This week we are likely to witness the subversion of democracy both by denial of a clear brexit and a parliamentary speaker bypassing Her Majesty’s Elected Government .
The bias of the BBC supporting this coup will show it up for the corrupt swamp it is part of .
First, I was disappointed that I hadn’t been first for ages and then I saw Fedup2’s comment on the last thread,
And then I managed i error to post 4 times to say first but have managed to delete the other three. Might it have created a new type of record?
Are you the Deborah who put part of a BBC “application” form for QT attendance on a site last week?
If so please post the whole form here. TIA.
@LCS Question Time Application Form
Thank you.
I imagine they will sort the applications into two piles.
One 48mm high.
One 52mm high.
Then bin the larger pile.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 was Sunday 2pm until 11pm
Deborah .
Can I be second ?
Taff, you can’t have the luxury of being second, you have a job to do on Friday, and I hope you are preserving all your energies for whopping the French!
Not so sure about the 23rd Feb though…
Its going to be a tough one .
taffman, I second that.
And as a backstop, I will third it as well.
Go for it!
May I delay this thread until 27 others agree to ….something ?
Nibor, where does the Brussels Backstop buck stop?
Ireland? North Sea? Westminster?
I think the BBC’s expert on buck stopping of Backstops in Brussels should belt around to bring some biting insights to the British listeners.
I’m off for a lie down …..
…… where’s that small cool towel for my forehead?
Up2 ,
I think all the EU commission are making a quick buck
The bachsheese those boys bung as bribes is breathtaking .
After you with the towel .
We are all too stupid to know what we are posting for anyway.
In an hour and a half of poignant revelation and reminiscence, Holocaust survivors re-lived their experiences on BBC2 as children in the camps at the time.
Heartbreaking, and yet tinged with an utter irony when perhaps the most outspoken of them, a brave lady epitomising Jewish chutzpah, addressed the Bundestag. Warning of the rise of the far-right, she praised Merkel for her generosity of spirit in opening her borders…but forgot to add: ‘to immense numbers of the most virulent and violent anti-Semites currently available’.
Like the man says, you could not make it up.
Al Beeb will be blaming the Holocaust on us, the British next.
the BBC and the liberal/ left always learn the wrong lessons from the Holocaust , then disseminate their ignorance in schools and BBC broadcasts .
If a governmental system is secretive , like our civil service , it’s easy to make conspiracy theories about who runs the world or has too much influence . It’s harder to refute the conspiracies .
The more the democracy , the more people feel that they and not an elite are in control .
The less accountable a government , the more it can secretly do as it wants despite the misgivings of the populace .
Hitler made his extermination programme secret , he abolished democracy and the Germans had no recourse to reverse his policy when they knew about it .
Open democracy and accountability , the best way to counter atrocities by governmental systems .
I feel that “Dr Andrews” who called Allied bomb crews war criminals would probably find several examples in history where the “English ” did just that and gave Hitler the idea. I say English because as we know it’s only the English are the nastiest part of the UK. Off the top of my head I can think of the camps in the Boer War but I’m sure there’s more.
I wondered if mr Andrews surname was passed down from a Scottish slave owner? The Scots were especially fond of such a highly lucrative business. He clearly carries the ‘ chip’ but needs to distinguish himself from the race industry whittee has set up to rubbish and undermine his own kind .
Maybe mr Andrews will be happy in another country
The trick is that “concentration camp” has come to mean so much more since it was reinvented by the Germans. The word “concentration” in the Boer War simply meant gathering the population in one place in order to control them. It was oppressive and nasty, but on an altogether lower level.
“Al Beeb will be blaming the Holocaust on us, the British next.”
In some programmes they do – because we didn’t let all the Jews in Europe move to Palestine. Of course in other programmes all the problems in the Middle East are our fault because we did let some Jews move to Palestine. The BBC’s Rule 1 is that it’s all our fault.
Beltane….. she praised Merkel for her generosity of spirit in opening her borders……
We don’t get praised, and our borders are open all the time – they just sail / stowaway / paddle / speedboat straight in !!!!
Beltane – another woman spoke of being in Krakow and seeing signs for ‘sightseeing tours of Auschwitz and the Salt Mines’ and I can undeerstand that sightseeing might not be the best word for it.
My wife and I recently visited, for want of a better word, Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was a sombre experience.
However, the one disturbing memory for me was the sign by one of the remaining crematoria. The sign was a ‘no photos’ and next to it a picture of a naked flame within a red circle with a diagonal arrow through it.
The need for this sign simply epitomises what we have become…..
When I went to Auschwitz it was obvious for many it was just a sight seeing tour. Many of the Asians and South Americans looked bored. Selfies were being taken everywhere including the gas chambers and the room with the cases and the hair. It starts at the entrance where there is a post office (postcard from Auschwitz?) and you can buy a pizza there so the smell at the entrance is interesting! I found there was more space at Birkenau to remember.
I don’t need to visit a death camp. I’ve met Corrie Ten Boom, a Gentile survivor. The father of a friend died in one. An elderly stranger I got chatting with years ago, rolled up her sleeve to show me the Camp tattoo on her arm. I feel that going there, to a site like that, almost demeans those who died or were imprisoned but survived.
One can remember without all that now but it may be important if this world goes on turning for another four or five generations.
The big problem, as I see it, is that the – for want of a better concise description – the Communo-Fascist elements in the world are no longer prepared to participate in democracy.
What is more amazing, is that some on the more Liberal wing of politics cannot see that and constantly attack conservatives, Conservatives, Republicans and any others as being the Far Right or Hard Right. They are, in American Football terms, running interference for the Communo-Fascists, opening up a ‘spearhead’ for the battalions of hard-liners to follow in.
An example, of this, would be Polly Toynbee’s expressed desire to see Global Warming and Climate Change sceptics and deniers imprisoned. Another would be the BBC’s constant attacks on President Trump’s election victory without mentioning the demos, riots and carnage in various US cities from young Democrats, Antifa thugs and anarchists that followed that victory.
That is quickly forgotten by the BBC but not the Russian thing.
For those unable to visit the preserved death camps, there is enough evidence available to confirm the holocaust as fact.
A good illustration of how human beings can sink to such levels is found in
Ordinary Men
By Christopher R Browning.
I was there in the 90’s. I didn’t see it as a “tourist” thing either. My mood was reflective as I was remembering some of the accounts given by Holocaust authors like Primo Levi & Elie Wiesel. I felt that I was ‘paying my respects’ at a memorial & it was good that it had been preserved as a museum. I did notice a Japanese tour group who were posing for photos with giggling & smiles around the barbed wire near the entrance. That didn’t seem quite fitting. I’m not sure busloads of people on a holiday tourist trail are the right audience.
Although not a Jew, but worked with many Jewish people through my working years, and have met survivours of the Holocaust, I would ask us not to forget the millions that died horribly at the hands of the Communits during and after WW2 and also those military and civillians that died terribely at the hands of the Japenese. Some close male members of my family who suffered the brutality of the Japps especially the notorious Changi Jail. It saddens me to think that we never hear much about those events yet it was every bit as awful as Auschwitz and other such concentration camps.
I also had relatives who were let’s not mince words tortured by the Japanese and I also find it hard to stomach that more is not known about unit731. It’s sad but understandable that most of the focus is in Europe but even there the emphasis is to sweep it under the carpet but no worries those of us who have knowledge of these events from the people who were actually there will soon be dead and we can all be labelled as far right bigots.
100% with you Mrs Kitty.
When I visited there were so many people that you were rushed through from site to site and had no time to meditate or contemplate. I also saw families smiling for their group photos, mainly Oriental to be honest, and I thought it was because they really didn’t understand exactly what it was really about. Probably in the same way that we don’t appreciate how the Japanese treated their victims from the countries they conquered. We always hear about the Allied soldiers but not about the natives of the conquered countries who were treated at least as badly.
However, I was shocked to see it at Auschwitz and, although I did take some photos for remembrance purposes, I thought it made it look like a holiday stop for these people.
Sadly, its life, that future generations will feel no emotion for those tortured and killed by evil regimes that we have experienced in our lifetime. I may have had relatives who died in the Battle of Waterloo, or in the Charge of the Light Brigade, I don’t know, but for me these are events and dates in the history book.
Yes, we have memorials so that we never forget the atrocities the fallen have faced, but education must also be more rigorous in the teaching of history, as we now have a generation who believe that Churchill “is the dog off the adverts”, and who honestly have never heard of the Holocaust, and don’t know the dates of the second World War – but they could tell you who won the X Factor in 2011 !!!
My goodness how right you are Bissels, History was taught as it was in my dayand probably yours as well. Started with the Romans went right through to WW2 in which I was born. Fortunately because my sons love history, so the grandchildren are also being introduced to it by their parents. The Media cleverly and stealthily has been steering all including children away from our history because it was and still is the policy of the EU to deflect from suchpatriotic elements in history, rather to gather us all under one new Multicultural Socialistic togetherness-all colours and cultures no matter the immense differences between, embrace and enjoy your fetted freedoms-like hell ! That’s why I favour a NO BREXIT DEAL
It took Merkel only a year or so to import enough ‘refugees’ to outnumber Germany’s Jewish population by ten to one. No doubt the majority of the imports are devotees of the Religion of Peace.
Nothing gladdens the BBC’s collective heart more than a survivor of genocide waxing eloquent about the alleged generosity of spirit of someone who encourages and welcomes vast numbers of alleged refugees. No doubt that’s why the survivor you mentioned featured prominently in the broadcast.
It seems to be beyond the understanding of both Merkel and the BBC that vast numbers of devotees of the cult of Islam have the precisely the same murderous intent towards Jews as did the Nazis. And that if they had the power and the means, they would realize this intent just as the Nazis did.
There will be a great regret at the stupidity of Merkel et al that Europe will experience as time goes on. 75 + million Muslims already residing in Euorpe.
Anders, old English (four hundred years old?) but still popular and used in the USA.
Gosh, I had forgotten.
Lucy Pevensey,
Suella Braverman?
She was great. She was calm, unflustered, but also forceful and direct in her support of Brexit . About the best panelist I’ve seen on QT.
Agree about Braverman. If only she had not thrown in those gratuitous references to Tommy Robinson!
It’s Monday, it’s almost 8 o’clock and…. guess what the the bbc thinks is the top news to rush our way in their morning email?
Yes! It’s…. a hit piece on the President of another country by the demented PR team of his demented opposition there:
The US state looking to take down Trump
A California senator is one of the front-runners for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. A California congresswoman is speaker of the House of Representatives. California’s new governor is a young, progressive champion promising to offer an alternative to the “corruption and incompetence” of Donald Trump’s White House. The Golden State has become solidly Democrat blue, and its politicians are flexing their muscles on the national stage. But this golden opportunity doesn’t come without risk for the progressive cause.
Read full analysis >
Anthony Zurcher
Yes, in his now customary ‘anylysis’, impartial Tone says she’s young, progressive and…. [start safety quotes] not corrupt like that beastly orange man bad [close safety quotes].
Impartial? News? Who cares!
Snow flake news
Film with black actors in it wins award
Elderly lady actor wins award
Male actor with diverse names wins award
Plucky British actress wins American award
Yawn …..
If the BBC was a ‘ fair ‘ broadcaster each time it has a chat with an MP it would point out how the constituency voted in the referendum .
Some character called boles wants to derail brexit but is probably only after a ministerial job or a job from Soros . The usual sympathetic remainer chat .
The ‘ off’ switch has struck because I can’t listen to Tourette’s Robinson or the scatty bee keeper
How many of these awards ceremonies are there? In the Daily Mail they seem to be every day.
He seems smitten. Or just likes passing on stuff from press secretaries.
Hate crime, clearly, in ‘jounalistic’ terms.
Bet Ben didn’t copy that from her press team.
The BBC seem very keen on pols who say one thing to get in power and then do what the bbc like once there.
Ooo… it’s like The Voice, only with Katty, Nick, Tony and Jon in the seats.
My money is on Occassionaly Coherent, as she is purty.
GW Killary? That photo is about 15 years old.
He didn’t seem quite so interested in President Trump’s considerably larger crowds at any of his numerous rallies.
Of Dogs and Ducks… at the time of writing, the home page of the BBC ‘news’ website is carrying an article about the death of Trevor, the World’s loneliest duck, who “has died after being attacked by dogs on the remote Pacific island he called home” ( Most people will have no need of any further ‘news’ today, but for those who do there is an article on ‘The secret language politicians are using’ ( This describes an imaginary idea whereby politicians use seemingly innocuous words which convey secret meaning that only some people – white racists, that is – are able to ‘hear’. Although filed under UK politics, 90% of the examples relate to the US, and the article consists mainly of an interview with an American, ‘Professor Jennifer’. This would be Jennifer Saul, a professor of philosopy at Sheffield university, who specialises in linguistic and feminist philosopy and is the author of such masterpieces as ‘On Treating Things as People: Objectification, Pornography and the History of the Vibrator’. Professor Jennifer tends to avoid looking at the camera whilst talking: those interested in psychology rather than philosophy can make their own conclusions.
One of the examples given – in fact, it is the most notorious of all apparently and one that ‘casts a shadow’ over ‘the entire presidency of George H.W.Bush’ – is that of Willie Horton. Horton was a convicted murderer who, whilst out of prison on a weekend pass, twice raped a woman after pistol-whipping, stabbing, binding, and gagging her fiancé. A mugshot of Horton was used in a political advert and – those of a nervous disposition please stop reading – he was called Willie rather than William, a name created to ‘play on racial stereotypes’. Just like Willie Nelson, Willie Whitelaw and Willie Rushton, presumably. To reinforce the stereotype, Professor Jennifer points out that Horton’s mugshot was used in the advert, thereby showing that he was black. The BBC, of course, would never resort to identifying the race of a criminal or suspect… unless the person was white and here is today’s example:
The BBC: specialists in trivia, race, feminism and hypocrisy.
Jon Sopel briefing the team as they head to California as we speak?
Why wouldn’t he?
Hmm notable how a potentially interesting look at political spin becomes — in the hands of the BBC — just another ‘dog whistle’ for race-baiting (see what I did there?).
“…showing his face, of course, because he was very clearly black”…..”shortening his name from William to Willie to make it sound more stereotypically black” … “served to trigger very negative racial attitudes…”
“showing his face, of course, because he was very clearly white”…..”lengthening his name from Tommy Robinson to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon to make it sound more stereotypically white supremacist” … “served to trigger very negative racial attitudes…”
I look forward to hearing more pearls of wisdom from the good professor (might give that book a miss though)
Did the vibrator wielding professor ever bother to point out that in GHW Bush’s official campaign advert, Willie Horton’s race was not mentioned, and the only actors portraying furloughed prisoners were white?
The mugshot of Willie Horton was only used in an ad which the Bush campaign did not approve or pay for.
The fact is that Dukakis did allow criminals such as Horton out of gaol on furlough, and they did commit crimes whilst they were out. And Dukakis was such a liberal cretin that he doubled down, and refused to accept that his furlough policy had any flaws at all!
If ever there was a man who deserved to lose an election, it was Michael Dukakis. It’s only a shame that GHW Bush turned out to be a country club style RINO squish, who ushered in the satanic reign of the Clinton crime family.
Went to Sung Evensong yesterday at the traditional, long-established, centre of Christianity in England and home of the mother Church in the UK and world, to pray for Liberation. Prayed for Her Majesty & Her Government with another difficult Brexit week ahead.
The coincidence of readings and Congregational Offertory hymn were quite remarkable in relation to Brexit. Am not an Anglican so am not sure whether that was just due to the fixed Prayer Book schedule or not. It suggests that God is at work.
With a critical week ahead for our leaving the EU, the Old Testament reading was from Numbers chapter 9 verses 15 to 23 (Israel out of Egypt) and the New Testament reading was from 1 Corinthians chapter 7, verses 17 to 24, (no slavery – freedom!) the last two verses being particularly apposite. The hymn sung by the congregation was written by a man persecuted and imprisoned by the Church of England in his time for his non-Conformism, no. 823 in Hymns Ancient & Modern (recent edition): To Be A Pilgrim.
That non-conformism of John Bunyan and many others, weakened – as part of an ongoing Reformation – the power of an overwhelmingly powerful body and advanced our democracy in England and eventually the United Kingdom.
Brexit. God is at work!
Who would true valour see,
Let him come hither;
One here will constant be,
Come wind, come weather.
There’s no discouragement,
Shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent
To be a pilgrim.
Whoso beset him round
With dismal stories,
Do but themselves confound;
His strength the more is.
No lion can him fright,
He’ll with a giant fight,
But he will have a right
To be a pilgrim.
Hobgoblin, nor foul fiend,
Can daunt his spirit;
He knows he at the end
Shall life inherit.
Then fancies flee away,
He’ll fear not what men say,
He’ll labour night and day
To be a pilgrim.
I know how much those of us hereabouts look forward to hearing the latest doings of BBC nurtured star and pet muslim woman Nadiya Hussain, so I thought I should share the highlights of a review of her latest novel (ghost-written by Ayisha Malik) taken from this morning’s achingly liberal and celeb-trashy Metro freebie paper.
Our reviewer admits Nadiya’s book is ‘outwardly lightweight’ and ‘it’s not a brilliantly written novel’ – so our budding novelist has engaged a ghost writer who can’t write – presumably for diversity reasons?
However, our reviewer is loath to rain on Nadiya’s parade, she gives three stars out of five and, moreover, Claire Allfree (judging by her photo on the Metro website and the obvious identity politics campaigning tone of her review work, styles herself as a pound shop Cathy Newman wannabe) who takes as her main theme the supposed fact that ‘fiction has a diversity problem’.
That’s as maybe. Seems there’s not much market for this type of book about muslim women. Odd, since that demographic is now rather large and growing. Perhaps they don’t want to read feminism-themed books about themselves. Perhaps they don’t recognise their lives as portrayed by feminist diversity-obsessed progessives. Perhaps the tiny market demand for such fiction is confined to a few hundred mainly white middle class liberal women in the media? I digress.
Here’s a laugh… I quote: ‘in an odd way the book is also a feminist manifesto – not only are the husbands either marginal or disastrously ineffectual but, as the plot proceeds, Hussain slyly suggests… women these days barely need men at all’
Tell that one to the immigration courts where so many male migrants are applying for their wives and families to join them here in the UK.
The bbc knows when to apologise quickly.
This is out of a pantomime. Someone who is known for interrupting and being rude calling someone out about interrupting and being rude about someone who is known for just being interrupting and being rude about the UK.
A thought about the BBC’s reporting of Holocaust Memorial. Some countries and/or places that millions died were not mentioned, especially the first three on my list. I wonder why?
Viet Nam – after the Americans had given up and gone home.
China – where in Chairman Mao’s time, millions were imprisoned and many died in prison camps.
Russia – the Gulag’s, where Jews were imprisoned along with Gentiles and from where we have Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn’s writings.
Russia again – where Stalin killed millions with the weapon of famine (also used by Chairman Mao.)
Latin America – I’m struggling to remember the word in Spanish for those who disappeared into camps in Argentina and Chile and elsewhere on that continent – The Decamisaros? – is that right?
“that millions died were not mentioned, especially the first three on my list. I wonder why?”
“where Jews were imprisoned along with Gentiles”
You are very good at not mentioning things yourself.
From Lenin (part Jewish) and Trotsky down, the Bolshevik Party was chock full of Jews.
Naftaly Frenkel, Genrikh Yagoda, two Jews who ran the Gulag. Millions of deaths deliberately caused by Jews.
LCS, that is quite right. Thanks for the reminder. Not a deliberate omission on my part.
Jews were complicit in Russia of persecuting those who did not go along with the Communism. There were Jews, particularly in eastern Europe in the run up to and during WW2, who either sent other Jews to concentration camps or deliberately hid their identity and remained in official posts where they may have or did actually disadvantage other Jews, often deliberately.
However, it is typical of the BBC that they do not examine that part of the history of concentration camps. Or mention it at all these days?
There is a natural tendency in Judaism (and the same is true of Christianity) to be strongly community based and inclined to liberality (liberalism) in all its forms, including what I would call a purer socialism. Both are easy to hi-jack for more explicit and more extreme ends. The purer, mild, ‘socialism’ quickly becomes degraded.
A warning there!
A living example. Israel (that country that the BBC likes to denigrate and attack on behalf of Palestinians) has a vastly expanded population due to recent immigration from, mostly, Russia. Many of those Jews are atheists, they are non-observant. They can be easy prey for some of a much more extreme viewpoint.
A quote for you from Solzhenitsyn’s Wiki* page:
“Regarding atheism, Solzhenitsyn declared:
Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”[77] ”
* usual disclaimers, warnings & qualifications apply
“los desaparecidos”
I would add the Armenians to the list. Whose genocide was an inspiration to Hitler. It’s hardly mentioned.
“Who after all speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians”
– Adolf Hitler 22/08/1939
Lucy, thanks. Descamisaros, I had forgotten, is the Spanish equivalent of ‘Sans culottes’ as well as those referred to by Yasser below.
Yes, I’m embarrassed to have forgotten to mention the Armenians (although they may have been mentioned by the BBC in one News Bulletin) as I have Armenian friends.
I also did not think to point out to LCS in my reply that I did know the answer to my ‘I wonder why?’ question. The much vilified (for two decades afterward) Viet Nam war was probably not mentioned by the BBC because it was started by a Democrat President, continued by a Democrat President and ended by a Republican President.
It was also probably not mentioned by the BBC because the carnage that eventually followed was not caused by a Hard-Right or Far-Right labelled group (although they were, in effect, exactly that) and it was Communist VietNamese persecuting & killing their fellow VietNamese who were on the losing side.
Which would, of course, have neatly answered the point LCS was correctly making. Man’s Inhumanity to Man meets Original Sin.
The “desaparecidos”. (I looked it up.)
I think the confusion is with the “descamisados” which translates as ‘the shirtless ones’ who the were the supporters of Argentina strongman Juan Peron.
Fans of the the musical ‘Evita’ may recognise the word.
I suspect those genocides mentioned where those commemorated on Holocaust Memorial Day by the HMDT:
On Holocaust Memorial Day, we remember the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, and the millions of people killed under Nazi Persecution, and in the genocides which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur
Part of the legal advice from the AG has still not been released.
Why, I do not know, but the actions of those who are not trusted by voters, suggests we should be concerned.
“HM Government must publish the legal advice on Brexit immediately”
I am off to sign it now, we need the traitors to know we have not become bored with Brexit and are watching them closely. Bastards.
Sorry, after the debacle with ‘Leave without a deal’ petition and its treatment in the ensuing so-called “debate” which, in summary, concluded: “Neither Parliament nor the Government want a ‘no deal’ scenario.” I would question the worth of even considering signing this one. That’s my, ‘Democracy’ at work.
Agree. Signed it anyway.
Is this a Self-hate crime?
RE Hilary. You’ve all got it wrong. She meant to say she may run for President of Venezuela as the politics there are more compatible with hers.
2019-01-27 09:00 Guardian Opinion
Demography is not destiny. Politics should be about winning minds
Kenan Malik
The standard by which other deceitful opinions will be measured.
No mention whatsoever of the 3.6 million Muslims imported by Blair.
No mention whatsoever of the millions of third world imports into the EU.
Glosses over the US Democrats vote rigging anti wall policy.
No mention whatsoever of the UN “migration” policy.
No mention whatsoever of the fact that these unwanted invaders DO vote against us.
All of which are intended to outvote white people and subordinate us to Aliens.
Which must resisted at all costs.
No comments allowed.
How does BBC FakeNews get spread ?
One way is that Google robots pickup BBC website changes and add the new info to its databases
What about when complaints are upheld by the BBC’s own ECU unit ?
..well they can take 6 months to reach a decision on even minor things
They publish a note on their Complaints list
BUT * That page is hidden from Google and Wayback indexing *
cos it has this code within it {meta name=”robots” content=”noindex” /}
.. So the world doesn’t so easily find about the BBC’s errors
“Nation shall speak
truthto Nation”We really do need a written constitution now to protect us from parliament.
Absolutely bang-on. To include, Proportional Representation for elections. But, I fear nothing will effect change because the MP’s cosy life representing all in sundry but the voters must be maintained at all cost.
Only a revolution and/or coup d’etat will do the trick. Don’t hold your breath though.
Now Radio4 again airing a prog saying illegal migrants are #Victims
\\ Don’t Take My Masala: The Untold
Shaish Alam’s restaurant was once the top rated take away and curry restaurant in Wales. He’d won loads of awards, and appeared on national telly, demonstrating his home grown approach to cooking curry. In September 2017, everything changed, when he was found to be employing four staff who did not have the right to work in in the UK.
* It wasn’t the first time – but with unpaid fines amounting to more than £70,000, this time the authorities came down much harder. * //
It wan’t the first time, 5 times before he’d been caught with illegal staff.. so he knew he was breaking the law.
Already had £32K in unpaid fines
But as we know in BBC metroliberal land white working class people are unworthy scum
..whilst each migrant adds magic riches to this country
The prog has not yet revealed he is a special friend of the BBC
They employ him in Gardener’s World show and in the The Gardener’s World magazine.
He got a big plug from BBC news in 2017
\\ Shaish, who is 43 and moved to Newcastle Emlyn 17 years ago //
I think they said he was born in Bangladesh and couldn’t read when he came here .. how did he get a visa ?
Took me ages to transcribe the few sentences that comprised Fiona Bruce’s clarification of the storm in a teacup over who was ahead in the polls during the Jan 17 Question Time – starts just before 35 minutes in:
I just want to pick up on something from last week’s programme. There was some discussion about opinion polls – you may be aware of this. I was talking about a poll that came out on the day of the programme that suggested that Conservatives were ahead and the shadow home secretary mentioned some other earlier polls which showed Labour in the lead. And we should have made that context clear and I’m really happy to do that now.
I guess she inadvertently demonstrated how not to talk if your aim is clarity of expression. She rushes through her sentences and swallows her words. That said, I get the impression she will turn out to be a more balanced presenter than Dimbleby – obsessed as he was with continually pushing the lefty, PeeCee view.
I’m glad she didn’t actually apologise to the shadowy home secretary for doing what Dimbleby used to habitually do to those who opposed his ideology.
However, I guess it’s fair to say that the BBC would never in its wildest nightmares apologise or even bother to try to clarify anything that was unfair to anyone from the centre or right of the political spectrum.
If they ever did murmur an apology for the way Dimbleby led the pack of jackals attacking Nick Griffin* I must have missed it.
*I should point out here that I have no time for Griffin but am simply using him to illustrate a point.
@TooTrue there are some easy shortcuts
#1 Most YouTube clips already have an auto transcript
See those 3 dots above the Subscribe button, click them and select open transcript
.. you’ll then need to select the bit you want and copy and paste it ..and correct the spellings
#2 However with newsworthy things , some journo has probably already transcribed it
: You can type \\”fiona bruce” clarified// into Twitter or Google
Thanks StewGreen,
I have right clicked and tried the ‘Copy video URL at current time’ – I might have got that suggestion from you – but it seems to be a bit inaccurate, so I just type in the starting time of the clip I want. People can just click along the bar below the video to get quickly to that part of the video.
But thanks for the info on the auto transcript. I’ll check it out now.
Edit: Tried it. Seems they don’t have a transcript of that QT. Probably the automatic thingy couldn’t figure out what Fiona Bruce was saying!!
@@TooTrue No actually I’d already checked
I click the three dots
: the transcript appears top right of my screen
– I word search on “opinion polls”
that takes me to 34m57s on the transcript
– I move the slider to 34m52s
– I rightclick the screen, and select copy URL for current time
that gives me “″
that is a time in seconds ie 3 blocks of 600s and then 292 seconds
ie 30mins plus 4 mins plus 52 seconds
If I post that direct here it tends to ignore the start time , so I make an html link using > brackets : (a href=””) link (/a)
Thanks for that. Could be I didn’t see that because of my ancient browser. I’m on a dumb phone now but will have a look when back at the laptop.
“…how not to talk if your aim is clarity of expression.”
Ah, but it may be how to talk if your aim is unclarity of expression.
That is a novel idea. Let’s not say that too loudly lest we give the BBC ideas for an exciting new way to express bias!!
Guardian ‘satire’: “Welcome to the Westminster apocalypse. Have you thought about theocracy instead?”
Suggesting a theocratic rule in the UK is obviously tongue in cheek, but let’s see where we are in 5 or 10 years. It might be not be so easy to tell what’s satirical and what’s not by then.
On the use of the word apocalypse which does seem quite popular these days amongst certain doom-mongers, as the Greek root denotes something of a revelatory nature — an uncovering of secret knowledge — maybe we need more apocalypse, not less. The Brexit process has already uncovered much that was previously hidden to the great unwashed. Just think of all the secret goodies contained in an Apocryphon of Mogg?
Now on Radio2 Vines’s topics include
#2 The Leftwing case FOR Brexit
#3 Medical Monday
#4 Why 1 in 20, don’t believe in the holocaust ..#DontMentionIslam
David Vance
Vine “Bill is in Surrey” ..” Were there enough incinerators for 6m ?”
..said half-heartedly as if Bill is Vine’s studio manager pretending to be a caller
Laurence (Rees?) the BBC reporter began the item by suggesting ‘it’s Trump’s fault, he encouraged people to start question the media.’
Islam was not mentioned at all .. #Orwellian
So Vine have you got any signalling for us today ?
Thanks for that, so those not sharing in bbc commitment to engagement and transparency can at least see it.
Breaking News! Man hanged in 1952!
Radio 4 schedule where posh-white-BBC-staff fill space with programming from/about their own mates
.. and then fill the rest of the space with programming about SpecialVictimhood groups cos that way they can assuage GUILT about their own privilege and signal : “Look at me, I’m not racist, sexist, Islamophobic”
Sometimes they can get both things into the same prog
MATE : 10:45 daily morning drama Jenny Eclair’s autobiography
MATE & illegal migrants 11:00 A restaurant owner in Wales loses his staff after he’s found employing them illegally. (no mention was made of his work for the BBC)
MATE and BAME actor 11:30 with Sue Johnston and Pearl Mackie.
MATE 12:00 Melvyn Bragg takes time off his Labour Party canvassing to do a 12 min item
also featured MATEs Gyles Fraser & Simon Schaffer
BAME 12:15 You and Yours : “New faces in the NHS”, M&S recycling (Green Drean is PET-ISSUE)
note the graphic they chose to use
PET ISSUE 13:45 daily documentary about sexual infidelity
IMMIGRANTS : 14:15 A Border Fantasy : there must be a reason why they have kept the blurb empty
MATE : 15:00 Round Britain Quiz features Stuart Maconie as paneliist
#StopProperBrexit 15:30 The Food Prog stirrng anxiety : What does a no-deal Brexit mean for our food
MATEs ? 16:00 Amica Dall and Giles Smith : Turner Prize winners
MATEs 16:30 Brian Cox and Robin Ince anti-proper-science show
..part 2 coming
That 2:15 drama is about the Northern Ireland backstop border turning into a disaster button about to be operated
Part 2
MATES : 6:30pm panel show the normal BBC metroliberal clique
MATES FEMINISM 19:15 Germaine Greer
??? 20:00 Allegations that the americans cooperated with the Ayatollah
Jim Muir investigates secret contacts between the Americans and Ayatollah Khomeini.
DIVERSION 20:30 ‘look propaganda is over there in Russia not here’
IMMIGRANTS 21:00 why do Romanians get such a bad press?
.. prog massively tweeted by metrolibs
PET ISSUE : Supporting Democrats : 22:45 DailyBook at Bedtime about “As Reagan’s debt-ridden, AIDS-panicked America yields to that of the first George Bush”
I turn off the BBC News Channel one o’clock news after just seconds of their number one headline news report – Yemen.
The bizarre strangled trans-atlantic tones of their number one foreign reporter Lyse Doucet are enough to put anyone off.
Worse, one knows from experience she will have little to tell us about the causes and wider ramifications of this long-running muslim civil war. All we will get is a journo awards inspired ‘think of the children’ emotional outpouring which will read like a charity appeal advert. Odd, since a main player in this conflict the Saudis have all the cash in the world to spend on relief – should they wish to do so.
I suspect that many interviews involving hardpressed children in these middle eastern countries are actually child actors recruited from middle eastern parts of Manchester, near the Salford Studios.
Is Lyse Doucet another name for Orla Guerin? (I know she is/ they are different from Lloyd Grossman because his voice sounds male.)
1pm Radio News : “You’ll starve on hard Brexit
cos all our fresh we/fruitg comes from the EU and it will all immediately stop ”
Tosh, … Pierre is driving onto the ferry tomorrow Tuesday night
Wednesday morning, he’ll be in Hull and then to the wholesalers
5am Thursday the market lady will collect Pierre’s stuff from there
She’ll have it on the stall at 7am
The Wednesday after Brexit, Pierre will get to the ferry and the customs man will say as usual “hello Pierre, back again, on you go son”
.. who is going to be stopping Pierre driving onto the ferry ??
BTW I know the market woman
It says on the strawberries “produce of Egypt”
on the mangos “produce of Guatamala”
likewise some will be labelled India, Turkey, South Africa, Caribbean (bananas)
The potatoes will be mostly local (and the cold store still had 2017 potatoes in, in May 2018)
Spain will be supplying citrus, tomatoes and greens .
As it happens there is a 365 day indoor hydroponic farm at the old steelworks in Scunthorpe
BTW the neighbour just brought around 4 pheasants left over from yesterday’s shoot
Really are BBC staff going to be lined up in front of the ferries, stopping the lorries coming off ??
“No-deal Brexit ‘to leave shelves empty’ warn retailers”
So the Europeans won’t sell us food any more, why ? I can see a lot of poor and angry European farmers in the future .
Buy food elsewhere and get out now, that’s what we voted for. More Project Fear!
The HYS is bucking the usual trend towards the remainders . Rigging going on ?
@Taffman : No the Normal trend is against remainers, yet today it’s as if Gary Lineker has moved in with a big dislike stamp against the Brexiteers
There are more dislikes than there are likes for remain comments, that is a bit weird.
The image, don’t know why it doesn’t show above

“shelves empty’ ”
It used to be daily but now the scare stories are hourly.
We don’t believe a word of it! Try another angle.
“Who is going to be stopping Pierre driving onto the ferry?”
The Lady Bullying-Manner, by the sound of it.
Stew, that HYS on the Simon Jack ‘Fear’ article was closed after only seven hours. Something wrong with it?
Apart from the fact that the article refers to food in general, whereas the Supermarkets were warning about fresh fruit and vegetables, the other things I noticed were:
Delays: I thought much of our fresh produce was flown in, not via trucks through Calais>Dover.
Tariffs: SJ got in a muddle as do many Beeboids. If the UK Government “chose to protect our farmers” it would be for not producing food! A bizarre notion. SJ said on average 83% of our fresh fruit & vegetables is imported. So why would there be a problem with a Zero tariff regime …. apart from making food cheaper not more expensive after a No-Deal Brexit on 29 March.
Customs checks: Why would Calais delay trucks for Customs checks on OUTGOING items? The important check would be on this side of the Channel.
@UptoStuff Just 4 hours of open comment was allowed
Oldest comment was 11 hours ago and newest was 7 hours ago that means they closed after only 4 hours yet somehow 5,800 comments
… Come on that does look like Project Remain call centre staff were posting like crazy.
Some forensics could be looking to see if the account names were all new etc
Or if some accouns were making hundreds of posts
Stew, interesting. Thanks. My brain was not working and I just looked at the clock and did a sum. Wrong! Ooops. Sorry.
On the subject of names, there are lots that appear new to me. I have to admit that I no longer lurk around BBC Blogs & HYSs as I may have done, long ago, so some may have been around a while.
I do suspect that many are ‘new accounts’ whether run by the Beeb or by campaign groups. I suspect one at least of being BBC protected and probably a staffer. Don’t have the computer skills or time to find & interrogate codes.
The thing is that the BBC is losing patronage at an increasing rate. There were stats on TV viewing time of the young released on Monday. Not good for the BBC.
And with Part-time Kuenssberg usually not allowing comments on her Blog it drives people away. Kamal being a Hard-Far-Right-Remoaner has not helped & may have put some off his Blog. He still hasn’t been replaced, there’s no EconoEd for Blogging going on.
I suspect the old guard and more recent web-site regulars will be, like me, drifting away anyway.
@Up2snuff pretty forensic, that you can back 34.5 hours to answer my point
Yes it was easy to trip up and write 7 hours. The kind of mistake I make all the time .
People using multiple accounts and grooming comment forums is something I first noticed at least 15 years ago.
The BBC HYSs gather about 3,000 total likes and dislikes, so that is a max of 3,000 accounts commenting
That is not a great deal from the 40 million BBC audience, Daily Mail comments used to gather magnitudes more likes.
Strange that that Monday HYS was dominated by Remainers, but the next one was back to the normal pattern of being dominated by Brexiteers.
What do you reckon Graham ?
This no food story must be true because a bunch of fabulously rich multimillionaires (who employ lots of cheap labour) have said so.
Surely they wouldn’t lie to us……would they?
Yes the dumb mr jack – who can barely thread a few sentences together without an apology needs to find alt employment . No way can he be a business editor – they should stick him on the Asian channel or the kids one with Rolf and jimlll fix ya
Trump will declare a state of emergency and help us with lots of convoys. The Germans have only got six U-Boats. But they are all broken down.
U-31 has been out of service since 2014. U-32 has suffered damage to its batteries but no berth is free to even begin repairs. U-33 is undergoing maintenance. U-34 is also in need of maintenance, with no estimated time of completion available. U-35 was put out of commission when it struck a rock and U-36 is being repaired after they found out that the drive shaft system, battery, radar and the radio buoy were all found to be malfunctioning.
Reckon those merchant ships will be coming round’t tuther way (from the Berean sea) instead of us going in that direction when we delivered food etc to the russians during WW2
The boss of Sainsburys is anti-Brexit and a Labour follower.
He would say that wouldn’t he…
You know far too much. Aren’t you in danger?
“Teachers to be offered cash to stay in school”
“What’s the problem?”
Lack of discipline and lack of control resulting in unruly children in the classes . All because of years and years of a liberal education system.
New teachers can’t handle it any more.
Vine discussing a survey that showed 5 per cent of folk in the U.K. do not believe the holocaust happened. Good topic.
However, what followed was typical BBC – he interviewed a history expert who said much of this ‘denial’ was down to pure ignorance, but who also managed to have two digs at Trump for fermenting a climate where conspiracy theories thrive.
One caller managed to bring the discussion back to rampant anti-semitism, but that was quickly tiptoed around and the extremists who want to wipe both Israel and Jews off the face of the earth were never actually mentioned by name.
See my posts above
I would say it’s anti-Semtic to DENY what is the true source of anti-Semiticism is right now in the UK
So by not mentioning Islam the BBC is being Anti-semitic
The BBC:
(1) Hates the anti-Semitism of the past but Loves the Labour and Muslim anti-Semitism of the present.
(2) Loves those who want to chop the heads off Members of the House of Lords of the past, but loves the Members of the House of Lords of the present.
(3) Loves the revolutions by the uneducated working classes of the past, but Hates the progressively educated (uneducated) working classes of the present.
(4) Loves Democracy (Populism) for those under Brussels rule (Zaire) of the past, but Hates Populism (Democracy) for those under Brussels rule (Britain) in the present.
It explains why the posh ignorant people with low intelligence working at the BBC and supporting the Labour party, think that the Labour Party was set up to represent the posh educated elite, and that the Tory Party was set up to represent the uneducated working classes, when the Liberal Party gave them the vote a hundred years ago.
At the BBC, reality is upside-down. Liberals the Blacks and the Muslims are the Master Race, while Libertarians the Jews and Chinese have inferior intellect.
Reminds me of Nazi logic: An Austrian soldier who hates Jews because he sees them as richer and more intelligent than himself, reacts by saying he hates them because they are inferior. So as a true Socialist, I will exterminate the rich, but as a National Socialist, only if they are Jewish.
“I would say it’s anti-Semtic to DENY what is the true source of anti-Semiticism is right now in the UK”
Oh, how’s this for DENIAL, Stew?
“[David Irving] A guy who despite his conviction, does not seem to be anti-Jewish in his videos.”
Meanwhile, in just the last couple of days on BiasedBBC…
You & ‘GWF’ both posted videos by “Earthling Carl”; who complains about:
“decades of Holocaust™ propaganda”
‘Lucy Pevensey’ quoted “Peter Sweden”; who has said:
“The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seems highly unprobable.”
‘NCBBC’ posted a link to “GalliaWatch”; which also happens to ask:
“For how long have the Jews of France condemned the non-Jewish French for being ‘racist’?”
‘LastChanceSaloon’ wrote about:
“millions of deaths deliberately caused by Jews”
And ‘john in cheshire’ posted a video by a Neo-Nazi calling himself “Resurrection Europa”.
Whataboutery from Maxi, who ad homs the messenger, rather than address the message.
‘Oh Stew and B-BBC commenters should self censor otherwise I’ll shout racist at you. ‘
Sorry I don’t think we should be like those people who didn’t speak up about grooming gangs.
It is better to speak up and be wrong ..rather than self censor.
and shout ‘guilt by association’ is also a fallacy.
I’ll address Maxi’s whataboutery. Maxi enters the wacky antifa territory of donning black face masks carrying smoke bombs and shouting other people down all in the name of fighting fascism …
irony city that such passionate antifa and the most racist BNP supporter mirror each other with the same level of prejudice.
Maxi mate , you know what the holocaust was about ?
Equality is about treating people as individuals , NOT putting a smear label on them to treat them as a group and DEHUMANISE them
That’s what the holocaust was about labelling people and dehumanizing them ..treating them as subhuman and OK’ing brutal crimes against them.
So on the one side we have the Nazi’s who did that , and then on the other side we have B-BBC commenters who have linked to videos by people who have once in the past said something challenging about aspects of the holocaust and we don’t even know if they did say such stuff, cos antifa have a habit of distorting.
That is the guilt by association.
If Maxi’s false equivalence of these 2 behaviours wasn’t so ridiculous it would be very offensive ..I bet some of those he names actually have Jewish family members ..and /or would be the first to put their own lives on the line if such an injustice of the holocaust were to arise again.
Supporting the holocaust and posting a non-anti-Semitic video are not the same thing.
What Maxi is doing is seeking to dehumanise anyone who dares post a video by someone he defines as a “wrong un”, but if people post videos by lefties that is OK.
Jesus that is the same kind of behaviour that is at the root of the holocaust arbitrarily dehumanising people.
I think most of the “conspiracy theorists” have been reading a book called the qu’uran.
Not enough wimmin?
How will the BBC handle this? Moslem mothers protest against teaching LBGT in schools. Start with an interview with representatives from the Moslem Council of GB? Accuse them of bigotry and homophobia?
Then in response be accused of Islamophobia?
Where is Maxi when you need it?
“Where is Maxi when you need it?”
In his safe space.
Ha ha, that’ll be a real dilemma for beeboids and assorted libtards: which of the favoured factions to back?
Muslims who can do no wrong, or LBGT activists who likewise?
Decisions, decisions…
Ultimately they always favour islam. Sorry gays, but you just don’t kill enough people to be feared.
Violence works.
What an in depth report re the parents concerns! Wow! I wonder what the write up would be re Christian concerns? Few lines, none?
… another in the series of “stuff that doesn’t look like anything unless you’re a member of a special community”: Thousands of Muslims demand Nike recall ‘offensive’ Air Max trainer with ‘Allah written on the sole’.
—“This is disrespectful and extremely offensive to Muslim’s and insulting to Islam. Islam teaches compassion, kindness and fairness towards all.”
Not so long ago seeing the face of Jesus on a piece of burnt toast in the paper would raise a chuckle. Not any more in this Brave New World
“…seeing the face of Jesus on a piece of burnt toast.”
How far we have come since the innocent fun of Father Ted, alas!
Alas indeed!
that Nike story is not new came up well before Xmas maybe September or October
Stew looks like the petition is only 2 weeks old — maybe new because of this? (There’s another blasphemous Nike shoe from 1997… seems to have happened more than once before…)
Lots of the traitors in the midden at Westminster are lining up to hand their anti democratic amendments to the europhile remainer speaker for tomorrow as they carry on with their attempts to steal Brexit from the people of the U.K.
Instead of all these snidey and oh so clever legal tricks they are using why don’t they just put one amendment in which will say that they will accept anything at all that the eu might deign to allow us because we will submit to anything rather than no deal (which the people voted for but stuff them…..plebs)
Who is Parliament fighting for Europe or Great Britain ?
Vote and support UKIP, let your MP know that you are doing that .
It’s like they are daring you to comment.
A fence that like building a wall ?
… NPC “Orange man bad, wall bad”
Denmark builds anti-pig border fence.
wasn’t it Countryfile a few weeks ago that was running a doom and gloom story about how our pigs were under threat via wild boars etc.?
We were supposed to be concerned about a farmer that kept all of a rare breed on one farm right next to the wild boars of The Forest of Dean. The solution seemed pretty obvious to me.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC hasn’t done similar stories about how we should love the wild boar, perhaps even import some from the continent? What could possibly go wrong?
Bbc website leading with “ brexit will leave shelves empty” … doing its civic duty to encourage hysteria in people – thereby leading to a story which it can report as ‘ true’ .
As a popcorn eating spectator it will be a fair sign of the governments ‘ resolve as to whether it extends parliamentary hours and days – and whether the traitorous speaker engages in such shenanigans now that he has fell off the cliff of neutrality and and become a full fledged ‘ swinger’ .
The tactic of creating what you have forcast is well tried and tested.
It was done with Northern Rock in the big crash when Robert Peston foretold of a ‘run’ on the bank,,,,and lo and behold the next morning voila it happened.
Those old enough will remember the great sugar shortage, where shops were empty and most people had enough in the larder to last two years.
And they still won’t pay up to Equitable Life investors, as when politicians get in the way of business, they pretty well screw everything up as a matter of course.
Then there was the potato shortage back in the seventies, DC!
Its a good thing that this lot were not broadcasting during WW2. or we would all be speaking German now .
Anti British Propaganda . Shades of Lord Haw Haw . “Germany calling, Germany calling”
Excellent video! Thanks for posting. Adonis was fumbling for the ejector seat lever…from a leaver 😉
Who voted him in ? He reminds me of Lord Haw Haw.
Did you hear Adonis and Farage on Chopper’s Brexit Podcast? Very entertaining. That podcast is essential listening, especially Camilla Tominey.
Here’s a suggestion.
Why not pay ‘our’ ‘right honourables’ the average wage, about £26k I think, and control any expenses the same as any normal company would do.
Put them on the state pension and make them pay into pension funds available to ordinary workers.
Bin the lords.
You would still get 100’s of applications for every position but I think the quality of applicant would be much higher. Instead of arrogant money grabbing liars who love telling people what to do you would get normal people who only require a decent living wage and who would represent the people and not the ‘elite’
It’s a big lie that you have to pay so much to get the best people. This current shower of shite proves that.
We need decent people not motivated by money and power but rather motivated by honesty and genuine desire to represent the people.
If anyone points to uk as being free of corruption – just point at the Lords which is an institutionally corrupt place where politicians can give jobs to pals and partners without scrutiny or comment .
A huge primary chamber and then a 900 hundred sized second chamber funded by taxes as a hobby for the retired bubble .
“Why not pay ‘our’ ‘right honourables’ the average wage, about £26k I think”
EG, I came to an MP’s wage of £25k by a different route.
Making the laws by which the country is governed is an important job and the baseline for their pay should be £100k. Looking at what they actually do, half of their legislation is just rubber stamping whatever come out of Brussels, so if they only make half the laws we can cut their salary to £50k. However, half of those laws they do “debate” are simply enabling acts for secondary legislation; giving the government the power to bring in whatever regulations it likes when it’s decided what it wants. If MPs only look at the details of half the laws they debate we can halve their salary again to £25k. I would like MPs to be paid £100k for doing their job, but so long as they shirk 3/4 of it they can be paid £25k – and that’s being generous.
I did try to look at the appropriate pay scales for BBC newsreaders, but being able to use a keyboard to “cut and paste” press releases didn’t register as a worthwhile job.
set mp’s pay at some multiple of UK average wages
I like the funding their own pension via their own decisions bit
with bonus’s based on the targets they love to make everyone else work too
ie getting rid of National Debt
I believe that an MPs pay and expenses should be set by his constituents. If they are a poor constituency, perhaps it will motivate him or her to devote his time to improving the lot of his constituents. If he works for the benefit of his constituents, maybe they’ll reward him with a higher salary for the next year he’s in office.
Why should all MPs be paid the same regardless of how useless, stupid or corrupt they are?
John I think you are wrong . The remuneration must attract the right calibre of person to fill such an important role. – so maybe £20000 pa and basic office support provided by the state and not MPs families as a tax dodge . No subsidies .
Never a shortage of would MPs so let market forces prevail
Also – annual performance reports – inc what they did and didn’t vote for – as well as contributions to debates . Must really reside in their constituency of course and not just have a tax avoidance ‘flop ‘
10 ITV2 Comedy : new StandUp Sketch Show
..will it be different from the BBC lefty/lib clique ?
\\ Routines by renowned and up-and-coming comedians are reconstructed as sketches, with first edition featuring Glenn Moore, Adam Hess, Dane Baptiste, Suzi Rufell, Seann Walsh, Catherine Bohart, Alex Edelman and Brennan Reece //
Al Beeb don’t do comedy .
8:30pm no Panorama : Question of Sport will run instead
.. maybe they are still working on an edition that shows that on No Deal Brexit Day , all prison locks will stop working ?
… anyway the streets will be full of zombies anyway
Did someone naughty do a super injunction on the always truthful BBC ? Has John sweeney had another hissy fit ? Someone might be interested …
Partially to do with the BBC. I was talking to my mother who has dementia about my tax filings she asked if the tax people would send me a bill. She then said if they do I should send one back with no money and say “I am so glad you have got a sense of humour”. It occurred to me that would be a wonderful reply to the beeb and their henchman company when asking for the licence fee.
From bitter experience get power of attorney if you can and ensure any Will is legal …..
My thoughts are really with anyone looking after someone with dementia . I know what it does – like so many …
HI fedup2, Luckily I do have power of attorney. I got it just in time as whilst working overseas her neighbour told me the local authority was angling for deputy ship. I had to come back to sort it out. Shows what happens if some in authority have too much power.
That’s good news as I failed and the price was high …
Also, while still of sound mind, give lasting power of attorney (or whatever the name is) to some one you absolutely trust. It is easy and cheap to do, takes a weight off your mind and saves a lot of trouble and expense for your executors.
This headline describes the terror the British people face when the MSM run out of stories to frighten the kids . What will they print ? What can Owen and Polly say when they’ve run out of ‘nasty ‘ ? I fear for their health – but not bank balances of course . They’re always healthy …
Likely not their intention, but this simply highlights how distrusted the bbc has become.
It would be miraculous if there was not a bunch of cock ups and delays with a switch over of this magnitude.
The problem is any actual sensible warning is derided because… of all the rest.
A greater problem comes with devious pols and civil servants making darn sure whatever goes wrong does, as badly as it can, secure in the knowledge that the 24-hr news cycle will avoid any investigation into why and simply scream blue murder that anything has not gone smoothly.
Every devious, thick Beeboid must be licking their lips in anticipation.
That all said…
A scare story in itself. However shall we manage?
In light of Fedup2’s post above, I suggest that we should compose some outlandish Project Fear BBC headlines.
Who knows? BBC may borrow a few as they’re getting sooo desperate 🙂
Here’s mine:-
“Samaritans Threaten Suicide Over Brexit Fears.”
“UK will no longer have French Fries after Brexit”
“Air could be rationed over Brexit fears”
“Easter could be cancelled over Brexit fears”
That will be the end of Continental Quilts and the Eurovision Song Contest .
“NHS Health alert as brexit toilet roll shortage worstens “ expert claims .
Mine “strictly bought to stand still by brexit visa scare Says Beeb Supremo “.
I saw this a few years ago. POP-SINGER PRIEST IN SEX-CHANGE MERCY DASH TO PALACE. It needs tweaking to be topical but might be the basis of something useful.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Years ago, I saw a headline in The Telegrout!
‘Bishop charged after St Paul’s rumpus’!
Visions of a billowing cassock, rampant with desire, and a somewhat bemused Saint, wondering what to do next…
DM: “Comedian Russell Howard reveals BBC made him re-record a joke about ISIS in case it offended the murderous terror group”.
Why am I not surprised? The craven beebistan will happily allow their foul-mouthed ‘comedians’ to pour bile over the Church or any other institution the left love to revile, but islam and even isis are out of bounds.
(Ironically, lefty Howard was actually defending islam, doing the old Nothing to do with islam excuse, saying Isis weren’t Muslims, they were terrorists.
Er no, Russell, they’re muslim terrorists, doing what their terror manual tells them to do.)
The bbc has responded to ‘that rumour’ with its customary speed and professional competence.
Meanwhile, the comments to another bbc attempt at disinformation and re-education… could going better.
Barack Hussain Obama, Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, Woof-Woof!
Why would the bbc need D notices when their editorial integrity has to decide between actual news and…
Guest – Why waste money on that. I think what she really needs to do is to save up her pennies and purchase a brain transplant. If Kelsey would like to contact me I have a number of engineering bricks in my garden which she could purchase from me very reasonably and I am sure one of them would be a far superior replacement to the current “brain” which she is currently using.
I sold one a couple of years ago to Jeremy Vine as a brain replacement and he been very pleased with his purchase.
Irrelevant assertion by the BBC, it does not need any Government encouragement to bury bad news.
Example their treatment of Nick Griffin, Tommy Robinson and hundreds of thousands of betrayed, gang raped, white children.
For this alone they deserve to be treated like MPs.
No D notice. So any tendency to censorship you may have noticed is our very own decision.
Aah, yes but, no but … but BBC, very correct on D-notice FakeNews but I note that as of last night, you had still not put up an apology for your FakeNews about the Covington High School boys in a supposed confrontation. You are still weaseling around on that.
On a completely unrelated subject, for all those who are enamoured of Mr Jordan Peterson, this YouTube video might give you pause for thought:
It’s about a half hour long.
What brought JP out into the open (I thought) was the actual attack on him which he had to resist. I believe the truth to be much simpler that is described in this video.
The BBC R4 radio news didn’t even bother trying for neutrality . Full brexit is going to be a ‘ disaster’.
And celebrated some ReichEU beaurocrat saying we could ‘ accidentally crash out’ – or in English plain leave …. smell of panic in Brussels ?
The BBC’s Brexit correspondent departs for the continent for the final time (actual footage)
FE2 – Seems the BBC these days is in full hysteria. I got back to my car today and put on R4 to hear the last dying seconds of the “Food Programme” We had to listen to some veg grower saying that he gets “incandescent” when people go on about “Project Fear” because it is “reality”
This bloke exports veg to the continent, it would be interesting to know how many non UK staff he employs , though to be honest I expect the BBC probably hand picked him especially if he does employ Brit staff. These days though I mostly cant even be bothered to listen to BBC propaganda.
As for being “incandescent” about leaving the EU – I imagine quite a few of our fisherman also felt “incandescent” when Heath inveigled us into the EEC and gave away our fishing quotas to the Continentals and destroyed our processing industry.
Can’t do the food programme – it’s as moany and miserable as the ‘kitchin Cabinet ‘ is smug .
Thankfully BBC consumption is rapidly diminishing for me even without any subscription stuff.
I’m also not looking in detail at the Commons nonsense as much as I did . The ReichEU in totally inflexible on the draft sellout so jumping back on the Eurostar to beg – give them even more of our borrowed cash – will in itself be a wasted ticket – unless it’s a single of course ….
Oh, Derek Cooper! Wasn’t he wonderful? And a perfect voice for radio.
Oaknash, that veg grower will be just fine if there is a No-Deal Brexit. Simon Jack will provide him with the names of the Produce Buyers at all the supermarkets he refers to here: . His business will boom and he will have much lower transport costs producing just for the home market.
Hang on BBC Essex are using licence payers £££s to sponsor local women’s football ?
Bloke says what he believes something means.
BBC passes it on as ‘news’.
7:30pm BBC1 Inside Out West Midlands
– Brexit will kill EU student industry Higher education’s a big earner for Britain and Coventry University’s been successful in attracting EU students.
Diveristy could be a tough sell.
2019-01-28 18:00 BBC NEWS Politics
“Brexit: High risk of UK crashing out – EU negotiator”
“Ms Weyand – deputy to the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier – said . . .”
“She added that Mrs May’s secrecy and reliance on a small group of people had been a “handicap” in
getting support for the deal”
She forgot to say that one of these people was Merkel.
“Mr Boles told the Today programme that Tuesday’s vote would be “very, very close”, adding: “We are going
to need support from all sides of the house. Jeremy Corbyn has made some warm noises.”
Lots more to read but I will leave you with the currently highest rated comment.
“If Parliament agrees that no deal should be taken off the table, then how can we negotiate the best deal.
Unions don’t take strike action off the table when they negotiate.
Ironically, the one thing that should be taken off the table is remain as it is the one democratic decision
that was made.”
As usual on BBC the comments are more valuable than the report.
Both in it’s television and radio news reports, the BBC always uses the emotional verb, ‘Crashing’, as in “Crashing Out”, when referring to the UK leaving the EU. Why, It’s almost as if it’s coordinated.