If the first ‘sitting ‘ MP in 30 years gets sent to prison one might have thought an objective news organisation might have fully reported it . But as we know the Far Left BBC is anything but objective and the Lady MP isn’t the subject of much criticism by the MSM.
As an aside – she is making the traditional ‘appeal’ noises but might realise that to get 3 months for that sort of crime is more than soft – particularly since she is a ‘lawyer’. The BBC relegated story to a Cambridgeshire story – an insult to reporting the News .
The BBC. First with the news you need to know.
Funny state of affairs though. In the War Germany received anti German words via the bbc – Germany was the enemy.
Now as Brexit supporters, the majority UK voters, we find ourselves in a similar position, again via the bbc – we are the enemy. Astounding.
One bit of possibly good news the bbc reports, ‘The steam has gone out of the placard waving, bell ringing remainers.’
am I actually supposed to take a bunch of steroid pumped bad actors seriously
ffs bbc
Another BBC piece indistinguishable from parody
Corbyn, McDonnell and Flabbott refuse to condemn Venezuela’s murderous Socialist dictator Maduro, and instead condemn Trump’s intervention.
Presumably he should just stand back and do nothing while the population dies of hunger.
Not much outrage on the beeb.
“Texas town’s environmental narcissism makes Al Gore happy while sticking its citizens with the bill
Political leaders in a college town in central Texas won wide praise from former Vice President Al Gore and the larger Green Movement when they decided to go “100 percent renewable” seven years ago. Now, however, they are on the defensive over electricity costs that have their residents paying more than $1,000 per household in higher electricity charges over the last four years.
That’s right – $1,219 per household in higher electricity costs for the 71,000 residents of Georgetown, Texas, all thanks to the decision of its Republican mayor, Dale Ross, to launch a bold plan to shift the city’s municipal utility to 100 percent renewable power in 2012.”
Couldn’t help but notice this story about some bloke on Antiques Roadshow with a signed baseball was oddly high up on the home page recently.
So whose signature from the 1952 Dodgers do you think elevates this item in the eyes of the beeb from everyday sports memorabilia to “American cultural history”, complete with accompanying bio?
A) Three-time Golden Glove winner Gil Hodges
B) Hall of Famer Duke Snider
C) Ten-time All Star ‘Pee Wee’ Reese
D) Black Jackie Robinson, the first black baseball player to play professionally and who “faced incredible discrimination” on account of his blackness
Answers on a postcard
Yes I mentioned live when I watched the item, that the item seemed to fit BBC agenda.
I really like this comment from
1. Posted by Rational
4 hours ago
Please stop trying to refer to the backstop as ‘an insurance policy’.
It is a completely unnecessary fabricated political mechanism to maintain a hold over the UK, intended to either force the break up the UK or have us re-join in a few years time.
A reminder for the BBC, your slogan is to ‘Inform, Educate and Entertain’ not ‘Manipulate, Misrepresent and Deceive’.
1387 up votes, 608 down.
I thought the BBC meant that the backstop was the EU’s insurance policy against us ever leaving the Customs Union, ECJ, etc, because on March 29th we’d have to leave Northern Ireland behind as a hostage, even after we’d paid the ransom demand of £39billion.
\\Cities are all but shutting down across the US Midwest as the region shivers through a record-breaking and deadly cold snap known as a “polar vortex”.//
More Global Warming anyone ?
And the Beeb can’t even report on a U.S. weather story without injecting some criticism of the President into it. The Donald made one of his infamous tweets injecting some humour into a bad situation – “What the hell is going on with Global Warming? Please come back fast, we need you!” – and all they can do is criticise him for it. The left doesn’t do humour.
edit: looked up how my MP voted last night on the various amendments, only to find that she didn’t vote in any of them. I wonder if her being sat in jail had something to do with that!? Yep, Fiona Onasanya is my MP – and what a disgrace she is.
The bbc constantly reminds one of nasty, snarky, school girls.
Vacuous, group-minded, arrogant, bullying.
Have you still got a Development Corporation, Cooper?
There were some great guys working there in the eighties, and did a pretty good job too!
What a pity that your town has been let down so badly!
They wound that up thirty years ago. Their offices are now home to the Eco Innovation Centre – tells you all you need to know!
I’m sorry to see this, Cooper.
Touthill Court was synonymous with a small group intent on making the place great!
Taffman – start of the new Ice Age . They’ll be paying us to burn fossil fuels to warm up the planet..
Someone needs to post up links to unbiased newspapers and broadcasters in Europe so we can have true news from the continent .
I am sure that we are not getting the truth.
You can start with Breitbart London on Twitter
… @Fed I just clipped the Report button with my fat finger..ignore it
“Prepare for further EU poll, say Welsh ministers and Plaid”
Ok, while you are at in Cardiff, how about a poll for the people of Wales to get rid of the Welsh Assembly ?
Its an Assembly that got in by the ‘skin of its teeth’. The Assembly is merely a talking shop and waste of money , Its a White Elephant that does not represent the people of Wales. A Wales that voted out of the EU .
The money could be better spent on the NHS .
What say you Welshmen?
Yeah Taff…
A whole new tier of bloody politicians, who naturally installed themselves down the bay, and all by 50.3% to 49.7%
Just imagine if the euroref was that close eh?
The moaners would demand ten recounts
“A whole new tier of bloody politicians”
That’s 60 AMs along with their retinue of researchers etc etc. Many that have never done a real job of work to better the economy and health of the nation .
Let’s have another referendum on that waste of money.
Cytuno’n llwyr Taff.
Verily one does agree with you totally.
Diolch !
As a fellow Welshman in exile, I would certainly wave goodbye to the Welsh Assembly. I was driving around Tredegar, Cardiff, etc on Saturday avoiding numerous road closures just trying to find a way to the M4. At last I found a sign directing me to the M4 and a place called Llundain. Now I am tolerant of our language but for God’s sake, Llundain. Isn’t there a Welsh word for Londonistan?
Errr….yes GWF..
That IS the word for London, but sadly we dont have one for the …..stan version.
Llundaindu ?
Yes, quite right Taff…..a kind of darker shade of it
Forgive my ignorance, but isn’t the double LL more like a ‘chl’ sound? ( I have a Welsh-speaking friend and he laughs at my attempts at pronunciation).
Anyway I would have thought that a single L would suffice for pronunciation when talking about Mayor Khan’s nightmare metropolis!
Always love you..
You are somewhat close with the pronunciation, but via this typewritten medium am unable to give advice.
Always happy to give advice on our wonderful mother tongue.
But studiously avoid inundating other with my linguistics.
Spent my life until 61 perfctly happy to ignore the lingo.
Once you begin to learn it’s got you and there’s no escape.
I’d just hope that the signs were painted green!
Didn’t Max Boyce sing a song about ‘the signs to Heaven were all in Welsh, and they were painted green’?
Nice one Zelazek!
Wow I live in LLundainistan then ? I never knew ….
Nice snack bars in Llunnon though, Fed!
The bbbc would call it Yaxley Llunnon then to kill two birds with one stone, or knife maybe…
I’ll have to go to Llunnon four more times in the future, for funerals…
I used to love the place, lived there, worked there, drove everywhere, spent a fortune in Champers/Balls Bros/Daveys. Have to say that rural Kent means more nowadays!
And that ugly council building of theirs!
It’s not quite as bad as the Scottish one which cost a mere £400 million!
That was an utter disgrace, Rob!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a profligate waste of taxpayer’s money on such an ill-designed pile of rubbish.
And then we come to the actual building…
Not yet reported by the BBC.
Saint Barry, lying? Surely not.
He’s half black, half muslim, ergo can do no wrong.
Any mistakes were made by his white, non-muslim half.
Half Black, half muslim and half white?
Hah, but he was all saint(!)
I learnt maths at the Flabbott Yooniversity.
Don’t worry, Vlad, I thought his passport said he came from Norway!
Times : A Palestinian connected org named after a place where Palestinians died Deir Yassin, advertises on YouTube by
paying for video adverts that are anti-Zionist and sometimes equate the Israeli government with Nazis.
I suppose you are allowed to any political message you want
but the Times article claims the groups organisers are Holocaust Deniers so the adverts shouldn’t be allowed.
Corbyn used until a few years ago connect with them, and since has distanced himself.
To me the question would be are the actual videos anti-Semitic
I can’t check context cos the Times article blocks comments .
“Brexit: Firms may speed up no-deal plans, says CBI”
Are they getting the message ?
“Brexit: European papers lose patience with UK backstop move”
Selected newspapers ?
Posted earlier about the Portugal dedicated “British passport channel post Brexit to avoid delays.
The source of this was an article in the Independent ( not an organ I am familiar with) up here in SNP Brigadoonland………some Brigadoon, by the way…….SNP…plumbing new depths of Grievance……maybe there,s a new home there for the Frenchman
Dominic Grieve now that he has been diminished.
West Midlands Fire Service replies to claims it practices negative discrimination to restrict number of new white male recruits.
Not really convincing.
Women and men from black, Asian and minority ethnic groups only have to score 60% on verbal and numerical tests – where as white men have to score 70%.
Do you have heart problems? Do you get out of breath easily? Do you use a wheelchair? Are you blind or deaf? If so West Midlands Fire Service would love to hear from you!
We are committed to a having a workforce that reflects the diversity of our communities, and one that is welcoming to all. We are proud of our recruitment and selection processes. We work hard to break down barriers faced by people within our local community who could bring so much to our service and to their community as firefighters.
Caring female firefighters to the rescue (as long as you don’t weigh more than 8st 8lb)
SG & JS, be fair. If they’re called out to a fire in a tower block they’ll need a couple of BMEs on each machine or they won’t be able to communicate with all the “refugees” in the sub-let flats.
I think they sometimes need the BME staff to get the BME mob to stop throwing stones at the fire engine
My flat is two stories up from ground level. If it was burning down could I still ask for a traditional fireman to ‘break down barriers’ and get me out?
I’d fear being accused of a hate crime if all they’ve got are blind, wheezy wimmin in wheelchairs, I’d be better off just launching myself out of the window.
I think you could be onto something . Why not have a choice of firefighter when you ring 999? Male female – halal ? Gay? Great idea .
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Backstop is ‘part and parcel’ of the deal, says Michel Barnier””
“”The EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier says the Irish backstop is “part and parcel” of the UK’s Brexit deal and will not be renegotiated.””
This from the EU’s mouth-piece, the BBC.
What’s the point of May seeking renegotiation?
Leave now.
“part and parcel”
Now where have I heard that before…
No coincidence , they are just rubbing our noses in it
Well, Germany is still smarting from the Armistice, France is still peeved that we had to rescue them – twice and Belgium is just Belgium so really could we have expected anything other?
“What’s the point of May seeking renegotiation?”
I’m happy because any new negotiations will use up time and gets us that bit closer to March 29th.
It’s up to the EU now. Either it decides it needs our money and trade and give May a concession that the MPs can pretend is important enough that they’ll then vote for her withdrawal agreement; or it decides that we must be punished as severly as possible as an example to the other inmates, doesn’t give May anything to sell to MPs and we have a clean break.
Whichever way it decides the BBC will tell us that it’s right and being very, very reasonable.
As said, it never was a negotiation – it was about us acceding to EU demands. Oh and paying loads of cash that we sure could use here.
Yeah another 2 weeks going and more bitterness and hopelessness as remainers see the options going away . No delay of A50 no ‘ vote stay ‘ referendum . No sellout – just the last 4 weeks getting temporary signs made up in French for Their fishermen and guest workers from the EU reminding them that they’ll be treated the same as British in their country … it should be no better and no worse .,. Including health provision …
RJ – “I’m happy because any new negotiations will use up time and gets us that bit closer to March 29th.”
But surely you don’t expect that the MP’s in the HoP will just let that happen?
They’ll pull an extension out of their arse, race it through the system and be greeted with ecstatic headlines that they ‘saved the day’ by protecting the UK from ‘crashing out’.
This optimism that due to the complicated process, the EU not negotiating and MP apathy that we’ll accidentally have a clean exit is pure fantasy.
We are being taken for fools. The EU is making strong noises about not shifting on the Backstop so all the focus will be on that instead of all the other totally unacceptable parts of the Withdrawal Agreement. Then, at the very last moment, the EU will accept a fudge (and, as I have said previously, the majority Remainer Parliament will then prolong the WA themselves). With this focus on the backstop they will have all the rest. We would still pay £39 Billion for the privilege of a continuing massive trade deficit, come under the ECJ, have to follow EU regulations in which we would have no say, give up fishing rights, be prevented from agreeing trade deals with the rest of the world and generally be a vassal state. Then, of course, it would be said that this is intolerable – we may as well re-join the EU (less the rebate, plus the Euro, European Army, common tax, open borders etc.).
Popeye – that’s how I feel (at the moment) about how it will all pan out. Despite the tough talking the EU need our cash to keep the whole awful project going. And most of our politicians are horrified about leaving on any terms and thus willing to concede everything.
So, for now at least I’m expecting an eleventh hour ‘breakthough’ which will mean leave in name only. And a couple of years later we will be sucked back in to full membership, because we keep electing the wrong people ie traitors.
Popeye – That’s exactly what is going to happen. Frankly I’m astonished that anyone could envisage us leaving on a No Deal.
It isn’t going to happen, the Govt and the MP’s with their grubby little fingers in the EU pie won’t let it happen and they’ll all be hailed as Heroes for saving us at the very last minute from the precipice of crashing out.
The media will play their treacherous part and endlessly bang on about one particular unimportant point that will ‘amazingly’ get resolved allowing them to say ‘look we got a concession’ and then hope that everybody doesn’t notice how the rest of the deal is a crock of shit.
Like forcing a partner that is being physically and verbally abused back into a destructive relationship but saying ‘Look, I’ve bought you a new set of pans to cook my dinner for me’.
No one can be surprised at this, ‘gift’ the Government has besowed upon the white indigenous population of the UK. So, I say, ‘Thank You’ to all the PM’s going back to Bliar.
“UK: More than Half under 18s in Jail Nonwhite, Quarter are Muslim”
The sooner I can visit Londonistan to witness the spectacle of a number of people dangling from the neck from lampposts the better.
“It took no time at all for whites to be blamed—as usual—for the nonwhite crime statistics. A report in the Daily Mail quoted black Member of Parliament David Lammy as saying that “We are not only failing to make progress to address these racial inequalities; things are getting significantly worse. From childhood right through to courts and adult prisons, our justice system entrenches and exacerbates the divides in our society.”
How’s this for you Lammy? – turn them all loose to roam but promote a Bill to give the population the right to hold and use firearms.
BBC’ PR for new religious programming
#1 Pilgrimage: The Road to Rome to meet the Pope includes Jew Lesley Joseph, 73, and Muslim Mehreen Baig, 29
Doh, Channel4 already did : celebs do the pilgrimmage walk to Santiago
BTW I actually walked the Via Francigena from Napoli to Rome to Switzerland to Germany and France.
Where they are starting in on the Swiss border a 20Km walk DOWHILL into Italian city of Aosta
#2 the series Earth’s Sacred Wonders,
“It brings the gloss and blue-chip photography values which you might more commonly associate with natural history . . . to look at the world’s major religious sites.”
#3 Too Gay for God? on BBC One will explore homophobia within Christianity,
#4 Welcome to the Bruderhof will visit a Christian community living a minimalist life near Hastings.
#5 Male Circumcision will look at the ethics of the ritual,
#6 Fatwa on Radio 4 will examine how the outcry over Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses affected British Muslims.
#7 Songs of Praise will be filmed in the Middle East for the first time. (bet they mean ‘in safe part of Israel’)
James Purnell, the former * culture secretary and the BBC’s head of radio, education and religion, said blah blah ….
* Yes don’t mention he was a LABOUR cabinet minister
Looking at the Times comments in most liked order
#1 Broadwas
My perfectly balanced and reasoned comment has, of course been deleted as it referred to a similar pilgrimage around various aspects of Islam that we are not allowed by the PC brigade to discuss.
Will there be a similar pilgrimage to Mecca via Rochdale, Borough Market, FGM African countries and forced marriage Pakistan? This one won’t last long either.
#2 This message was deleted.
#3 I wait to be convinced that the Beeb – a bastion of liberal secular smugness can ‘do God’ in a way that reflects the depth and seriousness of real spiritual experience.
#4 Why does everything on the BBC have to involve a ‘celebrity’?
– In the Channel 4 series they got on the bus
A few other commenters, complained their comments were deleted also.
“Brexit: Backstop is ‘part and parcel’ of the deal, says Michel Barnier”
Another HYS slapping – so far …….
Now the are floating the ‘customs union ‘ story again – which means we ain’t leaving . And time for Revolution
Those comments !!!! What a great read. The tide is turning. Lovely jubbly.
The tide turns every day our fishing industry relies on it .
Why did the Met officer fail to distribute the photos that could have prevented later acid killing ?
Relative ? Corrupt ? Drugs ?
Probably the same reason the beeb do all they can to avoid publishing such photos.
Maybe he feared being called a racist. Next time just give the photos to David Lammy and ask his advice.
“Should I protect the people from this monster David or let it go under the guise of racial harmony?”
Asian Aid money not British was used to buy a fleet of luxury cars for the APEC conference in near basket case Papua New Guinea
… all of them appear to have been nicked. after the international delegates went home.
Sounds like a classy mini cab
As this is one of the bBBC favourite topics of propaganda. I have just checked the UK electricity grid. Wind power is supplying 3.8 % of our need, solar nothing and ‘evil’ coal is 15.2 %
I doubt we will hear anything on the beeb on the coldest night of the year.
Times : AfD is pushing racial superiority.
… Hmm more likely the Times journo is as usual pushing HnH propaganda.. and comments will not be open
Times has 15 page advertorial pullout on Diversity and Inclusion
..someone has paid for that.. UK coros have stayed away
..The OU has a small ad there
Since the Civil Service is anti brexit I wonder who will review what funding is proper – once the so called EU funding is taken away . You know – those ‘ arts ‘ which are encouraged by the EU to strengthen the EUReich .
I’m guessing only the ERG has given consideration to it . There ll be more delays dressed up as ‘transition’ but let’s pull the plug on enemy funded institutions which don’t deliver anything of use eh ?
Venezuela protests: Maduro rejects calls for fresh elections
No idea what’s going on over there but
no surprise the EU want another vote…
Think I’ll move to one of the grey countries that minds their own bussines
And the BBC reminds us all of it’s bias and the ultimate goal of the EU.
The graphic is titled Where do countries stand on Venezuela and they have the EU down as a country.
So, the EU now speaks as one does it.
John Crace – The Guardians answer to a urinal – gushes his daily smug anti brexit rants. However he does perform the function or allowing snowflakes to excrete their bitterness over a democratic vote the kidults don’t like .its a real shame the printed BBC daily isn’t behind a paywall where it can fade away.
“Barclays shifts billions of pounds to Dublin because of Brexit”
Well they are not taking my money with them . I’m off and out …….
Maybe we can ask Robert Peston to insert a warning into the news bulletin that he heard rumours there’s going to be a run on their banks due to lack of confidence.
And presto, next morning it comes to pass…just like it did for Northern Rock.
Didn’t Carney try that ?
Et al
Etc Etc Etc
I thought Vince Cable got his knighthood for ruining Northern Rock, Peston just followed His Master’s Voice.
But that’s what banks do . They have no national loyalty – actually they don’t even have loyalty to their shareholders . They are just self serving .
Perhaps they could settle their taxpayer bailout from 2008 before they go?
What a non story. Money gets moved around the globe all the time but they aren’t going to be losing any jobs – which is what the BBC and Remain kept telling us would happen – so who cares?
Of course, if we had been given the chance to leave under a No Deal, on the 1st April we could have lowered our Corporation Tax to below Irish levels and seen all these flaky banks come rushing back to our shores.
The reality when all the nonsense was spouted about London becoming a ghost town is that it is STILL one of the leading cities in the world and all the money doesn’t want to go to boring Dublin or Frankfurt which can’t hold a candle to the nightlife and buzz that London offers.
When Remainers moan that Brexit is all about business and trade (which it isn’t) just look where the money and jobs have remained. London is still booming and open for business despite the efforts of that gormless pygmy on the Mayors office.
A story you won’t see on the BBC
The first female coloured judge appointed to the Old bailey – one Anuja Ravindra dhia gave a knife wielding black animal a non custodial sentence . There has been an appeal against undue leniency – the court of appeal gave the yob 3 and a half years . Obviously still not enough as he ll be out in his early twenties .
But tick that PC box
Wonder what he leaves at the studio door?
The One Show is dispensing with white children and presenters tonight, watch the report on pupils (can’t stand using ‘students’ when referring to children who are still at school) going to university to understand my point. Back in the studio, a black overweight female voice actor from the US complains that the UK has only had six black comedy shows. I wonder if she was put up to that? Meanwhile the new black female presenter on Winterwatch is not popular with the viewers who want Martin, the knowledgeble white male presenter who was removed to make way for her, returned.
Not mentioned by the BBC.
That black and female Labour MP who was jailed a few days ago for Perverting the Course of Justice, is still receiving her MP’s pay!
Yes 77k basic a year – until the appeal is heard and she is either banged up for 12 months and disqualified from office or dismissed by her constituency – in any event she’ll be getting £6 k a month of your money ….and free food and lodgings from The Queen
Twitter has spotted that the Kraut Foreign minister has a problem identifying the Ivory Coast from the Republc of Eire – the clue is in the flags – but symbolic of how Much other EU countries are regarded by Greater Germany …
So perhaps the very last of any programmes on the BBBC that I might watch – Great American Railway Journeys – with the, yes its difficult to believe, ex-Conservative minister Michael Portillo, has run its last as far as I am concerned.
Time devoted in a 30 minute programme devoted to railways (not really “Great American Railway Journeys”) 49 seconds – yes honestly I’m not joking, I timed it.
Amount of time out of 30 mins devoted to oppressed indigenous “first nation” peoples oh so superior to the oppressors? 27 minutes.
Does Michael Portillo ever stop to wonder?
It would be interesting to know what Al Beeb’s recent viewing figures are ?
Would they tell us ?
The BBC will play it’s part in the great betrayal. Barnier and his chums know that the backstop is impossible for a sovereign nation to accept as does Mrs May which is why so much is being made of it.
They want the agreement for the money and the control it gives so at the last minute the EU will agree to drop the backstop as it is.
May is on board with this as is the remain parliament , It is and always has been theatre. . We are being played for fools and every day they laugh at us. The British ruling class is as vicious now as it always has been .
Prepare to be royally shafted and as is the way of things we will be told it is a success and please pay your taxes and now shut up.
Remember the only thing our ruling class hates more than us is the thought of having to run this country for the benefit of all.
Barnier is claiming we have to give the £39 billion whatever the outcome of deals … maybe the booze just sscrewed and judgement he ever had .
Does he not realise that will make people even more angry about the attitude of Brussels . That can never happen
100% with you dave 100%
Dave S – Totally agree with your summation. Keep banging on about something inconsequential that we would never agree to with endless noise about how important it is.
Then at the last minute throw your hands up and say we concede on this issue and the UK think they’ve secured a great deal even though the rest of it is a complete train wreck.
It’s like haggling with a used car salesman about the price and eventually he caves and reduces it by £250 even though the car only has three tyres on it.
The best, last throw of the dice that the Leavers could play is to say that it’s almost like the EU have been trained by Donald Trump himself as they are pulling a blatant Trump in their negotiating trickery.
Remainers will then either have to admit that Trump is a master deal maker or rail against the idea that the EU is aping Donald Trump, their sworn nemesis.
With all the disrespectful sh*t coming out of Brussels today, I wonder how many more people have joined the ranks of us leavers?
I think they turned off ages ago and wonder why those ReichEU flags are still on car registration. Plates…
The headline is that whites are now a minority in youth prisons of 49%
but another thing is that these days only most serious crime gets them in jail so that now only 835 boys are in jail compared to 3,200 15 years ago.
Lammy has opinions
Times have a story about 5-Live
Kent study says that 5-Live is mostly sport and chit chat not news and current affairs
\\ The station was launched in 1994 as a news and sport network, and news and current affairs must account for 75 per cent of its output. However, research by the University of Kent suggests that they make up only 48.3 per cent of weekday output and 36.6 per cent at weekends. //
so one part of libland criticises another apart of libland
… And then in the comments the public speak basically saying
“You guys are tripping, the thing about 5-Live is it a lefty PC station pushing its agenda at you all the time.
\\ That’s as accurate an indictment of a once very good station as I’ve yet to hear. Radio 5 is now pap for infanitle listeners //
\\ I have stopped listening as well but mostly because I have realised I cannot continue to listen to the patronising Nicky Campbell any more. //
\\great at weekends live sport … The ‘news’ programmes during the week however are dire. More stories about what’s going on in the presenter’s lives than hard news stories.//
\\ Far too much lightweight, off-beat indulgences on pet politically correct subjects revolving around women’s issues, racism etc.
Nihal in particular is three hours of left wing smug-fest. Half his time seems to be gently interviewing showbiz pals who share his views and the other half barely disguising his contempt for those who don’t share his politically correct orthoxies.
And as for all the endless trailers plugging BBC podcasts and shows.. //
TOADY Watch #1
Nick Robinson conducts a very inertview with Martin Donnelly a retired senior Civil Servant who is allowed to tell us – uninterrupted – that Brexit will be impossible, a No-Deal Brexit will cause massive problems, Brexit at all will require rules to be followed, Brexit at all is unworkable, we will need a massive number of Civil Servants, Brexit cannot be done and a No-Deal Brexit is impossible and …
…. is that snoring I can hear, Nick?
I was struck by a thought during all of this. Let’s bring Brexit forward to tomorrow.
What will people do at the ports? “We’ll do what we did yesterday.” What will people do in the NHS? “We’ll do what we did yesterday.” What will people do in the pharmacies? “We’ll do what we did yesterday.” What will people do at the airports? “We’ll do what we did yesterday.” What will people do in the shops? “We’ll do what we did yesterday.”
Nick really should have asked that question.
Wake up, Nick! Wake up!
Of course, we will be doing it without paying Brussels £20bn for the privilege. And we may just not need quite as many Civil Servants as we did before.
A shrewd move by the bbc at this time. What better way to show where their loyalties lie and who gets to pay for who they serve?
I think they’ll have silos with missiles aimed at on snowflake areas of UK – just in case.
They long ceased to be British, so good riddance.
Amsterdam would be a good choice for obtaining their drugs.
They could rename themselves the EBC because they practically are already.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Car investment halves as industry hits ‘red alert’ “”
“”Brexit uncertainty was not the only issue facing the sector – confusion over diesel policy, falling sales in China and production hold-ups due to new regulations also played a part.””
A regular BBC anti-Brexit trick. They put their agenda in the headline but contradict it about half-way down the report.
I have been thinking of a new car for the last couple of years. But the problem has been what to replace it with. I understand all these electric hybrids become obsolete as soon as you drive them out the garage and that their value in 4 years time will be zilch. So nothing to do with Brexit and more to do with the laws coming out of Europe and the undue pressure for cars to be powered by electricity generated by wind power (on a day like today it isn’t happening) and stored in expensive batteries that are not environmentally good to produce – means that we still have done nothing about replacing my car. And that is why there are problems in the car industry.
Yes like your thinking Deborah, but don’t buy a new car, there are simply tens of thousands of excellent second hand vehicles just waiting for you. I bought a second hand Merc 2lt C Class Auto Estate under 5Ksome years ago and it gave me no probs (145, 000 miles)-I made certain that I changed the oil regularly with top grade oil, kept an eye on things like the coolant and so on, it didn’t need a cambelt being chain driven, great motor and as the engineer at the service station said, if you look after a car like the Merc it will go on for ever. At the end the road tax was costing more than the insurance-daft anyway getting old so changed it now for a 2nd hand V70 Volvo Auto Estate-absolutely brilliant, a safe well made car, no rust, body work in very good order-I was in fact offered this volvo by a member of the family however it was in excellent condition. so why spend thousands on a new one which will as you say lose value as soon as leaves the sale room. Of course it will take bit of research but can be worth the trouble. Good Luck.
No doubt by the divine inspiration of allah (and the Muslim Council) our muslim Home Secretary has come up with a plan to deal with knife crime. The Unique Selling Point of the ‘plan’ is that it is designed to deal with children over twelve years of age who are, “suspected” of carrying knives. “Oh yes, long overdue” I hear most of the population cry. Long overdue? – giving Orwelian Thought Police new powers which could ultimately result in two years imprisonment for, “suspected” ‘children’ over twelve? Two glaring problems as I see it. I’m in my seventies so, I’m over 12 and would be equally subject (as most of the population) to this proposed law. “Oh but it is meant to deal with children and teenagers” I will hear from the brainless. I wouldn’t take kindly to being referred to the police by some helpful idiot/or one who harbours a dislike of me and who simply wants to make my life difficult in his/her claimed ‘suspicion’ that I could carry a knife. It’s ‘Hate Speech Crime’ all over again. Why not any offensive weapon? A Bic pen et al for example? A belt? You can hear it now: “You are being arrested on suspicion of wearing a belt which is deemed to be an offensive weapon”.
George Orwell would be pleased at the direction of legal travel.
Our Justin poking his big organisation finger at some bloke running a small company who have a girl snowflake a hard time . The sneer , the smug sneer is -just nausious .
I ve interviewed people for jobs – it hard work – particularly when who have beat about the bust trying to work out is a girl candidate is gonna get pregnant and damage the company .
Same with race – assessing whether a non white will try it on using the race victim industry .
Our Justin is just that smug beeboid I despise …
Ranty ranty
The pissy little bitch was actually offered the job but turned it down. Now she is still unemployed. I reckon the employer dodged a bullet there, she would have been a nightmare as an employee, and would have ended up costing him a fortune at a tribunal over some imagined act of discrimination.
The snowflake will probably end up getting a job in the public sector, or the “third sector” (same thing), and spend her time whinging about inequality and discrimination. And Brexit, of course.
Proposed New Withdrawal Arrangement
Item 1: The UK agrees to give the EU Kenneth Clarke, Anna Soubry, Tony Blair, John Major, Nick Clegg, Gina Miller and the BBC.
Item 2: The EU agrees to give the UK €40 billion.
Jim, that’s a deal. Shake on it!
And just to show some real good will, we can throw in Vince Cable, Polly Toynbee and the Guardian as a bonus to the EU.
the EU are run by a cabal of unelected autocratic would be despots who treat citizens as an unnecessary inconvenience and democracy as something to be overridden and ignored – for the greater good. But they are not that stupid.
JImS – I know it was a jokey post but they should be giving us money for our share in all of their buildings, wine and other assets that we have helped contribute to.
In any other divorce settlement you wouldn’t have the person who decided to leave giving ALL of the assets to the other party PLUS a ridiculous amount of cash.
Jim, if the EU agreed to part 1 and would allow us to add Dominic Grieve to the list it would be worth us paying them £40 billion.
2019-01-30 09:44 Guardian Opinion
“Britain criminalising young BME people could spark a new crisis on the streets
Kehinde Andrews”
“Let’s ignore for a moment that most knife crime is committed by white people”
” Kehinde Andrews is professor of black studies at Birmingham City University”
Here is the link but it will raise your blood pressure.
Just change the name to AntiWhiteGuardian.
Just change the name to BBC Newspaper.
He’s also the same twunt ( allowed or not Fed) who accused WW2 bomber crews of being war criminals. Is there no end to this mans vileness.
Clear strawman fallacy in the title
“Britain criminalising young BME people”
Britain IS NOT criminalising young BME people
the law just treats SOME young criminals as criminals black or white
..not even all criminals are treated as criminals these days
Last Chance, I just read the article you linked to. It is a pity that Kehinde hasn’t looked at the photos of the young people being murdered in London on a nearly daily basis. They really don’t look white to me – and whatever is happening elsewhere in the UK, unless the police can investigate black on black crime, life is really not going to get safer for these young people.
Latest in Sheffield:
Just his way of promoting Sheffield steel, perhaps.
IIRC Kehinde Andrews is the very same “professor” who was arguing with Piers Morgan not so long ago. He had said that the allies had committed war crimes and was basically condoning the fact that those statues had paint thrown over them.
No wonder our kids are being manipulated with @rseholes like him in the system.
Edit: Sorry Mrs Kitty Id not read as far as your comment when I added mine.
No problem, the more people shouting out about this thing calling itself a professor the better
As long as there are so-called subjects such as “Black Studies” being “taught” at so-called “universities”, we can be sure that so-called “austerity” is a complete sham.
No. We aren’t criminalising BME people.
We are criminalising criminals and a majority of them happen to be BME.
I gather the bBC didn’t show this but showed Verhofstadt’s speech.
I still trust NF (sort of) on the EU despite his other failings.
I agree with Farage. Geevoir nearly ‘lost his rag’ in the clip the Beeb played on R4 on TWT. Ritula Shah was quite funny in that she inadvertently pronounced his name in the ‘penny for a’ English form and then quickly corrected herself.
Given NF’s somewhat erratic targeting in recent months, there is no denying he says in two sentences what May, Corbyn and many of our ‘proper’ politicians just will not say and/or are incapable of delivering. He points fingers when it is needed and accuses when required and all with a hefty dose of passion.
I can and do forgive earlier diversions when he can deliver to the heart of EU hegemony meaningful and accurate oratory such as this and can only hope May watches this and takes all of it to heart.
Nice one Nige.
Will he come forward again in the next Parliamentary Elections? Who would he support? Maybe a new party as seeing things as they are now I rather doubt the Conservatives will venture far in votes-Labour are so muddle inside their party, it will make it difficult for current Labour voters to know which way to go left or right. The Asians mostly will vote Labour mostly for their protection. The cons may well split into two seperate parties! that will be interesting.
Is it me or has the BBC television television and radio news ratcheted up it’s Brexit paranoia? Toady on Radio 4 this morning was disgraceful, every Brexit story was doomladen and promotions for Radio 4 anti-Brexit programmes were broadcast about every fifteen minutes. The BBC is now incapable of objective and unbiased reporting now about Brexit or for most other topics.

I have prepared a photograph that I am prepared to permit the BBC to use (for a fee, naturally) instead of paying their now over exposed broadcasters, journalists, fact checkers and Gary Lineker OBE, to drone on and on. All that is required is to just leave the photograph on any of their television channels (like the Test Card of old) for three or four hours at a time. I predict it will have the same impact as it’s ‘In Depth’ news reporting.
Cassandra, I think you are right. It definitely seemed to me that the eurobiasedBBC was trying to send a message this morning on TOADY: ‘Brexit will be awful’.
All the others have been taken by self-employed Eastern EU scrap metal dealers.
The Beebots aren’t bothered because Ocado delivers to their doors.
European Scrutiny Committee Wednesday 30 January 2019 questions Steve Baker MP.
I haven’t watched it all but it confirms how the DExEU was sidelined by No. 10. The bBC gets a mention.
Powerful stuff.
That Brexit (as voted for via the referendum) was constantly undermined by a Conservative government determined to dance to a remainer (and therefore EU) tune.
The betrayal not reported in MSM or anywhere else because it fitted with a consensus ideology that remaining members of the EU socialist compact was the only game in town and this was the position to be propagandised out to the citizens in preparation of an annulling of the referendum result.
Disgraceful, and as previously stated, treason in another time.
TOADY Watch #2
Car industry doom & gloom because of Brexit. No one is investing. It is all to do with Brexit.
Er, what? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47055188 And, still er, what?
No mention of the diesel emissions scandal.
No mention of the extra taxation that was applied by George Osborne to small vehicles some time before Brexit.
No mention that young people are no longer learning to drive as a rite of passage because costs (fuel, insurance, parking, fines, Congestion Charges, etc.) are too great. Perhaps they all believe the endless Global Warming & Climate Change propaganda as well and are also shunning oil-fuelled vehicles because of that.
No mention that the high cost of full electric vehicles and lack of range and available charging places will automatically suppress mass population demand.
No mention of the new taxes and restrictions being introduced in, say, London for private vehicles.
No mention of the new vehicle hire availability such as car clubs, vehicle sharing and Uber & its copycats.
And most of all, no mention of that sudden decision by some Governments around the world, including the UK, to ban new petrol & diesel vehicles from 2040 or 2050.
No mention of the uncertainty for the future of hybrid vehicles. Are they included in the above ban, or not?
This is pure anti-Brexit alarmism from a very uninformed reporter. Russell Horton, you and the BBC should be ashamed. Very ashamed.
We hear daily contradictions and arguments for and arguments against but never in the same programme.
A) We’re doomed – Too many people / not enough of everything to go round.
B) We’re doomed – Not enough people / aging population with no younger ones to take over.
Constant alarmism and the net result is we just stop listening.
Up2Snuff – Great posting and rebuttal of the nonsense being spouted.