It’s not the bbc this time but Yorkshire TV. On the local news today they interviewed Sarah Champion, unfortunatley she has been diagnosed with pre cervical cancer, this was discovered when she attended a cervical cancer smear test screening. She went on to say that women must go for their screening as it is a life saving procedure, she says it’s embarrasing and undignified but essential. Now here comes the rub, she went on to say that women are reluctant to go because of domestic and sexual abuse by their partners. So she couldn’t let this interview go without blaming all men for this problem. This from a woman given a police caution for beating the sh*t out of her then husband. The war against men just never stops. We now are to blame for women failing to go for life saving sceening.
I get the feeling that the majority of men are rapidly getting to the stage of having had enough of being constantly put in the same box as a tiny minority of criminals and sexual harassers.
“I get the feeling that the majority of men are rapidly getting to the stage of having had enough of being constantly put in the same box as a tiny minority of criminals and sexual harassers.”
JamesG, ‘gets the feeling’, on a blog site that obsessively puts the majority of blacks and muslims in the same box as a tiny minority.
that would be Muslims not muslims. Muslims are people who practice Islam. All of them, not a tiny minority. It isn’t optional, it’s the definition of a Muslim.
Yes, maxincony is not his usual self. Al Beeb may have replaced him with a ‘stand in’ . What say you maxi?
Two simple questions for you from me …………….
1 What motivates you ?
2 Can you post some examples of Al Beeb’s pro-Brexit Bias?
I would say to Sarah Chapman, ‘would she blame on domestic and abuse by women for chaps not going for prostate testing ? ‘. Stupid woman.
Most internal examinations are embarrassing and undignified, whether its ear syringing or having cameras inserted into various orifices.
It shows the poor calibre of MP’s we have now in our Parliament.
David Vance just mentioned this (?info from his sister)
There are increasing signs that the PM is ready to put party before country and back no deal if she can’t salvage her own deal. This is despite telling British Business leaders a no deal Brexit would be a disaster.
Apparently comments to the BBC’s HYS go through reactive moderation before being posted.
So I’m wondering how this one got through:
I polished a number of boris johnsons this evening and now they are all as shiny as a glistening turd.
Anyway, I’m checking out the ‘Highest Rated’ and they are overwhelmingly pro Brexit.
I’m also checking out the latest comments and they are mostly sneering in the same vein as the one quoted above.
Could be that lefty Remoaners only get out of bed late in the afternoon, have a hair of the dog that bit them and then stagger to the computer to groan on the Guardian CIF and HYS.
I made a similar comment to The Times and the comments attached to Remoan articles, which are becoming as frequent as the Grauniad. These seems to be timed within an hour of the publication time (midnight) and are the same names.
During the day the same names make further comments and as they appear they already have a multi-uptick start pre-loaded.
Interesting. I just registered at the BBC, which was quite painless, and made a comment on that HYS. I don’t yet know if it passed what scrutiny there is and will be posted on the site. [Edit: yes, they posted it but comments are coming in fast and furious (nearly four thousand since this afternoon) so it’s dropping down the page fast.]
I don’t know about the Times but I think the Guardian and BBC are relatively OK about accepting different points of view. I think they realize that they need to be flexible in that regard to retain any credibility.
Item on R4 6pm News that suggests things at the Times and Sunday Times may not be too healthy. They wish to share resources to save money.
I would not be surprised if a constant diet of anti-Brexit/overturn Brexit/another Referendum from some newspapers might actually drive away some Remain voters as well as many Leave voters. Sales will be hit.
Up, it seems to be happening at The Daily Mail too.
The new bods there are seeing plummeting sales, and fewer clicks on their online site, which has now turned full anti-Brexit and is infatuated with royalty non-stories, bums and a few tits – mainly the blokes!
After several years in the wilderness, The Daily Telegraph seems to be doing pretty well, online just for headlines nowadays. (Ignore the Guardian of course, it’s utterly dire).
If I could be bothered, I’d extrapolate all the ideals of the various rags – online and dead-tree – and apply the broadcasting figures to the BBBC and others. Surely someone with an Excel prog could then find that our tax-funded Notional Breadcruster would be wallowing a long way down the list regarding comedy (bottom – and not the excellent prog with Ade and Rik), Brexit – (further down than that), sport – (sold out to Sky and others, so dire nowadays), and finally, general value for money (absolutely zilch).
There must be a few more columns and rows to add, but why should I help them? They don’t help me!
@Up2snuff re Times/Sunday Times
no big conspiracy. When Murdoch bought them, he had to agree to keep them separate.
… the market has changed, so Murdoch is asking for relaxation of the rule.
Good luck with the BBC HYS. My interaction with the BBC is now limited to 6.30-7.00 R4 Toady and that’s about all I can take.
I do hear that more BBC comments are not being ripped out so that’s a good thing – provided they allow comments at all that is.
Subjects dear to their hearts that must not be disputed and are instructions/advice/indoctrination rather than information are are excluded.
I’m looking forward to May, June & July when, hopefully, Brexit Day will have been and gone with some small hiccoughs and delays overcome with patience and ingenuity.
The BBC on R4 will have to go out and find some proper news instead of relying on a day old pinch from the FT in order to rubbish Brexit, as they were at lunchtime today.
Bet BBC are dreading the day after Brexit. All that wasted time and effort in using our cash to deceive its own viewers will have been and gone.
Would love to be a fly on the … see and hear Ms Toynbee’s foul bile and witness her pain from of her sore arms after throwing all those expensive bottles of wine all over her French Silk wallpaper and her very expensive Afghan-made carpet.
I’m looking forward to May, June & July when, hopefully, Brexit Day will have been and gone with some small hiccoughs and delays overcome with patience and ingenuity. Come the End-of-Year Reviews in December 2019, I wonder how embarrassed the BBC will feel?
The BBC on R4 will have to go out and find some proper news instead of relying on a day old pinch from the FT in order to rubbish Brexit, as they were at lunchtime today.
The problem they’ll have is trying to explain where they went so wrong, Up2.
It will laughable when all they can do is ask the opinions of Diane Abbott, Owen Jones etc, and expect anybody to even consider believing anything they say.
Unfortunately, there won’t be the shortage of diarrhoea medicine they’re reporting, as there’ll be an awful lot of rumbling going on in the well-fed bodies in W1A. (Might be best to avoid the vegan diet too, that’ll create an even worse scenario)!
@TrueToo “I think the Guardian .. relatively OK about accepting different points of view”
FFS not AFAIK, the Guardin is notorious for deleting comments even beanning you merely for disagreeing with the writer.
Edit – I was wrong about Reactive Moderation. It means the comment goes through without first being checked. It’s been quite a while since I used to inflict non-PeeCee opinions on HYS on the fragile BBC.
I had to register again because it wouldn’t accept my old password.
James, he doesn’t do, ‘constructive’. Only venom and spite. How can one become so twisted I wonder?
Not only that, does his mother know he is getting out his pram regularly?
Why my reply ended up so far away from the one I was responding to beats me. (‘JamesG
January 19, 2019 at 1:04 am’ above)
How stupid do the bbc think we are?
Very, very stupid – for putting up with their freeloading for sure.
Anyhow, Steven Sakkur on Arse Talk has to confirm with the French Finance Minster a few things before any mention of France so ok:-
1) Brexit a disaster
2 )No Deal a disaster
3) Leave Campaign = All lies
4) Populism = Leprosy (Macron said)
5) The Deal is the Deal (Germany says, the rest must agree?)
Then the French bloke says people in Europe have had it with Globalism. Lordy, Lordy – I switched off.
They had a similar picture of The Blessed Margaret Thatcher in the same pose – I think shown on Guido.
One immortal capation/post still makes me laugh, and I hope the chap is still around – hopefully here, as he got so many upticks, they went through the roof…
“Can you tell me where the khazi is Your Majesty, I’m touching cloth here”!
I know a few places where they've already sacked leave voters 1sr .It's only fair – they all say they knew exactly hat they were voting for ???? besides theyll be confident its only short term pain ???????????????? reap what yoy sow and dont be a snowflake
1 they lost the opportunity to get rid of may
2 failed to challenge MSM brexit bias
3 accepted the attitude of hostile beeboid interviewers
4 failed to exploit his popularity and charisma to advance the WTO brexit
How about this.
We learn from the BBC that some pharmaceutical products are in short supply.
But the actual reporting is fair !!!!! It includes such information as a. The problem was worse back in 2017 b. The head of the Pharmacists association states it is mainly due to supply and demand and global pricing. c. He also states he thinks it has nothing to do with stockpiling before Brexit as March 29 is too far away in the context of most drug prescriptions.
In other words, nothing to do with Brexit.
So….guess what we hear as a headline on the 1830 BBC London news?
Brexit causing drug shortages !!!!!
They just cannot help themselves, can they?
Bitter and twisted Remoaners, the Fake News BBC loves you.
Ironic that the BBC is allegedly being accused of racism and bias by Diane Abbott and the Labour Party after her appearance on Question Time in Derby yesterday. Fiona Bruce must be wondering what the hell’s going on.
I note Eastenders earlier were portraying some naughty boys being lectured on not being welcoming to migrants who came here to help rebuild our country….
Meanwhile they berate Tommy Robinson for choosing to use a different identity in order to protect his family, whilst reminding us how he was (stitched up) convicted of mortgage fraud (helping his family).
It’s like a sane man, in the old USSR, imprisoned in a mental insitution for years for his political beliefs attempting to escape before the genuinely mad inmates turn him like them.
“Matt Frei is like a 97 year old royal behind a wheel …being a kraut – I wonder if he is taking his German passport when he leaves Blighty to go home …?
“Remaining in the EU is like having a drunk ex-prime minister from Luxembourg behind the wheel. You know it’s a bad idea but are too polite to stop it.”
The BiasedBBC covered themselves with the words “If the Buzzfeed story is substantiated”, so they knowingly print anything anti-Trump whether or not it is true.
LBC reports “London Gang Douse Victims In Acid During Homophobic Attack Caught On CCTV”.
The beebistan, usually so quick to promote gayism and denounce homophobia, don’t cover the story at all, even under Regions.
How strange. Or perhaps not…
And 2 more local men are wanted in connection with the murder of a doorman in Londonistan over Christmas .
I’m guessing they went to turkeystan or similar – never to be seen again .
( any one wondering about the “ local man “ reference it is because a PC police force put out a description of wanted murderers as “local men … with tans”.
Has Owen Jones commented on this? He has been dribbling on about Islamophobia, Homophobia and LBGTB ophobia and the rise of the far right. Perhaps he might acknowledge wrongs committed by his side.I
I’ve just ordered a Wilkinson sword razor and blades from Amazon, next day delivery; ie today; as my little protest against Gillette. If the Wilkinson blades perform as well as the Gillette blades, they’ll probably have lost my custom forever.
For interest, a couple of years ago I tried the King of Shaves razor blades but the razor itself was so uncomfortable to use, I stopped using them.
Fine, upstanding British citizens I do declare! From left to right, Braithwaite, Smith, Williamson, and so on…………….. Presumably not a ‘Mohamad’ in sight. But, you will not find such an evil looking bunch since the last set of mugshots.
The lazy so and so at the BBC have used a stock picture of a BME lady doctor consulting a elderly white male (we need more BME people and particuarly females in this country to help the bigoted elderly white population as they grow old, being the sub-text) Now I’m sure that’s the same lady who appeared in the “No medicines and we will all be dead by the 2nd April if we leave the EU story last week” was the concerned UK citizen looking at medicines on the shelf puzzled as too how she will cope after the 29th . Please someone check it out. While I’m on a roll, what about the frail Iranian couple being sent back to Iran after owning a flat in Edinburgh for 40 years?? Government started proceedings 1n 2013 to deport them so exhausted all the appeals so it’s bye bye and back you go……the BBC shows a close up of the friendly couple plus a picture from a famikyvwedding they are seventh and eighth from the left, it’s that pixiliated that it could be Tom and Jerry you can’t tell, however what you can tell is that it’s two brides so it’s a LBG wedding. They never give up do they, even in this story they spin another line……im paying for it and I don’t like it. Oh and while I’m waiting for the central heating to kick in I might as well tell you that I phoned the doctors (crisis hit NHS) last Tuesday when I was off to make an appointment …..Hi can I make an appointment to see a GP……certainly how about 2.30 pm ?? Do you mean 2.30 pm on the 18th Feb 2019 ?? No. Can you come round in 44 minutes??? So from ringing to seeing a doctor and home less than 60 minutes …….crisis what crisis ????
I see the gritters have been out to get the roads ready for all this white global warming stuff which is falling from the skies. I’m lucky in that I have a global warming scraper for my windscreen, and a can of de-global warming if I’m in a hurry.
The bBBC website reassures me that it’s just a cold snap. Probably caused by Brexit.
I doubt that – it’s giving, will be giving (or has already given) most of Europe, especially the east (where they are not so pro-EU), a hammering. It snows on the EU, too…
You mean Robinson should actually be doing the job he’s paid to do?
What a novel idea for employees of the BBC as they leech off the public – with no fear of being fired as long as they stay true to their lefty PeeCee delusions and report same. Jobs wrapped in cotton wool, for life.
I had a sudden thought – it happens sometimes – regarding the remarkable Question Time. During the last few minutes of Dimbleby’s final QT, he thanked various people including those in the background who have such tasks as organizing the audience.
Could it be that these people lost their jobs along with Dimbleby and that Fiona Bruce is not the only newcomer? Could it be that this new broom is sweeping clean – that the BBC has finally taken on board the frequent criticism re biased selection of the QT audiences?
Well, we live in hope.
Fiona Bruce’s enunciation and voice projection is as bad as it was during her first QT but she really does come across as knowledgeable and quick to confront and correct panelists and steer them back on course when they fail to deal with a question – as so often happens, especially with the politicians.
I think the bbc will correct any crack in the monolith
And make sure that the buses carrying the rehearsed selected audience to do their job of pushing bbc propaganda .
I don’t watch it any more but the likes of d Abbot must be so accustomed to an easy time and regimented applause that any challenge is a shock to the mentally challenged flower.
Toady watch
I’m going to crow a bit . I predicted after the sellout failed that Soros would roll out Blair and the Major . 2 out of 2 . My next prediction is a popular luvvy from a recent tv series .
Amazing to think Soros made a lot of money from the incompetence of sir John Major
Our Justin interviewed a lady from the brexit wing of the Tory party . He is so desperate for a remain that all his questions were put that way . Actually feel sorry for him as it’s so embarrassing .
What we know about John Major after this morning’s Toady interview:
-The people of Britain have disappeared entirely from his considerations. The referendum has vanished completely.
It is about:
-primarily what HE thinks will be ‘good for the people’
-what parliament thinks
And parliament needs to think what he thinks.
Even ms May and her red lines have become irrelevant.
In parliament: No whipping. Free votes.
But whatever the outcome, they Must think Remain.
Cos that’s what John Major thinks.
He is prepared to ‘eat his words’, but we must all think what he thinks.
Anything else would not be ‘good for the British people’.
I don’t think ‘arrogance’ even still covers a description of Major.
I think we can now see a Fuehrer-like mindset, alien to Britain.
I think we should all immediately follow his great lead to Remain paradise.
There are some 80 Leave MPs who will need to be disposed of, as they stand in the way.
I think John Major IS the people of Britain. He has not a doubt in his mind.
At long last we -the people- don’t have to think for ourselves any more.
Sieg Heil!
Kim jong Major will soon run out of steam – or, hot air, or is that a money belt which makes him look fatter than he really is? – as he is the right age to fulfil Kim Jong Toynbee’s predictions.
Copied from a comment on a Conservative Woman Article.
Ever joined a club where half the members pay no subscriptions so you have to pay much more to cover them?
Ever joined a club where the committee that makes all the rules is unelected?
Ever joined a club that uses your money to give a few presents to your kids but gives you no credit?
Ever joined a club that allows the families of other members to come and live in your house without your permission.
Ever joined a club that never has its accounts signed off?
Ever joined a club that says not matter how illegally its committee members act you can never report them to the police?
Ever joined a club where ex committee members continue to be paid huge sums as long as they are never critical of it?
Ever joined a club dominated by one individual who reaps the vast majority of benefit while some members go hungry?
Ever joined a club that threatens to punish you if you leave?
Welcome to the EU, sign here……
Added by me
Ever joined a club where members invited non members to live in your house and rape your children?
Ever joined a club where members helped non members they had invited to make you homeless while they moved into your home.
Please add your own examples to this sickening treason.
Even the ReichEU admits that Blighty is the equivalent of 17 of their regional states . And when we go it will just be a francokraut partnership with bits stuck on …
Any idea when the EU will renegotiate all of the trade deals that they currently have with third countries? Seeing as they will be based on the UK being an EU member, it seems totally fair to me. EU vs UK. Let’s see who manages to conclude a deal first.
Interesting if you play with numbers on the 1992 election which John Major claimed a mandate to govern the entire population of the UK. Using the numbers in Wikipedia (I know!).
Result : Percentage of votes cast 41.9% on 33.6 million votes cast including minor parties. The turnout was 77.7%.
if we include those who couldn’t be bothered, the total eligible to vote is around 43.3 million.
John Major got around 32.5% of that. So JM got less of a mandate, based on his reasoning. than the leave vote.
I just caught back end of a clip on BBC TV of a comment by an ex? Labour MP who I believe was a member of browns cabinet and he was all out, no restrictions barred, bile – I only remember one bit of his comments which went thus:
Those who voted to Leave were and still are idiots, racists, and know nothing about playing fair….then mumbles…of course 2nd referendum..
I wonder who commissionered `Bryant to ask that question – just two years into a maybe 8 year presidency .
I would have thought that the answer is fairly easy – what did Mr Trump promise in his campaign – and what has President Trump delivered in the first 2 years .
As a non American – remembering his campaign- he has delivered on his campaign promises . Whether economic success is sustainable is a tricky issue because – who knows what the limiting factor is going to be on growth . ?
Fracking has completely changed the wests’ Dependency on dirty Arab oil and looks to stay like that the time to come . Coupled with non nuclear renewables the corrupt medieval regimes in the desert become disposable . That God .
When you think about it, our MPs are such a useless bunch of blithering windbags and because they are so incompetent we actually might end up with the result we want, a WTO exit (or no deal as the remoaners like to call it)
They are so rubbish at everything they do that we could well arrive at March 29 with them still squabbling over which end of the egg to open.
Suits me.
So here’s to HMS Westminster, the ship of fools set to arrive at a free U.K. on 29/3/19
Oh, on bbbc radio headline news this morning.
Car insurance to go up because of (you’re all ahead of me aren’t you) yes, brexit.
“So here’s to HMS Westminster, the ship of fools set to arrive at a free U.K. on 29/3/19”
I do hope HMS Westminster picks up some Afghan refugees from the Channel on the way in………….
According to the Guardian:
“Diane Abbott … was singled out before and during Thursday night’s episode … she had been unfairly mocked in the warm-up and had been interrupted more often than other panellists by Fiona Bruce. … the audience booed her name when it was announced.”
The Guardian knows why. It’s not because people hold her in contempt, but because “Question Time and other BBC current affairs programmes have become a lightning rod for claims of media bias against Labour.”
The Guardian then offers this appalling fact: “The Momentum petition referred to an exchange where panellist Isabel Oakeshott said that Labour were “way behind in the polls” and Abbott replied that “we are kind of level-pegging” before Bruce said that Labour were “definitely” behind. But recent polling has found the two parties roughly neck and neck.”
Sorry Guardian, Labour are behind in all polls that I have seen. Though a poll around the offices of the Guardian and BBC might throw up a Labour Party lead.
@Scribbling tweets auto embed .. You don’t need to use the image tag
underneath that tweet they start a petition
BTW national polls are kind of irrelevant cos what counts is the number of seats, it’s no good if all your support is bunched up in certain areas
I heard about Abbott’s uncomfortable experience on QT the other night and it raised a smile. Can this be true?
I can no longer stomach the ghastly left wing love in so I stopped watching it some time ago.
When ever I used to watch, Abbott in particular, was given a foot stomping ovation for any imbecilic utterances the gormless halfwit blathered on about. The audience were so bent it was ludicrous.
Just prior to Brexit I recall Nigel Farage taking the audience to task for being astonishingly partisan; “Even by BBC standards this audience is incredibly left wing.”
So, that appalling bunch of bullying bigots, Momentum, are upset by right wing bias at the BBC…
Diane, Polly and Shami face ache think there are far too many privileged white male presenters on the Beeb.
Have I gone mad?
Next we’ll be hearing the BBC are pro Brexit…
May I indulge you all for a moment-just a while back we all wanted to make certain T May was doing her job properly and set out a number of major key factors in this respect. 1 Parliament must resume its supremacy of law-making with no impediments, qualifications or restrictions on its future actions agreed in any leaving deal. Britain must wholly remove itself from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. No undertaking shall be given in the leaving agreement that constrains the UK to being an ongoing member of the European Court of Human Rights. 2 Britain must resume full control of its immigration and asylum policies and border controls. There must be no impediments, qualifications or restrictions agreed to in any leaving deal. We must not be bound by any freedom of movement obligation. The departure terms must facilitate the Government finally making good on its broken promise to cut net annual net migration to the tens of thousands. The continued invasion of Islam into the UK offers clearly the reasons to the above. 3 Joining the EEC involved a betrayal of our coastal communities at the behest of a previous Tory prime minister. They must not be betrayed again. Leaving the EU must involve restoring to the UK full maritime sovereignty. The UK must resume complete control of its maritime exclusive economic zone – stretching 200 miles off the coast or to the half-way point between the UK and neighbouring countries. We must ensure that no constraint other than its own physical capacity or the needs of stock preservation or replenishment – as decided upon by the UK Parliament – applies to our fleet. This will give our fishing industry a long overdue chance to recover. 4 The UK must retake its seat on the World Trade Organisation and resume its sovereign right to sign trade agreements with other countries. The UK must have full legal rights to set its own tariff and non-tariff barriers consistent with WTO rules. This means leaving the EU single market and customs union. Continued tariff-free trade, with no strings attached, may be offered to the EU, but if the EU declines the offer then WTO terms are the acceptable fall-back position. Post departure, both sides will have the ability to further liberalise trade on the basis of mutual gain.5 There must be NO final settlement payment to the EU, and no ongoing payments to the EU budget after we have left. We must also reclaim our share of financial assets from entities such as the European Investment Bank, in which it is estimated that some £9bn of UK money is vested.6 It is clearly reasonable to expect the Brexit process to be completed well before the next General Election. To go into the 2020 election with loose ends left untied or an open-ended transition still in progress would risk plunging the country into a new era of uncertainty and emboldening those who wish to overturn the referendum result. That is unacceptable. So Brexit must be done and dusted before the end of 2019. At present in January 2019 and with the Prime Ministers cabinet mostly at odds with one another, puts the PM into an impossible situation to make headway in any direction therefore it could be reasonable to see that a NO DEAL BREXIT will ultimately be the only answer, and one we people of the UK should not be afraid of. Stop listening to the Media/BBC et al they will pour cold water on anything no matter what.
I with you the whole way on this . It’s regretable that Blighty has bred so many without backbone .
However disordered matters might be after we leave we must remember it is a two way process for the nation s of the ReichEU. Their markets sell more to us after all …
It’s strange how there are parallels on either side of the pond . Democrats can t accept the existence of President Trump and remainers cannot accept a once in a generation referendum .
I wish some of the debate from the referendum campaign would be re run on State TV. Equal time for both sides – just so that people can be reminded how much the remainers said it would be a ‘once only ‘vote – no ifs no buts – as a certain ex PM said …
But that is an element of the bias of the BBC . Personal views more important than the job it is supposed to do.
Re @Roland Deschain’s complaint of November 1st
– BBC title : Trump: Third of Americans see media as ‘enemy of the people’
BBC text : He said a third of Americans believed the media was “the enemy of the people”
– Roland : That’s wrong cos
The video on the page shows he didn’t say “the media is”
and further down the BBC page they do quote it properly
“..the fake news is, in fact, and I hate to say this, in fact, the enemy of the people.”
so your BBC title and your tweet is WRONG
– BBC for ten weeks : “la la la, we are too busy”
– BBC on Jan 17th : ah yes the title is wrong we’ve changed it to :
… Trump: Third of Americans see *fake news media* as ‘enemy of the people’
– Roland “result !”
– Nope the BBC have cheated their new title is disingenuous as is their correction note
\\ President Trump’s comments specifically related to “fake news media” //
WTF are those quotation marks doing there ? Trump did not say those words
The title should just say :
… Trump: Third of Americans see *fake news media* as ‘enemy of the people’
I’d complain again if I were you Roland
And on top of that the BBC don’t know how to correct the hidden code in their webpage
cos it still uses some form of the incorrect phrase “media as enemy” 30 times yes THIRTY times
And only twice gets the correct form “fake news .. is/was the enemy of the people” cos its quoting him directly
.. (That wrong hidden code means that when people tweet or Facebook that page ..the preview title is NOT the new one, but actually the old incorrect title)
Roland thinks he’s lucky cos he got a correction, but I think he should complain again.
See my comment beneath Roland’s January 18, 2019 at 2:32 pm previous thread
See in a tweet from the week previous (Oct 25th) that Trump is careful not to say ALL media or all the time , but specifies
Fake News = purposely false and inaccurate reporting
“the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News.”
A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!
Stew, I had noted that and contemplated complaining again. I may yet do so but I’m not convinced it will achieve much. They’ll just say it was clear he was referring the media’s fake news. As I alluded to in my original comment, it’s something of a Pyrrhic victory as no one will now notice. The important point for me is that they were made to squirm for a while and add a correction (or at least alteration).
You also noted that they hadn’t deleted the tweet. Actually, they have. The tweet I complained about was from BBC News; yours was from BBC World at almost exactly the same time. I might have something to say about that if I do complain again.
For the benefit of those who complain in future, it’s maybe worth adding that when I made my complaint, I tried to anticipate their likely points of defence and refute them. That, I think, cut off their usual dismissal and forced their hand. It’s why complaining about bias generally doesn’t work. Bias is in the eye of the beholder and easily brushed off with the “think we got it about right” ploy. If complaining, get them on fact (and they’re getting sloppy in their desperation to get Trump and stop Brexit). Then narrow down their options by cutting off in advance as many of their likely defences as you can think of.
@Roland Actually I didn’t say that they hadn’t deleted that tweet
I merely pointed out that I could easily spot a number of their tweets of the story that they hadn’t deleted
I did say that deleting stuff instead of adding correction, is wrong, cos it stops preservation of the public record.
Bottomline they still end the article with something in quotation marks that Trump did not say.
Maybe we need a ‘handy guide to effective complaining against the state broadcaster “.
I say that because I once had to apply for Attendance Allowance for someone and despite overwhelming evidence it got bounced . So I researched it online and found that several councils publish guides on the ‘right words to use ‘ to get through the application process . And it worked .
I met a senior civil servant in the DWP and told them about how their admin in application assessment could cause serious hurt to people who really really need the help.
Our far left Marxist State Broadcaster (aka “The Worlds Most Trusted”) prefers to give the plebs detailed ‘News’ about rioting and shootings in Sudan rather than what’s happening just over 20 miles away as it is, presumably, closer to their staff’s ancestral home.
I read this the other day sums up how I feel and what the BBC hate.
Be English and proud whatever colour of your skin, read our history our joint myths and legends, English brothers and sisters Nelson on the sea, Scott in the cold, Alfred the great in dim distant past. History’s Queen the 1st, the nightingale and the lioness standing against the might of Rome.
Be English and proud whatever you colour of your skin, People left and right will hate you and try to tear you down but stand proud against their rage and forgive them because you are English, let them have their say but not let them sway you or bow your head because they are lucky to be in this land To have their opinion listened too not torn from their grasp and imprisoned.
You may have come from a distant land but take England to your heart & your English brothers & sisters will love & protect you, stand with you against hatred from whatever side.
We maybe again sleeping lions led by deceitful donkeys who smile and say they know best but we are stirring and beginning to open our eyes remember be proud to be English whatever your colour.
Yes be proud to be English, The time might come again to fight for our freedom from the yoke of the powerful who want us to change our beliefs, so remember our family. We have stood together against tyranny in the past, like all families we have fought but we are stronger united, weaker if we are broken apart.
You don’t need to fly a flag from your window and scream out ‘God Save the Queen’ you can be silent and proud, quietly spoken and proud because the air that you breathe is English air.
When you breathe your first English breath be it just born from the womb or just stepping foot on this land you are now free to choose want you want to be but always remember be English and proud.
“You may have come from a distant land but take England to your heart…”. Therein lies the problem. The vast intake over the last 20/30 years has their own culture which they wish to impose upon us Brits.
Well, I have inadvertently switched on to Football Focus, and had to double check that I wasn’t watching CBBC ! Ok, maybe I haven’t seen the programme for decades, (and I come from a footballing family), but how low has it sunk. I even thought Meghan Markle had been given a spot to air her views !
Thanks doob – apart from the incestuous nature of the political career – student – councillor – spad – MP – the other problem is that the majority remainer MPs meet with their own kind and then treat the ‘popular ‘ brexit view as plain stupid and hostile .
It’s a great shame . And it’s going to remain a big issue whatever the outcome of the current war becomes – and it really is a matter of draining their swamp.
As an aside – I was really saddened to see the leak of the threat not to send the current remainer speaker to the Peers. Revenge should be a dish served cold …..
Face it – the media just love winding people up, it gives them a sense of purpose in their otherwise meaningless, worthless lives. Added to which we have plenty out there all to happy to run with it in order to boost their sense of worth or whatever and they all find fertile ground among those whose mindset seems stuck in the world of a child ie: the ‘kidult’.
Windsor Davies who played Battery Sergeant Major Williams in ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ has passed away at 88. I wonder what BSM Williams would have said about Owen Jones and the BBC policies on LGBT?
I don’t know why but “Never before have I seen such a blatant display of poofery!” comes to mind.
How many ways could comments be going better? Let me count the ways….
The Today Programme
Brexit: The UK leaving would be “a big disappointment” says former Arsenal and Germany goalkeeper Jens Lehmann. A love affair doesn’t work “if one side wants to take the benefits but not give something”.
And bbc forever scraping the barrel, “Brexit could affect football contracts and transfer currency exchange”.
Still waiting for – ‘Your cat will explode and your willy drop off.’ but give it time.
Being cold and damp and in da house – I thought I’d look over the provisions of the Referendum Act 2000 as amended .
I’d forgotten that the Act sets up the Electoral Commission – which has been proved to be a biased remainer – pro labour outfit .
And of course the Electoral Commission will preside over any coming Referendum . In other words – it will be fixed .
I support my assertion about being pro labour because of the announcement – last week – that Labour had been fined £12K for election irregularities . An announcement made at a time to engage minimum attention .
The MSM will not look at the fairness of their ‘friends ‘ in the commission for reasons of bias .
Trump is still not in the clear for the assassination of President Kennedy though. Can he prove he wasn’t in Dallas that day? Buzzfeed really needs to get on top of this one, it will surely lead to impeachment.
It is worth watching again . For multiple reasons i don’t like Gove . But that speech is unusual in the Commons these days – sharp, witty flowing – , some on the other side can barely speak English yet alone make a coherent speech .
9pm Monday C4 doco about the 768 homicides in UK in 2017
Since London had 135 in 2018 that means it has about 20% of UK total
It is surprising that 80% of UK homicides are outside London
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
It’s not the bbc this time but Yorkshire TV. On the local news today they interviewed Sarah Champion, unfortunatley she has been diagnosed with pre cervical cancer, this was discovered when she attended a cervical cancer smear test screening. She went on to say that women must go for their screening as it is a life saving procedure, she says it’s embarrasing and undignified but essential. Now here comes the rub, she went on to say that women are reluctant to go because of domestic and sexual abuse by their partners. So she couldn’t let this interview go without blaming all men for this problem. This from a woman given a police caution for beating the sh*t out of her then husband. The war against men just never stops. We now are to blame for women failing to go for life saving sceening.
I get the feeling that the majority of men are rapidly getting to the stage of having had enough of being constantly put in the same box as a tiny minority of criminals and sexual harassers.
“I get the feeling that the majority of men are rapidly getting to the stage of having had enough of being constantly put in the same box as a tiny minority of criminals and sexual harassers.”
JamesG, ‘gets the feeling’, on a blog site that obsessively puts the majority of blacks and muslims in the same box as a tiny minority.
that would be Muslims not muslims. Muslims are people who practice Islam. All of them, not a tiny minority. It isn’t optional, it’s the definition of a Muslim.
Max: why have you changed the subject to something entirely different to what we’re discussing?
Very disappointing trolling from maxi there. Is it losing its touch ?
I’m saddened by the decline . Perhaps some the other trolls can do better … CIF
Yes, maxincony is not his usual self. Al Beeb may have replaced him with a ‘stand in’ . What say you maxi?
Two simple questions for you from me …………….
1 What motivates you ?
2 Can you post some examples of Al Beeb’s pro-Brexit Bias?
Maybe Scotty was standing in for Maxi?
I would say to Sarah Chapman, ‘would she blame on domestic and abuse by women for chaps not going for prostate testing ? ‘. Stupid woman.
Most internal examinations are embarrassing and undignified, whether its ear syringing or having cameras inserted into various orifices.
It shows the poor calibre of MP’s we have now in our Parliament.
David Vance just mentioned this (?info from his sister)
Apparently comments to the BBC’s HYS go through reactive moderation before being posted.
So I’m wondering how this one got through:
I polished a number of boris johnsons this evening and now they are all as shiny as a glistening turd.
Anyway, I’m checking out the ‘Highest Rated’ and they are overwhelmingly pro Brexit.
I’m also checking out the latest comments and they are mostly sneering in the same vein as the one quoted above.
Could be that lefty Remoaners only get out of bed late in the afternoon, have a hair of the dog that bit them and then stagger to the computer to groan on the Guardian CIF and HYS.
I made a similar comment to The Times and the comments attached to Remoan articles, which are becoming as frequent as the Grauniad. These seems to be timed within an hour of the publication time (midnight) and are the same names.
During the day the same names make further comments and as they appear they already have a multi-uptick start pre-loaded.
Supertrolls abound or are these in-house ?
Interesting. I just registered at the BBC, which was quite painless, and made a comment on that HYS. I don’t yet know if it passed what scrutiny there is and will be posted on the site. [Edit: yes, they posted it but comments are coming in fast and furious (nearly four thousand since this afternoon) so it’s dropping down the page fast.]
I don’t know about the Times but I think the Guardian and BBC are relatively OK about accepting different points of view. I think they realize that they need to be flexible in that regard to retain any credibility.
Item on R4 6pm News that suggests things at the Times and Sunday Times may not be too healthy. They wish to share resources to save money.
I would not be surprised if a constant diet of anti-Brexit/overturn Brexit/another Referendum from some newspapers might actually drive away some Remain voters as well as many Leave voters. Sales will be hit.
Up, it seems to be happening at The Daily Mail too.
The new bods there are seeing plummeting sales, and fewer clicks on their online site, which has now turned full anti-Brexit and is infatuated with royalty non-stories, bums and a few tits – mainly the blokes!
After several years in the wilderness, The Daily Telegraph seems to be doing pretty well, online just for headlines nowadays. (Ignore the Guardian of course, it’s utterly dire).
If I could be bothered, I’d extrapolate all the ideals of the various rags – online and dead-tree – and apply the broadcasting figures to the BBBC and others. Surely someone with an Excel prog could then find that our tax-funded Notional Breadcruster would be wallowing a long way down the list regarding comedy (bottom – and not the excellent prog with Ade and Rik), Brexit – (further down than that), sport – (sold out to Sky and others, so dire nowadays), and finally, general value for money (absolutely zilch).
There must be a few more columns and rows to add, but why should I help them? They don’t help me!
@Scroblene Re : Daily Mail 2 of the DM today claims sales are up across all days
So it has about 24% market share/day
Re BBC with all those Radio stations and breakfast TV
large proportion of the population is BBC programmed each morning
@Up2snuff re Times/Sunday Times
no big conspiracy. When Murdoch bought them, he had to agree to keep them separate.
… the market has changed, so Murdoch is asking for relaxation of the rule.
Good luck with the BBC HYS. My interaction with the BBC is now limited to 6.30-7.00 R4 Toady and that’s about all I can take.
I do hear that more BBC comments are not being ripped out so that’s a good thing – provided they allow comments at all that is.
Subjects dear to their hearts that must not be disputed and are instructions/advice/indoctrination rather than information are are excluded.
I’m looking forward to May, June & July when, hopefully, Brexit Day will have been and gone with some small hiccoughs and delays overcome with patience and ingenuity.
The BBC on R4 will have to go out and find some proper news instead of relying on a day old pinch from the FT in order to rubbish Brexit, as they were at lunchtime today.
Bet BBC are dreading the day after Brexit. All that wasted time and effort in using our cash to deceive its own viewers will have been and gone.
Would love to be a fly on the … see and hear Ms Toynbee’s foul bile and witness her pain from of her sore arms after throwing all those expensive bottles of wine all over her French Silk wallpaper and her very expensive Afghan-made carpet.
I’m looking forward to May, June & July when, hopefully, Brexit Day will have been and gone with some small hiccoughs and delays overcome with patience and ingenuity. Come the End-of-Year Reviews in December 2019, I wonder how embarrassed the BBC will feel?
The BBC on R4 will have to go out and find some proper news instead of relying on a day old pinch from the FT in order to rubbish Brexit, as they were at lunchtime today.
The problem they’ll have is trying to explain where they went so wrong, Up2.
It will laughable when all they can do is ask the opinions of Diane Abbott, Owen Jones etc, and expect anybody to even consider believing anything they say.
Unfortunately, there won’t be the shortage of diarrhoea medicine they’re reporting, as there’ll be an awful lot of rumbling going on in the well-fed bodies in W1A. (Might be best to avoid the vegan diet too, that’ll create an even worse scenario)!
The “ how terrible life is out side the ReichEU” narrative
“When can we rejoin ?”
Campaign will start straight away . ..
“well, it looks like we’re out”
@TrueToo “I think the Guardian .. relatively OK about accepting different points of view”
FFS not AFAIK, the Guardin is notorious for deleting comments even beanning you merely for disagreeing with the writer.
Edit – I was wrong about Reactive Moderation. It means the comment goes through without first being checked. It’s been quite a while since I used to inflict non-PeeCee opinions on HYS on the fragile BBC.
I had to register again because it wouldn’t accept my old password.
James, he doesn’t do, ‘constructive’. Only venom and spite. How can one become so twisted I wonder?
Not only that, does his mother know he is getting out his pram regularly?
Why my reply ended up so far away from the one I was responding to beats me. (‘JamesG
January 19, 2019 at 1:04 am’ above)
How stupid do the bbc think we are?
Very, very stupid – for putting up with their freeloading for sure.
Anyhow, Steven Sakkur on Arse Talk has to confirm with the French Finance Minster a few things before any mention of France so ok:-
1) Brexit a disaster
2 )No Deal a disaster
3) Leave Campaign = All lies
4) Populism = Leprosy (Macron said)
5) The Deal is the Deal (Germany says, the rest must agree?)
Then the French bloke says people in Europe have had it with Globalism. Lordy, Lordy – I switched off.
Combines two hot news items
Strongly recalling an old Bernard Manning joke.
‘Why do they want to impeach Richard Nixon? Why not just get Teddy Kennedy to drive him home’
All together now. Sing it like Tony Bennett.
I left my car
In Chappaquiddick’
They had a similar picture of The Blessed Margaret Thatcher in the same pose – I think shown on Guido.
One immortal capation/post still makes me laugh, and I hope the chap is still around – hopefully here, as he got so many upticks, they went through the roof…
“Can you tell me where the khazi is Your Majesty, I’m touching cloth here”!
He seems nice. Another bbc chum IIRC.
@GC Re Terry Christian : look how hatey the libmob has become
It’s strange what they have become .. do they have any mirrors ?
I thought I would lighten the general mood somewhat:
Thank you Navets, brilliant ????
Navets -thank you . The man is a national treasure however many faults he has .
A breath of fresh air amongst self serving career expenses claimants …
“…however many faults he has.”
How many faults do you think he has?
1 they lost the opportunity to get rid of may
2 failed to challenge MSM brexit bias
3 accepted the attitude of hostile beeboid interviewers
4 failed to exploit his popularity and charisma to advance the WTO brexit
How about this.
We learn from the BBC that some pharmaceutical products are in short supply.
But the actual reporting is fair !!!!! It includes such information as a. The problem was worse back in 2017 b. The head of the Pharmacists association states it is mainly due to supply and demand and global pricing. c. He also states he thinks it has nothing to do with stockpiling before Brexit as March 29 is too far away in the context of most drug prescriptions.
In other words, nothing to do with Brexit.
So….guess what we hear as a headline on the 1830 BBC London news?
Brexit causing drug shortages !!!!!
They just cannot help themselves, can they?
Bitter and twisted Remoaners, the Fake News BBC loves you.
Ironic that the BBC is allegedly being accused of racism and bias by Diane Abbott and the Labour Party after her appearance on Question Time in Derby yesterday. Fiona Bruce must be wondering what the hell’s going on.
For a change, here is the Graun following the BBC, having clearly not read or ignored guido.
As a patient myself, I’m puzzled how patients can stockpile their medication as we can only get our medication on a monthly basis?.
Who are these patients who are able to stockpile drugs?.
If they mean paracetamol then there is no problem whatsoever – 99p for 2 boxes. Simples.
I note Eastenders earlier were portraying some naughty boys being lectured on not being welcoming to migrants who came here to help rebuild our country….
I’m pretty sure they ran this one recently. Or something darned similar.
Guess they’ve posted so many stories telling us how racist we are that they’ve run out.
“Why jobseekers with ethnic names change personal details on CVs”
Admission of fraud?
Previous qualifications; nurse, engineer
Previous address; Grenfell. (Can’t remember which flat but gimme the money)
If you want a job at the BBC you’d better change your name to an ethnic name or you ain’t getting a job.
The bBC think lying is an acceptable norm.
It isn’t.
Come now, theisland, in some circumstances lying is commonplace and culturally acceptable. Surely you’ve heard of ‘Taquiyya’ and all that?
Meanwhile they berate Tommy Robinson for choosing to use a different identity in order to protect his family, whilst reminding us how he was (stitched up) convicted of mortgage fraud (helping his family).
Fresh from getting excited about EU travel arrangements, Matt is clearly on a roll.
Boom boom.
Or a break for freedom to get away from the newly imported ethnic(s).?
It’s like a sane man, in the old USSR, imprisoned in a mental insitution for years for his political beliefs attempting to escape before the genuinely mad inmates turn him like them.
“Matt Frei is like a 97 year old royal behind a wheel …being a kraut – I wonder if he is taking his German passport when he leaves Blighty to go home …?
Matt Frei is allowed to be so partial cos he works for C4 not BBC
..but surely Ofcom says they have to be impartial as well ?
“Remaining in the EU is like having a drunk ex-prime minister from Luxembourg behind the wheel. You know it’s a bad idea but are too polite to stop it.”
#BiasedBBC caught out spreading #FakeNews, Muller has refuted this copied from Buzzfeed
The BiasedBBC covered themselves with the words “If the Buzzfeed story is substantiated”, so they knowingly print anything anti-Trump whether or not it is true.
The original story as above is still there but hidden and now showing
The once great BBC is now just part of what used to be called the ‘gutter press’.
LBC reports “London Gang Douse Victims In Acid During Homophobic Attack Caught On CCTV”.
The beebistan, usually so quick to promote gayism and denounce homophobia, don’t cover the story at all, even under Regions.
How strange. Or perhaps not…
Wow – more local men .
And 2 more local men are wanted in connection with the murder of a doorman in Londonistan over Christmas .
I’m guessing they went to turkeystan or similar – never to be seen again .
( any one wondering about the “ local man “ reference it is because a PC police force put out a description of wanted murderers as “local men … with tans”.
Don’t want to offend anyone do we?
The black and tans have always had a bad reputation.
Has Owen Jones commented on this? He has been dribbling on about Islamophobia, Homophobia and LBGTB ophobia and the rise of the far right. Perhaps he might acknowledge wrongs committed by his side.I
It’s true, islam makes you ugly; inside and out.
Must be all the inbreeding.
Yes, it turns out that 1400 years of first cousin marriage doesn’t work out too well.
Surely Gillette should be angry with this lot rather than clean living, clean shaven white men!
I’ve just ordered a Wilkinson sword razor and blades from Amazon, next day delivery; ie today; as my little protest against Gillette. If the Wilkinson blades perform as well as the Gillette blades, they’ll probably have lost my custom forever.
For interest, a couple of years ago I tried the King of Shaves razor blades but the razor itself was so uncomfortable to use, I stopped using them.
Tried Harry’s?
Fine, upstanding British citizens I do declare! From left to right, Braithwaite, Smith, Williamson, and so on…………….. Presumably not a ‘Mohamad’ in sight. But, you will not find such an evil looking bunch since the last set of mugshots.
The lazy so and so at the BBC have used a stock picture of a BME lady doctor consulting a elderly white male (we need more BME people and particuarly females in this country to help the bigoted elderly white population as they grow old, being the sub-text) Now I’m sure that’s the same lady who appeared in the “No medicines and we will all be dead by the 2nd April if we leave the EU story last week” was the concerned UK citizen looking at medicines on the shelf puzzled as too how she will cope after the 29th . Please someone check it out. While I’m on a roll, what about the frail Iranian couple being sent back to Iran after owning a flat in Edinburgh for 40 years?? Government started proceedings 1n 2013 to deport them so exhausted all the appeals so it’s bye bye and back you go……the BBC shows a close up of the friendly couple plus a picture from a famikyvwedding they are seventh and eighth from the left, it’s that pixiliated that it could be Tom and Jerry you can’t tell, however what you can tell is that it’s two brides so it’s a LBG wedding. They never give up do they, even in this story they spin another line……im paying for it and I don’t like it. Oh and while I’m waiting for the central heating to kick in I might as well tell you that I phoned the doctors (crisis hit NHS) last Tuesday when I was off to make an appointment …..Hi can I make an appointment to see a GP……certainly how about 2.30 pm ?? Do you mean 2.30 pm on the 18th Feb 2019 ?? No. Can you come round in 44 minutes??? So from ringing to seeing a doctor and home less than 60 minutes …….crisis what crisis ????
I see the gritters have been out to get the roads ready for all this white global warming stuff which is falling from the skies. I’m lucky in that I have a global warming scraper for my windscreen, and a can of de-global warming if I’m in a hurry.
The bBBC website reassures me that it’s just a cold snap. Probably caused by Brexit.
Trumps fault it’s snowing.
I doubt that – it’s giving, will be giving (or has already given) most of Europe, especially the east (where they are not so pro-EU), a hammering. It snows on the EU, too…
Poor old Nick. Goes on the defensive and…
Here was me thinking checking with ‘some people’ in Milton Keynes before committing to reporting on a national issue might be a better idea.
Guest Who,
You mean Robinson should actually be doing the job he’s paid to do?
What a novel idea for employees of the BBC as they leech off the public – with no fear of being fired as long as they stay true to their lefty PeeCee delusions and report same. Jobs wrapped in cotton wool, for life.
I had a sudden thought – it happens sometimes – regarding the remarkable Question Time. During the last few minutes of Dimbleby’s final QT, he thanked various people including those in the background who have such tasks as organizing the audience.
Could it be that these people lost their jobs along with Dimbleby and that Fiona Bruce is not the only newcomer? Could it be that this new broom is sweeping clean – that the BBC has finally taken on board the frequent criticism re biased selection of the QT audiences?
Well, we live in hope.
Fiona Bruce’s enunciation and voice projection is as bad as it was during her first QT but she really does come across as knowledgeable and quick to confront and correct panelists and steer them back on course when they fail to deal with a question – as so often happens, especially with the politicians.
I think the bbc will correct any crack in the monolith
And make sure that the buses carrying the rehearsed selected audience to do their job of pushing bbc propaganda .
I don’t watch it any more but the likes of d Abbot must be so accustomed to an easy time and regimented applause that any challenge is a shock to the mentally challenged flower.
I think Miss Abbott proves the truth in what James Watson has been vilified for saying:
Come to think of it, Abbot did look bemused at times at the criticism from Bruce and the reaction of the audience.
You think this new-look QT is just a temporary glitch in the BBC’s smooth propaganda operation? Well, we live in the hope it’s not.
Edit: Er…I should that’s almost certainly an unwarranted hope.
The bbc and checking. Not so much.
And then, ever so quietly, so slowly, the goalposts started to move…..
Toady watch
I’m going to crow a bit . I predicted after the sellout failed that Soros would roll out Blair and the Major . 2 out of 2 . My next prediction is a popular luvvy from a recent tv series .
Amazing to think Soros made a lot of money from the incompetence of sir John Major
Our Justin interviewed a lady from the brexit wing of the Tory party . He is so desperate for a remain that all his questions were put that way . Actually feel sorry for him as it’s so embarrassing .
I see the bbc are reporting that Superdrug are giving Botox injections. I bet nobody raises an eyebrow.
Grumbler ha ha yellow card !
Toady watch
A luv in for a journo who got dead playing war tourist . They’ve made a film about her because she got dead in a war she chose to go and see .
Can always get another journo – never a shortage – same with politicians .
Excellent. Imagine getting paid to give idiots a fat lip.
What we know about John Major after this morning’s Toady interview:
-The people of Britain have disappeared entirely from his considerations. The referendum has vanished completely.
It is about:
-primarily what HE thinks will be ‘good for the people’
-what parliament thinks
And parliament needs to think what he thinks.
Even ms May and her red lines have become irrelevant.
In parliament: No whipping. Free votes.
But whatever the outcome, they Must think Remain.
Cos that’s what John Major thinks.
He is prepared to ‘eat his words’, but we must all think what he thinks.
Anything else would not be ‘good for the British people’.
I don’t think ‘arrogance’ even still covers a description of Major.
I think we can now see a Fuehrer-like mindset, alien to Britain.
I think we should all immediately follow his great lead to Remain paradise.
There are some 80 Leave MPs who will need to be disposed of, as they stand in the way.
I think John Major IS the people of Britain. He has not a doubt in his mind.
At long last we -the people- don’t have to think for ourselves any more.
Sieg Heil!
Anna knows who she likes. And who likes her.
I think her full name is Anna, I’m not a Nazi, Soubry.
I once had the pleasure of working with someone who was definitely not insane, he had a signed letter from a psychiatrist to prove it.
Can Mrs Soubry likewise prove to us she isn’t a Nazi; perhaps a signed letter from someone high up in the organisation?
Kim jong Major will soon run out of steam – or, hot air, or is that a money belt which makes him look fatter than he really is? – as he is the right age to fulfil Kim Jong Toynbee’s predictions.
Copied from a comment on a Conservative Woman Article.
Ever joined a club where half the members pay no subscriptions so you have to pay much more to cover them?
Ever joined a club where the committee that makes all the rules is unelected?
Ever joined a club that uses your money to give a few presents to your kids but gives you no credit?
Ever joined a club that allows the families of other members to come and live in your house without your permission.
Ever joined a club that never has its accounts signed off?
Ever joined a club that says not matter how illegally its committee members act you can never report them to the police?
Ever joined a club where ex committee members continue to be paid huge sums as long as they are never critical of it?
Ever joined a club dominated by one individual who reaps the vast majority of benefit while some members go hungry?
Ever joined a club that threatens to punish you if you leave?
Welcome to the EU, sign here……
Added by me
Ever joined a club where members invited non members to live in your house and rape your children?
Ever joined a club where members helped non members they had invited to make you homeless while they moved into your home.
Please add your own examples to this sickening treason.
Even the ReichEU admits that Blighty is the equivalent of 17 of their regional states . And when we go it will just be a francokraut partnership with bits stuck on …
Any idea when the EU will renegotiate all of the trade deals that they currently have with third countries? Seeing as they will be based on the UK being an EU member, it seems totally fair to me. EU vs UK. Let’s see who manages to conclude a deal first.
And who says old white men are a problem?
Another old man who remainers classify as a brexiter . The same with old naughtie .
So the Toynbee doctrine that all mature people voted out and all kidults voted remains shows her for the idiot she is – at 72 years old .
Yet the BBC roll her out every week . Again and again to sing her out of key lefty song .
Speaking of problem old white men. Well, except in Beebubble:
The R4 twitter feed reads like an #FBPE wish list.
Interesting if you play with numbers on the 1992 election which John Major claimed a mandate to govern the entire population of the UK. Using the numbers in Wikipedia (I know!).
Result : Percentage of votes cast 41.9% on 33.6 million votes cast including minor parties. The turnout was 77.7%.
if we include those who couldn’t be bothered, the total eligible to vote is around 43.3 million.
John Major got around 32.5% of that. So JM got less of a mandate, based on his reasoning. than the leave vote.
I just caught back end of a clip on BBC TV of a comment by an ex? Labour MP who I believe was a member of browns cabinet and he was all out, no restrictions barred, bile – I only remember one bit of his comments which went thus:
Those who voted to Leave were and still are idiots, racists, and know nothing about playing fair….then mumbles…of course 2nd referendum..
“Only 37% of electorate voted to leave.”
So he admits Remain lost. There is nothing to discuss.
Unlikely BBC Headline:
“”Stop Brexit Scare Stories””
Most of the comments are hilarious, and look like they were issued by BBC Press.
Donald Trump should be added to Mount Rushmore.
Remove Lincoln if required.
I wonder who commissionered `Bryant to ask that question – just two years into a maybe 8 year presidency .
I would have thought that the answer is fairly easy – what did Mr Trump promise in his campaign – and what has President Trump delivered in the first 2 years .
As a non American – remembering his campaign- he has delivered on his campaign promises . Whether economic success is sustainable is a tricky issue because – who knows what the limiting factor is going to be on growth . ?
Fracking has completely changed the wests’ Dependency on dirty Arab oil and looks to stay like that the time to come . Coupled with non nuclear renewables the corrupt medieval regimes in the desert become disposable . That God .
Meanwhile baldy is in lurve.
When you think about it, our MPs are such a useless bunch of blithering windbags and because they are so incompetent we actually might end up with the result we want, a WTO exit (or no deal as the remoaners like to call it)
They are so rubbish at everything they do that we could well arrive at March 29 with them still squabbling over which end of the egg to open.
Suits me.
So here’s to HMS Westminster, the ship of fools set to arrive at a free U.K. on 29/3/19
Oh, on bbbc radio headline news this morning.
Car insurance to go up because of (you’re all ahead of me aren’t you) yes, brexit.
“So here’s to HMS Westminster, the ship of fools set to arrive at a free U.K. on 29/3/19”
I do hope HMS Westminster picks up some Afghan refugees from the Channel on the way in………….
I was just wondering. I wonder how many times the word BREXIT is mentioned in the 2019-2020 issue of COLLINS CONCISE DICTIONARY?
I wonder if its mentioned more than the word MAJOR?
More racism! On BBC’s Question Time.
According to the Guardian:
“Diane Abbott … was singled out before and during Thursday night’s episode … she had been unfairly mocked in the warm-up and had been interrupted more often than other panellists by Fiona Bruce. … the audience booed her name when it was announced.”
The Guardian knows why. It’s not because people hold her in contempt, but because “Question Time and other BBC current affairs programmes have become a lightning rod for claims of media bias against Labour.”
The Guardian then offers this appalling fact: “The Momentum petition referred to an exchange where panellist Isabel Oakeshott said that Labour were “way behind in the polls” and Abbott replied that “we are kind of level-pegging” before Bruce said that Labour were “definitely” behind. But recent polling has found the two parties roughly neck and neck.”
Sorry Guardian, Labour are behind in all polls that I have seen. Though a poll around the offices of the Guardian and BBC might throw up a Labour Party lead.

@Scribbling tweets auto embed .. You don’t need to use the image tag
underneath that tweet they start a petition
BTW national polls are kind of irrelevant cos what counts is the number of seats, it’s no good if all your support is bunched up in certain areas
I heard about Abbott’s uncomfortable experience on QT the other night and it raised a smile. Can this be true?
I can no longer stomach the ghastly left wing love in so I stopped watching it some time ago.
When ever I used to watch, Abbott in particular, was given a foot stomping ovation for any imbecilic utterances the gormless halfwit blathered on about. The audience were so bent it was ludicrous.
Just prior to Brexit I recall Nigel Farage taking the audience to task for being astonishingly partisan; “Even by BBC standards this audience is incredibly left wing.”
So, that appalling bunch of bullying bigots, Momentum, are upset by right wing bias at the BBC…
Diane, Polly and Shami face ache think there are far too many privileged white male presenters on the Beeb.
Have I gone mad?
Next we’ll be hearing the BBC are pro Brexit…
“Next we’ll be hearing the BBC are pro Brexit…”
I am sure that is what Adonis, Owen Jones and similarly deranged persons would say.
Monday 8th January 2018: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast, 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We (BBC) should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
BBC use Annual figure rather than weekly figure and no one noticed .. isn’t this FAKE NEWS?!
Monday 15th January 2018: BBC News at Six, BBC One and BBC News Channel, 9 January 2018
A report on News at Six mistakenly used the annual figure, rather than the weekly one, for waiting times in A&E departments in Scotland.
The weekly figure for patients not seen within four hours was 5686. This was used in all subsequent bulletins and coverage.
It is bbc editorial integrity, which has all morning to churn out Major droppings, but no time or space for…
May I indulge you all for a moment-just a while back we all wanted to make certain T May was doing her job properly and set out a number of major key factors in this respect. 1 Parliament must resume its supremacy of law-making with no impediments, qualifications or restrictions on its future actions agreed in any leaving deal. Britain must wholly remove itself from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. No undertaking shall be given in the leaving agreement that constrains the UK to being an ongoing member of the European Court of Human Rights. 2 Britain must resume full control of its immigration and asylum policies and border controls. There must be no impediments, qualifications or restrictions agreed to in any leaving deal. We must not be bound by any freedom of movement obligation. The departure terms must facilitate the Government finally making good on its broken promise to cut net annual net migration to the tens of thousands. The continued invasion of Islam into the UK offers clearly the reasons to the above. 3 Joining the EEC involved a betrayal of our coastal communities at the behest of a previous Tory prime minister. They must not be betrayed again. Leaving the EU must involve restoring to the UK full maritime sovereignty. The UK must resume complete control of its maritime exclusive economic zone – stretching 200 miles off the coast or to the half-way point between the UK and neighbouring countries. We must ensure that no constraint other than its own physical capacity or the needs of stock preservation or replenishment – as decided upon by the UK Parliament – applies to our fleet. This will give our fishing industry a long overdue chance to recover. 4 The UK must retake its seat on the World Trade Organisation and resume its sovereign right to sign trade agreements with other countries. The UK must have full legal rights to set its own tariff and non-tariff barriers consistent with WTO rules. This means leaving the EU single market and customs union. Continued tariff-free trade, with no strings attached, may be offered to the EU, but if the EU declines the offer then WTO terms are the acceptable fall-back position. Post departure, both sides will have the ability to further liberalise trade on the basis of mutual gain.5 There must be NO final settlement payment to the EU, and no ongoing payments to the EU budget after we have left. We must also reclaim our share of financial assets from entities such as the European Investment Bank, in which it is estimated that some £9bn of UK money is vested.6 It is clearly reasonable to expect the Brexit process to be completed well before the next General Election. To go into the 2020 election with loose ends left untied or an open-ended transition still in progress would risk plunging the country into a new era of uncertainty and emboldening those who wish to overturn the referendum result. That is unacceptable. So Brexit must be done and dusted before the end of 2019. At present in January 2019 and with the Prime Ministers cabinet mostly at odds with one another, puts the PM into an impossible situation to make headway in any direction therefore it could be reasonable to see that a NO DEAL BREXIT will ultimately be the only answer, and one we people of the UK should not be afraid of. Stop listening to the Media/BBC et al they will pour cold water on anything no matter what.
I with you the whole way on this . It’s regretable that Blighty has bred so many without backbone .
However disordered matters might be after we leave we must remember it is a two way process for the nation s of the ReichEU. Their markets sell more to us after all …
And it’s about more than trade .
Another ex Beeboid knows who he likes.
It’s strange how there are parallels on either side of the pond . Democrats can t accept the existence of President Trump and remainers cannot accept a once in a generation referendum .
I wish some of the debate from the referendum campaign would be re run on State TV. Equal time for both sides – just so that people can be reminded how much the remainers said it would be a ‘once only ‘vote – no ifs no buts – as a certain ex PM said …
But that is an element of the bias of the BBC . Personal views more important than the job it is supposed to do.
Re @Roland Deschain’s complaint of November 1st
– BBC title : Trump: Third of Americans see media as ‘enemy of the people’
BBC text : He said a third of Americans believed the media was “the enemy of the people”
– Roland : That’s wrong cos
The video on the page shows he didn’t say “the media is”
and further down the BBC page they do quote it properly
“..the fake news is, in fact, and I hate to say this, in fact, the enemy of the people.”
so your BBC title and your tweet is WRONG
– BBC for ten weeks : “la la la, we are too busy”
– BBC on Jan 17th : ah yes the title is wrong we’ve changed it to :
… Trump: Third of Americans see *fake news media* as ‘enemy of the people’
– Roland “result !”
– Nope the BBC have cheated their new title is disingenuous as is their correction note
\\ President Trump’s comments specifically related to “fake news media” //
WTF are those quotation marks doing there ? Trump did not say those words
The title should just say :
… Trump: Third of Americans see *fake news
media* as ‘enemy of the people’I’d complain again if I were you Roland
And on top of that the BBC don’t know how to correct the hidden code in their webpage
cos it still uses some form of the incorrect phrase “media as enemy” 30 times yes THIRTY times
And only twice gets the correct form “fake news .. is/was the enemy of the people” cos its quoting him directly
.. (That wrong hidden code means that when people tweet or Facebook that page ..the preview title is NOT the new one, but actually the old incorrect title)
Roland thinks he’s lucky cos he got a correction, but I think he should complain again.
See my comment beneath Roland’s January 18, 2019 at 2:32 pm previous thread
See in a tweet from the week previous (Oct 25th) that Trump is careful not to say ALL media or all the time , but specifies
Fake News = purposely false and inaccurate reporting
“the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News.”
Face it – the media just love winding people up, it gives them a sense of purpose in their otherwise meaningless, worthless lives.
Stew, I had noted that and contemplated complaining again. I may yet do so but I’m not convinced it will achieve much. They’ll just say it was clear he was referring the media’s fake news. As I alluded to in my original comment, it’s something of a Pyrrhic victory as no one will now notice. The important point for me is that they were made to squirm for a while and add a correction (or at least alteration).
You also noted that they hadn’t deleted the tweet. Actually, they have. The tweet I complained about was from BBC News; yours was from BBC World at almost exactly the same time. I might have something to say about that if I do complain again.
For the benefit of those who complain in future, it’s maybe worth adding that when I made my complaint, I tried to anticipate their likely points of defence and refute them. That, I think, cut off their usual dismissal and forced their hand. It’s why complaining about bias generally doesn’t work. Bias is in the eye of the beholder and easily brushed off with the “think we got it about right” ploy. If complaining, get them on fact (and they’re getting sloppy in their desperation to get Trump and stop Brexit). Then narrow down their options by cutting off in advance as many of their likely defences as you can think of.
@Roland Actually I didn’t say that they hadn’t deleted that tweet
I merely pointed out that I could easily spot a number of their tweets of the story that they hadn’t deleted
I did say that deleting stuff instead of adding correction, is wrong, cos it stops preservation of the public record.
Bottomline they still end the article with something in quotation marks that Trump did not say.
Maybe we need a ‘handy guide to effective complaining against the state broadcaster “.
I say that because I once had to apply for Attendance Allowance for someone and despite overwhelming evidence it got bounced . So I researched it online and found that several councils publish guides on the ‘right words to use ‘ to get through the application process . And it worked .
I met a senior civil servant in the DWP and told them about how their admin in application assessment could cause serious hurt to people who really really need the help.
One or two Gilets Jaunes on the move, in Acte X.
Anything on the BBC?
Our far left Marxist State Broadcaster (aka “The Worlds Most Trusted”) prefers to give the plebs detailed ‘News’ about rioting and shootings in Sudan rather than what’s happening just over 20 miles away as it is, presumably, closer to their staff’s ancestral home.
Maxicony said a short while ago that the French events are broadcast on the BBC and that rumours of a restriction by the BBC was false.
Anything on the bbc?
Why yes, a hard-hitting, in-depth report on “An alpaca walks into a French optician’s”.
Shoulda gone to Specsavers.
Nice to know the extortion tax is being well spent.
This video is apparently now unavailable???
Love this article on the no deal question time cheer.
I read this the other day sums up how I feel and what the BBC hate.
Be English and proud whatever colour of your skin, read our history our joint myths and legends, English brothers and sisters Nelson on the sea, Scott in the cold, Alfred the great in dim distant past. History’s Queen the 1st, the nightingale and the lioness standing against the might of Rome.
Be English and proud whatever you colour of your skin, People left and right will hate you and try to tear you down but stand proud against their rage and forgive them because you are English, let them have their say but not let them sway you or bow your head because they are lucky to be in this land To have their opinion listened too not torn from their grasp and imprisoned.
You may have come from a distant land but take England to your heart & your English brothers & sisters will love & protect you, stand with you against hatred from whatever side.
We maybe again sleeping lions led by deceitful donkeys who smile and say they know best but we are stirring and beginning to open our eyes remember be proud to be English whatever your colour.
Yes be proud to be English, The time might come again to fight for our freedom from the yoke of the powerful who want us to change our beliefs, so remember our family. We have stood together against tyranny in the past, like all families we have fought but we are stronger united, weaker if we are broken apart.
You don’t need to fly a flag from your window and scream out ‘God Save the Queen’ you can be silent and proud, quietly spoken and proud because the air that you breathe is English air.
When you breathe your first English breath be it just born from the womb or just stepping foot on this land you are now free to choose want you want to be but always remember be English and proud.
“You may have come from a distant land but take England to your heart…”. Therein lies the problem. The vast intake over the last 20/30 years has their own culture which they wish to impose upon us Brits.
Six kings
Yeah – and try speaking the English language or you will be forever a foreigner worthy of heading home …..
Well, I have inadvertently switched on to Football Focus, and had to double check that I wasn’t watching CBBC ! Ok, maybe I haven’t seen the programme for decades, (and I come from a footballing family), but how low has it sunk. I even thought Meghan Markle had been given a spot to air her views !
Thanks doob – apart from the incestuous nature of the political career – student – councillor – spad – MP – the other problem is that the majority remainer MPs meet with their own kind and then treat the ‘popular ‘ brexit view as plain stupid and hostile .
It’s a great shame . And it’s going to remain a big issue whatever the outcome of the current war becomes – and it really is a matter of draining their swamp.
As an aside – I was really saddened to see the leak of the threat not to send the current remainer speaker to the Peers. Revenge should be a dish served cold …..
Face it – the media just love winding people up, it gives them a sense of purpose in their otherwise meaningless, worthless lives. Added to which we have plenty out there all to happy to run with it in order to boost their sense of worth or whatever and they all find fertile ground among those whose mindset seems stuck in the world of a child ie: the ‘kidult’.
“Webb told us he didn’t have a clue what Gove was talking about”
Justin’s grasp of popular culture is clearly defective.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Beeboids seem to feel broadcasting how thick and unaware they are is a badge of honour. Katty, him…
It really isn’t, when they are paid to be on top of things.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Windsor Davies who played Battery Sergeant Major Williams in ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ has passed away at 88. I wonder what BSM Williams would have said about Owen Jones and the BBC policies on LGBT?
I don’t know why but “Never before have I seen such a blatant display of poofery!” comes to mind.
How many ways could comments be going better? Let me count the ways….
The Today Programme
Brexit: The UK leaving would be “a big disappointment” says former Arsenal and Germany goalkeeper Jens Lehmann. A love affair doesn’t work “if one side wants to take the benefits but not give something”.
And bbc forever scraping the barrel, “Brexit could affect football contracts and transfer currency exchange”.
Still waiting for – ‘Your cat will explode and your willy drop off.’ but give it time.
No chance of the latter lest several staff are discomfited. And the men.
You must have missed it.

Being cold and damp and in da house – I thought I’d look over the provisions of the Referendum Act 2000 as amended .
I’d forgotten that the Act sets up the Electoral Commission – which has been proved to be a biased remainer – pro labour outfit .
And of course the Electoral Commission will preside over any coming Referendum . In other words – it will be fixed .
I support my assertion about being pro labour because of the announcement – last week – that Labour had been fined £12K for election irregularities . An announcement made at a time to engage minimum attention .
The MSM will not look at the fairness of their ‘friends ‘ in the commission for reasons of bias .
At risk of inspiring a fit of vapours in the mods, but the author deserves credit.
Trump is still not in the clear for the assassination of President Kennedy though. Can he prove he wasn’t in Dallas that day? Buzzfeed really needs to get on top of this one, it will surely lead to impeachment.
It is worth watching again . For multiple reasons i don’t like Gove . But that speech is unusual in the Commons these days – sharp, witty flowing – , some on the other side can barely speak English yet alone make a coherent speech .
9pm Monday C4 doco about the 768 homicides in UK in 2017
Since London had 135 in 2018 that means it has about 20% of UK total
It is surprising that 80% of UK homicides are outside London