If the first ‘sitting ‘ MP in 30 years gets sent to prison one might have thought an objective news organisation might have fully reported it . But as we know the Far Left BBC is anything but objective and the Lady MP isn’t the subject of much criticism by the MSM.
As an aside – she is making the traditional ‘appeal’ noises but might realise that to get 3 months for that sort of crime is more than soft – particularly since she is a ‘lawyer’. The BBC relegated story to a Cambridgeshire story – an insult to reporting the News .
Fedup2, in response to your comments above…had it been a white, male and stale criminal I’m sure they would be shouting about it.
The MSM seem to have forgotten Denis McShane, jailed in 2013.
Amazing. You know that but the BBC is evidently too busy pumping out propaganda to ascertain a simple fact – that she is not the first MP to be jailed in 30 years.
Fake news plus incompetence from this most-trusted broadcaster.
Mc Shane found guilty by Commons Committee, then resigned then jailed. The current thing refuses to resign, so is first SITTING MP who is actually in jail. Raises the question – if a constituent wants to see their MP, do they make an appointment and go to jail to get their support? Can the jail limit access to a prisoner, or do the constituent’s requirements come first? Whole bag of worms!!
ohhhhh noooooooooooooooooooo toooo slooooooww
must have overdone the eees
MPs back May’s bid to change deal
erm no
MPs force May to attempt to change deal,
which May has said is the only and best deal on the table
The one the EU are saying they refuse to change.
So now “no deal” has been voted down.
Might as well just join the euro as well.
“must have overdone the eees”
Let me know when you come down.
“MPs have backed seeking “alternative arrangements” to replace the Irish backstop in Theresa May’s Brexit plan.”
Yes WTO.
Simples Mrs Chamberlain , Simples.
Have you noticed the flag being shown frequently on Al Beeb’s website?
Impartial ?
Propaganda ?
Stop paying for it and tell your mates .
That page has open comments ..already 8,000
as usual (except for that quickly closed page yesterday) Remain are way behind
“Up for remain ……….. 1020 (38%)
Down for anything else …………..1692 (62 %)”
Thats Good !
How many ‘Down’ votes have been ‘adjusted’ down by Al Beeb’?
@taff dunno about removing our upticks
but BBC’s HYS often have the telltale “this comment was removed”
and often for a comment that was near the top of the votes.
10pm BBC1 news as usual when the cameras show the demos outside Parliament it is always a sea of blue flags with yellow stars. Was there nobody there supporting Brexit?
Were they ‘professional’ flag wavers ?
One familiar face who claims to be from from Wales and maintains that he is a ‘coin collector’ is always there in front of the camera.
How does he manage to collect his coins ?
More to the point, from whom does he collect the coins? Soros?
They only show the Brexiteers when they are people looking silly or eccentric or wildly festooned with union jacks.
The young and trendy and cool are the ones with the blue flags.
Deborah…the brexiteers are working…to keep the idle retainers…
Imagine if it had been a Tory MP.
Lead story
Vox pops from ‘concerned’ constituents
‘Some people are calling’ for Parliamentary Enquiry
‘Some say’ something could have been done earlier but ‘lessons will be learnt’
Repeat ad finitum
“Brexit delay ‘inevitable’, says Jeremy Corbyn”
The HYS is taking a slapping again.
What’s going to happen to all those (EU ) truck drivers at Calais if we withdraw no deal ?
I mean , what is going to happen to them ? Are they going to be prevented from boarding the ships ? Made to wait days around the Calais area ? Are they going to be paid for waiting there ? Can the firms that employ them withstand that dead time ? Can they survive ?
Will the French employ extra customs officers to facilitate trade Dover To Calais , or extra CRS and police to control the bottleneck ?
And what about the migrants around the area , who have no incentive to break into a lorry because it ain’t going nowhere ?
BBC , some analysis please .
The dam migrants is another matter, but frankly I doub the French will cause any delays either way as their commercial industry needs the goods being transported as much as we do.
14th? Am going to have to check here more often to get higher. Re that MP who is famous for going to prison.. 3 months that’s all she gets and will be out n half that time.
Typical politician though, it looks like she roped her dumb ass brother into lying for her and he got 10 months but she was the one what did the crime!
Politicians just looking after themselves and the BBC hide stories in a Cambridge news page because it doesn’t go with their agenda.
If they were impartial news then why give for example, President Trump 100% negative coverage nearly all the time but then give a pass to Fiona our black MP . Is it because she is black or is it because she is a MP who the BBC like?
Check in more often.
Hey Taffman I do check in here most days because it’s one of the few places where you hear honest discussons, the opposite of the bbbc.
Now that I given up trying to find things that are good on bbc, which lets be honest gets harder by the day. it’s has freed up more quality reading time on here.
Maybe one day the BBC will be the impartial service it once used to be but until then cancel TV licence and watch better things.
The bbbc has despised brexit from the start and trump and if they were the BBC of old it would have been championing Great Britain’s opportunities by breaking free of EU instead of talking down this country of ours and get off trumps case too. It’s obvious now that they are in cahoots with CNN and the other lefties over there.
It could be because the BBC is not surprised about any Black MP going to jail, so its not much of a news story. Same as the annual hundred plus Black on Black murders in Londonistan. Its only when a news story is very very rare that it is worth reporting on the BBC, such as a white person murdering a black person in Londonistan, which obviously last happened 25 years ago. That’s also why hundreds of Black mothers haven’t been given Damehoods. All because the last child of a Black mother killed by a white person, was 25 years ago.
Meanwhile the latest news not on the BBC says that the majority of boys in young offender institutions are from the minorities. As Maxincony showed me a few days ago. The Authorities could manipulate the figures by liberally including lots of innocent whites on the suspect lists. While leaving off blacks from the suspect list until just before charging them with murder, so as to protect the Police from the serious problem they would face if a Black suspect is found to be innocent, and therefore become a big story on the BBC. Therefore that would explain the discrepancy between Maxinconys Murder SUSPECT percentages and why I remember the fact that Blacks are seven times more likely to be found guilty of murder than whites. A fact that was revealed when some people thought that Midsomer Murders should reflect the real Britain of today.
‘Is it because she is black or is it because she is a MP who the BBC like?’
Is this right?
Her brother told a lie and got 10 months.
She committed the crime and told the same lie and got 3 months.
She is appealing so that she can still get her pay .cant be recalled to her constituency until after ….
Maybe the court of appeal will have a sense of humour and give her an increased sentence of 12 months one day … not an MP any more .
Really does show the absence of honour or respect lurking in the house of expenses now …coloured or not ….
Her QC might have a quiet word and say there is a real chance of getting more than the 10 months her brother – Leroy – got …. but there again barristers love cash ….
A new flag for Pro-EU anti-Semites and those who want nationalisation and socialism, in the Labour Party, National Socialists in the SNP and Plaid Cymru, Liberal Fascists and right-wing remainers in the Tory party.
Ideal for the ReichEU….
@Fed, I’ll disagree I think it’s disrespectful to holocaust victims, if you joke around with swastika.
It’s the same devaluing you get when the ibmob do their false equivalence of saying that non-lefties are “fascists”
The EU maybe corrupt and totalitarian in aspects, but it doesn’t wilfully murder people directly.
(It does block GM golden rice and incite migrant drownings)
The prime intention of the Nazis was to dis-empower, control and absorb countries, thereby enriching Germany at the expense of others.
As said a zillion times – Germany lost the War but won the peace. What they failed to do militarily they have achieved through economics.
Who runs Europe? Maybe a German eagle in the centre of the EU flag would be technically more accurate.
Surely then the Hammer and Sickle of Communism is three times as disrespectful as they killed three times as many people?
Stew ,
As far as I am concerned the EU is a German device to build power again and sooner or later it will have to be put back in its box again . It did it in 1939 and 1914.
Britain paid the price to comment on the swastica . Jews were not the only victims of the nazis – 6 million in the camps maybe but probably as many non Jews scooped up to make room for the German empire .
I think that flag suits the ReichEU very well as it develops into a German superstate .im sure next time the Russians won’t be so merciful …
FE2 – twenty years ago – thirty something lefty, OaknAsh would have called you paranoid. Now I think you are spot one. It is almost as if they cant help themselves.
This flag belongs to one Anna Soubry…
Only one day left in January.
Time for me to announce my choice for traitor of the month.
Excluded from consideration :-
Anyone from The Liberal Democrats, they have been batting for the other side, no not that batting for the other side, the important batting for the other side, since their formation.
Anyone from the Labour Party, they have been batting against the UK since 1930 ish.
The winner is, in inverse order, Graham Brady.
For his astute arithmetical acrobatics in letter counting.
His organisation of a no confidence vote in fifteen minutes.
His anti Brexit motion, no not peristalsis although some polishing is indicated, in the House of Traitors yesterday.
As far as I can tell, last night’s vote means that the Government will negotiate to remove the ability of the EU to indefinitely prolong the withdrawal agreement. But even if this is dropped or fudged the majority Remainer Parliament can, of course, prolong it themselves and almost certainly would do judging by the shenanigans going on. So we would still pay £39 Billion for the privilege of a continuing massive trade deficit, come under the ECJ, have to follow EU regulations in which we would have no say, give up fishing rights, be prevented from agreeing trade deals with the rest of the world and generally be a vassal state. Then, of course, it would be said that this is intolerable – we may as well re-join the EU (less the rebate, plus the Euro, European Army, common tax, open borders etc.). The Plan proceeds apace!
‘Backstop’? A red herring. The principal advertising puff to conceal the numerous other Crown Jewel ‘Give-aways’ to the EU as part of the so-called, ‘Divorce Settlement’. All MP’s are guilty of this ‘smoke and mirrors’ con including the J. R-Mogg gang of miscreants.
G, agree. Plus the ‘Trade’ negotiations are yet to be had and will provide fertile ground for the fifth column filth amongst our so called parliamentarians and traitorous MSM to continue the guerrilla undermining of any issue going the UK’s way. This is the reason why I believe the EU will not agree the ‘backstop’ adjustment. Why should they when our own people and MSM are doing such an insidious hatchet job from within?
Yep, the ‘plan’ is coming along nicely with the BBC and MSM doing their part in promoting anyone who disagrees with this plan as being bigots and racists.
UKIP, BNP, Britain First etc better start getting their act together because they are the only people I’ll be voting for when the next election comes round because I’ll never vote Tory again.
This country has become a joke. Once a proud and wonderful place and now just a shadow of it’s former self and nothing but a snivelling, virtue signalling cuck ready to lick the boots of our EU masters.
90% of that cesspit called the HoP need to be hung, drawn and quartered for their treachery. My passion for UK politics has evaporated because what is the point? I clearly no longer have investment or involvement.
It’s just a bunch of empty, bland vanilla fools dropping left wing appeasing soundbites without the merest hint of national pride or courage or backbone.
Just give everything to everyone apart from anyone with a hint of personal or national responsibility. Those people, the tax paying backbone of this country, can all seemingly go to hell because the wretched fools in the HoP clearly don’t think we matter anymore.
They might as well burn that place to the ground or convert it into a hotel because it really is full of nothing but self serving, self absorbed disgusting examples of hubris and arrogance who call themselves servants of the public but are nothing more than grubby little animals feeding at the trough of personal advancement.
If you have some spare time.
The currently top rated comment is :-
“So, Mr Clegg, what first attracted you to the billionaire Mark Zuckerberg?”
Toady watch
I won’t bother listening but I’ll guess the bbc story about a new Battle of Britain museum at Biggin Hill will feature the hundreds of Muslim and black spitfire pilots who took on thousands of white bomber pilots and won – enabling brexit to be stopped .
The story will be delivered by a former Wimmins footballer who is 18 a gay Muslim refugee and is just starting to learn English …
Apparently The Moral Maze – chaired by a hard lefty called o Connell – cover the morality of the voting pattern of MPs
If the swamp ever gets emptied new rules have to be put in place where people stand for office on a party manifesto and then flout it – soubry – Wollaston – Rudd grieve and so many other traitors feature highest .
The MSM have not held them to account so the people must . I won’t bother with that programme like so much bbc nonsense .
Paddy Connell turned his OK Sunday sho inot an anti-Brexit anti-Trump unkistenenable hatefest
tonight’s guests 3 lefties vs Mel P
Giles Faser, Melanie Philips, Mona Siddiqui and Anne McElvoy.
3 remainers – I semi brexiter – plus a beeboid – par for the course . Not worth 45 minutes ar we know the outcome already .
Ah ..Giles Fraser…Man of God..yeah..ok..Giles Frenzy is more apt..jumping up and down in faux ‘outrage’ …once keeper of St Pauls…until his Momentum rabble pissed and shit in the Cathedral…then he was ‘re-assigned’…the ‘man’ is a complete left-wing tool..as they all are….recall the harridan Claire Fox ?…one time panellist…of the ‘ Institute of Ideas ‘…about 15 years or so ago, said in response to the debate on mass immigration, that she would , ‘ Open the gates..let them all in..”….charming…and utterly…utterly clueless…silly bitch.
Fed, did you hear the paid spokesperson for paid wimmins paid Rugby on Rob Sport’s 8.30am piece? Not a good ‘advert’ for paid or unpaid wimmins Rugby. Maybe they will become a little more professional as the years and decades roll by.
I won’t bother listening either, but it’s fair to say that Biggin Hill does quite a lot of business with the Arab states, and the new hangars there for their private jets are cleaner than your average clean room in a cleaners!
I didn’t know (until I was doing some development work there), that lots of slebs just swan in almost unannounced as well, but they still have problems with the air shows because of elfunsaftee!
I think you’re nearer the mark regarding the ‘presentation’ though, Fed, it will have to be ‘balanced’ and fair to all those minorities who took bombers over Merkel-land, and not a ‘Chalky’ or ‘Snowy’ among them!
I watched the item about the Biggin Hill museum on the BBC lunchtime news. It was fine until the very end, when the presenter droid “posed the question” of whether we should really have a museum about the RAF, given the “controversy” about what it did in the war, and the recent attacks on the Bomber Command memorial.
Just when you thought the BBC could not fall any further, they still manage to surprise you. What an evil shower of shit they are.
Sorry you had to witness that Rob . Bomber Command has always been demonised by the State for carry out its orders at enormous cost – like the Americans –
The way Blighty is going – it wasn’t worth it and Europe should have been left to get on with its civil war whilst we worked with the Americans to get The Bomb . More effort might have got it a good few months earlier and had the option to use it on Berlin …then Japan – still can’t understand why they didn’t drop it on the Emporer ….
Toady watch 2
Tourette’s Robinson has a normal go at The brexit sec who gets fed up with interruptions by just finishing his sentences whether Turrettes is interupting or not
I’m sure Turrettes got bullied at school and has deep problems which he exposes daily to we poor punters who wish to be informed .
After tomorrow, we can truthfully say that we’ll be leaving the EU next month 😉
The farcical farce in the House of Expenses is quite simply a farce of enormous and pillared proportions.
I think the spectacle to certain MPs going against the wishes of the voters yesterday will spell the end of the Soros “another vote” “ remove A50 nonsense and just push Project Fear onward .
Oil supplies and petrol will run out . Power cuts – no Netflix’s or football as all the foreign players get sent home.wheels will no longer turn . there will be no Summer this year . 2020 will be cancelled completely .
Democracy has to be protected from the voters.
Haha that’s excellent. “Young people have literally had there futures stolen. Young people will not be able to live in the future..”
I know this is a parody but the resemblance to the bbc is uncanny!
The messages on the banner scrolling the screen were quite good too.
Isn’t this the Sunday morning Londonistan bbc ‘news’
Dystopian;….Young people, or some, have no future anyway thanks to the useless leftist teaching crowd…..
Scripted by Lord Bercow.
Sorry Dover but it’s clear that we won’t be leaving the EU next month.
The HoP won’t allow a No Deal exit, the EU aren’t going to budge and Appeaser has nothing else to offer. Hence we’ll cobble together a remain/extension plan and we’ll never leave.
I might previously admired your optimism but now it’s bordering on idiocy to assume that we will be leaving.
The HoP have no power to prevent a ‘No Deal’. The Deal will be rejected by the EU.
I’m sorry fella but you seem to believe in the foolish notion that the HoP are going to play fair.
What possible reason do you have to believe that we will be able to leave without a deal?
If it’s because they passed a ruling two years ago saying that we would, do you not think they can just bang out another one extending article 50?
I’ll be the first to admit you were right and I was wrong if it happens but I think you are tragically naive and are in for a bucket of ice water wake up call.
Me either.
Were everyone as wise as he who is paid a lot to pontificate.
Wonder when that slug last used a bus ?
I think John Simpson got on a bus when he was liberating Kabul .
Though he jumped off the bus just as it was coming over the hill – in order to pick up all those laughing kids with a close-up shot of him holding their hands as they all walked down the hill together – as if it was himself who had influenced victory. I shall never forget his voice. True BBC style. Nothing changed.
Maybe they got their view of the world from the BBC, ‘Strictly Come Baking’, ‘Junk Under the Hammer’, ‘He said, She said’, ‘US this, US that’. Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia 24/7.
Guest, John Simpson and the rest of the BBC have their own little collision today, not with buses fortunately, but with realpolitik.
Certainly they should be encouraged to ramp up how much smarter they are than people who vote, when there is a ballot.
Guest, trouble is they are all old and don’t necessarily have Yooni degrees and so will not be able to vote Remain in another ‘in-their-dreams-Referendum’ on the EU.
Says one who knows nothing of the world outside the London bubble.
”Waiter… more popcorn….”
Isn’t not loving something now a hate crime?
Actually, not loving some things eg: EU, LGBQTIs, Islam, immigrants, Lefties, Globalists, Climate Change zealots, Snowflakes, Vegans is a hate crime. Not hating, Trump, Brexit, the English and our history is also a hate crime.
Is it true that on March 30 gravity will be reversed and everybody will shoot up into the sky?
EG, I’m expecting to have a disturbed night before with lots of fireworks, car horns and ‘loud’ people returning from celebrations in the pub. The dog and the cat are ALREADY hiding in the cupboard under the stairs with their paws in their ears.
Or maybe they are just checking to see if there are tins of their food stockpiled in case of a No-Deal Brexit?
Oh-oh! I can hear sounds of counting …..
Where has the tin opener gone … ?
No I turned off as I couldn’t take any more of “Tourette’s” . He must be broadcasting to his friends because anyone else would just say ‘who is this huffed up mouth ?’
Emmanuel Goldstein – I have been doing my own calculations. (I don’t use e=mc² because that is a sexist equation that privileges the speed of light over other speeds. I use my own formulae.)
Certainly if you use the formula Article 50 plus the Withdrawal Agreement divided by the backstop times the divorce bill, you will get the answer No deal and WTO rules. In other words, Brexit and the reversal of gravity.
However, all is not lost. The formula Customs Union plus Single Market plus ECJ divided by a Second Referendum and the Free Movement of People gives a much better result: Remain.
See, we are not doomed after all.
Oh yes everything will be up in the air.
Media today. Who to believe?
Analysis required.
Bottomline : no need to rush to judgement, until all the facts are in.
All types of people are attacked everyday and it’s sad, but I don’t have to be outraged when I have only half the facts ..time will tell.
Blog of disbeliever
It does strike me as strange that so soon after the covington maga hat debacle, something else maga hat turns up to distract from that fake news tsunami
[He was hit in the face, had an “unknown chemical substance” poured on him and a rope was wrapped around his neck.]
However he still refused to support a “people’s vote”!
Whilst the MPs were feeling very self important last night achieving nothing at one of their ‘big occasions ‘ the body count in Londonistan was one 18 year old stabbed to death – 3 arrests , separately one serious – and that’s the ones the local rag mentioned .
Well on course to exceed to 135 dead from last year .
Puts the old Jussie ‘attack’ into perspective, doesn’t it?
Today’s #OutrageBus : The Grand Tour joked about a car being a gay car
\\ that Jeep Wranglers are for gay men, showed it with a pink roof and played ‘It’s Raining Men,’ and joked that Jeremy Clarkson needs assless chaps and a pink shirt to drive it. Amazon declined to comment. //
.. The editor of Pink News said it is offensive and stereotyping to say that gay people wear the colour pink.
A spokesman for Clarkson said there is no need to feel offended,
it’s just the way you take it .
Julian Clary and Alan Carr have said they find sterotyping of gay people very offensive.
Suppose they could have been being deliberately politically incorrect to be ironic
TOADY Musings #1 (in place of TOADY Watch)
Is it just me or do others on here think that Nick Robinson inadvertently outed himself as a Brexiteer this morning? His faux insistent questioning of Stephen Barclay, the present Brexit Minister, was hilarious. It was so obviously overdone, so laughable, that it was only possible that Nick was covering for something.
So (as the experts say) two possible Brexiteers in the BBC and both working on the TOADY Programme. [The Humph ‘did a Naughtie’ last week. 😉 ] No wonder, then, that Laura Part-time and Katya sounded very down.
He has his own padded cell.
Do we know yet which traitorous Tory MPs voted against a WTO Brexit? Could guess but I prefer a comprehensive list.
Do you think the way the voting went last night means we have one of two possible outcomes.
They keep saying the eu leaves everything until the last moment.
Our lot will have to wait until then to hear if the eu give in.
If the eu don’t give in we have no time to do anything but leave on wto.
At worst, the backstop will be removed, we leave and then we can work on leaving the rest of the parts of the eu.
Either way, we leave.
Preferably wto but it seems the possibility of cancelling Brexit has receded.
Of course, our duplicitous ‘honourables’ May well find other ways to stop the democratic vote to leave but at this moment it feels like we are becoming a bit more Brexity and all the time…..tick tick.
EG, cannot see that in interest of EU to give way as they have ‘friendlies’ embedded within the UK Parliament who have confirmed that they will cancel Brexit by whatever means it takes. I had visions months ago of us needing to physically take back our democracy and nothing that has happened since has convinced me otherwise.
We are a divided nation, not because a majority used their lawful vote to regain sovereignty, but because of the large minority who refuse to accept a democratic result that they did not win, did not want and believe it is their right to overturn. Whilst this mob of sneering condescending halfwits continue to insult and denigrate those who are trying to uphold a semblance of democratic governance, there will not be peace in this land and I forsee that these divisions will not only remain, but grow further as resentments set in.
I think you are being way too optimistic Emmanuel Goldstein.
With the never ending talk of No Deal Brexit, the PM will cobble a last minute stay of execution that will last an age and mean that although we ‘technically’ leave we won’t actually leave and hence still be governed by their rules and demands for money etc.
Brexit is over. The Establishment, the Media and the Govt have stitched us up good and proper. All they deserve now is our scornful contempt.
Payne, assume you are replying to EG as optimism has not been an integral feature of my posts for some time.
Full WTO Brexit is the only way forward for our country as the EU were never going to allow a successful competitor to thrive adjacent to their borders.
That this will never be allowed by the same one nation globalists that reside here as reside across much of the continent means that we will default to the only mechanism available to us that would truly honour the vote of the British people…………
Yes bud, I was responding to EG.
Payne, I really want to disagree with you and feel that a no deal Brexit (the one that was democratically voted for) will be the outcome in 8 weeks or so. However I also think you are spot on. We will have some form of crappy half hearted deal go through, which will be worse than remaining or…surprise surprise…it all blows up and we remain. Whichever way, the next general election will be interesting as key politicians are wiped out. It’s been an extremely sad period in our democracy. One I fear we will never recover from.
I wish it were different and totally agree with your summation about it being an extremely sad time for our democracy.
It’s hollowing out all that was great and good about this country and replacing it with globalist narrative and media manipulation.
The public are an irrelevance apart from their important tax contributions. Virtue, compliance and appeasement is all that we can expect from our yellow bellied, green obsessed ‘leaders’.
Technically we didn’t vote for a no-deal. But we also didn’t vote for a deal. All we voted for was to leave the EU and all its institutions. Any deal which suits our country would be a bonus but not a pre-requisite to leaving.
The only potential fly in the ointment is the Northern Irish border and the Good Friday “agreement”. But if the British Government says they will not impose a hard border and the DUP say they will not impose one, then the implementation of a hard border will be due to the Irish Republic Government and their colonial masters, the EU. They would be the only ones to be blamed if one is instituted,
Daily Mail wacky headline : THERESA’S TRIUMPH
Daily Express is similar “@theresa_may has done it! Now it’s up to the EU”
TOADY Musing #2
More Project Fear, no. something or other, v. after the one before today: hospitals will be short of supplies after a No-Deal Brexit and non-essential operations may have to be cancelled. R*.
More Project Fear, no. something or other, v. after the one above: firms are speeding up No-deal plans (C. Fairbairn, CBI, Remainer & Bar) also R*.
Leaving the EU without a deal may well provide an inadvertent re-balancing to the British economy if there are really shortages of goods and supplies. Maybe we will quickly and increasingly find ways of manufacturing things in the UK together with ‘make-do and mend’. There could be some massive employment and environmental benefits to be had with a No-Deal Brexit.
Not mentioned by the TOADY Programme or anywhere on BBC Radio.
I wonder why?
R* = Repeats = in the good old BBC tradition.
Coming soon, millions more people who hate us, thank you EU.
Not on the BBC.
Searched the BBC, EU is heaven on earth.
One comment
It is indeed,a few more St Jo’s required.
I present If I may some information from many of the papers and such like that I have studied over several years- the following is from 2104 clearly more predictable than could have been imagined then.
‘Soon, there won’t be a Europe to be part of
It’s not a question of in or out, but of whether Britain can avoid the flames of destruction
Forget the arrest warrant row, free movement of labour, budget surcharges and all the other invasions that come with membership of the European Union. There is a much bigger menace hovering above what my colleague Peter Osborne has called the “dreary parochialism” of the British debate on Europe than erosion of national sovereignty.
Set against Europe’s abject failure to solve its economic problems – now fast transmogrifying into a degree of political instability not seen since the Second World War – Britain’s obsession with the relative merits of being in or out seems not just parochial, but almost wholly irrelevant.
Economically and politically, Europe is sinking fast, and it seems powerless to save itself. Our island nation cannot indefinitely escape these destructive dynamics. At this week’s CBI annual conference, there was much talk of the damage that uncertainty over British membership of the EU was doing to business confidence.
Indeed, the way things are going, there soon won’t be a Europe to be part of. The greater threat to our future is not loss of European markets and investment, but a continent paralysed by political crisis and economically crippled by malfunctioning monetary union. Europe pretends to be a single nation, but is incapable of acting like one.
That this tragedy is in part caused by the enforced march to federalism is beside the point. Whatever the reasons, Europe is burning up again, and, historically, it’s always been impossible for Britain to escape Europe’s flames.
The global economy could not prosper by relying on the United States to be the importer of first and last resort, nor could it count on the US growing fast enough to make up for weak growth elsewhere. Britain finds itself in the same boat. In order to compensate for economic failure in Europe, the UK is forced to pursue reflationary policies that in the long term it can ill afford. What is already one of Europe’s most unbalanced economies is being compelled by Europe’s tragic series of wrong turns into becoming even more dependent on pumped up domestic demandThe European Union is failing. Whether we are in or out scarcely seems to matter anymore. In imagining it does, many of our leading businesses and politicians are woefully behind the curve. Something will eventually emerge from the wreckage. But whatever it is, it won’t be the status quo.
Pertinent in many ways as of now don’t you think
Well said and funny how the media avoids this truth.
Is anyone here able to remember the sixties slogan ‘I’m Backing Britain’?
There were Union Flags everywhere, and I think it all kicked off with a famous group of ladies, putting in free overtime, to get the country back on its feet after the usual failure of socialism.
(I may have mixed up the timing of a few facts here, but if the BBC is going to sneer at MAGA sentiments, they’d have a tough time trying to point their grubby fingers at another pro-Britain campaign!)
@Scroblene note this contradiction of Green Party libmob behaviour
Last year :”Buy local, buy local .. cut food miles, look at me, look at me, I buy local”
This Year : “OMG, OMG, Britain will fall apart cos, hard Brexit would mean we can’t import EU food”
Ha ha ha, Stewgreen – typical of the greens to piddle around squeaking at things they don’t understand!
Employees of the Colston company, who manufactured dishwashers, I believe.
Thank you Old Goat – I remember now!
If I recall the “ I’m backing Britain “ thing was deemed illegal by the ECJ because it unfairly discriminated against other EC countries
We had a picture in our office, of the Union Flag with ‘I’m backing Arkle’ written underneath, Fed!
I suppose nowadays the bbbc would say that’s discriminating against dumb animals…
Yup, Bruce did the song. That was then but now our leftist, Globalist media runs, ‘I’m Slagging Britain’.
Remember the chap who had a shop selling only UK made stuff – he was accused of racism, nationalism, fascism and whatever ?
Oh Gawd, that’s a long distant memory too, Gax!
I don’t like yams, cajun stuff etc, but I don’t discriminate against them, just never buy the stuff!
Perfectly put. !!!
“We must now push to end all *public service” broadcasting in Britain – the foul BBC & Channel Four both. Their poisonous BREXIT news coverage is naked propaganda for the tax-funded intelligentsia and political establishment. To them, we exist simply to be taxed and bossed about.”
If Europe didn’t exist, could we survive?
My slightly rhetorical question…
But it shows that we don’t need Europe. Or the BBC.
Let’s face it – the institution was set up to stop the krauts getting enough coal and steel to start building paneers again – am admission in itself that Germany has a propensity to take over other people’s countries .
At the moment it is using economics to do it but won’t take much for a German President of a ReichEU superstate from directing the EU army to ‘defend itself ‘…. – like it did as the lie to invade Poland and kick the last one off …goes around comes around
Let’s not get too sidetracked by Brexit. The biggest issue which threatens this country and those of the developed world is mass migration of third worlders. In the EU there is a significant and growing political opposition to this , whether it succeeds in halting and reversing the flow of migrants is in the balance because the elite Globalist power brokers believe migration is essential to their long term hold on power. But at least inside the EU there is a struggle to save our continent and its culture. In the UK there is no organised political opposition to mass migration.
Not on the bBC……….Portugal to install ” British only” special passport channels to avoid any delays……….post Brexit……..here’s hoping our PM opens her conversation with the EU with a request that we are hoping the rest of the 27 will follow suit urgently.
PS Are we missing a trick to demand the EU come to London from now on………the permanent away fixture portrays the appearance of the willing supplicant?
It is odd though? So many from EU Euro economies, Spain, Portugal, Italy etc., see their future in the UK ?
‘Not on the bBC……….Portugal to install ” British only” special passport channels to avoid any delays……….post Brexit’.
May or may not be true, but if true, then how come Mr Costa (premier) continues to block Mays ‘addition’ along with the other 27? Like most EU officials, used to playing both ends against the middle – always have done, always will.
No fan of Mays deal btw, just saying.
Fifty artists have signed a letter urging the BBC to seek an alternative venue for the Eurovision Song Competition.
Basically, zee Joos are violating human rights and zey must be boycotted.
The annual contest is due to be held in Tel Aviv in May, following Israeli singer Netta’s victory in 2018.
The winning country usually hosts the following year’s competition.
However, the group of cultural figures, which also includes Mike Leigh, Maxine Peake and Miriam Margolyes, said the event’s “claim to celebrate diversity and inclusion must ring hollow” in light of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.
Meanwhile in other news sources it is reported that Israeli scientists are on the brink of discovering a cure for cancer. If so, I assume that objectors to an Israeli Eurovision Song Contest will be consistent and if stricken by cancer will resist medication manufactured by ze Joos.
TOADY Musings #3 plus Newspaper Watch #1
The BBC, on Radio 4, have recently been ‘attacking’ (ie mentioning unfavourably) the European Research Group in Parliament at every possible opportunity, especially describing them as ‘splitting the Party’.
Some of the print media appears to have a different view of the Conservative Party compared to the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-47051016
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: EU ‘united’ on deal as Theresa May asks for talks””
“”Mr Barnier said the EU stood by the existing withdrawal agreement.”” (Not yesterday’s agreement in Parliament).
“The EU institutions remain united and we stand by the agreement we have negotiated with the UK,” he said.
“”Carolyn Fairbairn, head of the CBI, said: “I don’t think there will be a single business this morning who is stopping or halting their no-deal planning as a result of what happened yesterday.””
Must be tough for the head of the CBI (Carolyn Fairbairn) to admit that. She’s a former BBC Director and a staunch Remainer.
Stand by to cast off!!
“Mr Barnier said the EU stood by the existing withdrawal agreement”
its not an agreement till everyone agrees
till then its surely a draft withdrawal document
Well at least when the toilet rolls run out Theresa will have something to wipe her backside on.
“‘Killed by injustice’: The hanging of a British Somali”
No, it’s not the constant murder & brutality of Somalia, but a piece of BBC identity politics about us evil racist British killing a ‘British Somali’ for something he didn’t do.
(slightly less conveniently, the blame for this conviction seems to lie with a Jamaican man, who identified a different Somali man, Taher Glass, who it seems DID commit the crime, and who himself tried to murder his own daughter, so it’s not all exactly ‘happy immigrants’)
Anyway, his wife got £1.4 million compensation so that’s the main thing.
Obviously not one moment of attention is paid to the murdered woman, and there’s literally no reason for this to be in ‘News’, because it’s not – the compensation, exoneration, etc. was done 20 years ago: the only purpose for this article is to afford some (British? Somali? British Somali?) woman the opportunity to complain about how evil & racist Britain is, or was, in 1952
Vine just played a Brexit audio collage to introduce his item
– A long part of it was the “Soubry is a Nazi” incident , as if that characterises the last 2 years.
Not the BBC (AFIKY), but how this gets ‘analysed’ by the media will be interesting.
I’ll say it again. People keep reposting that Lisbon Treaty list all over the internet
but without any provenance it looks like FakeNews.
Here’s remainers take on it
Looks like the BBC have a genda at play.
Ghest Who
Two attractive and possibly well educated women.
I wonder how much would the Nigerian one’s Bride Price cost? Quite a lot, I think.
@AWOL spoke of Dennis MacShane claiming the BBC had slipped up by saying Fiona Onasanya is the first MP to be jailed for 30 years.
I think the point is “first sitting MP”
MacShane, and Huhne and rest were already out of office
(actually On 5 February 2013 Huhne resigned as an MP following his plea of guilty to perverting the course of justice, so jumped before jailed)
A fact check reveals this extraordinary background
yep that is the kind of person the NUJ pick !
The BBC has a fixation at some woman being the first to do something but strangely they didn’t go big on a black female labour MP being the first one to get locked up . Bet the visiting record for her will be interesting . ..
Will be interested if there is a bi election and the Tories get to claim that seat back
Interesting, StewGreen.
So I guess the BBC was correct after all about the first MP to be jailed…etc.
Having falsely accused them of fake news and incompetence in this matter, I guess I should apologise.
My apology will be limited to three lines of text, will not reveal the details of my offence and will be posted at the end of an open thread in July 2020, two weeks after the thread appears on this site.
Grooming Gangs in Finland?
Any connection to islam anybody?
Yep, Finland is the latest country to experience the joys of muslim diversity.
“In December 2018, Oulu police reported the arrest of seven men accused of repeatedly raping a ten-year-old girl. The police say the girl has allegedly been subjected to multiple sexual assaults over several months in the suspects’ homes.
The men, aged 20 to 40, all arrived in Finland as migrants or refugees in recent years (32,000 sought asylum here during the migrant wave in 2015).”
Welcome to the Caliphate, Finns.
Check out the HYS top rated …..great stuff. The Remoaners have definately had the wind knocked out of their sails these past few days. I think its slowly dawning on these liberal left PC snowflakes that they cannot get everything to go their own way anymore …even with the constant help from the truly diabolically bias BBC and all the crap they spout.
Fiona Onasanya – why 3 months for her and 10 months for brother ?
.. There wasn’t only one speeding event, thicko plod took time, to work out that when her brother got speeding tickets he habitually filled in the forms with a false name and false number.. So when thinking about her ticket, plod thought “hey it’s the same surname/address.. what if it’s the same pattern ?”
#2 The brother then pleaded guilty and thus gave no evidence and Onasanya didn’t call him as a witness.
So the judge judged that the brother was the instigator of the Perverting the Cause of Justice and that Onasanya just played along.
Vine brought on Linda Bellos who argued she’s been treated differently cos of her colour
and that if she were white she would have got a longer sentence.
… Oh sorry I got that wrong, she said she got a LONGER sentence cos she is black ..and Vine helpfully added yes he noticed when Jamelia said the vote should be removed from over 75-s, there was a pile on ..and that wouldn’t have happened if she’d been white
Typical BBC to turn an issue to something it isn’t
Thus black MP severely breaking the law, becomes to be about the oppression of black people by whites.
next caller said the jailing of her for a minor matter like speeding is an “absolute travesty”
same offence same job
8 months
You beat me to it, Stew. I was in the car when this ridiculous race hustler was shoe horned into the cheating MP case. It’s so absolutely typical of the BBC to try to create a race problem where none exists.
She’s lied, she’s broken the law, she’s in nick and she’s still screwing £75,000 plus a year out of us. That’s why folk are pissed off. Nothing to do with her race, religion or gender.
Linda Bellos has been a race hustler for decades. How on God’s earth the Beeb thought she’d offer any opinion other than “it’s racist!” to the debate, I don’t know. It’s what she perceives in everything!
While we’re on the subject of cheating MP’s Chris Huhne got 8 months for a very similar offence.
How’s that for racism?
The BBC is warming against drivers taking unnecessary journey in the current end of times cold .
I was just thinking of making an unnecessary journey to go out and sit in the Friday evening London traffic but I’ve been told not to.
Remainers are suggesting the weather will stop when we leave the ReichEU leaving hundreds of weather forecaster unemployed – including that gormless Scottish girl who does the breakfast weather for 4 year olds ….