“In other words the Uni Prof believed not that there should be no indecent image making of men or women wearing kilts, skirts or dresses in public (with which we would all probably agree – I certainly do) but there should be no filming or photography of the public in the public space.”
That rather mucks up the Japanese tourist trade then! Lots of cameras on Ebay, despite Brexit!
I’m waiting for a ban on ‘Uptrouser’ shots, specially as my waistline vanished about three years ago, and I’d like to see it again one day…
Scrobie, 🙂
I’m well past wearing flares, so my pale pins have nothing to fear. I’m also quite sensitive to drafts these days and have been known to tuck trouser bottoms into socks.
Going off topic – sort of – although the film is still current, just how did Brian May play guitar with sleeves like that?
@petebogtrott So many articles are debunked by looking at the top comment beneath the article.
If ‘comment is NOT free’ then I have a couple of ideas of where to find the debunk
#1 Look on the orgs Facebook page
#2 Look to see if the journo has tweeted the story
You will often spot people replying under their tweet
#3 Search twitter for the article’s basic URL
.. copy the URL of the article and plonk it in the twitter search box
the url might include a question mark with tracking info after it , so you need to trim off that bit off and trim it to begin www
Hit search.
In the results you’ll see that most tweets are just PR and have no replies
You will spot that some tweets have multiple replies and that is where the real discussion is
Pay attention for tweets that are “ratioed”
When people disagree with a tweet it has a high number of replies compared to likes,
.. cos when people agree they just click “like” and “retweet”
…. when people disagree they just click “quote” or “reply”
Let’ look at today’s Express stories
All 3 say : “Sorry, we are unable to accept comments about this article at the moment”
Sure enough of the Express Facebook page there is a post
And another Flabbott thread
Does Dianne use hair straighteners? Isn’t that cultural appropriation?
Dianne was told whigs were anti tory so she put one on. Should have gone to Specsavers.
The R4 Media Show prog this week was about FulltFact being brought in by Facebook to police #FakeNews on Facebook
As ever the studio panel was a total metro-lib bubbleworld
– Diana Zimmermann ZDF German state TV
.. “Yes Germans couldn’t believe British would be so stupid as to vote for Brexit”
– Joy Reid, TVNZ New Zealand’s state TV
– Matthew Chance, CNN-Russia
They were unanimous: “Fake news is NOT US, it’s over there : it’s Trump and Facebook”
And I’m thinking ‘Doh, you guts do nothing but feed out fakenews all day’
.. All UK media told us there were 700,000 people on the People’s vote march, yet that incredible number never seemed plausible for a number of reasons. (The recent police FOI gave a number of 250K)
The same way it fed us Owen Jones #fakenews about Tommy’s Brexit Betrayal march being much smaller that its counter protest.
We here see the BBC do fakenews on a routine basis
The TVNZ woman brought up the idea that mainstream like them is the “Trusted source” and they all agreed.
Which just shows how out of touch they are, cos everyone else knows “Trusted Source” is a fallacy as each story stands on its own feet, with the evidence it presents ..Truth is independent of the messenger.
Boris giving it ‘large’ on Sky. Talking sense as well !
Still being ignored or denied.
Bbc sent a reporter to the Midwest – Michigan – I think it was and meet business types and ask them to slag off President Trump . The mission failed .
All the reporter did was hear that president trump is delivering on jobs and industry . Oops.
Brendan O’Neill covers ground here regarding freedom of speech and freedom of right of protest following the arrest of James Goddard a few days ago. His views will resonate with all those who respect democracy and expect it to be enacted (ideals you will never see on the BBBC).
My view is that we will not get our votes respected by this parliament and that this will signal a turning point where a stand will have to be made if we are ever going to have confidence in an electoral democratic voting system going forward.
I believe that our democratic system is now at stake.
What can 17.4 million people do though to fight back? It needs a leader like Farage was for UKIP to step forward…any ideas?
70 days until we are due to leave .
If anything gets in the way of that I think the mid protest might well turn into something else – whether they arrest and bail people for weeks to shut them up.
How can there be any doubt about political prosecution?
TOADY Watch #2
The Duke of Edinburgh’s car accident. Last night, BBC R4 6pm News it was stated that it happened on the Sandringham Estate.
This morning the confusion has ended. Except it hasn’t. The car was emerging from an Estate turning (implied by Just overturn-Brexit-in time Webb) or was it on public roads? Norfolk Council are brought into the equation with possible speed limit changes.
The Duke’s Range Rover was already on its side when hit by another vehicle? Or not. Had the Duke ‘dropped it’, letting a wheel, or two, fall into a roadside ditch and then tried to power his way out? (The Duke is an experienced Off-roader in all sorts of wheeled vehicles.) Had the side of the road collapsed under the weight of an armour protected car? I could believe that, with a little knowledge of the roads in that area.
So was Justin Webb really interested in getting to the facts of the accident? I got the distinct impression and uncomfortable feeling that as he was non-inertviewing a man who was the first on the scene to help the victims, that Justin was more interested ‘in getting an angle’ rather than the facts.
You are playing a dangerous game, BBC. Beware!
What you say makes sense about the accident and the positions of the cars..I couldn’t work it out when I saw BBC news –
But why o why did they have a reporter stood next to a pile of glass which they ‘thought’ might be from his car? She added nothing and the non interview with some bloke was a pointless waste of time – followed by another non interview with their Royal Historian stood outside Buck house.. BBC at its best – looking for a way to smear Phil.
JA “BBC at its best – looking for a way to smear Phil.” am glad to know it’s not just me being over-sensitive to bias.
I am all for proper investigative journalism.
Personally, I smell the start of a BBC campaign: To take dangerous elderly drivers off the road. They made a start on that line of ‘reasoning’ when the interviewed their, “Royal Correspondent” in relation to the issue on Toady earlier.
Elderly drivers = Evil elderly white racist, islamaphobic males = Those that voted for Brexit = Those we fail (miserably) to convince the merits of Remaining = Those we cannot convince to run a second Referendum.
then watching BBBC will be in vain.
Further to Dystopian’s post p.2.
Yes please!
70 days to go.
Our lying, cheating, dishonest far left Marxist State Broadcaster (aka, “The Worlds Most Trusted”) shown for what it is:
“……head of news Arif Ansari, pictured above, denies breaching section 1 of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992”.
He told the court, he realised his error just after it was broadcast and he drafted a letter of apology to the victim, but, “……TOLD THE COURT HE WAS BLOCKED FROM SENDING IT BY BBC BOSSES”. No doubt just like the Saville issue.
The BBC are so dishonest that they can’t even put their hands up to having erred.
Surprisingly, German TV broadcast an interview including SPD Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, pivot of the ‘war against the Right’, and Alexander Gauland, AfD leader. Gauland said a second referendum would make no sense. Maas -surprise (not) -thought there should be.
As minister of Justice, Maas thought like Rudd: stop ‘the Right’ from doing this, that and the other. His own party is falling apart, now well below 20% in the polls. We know that doesn’t worry people who only pay lip service to democracy. Doesn’t seem to make them thoughtful. In fact, German security services are now officially watching the AfD, possibly as a lead-up to banning them.
Doesn’t do that for his boss, Angela Merkel, allegedly CDU, either. Her party is just over 30% and she maintains the old ‘iron grip’ via the Grand coalition.
Surprised our dear leaders May and Corbyn haven’t come to such an arrangement yet. With the beeb in their pocket, they could do the old ‘iron grip’ thing as well….
Could just be that, while the German people seem to be relatively docile, all hell would break loose here. Or would it?
Aiia Maasarwe: Arrest over killing of Israeli student in Melbourne
BBC haven’t bothered adding a photo

Some other media use zoomed back photos that make him look like a suntanned redneck.
but here he is
Aiia Maasarwe: Arrest over killing of Israeli student in Melbourne
BBC haven’t bothered adding a photo

Some other media use zoomed back photos that make him look like a suntanned redneck.
but here he is
BBC, good luck with that. I suspect many more will be convinced of the need to shut the BBC down.
If the comments are anything to go by, let’s all wish the BBC success in their drive to shove even more hated multikulti down our throats.
It would be a shame to miss valuable posts in the sheer volume of comments