Not the BBC but a sign of how far the Telegraph has descended into the MSM snowflake swamp – having to give Mrs Trump a fullsome apology and substantial damages for defamation last week .
Hopefully more redundent journalists . At least the thing is behind a paywall now to limit exposure – suppose the price will go up to pay the legal fees .
The Telegraph has always been deranged on Trump but is sound on Brexit. At the moment the latter is the more important. Of course the BBC is deranged on both.
Monday TV 9pm start of BBC Brexit doco of 3 parts
Bet it will be positive about Brexit
The title is “Inside Europe : 10 years of Turmoil”
BBC2’s new series Inside Europe: 10 years of turmoil starts on Monday at 9pm. Part 1 focuses on Cameron’s negotiations with the EU and includes frank interviews with Sarkozy and Tusk about ‘this stupid referendum.’ There were several moments of hollow laughter at today’s preview
I’ll watch this knowing the motivation. Of mr Galloway and his mother ship – the BBC – sad that I am – his twitters over the last couple of years describe him as ‘snow flake ‘ so guess how much anti brexit poison going to be spewed out in 3 hours ….
I think we’re getting to the stage where the more anti brexit nonsense is pumped out the stronger the ‘ no sell out deal’ will become .
Looks like macron is trying to draw French public opinion to unite against brexit as a distraction for what is going on at home .
Throw out the old threats to French fishing in British waters and all that stuff ….
F – Indeed.
Beitbart headline. “Brexit ‘Can’t Be Delivered’, Leave Vote Was ‘Manipulated’, Macron Tells France”
The problem is the manipulation was insufficient, we voted to leave.
Macron looking like a panicking teacher, who cannot control the class, rather than the statesman we were told he was.
More votes for Le Pen and Frexit.
Come and join us France, we will enjoy destroying the EU together.
I don’t think the French will be leaving the ReichEU any time soon because once we leave it will be a francokraut club which with a bit of luck will split into an Eastern and southern bit if they can run their own finances – particularly with an inevitable recession to bring the pains on to the ReichEU project finances
My feedback just submitted to the Government on ‘our’ petition 229963:
“I cannot believe how this Petition was considered. The sheer number of petitioners should have meant that it was debated alone not together with the other two which had far less signatories and dealt with diametrically opposed subjects.
I looked through the Written Response from the “debate” 14.01.19. Just skimming through the Response, it is obvious the Government happily combined this particular petition with the other two to avoid any real focus on the instant Petition, It was diluted, probably because it felt uncomfortable with the numbers of signatories directly supporting the subject matter.
It is clearly questionable whether there is any point in wasting time on a petition such as this one, where the Governments position is a foregone conclusion. In view of the above, maybe I should start a petition to call into question the worth of subscribing to such a petition in the future?”
New Petition.
“That the Hoc instigates a Royal Commission to establish how many MPs, senior “civil servants” and other persons have committed treason since 2016-06-23″
More hyperbolic emotion. But should secure a slot on QT at least.
This is a clip, taken from "Brexit: a cry from the Irish border". Even before today, I could not watch without tears. My heart is breaking. Ireland's heart is breaking. We cannot go back go. We will not go back. No citizens, from any land, deserve a return to war.
I wonder how long it will take the ReichEU to build a wall to protect their statelet from UK free trade ? And how many Irish soldiers to stop unregulated northern Irish people going across their border ( not one made by Britain – although of course the new ira and their friends in labour and the BBC will place the blame there ).
There is a twitter account which publishes the details of victims of NI terrorism and the circumstances of their murder on anniversaries . It’s a lot of people and the nature of the evil is there to read
It is interesting how decades of violent strife saw the border remain a boggy line on a map porous enough to see combatants and deadly ordnance pass to and fro relatively untroubled by the South’s finest. And mostly uncritically, or indeed supported by such as the BBC’s guarantor now leading the Opposition.
However a bit of a trade spat now and Leo the Brave is calling for the… well, ‘an’ Army from Macron’s Mobile Light Baton Whirlers to be dropped off by Mutti’s U-boats. And not a peep from the British National Disgrace.
Speaking of U-boats, Ireland, ‘The Troubles’ and the Brexit border problem or no-problem border, I am reminded that during ‘The Troubles’, IIRC, arms were smuggled to the IRA from north Africa via France although the UK was in the EU (EEC/EC) at the time.
On memory – population of Eire 4 million . Of those 1 million are from the mainland ReichEU .The Dublin area has @ 1.5 million of the national population .
Whatever happens Eire and Britain will be linked although their politicians seem to want to strain relations at the behest of the Brussels mafia
Perhaps we could offer Ireland a good few billion to leave the ReichEU for 10 years or more to deal with the border issue . It’s reported today that Barnier says the backstop is only negotiable if we have a customs union which means not leaving the ReichEU . ( I know the idea of bribing Eire to leave the EU will be seen as offensive to some but worth a punt …)
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the most trusted broadcaster, with its very own fact check unit…
Paul Homewood: Harrabin Peddles Latest Arctic Nonsense… It should not take Harrabin more than a few minutes to check this out for himself. So why does he continue to peddle every bit of junk science he is fed? via
There are still many MPs who seem to think that they can modify Brexit to such an extent that we might as well still be members of the EU. Two of the more obvious changes they wish to make are to force the UK to be in ‘a’ customs union with the EU and to have ‘close alignment’ to the Single Market.
This is nonsense and is most definitely not Brexit, as the EU Commission ably demonstrated in its announcement yesterday. “The EU’s Customs Union, which celebrated its 50 years anniversary in 2018, is unique in the world. It is a foundation of the European Union and essential for the proper functioning of the Single Market.”
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First time I’ve seen this so may be a repeat, at some point they both become as bad as one another, but the lefty definitely comes across as a little more hysterical/unhinged, or is that just my bias? Still, a hat? Would a Hillary hat wearer get the same if the rolls were reversed?
Poor black guys probably thinking “knew it all along, these white people are nuts”
“The EU’s Customs Union, which celebrated its 50 years anniversary in 2018, is unique in the world. It is a foundation of the European Union and essential for the proper functioning of the Single Market.”
For a bunch of public unelected ‘servants’ to shriek and squeal this trash is a summation of the fact that their own accounts have never been signed off properly. More ‘piss off’ Brexit votes as we speak!
Rather like the BBC which hasn’t a clue how much they pay ‘slebs’ and other cretins on their ‘news’ cut-and-paste which the normal law-abiding Brit has to cough up for. Nice graph earlier here, about that prat Harrabin squawking about subjects he has no idea about!
Yes the Speaker wants prayers replaced with ‘rap’ for his ‘crew of homies from the crib ‘ whatever that means .,.,
….I don’t think the Queen would be very impressed and he really would say goodbye to his peerage ….
Staying with the Archbishop Cranmer w-s for a moment, there is another Blog on there about the PM: ‘A “Bloody difficult woman!” ?’
In the comments that follow the piece by Martin Sewell on 23rd January, was this. It made me chuckle.
Chefofsinners > Royinsouthwest • 2 days ago
Reason #973 for a no-deal Brexit: Amber Rudd says she’d resign (again).
Chefofsinners > Chefofsinners • 2 days ago
“What are the other 972?”, I hear you cry. Funny you should ask…
1. It’s what we voted for
2. £39 billion
3. Control of our borders
4. No backstop
5. The look on John Bercow’s face
6. The look on Dominic Grieve’s face.
7. Control of our fisheries
8. Freedom to negotiate trade deals with the whole world
9. It’s the EU’s worst nightmare
10. Closure.
Reasons 11 to 792: the names of every member of the Houses of Lords and Commons who has obstructed the will of the people for the last two and a half years.
Phew. Narrowly avoided the Happy Jack memorial trophy for longest post in all Christendom.
I like the thought, most of all of #10 on that list. It reminds me of today’s Any Answers. It was remarkable in that it may have actually presented an even-handed Brexit:Remain set of comments, with the Brexiteers getting their views in first. The very first contributor also highlighted the importance of #10 on that list.
I caught a bit of Back in Time for School, ‘Swinging 60s’ edition today. Didn’t the ‘Social Studies’ teacher see anything ironic in her ‘Enoch Powell’ lesson? There she was, a ‘woman of colour’, metaphorically having the ‘whip hand’ over her class discussing Powell’s constituent’s comment that, “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”. Well I guess he got the colour and sex wrong so Powell is fair game!
I’m pretty certain that all the nuclear survival training is BBC fakery too. Those public information films were never widely shown, as the advice was pointless and thought more likely to scare the population. Wasn’t there a bit of a media fuss in the 1980s as to whether they should be shown? As to schools having siren training and keeping stocks of sandbags, what planet are the BBC on!
Does anyone in the BBC know what technical drawing is? A pack of girls doing a still-life of a casting, using T-squares to get some idea of scale, more like some weird art class. I’n sorry to disappoint those girls but in the 1960s the women in a drawing office would be most likely to be tracers, copying the work of the male draughtsmen.
I think the amount of ‘women of colour’ teachers in the 1960’s could be counted on one hand. The teaching profession mainly comprised men, and the women usually packed up once they married and had children. Windrush in the 50’s brought over the greatest number of black migrants, who found it hard enough to get any job let alone one in teaching, and mixed race (or half caste as it was back then) rarely existed, as the black and white relationships hadn’t got off the ground, so the few babies born wouldn’t be adults until the early 70’s
My schooldays were between 1955-1965 in Sunderland.
At no time was there any nuclear type training, even during the Cuba missile crisis.
The first black person I ever saw was when I joined the Army in 1967 and there was a Fiji (I think) soldier in the Regiment along with some Gurkhas (all great to a man and who I would happily live amongst any time)
I have school photographs where there must be 800 plus pupils and about 40 or so teachers, every one on the photo hideously white. (Bede School 1962 and similarly at Barnes School 1955-1960)
Perhaps it was different ‘down south’ so it seems this bbc ‘60’s school must have been in London or thereabouts.
I didn’t see it.
Maybe it’s like labour’s Brexit manifesto promise, leave in the north and remain in the south.
EmmaG……… same timeline for school as me, and I was as far south as you could get in Kent.
Certainly every school teacher and 99.9% of pupils were white. In fact anyone of colour were as rare as hen’s teeth. The U.S air force were based at Manston between 1950-1958, so there was a fair amount of black airmen deployed, – and the first that locals had ever seen.
Same period but Deptford in Sarf Eas’ Lunnon for me. I didn’t venture too far about, to Brixton for example, but I really can’t recall seeing any let alone many BAME about and none in my schools. Now of course…….
Some 15 years after I left I remember reading about a stabbing of one pupil by another at that primary school.
I was at the Simon Langton School in Canterbury. We had one light brown boy who was known as Sambo, and everybody liked him. There were no black people anywhere around, but we had some Indians, Chinese and Italians.
I believe the schoolteachers are the schoolchildren’s own teachers. I have only caught a bit of some of the episodes but my impression is that the children are fairly adaptable, as children always have been, but the teachers, having been through the full Marxist training programme, Ofsted approved, are total snowflakes.
JimS, “Does anyone in the BBC know what technical drawing is? A pack of girls doing a still-life of a casting, using T-squares to get some idea of scale, more like some weird art class. I’n sorry to disappoint those girls but in the 1960s the women in a drawing office would be most likely to be tracers, copying the work of the male draughtsmen.”
My friend & fellow pupil Sylvana occupied the drawing board next to mine. She went on to achieve her ambition, getting a Degree from Manchester and becoming a Civil Engineer.
I’m putting my tin hat on here.
I like Simon McCoy, at least he has (and shows) a sense of humour, particularly with other presenters or odd news stories. I remember his repartee a number of years ago with his very good sparring partner, and also attractive Carrie Gracie – when she didn’t wear glasses and sported a long hair bob. So I was sad to hear that wife no.2 had buggered off with her boss. But I was pleased to read that he is a fellow Border Terrier owner, so another notch up in my estimation.
\\’Migrants’ filmed climbing out of lorry on to M25//
“Charities have said migrants were forced to take boats after increased security in Calais made it more difficult to enter lorries.”
“Forced” Who is forcing them? A clever play on words.
What on earth are Home Office Immigration Enforcement doing about it , do they exist ?
Thank you taff for posting that I hadnt seen it. I remember Yvonne’s terrible murder well. The person or persons behind this vandalism I suspect are most likely UK loathing antifa types.
One reason I didnt spot the news was it is only under the England section of the Beeb’s website, rather than UK home page. They did decide that this article was worthy of the front page though
The ‘outraged’ leader of Newcastle council says, “We must come together as a city to condemn such appalling racist hate crimes.” Islam isn’t a race, you bloody muppet. When Sinead O’Connor recently converted to Islam was she changing race? Idiot.
Newcastle City Council leader Nick Forbes said that the 20 young women who provided evidence in the four trials over the four-year period were “brave beyond belief.”
Several other links to Nick Forbes and rapes.
More concerned about two words on a wall than 500,000 rapes, disgusting.
More disgusting, what “shocked and appalled” him was the rapes being public knowledge: just like thousands of Labour scum in the public sector.
Whether it be France, US, or the West in general, the mainly non-violent dissent cannot go on and on in its present form. In any one of these hot-spots, someone or a group will, ‘go-over-the-top’ and all hell will break loose. It is a ‘hair-trigger’ situation presently. But, but, to date, no signs of the Brits getting excited……..
Personally, I see the problems looming thanks to the Globalists. I include Treason May and her acolytes under that heading. I see everything in terms of Globalists and/or muslims now. Strange bedfellows but in the end (I won’t be here) I know which of the two will ultimately prevail…………..
Poor Rachel Riley getting death theats from the Vicious Left and needing police protection after calling out Labour on antisemitism.
Not reported by the bbc of course, who only get agitated when it’s the Far Right being nasty.
Or maybe they just can’t get their heads around a luvvie not being a lefty.
System error…does not compute… system error…does not compute…
Good riddance. Go to Belgium, Ireland, Holland, anywhere, just go.
To quote Cromwell, “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.”
If they do that then surely it’s up to the Belgians to pay for the TV Poll Tax and not us. They can change the first B to read Belgian Bullshitting Comrades.
I think that Hammond, Carney and the rest of the anti democratic chums must have one thing in common.
Their Mammies (or nannies) never read them the tale about ‘The boy who cried wolf’
Nobody believes anything they come out with, the latest being the Army stockpiling ammunition because of brexit.
We now laugh at the ever more ridiculous scenarios that the remoaners are dreaming up to try to make us want to stop Brexit (never going to stop it)
There is a big danger though. If there ever happened to be a real threat then nobody would believe them any more and lives could be lost because the government and MSM has lost all credibility.
There was a reasonable Project Fear worry today that the cost of travel insurance in Europe could go up if the health card is abandoned . However this woukd not change if there were bilateral agreements between countries regarding their nationals .
Many have already approved of this idea . Nothing from France or Germany though .,.. decent countries like Italy Spain Portugal have already indicated approval ..
A once-pretty girl lost her eye a couple of weeks ago as well. The protestors don’t help themselves by being violent and destructive, but they clearly feel that is the only way they may be listened to.
BTW Taffman,
I happen to think Cymru is a fine country for holidays. I’ve been going to the beaches & mountains of Wales since childhood, I think I’ll always love it. There is something about the character of these little islands of ours that I love more than any other place on earth.
Lucy Pevensey
And so say all the the ‘True Brits’ !
If Great Britain was so bad why do so many people try to get in here ? The whole of Britain is beautiful.
Its only bad in Al Beeb’s eyes and they want to destroy it .
Why is the army stockpiling ammunition? Are they planning an action against the people in case they rise up when they realise that Brexit has been, finally, extinguished?
“Cardiff homelessness: ‘Clear tents tweet’ councillor suspended”
Why so many homeless?
Too many people coming in to the country and not enough houses. Can anyone guess what the ‘white elephant in the room’ is ?
“Banksy tribute to Bataclan terror victims stolen in Paris”
“In November 2015, 90 people were killed when armed militants targeted the venue during a rock concert.”
So who were these ‘so called militants?
I am sure that the ‘yellow vests’ would know.
taffman, it’s the same breed of armed militants who seem to pop up all over the world these days, sometimes shooting people, or bombing them, or hacking them with knives and machetes or just driving into them with cars and lorries.
Nobody knows who they are, or why they kill people, or what they have in common, or what ideology might motivate them.
Authorities, police and media are baffled. Most baffled of all is the bbc. One thing we know for sure is they have nothing to do with islam, on that all are agreed.
A cartoon and synopsis on 2 other news stories I spotted this week in my quest to see what was going on in the parts of the world that aren’t London, Brussels or Washington
16th November 2018 Melvyn Bragg.interview
He hit out at “squirearchal, hedge funding, overprivileged” Brexiteers and accused them of offering no evidence for their arguments.
called on Jeremy Corbyn to “come off the fence” and back Remain at a second referendum, warning his “dallying is doing the Labour party no good”.
“I was canvassing in Carlisle for the Labour party – you couldn’t believe it really – they were worried about immigration. Nearly ninety per cent of the people in Carlisle had been born in and around Carlisle… but ‘oh, this terrible threat of immigration!’”
Melvyn Bragg (one of his homes in Hampstead London)
called for inquiry into plan to open school in former police station
In his objection filed with Camden Council’s planning department, Lord Bragg said: “A school of 420 pupils and 60 staff, with all the attendant parents and minders, will be a massive intervention to the flow of a key part of Hampstead, and wholly distort the character of an area which is already bursting at the seams. I do hope a proper inquiry would be set up.”
What about all the other areas bursting to the seams due to immigrants ?
The £150 Mostly Stupid Media Fake News anagram game:
bbc fans week – a dwindling number of supporters every 7 days
bbc fens wake – an east of england vigil for a recently lost nation
bbc knew safe – past tense knowledge of a protected cash depository
bbc seek fawn – searching for young brown-eyed bambis
bbc wank fees – British television license
It is reported on the BBC website that 5% of those polled
in a UK survey denied that the Holocaust took place. However
obviously for political correctness we would NEVER be told by
the BBC what the make up of that 5% is. However I would like to
bet that in three generations that figure will be increased to at
least 30%! And by four generations 50%.
I’m watching The Marr show and he’s interviewing the perennially miserable Yvette Cooper. Crikey, she really is an old sour face. What is it about these ultra left wing women that makes them so bloody miserable?
There’s Yvette, Caroline Lucas, Polly, Nicola Sturgeon, Shami and the ever whinging Yasmin. I reckon if one of ’em smiled their head would drop off. They all seem to have faces like a “smacked arse” as my old mum would have delicately put it. There’s a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction with them. They reek with sneering disapproval.
Is there a bad smell? Has Andrew Marr quietly “dropped one”?
Come on ladies brighten up.
Look to the future…
There are some betterlooking lefty women, that Cortez sort in the USA for instance , but the feature that unites them all, ugly or beautiful , sneering or smiling , is that they are supremely stupid. Of course it is a bonus for some politicians to be extremely stupid. If they were only a bit sub normal they would realise how stupid they are and disappear from public view. But if they are really, really stupid they don’t realise that they are and so is they keep appearing on tv.
By the way did Yvette mention how the twelve refugees she took into her spare rooms three years ago are getting on? Thought not!
Ocasia-Cortez better looking? No accounting for taste.
Not as ugly as three gruesome Labour MPs who have been in the news lately (Abbott, Osamor, Onasanya).
But she looks very plain Jane compared to Rachel Riley, see picture above, who has a maths degree from Oxford.
Talking of faces like ‘smacked arses’, how could you leave out the flat-vowelled, slack-jawed pair of Rebecca Longface-Bailey and Angelanoangel Rayner?
As the Donald would say, ‘what a pair of beauties’.
Because young people matter, the rest of us do not matter.
Because young minds are shackled by by the lefty views inculcated from the breast onwards.
Except the Lefty views were discarded by most of us when we became adults.
Because it is nonsense, genocidal nonsense.
The only adult Lefties are those who, like ourselves, realised the lefty lies.
They did not change their opinions, as we did.
They became angry instead, they pretended the lies were truths.
They claimed the lies were truths.
They pretended to be truth believers to promote the lies.
They hoped the lies would metamorphose into truths.
They hoped the truth believers would apostatise and would become, once again, lie believers.
The long, sad, murderous, history of lefty lies, as promoted by The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster.
Also on the BBC, Philippines 20 Christians murdered by men.
Frightening as the prospect of losing such gifted statespersons as Amber Rudd and David Gauke might be following a No Deal exit, readers might well improve their lives by reading what the Lisbon Treaty has in store for us in 2020 and 2022.
Brexit is truly rosy in comparison – but don’t expect to get such petty and disloyal details from our politicians and media.
I’ve just switched off the radio, LBC, because once again that unelected Remaining ranter, Mr Adonis, is the guest on Nigel Farage’s show.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing if Mr Farage invited Gerard Batten as the guest to speak about Brexit and the dirty tricks that are being used by the EU and our homegrown traitors conspiring to thwart the will of us the people.
But it seems to me that a decision has been made by the collectivists in the MSM and our paid servants to prevent Mr Batten, the leader of a significant political party, from having hardly any access to the media, unlike unelected oiks like Mr Adonis.
Nigel is , or at least says he is, a friend of all minorities . He is very weak in his condemnation of Islam and always has been. The biggest concern I have about Brexit , if it happens, is are we swapping easily assimilated , culturally similar European immigrants from Poland etc , for Muslims. That would be a very bad deal indeed.
My view is that yes, we can take in some thousands per year of well-qualified foreigners to work here on a temporary basis, and as long as they have the right paperwork. Those who assimilate well and pay taxes are welcome stay long term and eventually become naturalised citizens should they wish to.
What we don’t want are armies of low-skilled people and their entire families staying here for a lifetime of welfare payments. Unfortunately no recent Government has appeared to give a fig about checking who is here and who isn’t. They’ve given up even trying to enforce any controls. Severely curtailing access to benefits to new arrivals would solve most problems.
Most Poles I’ve met are pleasant enough but we already have far too many of them – it isn’t as if they are all engineers and doctors -unlike those arriving by dinghy in Kent 🙂
And I don’t know why we should be the dumping ground for hundreds of thousands of young French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese imports because they can’t find any work in their own countries. If the EU was a paradise why do they all flock here? Don’t we have enough British youngsters in need of a shop or cafe job? And there are other elements from the EU we definitely don’t want – Albanians pretending to be other nationalities, and the Roma gangs.
I’ve heard it said that we need lots of immigrants because our British school-leavers are lazy, uneducated snowflakes who can’t turn in a shift and are generally useless. I have some sympathy for that view, but it only goes to show that they have been failed (and deliberately failed I believe) by the left-wing education system – which successive Governments have also never bothered to reform. It’s almost as if those in power have a love for the foreigner, and despise their own people doesn’t it?
The story of Countdown’s Rachel Riley receiving online abuse and threats for daring to challenge Labour’s antisemitism is now covered by much of the msm, including the Grauniad, Sky, DM, DE etc.
But from the world’s most admired and trusted… tumbleweed.
Surely not because she’s criticising their favourite party?
Minding my own business with the dire Sunday morning Nicky Campbell show – talking about private schools ( I didn’t go to one ) …. what wasn’t declared was that Mr Campbell went to Edinburgh academy – an independent school – @ 16000 a year
Priceless- their site even celebrates him as an alumni ….
The future for Europe:
“While under arrest, he asked police to allow him to “kill the infidels… otherwise you will become infidels like them.” Authorities later said the man had mental problems and was under the influence of drugs. The Christians replied that the media always present such Muslims who attack churches and Christians as suffering from mental illnesses. — Egypt.”
So, that’s where the, “….mental problems….” came from!
Just now R4 Manchester :a performance art group Loiterers Resistance Movement
“We even get a couple of closet Tories coming along, we are a pretty diverse group”
…FFS the Tories are the government cos Many more people voted for them than Labour
Funny that their Twitter accound shouts against the Tories.
Victorian Penal Servitude and Disabled People. Construction of crips as objects of pity, a burden or something to be hidden. Really interesting hidden history but I feel sick with horror these are the traditional "values" many tories etc would like a return to #carceralgeog2018
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Not the BBC but a sign of how far the Telegraph has descended into the MSM snowflake swamp – having to give Mrs Trump a fullsome apology and substantial damages for defamation last week .
Hopefully more redundent journalists . At least the thing is behind a paywall now to limit exposure – suppose the price will go up to pay the legal fees .
The Telegraph has always been deranged on Trump but is sound on Brexit. At the moment the latter is the more important. Of course the BBC is deranged on both.
Monday TV 9pm start of BBC Brexit doco of 3 parts
Bet it will be positive about Brexit
The title is “Inside Europe : 10 years of Turmoil”
I’ll watch this knowing the motivation. Of mr Galloway and his mother ship – the BBC – sad that I am – his twitters over the last couple of years describe him as ‘snow flake ‘ so guess how much anti brexit poison going to be spewed out in 3 hours ….
I think we’re getting to the stage where the more anti brexit nonsense is pumped out the stronger the ‘ no sell out deal’ will become .
” so guess how much anti brexit poison going to be spewed out in 3 hours ”
I’m very surprised Galloway isn’t a member of momentum as the BBC is doing a brilliant job of promoting all things Islamic. Has he converted yet?
BBC break a promise , no
Exclusive: BBC to axe ‘Local Live’ blogs that link out to external news sources. They were meant to replace regional index pages on the BBC website but that than has been scrapped.
Bad news for local papers
Looks like macron is trying to draw French public opinion to unite against brexit as a distraction for what is going on at home .
Throw out the old threats to French fishing in British waters and all that stuff ….
F – Indeed.
Beitbart headline. “Brexit ‘Can’t Be Delivered’, Leave Vote Was ‘Manipulated’, Macron Tells France”
The problem is the manipulation was insufficient, we voted to leave.
Macron looking like a panicking teacher, who cannot control the class, rather than the statesman we were told he was.
More votes for Le Pen and Frexit.
Come and join us France, we will enjoy destroying the EU together.
I don’t think the French will be leaving the ReichEU any time soon because once we leave it will be a francokraut club which with a bit of luck will split into an Eastern and southern bit if they can run their own finances – particularly with an inevitable recession to bring the pains on to the ReichEU project finances
Next country to leave the EU.
Current William Hill odds.
Italy 2/1.
Greece 4/1.
Czech Republic 5/1.
Poland 5/1.
Sweden 10/1.
France 12/1.
Italy 2/1, when Italy leaves the house of cards will collapse.
This site will shut for a week while we celebrate.
Yes didn’t that over rated politician have great speech writers ….
Clever girl.
Just off to recheck that claim about bbc management and editorial integrity again.
Just for laughs.
My feedback just submitted to the Government on ‘our’ petition 229963:
“I cannot believe how this Petition was considered. The sheer number of petitioners should have meant that it was debated alone not together with the other two which had far less signatories and dealt with diametrically opposed subjects.
I looked through the Written Response from the “debate” 14.01.19. Just skimming through the Response, it is obvious the Government happily combined this particular petition with the other two to avoid any real focus on the instant Petition, It was diluted, probably because it felt uncomfortable with the numbers of signatories directly supporting the subject matter.
It is clearly questionable whether there is any point in wasting time on a petition such as this one, where the Governments position is a foregone conclusion. In view of the above, maybe I should start a petition to call into question the worth of subscribing to such a petition in the future?”
Engage and get ignored – but legitimised government claims of ‘involving voters’
Don’t engage and the government claims voters weren’t interested .
Personally – after submitting my name to the ‘no deal’ petition and seeing what happened to it – why bother …? Not again
Them as ask don’t get. Them as don’t ask don’t want. Keep that in mind and you will understand how the petition system works.
New Petition.
“That the Hoc instigates a Royal Commission to establish how many MPs, senior “civil servants” and other persons have committed treason since 2016-06-23″
More hyperbolic emotion. But should secure a slot on QT at least.
Yes – says the actor who was married to an IRA bomber who is thankfully no longer with us…
“My heart is breaking. Ireland’s heart is breaking.”
Well I’m sure it’ll be singing with joy and fully repaired at the (stated) one million (plus for sure) new Irish(men) to be imported ASAP.
“No citizens, from any land, deserve a return to war”
Sheesh?! the cheek of it! Its your flippin lot who has Trade-Marked: Irelands latest bombs.
I wonder how long it will take the ReichEU to build a wall to protect their statelet from UK free trade ? And how many Irish soldiers to stop unregulated northern Irish people going across their border ( not one made by Britain – although of course the new ira and their friends in labour and the BBC will place the blame there ).
There is a twitter account which publishes the details of victims of NI terrorism and the circumstances of their murder on anniversaries . It’s a lot of people and the nature of the evil is there to read
It is interesting how decades of violent strife saw the border remain a boggy line on a map porous enough to see combatants and deadly ordnance pass to and fro relatively untroubled by the South’s finest. And mostly uncritically, or indeed supported by such as the BBC’s guarantor now leading the Opposition.
However a bit of a trade spat now and Leo the Brave is calling for the… well, ‘an’ Army from Macron’s Mobile Light Baton Whirlers to be dropped off by Mutti’s U-boats. And not a peep from the British National Disgrace.
Speaking of U-boats, Ireland, ‘The Troubles’ and the Brexit border problem or no-problem border, I am reminded that during ‘The Troubles’, IIRC, arms were smuggled to the IRA from north Africa via France although the UK was in the EU (EEC/EC) at the time.
Borders? What borders?
My concern is Verruca importing the third world and moving them to the UK.
This must not be allowed.
On memory – population of Eire 4 million . Of those 1 million are from the mainland ReichEU .The Dublin area has @ 1.5 million of the national population .
Whatever happens Eire and Britain will be linked although their politicians seem to want to strain relations at the behest of the Brussels mafia
Perhaps we could offer Ireland a good few billion to leave the ReichEU for 10 years or more to deal with the border issue . It’s reported today that Barnier says the backstop is only negotiable if we have a customs union which means not leaving the ReichEU . ( I know the idea of bribing Eire to leave the EU will be seen as offensive to some but worth a punt …)
I think Verucca should be “lifted”, using our ancient skills.
Remember. More people lived in Ireland before the potato famine than live there now.
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the most trusted broadcaster, with its very own fact check unit…
There are still many MPs who seem to think that they can modify Brexit to such an extent that we might as well still be members of the EU. Two of the more obvious changes they wish to make are to force the UK to be in ‘a’ customs union with the EU and to have ‘close alignment’ to the Single Market.
This is nonsense and is most definitely not Brexit, as the EU Commission ably demonstrated in its announcement yesterday.
“The EU’s Customs Union, which celebrated its 50 years anniversary in 2018, is unique in the world. It is a foundation of the European Union and essential for the proper functioning of the Single Market.”
What they needed was a mission statement… with unique funding.
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err I won’t bother
First time I’ve seen this so may be a repeat, at some point they both become as bad as one another, but the lefty definitely comes across as a little more hysterical/unhinged, or is that just my bias? Still, a hat? Would a Hillary hat wearer get the same if the rolls were reversed?
Poor black guys probably thinking “knew it all along, these white people are nuts”
John Sweeney has lost weight. Not sure about the ginger beard.
“The EU’s Customs Union, which celebrated its 50 years anniversary in 2018, is unique in the world. It is a foundation of the European Union and essential for the proper functioning of the Single Market.”
For a bunch of public unelected ‘servants’ to shriek and squeal this trash is a summation of the fact that their own accounts have never been signed off properly. More ‘piss off’ Brexit votes as we speak!
Rather like the BBC which hasn’t a clue how much they pay ‘slebs’ and other cretins on their ‘news’ cut-and-paste which the normal law-abiding Brit has to cough up for. Nice graph earlier here, about that prat Harrabin squawking about subjects he has no idea about!
BBC and EU; troughers in extremis…!
I had a wander round some sites and happened across this on the Archbishop Cranmer web-site*.
Apparently there are moves afoot to scrap Daily Prayers in the House of Commons:
* Not the web-site of Cranmer who used to post here and whose posts are missed, by me at least, if not others….
MPs need to pray for God to have mercy on them – because the people won’t.
Yes the Speaker wants prayers replaced with ‘rap’ for his ‘crew of homies from the crib ‘ whatever that means .,.,
….I don’t think the Queen would be very impressed and he really would say goodbye to his peerage ….
Couldn’t the Queen ask Meghan Markle to organise the ‘rap’? Or am I getting confused with Angela Merkel?
Staying with the Archbishop Cranmer w-s for a moment, there is another Blog on there about the PM: ‘A “Bloody difficult woman!” ?’
In the comments that follow the piece by Martin Sewell on 23rd January, was this. It made me chuckle.
Chefofsinners > Royinsouthwest • 2 days ago
Reason #973 for a no-deal Brexit: Amber Rudd says she’d resign (again).
Chefofsinners > Chefofsinners • 2 days ago
“What are the other 972?”, I hear you cry. Funny you should ask…
1. It’s what we voted for
2. £39 billion
3. Control of our borders
4. No backstop
5. The look on John Bercow’s face
6. The look on Dominic Grieve’s face.
7. Control of our fisheries
8. Freedom to negotiate trade deals with the whole world
9. It’s the EU’s worst nightmare
10. Closure.
Reasons 11 to 792: the names of every member of the Houses of Lords and Commons who has obstructed the will of the people for the last two and a half years.
Phew. Narrowly avoided the Happy Jack memorial trophy for longest post in all Christendom.
I like the thought, most of all of #10 on that list. It reminds me of today’s Any Answers. It was remarkable in that it may have actually presented an even-handed Brexit:Remain set of comments, with the Brexiteers getting their views in first. The very first contributor also highlighted the importance of #10 on that list.
Up – you missed out Soubry having a fit before being taking to a place of safety .
The bbc have done a pro-Brexit programme supporting leave and showing the many positive reasons to leave.
Only kidding…..but you all knew that didn’t you.
I caught a bit of Back in Time for School, ‘Swinging 60s’ edition today. Didn’t the ‘Social Studies’ teacher see anything ironic in her ‘Enoch Powell’ lesson? There she was, a ‘woman of colour’, metaphorically having the ‘whip hand’ over her class discussing Powell’s constituent’s comment that, “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”. Well I guess he got the colour and sex wrong so Powell is fair game!
I’m pretty certain that all the nuclear survival training is BBC fakery too. Those public information films were never widely shown, as the advice was pointless and thought more likely to scare the population. Wasn’t there a bit of a media fuss in the 1980s as to whether they should be shown? As to schools having siren training and keeping stocks of sandbags, what planet are the BBC on!
Does anyone in the BBC know what technical drawing is? A pack of girls doing a still-life of a casting, using T-squares to get some idea of scale, more like some weird art class. I’n sorry to disappoint those girls but in the 1960s the women in a drawing office would be most likely to be tracers, copying the work of the male draughtsmen.
I think the amount of ‘women of colour’ teachers in the 1960’s could be counted on one hand. The teaching profession mainly comprised men, and the women usually packed up once they married and had children. Windrush in the 50’s brought over the greatest number of black migrants, who found it hard enough to get any job let alone one in teaching, and mixed race (or half caste as it was back then) rarely existed, as the black and white relationships hadn’t got off the ground, so the few babies born wouldn’t be adults until the early 70’s
My schooldays were between 1955-1965 in Sunderland.
At no time was there any nuclear type training, even during the Cuba missile crisis.
The first black person I ever saw was when I joined the Army in 1967 and there was a Fiji (I think) soldier in the Regiment along with some Gurkhas (all great to a man and who I would happily live amongst any time)
I have school photographs where there must be 800 plus pupils and about 40 or so teachers, every one on the photo hideously white. (Bede School 1962 and similarly at Barnes School 1955-1960)
Perhaps it was different ‘down south’ so it seems this bbc ‘60’s school must have been in London or thereabouts.
I didn’t see it.
Maybe it’s like labour’s Brexit manifesto promise, leave in the north and remain in the south.
EmmaG……… same timeline for school as me, and I was as far south as you could get in Kent.
Certainly every school teacher and 99.9% of pupils were white. In fact anyone of colour were as rare as hen’s teeth. The U.S air force were based at Manston between 1950-1958, so there was a fair amount of black airmen deployed, – and the first that locals had ever seen.
Same period but Deptford in Sarf Eas’ Lunnon for me. I didn’t venture too far about, to Brixton for example, but I really can’t recall seeing any let alone many BAME about and none in my schools. Now of course…….
Some 15 years after I left I remember reading about a stabbing of one pupil by another at that primary school.
I was at the Simon Langton School in Canterbury. We had one light brown boy who was known as Sambo, and everybody liked him. There were no black people anywhere around, but we had some Indians, Chinese and Italians.
I believe the schoolteachers are the schoolchildren’s own teachers. I have only caught a bit of some of the episodes but my impression is that the children are fairly adaptable, as children always have been, but the teachers, having been through the full Marxist training programme, Ofsted approved, are total snowflakes.
JimS, “Does anyone in the BBC know what technical drawing is? A pack of girls doing a still-life of a casting, using T-squares to get some idea of scale, more like some weird art class. I’n sorry to disappoint those girls but in the 1960s the women in a drawing office would be most likely to be tracers, copying the work of the male draughtsmen.”
My friend & fellow pupil Sylvana occupied the drawing board next to mine. She went on to achieve her ambition, getting a Degree from Manchester and becoming a Civil Engineer.
I’m putting my tin hat on here.
I like Simon McCoy, at least he has (and shows) a sense of humour, particularly with other presenters or odd news stories. I remember his repartee a number of years ago with his very good sparring partner, and also attractive Carrie Gracie – when she didn’t wear glasses and sported a long hair bob. So I was sad to hear that wife no.2 had buggered off with her boss. But I was pleased to read that he is a fellow Border Terrier owner, so another notch up in my estimation.
\\’Migrants’ filmed climbing out of lorry on to M25//
“Charities have said migrants were forced to take boats after increased security in Calais made it more difficult to enter lorries.”
“Forced” Who is forcing them? A clever play on words.
What on earth are Home Office Immigration Enforcement doing about it , do they exist ?
“Yvonne Fletcher memorial vandal: Colleague offers reward”
A hate crime ? Just like the paint daubing of the war memorials.
Do you notice how the public isn’t up in arms about this ? Or the bomber command vandalism . People forget …
… and cctv of the crime hasn’t been released …. perhaps there is a racial element which the authorities should be dispelling – right ?
Thank you taff for posting that I hadnt seen it. I remember Yvonne’s terrible murder well. The person or persons behind this vandalism I suspect are most likely UK loathing antifa types.
One reason I didnt spot the news was it is only under the England section of the Beeb’s website, rather than UK home page. They did decide that this article was worthy of the front page though
Islamic school vandalism is ‘hate crime’
Englands Dreaming
Al Beeb indulging in ‘selective reporting’ .
The ‘outraged’ leader of Newcastle council says, “We must come together as a city to condemn such appalling racist hate crimes.” Islam isn’t a race, you bloody muppet. When Sinead O’Connor recently converted to Islam was she changing race? Idiot.
Nick Forbes is a Labour Councillor, who has never had a proper job in his life (Wikipedia).
2014-01-28 Six more arrests over conspiracy to rape in Newcastle
Council leader Nick Forbes has said he was “shocked and appalled” by the allegations.
2017-08-12 18 in Muslim gang rape U.K. girls as easy prey
Newcastle City Council leader Nick Forbes said that the 20 young women who provided evidence in the four trials over the four-year period were “brave beyond belief.”
Several other links to Nick Forbes and rapes.
More concerned about two words on a wall than 500,000 rapes, disgusting.
More disgusting, what “shocked and appalled” him was the rapes being public knowledge: just like thousands of Labour scum in the public sector.
More trouble in France. Anything about this on Al Beeb ?
Whether it be France, US, or the West in general, the mainly non-violent dissent cannot go on and on in its present form. In any one of these hot-spots, someone or a group will, ‘go-over-the-top’ and all hell will break loose. It is a ‘hair-trigger’ situation presently. But, but, to date, no signs of the Brits getting excited……..
Personally, I see the problems looming thanks to the Globalists. I include Treason May and her acolytes under that heading. I see everything in terms of Globalists and/or muslims now. Strange bedfellows but in the end (I won’t be here) I know which of the two will ultimately prevail…………..
Poor Rachel Riley getting death theats from the Vicious Left and needing police protection after calling out Labour on antisemitism.
Not reported by the bbc of course, who only get agitated when it’s the Far Right being nasty.
Or maybe they just can’t get their heads around a luvvie not being a lefty.
System error…does not compute… system error…does not compute…
Seems chipper.
Good riddance. Go to Belgium, Ireland, Holland, anywhere, just go.
To quote Cromwell, “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.”
(Applies to most MPs too.)
If they do that then surely it’s up to the Belgians to pay for the TV Poll Tax and not us. They can change the first B to read Belgian Bullshitting Comrades.
I think that Hammond, Carney and the rest of the anti democratic chums must have one thing in common.
Their Mammies (or nannies) never read them the tale about ‘The boy who cried wolf’
Nobody believes anything they come out with, the latest being the Army stockpiling ammunition because of brexit.
We now laugh at the ever more ridiculous scenarios that the remoaners are dreaming up to try to make us want to stop Brexit (never going to stop it)
There is a big danger though. If there ever happened to be a real threat then nobody would believe them any more and lives could be lost because the government and MSM has lost all credibility.
There was a reasonable Project Fear worry today that the cost of travel insurance in Europe could go up if the health card is abandoned . However this woukd not change if there were bilateral agreements between countries regarding their nationals .
Many have already approved of this idea . Nothing from France or Germany though .,.. decent countries like Italy Spain Portugal have already indicated approval ..
Its going to effect the tourist trade.
So which countries are going to suffer the most and where do all the Brits go ?
Ahhh, April in Paris…
‘I’ll lose my eye’: Prominent Yellow Vest activist suffers HORRIFIC injury in Paris protests
A once-pretty girl lost her eye a couple of weeks ago as well. The protestors don’t help themselves by being violent and destructive, but they clearly feel that is the only way they may be listened to.
BTW Taffman,
I happen to think Cymru is a fine country for holidays. I’ve been going to the beaches & mountains of Wales since childhood, I think I’ll always love it. There is something about the character of these little islands of ours that I love more than any other place on earth.
Lucy Pevensey
And so say all the the ‘True Brits’ !
If Great Britain was so bad why do so many people try to get in here ? The whole of Britain is beautiful.
Its only bad in Al Beeb’s eyes and they want to destroy it .
Why is the army stockpiling ammunition? Are they planning an action against the people in case they rise up when they realise that Brexit has been, finally, extinguished?
The Bookies don’t expect that Article 50 will be rescinded. Their odds are long at 14/1.
“Sex Education: Netflix show’s boost for Welsh students”
Why is Al Beeb so obsessed with Sex?
Because they are bored waiting for their next turn with Owen Jones.
“Cardiff homelessness: ‘Clear tents tweet’ councillor suspended”
Why so many homeless?
Too many people coming in to the country and not enough houses. Can anyone guess what the ‘white elephant in the room’ is ?
“Banksy tribute to Bataclan terror victims stolen in Paris”
“In November 2015, 90 people were killed when armed militants targeted the venue during a rock concert.”
So who were these ‘so called militants?
I am sure that the ‘yellow vests’ would know.
taffman, it’s the same breed of armed militants who seem to pop up all over the world these days, sometimes shooting people, or bombing them, or hacking them with knives and machetes or just driving into them with cars and lorries.
Nobody knows who they are, or why they kill people, or what they have in common, or what ideology might motivate them.
Authorities, police and media are baffled. Most baffled of all is the bbc. One thing we know for sure is they have nothing to do with islam, on that all are agreed.
“on that all are agreed.”
By ‘all’ you mean Al Beeb and the snowflakes.
\\’People’s Vote’ campaigners in Edinburgh urge Theresa May to ‘start listening’//
“About 200 people met in the capital to hear cross-party speakers support the People’s Vote campaign.”
Edinburgh is a big city with many people, but just look how many people attended .
Well I wasn’t there.
Project Fear is now into Mega Drive …………..
\\Brexit ‘could create a majority for a united Ireland’//
Usual operative word ‘could’.
Rampant across MSM twitter this morning.
So far the Times wins with troops (unclear if from Ireland) confiscating property to prevent rioting. Unsure how that will help.
taffman, could? Could? What you mean like “If we leave the EU we could fund the NHS with £350 million per week.” ? No?
Oh, THAT ‘BBC’ ‘could’.
Right, I get it now.
The BBC ‘could’ support Brexit .
A cartoon and synopsis on 2 other news stories I spotted this week in my quest to see what was going on in the parts of the world that aren’t London, Brussels or Washington
16th November 2018 Melvyn Bragg.interview
He hit out at “squirearchal, hedge funding, overprivileged” Brexiteers and accused them of offering no evidence for their arguments.
called on Jeremy Corbyn to “come off the fence” and back Remain at a second referendum, warning his “dallying is doing the Labour party no good”.
“I was canvassing in Carlisle for the Labour party – you couldn’t believe it really – they were worried about immigration. Nearly ninety per cent of the people in Carlisle had been born in and around Carlisle… but ‘oh, this terrible threat of immigration!’”
“Nearly ninety per cent of the people in Carlisle had been born in and around Carlisle”
but they have probably been to manchester or west yorkshire or birmingham or ……..
Don’t forget the enrichment from ‘London’ and ‘Exeter’!
Two men jailed for Carlisle Christmas rape.
Smug metrosexual Leftoid Al Beeb Apparatchik! I wonder when he last saw an immigrant other than his own domestic staff.
Melvyn Bragg (one of his homes in Hampstead London)
called for inquiry into plan to open school in former police station

In his objection filed with Camden Council’s planning department, Lord Bragg said: “A school of 420 pupils and 60 staff, with all the attendant parents and minders, will be a massive intervention to the flow of a key part of Hampstead, and wholly distort the character of an area which is already bursting at the seams. I do hope a proper inquiry would be set up.”
What about all the other areas bursting to the seams due to immigrants ?
Well, good for them, not thinking narrowly of their own area.
The £150 Mostly Stupid Media Fake News anagram game:
bbc fans week – a dwindling number of supporters every 7 days
bbc fens wake – an east of england vigil for a recently lost nation
bbc knew safe – past tense knowledge of a protected cash depository
bbc seek fawn – searching for young brown-eyed bambis
bbc wank fees – British television license
Pick your winner.
Bbc ‘Minstrel with the Most’ aims for the No. 1 slot.
Might not get past the mods.
Ok, a number two then.
When the minstrels of the left start taking the rise out of their own ,one gets the feeling that the Dear Leader might be in a smidgen of trouble.
Getting sacked from “The Now Show” for being white hasn’t improved him.
Bank of England blocks Maduro’s $1.2B gold withdrawal – report
By Rob Picheta, CNN Updated 1732 GMT (0132 HKT) January 26, 2019
Sorry to tell you about the US and UK imperialists attempt to destroy the earthly paradise created by the left.
Carney acting on behalf of Venezuela, strange he has never acted on behalf of the UK, just our enemies.
It is reported on the BBC website that 5% of those polled
in a UK survey denied that the Holocaust took place. However
obviously for political correctness we would NEVER be told by
the BBC what the make up of that 5% is. However I would like to
bet that in three generations that figure will be increased to at
least 30%! And by four generations 50%.
Hush, now….
Meanwhile, elsewhere, on twitter, more and more BBC employees share their views, which are… their own.
2019-01-27 09:30 BBC NEWS Politics
Brexit: MPs facing longer hours to help break deadlock
“MPs may need to work longer and lose their February half-term break if Brexit is to be delivered on time.”
Translation – Treasonous MPs will cancel their holiday in a desperate attempt to keep the UK in the EU, while lying about it.
I’m watching The Marr show and he’s interviewing the perennially miserable Yvette Cooper. Crikey, she really is an old sour face. What is it about these ultra left wing women that makes them so bloody miserable?
There’s Yvette, Caroline Lucas, Polly, Nicola Sturgeon, Shami and the ever whinging Yasmin. I reckon if one of ’em smiled their head would drop off. They all seem to have faces like a “smacked arse” as my old mum would have delicately put it. There’s a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction with them. They reek with sneering disapproval.
Is there a bad smell? Has Andrew Marr quietly “dropped one”?
Come on ladies brighten up.
Look to the future…
Did he ask Cooper-Balls how her migrants that she took into her house are doing? After all her husband was given the sack a couple of years ago.
There are some betterlooking lefty women, that Cortez sort in the USA for instance , but the feature that unites them all, ugly or beautiful , sneering or smiling , is that they are supremely stupid. Of course it is a bonus for some politicians to be extremely stupid. If they were only a bit sub normal they would realise how stupid they are and disappear from public view. But if they are really, really stupid they don’t realise that they are and so is they keep appearing on tv.
By the way did Yvette mention how the twelve refugees she took into her spare rooms three years ago are getting on? Thought not!
Ocasia-Cortez better looking? No accounting for taste.
Not as ugly as three gruesome Labour MPs who have been in the news lately (Abbott, Osamor, Onasanya).
But she looks very plain Jane compared to Rachel Riley, see picture above, who has a maths degree from Oxford.
Talking of faces like ‘smacked arses’, how could you leave out the flat-vowelled, slack-jawed pair of Rebecca Longface-Bailey and Angelanoangel Rayner?
As the Donald would say, ‘what a pair of beauties’.
She looked like either had a hangover or some illness . The ‘ trust me’ – I’m a politician – raised eyebrow thing was on display though
Shame she wasn’t asked how her constituents voted in the red .
Louisiana shootings: Five killed and suspect at large
Largest possible photograph of Dakota Theriot.
BBC Links it to propaganda central.
America’s gun culture in 10 charts
“What do young people think about gun control?”
Because young people matter, the rest of us do not matter.
Because young minds are shackled by by the lefty views inculcated from the breast onwards.
Except the Lefty views were discarded by most of us when we became adults.
Because it is nonsense, genocidal nonsense.
The only adult Lefties are those who, like ourselves, realised the lefty lies.
They did not change their opinions, as we did.
They became angry instead, they pretended the lies were truths.
They claimed the lies were truths.
They pretended to be truth believers to promote the lies.
They hoped the lies would metamorphose into truths.
They hoped the truth believers would apostatise and would become, once again, lie believers.
The long, sad, murderous, history of lefty lies, as promoted by The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster.
Also on the BBC, Philippines 20 Christians murdered by men.
“I reckon if one of ’em smiled their head would drop off.”
Let’s try to make them smile then.
Frightening as the prospect of losing such gifted statespersons as Amber Rudd and David Gauke might be following a No Deal exit, readers might well improve their lives by reading what the Lisbon Treaty has in store for us in 2020 and 2022.
Brexit is truly rosy in comparison – but don’t expect to get such petty and disloyal details from our politicians and media.
I’ve just switched off the radio, LBC, because once again that unelected Remaining ranter, Mr Adonis, is the guest on Nigel Farage’s show.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing if Mr Farage invited Gerard Batten as the guest to speak about Brexit and the dirty tricks that are being used by the EU and our homegrown traitors conspiring to thwart the will of us the people.
But it seems to me that a decision has been made by the collectivists in the MSM and our paid servants to prevent Mr Batten, the leader of a significant political party, from having hardly any access to the media, unlike unelected oiks like Mr Adonis.
“Wouldn’t it be refreshing if Mr Farage invited Gerard Batten as the guest …”
Indeed, or Anne Marie Waters.
Nigel is , or at least says he is, a friend of all minorities . He is very weak in his condemnation of Islam and always has been. The biggest concern I have about Brexit , if it happens, is are we swapping easily assimilated , culturally similar European immigrants from Poland etc , for Muslims. That would be a very bad deal indeed.
My view is that yes, we can take in some thousands per year of well-qualified foreigners to work here on a temporary basis, and as long as they have the right paperwork. Those who assimilate well and pay taxes are welcome stay long term and eventually become naturalised citizens should they wish to.
What we don’t want are armies of low-skilled people and their entire families staying here for a lifetime of welfare payments. Unfortunately no recent Government has appeared to give a fig about checking who is here and who isn’t. They’ve given up even trying to enforce any controls. Severely curtailing access to benefits to new arrivals would solve most problems.
Most Poles I’ve met are pleasant enough but we already have far too many of them – it isn’t as if they are all engineers and doctors -unlike those arriving by dinghy in Kent 🙂
And I don’t know why we should be the dumping ground for hundreds of thousands of young French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese imports because they can’t find any work in their own countries. If the EU was a paradise why do they all flock here? Don’t we have enough British youngsters in need of a shop or cafe job? And there are other elements from the EU we definitely don’t want – Albanians pretending to be other nationalities, and the Roma gangs.
I’ve heard it said that we need lots of immigrants because our British school-leavers are lazy, uneducated snowflakes who can’t turn in a shift and are generally useless. I have some sympathy for that view, but it only goes to show that they have been failed (and deliberately failed I believe) by the left-wing education system – which successive Governments have also never bothered to reform. It’s almost as if those in power have a love for the foreigner, and despise their own people doesn’t it?
Perhaps he is thinking of the time, not perhaps far in the future, when moslems will not be a minority.
The story of Countdown’s Rachel Riley receiving online abuse and threats for daring to challenge Labour’s antisemitism is now covered by much of the msm, including the Grauniad, Sky, DM, DE etc.
But from the world’s most admired and trusted… tumbleweed.
Surely not because she’s criticising their favourite party?
Minding my own business with the dire Sunday morning Nicky Campbell show – talking about private schools ( I didn’t go to one ) …. what wasn’t declared was that Mr Campbell went to Edinburgh academy – an independent school – @ 16000 a year
Priceless- their site even celebrates him as an alumni ….
anne marie in the crowd on the big questions
lets see what air time she gets
Just watched (as much as I could stomach) on youtube.
Usual bias.
‘My astrology obsession stopped me leaving the house…’
Well worth £150.50 a year. Not.
For all those biasedbbc posters who don’t already know who maxicony actually is.
Tweets by scottm
Please don’t tell you have really identified our maxi ?
I’d be so disappointed . Maxi – tell me it ain’t you
Haven’t we seen this guy before ?
Wasn’t he aspiring to be a full time Al Beeboid ?
What an ugly looking cove! Do you think his short-term partners appreciate that fuzz around his chops around their chops and cheeks?
Chacun…. as our Frog friends put it!
The future for Europe:
“While under arrest, he asked police to allow him to “kill the infidels… otherwise you will become infidels like them.” Authorities later said the man had mental problems and was under the influence of drugs. The Christians replied that the media always present such Muslims who attack churches and Christians as suffering from mental illnesses. — Egypt.”
So, that’s where the, “….mental problems….” came from!
Just now R4 Manchester :a performance art group Loiterers Resistance Movement
“We even get a couple of closet Tories coming along, we are a pretty diverse group”
…FFS the Tories are the government cos Many more people voted for them than Labour
Funny that their Twitter accound shouts against the Tories.