I can’t believe that the BBC, brimful as it is with feminists raging against sexist males, would put up a photo on the website of a girl who has to wait for a man to change her tire!!
I think by labeling the individual ‘girl’ and assuming gender you’ve committed some sort of hate crime TT, off for reeducation you go. Perhaps the term ‘individual’ is one too? Don’t really know whats safe to say anymore, but then that’s the point isn’t it.
They might get further mileage out of the image should the yellow vest protests ever get covered, nice to see the bbc watching the pounds and pence.
Local paper : police went to Bronx area of Scunthorpe and find Albanian in large cannabis traffickers
In court he says I had to do it to pay the people traffickers.
Now we are paying for him to be in UK jail for 9 months.
OK, they are like family, but Mishal ‘not enough dead Israeli kids’ Husain might want to have a word with herself after reading this and the comments so far.
Would it ever cross what there is of Mishal’s mind to ask what a fourteen-year-old was doing unsupervised by his parents or other adults in a dangerous confrontation with Israeli troops.
(That’s a rhetorical question and so I thought it unnecessary to add a question mark.)
And of course she would never speculate that the child might have been egged on by said adults.
Saturday Kitchen picks up the agenda. They had some Californian tangerine growers literally weeping about their concern for the poor ‘migrants’. No-one else would pick their hobby crop and those people in the cities just didn’t understand that there should be no borders. These ‘migrants’ just wanted to work.
But surely they only need one lot of ‘migrants’ with proper applications and ‘green cards’? I suspect that a batch of ‘migrants’ works cheaply for these hobby farmers, pay no taxes and then melt away into the great USA, only to be replaced by another batch next season.
It has been said that cotton growing was only viable in the early days because of slave labour. Mechanisation meant that slaves were no longer needed. These Californian ‘migrants’ are just one rung up from slaves.
“Mechanisation meant that slaves were no longer needed.”
Similarly automation should have obviated the need for enrichment, but did not.
Some compulsory de-enrichment is urgently required.
2 Essex detectives are on trial
Its alledged that whilst working at CAIT North an Essex child abuse investigation team they falsified documents to make investigations die.
Grooming gangs not mentioned
The example used was family abuse.
Fuck off BBC. Just scroll through the Facebook & Twitter accounts of @BBCRadio4 – nowadays the BBC is pretty much a student union newspaper with a multi-billion budget. pic.twitter.com/KVljJ2ZIZH
Whispers: Is it really the BBC’s job to boost brands that it likes because they share values, and do all they can to trash any who do not conform to the hive mind?
“While 24% of white British applicants received a call back from UK employers, only 15% of ethnic minority applicants did.”
I frankly find it inplausible 24% of people are getting a callback, i’d be suprised if it wasn’t more than 10%. Also it does not give any breakdown of the type of jobs involved… for example we know that we have up to a million Islamic child rape victims, and each victim might have been raped by more than 7 different perpetrator (as seen in a recent typical case where 55 men were arrested for abusing 7 children.
That’s 7.85 abusers per child, so a Million Islamic child abuse victims could mean 7 million Perpetrators… we have less that 2 Million Muslim men i the country, this suggests that the Muslim community is awash which infidel child rape.
Would you want to employ a Muslim in any position where they had contact with children, such as teachers, social service, child care, ice cream sales man ect?, I certainly would not want a Muslim in contact with my daughter, not anymore.
Than we know that employing a Muslim in any retail or hospitality job, or even any customer facing could be an invite for trouble. We know that many Muslims will refuse to server non-halal products… at the moment this is alcohol, pork, non-halal meat.
Soon this craziness could extend to other non-halal items, because in Islam “images of living things” are harem and so is music, in fact any non-blessed item could be haram… so they could soon be refusing to serve items based on their packaging, or non-halal flour.
Then of course, they can refuse to shake hands, refuse to handle any financial product that is non halal, cover their face, disappear several times every day for prayers which requires meetings to be rescheduled or delayed, then they disappear every Friday afternoon, that’s an extra 25 days holiday over the year. Then they expect non-Muslms to reorient their entire social time to accommodate Islamic customs… even this BBC article complains that:
“Most of the socialising in the industry revolves around drinking and this culture excludes people from Muslim backgrounds.”
So rather than 4% of the population adapting to 90%+ pf the population, the 90% are meant to change to accommodate the minority.
The BBC has replied to the Labour Party’s accusation that the Shadow Home Secretary has a nasty time for her appearance fee ( £1000) on the flagboat Question Time .
Don’t know . Didn’t see . But I do know that there were more girls on the panel than boys so she couldn’t play the sexism game . Instead she plays the race card to cover her inadequacy .
At least the cash can help to pay the school fees .
… and before anyone says “not all Muslims”… i worked in engineering with several Muslims, and ALL of them were disrupting meeting with prayers, and disappearing on a Friday afternoon.
Also, because there were several they felt empowered to refuse to shake hands with women as well. for Christmas dinner we ended up in a curry house that did not serve alcohol, and I was told to eat my ham sandwich outside because it was offensive…. imagine if i had refused?
What a bloody cheek!
I would have refused and made sure I had a pint in one hand and a bacon sarnie in the other.
If they don’t like our ways then there’s an easy solution.
Plenty of room for them back in their charming homeland.
… Camel Dung Central…
And yet the bbc not only wheeled him out, put gave him a nice polish too.
Sir John Major claimed today that he is not part of the remain campaign. Yet People's Vote spin doctors tried to manipulate an interview on behalf of the former PM. Why be so disingenuous? https://t.co/hUKcyfHkNQ
The sjw bbc all agog that “Firewomen prove they exist to four-year-old Esme”.
But next time there’s a fire over at Broadcasting House or MediaCity (heaven forbid) I wonder if they’d rather be rescued by a strapping 6-footer or a box-ticking pc firewoman?
Hannah Summers, the little girls mother, is a freelance journalist based in London who writes regularly for the Guardian. Says a whole lot doesn’t it? She’s also lying through her teeth.
Fireman Sam was first shown on the the bBBC in the late 80s and has had a female firefighter called Penny since early on, and definitely since the early 90s when Ms Summers probably watched children’s tv herself. In fact Penny is one of the main characters in the updated cgi version currently on Channel 5.
Fireman Sam is immensely popular, and has always been pretty PC, with loads of toys and merchandising to advertise and promote it. It is unbelievable that a child, who is blonde and female, interested in becoming a firefighter doesn’t know that there is a character called Penny, blonde and female, who is a firefighter in this cartoon shown regularly on 5. She’s also a scuba diver and lifeguard and is in charge of the rescue boat apparently. A really positive role model to show Esme if her mother could be arsed doing a bit of parenting rather than posing.
But it’s not on the the bBBC anymore and so there it is, Vlad, much as their sports coverage often proves, if the bBBC don’t have it, it doesn’t exist. Throw in yet more feminist bullshit and the bBBC grab get another opportunity to present their nonsensical views as news and shitstir as only they can.
I’m thinking of writing to the BBC.
For the sake of diversity we need to be informed and reminded ALL YEAR LONG that this year is the Chinese year of the pig.
We need a pig graphic between all the programs this year. They’ve done it with hippos, they can do it with pigs. Doesn’t the BBC LOVE Asians and customs of diverse cultures? Let’s see it then.
This is a Year of Earth Pig, starting from Feb. 5, 2019 (Chinese New Year) and lasting to Jan. 24, 2020. Pig is the twelfth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Pig include 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043..
John Sweeney seems to have ascended to that special zone of BBC teflonism occupied by John Simpson, Jez Bowen and others, where they simply can spout what they like free of consequence, so long as it falls under BBC IFF Guidelines.
Thanks to those who have got in touch with kind messages – my staff and I are fine. Thanks must go to @policescotland officers for their professionalism and also @glasgowlife staff at Pollokshaws Library. I’ll keep doing my job on behalf of Southsiders.
Ezra Levant supported TR with donations, so is Geoffrey Cox MP waiting for The Rebel to be embroiled with their own legal battle before pronouncing on TR’s case?
I seem to remember Cameron saying that we would be able to de-select our local MPs by some kind of petition or 10% of voters, something like that.
Did anything ever come of that or was it a politician’s promise.
If we are able to do anything about the MPs who are supposed to represent us then why are there all these MPs going against their constituencies. Why have they not been at least threatened with de-selection for ignoring us.
How are soubry, Rudd, grieve and about 400 other honourables still in a job when their allegiance is with the eu and against their own constituencies.
I guess it was just politicians promising then discarding when elected.
BBC Radio 4
3 hrs · Patient: “I don’t want an Asian doctor”
Receptionist: “She is Scottish”
Patient: “She doesn’t look Scottish.”
Receptionist: “What do Scottish people look like?”
(via BBC Asian Network)
Three hours? This has been recycled for days.
Clearly they like it at the BBC (via the ‘Asian’ Network. They have some great Doctors in Asia. And no doubt many here. Then one gets into grey areas regionally and qualifications).
But when the BBC wants folk to take the baiting, many are ready to be inspired.
An investigation is underway after two patients contracted a fungal infection linked to pigeon droppings at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow
I don’t think this evidence that proves Theresa May is a traitor will appear on BBC News for a while?
Apparently the EU had planned to give Britain a comprehensive Free Trade Deal if Theresa May had walked out of the room. But Theresa wanted the fake Brexit Deal constructed by Oily Robbins. Evidence of treachery exists in a transcript of a secret tape recording of a Civil Servant called Alastair Brockbank, who is the defence adviser to Oliver Robbins, author of the Chequers deal that was written behind the backs of her Brexit Ministers, who then resigned. Alastair Brockbank explains openly an intention to hoodwink the British public with what he calls ‘fluffy language’ which will seemingly conform to the mandate to Leave. But in the defence area, the language and the technical agreements will all lock us into a subordinate role in defence and security under the EU. Another civil servant, a woman called Victoria Billing says it’s like a Kit Kat bar, you have a shiny label on the outside which seemingly conforms to the will of the people to leave the EU, but inside you’ve got a chocolate bar which is constructed to keep us engaged with, it is in fact Hotel California, the Eagles song, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave” or BRINO as people now call it, Brexit In Name Only.
It’s always been a joke that civil servants are apolitical . This may have been moot befor Blair took power but by the end of his time the Civil Servants had been totally infiltrated by the Left
And remain so . Other state agencies are the same – particularly the police and judiciary .
Richard – thank you for adding flesh to the bones of these events .
The So called “first division “ of civil servants are now more like the ‘vanderama league’ or what ever the 4th division is called now .
@Scroblene that tweet has 2 parts : the text , and a graphic
In it’s original form the graphic appears above the tweet, so that is how it’s meant to be read.
Here on B-BBC for some reason the text appears below the graphic
– Tweets are limited to 288 characters and the BBC wanted to convey a longer message, so it did that by making a graphic with the words in and then attaching that to the tweet.
Clicking on a tweet’s timestamp opens up its thread
You’ll see the original tweet has part1 : “For those who haven’t seen it, we also said this yesterday”
followed by part 2 : here’s our text
Stew, thank you very much for explaining all this – at last I’m beginning to see how all this works! (I only make four mobile calls a year, to keep the line free for emergencies, so texting is out as well)!
You can see that I’ve been up early to find out, and while a Remy (Tesco) isn’t really a good idea at this ungodly hour, a large mug of Yorkshire Gold is doing the trick!
Actually, it’s not so bad at this time of day, as ‘the rest of the day’s your own’, well, up to 7:00am when it all gets going!
Guest, me being a bit of an old fart who doesn’t do twitter or bookface, and you, being a skilled and articulate poster here, with results that I enjoy immensely, would you mind awfully, explaining to me how to read any of these ’twilliter’ posts please?
Does the bottom bit (the stuff from ‘bbc news team in this instance’ – “team”…paaaaah) stand as an original twitt (?), and the top bit in the ‘box’ mean it’s an answer, or is it the other way round? Did the bbbc team say that to describe what they’ve done – or maybe forgotten?
I get so confused when they try and double back on their ‘twotts’, that I have to ask – please believe me!
BTW, I’ve been blogging longer than ‘twonker’, and really should know these things, but it all seems a bit odd to me…
And to finish up, before I pour a large Remy, (Tesco actually), somehow, the Tweets coming from President Trump strike a chord, and mean something, while the bbbc just flounders around and asks opinions from idiots like Ms Abbott, Ms Toynbee and their feral son Owing Jaunes… (Does Owing wear a Primark Gillette I wonder)?
That Remy (Tesco) will go down a treat I can assure you, even if I have to stay up all night to see if my pleas for instruction are granted!
(And to cap it all, our DVD player has just gone on the blink! While I’m in Tesco on Monday, buying a new one, I’ll probably stock up on Remy (Tesco), for the coming weeks – a crate should just about do it…)!
Last week Mr D and I gave serious consideration on whether to give up on Les Mis but gave it another go. As we are getting more and more depressed by the antics of people like Grieve on B….. I suspect we will find more uplifting things to do tonight like watching paint dry or unblock drains or something.
“The Wild Places of Essex” a repeat of a documentary made in 2010 in the old BBC style, and a reminder of how, back in the 60s, such programmes were being made all the time. Ichabod!
I think that the BBC have been hoisted by their own petard with regard to Question Time this week.
The very, very positive result from the audience when Leave was mentioned said it all. It must have shaken the foundations of the BBC. A tremor of terror!
All these events are funneling the government towards a proper Brexit. A Brexit that was voted for and must not be denied.
The cynic in me says this episode was set up to defend the BBC against allegations of routine bias . If the next episode is equally ‘fair’ then I will be proved wrong and maybe QT is worth watching again .
Whatever the case in the most recent programme Isabel Oakeshott was the only brexiter on the panel .
The close up of Maitless with the eyes and the Hitchcock sound effects is classic. It tells us that the BBC are moving from a sixth form school newspaper reporters to complete crazies. Mad Mateless cannot interview, cannot even argue but simply recites a list of labels – xenophobic anti moslem etc – from a script supplied by the Socialist Worker Party, where you will see many with zombie eyes like hers.
I get the feeling that beeboids might be a bit afraid of interviewing Hungarian politicians . Maitliss is obviously a Muslim convert in her enthusiasm for that false religion . Beeboids deserve to be confronted for their lies and arrogance – British politicians have been bred to be compliant because they know the state broadcaster has a malicious streak when challenged .
I bet Hungary is a really nice country and really good at deporting the third world getting through their border fences .
I wonder if he’ll tweet anything about what I mention in the poorly-edited point below? I ran out of time when I tried to tidy it up a bit, bloody pre-emptive text.
Tonight a car bomb went off outside the Courthouse right in the middle of Derry, Londonderry, Doire, whatever the hell you want to call it. I think a fair amount of damage has been done and there is a suspicious second vehicle but thankfully no innocents have been hurt or injured.
I wonder out long it will take the bBBC to blame it on Brexit?
Londonderry, the Liverpool of Northern Ireland, is within spitting distance of the border between NI and Eire’s County Donegal, a border that contrary to media misrepresentation does actually already exist and the Republican Bogside is few hundred yards away from where this bomb went off. As is the constantly attacked Protestant enclave of the Fountain.
Of course this is nothing to do with Brexit, it’s “dissident” Republicans hitting a soft target more loudly and forcefully than usual as their regular punishment beatings, shootings and “viable devices” are simply brushed under the carpet as they don’t suit the narrative, largely ignored by the national msm. As Adams famously said, “” They haven’t gone away you know”.
Let’s wait and see how the bBBC and the rest of them use this one.
“”Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Dr Fox said: “Failure to deliver Brexit would produce a yawning gap between Parliament and the people, a schism in our political system with unknowable consequences.””
“The reaction of the Question Time audience could become a political tsunami. It is time for MPs to deliver on the promises they made. It is a matter of honour and a matter of duty.”
R4 item now Bristol councillor was “yellowvested”
and threats were made on social media “you will be Jo Coxed”
.. that sounds like stuff they probably sent themselves
.. Paddy said “these attacks on politiicians must stop
Guests now *James O’Brien* , Sarah Sands, an Egyptologist
Mayor “I came out my house one day, and someone had written ‘Marvin must die’ on the pavement, I had to stand over the word ‘die’ so my kids didn’t see it”
… Graffiti is vandalism, but it is not a credible death threat
The next voice was his deputy Asher Craig
“I was yellowvested”
“I came out my house and there was a yellow vest on the wall nearby , I thought some workman had left it, but then someone explained that was being yellowvested, the vest had been left as a threat … so since its a racist hate crime the police have taken that yellow vest away for DNA analysis”
(… WTF looks like a game of Chinese Whispers)
.. She continues “And on social media threats were made against me. Someone said I should be JoCox’d”
Where’s the substantiation ?
I don’t see how the The BBC local newspage uses the title Bristol’s deputy mayor threatened over Bearpit plan
..and then the article doesn’t actually substatiate or detail these threats https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-46890137
R4 gave us 3 claims of death threats ..and to make an extraordinary claim you need extraordinary evidence .. Checking Facebook and Twitter finds no mention of Asher being “JoCoxxed” or JoCox’d
But i do find the local paper saying The male mayor claiming someone on Facebook saying ‘he deserved to be Jo Cox’d’ https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/marvin-must-die-mayor-finds-2434785
That Guardian article doesn’t allow comments
A Twitter commenter immediately pointed out the Guardian was tricky. Cos the Facebook threat was NOT to do with he Bear Pit, cos buried twads the bottom the Guardian quotes
\\ The Facebook threat to Rees and Craig appeared to be motivated by the Labour administration’s policies on homelessness, Craig said. //
Bristol Summary
That R4 BH item looks to me like the normal BBC racism of awarding special attention to SpecialVictim groups , cos the BBC did a 7 minute item based on flakey claims
.. and they wouldn’t have done the same for straight white right wing figures. So that breaks the principle of equality ..and shows SpecialVictim groups have MoreThanEqual rights.
#1 white right wing figures receive death tweets and graffiti very often
No media call for action
#2 These black Bristol politicians make claims 2 of which are very flakey
: the yellow vest left on the wall
: The facebook Jo Cox’d claim
If that was clear then a copy would be in public domain, the fact that it is not visible anywhere suggests that there is a problem with the context.
The third claim the death grafitti is recorded, but is not an a actual credible threat. Indeed I imagine that when Farage gets the same he is told “The less fuss you make, the less they’ll repeat this”
Such intimidation stories are the kind of thing that is best published after a prosecution has been done, and not before, cos the intimidators thrive on it raising a fuss, and if you don’t react they are more likely to give up,
“…and threats were made on social media ‘you will be Jo Coxed’.. that sounds like stuff they probably sent themselves”
Really? And what would death threats they didn’t “send themselves” sound like?
The Mayor [Marvin Reece] had “Marvin Must Die” painted outside his house. But apparently, according to you, that’s “not a credible death threat”.
Your desperate attempt to dismiss this story as, “BBC racism – SpecialVictim – flakey – warrabout – imagine if – the media shouldn’t report it anyway”; is just painful to read.
Meanwhile, later in this thread you’ve jumped to the defence of a certifiable racist, anti-semitic, white-supremacist who describes Maajid Nawaz as a “filthy hook-nosed P*ki”, and Diane Abbott as a “dumb monkey-in-a-wig”.
So, James O’Brien does know the rules of conversation. He hasn’t interrupted, browbeat or humiliated his fellow panelists on Radio 4’s Broadcasting House like he does to listeners who phone in to disagree with him on his LBC radio show.
Yes it would take all ReichEU ministates to consent . Brussels woukd bribe dissenters and tell them what “reprisals” would be taken . The Reich is very experienced with reprisals .
GrieveQC and company , together with Lord Berkow of Brussels – are conspiring to breach another president by getting a Commons vote against the wishes of the Government to extend A50 using the Hotel California method .
It’s mad that a back bench QC MP can challenge a democratic vote and get away with it .
Thank you.
Salvini and co already want to leave the EU.
What reprisals can the EU threaten?
Without their beloved EU army Italy will not be invaded.
The EU is now wishing it began the army project ten years ago.
The EU might invade Malta.
Bribe? Some € Ponzi money? Since the EU cannot bribe states personal bribes will be offered. I think Salvini would “accept” the EU bribe and then put a video on Youtube showing the whole process.
The Euro would then be worth less than a Venezuelan Chavezivar.
So it will be economic reprisals, which will work slowly, if they work at all. Which will increase Italians determination to ITEXIT.
Attempted reprisals will increase the number of states wondering if this “ever closer union” is such a good idea.
If this analysis is realistic a EU member state could vote against the A50 extension and the EU could do SFA.
I feel that a High Court challenge ought to take place after the PM’s statement tomorrow. The Supreme Court ruling in Miller & others 2017 was not, as far as I recall, for Parliament to keep on voting over Brexit.
It was for one vote.
A final say.
Parliament had its final say on Tuesday, last week.
“We need to know what the majority of parliamentarians think!” Major and Grieve have both forgotten ENTIRELY that Brexit was about what the majority of the PEOPLE/VOTERS think. Either that or they’re pretending to have forgotten.
Along with the Kenneth Clarkes and Soubrys of this world, they give parliament a bad name. It stinks of an elitist institution that floats so high above the people, and has so completely lost any connection with them, it must be pretty close to Oumuamua or Ultima Thule.
Bercow will need to get red in the face quite a lot to keep the temperature constant. At least we should be able to catch faint echoes of what he bellows from out there, beyond Pluto, such is his volume. That way we can be assured he’s not down here, with the ordinary mortals. Maybe Jacob, Boris, Nigel, Gerard etc can eventually get on with the job of bringing parliament back down to earth, from the dizzy heights. But not too soon, please.
We can then try to explain to Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters, the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy, cos clearly they lack even this most basic information about democracy.
“We can then try to explain to Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters”
We can then try Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters.
Fixed it or you.
fnw, “Maybe Jacob, Boris, Nigel, Gerard etc can eventually get on with the job of bringing parliament back down to earth, from the dizzy heights.”
Sadly, I think Boris’ mind is on other things right now.
He has a little distraction going on.
“We can then try to explain to Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters, the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy, cos clearly they lack even this most basic information about democracy.”
Problem is that they are ceasing to be democrats. They do not like democracy or respect democracy anymore. They are Fascists or Marxists (I use the latter word as a catch-all for the very many different varieties of Communist). They are happy to use democracy as a platform or ladder to get onto the stage, but once there, it is ‘To hell with audience, WE will perform as WE choose.’.
Matthew Parris was priceless on TWTW at 1pm on R4. He was busy pointing at others, “Oooh, look the Far Right” in the Conservative Party while strutting up and down in his jackboots, saluting all over Brexit. Ed Stourton conducted the Inertview.
I think it is Matthew Parris who is on the ‘Far Right’ of the Conservative Party, so far right that he’s Left.
It’s curious that the BBC has a stable of mouthpieces such as Parris – whose views never move . Who never say ‘I got that wrong’. I suppose producers / editors know that these characters ‘know the rules’ as far as defamation is concerned so will be approved by the BBC legal department .
But what it gives the punter – is – ironically – a lack of diversity of view .
Every week we go through seems to be the next ‘important week’ . I can’t imagine what the scenes both in the House of Commons and the country of the countdown to the expiry of A50 is perverted .
The PM has said again and again and again that uk leaves on March 29 . For a government not to achieve that promise because of the efforts of a biased speaker an a brexit hating Tory backbencher and club will not be a pretty sight .
You’re right, Fed, the Beeb love Parris. Not because he’s on the payroll and with Mikey Portillo balances out all the other Labour people the Beeb has on the go, but because he is a great Sneerer at The British Public. The BBC like that, too.
And then Parris is also a schn …. Yiddish deleted 🙂 just in case it offends your rule (which I support) … as well as – probably – a few other choice Yiddish words that I’m far too polite to use. The BBC LOVE to schneer at the public and they are probably the greatest Schn ……… s of all!
Sometimes I think that I will wait until somebody tells me that
I am paranoid about the BBC and my perception that slowly
but surely they are getting rid of all of their white male news
presenters and reporters.
Some ” BIG BROTHER” in the hierarchy at the BBC HATES
white men. Maybe BIG BROTHER was once a man and hated
his body. Maybe BIG BROTHER is a women and an extreme
ultra feminist. The permutations are endless.
However in the MAIL ON SUNDAY today I read a major feature
which encouraged me to believe that I am not paranoid.
The article shows that more than 80% of the presenters and
reporters of the news last Sunday were women! The Mail on
Sunday even have an editorial about it.
BUT this just didn’t happen just last Sunday. It’s practically every
day of the week!
I will say for the last time that I expect that the perverse
BIG BROTHER at the BBC who’s policy this is. Is just waiting
to get rid of Gary Lineker and replace him with a women.
THEN I expect the liberal bigot will get to
work on the “wrong” type of women presenting the programmes!
Actually, there was a bit on ‘Broadcast House’ about this, I think. By chance, there were (very unusually) 3 males in the room and one ‘lady’. She immediately leaped on this as proof that people saying bbc consisted mostly of women, now, were wrong.
Think I’ll make a note of gender distribution for R4 programmes during the day. Confident we’ll come out with a quite different picture. Is there a ‘wimmin’s hour’ today? There being no equivalent ‘men’s hour’, (great stuff, this ‘equality’ business, isn’t it?) that ‘programme’ on its own, should swing it.
Marr programme displays the usual BBC bias where remainer guests outnumber leavers.
Anna Soubry is allowed to dominate proceedings – might as well be given her own show.
And out in the real world more and more remainers are now saying: “Let’s just get the hell out!”
Not brexit but personal . When I was waiting to go to university ( didn’t go then ) I got a summer job as the relief caretaker at Brampton manor . By the time I’d finished my 12 hour days their toilets were sparkling ….
It was a pretty good school then despite being in the East End – but the borough hadn’t been taken over by the third world then in the late 70s
Newham was officially the first borough in UK to be majority non British born .
Am I correct in concluding that the collectivists hate selection in education but love Darwin’s Theory, yes it’s only a theory, of evolution and natural selection; survival of the fittest.
To be consistent, wouldn’t they have to disavow Darwin and spend their lives stopping animals from competing and fighting?
If your comment is aimed at me, you are correct; I don’t know much about anything. And the older I get, I find I know even less because lots of what I’ve learned over the years turns out to be untrue.
Regarding the theory of evolution, there’s lots on the subject on both sides of the argument on YouTube and on the internet in general but very little actual proof. I’m sceptical that Mr Darwin’s theory holds up to scrutiny but once I see real proof, I’ll accept it as being a valid theory.
However, watching and reading about it, I’m not there yet. This video is typical of why I don’t accept the theory of evolution, in this instance based on probabilities. The video is just under half an hour long.
Darwin said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
But I wouldn’t expect the arts and humanities left wing environmentalists at the BBC to know that.
Nor to know that Corbyn, leader of the Labour party, was involved in wreath laying for a guy who tortured people to death because they were Jewish.
“Darwin said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
Then one wonders how on earth the sloth survived bearing in mind it takes your on average your local sloth 3 hrs to climb a Brazilian tree to the canopy. Why didn’t this slowest of all animals not see extinction? In other words: there just wasn’t enough time to adapt?
Is it possible that the bbbc is actually pro Brexit and the way they are behaving is a fiendishly cunning plan to use the British sense of fair play to turn people off wanting to stay in the eu.
That would explain why it’s usually 4 to 1 remainers to leaver on question time.
It would explain why they constantly interrupt and talk over any leaver.
It would explain why they have never made any positive program about Brexit.
It would explain why every interviewer is pro remain.
It would explain why they promote project fear.
It would explain why they never mention any of the negative effects our leaving would have on the eu.
It would explain how they are trying to trash a ‘no deal’ (or the Brexit we actually voted for) outcome.
It would explain why they support the traitors like grief, soubry, Morgan and the rest of that lot in the parliamentary U bend.
It would explain why the call the likes of JRM and Dorries rebels when in fact they are trying to implement the manifesto they were voted in on.
Maybe that’s why the bbbc are being so obnoxious and blatantly pro remain- they are using reverse psychology to get us to support Brexit…..and it’s working.
1pm on LBC issue of why Christians are not offered asylum in the UK
first hour seems to be about Dominic Grieve and plan to block no-deal and delay article Article50
MaajidNawaz tweeted \\ On my @LBC show in 15 mins:
1) If Parliament blocks a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit, is this the triumph of democracy, or its end?
2) Are we letting down persecuted Christians abroad?
3) The number of extremists hosted at universities has risen.
Have we lost the ability to identify bigotry? //
The left are willing to sacrifice everyone on the alter of equality of outcome, except them and theirs of course. The stench of hypocrisy always hangs around leftists but when education is involved it’s best to wear a gas mask if you are downwind of them.
Surely the time has come for a WRITTEN Constitution.
Dominic Grieve’s amendment “fundamentally undermines the executive and creates a worrying precedent. It threatens to unravel our system of government.” @nmdacosta#StandUp4Brexithttps://t.co/4GeiohQc76
The House of Commons appoints Dominic Grieve as Lord President of the Council of State. The Council of State takes over the Government and Civil Service from the Prime Minister. The Queen agrees to try and dissolve Parliament, but the Council of State refuses. The Council of State declares Parliament the supreme authority of the land, effectively making the Speaker John Bercow, Head of State. The Council of State ejects the ERG members and unites the Houses of Lords and Commons so as to strengthen the power of Parliament over the people. The Council of State then sends a “Humble Petition and Advice” to Mr Junker. Junker rejects the offer saying “I do not want to be King of England because it would look silly”. The Speaker therefore appoints Dominic Greave “Lord Unprotector of the United Kingdom, so as to protect European Union rule from being abolished”
On your scenario is the factor missing that the Lord unprotector
Won’t have a New Model Army ? Unless you would cast the main stream media in that role .
Richard – I think you left out the € sign which no double will feature as a reward for his noble assistance of selling out his country , party and over 17 million voters .
Twitter – at the moment – seems full of the coming confrontation between parliament and the people who grant it any semblance of legitimacy ..
Richard Pinder
Somehow I don’t think HM Forces would be happy with that one?
How would this look ‘The Crown, her forces and the people VS – Parliament ?’
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
11pm Monday Channel 5 prog about immigrants getting fake UK ID
.. Someone has ripped out Sat/Sun from the TV guide
Times gives 2 pages to Tony Blair to plead for Second vote.
More Brexit doom : Tesla is cutting 3,000 jobs in the US
An EV tax credit of $1875 ends in July.
Hard to say who is doing worse in the comments, the opportunistic insurance companies or the BBC for trying another blatant BDS punt.
I’m adopting a star system for Project Fear
That one is only worthy of a 1 out of 5.
Must do better .
Guest Who,
I can’t believe that the BBC, brimful as it is with feminists raging against sexist males, would put up a photo on the website of a girl who has to wait for a man to change her tire!!
For which I was unaware there was insurance.
Unless a flat is deemed an accident.
I think by labeling the individual ‘girl’ and assuming gender you’ve committed some sort of hate crime TT, off for reeducation you go. Perhaps the term ‘individual’ is one too? Don’t really know whats safe to say anymore, but then that’s the point isn’t it.
They might get further mileage out of the image should the yellow vest protests ever get covered, nice to see the bbc watching the pounds and pence.
Local paper : police went to Bronx area of Scunthorpe and find Albanian in large cannabis traffickers
In court he says I had to do it to pay the people traffickers.
Now we are paying for him to be in UK jail for 9 months.
OK, they are like family, but Mishal ‘not enough dead Israeli kids’ Husain might want to have a word with herself after reading this and the comments so far.
Would it ever cross what there is of Mishal’s mind to ask what a fourteen-year-old was doing unsupervised by his parents or other adults in a dangerous confrontation with Israeli troops.
(That’s a rhetorical question and so I thought it unnecessary to add a question mark.)
And of course she would never speculate that the child might have been egged on by said adults.
Not Guilty , of victim naming
result in Sheffield court case of AsianNetwork editor Arif Ansari
Being prejudiced I guessed on a not guilty – the defence would rely on the nice cuddly ‘ aunty BBc’
Nonsense and then spread the blame .
Apparently the so called journo who ‘ mixed up the names ‘ is called Mr Majithia. No further comment .
The damage to the real victim remains done .
Ossama Hamed is the suspect in killing of the Mayfair bouncer.
…now feared to have fled overseas
Today’s Times uses this photo of an anti-knife-crime demo at Downing Street back in June.
It’s not 100% white but close.
Well it was to be expected…
Saturday Kitchen picks up the agenda. They had some Californian tangerine growers literally weeping about their concern for the poor ‘migrants’. No-one else would pick their hobby crop and those people in the cities just didn’t understand that there should be no borders. These ‘migrants’ just wanted to work.
But surely they only need one lot of ‘migrants’ with proper applications and ‘green cards’? I suspect that a batch of ‘migrants’ works cheaply for these hobby farmers, pay no taxes and then melt away into the great USA, only to be replaced by another batch next season.
It has been said that cotton growing was only viable in the early days because of slave labour. Mechanisation meant that slaves were no longer needed. These Californian ‘migrants’ are just one rung up from slaves.
“Mechanisation meant that slaves were no longer needed.”
Similarly automation should have obviated the need for enrichment, but did not.
Some compulsory de-enrichment is urgently required.
2 Essex detectives are on trial
Its alledged that whilst working at CAIT North an Essex child abuse investigation team they falsified documents to make investigations die.
Grooming gangs not mentioned
The example used was family abuse.
WARNING frooty language alert:
Whispers: Is it really the BBC’s job to boost brands that it likes because they share values, and do all they can to trash any who do not conform to the hive mind?
Asking for an impartial editor.
“Why your name matters in the search for a job” Because British people are all racist says the BBC:
The study showed that apparently:
“While 24% of white British applicants received a call back from UK employers, only 15% of ethnic minority applicants did.”
I frankly find it inplausible 24% of people are getting a callback, i’d be suprised if it wasn’t more than 10%. Also it does not give any breakdown of the type of jobs involved… for example we know that we have up to a million Islamic child rape victims, and each victim might have been raped by more than 7 different perpetrator (as seen in a recent typical case where 55 men were arrested for abusing 7 children.
That’s 7.85 abusers per child, so a Million Islamic child abuse victims could mean 7 million Perpetrators… we have less that 2 Million Muslim men i the country, this suggests that the Muslim community is awash which infidel child rape.
Would you want to employ a Muslim in any position where they had contact with children, such as teachers, social service, child care, ice cream sales man ect?, I certainly would not want a Muslim in contact with my daughter, not anymore.
Than we know that employing a Muslim in any retail or hospitality job, or even any customer facing could be an invite for trouble. We know that many Muslims will refuse to server non-halal products… at the moment this is alcohol, pork, non-halal meat.
Soon this craziness could extend to other non-halal items, because in Islam “images of living things” are harem and so is music, in fact any non-blessed item could be haram… so they could soon be refusing to serve items based on their packaging, or non-halal flour.
Then of course, they can refuse to shake hands, refuse to handle any financial product that is non halal, cover their face, disappear several times every day for prayers which requires meetings to be rescheduled or delayed, then they disappear every Friday afternoon, that’s an extra 25 days holiday over the year. Then they expect non-Muslms to reorient their entire social time to accommodate Islamic customs… even this BBC article complains that:
“Most of the socialising in the industry revolves around drinking and this culture excludes people from Muslim backgrounds.”
So rather than 4% of the population adapting to 90%+ pf the population, the 90% are meant to change to accommodate the minority.
Why are Muslms even allowed in this country???
Diversity is our strength?, what a ******* joke.
The BBC has replied to the Labour Party’s accusation that the Shadow Home Secretary has a nasty time for her appearance fee ( £1000) on the flagboat Question Time .
Don’t know . Didn’t see . But I do know that there were more girls on the panel than boys so she couldn’t play the sexism game . Instead she plays the race card to cover her inadequacy .
At least the cash can help to pay the school fees .
£1000?, i doubt she can even count to 1000.
… and before anyone says “not all Muslims”… i worked in engineering with several Muslims, and ALL of them were disrupting meeting with prayers, and disappearing on a Friday afternoon.
Also, because there were several they felt empowered to refuse to shake hands with women as well. for Christmas dinner we ended up in a curry house that did not serve alcohol, and I was told to eat my ham sandwich outside because it was offensive…. imagine if i had refused?
What a bloody cheek!
I would have refused and made sure I had a pint in one hand and a bacon sarnie in the other.
If they don’t like our ways then there’s an easy solution.
Plenty of room for them back in their charming homeland.
… Camel Dung Central…
”Why jobseekers with ethnic names change personal details on their CVs to increase their chance of success.”
was the original title of that race baiting article.
And yet the bbc not only wheeled him out, put gave him a nice polish too.
The sjw bbc all agog that “Firewomen prove they exist to four-year-old Esme”.
But next time there’s a fire over at Broadcasting House or MediaCity (heaven forbid) I wonder if they’d rather be rescued by a strapping 6-footer or a box-ticking pc firewoman?
Hannah Summers, the little girls mother, is a freelance journalist based in London who writes regularly for the Guardian. Says a whole lot doesn’t it? She’s also lying through her teeth.
Fireman Sam was first shown on the the bBBC in the late 80s and has had a female firefighter called Penny since early on, and definitely since the early 90s when Ms Summers probably watched children’s tv herself. In fact Penny is one of the main characters in the updated cgi version currently on Channel 5.
Fireman Sam is immensely popular, and has always been pretty PC, with loads of toys and merchandising to advertise and promote it. It is unbelievable that a child, who is blonde and female, interested in becoming a firefighter doesn’t know that there is a character called Penny, blonde and female, who is a firefighter in this cartoon shown regularly on 5. She’s also a scuba diver and lifeguard and is in charge of the rescue boat apparently. A really positive role model to show Esme if her mother could be arsed doing a bit of parenting rather than posing.
But it’s not on the the bBBC anymore and so there it is, Vlad, much as their sports coverage often proves, if the bBBC don’t have it, it doesn’t exist. Throw in yet more feminist bullshit and the bBBC grab get another opportunity to present their nonsensical views as news and shitstir as only they can.
I’m thinking of writing to the BBC.
For the sake of diversity we need to be informed and reminded ALL YEAR LONG that this year is the Chinese year of the pig.
We need a pig graphic between all the programs this year. They’ve done it with hippos, they can do it with pigs. Doesn’t the BBC LOVE Asians and customs of diverse cultures? Let’s see it then.
This is a Year of Earth Pig, starting from Feb. 5, 2019 (Chinese New Year) and lasting to Jan. 24, 2020. Pig is the twelfth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. The Years of the Pig include 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043..
John Sweeney seems to have ascended to that special zone of BBC teflonism occupied by John Simpson, Jez Bowen and others, where they simply can spout what they like free of consequence, so long as it falls under BBC IFF Guidelines.
The ‘honourable’ Stewart McDonald MP hides
and tweets
And meanwhile, the Alberta government is gunning for The Rebel.
Ezra Levant supported TR with donations, so is Geoffrey Cox MP waiting for The Rebel to be embroiled with their own legal battle before pronouncing on TR’s case?
I seem to remember Cameron saying that we would be able to de-select our local MPs by some kind of petition or 10% of voters, something like that.
Did anything ever come of that or was it a politician’s promise.
If we are able to do anything about the MPs who are supposed to represent us then why are there all these MPs going against their constituencies. Why have they not been at least threatened with de-selection for ignoring us.
How are soubry, Rudd, grieve and about 400 other honourables still in a job when their allegiance is with the eu and against their own constituencies.
I guess it was just politicians promising then discarding when elected.
Deselection is when the party removes a candidate, recall is what you are after!
See Recall of MPs Act 2015
BBC Radio 4
3 hrs ·
Patient: “I don’t want an Asian doctor”
Receptionist: “She is Scottish”
Patient: “She doesn’t look Scottish.”
Receptionist: “What do Scottish people look like?”
(via BBC Asian Network)
Three hours? This has been recycled for days.
Clearly they like it at the BBC (via the ‘Asian’ Network. They have some great Doctors in Asia. And no doubt many here. Then one gets into grey areas regionally and qualifications).
But when the BBC wants folk to take the baiting, many are ready to be inspired.
The secret to tragic comedy is timing.
A doodle and summary I made of events across the pond
More truth from AMW – 45 mins.
I don’t think this evidence that proves Theresa May is a traitor will appear on BBC News for a while?
Apparently the EU had planned to give Britain a comprehensive Free Trade Deal if Theresa May had walked out of the room. But Theresa wanted the fake Brexit Deal constructed by Oily Robbins. Evidence of treachery exists in a transcript of a secret tape recording of a Civil Servant called Alastair Brockbank, who is the defence adviser to Oliver Robbins, author of the Chequers deal that was written behind the backs of her Brexit Ministers, who then resigned. Alastair Brockbank explains openly an intention to hoodwink the British public with what he calls ‘fluffy language’ which will seemingly conform to the mandate to Leave. But in the defence area, the language and the technical agreements will all lock us into a subordinate role in defence and security under the EU. Another civil servant, a woman called Victoria Billing says it’s like a Kit Kat bar, you have a shiny label on the outside which seemingly conforms to the will of the people to leave the EU, but inside you’ve got a chocolate bar which is constructed to keep us engaged with, it is in fact Hotel California, the Eagles song, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave” or BRINO as people now call it, Brexit In Name Only.
Yes, the Kit Kat tapes were published by The Sun last year.
Public inquiry into the bias in the BBC
You mean these people:
It’s always been a joke that civil servants are apolitical . This may have been moot befor Blair took power but by the end of his time the Civil Servants had been totally infiltrated by the Left
And remain so . Other state agencies are the same – particularly the police and judiciary .
Richard – thank you for adding flesh to the bones of these events .
The So called “first division “ of civil servants are now more like the ‘vanderama league’ or what ever the 4th division is called now .
Bbc repeats.
@Scroblene that tweet has 2 parts : the text , and a graphic
In it’s original form the graphic appears above the tweet, so that is how it’s meant to be read.
Here on B-BBC for some reason the text appears below the graphic
– Tweets are limited to 288 characters and the BBC wanted to convey a longer message, so it did that by making a graphic with the words in and then attaching that to the tweet.
Clicking on a tweet’s timestamp opens up its thread
You’ll see the original tweet has part1 : “For those who haven’t seen it, we also said this yesterday”
followed by part 2 : here’s our text
Stew, thank you very much for explaining all this – at last I’m beginning to see how all this works! (I only make four mobile calls a year, to keep the line free for emergencies, so texting is out as well)!
You can see that I’ve been up early to find out, and while a Remy (Tesco) isn’t really a good idea at this ungodly hour, a large mug of Yorkshire Gold is doing the trick!
Actually, it’s not so bad at this time of day, as ‘the rest of the day’s your own’, well, up to 7:00am when it all gets going!
Stew… thanks for that. That I could explain twitter gave me pause as I illuminated a script. But now I, too, know.
my typo there
“In it’s original form the graphic appears
above</strike BELOW the tweet"my typo there
“In it’s original form the graphic appears
aboveBELOW the tweet”Numbers. Not Diane’s forte.
Guest, me being a bit of an old fart who doesn’t do twitter or bookface, and you, being a skilled and articulate poster here, with results that I enjoy immensely, would you mind awfully, explaining to me how to read any of these ’twilliter’ posts please?
Does the bottom bit (the stuff from ‘bbc news team in this instance’ – “team”…paaaaah) stand as an original twitt (?), and the top bit in the ‘box’ mean it’s an answer, or is it the other way round? Did the bbbc team say that to describe what they’ve done – or maybe forgotten?
I get so confused when they try and double back on their ‘twotts’, that I have to ask – please believe me!
BTW, I’ve been blogging longer than ‘twonker’, and really should know these things, but it all seems a bit odd to me…
And to finish up, before I pour a large Remy, (Tesco actually), somehow, the Tweets coming from President Trump strike a chord, and mean something, while the bbbc just flounders around and asks opinions from idiots like Ms Abbott, Ms Toynbee and their feral son Owing Jaunes… (Does Owing wear a Primark Gillette I wonder)?
That Remy (Tesco) will go down a treat I can assure you, even if I have to stay up all night to see if my pleas for instruction are granted!
(And to cap it all, our DVD player has just gone on the blink! While I’m in Tesco on Monday, buying a new one, I’ll probably stock up on Remy (Tesco), for the coming weeks – a crate should just about do it…)!
Comatose, more like.
Last week Mr D and I gave serious consideration on whether to give up on Les Mis but gave it another go. As we are getting more and more depressed by the antics of people like Grieve on B….. I suspect we will find more uplifting things to do tonight like watching paint dry or unblock drains or something.
“The Wild Places of Essex” a repeat of a documentary made in 2010 in the old BBC style, and a reminder of how, back in the 60s, such programmes were being made all the time. Ichabod!
Breaking news from France ! Wait for it …………….
“An alpaca walks into a French optician’s”
They don’t say if it was wearing a yellow vest .
I thought this story was a joke when I saw it on the sidebar – with perhaps the punchline: ‘But there’s no cause for a llama!’
All right, the rest of you do better!
Al Beeb is joke. It has been pulling the wool over our eyes for years.
Any old yarn will do as far as the BBBC is concerned…
Police chased it and shouted pullover
You’re knit-picking now, Nibor…
The BBBC fleece us with their shear, warped stitch-ups! They needle us far too much these days, and I’m not going to join this thread any more!
Alpaca bag and cast off!
Thanks for posting, I don’t have time to read that right now but I’ll Peruse it later
French optician’s what?
What will happen after Brexit. A warning from Tatania McGrath who is never wrong
Most of that video seems quite positive. I think it is tongue-in-cheek.
I think that the BBC have been hoisted by their own petard with regard to Question Time this week.
The very, very positive result from the audience when Leave was mentioned said it all. It must have shaken the foundations of the BBC. A tremor of terror!
All these events are funneling the government towards a proper Brexit. A Brexit that was voted for and must not be denied.
The cynic in me says this episode was set up to defend the BBC against allegations of routine bias . If the next episode is equally ‘fair’ then I will be proved wrong and maybe QT is worth watching again .
Whatever the case in the most recent programme Isabel Oakeshott was the only brexiter on the panel .
Emily Mateless in full deranged SJW mode and this guy slamming her.
The close up of Maitless with the eyes and the Hitchcock sound effects is classic. It tells us that the BBC are moving from a sixth form school newspaper reporters to complete crazies. Mad Mateless cannot interview, cannot even argue but simply recites a list of labels – xenophobic anti moslem etc – from a script supplied by the Socialist Worker Party, where you will see many with zombie eyes like hers.
I get the feeling that beeboids might be a bit afraid of interviewing Hungarian politicians . Maitliss is obviously a Muslim convert in her enthusiasm for that false religion . Beeboids deserve to be confronted for their lies and arrogance – British politicians have been bred to be compliant because they know the state broadcaster has a malicious streak when challenged .
I bet Hungary is a really nice country and really good at deporting the third world getting through their border fences .
Sadly Wndsor Davies has passed away. As at tribute will Al Beeb dare to run the series ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’, uncensored or is it too Non-Pc?
How about snowflakes ? No?
Oh dear, how sad, never never mind.
Ezra on “The Hackney men”
forgive him for his terrible Cockney accent
“Ere, these don’t look like Hackney lads to me”
… I’m guessing they were Uber drivers ..hence waiting in cars at 3am, near a nightclub
OwenJones84 hasn’t tweeted anything about Hackney
I wonder if he’ll tweet anything about what I mention in the poorly-edited point below? I ran out of time when I tried to tidy it up a bit, bloody pre-emptive text.
SG Your post is currently timestamped 12:36 am, ie in the future.
@LCS nope, nothing wrong
, I posted at half past midnight
so the timestamp was correct
SG Where I live half past midnight is 00:36 am.
That’s 24 hour clock
On a 12 hour clock midnight is 12:00am
and lunchtime is 12:00pm
Tonight a car bomb went off outside the Courthouse right in the middle of Derry, Londonderry, Doire, whatever the hell you want to call it. I think a fair amount of damage has been done and there is a suspicious second vehicle but thankfully no innocents have been hurt or injured.
I wonder out long it will take the bBBC to blame it on Brexit?
Londonderry, the Liverpool of Northern Ireland, is within spitting distance of the border between NI and Eire’s County Donegal, a border that contrary to media misrepresentation does actually already exist and the Republican Bogside is few hundred yards away from where this bomb went off. As is the constantly attacked Protestant enclave of the Fountain.
Of course this is nothing to do with Brexit, it’s “dissident” Republicans hitting a soft target more loudly and forcefully than usual as their regular punishment beatings, shootings and “viable devices” are simply brushed under the carpet as they don’t suit the narrative, largely ignored by the national msm. As Adams famously said, “” They haven’t gone away you know”.
Let’s wait and see how the bBBC and the rest of them use this one.
Sky Online News:
“”Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Dr Fox said: “Failure to deliver Brexit would produce a yawning gap between Parliament and the people, a schism in our political system with unknowable consequences.””
“The reaction of the Question Time audience could become a political tsunami. It is time for MPs to deliver on the promises they made. It is a matter of honour and a matter of duty.”
Fox is correct. BBC please note.
Scrolled through this thread without finding this :-
Still examining ramifications, with an incomplete knowledge of HoC procedures.
Enlightenment please.
R4 item now Bristol councillor was “yellowvested”
and threats were made on social media “you will be Jo Coxed”
.. that sounds like stuff they probably sent themselves
.. Paddy said “these attacks on politiicians must stop
Guests now *James O’Brien* , Sarah Sands, an Egyptologist
Re : 9:2am 5 R4 Bristol item : ‘Politician’s under pressure suddenly announce they are victims as they find death threats, bit convenient ‘
says blogger : https://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2019/01/17/bcfms-weekly-politics-show-presented-by-tony-gosling-131/
I thought the voices we heard were black, but I wanted to check first ..and yes they both were.
The issues is a bear sculpture in a large sunken roundabout called the Bear Pit
The mayor and deputy want the bear to be removed
Mayor “I came out my house one day, and someone had written ‘Marvin must die’ on the pavement, I had to stand over the word ‘die’ so my kids didn’t see it”
… Graffiti is vandalism, but it is not a credible death threat
The next voice was his deputy Asher Craig
“I was yellowvested”
Where’s the substantiation ?
I don’t see how the The BBC local newspage uses the title Bristol’s deputy mayor threatened over Bearpit plan
..and then the article doesn’t actually substatiate or detail these threats
R4 gave us 3 claims of death threats ..and to make an extraordinary claim you need extraordinary evidence .. Checking Facebook and Twitter finds no mention of Asher being “JoCoxxed” or JoCox’d
But i do find the local paper saying The male mayor claiming someone on Facebook saying ‘he deserved to be Jo Cox’d’
Re : Bristol : Wednesday’s Guardian carried the story
“Police investigate racist death threats towards Bristol mayor”
That Guardian article doesn’t allow comments
A Twitter commenter immediately pointed out the Guardian was tricky. Cos the Facebook threat was NOT to do with he Bear Pit, cos buried twads the bottom the Guardian quotes
\\ The Facebook threat to Rees and Craig appeared to be motivated by the Labour administration’s policies on homelessness, Craig said. //
Thursday’s BBC did partially substantiate the graffiti claim, saying a 27 year old was arrested and bailed
BUT did NOT give info about any other threats.
prog item was on 9:35am
Bristol Summary
That R4 BH item looks to me like the normal BBC racism of awarding special attention to SpecialVictim groups , cos the BBC did a 7 minute item based on flakey claims
.. and they wouldn’t have done the same for straight white right wing figures. So that breaks the principle of equality ..and shows SpecialVictim groups have MoreThanEqual rights.
#1 white right wing figures receive death tweets and graffiti very often
No media call for action
#2 These black Bristol politicians make claims 2 of which are very flakey
: the yellow vest left on the wall
: The facebook Jo Cox’d claim
If that was clear then a copy would be in public domain, the fact that it is not visible anywhere suggests that there is a problem with the context.
The third claim the death grafitti is recorded, but is not an a actual credible threat. Indeed I imagine that when Farage gets the same he is told “The less fuss you make, the less they’ll repeat this”
Such intimidation stories are the kind of thing that is best published after a prosecution has been done, and not before, cos the intimidators thrive on it raising a fuss, and if you don’t react they are more likely to give up,
“…and threats were made on social media ‘you will be Jo Coxed’.. that sounds like stuff they probably sent themselves”
Really? And what would death threats they didn’t “send themselves” sound like?
The Mayor [Marvin Reece] had “Marvin Must Die” painted outside his house. But apparently, according to you, that’s “not a credible death threat”.
Your desperate attempt to dismiss this story as, “BBC racism – SpecialVictim – flakey – warrabout – imagine if – the media shouldn’t report it anyway”; is just painful to read.
Meanwhile, later in this thread you’ve jumped to the defence of a certifiable racist, anti-semitic, white-supremacist who describes Maajid Nawaz as a “filthy hook-nosed P*ki”, and Diane Abbott as a “dumb monkey-in-a-wig”.
But I’m sure that’s purely coincidental…
Phnar, phnar…
Wonder if there is a ‘BBC Vulture?
They have of course run this one before too.
To BBC – If as you say, Britain has become such a racist country after Brexit, why are there no stowaways at Dover trying to get to France?
Please explain.
So, James O’Brien does know the rules of conversation. He hasn’t interrupted, browbeat or humiliated his fellow panelists on Radio 4’s Broadcasting House like he does to listeners who phone in to disagree with him on his LBC radio show.
What Naga doesn’t understand could fill a library.
What she does, got her the gig.
Emma comes top!
Somehow an accolade unlikely to be trumpeted by BBC Po-po.
Unless told otherwise I am going to assume that Brexit is top priority and non BBC comments will tolerated.
From a comment on Breitbart London.
“Delaying A50 requires unanimous agreement by ALL EU members. It only takes Italy, Hungary or Poland to scupper that plan.”
Is this correct? Would this prevent the UK Government from cancelling Brexit?
Yes it would take all ReichEU ministates to consent . Brussels woukd bribe dissenters and tell them what “reprisals” would be taken . The Reich is very experienced with reprisals .
GrieveQC and company , together with Lord Berkow of Brussels – are conspiring to breach another president by getting a Commons vote against the wishes of the Government to extend A50 using the Hotel California method .
It’s mad that a back bench QC MP can challenge a democratic vote and get away with it .
Thank you.
Salvini and co already want to leave the EU.
What reprisals can the EU threaten?
Without their beloved EU army Italy will not be invaded.
The EU is now wishing it began the army project ten years ago.
The EU might invade Malta.
Bribe? Some € Ponzi money? Since the EU cannot bribe states personal bribes will be offered. I think Salvini would “accept” the EU bribe and then put a video on Youtube showing the whole process.
The Euro would then be worth less than a Venezuelan Chavezivar.
So it will be economic reprisals, which will work slowly, if they work at all. Which will increase Italians determination to ITEXIT.
Attempted reprisals will increase the number of states wondering if this “ever closer union” is such a good idea.
If this analysis is realistic a EU member state could vote against the A50 extension and the EU could do SFA.
Reprisals? Infrastructure projects ‘funded by the EU’ mysteriously stopped whilst the country next door gets plenty .
More rigorous inspections of various domestic industries by EU staff with accompanying punishment for breaches ( fines )
EU legislation aimed at disadvantaging dissenting countries .
I’m sure they’ll find plenty more – they are nasty enough .
I feel that a High Court challenge ought to take place after the PM’s statement tomorrow. The Supreme Court ruling in Miller & others 2017 was not, as far as I recall, for Parliament to keep on voting over Brexit.
It was for one vote.
A final say.
Parliament had its final say on Tuesday, last week.
That was it.
“We need to know what the majority of parliamentarians think!” Major and Grieve have both forgotten ENTIRELY that Brexit was about what the majority of the PEOPLE/VOTERS think. Either that or they’re pretending to have forgotten.
Along with the Kenneth Clarkes and Soubrys of this world, they give parliament a bad name. It stinks of an elitist institution that floats so high above the people, and has so completely lost any connection with them, it must be pretty close to Oumuamua or Ultima Thule.
Bercow will need to get red in the face quite a lot to keep the temperature constant. At least we should be able to catch faint echoes of what he bellows from out there, beyond Pluto, such is his volume. That way we can be assured he’s not down here, with the ordinary mortals. Maybe Jacob, Boris, Nigel, Gerard etc can eventually get on with the job of bringing parliament back down to earth, from the dizzy heights. But not too soon, please.
We can then try to explain to Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters, the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy, cos clearly they lack even this most basic information about democracy.
“We can then try to explain to Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters”
We can then try Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters.
Fixed it or you.
LCS – they will need to know the very basics, lest they plead ignorance at their trials.
After that, the Tower calleth.
fnw, “Maybe Jacob, Boris, Nigel, Gerard etc can eventually get on with the job of bringing parliament back down to earth, from the dizzy heights.”
Sadly, I think Boris’ mind is on other things right now.
He has a little distraction going on.
“We can then try to explain to Grieve, Bercow and all the other plotters, the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy, cos clearly they lack even this most basic information about democracy.”
Problem is that they are ceasing to be democrats. They do not like democracy or respect democracy anymore. They are Fascists or Marxists (I use the latter word as a catch-all for the very many different varieties of Communist). They are happy to use democracy as a platform or ladder to get onto the stage, but once there, it is ‘To hell with audience, WE will perform as WE choose.’.
Matthew Parris was priceless on TWTW at 1pm on R4. He was busy pointing at others, “Oooh, look the Far Right” in the Conservative Party while strutting up and down in his jackboots, saluting all over Brexit. Ed Stourton conducted the Inertview.
I think it is Matthew Parris who is on the ‘Far Right’ of the Conservative Party, so far right that he’s Left.
It’s curious that the BBC has a stable of mouthpieces such as Parris – whose views never move . Who never say ‘I got that wrong’. I suppose producers / editors know that these characters ‘know the rules’ as far as defamation is concerned so will be approved by the BBC legal department .
But what it gives the punter – is – ironically – a lack of diversity of view .
Every week we go through seems to be the next ‘important week’ . I can’t imagine what the scenes both in the House of Commons and the country of the countdown to the expiry of A50 is perverted .
The PM has said again and again and again that uk leaves on March 29 . For a government not to achieve that promise because of the efforts of a biased speaker an a brexit hating Tory backbencher and club will not be a pretty sight .
You’re right, Fed, the Beeb love Parris. Not because he’s on the payroll and with Mikey Portillo balances out all the other Labour people the Beeb has on the go, but because he is a great Sneerer at The British Public. The BBC like that, too.
And then Parris is also a schn …. Yiddish deleted 🙂 just in case it offends your rule (which I support) … as well as – probably – a few other choice Yiddish words that I’m far too polite to use. The BBC LOVE to schneer at the public and they are probably the greatest Schn ……… s of all!
Sometimes I think that I will wait until somebody tells me that
I am paranoid about the BBC and my perception that slowly
but surely they are getting rid of all of their white male news
presenters and reporters.
Some ” BIG BROTHER” in the hierarchy at the BBC HATES
white men. Maybe BIG BROTHER was once a man and hated
his body. Maybe BIG BROTHER is a women and an extreme
ultra feminist. The permutations are endless.
However in the MAIL ON SUNDAY today I read a major feature
which encouraged me to believe that I am not paranoid.
The article shows that more than 80% of the presenters and
reporters of the news last Sunday were women! The Mail on
Sunday even have an editorial about it.
BUT this just didn’t happen just last Sunday. It’s practically every
day of the week!
I will say for the last time that I expect that the perverse
BIG BROTHER at the BBC who’s policy this is. Is just waiting
to get rid of Gary Lineker and replace him with a women.
THEN I expect the liberal bigot will get to
work on the “wrong” type of women presenting the programmes!
Actually, there was a bit on ‘Broadcast House’ about this, I think. By chance, there were (very unusually) 3 males in the room and one ‘lady’. She immediately leaped on this as proof that people saying bbc consisted mostly of women, now, were wrong.
Think I’ll make a note of gender distribution for R4 programmes during the day. Confident we’ll come out with a quite different picture. Is there a ‘wimmin’s hour’ today? There being no equivalent ‘men’s hour’, (great stuff, this ‘equality’ business, isn’t it?) that ‘programme’ on its own, should swing it.
Marr programme displays the usual BBC bias where remainer guests outnumber leavers.
Anna Soubry is allowed to dominate proceedings – might as well be given her own show.
And out in the real world more and more remainers are now saying: “Let’s just get the hell out!”
Not brexit but personal . When I was waiting to go to university ( didn’t go then ) I got a summer job as the relief caretaker at Brampton manor . By the time I’d finished my 12 hour days their toilets were sparkling ….
It was a pretty good school then despite being in the East End – but the borough hadn’t been taken over by the third world then in the late 70s
Newham was officially the first borough in UK to be majority non British born .
BBC Radio 2 Love Songs ..
No Mohammed has texted in to say he loves his 20 wives and treats them all with the same time and devotion.
No Aiesha has phoned in to say she is happy sharing a husband with 19 other wives and their 50 children.
Am I correct in concluding that the collectivists hate selection in education but love Darwin’s Theory, yes it’s only a theory, of evolution and natural selection; survival of the fittest.
To be consistent, wouldn’t they have to disavow Darwin and spend their lives stopping animals from competing and fighting?
Only a theory? A sure sign the writer knows nothing about science or evolution.
If your comment is aimed at me, you are correct; I don’t know much about anything. And the older I get, I find I know even less because lots of what I’ve learned over the years turns out to be untrue.
Regarding the theory of evolution, there’s lots on the subject on both sides of the argument on YouTube and on the internet in general but very little actual proof. I’m sceptical that Mr Darwin’s theory holds up to scrutiny but once I see real proof, I’ll accept it as being a valid theory.
However, watching and reading about it, I’m not there yet. This video is typical of why I don’t accept the theory of evolution, in this instance based on probabilities. The video is just under half an hour long.
Hell I was with lemark once – and then catastophe theory – because of Brexit ….
Darwin said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
But I wouldn’t expect the arts and humanities left wing environmentalists at the BBC to know that.
Nor to know that Corbyn, leader of the Labour party, was involved in wreath laying for a guy who tortured people to death because they were Jewish.
“Darwin said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
Then one wonders how on earth the sloth survived bearing in mind it takes your on average your local sloth 3 hrs to climb a Brazilian tree to the canopy. Why didn’t this slowest of all animals not see extinction? In other words: there just wasn’t enough time to adapt?
I’ve just had a strange thought.
Is it possible that the bbbc is actually pro Brexit and the way they are behaving is a fiendishly cunning plan to use the British sense of fair play to turn people off wanting to stay in the eu.
That would explain why it’s usually 4 to 1 remainers to leaver on question time.
It would explain why they constantly interrupt and talk over any leaver.
It would explain why they have never made any positive program about Brexit.
It would explain why every interviewer is pro remain.
It would explain why they promote project fear.
It would explain why they never mention any of the negative effects our leaving would have on the eu.
It would explain how they are trying to trash a ‘no deal’ (or the Brexit we actually voted for) outcome.
It would explain why they support the traitors like grief, soubry, Morgan and the rest of that lot in the parliamentary U bend.
It would explain why the call the likes of JRM and Dorries rebels when in fact they are trying to implement the manifesto they were voted in on.
Maybe that’s why the bbbc are being so obnoxious and blatantly pro remain- they are using reverse psychology to get us to support Brexit…..and it’s working.
Now, I wonder if they really support Trump…..
1pm on LBC issue of why Christians are not offered asylum in the UK
first hour seems to be about Dominic Grieve and plan to block no-deal and delay article Article50
MaajidNawaz tweeted \\ On my @LBC show in 15 mins:
1) If Parliament blocks a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit, is this the triumph of democracy, or its end?
2) Are we letting down persecuted Christians abroad?
3) The number of extremists hosted at universities has risen.
Have we lost the ability to identify bigotry? //
The left are willing to sacrifice everyone on the alter of equality of outcome, except them and theirs of course. The stench of hypocrisy always hangs around leftists but when education is involved it’s best to wear a gas mask if you are downwind of them.
Surely the time has come for a WRITTEN Constitution.
Looking at history we can guess what comes next.
The House of Commons appoints Dominic Grieve as Lord President of the Council of State. The Council of State takes over the Government and Civil Service from the Prime Minister. The Queen agrees to try and dissolve Parliament, but the Council of State refuses. The Council of State declares Parliament the supreme authority of the land, effectively making the Speaker John Bercow, Head of State. The Council of State ejects the ERG members and unites the Houses of Lords and Commons so as to strengthen the power of Parliament over the people. The Council of State then sends a “Humble Petition and Advice” to Mr Junker. Junker rejects the offer saying “I do not want to be King of England because it would look silly”. The Speaker therefore appoints Dominic Greave “Lord Unprotector of the United Kingdom, so as to protect European Union rule from being abolished”
On your scenario is the factor missing that the Lord unprotector
Won’t have a New Model Army ? Unless you would cast the main stream media in that role .
I think this is the Coat of Arms of Greaves New Model EU Army.
Richard – I think you left out the € sign which no double will feature as a reward for his noble assistance of selling out his country , party and over 17 million voters .
Twitter – at the moment – seems full of the coming confrontation between parliament and the people who grant it any semblance of legitimacy ..
That should put the fear up all the snowflakes in this country.
Conscription ?
Richard Pinder
Somehow I don’t think HM Forces would be happy with that one?
How would this look ‘The Crown, her forces and the people VS – Parliament ?’