I have a shameful confession to make: my wife and I are both big fans of Strictly Come Dancing. Sorry. Anyway, for one of her Christmas presents I bought tickets for the Strictly tour date at the Manchester Arena; we went last night. It is years since I have been to the Arena and I was shocked, deeply shocked, at the way we, a middle-class English couple, along with everyone else, were searched and herded as if we were terrorist suspects: it was like the experience one is made to undergo at an airport these days, and I wonder, really, what has befallen our country. A rhetorical question only – of course one knows the answer.
The other thing that struck me was that in an audience numbering some eight thousand, all one could see was a veritable sea of white faces: The only non-white faces were those of the host, previous show winner Ore Oduba and a couple of the support dancers and singers. I literally, and I do mean literally, could not see a black face in the audience.
We have street fights, protests and demonstrations going on, on our doorstep with multiple gruesome injuries being inflicted by police and security forces on the French citizens and yet what does the bBC broadcast, demonstrations in Somalia. WHAT ABOUT OUR NEIGHOURS IN FRANCE?????
What about reporting that the German economy is faltering, France is having a revolution and we are being pushed towards either staying in this disastrous Union or agreeing a total capitulation of a deal where they will rule us. They have stripped us bare of our industries, shown their true dislike and disregard for us and yet the bBC is ploughing on regardless, with its utter fake and manipulated news.
I have read reports that the French police forces are using foreigners in their midst to exercise violence against the yellow vests protesters. The argument being that foreigners are less reluctant to fire on protesters who are not their fellow countrymen.
If this is true then this is how the EU thugs will deploy their EU army. And I have for many years thought this to be their plan; send Turks to police Greece, Greeks to Germany etc.
j-i-c, the Greeks have a standing army. Germany has almost none. It’s air force, according to a (BBC?) report last week which if correct (an important qualification for BBC reports now) is in a far worse state than ours – four fighters that’s all – that are currently grounded due to technical problems.
There is no love left between some segments of Greek society after their Debt Crisis and also their memories of WW2 run 100x longer than all broadcasts & repeats, in total, of Dad’s Army on the BBC here. Some in Greece would no doubt love an opportunity to roll their tanks & troops up to the Bundestag.
I think I have told on here, before now, how I had the strongest feeling on waking on the morning 23 June 2016 that I was going to vote Leave that day in part to ‘Save Germany’. It was almost like one of those ‘almost audible voices but in the head’-things. Quite weird but the feeling and extra impetus to vote was immense. Cannot explain it at all. I was reminded of that moment and feeling by a conversation this past week.
Germany runs a common border (an open border – more or less) or near border with countries that still hold some grudges against Germany for a variety of reasons over the past. The Debt Crisis & rule impositions, the ‘Euro prison’ & Euro exploitation, its meddling in Croatia while ignoring the potential for trouble on the death of Tito despite advance warnings, the years of Communism and before that, WW2 itself.
Germany is, literally, not in a happy place.
Germany, France, Luxembourg & Belgium need to face reality. They need to ‘buy’ a friend on the off-shore western edge of Europe. They then need to reform the juggernaut that is the EU. And pronto super-quick.
Oldspeaker I think you are right. bBC reporters admitting anonymously that a D Notice has been issued regarding the reporting of French people rebelling against Macron, around the country. Even peaceful gatherings will not be reported.
I watched the Big Question today and the second half was ‘should we be worried about the far right’ or something similar.
Anne Marie Walters was there and was allowed to talk for maybe a minute after being slagged off by many of the do gooders in the audience. She cut a lonely figure and although she was the only one talking sense she was drowned out by guest after guest being chosen to show how virtuous they were, all condemning AMW.
It reminded me of the QT with Nick Griffin where everybody was attacking him and trying to virtue signal for all they were worth. Remind me, didn’t he draw attention to the mass abuse of little girls in places like Rotherham.
Of course, the truth is meaningless now.
The only important thing now is to show that you are better than everybody else.
Tommy also got a few mentions (all extremely distasteful as you would expect from a bbc selected audience) plus they even managed to get digs in at Brexit and Trump.
It’s been said before but needs repeating:
1) The Far-Right is largely in the imagination of beeboids.
2) In so far as it does exist, it is as a REACTION to various social problems such as mass migration and the spread of radical islam, not a CAUSE.
Treat the primary problem and the secondary one disappears.
See Douglas Murray.
You’re absolutely right. Not only did he bring attention to what was (and is still) going on in Rotherham and numerous other enriched areas, the BBC covertly filmed him, passed their film to the useless Yorkshire police who took him to court…Twice! Of course neither the BBC nor the police investigated the claims he was making, they were too eager to see him behind bars. NG could have got seven years for essentially telling the truth.
Ten years later the Beeb returned to the Muslim rape areas of Yorkshire, with the same team and criticised the police, politicians and the social services for not acting on the information they had. Strangely our state broadcaster failed to mention their own poisonous involvement in the affair.
They really are lower than a snake’s arse…
EG, on Any Questions on R4 the applause for a right-on Remainer was so heavy after her answer, the first, to the first question IIRC, that Jonathan Dimbleby had to jump in super-quick and apologise for the ‘selective’ audience-selection/self-selection, if you get what I mean. 😉
Interestingly, someone must have passed a surreptitious signal to quieten down the Remain/Left/Alt-Left segment because it was noticeably quieter for the rest of the programme.
I wonder if Dimbleby Minor went a little red in the face at that point?
AMW has issued a statement about her appearance on the bBC today. https://www.forbritain.uk/bbc_big_questions
An obvious set-up, and amongst other things her microphone was switched off so she couldn’t reply to slurs.
She says she will be complaining/asking questions.
Good luck with that Anne!
State media rigging debates, rumours of state suppression of power not being held account all around… all a bit rum, really.
But at least, here, there are beastly Brexiteers, and a safe distance away over oddles more water there is a President whose every deed must be misreported.
That would be good wouldn’t it. Ban social media because sadly a disturbed child took her own life. Great idea, then the bBC and Sky would be the only media to finish the 1984 George Orwellian education. I bet they can’t wait to push this one.
You have to hand it to the Belgian – the sort of absolutist which leads to a road to evil . Exploiting a commemoration like that is par for the course – a disgrace .
The ReichEU is leading Europe to another dark place because people like him refuse to listen .
Both upsetting and depressing . And I don’t think Britain needs to be reminded about the past -try the Germans –
Brussels was liberated by the British . Best forget that . And the cost
One has to search a little to find this story on the BBC website Jolo church attack: Many killed in Philippines
no reference to it on the home page, the report does not have any quote from the pope, he must be too busy promoting open borders & criticising Trump.
It’s attacks like the one above, in otherwise peaceful parts of the world such as the Philippines, Thailand, neutral Scandinavia, Austria, not to mention fellow islamic countries, that give the lie to the apologists’ (BBC) claim that Islamic terror is political not religious, all to do with Middle East conflicts.
It’s both of course, because in islam the two are inextricably linked.
Ansar Allah members fire shells into a displaced persons camp, killing eight unfortunates.
South Africa
A critic of Islamic extremism is gunned down outside a mosque.
A woman is injured when Somali Islamists attack a construction company.
A motorist is slain by Boko Haram terrorists.
An al-Qaeda linked group attacks a UN peacekeeper base, killing ten.
Four cops at a guard post are cut down by Jaish-e-Mohammed gunmen.
Two Buddhist monks are shot to death by Muslim ‘insurgents.’
Gamboru Ngala
Suicide bombers claim three other lives.
Three people are killed when Islamic radicals kidnap a religious minority.
A group fighting for Sharia puts six local security personnel in the morgue.
A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by a Sunni group.
A terrorist stabs a woman at a supermarket.
Burkina Faso
A Canadian mining industry worker is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic militants.
Elderly people are among twenty killed in Jihadist attacks on two villages.
Twenty-one guests and guards are slaughtered during a violent suicide attack on a luxury hotel by al-Shabaab.
At least fourteen people are killed when Boko Haram overrun a town and burn homes.
Thung Phala
A Muslim drive-by shooting on a police station leaves one dead.
Gunmen on motorcycles fire on charity workers campaigning against terrorism, killing one.
Four guards at a school are cut down in cold blood by Muslim ‘insurgents.’
A retired teacher is hanged by Barisan Revolusi Nasional members.
Tal Maraga
Three civilians are cut down by ISIS shrapnel.
Two civilians are shredded by al-Qaeda shrapnel.
A woman is stabbed to death in front of her children over leaving home without a burqa.
A 12-year-old girl is severely injured by a Muslim bomb blast at her school.
Kabul Addah
Two civilians are disassembled by an Islamic bomb planted on a motorcycle.
Jani Khel
A Taliban bomb claims ten civilians at a bazaar, including two children.
Fountain Hills, AZ
A police officer is stabbed by a ‘lone wolf.’
A farmer is killed and cut into pieces by Religion of Peace proponents.
Nasr City
A bomb left outside a church kills a police officer.
A group of radicals attack rivals at a mosque, killing one.
Hamar Bile
A man driving through a village is shot in his car by al-Shabaab.
Seven border guards are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
A Sikh minority is shot to death by suspected Muslim militants.
A Muslim gunmen takes down four civilians.
Two suicide bombers manage to kill only themselves.
A police officer is assassinated at his home by Islamic ‘separatists’.
Given that, here, just ‘liking’ (which does cover not liking it but keeping it handy) a page gets a visit from plod, I wonder what peroxide brains was thinking.. “I can just claim I was quoting another”?
‘Yet this whole episode makes one thing clear: Journalists aren’t willing to learn a thing.’
Of course, some reckon not actually being journalists and existing by using proxies is enough to cover them. At the BBC of course, that seems to be the case. And as far as accountability goes, BBC SOP is once someone in the BBC sets a precedent, all others are covered and clear.
“If I didn’t report it, why would I need to correct it?”
Will the BBC be happy to be closed down – for repeating Fake News – if, God-forbid, one of the Covington High School pupils commits suicide after the false reporting of much of the media, especially the BBC?
(January 23, 2019 / BBC Watch) An article on Jan. 17 titled “Lebanon arrests US man for crossing illegally from Israel” appeared on the BBC News website’s “Middle East” page.
While the account of that still sketchy story is much the same as that seen in other media reports, the BBC also found it appropriate to add the following unrelated information.
“Tensions have been high in the region in recent weeks, with the Israeli military launching an operation to destroy six ‘attack tunnels’ under the border that it says were dug by Hezbollah. Hezbollah has not commented on the tunnels.”
Apparently, the BBC is still not convinced that Hezbollah dug those cross-border tunnels or of their purpose. Yet again, however, the corporation refrained from providing audiences with an alternative explanation for tunnels hundreds of meters long quarried through solid limestone under the international border by a terror group dedicated to Israel’s destruction. And once again, the BBC inaccurately stated that the terror group “has not commented” when in fact Hezbollah’s second in command did just that.
Simon Coveney – the Irish Foreign Minister on Marr was so breathtakingly arrogant treating Ireland as an equal to the UK that he would have warmed the heart of any listening brexiter .
He seemed to think the UK should have regard to Eire where brexit is concerned . His concept of national sovereignty has been perverted by too much time in Brussels or taking Soros cash .
I don’t think even Marr could believe this guy who seems set on confrontation. He never answered the question about what colour the border guard uniform will be . As it stands it will be ReichEU colour .
These ReichEU governments are really starting overt hostility to our democratic decide . Which cannot stand.
I’m of part Irish descent but would happily tell him where to plant his shamrock.
Ireland would be nowhere without the UK and no, I don’t want to hear any more about the damn potato famine or, for that matter, several other historical injustices which are trotted out in attempts to put us at a moral disadvantage. The past was rough, get over it.
Got to hand it to the skill of the writers of BBC news – managed to avoid the word ‘terrorist ‘ and ‘ Islamic ‘ in regard to the mass murder of Roman Catholics our side a Cathedral after mass in the Philippines –
Instead just used ‘ bombers’ .
The state and its broadcaster twisting the truth enabling evil to thrive – on a day commemorating another evil…
The Guardian pens a column about Question Time because it’s gone a bit off script for a couple of weeks .
In response there are 1088 comments – angst ridden snowflakes wondering where it all went wrong ? So glad I don’t waste an hour watching it .
Whilst on the issue of television debate – the prof Peterson / c4 melt down has now had 14 million hits …
Just watching Chelsea v Sheet Wend….2 women on the panel plus Gullit and a token white man……why do people not watch BBC sport. Oh and the BBC advert about sport at half time features 80% BME children ….I think I’ve answered my own question.
The BBC’s sport coverage is now a politically correct embarrassment. I really couldn’t give rat’s backside for the opinions of these shrieking women regarding football. If it was girls soccer, then okay, but this is real football and I want to be informed by men who have played at this level.
The WI aren’t likely to invite me along to tell them how to make jam or how to bake cakes (even though my strawberry flan is to die for!) so I honestly see no need for this constant and irritating encroachment into the male domain.
Phew, I’m glad the women here don’t know where I live!
Was saying the same yesterday to a friend . They had that Alex token on Football Focus and introduced her as 7 time F.A. Cup winner – oh FFS she played in a women’s team that would lose to the local 11 year old boys team.
I tell you what Beeb do something we would all cheer get rid of old jug ears Lineker and replace him with a disabled transgender on Match of the Day
Apparently, the BBC has transferred filming the Proms from BBC Studios to a start-up independent production company with no classical experience. Livewire Pictures, which was awarded the contract, was only established last year. Coverage was going downhill anyway. God knows what they’ll do with it.
Can’t help feeling that this is another step along the way to divesting itself entirely of this hugely inconvenient burden to make way for more “relevant” programming.
Today, just happened to tune into the BBC to catch some Sport. This morning the 8:30 news & sport, a report from the cricket over in the West Indies they were delighting in the fact that the West Indies “thrashed” England. Then just before the football Gabby Logan had to remind us again that England were THRASHED in the test match by the West Indies. Obviously been told to use the “THRASHED” word and probably to say it as many times as they can. Don’t think it would have even been mentioned if the result had been reciprocated. How much they hate this country. The quicker they F. Off to their new HQ in Belgium the better!
And Malaysia is a ‘moderate’ Islamic country. Perhaps the slight of being denied the Paralympics will shame them and nudge them a little closer to civilised behaviour.
“Brexit: No change to backstop, Ireland insists” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-47019977
The Republic of Ireland don’t want a hard border.
The UK don’t want a hard border.
The EU don’t want a hard border.
So who wants a hard border ? The Remainders as a tool to stop Brexit .
Two and a half years wasted by a remainer PM.
I wish I had your faith in her.
I am afraid the bookies are giving ………………………….
Article 50 extended/revoked 1/10
UK leave the EU on 30-03-2019 without Withdrawal Agreement in place 5/1.
Worth a flurry ? I will have a shot .
Remember , unlike the PM and remainders the bookies are not usually ‘losers’.
“UK’s ‘highest taxpayers’ revealed in first-ever Sunday Times list” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47015517
Ok lets see where Al Beeb’s ‘boys and girls’ pay their taxes ?
The Emir is calculating how much cash he will steal from Londoners with the new ‘congestion charge ‘ or £12.50 a day ….
Which in a sane city would get him thrown out ….
To watch Stelter’s show, Reliable Sources, after a reporting debacle is to watch a master class in whataboutism and faux-persecution, followed by the insistence that even the most egregious lapses in judgment or professionalism are to be expected from time to time and that we should actually be worrying about the real victim here: the media’s reputation.
”….counter-movement and the red scarves now have about 21,000 followers on Facebook.”
Great how the 100 % establishment drones get handed the name counter-movement by the MSM.
Funny how they never say how many followers Tommy Robinson has (1,083,948)
In which ex-bbc Newsnight darling talks about getting ugly.
Things are going to get even uglier as many of the people who insisted Brexit would be beneficial & easy urge their followers to attack the people who explained why it wouldn’t be. The other bit of the latest grift involves the ludicrous lie that they somehow voted for ‘no deal’.
“Uglier”? Yes, its shaping up to be a scenario where the political elite will apply the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. The ruling elite decided to protect themselves some while ago. The end result? the 2004 (et seq) Act.
Anything on Al Beeb about the rumoured ‘Freedom Clause’ going to be proposed by our PM ?.
Will our remainder Parliament back her ?
What is this supposed ‘Freedom Clause’ ?
Anyone listen to the Food Programme 12.30 pm Radio 4 today .
I could only listen to parts of it as I was working , but the parts I got was , believe it or not , Brexit bad . It ended with a ” farmer ” annoyed at anyone who said there was Project Fear as he was the one getting dirty growing the crops . Funnily enough he also had land in France . I think questions weren’t asked .
This ” farmer’ s ” business seems to be on a knife edge , going down if we leave without an agreement .
This may well be true , and thank you BBC for highlighting this . If only you had highlighted all the other businesses being decimated by our membership of the EU in times past , like British international haulage for example . Oh hold on , you couldn’t because that doesn’t fit your narrative ; EU Good , Independence Bad .
Back to the main theme , food security . Will we in jepeoardy , we we miss certain foods , will it get more expensive .?
For years the Greens and liberal/left have banged on about Food Miles , pollution , too cheap food , people not knowing its providence , all foods never going out of season .
Now they’re worried we won’t get food from all parts of Europe , trucked in by diesel lorries , mainly because it’s cheaper that way , from places most people don’t know about * , at all times of the year — brussels in summer , strawberries in autumn .
All through the programme they talked about food security , but never mention in a related topic ; population growth , which means immigration .
As an aside a friend mentioned the other day about how in WW2 the British put armies in places around the world and fed them . If they captured 10 ,000 enemy they fed them too .
* for any BBC lurker like Maxi , where in the EU is Bergen and where is the beer brewed ?
Oh dear, Liam Neeson can kiss goodbye to winning any Oscars any time soon, after revealing he carried a cosh and planned to ‘kill a black b…..d’ after the rape of his friend.
Expect acres of shock horror outrage in the msm.
But I’m more interested in his thought processes during his interview with – of all papers the Independent, almost as right-on as the Grauniad and the beeb.
Did he assume he was so famous that he was immune?
Was he drunk… or high? (I’m told that very occasionally some celebrity luvvies abuse certain substances.)
Was he trying to sound tough?
Was he going on the assumption there’s no such thing as bad publicity (probably wrong in this case, Liam, as you’re about to find out).
Did he think his later confession and repentance would absolve him?
“It was horrible, horrible, when I think back, that I did that.”
Not nearly enough repentance Liam, you’re going to need a ton of sackcloth and ashes before they forgive you – if they ever do.
It’s baffling, he’s been around luvvie-dom long enough to know the rules, number 1 being that blacks are always the good guys, and never, ever, the baddies. Doesn’t he watch the movies?
Vlad, my thoughts exactly. Talk about shooting one’s self in the foot! I think it was virtue signalling gone spectacularly wrong. Possibly trying to say “look how racist the world is, this is how ‘people’ think these days” Erm, no, Liam, that’s not how most people think. You have just shown yourself up to be actually racist.
I wonder if he and Mary Poppins will now be tarred with the same brush!
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0q1pl1eldno Just look at the length of the article the…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
I have a shameful confession to make: my wife and I are both big fans of Strictly Come Dancing. Sorry. Anyway, for one of her Christmas presents I bought tickets for the Strictly tour date at the Manchester Arena; we went last night. It is years since I have been to the Arena and I was shocked, deeply shocked, at the way we, a middle-class English couple, along with everyone else, were searched and herded as if we were terrorist suspects: it was like the experience one is made to undergo at an airport these days, and I wonder, really, what has befallen our country. A rhetorical question only – of course one knows the answer.
The other thing that struck me was that in an audience numbering some eight thousand, all one could see was a veritable sea of white faces: The only non-white faces were those of the host, previous show winner Ore Oduba and a couple of the support dancers and singers. I literally, and I do mean literally, could not see a black face in the audience.
The show itself was jolly good, by the way.
We have street fights, protests and demonstrations going on, on our doorstep with multiple gruesome injuries being inflicted by police and security forces on the French citizens and yet what does the bBC broadcast, demonstrations in Somalia. WHAT ABOUT OUR NEIGHOURS IN FRANCE?????
What about reporting that the German economy is faltering, France is having a revolution and we are being pushed towards either staying in this disastrous Union or agreeing a total capitulation of a deal where they will rule us. They have stripped us bare of our industries, shown their true dislike and disregard for us and yet the bBC is ploughing on regardless, with its utter fake and manipulated news.
Not just the bbc, D-Notice with a gagging order perhaps.
I have read reports that the French police forces are using foreigners in their midst to exercise violence against the yellow vests protesters. The argument being that foreigners are less reluctant to fire on protesters who are not their fellow countrymen.
If this is true then this is how the EU thugs will deploy their EU army. And I have for many years thought this to be their plan; send Turks to police Greece, Greeks to Germany etc.
j-i-c, the Greeks have a standing army. Germany has almost none. It’s air force, according to a (BBC?) report last week which if correct (an important qualification for BBC reports now) is in a far worse state than ours – four fighters that’s all – that are currently grounded due to technical problems.
There is no love left between some segments of Greek society after their Debt Crisis and also their memories of WW2 run 100x longer than all broadcasts & repeats, in total, of Dad’s Army on the BBC here. Some in Greece would no doubt love an opportunity to roll their tanks & troops up to the Bundestag.
I think I have told on here, before now, how I had the strongest feeling on waking on the morning 23 June 2016 that I was going to vote Leave that day in part to ‘Save Germany’. It was almost like one of those ‘almost audible voices but in the head’-things. Quite weird but the feeling and extra impetus to vote was immense. Cannot explain it at all. I was reminded of that moment and feeling by a conversation this past week.
Germany runs a common border (an open border – more or less) or near border with countries that still hold some grudges against Germany for a variety of reasons over the past. The Debt Crisis & rule impositions, the ‘Euro prison’ & Euro exploitation, its meddling in Croatia while ignoring the potential for trouble on the death of Tito despite advance warnings, the years of Communism and before that, WW2 itself.
Germany is, literally, not in a happy place.
Germany, France, Luxembourg & Belgium need to face reality. They need to ‘buy’ a friend on the off-shore western edge of Europe. They then need to reform the juggernaut that is the EU. And pronto super-quick.
They had a chance in 2015 and blew it.
This may be their last opportunity.
Just what the Russians did, sending Mongolians to put down insurrections in central Europe.
jic This tactic is millennia old.
Oldspeaker I think you are right. bBC reporters admitting anonymously that a D Notice has been issued regarding the reporting of French people rebelling against Macron, around the country. Even peaceful gatherings will not be reported.
DV just tweeted this (message from Dec 3, 2018):
I see that next week’s News Quiz is ‘hosted’ by Simon Evans. It should be interesting.
I watched the Big Question today and the second half was ‘should we be worried about the far right’ or something similar.
Anne Marie Walters was there and was allowed to talk for maybe a minute after being slagged off by many of the do gooders in the audience. She cut a lonely figure and although she was the only one talking sense she was drowned out by guest after guest being chosen to show how virtuous they were, all condemning AMW.
It reminded me of the QT with Nick Griffin where everybody was attacking him and trying to virtue signal for all they were worth. Remind me, didn’t he draw attention to the mass abuse of little girls in places like Rotherham.
Of course, the truth is meaningless now.
The only important thing now is to show that you are better than everybody else.
Tommy also got a few mentions (all extremely distasteful as you would expect from a bbc selected audience) plus they even managed to get digs in at Brexit and Trump.
It’s been said before but needs repeating:
1) The Far-Right is largely in the imagination of beeboids.
2) In so far as it does exist, it is as a REACTION to various social problems such as mass migration and the spread of radical islam, not a CAUSE.
Treat the primary problem and the secondary one disappears.
See Douglas Murray.
complete and utter cognitive dissonance mixed with a few lies
You’re absolutely right. Not only did he bring attention to what was (and is still) going on in Rotherham and numerous other enriched areas, the BBC covertly filmed him, passed their film to the useless Yorkshire police who took him to court…Twice! Of course neither the BBC nor the police investigated the claims he was making, they were too eager to see him behind bars. NG could have got seven years for essentially telling the truth.
Ten years later the Beeb returned to the Muslim rape areas of Yorkshire, with the same team and criticised the police, politicians and the social services for not acting on the information they had. Strangely our state broadcaster failed to mention their own poisonous involvement in the affair.
They really are lower than a snake’s arse…
EG, on Any Questions on R4 the applause for a right-on Remainer was so heavy after her answer, the first, to the first question IIRC, that Jonathan Dimbleby had to jump in super-quick and apologise for the ‘selective’ audience-selection/self-selection, if you get what I mean. 😉
Interestingly, someone must have passed a surreptitious signal to quieten down the Remain/Left/Alt-Left segment because it was noticeably quieter for the rest of the programme.
I wonder if Dimbleby Minor went a little red in the face at that point?
AMW has issued a statement about her appearance on the bBC today.
An obvious set-up, and amongst other things her microphone was switched off so she couldn’t reply to slurs.
She says she will be complaining/asking questions.
Good luck with that Anne!
State media rigging debates, rumours of state suppression of power not being held account all around… all a bit rum, really.
But at least, here, there are beastly Brexiteers, and a safe distance away over oddles more water there is a President whose every deed must be misreported.
That would be good wouldn’t it. Ban social media because sadly a disturbed child took her own life. Great idea, then the bBC and Sky would be the only media to finish the 1984 George Orwellian education. I bet they can’t wait to push this one.
The BbC would love that. A near monopoly on information/indoctrination. Sorry, beeb, those days are over…
You have to hand it to the Belgian – the sort of absolutist which leads to a road to evil . Exploiting a commemoration like that is par for the course – a disgrace .
The ReichEU is leading Europe to another dark place because people like him refuse to listen .
Both upsetting and depressing . And I don’t think Britain needs to be reminded about the past -try the Germans –
Brussels was liberated by the British . Best forget that . And the cost
Extreme Nationalism? Nope, National Socialism was primarily a socialist mindset, with a national nudge.
The clue is in the noun.
The BBC’s SOP on Complaints has never budged. Why mess with a winning formula?
But as some plucky souls show, it can be taken on and see victory ceded, if with poor grace and the fervent wish no one else notices.
This process, and how it can be defeated, really should get more publicity.
One has to search a little to find this story on the BBC website
Jolo church attack: Many killed in Philippines
no reference to it on the home page, the report does not have any quote from the pope, he must be too busy promoting open borders & criticising Trump.
It’s attacks like the one above, in otherwise peaceful parts of the world such as the Philippines, Thailand, neutral Scandinavia, Austria, not to mention fellow islamic countries, that give the lie to the apologists’ (BBC) claim that Islamic terror is political not religious, all to do with Middle East conflicts.
It’s both of course, because in islam the two are inextricably linked.
Below are just a tiny few from The Religion of Peace that al beeb won’t tell you about…
Ansar Allah members fire shells into a displaced persons camp, killing eight unfortunates.
South Africa
A critic of Islamic extremism is gunned down outside a mosque.
A woman is injured when Somali Islamists attack a construction company.
A motorist is slain by Boko Haram terrorists.
An al-Qaeda linked group attacks a UN peacekeeper base, killing ten.
Four cops at a guard post are cut down by Jaish-e-Mohammed gunmen.
Two Buddhist monks are shot to death by Muslim ‘insurgents.’
Gamboru Ngala
Suicide bombers claim three other lives.
Three people are killed when Islamic radicals kidnap a religious minority.
A group fighting for Sharia puts six local security personnel in the morgue.
A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by a Sunni group.
A terrorist stabs a woman at a supermarket.
Burkina Faso
A Canadian mining industry worker is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic militants.
Elderly people are among twenty killed in Jihadist attacks on two villages.
Twenty-one guests and guards are slaughtered during a violent suicide attack on a luxury hotel by al-Shabaab.
At least fourteen people are killed when Boko Haram overrun a town and burn homes.
Thung Phala
A Muslim drive-by shooting on a police station leaves one dead.
Gunmen on motorcycles fire on charity workers campaigning against terrorism, killing one.
Four guards at a school are cut down in cold blood by Muslim ‘insurgents.’
A retired teacher is hanged by Barisan Revolusi Nasional members.
Tal Maraga
Three civilians are cut down by ISIS shrapnel.
Two civilians are shredded by al-Qaeda shrapnel.
A woman is stabbed to death in front of her children over leaving home without a burqa.
A 12-year-old girl is severely injured by a Muslim bomb blast at her school.
Kabul Addah
Two civilians are disassembled by an Islamic bomb planted on a motorcycle.
Jani Khel
A Taliban bomb claims ten civilians at a bazaar, including two children.
Fountain Hills, AZ
A police officer is stabbed by a ‘lone wolf.’
A farmer is killed and cut into pieces by Religion of Peace proponents.
Nasr City
A bomb left outside a church kills a police officer.
A group of radicals attack rivals at a mosque, killing one.
Hamar Bile
A man driving through a village is shot in his car by al-Shabaab.
Seven border guards are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
A Sikh minority is shot to death by suspected Muslim militants.
A Muslim gunmen takes down four civilians.
Two suicide bombers manage to kill only themselves.
A police officer is assassinated at his home by Islamic ‘separatists’.
Jihad Report
December, 2018
Suicide Blasts
Oops, the first post was longer than I intended. The second is a summary.
Still up:
Given that, here, just ‘liking’ (which does cover not liking it but keeping it handy) a page gets a visit from plod, I wonder what peroxide brains was thinking.. “I can just claim I was quoting another”?
‘Yet this whole episode makes one thing clear: Journalists aren’t willing to learn a thing.’
Of course, some reckon not actually being journalists and existing by using proxies is enough to cover them. At the BBC of course, that seems to be the case. And as far as accountability goes, BBC SOP is once someone in the BBC sets a precedent, all others are covered and clear.
“If I didn’t report it, why would I need to correct it?”
Will the BBC be happy to be closed down – for repeating Fake News – if, God-forbid, one of the Covington High School pupils commits suicide after the false reporting of much of the media, especially the BBC?
BBC cover up for Hezbollah
(January 23, 2019 / BBC Watch) An article on Jan. 17 titled “Lebanon arrests US man for crossing illegally from Israel” appeared on the BBC News website’s “Middle East” page.
While the account of that still sketchy story is much the same as that seen in other media reports, the BBC also found it appropriate to add the following unrelated information.
“Tensions have been high in the region in recent weeks, with the Israeli military launching an operation to destroy six ‘attack tunnels’ under the border that it says were dug by Hezbollah. Hezbollah has not commented on the tunnels.”
Apparently, the BBC is still not convinced that Hezbollah dug those cross-border tunnels or of their purpose. Yet again, however, the corporation refrained from providing audiences with an alternative explanation for tunnels hundreds of meters long quarried through solid limestone under the international border by a terror group dedicated to Israel’s destruction. And once again, the BBC inaccurately stated that the terror group “has not commented” when in fact Hezbollah’s second in command did just that.
Simon Coveney – the Irish Foreign Minister on Marr was so breathtakingly arrogant treating Ireland as an equal to the UK that he would have warmed the heart of any listening brexiter .
He seemed to think the UK should have regard to Eire where brexit is concerned . His concept of national sovereignty has been perverted by too much time in Brussels or taking Soros cash .
I don’t think even Marr could believe this guy who seems set on confrontation. He never answered the question about what colour the border guard uniform will be . As it stands it will be ReichEU colour .
These ReichEU governments are really starting overt hostility to our democratic decide . Which cannot stand.
I’m of part Irish descent but would happily tell him where to plant his shamrock.
Ireland would be nowhere without the UK and no, I don’t want to hear any more about the damn potato famine or, for that matter, several other historical injustices which are trotted out in attempts to put us at a moral disadvantage. The past was rough, get over it.
Me too les- 50- 50
Got to hand it to the skill of the writers of BBC news – managed to avoid the word ‘terrorist ‘ and ‘ Islamic ‘ in regard to the mass murder of Roman Catholics our side a Cathedral after mass in the Philippines –
Instead just used ‘ bombers’ .
The state and its broadcaster twisting the truth enabling evil to thrive – on a day commemorating another evil…
The Guardian pens a column about Question Time because it’s gone a bit off script for a couple of weeks .
In response there are 1088 comments – angst ridden snowflakes wondering where it all went wrong ? So glad I don’t waste an hour watching it .
Whilst on the issue of television debate – the prof Peterson / c4 melt down has now had 14 million hits …
Just watching Chelsea v Sheet Wend….2 women on the panel plus Gullit and a token white man……why do people not watch BBC sport. Oh and the BBC advert about sport at half time features 80% BME children ….I think I’ve answered my own question.
Halifax – Nowadays I prefer to watch football on teletext with the mute button on. (And why do they all wear gloves?)
The BBC’s sport coverage is now a politically correct embarrassment. I really couldn’t give rat’s backside for the opinions of these shrieking women regarding football. If it was girls soccer, then okay, but this is real football and I want to be informed by men who have played at this level.
The WI aren’t likely to invite me along to tell them how to make jam or how to bake cakes (even though my strawberry flan is to die for!) so I honestly see no need for this constant and irritating encroachment into the male domain.
Phew, I’m glad the women here don’t know where I live!
Was saying the same yesterday to a friend . They had that Alex token on Football Focus and introduced her as 7 time F.A. Cup winner – oh FFS she played in a women’s team that would lose to the local 11 year old boys team.
I tell you what Beeb do something we would all cheer get rid of old jug ears Lineker and replace him with a disabled transgender on Match of the Day
Ah, I see that Al Beeb gives plenty of publicity to the Red Scarf demos today . We know where their bias lies .
Apparently, the BBC has transferred filming the Proms from BBC Studios to a start-up independent production company with no classical experience. Livewire Pictures, which was awarded the contract, was only established last year. Coverage was going downhill anyway. God knows what they’ll do with it.
Can’t help feeling that this is another step along the way to divesting itself entirely of this hugely inconvenient burden to make way for more “relevant” programming.
What is the point of the BBC these days?
les whittaker
The point? To purvey propaganda, all paid for by you .
According to Saturday’s Telegraph the change is because the BBC wants “a more diverse audience” for the Proms.
It already has – they’re called SE Asians.
Wrong sort of diversity though.
Today, just happened to tune into the BBC to catch some Sport. This morning the 8:30 news & sport, a report from the cricket over in the West Indies they were delighting in the fact that the West Indies “thrashed” England. Then just before the football Gabby Logan had to remind us again that England were THRASHED in the test match by the West Indies. Obviously been told to use the “THRASHED” word and probably to say it as many times as they can. Don’t think it would have even been mentioned if the result had been reciprocated. How much they hate this country. The quicker they F. Off to their new HQ in Belgium the better!
Help em along by stopping your telly tax .
Muslim country bans Israelis and loses swimming event.
A factual BBC report, and we have not seen one of those recently.
And Malaysia is a ‘moderate’ Islamic country. Perhaps the slight of being denied the Paralympics will shame them and nudge them a little closer to civilised behaviour.
“Brexit: No change to backstop, Ireland insists”
The Republic of Ireland don’t want a hard border.
The UK don’t want a hard border.
The EU don’t want a hard border.
So who wants a hard border ? The Remainders as a tool to stop Brexit .
Two and a half years wasted by a remainer PM.
Be patient, taffman, the PM may not be as Remain as she might appear.
She is going to have to be formidably strong this next week.
And Brexiteers will need a string of miracles. 🙂
I wish I had your faith in her.
I am afraid the bookies are giving ………………………….
Article 50 extended/revoked 1/10
UK leave the EU on 30-03-2019 without Withdrawal Agreement in place 5/1.
Worth a flurry ? I will have a shot .
Remember , unlike the PM and remainders the bookies are not usually ‘losers’.
“UK’s ‘highest taxpayers’ revealed in first-ever Sunday Times list”
Ok lets see where Al Beeb’s ‘boys and girls’ pay their taxes ?
“Two teenagers stabbed in separate attacks in London”
Mr Mayor! , Mr Mayor…….. Mr Mayor, ? Ms Dick ? Anyone?
Home Sec ?
The Emir is calculating how much cash he will steal from Londoners with the new ‘congestion charge ‘ or £12.50 a day ….
Which in a sane city would get him thrown out ….
An article about the ridiculous standard of the media in the US.
Applies also to the UK & this rings true of the BBC’s mock attempts to answer criticism of its reporting
To watch Stelter’s show, Reliable Sources, after a reporting debacle is to watch a master class in whataboutism and faux-persecution, followed by the insistence that even the most egregious lapses in judgment or professionalism are to be expected from time to time and that we should actually be worrying about the real victim here: the media’s reputation.
Well, this one seems to have a BBC-notice.
“foulards rouges”
Red pillocks
”….counter-movement and the red scarves now have about 21,000 followers on Facebook.”
Great how the 100 % establishment drones get handed the name counter-movement by the MSM.
Funny how they never say how many followers Tommy Robinson has (1,083,948)
Let’s fortwith refer to them as, ‘The Soros Sponsored Team’ shall we?
In which ex-bbc Newsnight darling talks about getting ugly.
A variety of responses are suggested.
“Uglier”? Yes, its shaping up to be a scenario where the political elite will apply the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. The ruling elite decided to protect themselves some while ago. The end result? the 2004 (et seq) Act.
Anything on Al Beeb about the rumoured ‘Freedom Clause’ going to be proposed by our PM ?.
Will our remainder Parliament back her ?
What is this supposed ‘Freedom Clause’ ?
Anyone listen to the Food Programme 12.30 pm Radio 4 today .
I could only listen to parts of it as I was working , but the parts I got was , believe it or not , Brexit bad . It ended with a ” farmer ” annoyed at anyone who said there was Project Fear as he was the one getting dirty growing the crops . Funnily enough he also had land in France . I think questions weren’t asked .
This ” farmer’ s ” business seems to be on a knife edge , going down if we leave without an agreement .
This may well be true , and thank you BBC for highlighting this . If only you had highlighted all the other businesses being decimated by our membership of the EU in times past , like British international haulage for example . Oh hold on , you couldn’t because that doesn’t fit your narrative ; EU Good , Independence Bad .
Back to the main theme , food security . Will we in jepeoardy , we we miss certain foods , will it get more expensive .?
For years the Greens and liberal/left have banged on about Food Miles , pollution , too cheap food , people not knowing its providence , all foods never going out of season .
Now they’re worried we won’t get food from all parts of Europe , trucked in by diesel lorries , mainly because it’s cheaper that way , from places most people don’t know about * , at all times of the year — brussels in summer , strawberries in autumn .
All through the programme they talked about food security , but never mention in a related topic ; population growth , which means immigration .
As an aside a friend mentioned the other day about how in WW2 the British put armies in places around the world and fed them . If they captured 10 ,000 enemy they fed them too .
* for any BBC lurker like Maxi , where in the EU is Bergen and where is the beer brewed ?
Oh dear, Liam Neeson can kiss goodbye to winning any Oscars any time soon, after revealing he carried a cosh and planned to ‘kill a black b…..d’ after the rape of his friend.
Expect acres of shock horror outrage in the msm.
But I’m more interested in his thought processes during his interview with – of all papers the Independent, almost as right-on as the Grauniad and the beeb.
Did he assume he was so famous that he was immune?
Was he drunk… or high? (I’m told that very occasionally some celebrity luvvies abuse certain substances.)
Was he trying to sound tough?
Was he going on the assumption there’s no such thing as bad publicity (probably wrong in this case, Liam, as you’re about to find out).
Did he think his later confession and repentance would absolve him?
“It was horrible, horrible, when I think back, that I did that.”
Not nearly enough repentance Liam, you’re going to need a ton of sackcloth and ashes before they forgive you – if they ever do.
It’s baffling, he’s been around luvvie-dom long enough to know the rules, number 1 being that blacks are always the good guys, and never, ever, the baddies. Doesn’t he watch the movies?
Vlad, my thoughts exactly. Talk about shooting one’s self in the foot! I think it was virtue signalling gone spectacularly wrong. Possibly trying to say “look how racist the world is, this is how ‘people’ think these days” Erm, no, Liam, that’s not how most people think. You have just shown yourself up to be actually racist.
I wonder if he and Mary Poppins will now be tarred with the same brush!