This week we are likely to witness the subversion of democracy both by denial of a clear brexit and a parliamentary speaker bypassing Her Majesty’s Elected Government .
The bias of the BBC supporting this coup will show it up for the corrupt swamp it is part of .
Why Brexit on WTO terms is best for Britain;
I note that Delingpole has got his tariffs ‘back to front’ just like the BBC!
Thinking about the outcome of today’s parliamentary nonsense – on the upside the mandate to go back to the ReichEU will kill off more days on the Brexit countdown and get Blighty into February and less than 50 days to go .
Remain- via the BBC – has thrown the whole Project Fear at Britain and achieved nothing .
We don’t hear much about polls because the Remain side knows that Brexiters have strengthened in their view of the ReichEU after their disrespectful attitude toward us . But after all – they are the enemy.
@Up2Snuff You mean this “According estimates in this report by Civitas, the EU would pay £12.9 billion in UK tariffs while the UK would pay around £5.2 billion in EU tariffs. So the UK could be a net beneficiary of the new arrangement by £7.7 billion.”
Delingpole has mis-spoke but not in the way people claim
Who pays the tariffs ? the consumer
Who gets the tariffs ? the consumer’s government
who are free to spend how they want, eg by cutting the consumers taxes
So theoretically UK consumers would pay £12.9bn extra (to UK gov)
whereas EU consumers would pay £5.2bn extra (to EU)
Since the consumer faces higher prices they are likely to sometimes re-allocate spending by buying local or not spending.
A lot of biz will end up losing EU customers but gain UK customers
and since current balance is to the EU , UK manufacturers have more to gain than lose.
Does the EU want to sell tourism, food and cars to us ? Or do we go world wide with £39 billion in the bank?
Over to you maxi ………………..