(My Opus was not ready for the Opening, so well done English Lass with such an apposite one-worder to get us started. Makes Lobbie look positively loquacious!)
Backlinks to previous thread
– Page 4 Friday 9:30am to 8pm
..before that – Page 3 went from 4pm Thursday
Who to follow on Twitter – Spiked online good on Brexit and calling out the metroliberal dogma, but inclined to sneer at Trump
“Nobody is allowed to talk about knife crime. The conversation just gets shut down. And who suffers in the end? The young black men killing each other.”@Miss_Snuffy on knife crimehttps://t.co/fMmoMB24IT
https://www.westmonster.com/heaver-eu-failure-to-secure-a-uk-deal-will-lead-to-european-fury/ Let us consider French fishermen, for one. The European Union this week called for a ‘reciprocal’ fisheries arrangement if there is a No Deal. Essentially they want a status quo freezing of affairs where they “grant UK vessels access to EU waters until the end of 2019, on the condition that EU vessels are also granted reciprocal access to UK waters”.
Of course this isn’t a balanced arrangement. The British fishing industry, and coastal communities nationwide, have been devastated by the EU’s plundering of UK fishing waters. As even The Guardian have reported: “EU-based fleets land about eight times as much fish in UK waters as British fishermen do in EU waters, under the Common Fisheries Policy”.
In other words, if there’s No Deal and the UK wants to immediately take back full control of a 200-mile exclusive economic zone, it would mark a revolution for the UK fishing industry but Emmanuel Macron would have a French fishing industry absolutely up in arms.
I shouldn’t worry, Theisland, Amber Rudd has two fishing fleets in her constituency, Hastings and Rye, so we’re all safe as far as fishing rights are concerned…
I’m sure our fishermen will sell them all the fish they want to buy from us, assuming they don’t resort to their usual violent tricks when they don’t get their own way.
In The English Channel, off Hastings and thereabouts, the water is of course dangerous, and the shore-based fishermen are a splendid group of people, with a vast history of hard work for very little. The fleets have dwindled almost to extinction.
One phenomenom of the coastal waters, is the appearance of ‘Gully Water’, which is apparent when there is a storm, or high winds, and all the rubbish which has settled to the bottom of the sea is churned up to the top, and stinks like hell.
Well, the French and the illegals can have all that, and we can thrive as a clean and vibrant fishing nation, despite Amber Rudd trying to bugger everything up for Brexit.
Hastings has enough problems without her getting in the way!
The beeb and much of the msm presenting Trump’s deal as a defeat for him and a great victory for Pelosi / Dems.
Of course it could equally be seen as an intelligent and humanitarian compromise with the intransigent Dems to re-open government and allow millions of workers to receive pay.
But no.
Since the beginning of the shutdown, Trump has received all the blame, whereas the other side are at least equally to blame.
I don’t pretend to understand the ins and outs, nor why Trump chose now to pick this fight. But I do know Jon and Katty seem awfully pleased with themselves on Twitter.
This Trump supporting Venezuelan opposition president situation is interesting,
I don’t understand that one either, thought it might test the lefts hate everything Trump
Given the template for 66 year old Roger Stone’s arrest, maybe at least 1000 FBI storm troopers will be required to arrest Nick Sandmann. Sandmann is a known genocide killer of Native Americans, and peaceful African Americans. He is currently holed up in fortress Covington Catholic school for Boys, guarded by elite special nun forces seconded from the Vatican.
What a tragedy. A decent Christian country now ruled by marxists and feminists. America really needs to get back, and put these two evils back in the bottle.
May I just reiterate about trade organisations and the BBC .
Trade organisations like the Road Haulage Association are staffed by an admin class . Basically people who would work in any administration at a desk . One such example is Tim Inman of the RHA who left to go and work at the British Standards Institute , showing he’s hardly a trucker at heart .
The RHA is a very old established organisation , but that doesn’t mean it does a very good job . It’s officially recognised by the Department Of Transport as the voice of hauliers . In effect this means the DOT deals with a very compliant association that can keep other voices from the industry being heard – and the BBC will ” go to” the RHA and no other for a voice about haulage . [ the Freight Transport Association , FTA , is a slightly different animal to the RHA in that it is more for the users of transport rather than transporters themselves . It’s even more a lackey ] .
Both organisations , as I’ve said are run by the admin class and there’s nothing they like better than to meet with senior civil servants and ministers , being polite and civil about haulage problems . The admin class thinks that meetings and talks about problems are just as good as solving the problems and heaven forbid any direct action .
Even better than meeting a bureaucrat or minister is being invited to the BBC to ” air the concerns ” of the industry . Wow , that tells everybody . Problem solved ? No . Problem talked about ? Yes .
The other day the BBC said that the deadline for truckers to apply for licences to drive abroad had passed and hardly anyone applied . Any investigation of this , and analysis by the Beeb ?
One phone call from me and the situation becomes clearer . It’s not the Driving licence , it’s the ECMT permits , basically allowing the operator (owner , company) to send his trucks over the water . It’s possible that the EU could refuse to recognise our HGV licences but we could do the same to theirs . In which case all would have to use the International Driving Permit 1949 and 1926 versions ( obtained from the AA and RAC ) .
That explains a little , but the biggest question is why are there so few take ups of the ECMT permits .
Basically , it’s because British international road hauliers have been wiped out .
The most heavily taxed and most stringently controlled hauliers in Europe are there no more . Never forget we paid everyone else’s taxes and tolls , they paid nothing here except the Dartford Crossing , and probably don’t pay that now if they can get away with it .
At one stage the Dept ag Transport said it was imposible to charge foreign trucks in the UK even though we were buying the tax for over there in Dover and Ramsgate . IE we were PAYING A FOREIGN TAX IN THE UK BUT THEY WERENT PAYING OUR TAX WHEN IN THE UK .
So how many RHA members are sending trucks over the water ? The BBC never asks .
Super post Nibor, outstanding. Thank you for that information. It is like the sort of thing you would hear regularly on Any Answers on a Saturday afternoon up to and until about five years ago. The Panel on the Radio 4 Friday programme (8pm, repeated on Saturday @1.15pm) comprising mostly MPs, NGO bosses, academics, journalists and writers would answer the questions in their way.
On the Saturday you would get ordinary people with life experience ‘phoning in and explaining the real world to fellow listeners and often providing better answers to the questions and suggesting better solutions to problems than the Panel had done the night before.
Unfortunately Any Questions has been in terminal decline for just over six years and Any Answers for a near similar period.
I award Spiked the media prize for most ingenuity in bringing Trump into the discussion It’s about Diane Abbott’s moan about the BBC. But we do need the reminder of bad Trump.
Says Spiked
Brendan O Neil
‘This week Corbynistas have been accusing the BBC of racism over its treatment of Abbott on Question Time. Once again demonstrating their Trumpian intolerance of media criticism, the Corbyn crew claim QT presenter Fiona Bruce interrupted Abbott more than the other guests…’
And a dig at Trump from Francis Myers, staff writer.
‘Of course, no party in Washington has a monopoly on childishness – President Trump’s reckless engineering of the longest shutdown in history betrays his immature intransigence. ‘
Spiked have some weird views on Trump
Fraser wrote this in October
\\ Michael Moore is the latest celeb to compare Trump to Hitler in #fahrenheit119.
But this comparison is dangerous.
It doesn’t emphasise the dangers of Trump so much as downplay the horrors of the Nazis, says @FraserMyers //
Watching Arsenal v Utd it’s what the FA cups all about……No it isn’t it’s about big clubs v little clubs giant killers like Hereford. But of course the BBC want to spend money on “diversity” so they can’t afford football except the FA cup this is there only chance to play at the BBC of the past. The FA cup isn’t about big v big…..and each crowd shot shows a ……Well I don’t have to say do I. They really are pathetic.
But what we are seeing are the forces of Globalism, now ensconced in expensive hotels in Davis, showing the public their mailed fists .
The arrest of a harmless 66 year old Roger Stone by the storm troopers of the FBI, the arrest by heavily armoured British police to arrest one man, who just called the nomenclatura a “Nazi”, the arrests and incarceration of Tommy Robinson, and and the deliberate use of excessive force against Yellow Vests, is just the globalist forces telling us what they can do.
I begin to understand why the French peasants overthrew the aristos and executed them without mercy.
It is possible to understand the libby Alt-Left/libby Alt-Right/Communo-Fascism total nervous and mental breakdown thing.
For example:
For Global Warming, ‘we’ hate diesel vehicles (any road transport) but we hate Brexit even more and so we love all those 14,000 trucks + cars a day pouring through Calais-Dover and Calais-Folkestone and hope Brexit will be cancelled so that it can all continue.
‘We’ hate President Trump and love Russia until it poisons two expat Russians, just when we’ve forgotten how to be journalists and News broadcasters.
‘We’ love liberal socialism and defend it even when it becomes out and out corrupt Communo-Fascism but hate it when a ‘revolution’ starts and President Trump supports the putative leader of the ‘revolution’.
‘We’ (the BBC) think the Russians helped get Trump elected and say so on air at every opportunity but hate it when the Russians do not recognise Juan Guaidó as the take-over President, with President Trump quickly having done so.
‘We’ believe wholeheartedly in the settled science of Global Warming but spend time in a snow bound Davos with VIPs & politicians who believe wholeheartedly in the settled science of CO2 induced Global Warming, but many of whom have flown into Davos in hundreds of small, private, CO2-increasing, jet aircraft.
“It does not compute. It does not compute. It does not compute. It does not compute. IT DOES NOT COMPUTE!” (Dalek head swivels back and forth ever more wildly, sensor eye going up and down, until it then rotates with increasing speed in one direction and explodes.) “AAAARRRGGHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!”
Silence falls as the headless, stationary Dalek emits a pitiful trail of smoke.
Tonight i came through the arrivals at London city airport . The EU citizens were queuing to get through the auto passport puter. Mainly Dutch and British – maybe a hundred or more . About half a dozen rest of the world strolling through in the other bit . No queue for them .
Today MSM was doing scare stories about delays when we leave . But I thought this evening – what difference will it make . Do European countries really want to cheese UK tourists off ? No .
So it’s just another scare story – a 2 star one .
As the days tick down albeeb is pushing out the Soros grid in the same way it did in the run up to the referendum .
I wish I didn’t notice so much poison and could just simply ask “ why haven’t we left yet?” Like many would sensibly ask . Yet day after day the bbc roll out remainers and listeners suffer . Not long to go…
I’m missing maxi – maxi must be doing less night shifts and the acid edge has been missing . Trolling needs to be done well or not at all – what ever happened to “…you’re a disgrace .. “ ?
Phillip Hammond sees some potential relaxation in the EU position on Brexit, perhaps with room for manoeuvre – which for some might be good news.
Then again, what actual use or benefit is the opinion of a failed ladies haberdashery salesman, currently masquerading as a chancellor of sorts?
The commission has said – there can be no changes to the deal . So it’s rejected and we are out . It’s there choice – no flexibility – the same issue which Cameron discovered when he tried and failed – which led to the referendum ….
If there is damage – the ReichEU will suffer far more than us without the free UK cash .
At least they admit that the guy is a Labour councillor… But I’m guessing that with a name like Ibrahim, he may not originally be from the EU himself. There’s certainly no shortage of non-EU immigrants, either now or in the future, what with the deluded Conservatives telling us we’ll be able to import more of the ‘best people’ from across the World (hint: they are not referring to the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).
Two observations about the messages on the bill:
1. It should read “Brexit is bad. Immigrants make Britian great. They also cooked your food. And they are cheap to employ”
2. It states that it includes ‘A discretionary 12.5% service charge’. Interesting use of the word ‘discretionary’: I wonder what reaction you receive if you decide not to pay it? It would also be interesting to know how much of the ‘service charge’ goes to the staff. You know, what used to be called ‘a tip’ in the old days.
Tens of thousands of young White girls gang raped by Pakistani Muslims in complicit with the entire Establishment.
There has to be justice, for this is a war crime against young girls by people who were supposed to protect them. The defending forces were themselves colluding with rapist invaders.
Jim Dale , Barbara Windsor , Hattie Jaques , Sid James , Charles Hawtry , Kenneth Connors et al are combining to make a new film about
Roadkill , and adventures and sauciness about it .
It’s going to be called ; Carry On Carrion .
Now you might not think that’s hilarious , but it’s better than anything the BBC has put on purporting to be a comedy . I’m not extracting a penny for it either . It’s free .
I can see the advert for the film, ‘Carry on carrion’, in most kebab and chinese joints which spring up everywhere, until they’re shut down by elfunsaftee town ‘all wallahs!
There’s a horrible takeaway a few miles from here, where all the window pics of their disgusting ‘food’ have faded to resemble a dead pheasant on the kerb, or maybe an old dog fox which just got unlucky!
I wouldn’t know if the bbbc would make a film, as I can’t be arsed to watch anything of their pathetic drivel these days…
I do get my news from here though, so thank you everyone – you deserve medals and a pint of English beer, or maybe a G and T! (The English wine still hasn’t quite made the grade yet, in my humble opinion).
Serious question, if the UK unilaterally imposes zero tariffs on all beer imported into the UK what happens to the UK beer producers who can’t compete due to higher wage rates in the UK?
UK beer tariff is 19p per litre, or 8p if less than 2.8proof
it should be zero ..free market and all that
And in return our products to all the world should have zero tariffs
I suggest you read Harry’s Place on this. The backtracking by the celebs and the US press is another thing. The whole video has emerged and it is not anything like the BBC account. Lawsuits on their way and I hope the BBC gets their come uppance. These boys and they are very young have been pilloried by the liberal media without just cause and your BBc joined in . Journalists! I have S””” them.
As I understand it; the boys were just stood there watching the parade and the noisy banjo players made a bee-line directly towards them from quite some distance away?
The same I suppose as businesses failing due to higher taxes paid here and some of that tax going via the EU to their competitors in Europe in the form of grants ( bribery ) .
Perhaps Max doesn’t work for the BBC , he’s thinking about competition , level playing field etc .
Funny how I don’t remember any of the fear factors currently being extolled before we entered the EEC in the 70’s.
We had toilet rolls, the planes still flew, we had medicines (admittedly the NHS was much healthier then), there was absolutely no problem in entering Europe, and our only moan was having to endure the European Song Contest annually.
After Brexit ? we’ll still have toilet rolls, the planes will still fly, we’ll still get our medicine, we’ll still be able to enter Europe (but who will want to ???), and we STILL have the bloody European Song Contest.
Most of the cost of beer is in the form of tax and duty. We have some of the most expensive beer in the world, a big reason so many pubs are closing. In this context, a few percent in the form of tariffs is neither here nor there.
Answer these simple questions.
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
What motivates you to post on this site ?
Can you give us evidence of any Pro Brexit propaganda/bias broadcast by Al Beeb?
How long are on ‘nights weekend’ ?
Prove to us readers that you are not a troll or a snowflake.
project : “Sky News Raw”.
Sky News reporters have just been told 32 cameras and microphones are being installed all around their newsrooms. Sky News is going to livestream everything that happens in the newsroom online and on a dedicated channel from 5:30am to 10:30pm, https://twitter.com/MarkDiStef/status/1088474053076226050
“The BBC is thinking about relocating to Belgium (hooray!)”
All paid for by you .
Next, we will have the European Army’s Telly Tax Enforcement Regiment over here collecting your ‘protection money’ instead of Crapita.
“The closer to the target the more the flak”.
Maxi is back! This time the snowflake is on an anti-Brexit mission.
Things must be getting desperate for the remainder.
\\’Millions’ of fake cigarettes seized in UK//
“Mr Ahamed was ordered to do 200 hours community service and pay £5,000 in costs.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47004388
Over to you maxi……………
“Troops could return to Irish border, warns Varadkar”
“He was not referring to Irish personnel and the Irish government has no plans to deploy infrastructure or personnel at the border.”
So what troops Mr Varadkar?
IMHO, when we leave the EU the Republic of Ireland will follow us. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-46998533
The WTO deals with global rules of trade between nations [ ] .
It’s main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly , predictibly and freely as possible .
So if the UK does that , it is abiding by the aspiration of the WTO , and if the EU is not , it is a transgressor .
Your in depth understanding of WTO rules is the first sentence you could find on the WTO website?
“So if the UK does that , it is abiding by the aspiration of the WTO , and if the EU is not , it is a transgressor .”
The WTO is governed by rules, not aspirations. The EU already trades by those rules. That’s not going to change when we exit the EU.
“Which side are you and the BBC on ?”
And there we have it. It’s not about what might or might not be best for the future of this country; It’s about picking a side and sticking to it regardless. Exemplified by “BiasedBBC”, day in day out.
That’s the WTO . Facilitating trade etc .
And people , organisations , sports clubs , drama societies all start with their reason for being , then have rules .
Actually , the WTO is governed by very lax rules that are t as specific as the EU , EFTA , Nafta etc . For example , tell me the WTO rules ( not laws) on caramel products and the EU rules .
In fact your viewpoint is illogical . As though you wouldn’t see the first principles of Monopoly until you’ve read every rule that comes with the game .
So in that case , you can’t even criticise the BNP or Ku Klux Klan until you’ve seen their full rule book .
The EU may trade by the WTO now , but it won’t if it transgresses the ethos of it viz a viz Brexit .
R4, they had a lady on who has written a book on antisemitism. She said she was a progressive and had observed this behaviour from the right and the left. Apparently from the left it is because Jews are white whilst from the right it is because they are perceived as non white. Go figure
Oh, I forgot it is also from the Islamist extremists –
This week two of the Beebs chosen ones have been shot down. First that reasonable and intelligent future home secretary was obviously a victim of racism when Fiona Bruce and audience questioned her views.
Then to compound it all Serena Williams lost six games on the bounce to lose in the Austrailian open which must be racist, just as it was last time she lost. Victims both don’t you think?
I do wish BBC tv news editors were obliged to explain exactly why it is that the US Government Shutdown story is their number one headline which they’re so keen to present to their audience here in the UK.
To me this is a foreign domestic story. Perhaps worthy of headline number four or five.
I’m actually surprised that the Brazilian dam burst disaster wasn’t top rated by BBC news managers – afterall, journos used to say “if it bleeds, it leads”
To explain the BBC’s obsession with the US Federal Shutdown one needs to borrow a phrase from the American Left. For the Obama- & Clinton-friendly US press certain news items were regarded as “teachable moments”
Naturally the notion arises out of the liberal progressive education sector:
“A teachable moment is an unplanned opportunity that arises in the classroom where a teacher has a chance to offer insight to his or her students”
Now we begin to understand the BBC’s obsession with the far away everyday doings of Trump. Constant coverage allows the elite of the BBC to deliver their commentary, to educate their audience as to what they see as the ugliness of Trump’s policies on many issues but especially on immigration.
I was speaking to a client this week, we dont talk politics and she is not from the UK, but mentioned that she sometimes watches BBC World whilst cooking to beef-up her English. She said that the channel seems obsessed with Trump stories!
When you listen hour by hour , you can spot them building a narrative
So by this morning it was “Trump has backed down”
and then playing the most anti-Trump Democrat they could find
Jon Sopel talking about the Covington High incident on Today. What a dishonest piece. Because the truth turns out to be the total opposite of what the MSM like the BBC first reported, somehow both sides, he says, are to blame. Sopel uses “maga hat-wearing” as a sneaky term of abuse towards the Covington kids so we know they can’t possibly be completely innocent. The nearest he gets to admitting the BBC were wrong is to say that “we all have much to learn” – by “all” he doesn’t just mean the MSM, he means as well those honest, decent ordinary citizens who uploaded their smartphone footage that showed the whole story in its full context, thereby revealing how the story had been manipulated – and also revealing the sheer hatred and contempt in which the liberal elite hold the ordinary white, Christian people of their own country. What an underhand piece of broadcasting. There is one side and one side only that has to learn anything and that is Sopel’s side – the liberal left mainstream media and devious journalists like himself.
You’re right, ED, it’s not really a news story, but the MSM saw it as useful in propagating their big lie – that only white people are evil and hateful and that therefore we should fill North America and Europe with Third World immigrants. A white youth apparently abusing a person from an ethnic minority was something they couldn’t resist. It’s the mirror image of their reluctance to highlight the crimes of blacks or reveal the religion of terrorists.
The BBC’s original story, and they wasted no time in getting out, was published on 20 January. Apart from a correction to the misreporting that Philips had served in Vietnam the story and the lie remains the same.
If they had any scruples they would edit it to show the truth, but that might mean having to admit they got it wrong. Interestingly, even Guardian has covered the later videos that emerged.
//CORRECTION (25/1/19): We removed references describing Mr Phillips as a Vietnam veteran. In subsequent US media interviews he said that while he had served in the Marine reserves, he was never deployed to Vietnam.//
“Research shows that, compared to other broadcasters, newspapers and online sites, the BBC is seen as by far the most trusted and impartial news provider in the UK.” – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/help-41670342
Only a moron would agree with that assertion.
Anybody hear our far left Marxist State Broadcaster’s “Reporter” Jon “Impeachment” Sopel on Toady earlier?
In a highly selective explanation by ‘our’ Jon of the Covington Catholic Grammar School matter, I have to say that anyone lacking the ability to detect a complete massage and distortion of news items, would be forgiven for thinking the MSM’s original lies were totally accurate and true. Our Jon starts his detailed version 1 explanation by setting out the position as the MSM pack saw it at the outset, pre the actual facts emerging a day or so later. He follows with version 2, secondary low-key (and selective) explanation of the facts as they are now known.
This is the “….most trusted and impartial news provider….” modus operandi exposed.
Not watching TV (no licence), I have to say that so-called, “News” delivered by “Impeachment” Sopel is far better taken by radio than TV: Instead of the positively rabid almost frothing-at-the-mouth appearance on the TV, by radio you just have to imagine. Another beauty.
8:10 – A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 – My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.
8:20 – The gay couple living nearby said it could have been two snow men instead.
8:22 – The transgender man..women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:31 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .
8:40 – The Police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 – The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.
8:45 – TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied “Snowballs” and am now called a sexist.
9:00 – I was on the News as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 – protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.
There is no moral to this story. It is what we have become all because of snowflakes.
Weekend westminster – someone called anooshka from the Guardian chatting with friends about that nasty brexit and what a hard life it is for MPs and MEPs .
The bubble at its worst . As a punter – even one interested in politics and the future of what used to be Blighty – it just feels alien and metro and a damn swamp .
Lucky it’s only background noise like the BBC these days ….
ONS Homicide stats for England + Wales in the latest year to September 2018,
739 total .. (vs 649 in 2017)
276 knife
To me the body count is the only proper stat
cos others are open to interpretation eg by including super minor things.
Even so yesr on year body counts are subject to live saving getting ever better.
London was 132 January to January, but I think if you get stabbed in London the hospital is nearer and care is better than in a village
I see the Times wrongly used the word murder no homicide.
Stew and DS – I was just about to make that very point about attempted murders and that so many people survive now because of modern medical procedures. The number of attempted murders might actually be a better indicator of how violent our society has become since the abolition of capital punishment and the mass immigration of Third World lowlifes. The true picture is being disguised by the skill of our surgeons.
Stew – the the homicide rate tends to the international definition which allows a degree of comparison .
The continuous allegation of racism in the alleged targeting of black people in Londonistan is very helpful to the undertaker and florists businesses as the police will inevitably go more ‘ hands off ‘ on the black kids carrying knives and killing other black kids .
The blood cost of whitee phantom guilt .
For the record – I’m white and have been mugged at knifepoint once – and mugged by force once …
The BBC doesn’t like to highlight child sex abuse. Remember Rotherham, Rochdale etc.
Not exactly going big on the latest Michael Jackson abuse claims either.
Oh, yeah, you will find a brief website mention from two weeks ago in the “arts and entertainment” archive (!), but nothing now that the Leaving Neverland film, including direct allegations from the victims, is making waves across much of the media on its release.
But then Jackson the alleged paedo doesn’t fit with the BBC’s anti white bias – much easier to defame the innocent Covington kids.
”There is a Chinese takeaway in every town in the UK. Nowadays, it’s so common to order a Chinese from an app, that you never get to see the people who prepare your food.
British Chinese kids who were born and grew up in the UK spoke much better English than their parents.
The takeaway kids were often front of house, taking the customers’ orders.”
(And probably in the kitchen too, chopping the onions etc.. )
”In this film they share their memories of what it was like to grow up in a takeaway.
Producer: Elaine Chong
Edited: Dave O’Neill
Executive Producer: Ravin Sampat”
Daily Mail hasn’t collapsed yet
heading for £164m profit on £1.4bn turnover
previous years £182m, £226m
Meanwhile SkyUK now part of Comcast made $765m in the last quarter
interesting since thats $3bn/yr and Comcast bought Sky for $30.6bn ie 10 years worth of profit
Sky claims to have added 164K new customers of some sort or another mobile/broadband/TV etc.
Concast itself is losing subscribers in US to NetFlix etc
Charles Moore in The Telegraph recommends watching the company video by Tom Enders, head of Airbus: Mr Enders’s tone is disturbingly arrogant, like that of an interrogator in a war film.
And it would take seven years to create a production line for Airbus wings in another country.
Herr Enders is not only a bully, but also a liar. And a member of a EU committee.
He reminds me of this scene in the neutral Swiss Embassy during the Battle of Britain film. The German ambassador is trying to bully and threaten his British counterpart.
“Goring and his Luftwaffe would like to flatten London as a prelude to invasion”
National Trust curator Rachael Lennon’s pronouncement that the current stately home narrative ‘privileges heterosexual lives’ and does not provide enough on ‘same sex desire’.
I saw this on The Sun app and thought you’d enjoy it
National Trust’s homes are ‘too heterosexual’ with too much information about marriage, says curatorhttps://t.co/wxU3RctC2T
— GEOFF'S WORL D U K RETIRED ROCK MUSO, SOLO ENT. (@geoffsworlduk) January 26, 2019
Good grief woman; haven’t you something more to do for your outlandish salary, such as soak all those dirty dishes in your sink, or don’t you know what all those yellow and green sponge-things are for that you still have un-opened under said sink?! And lets discuss the hoover under the stairs, why is it….?
It’s all part of the systematic attack on all our institutions. Sometimes conscious and malicious, sometimes out of pure stupidity and political correctness, often a mixture.
Decades ago far-left groups held meetings on how best to undermine, infiltrate and destroy out country and Western civilisation, and it’s still playing itself out, either knowingly or by useful idiots.
Education, the police, government, the legal system, the entertainment industry, trade unions, the military, the churches, the media and of course our very own dearly-behated bbc — all are infiltrated, corrupted and to varying degrees working to undermine this once great country and its institutions, its history, its pillars such as law, language and religion.
what no rush to judgement beeb, will this be a weeks worth of headlines? cant you see the racial undertones, you can normally find them where no one else can
Times reviews a new book “anti-Semitism” .
The reviewer Daniel Finkelstein goes on a lot about Trump and a bit about Corbyn
… Yes cos when we think about anti-Semitism we think about Trump …
“Trumps failure to condemn fascist activity in Charlottesville ”
… doh that is misrepresentation what offended the libmob is that he specifically made a point of condemning anyone who started violence ..ie did not give a free pass to antifa.
– He didn’t condemn most normal conservative marchers, cos they weren’t fascist.
After about 80% of the article The reviewer does 2 paragraphs about Islam
This forms part of a well-balanced section on Islam and the Jews that is frank about the prevalence of antisemitism in the Muslim world and among Muslims living in the West.
She correctly identifies the fatwa against Salman Rushdie as the moment when it was first asserted that blasphemy rules that applied in Muslim majority nations applied everywhere.
– At the same time she is careful to point out that prejudice against all other people, including Muslims, is a danger to Jews and that there is a common cause to be made on this.
How did Finkestein get a peerage ? I’d like to know the answer . I know he was a friend of Cameron but was that the only reason .
Some people seem to want to continue anti Semitic as an issue of “ the right “ but as a no Jew I thought the serious danger is from Islamists – same with their habit of killing Christians and destroying churches .
Elsewhere Countdown babe Rachael Riley writes extensively on the backlash she got as a Jewish person she got when she spoke out about Labours anti-Semitism.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Amen! And again I say, Amen!
(My Opus was not ready for the Opening, so well done English Lass with such an apposite one-worder to get us started. Makes Lobbie look positively loquacious!)
hallelujah to that sister
Backlinks to previous thread
– Page 4 Friday 9:30am to 8pm
..before that – Page 3 went from 4pm Thursday
Who to follow on Twitter – Spiked online good on Brexit and calling out the metroliberal dogma, but inclined to sneer at Trump
BRINO !! 😉
Remember Wally? Here we have an updated diversity version.
MEGA – Make England Great Again!
MEGA Brexit.
poor old frenchies
perhaps geldof can bob over and tell them to f off
They’ll just have to eat more snails and frogs legs.
French fishermen threatening violence.
Let us consider French fishermen, for one. The European Union this week called for a ‘reciprocal’ fisheries arrangement if there is a No Deal. Essentially they want a status quo freezing of affairs where they “grant UK vessels access to EU waters until the end of 2019, on the condition that EU vessels are also granted reciprocal access to UK waters”.
Of course this isn’t a balanced arrangement. The British fishing industry, and coastal communities nationwide, have been devastated by the EU’s plundering of UK fishing waters. As even The Guardian have reported: “EU-based fleets land about eight times as much fish in UK waters as British fishermen do in EU waters, under the Common Fisheries Policy”.
In other words, if there’s No Deal and the UK wants to immediately take back full control of a 200-mile exclusive economic zone, it would mark a revolution for the UK fishing industry but Emmanuel Macron would have a French fishing industry absolutely up in arms.
I shouldn’t worry, Theisland, Amber Rudd has two fishing fleets in her constituency, Hastings and Rye, so we’re all safe as far as fishing rights are concerned…
I’m sure our fishermen will sell them all the fish they want to buy from us, assuming they don’t resort to their usual violent tricks when they don’t get their own way.
In The English Channel, off Hastings and thereabouts, the water is of course dangerous, and the shore-based fishermen are a splendid group of people, with a vast history of hard work for very little. The fleets have dwindled almost to extinction.
One phenomenom of the coastal waters, is the appearance of ‘Gully Water’, which is apparent when there is a storm, or high winds, and all the rubbish which has settled to the bottom of the sea is churned up to the top, and stinks like hell.
Well, the French and the illegals can have all that, and we can thrive as a clean and vibrant fishing nation, despite Amber Rudd trying to bugger everything up for Brexit.
Hastings has enough problems without her getting in the way!
No – Bob is only interested in insulting British fishermen.
The beeb and much of the msm presenting Trump’s deal as a defeat for him and a great victory for Pelosi / Dems.
Of course it could equally be seen as an intelligent and humanitarian compromise with the intransigent Dems to re-open government and allow millions of workers to receive pay.
But no.
Since the beginning of the shutdown, Trump has received all the blame, whereas the other side are at least equally to blame.
I don’t pretend to understand the ins and outs, nor why Trump chose now to pick this fight. But I do know Jon and Katty seem awfully pleased with themselves on Twitter.
I suspect Trump is playing a longer game.
This Trump supporting Venezuelan opposition president situation is interesting,
I don’t understand that one either, thought it might test the lefts hate everything Trump
This is worth watching
The arrest of “long term fugitive, drug and mafia boss” Roger Stone by the Mueller’s brave armed forces
I was under the impression that Mueller was under the jurisdiction of the FBI and DOJ, both appointees of Pres Trump.
Given the template for 66 year old Roger Stone’s arrest, maybe at least 1000 FBI storm troopers will be required to arrest Nick Sandmann. Sandmann is a known genocide killer of Native Americans, and peaceful African Americans. He is currently holed up in fortress Covington Catholic school for Boys, guarded by elite special nun forces seconded from the Vatican.
What a tragedy. A decent Christian country now ruled by marxists and feminists. America really needs to get back, and put these two evils back in the bottle.
May I just reiterate about trade organisations and the BBC .
Trade organisations like the Road Haulage Association are staffed by an admin class . Basically people who would work in any administration at a desk . One such example is Tim Inman of the RHA who left to go and work at the British Standards Institute , showing he’s hardly a trucker at heart .
The RHA is a very old established organisation , but that doesn’t mean it does a very good job . It’s officially recognised by the Department Of Transport as the voice of hauliers . In effect this means the DOT deals with a very compliant association that can keep other voices from the industry being heard – and the BBC will ” go to” the RHA and no other for a voice about haulage . [ the Freight Transport Association , FTA , is a slightly different animal to the RHA in that it is more for the users of transport rather than transporters themselves . It’s even more a lackey ] .
Both organisations , as I’ve said are run by the admin class and there’s nothing they like better than to meet with senior civil servants and ministers , being polite and civil about haulage problems . The admin class thinks that meetings and talks about problems are just as good as solving the problems and heaven forbid any direct action .
Even better than meeting a bureaucrat or minister is being invited to the BBC to ” air the concerns ” of the industry . Wow , that tells everybody . Problem solved ? No . Problem talked about ? Yes .
The other day the BBC said that the deadline for truckers to apply for licences to drive abroad had passed and hardly anyone applied . Any investigation of this , and analysis by the Beeb ?
One phone call from me and the situation becomes clearer . It’s not the Driving licence , it’s the ECMT permits , basically allowing the operator (owner , company) to send his trucks over the water . It’s possible that the EU could refuse to recognise our HGV licences but we could do the same to theirs . In which case all would have to use the International Driving Permit 1949 and 1926 versions ( obtained from the AA and RAC ) .
That explains a little , but the biggest question is why are there so few take ups of the ECMT permits .
Basically , it’s because British international road hauliers have been wiped out .
The most heavily taxed and most stringently controlled hauliers in Europe are there no more . Never forget we paid everyone else’s taxes and tolls , they paid nothing here except the Dartford Crossing , and probably don’t pay that now if they can get away with it .
At one stage the Dept ag Transport said it was imposible to charge foreign trucks in the UK even though we were buying the tax for over there in Dover and Ramsgate . IE we were PAYING A FOREIGN TAX IN THE UK BUT THEY WERENT PAYING OUR TAX WHEN IN THE UK .
So how many RHA members are sending trucks over the water ? The BBC never asks .
Super post Nibor, outstanding. Thank you for that information. It is like the sort of thing you would hear regularly on Any Answers on a Saturday afternoon up to and until about five years ago. The Panel on the Radio 4 Friday programme (8pm, repeated on Saturday @1.15pm) comprising mostly MPs, NGO bosses, academics, journalists and writers would answer the questions in their way.
On the Saturday you would get ordinary people with life experience ‘phoning in and explaining the real world to fellow listeners and often providing better answers to the questions and suggesting better solutions to problems than the Panel had done the night before.
Unfortunately Any Questions has been in terminal decline for just over six years and Any Answers for a near similar period.
I award Spiked the media prize for most ingenuity in bringing Trump into the discussion It’s about Diane Abbott’s moan about the BBC. But we do need the reminder of bad Trump.
Says Spiked
Brendan O Neil
‘This week Corbynistas have been accusing the BBC of racism over its treatment of Abbott on Question Time. Once again demonstrating their Trumpian intolerance of media criticism, the Corbyn crew claim QT presenter Fiona Bruce interrupted Abbott more than the other guests…’
And a dig at Trump from Francis Myers, staff writer.
‘Of course, no party in Washington has a monopoly on childishness – President Trump’s reckless engineering of the longest shutdown in history betrays his immature intransigence. ‘
Now where did I leave my copy of the Guardian?
@GWF your typo : Fraser Myers
Spiked have some weird views on Trump
Fraser wrote this in October
\\ Michael Moore is the latest celeb to compare Trump to Hitler in #fahrenheit119.
But this comparison is dangerous.
It doesn’t emphasise the dangers of Trump so much as downplay the horrors of the Nazis, says @FraserMyers //
yeh right, NOT
Watching Arsenal v Utd it’s what the FA cups all about……No it isn’t it’s about big clubs v little clubs giant killers like Hereford. But of course the BBC want to spend money on “diversity” so they can’t afford football except the FA cup this is there only chance to play at the BBC of the past. The FA cup isn’t about big v big…..and each crowd shot shows a ……Well I don’t have to say do I. They really are pathetic.
“Emmanuel Macron says EU divorce has ‘torn British society apart’ and ‘can’t be delivered’ in blistering attack.”
Whereas in France, all is sweetness and light…
Macron – Agent of death as viewed by the Yellow Vests.
But what we are seeing are the forces of Globalism, now ensconced in expensive hotels in Davis, showing the public their mailed fists .
The arrest of a harmless 66 year old Roger Stone by the storm troopers of the FBI, the arrest by heavily armoured British police to arrest one man, who just called the nomenclatura a “Nazi”, the arrests and incarceration of Tommy Robinson, and and the deliberate use of excessive force against Yellow Vests, is just the globalist forces telling us what they can do.
I begin to understand why the French peasants overthrew the aristos and executed them without mercy.
It is possible to understand the libby Alt-Left/libby Alt-Right/Communo-Fascism total nervous and mental breakdown thing.
For example:
For Global Warming, ‘we’ hate diesel vehicles (any road transport) but we hate Brexit even more and so we love all those 14,000 trucks + cars a day pouring through Calais-Dover and Calais-Folkestone and hope Brexit will be cancelled so that it can all continue.
‘We’ hate President Trump and love Russia until it poisons two expat Russians, just when we’ve forgotten how to be journalists and News broadcasters.
‘We’ love liberal socialism and defend it even when it becomes out and out corrupt Communo-Fascism but hate it when a ‘revolution’ starts and President Trump supports the putative leader of the ‘revolution’.
‘We’ (the BBC) think the Russians helped get Trump elected and say so on air at every opportunity but hate it when the Russians do not recognise Juan Guaidó as the take-over President, with President Trump quickly having done so.
‘We’ believe wholeheartedly in the settled science of Global Warming but spend time in a snow bound Davos with VIPs & politicians who believe wholeheartedly in the settled science of CO2 induced Global Warming, but many of whom have flown into Davos in hundreds of small, private, CO2-increasing, jet aircraft.
“It does not compute. It does not compute. It does not compute. It does not compute. IT DOES NOT COMPUTE!” (Dalek head swivels back and forth ever more wildly, sensor eye going up and down, until it then rotates with increasing speed in one direction and explodes.) “AAAARRRGGHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!”
Silence falls as the headless, stationary Dalek emits a pitiful trail of smoke.
Tonight i came through the arrivals at London city airport . The EU citizens were queuing to get through the auto passport puter. Mainly Dutch and British – maybe a hundred or more . About half a dozen rest of the world strolling through in the other bit . No queue for them .
Today MSM was doing scare stories about delays when we leave . But I thought this evening – what difference will it make . Do European countries really want to cheese UK tourists off ? No .
So it’s just another scare story – a 2 star one .
As the days tick down albeeb is pushing out the Soros grid in the same way it did in the run up to the referendum .
I wish I didn’t notice so much poison and could just simply ask “ why haven’t we left yet?” Like many would sensibly ask . Yet day after day the bbc roll out remainers and listeners suffer . Not long to go…
I’m missing maxi – maxi must be doing less night shifts and the acid edge has been missing . Trolling needs to be done well or not at all – what ever happened to “…you’re a disgrace .. “ ?
Poor Dalek – he was a transitioning to another more PC gender.
Phillip Hammond sees some potential relaxation in the EU position on Brexit, perhaps with room for manoeuvre – which for some might be good news.
Then again, what actual use or benefit is the opinion of a failed ladies haberdashery salesman, currently masquerading as a chancellor of sorts?
The commission has said – there can be no changes to the deal . So it’s rejected and we are out . It’s there choice – no flexibility – the same issue which Cameron discovered when he tried and failed – which led to the referendum ….
If there is damage – the ReichEU will suffer far more than us without the free UK cash .
Luckily, amongst the media shredding any vestige of impartiality, there is the shining light that is the bbc.
At least they admit that the guy is a Labour councillor… But I’m guessing that with a name like Ibrahim, he may not originally be from the EU himself. There’s certainly no shortage of non-EU immigrants, either now or in the future, what with the deluded Conservatives telling us we’ll be able to import more of the ‘best people’ from across the World (hint: they are not referring to the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).
Two observations about the messages on the bill:
1. It should read “Brexit is bad. Immigrants make Britian great. They also cooked your food. And they are cheap to employ”
2. It states that it includes ‘A discretionary 12.5% service charge’. Interesting use of the word ‘discretionary’: I wonder what reaction you receive if you decide not to pay it? It would also be interesting to know how much of the ‘service charge’ goes to the staff. You know, what used to be called ‘a tip’ in the old days.
Tens of thousands of young White girls gang raped by Pakistani Muslims in complicit with the entire Establishment.
There has to be justice, for this is a war crime against young girls by people who were supposed to protect them. The defending forces were themselves colluding with rapist invaders.
Jim Dale , Barbara Windsor , Hattie Jaques , Sid James , Charles Hawtry , Kenneth Connors et al are combining to make a new film about
Roadkill , and adventures and sauciness about it .
It’s going to be called ; Carry On Carrion .
Now you might not think that’s hilarious , but it’s better than anything the BBC has put on purporting to be a comedy . I’m not extracting a penny for it either . It’s free .
I can see the advert for the film, ‘Carry on carrion’, in most kebab and chinese joints which spring up everywhere, until they’re shut down by elfunsaftee town ‘all wallahs!
There’s a horrible takeaway a few miles from here, where all the window pics of their disgusting ‘food’ have faded to resemble a dead pheasant on the kerb, or maybe an old dog fox which just got unlucky!
I wouldn’t know if the bbbc would make a film, as I can’t be arsed to watch anything of their pathetic drivel these days…
I do get my news from here though, so thank you everyone – you deserve medals and a pint of English beer, or maybe a G and T! (The English wine still hasn’t quite made the grade yet, in my humble opinion).
I was in a Wetherspoon pub two days ago. As we know, their boss Tim Martin is very pro-Brexit and is articulate in his condemnation of the EU.
The posters on the walls said, ”What don’t you like about free trade, Mrs May?’
Well done, Tim Martin. I salute you.
Dover Sentry,
“Well done, Tim Martin. I salute you.”
Serious question, if the UK unilaterally imposes zero tariffs on all beer imported into the UK what happens to the UK beer producers who can’t compete due to higher wage rates in the UK?
Bet you can’t see anything wrong with this.

Roland Deschain,
“Bet you can’t see anything wrong with this…”
Seriously? That’s the best answer you could come up with?
UK beer tariff is 19p per litre, or 8p if less than 2.8proof
it should be zero ..free market and all that
And in return our products to all the world should have zero tariffs
I suggest you read Harry’s Place on this. The backtracking by the celebs and the US press is another thing. The whole video has emerged and it is not anything like the BBC account. Lawsuits on their way and I hope the BBC gets their come uppance. These boys and they are very young have been pilloried by the liberal media without just cause and your BBc joined in . Journalists! I have S””” them.
As I understand it; the boys were just stood there watching the parade and the noisy banjo players made a bee-line directly towards them from quite some distance away?
Is this still on the BBC website ? Have they taken it down or printed the truth on what really happened?
Is this still on the BBC website ? Have they taken it down or printed the truth on what really happened?
@Max, You are assuming that wage rates in other countries are lower? And what about their transport and distribution costs to the UK?
Dover Sentry,
“You are assuming that wage rates in other countries are lower?”
No, I’m asking what happens to UK beer producers if another country can sell beer cheaper due to lower wages?
The same I suppose as businesses failing due to higher taxes paid here and some of that tax going via the EU to their competitors in Europe in the form of grants ( bribery ) .
Perhaps Max doesn’t work for the BBC , he’s thinking about competition , level playing field etc .
“The same I suppose as businesses failing due to higher taxes paid here…”
Businesses will fail. At last an answer! Thank you, Nibor.
Did I say there should be parity of wages ?
Now do you believe in parity of costs ?
“Businesses will fail. At last an answer!”
At last! we now know that is what you want to happen in the UK! Which is the expected answer one would get from any run of the mill traitor.
You’re not very fair as you often ask questions and get an answer ( with which you usually criticise and disagree )
Yet when someone here asks you a question you tend to clam up and runaway for a few days or weeks and many may miss you …
If their costs are cheaper than the UK and the UK wants their beer, then this will undercut the UK beer makers. But that’s an assumption.
Worldwide, British beers could be more attractive. They are respected for their quality and could create huge export advantages.
Leaving the EU creates export opportunities to the rest of the world. We would not be hindered by the EU. The world is far, far bigger than the EU.
Dover Sentry,
“If their costs are cheaper than the UK and the UK wants their beer, then this will undercut the UK beer makers. But that’s an assumption.
Not an assumption. A statement of fact.
“Worldwide, British beers could be more attractive. They are respected for their quality and could create huge export advantages.”
That’s already the case. How does British beer become more attractive overseas due to imported beer being cheaper in the UK?
Where are you going to get the cheaper beers , Maxi ?
Funny how I don’t remember any of the fear factors currently being extolled before we entered the EEC in the 70’s.
We had toilet rolls, the planes still flew, we had medicines (admittedly the NHS was much healthier then), there was absolutely no problem in entering Europe, and our only moan was having to endure the European Song Contest annually.
After Brexit ? we’ll still have toilet rolls, the planes will still fly, we’ll still get our medicine, we’ll still be able to enter Europe (but who will want to ???), and we STILL have the bloody European Song Contest.
Hi Max:
Most of the cost of beer is in the form of tax and duty. We have some of the most expensive beer in the world, a big reason so many pubs are closing. In this context, a few percent in the form of tariffs is neither here nor there.
It’s now reported in the Express that a man lost control of his car, in Dewsbury; ie bandit country; and crashed into a Wetherspoons pub.
What a strange place to have such a strange accident.
Similar thing happened close to me, guy straight into a take-away kitchen.
Drivers in a korma but his naan is ok.
I’ll get me coat then.
No mention on BiasedBBC of James Delingpole’s wonderful advocacy of a “No Deal Brexit” on ‘This Week’ last night? How strange…
Thank you – I think that is the first contribution you’ve made here without either “ “ or ? at the end .
So thanks for engaging .
Using the same logic, what do Diane Abbott’s serial car crashes say about her various causes?
Dover Sentry,
UK farmers, UK manufacturers; wiped out.
At least you’re honest.
You forgot – ((The sky is falling)) YIKES!
Lucy Pevensey,
“You forgot – ((The sky is falling)) YIKES!”
No answer…
Answer these simple questions.
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
What motivates you to post on this site ?
Can you give us evidence of any Pro Brexit propaganda/bias broadcast by Al Beeb?
How long are on ‘nights weekend’ ?
Prove to us readers that you are not a troll or a snowflake.
Still waiting maxi ………….
Maxi ,
The WTO allows exceptions .
“The WTO allows exceptions.”
Such as?
Look on the WTO website . Brexit would be an exception .
As an aside , the first thing you’ll see is that the WTO wants to facilitate trade . Is the EU doing that viz a viz Brexit ?
“Look on the WTO website . Brexit would be an exception .”
There’s, “something” about an, “exception” on the, “WTO website”? Forgive me, perhaps you could be a little more specific?
There is the word – normally – put in the rules .
Brexit makes the situation not normal : agreed ?
The BBC thinks so .
“There is the word – normally – put in the rules .
Brexit makes the situation not normal : agreed ?”
That’s it?
That’s your explanation of “The WTO allows exceptions.”? Because; “There is the word – normally – put in the rules”?
For example?
For gods sake Maxicony have you looked at their website ?
Lucy Pevensey,
No answer…
Since when did you answer a question ?
project : “Sky News Raw”.
Sky News reporters have just been told 32 cameras and microphones are being installed all around their newsrooms. Sky News is going to livestream everything that happens in the newsroom online and on a dedicated channel from 5:30am to 10:30pm,
The BBC is thinking about relocating to Belgium (hooray!)
“The BBC is thinking about relocating to Belgium (hooray!)”
All paid for by you .
Next, we will have the European Army’s Telly Tax Enforcement Regiment over here collecting your ‘protection money’ instead of Crapita.
“The closer to the target the more the flak”.
Maxi is back! This time the snowflake is on an anti-Brexit mission.
Things must be getting desperate for the remainder.
\\’Millions’ of fake cigarettes seized in UK//
“Mr Ahamed was ordered to do 200 hours community service and pay £5,000 in costs.”
Over to you maxi……………
@Taffman That if racist police for you
cos the last time someone was prosecuted here in town it was the same demographic.
My desk monitor shows me that the £ has surged to 1.16 against the Euro.
At Al Beeb ?………….nowt .
“Troops could return to Irish border, warns Varadkar”
“He was not referring to Irish personnel and the Irish government has no plans to deploy infrastructure or personnel at the border.”
So what troops Mr Varadkar?
IMHO, when we leave the EU the Republic of Ireland will follow us.
Maxicony ,
From its website , the introduction .
The WTO deals with global rules of trade between nations [ ] .
It’s main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly , predictibly and freely as possible .
So if the UK does that , it is abiding by the aspiration of the WTO , and if the EU is not , it is a transgressor .
Which side are you and the BBC on ?
“From its website , the introduction …”
Your in depth understanding of WTO rules is the first sentence you could find on the WTO website?
“So if the UK does that , it is abiding by the aspiration of the WTO , and if the EU is not , it is a transgressor .”
The WTO is governed by rules, not aspirations. The EU already trades by those rules. That’s not going to change when we exit the EU.
“Which side are you and the BBC on ?”
And there we have it. It’s not about what might or might not be best for the future of this country; It’s about picking a side and sticking to it regardless. Exemplified by “BiasedBBC”, day in day out.
Maxicony ,
Surely you start from the beginning .
That’s the WTO . Facilitating trade etc .
And people , organisations , sports clubs , drama societies all start with their reason for being , then have rules .
Actually , the WTO is governed by very lax rules that are t as specific as the EU , EFTA , Nafta etc . For example , tell me the WTO rules ( not laws) on caramel products and the EU rules .
In fact your viewpoint is illogical . As though you wouldn’t see the first principles of Monopoly until you’ve read every rule that comes with the game .
So in that case , you can’t even criticise the BNP or Ku Klux Klan until you’ve seen their full rule book .
The EU may trade by the WTO now , but it won’t if it transgresses the ethos of it viz a viz Brexit .
Is that really you ? Are you back in hospital again?
“The closer to the target the more the flak”
Just have a look at Al Beeb’s website , its in Anti Brexit overdrive and maxincony is back!
R4, they had a lady on who has written a book on antisemitism. She said she was a progressive and had observed this behaviour from the right and the left. Apparently from the left it is because Jews are white whilst from the right it is because they are perceived as non white. Go figure
Oh, I forgot it is also from the Islamist extremists –
This week two of the Beebs chosen ones have been shot down. First that reasonable and intelligent future home secretary was obviously a victim of racism when Fiona Bruce and audience questioned her views.
Then to compound it all Serena Williams lost six games on the bounce to lose in the Austrailian open which must be racist, just as it was last time she lost. Victims both don’t you think?
Hugh Sykes liked it too. I wonder if they all wear their Obama beanies together at the pub?
Skid marks on Katty’s next retweet?
“Simon McCoy”
Maybe he could wear Ms Obama’s beanie in place of that silly wig he wears.
I do wish BBC tv news editors were obliged to explain exactly why it is that the US Government Shutdown story is their number one headline which they’re so keen to present to their audience here in the UK.
To me this is a foreign domestic story. Perhaps worthy of headline number four or five.
I’m actually surprised that the Brazilian dam burst disaster wasn’t top rated by BBC news managers – afterall, journos used to say “if it bleeds, it leads”
To explain the BBC’s obsession with the US Federal Shutdown one needs to borrow a phrase from the American Left. For the Obama- & Clinton-friendly US press certain news items were regarded as “teachable moments”
Naturally the notion arises out of the liberal progressive education sector:
“A teachable moment is an unplanned opportunity that arises in the classroom where a teacher has a chance to offer insight to his or her students”
Now we begin to understand the BBC’s obsession with the far away everyday doings of Trump. Constant coverage allows the elite of the BBC to deliver their commentary, to educate their audience as to what they see as the ugliness of Trump’s policies on many issues but especially on immigration.
I was speaking to a client this week, we dont talk politics and she is not from the UK, but mentioned that she sometimes watches BBC World whilst cooking to beef-up her English. She said that the channel seems obsessed with Trump stories!
When you listen hour by hour , you can spot them building a narrative
So by this morning it was “Trump has backed down”
and then playing the most anti-Trump Democrat they could find
Time for a bbc Reality Check?
And the paradise that is the bbc further loses the plot. Too.
‘Views his own’.
Will Jasmine fly there personally to pin on his medal?
QT bookers go global.
Jon Sopel talking about the Covington High incident on Today. What a dishonest piece. Because the truth turns out to be the total opposite of what the MSM like the BBC first reported, somehow both sides, he says, are to blame. Sopel uses “maga hat-wearing” as a sneaky term of abuse towards the Covington kids so we know they can’t possibly be completely innocent. The nearest he gets to admitting the BBC were wrong is to say that “we all have much to learn” – by “all” he doesn’t just mean the MSM, he means as well those honest, decent ordinary citizens who uploaded their smartphone footage that showed the whole story in its full context, thereby revealing how the story had been manipulated – and also revealing the sheer hatred and contempt in which the liberal elite hold the ordinary white, Christian people of their own country. What an underhand piece of broadcasting. There is one side and one side only that has to learn anything and that is Sopel’s side – the liberal left mainstream media and devious journalists like himself.
I’m totally at a loss why anyone thought the CH incident was “news” in the first place.
I’ll steal this one: It was a TDS hat crime.
You’re right, ED, it’s not really a news story, but the MSM saw it as useful in propagating their big lie – that only white people are evil and hateful and that therefore we should fill North America and Europe with Third World immigrants. A white youth apparently abusing a person from an ethnic minority was something they couldn’t resist. It’s the mirror image of their reluctance to highlight the crimes of blacks or reveal the religion of terrorists.
Jon Sopel is talking. But why should anyone listen to him?
I also see he is still sulking the WH no longer pays attention to fellow tub thumpers in favour of folk who actually ask sensible questions.
Sopel does so much for British/American relationship
..Has anyone seen Maxicony and Sopel in the same place ?
Has anyone seen Maxincony ever?
Thought if funny that the White House press corp were moaning about lack of press conferences .. why bother ?
Give the snowflakes less ammunition and watch their websites close down because only the bubble look at it and advertisers realise it .
Disfunctional swamp exemplified by the hatee Sopel .
Jon still providing the boys’ lawyers all they could wish for:
The BBC’s original story, and they wasted no time in getting out, was published on 20 January. Apart from a correction to the misreporting that Philips had served in Vietnam the story and the lie remains the same.
If they had any scruples they would edit it to show the truth, but that might mean having to admit they got it wrong. Interestingly, even Guardian has covered the later videos that emerged.
//CORRECTION (25/1/19): We removed references describing Mr Phillips as a Vietnam veteran. In subsequent US media interviews he said that while he had served in the Marine reserves, he was never deployed to Vietnam.//
Let the fun and games begin.
America is so far away but Beeby has them in the news 24/7.
France is next door. Is there ANYTHING happening in France?
Sheep quite like them for protecting themselves from outside predators.
Monday 8th January 2018: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast, 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Only for “Students”? I guess they’ve given up with old white men who are not so easily deceived.
”Students” in pre politically correct times known as pupils or school children.
“Research shows that, compared to other broadcasters, newspapers and online sites, the BBC is seen as by far the most trusted and impartial news provider in the UK.” –
Only a moron would agree with that assertion.
Anybody hear our far left Marxist State Broadcaster’s “Reporter” Jon “Impeachment” Sopel on Toady earlier?
In a highly selective explanation by ‘our’ Jon of the Covington Catholic Grammar School matter, I have to say that anyone lacking the ability to detect a complete massage and distortion of news items, would be forgiven for thinking the MSM’s original lies were totally accurate and true. Our Jon starts his detailed version 1 explanation by setting out the position as the MSM pack saw it at the outset, pre the actual facts emerging a day or so later. He follows with version 2, secondary low-key (and selective) explanation of the facts as they are now known.
This is the “….most trusted and impartial news provider….” modus operandi exposed.
Not watching TV (no licence), I have to say that so-called, “News” delivered by “Impeachment” Sopel is far better taken by radio than TV: Instead of the positively rabid almost frothing-at-the-mouth appearance on the TV, by radio you just have to imagine. Another beauty.
The statue of liberty, USA.
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
From going-postal.com
Great comment posted on the DT
8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10 – A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 – My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.
8:20 – The gay couple living nearby said it could have been two snow men instead.
8:22 – The transgender man..women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.
8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:31 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .
8:40 – The Police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 – The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.
8:45 – TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied “Snowballs” and am now called a sexist.
9:00 – I was on the News as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 – protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.
There is no moral to this story. It is what we have become all because of snowflakes.
Weekend westminster – someone called anooshka from the Guardian chatting with friends about that nasty brexit and what a hard life it is for MPs and MEPs .
The bubble at its worst . As a punter – even one interested in politics and the future of what used to be Blighty – it just feels alien and metro and a damn swamp .
Lucky it’s only background noise like the BBC these days ….
ONS Homicide stats for England + Wales in the latest year to September 2018,
739 total .. (vs 649 in 2017)
276 knife
To me the body count is the only proper stat
cos others are open to interpretation eg by including super minor things.
Even so yesr on year body counts are subject to live saving getting ever better.
London was 132 January to January, but I think if you get stabbed in London the hospital is nearer and care is better than in a village
I see the Times wrongly used the word murder no homicide.
that 132 for London is total homicides
I suspect that the number of attempted murders in London is huge and that a high proportion survive.
Exactly! Were it not for paramedics, the murder count would be at least double.
Stew and DS – I was just about to make that very point about attempted murders and that so many people survive now because of modern medical procedures. The number of attempted murders might actually be a better indicator of how violent our society has become since the abolition of capital punishment and the mass immigration of Third World lowlifes. The true picture is being disguised by the skill of our surgeons.
Stew – the the homicide rate tends to the international definition which allows a degree of comparison .
The continuous allegation of racism in the alleged targeting of black people in Londonistan is very helpful to the undertaker and florists businesses as the police will inevitably go more ‘ hands off ‘ on the black kids carrying knives and killing other black kids .
The blood cost of whitee phantom guilt .
For the record – I’m white and have been mugged at knifepoint once – and mugged by force once …
The BBC doesn’t like to highlight child sex abuse. Remember Rotherham, Rochdale etc.
Not exactly going big on the latest Michael Jackson abuse claims either.
Oh, yeah, you will find a brief website mention from two weeks ago in the “arts and entertainment” archive (!), but nothing now that the Leaving Neverland film, including direct allegations from the victims, is making waves across much of the media on its release.
But then Jackson the alleged paedo doesn’t fit with the BBC’s anti white bias – much easier to defame the innocent Covington kids.
Alternative title :
How child labour helped put your local chippy out of business.
Chinese takeaway kids: What’s it like to grow up in one?
”There is a Chinese takeaway in every town in the UK. Nowadays, it’s so common to order a Chinese from an app, that you never get to see the people who prepare your food.
British Chinese kids who were born and grew up in the UK spoke much better English than their parents.
The takeaway kids were often front of house, taking the customers’ orders.”
(And probably in the kitchen too, chopping the onions etc.. )
”In this film they share their memories of what it was like to grow up in a takeaway.
Producer: Elaine Chong
Edited: Dave O’Neill
Executive Producer: Ravin Sampat”
Daily Mail hasn’t collapsed yet
heading for £164m profit on £1.4bn turnover
previous years £182m, £226m
Meanwhile SkyUK now part of Comcast made $765m in the last quarter
interesting since thats $3bn/yr and Comcast bought Sky for $30.6bn ie 10 years worth of profit
Sky claims to have added 164K new customers of some sort or another mobile/broadband/TV etc.
Concast itself is losing subscribers in US to NetFlix etc
Charles Moore in The Telegraph recommends watching the company video by Tom Enders, head of Airbus:
Mr Enders’s tone is disturbingly arrogant, like that of an interrogator in a war film.
So I did – and Charles Moore is correct.
As MP Mark Francois had already pointed out …
(apologies if already posted)
And it would take seven years to create a production line for Airbus wings in another country.
Herr Enders is not only a bully, but also a liar. And a member of a EU committee.
He reminds me of this scene in the neutral Swiss Embassy during the Battle of Britain film. The German ambassador is trying to bully and threaten his British counterpart.
“Goring and his Luftwaffe would like to flatten London as a prelude to invasion”
“It’s two lumps you take in your tea, isn’t it?”
“ it’s unforgivable – I lost my temper “
National Trust curator Rachael Lennon’s pronouncement that the current stately home narrative ‘privileges heterosexual lives’ and does not provide enough on ‘same sex desire’.
This kind of pandering is what sees a fair chunk of Buzzfeed editorial now looking for new employers.
Not sure if the NT is as dependent on the customers, or closer to the BBC.
There’s a lady labour peer in the making for you . Import a fruit hoop like her to destroy a state institution – she’d do well at the BBC …
“Rachael Lennon”
Good grief woman; haven’t you something more to do for your outlandish salary, such as soak all those dirty dishes in your sink, or don’t you know what all those yellow and green sponge-things are for that you still have un-opened under said sink?! And lets discuss the hoover under the stairs, why is it….?
Dayn’t be say silly. One has the most maarvelous Polish gell for the menials.
It’s all part of the systematic attack on all our institutions. Sometimes conscious and malicious, sometimes out of pure stupidity and political correctness, often a mixture.
Decades ago far-left groups held meetings on how best to undermine, infiltrate and destroy out country and Western civilisation, and it’s still playing itself out, either knowingly or by useful idiots.
Education, the police, government, the legal system, the entertainment industry, trade unions, the military, the churches, the media and of course our very own dearly-behated bbc — all are infiltrated, corrupted and to varying degrees working to undermine this once great country and its institutions, its history, its pillars such as law, language and religion.
what no rush to judgement beeb, will this be a weeks worth of headlines? cant you see the racial undertones, you can normally find them where no one else can
Times reviews a new book “anti-Semitism” .
The reviewer Daniel Finkelstein goes on a lot about Trump and a bit about Corbyn
… Yes cos when we think about anti-Semitism we think about Trump …
“Trumps failure to condemn fascist activity in Charlottesville ”
… doh that is misrepresentation what offended the libmob is that he specifically made a point of condemning anyone who started violence ..ie did not give a free pass to antifa.
– He didn’t condemn most normal conservative marchers, cos they weren’t fascist.
After about 80% of the article The reviewer does 2 paragraphs about Islam
ah the book is by Deborah Lipstadt famous for suing David Irving
A guy who despite his conviction, does not seem to be anti-Jewish in his videos.
How did Finkestein get a peerage ? I’d like to know the answer . I know he was a friend of Cameron but was that the only reason .
Some people seem to want to continue anti Semitic as an issue of “ the right “ but as a no Jew I thought the serious danger is from Islamists – same with their habit of killing Christians and destroying churches .
Elsewhere Countdown babe Rachael Riley writes extensively on the backlash she got as a Jewish person she got when she spoke out about Labours anti-Semitism.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC to Crack Down on TV Licence Evaders
– BBC Presenters McCoy and Graham Split
– BBC Eyes New Post-Brexit EU Base
Michelle is still #1in the hardbook charts
I suspect this week 15 people bouiher book or something
Who buys a £25 biography.
In paperbacks all top 5 are medical related and cost £9 each
Who buys £25 biography? All the virtue signalling pc liberal snowflakes wanting to show how ‘progressive’ and unracist they are.
well it is 50% off in wh smiths